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Walk Away (Part 7)
After a little while, Alex looks at Jake with wide eyes. “Do you think Ashley is okay?” She asks him worriedly. Jake nods, giving her a reassuring smile. “Ash will be fine. Don’t worry.” Alex nods back hopefully and looks off in the direction Andy went, a bad feeling in her stomach. “You wanna go see him?” Jake asks her. Alex turns to him, shocked, wondering if he’s had the same bad feeling as she has. “Huh?” She replies. Jake seems to notice that she thinks he is talking about Andy and says, “Ashley, I mean. Do you wanna go see Ashley?” Alex sighs. “Oh…yeah,” she says back. The two of them begin to walk outside. Just before they get to the door, Alex turns once more to look back where Andy went, silently hoping he’d come out. She is still worried about him despite all of the things he said. Jake opens the door for her and says, “You coming?” Alex looks back at him and nods sadly, heading to his car. Jake walks over and opens her door for her then gets in the driver’s side. As he drives to the hospital, he looks at Alex worriedly. “Alex, are you okay?” He asks. Alex shakes her head and swallows back tears. “No,” she says, “I’m not. How could Andy do this? How could he hurt Ashley?” She says, knowing that Jake is wondering the same thing. Jake shakes his head and responds, “I don’t know, Alex. How could he hurt you? I mean God, none of us even believed it at first when we heard about him leaving you. We’d never had a doubt in our minds that he loved you.” Alex shuts her eyes and leans her head against the window. “I don’t understand it,” she says, a silent tear falling down her cheek. Jake takes notice of this and says, “Hey, don’t cry. Andy isn’t worth it. Look, I know you’re worried about him, but don’t be. Andy’s good at acting. I never would’ve dreamed that he’d do this to you, but if there was some other reason, he would’ve told one of us. He’s treating us the same way for not being on his side. He’s being a douche. You shouldn’t spend your time worrying about him. Andy knows he can tell us anything. He doesn’t seem to think what he’s doing is wrong though.” Alex nods slightly. “I know. I’m just worried that something else is wrong, you know? Maybe we can get someone else to check up on him later to make sure. I’m also just really worried about Ashley. He shouldn’t go through this for me,” she says sadly. Jake pulls into the hospital parking lot and parks the car, turning to look at Alex. “I’ll call one of our old friends to go check on him right now. I’m still worried about him too. And as for Ashley, don’t abandon him because of Andy, okay? I know you don’t want him getting hurt because of you, but it’s not your fault. It’s Andy’s. Ashley cares about you a lot and would hate to lose your friendship. I hope you know that,” he says seriously. Alex nods and says, “I know.” They get out of the car and walk up to the hospital as Jake calls their friend, Brad, who says he will go check on Andy. After a few minutes, they’re standing in the waiting room. Christian comes in and gives Alex a hug. “He’s gonna be fine. His nose is broken, but that’s all. The doctor still wants to keep him here overnight as they check to make sure nothing else is damaged and get him back up on his feet, but he’s going to be alright. Wanna go see him?” He asks. Alex nods and Christian takes her to the room, leaving Jake in the waiting room. “I’ll give you two a moment,” he says and waves at Jinxx down the hall, motioning for him to come with him. Alex walks in to see Ashley, less bloody than before, lying in the hospital bed with a crooked nose. Despite the pain he is in, he smiles the moment he sees her. “Hey, Alex,” he says happily. Alex walks over and hugs him tightly. “Ash, I’m so sorry…” She says. Ashley hugs her back and sighs. “I’m okay, Alex. You don’t need to be sorry for anything.” Alex pulls back from the hug and sits down on the edge of the bed, looking at him sadly. Ashley shakes his head and says, “I’m sorry, Alex.” He looks away from her, feeling awkward. “Why are you sorry?” She asks confusedly. Ashley sighs and answers, “I’m sorry for kissing you. I know you’re probably upset at me for it.” Alex smiles slightly and lifts his chin to look at her. “I’m not upset at you, Ash. But…why did you kiss me?” She asks, a little nervous. Ashley flexes his jaw nervously, wishing she wouldn’t have asked. “I just knew that Andy was going to be a douche to you and I wanted to distract him and make him realize what he really lost.” He looks back down, knowing he isn’t telling the full truth. After a few moments of silence, Alex replies as if she can tell he’s lying. “Is that all?” She asks. Ashley slowly nods then begins to shake his head. “No, I can’t lie to you…” He says, “That’s not all.” Alex looks at him questionably. “What is then?” She asks. Ashley sighs and leans back in the bed. “It really doesn’t matter…” He says quietly. Alex moves a little closer and replies, “It matters to me.” Ashley looks at her for a few moments, pain in his eyes, and then says, “I-I love you, Alex….” Alex looks at him, shocked. “W-what?” She asks him, unsure if she heard him correctly. This time, Ashley speaks with a bit more confidence. “I love you,” he says, looking into her eyes. Alex’s breathing quickens as her eyes dart around the room. She is unsure how to respond. “You love me…like a friend?” She asks nervously. Ashley pauses for a moment, wishing he hadn’t said anything. “Well, yes…and no. That’s not what I meant.” Alex finally turns back to him. “What did you mean…?” She asks. Ashley sits back up and moves closer to her. He stares into her eyes, his face inches from hers, and says, “I’m in love with you, Alex. I have feelings for you much stronger than friendship. But Alex, please don’t quit being my friend. I value our friendship so much, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’d never push you to do anything or try to make you feel guilty for not feeling the same. I’d never even speak about these feelings if you didn’t want me to. Just please don’t end our friendship because of this. Please.” Alex looks into his pleading eyes and replies, still in shock from what he said, “Ashley, I would never end our friendship… It’s very important to me too. I know you wouldn’t ever do anything to jeopardize it… But…how long have you felt this way?” Ashley sighs and hesitates for a moment. “Ever since the day I laid eyes on you. From that moment on, I knew there was no other girl out there that could compare to you.” Alex shakes her head, knowing he’s wrong about that, but doesn’t comment on it. “We met before Andy and I even started dating. You never even told anyone?” She asks him, still confused. Ashley shakes his head. “Everyone knew Andy had feelings for you, and everyone except Andy could tell you felt the same for him. I didn’t want to get in the way of that.” He looks down, feeling embarrassed. A few seconds of silence go by, then Alex says, “That song you wrote…” Ashley smiles sadly and nods. “It’s about you,” he says, waiting for her to tell him she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore, but she doesn’t. Instead, she lifts his chin and looks in his eyes, a small smile on her face, and says, “Ashley, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” Ashley looks a bit shocked and replies, “Andy never wrote you a song?” Alex shakes her head sadly. It is her turn to look away. Ashley turns her face toward him with his hand and says, “Well, he should’ve. You deserve to be written a thousand songs.” Unexpectedly, at these words, Alex leans in and kisses him passionately, causing him to fall back on the hospital bed. It takes him a moment to grasp what is happening, and then, he falls into pure happiness, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him so that the space between their bodies is filled. He kisses her back, his stomach filled with butterflies. All of a sudden, Alex sits up abruptly, pulling out of his embrace. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking,” she says quickly. Ashley stares at her confusedly, but before he can reply, she walks out of the room saying, “I’m sorry.”
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Walk Away (Part 6) *trigger warning* It only takes a second for the others to stop fighting and become silent. Andy clenches his fist, looking angrier than ever. He runs up to Ashley and grabs him by the neck, throwing him off of Alex. "Don't ever touch my girlfriend again!" He screams at him furiously as he watches Ashley stumble backwards. Andy walks up to him and punches him in the face as hard as he can, causing him to fall to the floor. Andy bends down and punches Ashley again, knocking him out. Alex runs over and grabs Andy's arm, trying to keep him from punching him a third time. "Andy, stop!" She yells. Andy turns to look at her, anger and pain in his eyes. He flexes his jaw and swallows hard as he looks into her eyes, wishing he could kiss her. Alex bends down beside Ashley, and the other guys come running over. Christian looks at Alex after checking on Ashley and says, "He's going to be fine. He's got a broken nose though. I'll take him to the hospital," he looks over at Andy hesitantly, then back at Alex, "I think you two need to talk." After about five minutes, Christian and Jinxx leave with Ashley to take him to the hospital, and Jake stays behind in case Andy tries anything else. Alex wipes tears from her eyes and sighs heavily, her back facing Andy. "You're not the person I used to know," she says quietly. Andy walks up closer to her and replies, "Neither are you! How could you kiss Ashley like that?!" Alex turns to him, tears in her eyes, giving him a look of disbelief. "Seriously? You're going to break up with me, treat me like I'm nothing, and then get mad because someone else kissed me?!" Andy bites his lip, remembering she's not his anymore. He looks down at his feet nervously, praying that Thomas isn't watching. Alex runs her hand through her hair angrily. "And why did you call me your girlfriend?! You broke up with me remember?! I've done nothing but love you, and this is what I get!" Andy looks at her angrily, knowing what he's about to say is going to kill him as much as it will her. "Alex, I only said that out of habit. I was only angry because I don't appreciate my best friend kissing my ex. There's nothing more to it." Alex shakes her head, "I don't believe you." Andy sighs, "Well, it's the truth, Alex. I never loved you. Sorry." He feels his heart shattering in his chest, but does everything he can not to show it for her safety. Tears begin to fall down Alex's face as she shakes her head harder. "That's a lie, Andy Biersack; you loved me!" He scowls at her and pushes her against the wall angrily. "I never loved you, Alex. Forget me, and forget us. It never meant anything." Jake suddenly runs over and grabs Andy by the shirt, pulling him backwards. "Don't you ever lay a hand on her again!" He yells at him. Andy puts his hands up and gives Alex one last look before walking away. Jake runs up and catches Alex as she begins to fall to the floor in tears. "How can he act like I never mattered to him?!" She sobs. Jake holds her tightly, wishing he knew what to tell her. Andy goes back to his dressing room, angrily slamming the door behind him. He notices the glass from the broken mirror is still scattered across the floor. He kicks at a few of the shards and reaches for his phone. He starts to call Thomas, but just as he starts to, he gets a call from him. He answers it nervously, "Thomas, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to call her my girlfriend; it just slipped out. Please, don't hurt her. Please." His voice shakes as he talks. Thomas chuckles on the other end. "Don't be silly, Andy! We aren't going to hurt her! The goal is to make her hate you, and if I'm not mistaken, after that performance, it won't be much longer before we reach that goal. Sure, you slipped up, but you covered for it quite nicely. Bravo!" He exclaims as if it had all been a theatre production and not a horrible situation which had hurt multiple people. Andy swallows hard, thankful that Alex will not be harmed. Thomas speaks again, "You really love her don't you, Andy?" He questions him. Andy sighs, closing his eyes in hopes that he's only having an awful dream. After a few moments, he opens them again and replies, "More than anything. I always will." Thomas chuckles again. "Which is precisely how I know that I will always be able to get you to do whatever I want. I'll speak to you again soon. Be careful, Andy." He hangs up the phone. Andy stares at the phone in his hand for a long time, knowing that the unknown path ahead of him is going to be filled with even more terrible, unimaginable horrors. Tears fall down his cheeks as he reaches down and picks up a big, sharp piece of the glass. He holds out his wrist and presses the glass down into his skin, biting his lip and clenching his teeth. Just before it cuts him, he drops it to the floor, seeing that he cut up his hand in the process. "I can't do this. It would kill Alex if she knew," he whispers to himself. He falls to the floor, holding his head in his hands and cries. "Why?" is all he can say.
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Walk Away (Part 5) Ashley wakes up groggily and turns over to see if Alex is awake, but notices she's not there. He takes a few moments of realization, then says, "Oh, God. Alex?!" He jumps out of bed and runs to the living room, yelling her name. He looks down at the table where her keys should be, only to see that they are not there. "Oh my God," he says softly to himself. He quickly runs outside to see Alex sitting in her car in tears. He lets out a sigh of relief and walks over to her door looking worried. He slowly opens the door and bites his lip, unsure of what to say. "Alex...?" He puts his hand on her shoulder as she looks up at him in shock. "What are you doing out here?" He asks her. Alex shakes her head and shows him her phone. Numerous Instagram notifications are flooding in, all of them are comments insulting her. A few of them have to do with him too, saying things like, "Leave Andy and Ashley alone! They both deserve much better than you!" and "You're a little whore! You and your boyfriend break up so you cope with it by playing with his best friend's heart!" Ashley looks back up at Alex confusedly. "Alex, don't listen to them..." He shakes his head in disbelief. Alex unlocks her phone and shows him her post about him. He looks at her, pain showing in his eyes. "Alex, you don't think you're a burden on me, do you?" Alex sighs and shrugs, not meeting his eyes. Ashley runs his hand through his hair. "Alex, come back inside with me... Please... You're never a burden on me..." His heart breaks at the sight of her like this. Alex shakes her head. "I have to go away," she says, biting the side of her cheek. Ashley looks at her pleadingly and grabs her hand. "Please, don't. You shouldn't be alone right now." Alex looks at him with tears in her eyes. "Are you sure I'm not a burden?" Ashley leans in the car and wraps his arms around her tightly. "Alex, that's not possible. I promise." Alex wraps her arms around him too and cries into his chest. For a few moments, he sits in silence and strokes her hair comfortingly. Then, he picks her up, and she wraps her legs around his waist tightly, as he pulls the keys out of the car and carries her back in her house. He walks all the way to her bedroom and lays her in the bed, carefully pulling the covers up over her. "Rest. I'll be here if you need me," Ashley says as he sits on the edge of the bed. Alex sits up suddenly. "You guys have a show tonight!" She says. Ashley rubs the back of his neck with his hand. "Yeah, we do..." He says, wishing he didn't have to go perform with Andy. Alex throws the covers off and and gets out of bed. "What are you doing?" Ashley asks her. Alex walks over to her closet and looks for something to wear. "I have to get ready! I can't miss your first show!" Ashley walks up behind her and looks at her with a concerned expression. "Alex, are you sure that's the best idea...?" He asks her. Alex turns to face him. "Ashley, I can't miss your first show. I'm going, and you can't stop me." Ashley sighs, knowing it's a bad idea, but doesn't stop her. Later that night, Ashley drives her to the stadium. He parks the car and turns to her. She's looking in the mirror, checking to make sure she looks okay. Ashley just stares at her and smiles. "You're beautiful," he says genuinely. Alex turns to look at him, her cheeks turning red. "Thanks..." She replies softly. Meanwhile, Andy is backstage in his dressing room staring at himself in the mirror. His eyes are bloodshot red from crying and his knuckles are bleeding from punching things. He is drunk, so drunk he's barely able to stand. His phone begins to ring. He sighs angrily and answers it. "How am I supposed to perform like this?" He yells into the phone. Thomas chuckles on the other end. "Put your anger into the songs, Andy." Andy flexes his jaw and swallows hard. "What if she's here?" He asks, afraid to hear the reply. Thomas pauses for a moment, then says, "She is. She came with Ashley, and she looks stunning." Andy goes to tell him to keep his eyes off of her, but stops himself. He takes a puff on his cigarette and stays quiet, tears falling down his cheeks as he thinks about Alex being with Ashley. After a moment of silence, he says, "She came with him. She came to see him perform. Not me." Thomas replies in a fake sympathetic tone, "It seems she's already forgotten all about you." At this, Andy breaks. Before he can stop himself, he forces his fist into the mirror, causing it to shatter and cut his hand. Andy scowls and says, "I gotta go," into the phone and hangs up. Ashley sits outside with Alex until nearly time to go onstage. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks her worriedly. Alex smiles at him and nods. "Yeah, I am. I'll be okay. Don't worry," she says. Ashley pulls her in for a hug and rubs her back. "Be careful, okay?" Alex nods and they let go, parting ways as Ashley heads backstage, and Alex goes to stand in the front row. Andy comes walking out of his dressing room as soon as Ashley gets backstage. He looks at one of the crew members and says, "There's a mess in there." He points at his room and keeps walking. He gives Ashley a look so hateful it's like he wants to kill him. He walks past him, making sure to bump into him as he does. Ashley sighs, trying to keep his cool, and just goes to get ready. About fifteen minutes later, the guys start entering the stage. Andy is the last to come on, and when he does, the audience goes wild. He spots Alex the second he gets on the stage, and his heart drops. He feels as though he's going to fall out right then and there. Alex bites her lip, trying to stay calm at the sight of him. She can tell he's drunk. She thinks to herself, "Why'd you go, Andy?" The guys begin to play "Heart of Fire" and Andy sings his heart out. Alex tries to keep her composure as she sits and watches them. She does everything she can to keep her eyes off of Andy, but it is nearly impossible. Tears fall down her cheeks as she thinks of how badly she wishes she was going to be in his arms again after the show. As soon as they finish, Andy falls to his knees and puts his face in his hands. Suddenly, girls in the audience begin to scream louder than before. Some of them say things about Alex such as, "Andy, good job on breaking up with that slut!" and "Forget Alex! You deserve much better!" More and more people join in on the jeering. Ashley steps forward angrily, getting ready to say something. Before he can, one girl nearby points at Alex and yells, "She's right there! Alex is here!" Alex's breathing quickens as she starts to panic. People crowd closer to her, screaming in her face. Ashley quickly puts his guitar down and jumps out in the crowd. "MOVE!" He yells out loudly into his microphone. All of the girls back away slightly, scared half to death. Ashley is so angry that he is about to explode. Alex is sitting on the floor, one of her shoes gone and her hair a mess. She is in tears. Ashley bends down beside her and picks her up, bridal style. "Let's get you out of here," he says softly. Suddenly, one of the girls steps out and says, "Ashley, you shouldn't protect that whore! She isn't worth it!" Ashley looks at the girl, fire in his eyes. "Don't ever say another bad word about this girl. She's better than you could ever dream of being." He nods up at Andy. "He's the one you should all be angry with. I don't know him anymore. That man up on that stage is a douche." With that Ashley turns to walk away. Alex looks up and catches a glimpse of Andy just before he's out of sight. He is glaring at both the audience and Ashley. His muscles are tensed up, and he is flexing his jaw. As Ashley gets backstage, he sets Alex down, looking at her with so much hurt and worry. "Alex, I'm so so sorry..." Alex shakes her head and wipes tears from her face. "I should've listened to you. I shouldn't have come." Ashley pulls her into a hug. "You should be able to come to our shows without being attacked like that. I'm so sorry. Please, don't listen to them." Suddenly, Andy, Christian, Jinxx, and Jake all enter. All of them are extremely angry. Jake walks in front of Andy and shoves him. "How could you let this happen?!" He yells. Andy scowls. "You blame me?!" Christian walks up beside Jake and says, "You're the only one to blame! Alex doesn't deserve this!" Andy grabs Christian by the collar and glares at him. "I didn't ask for this!" He yells at him. Jinxx walks over and pulls Andy off of Christian. It turns into a yelling match as Andy argues with the three of them. Ashley holds Alex tightly as if he's trying to shield her from it. After it continues for a few minutes, Ashley leans back and looks into Alex's eyes. "Please, don't hate me." Alex barely has time to question him before Ashley pushes her against the wall and presses his lips against hers.
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Walk Away (Part 4)
Andy punches the wall as hard as he can, wishing the pain would go away. He suddenly gets a text from Thomas. “Don’t forget, you have a show tomorrow night. You must perform. No exceptions.” Andy falls to his knees. “I can’t live like this…” he says aloud. Meanwhile, at Alex’s house, Ashley is trying to cheer Alex up. “Do you wanna watch a movie or something?” he asks, picking up some movies by the TV. Alex shakes her head. “Can we just talk?” she asks, sitting up in bed. Ashley sits beside her and smiles. “Course. What do you wanna talk about?” he asks. She turns to look at him. “Can you tell me something funny?” she asks, wiping tears off her face. Her mascara left black streaks going all the way down her cheeks. Ashley nods and thinks for a moment, then says, “One time, I was onstage performing, and I accidentally tripped over this cord that was on the ground. I seriously stumbled for so long, when finally, I fell right on top of Jinxx. It was horrifying! The worst part was all the fans were yelling at us to kiss.” Alex covers her mouth as she laughs, and Ashley smiles. “It’s good to see you laugh.” he says. Alex looks over at her guitar, which is propped up against the wall, and says, “Could you play me something?” Ashley grins and grabs the guitar. “What would you like me to play?” he asks. She smiles slightly. “Whatever you’d like.” Ashley thinks for a moment, then says, “There’s this song I wrote not too long ago. Nobody has ever heard it, but I’d love to play it for you.” Alex nods. “I’d love to hear it.” Ashley smiles and begins to strum softly on the guitar. Suddenly, he begins to sing. “How did I ever get so lucky to know you? You’re the most amazing person that I’ve ever met. I keep hoping that one day I will get to show you how I feel, but for now, it stays in my head. I smile at you, and you don’t seem to notice. I stop and stare, but you just give me a passing glance. It hurts to know that you will never feel the way I do, but baby, please know this. You are beautiful, wonderful, perfect in every way. You always make me smile, even on my worst days. Though I hate to see you with some other man, I can see it in your eyes. He makes you happy, and that’s all that matters to me. So promise me that you won’t let him take your smile away. It’s the only thing that gets me through the day. If one day, he ever breaks your heart, I will tear his world apart. I see you kiss him, and I wish he was me. Don’t worry, I understand that we’re not meant to be. It hurts to know that you will never see me like I see you, but darling, please know this. You are beautiful, wonderful, perfect in every way. You always make me smile, even on my worst days. Though I hate to see you with some other man, I can see it in your eyes. He makes you happy, and that’s all that matters to me. Baby, please don’t hesitate to come to me if he hurts you. ‘Cause I’ll be there. Please, don’t let him treat you bad. You could never deserve that. I know that I will never know how it feels to hold you, or kiss you, or be with you like him. I hope he never takes it for granted, ‘cause he’s got my whole world in the palm of his hand. My heart, it breaks every time he kisses you. My world, it’s you, and you’re just out of my reach. I don’t know what to do. It hurts to know that you will never love me like I love you. But please know this. You are beautiful. Yeah, you are wonderful. You are perfect in every single way. You always make me smile, even on my worst days. Though I hate to see you with some other man, I can see it in your eyes. He makes you happy. I wish I made you happy, 'cause you’re all that matters to me.” He finishes the song and looks up at Alex hesitantly. Alex covers her mouth, amazed. “Ashley, that was beautiful… I didn’t expect that, to be honest.” Ashley grins and leans the guitar back against the wall. “What did you expect?” Alex shrugs and smiles at him. “I don’t know. Not that! It was so pretty. Why haven’t you shown that to anyone?!” It’s Ashley’s turn to shrug. “It’s just personal, I guess.” Alex shakes her head. “You’ve got it bad for someone!” Ashley smiles at her shyly. “Yeah, I do.” he says, not taking his eyes off of her. Alex laughs a little and asks, “Who’s it about?” Ashley rubs the back of his neck nervously. “Just this girl.” Alex pushes him more. “What’s her name? Do I know her?” Ashley hesitates for a moment, then says, “Nah, you wouldn’t know her.” Alex smiles and replies, “Well, she’d be lucky to have you, Ashley. Maybe, one day, you’ll get to be with her.” Ashley nods and thinks to himself, “If only she felt that way.” They sit and talk for another hour about random things that have happened to each other, when all of a sudden, Alex gets a text from her friend Jessie. It’s a picture of Andy kissing some blonde girl. She gets another text that says, “This is all over social media right now. I’m so sorry, Alex…” Alex bites her lips, and her eyes begin to water. Ashley looks over her shoulder and sees. “Oh my God… Alex, I’m so sorry…” Alex shakes her head, gets up, and walks out of the room. Ashley follows her and says, “Alex, wait…” Alex grabs her keys and walks to the front door. Ashley runs up and grabs her arm. “Alex, where are you going?” he asks. She doesn’t turn to him, but replies, “I don’t know. I just need to go away.” Ashley steps in front of her and says, “Alex, it’s not good for you to be driving right now. Please, just stay here.” He reaches his hand out, trying to get her to give him the keys. Finally, she sighs and gives them to him. She turns around and walks back to her room in tears. Ashley puts her keys on the table and follows her. She lies down and hugs her knees, sobbing. Ashley sits down on the bed beside her silently and softly rubs her back, wishing there was something he could do. After awhile, Alex softly says, “I’m really hungry.” Ashley automatically stands up and replies, “I’ll get something. What do you want?” She tells him there is pizza in the fridge, so he goes and heats it up. He brings it to her, along with a box of tissues. He sits down in front of her and takes a tissue, then softly wipes her face. “He shouldn’t be taking you for granted like this. He doesn’t understand how lucky he is to have you, Alex.” Alex sighs and takes the pizza from him. She eats and doesn’t say anything for a long while. Ashley sits down on the edge of her bed, wishing he could make her smile. The next few hours are spent by Alex crying her eyes out and Ashley doing everything he can to comfort her. Later, she decides to try to sleep, because it’s all she feels like doing. Ashley takes the guitar and strums for awhile until she falls asleep. He moves a strand of hair out of her face and puts it behind her ear. “You’re too perfect to have to deal with this.” he whispers. He sits there, leaning against the back of the bed and watching her, until he dozes off. The next morning, Alex wakes up and turns over to see Ashley sitting here, asleep. She begins to feel bad, knowing he hasn’t had any sleep because of her. She reaches for her phone and unlocks it. A few tears fall as she sees the picture again. A moment later, she turns and takes a picture of Ashley sleeping. She goes to Instagram and posts it, captioning it, “Thanks so much for being here for me. I’m sorry I’ve been so hard to deal with.” She looks over at him, making sure he’s still asleep, and she gets up and walks out of the room. “I can’t keep being such a burden on him.” she thinks as she grabs her keys off the table.
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Walk Away (Part 3)
Andy is staying in the tour bus for the time being, because the other guys won’t let him stay with them under the circumstances. He sits up in his uncomfortable bunk and cries, wishing things would be easier. Suddenly, he gets a phone call. It’s Thomas. He hesitates for a moment, then answers. “I did what you wanted. Now, please leave me alone.” Thomas laughs. “It’s not that simple, Andy. I have to make sure you don’t crack.” Andy bites his lip out of anger. “What do you mean by that?” Thomas pauses a moment to collect his thoughts, then says, “Andy, it has to be believable that you want nothing to do with her. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to make her hate you.” Andy’s heart breaks even more at these words. “I’m pretty sure she already does…” Thomas smiles, unaffected by the pain he is causing. “That’s where you’re wrong. In fact, she and Ashley Purdy are on their way to see you right now.” Andy feels a small hint of jealousy as he hears that Ashley is still with Alex. “I have a question.” Andy says, knowing he doesn’t really want to know the answer. Thomas replies, “Sure! Go right ahead!” Andy hesitates for a minute, then asks, “Did he…stay the night at her house…?” Thomas chuckles a bit. “Yes, he did.” he answers. Andy’s anger rises, and he flexes his jaw. Thomas continues, “Andy, you have to make it believable that you don’t want anything to do with her. Make her hate you.” Andy jumps out of his bunk and paces around the room. “Why is that necessary? I left her. Isn’t that what you wanted?” He clutches his chest, wishing the pain would go away. Thomas replies, “If you don’t make her hate you, she’ll continue to love you, and that could mess everything up. Let’s just put it this way. If you don’t want anything happening to her, I suggest you do as you’re told and make the girl hate you.” Andy punches the wall furiously. “You’re sick.” he spats into the phone. Thomas chuckles again. “Looks like someone is here to see you. Remember what I told you. Goodbye for now.” He hangs up. Andy looks out the window to see Ashley with his arm around Alex, walking towards the bus. Andy sits down on the couch and waits for them to get inside, wishing he could tell Ashley to let go of Alex. Ashley knocks and opens the door, looking inside to see Andy on the couch. He walks up and helps Alex get seated in a chair across from him. Andy tries to stay calm, but the sight of her looking so hurt is too much for him. He shakes his head. “What are you two doing here?” Alex looks up at him with tears in her eyes. “Andy, please talk to us. What’s going on?” Andy’s heart breaks even more, seeing that she’s worried about him after everything he’s done to her. He looks away from her and says, “Alex, nothing is going on. I just don’t want to be with you anymore.” Alex wipes tears from her face. “Andy, please don’t lie… Tell me what’s going on…” Andy shakes his head, knowing he’s not being believable enough. He thinks of Thomas’s words, “If you don’t want anything happening to her, I suggest you do as you’re told and make the girl hate you.” Andy flexes his jaw, and turns to her, looking her in the eyes. “All you ever do is mess things up. I’m tired of it.” he says angrily. Alex swallows back tears and shakes her head. “I don’t know what I did to mess anything up…” Andy stands up angrily. “It’s everything, Alex! I used to enjoy going on tour and performing almost every night, but now, I gotta worry about you constantly! You know, sometimes I wanna be able to flirt with other girls and be free, but I can’t because of you!” he shouts, knowing he doesn’t mean a word of it, but desperate for her to hate him. Ashley steps up to him, looking at him angrily. “You better watch it, Andy. If it wasn’t for Alex, I would’ve knocked you out by now.” Andy looks at him angrily, partially wishing he would do it. Alex’s voice interrupts his thoughts. “Why did you tell me you wanted to marry me? I don’t get it…” Andy knew this was going to come. He sighs and says, “I knew it’s something you wanted to hear, so I said it. That’s it.” Ashley scoffs at him. “Oh, shut up, Andy! You talked to us about it for weeks before bringing it up to her. I saw the way you looked at her. You meant it, Andy. I could see in your eyes that you loved her. Tell the truth.” Andy shakes his head. “You saw wrong then.” he says, not knowing what else to say. Ashley turns to Alex and says, “I’m sorry. It was a mistake bringing you here. You don’t deserve this.” Andy bites his lips, doing everything he can to hold back tears. “It’s okay, she’s got you to comfort her all she needs, right, Ashley? As soon as we break up, you completely abandon your best friend to go stay the night at her house. What’d you two do? Have comfort sex?” he accuses, his jealousy rising. Alex begins to cry harder, wishing he would stop. Ashley walks up and jabs him in the chest with his finger. “We did not have sex, you idiot. She was drunk! I wasn’t going to leave her there alone all night! Besides, how did you even know that I stayed? Been spying on us?!” Andy’s heart shatters into a million pieces at his words, “She was drunk!” He can’t believe he caused Alex, the person who’d never had a drink in her life, to get drunk. He knows he can’t show his feelings on his face, so he takes a deep breath and says, “Get out. Right now. Just leave.” Ashley nods and flexes his jaw. “Gladly.” he says angrily. He helps Alex up, and walks to the door. Alex gives Andy one last look of complete disappointment and walks out with Ashley. As soon as they get to his car, Ashley turns and hugs Alex tightly. “I’m so sorry, Alex…” She cries into his chest. “I wanna go home…” she says. Ashley nods and helps her in the car, then drives her back to her house. Once they’re inside and Alex is back in bed, Ashley gets a call from Andy. He tells Alex he’ll be right back and leaves the room to answer. “What do you want, Andy?” he asks. Andy sighs. “I just wanna know why my best friend won’t be here for me at a time like this. Do you have feelings for her or something?” Ashley scoffs. “Andy, you don’t know when to quit. No, I don’t have feelings for her. I do care about her, unlike you. As your best friend, I’ve told you that this is crazy. You’re breaking her heart for no reason. I refuse to support you on that. The other guys feel the same way. If you really were just faking your feelings for her, you’ve really become a good actor. That’s a sick thing to do to someone. I gotta go.” He hangs up the phone angrily and sighs. He walks into Alex’s room to see her holding her pillow and crying into it. “Alex, don’t cry. He isn’t worth it.” he says, sitting down beside her. She sobs and chokes out, “Ashley, I can’t help it…” Ashley lies down beside her and holds her. “I know, Alex. I’m so sorry.”
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Walk Away (Part 2)
Ashley stares at Andy in shock, unable to speak. After awhile, he says, “Andy, what happened?!” Andy shakes his head and says, “Things just changed between us.” Ashley shakes his head in disbelief. “Everything changes, Andy, but I thought you loved her! That should be enough to get you through some changes!” Andy bites the inside of his cheek, wishing he could tell him the truth. “I meant things changed as in my feelings for her changed.” he lies. Ashley runs his hand through his hair in shock and says, “So, after one and a half years of being with her, you just don’t love her anymore?” Andy shakes his head and rubs the back of his neck. “I thought I loved her. I guess I was wrong.” Ashley stands up angrily and walks to the door, then turns back to him. “Just two weeks ago, you were talking about wanting to marry her. It’s all you could talk about. Now, all of a sudden you just don’t love her?!” Andy sighs and looks up at him sadly. “C'mon, man, don’t be angry at me. I’m going through a rough time with this and need my friends’ support.” Ashley let’s out a short laugh angrily and says, “You’re going through a rough time? Imagine how she’s doing! Sorry, Andy, but I don’t support you with this. I’ll be back later.” he says and walks out of the bus. Ashley goes to catch a taxi and asks the driver to take him to his house. As soon as he gets there, he grabs his keys from inside and jumps in his car. He drives for about fifteen minutes, then reaches Alex’s house. He gets out of the car and goes to the door, nervously combing through his hair with his fingers. He knocks on the door loudly, and waits. No one comes to the door. He tries again. No answer. He pulls out his phone and calls her. She picks up the phone and doesn’t say anything. Ashley waits, then says, “Alex?” Suddenly, Alex says in a slurred voice, “Heyyy, Ashley…” Ashley begins to worry. “Alex, where are you?” he asks. Alex suddenly begins to cry. “Ash…Ashley…why do ya gotta s-sound so m-mad at meee?” Ashley sighs and leans against her door. “Alex, I’m not mad at you… I’m just worried about you, okay? Please, just tell me where you are…” Alex stutters for a moment then says, “In my bedroom…” Ashley stands up straight again and opens the front door softly. “Okay, Alex, I’m coming. I’ll be right there.” He hangs up the phone and walks down the hall to her bedroom. He knocks softly on the door and let’s himself inside. Seeing that it’s pitch dark in the room, he turns on the light and sees Alex laying in bed with a bottle of vodka in her hand. Ashley sighs sadly, hating to see her this way. He walks over and sits beside her, taking the bottle away from her. “Alex, you don’t drink…” he says. She hiccups and says, “I do now.” Ashley leans over her and looks her in the face. She’s so out of it that she can’t even concentrate on him. Her eyes are trying their best to close. Ashley leans her up and wraps his arms around her softly, careful not to hurt her. After a minute, she leans back and says, “I feel sick…” Ashley stands up and helps her lie down on her side. “Stay there, okay? I’ll be right back.” He runs off quickly and grabs a small trash can from the bathroom. He sets it beside her bed. “There. If you feel like you need to throw up, there’s a trash can right there, okay?” Alex nods slowly and says, “Mmkay, Ashl-ey…” He looks at her sadly. “Try to get some sleep, okay?” Alex nods again and closes her eyes, letting herself fall asleep. Ashley begins to walk around to the other side of the room, when suddenly, Alex sits up. “Ashley, n-no!” she yells. Ashley turns to her. “What’s wrong, Alex?” he asks. She begins to cry again, tears pouring down her face. “Ashley, don’t leave… Please, don’t leave me alone…” Ashley walks over to her and bends down by the bed, looking her in the face. “Alex, I won’t go anywhere. I promise. I’m gonna watch over you, okay? When you wake up, you can talk to me about everything.” She nods and lies back on her side. Ashley walks around to the other side of the bed and lies down beside her. He softly strokes her back as she falls asleep, and he stays awake all night keeping an eye on her. Meanwhile, Thomas has still been keeping an eye on Alex. His assistant, Lukas, comes over to him. “Sir, we’ve gotten word that Ashley Purdy is at Alex Harris’s house. He’s been there for a long while. Do you think we should do something?” Thomas looks at him and grins. “No, Lukas, this could go just nicely. Ashley’s always seemed a bit jealous of Andy since they started seeing each other. Maybe this will lead to a relationship between them, which would break poor Andy’s heart even more. Let’s just see how this works out.” he says, an evil look in his eyes. The next afternoon, Alex wakes up and rubs her eyes. She turns over on the bed and sees Ashley sitting there, barely holding his eyes open. She sits up just a bit and says, “Have you been up all night?” Ashley looks at her and smiles, “Maybe just a little bit. I had to make sure you were okay.” Alex smiles slightly at him and leans back against the back of the bed. After a moment, a few tears begin to fall down her cheeks. Ashley moves closer to her and wipes the tears away. “Alex, don’t cry…” Alex sighs and rests her head on Ashley’s shoulder. “I miss Andy… I miss him so much…” Ashley nods and looks down sadly. “I know you do… I’m so sorry…” Alex sits up to look at him. “Why did he do it? I don’t understand…” Ashley shrugs. “I have no idea. I had just got done yelling at him before coming over here.” Alex swallows back tears and says, “Is he okay…?” Ashley stares at her with amazement and says, “You tried to drown yourself in vodka because of him, and you’re worried if he’s okay?” Alex sighs and looks up at the ceiling. “I love him, Ash…” Ashley pulls her into a hug. “I know you do, Alex. I’m so sorry. I wish I knew what to tell you. Andy should’ve never done that to you. It’s insane.” Alex hugs him back and cries into his shoulder. “H-he said he wanted t-to marry me…” Ashley nods softly. “I know. I don’t understand either.” After a few moments of listening to Alex’s sobs, Ashley can’t take it anymore. He leans back to look her in the eyes and says, “Do you want me to take you to talk to him? We can see if he’s in a better mood today.” Alex nods as Ashley wipes tears off of her face. Ashley helps her out of bed and lets her get ready, then the two of them leave to go see Andy.
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Walk Away (Part 1) Andy Biersack sits in the tour bus alone, one night after a show. His eyes begin to water as he stares at his phone screen. It's a text from his girlfriend, Alex Harris. It says, "Andy, please don't leave. I love you so much... I don't understand." Andy bites his lip, wishing it could all be a horrible dream. He texts her back, his hands shaking as he types. "Alex, I'm sorry. I have to go." She says, "Andy, please don't. I love you..." Eventually, she decides to call him. He doesn't answer. She tries again. Still no answer. She tries one last time, and just as it's about to go to voicemail, Andy picks up. "Alex, what is it?" he asks coldly. He shakes his head, holding back tears. "Andy, I love you. I don't understand why this is happening. I need you, Andy... Could you please give me some explanation?" she asks painfully. There is silence for a few moments as she waits for a reply. Eventually, he says, "Alex, I gotta go." Alex quickly replies, "No, wait! Andy, please. You have to give me some explanation!" she cries into the phone. "Goodbye, Alex." he says into the phone, his deep voice cracking. He hangs up the phone. Andy yells out and falls to his knees. "I can't take this!" he yells, holding his head in his hands. Two weeks ago: Alex rolls over in bed, pushing her brown hair away from her face, to see Andy already awake and smiling at her. "Good morning, sunshine." he says, stroking her face with his thumb. She smiles at him sleepily. "Good morning, baby." she says. Andy kisses her forehead softly and stares into her eyes lovingly. "I want to get married." he says with a grin. She sits up in bed and looks at him, blushing a bit. "You do?" she questions him. He leans up on his elbow and runs his fingers through her long hair. "Of course. I love you so much, Alex. I want all of you. I want you to be my wife. Forever." he smiles and leans in to kiss her gently. She kisses him back, happily. "I love you too, Andy." Andy jumps out of bed, wearing only a pair of batman pajama pants. "Want some breakfast?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at her. She nods and smiles brightly at him. He blows her a kiss and walks out of the bedroom to go fix some eggs and bacon. Suddenly, he gets a phone call from his management. He groans and answers, "Hello?" Immediately, a man's voice comes through on the phone. "Hello, Andy. This is the head of your management, Thomas. I'm calling to discuss some aggravating issues with you. Do you have time?" Andy takes a seat on his couch and replies, "Uh, yeah. I have time." Thomas answers, "Wonderful. You see, Andy, our job is to make you look good, and in turn, your job is to return the favor. Well, as of right now, you aren't doing very well on your part." Andy scoffs. "And what exactly have I done wrong?" He rolls his eyes, wishing he would've ignored the call. "Your female fans are very important to us, because there are so many. Well, the problem is, the number of them is dropping. You see, Andy, these girls love you. Many of them dream of getting the chance to be with you. You've had a girlfriend for quite some time now, which crushes that dream of theirs. Your fans are unhappy, Andy. You need to break up with the girl. You've been with her for long enough. You can cry about it for a couple hours, then get over it, so we can continue being successful." Andy raises an eyebrow. "Now, hold up. Nothing you or anyone else says can make me leave Alex. I love her and plan on marrying her. I care about the fans, but if they've got a problem with our relationship, then they can leave and stop calling themselves fans." Thomas laughs. "I figured you might say that, Andy. See, the thing is, I don't plan on taking no for an answer. I will go to great lengths to get what I want." Andy shakes his head angrily. "You might as well forget it, because I'm not doing it." Thomas sighs. "I didn't want it to have to come to this, Andy, but here it is. I've got eyes on your girlfriend everywhere. At my word, I could make just about anything happen to her, if I wanted. I'm sure you don't want that." Andy stands up, his anger rising. He walks outside, trying to keep Alex from hearing the conversation. "Don't you dare ever threaten to do anything to her ever again! I'll make sure the police know about this!" he says. Thomas laughs again. "Oh, Andy, you think it's that easy? By the time you get to the police, she will be gone. I told you, I've got eyes everywhere. I know exactly what you're doing right now. You might want to go back inside and get a coat. It's a bit chilly out, wouldn't you say?" Andy turns and punches the bricks that make up the house. Suddenly, Thomas says, "Ouch, did that hurt your hand?" Andy turns around, fuming with anger. "Where are you?!" he yells into the phone. He looks behind bushes and underneath the cars, trying to find the person spying on them. "Andy, Andy, Andy, you'll never be able to find anyone." Thomas says. Andy clenches his fists, ready to punch someone. "This is completely unprofessional!" he yells into the phone. Thomas sighs and says, "You've got two weeks, Andy. That's when tour starts. Leave the girl. I will call back after the two weeks are up. Goodbye for now." He hangs up and Andy falls to the ground, punching the concrete. Alex comes running outside in her pajamas and slippers. "Andy! Andy, stop it!" She bends down and holds his arms, preventing him from punching it anymore. She wraps her arms around his neck and holds him, softly kissing the top of his head. "What's wrong, baby...?" she asks him sadly. Andy looks at her with tears in his eyes. "Let's go inside, now." he says, standing up and dragging her in the house. He shuts the door and locks it. Alex stares at him nervously. "Andy, what's going on?!" she asks. Andy walks up and kisses her passionately, wrapping his arms around her waist. She kisses him back for a few moments, then she leans back and looks at him worriedly. "Andy, talk to me." Andy sighs sadly. "It's just management. They acted like they were stalking us, so I got worried. I think they were just trying to scare me. I'm sorry for worrying you." he says, forcing a smile for her. "I love you, Alex." he says, pulling her into a hug. She hugs him back tightly. "I love you too, Andy." Present: Suddenly, Ashley walks into the tour bus and sits on the ground beside Andy. "Hey, man, what's going on?" he asks worriedly. Andy shakes his head and doesn't look up for a few minutes. Then, he looks at the ceiling, trying to stop crying and says, "I broke up with her. Alex and I are no longer together."
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Story is finished. It's kinda sad that I'm done, but there will be more. I accept requests also, so if you have any, just tell me, and I'll get on it. :)
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Don’t Go (Part 28) *trigger warning*
Gabe goes back to Kellin’s house and finds him pacing around the living room. “What are you doing…?” Gabe asks. Kellin stops in his tracks and looks at him. “You were right. I can’t let her go. I love her so much, Gabe. She can’t marry him. She can’t. If she marries him, I’ll never forgive myself for letting her get away. I should’ve told her how I feel about her. I can’t let her go, Gabe. Please, help me.” Gabe walks over and gives Kellin a hug. “I’m so glad you’ve finally figured it out.” He looks at him and says, “The wedding is tomorrow. You are going to stop that wedding, Kellin.” The next day comes quickly. The wedding is being held inside a big church. Christina is with her mom getting ready. The guys of Sleeping With Sirens show up in two cars. Kellin gets out and sighs. “This wedding isn’t right for Christina. She’d want to be married outside, like on a beach or something. And look!” he exclaims, picking up a red rose. “Red roses?! Christina only likes yellow ones. Oliver doesn’t even know her.” he says, angrily. Gabe pats him on the shoulder and says, “C'mon man, we got a wedding to cancel.” Meanwhile, Christina sits as her mother finishes doing her hair. She sighs, looking at herself in the mirror. Her mother bends down beside her and smiles. “Well, what do you think?” she asks. Christina fakes a smile and says, “It looks lovely, mom.” Her mother stands up and crosses her arms. “C'mon, Christina, don’t lie to me.” Christina gives her an odd look. “What do you mean?” she asks. Her mom sighs. “Chris, you must really think I don’t know you at all. You’d rather have your hair down than pinned up, wouldn’t you?” she says. Christina looks down and then back up at her. “Well, I would love for it to be down, but you’ve already gone through the trouble, mom.” she says. Her mother smiles at her. “I did it that way for a reason.” Christina raises an eyebrow at her. “What reason?” she asks curiously. Her mom sits beside her and says, “Christina, this isn’t your wedding! It doesn’t suit your tastes at all!” Christina gives her a sad smile. “Mom, it’s fine. Just because it’s in a church and I don’t particularly like the flowers doesn’t me-” Her mom cuts her off. “I’m not just talking about the church or the flowers, sweetheart, I’m talking about the man!” Christina turns to her mother, shocked. “Oliver? What’s wrong with him?” she asks. Her mother sighs. “Well, I can think of many things, but the main one is that you don’t love him, dear!” Christina looks at herself in the mirror again, trying not to cry, so that she doesn’t ruin her makeup. “Of course, I love him! He’s about to be my husband!” she says, not so confidently. “Christina Elizabeth, you’ve never been good at lying.” her mother replies. Christina opens her mouth to argue, but her mother gives her a look as if to say that nothing she says will make a difference, so she looks down at her feet quietly. Her mother puts a hand on her shoulder. “Christina, that boy is not right for you, and you know it! You cannot go marry him, whenever your heart belongs to someone else.” Christina looks up at her mother, confused. “Don’t give me that look.” her mom says. “You know exactly who I’m talking about!” Christina shakes her head, not sure how her mother could know about her feelings. “Kellin! Your heart belongs to Kellin!” her mother says, smiling. The tears begin to fall down Christina’s face. “Mom, he doesn’t love me…” she says, wishing she could be somewhere else. Her mother hugs her tightly, then leans back to look in her eyes. “Are you kidding me? That boy has been in love with you since the very beginning. I’ve always seen it. Christina, go to him. I heard he was coming today. Go find him. I’ll stall Oliver. You two can leave.” Christina sighs and stands up, wiping the tears from her face. “Mother, I cannot do that!” she says. Just then, her father knocks on the door and says that it’s time. Christina quickly turns to her mom, panicked. “Oh God, mom, I can’t do this!” she says quietly. Her mother looks at her seriously and says, “Then don’t, honey. You aren’t married to him yet. You can still back out.” she says. Meanwhile, people are beginning to grow impatient. Some people check their watches, others try not to fall asleep, all waiting for the bride to be. Kellin looks over at Gabe, “Any minute now…” Gabe turns to him and says, “Are you ready for this?” he asks. Kellin nods. “Absolutely.” he says. Christina’s father knocks on the door again. “Just a second!” Her mother says. She turns to Christina quickly. “Go. I’ll cover for you.” she whispers. Christina gives her mother a hug and says. “Thank you so much, mom.” Her mother pulls away and smiles. “Hurry!” Christina runs over to a side door and opens it, checking to make sure no one is near it. She turns to look at her mom one more time. “Kellin will know where I am. I’ll be at the little deserted beach. Just don’t think this means the wedding is off. I haven’t changed my mind yet.” Her mother rolls her eyes and pushes her out the door. Christina runs as fast as she can in heels without tripping, until she reaches her car. As soon as she gets there, she notices someone standing near her. She looks up to see Justin. He walks over and gives her a hug. “I have to go, Justin. Please, don’t tell anyone you saw me.” she says, nervously. Justin gives her a sad look and gulps back tears. “Go on. I won’t tell.” She gives him a grateful smile and quickly jumps inside and drives away. Christina’s mother opens the door. “Glenn, Christina’s gone!” she says to her husband. Glenn looks at her in shock. “What do you mean she’s gone, Janet?!” he says in a loud whisper. Janet moves away from the door to let him see inside. “I’ve been searching for her. I went outside, and she wasn’t there!” The two of them walk out to tell everyone the news. Oliver runs down the aisle. “Christina’s gone?!” he says, obviously very upset. Janet and Glenn nod and give him apologetic looks. “No, she can’t be…” he says and runs to the door, going to check to see if her car is gone. He sees Justin in the place where her car had been and runs toward him angrily. “Where is my wife?!” he yells, grabbing Justin’s collar. Justin holds up his hands and says, “I don’t know where she is, but she’s not your wife.” Oliver throws him on the ground and gets on top of him, getting ready to punch him. Janet, Glenn, Gabe, and Kellin come running out of the church. Janet gasps and grabs her husband’s arm in shock. Kellin and Gabe run over quickly, just as Oliver’s fist comes into contact with Justin’s eye. Kellin knocks him off as Gabe helps Justin up and takes him inside, followed by Glenn bringing Janet inside to keep her from seeing any more. Oliver stands up and looks at Kellin, livid. “What are you idiots doing at my wedding?! What have you done with my wife?!” he screams at him. Kellin flexes his jaw angrily and says, “Christina is not your wife yet, and we’re her friends! She wants us here!” Oliver runs up and wraps his hands around Kellin’s throat again, shoving his head into the hard concrete. “I could kill you right now and feel nothing. That’s how much I hate you. Tell me where she is, or I just might do it.” Oliver keeps his hand at his throat, but doesn’t hold on tight enough to choke him. Kellin laughs. “Even if I knew where she was, I wouldn’t tell you.” Oliver looks at him with pure hatred as he tightens his grip on Kellin’s throat, causing him to lose his ability to breathe. Suddenly, Gabe comes running back out of the church and knocks Oliver off of Kellin. “Not today, Satan.” Gabe says while helping Kellin up. Oliver stands up and wipes off his suit angrily. “She better be back within the next hour.” he says and walks back into the church. Gabe looks at Kellin, who is rubbing his throat. He says, “Where could she be?” Kellin winces in pain as the back of his head starts to sting from where Oliver hit it on the ground. “I don’t know…” he says, sadly. Janet comes running out of the church and up to Kellin. She looks at him anxiously and says, “Kellin, Christina left earlier when I finished doing her hair. She needed to think. She said you’d be able to find her.” Kellin realizes where she went and says, "God, I love that girl. Don’t worry, I know exactly where she went.“ Janet hugs Kellin tightly. "I know you love her, Kellin. She needs to know that.” She smiles up at him, and he smiles down at her. “Don’t worry, Janet. Just wish me luck.” He runs off to his car and rushes to this little deserted beach, where he and Christina always used to go to just talk. They even spent nights out there sometimes. It has always been her favorite place, as well as his. It was their spot. He drives up and parks near the beach. He quickly pulls off his shoes, socks, tie, and coat and runs down the steps and into the sand. He looks up and sees her on the big rock they always used to sit on and talk. He runs as fast as he can down the beach to her. “Christina! Christina!” he yells. Christina looks up and sees him, causing her heart to skip a beat. She jumps down from the rock as he reaches her, and they hug tightly. “You came…” she says, her eyes filling with tears of joy. Kellin leans back to look her in the eyes. “Of course, I did. I’ll always come to you, Christina.” For a moment, she feels nothing but happiness. Then, she remembers her situation and sighs, looking down at her feet and letting go of Kellin. She walks over to the big rock and climbs back onto it. “How can you do that in a wedding dress?” he asks, amazed. She shrugs and looks out at the water sadly. He climbs up after her and sits beside her. “Talk to me.” he says, wrapping his arms around her. She pulls away from him and sighs. “I have to go back, Kellin.” Kellin watches her for a moment, wishing she would come back over to him. Finally, he sighs and says, “Christina, you don’t have to.” She looks down at the ground as tears fall down her cheeks. Kellin moves over by her again. “Christina, no, don’t cry. Everything’s going to be alright.” he says. She doesn’t reply and continues to stare at the ground. Finally, Kellin begins to tickle her side, which makes her laugh. “Mhm, still ticklish are we?” he says, giving her a devilish grin. She pleads with him to stop as she laughs uncontrollably. She lies down with her back on the rock and holds her sides, still laughing. Kellin quits tickling her and leans over to look at her in the face. He stares in her eyes for a long time, and she stares back, both of them caught up in the moment. Eventually, he strokes her cheek with his thumb and says, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kiss you right now.” Christina’s heart leaps in her chest, as she stays silent, knowing she wants him to kiss her so badly. She thinks about how it meant nothing to him before, and sits up sadly. Kellin looks at her with sadness in his eyes. He leans closer to her, resting his chin on her shoulder, and whispers in her ear, “One good reason.” Christina hesitates for a moment, then jumps off of the rock again, followed by Kellin. She looks at him with tears in her eyes. “I’m engaged to be married!” Kellin rubs the back of his neck and walks closer to her. “Christina, I’m your best friend, and as your best friend, I’m telling you please, don’t marry him.” Christina bites her lip, wishing she meant more to him than just his best friend. “Kellin, I have to…” she says, looking at her feet. Kellin lifts up her chin. “No, you don’t. He’s no good for you.” he says, wishing she’d love him back. Christina shakes her head and looks out at the ocean. Kellin turns her face towards him again. “Christina, you never answered my question. Do you love him…?” he asks, hoping the answer is no. Christina moves his hand away and looks down at the ground again. “Of course, I love him. I’m marrying him, aren’t I?” Kellin sighs. “Christina, I’m so sorry.” he says sadly. Christina looks up at him, confused. “For what?” she questions. Kellin takes one of her hands in his and says, “I’ve always been able to tell when you’re lying, but lately, I haven’t been paying attention. I should’ve known from the start that you don’t love him.” Christina pulls her hand away and crosses her arms, still avoiding looking at him. “I do love him, Kellin.” she says. Kellin takes her face in his hands. “Then, look me in the eyes, and say it.” Christina bites her lip for a few moments, then begins to cry. “I can’t…” she chokes out. Kellin pulls her into a hug and holds her tightly as she cries into his chest. “Don’t marry him, Chris. You deserve to be with someone you love. Please… Don’t do it.” he says, beginning to cry too. Christina pulls away from him after awhile and turns away from him. “Kellin, please, stop. I have to marry, Oliver.” He is making it harder for her. Kellin puts his hand on her shoulder. “He’s bad for you…” he says, sadly. She shakes her head. “No, he’s not, Kellin.” Kellin begins to get angry. “Yes, he is! He’s hurt you so much, Christina, and he’ll continue to do so. You can’t marry someone you don’t love…” he says. “You shouldn’t be with someone at all if you don’t love them. I’ve made that mistake before.” he says sadly. Christina shakes her head and doesn’t reply, trying to keep herself from breaking down. Kellin begins to think about the night he saw Oliver and Christina in bed together and flexes his jaw angrily. “I have to know… Why did you seem so into him in bed that day…?” Christina turns around quickly, also becoming angry. “I didn’t, Kellin. I just let him do it to me because…” Kellin looks at her, confused. “Because…?” She wipes tears from her face and says, “I just wanted to be distracted from the pain…” She doesn’t tell him the full truth about how she pictured it being him. Kellin reaches for her hand and says, “Christina, I’m sorry…” She pulls away and begins walking in the opposite direction. Kellin grabs her hand quickly and pulls her back. Suddenly, something catches his eye. He looks down at her wrist and sees a vertical cut going down it. He feels as if someone has just hit him in the gut with a baseball bat, and he’s unable to breathe. “Christina…” he chokes out. She pulls her hand away. “I’m sorry…” she says sadly. Kellin turns around and begins punching the rock as hard as he can. “Why?! Why Christina?!” Christina runs over and pulls him away from it, holding his hands and crying. “Kellin, I’m sorry…” Kellin catches his breath and looks at her with so much pain. “Christina, when did this happen?” he asks her. Christina says, “A month ago…” she looks down at the ground, trying to stop sobbing. Kellin runs his hands through his hair. “When he proposed?!” he asks. Christina nods and bites her lip as hard as she can, wishing she could stop crying. Kellin holds her face up with his hands and says, “Christina, tell me everything…” She takes a moment to catch her breath and says, “Oliver was gone with a couple friends. I was at his house. I just wanted it to end, Kellin. I’ve been hurting so much, and…” she pauses to catch her breath again, then continues, “I texted Jordan, because I was afraid of what I might do. I told him I couldn’t take living anymore. He arrived at the house just after I’d done it. He got me to the hospital, and somehow, here I am.” Kellin’s anger continues to rise the longer it goes on. “Does Oliver even know?!” he screams. “No…” she says quietly. “He was gone all night. The next morning I just told him I was out looking for a dress.” Kellin clenches his fists and goes to hit the rock again, but Christina holds him back. He turns to her and says, “Why didn’t Jordan tell me?!” Christina sighs. “I begged him not to tell anyone. Especially not you. I didn’t want you to have to come home from having a good time in Europe. I know you would’ve…” she says sadly. Kellin shakes his head. “Christina, of course I would have! Besides, I wasn’t having a good time in Europe! It was hell, Christina.” She looks at him sadly. “Why was it hell…?” she asks. Kellin pauses for a moment, then says, “Christina, it was hell, because my best friend wasn’t there. God, I missed you so much, I could barely function. I should’ve never left. I should’ve been there for you! Instead I sat in Europe trying to drown myself in alcohol!” It’s Christina’s turn to look shocked. “What?! Kellin!” she says. Kellin leans his head against the rock and cries for a few moments. Christina goes over and wraps her arms around him tightly. He looks over at her and says, “Christina, please don’t go back to him.” Christina sighs. “Kellin, I have to!” He looks at her sternly. “No, you don’t! For many reasons! For one, he makes you so unhappy! Two, you don’t love him! Three, he’s bad for you!” he says, angrily. Christina shakes her head. “Kellin, you don’t understand.” Back at the church, Gabe runs up to Janet and tells her that he needs to know where Christina and Kellin went, because it’s important. She tells him and he sets off to find them. Meanwhile, Kellin leans back against the rock and winces in pain, because his head begins to hurt again. He rubs it, and Christina looks at him worriedly. “Kellin, what’s wrong?” she asks. Kellin shakes his head. “Nothing…” he lies. Christina walks around him to look at the back of his head and sees blood stains on his neck. “Oh my God, Kellin! What happened?!” Kellin turns to face her and explains what happened with Oliver at the church. Christina gasps in shock. Suddenly, Gabe’s voice interrupts their thoughts as he runs down the beach, screaming, “Kellin! Christina!” They turn to look at him as he reaches them. He pulls Kellin aside and says, “ I have to tell you something important.” Kellin nods and Gabe whispers, careful to make sure Christina can’t hear. “Christina’s only with Oliver for you.” he says. Kellin shakes his head in confusion. “What do you mean…?” he asks. Gabe explains how she stayed away for two years, because Oliver had always threatened to hurt him, and how after he tried to kill Kellin recently, she knew she had to go back to him to keep Kellin safe. Kellin looks at him in shock. “Oh my God… She’s been trying to protect me…” he says. Gabe nods sadly. Kellin turns around to look at Christina, just to see she’s not there. He turns the other way, along with Gabe, and they see that Christina is walking down the beach, nearly to the steps. Gabe looks at him nervously. “She’s leaving!” Kellin takes off at a full sprint down the beach, hoping he doesn’t fall. He screams at the top of his lungs, “Christina! Christina, please, wait!” Christina steps up on the first step and turns to look at him. She sadly shakes her head and begins to climb the steps. Kellin yells again, “Christina, wait! Please! Don’t go, Christina!” He finally reaches the steps. Christina is at the top trying to get her heels back on. He takes a few steps up. “Christina, don’t go. Please, don’t leave me.” He begs. Tears are streaming down both of their faces. Christina shakes her head. “I have to, Kellin…” He grabs her hand and pulls her, carefully, back down the steps and holds her in his arms, looking into her eyes. “Christina, no you don’t.” She nods sadly. “Yes, I do, Kellin.” “No,” he says. He puts one hand behind her head and softly strokes her hair. “Christina, you didn’t let me tell you the last reason.” She blinks back tears and nods. “Okay, Kellin. Tell me the last reason.” Kellin gulps and thinks, “Here goes…” He bites his lip and says, “Christina, I’m in love with you.” he says, genuinely. Christina gasps. “Wait what…?” she says, her heart pounding. “I love you so much. I always have. If you marry Oliver, it will tear my heart to pieces, Christina. I’m in love with you. I know you don’t feel the same about me, and I understand. You don’t love him either, though. Please, don’t put yourself through that pain. You being hurt hurts me more than anything.” Kellin finishes. Christina feels like her heart is about to beat out of her chest. “Who said I don’t feel the same, Kellin? I’ve loved you since the day we met. I never thought you’d feel the same. The only reason I told you our kiss was meaningless was because that’s how I thought you felt. It meant everything to me. You mean everything to me, Kellin…” Kellin nearly falls to his knees and cries out of happiness after what she says. Without thinking another moment, he pushes her against the stone wall by the steps and kisses her passionately. In between kisses, he whispers, “I love you,” to her over and over. Christina kisses him back, not wanting the moment to end. After awhile, Kellin leans back to look her in the eyes. “Christina, I love you. Please, just be mine.” he says. Christina looks down at the ground. “I’m afraid.” she says softly. Kellin pulls her in for a hug and speaks softly in her ear, “Don’t be afraid… I love you…” Christina leans her head against his and runs her fingers through his hair. “Kellin, I can’t let anything happen to you. I won’t.” she says. Kellin leans down and kisses her bare shoulder. “Nothing is going to happen to me as long as I have you…” He kisses her neck softly, then her ear. Christina closes her eyes, enjoying every second. “Kellin, Oliver won’t stop…” she bites her lip, wishing she could just be happy. Kellin kisses her lips softly once more. “Christina, Oliver can’t hurt me.” Christina begins to think of all of the things Oliver has done. She pulls away from Kellin and walks towards the water. “Kellin, I can’t do this.” Kellin walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her, kissing her back. “I love you. I won’t let you go.” he says. She shakes her head sadly and pulls away from him again, continuing to walk forward. “Kellin, I’m sorry. I love and care about you too much to let anything happen to you. I have to go back.” Kellin walks up and grabs her hand, twirling her around in the damp sand. “You aren’t going back. You know how I know?” he asks her. She looks at him, confused. “How…?” she asks suspiciously. Suddenly, Kellin picks her up and carries her into the water, playfully splashing water all over her head. “Kellin!” she yells, unable to control her laughter. He puts her down and smiles at her. “Can’t go back now. You’re all wet!” he laughs and kisses her forehead. All of a sudden, Gabe comes running up. “Guys, I just got a call from Jordan! Oliver’s been arrested for what he did to you and Justin.” Christina turns to Kellin. “He hurt Justin too?” she asks. Kellin nods. “Yeah, Justin wouldn’t answer any of his questions, so he gave him a black eye.” Christina gasps. “Oh my God…” Kellin strokes her cheek softly. “He’s okay. Don’t worry. We’re all safe, Christina. Oliver won’t hurt any of us.” Christina looks up at him, still a little worried. Kellin moves a strand of hair out of her face. “Christina, the only thing that could really hurt me is not being with you.” He kisses her softly then leans back and says, “I love you with all of my heart. Will you please be mine?” he asks her. Christina smiles at him. “Kellin, I’ve been yours since the second I first saw you.” Kellin wraps his arms around her tightly and kisses her passionately, never wanting to let go of this moment. He begins kissing her on her neck and shoulders and whispering, “I love you so much,” over and over. Eventually, he stands up straight and begins unbuttoning his soggy shirt. He takes it off and hands it to Christina. “Here, put this on and take that dress off. That’s gotta be uncomfortable.” he says. She smiles at him and tells him to turn around, so he does. She then asks him to turn back around, because she needs help getting out of the dress. He turns around and unzips it for her, slowly. He traces his finger down her spine as he does this, leaving her with chills. Then, he turns around so that she can undress. He pretends to sneakily look over his shoulder every now and then at her. Finally, she says, “Okay, I’m done.” He turns back around, smiling at her wearing his shirt which is much too big for her. He looks over to see her dress floating away. “Wait, we should get that.” he says. Christina grabs his arm. “No, leave it. Oliver paid for it, so it doesn’t matter.” She then takes off the ring and throws it out into the water as well. “I don’t need that either.” Kellin shakes his head and grins at her, admiring every little thing about her. Christina blushes as he wraps his arms around her, pressing her against his bare chest. She rests her head softly just below his chin, and he kisses the top of her head. “We’re gonna be just fine, baby.” Kellin says, smiling down at her.
Later life:
Christina and Kellin date for a year. He later proposes at their beach. Their wedding is also on the same beach, and her bouquet is made up of yellow roses. They end up having two kids, a boy then a girl, who both get along well with Copeland. Oliver gets out of jail and moves away to start a new, better life, but secretly always holds a grudge against Kellin for taking away his love. Gabe ends up being the godfather of the kids. Justin gets over his emotions, and ends up being a close friend of Christina’s and Kellin’s again. Everyone else has a happy life.
The end. :)
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Don’t Go (Part 27) *trigger warning*
The next month goes by extremely slow. Kellin cries everyday. The other guys continuously try to get him to go back and see Christina, or at least call her, to get her to change her mind. Kellin always replies, “I can’t try to take away her happiness.” Finally, the day comes for the boys to head back to America. Once they’ve arrived, they all go to their homes. Copeland goes to stay with Jack for awhile. Gabe sits with Kellin at his house. “Kellin, I can’t believe you’re not fighting for her.” Kellin grabs a bottle of whiskey and begins drinking again. “Kellin, would you stop? You’re going to kill yourself!” Gabe yells. Kellin quits drinking to say, “Good,” then continues drinking. Gabe takes the bottle from him. “I don’t know who you are, man, but the real Kellin needs to come back before the wedding.” Kellin shakes his head. “I’m not going.” Gabe looks at him in disbelief. “Christina needs you. I really don’t know you anymore.” He grabs his jacket and walks to the door. “I really hope you know that you’re the reason Christina isn’t here with you right now.” He sighs and walks out the door. Kellin falls to his knees in tears, wishing she was there. Gabe drives straight to Oliver’s from there. Thankfully, Oliver’s car is not in the driveway. He parks his car and walks to the door and knocks. A minute later, Christina opens the door and gives Gabe a hug. “I’ve missed you guys…” she says, sadly. “We’ve missed you too.” he says. “Come inside. Oliver’s out with the guys.” Gabe walks inside and sits on the couch. Christina sits beside him and looks at him, concerned. “How is he…?” she asks. Gabe sighs. “I don’t even think I know Kellin anymore.” he says. He looks over at her, wishing he could say something to help her. “Christina, are you happy?” he asks. She nods, not meeting his eyes. “Christina, don’t lie to me.” he pushes. “I’m not lying.” she says, holding back tears. “Christina, don’t marry Oliver. It’s not what you want. I can see it.” Christina puts her face in her hands. “It’s what I have to do, Gabe.” she says, wishing she could go see Kellin. “Why? Why do you have to?” he asks her. Christina sighs sadly, “Gabe, please don’t make me talk about this…” she pleads with him. Gabe moves closer and lifts up her head. “Christina, tell me.” he continues. Christina shakes her head and looks away. Gabe puts his hand on her shoulder. “Christina, I won’t tell anyone.” Christina sighs and looks at him with tears in her eyes. Gabe takes her hand. “It’s because of him isn’t it?” he asks, already knowing the answer. Christina cries and nods. “Yes…” she says. “Not completely, but mostly…” Gabe gives her a hug and looks back at her and says, “Christina, talk to me…” he says. Christina wipes the tears off of her face. “I just want him to be safe. I stayed away from him for two years, and it was the second most painful thing I’ve ever done. I wanted him to be safe. Oliver hated him. Every time Kellin would try to talk to me, Oliver would talk about hurting him… I finally left him, and everything seemed fine, until he found out I was staying with Kellin and tried to strangle him. How can I stay and risk even worse? Kellin means so much to me… He’s my best friend! I can’t let anything happen to him.” she cries. Gabe stands up. “When Oliver gets back, I’m going to punch him so hard he won’t remember his name.” Christina stands up too, alarmed. “No! I thought I could trust you!” she yells, crying even harder. Gabe sighs and sits back down. “I’m sorry… You’re right… You can continue.” he says, still angry over what she told him. Christina sits down and hesitates, but continues. “I don’t mean anything to Kellin, Gabe. I thought I did. He almost kissed me one day. I was too afraid, so I backed away. One day, I asked why he almost kissed me, and he said he was just joking around and that it meant nothing to him. That’s why I told him our kiss was meaningless…” Her voice trails off. “Was it…?” Gabe asks. Christina looks at him with sincerity. “God, no. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since.” she says, sadly. Gabe looks happy and sad at the same time. “How do you feel about him?” he asks. Christina smiles slightly. “I love him, Gabe. I’m in love with him. I always have been. I’ve always hoped he’d feel the same way, but then I get let down. Like whenever he and his ex started dating, I was so heartbroken. Ever since I went back to Oli, I’ve hoped Kellin would say something, anything, to try to change my mind. He just hasn’t.” she says, wishing she hadn’t admitted all of that. Gabe shakes his head. “Christina, why don’t you tell him those things?” She looks down at the ground. “I can’t, Gabe.” Gabe stands up sadly and walks to the door. “I’ll see you at the wedding then.”
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Don't Go (Part 26) *trigger warning* A few days pass and Christina lies on the couch in tears. She picks up her phone and texts Gabe. "Have you heard from him?" she sends. A few minutes later, he texts her back saying that he hasn't. Oliver is at the store buying groceries. Christina didn't want to go with him. She didn't feel up to it. All of a sudden, her phone vibrates again. She opens it to see a text from Justin. He said, "Kellin answered my text." Christina types back quickly, "What'd he say?!" After a minute, she gets a reply saying, "I don't think you wanna know." Christina says, "Yes, I do. Please tell me." Justin sends her a picture of their texts. He said to Kellin, "Do you love her?" Kellin's reply was simply, "No." Christina's heart drops. She texts Justin back and just says, "Ok." About a week later, the rest of the guys go to Europe to be with Kellin. When they arrive at his apartment, they knock on the door and hear the sound of Copeland crying. They all give each other bad looks, and finally open the door. Copeland is sitting on the couch, crying. Gabe walks up to her and says, "What's wrong, Cope?" he asks. She wipes her face and points to the back of the apartment. "Daddy's different." she says. Gabe tells the others to stay with Copeland as he goes to check on Kellin. When he reaches the bedroom, he walks inside to see Kellin sitting on the floor, a bottle of whiskey in one hand and his phone in the other hand. Gabe walks up to him and sits beside him. "Kellin? Are you okay?" he asks worriedly. Kellin looks at him and mumbles, "Yeah...Why wouldn't I be?" Gabe sighs, knowing he's not going to get anywhere while Kellin's drunk. He takes the bottle out of his hand and puts it on a table, then sits back down. "You're scaring Copeland." he says. Kellin looks up at the ceiling and doesn't reply. Gabe grabs his phone out of his hand to see an unsent text message to Christina on it. It reads, "Christina, I miss you so much. I love you. I'm sorry for everything. I'm so sorry. God, I hate myself." Kellin says, "Been trying to send that since the moment we left the airport." he says, groggily. Gabe looks at him and says, "Kellin, let's go home. You need to tell her face to face. She's been missing you so much, man... Please..." Kellin takes his phone back and deletes the message. "There's no point. She loves him. She's happy." he says, crying his eyes out. Gabe looks at him seriously. "No, she's not. Kellin, if you'd just stop making her think you don't care about her, maybe you'd find out that she cares about you a lot more than you think." Kellin shakes his head and grabs the whiskey off the table. Gabe stands up and yells to the others, "Take Copeland with you guys. I gotta stay here and watch Kellin." The guys do as he says, and Gabe sits back down beside Kellin. Days and weeks pass, but things stay the same. Kellin is rarely ever sober. Gabe is always watching over him. Christina doesn't sleep or eat much at all. Oliver does everything he can to try to make Christina happier, but it doesn't work. Eventually, Christina begins to fake her happiness for Oliver's sake. A couple months pass, and Oliver and Christina are sitting at the beach at night, staring at the stars. Oliver looks over at Christina. "I love you with all my heart, Christina." he says. Christina looks over at him. "I love you too, Oli." she says back. Oliver stands up and pulls her with him. He runs over to the shore, so that their feet get wet. The wind blows Christina's hair back, making Oliver smile. "You're so beautiful." he says, stroking her cheek with his hand. She smiles and looks down at her feet. Oliver steps closer to her and lifts her chin then pulls her into a kiss. As soon as he pulls out of the kiss, he bends down on one knee and takes her hand. "Oliver...?" Christina looks at him nervously. All of a sudden, he pulls a box out of his pocket. He opens it up to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. "Christina, my love..." he says. Christina covers her mouth with her hand, afraid of what's coming. "Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asks, smiling up at her. Christina smiles down at him, secretly wishing she was somewhere else. Her mind goes straight to Kellin. She wishes he was there to run up and tell her not to say yes. That's all it would take to stop her. She focuses back on the moment, and decides she has to say yes. She knows she can't just sit around and wait for Kellin to fall in love with her. "Yes, I will marry you, Oliver Sykes." she says down to him. As soon as the words are out of her mouth, Oliver stands up and hugs her tightly, spinning her around. Then, he kisses her over and over and tells her he loves her. Christina wants to be happy, but she knows she can't be. A few days pass, and Oliver and Christina decide to have the wedding in a month. Oliver says he doesn't want to wait. Christina decides to text Gabe and let him know. "Looks like I'm engaged," she says, sending him a picture of the ring. Gabe gets the text and shakes his head. "You've got to be kidding..." He makes sure Kellin isn't anywhere near and calls her. As soon as she picks up, he says, "What are you thinking?!" Christina sighs. "A simple 'congratulations' would be nice." Gabe scratches his head, unsure of what to do. "You don't want to be with him, Christina." he says. Christina pauses for a moment, wishing he was wrong. "Yes, I do, Gabe. Look, the wedding is in a month. July 20th. I was hoping you guys would try to make it." Gabe sighs and says, "Christina, you don't know what you're asking..." Christina replies, "Look, I just wanted you guys to be there, but whatever." She hangs up the phone. Gabe turns to go find Kellin and sees that he's standing right behind him. "Was that Christina...?" he asks. Gabe nods and looks at him sadly. "They're engaged...and she wants us to be at the wedding."
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Don’t Go (Part 25) *trigger warning*
Kellin arrives at home, where Jordan is watching Copeland. He sighs and sits on the couch. Copeland and Jordan walk over. Copeland gets on the couch and sits in Kellin’s lap. “What’s wrong, Daddy?” she asks him, wiping a tear off his face. Jordan stands close by and listens. Kellin takes a deep breath and looks at her. “We’re moving away, Cope.” Copeland gasps and says, “Away from Christina?” she asks sadly. Jordan looks down at his feet, wishing he could say something to make it better. Kellin bites his lip and nods. “Yeah. Away from Christina.” he says. Copeland jumps off the couch, her eyes wide. “Daddy, we can’t leave Christina here! Right, Jordan? We can’t do that!” she exclaims, looking up at Jordan. Jordan rubs his arm awkwardly and says, “Kellin, Copeland might be right here… Do you really wanna leave Christina?” he asks. Kellin sighs. “No, I could never want to. I just have no other choice.” Jordan sits beside him and asks, “Why not?” Kellin turns and looks at him, pain showing on his face. Jordan gasps. “Wait, do you…? You don’t…love her…?” Kellin flexes his jaw and looks down at his hands in his lap. After a few moments of silence, he says, “I’ve always loved her.” Jordan lets out a little nervous laugh. “I don’t understand. You’re the one who introduced her to Oli.” Kellin nods, sadly. “I’ve regretted it everyday since. I didn’t think they were going to get together, but…” Jordan runs his hand through his hair, not sure what to make of the situation. “Don’t tell Oli I said this, but I honestly don’t think she wants to be with him.” Kellin shakes his head. “She does. I told her that I’m moving to Europe for a long time. She didn’t do anything. She watched me leave, then left with Oliver. She really loves him. I’m not gonna stay here and risk messing that up for her.” Just then, Gabe comes through the front door, looking worried. “Kellin, I was wrong.” he says desperately. Kellin looks at him, confused. Gabe walks over and sits on his other side. “Kellin, we can’t move to Europe. You can’t leave Christina here.” Kellin lets out a sad laugh. “The decision has already been made. She didn’t even say anything. I’m going. She’s made her decision. She wants him.” Gabe looks at him in disbelief. “Kellin, she’s your best friend. She told me earlier that that wasn’t her who texted you that; it was Oliver. She still wants you to be her best friend. When you told her you were leaving, she gave me the most heartbreaking look. She needs you, Kellin. Please rethink this.” Kellin shakes his head. “She doesn’t need me. She doesn’t care that I’m leaving.” Gabe sighs. “I can’t believe you’re giving up. I definitely can’t believe you’re giving up on her. That’s your best friend. You guys have been best friends for so long. On top of that, I don’t think she wants Oliver. I think she wants you. She looked fed up with him earlier. The look she gave me when you left was the saddest thing. Don’t you dare leave her here. Maybe, she just thinks you don’t feel that way about her.” Kellin puts his head in his hands and cries. “Gabe, I can’t keep losing her. It hurts so much.” Gabe puts a hand on his shoulder. “Does it hurt as much as losing her altogether? That’s what you’re trying to do.” Copeland grabs Kellin’s phone as the guys talk and walks into another room. She goes to Christina’s contact and calls her. Christina is sitting in bed, crying, while Oliver takes a shower. Her phone begins to ring. She makes a weird face as she notices that it’s Kellin’s number, but it doesn’t say his name. She answers it, her voice giving away that she’s been crying. “Hello…?” she says. Copeland’s high voice comes through on the phone. “Christina, it’s Copeland.” she says. Christina says, “Hey Copeland, what’s going on?” Copeland replies, “Please don’t let us move away. I don’t want to leave.” Christina sighs. “I wish I could do something, Cope, but I think your dad has made up his mind.” she says, sadly. Copeland begins to cry. “Christina, Daddy misses you. Do you miss him?” Christina pauses, wishing the answer was no. “Yes, I do. Very much…” she says. Copeland wipes her eyes with her little hand. “Please tell him you miss him.” Christina sighs. “Cope, your daddy wants to move to Europe. I don’t think I can say anything to change his mind.” Suddenly, Oliver comes into the bedroom, drying his hair. “Change whose mind?” he asks. Christina says into the phone, “Hey, Copeland, I have to go. I’m sorry…” she hangs up the phone and looks at Oliver. “Copeland was calling me because she doesn’t want to move to Europe.” She lets out a sad laugh. Meanwhile, at Kellin’s, he is buying tickets for that night on his laptop. Gabe and Jordan both stare at him, unsure of what to say. Finally, Kellin stands up. “You’re right. I have to fight for her. I love her. I’m going down there right now. If it goes well, I’ll ask for a refund on the tickets. If it doesn’t, I’m leaving tonight. Gabe and Jordan look at each other nervously. Back at Oliver’s house, Oliver throws his towel down on the floor and sits on the bed, wearing his pajama pants and no shirt. He looks over at her and says, “I love you, Christina.” She bites her lip and doesn’t look up at him. He moves over closer to her and lifts up her chin. “Hey, things are going to be okay.” he says, reassuringly. He begins to kiss her neck softly, over and over. Christina zones out, thinking of Kellin. She sits and wishes she were with him instead. She looks over at Oliver, who is now kissing her all down her arm. “What am I thinking?” she thinks, “Kellin doesn’t want me. He’s okay with moving to Europe and not talking to me again. Oliver’s been fighting so hard for me. Surely, my feelings for him weren’t fake. Maybe, I do love him. I’ve probably just been so focused on Kellin that I haven’t been able to realize it.” she tries to convince herself. Oliver sits up and kisses her shoulder, which is bare since she is wearing a tank top. She stares at him for a long time, just trying to feel something. Finally, she says, “I love you, Oli.” Oliver sits up and looks her in the eyes. “That’s the first time you’ve said that to me since you’ve come back.” She looks down nervously, wishing she wouldn’t have said it. He lifts up her chin. “I love you so much, Christina.” Just then, he leans in and kisses her softly. He moves over so that he is on top of her and begins kissing her more passionately. Christina thinks to herself, “Kellin doesn’t want me. Oliver does. I love Oli. I love Oli. God, no I don’t. I love Kellin. I have to forget Kellin.” She tries to focus on Oliver. She puts her hand behind his neck and pulls him closer, kissing him back. The longer she tries to focus on him, the harder it gets. Finally, she thinks, “Pretend he’s Kellin.” She thinks back to the day when she kissed him. Her heart begins to flutter, and she begins to kiss Oliver harder. “Pretend he’s Kellin.” she repeats to herself. She keeps her eyes closed and imagines being with Kellin. She imagines how his soft lips felt against hers. Oliver pulls her closer. Christina runs her fingers through his hair and softly pulls it. “God, I love you.” he whispers to her, in between kisses. “I love you too.” she replies. She softly runs her hands down his bare back as he bites her lip. Oliver pulls up her shirt and places his hands on her waist, softly stroking her back with his fingers. He kisses her lips once more, then begins kissing her neck again. Christina keeps her eyes closed, and begins softly scratching his back with her fingernails. Oliver begins sucking on her neck, every now and then, biting down softly. After a few moments, he leans back slightly and whispers in her ear, “Are we gonna do this?” he ask, softly biting her ear as he speaks. Christina begins to get nervous. They had always planned to wait. “Don’t you want to wait until we’re married?” she asks him, softly. Suddenly, a loud knock is heard at the bedroom door. Christina opens her eyes, shocked, and Oliver turns around and sits back on the bed to see Kellin standing in the doorway. Oliver stands up and walks up to him. “How did you get in my house?!” he asks, angrily. Kellin doesn’t make eye contact with him. “Door was unlocked. I wasn’t planning on letting myself in, but no one came to the door when I knocked, and I got worried.” he says, clenching his fists. “How long have you been standing here?!” Oliver yells. Kellin shrugs, “Pretty much the whole time.” he replies. Oliver scoffs, feeling somewhat happy knowing that Kellin saw all of that. “Why are you here?” he asks. Kellin flexes his jaw. “Just had something I needed to tell Christina,” he says, “but it doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll just be leaving.” He turns around and walks away. Christina jumps out of the bed. “Kellin, wait!” she yells, running past Oliver and out of the room, leaving Oliver confused. She follows Kellin outside and grabs his arm. “Kellin, what did you need to tell me?” she asks. He doesn’t turn around, but replies, “I said it doesn’t matter anymore.” Christina begins to tear up. “Kellin, it matters to me.” Kellin shakes his head and pulls his arm away from her. “I gotta go.” He starts walking to his car. “Kellin, stop it! I don’t understand why you do this! One minute, you act like you miss me, and the next, it’s like I’m not even here!” Christina begins to get angry. Kellin stops in his tracks. He turns around to look at her. “Christina, I came here to tell you that plans changed and I’m leaving for Europe tonight around midnight.” Christina feels a lump forming in her throat. “What…?” she manages to choke out. Kellin nods. “I gotta go pack.” he says, and turns to go again. Christina stands there in tears, not knowing what to say. She is so angry and heartbroken by him. As he reaches his car, she yells, “Don’t ever speak to me again!” Kellin winces at her words, then turns to her, tears falling down his face as well. “Fine. I won’t.” Christina’s heart breaks more and more, wishing he would just come hug her and tell her everything is going to be alright. “Hope you have an awesome time in Europe!” she says, sarcastically. He takes a few steps towards her. “Hope you have an awesome time with the guy who tried to kill me!” She bites her lip and walks closer to him, “I don’t understand how you can act like you want to stay close, but then, you won’t be there for me and support me!” Kellin takes a couple more steps, leaving only a few inches in between them. “I don’t understand how you can go back to someone like him! You told me you didn’t even miss him, and now, look at you! You’ve got his love bites all down your neck, and you’re talking about marriage!” he says, softly running his hand down her neck where the marks are. He pulls his hand away and wipes tears off his face. Christina pulls her hair over her neck, trying to cover them up. Kellin takes a deep breath and looks her in her eyes. “Christina, why shouldn’t I move to Europe? Tell me.” Christina hesitates for a moment, wanting to tell him that she loves him, but knowing she can’t. Finally, she says, “If moving to Europe will make you happy, then I guess you should go…” she says, looking down at her feet, aching for him to just hold her and tell her it’s all a nightmare. Kellin sighs. “Goodbye, Christina.” he says, as he turns around for the last time. Christina watches him go, tears streaming down her face. He gets in his car, takes one last look at her, and drives away. When he arrives at the house, his crying has only gotten worse. He runs inside, ignoring the others, and goes to pack his things. Gabe and Jordan follow him. They ask him to tell them what happened. Kellin looks at them and says, “She loves him. She thinks I should go.” Gabe and Jordan look at each other, shocked, not knowing what to tell him. Later, at nearly midnight, Kellin holds Copeland’s hand and walks with her to board the plane. He takes one look back, wishing he was back at his house with Christina in his arms as they fall asleep. He turns to look forward again, knowing he’ll never be able to do that anymore, and boards the plane.
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Don’t Go (Part 24) *trigger warning*
The next day Gabe decides to text Christina. He says, “Hey Christina! I just wanted to check up on you and see how things are going. I know you and Kellin are no longer living together and stuff, and you might not want to talk about it, but he’s pretty torn up over it. I know you care about him a lot, even if you try to pretend that you don’t. Look, I know something’s up. You do care about Kellin. I see it on your face all the time. Whatever’s going on right now, you can talk to me about it. I won’t tell anyone, not even Kellin, if you don’t want. Just please get back to me. I’m worried about Kellin, but I’m really worried about you too. If I find out Oliver’s doing anything to you, I will personally kill him myself. Sorry. We all care about you. Call me when you get this? -Gabe” He pauses for a moment to read over the text, then hits send. Almost five minutes later, his phone starts ringing. He looks down to see Christina’s name. He answers, “Hey! I didn’t think you’d call!” Suddenly, Oliver’s voice comes through the phone. “She didn’t. I suggest you don’t call this number again.” Gabe tries his best to keep calm. “Give the phone to Christina, Oliver, or I’m coming over there.” he says angrily. Oliver replies, “Go ahead and try.” Gabe grabs his keys and begins walking outside. “Oliver, what have you done to her?!” he asks, “Was that really Christina who answered Kellin’s texts or you?” Oliver stops to think of an answer. “When did Kellin text her?” he asks. Gabe sighs and says, “Whatever, Oliver. You’ve seriously become a jerk.” He hangs up the phone and gets in his car, quickly driving to Oliver���s house. As soon as he pulls up in the driveway, Oliver comes running out of the house. “Go away!” he screams. A few moments later, Christina comes running out of the house, pulling Oliver back. “Baby…baby, wait…” she says, pulling his arm. Oliver turns to look at her. “I wish people would just leave us alone!” he says. Christina strokes his hair. “I know, I know, baby. I’ll get rid of him, okay? You go inside and put on a movie, and I’ll be right there.” she says, kissing his cheek. Oliver puts his arms around her waist not letting her go. “Christina, let’s just leave him out here…” he says, wishing she’d go back inside. “I just wanna see what he wants, okay?” she asks, trying to pull away from him. Oliver holds on tighter, looking at her with pleading eyes. “Baby, let’s go inside…” he says. Gabe walks over and looks at him angrily. “Let her go, Oliver. She wants to talk to me.” Oliver turns his face to him, still holding onto Christina. “Don’t tell me what to do with my girlfriend.” he says, his hold on her getting tighter. “Please stop…” she says, obviously in pain. Gabe gets even more angry. “Oliver, let her go!” he yells. Oliver’s grip continues to get tighter the more mad he gets. “No!” he screams back. Christina begins to tear up. “Oliver, please, you’re hurting me…” she says, out of breath. Oliver turns to look at her, alarmed, and let’s go. Christina falls backwards and Gabe catches her just before she hits the ground. “You okay?” he asks her. She nods and stands back up while looking at the ground. Oliver reaches for her arm, but she pulls away. “Christina, I’m so sorry.” he says, sadly. She nods. “It’s okay, Oli. Just give me a few minutes to talk to him, okay?” she asks. Oliver looks like he’s about to argue, but decides against it and nods. He turns around and walks back into the house, sadly. Gabe walks in front of her and says, “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks, worriedly. “Yeah, I’m alright…” she says, not looking at him. “Christina, you shouldn’t be here. You haven’t even gone to get your car from Kellin’s house yet. Why do you keep avoiding him? He’s your best friend…” he says. Christina bites her lip, trying not to cry. “I’m just trying to make things work with Oli right now. I’m not avoiding him. I told him nothing’s changed between us. We’re still best friends.” she replies. Gabe raises an eyebrow at her. “That’s not what your text to him said.” Christina finally looks up at him and says, “My text? I didn’t text Kellin…” Gabe nods. “I figured it was Oliver. I texted you earlier and he called me from your phone telling me not to text you anymore.” Christina sighs. “I can’t believe he’s been doing that…” she says. “Really? You can’t?” he replies. Christina looks back down at the ground. “Things are just hard right now. I’m sorry.” she says. Gabe shakes his head. “Christina, Kellin misses you a lot. There’s something really off about all of this. I know you miss him too.” He lifts up her head and looks into her eyes. “I can see that you miss him in your eyes. Please just talk to him. He needs to hear from you.” Christina turns her head to the side and looks back at the house. “I don’t know, Gabe…” she replies. Gabe sighs and says, “Christina, we’re all going out to eat tonight at this little place called Ryan’s. It’s small and hardly anyone will be there. You should come.” Christina shakes her head and looks at the ground. Gabe pulls her into a hug. “Christina, I don’t know what all is going on here, but please come. It would mean so much to all of us, especially Kellin.” Christina sighs and hugs him back. “Okay, I guess I’ll come. What time?” she asks. “7:30?” he replies, pulling back to look at her. “Sounds good.” she says, giving him a small smile. “Perfect. See you there.” he says. “I’ll bring by your car so you can drive there. Keys at Kellin’s?” he asks. She nods, and with that, he gets in his car and drives off. Later, he comes back with Jack who is driving Christina’s car. They leave to get ready, and at 7:30, all of the guys are standing outside of the restaurant. Kellin sighs and kicks at pebbles on the ground. His hair is messy and he’s wearing a tank top and shorts. He’s not even sure why he’s there. Gabe checks his watch and looks around. Suddenly, Oliver’s car pulls into the parking lot. “Oh god…” Gabe says. Oliver and Christina get out of the car, both dressed nice. Oliver puts his arm around Christina and starts walking their way. Kellin looks over to see what the others are staring at and locks eyes with Christina for about two seconds, then looks away sadly. Christina sighs, wishing she could turn around. Oliver didn’t like the idea of her going with them to eat, so he decided he’d go too. She wants to just run to Kellin but knows that she can’t. She can’t take her eyes off him. Oliver notices and leans in to kiss her, catching her off guard. Kellin shakes his head and says, “I’m going home. I can’t believe you guys dragged me into this.” he says and begins to walk towards his car. “Kellin, wait!” Christina calls to him. Kellin stops in his tracks but doesn’t turn around, and Oliver gives her an offended look. Christina pauses, not knowing what to say. She wants to tell him to stay, because she misses him, but she knows she can’t. “You’re going to miss out on a fun night.” she says, sadly. Kellin scoffs. “I think I can go without this one.” He begins walking again. After a few steps, he stops again and turns back around. “I’m moving to Europe.” he says. Christina’s jaw drops. “What…?” she asks. “I’m moving to Europe. Not sure where in Europe yet, probably just traveling all over the place. I’m gonna be gone for a really long time. Leaving in about a week or so. Just thought I should tell you.” he says coldly. Christina looks like she’s on the verge of tears. She looks at him, desperate to keep him there. “Will that make you happy…?” she asks, biting her lip. Kellin shrugs. “Doesn’t matter. I’m going.” With that, he turns back around and walks to his car. Christina turns to Gabe and gives him a look of complete heartbreak. She then turns to Oliver and says, “Let’s go home. I’m not hungry anymore.” He looks at her, confused, but nods and walks with her back to the car.
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Don’t Go (Part 23) *trigger warning*
Kellin arrives at his house and storms through the door, walks straight to his room, and slams the door behind him. Jack looks at Copeland and says, “I’ll be right back, Cope,” and walks to Kellin’s room. He gets close to the door and hears Kellin crying and hitting things. He opens the door. “Kellin, what’s going on?” he asks. Kellin falls back on the bed. “She doesn’t want to come back. She wants to stay with that jerk.” Jack looks at him with concern and walks over to sit on the bed. “Even after everything he’s done?” he asks. Kellin nods. “Yep. The guy tries to kill her best friend and, all of a sudden, she wants him back.” Jack sits and thinks for a moment, then says, “Don’t you think there might be something else going on?” Kellin shakes his head. “I thought so at first, until I walked up to his house and saw them kissing on the couch.” Jack shakes his head in disbelief. “What all happened? Did you talk to her?” he asks, trying to make sense of the situation. “Yep.” Kellin nods. “She told me that if she and I kissed it would be meaningless, which is why she made a big deal about it before. Then, she kissed me to prove it meant nothing to her.” he says, replaying the moment in his mind. “It meant nothing to her…” he repeats. “Hold up,” Jack says, “she kissed you?!” He gives him a look of shock. Kellin nods again. “Yes, she did. I never wanted it to end, but to her, it was meaningless.” Jack sighs. “Something doesn’t add up, man.” he says. Kellin shrugs. “I’ve lost her again. I’ve lost her for the second time to Oliver Sykes. What’s he got that I haven’t? More tattoos?” he asks, wishing the pain would go away. Jack looks at him seriously. “Kellin, I don’t think this is right. Something’s very wrong with this situation. I’ve seen the way Christina looks at you. I’ve always noticed it, and I’ve never seen her look at him like that. Ever. When she looks at you, she seems genuinely happy. That can’t be faked.” Kellin sighs. “Well, I don’t know what else to believe at this point.” Jack sighs as well. “Why don’t you text her? Maybe she isn’t going to stop being your friend like last time.” Kellin shrugs. “Might as well, I guess. What should I say?” he asks. Jack replies, “Tell her how much she means to you.” Kellin shakes his head and sits up to look at him. “She doesn’t want to know.” Jack stands up. “Kellin, the girl wants you to fight for her. She didn’t just randomly decide all of a sudden that she actually does want Oliver back. There’s definitely something weird going on. Don’t give up on her. If you love her, don’t give up.” he says. Kellin pauses for a moment then pulls out his phone. “Okay, I’ll text her.” he says. He thinks for a minute then types, “Christina, I can’t lose you again. I just can’t. Your friendship means so much to me. If being with Oliver is what makes you happy,” he stops to try to hold himself together, “then that’s what I want for you. Please, just don’t abandon me.” He hits send and shows Jack. Jack sighs and says, “I think you’re going about this the wrong way. I think Christina wants to be with you, Kellin.” Kellin shakes his head. “No, she doesn’t. Our kiss was meaningless to her.” Meanwhile, at Oliver’s house, Oliver is sitting on the couch, waiting on Christina to get out of the shower. He notices her phone vibrate on the table and picks it up to read a message from Kellin, whose contact name is “Kellin” with a bunch of hearts behind it, while his name in her phone is simply just “Oliver.” He looks at it angrily, then opens it. After reading it, he decides to reply, anger rising in his chest. He types, “Kellin, I don’t want to be friends. I don’t want to be anything with you. I’m sorry, but that’s just how it is. And fyi, Oli does make me very happy.” He reads over the text a few times, then sends it. Afterwards, he goes to the contact and deletes it altogether, along with the texts, then sets her phone back on the table. Back at Kellin’s house, he gets the text and opens it, his heart dropping as he reads it. “I knew it…” he says, sadly. Jack takes his phone and reads the text as Kellin stands up angrily and knocks a lamp off his bedside table. Jack looks at him weirdly, “Kellin, there’s something off about this.” he says. “Whatever…” Kellin says angrily and storms out of the room. Jack follows him and tells him, “Kellin wait! The guys were thinking that we should get together and practice a few songs. We all feel like it will help make you feel a little better.” he says. Kellin turns around, fuming with anger. “Nothing can make me feel better.” he says. Jack walks up to him and grabs him by his shoulder. “Please, Kellin. Just try. We’ll bring Copeland with us. Okay?” Kellin sighs but nods eventually. “Fine.” he says. Later on, as they start to practice, Kellin sits there trying to hold himself together. The first song they practice is “If I’m James Dean, You’re Audrey Hepburn,” which is hard for Kellin. He begins singing through the song, his voice shaking badly, as he tries not to cry. He gets to the lyrics “I fell in love from the moment we kissed. Since then, we’ve been history.” and thinks back to when Christina kissed him, causing him to sing into the microphone as though he’s about to kiss it, as he imagines his lips being locked with hers again. After this, he can’t go on. He looks down at the ground, tears falling from his eyes. Gabe walks up to him. “Hey, man, it’s gonna be alright…” he says, trying to reassure him. Kellin shakes his head and tries to catch his breath. After a few seconds, he says quietly, “She kissed me,” causing the others to gasp slightly. Justin flexes his jaw and says, “She kissed you?!” in an angry tone. Kellin sits there, unable to speak. Gabe looks up at Justin. “What’s your problem, Justin?!” Justin takes a few steps closer to him, and says, “Nothing. You know what, whatever! Kellin gets all this sympathy, but I’m the one who told the girl I love her and kissed her, only to get rejected by her.” Gabe walks up to him and jabs him in the chest. “You don’t love her, Justin. You just want all the attention. Kellin loves her, and always has. You can take yourself outside until you grow up a little.” he says angrily. Justin scowls at him, then walks outside. Gabe turns to Jack and asks him what happened, so he explains what Kellin told him to the others. Afterwards, Gabe looks over at Kellin. “I agree with Jack. You need to fight for her. Christina wouldn’t want to abandon you like this.” he says. Kellin looks at him, looking defeated. “She’s done it before.” he sighs. Gabe looks over at the others then back at Kellin. “We were thinking… Maybe you need a getaway. We thought maybe we could travel around Europe, possibly even do a few small performances. I’d like to stay there for a long while.” Kellin looks at him, frustrated. “What about Christina…?” he asks. Gabe sighs. “That’s why we’re doing this. To help you. If you tell her you’re leaving for Europe for a long while, and she doesn’t try to stop you, you come with us to Europe. If she does try to stop you, you know that she does care about you.” he says. Kellin gives the others a worried look. “But if she doesn’t try to stop me, then I won’t see her for a long time.” Gabe nods and says, “Yes, but it’ll give you time to figure things out and her time to fight for you.” Kellin sighs. “I don’t have any other plan.” he says sadly. As he heads home that day, he wonders if he’ll be able to take it whenever Christina doesn’t fight for him to stay.
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Don’t Go (Part 22) *trigger warning*
Oliver walks in his house, carrying Christina’s things, to see her sitting on the couch in tears. He sets her bags down quietly and watches her sadly. After a moment, he walks over and sits beside her. “Hey, beautiful…” he says, softly. Christina opens her eyes to look at him and wipes her face. “Hi…” she says quietly. Oliver pulls her into a hug and sighs. “What’s wrong?” he asks. Christina hugs him back and says, “Things are just bad right now.” she says. Oliver leans back to look at her. “Not for long. I’m going to make everything better. I promise.” he says, stroking her cheek with his thumb. Christina nods slightly and looks down at her feet. Oliver lifts her head. “Look at me… I love you, Christina… I was wrong about everything. I do need you here. God, I need you here. I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done…” he says painfully. Christina nods and replies, “I forgive you, Oli.” Just then, he pulls her to him and kisses her passionately. Christina doesn’t pull away, but she feels nothing. She sits and waits for the kiss to end, wishing she were back at Kellin’s house, lying in bed with him. She pushes the thoughts from her mind, knowing she’ll never get that back again. It didn’t mean anything to Kellin. He just wanted her friendship. Meanwhile, Kellin is driving up to Oliver’s house, on the verge of panicking. He jumps out of the car and runs up to the house. As he runs by, he catches a glimpse of something in the window. He backtracks and looks inside to see Christina and Oliver kissing on the couch. “No…” he says. He turns around and kicks a rock on the ground as hard as he can and quickly walks back to the car. Christina pulls back from the kiss and says, “Did you hear something?” Oliver stands up and says, “I’ll go check it out.” He walks outside to see Kellin sitting in his car, his head resting on the wheel. He runs up to the car and opens the door. “What are you doing at my house?!” he screams. Kellin looks at him, his face red from crying. “I just wanted to know she was alright. Looks like she’s more than alright. I was just leaving.” he says angrily. “Don’t come back or I’ll call the police, understand?” Oliver says. Kellin nods, trying to keep himself from doing something he’ll regret. Oliver takes a couple steps back and shuts his car door. Just as Kellin starts to back away, Christina comes running out of the house. “Kellin?!” she yells. Kellin looks up and sees her, causing his heart to break even more. Christina stops to look at Oliver. “Oli, can I please have a moment alone with Kellin?” she asks. “Why?” Oliver questions, looking offended. “I just feel bad for leaving like that. I won’t be long. I promise.” she says. Oliver hesitates for a moment, but nods. He looks over at Kellin, then back at Christina and kisses her one more time, just so Kellin sees. “I love you.” he says, then turns back to go inside. Christina walks up to Kellin’s door and opens it. He doesn’t look at her, just stares ahead, biting his lip. “Hi…” she says, not sure what else to say. Kellin finally looks at her with hurt in his eyes. “Is that all you can say? I thought I finally had my best friend back and now you’ve gone again.” he says, struggling to stay calm. Christina looks at him, trying not to cry. “Kellin, I’m still your best friend… That hasn’t changed…” Kellin stops her. “It will change. He hates me. Soon enough, so will you. I guess I just thought I mattered more to you than this.” Christina takes a step closer to him. “Kellin, you matter more than anything…” she says painfully. “Obviously not more than him.” Kellin says, flexing his jaw. “You know what’s funny?” he continues, “Just the other night, you said that you didn’t miss him. Now, here you are, moving back in with him and kissing him!” Tears begin to fall down Christina’s face. “Kellin, I just don’t know what to do… I can’t just let him keep living like he has been… He’s almost died!” she says. Kellin steps out of the car and looks her in the eyes, anger showing on his face. “So did I! When he tried to strangle me!” Christina puts her face in her hands, not knowing what to do. Kellin looks at the car, then back at her. “Do you love him? Simple question. Do you? Do his kisses mean anything to you? I mean you acted like it was the worst thing in the world when we nearly kissed, but with the guy who almost killed me, the guy who told you he didn’t need you around then threatened to kill himself if you didn’t stay, it’s totally fine! So, you must love him! You must care about him a lot more than you do your best friend!” Christina shakes her head. “Kellin, please stop.” He looks at her with so much pain in his eyes. “Christina, answer me.” After a few moments, she looks up at him, wiping tears off her cheeks. He takes a step closer to her. “You can kiss him all day long, but not me?” Christina thinks for a moment, wishing she could kiss him. She thinks maybe, if she kisses him, she’ll realize her feelings were not real for him, and she can stop wishing he’d feel the same for her. “I just don’t see the point in having meaningless kisses, that’s all.” she says. Kellin’s heart breaks even more at her words, wishing she’d love him instead of Oliver. “Would it really be meaningless to you?” he asks, not ready for the answer. Christina holds back tears and looks at him with a straight face. “Yes. It would be.” Just after she says this, she puts her hand behind his neck and pulls him in to kiss him. The second their lips touch, the butterflies in both their stomachs go wild. Kellin puts his hands on her waist and kisses her back, not wanting the moment to end, but Christina pulls away. “See? Meaningless.” she lies. Kellin stares at the ground. “Yeah… Meaningless…” he says. Both of their hearts break more and more as they continue to think that the other feels nothing for them. Kellin finally looks back up at her. “You still shouldn’t go back to him, Christina. He’ll only hurt you…” He tries once more to get her to change her mind. Christina shakes her head. “I’ll be okay.” she says, swallowing back tears. Kellin nods. “Might as well be off then. Gotta get back home to Copeland. Jack’s with her.” he says, wishing he was kissing her again. He gets in the car and looks at her once more. “Meaningless?” he asks. Christina looks down at the ground and nods. “Meaningless.” she replies. With that, Kellin nods, barely able to keep himself from crying, shuts the door, and drives away from the girl he loves. Meanwhile, Christina lets the tears fall as she thinks about how much she wishes he was taking her with him.
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Don’t Go (Part 21) *trigger warning*
The next day, Kellin gets out of the hospital and comes home to Christina and Copeland. A couple days pass, and everything is going well, but the two still haven’t talked about their almost kiss and their feelings behind it. Kellin grows anxious. One night, he walks up to Christina’s room and knocks, hoping she’s awake. She tells him to come in, so he opens the door and turns on the light. “Christina, I need to talk to you.” he says with a serious expression on his face. Christina sits up in bed, looking concerned. “What’s up?” she asks. Kellin walks over and sits beside her. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts, then looks over at her. “Christina, I miss you. Even though we made up, I still feel the tension between us that wasn’t here before. I miss being able to come in here at night and hold you as you fall asleep. Now it just feels like you don’t want me around. What’s going on? Do you miss him…?” he asks, scared to find out the answer. Christina looks at him sadly and says, “No, I don’t. I can’t believe what he did to you. I don’t miss him. I miss you… But things are weird right now.” she says, looking down at her feet hanging off the side of the bed. “Weird because…of the other night?” Christina nods sadly, still not looking at him. Kellin sighs and scratches the back of his neck nervously. “Why is it weird…?” he asks painfully. Christina thinks for a few moments, then finally looks up at him. “Because I don’t get it.” Kellin looks at her, confused. “Don’t get what?” he asks. Christina looks away shyly. “I don’t get what it meant to you or why you were doing it.” Kellin puts his hand over hers. “Christina, there’s something I need to tell you.” She turns to look at him again, nervous. He gives her hand a squeeze and says, “I was doing it because…” he pauses, afraid of saying his feelings. Christina questions him, “Because…?” Kellin sighs. “Christina, I… I just… It didn’t mean anything to me. I was just messing around.” he lies. Christina’s heart drops suddenly. “Oh…” she says. “Good. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t getting the wrong idea.” she says, causing Kellin’s heart to drop as well. At that, he stands up and walks over to her door. “I’m glad we got that out of the way.” he says. “I’m gonna go to bed. See you tomorrow.” And with that he’s out the door. Both he and Christina lie awake most of the night wishing that conversation would’ve turned out differently. The next morning, as they’re eating breakfast, there’s a knock at the door. Kellin and Christina look at it, confused. “Who could that be?” says Kellin. He gets up and walks to the door. When he opens it, he is greeted by Oliver on his knees in the doorway. “Kellin… Where’s Christina…?” He asks, obviously very drunk. Just then, Christina walks up to see what’s going on and gasps. “Oliver, what are you doing here?!” she asks. Oliver puts his head on the ground and cries, “Christina, I need you…” Christina and Kellin drag him inside and sit him on the couch. Kellin stands back, not wanting to speak to him, but keeping a close distance in case he tries anything on Christina. Christina looks at him worriedly. “Oliver, did you drive here like this?” Oliver nods, barely able to keep himself upright. Christina sighs. “You can’t drive home like this. You could get yourself killed.” Oliver looks at her groggily and says, “Unfortunately, I’m not that lucky.” Christina turns to Kellin and asks to see him in another room for a minute. They go into the kitchen with Copeland, and she tells him she doesn’t feel right about sending him home like that. Eventually, they agree to let him stay the night, putting Kellin in a bad mood. Later that night, while everyone is sleeping, Oliver walks into Christina’s room and slips into bed with her. It wakes her up, and she nearly screams, but Oliver covers her mouth. “Christina, come home with me…” he says softly, letting go of her mouth. She sits up and turns on the lamp. “Oliver, I’m not coming home with you!” Oliver begins to cry. “Christina, I can’t keep living like this. I’m going to die very soon if you don’t come back. Please…” Christina sighs and thinks to herself, “Kellin wouldn’t care. He made it clear he doesn’t feel that way about me. He just wants to stay friends.” She gives Oliver a sad look and says, “Fine. I’ll go with you.” Oliver jumps up happily. “Wait, really?!” he asks. Christina nods sadly. “Yeah. I’ll go with you.” Oliver grabs her hand and pulls her out of bed. “Let’s go then!” he says, ignoring her sadness. “Right now?” she asks. “Yeah, I mean, it’d be easier to leave right now than tomorrow when Kellin’s awake. I’ll come back for your stuff tomorrow. Let’s just go.” Christina bites her lip, trying to ignore the pain in her chest. She agrees to go with him and stops to write a short note to Kellin. She jots down, “Kellin, I’m moving back in with Oli. He doesn’t need to be alone right now. He’s going to come get my things in the morning. I’ll talk to you soon. -Christina” on a piece of paper. She folds it up and sticks it on Kellin’s pillow. For a few minutes, she stops to look at him, wishing he’d wake up and tell her not to go. Then, she reminds herself that she doesn’t really mean anything to him. It was all just for fun, so she turns around and walks out. She drives Oliver’s car to his house, since Oliver is still not sober enough to drive. The next morning, Kellin wakes up and sees a note on his pillow. He looks at it nervously. He reaches over and opens it. As soon as he’s read it, he jumps out of bed. “No, no, no, no, no! Christina!” he cries out, praying she’s still there. “Oh god, Christina!” He runs out of his room and into hers, just to see a neatly made bed and all of her things packed. Kellin falls to his knees crying. “Christina, why??” He yells out. Copeland is still sleeping when Oliver rings the doorbell. Kellin rushes to the door angrily and opens it to see Oliver. He immediately yells at him, “Bring her back! You bring her back right now!” Oliver looks taken aback. He replies, “Kellin, she wanted to come home with me. She said so. Now, let me get her things.” He pushes his way past him. Kellin slams the door and follows him. “Liar! Christina wouldn’t want to go home with you!” he says, his face red. Oliver continues walking to the guest room. “Oh yeah? That’s not what she said while I was in bed with her last night.” He walks in her room and grabs her bags, then turns around and winks at Kellin. Kellin gets in his face and says, “You’re lying!” tears falling down his face. Oliver makes a sad face. “Aw, sorry to hurt your feelings, but she doesn’t like you. She’s been wanting to get away from you for awhile now.” He pushes past Kellin again and out of the room, still being followed by Kellin. He walks outside and puts her bags in the car, then turns to Kellin. “Look, man, I’m sorry, but she doesn’t want to be here. We’re working things out right now, and we’re going to get back together.” he says with a smile. Kellin clenches his fists, fuming. “She doesn’t want to be with you.” Oliver laughs. “Who does she want to be with? You? Please.” he says, smirking. Kellin runs his hand through his hair, desperate for a way to get her back to his house. Oliver puts a hand on his shoulder. “I know you like her. You want her so bad you can barely stand it. You’re like a desperate little puppy. You need to back off. Forget your feelings for her or I’ll make you forget.” he threatens. Kellin looks at him angrily, “You don’t get to decide who I like!” he yells. Oliver smirks at him. “Unless you want to end up back in the hospital, yes, I do.” With that, he gets in the car and drives off to his house while Kellin falls to his knees crying.
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Don’t Go (Part 20) *trigger warning*
“Kellin…What are you doing out of bed?” Christina asks, not knowing what else to say. Kellin flexes his jaw and replies, not meeting her eyes, “I woke up. Jordan told me you two were out here, so I came to check on you. Don’t worry. I’m just heading back to my room, so you two can carry on.” His voice is hoarse and he looks like it’s painful to speak. Christina runs up and hugs him tightly, but he doesn’t hug her back. After a few moments, she looks up at him sadly. He looks down at her and says, “I’ll just go back to my room.” He turns and walks out of the waiting room. Christina turns to Justin angrily. “How could you kiss me like that?!” she yells. Justin takes a few steps toward her, looking at her apologetically. “Christina, I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. You could’ve pulled away from me…” He says, trying to calm her down. “No, I couldn’t have! You were holding on so tight I could barely breathe, much less move!” She yells at him. At that, she turns around and runs out of the room, hearing Justin call after her, “Christina, I’m sorry!” but keeps going. She gets to Kellin’s room and walks in to see him lying in his bed and staring up at the ceiling. She walks over to him slowly. He doesn’t look at her but says, “I didn’t hit him back. I let him nearly kill me for you. I didn’t want you to be more sad.” Christina sits down on the edge of the bed, tears falling down her cheeks. “You shouldn’t have done that, Kellin…” she says, sadly. Kellin just shrugs and continues to look at the ceiling. After a few moments of silence, he speaks, “Your ex nearly kills me, I’m in the hospital, and I wake up to you kissing one of my bandmates. Best day ever.” Christina moves over closer to him and replies, “Kellin, I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me! He was holding on so tight that I couldn’t even move! I barely even had time to know what was going on!” At these words, Kellin looks over at her. “Do you mean it…?” he asks, tears forming in his eyes. “Yes!” she replies, “Yes, of course I mean it! I could never kiss Justin!” Kellin stares into her eyes for a very long time and then says, “I’m so sorry, Christina…” She reaches over and hugs him softly, trying not to hurt him. For a little while, they just sit and talk. Eventually, Kellin falls asleep. Jordan comes in and tells Christina that Copeland has gone home with Jack. He then gives her a strange look. “What…?” She asks him. Jordan sighs and then answers, “I’m going to see Oli. I know he’s been a total douche, but I think you should come with me. I’ll be there to make sure nothing goes wrong. I just think you two need to talk. He gets out of jail tomorrow, and now he knows where you’re staying.” Christina sighs and looks at him sadly. “I’ll go. But this is the last time I’m going to talk to him. I just want to make sure he knows that.” Jordan nods and walks with her out to his car. After what seems like forever, they arrive. They go inside and ask to visit with Oliver. Two police officers walk away to go get him as they wait. Finally, they come back with Oliver. When he looks up and sees Christina, his eyes grow wide and he tries to run to her, but the policemen hold him back. “Christina!” he yells, “Christina, I love you!” Christina sighs and puts her face in her hands, shaking her head. Oliver continues to struggle to get free of the officers. Jordan tells him to calm down, which doesn’t help. Finally, Christina looks up and says, “It’s fine. You can let him go.” The officers look at her, unsure, but do as she says. Automatically, Oliver runs up to her and attempts to hug her even though he’s in handcuffs. It’s obvious that he’s been crying. Christina takes his face in her hands and says, “Oliver, you have to let me go. You’ve gone too far. After today, I’m not speaking to you anymore. I’m not coming back, Oli.” She says, trying to hold back tears. Oliver shakes his head and starts breathing quickly. “No, no, Christina, you can’t! I need you! I need you, Christina!” he screams. He gets on his knees and looks up at her. “Please, don’t do this to me, Christina. Please… I’ll die without you.” Christina shakes her head at him, still trying to maintain her composure. “Oliver, no you won’t. Things will get better. Just not with me. I’m sorry.” Oliver stands up quickly and looks at Jordan. “What did you say to her?!” he screams. “Did you tell her to say this?!” Jordan looks at him, shocked. “Oli, she doesn’t want to be with you anymo-” Oliver interrupts, “Lies!” He takes a swing at Jordan with his handcuffed hands and misses, and the police officers run up and grab him again. Jordan and Christina turn back to leave, listening to Oliver yell after them, begging Christina to stay.
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