sonia-kate · 1 month
If wielding the miraculous is enough, without transforming required, then he can use his own anyway since Gabriel made the Wish with it
Do you guys think that Adrien will be able to speak with Gabriel in season 6? Like we know that by using the kwagatama, they can see the past holders of a specific miraculous. So like, if Adrien ever meets up with Nooroo, he can summon up his father or something. And he can actually have some sort of closure. Maybe scream at him. Yell at him for doing so much shit. For leaving him, for abandoning him. Just. Yell and scream at him about everything.
Yeah. I know it’s not gonna happen. I'm really sad we don't get to see Adrien getting a scene like Zuko did with Ozai. But it's fun to imagine. Unless there's a fic out there like this? 👀
(If not, can we please get a scene of Fèlix and Colt. Of Fèlix just pissing him off, and Colt can't do anything about it)
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sonia-kate · 2 months
Finally finished King-Ohger
Idk, I had some worse mood recently, maybe because it was already the ending and thus I couldn't get myself to watch it, but I finally did it!
I finally watched the final episodes of King-Ohger and it was magnificent! ;-;
And the fear that they'd be all killed is now lifted! And Racules is still a convict but he's more happy than he ever was as a king ;-;
Anyway, Toei needs to give us some manga where we get to see how their lives unraveled, I need moar! Aaaah!
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sonia-kate · 2 months
This is what happened to Gabriel after his death. Change my mind.
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sonia-kate · 2 months
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Reposting this classic onto here
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sonia-kate · 2 months
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sonia-kate · 2 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.21
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
timeline: ep5 (Gira's trial)
Rita visits Racules for one final piece of evidence while Morphonia chats with Gira in detention.
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p1 「シュゴッダム国 王宮」 ようこそ リタ国際裁判長 ギラはもちろん死罪になるんだろう? それはお前が決めることではない p2 ギラ兄ちゃん! 早く返ってきて一緒にレインボージュルリラ食べようね! 私 信じてるから! 「ぎゅっ…」 「ブチっ…」 痛ッた! p3 元気出たー? そんなわけないでしょう! 怖っ 仕方ないかー 死罪だもんね っ… p4 知ってます? この国の人ほぼ全員罪人が元罪人なんですよ じゃあ… みんな一度は最高裁判長に裁かれているのか だから 国民全員リタのことが嫌いなの あなたも恨むなら リタを恨んでくださいねー p5 ……恨まない へ? 正しさを守る人ほど嫌われる あの人はきっと正しい人だ だから あの人がそうだと言うなら どんな罪でも受け入れる p6 「ぎゅっ…」 でも……悔しい …私は 脅威(きょうい)とみなしたものは例外(れいがい)なく力で排除(はいじょ)する ギラも… もし奴を解き放つようなことをするなら …君の国も 「カッ カッ カッ」 p7 「パン」 p8 …! !?何をッ! 失礼 蚊(か)がいたもので 法に則(のっと)れば暴行罪(ぼうこうざい)ではないのかな? この程度で痛むのか? 失礼する やった… ラクレスなぐれた! p9 ……わかった 「シュン」 p10 はぁーー モルフォーニャ (書類にハンコ…) あっ!リタ! ここにいたんですね 裁判の準備ができた 全国王集めろ
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sonia-kate · 2 months
They can't execute him, if they do, Gira and Suzume will kill everyone in the room and then themselves
Him dying in the battle is another case They wouldn't dare! Unless they're bloody psychos, but Takamina still said that King-Ohger is made first and foremost to make children happy. Imagine all those poor kids if they killed off Racules, that would be so ruthless, they can't
Also that would lock out so much potential post-series content, they can't
thinking about how racules was just granted a stay of execution, so like he's still up for execution it's just temporarily on hold
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sonia-kate · 2 months
Racles in Toufu outfits? And the Dybowskis' reactions ofc
His child probably should also try some pretty kimonos
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The Dybowski’s would be too busy fawning over Grace to pay attention to him
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sonia-kate · 2 months
«Rita of Gokkan» Ch.20
eng translation by me
ch: [tag] [2-3] [4-6] [7-9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
timeline: ep5 (Toufu ch2 of 2)
Rita learns more about Kaguragi's motivations
new info: It was Rita who proposed Kaguragi report Gira to them for intervention.
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p1 お前はなぜラクレスに付き従う(つきしたがう) 国同士は対等(たいとう)な関係のはず… リタ国王! これは仕方がないのです…! シュゴッダムの作る農業用のデミシュゴッドがなければ 我が国の広大な農地を耕(たがや)すことは… p2 よせ クロダ! そのようなこと客人に聞かせることではない! いえ これは我が殿の名誉(めいよ)のため 恐れながら申し上げさせていただきます p3 カグラギ殿は今の豊かなトウフを作り上げた功労者(こうろうしゃ) しかし 国を守り育(そだ)てるためには シュゴッダムの作る機械たちが不可欠(ふかけ)… そのためカグラギ殿はこのトウフ国を守るため ラクレス殿の無茶な要求(ようきゅう)にも 必死(ひっし)に耐(た)えておられるのでございます ラクレスとカグラギの間にそんな関係が… p4 おわかりいただけたましたか!リタ殿! このようなお恥ずかしい話 本来リタ殿にお聞かせするべきではないのですが… トウフのためどうしてもラクレス殿に従わなくでは… 上手にごまかしたつもりだが… 嘘だな 工業国であるのシュゴッダムの食糧自給率はわずか50% デミシュゴッドの見返りであればトウフから食材の安定供給十分だろう… p5 …ではなぜギラの身柄(みがら)を私に渡した 目撃情報が上がってきている トウフにいるんだろう? …そこまでご存じとは しかし 私にはラクレス殿と交わしたギラ捕獲の約束が… お前はギラを捕まえたという実績でラクレスに恩を売りたいだけだろう? ギラという男はあくまでシュゴッダムの手配犯 そうだな…本来この手は使いたくないが…事情が事情だ p6 お前から国際犯罪の通報があったことにする 罪状(ざいじょう)は… ギラによるトウフへの 国家侵略 罪人は等しく リタ殿に裁かれるべきでしょう! これも嘘だ あのとき私の申し出を断って ラクレスに身柄を引き渡すことできたはずだ あえて私に渡したのか…. p7 お前の目的はなんだ 私が望むのはトウフ そして チキューの平和 ただ一つでございます p8 … わかった ありがとう… カグラギの本心はよくわからなかった p9 だがトウフの民はみな笑顔だ… 国を守るためあえて どっちつかずを貫くか… 不思議なやり方だが 状況次第でラクレスから寝返り こちらにつく可能性はあるということはよくわかった 最後はー 「シュゴッダム国 王宮」 ようこそ リタ国際裁判長 ギラはもちろん死罪になるんだろう? それはお前が決めることではない
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sonia-kate · 2 months
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sonia-kate · 2 months
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Toku Valentines ♡ Day 5 │Toku Valentine
Racules Husty
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sonia-kate · 2 months
Racules in the jail is just spot on!
Lots of Draw Your Squad and Meme Templates that are so fun to do 😂😂
Also wanted to do Silly Kings stuff to lighten the mood a bit after talking with some oomfies.
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The last two are some KingOh OCs.
Pink is Grub by @plushie-sentai, Teal is Magi by @diamondchili, and green is Atica by @missmako-chan. And then there's Maple being caught doodling HimeRita like the shipper they are 😂😂
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sonia-kate · 2 months
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Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but...
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sonia-kate · 3 months
So I watched episode 48
I just can't focus to write about it. But I'm sure we're all thinking the same so there's that <3
I can't believe they're making us wait a week and then another one
Speaking of which, it feels like if they will defeat Dugded next ep. I don't really think the fight will stretch throughout 2 episodes, unless it reaches "phase 2" or sth and the situation will change somehow
Or maybe we'll get the 50 episode as an epilogue? Then again, epilogue feels more "right" after the action rather than having it be separated
Anyway, we'll see ^^ I can't wait
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sonia-kate · 3 months
New theory - about Kamejim
I'll try to make it quick to publish it before episode airs
Ok, so first of all, we learned that Bugnarok came from another planet that Grodie destroyed
It sounds an awful lot like what Racules' B plan was when he was setting up his 3rd duel with Gira (aka, taking people to the castle and fly away with it to save at least some people)
But who would suggest such a thing to Dugded back then? Or did he come up with this himself?
Well, what if Kamejim was originally one of the Bugnarok back on that planet? His name follows Bugnarok naming convention with his "-jim" ending like Gerojim and the MotW, which would suggest his Bugnarok origin
But why would Kamejim join Dugded? Well, what if his reasons were the same as Racules'? He joined so he could save (at least part of) his nation meanwhile he was scheming in the shadows (so, what he's doing best) to eventually overthrow Dugded
In this way, Kamejim would be foil to Racules, much like Grodie is one for Gira. But unlike Racules, Kamejim has been committing attrocities for Dugded for over 2000 years, so even if he started out good, he would eventually lose his conscience in the process of keeping his act, eventually making him live the act
Ever since the beginnig of the show, Kamejim has been acting kinda sussy. Yes, it's because he was working for Dugded, but even in service of Dugded his actions are kind of... odd
The very first episode post-time skip introduces us to Dugded and we see him demanding from Gira to destroy all the Bugnarok. We also see that the Bugnarok other than Jerami were dealt with by Kamejim himself and we, the audience, were led to believe that Bugnarok were eradicated completely, just to be confused when it was revealed not to be the case
But what if that was supposed to be this way? What if Kamejim just did all this to make Dugded believe that Bugnarok had been wiped out to get his attention off of them? After all, after the kings come back from the crossover, Bugnarok is the only kingdom not to be taken over by Dugded's lackeys. A coincidence or not?
Another thing, in Kamejim's plan when he was pretending to be Himeno, he had many opportunities to poison at least some of the kings. We've seen with the real Himeno that the poison works over time so he could have poison couple of them before the symptoms would kick in, but he didn't. Sure, one could say that it was just classic plot armour, but we've learned by now that King-Ohger is better than this
When Racules revealed his tyrannical self on TV, many thought he was just being a stupid villain, but it was in fact calculated by him. Maybe Kamejim also pretended to try to kill the kings but didn't because he knew that ultimately they will help him get rid of Dugded eventually
I was also kind of wondering why would Kamejim kill Desnarak back then. After all, he'd die soon anyway. But it was said that a king of Bugnarok is established through a fight, so Jeramie becoming a king through an agreement with Desnarak may have not been accepted by then a heavily warrior nation. Let's remember that if the theory is true, Kamejim ultimately cares about Bugnarok as a nation, so killing Desnarak to ensure that there won't be another civil war in Bugnarok makes sense
Now, Kamejim has conveniently placed himself as the last Jester alive and the preview for the upcoming episode had only shown us Dugded, so Dugded being dealt with before Kamejim is a real possibility, imo
Now, let's get back to parallels with Racules. We've seen Racules doing horrible things throughout the show, but he never killed anyone. At least not in such a cold calculated manner as Kamejim does that. But he was very close to doing that when he invaded N'kosopa and almost had Yanma killed. He then burst out laughing. Many viewers pointed out how disturbed Racules' expression was right before the laugh and the production notes stated that it was him losing his mind. But then, in the show, he told Yanma that it was his hunger for power taking over him, which seemed to contradict the previous explaination
But what if it was both? With that strike, Racules thought he just passed the line from which there is no return. Until then he was meddling and just remaining idle in the face of danger. Now he himself was directly responsible for someone's murder. It caused something to break in him, to push his moral boundries even further away, making such acts easier for him to perform in the future and to lose the rest of his conscience. Or rather, that is what would have happened if Gira didn't save Yanma at the last moment. I wonder, whether Racules would have become as ruthless as Kamejim if Yanma had died back then. I think that Gira, by saving Yanma, saved Racules' conscience and humanity
Anyway, so much for now, gotta post it before the episode airs, might elaborate later if the next episode won't crash it
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sonia-kate · 3 months
I can imagine Kaguragi and Gira fighting over who gets to have RacSuzu children for his heir. Possibly even have an official duel over the matter. Of course, no one bothered to ask Racules or Suzume about it. Racules will probably mention that no one would want a criminal like himself for a father in the first place but he's yelled over by Suzume and Gira
If Yanma ever passes the throne (for whatever reason) people in N'kosopa are going to cry over their computers while they hack-battle for the leadership
Aside of RacSuzu, the only officially canon romantic interest we saw was Yanma's crush on Himeno. They give that tsundere vibes but I can't see any of them moving to the other's country - they're just too proud and stubborn. Unless, like, Yanma lives at Himeno's castle but everyday goes out "to work" to N'kosopa XD
If we go by what Jerami said in "date with Kamejim Himeno" episode, he probably won't go for anyone much younger than himself, so he'll most likely will have to get himself some apprentice that he will train to take over the throne after him, Gokkan style
So anyway, unless we'll get some cloning shenanigans, it doesn't look so good in terms of heirs
Amongst the kings, Rita was the only with confirmed heir.
Unless someone told Suzume that it was possible to both be a queen and housewife. And she could just take Racules as her consort or something.
Jeremy too busied re-educating his people from their death cult mentality.
Everyone respected Yanma too much to consider themselves worthy to be his heir.
Ishabana and Shuggoddam seemed the only kingdoms who still passed down the throne through bloodlines, but...
Himeno's standard was too high.
I simply could not imagine Gira involved in romantic relationship with anyone. He did not seem the type to me.
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sonia-kate · 3 months
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We need extended cut, like with the movie, that will include all the details like this
Also, that scene between Racules and Suzume after their wedding! We were robbed! But we eventually got Racules-mentioning scenes in the movie, so maybe we'll get extended cut of the episodes? Pretty please? Also, with shipment to Europe? (And other places?)
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