#Česká republika
laurzzo · 3 months
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Nemám slov
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pocitenicko · 7 months
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natnuszsstuff · 6 months
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See it's funny cus it's true
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tepli-mravenci · 1 year
Czech weather appreciation post cause I'm Czech and I love our beautiful weather 💞☔❄️💀🍁
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Winter 🤎🤎
I love stepping in mud and black snow <3
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Spring 🤍🤍
I love that it's still snowing when it's almost April and it's killing all the blooming plants~~
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Summer 🔥🔥
Nothing better than getting boiled alive in one thin layer of clothing when standing in shade <333
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Autumn 🧡🧡
I actually love autumn
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palacholic · 2 months
So...it's time to introduce you to the wicked ways of my weirdness, to show you what it's like to be me, starting from the beginning...
Right now I'm in my first semester at Charles university, Prague. I've been living in the Czech republic for a few months now, I chose to move there right after finishing high school in my home country. I spent years preparing for my life abroad, studying the Czech language, taking care of all the formalities that are necessary to move to a new country, most of it by myself, getting to know the country that I consider my home and I wish to live in for the rest of my life.
Why all this? What made me take such an unexpected choice, leaving behind everything I knew, saying goodbye to my friends and family and to the life I could have had in my home country?
As you could probably guess from my username and the content on my blog, the answer is simple:
Jan Palach
Yes. That Jan Palach. The student who on 16th January 1969 set himself on fire in protest of the apathy and resignation of the Czechoslovak people following the soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia. A guy who's been dead for over half a century.
I first heard about him during a time when I was struggling a lot with my mental health. His story gave me strength and hope, what he did reminded me that there are things worth fighting for, things worth living for. I know this sounds kinda paradoxical given that he died because of what he did but that's the point - he was willing to sacrifice his life because he wanted others to live in a better world. He didn't kill himself because he hated life, on the contrary he loved it.
I found something that gave me joy, something I liked doing - reading and watching everything I could find about him. I spent a lot of time researching him and loved every new detail I found out. I started researching him out of admiration for his act and became more and more intrigued by his personality, his interests, the things he believed in...I look up to him a lot. It's incredible how much this helped me getting better mentally and eventually healing from the worst of my mental issues. I started looking forward to the future again, especially after visiting the Czech Republic for the first time.
I came to Prague to pay my respects to Jan Palach, to visit the places where he lived, to say thank you...and fell in love with the city and Czech culture overall more than I expected. I met amazing people and had some of the best experiences of my life, and soon after I realised that moving to Czechia was the right thing to do. That I would regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't go through with it, that if I stayed in my home country I would never be as happy as I am now.
Two years later I finally packed my things and went on my way...as soon as I left the airport on my arrival I felt that I'd made the right choice and everything that happened since then only confirmed that feeling. Even the bad things. It's not always easy but it feels right, in a way that's hard to convey by words. I sometimes think about how crazy this all is but I'm so glad it happened. I'm thankful for everything I have now, my friends, my hobbies, my new home. I love it every day more. And I don't care how weird it is that all this started because of a guy who died more than half a century ago. Was it only a coincidence that I watched the news that day when they talked about him? Is there more to it? Who knows? Is it relevant? I don't think so.
I hope he'd be happy to know that he saved me and how much he means to me. If I could, I'd thank him for everything.
I started this blog to share my feelings and my journey as an expat in Czechia. You'll find memes, stories of a foreigner's life in Prague and of course a lot of history-related things. I'm happy to answer all your questions and tell you more. I hope to make new friends and find people with whom I can talk about my interests. I'm glad to be here and I love you all, I'm proud of y'all for being here too <3
this post took me waaayyyy too long to write and maybe I'll edit it again sometime in the future, if you read all of this I'm genuinely impressed, please tell me your thoughts in the comments or send an ask if you want to :)
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jd-205 · 4 months
S hlubokým zármutkem bych rád vyjádřil upřímnou soustrast všem rodinným příslušníkům, přátelům i spolužákům všech obětí a zraněných během včerejší tragické události na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy v Praze. Cítím se hluboce zasažen takto hrůzným činem a neexistují slova, která by takovou tragédii popsala.
V myšlenkách jsem s vámi a stojím při vás.
With deep sorrow I would like to express sincere condolences and sympathy to all families, friends, and classmates of the victims and wounded during yesterday's tragedy that took place in the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. I am deeply shaken by such an appalling act and there are no words that would describe such a tragedy.
I am with you all in spirit.
oficiální informace Policie ČR | official information by Police of the Czech Republic (in Czech)
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vyletuju · 2 months
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Top nejstrašidelnější místa v republice: Rumcajsova jeskyně
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romanistan · 3 months
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Hilda Laníková, née Ondrášová, with her cousin. Hilda was born to a Romani family in what was then Czechoslovakia, and lived in the village of Tvorovice until she was six years old. in 1942, Hilda's father, Jan, was arrested and taken to Auschwitz, where he was murdered. Months after, the rest of Hilda' family was taken to the Gypsy Camp at Hodonín u Kunštátu. Eventually, the camp closed, and the remaining prisoners were to be taken to Auschwitz, but Hilda's family was sick with typhoid and were allowed to remain behind. Her six siblings who were not sick were transported to Auschwitz, where they were murdered. The surviving members of the Ondráš family were declared non-Roma and released. After their release, the family tried to escape to Slovakia, but they were detained at the border. They managed to survive the rest of the war in Tvorovice with the help of their neighbors. From Roma Testimonies.
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howamidrivinginlimbo · 10 months
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The castle of Vranov nad Dyjí in South Moravia
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hana-loves-bumblebees · 9 months
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pocitenicko · 6 months
Líbí se mi jak spolu interagují Češi a Poláci
Protože Češi a Slováci už jsou známé terno, naše národy jsou tak nerozdělitelné že neexistuje Čech který by nezačal okamžitě simpovat pro kohokoliv kdo na něj promluví slovensky
Poláci vidí Čechy jako malou roztomilou naštvanou zemičku, jako když se vás snaží zmlátit jezevčík
Česi buď Poláky nenávidí, nebo jim přijde jejich jazyk nehorázně směšný
Čech (Polská verze):
Kakaový chlebíček :3 >:3
Polák (Česká verze):
Jestem ekspertem w gejovskom seksije, potwierdzony
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morti0re · 11 months
Dnes jsem zjistil že rodiče mého dědi se znali s matkou Alfréda Bartoše, týpečka který vedl skupinu Silver A, která spolupracovala se skupinou Anthropoid při atentátu na Heydricha.
Můj děda dokonce žertoval, že by mohl být jeho nevlastní bratr protože jeho otec měl jednou menší románek s paní Bartošovou.
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tohle je ta paní o které mluvil.
Děkuji že jste přišli na můj tedtalk.
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tepli-mravenci · 1 year
Vesnický rozhlas který občas zničehonic začne hrát nějaký šlágr, jehož zvuk se rozléhá hlasitě z překřikujících se desítek reproduktorů v naprosto prázdné a tiché vesnici má šílený potenciál pro použití v hororu
Hlas starosty/starostky po hudbě by se dal využít jako nějaké vyhrožování nebo něco a nebo by tam vůbec nemusel být a hrdinové by napjatě čekali jestli někdo promluví, ale místo toho by se po chvíli uširvoucího ticha ozval další šlágr, ještě méně srozumitelný než předtím
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kopretin-a · 1 year
Občas bych si přála zůstat v tom stadiu, kdy panáky byly jen vázičky na fialky.
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jd-205 · 4 months
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23. 12. 2023
Den státního smutku
National day of mourning
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vyletuju · 2 months
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Prachovské skály
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