p-cruz · 5 months
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昔見つけた細切れな画像たちを 日本語の対話の流れとして違和感のないように並べると これが正しいのではないかと思える状態にしてみました 一箇所語尾が写っていない部分の補足としては ジャンの台詞なので単に「なった」よりも 「なったんだ」「なったんだよ」などのほうが適当かもしれませんし さらになにかつけたした言葉もあったのかまでは まったく予測できませんけれども… 訓練兵時代の思い出話などはまさにjeanmarco ficに そのままなありそうな光景なのが本当におもしろいです I tried to arrange the shredded images I found in the past so that they fit together as a flow of Japanese dialogue, and put them in a state that I thought was correct. As an addition to the part where the end of a word is not shown in the image, since this is Jean's dialog, it might be more appropriate to say "なったんだ" or "なったんだよ" rather than simply "なった". Also, I have no idea if there are any additional words that he might have added to this dialog or not… It was really interesting to hear his memories of his time as a trainee, which is exactly the kind of scene you would expect to see in a jeanmarco fic.
CLOSEUP INTERVIEW ジャン・キルシュタイン Jean Kirstein 前編 Part One
[2014/6/10 Updated]
若さが振りまく棘と、年齢以上に大人びた表情の共存する、等身大の若者。 ジャン・キルシュタインは、誰にでもある思春期の面影を残しながら、兵士としての揺るぎなさも感じさせる少年だった。 インタビューをはじめると告げると、彼は形式通りの敬礼をし、それから照れたようにそっぽを向いた─ A life-size young man with the thorniness that comes with youth, yet with an appearance more mature than his years. Jean Kirstein was a boy who retained the adolescent facade that we all have, but who was also a soldier and unwavering. When I told him I was going to start the interview, he gave me a formal salute and then turned away as if embarrassed.
CLOSEUP INTERVIEW ジャン 誰に言われたわけでもねぇ。 自分で決めて、 調査兵になったんだ "No one told me to do it. I decided on my own, I joined the Survey Corps." ─ Jean
─今日はよろしくお願いします。 ─さて、手元の資料には、ジャンさんが調査兵になることを決意する際、同期のマルコ・ボットさんの戦死がきっかけになった、とあります。彼について、詳しく伺っても? Q: Thank you for your time today. In the data, it says that the death in battle of Marco Bott, a classmate of yours, was a factor in your decision to join the Survey Corps. Can I ask you more about him?
ジャン「……ああ。訊かれると思ってたよ」 ジャン「マルコは……いいヤツだった。いいヤツすぎるくらいにな。いつも物事を俯瞰して見られるくせに、情には篤くて、仲間を思いやってる……そんなヤツだった」 Jean: …Oh. I knew you would ask. Marco was… a nice guy. He was too good to be true. He always kept things in perspective, but was also a caring and compassionate guy who cared about his friends.
─お二人の関係はどのようなものだったのですか? Q: What was your relationship like?
ジャン「何だかんだで、つるんでることが多かったよ。成績が近いから、訓練で一緒になることもよくあったし……」 Jean: We used to hang out a lot, for what it's worth. Our grades were close, so we were often together in training…
─話は合いましたか。 Q: Did you have a good conversation?
ジャン「イヤ、どうだろ���な。オレはあいつの優等生なところをからかってばっかりで……それでもマルコのヤツ、笑ってたな。本当……あのころのオレみたいに、自分のことしか考えてないヤツに、何でつきあってたんだろうな……」 Jean: I don't know. I always teased him about his honor student ways… but Marco just laughed. I wonder… why he went out with a guy like me who only thought about himself…
─ケンカなどはされなかった。 Q: Have you had any fights?
ジャン「そもそも、あいつが怒るって事が、めったになかったからな……でも」 Jean: It was rare for him to get angry in the first place. But…
─何かエピソードがありますか。 Q: Do you have any episodes?
ジャン「訓練でいい点を取ろうとして、ついケガなんかすると、機嫌が悪くなってた。マルコは誰に対しても、そうだったけどよ」 Jean: He would get in a bad mood if I got hurt trying to get a good score in training. However, he was like that with everyone.
─逆に、励まされたことなどは。 Q: On the contrary, have you ever been encouraged?
ジャン「よく……あった。訓練兵のころのオレは、自分が優秀だってことに絶対の自信があったからな。今考えればガキだけどよ……ちょっと失敗したりすると、すぐしょぼくれてたんだよ。そういうとき傍に居てくれんのは、マルコだった」 Jean: It… happened often. When I was a trainee, I had absolute confidence in my own excellence, but now I think I was just a kid. …But when I made the slightest mistake, I was always depressed. It was Marco who was there for me at those times.
─何か言葉をかけられたり? Q: Did you have him say anything to you?
ジャン「それが、黙って近くに居るだけなんだ。で、オレがくだらねぇ愚痴を言っても、そうだね、とか、真正面から受け止めて……」 Jean: But he just stayed close without saying a word. And when I would grumble about something silly, he would take it seriously and say something like, 'Right'…
─理解者だったわけですね。 Q: So he was your understanding.
ジャン「そうだな。卒業間近のころには『ジャンは強い人ではないから』なんて、言われるようにもなっちまってたからな。色んなこと……一緒に経験してたんだな」 Jean: That's right. I think the reason he said things like 'you're not a strong person' so close to graduation was because we had been through so much… together.
─しかし、兵団の志望はマルコさんも憲兵だったわけですよね? 彼の死が調査兵になる動機となったいきさつは? Q: But you and Marco both wanted to join the Military Police, didn't you? How did his death motivate you to become a member of the Survey Corps?
ジャン「マルコは……オレが『今、何をするべきか』わかる人間だ、と言ったんだ。オレは最初、聞き流してたが……トロスト区のことが終わって、その意味がわかった。その時すべきことが見えた。まるで、死んだマルコに未来を託されたみたいな気分に[なった(?)] Jean: He said… I was a person who knew what need to be done. At first I didn't take him seriously, …but after what happened in Trost, I understood what he meant. I could see what I needed to do at that time. At the same time, I felt as if Marco, who had passed away, had entrusted me with the future.
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─「今、何をするべきか」の出所は、マルコさんというわけですね。 Q: So the word 'what should I do now' is because of what he said, I see.
ジャン「それに、やり場のない後悔と責任も感じたよ。別の班だったとはいえ……マルコは、オレが一緒にいたら、死なずに済んだんじゃないかってな」 Jean: I also felt a sense of regret and responsibility. Even though we were in different squads, …I wondered if I had been with him, he wouldn’t have died.
─仕方のないことですが、そう考えるのも無理はありませんね。 Q: There is nothing anyone can do about that incident now, but it was not hard to see why you would think so.
ジャン「襲撃の後、次は誰が死ぬ番かなんて……考えちまった。そのとき、そこにオレがいれば……そいつを救えるんじゃないかとも思ったんだ」 Jean: After the attack, I wondered who would be next to die. I thought that if I was there, I might be able to save them.
翻訳アプリに助けてもらって対訳もなんとかつくってみました わたしは英語は大体読めてもうまく書くことがあまりできないので おかしな部分があってもお許しください With the help of a translation app, I managed to add a translation as well. I can read most of English, but I can't write very well, so please forgive me if there are some oddities in my writing.
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osossan · 3 years
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jouliettx · 5 years
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a quick Marco Bodt fanart i made a while ago
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JeanMarco highschool AU prom night
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onamce-blog · 7 years
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natsukitakama · 3 years
First and last time Death met them Snk edition #1
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Author note : this headcanon is based from the novel book thief which I hardly recommend. Basically its a first point of view headcanon where « Death » is about to explain the first and the last time they met each character of SNK  i never wrote something like that before i just wanted to give it a shot and i thought SNK would be the best place where i can write something like that. Hope you'll like it, if so i might write a part 2 or about another fandom
Warning : ANGST / This can be particular if you’re not comfortable with death content don’t read it it’s fine I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable / Spoiler If you’re an anime only you might be spoiled 
picture is mine and yes I used this character to personify death 
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Eren Yeager - エレン・イェーガ
First time meeting : My first encounter with Eren was quite somethinG. He used to live with his family, his mind full of dreams and expectation for the future and one day everything went red without a blink of an eye. When I moved to take away his mother from him, I felt such an anger toward me, his tearing eyes was looking at him as if he could perfectly seeing me holding his mother. I heard him whispering later that he would kill us, those who take his mother away from him. Though I did not take his mother away, my job was to collected her and I know that he is angry at me for that. Obviously I didn’t feel threaten by any way, but I had to admit this child surprise me : never I have ever been looked like this with such argerness toward me. I knew at this moment that I would meet him multiple time. 
Last time meeting : Being cursed meaning that this little child didn’t have much time to left, though I would expect him to be angry or frustrated because he couldn’t reach one of his deepest goal. He was calm, more than he never was in his entire life. Though I could still feel a little bit of sadness and bitter against himself, after all not everyone would die because of their loved one. I discovered later as I hold his body against me how much he was sorry for this poor girl, forcing her to kill him must have been troublesome for her. I felt how sorry he was to leave without a proper good bye, to leave her without kissing her. Like a lot of man with project, he dies with a lot of regret but a lot of serenity too as if deep down he knew that he coud trust his friends. 
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Erwin Smith - エルヴィン・スミス 
First time meeting : Oh my. It was quite something too. While the little boy Eren was angry at him for what I’ve done to his mother, the major was mortified and calm at the same time. Mortified cause it’s hard to look at one of your companion being eaten by a titan while there’s nothing you can do about it. Calm and collected because it was who he was, Erwin was a man with big hopes for humanity and ever since our first encounter he never felt to believe at his dream. I’m not supposed to say that but I’ve felt amazed by his nature, he was one of those people who can command, he was a leader born to lead humanity. An asset. I knew that I would take great pleasure holding this man for his last expedition, It would be an honor for me to lead him. 
Last time meeting : As expected, I wasn’t disappointed by Erwin’s death. It was quite surprising though. I mean, I expected him to send his man to death the mission being way too important for the fate of humanity. He couldn’t take the risk of not being able to reach that house in Shinganshima, but I didn’t expect him to walk side by side with his soldiers, running into death. It was a suicide, but for some reason he wasn’t scared, he wasn’t sad too even if he wish he could see the truth by himself he knew deep down that he could trust Levi his caporal to be sure everyone will know the truth. Maybe that’s why he didn’t flinch when I finally walked in front of him, he looked relax as if everything went according to his plan. Maybe it’s easier for soldier to die when they decided how to ? All I can say is until the end, the man never failed to surprise him. You deserve my respect Major Erwin. 
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Marco Bott  - マルコ・ボット
First time meeting : I can’t quite remember my very first meeting with Marco, the poor things met me way too many times because of titans. I remember the way he seemed scare by all of them surrounded him, not the titans but me, every dead people is a part of me. It may be why I can’t remember when I first meet him, but i knew that it pained me somehow to be everywhere and anywhere at the same time. Marco was one of those who might deserve to work for their dream and to have a peaceful live. Sounds hypocrite right ? I can’t help, not many people can be so nice against me while being surrounded by me. He was sad, he was afraid but never ever was he angry against me. Maybe that was I was so reluctant at taking him with me. 
Last time meeting : About this one I guessed you guys hate me for taking him before he could reach his dream right ? I know the feelings. I am not a fan either of taking « pure » people. But it wasn’t like I have a choice right ? I’m not the one who pushed him defenseless in front of a titan. They did it, not me. Anyway, I won’t lie I didn’t take any pleasure he was a victim. Since you expect me to tell you, so I will. It took him 10min to actually die, you might think he died from being half eaten by the titan. Well you’re kinda correct he actually dies when those teeth finds his brain and crush it as if he was just an apple. During the whole process, all he could feel was pain, fear, and betrayal. His last thought before I couldn’t take it and decided to shorten his pain was to his friends and jean, he was wondering how he would take the news once it would be over. He was afraid that those traitors might kills him too. He wanted to tell Jean how sorry he was for leaving him all alone.  
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thewordsweresimple · 6 years
Attack on Titan Katakana Practice
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Match the first and last names! (Answers in the tags | Hint: One person doesn’t have a last name)
(1) エレン
(2) ミカサ
(3) アルミン
(4) ライナー
(5) ジャン
(6) マルコ
(7) リヴァイ
(A) アッカーマン
(B) イェーガー
(C] ブラウン
(D) ボット
(E) キルシュタイン
(F) アルレルト
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cat7-blog · 7 years
The Japanese SnK character Popularity poll 2017
Voting runs from June 1st to June 15th, 2017, and each participant can vote seven times. Total votes: 596.201
The link to the poll--> https://akiba-souken.com/anime/vote/v_1034/
Bert was second, with 97.998 votes!, that’s fucking amazing. Isayama, you should have protected bertl
1)リヴァイ (Levi)   votes: 161.024
2)ベルトルト・フーバー (Bertholdt  Hoover) votes: 97.998
3)エレン・イェーガー(Eren Jaeger) votes: 90.242
4)ミカサ・アッカーマン(Mikasa Ackerman) votes: 87.931
5)エルヴィン・スミス(Erwin Smith) votes: 50.792
6)ライナー・ブラウン(Reiner Braun) votes: 40.126
7)ハンジ・ゾエ (Hanji Zoe) votes: 21.416
8)クリスタ・レンズ / ヒストリア・レイス (Crista Lenz/Historia Reiss) votes: 13.036
9)ジャン・キルシュタイン(Jean Kirstein) votes: 8994
10)ユミル(Yimir) votes: 8.351
11)アルミン・アルレルト(Armin Arlert) votes: 6.611
12)ペトラ・ラル (Petra Ral) votes: 3.475
13)アニ・レオンハート(Annie Leonhart) votes: 2.356
14)ナナバ(Nanaba) votes: 552
15)ニファ (Nifa) votes: 520
16)サシャ・ブラウス (Sasha Blouse) votes: 514
17)ミケ・ザカリアス (Mike Zacharius) votes: 512
18)ハンネス (Hannes) votes: 471
19)マルコ・ボット(Marco Bodt) votes: 448
20)モブリット・バーナー (Moblit) votes: 293
21)コニー・スプリンガー (Connie Springer) votes: 208
22)リコ・プレチェンスカ ( Rico) votes: 168
23)ドット・ピクシス (Dot Pixis) votes: 163
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honyade · 4 years
逢坂良太さん・水流麻夏さん・中田友実さんトークイベント MC:古田ちさこさん 『花鈴のマウンド』新装版1.2.3巻(大垣出版社)発売記念
甲子園を目指す花鈴たちを応援してくれる特別ゲストが登場☆★ なんと!あの大人気漫画『 ダイヤの A  actⅡ』 の主人公の声優を務める逢坂良太さんと女子プロ野球選手が夢を叶えるきっかけについてのトークを繰り広げます!
【特別ゲスト】 ダイヤの A actⅡ 主人公 沢村栄純役 声優  逢坂 良太 (おおさか りょうた)さん ▼主な出演作品 ◆進撃の巨人   マルコ・ボット ◆つり球     真田ユキ ◆赤髪の白雪姫  ゼン ◆暗殺教室    磯貝悠馬 ◆黒子のバスケ  黛千尋
▼女子プロ野球選手 水流麻夏 (つる あさか)選手 埼玉アストライア  16 番 ポジション:投手 左投・左打
中田友実 (なかだ ともみ)選手 埼玉アストライア  8 番 ポジション:外野手 右投・左打
MC : 古田ちさこさん
日時 / 2020年2月1日 (土) 14:00~15:30 (開場13:00) 会場 / 本店 8F ギャラリー 主催 / 主催:八重洲ブックセンター 協賛:わかさ生活 募集人員 / 80名(お申し込み先着順)  ※定員になりましたら、キャンセル待ち受付をいたします。 申込方法 / 下の「予約受付カレンダー」で2/1(土)14:00の当イベントを選択していただき、お申し込みフォームにご記入のうえご送信ください。予約完了メールをご返信いたします。
※「[email protected]」からの予約完了メールを受け取れる状態にしておいてください。 ※ご参加には対象書籍のご購入が必要です。1階インフォメーションカウンタンターにご用意しますので、お申し付けください。
▼参加対象書籍 『 花鈴のマウンド 』 ①②③巻各1冊ずつ (大垣出版社/本体価格 400 円/ 1/27 発売) 計3 冊 のご購入が必要です。
★八重洲ブックカードゴールド会員の方は、ご予約のみでご入場いただけます。ご入場の際にゴールドカードをご提示ください。 予約受付カレンダーはこちら
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from honyade.com https://ift.tt/2TYEFun
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chnuru · 6 years
1: 名無しさん : 2018/10/09(火) 19:06:40.18 ID:PNbgDu+Ca エルヴィン・スミス(5コマ目)…死亡 キース・シャーディス(6コマ目)…生存 ブラウン(12コマ目)…死亡 エレン・イェーガー(13コマ目)…生存 ミカサ・アッカーマン(14コマ目)…生存 ハンネス(19コマ目)…死亡 カルラ・イェーガー(37コマ目)…死亡 グリシャ・イェーガー(37コマ目)…死亡 アルミン・アルレルト(42コマ目)…生存 ライナー・ブラウン(89コマ目)…生存 ベルトルト・フーバー(89コマ目)…死亡 アニ・レオンハート(89コマ目)…生存 ジャン・キルシュタイン(89コマ目)…生存 マルコ・ボット(89コマ目)…死亡 コニー・スプリンガー(89コマ目)…生存 サシャ・ブラウス(89コマ目)…死亡 クリスタ・レンズ(8…
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figma 進撃の巨人 リヴァイ :Amazon商品ページへ飛びます 1: 2018年10月9日(火) 1巻で出てきた名前有りキャラ
エルヴィン・スミス(5コマ目)…死亡 キース・シャーディス(6コマ目)…生存 ブラウン(12コマ目)…死亡 エレン・イェーガー(13コマ目)…生存 ミカサ・アッカーマン(14コマ目)…生存 ハンネス(19コマ目)…死亡 カルラ・イェーガー(37コマ目)…死亡 グリシャ・イェーガー(37コマ目)…死亡 アルミン・アルレルト(42コマ目)…生存 ライナー・ブラウン(89コマ目)…生存 ベルトルト・フーバー(89コマ目)…死亡 アニ・レオンハート(89コマ目)…生存 ジャン・キルシュタイン(89コマ目)…生存 マルコ・ボット(89コマ目)…死亡 コニー・スプリンガー(89コマ目)…生存 サシャ・ブラウス(89コマ目)…死亡
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shissokuantena-blog · 7 years
 進撃の巨人のマルコのお誕生日 @mingeki_unei: 【公式】みん撃 運営事務局 2017-06-16 00:00
【6月16日はマルコ・ボット誕生日!】マルコ、お誕生日おめでとうございます!ハッシュタグをつけて、お祝いをしよう! #マルコ生誕祭 #みん撃
@patoponn: パトポン@ほぼアニメ垢 2017-06-16 00:12
Happy Birthday!マルコ!!
Happy Birthday!俺!! pic.twitter.com/223IAdYK7D
@chicatolt_braun: ちかとる〜ん@マル誕(゚∀゚) 2017-0…
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maru-kun-blog1 · 8 years
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