inmoonlightpoetry · 25 days
《行径华阴》or Passing by Huayin, by Cui Hao (?-754) 岧峣太华俯咸京,天外三峰削不成。武帝祠前云欲散,仙人掌上雨初晴。河山北枕秦关险,驿路西连汉畤平。借问路旁名利客,何如此地学长生。 Tiáo yáo tài huà fǔ xián jīng,tiān wài sān fēng xuē bù chéng. Wǔ dì cí qián yún yù sàn, xiān rén zhǎng shàng yǔ chū qíng. Hé shān běi zhěn qín guān xiǎn, yì lù xī lián hàn zhì píng. Jiè wèn lù páng míng lì kè, hé rú cǐ dì xué cháng shēng. English: Passing by Huayin The towering and…
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orient-sun · 3 months
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freesoar · 9 years
沁园春 阅兵
帝都风光, 千里兵封, 万里保镖。 望都城内外, 层层安检; 大街小巷, 制服飘飘。 鸽子进笼, 航模登记, 欲让小鸟窝里猫。 过天桥, 看民兵红旗, 份外妖娆。 安保如此多招, 令街道大妈累折腰。 惜磨刀老汉, 全都失业; 物流快递, 生意寥寥。 一代天骄, 成吉思汗, 只能携带指甲刀! 俱往矣, 数阅兵人物, 还看习包!
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yilinwriter · 3 months
I have some new co-translations of Li Qingzhao's poetry out in Glyphoria, a publication created by Metatron.
Living in the Song dynasty, Li Qingzhao was China's most celebrated female poet. The poem I translated is my favourite poem of hers and touches on female friendship and sisterhood.
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niteshade925 · 4 months
[唐] 李白
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蝶恋花•庭院深深深几许 庭院深深深几许,杨柳堆烟,帘幕无重数。玉勒雕鞍游冶处,楼高不见章台路。雨横风狂三月暮,门掩黄昏,无计留春住。泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。 译文:庭院深深,不知有多深?杨柳依依,飞扬起片片烟雾,一重重帘幕不知有多少层。豪华的车马停在贵族公子寻欢作乐的地方,登上高楼也望不见通向章台的大路。风狂雨骤的暮春三月,再是重门将黄昏景色掩闭,也无法留住春意。泪眼汪汪问落花可知道我的心意,落花默默不语,纷乱的,零零落落一点一点飞到秋千外。 赏析:  …
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min-yu-fang-yan-zhi · 9 months
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zangbeicancheng · 1 year
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- 『我们到达现场时,收容对象正双膝跪地,如同野兽一般撕咬被害人的胸腹,手里举着被害人还在跳动的心脏大口撕扯咀嚼。现场距离克林根塔尔桥只有不到一百五十码的距离,被害人的尸体还在他脚边。他一边强迫自己继续吃,一边重复着什么,一句简短的话,但满嘴血肉让那听起来更像兽类的咆哮。直到收容工作展开前,对象都处于如下状态中:一种惊恐而绝望的圣洁自他的眼眶里流淌出来,宛如被信徒剥去羊皮后浑身浴血的天主。』 ——节选自《SCP-1944.5.17:克林根塔尔河事件》 记录人:■■■■
“……诗意的描述?别抬举我了,我怎么写得出那种东西。这就是事实。这就是真实。” ——在提交了观察报告后,记录人■■■■被管理员要求复核情况并酌情修改时的辩词
“陷入爱情的人,会揣着一颗别人的心走来走去。” “死去的人会把别人的心带进坟墓,而让自己的那颗在世间继续跳动。”
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fangjuexias · 1 year
The Earth Is Online Audio Drama || Theme Song, "Ravens in the Dark"
出品:猫耳FM 监制:瞬心文化 贰哲-Xu1 Studio 音乐制作:杭州乐馨文化艺术有限公司 演唱:白翎@正版白翎酱丶 大C@大C爱唱歌 作词:贰哲@贰哲 作曲:徐一/HJLL-Xu1 Studio 编曲:HJLL-Xu1 Studio 吉他:洪施锐-Xu1 Studio 制作人:徐一-Xu1 Studio @徐一_ 混音、母带:HJLL-Xu1 Studio 封面设计:时论@时论发电机
傅:秩序被世界流放 湮灭了日光 黑夜囚困在下一道高墙 它笼罩你的模样 唐:而伙同如你我 形容多得当 能默契到迎合我疯狂 不做声响
傅:今晚马戏已登场(多猖狂) 银铠骑士不妨 合:与同谋 挑战规章(太默契的猜想) 唐:诗人不曾吟唱 却又吊唁 合:着死亡(Turn on the intercom)
合:我愿 这枪口迸溅的火花 换你生存筹码 唐:而命运 像注定的回答 你闯入也算上融洽(是你吧)
合:代价 就像娱乐神的笑话 还义无反顾吗? 傅:而有人 如结伴的暗鸦 追随身后(We can kill the game) 唐:深渊共跳下
唐:荒诞也沦为日常 理智成妄想 熟悉名字在游戏中叫响 却让曾经被掩藏 傅:眼神同谎言较量 验证着猜想 也曾是陌生面孔一张 也最难忘
傅:昨夜马戏已散场(维克多) 银铠骑士却还 合:与同谋 挑战规章(太默契的猜想) 唐:诗人不曾吟唱 却又吊唁 合:着死亡(Turn on the intercom)
合:我愿 这枪口迸溅的火花 换你生存筹码 唐:而命运 像注定的回答 你闯入也算上融洽(是你啊)
合:代价 就像娱乐神的笑话 还义无反顾吗? 傅:而有人 如结伴的暗鸦 追随身后(We can kill the game) 唐:深渊共跳下
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fouryearsofshades · 1 year
Hello! Something I had a really hard time finding and reasearching was bothering me, so I'm sorry if you've already answered something similar to this!
Do you know why there were these lipstick papers that people would bite down on after they did that part of their makeup?
Hi! No I haven't answered something like this.
I think the "biting lipstick papers" are common on TV is because they looked cool, since it seemed like directly biting doesn't really work in real life.
Cui Bao (崔豹) of the Jin Dynasty (about 1700 years ago) recorded in his work "Ancient and Modern Notes" (《古今注》) that yanzhi (rouge) can be made into thin pieces (“燕支,又小薄为花片,又名金花燕支,特宜妆色。”). However, cream-type yanzhi has become more popular and people would use those if they can afford it, since it is easier to use.
I also came across a comment of weibo that said that they had got into their grandmother's lipstick papers when they was a child, so perhaps lipstick papers still existed in certain areas (naturally) until very recently.
王颖_浅析中国古文献记载中的胭脂及其制作工艺 by
赵星_女为悦己者容 中国古代化妆品小叙
江隐龙_胭脂:一个华夏版口红的诗性历史 (this one is not behind a paywall)
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moononmyfloor · 8 days
A Rec and Appreciation post for a Bilibili FMV I found for The Spirealm :)
IMPORTANT: Contains spoilers for all the way through to the show! You've been warned!
Link to the edit: You don't need an account to watch things on Bilibili, but if you do, remember to give it a thumbs up! 💕
The song used and will be discussed by me in relation to the clips of the drama used in the fmv is 人间不值得 (The Human Realm is Not Worth It) by 黄诗扶 (Huáng Shīfú).
Disclaimer: 1. I'm not Chinese by any means, I only happen to be a student who loves this song very very much for its nuances and symbolism and it always makes me so happy to see a fandom I like has gotten an edit to this song. This post is an attempt to get more like-minded people to appreciate it! All the translations are from here where you can read even deeper to the lyrics and learn the background of the song. 2. I will be posting screenshots from the edit that correspond significantly to the song lyrics for those who'd like some help with noticing the parallels. Again, and obviously, this means SPOILERS! Don't proceed if you don't want to be spoiled. I won't be sharing gifs nor clips from the edit because that'd be straight up reposting and I don't want to do that, and a single screenshot may not be sufficient for you to understand what's happening in the scene unless you've seen the show/fmv.
Without further ado!
渡口爱上深山, 薄雪中意晚莲 -A Crossing Ferry falls for Deep Mountain, Thin Layer of Snow likes Evening Lotus
A ferry transportation wouldn't be done in an area with deep mountains, it requires a flat and calm body of water. Lotuses don't bloom in the snow-falling season. Aka this means two things that are star-crossed. Hence: 🥲
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夕阳熬红双眼 想等来晨钟聊聊天- Setting sun waits till its eyes turned red, hoping it can chat with morning bell Again, the setting sun cannot meet the morning bell. The vidder has used a scene of Ruan Lanzhu sitting with his eyes closed on a bench, waiting for Jiushi- it's not that specific so I'm not including a screenshot.
心上人在梅边柳边 偏不在身边- Person on heart is by plum or willow, but not by (the person singing the song)
A Hongloumeng reference to say that your beloved is not by you but elsewhere, see the link above for more details. -A scene of Jiushi patting Lanzhu's shoulder and going away for a door challenge while Lanzhu stands agonized-
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小白蛇浇透临安 许仙却没带伞- Little white snake is drenched in the rain of Lin An, but Xu Xian forgets to bring an umbrella
From the legend of White Snake and Xu Xian, they meet on a rainy day and Xu Xian gives White Snake an umbrella. Here, the lyrics say he forgot aka things didn't happen the way they should've.
-The clip chosen for this line is more happy because they both got to use the umbrella hehe-
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少女压坏秋千 书生十年落选- Young girl crushes the swing, scholar fails at exams for ten years
A little girl on a swing and a scholar who passes the exams are nice things to imagine, but the lyrics say the contrary happened. The edit shows scenes from the case of the bullied school girl and the classmate who betrayed her, who both had their youths ruined. :(
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命运总是挑挑拣拣 诸事不成全- Fate is always picky and things just can’t be fulfilled
-Scenes from the first case (snow village), not using screenshots because the line itself isn't very specifc and therefore neither is the scene-
小和尚没化到缘 又路过烧鸭店- Little monk doesn’t get offerings, then happens to walk by a roasted duck shop
Describes a situation where your life sucks and then some more.
-The scene of the little beggar fainting from the Child trafficking case put in contradiction with the scene of Jiushi enjoying skewers with Xiong Qi.-
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The chorus:
拈杯酒眯着眼 说专心看人间- Pinching a cup of wine and squinting eyes, saying (I/you/whoever) is looking at the human real with full concentration
The song is advising you to take a cup of wine, let go and just observe the world around you. Scenes of Lanzhu and Jiushi having swigs/sips of drinks is followed by them happily gazing up at New Year fireworks. It's pretty self explanatory.
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看长安建安与潘安 都想沾一沾- (seeing) Chang’an Jian An and Pan’An, wanting to touch them all
Chang'an was an ancient Chinese capital, Jian'an was a literaty gathering, Pan'an was a historical man who was famous for his beauty and loyalty to his wife (the character Liu Xueyi's was modelled upon for the recently aired drama In Blossoms🤭) aka these three things are unrelated except for rhyming. So it's basically like saying "You want this, you want that too" and to just chill and embrace it all; your mortal desires and sorrows.
The scenes used are from the night street celebrations from the Child trafficking case, and are not specific to the line except for that the aesthetics match that of Chang'an night scenary in Tang dynasty period dramas. (And maybe Jiushi staring at Li Dongyuan's handsome face refers to the Pan'an part heh)
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神仙掐指算 此去少圆满- Gods making predictions, this trip shall lead to little fulfillment 得来失 聚了散 千万莫求全- Losing what has been found, parting after reunion, don’t try to aim for perfection at all
Means that sometimes gains and loses just cannot be helped.
-Scenes of Li Dongyuan's last moments- 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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借泥炉烧碗饭 在檐上种炊烟- Borrowing earth stove to make meal, planting cooking smoke on the top of the eave
-cooking scenes from the show, self-explanotory-
管小寒大寒与心寒 都来暖一暖- No matter if it’s Small Cold, Big Cold, Or heart cold, all come over and warm up
Xiao Han and Da Han are two of the wintry solar terms of traditional Chinese calendar. Heart Cold is; well, having lost hope and being unhappy. The song tells you to get together and warm yourself up whether your coldness is external or internal.
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好提胆闯人海 再叩风月关- So that you can build up the courage and venture into the crowd, knocking on the door of profanity (of life) Now this line may look simple but is really iconic to the show. It means to build up your guts [lit:gallbladder] (through the power of the warmth from forming bonds as mentioned above), so you can go out and enjoy all the beautiful romantic things in life, and bravely knock on the doors (HA) of each levels of life as you go. The scenes used are Lanzhu and Jiushi marching into door challenges, them sitting and enjoying quiet moments together, and DOORS. Bejeezus...
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兜兜转转八十一难 我们走着看- Around and around through 81 tribulations, we shall see how it goes Another cleverly utilized line. 81 tribulations are what the main characters underwent in Journey to the West in order to bring the Buddhist texts, and if you've finished Spirealm, you know the 12 doors are inspired by the 12 links in the Law of Dependent Origin of Buddhist philosophy. In simpler words, the 12 links are the reasons for your mundane sorrows, longings and confusion, and 81 tribulations are the hardships you undergo because of them. The core scene used is Jiushi completing the 12 doors of the game, followed by the friend gang badass-strutting into the case scenes, fitting for the part "let's see how it goes".
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竹马去寻竹马 青梅意兴阑珊- Bamboo horse goes searching for bamboo horse, blue plum feels discouraged
Now this is my FAVORITE line 😆 I always love to see what the vidders do with this part when this song is used on a BL edit. This comes from the famous poem line, “郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅”:” boy comes on a bamboo horse, circling around the bed and playing with plum branch”. It refers to boys and girls who are meant to be each others' since childhood. But sometimes, the bamboo horse (boy) doesn't go for a blue plum (girl), and will seek another bamboo horse instead, yeah? The scenes chosen are first Lanzhu and Jiushi, chased after by Li Dongyuan, leaving behind the exasperated Zhuang Rujiao 😂 Our poor lil blue plum!
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伯牙琴弦摔断 叔夜刚绝交山巨源- Bo Ya breaks the string on his Qin, Shu Ye breaks off from Shan Juyuan
This line is about two legendary friendships, in the first pairing Bo Ya broke his Qin after his friend's death because nobody could appreciate his playing better than his friend, and the latter pairing broke up because of diff ideals.
The scenes used are when Jiushi and his ex bff used to be together, and broke up later.
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知己半路就散 结发总另结新欢- Good friends part half-way, spouses marry someone else
-Yixie crying holding Qianli, the nurse whose lover betrayed her in the sanatorium arc-
小情侣恰好遇见 喜鹊没来上班- Young couples who happen to meet when the magpies are not on duty
Refers to the Chinese fairytale Magpie Bridge where magpies helped the couple meet once every year, and without magpies they wouldn't get even that chance.
The scenes used are: 🥺
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长生岂能如愿 古稀尚靠垂怜- How can longevity be fulfilled, it depends on heaven’s mercy to live to one’s 70s
Jeebus, have I mentioned this vidder is a GENIUS? The corresponding scene used is the big baddie of the show standing tall and playing almighty, and the happiness of our good guys is at his mercy, followed by the scene of 50 Years Later HUHU
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老病倒比莺莺燕燕 多陪二十年- The Old and the sick somehow gets 20 more years than the happy young couple
LOL the vidder knows how to be a troll, too. As the song says "Old and sick gets to live", Chen Fei and the lady friend (I don't even rem her name) who couldn't have been more background charactery if they tried, and they got to move onwards with their lives in peace while "happy, young" Zaozao and Dongyuan didn't 😔
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小嫦娥偷吃灵药 却反而羡人间- Chang’e takes magical elixir, yet feels jealous of the human realm
The moon goddess, who enjoys longevity but is full of regrets about the life she left behind.
-Zaozao, who is finally under the spotlight she always deserved, but... *bawls harder*
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The chorus from before repeats, that tells you to have a drink, chill and look at this world, not care so much about this and that, to not push yourself too hard because it isn't worth it, have a meal with your loved ones to chase away the cold instead, build up the courage to endure the beauty and challenges (DOORS) of the life.
Complimentary scenes follow:
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人生在世不称意呀 失眠或失恋- Living in this realm is often unsatisfying, losing sleep or losing love
-For "unsatisfying" part, past-and-present scenes of the son and mother from the Triplet case, for "Losing Sleep" part Lanzhu staring at sleeping Jiushi on the same bed and then the chocolate scene, the younger sister's confession being rejected in the Sister Drum case and the Lady in the Rain for "Losing Love" part.-
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只劝你来把个盏 侃呀么侃大山- (I) suggest you drink (the wine) up, then have a nice long chat
-The scene where Lanzhu wordlessly empties the can after Dongyuan's incident, followed by memories of when they were eating and chatting together, and also those of Qianli's 🤧
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The final part:
喝完大酒撑条船 说今生不靠岸- After a big drink go ride on a boat, saying never to dock till the end of this life 去天涯海角浪个遍 失意当尝鲜 -To the edge of the horizon and corners of the sea, taking disappointment as fresh experiences
-Scenes of Lanzhu and Jiushi together, braving the challenges-
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这一路手握剑 身侧有千帆- Holding a sword on the way, with thousands of sails passing by
-The girl from the school bullying case, now grown bright and confident, wielding a sword (that was SUCH a great moment! You go, darling!), followed by the now-regretless Door Ghosts smiling happily in the last episode.-
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时不时 回头看看 百味是人间- From time to time, turn around and look, hundreds of tastes makes up the human realm
-Lanzhu looking back at Jiushi for one last time, Jiushi looking back before entering a door- *sniffles
Followed by happy montages of all their friends, and Chestnut.
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时不时 也睡个懒觉 醒来多加餐- From time to time, sleep in, and eat an extra meal when (you) wake up
-A scene of Lanzhu tucked in cozily, Jiushi stretching awake from a sleep, well into daytime, and for the "Extra Meal" part, that giant drumstick platter Lanzhu and Rujiao made Dongyuan get for them 😁.-
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AAAnd DONE! Phew, that gotta be one of the longest posts I've made in one sitting. If you are still here, thank you so much for your patience and attention, I hope you enjoyed this brilliant fmv meta! Don't forget to give the vidder the love they much deserve, and read up the AveX link for more thorough understanding of the song itself.
Toodles for now!
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inmoonlightpoetry · 8 months
《月下独酌》- 李白
Examining a poem from Li Bai -- one of the most famous poets of the Tang Dynasty and Chinese Poetry scene.
yuè xià dú zhuó – lǐ bái (唐 – táng) 花间一壶酒, 独酌无相亲。 举杯邀明月, 对影成三人。 月既不解饮, 影徒随我身。 暂伴月将影, 行乐须及春。 我歌月徘徊, 我舞影零乱。 醒时同交欢, 醉后各分散。 永结无情游, 相期邈云汉。 PINYIN:Yuè xià dú zhuó Huā jiān yì hú jiǔ, Dú zhuó wú xiāng qīn. Jǔ bēi yāo míng yuè, Duì yǐng chéng sān rén. Yuè jì bù jiě yǐn, Yǐng tú suí wǒ shēn. Zàn bàn yuè jiāng yǐng, Xíng lè xū jí chūn. Wǒ gē yuè pái huái, Wǒ wǔ yǐng líng luàn. Xǐng shí tóng jiāo…
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orient-sun · 3 months
—— 【唐】王駕(851年—?),雨晴
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freesoar · 9 years
--最是人间四月天, 春雨如酒柳如烟, 江南江北尽花颜。   一壶春酒喜相见,兄弟姐妹舞翩跹,歌声唱彻月儿圆。
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baiwu-jinji · 3 months
最近在看15年出的穿越剧《太子妃升职记》,剧情其实是烂大街的霸道总裁爱上我,不过也算是BL剧的先驱了,毕竟女(男)主是穿越回古代娘娘身体里的现代男人哈哈 用大刘的话来说,那是个还没有被一轮轮铁拳降维打击过、尚还充满了乐趣的时代,所以才会有这种玩世不恭的沙雕剧存在。这剧放在现在一定播不出来,还会被扣上不中不西、不古不今、糟践传统文化、没有文化自信、传播不健康价值导向等等的高帽子。总之这剧五毒俱全这点我还是挺爱的, 比如:
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还有这种一本正经堂而皇之糟蹋古诗文给壮阳药做广告的, 只截取了一个片段,看得我笑喷了
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xiudi1985 · 4 months
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