#( rinn & players )
sakurajjam · 1 year
Desabafo de um pompurin.
O desabafo a seguir foi enviado recentemente, mas optamos por ler várias vezes para conseguirmos responder sem ofender qualquer pessoa, infelizmente, não temos lugar de fala para tal assunto, mas tentaremos falar alguma coisa. Para os demais, sugerimos a leitura, porque é um tema pouco falado no mundo do RPG, cada um tem sua opinião sobre, sendo bem concreta ou não; só pedimos que qualquer comentário seja respeitoso.
Atenciosamente, Rinn e Joy.
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Bom, o texto é longo, mas é algo que vem me incomodando há muito tempo, machucando de verdade e eu estou exausto desse assunto. Existe quem possa discordar do que eu vou falar aqui e estarei trazendo esses pontos em questão também, mas eu preciso dizer essas, preciso que me escutem, mesmo que não seja pela minha própria boca.
Uso de fcs cis para personagens trans (e vice versa)
De antemão eu queria deixar claro que eu sou um homem trans e que eu falo de identidades dentro do binarismo. Por não conhecer da realidade daqueles que fogem do binarismo de gênero, não falo por eles, apesar de já ter conversado com alguns sobre o assunto e terem concordado comigo.
Eu sou um homem. Ponto. Sou uma pessoa trans porque, quando nasci, pessoas além de mim disseram o contrário. Mas à partir do momento em que eu consigo a minha voz, eu digo: eu sou um homem. Eu sou homem igual Tammy Gretchen. Eu sou um homem igual Elliot Page. Eu sou um homem igual Jordan González. Eu sou um homem igual o Chris Evans. Eu sou um homem igual o Tom Holland. Eu sou um homem igual Regé-Jean Page. Eu sou um homem e é exaustivo ter que dizer isso.
1. Quando você cria um personagem em um rpg, qual é o primeiro critério que você utiliza para escolher o fc? A aparência condizer com a aparência do seu personagem, a vibe ser parecida com a vibe do seu personagem, ele ter resources o suficiente pra você usar e abusar de conteúdo, seja ele por gif ou por foto, ou se ele se identifica como cis ou trans?
Se eu te disser que quero jogar com um personagem que tenha cara de bom moço, vibe de pai solteiro e super protetor, camiseta polo e boné de time, eu duvido que não tenha passado pelo menos 5 caras na sua cabeça agora.
Se eu disser que quero jogar com alguém mais sombrio, cara de durão, que se mete em problema, tá sempre fumando ou bebendo, só quer saber da vida privada dele e quase não sorrir, com certeza vieram outros 5 caras completamente diferentes do anterior.
E muitos outros. Você tem opção de escolha, você pode mudar o fc quando um não te saciar mais, você pode buscar até os confins um fc que se pareça física e energicamente com como você imagina o seu personagem e nem vai precisar chegar até lá porque em qualquer pesquisa rápida, qualquer diretório que você abrir, os fcs vão praticamente pular na sua cara pedindo pra escolhê-los de tanto que combinam com o seu personagem.
Agora, se você me proíbe de utilizar um fc cis pra um personagem trans, você me limita a 5 fcs AO TODO. Se eu quiser fazer o personagem paizão, eu só tenho esses 5 fcs pra escolher. Se eu quiser fazer o personagem sombrio, os mesmos 5 fcs. Não importa o estilo de personagem que eu queira fazer, se ele for trans, você me limita a 5 fcs.
Em um rpg que joguei com um personagem trans, a moderação não permitiu que eu utilizasse um homem cis, então eu dei o aesthetic do personagem e um fc cis que se aproximava do que eu imaginava. A moderação me deu 5 opções de fcs completamente diferentes entre si. Só um combinava com o que eu falei, mas é um dos nomes que as pessoas sempre dão de fc trans pq não conhecem fcs trans o suficiente pra recomendar.
E se você não consegue me recomendar o que eu preciso e você proíbe que eu utilize alguém que é perfeito, você tá praticamente me impedindo de jogar com esse personagem na sua comunidade.
2. Eu jogo na tag há 10 anos. Há 10 anos a maioria dos meus personagens são homens cis. Recentemente eu entrei com um personagem trans em uma comunidade: tanto personagem quanto fcs eram trans, mas não por uma proibição, mas porque eu queria mesmo. A moderação virou pra mim e perguntou "O fc tal é trans, você pretende interpretá-lo como tal?". Em 10 anos de comunidade, ninguém nunca me perguntou isso quando eu criava personagens cis com fcs cis. E infelizmente eu vou ter que explicar o quão desumano essa pergunta foi.
Na hora eu não tive reação, fiquei tão chocado com a pergunta que só assenti e fui jogar. Mas é desumano dizer que, por um personagem ser trans, o desenvolvimento dele vai ser diferente. Eu não como uma panqueca diferente por ser trans, não existe a panqueca trans. Eu não faço cocô diferente por ser trans, não existe o cocô trans. Eu não preciso gritar pra todo mundo ouvir que eu sou trans quando eu estiver indo ao cinema porque eu não vejo um filme de uma forma diferente por ser uma pessoa trans. Os únicos momentos em que eu ser trans vai ser importante é dentro da nossa cabeça ou quando o assunto for relevante. Mas não existe a menor diferença entre a forma como eu como panqueca e a forma como o Chris Evans come panqueca.
E vocês, cis, moderadores de rpg, querem tanto se mostrar apoiadores da causa, que quando a gente fala que algo machuca, vocês ignoram, porque é melhor manter a aparência de aliado do que ouvir de verdade.
Há 4 dias eu saí de um rpg que eu me senti tão mal em relação à esse assunto que eu chorei. Não vale a pena expor a central, o intuito disso aqui não é atacar ninguém. Eu já tinha um personagem e queria fazer outro que era trans. Perguntei se podia usar um fc cis, já tinha um em mente, inclusive. A central negou e disse que podia dar opções. Só que, mano, eu conheço todos os fcs trans que vocês podem falar. Pra cada 1 fc trans, tem uns 300 fcs cis. Eu falei que não e que queria tentar negociar alegando que essa proibição me ofendia. A moderação falou que não aceitaria porque queria ser mais inclusiva. Tão inclusiva que quando eu falei que me ofendia com a atitude, ela sequer quis me escutar, sequer quis saber o motivo. Acatei, mas há quatro dias eu decidi questionar de novo. "Por que podemos usar fcs héteros para personagens lgb, mas não podemos usar cis para personagens trans?" A resposta foi óbvia, disse a moderação. São coisas diferentes. E eu já vou falar sobre isso no próximo tópico. Eu contei pra ela sobre o ocorrido anterior, sobre como eu me senti desumanizado com aquela pergunta e como a atitude dessa moderação me fez sentir igualmente ofendido. "Não tem muito o que eu possa fazer. Sinto muito". Foi essa a resposta que eu tive.
Tinha sim uma coisa que você poderia fazer, moderação. Me escutar. Era a única coisa que eu tava pedindo. E você clamou tanto pela inclusão.
3. "Mas orientação sexual e identidade de gênero não são coisas diferentes?". Sim, completamente diferentes. Tão diferentes que uma acaba excluindo a outra do convívio. Como um homem que também se relaciona com homens, o tanto de gay cis que já me rejeitou por eu ser trans não caberia nesse texto.
Mas ainda assim as dores são iguais. Somos rejeitados igual, temos medo de sair na rua e não voltar igual, temos medo de nos assumir e a família nos colocar pra rua igual, somos minoria nas empresas igual, vamos pro inferno igual.
Se tudo bem uma pessoa hétero interpretar uma pessoa lgbt, então por que Heartstopper só teve, em seu elenco, e com exigência da própria autora, apenas atores lgbt? Por que Close só teve pessoas lgbt em seu elenco? E vocês aplaudem isso.
Pelo amor de deus, decidam o que querem. Lgbtqia+ interpretando personagens da comunidade ou héteros fazendo isso? Porque é o mesmo apagamento que vocês dizem lutar contra, mas aplaudem até a mão cair.
Então ou vocês exigem fcs trans para personagens trans ou vocês deixam fcs hétero ou de uma sexualidade x interpretar um personagem de outra sexualidade.
4. RPG não é lugar pra se preocupar com esse tipo de assunto.
Vocês querem tanto que eu utilize uma pessoa trans pra um personagem trans? Então não é me proibindo de usar um fc cis que você vai conseguir. É militando DE VERDADE. Esquece o twitter e vai pra rua, viralize artistas trans que vocês gostam até eles ganharem visualização à ponto de chegar na grande mídia para que a gente, do rpg, possa ter uma gama gigantesca de fcs trans à ponto de não precisar mais utilizar fc cis.
Mas rpg não é lugar pra você militar. É lugar pra criar personagens, dos mais variados possíveis, explorar as mais variadas histórias possíveis, e essa história acontecer independente do gênero de quem as vive. A gente precisa de espaço na MÍDIA. A representatividade e, mais ainda, a visibilidade, a inclusão, não vai acontecer por causa de rpg no tumblr. Você já vai ter um personagem trans na sua trama, muito provavelmente sendo interpretado por uma pessoa que entende 100% o que é ser uma pessoa trans.
5. FC é só um avatar, um rosto que você escolhe para interpretar o seu personagem.
Eu conversei com uma player uma vez que ela tinha uma personagem cis, mas ela encontrou na Hunter Schafer a fc perfeita pra tudo o que ela tinha imaginado pra personagem e a moderação fez ela mudar a personagem de cis pra trans só porque a fc era.
Eu preciso mesmo explicar o quão errado é isso? É separar em caixinhas. É dizer que trans só pode ser trans. Que antes de qualquer coisa na vida essa pessoa é trans e isso é o que mais importa sobre ela. Não é suas conquistas, não é suas habilidades, não é seus conhecimentos. A única coisa que uma pessoa trans pode ser é trans. Isso é desumano.
Durante a pandemia um ator que eu conhecia por uma série que eu adorava se assumiu trans. E não foi um "era ela e agora é ele". É um ator de 47 anos que há muito tempo havia transicionado e só agora decidiu contar que é uma pessoa trans. Michael D. Cohen, caso queiram pesquisar. Agora me diz uma coisa: se o Chris Evans do nada fala que ele é um cara trans que transicionou há muito tempo, você ainda usariam ele como um homem cis ou passariam a usar como um homem trans? Eu nunca vi o Michael agindo diferente por ser uma pessoa trans. Afinal, ele é um cara, ele age como um cara.
Aliás, como seria agir como trans pra você, considerando que vocês acreditam que essa mudança é necessária?
6. Eu sou tão homem quanto o Chris Evans. Eu to pedindo pra usar o Chris Evans em um personagem com x história, com x personalidade e que, por acaso, é uma pessoa trans. Eu não to pedindo pra colocar uma Scarlet Johansson, isso sim seria errado. Eu to pedindo pra colocar um HOMEM interpretando outro HOMEM. Porque é isso. Um homem. Acabou.
Eu nem acredito que to tendo que fazer esse texto todo pra reforçar pra um bando de gente cis que eu sou homem.
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Nossa resposta é curta, porque entramos em consenso em tudo que desejamos falar. Não temos nada a acrescentar, porque ambas somos mulheres cis, sem qualquer lugar de fala para o assunto; nosso máximo é ter amigos que são trans e vivem comentando sobre essas coisas. Sentimos muito por ter que passar por isso, pompurin, imaginamos o quão difícil deve ser, principalmente quando o leque de fcs trans é limitado e todas as opções são conhecidas, e, geralmente, não casam com o personagem que deseja fazer.
Ambas concordamos no ponto sobre os fcs, como citamos acima, temos amigos que são trans e eles são 8 ou 80, alguns dizem que não gostam quando fazem personagens trans com fc cis, outros não se importam e assim como tudo na vida, temos esses dois grupos. Nós nunca tivemos contato com personagens trans em rps ou fizemos algum, nesse segundo ponto, não achamos correto fazer chars assim já que parece um tipo de "apropriação", não sabemos o que essas pessoas passam diariamente, fora relatos soltos que escutamos, parece um desrespeito.
Talvez muitas moderações proíbem o uso de fc cis para personagens trans por medo, um receio de alguém aplicar e fazer algo que acabe desrespeitando a comunidade. Além de ser bem escroto, pode trazer problemas para todos os lados, são coisas a ser evitadas; parece que essa luta nunca vai acabar, porque as pessoas raramente são bem informadas e acabam usando de estereótipos ou fazendo coisas caricatas, o que pode gerar desconforto para muitos. Temos que tomar cuidado com o que interpretamos no rpg, porque atrás dos "bonecos" existem pessoas diversas e nunca sabemos o que machuca cada um, onde está o limite real.
Eu, Rinn, até conversei com um player esses dias sobre o assunto e tivemos muitos pontos colocados, mas não posso citar para não expor a pessoa e suas opiniões; mas gostaria de pincelar o que disse e juntar com o que foi dito sobre um ator que se assumiu trans; assim como sexualidade, nós, nem sempre, temos certeza sobre o gênero daquele que estamos usando como fc, justamente porque as pessoas tem o direito de não expor. Mas é um assunto complicado para entrar, então prefiro me abster de outros comentários.
Não vamos falar mais, porque não queremos colocar nossa opinião e soar errado, até ofensivo, muito menos, passar a impressão que estamos militando ou o que for, só queremos que você, pompurin, sinta nosso abraço. Saiba que está acolhido e que esperamos que não tenha que passar por situações assim de novo.
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xylitolnovaslover · 2 months
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whoever made this image will burn in hell for eternity TATSUMI IN OBLIGATTO IS BY NO THE SAME VIBES AS TADASHI KUNAI
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rinn-mayy · 1 year
I feel like when new players see that you have until Friday to eliminate a rival they're like-
"OH! Shit I gotta get rid of them quick!"
-As opposed to using all 5 days in a week to their advantage and learn the current rival's schedule to come up with murder opportunities.
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sam7sparks7 · 2 years
Cursed hockey thought -
Pekka is literally Daddy Long Legs
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deciessomnia · 1 year
tag dump
Ensemble Stars - Request Only
🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. aira shiratori ⊱ the lovely with thorns 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. hinata aoi ⊱ sun-colored cheerful star ☆ 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. yuta aoi ⊱ evening-colored natural star ☆ 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. hajime shino ⊱ serving happiness to your heart 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. hirro amagi ⊱ the scarlet swallow tearing the sky 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. subaru akehoshi ⊱ Twinkling First Star of the Evening☆ 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. hokuto hidaka ⊱ the prince with a zealous glance 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. makoto yuuki ⊱ through the lens is my world ♪ 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. mao isara ⊱ face to face with everyone! 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. koga oogami ⊱ sharpened claws; bared fangs! it's wolf rock! 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. adonis otogari ⊱ bring LOVE & PEACE to the people and the world 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. eichi tenshioun ⊱ the idol conductor directing dreams 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. madara mikejima ⊱ world player; always on the go 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. leo tsukinaga ⊱ singing knight who creates 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. shu itsuki ⊱ noble artist idol 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. hiyori tomoe ⊱ shining noble smile 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. kaoru hakaze ⊱ a wind that carries love wherever It pleases 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. rinne amagi ⊱ the thrill-seeking gambler 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. seiya hokuto's dad / idol 🕊 𓆪 ㅤ ic. anzu ⊱ producer
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Recently I discovered that the person whose birth chart would be my soulmate, cannot be my soulmate because my chart is not good enough for theirs.
Basically your Sun and Moon are the most important planets, and if both of them are on the same modality or element, your chart has less value.
On the other hand if your Sun and Moon are on signs complementary to each other, your chart has more value. Because you're more independent and would need much less a partner to feel complete.
Now not only my Moon and Sun are on the same stupid modality, the person who I thought to be my soulmate has a complementary Sun and Moon on their birth chart.
I thought the person was perfect to me and we had 96% of compatibility.
Sucks to be me.
Can't wait to marry Daniel Howell, I guess, if he wasn't gay and I was famous and popular AF.
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hockey-finns · 3 months
So about pekka (and his og boyfriend)
since käärijä and hockey are currently the two main topics of my blog (don’t ask why), after today’s urheilucast episode I feel like it’s my responsibility to introduce pekka rinne better to you who do not know him yet
this post is made just so you know that pekka is lowkey also a kinky bastard and when you inevitably start to write those pekka x jere fanfics you will not forget that pekka already has a hockey goalie boyfriend named juuse saros and they had have a very interesting relationship
pekka has been one of juuse’s biggest idols since he was twelve and he used to watch his highlights on youtube. they met the first time in the 2014 ice hockey world championships when juuse had just turned 19 and he was clearly very starstruck by pekka, who took juuse under his wing immediately
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here is a gif of juuse so maybe pekka has a type (significantly shorter, blue eyes, dark hair, younger… sounds familiar?)
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By a coincidence (it was fate) juuse was also drafted by nashville predators and ended up playing in the same team as pekka, and that’s where their relationship really kicked off
Here are some memorable moments:
first The Daddy Interview that all hockey tumblrs have probably seen (also multiple people have commented that they thought this is the beginning of a gay p*rn before they knew they’re hockey players)
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in addition to this pekka often refers to juuse as ”my son” of ”my boy”
probably the second most kinkiest well known moment - The Collaring in front of the whole team
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when juuse was asked his opinion on the chant ”Rinteen Peksi, parempaa kuin seksi” (”Pekka Rinne, better than sex”) he answered ”that’s true”???
juuse is very well known for doing the splits and he has also said that his party trick is to twerk in the splits (sadly no video evidence)
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juuse has also had a goalie mask which featured pekka in a sexy white suit and he very proudly presented it to pekka
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juuse’s actual father is also named pekka so it’s a bit awkward that his father and his daddy have the same name
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one of my most popular posts is a translated video where pekka talks about (praises) juuse for four minutes straight in a sauna and in the end he requests that juuse does his interview shirtless
(So do whatever you want with all the daddy kink, dom/sub shit and the praise kink)
here are some wholesome gifs to cleanse your soul because in the end these two love each other to bits
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(gif/video credits in order: @dermott, @rask, @imadeoutwithmikeywayonwarpedtour, @rask, @sorokie)
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sunnysideoflondon · 10 months
käärijä boyfriend pokédex
in no specific order. some of these don't have links because i either can't find them or i lost them. if you have more to add, links i'm missing, incorrect information, etc please tell me :) i don't really go here anymore but i'll try to keep this list updated
count: 20
Bojan Cvjetićanin
lead singer of joker out + ESC 2023 contestant
do i need to make a list. do you want me to make a list. do i need to show you a li- *gunshots*
i could eventually list out as much as i can find though. or maybe that would need its own post
or you can look in my bojere tag
Robin Packalen
singer + UMK 2023 contestant
that umk interview where he slammed the fuck out of the button to say he'd kiss robin
Benjamin Peltonen
singer + UMK 2023 contestant
them allegedly pining over each other during UMK
jere said something along the lines of "he's a sexy guy. amazing action" but i cant find it
that tiktok of benjamin slapping jere's ass with persikan perään out of all songs in the background
Aapo Vuori
lead singer of portion boys + UMK 2023 contestant
they kissed and jere said it felt good (ver with translation)
UMK confessions where he said aapo massaged his shoulders and they kissed (probably a different kiss than the above)
KUUMAA (they count as 3)
band + UMK 2023 contestants
they will see each other in jere's bedroom
making kissy faces
Damiano David
lead singer of måneskin
THEY DID SOMETHING i don't remember what but i know people include him as a bf for a reason
he's just some guy
the tiktok (or ig story?) where he lifts up häärijä's coat to reveal ass
THAT ig post. the bulbasaur vs pikachu one
the onlyfans.
Jukka Sorsa
one of the daltonit
them kissing in front of a whole audience (more)
i think they did twice actually (or at least nearly) but i can't find the link
Matti Myllyaho
one of the dancers
is matti single? not anymore
Antti Tuisku
him getting pinned to a pillar by antti and looking suspicious (more)
Jesse Voss
onstage tomfoolery
also multiple other occasions
Niko Saarinen
choosing the gay celeb over the obviously interested woman (more)
Mika Rajala
some skit maker?
getting suggestively invited into a bathroom
Joonas Kymäläinen
i have no idea who this is
making kissy faces at the guy (but it goes unnoticed)
Ludwig Gassner
alessandra mele's boyfriend
he got accidentally included within the marriage proposal
Random Audience Member
random audience member
get flirted with
Tommy Cash
estonian rapper that he collabed with (on ICIP)
olympiastadion. here are some gifsets, some screen caps, and the full video
the shower tiktok
Pekka Rinne
hockey player
how do i describe this. looking lovingly into each other's eyes or something
this urheilucast episode that hit me like a freight train
is the president of finland supposed to be on this list lol??? i don't know if i made that up or not
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sakurajjam · 1 year
"lá vem a chata intrometida do sakurajjam encher o saco". SIM ESTOU VINDO ENCHER O SACO. e vai ser longo, aviso desde já, lê quem quer.
não sou de entrar em muitas comunidades, mas tenho amigos que entram e comentam sobre, então esse texto vai falar sobre isso mesmo. enfim, não é de hoje que sabemos que a tag não tá nada boa, na verdade, me pergunto quando ela esteve boa... desde que entrei, nunca consegui falar que era "ótima". tem momentos que gostamos e que desgostamos, mas no bruto, todo mundo deve ter a noção que tá tudo tóxico e repetitivo.
o pessoal hypa a pesquisa > aplica com 500 chars > some do nada. é um ciclo vicioso que ninguém escapa, tanto que a conversa de pesquisa com x likes acabou flopando quando a central lançou, porque as pessoas curtiram no automático (para não falar outra coisa). se você não tem pretensão em entrar na comunidade, não curte a pesquisa e dá esperança pra moderação, porque qualquer mod, em época de pesquisa/promo, vive de esperança pra ver se a ideia é bem aceita na tag. é muito chato se matar em uma central, dar tudo de si para montar um jogo e o trabalho ser jogado fora, porque hyparam, mas ninguém apareceu para jogar e se apareceram, depois de quinze dias (ou menos), todo mundo sumiu. isso não é legal.
descartamos as pessoas que acabam com contratempos em ooc, problemas e afins. mas no geral, as pessoas somem porque tem fogo em ficar em 5000 comunidades, mesmo com tempo curto, mas acredita que vai dar conta (autocrítica) e aos poucos, vai abandonando onde não tá curtindo. invés de parar e pensar, só aplica em todo canto pra ver onde vai ser benéfico para seu jogo e isso não é errado, só é classificado como injusto com aqueles que gostariam de jogar na proposta; nem estou falando de rp com vaga, to falando de quem aplicou e quer ver a continuidade do game, mas com tanto fantasma que surgiu uma vez e caiu no ac, fica impossível dar comunidade e a moderação fecha o lugar, gerando, o que a gente brinca, os órfãos da comunidade.
esse post dá um começo para meu pensamento sobre o que estou escrevendo aqui, porque o que foi dito é muito verídico. sei que é legal dar abertura para os players terem quantos personagens desejarem, porque alguns mantém com facilidade, mas outros não e são esses outros que chegam a "atrapalhar". você aplicar dois de uma vez e não dar conta de um deles, ocasionando no unf, é uma coisa. você aplicar dois, sumir e só aparecer para não cair no ac por livre e espontânea vontade, isso já é outra coisa e o ponto que quase ninguém fala. é muito triste estar em uma comunidade e quando chega no ac, tem aquela lista gigante com vários personagens que pertencem à um player só, ai a pessoa surge no dia pra não levar unf e some nos demais, sem explicações para a central... porque se você está com problemas, conversar com a moderação e pedir um hiatus não vai cair a mão.
rp com vagas é um terror quando isso ocorre, porque tem gente esperando por aquela vaga, ai vê no ac e acredita que vai ter a chance. mas não, o alecrim dourado aparece e continua segurando a vaga em um vazio, porque só aparece para sair de ac. e isso nem é culpa de moderação, porque as regras existem e são seguidas, mas as pessoas burlam ao surgir no último dia do activy check... felizmente, muitas comunidades vem adotando a regra de que se cair muitas vezes no ac, vai levar unf. minha regra favorita, porque dá aquela cortada nessas pessoas, mesmo que raramente tenha visto acontecer... lembro quando comecei a jogar no tumblr, pra valer, em comunidade fora da bolha dos meus amigos e ficava acampada na central em busca da minha vaga; muitas vezes, ficava olhando os blogs pra ver se a pessoa surgia, quando piscava, faltando um curto tempo para o limite do ac, o abençoado surgia e isso ficava se repetindo. é uma bola de neve que precisa de um freio, porque é desgastante para players e moderações.
voltando para vários personagens. creio que o que foi dito no post linkado é muito bom, todo mundo começa com um char e conforme o jogo for ocorrendo, a moderação libera e o segundo, o terceiro e por aí vai. se quiser mais de um, siga as regras impostas por quem criou a central; tudo bem, tem quem burle as regras e reserve com outras contas, isso é difícil de cortar, mas colocar uma "lista de exigências" para ter um segundo personagem já vai dar uma segurada. sinto que se colocaram que para segundo char precisa ter x interações com x personagens, tempo y de atividade do jogo, ser um player presente e que se comprometa em desenvolver os dois muses, entre outras coisas, podemos ter esperança que as tags melhorem, um pouco, quase nada.
não sei qual a graça de mentir para ter segundo char, principalmente se você vai abandonar/focar em apenas um, acaba sendo sem sentido na minha cabeça; assim como aqueles que aplicam e somem do nada, sem problemas externos. você tira seu tempo para ler central, reservar, montar ficha e blog, coisas que levam tempo e imaginação, para abandonar com dois dias porque a dash não tá do jeito que você quer, porque não tá com aquele movimento bombástico (que precisamos esquecer, porque a 90% da tag tem um tempo mínimo disponível e não vai ficar em dash turnando, porque responder reply leva tempo), além de outras coisas que escutamos por aí.
para finalizar, porque dei muitas voltas. acho que todos precisam botar a mão na consciência e rever suas ações sobre ser player da tag, não se você é bom ou ruim, isso não é pauta de discussão. veja se você tem tempo para sustentar tantos personagens, se vai ter musing para turnar com todos e se precisa ir com tanta sede ao pote, reservando 2/3 logo no início. ninguém sabe como vai ser a dash e o desenrolar do jogo, ir com tanta sede ao pote com muitos personagens pode acabar atrapalhando, porque você vai ter que se ambientar com tudo. também parem de hypar promo e sumirem quando o rp surgir (se estiver com problemas, peça um hiatus ou unf, voltando quando tudo estiver melhor), como foi o caso da cidade japonesa do twitter, hyparam a pesquisa e quando a central saiu, poucas reservas e aplicações, sem contar a tl com pouquíssimo movimento.
essas coisas começam a ser cansativas para quem joga e para quem cria, porque estamos ganhando uma parcela de moderações que começam a evitar a posição por levarem hate desnecessário, cobranças absurdas por algo grátis e todos os motivos que só quem é, ou foi, mod sabe. é por isso que sugiro que pensem bem, porque pode chegar o dia que não vamos ter muitos rps abertos, tudo resultado de um "medo" de abrir alguma coisa e levar uma chuva de pedras.
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bravelyartbooking · 2 months
little known bravely default series facts
I noticed a couple of comments about the Bravely Series on Twitter last night that made me realize some folks didn't know some of what I consider common knowledge of the series (like why the ba'al theme wasn't on the Bravely Default soundtrack).
Contains spoilers for all three games. Also this got longer than I thought, thanks in advance if you make it to the end and find something you didn't know! I'm sure most of this seems obvious to long timefans.
Here is a compilation of what I know that may or may not be common knowledge to newcomers?
I had to split this into three parts because of Tumblr's character limit and I'm honestly too tired to fix the numbering so:
First part:
The version of Bravely Default that was received in the West is the second version of the original Bravely Default game, released in Japan in Dec 2013. This version, called "Bravely Default: For the Sequel" came with a massive (80ish) amount of improvements based on player feedback, such as: additional sidequests for the Asterisk Holders in later parts of the game, difficulty and encounter settings sliders, battle speed, redrawing the cities, and the Bravely Second mechanic itself.
This means some tie-ins to Bravely Second didn't exist with the first version - the Adventurer being green when you first encounter her, the end AR movie with Magnolia, the Ba'als and their theme. All this was added later.
The Japanese version does include different languages, including English, so if you can't understand Japanese you can still easily play this version of the game on a hacked or Japanese 3DS!
The first release in Oct 2012 was called "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy" and a lot of JP folks still use BDFF to refer to it.
While BDFTS and BD: Where the Fairy Flies (the Western release) are functionally identical, some changes between JP and West include but are not limited to:
Costumes were censored (such as the Vampire having a bodysuit under the belts and the Bravo Bikini)
The ages of Agnes, Tiz, Edea, Alternis and the Venus sisters was bumped up 3 years in their journal entries (or anyone whose age is written out instead of written as numerals).
Japan had merchandise that had codes for the extra costumes. The extra costumes made it into the Western version of the released game for in-game currency with the exception of Tiz's Dimensional Officer, Edea's Military Cadet, Agnes's Bravo Bunny, and Ringabel's Wakoku Warrior.
You can summon friends from Japanese versions and those costumes will be visible EXCEPT the Bravo Bunny is censored (the cut-out is covered) and Wakoku Warrior is replaced with Freelancer.
These codes expired after like 2 years.
There are 4 novels called "Pocketbook of R" (2 books) and "Pocketbook of R Second" (2 books). I'm including all the translation information I currently have.
Pocketbook of R is a first person journal from Ringabel in what is commonly dubbed "Infinity World" between the events of Bravely Default and Bravely Second.
Ellen translated the first book here (note that she did largely 'summary' translations as she hated the writing in the novel).
Bill translated most of the second book (page 70+) here. (Bill's native language is French and while I did some proofreading, there may be some clunkiness of translating from a third language into a fourth.)
Ellen started translating the third book here. This and the fourth book take place at the same time as Second, for the most part.
No solid English translations of the fourth book currently exist though I know the gist of it thanks to an older Tumblr fan who gave me the rundown. I'm sure RNT will make a video.
Second Part:
There are an additional 2 novels that are based on two of the spinoff games.
One is "Bravely Default - 200 years later" based on Praying Brage that was released in the Japanese Bravely Second collector's edition ONLY.
One is "Bravely Default Fairy's Effect - Rinne's Miracle" based on Fairy's Effect that was released as a standalone novel.
Very little information has been released about both. One day we'll have a summary/translation.
There are (currently) 4 spinoff games, all currently shut down.
Praying Brage (Nov 2012 - Apr 2017) was a browser game and was based on the premise of Edea going 200 years into the future to save Agnes. RedNovaTyrant has a great video on it here!
Bravely Archive: D's Report (Jan 2015 - Oct 2017) was a mobile game that centered around an alternate/future Luxendarc with crystal memories and a new main character who is revealed to be Deneb
It released in Australia for about 6 months in 2018
Bravely Archive Fairy's Effect (Mar 2017 - Aug 2020) was a mobile game released after Bravely Second that took place simultaneously 8000 years in the future and between the events of Bravely Default 1 and Bravely Second. There's a lot of lore for both games in FE that can be seen in various videos on the internet (such as info on the Kaiser/Glanz Empire and Agnes's transition into Pope, Ominas having a role in saving Mahzer and the newborn Edea from Eternia during Braev's coup), but Bill translated some of the remaining website summary here.
Bravely Default Brilliant Lights (Jan 2022 - Feb 2023) was a crossover mobile game in a new world that combined Luxendarc and Excillant characters and setting. It lasted 13 months and I archived as much video as I could on Youtube but as of now, first person "reports" can be found here that summarize each board of each story.
It explains why "First Born" Ba'al was a thing in Bravely Second.
An 'offline' version was released but pulled from the app stores in July 2023.
There are 2 audio dramas for the first game!
First one is called "Festival of Reunion" and a translation of all four tracks can be found here.
Second one is called something like "Bracelets of Eternity" and so far no English translation seems to exist (though I know the gist of the first track).
The Ba'al theme was released with the first audio drama.
There's a Luxendarc / Linked Horizons concert that took place in Japan in 2013, you can find video of it on Youtube and Amazon Prime Video, and they released music CDs specific to it.
Square released an X-mas Collections Music CD that has wintery remixes of some of the Bravely Default music.
There is a Bravely Default 4 volume manga that's a retelling of the first game. Red made a video about it here. You can find scans online and most of the translations were done by Ellen.
There is also a manga anthology that serves to tie together Bravely Default and Bravely Second (released around the same time as Second, if not earlier). Red also made a video about it here. Ellen scanslated the third story in the anthology, I reuploaded it here after her imgur account got nuked.
Bravely Second was changed between the JP and Western releases based on feedback from Japanese players:
Sidequests were streamlined so that players could get a "good ending" based on their decision even if they chose the opposite Asterisk after the time reset
The Black Mage/ Ranger sidequest had its endings completely rewritten, as the Japanese version ends with either Bahamut being eaten or the wounded NPC dying depending on who you sided with.
Some costumes that were DLC were added to be bought with in-game currency (same as Default)
Fort Lune was made more easily available instead of being locked behind a SE Member account (along with some other things like costumes).
Some of the writing was tweaked as there were complaints about the memey/modern references/references to other media like Dragonball.
Aimee/Hawkeye costume was changed (there was also minor censoring of other costumes, like adding a bra to Ranger for Magnolia).
The fox companion was moved to different locations instead of sitting next to the Adventurer, lessening some complaints of "mood whiplash" between tent scenes and serious story events.
Some JP preorder-exclusive weapons were excluded (as far as I can tell, some weapons were just very hard to get).
The controversial apology for Bravely Second was in regard to the large amount of negative feedback the team received from the JP fans in regard to Second (though some Western fans also had a lot of negative things to say, it was largely only because of the costume censorship to the point at least one mod was released).
Third Part:
Magnolia and Pope!Agnes had large plushie prototypes made of them that were never released.
There's an official MMD figure of Agnes from Second.
2 types of large Edea plushies were released, one with closed eyes and one with open eyes.
Only 200 of the open-eyed Edeas were made/released but now there apparently there's only 199 in existence because I tried to buy one and the seller told me she was damaged in by a wild animal getting into the warehouse, rip Edea...
Large plushies were released of Edea, Ringabel, Agnes, and Tiz based on their Default appearance. Tiz's plush had an unfortunate hair style in the prototype that they changed in the final version. Images of this bowl cut have been lost forever.
Gloria got a smaller plushie that's in the JP SE Store.
A set of even smaller Default 1 cast plushies, among other things, are in the 10th anniversary set.
The European Collector's Edition of Bravely Default Where the Fairy Flies included this unfortunate figure of Agnes.
The Bravely Second artbook has three versions:
Original Japanese version, scans of it exist online
Bravely Second (Western) collectors edition version, which removed several images - sketches/concept art of Agnes tied up in the ribbon and a couple of images of Geist as well. This version had translated captions but any text on the images was not translated.
The fully English translated version which also restores the images removed from the CE.
Sales data has indicated that the Bravely Series reached 3 mil in Nov 2021. No word on 4 mil or 5 mil, but maybe we'll find out this year?
Bravely Default 1 (all versions) hit 1 million in July 2014 (21 months from initial BDFF release)
Bravely Second (all versions) hit 700k in April 2017 (2 years from BSEL release)
Bravely Default II (all versions) hit 1 mil in Dec 2021 (10 months from BDII release)
So much JP only merch was released through the years, especially in the years before Second.
Some through the SE Cafe collab with BDII
Some through Artnia (here's Default and Second's collabs)
10th anniversary stores with Hakabanogarou in person and online (now closed)
10th anniversary collab with Super Groupies for watches, Agnes's pendant, a stole with Airy's pendant.
Stuff on the SE JP store
Limited edition rubber stamp sets for Default and Second
Linked Horizon branded BD merch was released with the concert like pins.
Magnolia figure.
Official D's Journal
The messaging Line app released Bravely Default/Bravely Second stickers drawn by a fanartist made official artist named Satokivi! I think they were like 3 dollars per set.
She also drew the mini series of 4koma called "Praying for Miko" for Praying Brage
Physical versions of these stickers are on the JP SE Store.
There's a vinyl record
Pop-up Parade figurines of the main four were released in 2023 for the 10th anniversary of Bravely Default.
Bravely Default II had two demos, the first one specifically made difficult to get feedback from the fans. They implemented some feedback to change the final version of the game (but not everything). This was the first time they have asked for feedback from the West instead of just Japan.
Team Asano has released Lunar New Year art every year except 2016 with Bravely characters and the zodiac animal
They do Christmas cards every year, and it seems that this year they included a special card for a special fan with an extra character in the dragon art. If you know you know.
The woman on the cover of Bravely Default II isn't Gloria.
I'm sure there's a lot more I'm forgetting, and this isn't even including the Bravely Default original concepts that were revealed in a booklet in the 10th anniversary exhibitions.
If you made it to the end, I applaud you, and I hope there was at least one or two things you didn't know!
Also one day I'll finish the video on the English fan survey.
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tsumoren · 1 year
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SUMMARY. enstars characters as a selection of romance quotes that make me want to crush them in my hands
FEATURING. rinne amagi, keito hasumi, tatsumi kazehaya, natsume sakasaki
NOTES. reader is gender neutral, no warnings just pure unfiltered fluff, idiots in love, not proofread
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rinne amagi
“it's not that i can't live without you; it's that i don't want to. there's a difference. we all make choices in life and i choose you. my heart belongs to you. and i'm not asking for it back, even if you don't want it anymore.” — the perfect game; j. sterling
rinne falls in love like the first drop of a roller coaster. it's nothing new, he knows how it starts and how it ends—and he swears it's going to be different this time. he isn't going to scream and yell when the rush takes over and he definitely isn't going to seriously fall in love with you. but the rails click with anticipation, and rinne amagi, who is usually so buoyant and a thorn in everyone's side, is unusually quiet. he reaches the very top, and everything else feels so small. the food cart the two of you were just at, the minigame he won just for you so you could take that big ugly bear home, the gift shop that you begged to visit at least once before you left. everything falls into place, and when he turns to look at you and your big annoying smile, asking words he can't quite make out, the ride tips over the edge—and rinne amagi's voice is lost to the wind.
keito hasumi
“i will want you with every single ounce of my being during every single second of every single day for the rest of our lives. no amount of scars will stop me from loving you, from worshipping you with every moment we have together. you are it for me.” — when it raynes; montana fyre
keito falls in loves like free falling from a plane. he's perfectly guarded and protected around all sides—heart packed tightly in the safest corner of his chest, ready for everything and anything thrown his way. it's the only time he isn't in control, and he can't work his way out of this one. the time is only perfect once he catches sight of you below, and keito finally takes a leap of faith, shutting his eyes tight and diving down head first. the wind rushes past him furiously—adrenaline rushes through his veins and his heart is still beating straight out of his chest even when he lands right into your arms. his pupils are blown wide, hair tussled from the wind, glasses long gone from the fall—but you smile at him so warmly that keito thinks he might dive right into your arms right again.
tatsumi kazehaya
“what are you smiling about?” / “just admiring the view.” / “you were staring at me.” / “like i said, admiring the view.” — real players never lose; micalea smeltzer
tatsumi falls in love like quiet nights in front of a fireplace. there isn't anything else except him, you, and the burning of the distant firewood. you glow brilliantly in the golden light, and tatsumi realizes that he would do nothing but stay with you like this forever and he would be happy. the way you shuffle quietly under the large blanket, lost to sleep long ago. behind him, the world falls into a steady pulse, a silent lull that fades into the background as he flickers to life—similar to the flames in front of him. he draws mindless circles on the back of your hand whilst you sleep and wonders just what and when things changed. on what day, on what occasion? but tatsumi doesn't mind, not when your eyes are closed so peacefully—he could stay with you like this forever, after all.
natsume sakasaki
“loving you is as natural to me as breathing. you came into my life and wormed your way into my heart. i knew the first time i saw you that there was no one like you on this planet. no one else for me.” — academically yours; jennifer chipman
natsume falls in love like pancakes over breakfast. it's soft, warm, uplifting, and it feels like he has lived this domesticity with you all his life. because he knew from the first time he set sight on you that you were the one—with your messed up tie and mismatched socks, rushing through the halls with papers flying all around. he feels like the center of a cliche movie, a silly and laughable child's tale. but you are there in every vision he sees. with you, every moment is a state of wonderful bliss—featherlight touches, playful teasing, kisses that never seem to last long enough. natsume doesn't care, he knows you have all the time in the world together. and if fate would not allow it, then he would just have to curse everyone altogether until it did.
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leopauldelr · 3 months
The beginner's guide to the Pretty Series
With the recent announcement of the new Pretty Series installment titled Himitsu no AiPri, it's about time the Pretty Series returned after over a year since the Waccha PriMagi! series finale. In celebration of the newest installment, let's take a quick history lesson about the Pretty series.
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The Pretty Rhythm Saga (2010-2014) - The Pretty Series saga began on July 15, 2010 with the arcade game titled Pretty Rhythm Mini Skirt. Made by Takara Tomy and developer SynSophia, this arcade game pits players in the role of Prism Stars, performing Prism Jumps, and collecting Prism Stones.
While the one that started it all made a slow start, the folks from Takara Tomy wanted to do more with the Pretty Rhythm saga, and with that, a TV anime titled Pretty Rhythm Aurora Dream was made. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 9, 2011, for 51 episodes, this anime is the fruit of Japan-Korea collaboration thanks to Japan's Tatsunoko Production and South Korea's Dong Woo Animation. The TV anime is all about Aira, Rizumu, and Mion in their quest to take on the prestigious Prism Queen Cup.
As Aira Harune's journey to become Prism Queen is completed, Mia Ageha takes the baton as the star of the next Pretty Rhythm story; Dear My Future. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 7, 2012, for 51 episodes, Dear My Future centers on the rivalry between Prizmmy☆ and the K-Pop group PURETTY. Believe it or not, there are real-life versions of the groups as seen in the anime. There's even a live-action segment featuring Prizmmy☆ as well.
As Mia Ageha's road to Grateful Symphonia is well and truly over, Naru Ayase steps to the spotlight in the third and final chapter of the Pretty Rhythm saga, titled Rainbow Live. Aired in TV Tokyo on April 6, 2013, it features an original storyline unlike the previous two. It's about Naru, An, and Ito, who are working together at the Prism Stone Shop while trying to take good care of a mysterious girl named Rinne.
Although the Pretty Rhythm saga ended, the story continues with the KING OF PRISM spinoff films featuring male characters from the Pretty Rhythm saga. They even got a 2019 anime show as well showcasing the rise of the boys who would be Septentrion.
The PriPara saga (2014-2018, 2021~) After the end of the Pretty Rhythm saga,  the folks of Takara Tomy prepped up what it seems to be the second generation of the Pretty series. It's called PriPara and it aired on TV Tokyo in the Summer of 2014 and lasted for three seasons, four if you count Idol Time PriPara of course. This anime series centers on the life and times of Laala Manaka, a little girl who wants to be the best PriPara idol. Together with Mirei Minami and Sophy Hojo, they became SoLaMi Smile and they fought their way against the best idol teams of PriPara, especially Dressing Pafe consisting of Dorothy, Reona, and Sion, Tricolore, and Gaarmageddon, among many others. PriPara is a huge win for the people behind it and such success prompted the show to spawn four movies and outrageous merchandising rights.
In the spring of 2017, the next chapter of PriPara begins with three new main characters penning the final pages of this saga. Titled Idol Time PriPara, it's all about Yui Yumekawa, whose fateful encounter with Laala Manaka changed everything following an accident. With Nino Nijiiro and Michiru Kouda joining alongside, the MY☆DREAM trio made the best closure to this saga.
Although the PriPara TV series is finished, the story continues with Idol Land PriPara.��First announced in December 2020, it was originally slated to be released in the spring of 2021 until it became subject to long gestation and delayed launch dates. It was released on August 17, 2023. It is the second official PriPara app game after the defunct PriPuz puzzle app game. This app game also features an original anime series set moments after the events of Idol Time PriPara. It introduces new characters such as Amari Katasumi, Mario, and Pololo, among others.
The Kiratto PriChan years (2018-2021) - Aired in TV Tokyo since April 2018 for three seasons, Kiratto PriChan is set in a world where fame comes from social media just like in the real world. It's about a group of girls who called themselves the Miracle☆Kiratts who are striving to become the best PriChan idols above the rest. For three seasons, we watched Miracle Kiratts taking on big challenges such as heated competition with rival teams such as Meltic StAr and Ring Marry, the jewel idol competition, saving the world, the road to the Queens Grand Prix, and saving the world...again, while they do what they do best; showcasing the world that they're the best PriChan sensations ever known.
PriMagi (2021-2022) - Waccha PriMagi! is the fourth installment of the Pretty Series that revolves around the lives of Primagistas striving to become the best of the best. The show is about Matsuri Hibino, a middle-schooler who dreams of being the best just like her idol, the legendary Jennifer Sumire Sol.
AiPri - After over a year of void, the Pretty Series has returned with the newest installment coming to TV Tokyo this April 2024. Titled Himitsu no AiPri, the new series stars Minori Fujidera as Himari Aozora and Sae Hiratsuka as Mitsuki Hoshikawa. For the first time in Pretty Series, the animation sequences were provided by OLM, the studio behind the Pokemon and Yo-Kai Watch anime series, while South Korea's Dongwoo A&E returned to cooperate for it.
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Welcome back, Pretty Series! The world can't wait for the franchise's comeback show this April.
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bagopucks · 1 year
Out Of Place - Marner
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Trigger Warning(s): talk of suicide, smoking, underage drinking, angst, bullying, fighting, heartbreak, manipulation, loss, and action.
Pairing: Mitch Marner x Fem!Gretzky!Oc
Official name: Maeve Gretzky, credits to
@jorjie-nhl for the name!
Summary: He was supposed to graduate a football player, but the plan changed, and now he’s a struggling athlete on a hockey team that can’t stand him. Back at square one for the first time in six years. Lost, but eventually found.
She’s a stable athlete who has a full ride to a D1 college. She has friends and he isn’t one of them. That is, until she shoulders how much of a pain he is, and decides to help teach him to play. Then all of a sudden, he doesn’t seem so bad. Satisfied, but inevitably yearning.
“You all keep cryin about how he’s a football player! I don’t give a shit! I’m over it! He plays hockey now. He is your brother now!”
“Why’d you quit?”
“I couldn’t do it any more. My mom pulled me out.”
“I heard he made that kid kill himself…”
“Mitch. He wants you back.”
���What? No.”
“He said he won’t let it go until you talk.”
“Let’s go for a run!”
“A run, Marner? In the woods? With my good shoes on?”
“What? Afraid you can’t keep up, Gretz?”
“He’ll learn.”
“Oh dude.. look at this kid. You new here or what? You can’t skate with the peewee team.”
“Oh boy.. after the wipeout he just took, these kids might skate circles around him.”
Freshman are irrelevant to this story.
The Team
Jack Hughes
Akira Schmid, JV goalie
Trevor Zegras
Cole Caufield
Jamie Drysdale
Brady Tkachuk
Mitch Marner
Matthew Tkachuk
Nico Hischier
Cale Makar
Jeremy Swayman, third string goalie
Quinn Hughes
Leon Draisaitl
Connor McDavid, alternate
Andrei Vasilevskiy, second string goalie
David Pastrnak
Kasperi Kapanen
Matt Murray, vet goalie
Jacob Trouba, captain
Nathan MacKinnon, alternate
Hampus Lindholm
Matt Dumba
Darnell Nurse
The Coaching Staff
Wayne Gretzky, head coach
Mike Sullivan, assistant coach
Lindy Ruff, shift/power play coach
Pekka Rinne, goalie coach
The Supporting Cast
Auston Matthews, junior!football QB
Jordan Binnington, suspended junior goalie
Various other NHL players
Mario Lemieux, president of the hockey club
Gary Bettman, school sports director
Two comedic peewee coaches
Along with a few more surprises
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yandere-daze · 1 year
This isn’t a req by any means, but I had an idea for the enstars self aware au and I thiiink no one brought something like it up yet? I looked at the masterlist to make sure, but you can ignore if someone did mention something similar!
So this idea assumes that the player isekaied in the enstars world as an idol and the characters realized that already. You know how you mentioned that the card pictures were like actual pictures taken from photoshoots with the idols? What if there’s something like an in-universe version of the cards (maybe as posters or actual trading cards) and when the player became an idol, they started doing their own photoshoots and have their own cards? Everyone would go absolutely crazy trying to collect all the cards (or at least the ones that they like)! Tori’s throwing a tantrum because he wasn’t able to get a royalty-themed card that Tsukasa managed to get. Kohaku (and maybe HiMERU)’s trying to murder Rinne because he won’t stop bragging about getting a casino-inspired card (like you dressed up as a card-dealer). Mika’s ascending to heaven because he managed to get a clockwork doll-themed card.
Meanwhile, you’re just there watching all of this chaos unfold in a pile of cards that the idols gave you of them. They may not have been able to come home to you with those cards while you were playing the game, but at least now they can give you the cards you didn’t get of them in person!
Yes you´re right, I don´t think anyone else brought up an idea like this before and it´s actually pretty funny to think about jnfdlnf
Like you´re just trying to live your life and do your job as an idol and you can´t help but sigh whenever one of the idols runs up to you with one of your cards and asks you to sign it for them. They act like obsessed fans when they´re supposed to be the idols you enjoyed listening to for so long😭
The rich kids definitely have an advantage when it comes to getting your cards, I bet Tsukasa just sits at his pc in the dead of night, waiting for the sales to start and then immediately buys out the entire stock nfsnf
And everyone else is soooo upset with him because he keeps them all to himself and no one else is able to buy them if he gets all of them
But if you wore an outfit that fit their own aesthetic? They´re ascending. Oh, you must have worn that just for them, right? That must mean you love them more than anyone else!
Yes, they´re delusional like that lmao
And right? Prepared to have your entire room flowing over with pictures because the idols keep dropping off their cards at your place. They´d love to have a part of them with you at all times. Aren´t they just so romantic? <3
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tomedonaki-hakujou · 8 months
Kamitsubaki City Under Construction: "Ensemble" and "Regenerate" (and "Regenerate Virtual Reality") are coming soon -- and will be in English!!! (AKA: my "PLEASE PLAY KAMICITY" shill post)
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What is Kamitsubaki City and Virtual Witch Phenomenon?
A thread for newcomers to Kamitsubaki, in light of the 3 new games upcoming! This is the oversea's first look at Kamitsubaki's stories and creative worlds. (Slightly edited mirror of my thread on Twitter!!)
Kamitsubaki Studio is a Japanese creative music group. They're most known for their music group Virtual Witch Phenomenon -- comprising of their 5 main virtual singer talents: Kaf, Rim, Harusaruhi, Isekaijoucho, and Koko.
Kamitsubaki City Under Construction (henceforth referred to as simply KamiCity) is a series of games that tells the story of a mysterious city in the virtual world that constantly self-destructs and reforms. The members of VWP are characters in KamiCity, and have different names.
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ALSO SUBSCRIBE TO VWP!!!! and the individual members too!! They all have such unique and stunning voices, and such beautiful songs too!!! They each have their own style that's drawn their own individual fanbases but they unite so beautifully and melodiously as VWP...
Kaf - Morisaki Kafu
Rim - Tanioki Rime
Harusaruhi - Asanushi Haru
Isekaijoucho - Yorukawa Sekai
Koko - Rinne Koko
The five girls were brought to KamiCity from the real world into the virtual world, as the mystical "witches" who could sing to save them from the apocalypse.
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KamiCity as a game series started with KamiCity Emergence, a limited-run mobile game in 2021 in which players solved word puzzles known as "Q's." And then KamiCity Narrative released earlier this year (2023), a VN/TTRPG-style game. Both are Japanese exclusive, though.
KamiCity Ensemble, Regenerate, and Regenerate Virtual Reality are the three new games here.
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KamiCity Ensemble is a rhythm game for mobile and Steam. The key visual focuses on the Isotope versions of VWP -- you may know the CeVIO Kafu as one of them.
The isotopes/CeVIOs (now SynthV and VOICEPEAK too) are Kafu, Sekai, Rime, Coko, and Haru. Before now, the Isotopes have had very few involvement or connection with KamiCity, with only Kafu appearing in the "Emergence" soundtrack (NOT the story.) What their connection is to the Witches and KamiCity in-lore is still unknown, which is super interesting!
KamiCity Regenerate is a visual novel for Steam and Switch, seeming to focus on the story of KamiCity in full detail.
In Emergence and Narrative, the story was only in bits and pieces. Regenerate (and Ensemble) is also a huge deal because they're in English too!
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The VR version seems to be roughly the same, although having exclusive 3D visuals. It's also undetermined at this point what platform it will be on.
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Kamitsubaki Studio has repeatedly blown me away by their music and intrigued me by their world of KamiCity (which is also featured in their music videos) so I'm so excited to see it in full!! PLAY KAMICITY PLEAAAASEEEE!!!!!!!!! and listen to their music/watch the music videos IT'S SO GOOD!!!!!
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neptunite-stars · 11 months
ok im gonna post the changed positions for the enstars hq au here! colorcoded this time for convenience oh and ive got their numbers too
key: wing spiker, middle blocker, right wing (spiker), setter, libero, defense (specialist), serving (specialist)
STARPRO managers: eichi, tori
wataru - wing spiker (ace!)
yuzuru - libero
chiaki - setter
kanata - defense
tatsumi - defense
shinobu - wing spiker
midori - middle blocker
hiiro - serving
tetora - right wing
hokuto - middle blocker
subaru - wing spiker
mao - setter
mayoi - right wing
makoto - middle blocker
aira - wing spiker
i think that with so many players, they definitely can have full games for practices! they probably don't do that often, though
COSPRO managers: hinata, yuta
shu - setter
himeru - wing spiker
nagisa - middle blocker
rinne - middle blocker
kohaku - right wing
jun - setter
ibara - libero
hiyori - wing spiker
mika - wing spiker
niki - serving
i dunno who should be the ace anymore... i had nagisa down as the ace in my notes but idk anymore.... himeru sounds better suited rn. anyway i still havent decided!
still havent an idea for rhythlin or newdi... still working on it! ok thats all
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