#1)supplied with orphans to slaughter/train
how does di fortress interact with the local economy and what the fuck do their logistics even look like, and other incredibly normal questions to be asking here at 3pm on a work day
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talas-starlight · 4 years
Scarred Spirit - Zuko x fem! reader (pt.3)
SUMMARY: this takes place around the end of book 1 - but uhhhh I deadass don’t know how to give a summary for this without giving anything away soooo enjoy!
WARNINGS: mentions of death and suicide. Scars. Swearing. Non- sexual nudity. Nightmares. Panic attack ish.  mention of torture.
KEY: italics = internal thoughts & *** = flashback
OTHER PARTS:  pt1   /   pt2 /  pt4   /   pt5   /   pt6
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You’d been walking in the back streets of the capital with your face turned to the sun for the past two hours. The black mask shielding the bottom half of your face hid the sigh that left your lips as you finally approached the palace.
Fucking finally.
Even though you were a Fire bender, it didn’t make it any less annoying as the sun blistered down of the completely black outfit you were wearing. It covered every piece of your skin from your neck, down to your feet. Even your scarred fingertips were hidden from the world.
As you neared the gates, they immediately began to open, inviting you in with open arms. This made you one of the few people, apart from the royal family, that didn’t need to prove their identity to get in. All the guards knew who you were and what you did for the Fire Lord, promoting you from being a prisoner to one of the most well looked after people in the entire Nation. Technically, they were never instructed to provide you with immediate access. Yet, as rumours spread throughout the palaces’ echoing halls, their fear of you doing what you did to all those people when out on missions, seemed to override those basic routines.
Normally you’d scoff at how silly it all was, the fact that they feared a 16-year-old girl almost made you feel sorry for them. As guards of the Nation they should stand with pride and confidence. You suppose that’s what happens when even though they don’t see it, they have nothing to be prideful about considering who their current ruler is. Regardless, today you appreciated their diligence, storming through the gates, and making your way straight to the throne room. You didn’t even give anyone an initial glance. You were pissed. This had been the fourth mission in a row where you were sent to take out some random high position person from some other nation. All this travelling back and forth began to get on your nerves.
Maybe it was from the heightened stress of the most recent task. This one, in particular, set you off because of the minimal information you had to take them out. All you were provided with was that they were from the Water Tribe, and had been at sea in a fleet for multiple years, taking down Fire Nation units.
Gee thanks! Give me a few weeks, and I’ll track down this mysterious person you don’t even know the name of and be on my way! Hmmm, now my first plan of action will be to flip a gold piece to decide if I should swim to the Northern or the Southern tribe to gather intel! Just you wait Ozai. I’ll take that stupid, pathetic, floppy thing you call a beard and drag you into the fire in front of your throne you piece of-
Abruptly cutting off your internal rant, you walked past the guards who immediately opened the doors to the throne room as they saw you approaching; noticing the long braid down your back alit in your raged fire. Reaching the middle of the throne room you didn’t even bother to bow, throwing a Water Tribe necklace splattered in blood to the ground. “It’s done.”
The guard closest to you hastily picked it up and climbed the stairs to hand it to Ozai for an inspection. Eyeing the tribal necklace in the guards’ hand, he made no move to take it away from him physically. Ironic how he has slaughtered so many yet refuses to get real blood on his hands.
“Prove yourself.”
You instantly provided him with the report you memorised on how you conducted the mission with details on an weekly basis. This ensured you actually went through with the assassination- you suggested that you could bring back their head two years ago, but apparently that was too gruesome to be in the presence of the great Fire Lord. There were no pauses or stutters as you rehearsed it on your journey back to the capital.
“Present the details of the savage.”
You held back a sigh, this was always your least favourite part. “The person you sent out for went by the name of Hakoda. He was of the Southern Water Tribe and Chief to one of its smaller villages. During my time undercover in the tribe, I acquired knowledge that his wife was disposed of under the assumption that she was the last Waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe and had two children. It is also to my knowledge that his children are currently travelling with the Avatar. Through making connections with the villagers, I set out to sea in search for him and managed to gain access and trust upon the main ship when they were docked in an isolated part of the Earth Kingdom for supplies. I went under an alias of a homeless non-bending orphan from the Northern Water Tribe wanting revenge on the Fire Nation for slaughtering my parents. When it came time to dispose of him, I did so in the middle of the night after faking a nightmare, seeking him out as a father figure for comfort. I used his own weapon against him as he held me, speaking words of comfort, expressing that I was safe and how I was like a daughter to him. A daughter who would have been a great older sister to his children. During this moment of emotional weakness for him, I assassinated him before he could have even registered that I would have been an awful sister. Leaving before dawn, I made the scene look like a suicide with a letter expressing in detail how being away from his children was too much to bear.”
Ozai looked up from the necklace, satisfied with the briefing. “Hmmm, well-done y/n. Tell me, what do you know of his children?”
“Nothing of great importance other than knowledge of them travelling with the Avatar.”
“Very well, you may have a day’s rest and will be informed of your next task tomorrow evening. Your payment for your services is already in your quarters.”
You bowed knowing you were lucky he let it slide when you walked in. “Thank you, my Fire Lord.”
Exiting the throne room, you made your way to your living quarters, looking forward to the sensation of washed hair, clean clothes, and your bed.
When you finally made it back to your room, you let out a sigh of relief immediately ripping off your mask. As the years went by, nothing seemed to get easier, and nothing seemed to stop. You cherished the moments of silence, the brief period of time where the universe aligned in such a way that you were able to pretend this wasn’t your life. One mission after another, constantly lying to do what needed to be done, amid all the alias’ you made up, you wondered which one really demonstrated who you were as a person. The idea of having to settle with the Fire Lord’s personal assassin didn’t necessarily make you giddy with pride.
You made your way to the bathtub that awaited you in the adjoining room, peeling off the once breathable fabric, off your body as you went. The tub was already full as the servants went to prepare it when they heard the word of your return. You finally unravelled the braid holding your hair together, yet another symbol of the job you committed yourself to. On the first day of training, you were told that if you were caught, your affiliation with the Fire Nation should be buried with you.  
Your skin shuddered as you entered the chilled water, easing your mind that warm water would never satisfy in this Nation’s climate. You leant back with a small wince as your scarred back made contact with the tub. Growing up, it wasn’t uncommon for other assassins to have some form of physical scarring whether that be from training, a mission gone wrong, or punishment from their supervisor. In some unusual way, you were never insecure about it, only annoyed that you had to sleep in odd positions because of the sensitivity.
You began to drift, succumbing to the cool, soothing water around you. Between the stress of returning to the capital, and the stress that awaited you on your next task, you allowed yourself to let go. Free yourself of any thoughts. In your current state, you weren’t scarred. You weren’t trapped in what seemed like a never-ending cycle of duty. You weren’t anyone to anything.
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As the moon began to shine through the windows into the bathroom, you woke up with a start, water splashing onto the tiles around you, your heart racing and sweat soaking the unsubmerged parts of your body. Running your hand through your hair, you fought the urge to let out an overwhelmed sob. Nightmares were a common occurrence for you, but this one settled under your skin like a scratch you would never be able to itch.
Air seemed to close in on your lungs, no matter how much you tried to calm yourself down, all you could focus on was the fact you couldn’t breathe. Hastily fumbling, and tripping as you got out of the tub, you forced yourself to reach for the first clean robe you could get your hands on. As your thoughts mixed into on jumbled heap, you desperately tried to get it together.
He believed you.
They all did, you knew it in the way that the guards struggled to hide back their expressions of discomfort as you described how you oh so easily manipulated a grown man, warrior, and chief, only to kill him.
It was a lie. All of it. Yet why did I dream of them finding out now?
You’ve never assassinated anyone since that general three years ago, and you most certainly never killed Hakoda. From the very moment you accepted the offer, you knew you’d never go through with the commissions. During the brief period when you trained and got back onto a healthy diet was when you mentally formulated how you would conduct each “killing”. It was simple, you’d carry out the mission as you normally would, but in the time you were supposed to spend working out how to dispose of them, you helped them create a new life for themselves. You didn’t bother trying to shield the truth from them, knew the Fire Lord wanted them dead. While it sent them into a panic, in the long run, it made everything a whole lot easier. They could never go by who they once were, and needed to move far, far, away from wherever they lived. The lives they once knew erased, cutting off all ties.
Idiot. Why did I have to make an exception now?
Instantly dismissing the question that wriggled its way into your head, you began to journey to the kitchens in desperate need for a distraction. You knew why you made the exception.
Three weeks ago, when you were on the ship with Hakoda, you did actually have a nightmare, prompting you to go out onto the deck to clear your mind. The air was crisp, eliciting goosebumps across your skin. Quickly letting out a breath of fire, you began to regulate your body temperature as you noticed Hakoda already looking out to the never-ending expanse of the ocean. As an experienced warrior, he heard you approach.
“Y/n? The moon has been out for a long time now, you should be asleep.”
Sighing, you stood next to him, joining him in looking out to the sea. “Nightmares.”
He nodded in understanding. “Do you want to talk about it?”
There was no fear in your voice as you recounted the altered memories of your torture, he already knew who you were, where you were from… what you did. All things considered; he took everything pretty well, barely holding it against you. To him, you were just a kid who was sucked into this life, making the best with what you had.
Finishing your poor recount of the nightmare, you turned to face him. “I have to go back soon. I’ve been pushing it by staying for an extra month. We need to make a plan for you to leave. You need to start a new life.”
He knew this conversation was coming ever since he managed to persuade you to help them out for a while. After all, he seemed to look straight past the wall you put up to know that you wanted Ozai’s reign to end. Despite respecting your boundaries, when you took off your mask in front everyone on board, the scar on your neck that travelled beneath your long sleeve shirt as it encompassed your hand, was enough to know that you suffered just like everyone else.
“Y/n, you know I can’t do that. My children, Sokka and Katara, they’re travelling with the Avatar right now, and I haven’t seen them since they were young. I can’t just leave and have you fake my death like that, Bato told me how much hope that knowing I’m alive brings to them! If I go and word gets out that you ‘assassinated’ me… it will crush them. Their close relationship with the worlds only hope is too much of a risk. I need them to be strong. The world needs them to be strong. I’m sorry y/n, but I can’t.”
You stared at him processing his words. Ultimately you knew he was right, but you couldn’t go back after such a long time just to say you failed. The Fire Lord would destroy you. “I understand where you are coming from. I do, but you can’t seriously expect me to go back with nothing! What do you expect me to do?! Oh, sorry Fire Brain I couldn’t kill him because something suddenly possessed me to feel bad about how his children might feel! Don’t worry, though, I didn’t care every other time I knew about other targets’ children! Unless you have some genius plan, I’m sorry, but Sokka and Katara are just going to have to suck it up. Let’s be realistic, yes, this MAY damage them and their duty to support the Avatar, but at least you can go back to them when this war is over!”
He ran his hand over his face, clearly trying to stay calm and collected. “I know, y/n. That’s why I’ve been up all night making a plan, but you’re not going to like it.”
You crossed your arms, scoffing at him. “The fact you’re suggesting something other than what I have ALREADY planned makes me not like it… but let’s hear it.”
He attempted to start with the parts of the plan he knew you’d agree on, which didn’t last long. “Well, we can incorporate some of your plans into it, that being we fake my death taking by tribal necklace back to the Fire Nation splattered in the animal’s blood. Yet everything else? We’re scrapping it.”
Biting on your tongue, you fought the urge to scream at how stupid this was sounding.
Relieved you didn’t bite back, he continued. “I’ll stay with the crew and then-“
That was enough for you to lose control. “Okay, I’m sorry did you just say you want to stay with the crew?! I am supposed to be taking out the LEADER OF THIS FLEET! If you stay with them and continue to attack vulnerable units, they will know, and they’ll have my head!”
“I know y/n! Which is why, when you’re gone, Batu will temporarily take over as captain until further notice. I, on the other hand, will only help plan the attacks stay in the background until it’s safe. Now, as for my kids, we’ll send them a letter letting them know I’m safe and hopefully a location so I can reunite with them.”
“But what if-“
“The letter gets intercepted? It’s just going to have to be a small risk.”
Taking a deep breath, he tried to bring the conversation to a less hostile level. “More often than not, there is no perfect plan. You should know that, by faking all of your assassinations since working for the Fire Lord. Which might I add, is the biggest risk you could possibly take. It will all work out in the end; trust me. But, this is your playing field, if you truly think me disappearing is the only way, then we can go ahead with the original plan.”
Sucking in a breath, you stared at Hakoda as if he grew two heads.
Did he just give me an option?
“W-what do you mean what I think?! You literally just said that you CAN’T leave your children! You gave me an alternative plan, and now you’re saying that if I disagree you’ll do as I say? That doesn’t make any sense.”
He let out a laugh, amused by your concerns. “Y/n, you have been trained in this area and executing the fake assassinations all on your own for over two years. No one knows the ins and outs of how the Fire Nation plans things like you do. If you think my plan is severely flawed and both of us are bound to get caught, I will trust your judgement in which is the best to conduct. Yes, I said that we should be thinking of my kids and the Avatar, his destiny is bigger than any of this, but everyone should be allowed to choose what they want to do, I am just allowing you to expand your options.”
With a final breath, he truly looked at you with sincerity, “I trust you y/n.”
It all seemed too much. All your life it felt like there was only one obvious pathway; do what it takes to survive. Everything he said was right, and it dawned on you that for once the decision you were about to make had two genuinely good choices. Hakoda gifted you with that privilege. Either way, you would save his life and yours. Yet you knew that the new pathway presented to you would lead you something bigger, just like he said. You couldn’t take one of the few good things away from his kids.
Overcome with emotion, you hugged him. “Thank you. We’ll do it. You need to stay.”
He hugged you back as you began to cry.
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After spending the remainder of the night stuffing your face in the kitchens, you didn’t go back to sleep and started to train with whoever was willing until it was time to hear of your next target. By no means were you looking forward to it, but you were ready to distance yourself from the last mission as it regularly filled your mind.
I wonder if he actually put Bato in charge and stood down? Stop thinking about it y/n. It doesn’t matter anymore; you’ll never have to see him again.
As the sun started to disappear into the Fire Nations skyline, you headed for the throne room knowing you shouldn’t keep Ozai waiting.
I can’t wait to see the show he has prepared for me. I wonder how dark he tried to make the lighting this time. Ooo! Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll get 20-foot flames! Then I won’t have to see his ugly beard.
Entering the room and bowing before him, you fought back a snicker as it truly felt like the room seemed darker than usual.
“Y/n, you have come a long way from being a traitor and prisoner to the Nation to one of the most valuable assets. Your next task will be the ultimate test of your loyalty to me. I have trusted and sent my daughter Azula on a mission to bring back my traitor of a brother, and my failure of a son.”
Your heart skipped a beat. Azula was no stranger to riling you up whenever you crossed paths over her brother, and you were well aware of the encounters he had with the Avatar. But not once were you brought into the dysfunctions of their family. Now all of a sudden you were formally addressed by Ozai who was mentioning these events to you? It made you hyper-aware of the scars that stretched along your left side. The only personal connection you had with Zuko.
“While she undoubtedly has my complete trust, and I do not doubt her abilities, she lacks experience. Azula does not have the knowledge of the world, and fighting styles from the other nations like you do. For that, I am entrusting you to take care of the collateral damage. If things are to go wrong, if she is faced with a circumstance hindering her ability to do her task, it is your job to finish it. Even if that means harm must come to her, the mission is the utmost priority. Should you fail, do not underestimate the consequences you’ll face if you ever step back into the Nation.”
In your best attempt to keep your composure, you replied in a cool but firm tone. “Of course, my Fire Lord.”
“Good. You leave at dawn and do not return until my daughter succeeds.”
Bowing in acknowledgement, you began to leave. But you quickly halt your movements as you hear his voice again.
“One last thing y/n. Azula is not to know that you are tracking her at any stage during her mission. You are to distance yourself, only intervening when there is no other option.”
You bow for the last time. “You have my word.”
Making your way to prepare supplies for your journey, you fight the urge to curse out the entire royal family throughout the halls.
Babysitting duty. I was tortured for eight fucking months. Trained to boredom by Zemin’s brother, Piandao, for one month, and some knock-off fire bending master for a week because he didn’t know how to control me, and went gallivanting across the nations to fake assassinations. Not only that but also assist them in making new lives for themselves, FOR BABYSITTING DUTY! ALL BECAUSE HIS SPOILED, SOCIOPATHIC DAUGHTER WITH AN SUPERIORITY COMPLEX ISN’T EXPERIENCED ENOUGH?!
In your silent rage, you make it back to your room trying to reason with yourself that you shouldn’t kill Azula the second you both cross the Fire Nation boarders.
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A/N: so…. Did I have y’all in the first half? LMAO AHAHHA.
Also I really thought I was going to have the gaang in this one #fool (oopsies) I really didn’t think the hakoda portion would consume so much of the chapter :/ BUT!! They’re definitely in the next one
Thanks for reading though! On the bright side I’m (finally) on my mid-semester break!!! Woohoo! I’m so excited to wrap up this semester wowies (uni has been kicking my butt),, but this does mean I’ll have more time to write so you guys might get a chapter earlier than normal 😊 Anyway, as normal feel free to message me or leave a comment!
@slythergirlimagines​​ @mangoberry43​​ @eridanuswave​​ @whiskeywinter89​
@kaylove12​​ @simplyfandomish​​ @khaleesi-of-assassins​ @callums-keith​
@ilovespideyyy​ @calciumcow​ @blackhood5sos​
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She’s gotta be a sword for hire, right?
Two options for backstory:
1) If we’re going by actual Medieval rules, she wouldn’t have been properly trained as a knight.  She was a orphan and brought into the castle at a young age to work as a maid.  She became friends with Obi Wan when they were children and he was just a squire.  She wanted to be a squire as well, but everyone told her she couldn’t due to her gender.  All the same, late at night she’d train with the practice swords and any other weapon she could get her hands on.
One day when she was just thirteen, the royal party went to visit one of the other castles.  Jayna came with them as a servant when they were attacked by bandits.  Jayna fled into the woods, knowing there was not much she could do. The knights were able to fight the bandits off, but nobody could find Jayna.  Instead of looking for her, they presumed her dead and moved on. 
Jayan however, was very much not dead and very, very lost.  She wandered the woods until she stumbled upon a camp.  A camp of the very same bandits that attacked them.  Jayna tried to run, but they spotted her.  Still, she knew how to fight and did the best she could to ward off her attackers.  The leader of the group found this endearing, and made the decision to let her stay.  Jayna had no where else to go, so she did.
Cut to over ten years later and Jayna has made a name for herself as a highway robber, swordsman, and overall handy person to have around if you need someone killed or just some extra muscle.
2) If we’re going by screw misogyny women can be knights too angle, then Jayna was a squire along with Obi Wan.  She was a bit of a hot head, but fantastic with a sword and even better on horseback.  It was a pretty happy life over all, until her master was called to escort some supplies on a long train to a rather distant castle.
They were attacked by bandits.  Her master was killed along with everyone else in the train.  The only reason Jayna survived was because her master told her to run, and she did.  She ran and kept running until the sun went down.
A party later arrived at the scene, saw the slaughter, and presumed Jayna was most likely dead as well, her body lost in the woods.
The same basic beats play out, with a few extra steps.  She’s captured and sold off as an indentured servant for a time before causing herself so much trouble she’s nearly killed. The leader of a small band of thieves takes her in out of pity and curiosity as to why such a young girl can fight so well.
She grows ups up and becomes a right and proper criminal all the same.
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nightqueendany · 5 years
Game of Thrones and Lawrence of Arabia
I’m just going to copy and paste relevant parts of the Wikipedia summary below and go through point by point:
The story then moves backward to the First World War, where Lawrence is a misfit British Army lieutenant, notable for his insolence and education. 
Hmm, who do we know from the story who is 1) a misfit, 2) joins a type of “army” and 3) is known for his insolence and education.
Over the objections of General Murray, Mr. Dryden of the Arab Bureau sends him to assess the prospects of Prince Faisal in his revolt against the Turks. 
Who also is sent on a mission that his Lord Commander isn’t entirely chuffed about, at the request of another commander, in order to assess/take care of a situation regarding a foreign group?
On the journey, his Bedouin guide, Tafas, is killed by Sherif Ali for drinking from his well without permission. Lawrence later meets Colonel Brighton, who orders him to keep quiet, make his assessment, and leave. Lawrence ignores Brighton's orders when he meets Faisal. His outspokenness piques the prince's interest.
Brighton advises Faisal to retreat after a major defeat, but Lawrence proposes a daring surprise attack on Aqaba; 
Now, this bit I could see being Dany vs Jorah, when he’s trying to convince her that she doesn’t need Yunkai and she wants to take it to save the slaves there, but the parallel is really weak. 
The parallel of Lawrence being a young but capable military commander could belong to both Jon or Dany.
its capture would provide a port from which the British could offload much-needed supplies. The town is strongly fortified against a naval assault but only lightly defended on the landward side. He convinces Faisal to provide fifty men, led by a skeptical Sherif Ali. Teenage orphans Daud and Farraj attach themselves to Lawrence as servants. 
Again, this parallel could belong to either Jon or Dany. Missandei for Dany, Ollie for Jon.
They cross the Nefud Desert, considered impassable even by the Bedouins, traveling day and night on the last stage to reach water. One of Ali's men, Gasim, succumbs to fatigue and falls off his camel unnoticed during the night. When Lawrence discovers him missing, he turns back and rescues Gasim—and Sherif Ali is won over. He gives Lawrence Arab robes to wear.
The crossing of the desert could parallel Dany’s journey through the Red Waste - but the purposes for crossing these deserts are two totally different motivations. Lawrence and co are heading for battle. Dany and co are just trying to survive.
Dany is never given native garb as a reward. She adopts the garb of her people to show them respect. However, Jon is given a white fur by Mance when Jon successfully convinces Mance he wants to change sides from Night’s Watch to Wildling. 
Lawrence persuades Auda abu Tayi, the leader of the powerful local Howeitat tribe, to turn against the Turks. 
This could parallel Dany convincing Daario and co to fight for her rather than Yunkai...I guess? Or perhaps it’s Dany convincing the slaves of Yunaki to turn against their masters. Or perhaps it’s Jon convincing the Wildlings and Northmen to fight together against Ramsay? Who fuckin’ knows?
Lawrence's scheme is almost derailed when one of Ali's men kills one of Auda's because of a blood feud. Howeitat retaliation would shatter the fragile alliance, so Lawrence declares that he will execute the murderer himself. He is then stunned to discover that the culprit is Gasim, the very man to save whom he risked his own life in the desert, but he shoots him anyway.
This could be Dany in S5 executing Mossador, but remember, that was a show-only add-in. 
The next morning, the Arabs overrun the Turkish garrison. Lawrence heads to Cairo to inform Dryden and the new commander, General Allenby, of his victory. While crossing the Sinai Desert, Daud dies when he stumbles into quicksand. Lawrence is promoted to major and given arms and money for the Arabs. He is deeply disturbed, however, confessing that he enjoyed executing Gasim, but Allenby brushes aside his qualms. He asks Allenby whether there is any basis for the Arabs' suspicions that the British have designs on Arabia. When pressed, the general states that they do not.
This is Jon Snow to a T. Jon is promoted to Lord Commander, he gives rations to the wildlings who agree to help man the Wall, and he’s in a delicate negotiation with Stannis in regards to the wildlings fates in relation to the Seven Kingdoms.  
Lawrence launches a guerrilla war, blowing up trains and harassing the Turks at every turn. American war correspondentJackson Bentley publicizes Lawrence's exploits, making him famous. On one raid, Farraj is badly injured. Unwilling to leave him to be tortured by the enemy, Lawrence shoots him dead before fleeing.
This could be both Jon/Dany or neither. There are *some* parallels to both their wars taking back their homes - Jon with Battle of the Bastards, Dany with the Loot Train Battle. But it’s a weak parallel for them both at best. 
When Lawrence scouts the enemy-held city of Deraa with Ali, he is taken, along with several Arab residents, to the Turkish Bey. Lawrence is stripped, ogled, and prodded. Then, for striking out at the Bey, he is severely flogged before being thrown into the street. The experience leaves Lawrence shaken. He returns to British headquarters in Cairo but does not fit in.
Daenerys is captured and beaten by the Dothraki in Season 6. Jon is captured and beaten by the wildlings in Season 2.
However, the “returning but not fitting in” is a parallel that belongs to Jon solely. When he returns to the Wall after being undercover with the wildlings, he is very much changed by his time with them. He “talks like a wildling” because he “ate with the wildlings, climbed the Wall with the wildlings, and lay with a wildling girl.” He gained an understanding of them and their culture and has adopted their ways of thinking as his own which is why in S7 Tormund tells him, “You spent too much time with the Free Folk, now you don’t like kneeling.” Dany, throughout her story, is both adoptive of all the cultures she encounters and also loyal to none of them, only participating in cultural practices to show respect, not because she has become fully immersed in the culture.
A short time later in Jerusalem, General Allenby urges him to support the "big push" on Damascus. Lawrence hesitates to return but finally relents.
Lawrence recruits an army that is motivated more by money than by the Arab cause. 
This actually most closely parallels CERSEI in Seasons 7/8 and her purchasing of a contract with the Golden Company. So who the fuck cares? LOL
They sight a column of retreating Turkish soldiers who have just massacred the residents of Tafas. One of Lawrence's men is from Tafas; he demands, "No prisoners!" When Lawrence hesitates, the man charges the Turks alone and is killed. Lawrence takes up the dead man's battle cry; the result is a slaughter in which Lawrence himself participates. Afterwards, he regrets his actions.
The “guerrilla war” on the Turks and this scene in particular are the only ones I can think of as to why Dany’s arc is compared with this film. However, in this last battle scene in Lawrence of Arabia where Lawrence “goes too far”, it’s not an entirely unprovoked act of senseless violence. Yes, in the film, it’s meant to be horrific. 
However, 1) they are killing Turkish soldiers, not civilians, and 2) the Turkish soldiers had just slaughtered an entire city. So it’s not as if they’re innocent men. 
(Please keep in mind, I am not a history buff. I have no idea about any of this stuff in actual historical context or if the film is historically accurate. I’m not saying the Turkish soldiers deserved this but again, not saying they’re innocent in the way the film frames them either). 
This more reminds me of Dany’s attack on the Lannister/Tarly troops after their sack of Highgarden than the massacre of King’s Landing. 
OR, it could be Jon Snow “getting the crazy eyes and losing a bit of his goodness” - Miguel Sapochnik - in Battle of the Bastards. 
But this is definitely not Dany’s King’s Landing moment. The Bells isn’t Dany going “just a little too far.” That’s Dany going outright batshit and killing full on innocent people with no hint of regret - which Lawrence does regret his actions. So this fucking parallel is idiotic. If Emilia were meant to see Dany as “Lawrence of Arabia”, then that arc would be finished long before Season 8 because Season 8 Dany has no regrets of the violence she’s participated in. Lawrence struggles with that question constantly - as does Jon Snow. 
Lawrence's men take Damascus ahead of Allenby's forces. The Arabs set up a council to administer the city, but the desert tribesmen prove ill-suited for such a task. Despite Lawrence's efforts, they bicker constantly. Unable to maintain the public utilities, the Arabs soon abandon most of the city to the British.
Lawrence is promoted to colonel and immediately ordered back to Britain, as his usefulness to both Faisal and the British is at an end. As he leaves the city, his automobile is passed by a motorcyclist who leaves a trail of dust in his wake.
The bickering among Arabs could be the bickering among the Northmen when Jon is King, or it could be Dany dealing with the former slaves and masters in Slaver’s Bay, but it’s unclear. 
HOWEVER, being useful to neither cause and getting tossed out like trash when his usefulness at bringing people together and fighting their fights is at an end, is full on Jon Snow, and like Lawrence, he’s sent back to his place of origin: the Wall. 
If Dany’s story were to be parallel to Lawrence, she wouldn’t have slaughtered King’s Landing and would have gone back to Essos. 
Add to all this, Lawrence is a bastard son of an English Lord, struggles with his identity, struggles with his place between serving the British Army and his love for the Arab people, and lastly his squeamishness with unnecessary violence, and you’ve got Jon Fucking Snow.
I really have no idea when or why D&D told Emilia that Dany’s story was like Lawrence of Arabia. Honestly, after now having watched this film, I think they likely told her this back in the early days of the show, so of course Emilia wouldn’t connect this to Dany’s “dark turn” because Lawrence doesn’t fucking have this gigantic 180 like Dany does. That’s not what happens to his character so why would Emilia have expected that? Or expected Dany to die the way she did?? Dany’s “go too far” moment, in the series, would have been crucifying the masters. That’s it. The masters were evil and did something horrible and she was “punishing” them for it. And it was a great morally gray moment, which she later questions about herself. Just like Lawrence regrets his actions in the slaughter of the Turkish soldiers in the final battle in that film. 
But to compare Dany’s “The Bells” moment to the final battle of Lawrence of Arabia does not fit at all. 
It makes no fucking sense. Just like the rest of this pathetic dumpster fire of a season. 
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introvertguide · 3 years
Lawrence of Arabia (1962); AFI #7
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The next film that we watched for the AFI top 100 project was the epic British drama, Lawrence of Arabia (1962). It is the story of how the famed English hero T.E. Lawrence worked with the Arab nomadic tribes in the Middle East, including Hejaz and Greater Syria, during World War 1. There is a particular focus on his efforts to unite the Arabic tribes and form an Arab National Council. The film was nominated for 10 Academy Awards and won 7 of them, especially in the technical realm. David Lean is considered one of the greatest British directors of all time and this is one of the greatest British films of all time. Notice I keep saying British. I want to delve more into that, but let's go over the plot of the film first. Before that, though...
The film opens in 1935, when Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) is killed in a motorcycle accident. At his memorial service at St Paul's Cathedral, a reporter tries, with little success, to gain insights into the remarkable, enigmatic man from those who knew him. There is a feeling that there is a secret behind the real T.E. Lawrence as the people who actually worked with him do not seem to have liked him.
The story then moves back to the First World War. Lawrence is a misfit British Army lieutenant who is notable for his insolence and education. There is some issue of motivation because the film does not really explain why Lawrence is being helped nor why he isn't simply just discharged. It turns out from reading a biography blurb that Lawrence is the illegitimate son of a nobleman and so many of his actions are hidden. The movie does not address anything that Lawrence did before the war and a little background information helps when watching this movie. Over the objections of General Murray (Donald Wolfit), Mr. Dryden (Claude Rains) of the Arab Bureau sends him to assess the prospects of Prince Faisal (Sir Alec Guinness) in his revolt against the Turks. On the journey, his Bedouin guide, Tafas (Zia Mohyeddin), is killed by Sherif Ali (Omar Sharif) for drinking from a well without permission. Lawrence continues into the desert alone and later meets Colonel Brighton (Anthony Quail), who orders him to keep quiet, make his assessment, and leave. On arriving at the camp, there are German planes strafing the residents and many are killed with no way for the Prince to fight back. Brighton says that the prince does not understand modern weapons and wants the group to retreat back to English protection. Lawrence ignores Brighton's orders when he meets Faisal and his outspokenness piques the prince's interest.
It turns out that Sherif Ail is at the meeting with Prince Faisal and he does not seem to like Lawrence. Something to note is that the Arabic people in this film assume that the character is named "L' Orense" and refer to him often as "OR-ins." It is a little confusing, but that is the way culture shock happens. Brighton advises Faisal to retreat after a major defeat, but Lawrence proposes a daring surprise attack on Aqaba. Its capture would provide a port from which the British could offload much-needed supplies. The town is strongly fortified against a naval assault but only lightly defended on the landward side. Lawrence convinces Faisal to provide fifty men, led by a pessimistic Sherif Ali. The teenage orphans Daud (John Dimech) and Farraj (Michael Rey) attach themselves to Lawrence as servants. They cross the Nefud Desert, considered impassable even by the Bedouins, and travel day and night on the last stage to reach water. One of Ali's men, Gasim (I.S. Johar), succumbs to fatigue and falls off his camel unnoticed during the night. When Lawrence discovers him missing, he turns back and rescues Gasim, and Sherif Ali is won over. There is no reason for him to be won over because Lawrence risked his life to go back and rescue a man that will likely die in the battle ahead and the Sherif does not care about. He gives Arab robes to Lawrence to wear that have a light veil which no other man in the group has. I looked it up and they basically gave him women's robes and Lawrence has a scene where he runs around in a circle so the robes will catch the wind. OK. He is caught by a man while running around and this man goes with Lawrence back to the group.
Lawrence persuades Auda abu Tayi (Anthony Quinn), the leader of the powerful local Howeitat tribe, to turn against the Turks. Lawrence's scheme is almost derailed when one of Ali's men kills one of Auda's because of a blood feud. Since retaliation by the Howeitat would shatter the fragile alliance, Lawrence declares that he will execute the murderer himself. Lawrence is then stunned to discover that the culprit is Gasim, the man whom he risked his own life to save in the desert, but Lawrence shoots him anyway.
The next morning, the Arabs overrun the Turkish garrison and it is one of the most underwhelming attack scenes of all time. They overtake the city with almost no resistance at all but do not find the gold that Lawrence promised would be there. To make up for it, Lawrence heads to Cairo to inform Dryden and the new commander, General Allenby (Jack Hawkins), of his victory and to secure funds for the Arab tribes. While crossing the Sinai Desert, Daud dies when he stumbles into quicksand. Lawrence is promoted to major and given arms and money for the Arabs. He is deeply disturbed and confesses that he enjoyed executing Gasim, but Allenby brushes aside his qualms. Lawrence asks Allenby whether there is any basis for the Arabs' suspicions that the British have designs on Arabia. When pressed, Allenby states that there is none.
Time for an intermission!
Lawrence launches a guerrilla war by blowing up trains and harassing the Turks at every turn. It seems that all of the Arab tribes are willing to follow Lawrence and it is still unclear why he gets universal appreciation from everybody who is not a politician. An American war correspondent, Jackson Bentley (Arthur Kennedy), publicizes Lawrence's exploits and makes him famous. On one raid, Farraj is badly injured and, unwilling to leave him to be tortured by the enemy, Lawrence shoots him dead before he flees.
There comes a point where Lawrence seems to believe that he is actually Arabic and decides to try to pass through a city and believes that nobody will notice. When Lawrence scouts the enemy-held city of Deraa with Ali, he is taken, along with several Arab residents, to the Turkish Bey. Lawrence is stripped, ogled, and prodded. Then, for striking out at the Bey, he is severely flogged before he is thrown into the street. The experience leaves Lawrence shaken. He returns to British headquarters in Cairo and wants to return to a simple soldier's life, but he does not fit in. A short time later in Jerusalem, General Allenby urges him to support the "big push" on Damascus. Lawrence hesitates to return but finally relents.
Lawrence recruits an army that is motivated more by money than by the Arab cause. They find a column of retreating Turkish soldiers who have just massacred the residents of Tafas. One of Lawrence's men is from Tafas and demands, "No prisoners!" When Lawrence hesitates, the man charges the Turks alone and is killed. Lawrence takes up the dead man's battle cry; the result is a slaughter in which Lawrence himself participates. Afterwards, he regrets his actions and has a melodramatic breakdown.
Lawrence's men take Damascus ahead of Allenby's forces. The Arabs set up a council to administer the city, but the desert tribesmen prove ill-suited for such a task. Despite Lawrence's efforts, they bicker constantly. Unable to maintain the public utilities, the Arabs soon abandon most of the city to the British.
Lawrence is promoted to colonel and immediately ordered back to Britain, as his usefulness to both Faisal and the British is at an end. As he leaves the city, his automobile is passed by a motorcyclist, who leaves a trail of dust in his wake. End of movie.
The biggest star of this film has to be the desert scenery filmed in Jordan and Spain. The expansive background that frames these small bands of people really gives the idea of isolation, whether it be of Lawrence himself or of the bands of nomadic tribes. The biggest fear is not of death by a rival tribe or even the machines that bring death from the outside world. It is from the desert itself and it is both beautiful and horrific. The film score by Maruice Jarre is beautiful and generally considered one of the best film scores of all time. The music is also widely recognized as representing Middle Eastern adventure in visual and audio media.
Three major issues I have with this movie are the bad acting from the lead, the lack of historical accuracy, and then insulting use of brown face. First of all, Peter O'Toole did not seem like he based his performance on the historical figure of Lawrence as was written at the time. Instead of creating a character around Seven Pillars of Wisdom, the book on which the screenplay was supposed to be based, O'Toole went with the screenplay of Bolt and an overly dramatic egotist character of his own creation. Historians and biographers have generally agreed that this was a poor interpretation of the historical figure and just an unflattering version made to be dramatically more interesting for film.
Also, why did the have to put so many white actors in brown face? There is proof on the screen in the great Egyptian actor Omar Sharif that strong dramatic actors of Middle Eastern, North African, and South Asia exist. Why didn't the casting group try and find somebody to look the part. They really didn't have to pick the standard actors and it just meant a plethora of white British actors on screen in brown face doing the same old over dramatic acting. There was a large population of English speaking people of Middle Eastern and South Asian descent in and around Britain at the time of shooting (as evidenced by the giant number of extras), so why did they have to fall back on the standard white actors. I suppose that the white actors were proven and had box office draw (also Alec Guinness is always great), but I still have objections. I am specifically looking at the part played by Anthony Quinn. He did not knock it out of the park and the part would have benefited from being played by a true Middle Easterner.
Like The Bridge on the River Kwai, this film seems to have been appropriated by the AFI when it is clearly a British film. The film is listed as a "1962 British epic historical drama" and is based on the life of a British soldier who was the illegitimate son of a British lord. The film was directed by David Lean, a man who was born and died in England and worked with mostly English actors. There was only one American character in the whole film, and he was just a reporter that found Lawrence interesting and blew the story out of proportion. The movie was produced by German Sam Spiegel and the screenplay was re-written by English playwright Robert Bolt because the original American screenwriter Michael Wilson was blacklisted for being a communist. The production company was based in Great Britain and shot entirely in Europe and the Middle East. The only American connection was actor Anthony Quinn and the distributor was Columbia Pictures. This movie belongs on the BFI top 100 (it is ranked #3) and not on the AFI lists.
This review seems to be coming across more harshly than this film deserves, so I will be candid about this movie experience. I found this film to be extraordinarily boring. There have been other movies on the AFI list that have been difficult for me to watch: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf was extremely cringy, Intolerance was hard to stay awake through because it was long and silent with a pretty peaceful score, and Bringing Up Baby was just frustrating. For me, Lawrence of Arabia has all of these issues. I find the lead to be embarrassing, the film is so long that it is hard to stay awake through, and the way that everyone in the film worships the ground that the lead walks on is so annoying. I admit that this opinion is extremely personal and my parents both enjoyed the film thoroughly. It is really just not my cup of tea for reasons listed above.
So does this film belong on the AFI list? No, because it is not an American film. It may have been distributed in America, but the director was from England, the lead actors were English, the crew was mostly English, the studio was English, and the production company was English. It is not appropriate to put this film on the greatest American movie list and instead leave it where it is and belongs: the BFI top 100. Would I recommend it? I guess so. It is most definitely a classic and it is a beautifully shot movie. I am not going to watch with you, though. I can see why many people enjoy this movie, but it just hits all of the wrong buttons for me and I don't want to watch it any more. Feel free to give a watch, though, because it is an enduring epic and you might seriously enjoy it.
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Basic plot
Basic Plot
Before main story:
The kingdom was ran by a tyrant
A Hunter (Whose little sister was killed by the tyrant) (the Father) hunted down a Djinn (the Mother) and contracted her to help him gain the strength in order to take the kingdom- to kill the tyrant king. 
After killing him, the Djinn and the Hunter fell in love and were urged to rule the kingdom due to their good leadership in the rebellion and the people believed the Djinn would bring good fortune (They were seen as a lower class of angels- there were good and bad ones).
Due to Djinn law, a contract is broken after three wishes have been granted (In Islam, 3 represents the human soul and the human acceptance of mortality)
After the three wishes are granted the Djinn lose all memories of their master and wonder to find a new one.
With 1/3 wishes taken the Djinn and the Hunter are bonded so long as the final wish isn’t made and she would be able to stay with her love until death- if a master dies while bonded to a djinn, they turn mortal (Own interpretation)
Blood is also a vital bond- a djinn is loyal and a bond of blood can unlock enchantments- they are family creatures 
The Djinn and the (now) King marry and have 7 sons 
           (7 in islam represents the seven gates of heaven and hell)
The King longed for a daughter to try and fill the void left by his sister’s death
When he was granted a daughter, she was sickly and small and needed to be cleaned and healed- He asked his sons to run and get water from the courtyard
Some of the younger brothers (who were jealous and simply didn’t like the idea of having another sibling gaining their already divided attention) tried to sabotage the older brothers- stopping them from getting the water so their sister would die.
The king soon realised that the water was not coming, ordering his servants to get the water- in his anger, he curses his children-
          “Curse those boys! I wish they’d all fly away and release me from their idiocy” 
(His bad intentions and psyche were channeled into them- his negative feelings tainting the wish and turning them into something seen as bad- a nuisance like a raven)
Due to the bond that the King shared with his Djinn wife- she had no other choice but to grant the wish and their seven sons were transformed into ravens. 
Djinn are known shape shifters 
The Seer helped the daughter recover 
The couple couldn’t wish for their sons back due to the rules of the Djinn (Three wishes and then they have to be apart) and so continued their life with their daughter- never telling her of her siblings or her Djinn heritage in fear she would hate what her parents accidentally did.
18 years pass

The princess grows up learning from the knights (in secret)- she believed it would made her father happy due to the sad smile he gave the training boys- (He missed his sons and regularly sent his knights into the world to search for his sons- he wanted them back to see if they could shift back due to their Djinn heritage) 
On the eve of the princess’s 18th birthday, the knight party returns but with half of them gone and the survivors near death
They report of shadow riders- seven of them- following them back to the kingdom and wreaking havoc
In the chaos, the princess takes up arms and helps defend her kingdom- coming to blows with one of the shadow knights in the process. But they do not harm her, they commit a mass slaughter- when the sun begins to rise they leave
The kingdom tries to recover- learning that a chunk of their kingdom was damaged- and began to put up a defence
The shadow riders returned every month on the full moon- never did they harm the princess, king or queen
More creatures arrived behind the Shadow riders, tainting the land and wreaking havoc
The princess loses dear friends (and a possible love interest) 
The princess figured out that she was safe from them and determined that she should track them down and end them before they ended her kingdom.
Her parents refused to let her- they didn’t want their only child venturing into the wilderness
The princess disobeyed them and visited the Seer- 
‘Those beasts were not human. Not now at least. I fear you must venture into the lands of the Gods if you wish to find them. That is the only place that such evil could exist’
“How do I get to such a place?”
‘You must travel to the edge- the boundary between our world and theirs. To where the sand hisses and where the stars walk on the clouds.’
She ventures to the edge of the world- to the border between the human world and the land of the Gods 
She takes water (meaning life), Bread (sustenance) and her family ring to remember her family ( she places it on her left pinky due to it being too small for her ring finger- it was from her childhood- shows that she will hang onto her family no matter what)  
Many different Gods inhabit this land, with the excuse that there are many old and new gods- if they are worshipped, they live in this land
She arrives in a market place filled wth an array of gods and creatures alike
She spots a group of lowly creatures (travellers) being harassed for their supplies and puts a stop to their harassment
She ends up staying with them for the night
“we must ask: What is a human doing in this land?”
‘The shadow riders, they attack my kingdom every full moon, killing my people and wreaking chaos. I intend to kill them.’
They are all shocked
“Are you stupid? Those monsters spread death wherever they roam. They are the darkness itself- the physical embodiment of everything bad in existence. They are the night. You cannot kill the night.” 
“We strongly advise against this poisonous journey. You have no place here. Return to the mortal realm while you still hold your life.”
‘I am not looking for advice. Especially from those who appear just as lost as I am- who don’t have a place themselves.’
“That wont be the way for long! Theres a witch that gives orphan travellers and nomads their place in the world! She promises that their deepest desires would be granted!”
“Don’t tell her that! She could take our Wishes!”
‘Look, I don’t want your wishes. I just want to bring justice to the deaths in my kingdom. So, if I wanted to kill the shadows, what would I need?’
(From the quiet traveller) “Light. You need light to destroy the darkness. Venom from the sun itself.”
‘Where do I find this venom?’
“Sol. The sun goddess, her venom would be strong enough to kill anything. Get her venom and you will have your justice.”
The princess is warned to be weary of the creatures in this world- humans are a delicacy and creatures can smell their blood- “Humans have such a unique smell, its potent and stands out. The sun goddess will surely try to eat you- amongst others here.”
The princess ventures across the ice plains to reach the desert plains where the sun resides
She finds the ‘moon’, a huge beast that lives under the ice (glows and a huge fish with ice crystals) 
While up close with it’s mouth, she sees the ice crystals inside- links that up with the ice blast it throws at her
She manages a good fight but gets caught on the edge of the ice- she could barely see what was going on as it was night time
The Moon-fish has her leg- about to deal the final blow- she thinks she is going to die
The stars swing in and save her 
“Humans venture here often and get devoured by the gods. You were lucky it was only in it’s quarter stages as it grows through the month.”
They tell her ‘The moon is angered, just as much as we are. The humans are beginning to fear the Night due to the shadow riders. Creatures may want to eat the humans at such close range- the smell you see? But in the end, you are our creations. We cannot watch over you when you hide from what we arrive with.’
The shadow riders have tainted the night- poisoning the moon
They agree to help her on her quest- Only helping her gather the venom. 
They go in the night- the sun was too powerful during the day and the stars cannot venture out during the day:
The North Star (Polaris)- The guiding star and the leader ordered for the most powerful stars go:
Arcturus- doesn’t make it back
They venture to the desert, to the temple of the sun
The Goddess ‘Sol’ is a giant Naga, one that follows the princess around her temple in an attempt to eat her
The princess uses the moon’s ice crystals to freeze sections of the Naga, shattering them, allowing her to collect the venom of light quickly- but she it still damaged from the fight
The stars and the princess make it back to the Kingdom of the Stars and recuperate- the princess must tackle the shadow riders, she tells them that they do not harm her for some reason. She must go alone- not wanting anymore death
‘A star has withered because of me. No more.’
The North Star tells the princess that a bond of blood- a sacrifice can unlock the door to the glass mountain but it can be forged with a chicken bone (its still a sacrifice)
The princess ventures to the glass mountain and realises that she has dropped the chicken bone. There was no wood to whittle. No animals to kill to replace the bone. - ‘A sacrifice must be given- you are in the kingdom of the Gods after all and blood is the strongest thing there is…’
She saw no other choice and cut off her left little finger (where she wore the ring)
The bone fit the lock and she walked inside, her sword laced with the venom. 
She meets a blind dwarf who bowed in her presence and told her to ‘Wait for the others to return before feasting’ -Creatures can smell by blood
She sees the plates on the table and begins to lace them with venom, not noticing that her hand is bleeding sluggishly, her ring slowly falling off her bleeding finger until it ends up landing in the last plate 
The shadow riders return, all of them sitting down at the table- noticing the trail of blood leading to the cupboard where the princess is hiding- they don’t go on the offensive, they appear to be taken aback- confused and their faces contorting in hope
While the others are slowly encroaching on the cupboard (No Weapons) , the oldest remains at his plate, staring down at the ring.
He slowly picks up the ring and shows it to the others- his armour slowly disappearing into human skin
 “Our sister has come to take us home…”

The other riders slowly lose their armour and the princess exits the cupboard, slowly seeing the human faces of the riders- seeing the resemblances and the family rings around their necks
Her bleeding is too much and she becomes unconscious 
When she wakes up, she finds a jug of water near her bed (Shows a redemption from the brothers- finally delivering the water to their ill sister) 
She still goes on the offensive- taking up her sword and aiming it at her fully human-formed brothers, they get her to calm down and start an explanation:
“I want an explanation! Your evilness- your crimes must have a reason!”
She learns of how her father cursed them in anger- why she was never told of her Djinn heritage
She learns of their time manifesting in their father’s ill will from his curse- they tell her that they were found by a witch- one that granted them their one wish- to be human again: but witch craft and Djinn magic don’t mix and they were transformed into monsters. 
‘Witches twist things you see… We wanted to be human again and return to our world of birth. We did return just not in the way we wanted to.’ 

She remembers the travellers from the market, how they were going to see a witch- she needed to stop her.

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