#2020 april daily doodle
shittyjadedaily · 10 months
One of those lists of shitty/daily/character/homestuck/gimmick accounts*
*Some of the links aren't there because otherwise the post wouldn't save :/ If you know any others (especially ones that are active) go ahead and tell me about them so I can add them too! (Thank you all so much for the additions already!!)
@shittyjadedaily - You are here!!
Friends!! (We have lore) :D
@dailycaliborn My archnemesis, we play pony town together!
@shitty-yiffy-daily Discord penpal from another timeline!
@shittyjunedaiiy June!
Go Follow them now! They updated recently!!
Multi: @your-nerd-alert (Daily beta kids & trolls(?)), @dyke-stuck (Land of transfems and lesbians), @queer-quadrants (Rarepairs), @autisticaradiamegido (Lots of Aradia), @exilestuck
Ships: @dailyjadekat, @semifrequentdavetav, @consistantaranep, @rajiroxygen, @dailyfefnepz, @biweeklydavekat, @dailysolkat, @dailykatnep, @dailyvrisrezi, @dirkuu-daily, @rosemarydiely, @vativrisrezi,
Single(s): @dailycrappymspaintdavestrider, @dailypolishstriders, @ask-lilcal, @ask-sollux (Text posts), @autoresponderdaily, @daily-joey-claire, @eridoodles-daily & @fight-me-fuckboy, @shittyroxydaily, @shittyjunedaily (June), @kanayatherainbowdrinker (Text posts), @i-give-people-tavrisprite, @findgamzee, @cherubsdaily, @badlydrawnkankri, @crappykarkatvantas, @nepeta-daily-doodles
@carcinoarmageddon (EarthC revolving around Sollux & Karkat, updates slowly, April)
Daily Reblogs: @vriskaserketdaily (Reblogs & original art), @daiily-2ollux (Reblogs & original art), @janecrockerdaily, @dirkstriderdaily, @jakeenglishdaily, @dailyrosemary, @alphasesh, @dailygrims (Reblogs & original art), @dailyarasol
Other: @incorrect-hs-quotes, @lowqualityhomestuckedits, @grub-karkat-in-strange-places, @homestuck-screenshots-daily
They updated earlier this year!
Multi: @midnight-stuck (Midcrew & Felt(?), June), @shipstucks (Rarepairs, June)
Single(s): @shittydirkdail (May), @daily-fiamet (May), @jadeinplaces (May), @ask-jadeharleyy (May), @askultimatedirk (May), @stuck-in-the-bubbles (May), @ask-another-jade (April), @shittyvodkamutinidaily (April), @nepetablog (April), @casanovasaqueduct (February), @feltfreaks (February), @shittydavepetadaiiy (January),
Daily Reblogs: @fillmyquadrentslanddwwellers (rp & reblogs, may), @dailyjudeharley (February), @dailyvriskas (Feburuary),
Last Updated 2020-2022
Ships: @shittymituladaily (2022), @askmeteorbros (2022)
Single(s): @jadeharleydaily (2022), @shittystriders (2022), @shittyjanedailyy (2022), @ask-unapologetically-homestuck (2022), @shittykanayadaily (2022), @shittysolluxdaily (2022), @shittyhandmaiddaily (2022), @shittyrosedaily (2022), @shittytavrosdrawings (2022), @shittyfeferidaily (2022), @karkatvantasdailybutshitty (2022), @shittyeridandaily (2022), @shittydirkdailyy (2022), @shittycronusdaily (2022), @askthattimeguy (1 post in 2022), @fishyaskblog (2022), @shitty-ghostaradia-daily (2022), @ask-that-one-lonely-kid (2020), @dailyvriska (2020),
Uh yeah they're probably dead...
Single(s): @askdavechick (2014)
Daily Reblogs: @daily-betas (2019), @dailyprospit (2019)
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amaab-archived · 4 years
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Daily Doodle: April 23, 2020
Featuring: Kain (Illumi-Naughty King) @thecreationartist
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stu-dying-forlife · 4 years
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✨With most schools, colleges and unis closed around the globe and most studyblr students now having school at home I thought I would create a challenge to help everyone stay focused and productive and also to connect with people so even though most people are self-isolating, we don’t feel lonely✨
Because no one really knows when we’re going to be able to go back to schools and I know it will depend very much on where you live, I’m going to do a month of daily ‘challenges’ starting on Monday 23rd March 2020 but if the quarantine keeps going I’ll try to add as the weeks/months go on
I want to see what y’all are posting so please use the tag #2020 quarantine challenge and I’ll track this tag and reboot as much as possible!
On this note, I will reblog basically everything even if you don’t think it is ‘aesthetic’ cause I love seeing how everyone does their notes and stuff so please get involved 💕
✨Week 1 - Questions✨
Mon - Have you made a study schedule to help you study at home?
Tue - How are you being taught your lessons? (google classroom, teams etc.)
Wed - What’s your favourite study snack?
Thu - How are you keeping active?
Fri - What is your favourite subject/topic to study at the moment?
Sat - Where in your house is your favourite place to study?
Sun - What are you doing to relax?
✨Week 2 - Pictures✨
Mon - Take a picture of your desk/study space
Tue - Take a picture of the book you are currently reading
Wed - Take a picture of your most colourful notes
Thu - Take a picture of the pens/highlighters that you could not live without
Fri - Take a picture of the view outside your window
Sat - Take a picture of a meal you’ve cooked or something you’ve baked
Sun - Take a picture of some of your art or doodles
✨Week 3 - Questions✨
Mon - What is your favourite food to cook or prepare?
Tue - If you could go anywhere in the world for a week, where would you go?
Wed - What is your biggest goal for this year? Have you done anything so far to achieve this?
Thu - What is the song that makes you happy no matter what?
Fri - What is your favourite TV programme at the moment (on Netflix etc)?
Sat - Where is your favourite place in the world (eg a city you’ve been to, a restaurant, or a particular hiking spot)?
Sun - What is your favourite joke?
✨Week 4 - Tips advice ✨
Mon - What is your biggest tip for staying focused?
Tue - What is your biggest tip for not getting cabin fever?
Wed - What would be your advice to you from five years ago?
Thu - What is the best advice you’ve ever been given (e.g. from a teacher of friend)?
Fri - What is your biggest tip for organising your study space/study materials?
Sat - What is your best tip on how to relax?
Sun - What is you biggest tip to someone starting to learn your major/favourite subject/degree?
✨This is the first month but I might add to this later as the quarantine continues. Let’s all support each other through this difficult time✨
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 3 years
this took waaay longer than expected omg-
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pff- okay but i had to search for my tablet and it had everything but 2020, except for february- i did find a lot for january, but all of them are spoilers for stories, or just really bad doodles so there’s that
i used to draw on one layer on paint 3D because i was used to it, and i still don’t know why i haven’t realized how limited it was??? like besides having no layers, and few brushes, it had no pen pressure either- i swear i still don’t know how i did full illustrations with sketches and zero layers either-
but it had a way to record your drawings and i still have some of those recordings, but that’s for another time ;)
for march and april, it was my first drawings on tablet, and boi do they look bad-
except chara’s pose, i mean, the neck,,,looks,,wow- great eXEpt ThE Shading and lightning they do suck
the only excuse i have is that there is literally no brushes, i mean really, i only had the blur effect and motion blur to help me but except that nothing
from may to july was pretty bad ngl. i have nothing to say except that i got medibang on may, so there’s that. (i can’t believe i thought my anatomy was good back then hahahHA-)
the rest is good. i personally feel like i haven’t really improved much there except the use of modes and lightning/shading.
now that the “art analysis” is done, i want to thank some people for just making this year livable and much better. so first of all:
@zu-is-here​ i feel like if i didn’t go to your blog in april, i just would’ve spent the whole year in a pretty bad state- illness and stress don’t really go well together x) and i forgot to mention, but it was because of you that i got medibang and firealpaca in the first place! i feel like i vastly improved because of that- using different programs and all made me realize a lot of stuff and i can’t be grateful enough. your blog was the best thing that could’ve happened to me<3
@help-im-a-gay-fish​ okay but half of my wips and headcanons came directly from YOUR influence- like- you’re so creative it hurts (not in a bad way ofc) 
your art and writings are always such a delight to see and i can’t help but feel so happy that you paid attention the little writings i made on zu’s blog either- (i forgot to thank zu for that too but gosh i can’t be grateful enough for her) ♥
@jann-the-bean​ i have to admit, i was waaay to shy to interact with you- because i just lOVED your writings! you were a pretty big influence too! i really though you were too cool to like my messy stuff but aaah- i can’t express how happy i was that you liked my art/writings/headcanons and i still am a bit shy to really talk but just know that i love your content <3
@amemi-i​ you are such a nice person- really, i can’t really express everything with words but i’m so glad i got to know you, even for a bit! your art is amazing, just as you, and i’m very glad i have someone to talk to from time to time ♥
@bluepalleteuniverse​ you’re so cheerful i actually thought you were a kid at first xD no but okay you’re a really amazing person and i always loved your interactions with people! et puis ça fais du bien de savoir que quelqu'un d’autre peut comprendre mes charabia en français x) you and your art are very lovely ♥
@dragon-tamer-1​ you’re a very nice and supportive person! (to tell you the truth, i would’ve probably stayed anon for muuuch longer if you didn’t mention that you’d follow me in an instant if i were to reveal myself, and few people later on stated the same thing, and because i thought it was worth a shot, i wanted to make a gift for people i liked, and that’s how i started the project, because it’s way better than just revealing myself right x)) so thank u for being a very nice mutual ♥
@fio-violet​ your art genuinely amazes me- it’s got something so special in it that makes me LOVE it to such a degree- please know that i absolutely adore it <3
@rikablue27​ i just needed to say that your art is SO so amazing and i was really surprised people didn’t pay attention to it- but i can say i really admire your way of drawing people and your shading/lightning! your perspective is also very neat and i can’t wait to see more of your art ♥
@ihavekarma3-blog​ it’s literally the same thing for you and rika, you’re a very talented person and i only wish you the best for the other projects
@ask-undermine​ your daily positivity and your constant support always make me very happy and i just wanted to thank u for that ♥
@kotikaleo​ your style is literally the cutest thing i’ve seen and i’m really amazed by every work you manage to make! you deserve every kind of support and i really can’t help but be inspired by your works <3
@amarald​ like- i know for a fact you’re an amazing artist and a really nice friend, but you’re also a very sweet person to interact with! your asks always make me so happy and i’m really glad i got to meet you ♥
i just listed everyone from the top of my head but there’s still so many more people i am thankful for, like YOU! everyone who sees this: i’m so glad you’re still here and enjoying people’s content and i wish you a very happy day/night and good year <3
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iamianbrooks · 3 years
So if anyone wants an update, we closed the cheese shop at the end of March due to the impending pandemic (Alaska had like, maybe 10 confirmed cases total at that point). Unfortunately, due to our own ineptitude we had failed to hire somebody months earlier-- despite me wanting to, and bringing it up-- to take over for our other guy who leaves town to fish all summer, so there was really no chance of us ever reopening since the owner has been checked out since year 2 and I desperately want to move on. 
Anyways, I’ve been unemployed ever since. And my roommate left for a summer job so there was several months I was quarantining and just utterly alone (except for roommate’s cat. We bonded). I had a dry-erase calendar on the fridge, which I updated monthly (it was mostly meant as a means of communication between roommates, mostly we just doodled over the days tho), along with a daily tear-off cat/motivational quote calendar which some of you who follow me on Instagram might remember I was updating daily with each new entry; to illustrate to you just far gone I am now: the dry-erase board still reads “March 2020″ in impressive, but fading, curly script (by me) and the tear-off calendar has been permastuck on April 25th. I tried to hang on for several weeks, but time stopped having any real meaning somewhere in that haze. That kind of protracted, uneasy solitude can really change a person. I feel altered in a lot of ways. Positively, I got a lot of nature in over the summer and consequently I’ve really pinpointed a lot of unprocessed trauma in my life and am still doing the work of trying to untangle it all, but I feel progress has been made. Things have been processed. Negatively, I now, more than ever, fear being around people-- both in terms of the virus but also because of what has been laid bare in a lot of people’s hearts lately, to me, that is too toxic to even brush up against errantly and-- upon extrapolating outward to include the rest of the world and comprehending how misery and suffering compounds-- have just really lost hope in a lot of the institutions I previously believed in. I’ve felt despair this summer. I’m sure a lot of you have similar feels, it’s hard for me to fathom that to some people 2020 has just been, like, a year-- because it’s been a helluva doozy for me. 
I also had multiple short stories/poems rejected from multiple publications and I’ve played LITRALLY ONE MILLION HOURS OF ANIMAL CROSSING so yeah you could say I’m handling it well.
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epikowlpalettes · 4 years
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April 4th, 2020
"Complicated Hug”
Free-to-use palettes daily! Tag any art your create with #epikowlcolors and @epikowlpalettes​ for an opportunity to be featured!
Dumb doodle
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arcaneartiste · 4 years
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I've had a lot of thoughts lately in the format of "Today's mood is" and thought it'd be a fun method to make silly little auto bio-ish comics. I'm doodling them daily, though I'm only going to post the ones I want to because I make the rules.
Today's mood: general blah and anxiety. (Okay April 11th's mood, but still.) ⠀
[Today's Mood. April 11, 2020. A drawing of me, a white girl with short dark hair, wearing headphones and a weird shawl thing. The shawl has pom poms draped from it, and I'm twirling one of them in a circle. The art is colored in grey scale. Text: This is fine.]
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amaab-archived · 4 years
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Daily Doodle: April 30, 2020
Happy Birthday @julian-is-gay !!! °˖✧◝(^▿^)◜✧˖°
Characters: Joan (as an elf) @point-and-click-squip and Ripley (as a confused furry noodle) @ask-the-mess-of-an-ai
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p30-second summary:br /In 2020, we saw a vast increase in the usage of email marketing as the volume of senders skyrocketed. Will this trend continue into 2021? Or should we expect a different kind of disruption in the coming year?br /Based on insight from several of our in-house experts at Validity, below are our top five predictions for email marketing in 2021.br /These trends include: Inbox overload, alternatives to open rate tracking, increasing email fraud, more intent-based marketing, and greater use of AMP.br /Here’s how these trends will impact marketers in 2021./ppIn 2020, we saw a vast increase in the usage of email marketing as the volume of senders skyrocketed. Will this trend continue into 2021? Or should we expect a different kind of disruption in the coming year?br /I checked in with several of our in-house experts at Validity, and here are our top five predictions for email marketing in 2021:br /Inbox overloadbr /With email maintaining its role as the most trusted digital marketing channel, especially during a pandemic, list sizes have grown significantly./ppAccording to our data, year-over-year global email volumes are already up by 25%. And those numbers continue trending upward. This ongoing expansion of email volume will make it harder to get into people’s inboxes, and harder to get people to engage with the messages they do receive in 2021.br /Alternatives to open rate trackingbr /The open-rate key performance indicators (KPI) are becoming increasingly unreliable. At Validity’s recent Summit, Marcel Becker, director of product management at Verizon Media (which powers Yahoo! Mail and AOL), told us that actual open rates may be three times lower than what’s being reported./ppRelated Content/ppCauses include increased image caching, especially on mobile devices, and bot-driven signups, which lead to artificially inflated open rates. Legal considerations may also prompt a shift away from open rate tracking: In Europe, an open tracking pixel is deemed a cookie, making it subject to specific consent requirements.br /In 2021, we think senders will focus on more useful KPIs than open rates, such as the amount of time people actually spend reading and engaging with emails.br /Increasing email fraudbr /In April, Gmail said it was blocking 18 million malware and phishing emails each day—and more than 240 million spam emails daily—all of which were using COVID-19 as a lure. These kinds of attacks are continuing to grow and evolve. Bad actors will often impersonate a trusted website, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), by using a fake subdomain like who.int.br /In the coming year, we predict legitimate marketers will take additional steps to protect their brands, their sender reputations, and their customers from this kind of fraud by implementing a Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) policy.br /The DMARC standard is designed to give domain owners control over who sends emails on behalf of their domains and their subdomains. At the Summit, Becker said his personal wish is for 100% adoption of DMARC in 2021.br /More intent-based marketingbr /In 2020, many brands realized they needed to communicate with their customers using greater empathy: less selling, more focus on We’re in this together, how can we help you? This isn’t going away in 2021.br /In fact, we believe many companies will connect with customers even more effectively in the new year. Signup profiles are one way in which we see senders segmenting their lists more effectively, in this case based on a subscriber’s intent.br /Did this person sign up because of a particular product being offered, an affinity with the brand, or some other benefit? Progressive profiling, in which marketers gather small amounts of data at a time, often via a series of forms on their website, also can help companies tailor email content, tone of voice, timing, and so on to better serve each audience segment.br /This type of intent-based marketing has the potential to help senders increase engagement and conversions, as well as reduce complaints and unsubscribes.br /Emerging technologybr /We predict more senders will be using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for email in 2021 to deliver rich, engaging experiences within the inbox. With AMP for email, consumers don’t have to click a link, then wait for a web page to load.br /Instead, companies like Booking.com, Pinterest, Doodle, and Babylon Health are weaving website-like functionality into the email itself, including drop-down lists, carousels, and customer surveys, which increase engagement and reduce friction in the sales process.br /We’ll also see greater adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) for such things as subject line and headline optimization, as well as augmented reality (AR) to bring more of an in-store, “try it on” experience into the inbox.br /To stand out in crowded inboxes in 2021, senders will be employing new technologies, and getting to know their customers better, in order to make messages more relevant, more compelling, and more actionable.br /To do that, marketers will need good, clean data, and a way to make sense of it all. And they’ll need to protect their brands, customers, and reputations from fraudulent email activity. By doing so, they’ll be able to leverage the power of email to engage more deeply with customers, which ultimately benefits everyone./ppMore about:/p
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
Five Art Prompts That Had Gone Way Too Far | Art Prompts
It’s been a long, continued time back abounding of us accept stepped bottom in a attach salon. Not the best book now that it’s nice alfresco and you’ve traded your closed-toe shoes for sandals. The acceptable account is you can accord yourself a beautiful pedi at home, and there are affluence of pedicure art account to try.
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art prompts | Tumblr – art prompts | art prompts
You can dabble in cartoon altered designs and shapes, add some flash with some glitter—really, annihilation you’re into. It doesn’t accept to be perfect, either. Unlike your fingers, there’s allowance for absurdity bold no one’s activity to be accepting too abutting to your toes. Find some afflatus for your abutting calm spa day with these pedicure art account that are annihilation but boring.
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GEL TOES 🌟 swipe for before! Such a cute set! #geltoes #pedicureart #nailart #pericure #nailinspo
A post shared by Elevation Beauty Salon 🖤 (@elevationbeautyx) on May 26, 2020 at 7:41am PDT
This two-tone pedicure with a gold band emphasis is the absolute minimalist design.
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What) will you be drawing in May? – Make Awesome Art – art prompts | art prompts
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В Мурманске резко наступило лето🌞 А у меня полная запись😉 и я создаю настроение на ногтях🥭🥑🍍🍒🍓
A post shared by ФИЛОСОФИЯ ПЕДИКЮРА. AcadeMika (@nastini_nogti) on May 25, 2020 at 6:32am PDT
This one is activity to booty a little practice, but you can’t go amiss with a architecture of your admired fruit.
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Walk-ins welcome for SPA Manicures and pedicures 💅🏽🦶🏽💦 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #pedicure #manicure #spapedi #spamani #relax #moisturize #RhinaRifficNails #nails #ootd #ootd #theshaderoom #cardib #gelmani #gelpedi #clean #cleannails #cleanfeet #notd #potd
A post shared by 💅Get Rhinafied💅 (@rhinarifficnails) on Jan 9, 2020 at 5:03pm PST
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Doodle a Day Journal: 19 Days of Creative Drawing With Prompts .. | art prompts
This anesthetic architecture is giving off austere amplitude vibes.
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Hand Painted Sunflowers with Regular Polish 🌼 Quarantaine Self-Pedi. #SORRYDEWI . #lakwerk #handpaintednailart #toenailart #nailart #pedicure #springnails #polish #regularpolish
A post shared by Jessica Cotton (@nails_byjc) on Apr 12, 2020 at 6:23am PDT
Who needs a canvas back you can convenance your painting abilities on your own toes? This sunflower architecture is a abundant abode to start.
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A New Year and Drawing Prompts | The Digital Painter – art prompts | art prompts
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시원하게🌊 언니 자는사이에 내맘 마블🤘🏻 발톱만 안부러졋음 딱인데ㅠㅠ . . #2tti#젤네일#네일아트#패턴#파스텔네일#젤패디#마블네일#pediart#아트네일#귀여운네일#gelnail#nailart#mani#꽃네일#패디#핸드페인팅네일#ネイルアート#pedi#젤네일아트#귀여운네일#짧은손톱네일#압구정로데오#패턴네일#누드네일#알록달록#젤패디#압구정네일#강남네일#건식네일#투티#2tti네일
A post shared by 네일하는다정이 (@dajung777) on May 6, 2020 at 2:54am PDT
This dejected blotchy architecture is meant for a summer spent at the beach.
Five Art Prompts That Had Gone Way Too Far | Art Prompts – art prompts | Encouraged for you to our blog site, in this time I’m going to provide you with regarding keyword. And from now on, this is actually the primary image:
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25+ best images about Drawing challenges on Pinterest .. | art prompts
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Thanks for visiting our website, articleabove (Five Art Prompts That Had Gone Way Too Far | Art Prompts) published .  At this time we are delighted to announce that we have discovered an extremelyinteresting nicheto be discussed, that is (Five Art Prompts That Had Gone Way Too Far | Art Prompts) Most people attempting to find details about(Five Art Prompts That Had Gone Way Too Far | Art Prompts) and of course one of them is you, is not it?
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Writing Prompts – Box 2: Ages 8-10 – R.I.C. Publications .. | art prompts
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19 Autumn Art Journal Prompts – Birch And Button – art prompts | art prompts
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Doodlewash® ~ APRIL ART CHALLENGE: Spring Things – art prompts | art prompts
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19 Art Prompts to Help You Discover New Creative Ideas – art prompts | art prompts
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Drawing Prompts 19-19 | Art Amino – art prompts | art prompts
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BCW: Drawing Prompts — Tam Team Updates | JaNanamation – art prompts | art prompts
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The Daily Art Challenge prompts for April, 19. #artprompts .. | art prompts
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19 Sketch Prompts: Weekly Art Prompts for Creative Doodling .. | art prompts
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Doodlewash® ~ MAY 19 ART CHALLENGE: Color Fun! – art prompts | art prompts
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Art Prompt #27 – art prompts | art prompts
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Art prompts for #Junebug19 : Artprompt – art prompts | art prompts
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Bionicle: Korahan Alphabet by starpotter80 | Letter .. | art prompts
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⭕️ Bryan Dechart: Human on Twitter: “< RT to April Art Prompts .. | art prompts
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365 One Word Art Journal Prompts for Journaling .. | art prompts
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/five-art-prompts-that-had-gone-way-too-far-art-prompts/
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
How To Have A Fantastic Google Themes With Minimal Spending | Google Themes
Earth Day is an ceremony anniversary dating aback to April 22, 1970, acknowledging anatomy aegis with a altered affair ceremony year. This year is Earth Day’s 50th ceremony and 2020’s affair is Climate Action, and Google Doodle is adulatory today with a bold and tips on how to save bees.
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Google Themes & Skins | Userstyles | google themes
In accord with The Honeybee Conservancy, today’s Google Doodle appearance a bold in which users adviser a bee as it pollinates flowers while acquirements fun facts about bees and their appulse on the world.
The addition to the Earth Day Google Doodle says: “Happy 50th Ceremony of Earth Day! Today we bless our planet and one of its smallest, best analytical organisms, the bee!
“Did you know? Pollination by bees makes two-thirds of the world’s crops possible, as able-bodied as 85 percent of the world’s beginning plants.”
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Stylish – Custom themes for any website – Consigue esta extensión .. | google themes
In a statement, architect and controlling administrator of The Honeybee Conservancy, Guillermo Fernandez, explained his thoughts abaft the Earth Day Google Doodle and aggregate tips on how to admonition bees while amusing distancing.
Fernandez said he founded The Honeybee Conservancy as he, “wanted to admonition save the bees, who blend 1 in 3 bites of aliment we eat and are basic to [a] advantageous ecology. There are 20,000 breed of bees about the apple who do this capital work.
“In North America, currently 1 in 4 of the 4,000 built-in bee breed are at accident of extinction. On a beyond scale, the world’s adaptation depends on theirs.”
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Additionally, Fernandez capital to admonition underserved communities like the one he grew up in through giving honeybee hives and built-in bee homes to organizations like breadth to schools.
Fernandez says: “I immigrated to the U.S. from Cuba at the age of one. The adjacency I grew up in was a crowded, burghal breadth area one-third of the multi-ethnic association lived in poverty.
“Finding beginning bake-apple or vegetables to eat was abutting to impossible: the abutting bazaar mostly abounding candy foods, and our bounded restaurants were all fast-food chains. There wasn’t a timberline or garden in sight; the alone esplanade was abounding of concrete.”
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Fernandez explains that 13.5 actor bodies in the U.S. alive in “food deserts” with a low akin of aliment articulacy and a poor compassionate of how to eat a counterbalanced diet, due to an underfunded apprenticeship arrangement and bound blooming spaces.
Residents of these communities can ache from obesity, diabetes, and asthma, due to poor diet and a base environment.
By giving these communities beehives, Fernandez says The Honeybee Conservancy can “alleviate banking and educational barriers (keeping honeybee hives is a cher advance that requires training),” and “can actualize admission
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theseadagiodays · 4 years
March 30, 2020
Kids Arts Activities through Quarantine
As BC’s spring break officially ends, I am very aware that working parents, with kids at home who now need online schooling and extra care, are extremely hard hit by the current changes.  I also realize that Adagio may not at all reflect the tempo of their lives as they juggle these new responsibilities.  What I hear from my friends in this situation is that Prestissimo Agitato (agitatedly fast) probably sums it up far better.  So, I am hoping that some of the kids’ arts activities which I list below might help give parents even a few tacet moments.  
This accelerated pace also relates to health care workers, grocery employees, and so many others who are working harder than ever during this period.  Conversely, people who have temporarily lost their jobs, aging people who were enjoying the well-earned luxury of post-career social time before the virus hit, and many others now find time spooling out before them in a sometimes overwhelming abundance.  And while I am fortunate to be able to sustain a considerable amount of my work during this unusual time, I relate more to both the challenges and privileges of being faced with increased space in my life.  In fact, I have always been aware that my choice not to have children has meant that my life’s rhythms are quite different from many of my peers.  So, I take this reality as an onus to use the extra capacity I have to contribute where I can.  And writing this blog is one way I am attempting to do that.
As I share this, I am inspired by the words of one of my favorite writers and thinkers, Rebecca Solnit, who in her Harper’s article, The Mother of All Questions, poignantly sums up the role that people who choose not to have children can play in their communities.  “There are so many things to love besides one’s offspring, so much work that love has to do in the world”.
So, for children and adults alike, I offer Lunch Doodles and Lockdown Diaries and Puppet Shows and Haiku.
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At 1 pm EST, every day, Mo Willems, livestreams his Lunch Doodles classes for all to follow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmzjCPQv3y8
Or, if you want to get your hands a bit dirtier, you might try this homemade playdough recipe to make the rainbows that people are sticking to their windows all over the world to spread hope.
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In Saskatoon, Wide Open Children’s Theatrehosts livestreamed storytelling and puppet shows at 10 am CST and bedtime (7 pm CST), every single day, on Facebook:
Christchurch artist, Stephen McCarthy has created a free downloadable, Lockdown Diary, that will keep anyone busy for ages:
The New York Times has created a digital coloring book with a truly timely image.  You can play with their online pen or print it out and do it old-school analog style.
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And finally, if you want to distill your feelings about this unique time, the simple container of a Haiku works very well for this.   The 3 lines form is made up of 5 syllables, 7 syllables, & 5 syllables.  The invite it is to write your own, video record yourself reading it, and then send it to Quarantine Haikus: https://thebridgepai.org/quarantinehaikus/
Here’s mine:
cherry blossom tree
as colorful as ever
like nothing has changed
March 31, 2020
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Resilient Quarantine Artist Projects
The life of an artist is one of constant reinvention.  And these times call for just that.  As I’ve shifted from a flute performance career, to directing a community arts non-profit, Instruments of Change (instrumentsofchange.org), to creative writing, I have sometimes struggled to define myself by my job description or title.  However, if I have learned anything from this necessary process of unravelling my identity from my career achievements, I have learned to connect more deeply to who I AM rather than what I DO.  This process of redefinition has led me to recognize that, at the core of everything I do, I am an arts advocate, first and foremost.  So, this is the title that sits most comfortably for me.  As an arts advocate, I am constantly seeking ways to increase public perception of the value of the arts and artists, themselves. And this eloquent article (https://madmimi.com/s/708e601) which my friend, Juliana Bedoya shared, perfectly illustrates why artists are ideally equipped for dealing with our current uncertain circumstances.  To summarize Andrew Simonet’s piece, Dear Artists, This is What We Train For:
1.    Artists are accustomed to charting unfamiliar territory.
2.    Artists are excellent at “working with what they’ve got” - to quote Duke Ellington
3.    Artists are keen observers, and they use those powers to create expressions of resonance and relevance.
4.    Artists thrive at adapting to constantly changing rhythms and flow.
In only the few brief weeks since quarantined living began (although I know that this has seemed eternal for some), it has been remarkable how many resilient strategies and projects I’ve encountered in my artist community.  So, here, I’d like to share just a few initiatives that are happening in my own backyard.
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In Vancouver, the Little Chamber Music Series That Could has launched their Isolation Commissions, where individuals, for only $200, can hire solo artists to film a 4 min video of themselves performing something which reflects the impact that this extraordinary social situation is having on their artistic practice. It might be an improvisation, a favorite piece, a work that brings comfort, or a new composition in progress. Incredibly, by March 31st, already 30 video performances from 30 unique artists had been successfully commissioned. Interested “commissioners” can contact Mark Haney at: [email protected] to arrange their desired artist partnership.  And you can learn more about their innovative program here: http://littlechambermusic.com/isolation-commissions/
For years, the Sunday Service has provided live improv sets at Vancouver’s Fox Cabaret, and they are not letting self-isolation stop that tradition.  So now, every Sunday, at 9 pm, Cyber Service livestreams collaborative improv, from each of their respective homes, on their You Tube channel:
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Instruments of Change is also playing with our own adaptive strategies as we anticipate the potential cancellation of our free, outdoor summer concert series, Street Beats.  In 2018, originally invited by VIVA Vancouver, I of C launched this series to make a wide variety of top-rate live music accessible to all, while celebrating our city’s vibrant public spaces.    So, in an effort to continue meeting those objectives without the possibility of large public gatherings, Street Beats sound engineer, David Spidel has proposed Street Beats - the Stream Beats edition.  His idea is to drone video record several Vancouver parklets and plazas, and then green screen these behind various livestreamed performances of Vancouver artists.  We should learn, in the coming weeks, if VIVA goes for his slightly wacky concept, and we’ll keep you posted.
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April 1, 2020
Lockdown Laughs
This year, the internet exploded with announcements that there should be a moratorium on April Fools Jokes, as we are all living a far worse hoax than any one of us could ever devise.  And while I’m usually a huge fan of this prankster holiday, I fully understand the sensitivity of the ask. So, instead of tricks, I thought I’d just include some good laughs for much needed levity.
As a dentist, my Dad spent his life glaring into terrified people’s mouths, so humor served him well to put his patients at ease.  It is no surprise, then, that he has injected daily doses of giggles into my quarantined existence with his reliably hilarious links.  Here’s my favorite so far:
Masters of lockdown living, people in China have perfected the art of making themselves laugh in hard times. And watching this American comedian’s stand-up routine, which weaves in crazy Tiktok videos from China, was perhaps the hardest I’ve laughed since this whole ordeal began:
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Also, my local arts community has come through again, with a livestream version of their weekly Thursday night comedy show, Jokes Please, that’s hosted at Little Mountain Theatre, only blocks from our home.  It airs every Thursday, at 9 pm PST, but remains on their Facebook page for future viewing, too. https://www.facebook.com/jokespleaseshow
April 2, 2020
A Simple Verse
Some days, a few artful lines can go a long way.  In life, as is now evident more than ever, there are many changes over which we have no control.  And while we often wish we had the power to say or do something that could shift those things with which we are uncomfortable, this is not always possible. However, what we can control is the steadiness with which we face these uncomfortabilities.  As we all struggle with feelings of powerlessness in these uncertain times, TS Eliot reminds us that patience and faith will get us through.
I said to my soul, be still and wait without hope, for hope would be hope for the wrong thing; 
Wait without love, for love would be love of the wrong thing; 
There is yet faith, but the faith and the love are all in the waiting. 
Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought: 
So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing. 
                                                                                          ��    T.S. Eliot
April 3, 2020
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Physically Distant Connections
There is much to be learned from trees.  For those who have not yet read the wonderous, Hidden Life of Trees, in it Peter Wohlleben describes the remarkable communication system between our forest friends.  Without language or physical touch, these living beings can support, nourish and love one another in magnificent symbiosis.  In fact, trees are masters of social distancing, as he illustrates here:
“The average tree grows its branches out until it encounters the branch tips of a neighboring tree of the same height. It doesn’t grow any wider because the air and better light in this space are already taken. However, it heavily reinforces the branches it has extended, so you get the impression that there’s quite a shoving match going on up there. But a pair of true friends is careful right from the outset not to grow overly thick branches in each other’s direction. The trees don’t want to take anything away from each other, and so they develop sturdy branches only at the outer edges of their crowns, that is to say, only in the direction of “non-friends.” Such partners are often so tightly connected at the roots that sometimes they even die together.”
Ironically, another term for the crown of a stand of trees is corona. So, let us all follow their lead and trust that our separateness is what will keep us together.
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And, if you’re keen to read more about the wisdom of trees, the latest Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Overstory by Richard Powers, weaves a dense and motivating tale that explores what drives radical tree activists’ passion to save our dwindling forests.  Powers is not a man of few words.  On nearly every tenth page of his 512 page tome, there will be a word that you will likely have to look up.  But trust that you will be the smarter and more moved for it.  This has been the most powerful read I’ve had in the past couple of years, emotionally and intellectually.  So, if quarantine living happens to leave you with some extra time on your hands, it’s definitely worth it.
Pratityasamutpada is my favorite Sanskrit word.  (And yes, as nerdy as that sounds, I do have a favorite.)  It means the interdependence of all things.  And since physical distancing began, nothing has made me feel more connected to my fellow citizens than the nightly 7 pm cheer for our health care workers. So, I will leave you with a video from this week that captures the essence of interconnectedness beautifully.  https://youtu.be/BS8dMC1sfXc
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Google-Doodle Famous Game Series With Hip-Hop Games That Advise You To Stay & Play At Home: Here's How You Can Play & More The famous series of Google Doodle Games has 10 games in total and nine have been released. Well known Google Doodle Games, as everybody has presumably seen at this point, is a progression of return games distributed by Google. This activity by Google that began on April 27 is an endeavor to keep individuals engaged while they are kept to their homes during the coronavirus lockdown. Fundamentally, Google needs individuals to 'Remain and Play at Home with Popular Past Google Doodles'. On Thursday, Google has distributed another game in the arrangement called Hip Hop. The game was first distributed in 2017 to praise the 44th commemoration of the introduction of Hip Hop. Step By Step Instructions To Play Google Doodle Hip Hop Game As is custom with Google Doodles, the Hip Hop game for Thursday, May 7, carries a slick liveliness to the Google pennant. The main 'G' is utilizing the two 'O's as a turntable while the following 'g' is flaunting some cool break move moves. Floating over the pennant shows you the topic of this activity - Stay and Play at Home with Popular Past Google Doodles: Hip Hop (2017). Much the same as the past doodles, just snap on the doodle on the off chance that you need to play the game and it will give you results for 'well known Google Doodle games', and the main outcome will be simply the game with a 'Play' button. Snap-on the 'Play' catch and you'll see a speedy introduction to the game just as a short instructional exercise on how it functions. When done, you will have the option to utilize the two turntables to make music. Select a beat, scratch, crossfade, and control the beats every moment (BPM) to turn into a DJ. The query items page containing the Hip Hop Google doodle game shows all the games discharged up until this point (as observed above), in a 'From the Google doodle chronicle' merry go round. Till now, the Google Doodles that have been distributed incorporate Coding for Carrots, Cricket, Fischinger, Rockmore, Garden Gnomes, Scoville, Loteria, Halloween, and the most recent one, Hip Hop. There is one more Google Doodle to go which should finish the arrangement of intuitive doodles. History Of The Google Doodle Hip Hop Game, And Its Range The Hip Hop doodle game was first distributed in 2017 to praise the 44th commemoration of the introduction of Hip Hop. It began in 1973 when a Jamaican-American DJ named Kool Herc tossed a school year kickoff jam in the Bronx, New York. His companion Coke La Rock took a mouthpiece and began building up the group and this how Hip Hop was conceived. Google shared that Thursday's Hip Hop doodle is accessible in Canada, the United States, India, the greater part of Europe, a few nations in Africa, Australia, Japan, Thailand, and South American nations. Well Known Google Doodle Games Arrangement This arrangement by Google began on April 27 with the game Coding for Carrots. It is a fourteen day-long battle with a sum of 10 intuitive Google Doodles, out of which 9 have been uncovered with the Hip Hop game being the most recent one. Friday will be the last doodle in the arrangement. The Google Doodle for May 6 was devoted to Halloween. ALSO SEE Google Latest Doodle "Thanks COVID19 Helpers" In India Google Doodle: Popular Series With Cricket Remains On Tuesday Google needs to advance gaming while at the same time staying inside. As nations over the globe are on lockdown inferable from the coronavirus pandemic, the pursuit of mammoth expects to give some amusement to individuals in these difficult occasions.  For Regular & Fastest Tech News and Reviews, Follow TECHNOXMART on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Subscribe Here Now. By Subscribing You Will Get Our Daily Digest Headlines Every Morning Directly In Your Email Inbox.             【Join Our Whatsapp Group Here】
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