#3. kolo
dalsimoravskyblog · 10 months
čumblrhledáseriál: 3. kolo
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Je to tady! Po mém drobném vyhoření se vrací turnaj seriálů.
Čeká nás 8 soubojů, které se zveřejní ve dvou várkách 12. a 13. 8. Budou to následující:
Četnické humoresky vs. Létající Čestmír
KOSMO vs. Bylo nás pět
Marie Terezie vs. Arabela
Ďáblova lest vs. Chalupáři
Ať žijí rytíři vs. Záhada hlavolamu
Krkonošské pohádky vs. (divoká karta)
Most vs. Comeback
Četníci z Luhačovic vs. Hříšní lidé města pražského
Celkem se v tomto kole objeví tři divoké karty, takže buďte ve střehu!
Tož zatím zdar.
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outragedslime · 1 year
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me displaying my range of arm motion about 5 weeks post top surgery to my supportive and inquisitive friends
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lunetual · 2 years
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jungwookjins · 2 years
this part in the desert remix 😵💫😵💫😵💫
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songbirdtana · 1 year
Just bought the coolest space coloured fabric for my super big doctor who cross-stitch project and I’m so excited to get started😍
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lovromajers · 7 months
I fear its dancing a kolo alone in my bathroom o clock....
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jeszcze-nie-motylek · 1 month
WYMOWKI na pytania o to co jadlas
(na prosbe jednego motylka😍)
zacznijmy od tego ze to jest doslownie kilka pomyslow bo ile jest slow tyle wymowek. tu podam tylko te ktore wpadna mi do glowy podczas pisania tego postu. jesli wymysle cos jeszcze to zrobie dla was 2 czesc
1. (nie) bledne kolo
dosc typowo ale prawie zawsze sie sprawdza
🏡: zjem\jadlam w szkole
🏫: jadlam\zjem w domu
najlepiej dokladniej opisac co jadlas. przyklady:
🏫: "moja mama zrobila doziaj na sniadanie ..."
🏡: "*imie kolezanki* przybiosla dzisiaj babeczki i mi dala" "jadlam obiad bo pani miala dodatkowa porcje"
2. z dowodami
w momencie w ktorym twoich rodzicow nie ma w domu/ sa zajeci idziesz do kuchni i brudzisz miske.
przykladowo: jedzienie ktore "jadlas" to platki. wlewasz odrobine mleka fo miski i rozprowadzasz je za pomoca obracania naczyniem po sciankach miski. potem wsypujesz odrobine platkow (mozesz je rozwodnic dla lepszego efektu) dajesz lyzke i to w sumie tyle
potem poprostu mowisz ze jadlas *rzecz krora brruzziles miske* i gdyby nie uwiezyli mowisz ze miska stoi w kuchni
3 nowosci w sklepach
polega to poprostu na tym ze wychodizsz na dwor (powiedzmy na spacer)a po powrocie opowiadasz o tym ze w zabce lub osiedlowym sklepie jest jakas nowa kanapka cyz cos tego typu i jakoe to bylo dobre. przeciez kanapka lub inna drozdzowka to pelnoprawny posilek wiec njkt nie powinien sie przycepic
4 chudej nocy motylki
sposob ktory mozna wykozystac w sytulacji w ktorej jestes juz zmuszony do zjedzenia ale nadasie tes tak o poprostu. kiedy kest to wieczor i rodzic zrobi dla ciebie kolacje mowisz cos na zasadzie "dziekuje mamo to seieo wyglada mega dobrse ale nie chce sie zapyychac na noc tym barsiej ze jadlam diziaj *nazwa jakis posilkow*" zazwyczaj przechodzi
w jednym z ostatnich postow dalam jeszcze wiedej pomyslow wiec polecam sprawdzic. prosze tez o reposty bo serio sie staralam
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2tnykitti · 15 days
#Egg diet day 2 ꒰ 28.05 ꒱
♡ Obiad: 1 małe jabłko ( 52 kcal)
♡ Kolacja: 3 jajka na twardo ( 233 kcal )
♡ Spalone: 180 ♡ Woda: 4l
♡ Bilans: 105 ♡ Kroki: 4 694
꒰ 🎀 ꒱ Rano wszystko było w porządku, ale kolo godziny 10 zacząłem czuć się słabo, ledwo się poruszałem i co jakiś czas bolała mnie głowa, mój stan się poprawił dopiero kiedy zjadłem jabłko po powrocie do domu. Myślę, że stało się tak ponieważ z 1500 kcal przez 4 dni odrazu poszedłem na mocny strzał i zjadłem 200, ale to nic. Dziś nie spaliłem za dużo gdyż chciałem odpocząć aby mieć siły na jutrzejszy dzień.
꒰ 🎀 ꒱ Jutro po szkole jadę kupić resztę prezentu dla R!! nie wierzę, że już w piątek się spotykamy, to wydaje się być takie nierealne.. Tak czy siak, wtedy będę jeść wyjątkowo 400-600 kcal żeby nie zmartwić R ( wie o moim ed ) chcę aby ten dzień był wyjątkowy i nie chcę jej go popsuć. Wszystko wam opowiem w niedzielę albo wcześniej!!
꒰ 🎀 ꒱ Dodam jeszcze, że rano już nie byłem ani trochę wzdęty i mój brzuch był prawie płaski przez co ogromnie się cieszę, nie mogę sie doczekać końca tygodnia żeby zobaczyć rezultaty tej diety i się zważyć.
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adventure-showdown · 8 months
What is the Best Doctor Who Story Ever Told?
Hello everybody and welcome to this, frankly ridiculously sized, tournament between not only every televised Doctor Who story, not only the spinoffs, not only a large number of minisodes, but over a 100 audios and dozens of other stories from other corners of the EU.
Now we will have to whittle over 600 stories down to jusst one, that is a lot of matches, a lot of rounds, just a lot, until very late in the game, rounds will be posted across several days. Right now the goal is to post (up to) new matches daily from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday's a day off for my own sake, which in my current plan places the final on the 18th of December (thats right, this'll be out of date before its even over, during round 2 in fact)
You can use this form to submit propaganda for your favourite stories (or anti propaganda for ones you hate). there is a more checkable list of nominations here if you want to know what you can submit propaganda for
without further ado
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
earlier in the year I ran some polls between televised Doctor Who stories, the top 50% for each Doctor have automatically advanced to Round 2, which is why (a) there are stories missing, and (b) the groups between the remaing stories are a lot deadlier
Every day will have groups from across the Doctor Who Universe, from Classic Who, New Who, TV Spinoffs, and the EU
Day 6
Group 1
The Twin Dilemma
Attack of the Cybermen
The Two Doctors
The Ultimate Foe
Group 2
Time and the Rani
Paradise Towers
Delta and the Bannermen
Silver Nemesis
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
Group 3
The Tsuranga Conundrum
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
Can You Hear Me?
Legend of the Sea Devils
Group 4
The Ghost Monument
Arachnids in the UK
Orphan 55
Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children
Revolution of the Daleks
Once, Upon Time
Survivors of the Flux
The Vanquishers
Group 5
Mutant Copper
The Custodians
Taphony of the Time Loop
Robot Gladiators
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/The Last Precinct/Hound of the Korven/The Eclipse of the Korven
Group 6
For Tonight We Might Die
The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart
The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did
The Lost
Group 7
The Last Beacon
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
A Spoonful of Mayhem
The Lumiat
Too Many Masters
Group 8
Expiry Dating
The Cars that Ate London!
A Photograph to Remember
Iterations of I
Group 9
Living Legend
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50
The Bekdel Test
Oh No It Isn't
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
Smoke and Mirrors
Group 10
Dooms Day hour 1
An Adventure in Space and Time
Shada (1992) version with linking narration from Tom Baker
Shada animated reconstruction
Return to Shada webcast with 8
Group 11
Real Time
Scream of the Shalka
The Infinite Quest
Ronald Rat continuity announcement
The Man from M.I.5
Group 12
Dr Who and the Daleks
Dalek's Invasion of Earth 2150AD
Doctor in Distress
Doctorin' the TARDIS
I'm gonna Spend my Christmas with a Dalek
previous days under the cut
Day 1
Group 1
The Sensorites
Planet of Giants
The Web Planet
The Crusade
Mission to the Unknown
The Massacre
The Celestial Toymaker
The Savages
Group 2
Marco Polo
Galaxy 4
The Myth Makers
The Ark
The Gunfighters
The Smugglers
Group 3
The Underwater Menace
The Ice Warriors
The Dominators
The Krotons
The Seeds of Death
Group 4
The End of the World
The Unquiet Dead
Aliens of London/World War Three
The Long Game
Boom Town
Group 5
The Christmas Invasion
Love and Monsters
Voyage of the Damned
Planet of the Dead
Group 6
Invasion of the Bane
Revenge of the Slitheen
Eye of the Gorgon
Warriors of Kudlak
Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane
The Lost Boy
Group 7
The Last Sontaran
The Day of the Clown
Secrets of the Stars
The Mark of the Berserker
The Temptation of the Sarah-Jane Smith
Enemy of the Bane
Group 8
Prisoner of the Judoon
The Mad Woman in the Attic
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith
The Eternity Trap
Mona Lisa's Revenge
Group 9
The Marian Conspiracy
The Apocalyspe Element
The Shadow of the Scourge
The Holy Terror
Storm Warning
Group 10
Minuet in Hell
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
The Time of the Daleks
Group 11
Spare Parts
Creatures of Beauty
Doctor Who and the Pirates
Group 12
The Natural History of Fear
Group 13
The Room With All the Doors
Grey Matter
Lepidoptery for Beginners
Something Borrowed
Nothing at the End of the Lane
Group 14
Divided Loyalties
Fear of the Dark
Fear Itself
12 Doctors, 12 Stories
The Stranger
Group 15
Vampire Science
Alien Bodies
Seeing I
The Scarlet Empress
Unnatural History
Group 16
The Blue Angel
The Burning
The Turing Test
The Year of Intelligent Tigers
The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
Day 2
Group 1
The Highlanders
The Faceless Ones
The Abominable Snowmen
The Wheel in Space
The Space Pirates
Group 2
Ambassadors of Death
Colony in Space
Day of the Daleks
The Time Monster
Frontier in Space
Death to the Daleks
Group 3
Doctor Who and the Silurians
The Claws of Axos
The Mutants
Planet of the Daleks
The Monster of Peladon
Planet of Spiders
Group 4
New Earth
Tooth and Claw
The Girl in the Fireplace
Fear Her
The Shakespeare Code
Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks
The Lazarus Experiment
The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky
Group 5
Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
The Idiot's Lantern
The Doctor's Daughter
The Next Doctor
Group 6
The Gift
The Nightmare Man
The Vault of Secrets
Death of the Doctor
The Empty Planet
Group 7
Lost in Time
Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith
The Curse of Clyde Langer
The Man Who Never Was
Group 8
Everything Changes
Day One
Ghost Machine
Small Worlds
Group 9
Arrangements for War
The Harvest
Faith Stealer
Terror Firma
Group 10
Other Lives
The Kingmaker
The Girl Who Never Was
The Condemned
The Doomwood Curse
Group 11
The Magic Mousetrap TIE
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
The Company of Friends: Fitz's Story
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Company of Friends: Mary's Story TIE
A Death in the Family
Group 12
The Silver Turk
1963: The Assassination Games
The Widow's Assassin
Dalek Soul
The Grey Man of the Mountain
Group 13
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
The Book of the Still
The Crooked World
Camera Obscura
The Gallifrey Chronicles
Group 14
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
Human Nature
The Blood Cell
Engines of War
Group 15
The Book of War
This Town Will Never Let Us Go
Of the City of the Saved
Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
Harvest of Time
Group 16
The Star Beast
The World Shapers
Ground Zero
The Flood
Day 3
Group 1
Revenge of the Cybermen
The Android Invasion
The Sunmakers
Group 2
The Brain of Morbius
Image of the Fendahl
The Power of Kroll
The Creature from the Pit
Nightmare of Eden
Group 3
Victory of the Daleks
The Curse of the Black Spot
Closing Time
Asylum of the Daleks
The Bells of Saint John
Name of the Doctor
Group 4
The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood
Night Terrors
The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe
Dinosaurs on a Spaceship
A Town Called Mercy
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
The Crimson Horror
Group 5
Greeks Bearing Gifts
They Keep Killing Suzie
Random Shoes
Out of Time
Group 6
Captain Jack Harkness
End of Days
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
To the Last Man
Group 7
Dead Man Walking
A Day in the Death
Something Borrowed
Group 8
The Blood of the Daleks
Horror of Glam Rock
Immortal Beloved
No More Lies
Group 9
Human Resources
To the Death
The Eleven
The Red Lady
The Galileo Trap
Group 10
The Gift
The Sonomancer
Absent Friends
The Eighth Piece
The Doomsday Chronometer
Group 11
The Crucible of Souls
Ship in a Bottle
Songs of Love
The Side of the Angels
Stop the Clock
Group 12
The Fallen
The Land of Happy Endings
Old Friends
Space in Dimension Relative and Time
Time in Reverse
Group 13
The Zero Imperative
The Devil of Winterborne
Unnatural Selection
Ghosts of Winterborne
When to Die
Group 14
Summoned by Shadows
More Than a Messiah
In Memory Alone
The Terror game
Breach of the Peace
Eye of the Beholder
Day 4
Group 1
Planet of Evil
The Invisible Enemy
The Invasion of Time
The Armageddon Factor
Destiny of the Daleks
Group 2
The Sontaran Experiment
The Masque of Mandragora
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
The Leisure Hive
Full Circle
Group 3
The Lodger
The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People
Let's Kill Hitler
Cold War
Nightmare in Silver
Group 4
Into the Dalek
Robot of Sherwood
Kill the Moon
The Pyramid at the End of the World
The Eaters of light
Group 5
From Out of the Rain
Exit WOunds
Children of Earth
Miracle Day
Group 6
K9 and Company
Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
The Bounty Hunter
Sirens of Ceres
Fear Itself
The Fall of the House of Gryffen
Group 7
Escape from Kaldor
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Companion Piece
Day of the Master
Paradox of the Daleks
Inside Every Warrior
Group 8
UNIT Dating
Here Lies Drax
The Love Vampires
Albie's Angels
Group 9
Peri and the Piscon Paradox TIE
The Cold Equations TIE
The Last Post
The Scorchies
Group 10
Death and the Queen
The Sword of the Chevalier
No Place
The Creeping Death
Out of Time (individual story)
Group 11
Zygon: When Being You Just Isn't Enough
Sil and the Seeds of Andor
Group 12
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advert
Merry Christmas Doctor Who
Step into the 80s/On Through the 80s
A Fix With Sontarans
Dalek Weetabix advert
Famin Appeal 1985
Group 13
The Shrink
Search Out Space
Dimensions in Time
Emperor of the Daleks
The Curse of Fatal Death
Day 5
Group 1
Four to Doomsday
Warriors of the Deep
The Awakening
Resurrection of the Daleks
Group 2
The Visitation
Black Orchid
Arc of Infinity
The King's Demons
Group 3
The Girl Who Died
Sleep No More
Knock Knock
The Lie of the Land
The Empress of Mars
Group 4
The Caretaker
In the Forest of the Night
Last Christmas
The Woman Who Lived
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
Twice Upon a Time
Group 5
The Jaws of Orthrus
Curse of Anubis
Alien Avatar
Group 6
The Aeolian
The Last Oak Tree
Black Hunger
The Cambridge Spy
Lost Library of Ukko
Group 7
Square One
First Days of Phaidon
Gallifrey IV
Group 8
The Queen of Time
Paradise 5
The Elite
I am the Master
Forever Fallen
A Full Life
Group 9
The Fifth Citadel
The Forgotten Villafe
The Concrete Cage TIE
Troubled Waters TIE
The Hollow King
Group 10
Born Again
Time Crash
The Naked Truth
Night and the Doctor
Group 11
Pond Life
The Great Detective
The Bells of Saint John: A prequel
The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
Clara and the TARDIS
Group 12
Rain Gods
Night of the Doctor
The Last Day
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
The Doctor's Meditation
Farewell Sarah-Jane
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dalsimoravskyblog · 10 months
čumblrhledáseriál: 3. kolo
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Propaganda aneb hlas lidu
Byl to určitě… seriál. Pořád nevím jestli se mi vlastně líbil nebo ne, ale musím obdivovat že si vůbec někdo na našem území troufl otevřít téma transfobie a rasismu. Je to pár let ale pamatuju si jak o tom mluvili lidi v mým okolí - zdá se mi že jim to pokládalo otázky na který se báli odpovídat, a to je podle mě umění.
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Osobně to považuji za kulturní dědictví
ikonický český seriál. pravidelně myslím na scénu kdy se Tomáš učil vařit: "nechte dojít" "kam dojít? jak dlouho to má chodit?"
Epizodu Heavy Christmas si pouštíme o Vánocích s rodinou doteď
Veselý seriál o době, kdy svět byl ještě normální, i když to vypadá, že naprosto nenormální
Jestli ho sem ještě nikdo nehodil, tak se budu divit. No tak. To máte: Ozzák. Ivuška. Lexa. Saša. Tomi Paci. Marcelka. Simona. Jakub Žáček. Hlasujte pro kulturní dědictví a taky nejlepší seriál TV Nova.
ozzák :)
nemám moc věcí, které s tátou můžeme společně prožívat, jelikož neustále pracuje ale vždycky se u oběda koukáme na comeback :)
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outragedslime · 1 year
out of all special interests god couldve bestowed unto me he rly chose like. the strangest one to bring up in conversation
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lunetual · 2 years
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jungwookjins · 2 years
Hi hi!! I have a few ooo questions for you if you feel like answering :) so now that we have yoojung and kb solos and remixes why do you think they got the remixes they did? Do you think they had any say on which one goes on their album or was it just whichever remix was done first? Do you think they had a certain attachment to the og song that was remixed? What songs do you think the other members will get remixed? Which songs do you hope the others will get or which song do you associate the others with? I do love reading your ooo essays and thoughts about their art <3 but I realize this is a lot so feel free to ignore this!!
anon hi hi!! i've been looking forward to answering this ask and today i finally have time, this is such a fun ask <33
for which remixes go with which solo, i definitely think taeyeob and kyubin had at least some say in which ones they got beyond it being whichever was done first. given that wookjin is working a lot on the remixes and he worked closely on begin and be free as well, i can imagine there was discussion w taeyeob and kyu abt which ones they would get (and i imagine this will apply for the future ones as well)
as for specifically why they got the ones they did, i'm less sure. both picasso and desert are ones that were originally largely composed and arranged by producing line themselves + the producers they work w v frequently (nap!er, haeil, ximon, etc). i'm not sure if that actually has anything to do with it, but if it does, i'm also not sure which direction the causality runs. like maybe they're only remixing ones they themselves + ooo producers worked on bc that's logistically and artistically more feasible (i.e. they have all the original files + they have 100% right to do whatever they want w it) or maybe the ones they want to remix are the ones that lend themselves better to their signature art pop style and those naturally would be the ones they worked more closely on themselves
now this gets even further into just my own speculation of potential reasons but: for taeyeob getting picasso, i feel like it makes sense bc to me, dora maar has always been a very taeyeob song and choreo, and in the choreo, he essentially plays the character of dora maar (here's a thread analyzing the choreo, and here's a video essay version of that thread + other dora maar analysis). i doubt they'd do an art pop remix of dora maar since it already is the quintessential example of their art pop style, so to do the companion song to that makes sense to me
and for kyubin getting desert, while he didn't work on the original song actually (though jisung and wookjin did), it is one of their early songs that i feel like is most in line w kyu's preferred k-rnb style. i originally thought kolo was gonna be k-rnb bc that genre is just soooo kyubin and suits his voice especially well, so given that be free wasnt, it makes sense to me that at least the remix was
now for the upcoming remixes, i'm gonna do this in the order that i think they're gonna be released (though i myself am conflicted abt what i think the order is gonna be, so this is just one theory)
i really hope that sungho gets something dramatic that shows off his vocals; i'm personally voting for onlyoneof you because that's one of my faves of theirs, i think prod line can do smth rly cool w an art pop remix of that, and sungho's parts sound incredibleeeee in the original already. but beyond that, i actually dont have much of a guess bc we havent seen much of sungho's personal musical style as prod line and i associate him more with the choreo, naturally
for junhyung, i feel like i might even have less of an idea bc we know he worked on suit dance, and the song that, to me, feels most analogous to suit dance on their discography is instinct. but, i feel like they might only be remixing songs from pre-instinct era bc underground idol is loosely a continuation of the instinct saga (e.g. the styling, the concepts so far, the fact that the name comes from the tracklist of ip2), so it makes sense in a way that they're only remixing things from outside of it. for pre-instinct stuff, i think it'd be interesting to hear a designer art pop remix. it's so stylistically different from the art pop stuff, but the concept is similar to suit dance in a way. but, this one was largely worked on by boycold who doesnt work w ooo regularly (though haeil is credited on designer as well), so if we're going w my earlier theory that they're only remixing stuff they worked on the most, this wouldn't work. much to think about!!
for yongsoo, i would loveeeee to hear a blossom remix bc i think it's such a fun yongsoo song or a asoiaf remix bc i feel like pd2 era looked so good on him and his rap in that one is so good, but neither are ones that the members worked closely on, plus it seems difficult to make either work w the art pop style, so ik they might be off the table. in which case, i feel like onlyoneof you would make sense for yongsoo. it's sentimental, it's sweet, just like he is <3 also he cried to it during the fan party but that's neither here nor there
and finally for wookjin, i would absolutely killllllllllll for a byredo art pop remix. if we got that, i think i would just levitate. that song is already sooooo sexy, and the art pop remix style would fit so well with it. we also know that song is wookjin's baby and one of his favorites if not his no. 1 favorite off their discography, However, if we're going w my earlier theory of them only remixing pre-instinct songs, that wouldn't work. had taeyeob not gotten picasso, i feel like that one would also work for wook, both conceptually (i.e. he plays the character of picasso in the dora maar choreo) and stylistically. i think there's also a good chance that he gets ooo me, though like i said i'm hoping sungho gets that one, so much to think abt here too 🤔🤔 (but sidenote, if they are remixing instinct era songs as well, i think tear of god would also be an excellent choice for sungho and gaslighting an excellent choice for junhyung)
(one song i havent mentioned yet is fragile. i think there's a super high chance that it's gonna get a remix bc it was produced completely by the members + their regular producers, it lends itself well to their art pop style, and it's a pre-instinct song. if it gets remixed, i think it can work with a lot of them. i feel it works with wookjin stylistically a lot, and it works with sungho and junhyung vocally a lot. but i didnt mention it earlier bc a part of me hopes that it doesn't get remixed bc i personally associate that one w jisung a lot, in large part bc his vocals in it are crazzzzyyyy good, so while ik prod line would be able to make an incredible art pop remix of it, it would make me a little :(( to hear it without jisung, even more than their other songs do)
and also a little abt the upcoming solo order, bc it's semi-relevant to this and i have speculations i want to talk abt a;lsdfkjasd: im very much wondering if the other solos are going to be released by unit like kyujung's were or if they wont be. like it ofc makes sense that begin and be free were released back to back, but i'm not expecting the other solos to have stories that are that interconnected, which leaves the question of if they'll still be released back to back
one thing is, i feel like wookjin's solo is near the end. ive mentioned it before, but during a begin-era (i.e. not long ago) fancall, he said that wolo is not close to done yet and that he's already scrapped 3 potential songs for it. given how much of a perfectionist he is, i doubt he'd leave himself so little time to finish wolo esp since i imagine whatever solo is next is already rly close to done if not already recorded, and this fancall was within the last ~month. also in his youtube live yesterday, he showed a tiny spoiler for the next cover he's working on, and while ofc u can work on two things at once, i feel like if wolo was soon, he would be focusing on that and probs wouldnt have another cover planned for the near future (i also feel like all the covers he's been doing recently are in part an exercise for him to try out diff styles and figure out what he wants to do for wolo)
so if his is one of the last two (i personally think it's last) and they're releasing by units, that means that the next one has to be either sungho or junhyung, in which case my bet would be on sungho. but if his is not one of the last two or if they're not releasing by units, for some reason i also feel like the next one could be yongsoo's. but another thing is i feel like it also makes sense for rolo to be last bc that would mean that sungho gets to release his during his birthday month, but then that also throws a whole other wrench into my current theories, so who knows. my current strongest bet is on sungho>junhyung>yongsoo>wookjin, but also ik there's a few other orders that are also super possible
anyways, i would say sorry this ended up being way longer than expected but also i had a feeling i would end up writing an essay in response to this a;slkjfasl;dfkj i hope u found this helpful/interesting anon, and ty for such a fun ask!!
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panikea · 5 months
W ciągu ostatnich 20 paru lat, życie nam się strasznie zmieniło ilościowo. Wszystkiego jest więcej. Ale niekoniecznie to się nam przekłada na jakość. Czyli, jak mam lepsza pracę i zarabiam więcej pieniędzy i mam dwa samochody i stać mnie na wakacje za granicą dwa razy w roku, to wcale nie znaczy, że jakość mojego życia jest lepsza niż była, dajmy na to dziesięć lat temu. Jakość życia wiąże się ze spokojem, z poczuciem, że jest tak, jak ma być. A mam wrażenie, że wiele osób wokół mnie, zwłaszcza tych które przeżarły korporacje, stają się człowiekiem – kurwą. Wkurwia nas wszystko. Że jest za ciepło, że jest za zimno, że ktoś coś powiedział, że ktoś coś nie powiedział, że ktoś zostawił otwartą klapę od kibla, że zarysowaliśmy w samochodzie zderzak, że nam nie dała, albo że nam dała zbyt powściągliwie, że ktoś nie wysłał maila, albo obiecał, ale nie zrobił, że nam żarcie do stolika przynieśli zbyt mało energicznie i nie pocałowali wystarczająco miłośnie w dupę. Irytujemy się drobiazgami, czyli rzeczami, które tak naprawdę nie mają znaczenia. Nasze życie staje się ciągiem tanich, niepotrzebnych dram. Zamiast żyć, odczuwać cieszyć się, napierdalamy na nieustającym wkurwie. W sobotę brat jednego z mecenasów zaparkował auto przed garażem swojego kumpla. Przed. W środku nie mógł, stał tam samochód kumpla. A on przyjechał go odwiedzić. Facet z garażu obok aby wyjechać, musiał odbić kierownicą w prawo, pojechać kawałek do przodu, cofnąć auto i pojechać w lewo – włączając się do ruchu na ulicy. Zamiast 3 sekund zabrało mu to 15. Wysiadł, więc, z samochodu, wrócił do garażu, wyjął śrubokręt i gwoździe, a następnie zarysował bratu mecenasa maskę i przebił obie przednie opony. Wkurwiając się na wszystko, dysząc hejtem. To napierdalanie śrubokrętem pokazało wszystkie problemy z życiem i samym sobą jakie miał ten kolo. Uwierzcie mi, nie chcecie tak skończyć. Nie chcecie rzygać żółcią. Lepiej mieć wyjebane. Mieć wyjebane to nie znaczy, że masz mieć wszystko w dupie. Po prostu wybierz, co jest dla ciebie istotne, a co nie. Naprawdę istotne. I przejmuj się właśnie tymi rzeczami. Lubię moją pracę, ale nie siedzę w niej już po 12 godzin na dobę, ani nie przychodzę do niej w weekend. Mam na to wyjebane. Są dla mnie ważniejsze rzeczy. Teraz, na przykład, ważniejsze jest pisanie. Nie musisz mieć opinii na każdy temat. Nie musisz wszystkiego oceniać. To męczące. Czasami lepiej po prostu poobserwować. Wczuć się. Otworzyć na innych ludzi, na ich sposób widzenia świata. Im jesteśmy starsi, tym bardziej ta umiejętność zanika. Nie chce nam się rozmawiać. Nie chce nam się poznawać. Po pierwszym spojrzeniu uważamy, że wiemy wszystko. Na przykład czytasz moje teksty i uważasz, że jestem zarozumiałym dupkiem z korpowarszawki. Poznałeś mnie?
Piotr C. z powieści BRUD
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no better community than yugoblr. were all dancing kolo together <3
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justahumblememefarmer · 6 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 1 - Matchup 16
Episode Summaries under the cut
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124: The Lazarus Experiment - Season 3, Episode 6: The Doctor brings Martha back home after the one trip that he offered her. She turns the tv on to see her sister on the news with an elderly man, Professor Lazarus, who claims he will "change what it means to be human" which intrigues the Doctor. They attend a gala that Martha's sister planned where Lazarus will reveal his invention. Martha's family is there and her mother questions her relationship with the Doctor.
Lazarus steps into his machine and activates it, but the machine begins to malfunction until the Doctor intervenes. When he pulls the plug, Lazarus steps out, no longer an old man, and has successfully reduced his age. When Lazarus takes a woman to his office alone, he changes into a monster and lunges at her. He returns to the party and invites Martha's sister upstairs. The Doctor and Martha discover the body left behind and go to the roof where Lazarus and Martha's sister are. Lazarus turns into a monster yet again and attacks and chases them back down to the party.
The Doctor and Martha manage to use his machine to create a shockwave, appearing to kill him. While Martha and the Doctor check on her family, Lazarus kills two paramedics and retreats to a nearby cathedral. Martha uses herself as bait while Lazarus chases her, while the doctor uses his sonic screwdriver to amplify the sound of the cathedral's organs, causing Lazarus to fall from the top of the cathedral and finally die, transforming back into his elderly self.
The Doctor offers for Martha to travel with him permanently, to which she agrees.
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133: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos - Season 11, Episode 10: The Doctor, Yaz, Graham, and Ryan detect a planet with several distress signals coming from it. They land and find that Tzim-Sha, the alien that killed Grace, Ryan's grandmother and Graham's wife. After their initial meeting he was transported to this planet, where he was mistaken as the god of the Ux species, who have intense powers of creation. He convinced them to build the temple as a machine to steal entire planets, compressing them to a small, hand-held size for his trophy room.
Ryan and Graham work to free the crews of the ships that had been sending distress signals, while the Doctor and Yaz manage to convince the Ux that Tzim-Sha is not their god. They help the Doctor return all of their planets to their original location. While Tzim-Sha escapes he runs into Graham, who wants revenge for his killing of Grace. He ultimately decides to shoot Tzim-Sha in the foot, and traps him in one of his own trophy cases, where he will be held in permanent suspended animation.
The Doctor takes the Ux to one of the remaining ships, telling them to explore the universe, and takes off with her crew in the TARDIS.
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