mokadevs · 5 months
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i know to do what i'm told
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writer-and-artist27 · 8 months
Tumblr Short Story: Small Comforts
Written while on a road trip vacation for @partialdignity. Just because I can.
Being in fandom can be draining, yes, (especially FGO with its characterizations in specific places) but that doesn't mean the friends you make are any less worthwhile. So I hope you like this, Carim.
It’s not everyday Vy finds Rem stressed. As much as they were fellow Masters in a Chaldea fighting for the sake of the world, it felt more common to find the blue-haired woman being the first among many to ask if Vy was doing alright, pressing a gentle hand to her forehead in the off-chance she had caught a fever. Heck, it felt odd to not find Rem in front of the crowd of motley Servants checking in once Vy wobbled once or twice. 
For Rem to be the one holding her own forehead, staring at documents (most definitely provided by Murasaki, bless the librarian) scattered about in front of her with what looked to be a growing migraine this time — well. Um. This was awkward.
Maybe it’s a good thing I brought in fruit tea, was the one thought Vy allowed herself in her shock before slowly tiptoeing past Rem’s bent-over form to put down her tray of goodies from Emiya. If the red Archer knew Rem would be in this particular state of mind today, it would explain his insistence in supervising Vy’s brewing of the tea and even placing freshly baked madeline cookies on the teapot’s side (“Cat made too many,” were his exact words) when sending her off. It took some effort to avoid the scattered papers Rem had around her, but Vy tried, tiptoeing the entire time when delivering her tray and rushing over to grab a chair and some blankets.
Rem didn’t even move when Vy carefully draped the blankets she found over her shoulders and the back of her seat, a soft, “Amiga,” being all Vy could hear once she plopped down in her own chair next to her. Past the short blue strands of hair, the lines on her face were palpable and hard to miss, making Vy’s heart ache as she leaned in close. “…You didn’t have to. It’s almost time for your daily nap.”
Vy raised a hand to rest it against Rem’s forearm, shaking her head before plopping it against her palm in the closest to a little bump she could provide to her fellow Master’s shoulder. “I wanted to.” The words, although weak to her own ears, were honest and truthful as she leaned against her fingers to alleviate the weight against Rem’s side. “I can take my daily nap later. Or just sleep early. Either/or works.”
Rem still made a frustrated noise, pressing her palm against her mouth and shaking her head. “I’m just tired, amiga,” and there’s definitely some frustration there, barely concealed by her fingers as she scratches at her chin. “I’ll be okay. You don’t have to stay if you have something else to do.”
“Even so, Chị Rem,” and Vy can feel Rem freeze at the nickname, “I want to stay. Even if I don’t know what’s going on in your head to make you look so frustrated and upset.” Despite feeling pins and needles run through her palm thanks to leaning her full head’s weight against it, Vy persists in the gesture, closing her eyes and exhaling softly. “Just because I don’t have the answers to what’s troubling you, it doesn’t mean I can’t be there for you. And I wanna be there. I mean that.” Something burns at the backs of her eyes, but the confession is just as genuine as the words she used to whisper to her parents before going to bed as she says, “Even if you’re tired and hurt, I still love you, Chị Rem. I always will. So I mean it when I say I wanna stay with you because I wanna help you be okay, even if being okay’s not gonna happen right now.”
“Healthy” doesn’t even matter anymore when “okay” is the least I can try to provide now.
Rem paused, inhaling sharply before her shoulders shake. The air seemed to be getting warmer even past the library’s air conditioning. “...Amiga…” There’s a soft choking noise. Vy chose to politely ignore it in favor of leaning closer into Rem’s side past her own hand. “You’re way too kind for your own good, y’know that?”
“Everyone tells me that,” Vy responds, and a note of vulnerability slips into her voice without meaning to as she shakes her head again. “But it’s just the least I can do because it’s you, Chị Rem. And I do love you, platonically and familially, very very much.” With one more breath, Vy felt her free left hand twitch. “So, um, my arm is starting to lose some circulation, and I hate breaking the moment, so… is it okay if I could hug you? It feels like you need one.”
What answered her was a noise caught between a laugh and a whimper as longer, bigger hands reached out for Vy’s own for extended warmth. “…Okay, hun,” Rem whispers above her hair, pressing her chin into the top of her head. “Hugs are just okay.” 
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FGO Destiny Awakenings: CDD #4
Once again surprisingly, this isn't dead! And a perfect time to release with the banner out of a certain sussy moth! Remembers guys, simp for your waifu/husbando healthily! Lest you wanna be catfish by them...
Author Note's: Some context may seem normal, but those who reached the Solomon Singularity will notice there are some things of that finale taken into here!
For a certain idol's appearance, please just immediately refer to Prototype Merlin for your reference. Those who haven't reach Solomon Singularity yet, I'll say she's the closest thing I think of on the idol's appearance. And for those completed Solomon Singularity, you already know why I'm using her appearance
Ritsuko: My brother has been in the infirmary for a while now… Ritsuko: Do you think they’re… Ritsuko: Making out?! *Cut to Romani and Ritsuka in the Doctor's room holding a Magi*Mari light stick and waiting for the next livestream Ritsuka has missed out to start* Romani & Ritsuka: This is gonna be so sick!!
-- Meanwhile during the training lesson for Magecraft on Ritsuko's end
AO3 || Fanfiction.net || Ritsuka & Ritsuko's Profile
Ex-idol otaku simp for idol again by another idol Otaku
“Hmm, hm, hmm~!” Along the corridor towards the infirmary, Ritsuka hummed to a cheery tone with Fou resting on his shoulders.
“Fou?” The white squirrel creature tilted his head while observing the raven-haired Master’s right fist. When he clenched his fist closed, a blue light lit up, opening to display a small pebble. Then he closed and repeated the same trick to open and showed a golden key.
“Fooou….?” Each item projected from his hand showed both interests yet curiosity to Fou. He tipped his head as the right hand now opened to reveal a small candy Ritsuka remembered with nostalgia. Unable to bear it any longer, Fou squeaked for his attention, “Fou!”
“Hm?” Blue orbs noticed Fou’s own purple gazing at him, later back at the projected candy. An apologetic grin curled on Ritsuka’s lips. “Oh, sorry for ignoring you, Fou.”
Followed the white squirrel’s gaze, Ritsuka concentrated with both eyes and right hand closed for a second. He opened after the blue light faded, his fist revealing a small rubber duck toy. He gave a few squeezes to produce out squeaky noises. The raven-haired Master showed a slight grin, “I’m just practicing on what Sadakuni-san told us yesterday.”
“Fou foooou fou!”
“Right, this wasn’t what I’m supposed to be working on….” Ritsuka expressed an uncomfortable grin on Fou’s cry. He dug out from his pants pocket, showing a small bronze coin to him. “We’re expected to be doing more practice on strengthening today.”
But an exasperated sigh left the raven-haired Master’s lips upon remembering.
“Still, it’s partially my fault in forgetting I owe Doctor Roman a checkup….”
Before Sadakuni showed up to train, Mash mentioned to them off-hand that Romani would announce their first mission soon.
And expected, spending the entire night studying the library books of magic and Arthurian history….
“Kyuu!” Fou squeaked as though seeking to cheer his guilt away.
Ritsuka returned with a slight smile, lifting his free hand to rub Fou’s chin, which nuzzled against his cheek. “Sorry about this, Fou. I made Mash and Ritsuko unnecessarily worry about having you come with me. Let’s get this over so that we can head back to the lesson.”
Fou shifted to the hand, caressing his chin to purr, “Kyuuuu…. Fooou…..”
Soft chuckling slipped from Ritsuka’s lips, seeing how Fou enjoyed his touches. However, an idea came into his mind, “Oh!”
“Fou?” Fou’s face written with puzzled expression, seeing the raven-haired Master pulled back his hand away. Both pairs of arms stretched outwards, showing both palms opened before them. His right hand holding the bronze coin. The other held nothing.
Noticed at the increasing interest, Ritsuka simply suggested to his furry companion, “Look carefully.”
The raven-haired Master brought both arms to his back. He shrugged his shoulder to ease his tense muscle from devoting the night to work out plausible ideas of Mash’s possessing Servant’s True Name. After bringing both fists forward and turned over, Ritsuka prompted. “Which hand is holding the coin, Fou?”
Small white pointed ears twitched as Fou’s purple orbs examined to pick out any hints of the raven-haired Master’s act. After sniffing in the air a few times, he went towards the left fist and tapped with his paw. “Fou!”
Ritsuka opened his left fist to expose the familiar bronze coin. However, the coin instantly vanished before Fou, alarming him in surprise as the Master proclaimed. “Bzzt, wrong one!”
“Fou?!” Disbelief was written on the white squirrel creature’s face. He scurried from Ritsuka’s arm and shoulder to his right fist and squeaked, “Fou, fou!”
“You’re close too, Fou,” Yet again, when opened, the bronze coin on Ritsuka’s right fist vanished before Fou’s eyes.
“Fou?!” The white squirrel creature’s tail lift high at how shocked he was at Ritsuka’s trick again. He scurried to snoop through his right sleeve, going on the same as he moved to the left. Then Fou headed towards his shirt collar to search for the coin, yet… No matter high or low, it was anywhere to be found.
Another laugh slipped from Ritsuka at his furry companion’s attempt to investigate his whole body. He lifted one hand to Fou’s cape beneath and pulled out the familiar bronze coin. “Here we go.”
Fou halted his action upon seeing the coin. Purple orbs widened as he peered back and forth between his cape, the coin, and Ritsuka. “Fooou fou!”
Ritsuka gave a slightly amused beam to his confused furry friend and examined the coin. “Surprise, huh? I’m not an expert on actual magecraft, but magic reminds me of tricks like this. Brings back memories every year from elementary to high school; I would consistently do magic tricks. Be it school festival or anything, those times are so peaceful unlike now….”
Those days of hanging out after class with their school classmates, their holiday plans for Summer and Winter….
School festival preparations for Student Council and Classroom duties…
Last, studying for their final entrance examination for university… Then, he could—!
As those memories raced through his head, the raven-haired Master felt eyes on him. Turned over, he noticed Fou staring at him with an expression, wondering what weighed in his mind. Fou’s purple orbs furrowed reflected as the frown came on his lips.
With an assured yet melancholy smile, Ritsuka moved his hand to ruffle Fou’s fur. “Strange, isn’t it? That I’m thinking about the past… I’ll do whatever it takes to bring those times back. For ours and you guys too, Fou.”
“Fou, fou!” Fou squeaked to agree with his words.
Though, it implied to Ritsuka more that Fou loved the tickling, judging by the purring sound he made. While ruffling his head, Ritsuka’s smile switched to a peculiar expression upon noticing Fou. “Hmm…?”
It was Fou’s turn next to tilt his head with an odd expression when Ritsuka stopped his caresses. “Fou?”
“Now that I think about it… You looked kind of familiar…,” Ritsuka uttered.
Blue orbs narrowed to examine Fou on his shoulder. The familiar purple orbs filled with curiosity instead of sly mischief flickered from time to time. White fur on Fou’s head forming a similar hairstyle, Ritsuka felt he saw it somewhere once. Last, the white and light blue cape around his neck…
Like a light bulb turned on in his head, the raven-haired Master exclaimed knowingly. “That’s right! You looked just like Merlin!!”
Surprised transformed into fury, Fou’s ears twitched in rage.
He let out an irritated growl before biting Ritsuka’s hand, “Fooou, fou!!”
“Yeowch!” Ritsuka yelped and retracted his said hand as fast as he could. He shook it, wincing at the small reddish bit mark he received from provoking his furry companion’s wrath.
“Fooou, fou, fou! Kyuuuu, fou, fou!”
“W-W-Wait, I’m sorry, Fou! M-My mouth just blurts out on its own—!” When Ritsuka apologized with a panicked face, Fou’s glare only showed he added more oil into the fire. He raised both hands to calm his aggravated friend. “I-I’m really sorry, Fou-sama! I didn’t mean to compare you to him or anything at all!”
However, from the final hissing, Fou answered. He turned his head, and his tail moved to shoo away the bitten hand. Even another attempting to call his name, Fou returned with an annoyed grunt to express the Master to go away.
“Guess he’s a little despised by everybody in current times thanks to his own shenanigans…,” Ritsuka muttered to himself.
Hardly a wonder to him if the wizard’s mischief outweighed his good deeds in aiding King Arthur.
Even with good intentions, Merlin remained enigmatic to his behavior and motives.
Though, that’s an issue for later. Right now, the raven-haired Master shifted his head to Fou to bow, clamping both hands together. “I-I’m truly sorry, Fou-sama! I have my own reasons for why did I think of Merlin suddenly. Please hear me out!”
A nervous gulp swallowed down Ritsuka’s throat, waiting for the white squirrel to let him a chance to speak. What were hours actually literal minutes when Fou opened one of his eyes to peer at him.
Along with the frown on his mouth and ears perking high, Fou expressing to Ritsuka he’s willing to listen to his reason. The raven-haired Master breathed out a relieved sigh, “Um… Why I said you look like Merlin is because….”
Scanned in every direction to make sure it was both of them alone, Ritsuka leaned into Fou’s ear and confided. “I haven’t told Ritsuko or Mash, but…. I’ve seen and spoke to him in my dreams.”
The raven-haired Master’s revelation led Fou’s both eyes opened wide, looking at him with an absolute disbelief expression, “Fou?”
“Yeah, I’d like to lie about this. But three encounters suffice to suggest I’m not having hallucinations in my sleep,” Ritsuka nodded with a sigh. Then a shiver chilled his spine. He noticed Fou’s glare remained, if not severer than before. “I-I didn’t mean you and him are similar! Your appearance, that white fur, and cape of yours! You are way different from him, Fou-sama!!”
Even at his remarks, Fou remained skeptical. After staring at the raven-haired Master with doubt, he looked away. “Fou!”
“I’m truly, sincerely sorry, Fou-sama! It’s wrong for me to compare you with Merlin! You’re so much better and even cuter than that problematic wizard!”
“Fou, fou!”
“He’s even more pissed than before…,” Ritsuka winced at the sharp-pitched angry squeak. He held back his tongue; any further reference of Merlin would just add more oil. “Fou-sama, is there anything I can do to make you forgive me? It’s my fault blurting out like an idiot without considering your feelings, so please… I’ll do anything you ordered!”
The raven-haired Master attempted to bow his head to the white furry creature.
A silence enveloped between them as Ritsuka awaited a squeak from Fou.
Another minute afterward, a familiar squeak from Fou cried out to the Master.
“Kyu, kyuu…. Fou!”
“Fou-sama…?” Ritsuka opened his eyes to see Fou facing right at him.
The furry white tail wagged up down as the furry companion repeated its cry. “Foooou, fou! Fou!”
An eyebrow raised from the raven-haired Master, confirming his furry companion’s terms. “You want all the meat I have for our meal to give to you? Including the juiciest and crispiest ones I picked?”
“Kyu, kyu!”
“Wouldn’t Mash worried about you over-eating—!” Ritsuka flinched at the hissing noise coming from Fou. He gulped before smiling nervously. “Sure, I promise. Thank you very much, Fou—I mean, Fou-sama!
“That’s right,” Raising a pinky finger to the white squirrel creature, the raven-haired Master suggested. “How about this? I’ll not merely offer you all of my meat, but also your favorites other than those. In return, will you keep this a secret from Mash and Ritsuko, Fou-sama?”
Stared at his pinky finger for a moment, Fou faced him with an odd expression. A wry smile appeared on Ritsuka as he clarified. “I wished to tell them, but that’s the last thing they should worry about. It’s a secret between you and me, or something like one of your blackmails, to force me to keep my promise.”
“Fou…,” Between his pinky finger and his smile, Fou detected there’s no hidden resentment but pure truth in his words. Eventually, he lifted his front paw to tap at Ritsuka’s pinky finger to trust his words. “Fou!”
Surprise flickered in Ritsuka’s orbs briefly, then giving his brightest grin, “Thanks a lot, Fou-sama!”
After Fou scurried back to sitting at the raven-haired Master’s shoulder, he resumed his trip towards the infirmary. On his left and right at each door, Ritsuka muttered to himself. “His office should be up ahead….”
“Right, here we are,” The simple green cross symbol showed the infirmary found at last for Ritsuka. He came to the black-colored intercom, pushing the notable silver button. “Doctor, it’s me, Ritsuka. I’m here for the check-up you asked me to last time.”
The raven-haired Master stepped backward and waited for Romani to open the door… As he supposed to. Silence only returned as the answer, be it any movement or any verbal communication. Ritsuka went to the intercom and called again. “Doctor Roman, are you in?”
“Kyu?” Fou tilted his head confusedly and stared back at the door.
Ritsuka huffed after his third attempt and decided. “Guess he must be out for a meeting. I’ll find him later. Let’s go back to the training, Fou-sama.”
Just as Ritsuka spun his heel after proposing, Fou leaped off from his shoulder when he’s about to go off. The raven-haired Master turned his head behind and wondered. “Fou-sama, what’s wrong?”
Scurried and stood in front of the infirmary door, the white furry creature turned back and squeaked. “Fou fou!”
“You’re saying he’s in?” The raven-haired Master repeated what he understood his companion while approaching. His blue orbs switched to the door, again to Fou. “Maybe, but he’s perhaps still asleep so–!”
When Ritsuka stepped closer towards Fou, the door before the pair slid open to reveal a pitch-black office. He widened his eyes briefly at the lack of security in maintaining the office shut. “Did he also forget to lock his office—Hey, Fou-sama!”
Fou ignored the calls from the raven-haired Master and dashed right inside. The latter followed his furry companions for a few quick steps before losing him in the dark. “Wait, Fou-sama!”
Before he made any step further, Ritsuka stopped to mull over.
From his rational side, it’s wrong to trespass into a room without permission, despite how friendly Doctor Roman was.
However, the same logical side was concerned with the dangerous possibility of robbery and assault.
The raven-haired Master concluded, carefully treading in and surveying the office. “Any day should be fine before our next mission… But, just to be sure….”
Except for the scattered paper and files on the work desk, no trespassers came and ransacked the office. Ritsuka made another step further but halted at the noise of clattering ahead of him. “Who’s there?!” Blue eyes sought to dart around in the darkness for a visible shadow in the office. Yet, Ritsuka’s gaze settled on a white hair-like shape behind the wall partition on the ground. He tipped his head and called, “Fou-sama…?”
No response from his furry companion as he approached, the raven-haired Master blinked his eyes to clear his view…. Instead of the hair-like shape, a recognizable set of matching white pants and shoes entered his vision.
Ritsuka’s eyes widened upon recognizing whom it belonged to, “That’s—!”
Rushed and spun over from the partition, the raven-haired Master’s heart sank in horror at the sight.
The familiar orange-pinkish-haired Doctor lying unconscious by his stomach on the ground.
His ponytail loosened into long, messy hair. Instead of his coat, a tight-fitting black shirt was worn.
“Doctor Roman?!” Kneeled on the ground, Ritsuka flipped him over carefully to have him lying on his back. He shook him to awake the Doctor while investigating any symptoms of injuries. “Hey, Doctor Roman! Are you okay? Doctor Roman!!”
“Mm…,” Romani’s groan swelled relief in Ritsuka’s heart.
Yet, it was temporary, as his groans also meant he could be in pain by his pale and weak-looking face. Ritsuka asked again while investigating for the cause of injuries. “Are you hurt? Where is the pain coming from?!”
Unfortunately, only more groans were emitted, and no apparent injuries on his body. Ritsuka glanced around in the room for Fou. But his furry companion was nowhere to be found. Teeth gritted in frustration at the disappearance, he switched back to the unconscious Doctor. “Hold on, I’ll get Sadakuni-san over—!”
… He didn’t hear it wrong, right? Not when the loud rumbling noise of a stomach growling again in front of the raven-haired Master. After seconds of silence, his brain processed and uttered. “…. You are joking, right?”
“He fainted…. Because he’s been skipping his meals?!” Ritsuka would’ve facepalmed at the cause but put Romani’s arm over his shoulder to move him to a proper resting place.
Thankfully, the raven-haired Master located a sofa by the light from the entrance. And it was also where he found Fou sitting at the sofa’s arm of the far end. Once settling Romani down, he whipped his head to Fou. “Sorry, Fou-sama, can you stay here and look after Doctor Roman? I’ll bring him Emiya-san’s yesterday leftover food here!”
Leaving behind the two, Fou moved his head to stare at the said Doctor once the raven-haired Master ran out of the office. Fou shook his head exasperatedly at Romani’s now awaken with a dazed expression sitting in a slumped position. “Fou….”
Half an hour later, the now lit up infirmary filled with the noises of a person gobbling down their food hungrily.
Or rather, Doctor Romani devouring down every leftover cooking by Emiya to satisfy his empty stomach.
On the opposite side of the table, Ritsuka observed seeing the colors returning to the Doctor’s face. “How is it?”
“It’s good! Thanks for bringing in food over here, Ritsuka-kun.”
Romani exclaimed, gobbling down his meal faster than ever, whether his hunger or how delicious Emiya’s cooking was.
As he took a sip of his brewed green tea while breathing a relief sigh, the raven-haired Master made a wry smile. “Sure, but that was absolutely a shock when you’re lying down on the floor there. And if you’re still hungry, there are still more servings in the cafeteria.”
“Sorry, I have been swamped running around managing Chaldea. I’m glad you found me, or we’ll have more problems before your next mission.”
Ritsuka shook his head at the jovial answer from the orange-pinkish Doctor. He set down his cup and reminded, “Don’t neglect to eat to sustain your strength too, Doctor Roman. I’m positive that cakes and sweets alone aren’t enough, as much as you like them.”
“But you still can’t deny sugar is likewise needed to keep your brain functioning.”
Romani laughed assuredly that earned the young Master to nod and murmured thoughtfully in agreement.
His green orbs soon settled on a unique figure sitting on the table between him and Ritsuka. “Oh?”
Purple orbs staring in silence as though appraising the Doctor, the latter exclaimed in surprise. “Is… Is that the mysterious creature I’ve heard so much about?!”
Followed to the Doctor directing his gaze, Ritsuka grinned and answered, “That’s right, his name is Fou-sama.”
“Whoa, nice to meet you! Mash told me a lot about him, but I didn’t really think he existed….” Romani set down his one-quarter empty rice bowl aside to examine closer at Mash’s companion.
Holding back his laugh at Fou’s weird expression towards Romani studying in 360 degrees direction, the raven-haired Master added.
“Mash told me Fou-sama rarely approaches other staff in Chaldea aside from her, along with my sister and I.”
“I see, I see,” After nodding twice to Ritsuka’s remarks, an idea brightened inside Romani’s head. “Hey, why don’t I teach him some tricks?”
Lifted out his right white-gloved hand to the furry creature, Romani beamed to Fou. “Okay, shake hand. If you do it well, I’ll give you a snack.”
“… Fou!” Narrowed his eyes in irritation at the hand later to the crazy Doctor, Fou squeaked what seemed to be a sneer and looked away before leaping off the table.
Before he scampered out of the infirmary, Fou paused beside Ritsuka to squeak again, “Kyu, fou, foooouuuu!”
“Huh, what?!” After seeing the white furry creature rejected him and left, Romani dropped his head down in dejection. “He gave me a really pitying look and then completely ignored me….”
Ritsuka sighed, after understanding Fou’s message to head back to Mash for the umpteenth time, and casually reassured in a deadpan tone.
“It’s always better than pity for a corpse who died from skipping his meals at such a young and tender age.”
The doctor’s face winced at Ritsuka’s blunt comeback, then letting out a weak chuckle in hoping to deflect away from the now embarrassing encounter.
“A-Anyway, you mentioned you were searching for me, Ritsuka-kun?”
“Yes, I’m here for my overdue check-up days ago after you have told me to gain some rest,” Ritsuka answered.
“I see! Sorry for coming all the way here when you’re training from Sadakuni, Ritsuka-kun. Why don’t you take a seat there while waiting for me? I’ll finish up the meal soon as possible.” Romani gestured towards the empty white stool beside his office desk.
Ritsuka nodded and stood from his seat. “Sure. Hope you don’t mind me intruding your office.”
“It’s alright!
“Just don’t mess up the papers on my office table, Ritsuka-kun.”
Romani added to the raven-haired Master going to his desk before returning to his meal.
“Will do, Doctor Roman.” Pulled the white stool and sat down, Ritsuka pondered in his mind. “Between brittle and hardening… I should also try to make the coin shinier—!”
However, a worn brown hardcover leather book caught his attention before the raven-haired Master returned to his practice via hardening the coin.
A quick peep over to appease his interest, Ritsuka examined closer, inspecting the gold and silver patterns embedded on the spine and front cover.
“Was Doctor Roman reading before collapsing from his hunger?” The young raven-haired Master wondered to himself. When his blue orbs landed upon the large golden words embossed on the front cover…
Ritsuka’s abrupt and loud exclamation in the office caused the poor Romani to do a loud spit take while drinking down his green tea. Coughing noises followed with wheezing noises to clear his throat. He whirled his head over. “K-King Solomon?!”
“Yeah, King Solomon!” Ritsuka lifted the said book to bring it up into the doctor’s view. Blue orbs sparkled like a newly polished aquamarine gem, darting back and forth between the book and Romani. “Is this from Chaldea Library?! I didn’t realize there’s a copy of him in Chaldea here!! Gods, I’ve been searching for a specialized book about him everywhere, and I can’t believe they have it here!”
“O-Oh, so that’s what you mean…,” Romani muttered his own relief with his head turned aside unheard to the now excited Master.
He returned to see and chuckled with warmth at the giddy joyfulness radiating from Ritsuka.
“Yeah, the previous director has his own collection together with Mages Association and Atlas institute donated into our library.
“It’s helped to research and understand Servants summoned into Chaldea and the enemies we may face.”
“I see…!” The radiance in Ritsuka’s eyes shone more clearly as his eyes inspected the book.
“Then, they have many records for historical and mythology figures from the world throughout history?”
Stood from his chair, Romani headed to the sink to pick up the wet cloth and added. “Not all of them, but majority one’s established and record in human history. We can’t fit every single book in the library. So, there are some remains in the archives with their artifacts used as a catalyst for summoning.”
Nodded in understanding, Ritsuka returned with a bright smile.
“Hmm… Then, I’m glad Chaldea has a massive collection other than Arthurian legends I found in the library!”
Flipped open the book with love like a new treasure he discovered, the raven-haired Master paid his attention to the content page. Every utterance from his lips was with curiosity, amazement, and awe at what the King Solomon book covered.
Yet among all those emotions, they shared one point in common that made Romani stop cleaning his spitted-out tea. He turned back to the raven-haired Master and inquired in an unusual mindful tone. “…. Ritsuka-kun, do you like King Solomon?”
“Hm? Yeah, of course!” Ritsuka answered as though it was the most ordinary thing to him in the world.
He shut the book closed and hugged to his chest with much care, and faced Romani. “I love him the most, Doctor Roman! Or one of the many historical figures I admire, to be exact. His kind benevolence to his people made him decide to ask gods for wisdom on prospering his kingdom.
“It’s incredible that even when he was just a teenager, he’s giving everything he could to keep his father’s legacy.
“That’s why I’m so pleased I’m able to find more books about King Solomon to learn better about him.”
“Is… That so…?” Romani’s strange voice didn’t least discourage the pure admiration from the raven-haired Master.
The latter smiled and continued further cheerfully, “Not only him….
“Everyone in history and mythology is the best, too.
“Enkidu, a being created from mud, becomes more humane than anyone.
“Francis Drake, the pirate who circumnavigates the world….
“The world-renowned genius Leonardo da Vinci, Charlemagne twelve Paladins, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table…
“Almost all historical characters I respected as heroes! To think of meeting any of them, let alone finding material of them, is a dream come true!!”
“I… I see…”
Finally caught onto the skeptical tone, Ritsuka’s eyes recognized the Doctor’s face perplexed with discomfort and other emotions he couldn’t decipher or understand why.
He cleared his throat and hastily apologized, “S-Sorry, just forget that. I got carried away suddenly…
“It’s not only uninteresting itself, but even strange that I’m spouting this for someone my age.”
And he didn’t need his sister to tease him with boring people about rambling about his interest. But Romani, who picked up the young raven-haired Master’s guilty tone, jerked him out of whatever thoughts he was deep in.
He let out a light-hearted, assuring smile. “Haha! Of course not. I’ve known a few who are interested in history. But, you’re the first person who worshipped and even like every historical and mythological person. It must be a dream come true, isn’t it?”
Ritsuka agreed with a wide grin. “You can say that again! I didn’t consider this job Ritsuko dragged me in allowed such a wonderful opportunity.”
Returned with another smile, Romani returned to clean his table. “So… What made you interested in history, Ritsuka-kun?”
Unbeknownst to him, Ritsuka let out a relieved sigh that the Doctor didn’t mind his ramble earlier. He thus answered, “My real mother possesses an enormous collection of books used to learn their behavior for cognitive therapy and counseling at work. I enjoy reading, so those books back at home were like a treasure to me as a child.
“Back then, fiction and fairytale are things children would be absorbed in. But their records are way better than any fairytale at all! And the way how my real mom helped people with their problems connecting to them is the most amazing—!”
The unusual long pause caught Romani’s concern once more. Diverted his head to where the raven-haired Master, a sunny smile, established on Ritsuka’s lips. “I mean, how these individuals left such a tremendous imprint on human history will impress me the more I learn about them. A-Anyway, I’m sorry that I talked so much….”
Romani shook his head and laughed, an adorable person the young Chaldea Master Ritsuka was, to learn and admire every person he met. He reassured the young Master again. “No, it’s fine, Ritsuka-kun. I’m still reading that book, so… Maybe when I’m done, I’ll let you borrow it?”
Blue eyes widened utterly in shock at the Doctor’s proposition. Ritsuka switched his head between the book and Romani twice before confirming. “Is… Is that alright? Won’t there be overdue issues if you lend the book to me?”
“Yeah, it’s repaying you for taking care of me when I fainted back there.” Romani nodded, headed back to wash up, and squeezed dry the wet cloth. “The previous Director was the one who lends the book indefinitely and hands to me before his death. So, I hope you don’t mind waiting a little longer.”
“Of course not!” The raven-haired Master’s eyes light up with the excitement of getting his hand onto this very book in the prospect. He then bowed gratefully and responded, “Thank you very much, Doctor Roman!”
Romani gave one last grin to the raven-haired Master, down the wet cloth, and put a white-gloved hand onto his waist. “Alright, then. I’ve finished my meal; we can start your checkup.”
“I’m done changing.” Ritsuka pushed the curtain while trying to button up with a white long sleeve coat. A simple checkup Romani explained to re-examine his magic circuits taking about 15 to 20 minutes long.
The said pinkish-orange, now ponytail-haired Doctor flipping through the report, looked to where the raven-haired Master was. “Good, just take a seat over here!”
Approached to the gesture same white stool beside him, Ritsuka seated down to finish fixing up the collar of his coat. “How is it, Doctor?”
“A lot better now. Your magic circuits took quite a while to get used to contracting two Servants for the first time. But now you’ve re-summoned that Caster from Fuyuki, it doesn’t wear you out as badly before.” Romani answered with a smile.
“That’s good!”
Romani added with his own grin to the raven-haired Master’s energetic beam. “But try not to overwork yourself, Ritsuka-kun. The pace you’ve been practicing magic with Sadakuni is more than just fine. Knowing you, there shouldn’t be an issue in seeing how well-trained you are. Just be ready with your sister for your next mission on the first Singularity—!”
“Huh?” Both blue and green orbs landed their eyes on Romani’s wristwatch for the origin of the alarm.
The latter orbs widened on seeing the time appearing on his watch.
“C-Crap, Magi☆Mari’s Livestream is starting in a few minutes!!”
The Doctor leaped off from his seat to view the so-called Livestream, leaving Ritsuka behind dumbfounded.
Ritsuka tilted his head with confusion and wondered aloud, “Magi… Mari?”
He headed into Romani’s private room, watching the Doctor hurrying to dig out from a cardboard box labeled with the name ‘Magi☆Mari.’
It rang familiarity inside Ritsuka’s mind but questioned if what the Doctor spoke and his recollection weren’t the same.
Soon enough, the answer sang beside the raven-haired Master.
On his right, the table was placed with two speakers and a familiar white laptop showing a webpage of video, Livestream.
Though, what captured his attention to confirm the notion was a colorful brand of pink and purple…
Ritsuka yelled with his jaw dropped in disbelief upon recognizing it, “No way, you’re kidding me… Magi☆Mari?!!”
“What?!” The raven-haired infectious surprise exclamation made Romani returned with his own.
He stood and spun wearing an ‘I ♡ Magi☆Mari’ head bandana and a pink and orange flowery summer haori of a beautiful, long, white-haired young woman.
“You know Magi☆Mari too, Ritsuka-kun?!”
Ritsuka switched back to the startled Doctor and nodded frantically. “Of course! She’s the world’s biggest net idol of all time, Doctor Roman. How would one ‘not’ know her at all?! She is not really the first AI net idol, but fans worldwide consulted and even asked her out. Heard CEOs and politicians came to her for guidance for their company and judgments!
“Her cuteness and elegance that transcends any no.1 Miss Universe model…. Her intelligence is as great as the genius Da Vinci himself…. I’m not even surprised when she disclosed to the world that she advanced herself from just a simple AI to this…!”
“….. Ritsuka-kun, are you a fan of Magi☆Mari by any chance?” Romani summarized.
His green eyes blinked twice for his brain to process the raven-haired Master’s fervor rant.
“Hm?” The passionate fever faded away in Ritsuka’s mind, realizing his earlier behavior on rambling of his admired Solomon repeated.
“O-Oh, I mean….”
He quickly cleared his throat to return to his indifferent face and amended. “Yeah, I am one of Magi☆Mari’s fans. Or was her biggest fan since she first debuted on the internet. Though, it’s been four years since I have been a fan of her—!”
Whatever answers the raven-haired Master given cut off by Romani, dashing to where he stood and seized both his hands. His own green orbs now shared the same sparkle as he proclaimed aloud. “Then you and I are comrades, Ritsuka-kun!”
“…. Hah?” Ritsuka’s turn next to express a stupefied face at what the Doctor declared.
Were there any medical experts besides Romani himself to investigate if he received any brain damage when he collapsed earlier?!
Romani missed the dumbfounded expression on the young Master’s face and went on.
“To realize there’s another fan in Chaldea aside myself, I’m really happy about this!
“Well, not myself, there was personnel who were formerly Magi☆Mari’s fan, but—!”
Ritsuka cut short to prevent the misunderstanding deepened any further than called for. “H-Hold it right there, Doctor. I said I’ve been her fan, but—!”
“Don’t worry about it, Ritsuka-kun!
“Magi☆Mari is ever forgiving and welcoming to the fans that left and returned to her!”
“I know that, but listen to—!”
Attempts were to dissuade or convince the other abruptly came to a pause by a piece of cheerful sparkly music familiar to the two men.
Both Romani and Ritsuka turned to the laptop playing Magi☆Mari’s website Livestream.
In the broadcast, a familiar short with a long messy white-haired woman with pinkish lavender eyes in a white with lilac and the pink frilly dress.
Her hands in a pair of white with reddish-pink ends at the wrist of the gloves raised. She waved towards the crowd and greeted. “Heeeeeeellllllllooooooo, everyone!”
Spun a quick twirl, the idol bent forward to the camera and did a cute wink. “Hope everyone is feeling good today. Your favorite idol, Magi☆Mari, is here!”
The loud applauding noises gave the idol a cue to lift both her skirt sides to do a bow before continuing. “Today’s Livestream is an exceptional topic I will share from a fan’s request! I hope everybody will stick around to watch and listen to the very end.”
Panned close to her face, Magi☆Mari raised both hands below her chin. Her eyes were in tears and pleaded in her softest and sweetest voice. “You will, right…?”
An invisible arrow struck Ritsuka’s heart of being charmed by her as ever. Just like in his middle school days when he was still a massive fan of Magi☆Mari, easily and readily willing to obey her words—!
No, hang on…! This wasn’t the time to watch her stream. Ritsuka shook his head. He’d already promised himself he’d given up on being an Idol Otaku since that day... And, there’s also Sadakuni’s training he needed to get back to. “W-Well…”
Before he explained himself, the raven-haired Master felt a tap on his shoulder. His face looked to see Romani wearing the same puppy teary eyes as the AI Idol. “You wouldn’t reject her, right….?”
This had to be illegal for both the fluffy Doctor and Magi☆Mari to gang up on him like this! Reluctantly, Ritsuka sighed to surrender. “… Alright, just one show for her, Doctor Roman. I’ll be in trouble if I miss my practice with Sadakuni-san. In exchange…”
A quick glimpse around Romani’s room. The raven-haired Master’s sight settled on a light yellow cake box and pointed. “Cake!”
“Cake?” Romani questioned and followed his gaze to where the young Master focused on.
“Treat me to your most delicious cake, and we’ll call it even!” A bright, cheeky grin curled on Ritsuka’s lips and reminded him. “Come on, you assume I would forget of your promise to treat me, right?”
The unexpected request caught the Doctor off guard. He expected the young man to ask for something far worse.
Yet, the pure-like innocence from the raven-haired Master made Romani laughing seconds afterward.
“Of course not, Ritsuka-kun.
“If it’s the cake you want, I’d be even willing to share with you my other sweets collection!
“I’ll even recommend which other sweets are considered my all-time favorite.”
Ritsuka nodded before Romani returned to retrieve out his Magi☆Mari merchandise for their use in the stream. “Then, we have a deal, Doctor Roman!”
Any plans Ritsuka had in his mind, like leaving halfway through the stream... Thrown out in favor of becoming too absorbed to the very end. Aside from the regular coverage of her next song or vlogging, the fresh stream discussed her trip to meet one of her bedridden fans.
Left within weeks of his incurable illness, the young man was content to have been her fan till his last moment.
That heartbreaking yet bittersweet confession not only touched Magi☆Mari’s soul, along with the doctor and the raven-haired Master.
After plucking a few pieces of tissues he brought in at some point during the stream, Romani wiped tears from his bloodshot eyes and wept. “I’m glad I didn’t miss this week's Livestream. That fan could make his wish come true of Magi☆Mari visiting him in video calling before his illness takes a toll on his life.”
Beside him, Ritsuka’s face swollen red and bloodshot eyes streaked with tears, lifted a hand to wipe, and sniffled. “Megami-sama* is indeed more amazing than the last time… She saw how bad his cancer was and did her very best to cheer him to fight on. Yet, her soul is pure-hearted like the heavens, to grant him peace before his death. How could I’ve been so foolish to leave her behind?!”
“Ritsuka-kun… As I thought, you truly love her, don’t you?” The doctor turned to him, fresh tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“Yeah, I’ve always had admired and love her, Doctor Roman. But with this Livestream, my love for her has been renewed…!”
Ritsuka whirled and agreed tearfully, “Doctor Roman, from today onwards, let us be brother-in-arms to support Megami-sama!”
“Of course!” Romani blew his nose into the tissue and bawled. “Any fan of beloved Magi☆Mari is my comrade, Ritsuka-kun! We’re glad to have you back with us.”
“Doctor Roman!”
The pair latched onto each other in an embrace. Tears shed in mourning of losing one of their comrades to the illness…. All the while for Ritsuka, wholly forgotten how much scolding he gained later from skipping his class to indulge back to his old Otaku habits again.
End of Issue #4
*Megami-sama: Goddess
Some Romani and Ritsuka (Gudao) relationship development and bonding over their favorite idol! For Ritsuka calling Fou as 'Fou-sama' is one way to differentiate between him and his sister.... And mainly for Fou to assert dominance that he's still better than Merlin at one part LOL
Those who read the bio and this chapter is what inspired me for Ritsuka's magecraft. One is mainly the canon dreamscape is helping to connect his backstory, serving certain important roles and I wanted a magecraft relating to illusion on a character who has the opposite personality of trickery and deceit. Or someone whose heart while I won't say it as pure heart to become Mary Sue... But one least who went through tons of betrayal and bad experiences yet retain his idealistic innocent side towards people around him. This one does play a big role after LB6 is up on why Ritsuka (Gudao) is able to go into Avalon....
No, he's definitely not related to Artoria line by blood. However, in still some way, he's connected to them one way or another!
Finally regarding King Solomon... My favorite scene and those who completed Solomon Singularity going to read this in a completely different light especially how Ritsuka easily profess his admiration to him without realizing XD
Anyway, I'll try to finish this whole Fuyuki arc so that I can move to Orleans... But can't promise when or how if my motivation goes on.... At least good to know IRL situation still not looking that well with my Dad now back to hospital again. More or somewhat full details of it is in my blog you'll need to dig with precaution because it's infested with LB6 spoilers
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FGO drabble 4/10/2021
Retha woke up to all but jump out of her bed. Both her hands clutching the bedsheet so hard her knuckles were white. Her room in Chaldea much colder than her heated skin. Usually, being back in Chaldea meant no nightmares. Yet that seemed to be the case less and less lately. The customary presence of some lingering Servant currently absent from her room. Retha had gotten used to the fact that there was always some Servant with Presence Concealment on guard in her room as she slept. She even knew when Robin Hood was the one to be on watch from him moving her pillows. But tonight, no one else was there.
A hard shiver laced up Retha’s spine as she brought her knees up to hug them to her chest. She couldn’t really remember what the nightmare had been. Yet it left her feeling raw and bereft. Her hands going into her hair to hold on tight. Feeling sickened and vulnerable from something she couldn’t voice.
It was a surprise when the door to Retha’s room opened. A familiar form in the doorway for the scent of musk and tobacco to waft into the room. So Retha knew who it was without needing to look. Her words hoarse and dry. “By all means, come right on in without knocking. Just don’t expect to find any hidden whiskey or bourbon in here, Cu. Iskander already nabbed it.”
The figure at the door gives a warm chuckle of noise before walking his bare feet into the room. The druid soon resting his staff against the wall right beside the bed as he looks down on Retha. “Always so abrupt, Master. But good spirits are not what I am here for tonight. Your shadow for tonight came to get me. Something about a night terror and a need for a bunk buddy. Billy suggested I take my bad luck and make it good by volunteering for the job. Which sounded much too perfect for me to turn down. So scoot over.”
Retha gave a sigh of air to scoot to the side of the bed without comment. Even moving the pillows for them as Caster slid into the bed. The two soon hugging each other tight as Retha shivered. Resting her head to Caster’s shoulder. “You should have just said Robin Hood left to get you, Cu. No point in trying to protect him from my grumpy growling. But I am glad he did. Kind of.”
Caster grinned to place a tender kiss to the crown of Retha’s head. His rumble of noise much like a happy wolf as he spoke. “I know. You hate to show weakness to any of us warriors and heroes. Stubborn lass. Always baring your teeth at threats and kicking like a prized mare at annoyances. But for now, just rest and we will see about thanking Robin Hood in the morning.”
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junaou · 4 years
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Brain worms said ‘go write Junao’s relationship call!’ so here I am, writing this relationship call. Please come and cherish this man. Or pick a fight, whatever’s your thing. Now, as of writing Junao is not in FGO servers outside of JP yet, so there are some spoilers regarding LB4 and all that. These are things I can usually leave out in normal threads/convos, but deeper social links would require me to prod into some of those topics. Tread carefully!
(This ended up being long. Like, really long. I’m so sorry.)
Like this post or reply with the number corresponding to the ideas below that you think would jive well with Junao and your muse. By default I’ll use Tumblr’s messaging system, but if you don’t prefer that/have other options my Discord ID is also available for the taking - just ask! I’ll also make sure to send any memes I find interesting, poke you when the brainworms come out, etcetera.
Junao is a very pleasant person to be around, and chances are most would find him to be good company - especially if this is their first meeting with the guy. Small talk is a good start to being acquainted with him! Most of the time he’ll just be there to point out things, maybe lend a hand or two.
But at the same time one might notice that a lot of this is very surface level. Less mimicry and more detached if anything, like floating clouds. His optimistic behavior will always be directed at others. Junao is a god, an observer with no personal preferences. He doesn’t really feel emotional about a lot of things, so chances are you’re not gonna get a rise out of him: he’ll just simply disagree or agree, and move on.
His world came into a standstill during ancient times. He might be aware of new innovations and modern changes thanks from Chaldea’s database or due to the circumstances of his summoning, but knowing and actually experiencing these things are two very different things. A lot of the environment is bound to catch his attention - whether it is about the urban horizon or the noise of arcade machines down the street. Junao would be up to trying out pretty much anything, so it’s really easy to entertain his questions or drag him into participating activities.
Creation and destruction are his domains as a god, but creating stuff with merely the use of his Authority wasn’t very fulfilling at all. There’s joy in the process itself, so even back in Chaldea he had been trying to create with conventional means. The end result isn’t as perfect, of course, but he still finds it fun regardless. The nature of the craft can vary, from carving wood to folding origami or even assembling model kits! Chances are if you find him in a shop he would be looking for DIY items to try out.
Junao’s status as a god is quite strange. He wasn’t born as one and he wasn’t supposed to become one. Needless to say, his current performance as a god is…well, it’s not quite stellar. Of course it’s not like he hasn’t communed with gods in the past -  his father is one after all. But all of his prior experiences have been under the position of one who followed and worship them. Now that he walks among them, he’s not quite so sure. Anyone who also happened to be a god in their own world would be of interest to him, just to know how it is like for them to have divine inhumanity in their blood.  He has to realize that not every god shares his emotional detachment.
He inherited the majority of his divine aspect from Kalki, one who is said to cleanse the world of all evil. In his hopes and dreams for a perfect world he tried to remove all known sources of it, only to end up going overboard. (Overboard is an understatement.) Now aware of this flaw, Arjuna has narrowed down his definition to anyone who threatens those close to him, which is a good starting point! So uh, don’t mess with them or you’ll have to face the wrath of a god.
That being said, he’s aware that figuring out the complexities and the nuances between good and evil is something he needs a better grasp on, something that would take an eternity for one to learn. There are some things that he can easily consider to be evil of the bat, but the moral grey is something he needs to face directly and address if he wanted be do better at his job.
“How enviable. That is truly the form of a human. They continue to struggle even as ugly as they are. They act valiantly, but they continue to tremble in fear. They cry out saying they don’t want to die, and yet risk their lives to save another. Something inside me insists… ‘I want that. I want to be that.’”
Gods use humans as their proxies, but men do not become gods. Arjuna Alter’s existence is an anomaly, one that breaches this rule. And yet, no matter what happens, his status as a god shall never change. He can no longer return to become human again. That is why he looks at humans from a distance - in all their beauty and ugliness, their strength and their love and their passion, the way they rise and fall and rise again. Longing for something he has discarded.
So. Remember what I said about him being a god with no preferences, detached from all forms of desire and emotion?
Now throw all of that out of the window.
Arjuna is an imperfect god. Beneath all these layers of divinity, underneath the functions and the code, therein lies a human soul. One that by all means should have disappeared into the void once he has absorbed nearly every god and yet despite everything he has retained his individuality. Call it a paradox or a miracle, but this is something that can only be achieved by those we call heroes.
Of course this is something that not everyone would be privy towards, but if one pursues a closer relation with Junao it is inevitable that one would end up unearthing these aspects. This personality may be muted, but there are just simply things that he cannot help but react towards. What sides would resurface would depend on specific interactions, however. After all, Arjuna is human, possessing positive and negative traits in equal measure.
07A. WHITE. Bonds are important to Arjuna, whether it is from friends or from family. He is devoted to those who trust and respect him, and those he has grown to trust and respect in return. He still loves his theatrics, whether it’s showing off a skill or just being plain dramatic, and is a willing participant when it comes to competition. He’s no longer afraid of expressing himself, and thus any smile or sign of gratefulness is the genuine thing.
07B. BLACK. He is not above pettiness or resentment. One cannot easily forget pride and honor, and he would come to rise in his own defense or on others when necessary. There are things that are still capable of riling him up, such as injustices that he cannot find himself to forgive. While he is trying to rid himself of his perfectionism, a part of it still exists, and he might find himself going overboard when blinded by emotion. As much as he would deny it, there are things he has begun to question - about his destiny, about his dharma, things he would claim to be unfair despite declaring himself as the greatest sinner of them all.
07C. BHAGAVAD GITA. And herein lies the root of his existence, the point where the fates of the Berserker Arjuna has diverged from the Archer Arjuna. His decision to absorb all gods was a decision rooted in the deepest depths of despair. It was the overabundance of suffering and moral dilemma that has had him think that it would be better to feel nothing at all, and why he has given up his emotions and personality. Why he forgot what was he supposed to fight for in the first place.
He still cannot confront them, after all this time. To face it head on is to have it break down all the walls he has built up for millennia, and no matter when it occurs he would not be ready for that backlash. He has failed in where the Archer Arjuna succeeded, and he is full aware that to acknowledge them again would break him. It has already broken him before.
What lies beyond the song of gods? I do not know. But eventually he has to go back there again, to that time where he has sacrificed everything for nothing. And when he does, he needs to find an answer. May you help him find that, no matter what it may be.
If you have reached this part of this post…congratulations! And thank you so much for reading this up to the end. Of course, I am also open to any ideas that aren’t listed here. Feel free to poke me on messages, plotting is fun and good.
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chunghee22 · 5 years
Goodnight Chaldea! Event
*Note: This is an event that I, ChungHee22, have come up with on my own and it has nothing to do with the FGO company. In other words, it’s my Headcannon. Felt like I had to put a disclaimer in there so people wouldn’t think that it was an actual thing. Keep in mind that this is a long post. Longer than I expected actually...But please enjoy it anyway!! ^^*
Event Duration: 30 Nights(Days) Starts at 8:00pm EST(I know they use PST, but I live in EST, so that’s what I’m usin’ :3)
Event Title: Goodnight Chaldea!(おやすみなさい  カルデア!)
Event Map: Chaldea After Dark(or something like that...They’re in Chaldea for the entire event)
Introduction: First it was 3 people. Then it was 5. Then 10! For some strange reason, Chaldea staff and Servants alike are all falling into a deep sleep! Now, everyone but you, the Master, and a few strange Servants are still awake...
But for how long?
Summary: All Alter(Cu Chulainn Alter) wanted was to get some sleep, but with more Servants summoned comes more noise and it seems like his Master isn’t stopping anytime soon. Understandably so. It would be foolish to think they wouldn’t summon more Servants to help but it doesn’t mean he has to like it. HE. WANTS. TO. SLEEP. With that single thought in mind, Alter somehow gains the powers of the Sandman and he intends to take full advantage of it. 
So it’s basically about Cu Alter wanting to get some shut eye and the aftermath that we, the Master, have to clean up.
New Mystic Codes
Sleepytime PJs: A cute pajama set
Clear all Allies Debuffs
Evade for all Allies(3 turns)
Stun all Enemies(2 turns)
Dreamscape: Not quite sure how it’ll look, but you’re a spirit blue color
Invincibility for all Allies(3 turns)
HP Recovery for one Ally(2 turns)
Buster, Quick, Arts, and ATK Up for all Allies
Sleepy Rune Golem A: The smallest and weakest of the Sleepy Rune Golems. When defeated they turn into small piles of the Sandmans Sleeping Dust 
Sleepy Rune Golem B: The second largest of the Sleepy Run Golems. These guys are a bit tougher than their smaller counterparts and if defeated, they will also turn into a small pile of the Sandmans Sleeping Dust. Sometimes when you defeat one of them, they have a chance of turning into a bag of the dust
Sleepy Rune Golem C: The largest and strongest of the Sleepy Rune Golems. When these guys are defeated, they turn into a bag of the Sandmans Sleeping Dust
Sleepy Servants: Servants that have been hit by The Sandmans pillow. Since they’ve been hit, The Sandman can use the bits of dust that clings to them to have said Servant do whatever they want and the Servant is none the wiser. If defeated, the bits of dust that clings to them will fall off, waking the Servant from their slumber
Event Items:
Runestones(Can only get them from the Sleepy Golems)
Sprinkle of Dust(Mostly comes from Sleepy Servants, but you might be able to get them from Sleepy Rune Golem A...Not sure yet)
Pile of Dust(Comes from Sleepy Rune Golems A and B)
Bag of Dust(Comes from Sleepy Rune Golem C only, since they’re so big)
Event Trade Shop(Just a Few Things):
3 or 4 Sprinkle of Dust can be traded for a Pile of Dust
3 Pile of Dust can be traded for a Bag of Dust
Runestones can be traded for the different Limited Time Costumes
Limited Timed Servant(s):
The Sandman/Sandy[5-Star Caster Version of Berserker Cu Chulainn]
Just cause he’s sleepy, doesn’t mean he’ll get weaker. If anything, he is stronger because of how annoyed he is XD
Wears a black shirt and pants/His tail is more droopy than normal due to him being tired/Is holding a gold pillow to his chest, eyes barely open/His hair is out of his side ponytail, some over his shoulder and some down his back
Either way, he looks sleepy
Limited Time Costume(s):
Jack the Ripper
A shirt with a heart on it(with a knife)/Capri length pj pants/Cute slippers
Nursery Rhyme
A cute, knee length, pink nightdress/Hair in twin buns/Cute slippers that match Jacks’
Cu Chulainn(Lancer?)
Not sure to be honest. I think I just wanted to give his fans the chance to see him topless and in pajama pants with a loose side bun so...Let your imagination run wild!
Emiya(Assassin/Kiritsugu)+Dress of Heaven(Irisviel)
A light/thin black Yukata/Wooden sandals(Kiritsugu)
A knee length, fluffy white dress(?)/Slippers/Hair braided and thrown over her shoulder(Irisviel) 
EMIYA(Mama needs his mask)
Green face mask(I HAD TO)/Hair held back by a headband type thing/Red Robe/Black pants/Slippers
A really warm and soft looking light blue set of pajamas/Barefoot
Soft pjs for a soft boy :3
Wise King(Cas Gil)
Silk robe with a fancy...scarf?/Slippers/Eye mask on top of his head/BAGS UNDER HIS EYES
The man needs bedt
Soft, long sleeved shirt/Pants/Slippers/Hair out of his usual ponytail+A cute teddy bear hair clip from Nursery Rhyme
Extra Notes:
The pillow Alter is holding is made out of the Sandmans Dust. He slaps people in the face with it and they instantly fall asleep
His Buster Line and action would be; “Shut Up.” and a swift(hard) smack to the face
The reason the Dreamscape Mystic Code seems a bit...overpowered or whatever is because you know, in a good dream, you’re pretty much invincible right? You always come out on top right? So the Mystic Code that represents that would have to make you very powerful. Just my logic
Ah, if you couldn’t guess, Alter is gonna be after you through the whole picture because you have the ability to wake people up. He doesn’t like this. Not one bit
My idea for the ending would be that you, the Master. would turn one of the empty rooms in Chaldea into a quiet room. It would be a place where Servants and staff could go to get some peace from the very stressful and hectic life you all live there 
While Alter is pleased by this, right at the very end of the event when everyone has gone to sleep, including you, he will come to your room and lean up against your bed. You both have a short conversation about why he’s here and you eventually start to poke fun at him a little, saying that the real  reason he couldn’t sleep was because he wasn’t at your side
At this, Alter stays quiet for a moment before climbing into your bed and telling you with a devious smile...
“Shut Up.”
You fall asleep but not before you feel him wrap his tail around you
Haven’t written that much in awhile, but man I needed to let you guys see my idea. For those who read until the very end, thank you for reading! ^^
It’d be really awesome if this was an actual event though...Would you guys play it? Let me know what you think about my idea XD 
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operaghcst · 5 years
META ; Phantom’s Talent
Let me make one thing perfectly clear as we get into this: Phantom is a genius. A mad genius, but a genius nonetheless. He’s an incredibly talented and skilled man, with a frightening capacity to learn new things and a wide array of areas he’s knowledgeable or skilled in. Though his emotional and social flaws are numerous, this is one area he does not lack in at all.
So, let’s lay out what the novel mentions Phantom can do, shall we?
There’s the obvious: Phantom is a virtuoso. He has an incredible voice that can entrance people (and this is turned into his Siren Song ability). He can play the organ and the violin very well, and it’s very likely he knows how to play more instruments. He’s able to almost effortlessly bring out a singer’s talent (see: Christine). And, of course, he is able to compose music that according to both him and Christine (who, keep in mind, was very much terrified of him when she heard it) transcends opera.
He’s actually very good with architecture and design. He was the one who designed his lair underneath the opera house. Phantom also designed palaces riddled with traps for both the Shah of Persia and the Sultan of Constantinople of his time, and before he came to reside in the opera house, he worked for some time as a builder.
Also knows some frightening ways to torture and generally kill others. Phantom designed an entire torture chamber in Persia that he built again in his lair, and he went through the effort of turning a lake into another device to keep people away and kill them if they didn’t get the message. The Persian also mentions that Phantom was taught how to use a Punjab cord and can effectively strangle a man with it.
Phantom knows various magic tricks and illusions. It’s mentioned that he incorporated magic tricks into his act as the Living Corpse, and a lot of what he does to scare the managers and employees of the Palais Garnier effectively is smoke and mirror stuff. He can make a fireman think a floating head of fire is coming at him.
Ventriloquism. His entire humiliation of Carlotta is because Phantom is the self-described “greatest ventriloquist that ever lived.” He can also imitate various noises with frightening ease such as a frog’s.
Phantom can make life-like automatons. He’s described in the novel as having done this for the Sultan and that it resembled him completely and was able to fool almost everyone. FGO does reference this through his actions in Shinjuku.
It’s also mentioned that his “diabolical inventions” were used in a war by the Shah.
I think the point is made. Phantom is ridiculously talented. In fact, he’s so much so that one of the lamentations made by Gaston Leroux at the end of the book is that if Phantom had a normal face, he could have been one of the greats of society instead of a mad, amoral, terrifying artist confined to a self-imposed prison meant to protect him from humanity’s judgement. But, though the in-universe Leroux wanted Phantom to have the chance to be recognized as a great man, that wasn’t exactly something Phantom wanted himself.
Phantom didn’t care about being recognized by society (I specify society because he doesn’t mind showing off for individuals, but he doesn’t care about society as a whole) for his numerous talents, he just wanted to be a part of it and live a normal life for once. This is even outright said by him in the novel!
“I don’t express myself like other people. I don’t do anything like other people. But I am very tired of it! Tired of having a forest and a torture chamber in my home! Sick of living like a mountebank, in a house full of tricks! Yes, I am sick and tired of it all! I want a nice, quiet apartment like everyone else, with ordinary doors and windows, and a proper wife.” ( page 244)
Phantom honestly just wants to live his idea of a normal life, and as shown by his idea of how his marriage to Christine will end, even that’s tainted by his not doing anything like other people. He is very aware of how talented he is, as shown by his trying to convince Christine to stay with him and marry him by saying “I’m unique, I swear!” (page 245) This is when he then goes on to describe and demonstrate his ability as a ventriloquist. But despite all of that, he doesn’t care. It’s not too much of a stretch to say he just doesn’t want to feel like a hideous freak that just so happens to amuse people because of his deformity and his immense intelligence for some part of his life, and he just wants to feel normal until Christine grows tired of him.
So, how does any of this tie into his being a Servant? Well, his views haven’t changed too much. In fact, he may be more aware of how he can never lead that normal life he wanted to lead because of his being immortalized for being a mad but brilliant murderer. The very thing he got sick and tired of being while he was alive.
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putschki1969 · 6 years
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Hikaru Birthday Event 2018 – Live Report
So…since my last report was stupidly deleted by yours truly and I only provided a mini-report, I thought I would write a proper one for you now. This time around I am using google docs so I hope nothing will be deleted. Without further ado, let’s get to it!
The day of the event was my second day in Japan. I was still quite exhausted from my travels but oh well, it wasn’t too bad. I got up pretty early and met up with my friend Sai to line up for the merchandise. We were at the venue (Suntory Hall Tokyo) at around 10 am to make sure we got everything we wanted. Thankfully the wait wasn’t too bad since we were protected from the sun underneath the building. It was still humid as hell but pretty bearable. Some Japanese Kala-fans from twitter said “hi” to me and as always I was super awkward. Sorry!! Anyways, after the wait was over, we finally got to buy our goods. I bought pretty much everything except the towel because meh, I am not a fan of towels. So yeah, I got the white shirt with the pink triangle, the cap, the ticket file and the booklet\clearfile set. Here’s a sneak peek at the booklet in case you haven’t seen it yet 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→ CLICK ME
By the way, the goods are available on the Space Craft Online Store since yesterday so be sure to get them quickly!! https://spacecraft-shop.jp/kalafina
Afterwards we headed to “La Maison Kioi” (the Kalafina SPICE interview location) to enjoy some cake. Then we headed to Shibuya to check out the Starbucks seat Keiko sat at in the 10th Anniversary Film. Just a while back, Hikaru had tried out a Calpis drink so e decided to have it too. The place (Afternoon Tearoom) was close by so that was very convenient. The lassi was certainly interesting, it had quite the unique taste, not sure I would order it again though XD.
Slowly heading back to the venue, we came across a bunch of fellow Kala-fans who had just gotten out of the afternoon event. We only heard good stuff so of course we were more than excited. At the venue we met up with lots of other Kala-fans and made some new friends. Then after another hour or so we were finally allowed inside. I delivered my letter and the ones by @theraspberrybushes and @mello-chi and then I went to my seat.
The event started on time…with a more or less unspectacular power point presentation regarding all the questions Hikaru had been asked in the questionnaire. I am pretty sure they used all the questions because there were at least 40 or something. No way in hell I could memorise all of that, especially since the questions/answers went by way too fast. Some random stuff I remember. • Hikaru’s favourite numbers are 2 and 7 • She owns around 1000 mangas • She can read a volume in about 30 minutes • If she hadn’t become a singer she would have wanted to become a mother in her 20ies • The type of character she likes in games: Men-tough; Women-peculiar and beautiful • The type of men she likes: Kind and calm • Favourite colours: Monochrome, blue and red • Favourite game: Momotaro Dentetsu • He favourite castle is Himeji • Her favourite characters in FGO are Gilgamesh and Shiki
Sorry, I can’t think of anything else. She also replied to my questions about recommendations in Toyama but she wrote like ten places or something and there was just no way for me to read it that quickly (especially since I suck when it comes to location kanji) But really, the questions weren’t exactly the highlight of the event but the most amazing part about this section were the childhood pictures of Hikaru which were randomly thrown in between questions. Like seriously the cutest pictures ever of baby Hikaru (and her little sister). Chibi-Hikaru was so freaking adorable, I could barely contain myself. We saw her wrapped up in cute winter clothes with her cheeks all red from the cold. With pig-tails!  (♥ω♥*) We saw her in her pjs at home watching TV.
Then she finally came on stage wearing the gorgeous outfit you saw in the blog post. The top is by IENA in case anyone is interested. Of course I ended up buying it because how could I resist???? http://zozo.jp/?c=gr&did=55355842
She sat down and personally replied to three more questions that were asked frequently. The first one was about her in-ear-monitors. Someone was curious what they always hear when they wear them. Hikaru explained how they work and how they tune out unnecessary noises etc. Next question was about which merchandise she designed was the most memorable for her. She didn’t actually reply to that question iirc but she used that opportunity to introduce this event’s goods. A staff member rolled up a cart with all the merchandise and she introduced them all similar to what she wrote in the Harmony countdown. Sakurada Hirotaka helped her come up with the goods so he deserves credit as well. She also explained that the colours of the shirts represented Kalafina’s origin colours. The final question was about mobile games and how much time she usually spends playing them. If she is into a game and there is an event going on, she will pretty much play all day long. As soon as she gets up, on the train, during breaks, in bed…until she falls asleep XD
Next up was the manga corner. I spaced out a little here. She always read a page out of one of her beloved mangas and then she talked about why this section felt so special to her. ・xxxHOLiC ・My Hero Accademia ・Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai
Please don’t ask me what she talked about. I have literally no idea. I have never heard of these mangas so it didn’t make much sense what she was talking about. But still, it was very nice to see her talk about her passion.
We played Janken afterwards and two lucky winners (one of them my friend Sai) got a present from Hikaru and got to go up on stage. While I can’t say I care much for the mangas they received as present, I would have killed to get a chance to go up on that stage. Oh well, turns out I suck at Janken. XD Somehow I completely forgot how to play it T_T
The Live
宝石-Houseki: WOW! Just wow! I didn’t know that this was the song Hikaru auditioned with. But hey, that explains why she was eventually chosen because man, she slayed! She sounded amazing! I think the song was slowed down a bit, yeah, it definitely was. Her performance was so powerful and tragic, she almost sounded like she was using elements from Keiko’s and Wakana’s voices. She had the same oomph as Keiko and yet there was a hint of tragedy (the same tragedy you usually get from Wakana). Flawless, absolutely flawless. Honestly, I am not even sure which version I like better, Hikaru’s or Keiko’s.
プラチナ-Platina: This is apparently one of her most frequently sung songs at karaoke. She absolutely loves it. It was an okay performance, I can’t say I like that song very much (it’s too cutesy for my taste) and I don’t think the song is particularly suited for Hikaru’s voice but Hikaru was super adorable and all smiles and she obviously had a blast with it so I was happy for her.
北ウイング-Kita Wing: Wow!! Just. Wow!! Hands down one of my favourite performances of that night. I had never heard that song before but Hikaru’s rendition was absolutely gorgeous. I just got to listen to the original version and OMG, they changed it SO MUCH. They slowed it down a lot and made it sound so much more tragic and sad. It left a lasting impression and I think I will have to buy it now. So beautiful.
CAT'S EYE: Sakurada wrote a special jazz arrangement for this song. I wish there was footage of this performance. Hikaru was so freaking sexy here. The way she moved to the lyrics, especially during that “sexy” line! Oh boy! Nosebleed!!! And it was a song I actually knew so YAY about that. If I remember correctly, I think it was actually one of the songs I voted for so double YAY.
ARIA: Finally, the song I had been waiting for. I obviously voted for this because it’s one of my all-time favourite Hikaru songs and I loved the 10th Anniversary version so freaking much (everyone else also voted for it so I kinda knew this would make it onto the setlist). This version was in a slightly higher pitch I think but not as high as the original version. She sang it with so much emotion, at this point I first started crying. Once again Hikaru mentioned that this song means the world to her and it has taught her so much. It’s always special if she gets to sing it and every version is different/unique. I was a bit sad because all the Wakana/Keiko/Kajiurago parts were left out. I had hoped she would sing that WaKei section after the bridge. It’s literally one of my favourite parts of the song because of the lyrics. But oh well, it was still a mind-blowing performance and Hikaru knocked it out of the park. She struggled a bit during the 10th Anniversary performance (especially during the final verse - although studio magic made sure it sounded well-rounded on the DVD/BD) but here she hit every note.
Blackbird: Hikaru mentioned that we would all recognise this song once we heard the chorus but meh, it seems I am the only one who has never heard of this song. Guess it’s because I have never really listened to the Beatles. Sorry to everyone who thinks that’s blasphemy or something. Either way, Hikaru made me really like this song although it will not become my favourite. Nothing about it was very memorable so I have a hard time remembering any details. I just know that Hikaru sounded really chill and cool. She obviously enjoys to sing this type of song.
Honesty: It’s honestly embarrassing how few songs I knew during this live. This was another one I had never heard before but boy, Hikaru made me fall in love with it immediately. I don’t know what it was about her performance but it was just so touching and emotional, it seemed like she meant every word she was singing. Everytime she sang “honesty” my heart broke a tiny little bit. The feels! Oh, the feels!!
Just the Way You Are: Can’t say I ever cared much for this song but once again Hikaru brought something special to it that made me appreciate how lovely this piece actually is. It really felt like she was singing from the heart. On that note, I would like to mention that her English pronunciation was really good during all the English songs. You most definitely understood what she was singing and she tried her best to emphasise each and every word. Very impressive. That’s certainly not a given with Japanese artists. Although I guess we all know that Hikaru’s English is very good. After this song, Hikaru told the Japanese audience that even though they probably didn’t understand the English lyrics, she hoped she was able to convey the meaning through her singing (she was!!). She invited everyone to check out all the lyrics because they are all super beautiful.
魂のルフラン- Tamashi No Rufuran: I was one of the people who voted for Zankokuna Tenshi no These so when she started to talk about Evangelion I freaked out a little. Unfortunately she ended up singing this song instead. I haven’t really watched the series so I only ever knew the OP and nothing else. Can’t say this song left a lasting impression. I don’t remember much from it. T_T Sorry, Hikaru. And sorry to everyone who had expected a more throrough report. I think she struggled a bit during the high parts here but it wasn’t too bad.
History Maker: I am embarrassed to say that I once again didn’t recognise the song. It sounded familiar but I couldn’t for the life of me remember where it was from. I was confused because I thought it was a Western song but Hikaru had mentioned she would sing anime songs now. I was like, “ehh???” Only afterwards when Hikaru mentioned it was from Yuri on Ice I suddenly remembered. [I am definitely the most clueless person when it comes to anime] This was most certainly the most upbeat and fun song of the night. Everyone was hyped and Hikaru was running around the stage, trying to connect with as many people in the audience as possible. And it worked. So much power, so much strength. Simply amazing. She really managed to capture the spirit of the song. Can’t say I watched the anime but I know it’s about sports and figthing spirit and boy, after this performance I was SO READY to climb Mount Fuji XD (which is good since I actually did climb Mt. Fuji the day after). Once she was finished Hikaru told us that actually no one had voted for her to sing this song but since it’s one of her faves she thought it would be okay to include it, this was “Hikaru’s vote” so to speak.
sprinter: Hands down my favourite performance of the night. The lights were dimmed and all you could hear was Hikaru’s voice which was already brimming over with emotion. The arrangement was super slow, she sang pretty much all the lines (including Wakana’s and Keiko’s). She didn’t sing the Kajiurago parts though. When she got to the “kimi ni aitai…” part, the hall became completely dark and there was just a tiny light illuminating Hikaru. Her voice was raw and fragile and very quiet. She wasn’t even singing them properly, it was more like she was saying them to us. It’s hard to explain but it was utterly heartbreaking. Tears everywhere. She only sang that part once and I think that’s for the best because this way it was incredibly powerful. And even though you could barely see her face you could definitely hear her voice break. She ended the song with Wakana’s line, “I'm calling your name”. By the end of the performance everyone was in tears and you could see Hikaru wiping away a tear too.
That was the end of the live, Hikaru took a bow and thanked everyone. When she told the audience to give a big round of applause to Sakurada he started playing the first tunes of “Happy Birthday”. It was a bit awkward at first because Japanese audiences never know what to do in situations like that. But they caught on surprisingly fast and so everyone was singing for Hikaru. That’s when Hikaru pretty much broke down into tears and watching this made me cry even more. She desperately tried to compose herself afterwards but nope, she couldn’t. Whenever she started to speak, a new wave of emotions seemed to hit her. She had to use a towel to wipe her tears away. She said that she didn’t expect Sakurada to play the birthday song for her (although I think that’s not true because he apparently played it during the afternoon event too but I forgive her for that little lie XD). Oh well, whether she was surprised or not she seemed to be moved either way and that is the only thing that counts. She thanked us for coming, thanked us for making this night incredibly special for her and finally assured us that she would forever remember this evening and treasure it within her heart…during the whole time tears were streaming down her face. She hopes that the next time we all meet there will be less tears and more laughter. She apologised for crying so much (oh please, Hi-chan, never apologise for that!!!!) Then she left the stage and the audience was asked to remain seated until told otherwise. The individual rows were asked to wait in line and leave the hall one by one.
That’s when we all got our personal greeting and postcard from Hikaru. She was standing outside wearing the white shirt from the merchandise and she handed each and every person a handwritten note and thanked them once again for coming. The staff people were rushing everyone out but fans were able to talk to Hikaru for a milli-second. When it was my turn I was shaking and I started crying again. Hikaru smiled at me and gave me one of her English cards (like seriously, she even prepared English cards for her foreign fans! So thoughtful of her!). I told her that I was incredibly moved by her performance (as if my crying wasn’t indication enough) and it looked like Hikaru was about to start crying too but then I was ushered outside so I can’t know for sure. I was shaking so much and then and it took a few minuted to compose myself.
All in all it was a super special event and I am so glad I got the chance to attend it. Hikaru is a born solo performer and she owned the stage throughout the entire event. She made me fall in love with her even more. You could really tell how much she cared about her fans. Right now I am very grateful that she is there for us and wants to be close to us. This event and all her blog posts make me so very happy, you have no idea. My only regret is that Hikaru didn’t mention Wakana and Keiko during the evening event. Why did she only talk about them during the afternoon event? So unfair! But oh well, it’s not like I missed much. She basically just told the audience that they are keeping in touch and that she had received birthday geetings from both of them (duh! Of course she did! Did anyone doubt it?) and that Wakana regularly sends pictures of her plant babies. They are all doing their own thing now so I understand and respect their choice (yes, I think it’s their choice and they are not forced by Space Craft) to lay low and not mention the others too much. However, it’s still nice when they do.
Okay, that’s a wrap. Hope you enjoyed this and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Bar Antics
For @siegfaerie as a part of a fandom trade and posted with their consent. Love you platonically, friend. :)
Canonically takes place during the FGO NA 2021 Chaldea Boys Collection event.
Also, note. Cậu is a Kinship pronoun for “Friend” in Vietnamese. Take that however you'd like when reading. :)
“You shouldn’t be holding that cocktail mixer so tightly, my dear.”
“E-Easy for you to say, Moriarty-san,” Vy mumbled, but she still let her fingers relax their grip on the bottle in question, feeling a shaky breath leave her lips as she turned her head to look up at the older Archer. “I’m bad with alcohol.”
“Such a waste, my dear, such a waste,” Moriarty said, the lilt in his voice taking out whatever venom there might’ve been as he gently patted her shoulder on the way to the sink behind the bar. “But why are you so bad with it? I’ve seen you serve other drinks with the young Itzy to the guests and handle yourself just fine.”
In spite of knowing it was an innocent question, uncomfortable needles pricked at the back of Vy’s neck as she did her best to not reach up and play with her ponytail out of habit. “I-Inherited allergy,” she eventually coughed up, heat starting to warm her cheeks in that embarrassing way she didn’t like thanks to the admission. “Daddy could only drink maybe half a glass before turning red and needing to go to bed, and the first and last time I ever drank anything was with my family before coming to Chaldea.”
“Ah,” Moriarty said with a curt nod, his hand reaching over to turn on the faucet at the sink. “You were just as red-faced as him that time?”
“Nearly cursing like a sailor, crying the entire time, and I almost threatened to pummel one of my cousins into the ground for having me drink a single can of the stuff, actually,” Vy mumbled, ducking her head to look down at the mixer in her hands. “It wasn’t fun.” She found herself pausing from the sudden lack of saliva in her throat, eventually coughing out in a weaker voice, “D-Don’t judge me, please.”
“I wasn’t going to, dear, do not worry,” Moriarty said humbly, a tiny smile tugging at the corner of his lips from what Vy could see past the massive pile of dishes he started to wash. “If I did, I believe I may find myself poisoned in the near future.”
Um. What? “What do you mean by that…?”
“Exactly as I said, my dear,” Moriarty said in the same tone of voice, a wink sent her way once Vy was giving him a confused look. “Exactly as I said.”
Oooookay. Vy shook at the bottle in her hands, doing her best not to squeak once a hand eventually landed on top of her head.
Wait. There were callouses, and the scent of mint—
“…Big Robin?” Vy whispered.
“Hey there. Is the drink ready yet, little sparrow?” Robin asked almost too casually as his hand patted her hair softly. “You’ve been standing here for a little while.”
Vy felt herself flush up to the tips of her ears, choosing to hand Robin the cocktail mixer while ducking her head. How embarrassing! “U-Um. Could you check? I-I can’t exactly, um, taste-test it…”
Robin let out a soft chuckle in response to Vy’s fumbling, gently taking the metal bottle from her hands. “You got it, little sparrow. Just take it easy, okay?” Before Vy could respond, he leaned over to bump their foreheads together. “Don’t break anything.”
“I-I’m not going to break anything—” Vy protested, yet still feeling her voice die in her throat once she was looking up into Robin’s visible green eye. The corners of said eye crinkled softly in Vy’s direction as Robin smiled. “Muuu,” left Vy’s mouth instead. “You’re a dork, Big Robin.”
“And you’re a cute little sparrow,” Robin teased back, bumping Vy’s head with his one more time before pulling back and walking elsewhere, shaking the mixer with one hand all the while. “Don’t worry so much~!”
“Muuu,” Vy felt herself voice again, this time in embarrassment, once Robin disappeared around the bar island’s corner.
Another hand proceeded to land on her person, this time winding around her shoulders to squeeze, and Vy blinked once a warm chest was resting against the back of her head. “Vy~!”
Oh. “H-Hi to you too, Itzy,” Vy said softly, swiveling her head a little just to find an eyeful of pink hair. “Did you already finish your order?”
“Yup~!” Itzy hummed, squeezing Vy’s shoulders in a hug from behind as a big smile graced her face. “And I think it’s time for your break, dearie!”
“…Is it?” Vy glanced at the clock. “I thought I still had 5… minutes…”
The minute hand ticked once for extra emphasis, and nearby, Vy could hear Moriarty make a scolding “tut-tut” noise past his dishes. “That, my young lady, is the sound of losing track of time.”
“Well, fiddlesticks,” Vy said finally in mock-curse while slumping against Itzy, much to her fellow Master’s apparent delight if the soft squeal above her head was any indication. “What about you, Itzy? Are you taking a break now too?”
“I was just about to~!” Itzy said happily, squeezing Vy’s shoulders while a cheek gently bumped the top of Vy’s hair. “I wanted to wait on you though, Vy!”
“Thankie…” Vy smiled up at her taller Master friend, closing her eyes in content. “Let’s go together, then?”
Siegfried, who came back to the bar island at that moment with a silver tray of empty wine glasses, gave Itzy and Vy a small passing glance. “Robin and I can handle the floor, Master,” he said, the corners of his mouth twitching enough to make Vy wonder if he was giving Itzy a secretive smile. “Go take Vy for some well-deserved rest.”
Vy did her best not to laugh nervously at the discrete callout once Itzy saluted Siegfried with a cheerier, “Already on it!”
“No matter how many times I come in here, the break room still feels really fancy…”
“It’s still a break room in the end, Vy, there’s nothing to worry about. No bouncers, no creepy gangsters—”
“I-I can’t help it, okay?! Sieg looks like a Mafia Boss, Diarmuid, Yan Qing, AND Izou are in the gangster way of life here, even though I don’t think any of them would be into that kind of thing, wellmaybeIzou, and, and—“ Vy took in a deep breath, shaking her head enough to rustle her ponytail before she eventually flopped down on the nearest couch and rested her cheek against Itzy’s shoulder. “…Sorry.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart, there’s nothing wrong with venting.” Itzy raised one hand to gently pat Vy’s hair, scooting closer to let Vy rest her head in the small crook between Itzy’s neck and shoulder. “It is our break now, so you can be a bit more unprofessional here.”
A shakier puff of air resembling a sigh left Vy’s lips as she reached over to take Itzy’s hand for a quick squeeze. “…Same to you, y’know, Cậu Itzy,” Vy whispered, shrugging with one shoulder towards the center of the room. “There’s homemade lemonade on the table if you want some.”
Itzy twitched, and Vy was already expecting the incredulous “Vy…” said in her direction. Almost as if debating whether or not to scold her, Itzy’s hand proceeded to unravel Vy’s hair tie, undoing Vy’s ponytail in favor of stroking the freed hair. “You didn’t have to.”
“Wanted to.” With a pout, Vy added in mock protest, “Before you say anything, I made it this morning, put it away in the fridge before work started, and I checked to make sure Moriarty didn’t put anything weird in it.” For extra emphasis, Vy lifted her head from Itzy’s shoulder so that she could lean over and grab the beverage pitcher in question, pouring out a glass into a nearby cup so Itzy could take it. “I taste-tested it already if that helps.”
Itzy gave Vy a bit of a funny face over the cup’s rim, enough to make Vy fidget for a second or two. “You sure about that last part?”
“99.99% sure,” Vy assured with her best poker face. “Unless you want me to try chugging it?”
The statement was, whether Vy knew it or not, enough to make Itzy relax because her fellow Master was breaking out a grin and taking the cup from Vy’s hands, winking. “No need to chug then, Vy. Lemme see…”
It took a single swig.
Itzy blinked at the contents, Vy leaned in a little from anticipation. “Is it… is it good?”
“I was expecting it to be sweet,” Itzy said in half-wonder, half-amazement. “I wasn’t expecting sour too.”
“Is that a good thing?” Vy could feel another flush of heat start to flood her cheeks, enough to make her raise a hand to cover one of them up and away from Itzy’s line of view. “I-I heard from Siegfried that you liked citrus drinks, so I reworked my old lemonade recipe to what he recommended, and—”
“Wait.” Itzy was blinking again. “Wait, wait, wait. Vy, honey, you came up with this?”
“I said it was a rework of a recipe, but um, yes?” Vy said, caught off-guard. “I’ve had the recipe ever since I was little, and Mommy and Daddy always liked it, a-and you’ve been family to me, so—”
“Vy, honey,” Itzy interrupted with a happy wheeze caught between a grin and a laugh, “I love you too.”
Vy blushed, but still found herself smiling as she watched Itzy down the entire cup after that. Once the contents of the cup were gone, Itzy let out another happy sigh, leaning back against the couch while proceeding to wrap an arm around Vy’s shoulders, pulling her in for another side hug. “Thank you, Vy! It was delicious!”
“I-I’ll make it again for you when we get back to the Wandering Sea,” Vy said softly, smiling as she leaned into her friend’s side. “It’s really simple and doesn’t take up much energy.”
“As long as you don’t push yourself, honey, I’ll take whatever drink you make me!” Itzy hummed.
Vy closed her eyes and hummed back. “Aye,” was all she said back. It felt like it was enough.
Besides, I know I’ll always be here for you. No matter what.
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 years
Passing Days Ch 11 Preview
I may have started this post at 11:26 pm, but I got too many feels from the story of the CCC crossover event in FGO, so writing we go. Still on Beni-Enma at the moment, but I know with time I’ll get to the Alter Egos. There’s lots to cover.
Dedicated to @withanina, in the hopes that it helps with any bitter tears. Edited as of 2/27/2021. I guess this confirms this Vy is my Mastersona now, huh? Considering I go off my own game experiences and real life things.
Coming to Chaldea was a new experience. Even if Beni-Enma had no clue of what environment it was before the Novum Chaldea came to be in the Wandering Sea, it was still a quaint place. Not as grand as the Enma-tei, sure, but it was something worth investing in simply from how it allowed humanity to survive.
Even now.
“You’re cooking again, red guy? Shouldn’t you take a break?”
“Says the one not helping.” 
“Screw you too!” 
“I don’t swing that way for you.”
“I wasn’t asking!”  
Robin Hood, one of the few Servants in Chaldea that had a Holy Grail used on them, seemed to be quite the playboy as he quipped some other things to the red Archer standing near the stove. If she still had her tongue, maybe Beni-Enma could taste the tension rippling off them in waves as they continued one of their many arguments. Archer EMIYA was certainly bristling if his quick chopping of vegetables was any indication. Hell, the cutting board was starting to let off some splinters, showing the amount of force going into each slice of the kitchen knife.
In any other situation, Beni-Enma would have interfered. After all, cooking was an art that shouldn’t be defiled. She would have put her foot down, claws and all. That is, if not for a single presence suddenly making itself present in the area of the Novum Chaldea Dining Hall.
Robin Hood didn’t seem to notice the only Chaldean Master’s petite footsteps as she slowly made her way towards him, bunny slippers covering her toes as a pillow was left sagging in her right hand. The white and gray patterned snowflakes on her pajamas were rather unconventional from Beni-Enma’s memories of Japanese culture, not to mention Vy’s messy and tangled brown hair, but it was Vy nonetheless. It was almost amusing to note how, in contrast to the former May King, the sharp cutting on Archer EMIYA’s part stopped with Vy making herself known, his eyes minutely widening with realization just as Vy let out a yawn.
“Master—?” was all Robin Hood was able to say in a softer voice before Vy, in her bunny slippers and pajamas and all, slowly walked into his back and wrapped her arms around his waist. The girl then went about resting her forehead against his shoulder, her figure slumping against the taller Servant from putting her weight against him. Vy’s forlorn pillow, with no space left, could do nothing but fall from her hands and onto the kitchen floor.
Just like that, with one hug, the tension from earlier was gone.
Robin Hood dropped all pretenses to smile. “Hey there, little sparrow,” he cooed.
“Morning, big Robin…” Vy yawned again.
On the other hand, Archer EMIYA scoffed, barely hiding a hint of fondness in the sound. “Vy, we talked about hugs before cleaning up for breakfast.”
“You two looked like you were arguing, Shirou…” Vy then made a small noise akin to a sleepy grumble, rubbing her cheek against the back of Robin Hood’s shoulder as she hugged him tighter. “Wanted to do something…” 
“We’re not arguing now, little sparrow, don’t worry about it.” If Beni-Enma didn’t know any better, it was as if the petty thief of the Sherwood Forest was gone, replaced with an older brother figure as Robin Hood proceeded to gently pat Vy on the head. “The hugs are nice, but you need to brush your teeth.”
“Few more seconds,” Vy said childishly. 
“1,” Archer EMIYA said.
“Oi,” Robin Hood interrupted with a quirk of an eyebrow. “Don’t go all ‘Overprotective Mom’ now, Archer.”
“Says the man still spoiling her, Archer,” EMIYA shot back.
Robin Hood didn’t even get the chance to frown before Vy slowly unlatched herself from him and proceeded to hug Archer EMIYA from behind too. “No. Fighting…” Vy said in the same sleepy grumble, shaking her head. “Hug, then I go clean up while you two go and coexist without poison and swords…” Vy then yawned again, louder this time, before finishing with a hand rubbing her eyes and a smaller, “Fair?”
To Beni-Enma’s delight, both men sighed. “Fair.”
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
Knight of Treachery and a Pianist
Note: The Fate/Apocrypha event in FGO has had me in metaphorical hell from how good the story is, and I’m frustrated that I haven’t been able to write more for my own stories. So, here’s another oneshot to tide over my frustrations. How I’d like to think a future interaction might go in Healing Over Time. Maybe. Still need to figure out the cogs in the machine that is Fate universe logic.
Oh, and by the way. Mordred is referred to as “they/them” by Tomo in narration since FGO and the original Apocrypha made it clear that referring to them as a woman is going to equal hell. But at the same time, male pronouns seem to be in the egg-shell area, so they/them. It works, I think. 
I got the inspiration from this opening of Apocrypha when writing.
Another thing for you, @withanina. If you’re up for reading more Fate stuff. It’s unedited aside from my own usual routine, so just a fair warning, especially for others who click below the cut.
The thoughtful look in those normally sharpened green eyes had me stop in my current errand of putting away dishes in the cupboard. Mo-san — well, Mordred — didn’t seem like the type to stop and observe, so to see them do that was a bit surprising. Even if all they were wearing was a red hoodie and blue shorts borrowed from Kei. 
“What?” they snapped once they noticed my staring, a hand on their hip. Aaaaah, precursor to yelling. Aaaaah. “Is there something on my face or what?”
“I-It’s nothing,” I fibbed, when really, it wasn’t really nothing to see them quiet. I was still in an awkward place, so I pushed my braid back behind my ear before adding, “Did you need something, Mo-san?”
Their eyes narrowed at me. “What are you implying?”
Well, we’re getting somewhere, for one. I didn’t voice that thought, though.
Swallowing the anxiety in my throat, I instead turned on my feet to face them, instinctively grasping my Wayfinder necklace. It was both a good and bad thing that Art-san was out with Papa on a grocery shopping trip. This kind of talk wasn’t really something I could see myself having with Mordred when my first Saber was present. “It’s the first time I’ve seen you quiet, Mo-san, so I wanted to ask if there was anything I could do for you,” I elaborated, smiling weakly. “My ears are open.”
“It’s not really something I need.” Mordred puffed through their nose, turning their head away from me in some kind of defiance. If I didn’t know any better, they would have resembled a stubborn child faced with something new. Something they were unsure about. “I just—argh!” I jumped once they stomped their foot against the floor, aggressively ruffling their hair. “I don’t get you!” 
“You…don’t get me?” I echoed faintly. And here I thought everyone could read me like an open book. At least, the ninja all say that they can. 
“Yeah! That!” Mo-san rounded on me as fast as they said the words, pointing a finger to my face. Eeep. “You’re not a Mage! You’re not even a warrior!”
“You’re jumpy, you’re nervous, you talk in a squeaky voice when you get nervous—” They took a few steps forward into my space bubble, making me back up almost instinctively. “You’re not even a fighter! You play piano being nice and flowery and yet you’re a shitty Master! We haven’t even gotten a chance to fight!” 
A nervous giggle left my lips because gosh, that was a burn. “I-I can’t deny that since there’s no other Servants…” On the other hand, I knew one more thing. 
If anyone else were here, I feel like Mo-san would be asking for a fight… I thought. Thank god Kei and Team Minato were out too.
“So then, how—” Mordred exhaled, shaking their head while lurching back into their own space bubble, crossing their arms. “How…” 
I allowed myself a tiny “Eh?” because Mordred never trailed off like this before. This was new territory and I didn’t know whether to be apprehensive or curious about what brought this on. 
Even with my little noise, Mordred went quiet, ducking their head while aggressively tapping their foot against the kitchen tile floor. “…did you get the King to love you?”
I blinked. “Mo…san?”
Mordred kept tapping their foot, avoiding my gaze the entire time. The frequency of the tapping became louder with each passing second, almost irritable from the sound. “How did a person like you earn the King’s affections?” they reiterated finally, a minute crack in their voice. “Just…how?”
I opened my mouth, found no air, and gulped in a breath before letting my shoulders relax. This was definitely a moment, and I knew I was walking on eggshells. Anything mentioning Art-san already was a big enough sign. For Mordred to say it on their own…
“I…don’t have a straight answer for you, Mo-san,” I admitted finally, shaking my head. The urge to hug them was strong, but I held myself back. “But I could try helping you with that. With Art-san, I mean.”
The proposition was enough to make Mordred face me, and their green eyes narrowed at me again. “What are you getting at?”
I did my best to not fidget, keeping eye contact the entire time. “Art-san loves food like you, for one thing,” I offered, shrugging my shoulders. “And if you want, Mo-san, we can cook together. Make your favorites, and Art-san’s favorites. Maybe then, it could—”
“Cook?” Mordred seemed taken aback by my offer, shaking their head. “No way. There’s just no way Father is someone who loves food. When I knew him, back when we were knights, he would eat anything from sawdust rations to Gawain’s cooking with a straight face! And it was that big hotshot Gawain who couldn’t do a damn thing aside from boiling potatoes!” Ooookay, that was expected considering where Camelot was in terms of old world history from Vy’s memories, but there was a big but. Mordred was still shrinking into themselves. “Cooking won’t fix—”
“We don’t know that,” I said in the same quiet voice, taking a step forward towards them. I couldn’t shake off the sudden feeling that Mordred was someone who never experienced any affection in their past life. It felt so wrong. “And it’s an idea we can try. Only if you want to. We have time, Mo-san.”
Mordred met my gaze with a quirked eyebrow, a frown clearly on their lips. “…You’re too bright,” they said finally, shaking their head. “Father never acknowledged me back when we were alive. How would cooking change that—”
Okay, enough is enough. 
I took another step forward to be in front of them and grabbed the hand that was not on their hip. “Because I know Art-san,” I said firmly. “And I know you, Mo-san. It sounds like you want to reconcile.”
“Reconcile?” The word came out as a mix of venom and incredulity as Mordred raised their head to look at me. Their green eyes went wide enough at our intertwined fingers so that the irises, even if narrow, still exposed my tiny reflection back to me. “How can you say that?”
“Because you’re not killing me even though I’m holding your hand without your permission,” I continued, doing my best to ignore how cold Mordred’s fingers felt in my grip. How long were they just sitting around in the house, unsure of what to do when Art-san was with me? Were they in spirit form before they started staring? Or were they sitting out on the house rooftop, watching the shinobi go around as they did? Just… “If you didn’t want to try, you could’ve struck me down right now.”
Mordred’s lips went into a straight line. “…Even if I’m known as the Knight of Treachery, Master, I’m not a complete monster.” They were already trying to slip out of my grip if not for me tightening my hold on their hand. “Wha— Oi.”
Yeah, no. No running here. “You’re not slipping away, Saber,” I said with a pout, shaking my head. “You’ve been alone for long enough. So let me help you!”
“The hell—” Mordred tugged at their arm. “Why aren’t you letting go!” 
“Because I don’t want to!”
“You—” Once it became obvious I was digging my heels into the floor just to keep them around, Mordred tugged again, to no avail. Chakra was great at reinforcing limbs, by the way. But if I didn’t know any better, it felt like Mordred was putting less and less strength in each tug-of-war attempt. One tug, two tugs, three tugs. Pause. “Why are you—” 
I shut my eyes, raised my head to stare at them, and blurted out the first thought in my head. “Because I’m not a warrior! It’s because we’re not fighting out on some battlefield that I can worry about you!” 
My sudden yell was enough to stop whatever protest was on Mordred’s lips, their facial expression being summed up as, well, “surprised.” And stupefied. “Worry?” they echoed. It took a moment for me to realize their hand had relaxed in my grip too. From the shock or the weight of my words, I didn’t know. “Why worry? I’m a knight, not a baby, Master.”
“But you’re Saber,” I said in the same firm voice, shaking my head to get the beginnings of tears out of my eyes. “Baby or Knight, my intent is still the same. I don’t care what you call yourself. You’re a Servant that somehow got involved with me, and I can’t let you go now. Not when I can tell you’re unhappy.” I exhaled, putting my free hand to my heart. “I’m sorry that I’m not the best Master. I’m sorry that I can’t take you out on battles like you’d want. But if there’s anything that these Command Spells on me have reaffirmed, it’s that I want to help whoever comes my way as a Servant.”
“And, that…” Mordred was quiet too. I met their gaze. “That includes me?”
“Of course it includes you!” I stomped my foot against the floor for extra emphasis. Goddammit, what the hell was my luck in finding people who had shittier self-esteems than me. “Don’t put yourself out, you jerk! I found myself loving you even with all your flaws since you were summoned, so suck on that!”
Mordred’s eyes went wide again before they turned away. I didn’t resist once they finally slipped their hand out of my grip. “You… how do you get away with—” they aggressively ruffled their hair again. “That kind of line is something you’d use in seducing, not for an argument, Master!”
This probably would’ve been a moment where Hisako would scream, THE FUCK, in her usual sarcastic inflections. But she wasn’t here. It was just me again.
“Th—the heck you hear that from?!” I protested, feeling my cheeks flush an emotive red. “I’m horrid at seducing!”
“That could’ve been a line, anyways!” Mordred yelled back at me, and this time, I was surprised to feel myself raise my own hackles and not back down. “You’re not that horrible Lancelot!”
Woo, another name I vaguely recognized. Comparison not appreciated. “I’m Tomoko, Mo-san. To-Mo-Ko!” Without thinking, I reached over and flicked Mordred’s head. “Get that memorized!”
“Wha—” Mordred reeled back, nose wrinkling as they covered their forehead with both their hands. “Did you just hit me?”
“That was a flick, not even a hit!” I protested, feeling miffed. “So, are we going to cook or NOT?” 
For the first time ever, Mordred stared at me for only a second before smirking. A proud, taunting smirk. I could see the fangs in their teeth. “…Is that a challenge?”
“Take it whatever way you want, you dork of a Knight.” I crossed my arms, already feeling my patience ebb away with this entire situation. “We still need to make lunch and no one else is around. So you’re helping me.”
“Oooooh,” Mordred’s smirk widened. “I’m so scared.”
“Don’t make me use a Command Spell on you.”
“…You’re bluffing.” 
“Am I?” I raised my Wayfinder necklace to display the smallest chakra blade I could muster from my own stubbornness. “I was raised by assassins for friends, Saber. Once I decided to flick your head, I knew what I was getting into.”
Mordred’s smirk was shit-eating. “Never took you for having the courage of a bitch.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.” I turned off my Wayfinder and flicked Mordred’s forehead again once they lowered their guard. “No cursing in the house, you dork.”
The shock was palpable on their face once I retracted my hand. “Why you—” 
“Please get some eggs if you want a feast for lunch, Saber.” It did not stop me from adding an extra “Dork,” for good measure.
“Pah. You do have guts! Where was this when I was trying to kill Father earlier?!”
“You just haven’t seen it before! Now get those eggs!” 
Somehow, even with all our bickering and the questioning looks Art-san later gave me at the kitchen table, I felt like we made progress somewhere. Mordred’s gaze on me for the rest of the day didn’t radiate what felt like killing intent for once.
Maybe Kei would be proud of me once she got home.
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writer-and-artist27 · 4 years
A Happy Homunculus
Note: Inspired by the story ending of the Apocrypha: Inheritance of Glory Event in FGO and my feelings that came after a certain homunculus reached the limits of his power. Because as much as Apocrypha as an anime was flawed, it portrayed one of my favorite Grail Wars in the Fate franchise to date and the characters are very dear to me. 
This takes place a bit after the first oneshot that starred my main front-line Riders in Chaldea. You don’t have to read that first one for context, but it at least adds to continuity. 
A song I’ll recommend as one last note? Kazoku, the first original composition done by YouTuber and pianist Theishter. Feel free to check out his work. :) 
Now then. Feel free to enjoy this little peek into my Chaldea.
“Master, you don’t have to do this…” The tingling in his chest was indicative of embarrassment Sieg was still getting used to as he was slowly pushed into the magic circle. Despite her short stature, Vy was surprisingly adamant, brown hair flopping forward past her shoulders as she continued pushing him. “There are other Servants you can level up first…”
“That doesn’t mean neglecting you, Sieg,” Vy muttered vehemently, shaking her head enough to tilt her glasses down the bridge of her nose, exposing brown eyes that were staring at no one but him. “With all the work that comes with Singularities, more help would be appreciated. And besides,” she beamed up at him from over his shoulder, “We have all the materials and you’re worth it!”
Sieg could feel his cheeks start to burn.
Nearby in a corner, Sieg could hear Rider laugh. Achilles was snickering too, and if not for Chiron lightly tapping one of his hooves against the tile of the Enhancement Center as a chiding gesture, the laughter would probably be louder. “Go with it, Sieg!” Astolfo called after them, grinning to expose his fangs. “You’ll be great!”
“R-Rider…” Sieg said pitifully.
“You’ll be fine,” Da Vinci called from over the speakers, humming cheerily. “You’ve been through this three times already, former Custodian. And besides, this is how Vy works around here.” There was a pause before Da Vinci clicked her tongue, just in time for Vy to finish pushing Sieg into the center of the magic circle. “Well, when she’s not tired anyways.”
“Oh, ha ha, I love you too, Da Vinci,” Vy deadpanned loudly, brushing dust off the skirt of her Chaldea Standard uniform as she stepped back. Sieg gave her a single glance, and she merely smiled. “If you don’t mind, Sieg-kun.” She reached into her back pocket, pulling out a single brown leaf. The bloodstains were faded on the leaf, probably from age, but Sieg could recognize the traces anywhere. “Ready?” 
Sieg steeled his heart and nodded. “Go ahead.”
Vy gently placed the leaf near the outer rim of the circle before taking a few more steps back, swiveling her head up towards the speakers. “Da Vinci? Dr. Roman? Everything ready?”
“Just about, Vy-chan,” Romani called back, the room lights fading in exchange for letting the magic circle take the stage with its blue glow. “We’ll begin in 3, 2…”
Vy took the chance to gently throw some recently gathered embers into the circle, doing her best to avoid Sieg’s legs.
“And 1. Now beginning Ascension and Enhancement!”
Sieg felt his feet slowly leave the ground as he rose, the power flooding into him as the magic circle glowed with the energy from Chaldea’s systems. The bright flash of light flooding his eyes made Sieg look away, but once the humming in his ears faded, he belatedly realized his feet were back on the ground and his Master was inclining her head at him. The other Servants seemed to be waiting in anticipation too, considering no one else was saying anything.
“…Sieg?” Vy said hesitantly, peering up at him with nervous brown eyes past her glasses. “Are you okay?”
For the first time in a while, Sieg felt himself smile. “I’m fine, Master.”
Vy lurched back with clear surprise on her face just as Da Vinci happily called over the speakers, “Ascension Complete!” 
The lights slowly turned back on in the room just as Astolfo jumped up to cheer. “Woo! Another Fully Ascended Servant! WOO! Less work for me!”
“That’s what you cheer for?” Atalante said in astonishment, tail swishing in time with the other Servants starting to applaud. “We haven’t finished saving humanity, Rider.”
“Eh, I can cheer for something!” Astolfo was still jumping around the room, red cape and all, and if not for the person in front of him right now, Sieg would’ve been sure he would’ve been staring after his former Servant. “Let’s enjoy this!” 
Vy took a step closer, her lips pursued in a thin line as she looked up at him. “Sieg-kun?” 
Oh, right. He hadn’t said anything since the Ascension process ended. 
Sieg gently bowed his head towards Vy with the same smile, being unable to deny the warmth in his chest. Even when his Master started to squeak from the same surprise from before, he opened his mouth and spoke honestly. “I… I never imagined you would go so far for me. I don’t know what to do other than to show my appreciation. Anyway, Master… thank you.”
Vy went silent at that, a confused noise stuck in her throat.
Sieg raised his head to give her a wider smile. It felt somewhat strange for a homunculus like him to feel so human, but, maybe, maybe, with someone like her as his Master… “Thank you, Vy. My friend. You’ve made this homunculus the happiest person on Earth.”
The last thing Sieg expected was for Vy to start crying.
The tears were slow in forming. But once they were budding in the corners of her eyes and falling to the floor of Chaldea’s Enhancement Center, all the Servant banter stopped. 
“Master?” Marie Antoinette said softly.
Vy sniffled and covered her eyes with her hands, the motion enough to jostle her glasses and snap everyone out of whatever stupor they were in. 
“M-Master?!” Sieg said, feeling the smile drop off his face. “Did I say something—”
“You silly Servant!” Vy cried loudly, and before Sieg knew it, she was ducking her head and barrelling into him, for lack of better words. Sieg barely felt the pain, but the tears starting to soak into the shoulder of his suit was unmistakable. “Th-Thank you… thank you… I-I…I never heard anyone say that b-before, so,” a sob cut off Vy’s words as she hid herself in Sieg’s front. “I really h-hope I-I can keep making you h-h-happy…” 
Sieg could barely move his arms as Vy wound hers around his waist. “Master…”
“Oh, senpai,” Mash said suddenly, tears in her eyes too as she ran over to join the hug. Her weight was barely noticeable as she draped an arm around Vy’s shoulders, shaking her head. “Don’t c-cry. You’ve always made everyone here happy.”
“H-Have I, Mash?” Vy squeaked out from Sieg’s shirt, and by then, Sieg could feel the other Servants start to move around, whether it was barking out orders to EMIYA for Vy’s favorites in the kitchen, others scurrying around for blankets, something. “I-I sleep in a lot, I can’t farm materials all the time, my head hurts when we go out into Singularities, and a lot of Servants are still at their first Ascensions…! I-I need to work harder, if just to please the King in Babylonia, to s-save everybody, a-and…”
Before Sieg could say anything, Rider was suddenly there, smiling brighter than anyone else and jumping on his back to add, “Take it easy, Master! We got time! We Servants can wait, so let’s enjoy this!”
“A-Astolfo…” Vy then devolved into sniffling.
Sieg meanwhile could barely complain about the weight when it was Rider saying such things. Take it upon his old companion to say things without care. 
A pause.
Marie Antoinette nearby nudged someone and it was enough to prompt something. “…I may have asked you to be faster on your feet than me in our first meeting, but that does not mean over-exhausting yourself, Master.” Atalante’s voice was cool when striding over and joining into the group hug, arms wrapping around Vy’s back and brushing past Mash’s grip. “It wouldn’t help us if we lost you.” 
Vy looked up at the Huntress and whimpered, eyes watering faster with the sentiment. “A-Atalante-saaaaaan…” 
Atalante hummed, closing her eyes and tightening the hug as her tail gently swayed back and forth behind her skirt in a swishing motion.
Soon enough, Achilles of all people was the last one to join in, wrapping his arms around Sieg and with one small, “Oof,” he then somehow lifted everyone present into the air. 
This was surprising.
“A-Achilles?!” Mash squealed, hanging onto Vy for dear life. Vy let out a noise akin to “Awawawaaaaah,” a stark contrast to Astolfo’s cheerful “Weeeeee!” Chiron meanwhile crossed his arms in the same corner nearby, still tapping his hoof, this time in tune with Marie’s giggling, surprisingly. It would’ve appeared to Sieg (no thanks to being stuck) that Chiron was somewhat irritated if not for the fond and exasperated smile that was showing on his face towards the Rider in question. 
“Trust Ane-san, Master~” Achilles cooed in Vy’s direction, a wide grin on his face. Sieg could’ve sworn it looked teasing with how much Mash was flailing from the shock. Not to mention how everyone’s legs were left dangling in the air as Achilles gently swayed them back and forth, his gold armor sparkling in the room’s lighting as he did. “We’ll be in your care for as long as you need us, and besides! If you can bring us to Full Ascension when you’re running on Gold Apples, who says you can’t do everyone else!” Achilles puffed his chest out enough to make everyone feel the gesture from the hug. Then his smile turned soft. “We’ll be here for you, now and forever.”
“A-A-Achilles…” Vy’s glasses were getting stained with all the tear drops, barely showing her wide brown eyes as a result, but even when carrying more than five people, the Hero of the Trojan War merely shook his head, wearing that same grin. 
“C’mon, Master, quit crying. We can wait. You take what responsibility you can and we’ll be with you all the way. You’re our Master after all.”
To no one’s surprise but Mash, Vy started crying harder. Sieg slowly raised a hand to his friend’s hair to pat it in sympathy just as Atalante leaned into the group hug, a comforting purr rumbling in her throat. Her lion ears twitched in time with Astolfo’s reassuring laughter. 
“Oh, senpai,” Mash said softly. “It’s okay.” 
“Let us down, Rider,” Atalante said after a moment, still hanging onto Vy as Achilles started taking a few steps back in what looked like the beginning of a strength maneuver. “We have to visit the kitchens now.”
Sieg just smiled and took the tears with all the strength he could provide as a homunculus.
Maybe this was what Rider called a “family” way back in the Great Holy Grail War. Maybe.
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[Image Description: A screenshot of a team setup in Fate Grand Order, with Servants going from left to right: Achilles, Atalante, Chiron, Sieg, and Astolfo. End Description.]
I couldn’t go end this post without showing off my current Apocrypha team lineup. Let it be said that the Apocrypha event is now, without debate, my favorite event so far in FGO proper. Loving characters that didn’t get as much chance to shine in the original anime was amazing, and I can only hope in my heart that my Servants understand that I appreciate them for getting me through it all. Hopefully, they know. I’d like to think that they do.
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FGO Destiny Awakenings Fuyuki Singularity: Prologue pt.3
Ritsuka: You're sure it's alright to be late, Doctor? Romani: Of course! It's not like things couldn't get any worse! *Explosions in the control room* Romani: ..... The universe loves to prove me wrong, doesn't it? Ritsuka: Don't test the universe to make it worse!
After bidding goodbye to his sister and Mash, Ritsuka entered his room. Taking a brief nap dashed off when he spotted with a deadpan face. The orange pinkish-colored messy ponytail haired man with green orbs stared back at him.
He was sitting on his bed with a laptop sitting on one of his folded legs. One of his white-gloved hands was carrying a half-eaten strawberry cake, the other holding a fork into his mouth. With the tea set, he had made comfortably well on his bed to unwind.
“E-Excuse me…” Ritsuka asked, still struggling to take in the sight he’s looking at. A crew of Chaldea was casually relaxing in his room.
“Yes… Come in…” The orange pinkish-haired man replied.
“Ah… Hah…”
Ritsuka stood there in silence as observing the man turned back to his laptop. The only noise that reverberated in the surrounding was a bright and peppy song with words of ‘Magi*Mari’ recurred.
A minute again, that said man turned back with his orbs widened in panic. He cried while pointed his fork at Ritsuka, “G-G-Guaah! Who are you?!”
The immediate reaction made Ritsuka jumped and landed his rear on the ground with a loud smack. As a groan slipped from his lips, the ponytail haired man proclaimed, “This is my ‘hooky hangout’!”
At much of struggling to sound intimidating, Ritsuka remained impassive and stared at him. As he realized, the ponytail man faced aside with a vexed frown on his lips. “Who gave you the permission to come in?”
“Someone’s that not your supervisor to catch you slacking off the job,” Ritsuka thought as he exhaled a sigh.
He came closer to the bedside and explained in a respectful manner, “I was informed that this was my room…”
“Your room? This place? Oh,” As the ponytail man realized, he lifted his hand that wore a wristwatch in front of Ritsuka. After the holographic identification card showed, he gave himself a face-palm for that outburst. “So, the last kid finally showed up…”
“Well, who are you?” Ritsuka’s eyebrows furrowed as he inquired for the identity of the strange crew.
“Nice to meet you, Fujimaru-kun. Didn’t think I would run into you like this, but,” The ponytail man faced Ritsuka and presented himself. “I’m the head of the medical department, Romani Archaman. For some reason, people just call me Dr. Roman.
“I don’t know why, but it’s easier to pronounce, so go ahead and call me Roman. Fact is, Roman has a nice ring to it, no? It sounds cool and vaguely sweet.”
“Head?!” At the pleasant friendly grin, Ritsuka froze on the spot at how screwed he was. The childish behavior caused him thought otherwise before introducing. But, he bowed. “S-Sorry to bother you when you’re taking a break…!”
“No, not at all. Really, I’m just a run-of-the-mill doctor.” Romani laugh while waving his hands to ensure the young candidate.
At the friendly grin on his face, Ritsuka couldn’t help but noticed the warmth that came out from the doctor. Unconsciously, he uttered in an audible volume, “The fluffy type, huh…”
“Fluffy?” Romani tilted his head.
Realized what he did, a crimson blush of embarrassment colored Ritsuka’s cheek. “S-Sorry, that’s a slip of my tongue there. Just ignore it, Dr. Roman…!”
“It’s fine,” Romani chuckled. He brought a free hand up to stroke his ponytail hair. “If it’s about my hair, I’m normally pretty busy so I just let it grow.”
“I see…” As Ritsuka nodded, he exhaled a relief in his mind. Though that wasn’t what he implied, it’s good the doctor didn’t grab hold of the meaning. Else, he’s digging his own grave in making his first day here worse.
Romani set his plate of cake on the bed and shifted back to Ritsuka. “By the way, isn’t the Rayshift starting soon? I heard all Master candidates were involved with that.”
Ritsuka raised his hand to the back and rubbed his head. “Actually…”
But, a laughter interrupted by the doctor. Romani grabbed a bundle of paper towel headed to the sink to soak it. “A-Anyway, I think get what’s going on. You’re the rookie who just got here then got on the Director’s bad side?”
Recognized that Romani’s green orbs examined at the particular area, Ritsuka realized the stinging pain subsided and put a wry smile, “Yeah…”
Romani approached him and stuck the warm wet towel on his red hand printed cheek. “Here. This should ease the swelling. Apply and leave it for 15 minutes every day, and it should disappear.”
“Thank you, Doctor Roman.” Ritsuka acknowledged and adjusted towel so it covered more of the area.
Romani grinned back and flexed his hand. A chair from opposite the bed pulled over and paused in front of the bed. With the doctor’s gesture, Ritsuka gave another nod and sat.
As the doctor turned to the espresso machine and pick up two cups, he said in a cheery tone, “Then you and I are alike. Just so you know, I got yelled at by her too.”
“Is that so…?”
Romani nodded assuredly and brought a mug to Ritsuka who uttered a ‘thanks’. “Since all the staff has been sent to help out, I had nothing to do. My job is to look after everyone’s health, but the machines are more accurate at reading the vitals of the mages who are in the Coffins.”
“The Director said,” Romani turned to the side and imitated Olga Marie’s posture. “‘When you’re here, Romani, everyone slacks off!’ Then, she threw me out. So I’ve been sulking here.”
The sad pout turned into a lively grin on Romani, spun back to Ritsuka. “But that’s when you showed up. This is what they called a blessing in disguise right. Since we both have nowhere to go. Why don’t we spend some time and deepen our friendship!”
Romani’s eyes closed with a large grin made Ritsuka stared at him for a minute. Seconds later, he laughed and admitted, “Sure, this is my room, so why not?”
“Yeah. So that means I’m visiting a friend’s room! Woo hoo! I’ve made a new friend!” Romani raised his cup and announced, “To a new friendship?”
The infectious smile made Ritsuka beamed and acknowledged, “To our friendship, Dr. Roman.”
Two cups knocked against each other, Romani pulled his back to down the hot chocolate. As Ritsuka sipped his, a thought came into his mind and asked, “Dr. Roman, may I ask a question?”
“What is it?” Romani returned to Ritsuka’s bed and seated down.
Gripped his mug a little tighter, Ritsuka asked, “They told my sister, and I were qualified to make a contract with a ‘Servant’, so the staff from here invited us. But, what’s Rayshifting?”
Blinked his eyes in shock, Romani queried, “H-Have you come here without knowing what you will do?”
“Well, they were particularly passionate about inviting us here,” Ritsuka chuckled.
“I see,” With a bright, eager grin, Romani began, “I’ll be glad to explain to you! 
“Chaldea is a research facility and observatory that gathers researchers of every stripe, from sorcery to science.
“All for the purpose of continuing the history of mankind long and strong. 
“Our top researchers have developed Chaldea, a global environmental model.”
“Chaldeas?” Ritsuka prodded.
“It was proposed that planet had souls, so this miniature Earth was reproduced to reflect that soul. 
“‘As long as the light of civilization burns in Chaldeas, humanity is guaranteed to last at least for another 100 years.’
“But, the light has begun to die. If the light disappears that means civilization will end. 
“According to our observations, humanity becomes extinct in December 2016,” Romani added.
“What? Humanity will extinct… In 2016?!” Ritsuka repeated with shock laced in his tone.
A grim expression showed on Romani’s face as he went on, “A close investigation of the report has revealed an unusual abnormality. 
“That’s Spatial Singularity F. 
“We determined from 2004 to 2016 CE, there was a rural city in Japan that was an ‘unobservable area’ and did not occur in history.
“Chaldea assumed this causes humanity’s extinction, and propose the Rayshift experiment to the United Nations, which gained approval. 
“Rayshift turns human into Spiritrons and sends them back into the past to intervene certain events.”
“So,” Rubbed his chin thoughtfully, Ritsuka clarified, “It’s like time travel?”
Romani nodded and continued, “By this means, we can transfer to the past and investigate the cause of the future’s disappearance, then destroy it. And that is the idea behind Rayshift, which Chaldea is trying to conduct.”
“So, we were able to join something that incredible?” Ritsuka’s voice astounded by the explanation. But, the mysterious hint from the hooded figure nagged him otherwise.
“Surprised?” Romani smiled.
“Yeah. So, time travel is actually possible now, huh,” Ritsuka nodded to himself.
At another acknowledgment, Romani questioned, “Now you brought up, you mentioned ‘we’… Your sister is here too?”
“Yeah. She’s on the first mission while I’m the one who got the Director’s bad side.” 
Remembered a thought, Ritsuka drew his hand out. “Sorry, I should say previously. I’m Fujimaru Ritsuka, you can call me ‘Ritsuka’ if it’s confusing to you with my sister and me.”
“I look forward to getting to know you then, Ritsuka-kun,” Romani grabbed his hand and shook it. After doing so, he grinned at him. “If you have any more questions of Chaldea, the healthy, diligent and hard-working doctor here will always be happy to answer any of them!”
30 minutes had occurred since Ritsuka fired endless questions to Romani. It was to kill time while finding out further about their work here. He was glad Romani had been enthusiastic to reveal all he needed to learn.
Romani concluded his explanation, “And so, that’s the structure of Chaldea. 
“An underground workshop built on a snowy top mountain 6,000 meters above sea level–!”
Brrr… Brrr…
Romani’s wristwatch lit up a flickering light. The doctor lifted up to look at the wristwatch flashed a holographic card of the caller ID from Lev and the symbol which read ‘Sound only’.
Lev’s voice said from the holographic, “Romani, we’re going to start the Rayshift soon. Could you come in case there’s an emergency?”
“Did something happen?” 
“A-Team’s in perfect condition, but B-Team on down is less experienced and they are displaying some slight abnormalities.”
With a minor pause, Lev’s voice proceeded, “It probably comes from anxiety. The inside of that Coffin is like a cockpit.”
At Lev’s worried tone, Romani’s eyebrows furrowed. “Hey Lev, I feel bad for them. Why don’t I give them some anesthesia?”
“Yeah, hurry, will you? If you’re in the infirmary, then you can get here in two minutes.”
“Okay!” Romani replied as the holographic vision returned inside his wristwatch.
Ritsuka who had been listening in from the start of the discussion, made a wry smile, “This isn’t the infirmary, is it?”
Romani flinched and raised one of his fingers with a tense smile, “P-Please don’t mention that… It’s gonna take five minutes from here, no matter what. A-And, I won’t get in trouble for being a little late. Besides, it sounds like A-Team isn’t having any issues.”
Determined to turn aside from the awkward topic, Romani mentioned, “Oh, the man I was talking to…”
“Professor Lev, right?” Ritsuka grinned when Romani confirmed his words. “I met him when he was helping my sister to search for me earlier. He said he was an engineer here.”
“An engineer? That was incredibly humble of him,” Romani chuckled. “He’s the mage who created the telescope to observe Chaldeas, the Near-Future Observation Lens, Sheba.
“A telescope used to watch that pseudo-planet, Chaldeas. 
“Sheba not merely observes Chaldeas but also serves as a surveillance system for most of this facility.
“Also, it was the previous director is the one who established the summoning/unsummoning system, which is the foundation of the Rayshift tech.
“To actualize that theory, the Pseudo-Spiritron Calculation—basically a supercomputer—was provided by the Atlas Academy. 
“All these extraordinary talents have been gathered to carry out this mission.”
“A… Amazing…!” Ritsuka uttered in admiration.
Romani grinned at the young candidate reaction and stood. “It’s pointless for an ordinary doctor like me to be there, but if I summoned, I must go, right?”
Shifted his head to Ritsuka, Romani said, “Thanks for chatting with me, Ritsuka-kun!”
“No, thank you too,” Ritsuka said. He stood up on instinct to send Romani off.
As Romani turned his head, he suggested, “When you get settled in, come by the infirmary. Next time, I’ll treat you to some yummy cake–!”
Boom! Click! Clack!
The explosion sound reverberated and lights blacked out.
“What is this?” Romani wary at the abrupt darkness in the room.
Ritsuka examined around and speculated, “A power outage?”
At his words, Romani turned over as he realized, “No, Chaldea shouldn’t have any power outages.”
In the next second, an electronic voice reported, “Emergency. Emergency. A fire has broken out in the Central Power Station and Central Command Room. Central Area’s containment wall will activate in 90 seconds. All staff must evacuate from Gate 2 at once.”
Both Romani and Ritsuka gasped in shock at the notice. 
The latter repeated with astonishment in his tone, “Fires?”
“Command Room…?” Ritsuka muttered and the mug in his hand slipped. The sound of its content spilled out wasn’t his primary attention. He realized as he recalled the two individuals who had gone there for their mission…
“In the turning events, a terrible catastrophe befalls on you and the world,” The hooded figure’s mysterious voice resounded in his thoughts.
“Ritsuko! Mash!” The two names shouted in Ritsuka’s heart. He rushed out without hesitation.
Romani noticed and called out to him, “Hey!”
The doctor too hurried and followed Ritsuka to the same destination they were heading to.
Footsteps dashed across as quick as their legs could move along the passageway. The evacuating Chaldea staff running out from the two stated location didn’t hinder them. Upon arriving at the gate, they dashed at the point it opened.
When arrived, they were met by the appearance of a war-zone. Rubbles of damaged roofs and walls scattered across the flooded room. As rubbles fallen to the ground, there were still fires blazing in different parts of the room.
“Horrible…” Ritsuka’s voice mustered to mutter at the sight he witnessed.
Swallowed a gulp, Romani tilted his head high and commented, “Only Chaldeas is safe.”
Followed his gaze, Ritsuka tilted his head high to examine the said black-colored globe remained untouched despite the casualties. 
Romani turned his head and surveyed the area, “This was where the explosion originated. 
“This was no accident, it was sabotage.”
“What?” Ritsuka focused his attention to the doctor.
The electronic voice declared, “Generator operation stopped. 
“Power level critical.” 
Both let out a small gasp and gaze at the black globe. Romani turned to the Command Room and exclaimed, “This is bad!”
Turned behind, Ritsuka gazed at the shattered glass broken by the explosion. 
Despite the visible holographic screen running, the announcement continued, “Switch to the backup generator, error. 
“Please make the switch manually.”
Romani turned back to Ritsuka and declared, “I’m heading down to the underground power station.”
As the doctor rushed off, Ritsuka turned and yelled, “Isn’t it dangerous?!”
“We can’t let Chaldea’s light go out,” Romani replied. He shifted to Ritsuka as the gate opened and advised. “Hurry and go back the way we came.”
“Dr. Roman!” Ritsuka yelled in trying to stop him. But, Romani had rushed off to fulfill the task required to do. With the gate sealed, Ritsuka now left alone in the burning room.
“Containment wall will close in 40 seconds. 
“Those remain in Central Area, evacuate immediately–!”
Ignored the announcement, Ritsuka had decided and sprinted forward. Hopped down and climbed up of each large debris, the sound of water splashing from his footsteps echoed the room. Ritsuka scanned from left to right and yelled, “Ritsuko! Mash!”
Rushed past each of the broken glass pods, Ritsuka stopped and spotted a figure inside it. He examined closer and recognized that it was one of the Master candidates like him and his sister. But by the shattered glass and their body position, they were unconscious from the explosion.
Feared for the worst result, Ritsuka dashed again once more but at a swifter pace. His head examined around as he yelled repeatedly, “Ritsuko! Mash! Where are you?!”
Unknown to him, another robotic voice declared, “System switching to the final phase of Rayshift. 
“Coordinates, AD 2004, January, 30th, Fuyuki, Japan.”
Caught his breath, Ritsuka scanned again and cried out, “Ritsuko! Mash!”
“Fou! Fou!” A weak animal squeak echoed the room.
Followed by a recognizable and panicked female voice responding to him, “R… Ritsuka…? R-R-Ritsuka is that you?!”
As Ritsuka turned and rushed to the source of the voice, the electronic voice proceeded, “Laplace’s shifting protection established. 
“Singularity’s additional factor slot secured. 
“Unsummon Program set. 
“Please start final adjustments.”
Stood above the massive debris, Ritsuka catching his breath met the two origins of the voices. Before him, Ritsuko wearing an orange-white fitting outfit trying to remove the large debris. Fou squeaking again and repeatedly to Mash who was trapped underneath a large debris.
“Ritsuko! Mash!” Ritsuka’s voice yelled at them, getting their attention.
“R… Ritsuka-senpai…?” Mash muttered, mustering her energy to move.
Ritsuko stopped her action and caught the sight of her brother moving to them. “R-R-Ritsuka!”
Upon reaching, Ritsuka’s orbs widened at the somewhat swollen eyes from Ritsuko. Her hands and body shivering as though she was to break down soon. He grasped hold of her shoulders lightly and asked, “Are you all right, Ritsuko?! What happened?”
Ritsuko mustered a shaky nod. “I-I’m fine, Ritsuka… We were about to start our mission. A-And, there was an explosion… B-But, Mash. S-She… She took me out of that pod when it happened. A-And, s-she shoved me when that rubble above her…”
Accompanied her gaze, Ritsuka jaw fell and eyes enlarged. The pool of blood beneath her spread, dyeing her clothes in blood red. Also, her torso covered in dust and bruises with her broken glasses.
“Hang in there, I’ll get you out now!” Ritsuka decided with a calm tone, swallowing a gulp.
“No, that’s…” Mash weakly opposed, watching Ritsuka stood up and moved to the debris.
Ritsuko turned back to the debris and settled, “I-I’ll help you too, Ritsuka!”
“Okay, you pick up the other side, Ritsuko!” Ritsuka ordered and knelt down.
As he reached the rubble, a burning pain scorched both his palms. Ritsuka pulled back and grimaced. It earned a worried expression from Ritsuko, “R-Ritsuka!”
“I’m fine,” Ritsuka assured, stretching his sleeves down to protect both his palms.
As Ritsuka grabbed hold of the debris, the siblings made their attempt to remove away from Mash. The attempt in doing so made Mash protested further, “It’s all… right. You can’t… save… me. Don’t mind me, please… Run.”
“And you’re coming with us, Mash!” Ritsuka groaned, focusing all his power on his arms.
Ritsuko nodded and agreed, mustering from her trembling hands to pick up the debris. “That’s right. We will not leave you here like this…! We’ll pull you out of here… And find help….!”
Mash weakly shook her head and insisted once more. “Please… Just run! There’s no–!”
“Forget it! We’re not leaving you here and that’s final!” Ritsuka and Ritsuko objected with a resolved expression. The pair drew a deep breath, and attempt to lift the large rubble again.
While doing so, a robotic voice abruptly announced, “Warning all observation staff. 
“Chaldeas’ state has changed.”
Turned to the globe, Mash gasped as her purple orbs widened. The Chaldea globe changed from earlier charcoal black, to an intense burning red globe. The announcement went on, “Now rewriting Sheba’s near-future prediction data.
“Unable to detect the existence of mankind 100 years in the near-future on Earth. 
“Unable to confirm human survivors. 
“Unable to guarantee mankind’s future.”
“Chaldeas… Has turned bright red,” Mash muttered. She shook her head then said, “No, never mind, that–!”
“Central Area, sealed.”
As it announced, the echo of a large shutter landed on the ground accompanied by a click. The announcement followed up thereafter. “180 seconds till internal containment procedure.”
“It closed… The gate, they closed it,” Ritsuko muttered.
“They shut off, the area. Now, we can’t, get out,” Mash bowed her head and murmured, “Senpais… I’m sorry. Because of me…”
“Mash-chan…” Ritsuko turned her head to Mash.
Ritsuka shook his head and came back, “No, it’s…”
“In the subsequent hours, you and your sister will enter into a contract to turn into a Master. After which, you will come back here at the end of the anomality.
“In that adventure, sorrow with grief and tragic ends will inevitably be there. Yet, as long as you don’t lose sight of the path you’ve determined. The path you’ve walked will be the most extraordinary adventure of your life,” The hooded figure’s mysterious voice rang again his mind.
With a wry grin to himself, Ritsuka assured to them both. “We’ll figure it out.”
“Ritsuka…?” Ritsuko stared at her brother.
Sat on the ground before his sister and Mash, Ritsuka asked, “Are you two okay?”
“Yeah…” At her brother’s gentle grin, Ritsuko nodded and returned the same too.
Mash gave a weak nod and smile, “Yes… Thank you…”
The robotic voice announced, “Coffin vitals: Masters. 
“Baseline not reached.”
“Senpais…” Mash muttered with her head bowed down.
“Hm?” Ritsuka moved his orbs to the bespectacled girl.
Ritsuko tilted her head. “What is it, Mash-chan?”
“Mash-chan, huh…? Didn’t expect you move this fast, Ritsuko” Ritsuka turned back to her sister with a now mischievous smirk on his lips.
Rolled her eyes at the hidden meaning, Ritsuko snorted unladylike. “Oh please, we’re simply friends. And besides, she was the one who saved me earlier.”
“I see,” Shifting back to the bespectacled girl, Ritsuka grinned, “Thank you, Mash. I owe you again.”
Mash gave a weak shook of her head and replied, “No. Because Ritsuko-senpai… Is my friend after all… But…”
“We’ll figure this out,” Ritsuka reassured again. Though their present state caused him doubt their chances of getting out alive.
Strangely, the hooded figure showed him the courage to consider otherwise as he thought. “This looks like the perfect time to test the trustworthiness of his words and the fate here.”
Another robotic voice indicated, “Rayshift requirement not met. 
“Searching for qualifying Master…”
“Um… Sen… Pais…?”
At Mash’s call again, the siblings saw both her hands reaching out to them. She showed a shaky beam and requested, “I’m sorry. Would both of you mind…. Holding my hand?”
“Found,” The electronic voice announced.
“Sure,” Ritsuka responded, dusting his hands onto his shirt before grasping lightly of his right hand to her left.
“It’s all right, Mash-chan. We’ll hold them.” Ritsuko grasped both her hands out to hold Mash’s right hand gently.
Unknown to the three, the electronic voice announced, “Candidate No. 48, Fujimaru Ritsuko reset as Master. 
“Candidate No. 48, Fujimaru Ritsuka reset as Master.”
“Kyuu!” Fou squeaked, noticing that the place rumbled.
Rubbles from roof started to fall to the ground. The resounding impact it made didn’t cower them or the electronic voice as it went on, “Unsummon Program, start. Spiritron Conversion, Start. Rayshift starting in 3. 2. 1.
“All procedures clear. 
“First Order, commencing operation.” 
The last words the Fujimaru siblings before their vision went black accompanied by a vortex of blue light.
End of Fuyuki Prologue
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