Fanfic Thieves on YouTube: A New Grift
So one of the content farm channels stealing fics has an ao3 now and last night they commented on Butterfly asking to make money off it while paying me in exposure.
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I confronted them on discord and asked how they had the audacity to ask the people they stole from to use their hard work to line his pockets without even apologizing. Long story short, I gave them an ultimatum to post a public apology on their youtube channel to prove they actually care about doing the right thing and aren’t just a grifter telling me what I want to hear for money. And they asked me to write the apology, TO ME, for them.
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I should have asked if their mommy still wipes their ass for them too.
Anyway, DNWhatif is a lazy grifter who has not changed their ways, the only reason they’re asking permission now is because all the DMCA strikes on stolen content have started eating into their revenue. Don’t let them profit off of your work as a writer. And if you have to interact with them, tell them to go fuck themselves.
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Hello team, big fan. Purely for my own curiosity given how inexplicably overpowered you are with bear pics, is it possible you could just make like a huge post with an unacceptable amount of bear pics just for the hee hee hoo hoos? 3 bear pics is almost never enough, I'm sure you understand
ho hoo hooo well we must admit we like the idea that we are overpowered with bear photos. and of course we can never turn down a challenge of sorts. so let's see how many bear photos tumblr lets us add. cheers to a long one mates
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naranjapetrificada · 4 months
It is upsettingly predictable and disgustingly telling that if you type "literate" while looking for tags to filter by on AO3 that the only one that pops up is for Edward Teach. It's unfortunately become necessary if you want to reassure readers who have been burned too many times, and probably only exists because enough writers have been in that same position as readers.
Every fandom has a racism problem. Not every fandom has this racism problem.
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boxbusiness · 6 months
hey demon king ! Trick or treat?? >:]
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rainbowsuitcase · 23 days
To everyone wanting censorship on AO3: Wattpad fucked me up more
cw: mentioning a bunch of sentivie topics, not going into details about any of them
I think I can, in some ways, be considered someone who grew up on the internet. Granted, my internet looked different than it does today and I spent most of my time on game sites made specifically for kids, but I also spent a lot of nights on Wattpad.
Sure, I read the normal stuff that a 12 year old would. Horse girl stories and jokes and shitty poetry and a bunch of fanfiction for media I never heard of, just because it was cute.
You know what I also read? BDSM and kink. Rape and kidnapping and stockholm syndrome and incest and romanticized abusive relationships. And you know why? Because none of it was tagged.
Wattpad has censorship. Wattpad deletes stories that don't follow its guidelines and so the people writing them are trying to hide from the system by not tagging properly and not describing their stories accurately.
Sure, AO3 does not have censorship, so we can probably assume it has more of these "problematic" stories, but you know what all of them are? Tagged.
Sure, I've scrolled past some rape stories, and incest and romanticized abuse, but I have never clicked on one thinking it was something it wasn't.
The only time I read something I didn't want to on AO3 was when I forgot to filter its tag out completely and didn't see it in the tags of the fic.
Granted, I wasn't on AO3 when I was 12 years old. But even if I was, you know what AO3 has always had that Wattpad doesn't? Age rating and a disclaimer.
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(To be fair, apparently Wattpad has a Mature rating now, but from what I've heard, it's not exactly reliable.)
All banning and censoring things does is force people to come up with ways to get around it. That will always happen. That is inevitable. And that does nothing to protect the kids.
I know that, because I was one of those kids.
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thestrangestthing89 · 3 months
Here is the thing about all of the "this fandom is racist/misogynistic/ableist etc. claims that people keep making simply because the cast said things they didn't agree with.... A lot of it, NOT ALL OF IT but a lot of it, is coming from people who are constantly picking fights with people on here over EVERYTHING. I'm not suggesting that there aren't legitimate claims of those things in this fandom. There are. Fandoms are known for not being the most welcoming of places. They are a large group of people with different backgrounds and they aren't all going to agree and get along. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but some people get hostile about it and cross a line. And I know members of the cast have brought up serious problems they have had with the fandom (Caleb dealt with horrible racist comments that he has spoken about in the past, for example). People should be able to talk about these things. But I'm speaking from my own experience here, what I have witnessed in this fandom is people being constantly attacked every time they post anything at all, and it's coming from the faux progressives that think they are helping and calling out injustice when they aren't and it happens constantly. I have seen people screaming that people are ableist if they suggest that El shouldn't have a boyfriend because she is traumatized. When really they are just understanding her story and recognizing that that is not a relationship she needs right now. I have seen people get accused of ableism for suggesting El wasn't the main character as well. And also get accused of misogyny for this too. None of these terms apply to these situations. People just simply don't like the idea of those story lines and are trying to be morally superior about it. El not being the main character isn't misogynistic. A girl doesn't always have to be the main character. And her entire character arc has been about her learning to reclaim her childhood and stop trying to be "normal" and get a boyfriend like everyone else. That's the story. People acknowledging this aren't ableist or misogynistic and neither are the writers. There is nothing offensive about telling this kind of story. I have seen people trying to talk about Lucas's character arc and they get similar backlash. I have seen people mention that Lucas has been playing his Ranger role (the boys are always their D&D characters) and that's why he's helping Mike in S3. The Ranger is better at tactical things than the Paladin. It's his role within the story. But people want to insist it's racist (it's more complicated than this). Lucas is also playing basketball in S4 because it falls into the conformity theme of the series - he chose to play something that his mostly white town would be more comfortable with him doing. He wants people to like him. The show often plays into stereotypes with characters intentionally to make a point. But no one is allowed to mention or acknowledge any of this because the faux activists will scream at you until you stop caring enough to post.
So while there are people who are legitimately horrible, there are a lot of people who have been trying to have these conversations for a while but can't because hysterical teenagers curse you off the second you add any nuance to a conversation. This isn't helpful to any of the causes they claim to care about. All it does is stop people from being able to look at the show critically. A thing you are supposed to do because it is a show that is meant to be analyzed. There are a lot of people simply not understanding what they are watching or that this show is making a point about society and as a result, they are going to write the characters going through experiences that are uncomfortable and unpleasant to watch sometimes. They aren't doing it to be funny or because they are oblivious - I don't believe they are. There is a lot of evidence to the contrary. But they can't shout people down the second someone says something that goes against claims of discrimination. Sometimes those claims aren't correct. And if people actually want to fix a problem they need to learn how to have a conversation about those things without flipping the fuck out at everyone. They aren't helping anyone by behaving that way. They do the opposite in fact. Because they are screaming that every damn thing is racism/misogyny/ableism etc when not everything is and it makes it so much harder for anyone to actually talk about any of these things because they are worried they are going to get screamed at by teenagers who clearly have no first hand experience with any of these things. But have taken it upon themselves to be The Social Justice Warriors of the fandom when no one asked them to be and they are clearly not qualified to do so. And also - none of these social justice warriors give a fuck about all the anti-Semitism in the fandom because most of it is coming from them. But they've made a lot of people very uncomfortable. It's clear they don't actually care about people being mistreated. Because, for the most part, they are the ones doing it (not always, but a lot of the time). They need to learn to have difficult conversations without cursing people off. And when a group of marginalized people is saying "hey your language is making Jewish people uncomfortable in the fandom" the response should not have ever been "fuck around, find out". Those people aren't anti-violence. They aren't anti-discrimination. They never have been. They have always been the people in the fandom who make everyone not want to post here. And it's not because they telling us all hard truths we need to face. It's because they are bigots. And they hide behind marginalized groups and use them to justify spreading hate.
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gornackeaterofworlds · 3 months
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Practicing drawing the boys(specifically their faces) in a style closer to rise so they stop looking like Barney the dinosaur, it's going better than I hoped. I can't resist purple lighting though sorry
Cell shaded version and reference beneath cut
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kingprinceleo · 6 months
Lemme get this straight with ur sonic in every au-
prolly dead?, cool ahh knight, a pirate but a vessel for a literal god(?) who cause havoc, a vampire but literally married to a cannibal(?)
extremely loud incorrect buzzer /lh VERY dead, cool ass KING, a royal vessel for a literal god who became a pirate to be free, and just a vampire who loves adventure, his questionable spouse has little to do with his own personality
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
This goes for both blogs:
I’ll be doomscrolling and then I’ll just see a bear and realize: everything is going to be okay.
So thank you, for reminding me that it’s not all bad out there.
I do agree with a previous review I do wish I could pet the bears, 14/5.
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kingofthewilderwest · 9 months
[creates interpretive dance called "Tumblr Is Not a Reliable Place to Learn Information, Please Fact Check Carefully"]
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shoulderholsterfreak · 8 months
So, I keep seeing people expressing how disappointed they are that Filoni is "going with legends!Thrawn," but to me this sentiment makes it clear that they've probably never read past the original three books, or even the Thrawn Trilogy itself.
Let me explain.
The Thrawn Trilogy is only three novels. There was also the duology (Visions of the Future and Specter of the Past); the stand-alone novels Survivor's Quest, Outbound Flight, and Choices of One; the short stories Crisis of Faith, Side Trip, and Command Decision; and a few other non-Zahn novels and a couple video games wherein Thrawn is present if not in a starring role.
In all Zahn publications after the Thrawn Trilogy, we see a character that, aside from the random political/social debuff introduced in 2017, has a personality and morality system that is nearly identical to the one in canon.
It's in legends where you get Thrawn saying "we do not make war on civilians" and "as civilized beings, it is our duty to minimize suffering" (from the short story Crisis of Faith which takes place weeks before Thrawn began his campaign against the New Republic, so any excuse of "oh he got worse as Palpatine's influence deepened" doesn't really hold water).
And just look at the Empire of the Hand. If you want to know what kind of man Thrawn is, look at the organization he himself founded. To summarize, this is what an alien refugee taken in by the Hand had to say about it:
“The Empire that Senior Captain Thrawn is carving into the evil that pervades our worlds is not the Empire you chose to leave. His is an Empire of justice and dignity for all beings. His Empire is one we gladly serve. One we are willing to die for.”
Basically think the group of aliens and Chiss brought together at the end of Lesser Evil, add Imperials, and multiply it by 1,000.
This was in legends. That’s the vision legends!Thrawn had for a more ideal society. Rebels!Thrawn isn’t even true to what was available to Filoni prior to the canon books’ publications.
Now we can argue if Thrawn was as morally bad in the Thrawn Trilogy as he was in Rebels or not (I say short answer: T3!Thrawn’s greatest sin—for which he was killed—was apathy toward suffering in favor of results, Rebels!Thrawn simply enjoys hurting people because he’s a Bad Guy), but even if they DID hold the same fundamental values, they don’t have the same personality. Thrawn in the 90’s trilogy was expressive, he was having fun, he smiled and shrugged and fiddled with things and pet his ysalamiri. He was sassy and sarcastic and dry-humored and irritable. He was charismatic and, dare I say sometimes relatable. Sure he wasn’t a good person but that’s not the issue here. Thrawn had life to him in the Thrawn Trilogy.
In contrast, Thrawn in Rebel’s personality could be summarized as “creepy evil smart guy who likes art.” He’s really nothing more special than every Saturday mastermind cartoon villain out there. He’s bland and dry and lifeless and he’s scary not because of his intellect or his willpower or ability to read people but because he’s tall and skinny and lurks in the shadows and he’s got cheesy pipe organ theme music.
TL;DR: (as something a friend of mine mentioned) Filoni’s the kind of guy who goes with the very first idea that pops into his head. He goes with his first impression and runs with it. He’s not basing this guy on legends!Thrawn—he’s basing the entirety of it on the very first paragraph of the very first book the character shows up in.
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yamsgarden · 1 year
I remember first thinking
"Doesn't Hermes look like that one guy from Black Butler"
And well
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sweet-rabbit · 2 months
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trowa month starts tomorrow! we'll see how on time date wise i'll be *shrug* and this is a betty boop reference more than anything i'm probably the only one who finds it funny
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gerbits · 3 months
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it's a picrew day!! tagged by @whyeverr to do this picrew + this quiz, thank youuu! ♡ legit laughed out loud at the result because.......yeah lmao
tagging with zero pressure as always: @plasma-janes @homewardial @servotea @rachirdsims @irrewilderer aaand @introvertedfox
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artist-issues · 9 months
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"A Prince who basically stalks her--weird!"
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zhongrin · 3 months
every time they refer to gaming's dad as 'uncle yip' i'm just cackling bc it's a very familiar surname to me lmao
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