#Among Us Husbandry
caring-for-crewmates · 2 months
if they could, would amongi pay taxes
You look me in the eyes and tell me those things wouldn't commit rampant tax evasion. That's right, you can't.
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the-amongi-shelter · 2 years
It's come to my attention that people have been adopting more minis lately, from pet stores and breeders- which, if they're reputable, isn't an issue- but they do this because they don't know how big amongi get.
Please remember that the average height of an amongus is 3'6. They don't stay tiny, less than a foot tall, fit in your hand minis forever, and if they are that size they're likely under a year old and will start growing very fast- amongi stop being minis at age 3. So many amongi have wound up in shelters instead of what could have been a loving home because the owner didn't realize they'd be getting a pet potentially as tall as a first grader.
As well, amongi can live for 50 years, and longer lifespans have occasionally been recorded- they really are a big commitment. They're not something to get a little kid for a present like a cat or a dog or a goldfish. They're not something you keep in an enclosure all the time like a reptile. The closest match to a more "traditional" pet would maybe be a bird; birds are much smaller, yes, but they're out of their birdcage frequently, they can get very loud and annoying when they want to, they will make a mess of everything they can pick up (whether it's an impostor sabotaging or a crewmate trying to do a task where there isn't one).
Make sure you know what you're getting into. Please don't buy amongi on a whim, they're an incredible commitment and they're not a cute, small, well-behaved pet you can just put in a cage all day and look at.
-mod imp
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vsrobotjulie · 1 year
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can you imagine how much crossbreeding went into this guy. look at that nose. he has breathing problems. he was a rescue but never adopt from breeders with amononics like this.
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givemebishies · 2 years
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A small assortment of lidol guys I had sitting on my iPad for a while
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kunabee · 11 months
Hey what's the verdict on raising both amongi and clowns? Do they get along okay? What about imposters, are they dangerous to clowns the same way they are to amongi?
What's the information here?
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pogger-pets · 10 months
Hi there!! I just discovered that there’s a whole community online who adopt clowns/amongus (*´ ∇ `*)!
I should really have known about these wayyy before, considering that I’ve 7 of them in my care (the fellas in the header). But nonetheless! Hoping to have a nice time here!
And Fyi, I’ll be posting random moments with my pets on this page :D
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ozz-walled · 2 years
Drew my own amongi
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The unadorned mingus was viciously attacked and will not survive the breeding season
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Someone stole its hat
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caring-for-crewmates · 10 months
I have what could basically be described as a True vs False question.
I heard that red Imposters are way more common than red crewmates, but is this true?
a related question, are personalities connected to colors?
like, are similar colors more likely to have a similar personality?
Red Beans aren't inherently more likely to be impostors, but people who breed impostors have said that red is the most popular color for an impostor. So they breed more red impostors to deal with the demand.
Experts say that color has no bearing on an amongus's personality, but I'm not sure if I believe that. I think orange Bean behavior is a real thing. All the orange Beans I've had over the years were lovable himbos.
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the-amongi-shelter · 2 years
How do I properly take care of an Amongus?
Ooh, that's a pretty broad question to be answered in just one ask. If you need more information or more specific areas of care, I'd recommend looking back through this blog and through @caring-for-crewmates . Here's a brief, pretty vague overview- since I'm not sure what exactly you'd like to know.
Make sure everything you feed them is amongi-safe. Common things that amongi can't eat include garlic, certain types of cheese, powdered sugar (or too much regular sugar, for that matter), and eggs. If you know how, you can cook for them, but it's usually safer just to get storebought amongus food.
Impostors v. Crewmates! From the amongi we have at the shelter, it might seem like you can easily cohabitate the two. You cannot. Crewmates and Impostors are instinctually biased against eachother 99 times out of 100, and even ones from the same lobby who like eachother tend to get into fights. The main difference in their care is attention and area- Crewmates are generally very affectionate and want as much attention as they can get, and are incredibly claustrophobic. Impostors can be compared to cats in their affection, they don't need as much attention as Crewmates- and they LOVE small, enclosed spaces. Just don't keep them there too long. Crewpostors are tricky, because they can have pretty much any traits of any amongus.
Enrichment! This is my specialty, and it can be just as important as amongi's other needs. Make sure you have plenty of tasks- whether for Crewmates to do, or Impostors to sabotage. If you don't, it's more than likely that you could come home to an entirely rearranged kitchen by a "helpful" Crewmate, or a living room that looks as trashed as a movie's wild college party by a bored Impostor. You need an emergency meeting button, at the very least. Amongi will freak out if they don't have one. And if you're able, let them out in the backyard sometimes or take them on walks. They'll need the exercise and they'll appreciate the fresh air.
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vsrobotjulie · 1 year
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my friend got me an among us baby his name is babygirl and he squeaks
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unknownzapy · 2 years
Authors Note: Info dumping on what an Among Us Species would be like (my take on them at least). Constructive Criticism is welcome, just don’t be a jerk about it 👍🏼. Questions and Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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Alternate Universe Name
Bug Meat Universe created by @unknownzapy.
AU name suggested by @timefospookies.
The Planet they all live on is called “Pavolla”, chose this name on an online generator so I doubt it has any real meaning to it. It’s inhabitants are called Pavillians.
Pavolla is 10,055 miles (16,182 km) wide and It has one planetary ring around it which is made primarily of ice and gas. It’s Day Length is 22 hours long and the sky color is Blue with the Night Length being 12 hours and the sky color is Indigo; The Year has 463 Earth days. The Planet is covered with 25% Land and 85% Water, 30% of the Water being considered Deep Sea Level and 55% of the Water being considered Surface Water. Pavolla entirely is suitable for Earth-based life.
The Temperatures vary intensely across the year and seasons, with a large difference between the hottest and coldest seasons. Temperature Range is, for Low, -9 °C (15.8 °F) and, for High, 20 °C (68 °F) with an Average Temperature Range being 5.5 °C (41.9 °F).
The Planet has Three Moons that are three times bigger than Earth’s moon, all three of them being on the North end of Pavolla and being clustered together, but not fused with each other. Separately, They’re called: Styx, Pasiphae, and Thrymr.
Crew Mates
Physical Description
Lumanine have four (4) arms, two (2) legs, and a long, powerful tail with their entire bodies covered with smooth, hairless, and flexible yet tough skin with varied colors and designs mainly consisting of Red, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Black, White, Purple, Brown, Cyan, Lime, Maroon, Rose, Banana, Gray, Tan, and Coral. They have pointed ears; their hearing is perhaps the best of all known species thus far. They have two (2) curved antennae placed on their head right above the eyes; They use their antennae to hear higher frequencies/vibrations than normally in wherever location they are currently in to avoid potential predators and when in search for food.
They have a dorsal fin at the tip of their tail with two (2) extra fins on their forearms and a spiky ridge of a darker shade of their skin going down their back which halts at the center with one (1) flat but firm fin at the middle of their backs and the ridge continues downward to their tails. Some are usually seen with their two (2) upper arms, whereas others are shown with all four (4) contracted arms. It’s also noted that, when they’re aging older and older, they tend to molt any dead skin cells and their respective color starts to fade in time.
Newborns (0-12 Months Old) are sized at 73.66 CM (2 FT, 5 IN.)
Toddlers (1-3 Years Old) are sized at 101.6 CM (3 FT, 4 IN.)
Children (3-6 Years Old) are sized at 119.38 CM (3 FT, 11 IN.)
Adolescents (9-13 Years Old) are sized at 129.54 CM (4 FT, 3 IN.)
Young Adults (20-29 Years Old) are sized at 177.8 CM (5 FT, 10 IN.)
Middle Adults (30-50 Years Old) are sized at 195.58 CM (6 FT, 5 IN.)
Full Adults (60-65 Years Old) are sized at 226.06 CM (7 FT, 5 IN.)
Elders (70 to 85 Years Old) are sized at 231.14 CM (7 FT, 7 IN.)
Ancient (85+ Years Old) are sized at 238.76 CM (7 FT, 10 IN.)
Common Lifespan: 180-185 Years Old.
Lumanines are peace-loving creatures who live both underwater and on land, adaptive to both worlds. They are a very social species and they live with other Lumanines in groups of between ten (10) and thirty (30) others; They have a very laid-back, calm temperament and their friendliness even extends to many other species.
One of the parents of baby Lumanine stay with their young for six to eight years, teaching them where to find food, what and how to eat, how to avoid predators and the technique for building a sleeping nest/personal home; This extends to orphaned animals both on land and sea. Baby Lumanine clings to his/her/their parent’s stomach, side, or back while they move throughout any area.
Since they are extremely docile in nature, they aren’t completely immune to showing signs of hostility. As such, they’re shown to act incredibly aggressive towards anyone or anything that threatens their children, home, or themselves, going as far as to brutally kill said offender(s) if deemed necessary.
Biological Sex Ratio
50% Female
50% Male
Common Amount of Children: 3-5.
Fish (Any Size), Reptiles, Mollusks, Small Mammals, Flowers, Seeds (Any Kind), Shrubs, Herbs, Vegetables, Fruits, Birds, Algae, Seaweed.
Superhuman strength, speed, and agility.
Skilled hand-to-hand combat with two (2) or four (4) arms.
Retractable antennae and lower pair of arms.
Highly flexible body.
Super-sensitive hearing.
Scientific Name/Animal Name/Species Name
Melanotaenia Dipnoi Caelifera
Rainbow Lung Insect
Physical Description
Vursealeon are made after his, her, or their body is severely weakened by extreme conditions, such as malnourishment and freezing weather, their outer skin begins to harden incredibly to protect themselves. They then proceed to have an extreme hunger for their own kind and eat any sort of meat that is deemed edible, even devouring venomous/poisonous animals and chunks of his, her, or their own body if necessary.
Vursealeon still retain a majority of their former bodies of being Lumanine, however the only differences are that they are able to retract their spines and perform violent actions that they weren’t physically able to do as a Lumanine. They are not able to preform molting since they now have an exoskeleton, deeming it impossible; although they do spread hard minerals across their body to sharpen their physical defenses as a way to prevent an animal biting through their exoskeleton. They are also seen with sharp spikes starting at the base of the neck that runs all the way down to the tail.
Newborns (0-12 Months Old) are sized at 73.66 CM (2 FT, 5 IN.)
Toddlers (1-3 Years Old) are sized at 101.6 CM (3 FT, 4 IN.)
Children (3-6 Years Old) are sized at 119.38 CM (3 FT, 11 IN.)
Adolescents (9-13 Years Old) are sized at129.54 CM (4 FT, 3 IN.)
Young Adults (20-29 Years Old) are sized at 177.8 CM (5 FT, 10 IN.)
Middle Adults (30-50 Years Old) are sized at 195.58 CM (6 FT, 5 IN.)
Full Adults (60-65 Years Old) are sized at 226.06 CM (7 FT, 5 IN.)
Elders (70 to 85 Years Old) are sized at 231.14 CM (7 FT, 7 IN.)
Ancient (85+ Years Old) are sized at 238.76 CM (7 FT, 10 IN.)
Common Lifespan: 180-190 Years Old.
They are seen as significantly more aggressive and prone to being hostile than their docile counterparts; preying on their food and other organisms by disguising their physical bodies to be their former selves or as a Lumanine before killing them. Vursealeon are, understandably, vengeful individuals who go to extreme lengths to feel “alive” once more, a majority of these Vursealeon are sadistic (low and/or high), masochistic (low and/or high), nihilistic, highly intelligent, and, most indefinitely, dare devils.
It is incredibly rare, but possible, for a Vursealeon to feel sympathy and affection, albeit obsessive or possessive. They are additionally sensitive to low-frequency vibrations, thus they “hear” mostly earth-borne, rather than aquatic and aerial, sound waves.
Vursealeon are lone creatures, although they do hunt in groups no more than seven (7) and protect their children and each other if threatened by a different species. Additionally, Vursealeon can live in both land and water just like Lumanine.
Biological Sex Ratio
50% Female
50% Male
Common Amount of Children: 1-2.
Amphibians, Fish, Crabs, Clams, Mussels, Sea Urchins, Lobsters, Insects, Sharks, Zebras, Small Hippos, Porcupines, Birds, Crocodiles, Lumanine, other Vursealeon.
Retractable claws, antennae, spines, and lower pair of arms.
Superhuman strength, speed, agility, and durability.
Skilled hand-to-hand combat with four (4) arms.
Highly flexible exoskeleton and body.
Super-sensitive hearing.
Enhanced Weapon Proficiency (I.e. Guns, Knives.) [VeryLow to Very High varies between Vursealeon].
Scientific Name/Animal Name/Species Name
Fictus Caelifera Nephropidae
Fake Insect Lobster
References + Credits
Lungfish, Grasshopper, Among Us Game, Alex Ries YT, Rainbow Fish, Nephropidae.
Tag List
@badger-stream , @simpformoonkight , @breadaton , @timefospookies , @spooky-donut-ghost-house , @blueemberthefox
Author’s Note
PHEW- That was a lot to write down these past few weeks. Whoever comes across this post, I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I wrote it. If you would like to make content related to this AU, please tag me for credits and so that I can like your post(s) as well 😊! Like I said, constructive criticism is welcome and so are reblogs and questions.
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was anyone going to tell me that tumblr has a community for among us husbandry or was I just supposed to stumble upon it myself
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space-transgressor · 2 years
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Can someone help me pick a name for my Creature and give diet tips?
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spookyvance · 2 years
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since yall love this shit so much
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emojihugo · 2 years
Yeah among us, hollow knight and tbh husbandry Is cool but what about
Geometry dash husbandry
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