#Breast tissue
diseaseinfohub · 11 months
Breast cancer lumps can vary in size, shape, and texture, and their characteristics may differ among individuals. Typically, breast cancer lumps feel different from normal breast tissue. They are often firm, irregularly shaped, and may have an uneven surface. These lumps may not be painful initially, but in some cases, they can cause tenderness or discomfort. It's important to note that not all breast lumps indicate cancer, as benign conditions can also cause similar changes in the breast. Any unusual or persistent changes in the breast should be promptly examined by a healthcare professional to determine the cause and receive appropriate medical attention.
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rahulf33 · 2 years
Breast Tissue Biospy Surgical Total Guide | Medanta
Tumor in the breast is a non-invasive cancer, not removed, it may develop into an invasive breast cancer. Our team have some of the best breast cancer specialists
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obsob · 2 years
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something something i am made up of multitudes
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hoofpeet · 6 months
I love your oc lore!!! The "biblically accurate cow girl" post for me thinking - what would top(?) surgery for them look like
I have also put a lot of thought into top surgery scars for my guys !! A lot of opportunity for fun & stylized scars
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Hoping tumblr doesn't nerf this post
But here's some scar positivity for everyone out there who has had reductions or top surgery or mastectomy or other such surgeries around the chest !!!
Scars are hot!
Scars that don't fade are beautiful!
Scars that leave dents or ridges are very sexy!!!
I had nearly 3lbs of tissue removed 5 years ago, my life is better my crops are watered I'm thriving. If you're debating whether or not to persue the thing, don't let the fear of scars hold you back.
I love you!!
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peridyke · 7 days
boobs look like they'd be good pillows but they actually hurt if someone uses them like that. which is sad. boobs experience pain more often than you'd think
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r1ng-w0rm · 7 months
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☆✫Wormvember Day 2: Flat Worm✫☆
I forgot to draw Day 1 cuz I was busy, but anywayssssssss. The moth lady has a million planarian kids. The end. (Planarians are flat worms btw)
(P.s @ewwwabug made the wormvember art thingy.)
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diseaseinfohub · 11 months
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast tissue and can occur in both men and women, though it is more common in women. It is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the breast, forming a lump or mass that can potentially spread to other parts of the body if not treated early. The ICD-10 code for breast cancer is C50.9, which is used for medical coding and billing purposes to identify and classify this specific type of cancer in healthcare records.
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gaphic · 5 months
my fellow transmascs: i know dysphoria can be a demon but try to remember that cis men also have fat, muscle, and yes, mammary tissue on their chests. you do not need to be concave to pass!!!
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Stop telling girls to ‘try a binder’ as if they’re harmless jfc
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cliveguy · 10 months
every time top surgery is getting discussed in the news a trans guy will be like wow it sucks that everyone is being so publicly disgusted by my body with no repercussions it's as though they don't think we're people with feelings. and then a million people will jump in like ALSO SOME CIS WOMEN (the only people who can get breast cancer) ALSO LOOK LIKE THIS. this picture of a trans man that everyone is calling a mutilated freak instantly made me think of cis women, and look at her living her best life! misgendering? i'm a trans ally but come on, it's a drawing, don't you think that's being a bit silly? art is about interpretation anyway - we should celebrate ALL afabs who get mastectomies, for whatever reason ^.^
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you ever think abt how they never consider the weight of ppls breast tissue when theyre weighed at the doctors. like theyll be like 'lose 10-15 pounds' like ok give me a mastectomy and im practically there already
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gxlden-angels · 10 months
I've got a personal situation going on that I want to eventually talk about here, but in summary transphobes and fundamentalist christians hate women and can suck my spiritual dick about it
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boobexplosion · 1 year
ive been nervous about my upcoming top surgery. not sure if i should go through with it or not- and then... i thought about all the things i could do after it. i could go swimming with my shirt off, i could tie a towel around my waist instead of around my chest when i get out of the shower. my chest wont jiggle when i go down the stairs........ yes, im sure i want this.
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emodanascully · 4 months
plot twist i don't have breast cancer
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girlscience · 4 days
Realization tonight about how I am feeling about my body recently. I feel like I was given breast implants without being asked. Like full on silicone implants. Which is a bit strange given my chest hasn't changed in years(outside of maybe some weight gain), so I'm not sure why I am feeling this now. And I am "comfortable" with touching my chest/showing off my chest/other people looking at my chest/etc. in the same way I find it "comfortable" to poke a bruise or prod a sore tooth or touch a mouth sore or pick a piece of loose skin or other similar things. It hurts and it's annoying and you can't ignore it and it won't go away and you can't stop thinking about it unless you are super distracted/engaged in something else (and sometimes not even then) and you will find yourself doing it unconsciously all the time and other people will notice and yell at you to stop but it's nearly impossible to..... Yeah, that is exactly how I feel about things right now.
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