letsdocuboutit · 3 months
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- Let's Docu 'Bout It -
Episode 15: American Nightmare
This week I recap and talk about the Netflix docuseries, American Nightmare. In 2015 California couple Aaron Quinn and Denise Huskins were attacked at home during the night. After Denise was kidnapped, Aaron became a suspect. 
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Photos - (Row 1: Denise today, Denise and Aaron at the time of her kidnapping) (Row 2: Mat Mustard winning Officer of the Year in the year of Denise's kidnapping even though he accused her of faking her own kidnapping, Detective Misty Carausu who solved the case)
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wfodicks · 3 months
mike, travis and drunk are joined by brian krans to discuss the following topics… american nightmare on netflix…. woo energy taste test….. the king of cola tries cock cola: 8.7 pod beef with the play some video games podcast…. madonna got sued…. they cancelled the exorcist sequel…. rooster tha goat is back…. potw: american nightmare/break point/valejosun.com/jason kelce well,…
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ifyourebored · 1 year
3 True Crimes That Should Be Turned Into Movies (Spotify Link)
We start the episode off with two stories that would make great mystery/criminal mastermind/heist-style movies. We're thinking you bring in Rian Johnson and let him tell the story of Juan Carlos Guzmán, a young man who literally fell out of the sky and began a life of crime at 13 years old only to be caught years later by accident when he reached for the same apple that a Scotland Yard detective who had been hunting him down was reaching for in a supermarket. Our other story in the first half of this episode is all about the Eagle Diamond, which first surfaced in Eagle, Wisconsin way back in 1876, and saw its way through a con man ripping off miners searching for more diamonds in Wisconsin by selling them land at hiked-up prices, as well popping up years later when it was stolen by a gang of surfer thieves! We've basically got There Will Be Blood mixed with Point Break here and we'd love to see this story given the Netflix series treatment it deserves.
Those two stories are just appetizers for the main course because our last story is one of the craziest true crime stories we've ever featured on this podcast. There was a home invasion in Vallejo, California in 2015 that resulted in a kidnapping. A seemingly well-executed, well-prepared, professional kidnapping. What followed was a series of events that will have you guessing whodunnit the entire time and unless you already know the story, you're never going to guess the ending to this true crime story that goes from kidnapping to hoax to not a hoax and then back to a hoax but maybe not a hoax and okay yeah, definitely a hoax but we don't know who is hoaxing who and then oh damn, it wasn't a hoax after all but maybe it was and OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING!?
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ms-hells-bells · 3 months
wow, can you believe it, the whole 'real life gone girl' case where denise huskins claimed to be kidnapped and held for ransom, raped and dumped, and the police announced was fake, and the internet viciously attacked her.....was real. they caught one of the kidnappers when he attempted to do the same to another couple, and there was definitive evidence in his car that he kidnapped denise.
imagine being abducted, raped multiple times, thinking you were gonna die, then dumped out in nowhere, and being harassed and accused of lying for EIGHT YEARS despite it being revealed to be legitimate barely a year after the kidnapping. it took until 2021-22 for the police to formally apologised, but it wasn't until a netflix documentary recently that most of the public heard for the first time that it wasn't fake, as far less people read the corrective media after the arrest of the perpetrator than the original stories about the police holding press interviews condemning the event as fake.
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"American Nightmare" (Documental)
La serie de true crime de Netflix "American Nightmare" relata la terrible experiencia de la secuestrada Denise Huskins y el papel que la película de David Fincher "Gone Girl" (2014) pudo haber desempeñado en cómo se trató el caso.
En marzo de 2015, Denise Huskins, una mujer de Vallejo (California), fue secuestrada en plena noche en casa de su novio, quedó retenida como rehén durante 48 horas y fue violada.
Sin embargo, al ser liberada, como se detalla en la miniserie de Netflix "American Nightmare" (traducida como "Pesadilla de un secuestro en California"), fue acusada por la policía de orquestar la terrorífica experiencia.
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No sólo eso.
Su caso fue relacionado con "Gone Girl "–"Perdida", una película de 2014 basada en el exitoso libro homónimo escrito en 2012 por Gillian Flynn– tanto por los medios de comunicación como por un agente del FBI que la investigaba.
En la película, una mujer sociópata, Amy (interpretada por Rosamund Pike), idea un elaborado plan y finge su propio secuestro para castigar a su marido y a su familia.
Para Huskins, esta falsa caracterización y el flagrante error judicial violaron de nuevo a una víctima vulnerable.
En el segundo episodio de la serie de tres partes –subtitulado "Gone Girl", y que también incluye imágenes de la película–, Huskins revive la incredulidad que sintió al escapar de su cautiverio y encontrarse bajo interrogatorio en una sala de detención de la policía como sospechosa.
"Durante las últimas 48 horas he estado viviendo momento a momento, intentando sobrevivir", pensó. "Lo último en lo que piensas es: 'Si sobrevivo, tengo que asegurarme de que todo esto sea creíble'".
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Los detalles del caso de Huskins eran extraordinarios, tanto que la policía no podía concebir que fuera real.
Tanto Huskins como su novio, Aaron Quinn, contaron lo mismo sobre lo ocurrido aquella noche: intrusos vestidos con trajes de neopreno los ataron, los obligaron a tomar sedantes y les taparon los ojos con gafas oscuras, mientras un mensaje pregrabado les decía que Huskins sería secuestrada y liberada 48 horas después a cambio de un rescate.
Cuando Quinn despertó, se habían llevado a Huskins, y tenía mensajes de texto exigiendo dos pagos de US$8.500 cada uno para que la dejaran libre, con la condición de no llamar a la policía.
La policía de Vallejo intervino, pero justo cuando empezaban a culpar del secuestro a Quinn, Huskins reapareció a unos 640 km de distancia, en Huntington Beach, cerca de la casa de sus padres.
Explicó que su secuestrador le dijo que si contaba a las autoridades que había sido violada, mataría a su familia, por lo que al principio lo negó.
El mismo día de la liberación de Huskins, el portavoz de la policía de Vallejo, el teniente Kenny Park, declaró en una multitudinaria rueda de prensa que creían que la pareja había inventado lo sucedido.
"El sr. Quinn y la sra. Huskins han saqueado valiosos recursos y han desviado la atención de las verdaderas víctimas, al tiempo que han infundido miedo entre los vecinos. Así que son ellos quienes deben una disculpa a esta comunidad".
El abogado de Huskins, Doug Rappaport, afirma en la serie que al día siguiente, después de que un agente del FBI entrevistara a la mujer, le planteó dudas sobre si su cliente estaba diciendo la verdad.
"¿No has visto la película Gone Girl?", haciendo referencia explícita a la cinta de David Fincher por su nombre.
"¿Cómo es posible que esta persona encargada de investigar este crimen piense que es como una película de Ben Affleck? Eso es Hollywood. Esto es la vida real", plantea Rappaport. "Está tan seguro de que tiene razón: se llama sesgo de confirmación".
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En la miniseriel, los realizadores afirman que el FBI no ha hecho pública la grabación de esta entrevista. La BBC se puso en contacto con el FBI para pedirle comentarios, pero no hubo respuesta.
La prensa corrió con las afirmaciones falsas, con titulares que jugaban con la asociación de Gone Girl, ya que la película estaba muy fresca en la mente de la gente, al haber sido estrenada en octubre de 2014, un año antes del secuestro de Huskins.
La cadena ABC News tituló "Supuesto secuestro de Denise Huskins: lo que sabemos del caso Gone Girl en California", mientras que en Reino Unido, el diario Metro informaba de las sospechas erróneas de las autoridades: "La Gone Girl de la vida real 'escenificó su propio secuestro', según la policía".
En cuanto a la justicia para Huskins y Quinn, el verdadero autor del secuestro, Matthew Muller, fue capturado gracias a los esfuerzos de la sargento Misty Carausu, declarado culpable y condenado a 40 años de cárcel en 2017.
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En 2018, Huskins y Quinn recibieron una indemnización de US$2,5 millones de la ciudad de Vallejo, pero la ciudad no admitió "haber cometido ningún delito".
La policía acabó pidiendo disculpas, pero ninguno de los agentes implicados en el caso fue sancionado y, como se recoge en el documental, el detective principal del caso, Mat Mustard, fue galardonado como agente del año en 2015.
En "Gone Girl", el privilegio que se concedía a Amy era que su "secuestro" se aceptaba como real.
En el caso real de Huskins, como relata "American Nightmare", se le negó eso, a pesar de que su terrible experiencia era cierta.
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morbidmemories · 2 months
Netflix true crime
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American Nightmare
Dubbed the “real-life Gone Girl,” the three-part series from The Tinder Swindler filmmakers Felicity Morris and Bernadette Higgins takes viewers on a journey through one couple’s harrowing experience with a home invader. On March 23, 2015, Denise Huskins and her boyfriend, Aaron Quinn, were awakened in the middle of the night by a stranger. Quinn called the police and explained what happened, saying the intruder had tied them up, drugged them, and taken Huskins for ransom. But no one — not even investigators and police — believed them.
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Girl in the Picture
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le-fils-de-lhomme · 3 months
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genderfication · 1 year
the Denise Huskins Aaron Quinn case is wild. I'm listening to the Criminal episodes on it now and like... yeah ACAB but to dismiss a kidnapping as someone trying to recreate Gone Girl? unhinged.
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urmi-org · 3 months
Where Is Matthew Muller Now? He’s ‘Sick With Shame’ After Kidnapping Denise Huskins
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attari786 · 3 months
American Nightmare: Where Are Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn Now After the 'Gone Girl Kidnapping'?
Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn survived a harrowing kidnapping in March 2015, only to be re-traumatized when they were accused of faking Huskins' abduction in a case known as the "Gone Girl kidnapping...........
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curiousmastermindz · 3 months
American Nightmare Reddit | Denise Huskins Reddit | American Nightmare N...
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maalfreekaa · 3 months
American Nightmare Traumatic Kidnapping Case Behind Netflix’s Denise Huskins in American Nightmare Traumatic Kidnapping Case behind Netflix. This documentary provides a comprehensive look at the events, shedding light on key revelations and challenging the pre…
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nathanmonjko · 3 months
'American Nightmare' Team on Police, Denise Huskins and Matthew Muller - Variety
The 'American Nightmare' directors open up about the brutal 'Gone Girl' case and the police's treatment of Denise Huskins.
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ifyourebored · 1 year
3 True Crimes That Should Be Turned Into Movies
We start the episode off with two stories that would make great mystery/criminal mastermind/heist-style movies. We're thinking you bring in Rian Johnson and let him tell the story of Juan Carlos Guzmán, a young man who literally fell out of the sky and began a life of crime at 13 years old only to be caught years later by accident when he reached for the same apple that a Scotland Yard detective who had been hunting him down was reaching for in a supermarket. Our other story in the first half of this episode is all about the Eagle Diamond, which first surfaced in Eagle, Wisconsin way back in 1876, and saw its way through a con man ripping off miners searching for more diamonds in Wisconsin by selling them land at hiked-up prices, as well popping up years later when it was stolen by a gang of surfer thieves! We've basically got There Will Be Blood mixed with Point Break here and we'd love to see this story given the Netflix series treatment it deserves.
Those two stories are just appetizers for the main course because our last story is one of the craziest true crime stories we've ever featured on this podcast. There was a home invasion in Vallejo, California in 2015 that resulted in a kidnapping. A seemingly well-executed, well-prepared, professional kidnapping. What followed was a series of events that will have you guessing whodunnit the entire time and unless you already know the story, you're never going to guess the ending to this true crime story that goes from kidnapping to hoax to not a hoax and then back to a hoax but maybe not a hoax and okay yeah, definitely a hoax but we don't know who is hoaxing who and then oh damn, it wasn't a hoax after all but maybe it was and OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING!?
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afabstract · 3 months
American Nightmare Docu Series Review
Denise Huskins was kidnapped from her boyfriend Aaron Quinn's home in March 2015. As more details emerged, the cops wondered if it was all staged. Netflix documentary "American Nightmare" covers a 'stranger than fiction' case.
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 4 out of 5. Sneha Jaiswal (Twitter | Instagram) In 2015, Mare Island resident Aaron Quinn called 911 to report his girlfriend has been kidnapped after his home was invaded by unknown men. But Aaron made the call ten hours after the attack took place, raising suspicions over what really happened to his girlfriend Denise Huskins. The 2024 three-part Netflix documentary “American…
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unatestadellidra · 1 year
Guarda "NESSUNO GLI HA CREDUTO: il calvario di Aaron Quinn e Denise Huskins (TRUE CRIME)" su YouTube
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