#Dimir Processing
glyphreader · 2 months
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Dimir Strandcatcher (Ravnica: Clue Edition No. 30, Illus. Iris Compiet)
A lot of cards in Murders at Karlov Manor reference classic detective and crime fiction, but of course there are also many references to things we have seen during previous visits to Ravnica. In the art for Dimir Strandcatcher, we can see the memory strands that were introduced as a trademark Dimir "magic effect" in Guilds of Ravnica (Never Happened, Mission Briefing, Thoughtbound Phantasm).
The strands represent memories and thoughts, but since this creature is called a Strandcatcher, it seems like they don't always have to be forcefully "pulled out" of people's heads. Apparently thoughts sometimes extend from the head like tentacles, and all that Dimir agents have to do is to catch, process, and bundle them. I also assume that they must not be visible to everyone all the time, or else this faerie wouldn't be able to just sit on a lamp post and extract everyone's thoughts in plain sight.
Aside from the memory strands, there is another visual callback in this illustration, which also hints at a mechanical connection. The insects buzzing around the faerie shown here are clearly Dimir Spybugs. These bugs ostensibly feed on discarded memories, and the Strandcatcher is able to provide those repeatedly and en masse (both in lore and mechanical terms). No wonder the spybugs are gathered around them like a swarm of flies who just found a fresh piece of carrion.
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mtg-epsilon-butterfly · 2 months
RAVNICA: The 38th District
The Spire of Guilds / The Trials of Ravnica / Crescent Rock Prison
The 38th District, commonly known as Innovation District, or since the events of War of the Spark, The District of Trials. The district's main draw for any Ravnican dweller tends to be the safety of the district. On top of the guildmasters working together, most of the district's proper city is controlled by the two guilds of law, Azorius and Boros guilds. The district is divided down the center by *Innovation Boulevard* where the Izzet and Simic guilds stare each other down in an ever-ongoing competition of advancement. Selenya, Along with The Boros and Azorius guilds, to prevent the growth of the Gruul territory. The Rakdos, Dimir, and Golgari guilds are left to fight and claim the land. or are alloted specialized districts near one of the law guilds. This leaves Orzhov. Orzhov being the black sheep of the district has allowed for little interference from outside parties and has allowed them to gain near complete financial power over the district, allowing for the creation of stuff such as The Sleepless Market Macroplaza. And many many ways to spend your cash.
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**The Spire of Guilds**
The Spire of guilds is nearly as old as the district itself. Crafted by Azor himself after the creation of the guildpact. Azor detained the previous guild leaders, replacing them with specialized clones of himself Azor left the district in the hands of the one thing on the plane he trusted, himself. These clones, while specially crafted to fit the ideologies and aspects of the guilds they held, still maintained the traces of Azor causing each guild to hold the morals of law higher than the average district’s guild masters. The Guild Sphinxes meet at the Spire of Guilds. The Guild leaders are as follows
**Amzorette, Arbiter or Azor:** The clone closest to Azor himself. Amzorette held the highest esteem for her creator and his teachings. Attempting to replicate his leadership to a T, she was successful up until her tragic death at the hands of the previous guild leader of the Senate, Grand Arbiter, Heptrisa III, who struck Amzorette down with a powerful spell causing Amzorette’s body to transform into a flock of doves. After four years of temporary leadership provided by a trusted guild liaison the guild found Androphit, a sphinx planeswalker who shared a love of order and knowledge.
**Mathalis Athornin, All-Knowing Tactician:** The closest to Azor in terms of appearance Mathalis Athornin is a master at both Abjuration magic and Evocation magic. So much so he began a collage within the district and is overseen by him directly. Magister Athornin has recently adopted the precognition magic, developed by the Azorius Senate, into both his guild’s repertoire and his own personal arsenal. 
**Mistini, The Enigma Eyes:** Mistini’s Cloning process was done secretly as the Dimir guild had not been revealed to the public yet. As a protective measure Azor did not grant Mistini any eyes so she could not escape her imprisonment. After her ascension to guild leader she had two magical gems put in place of her eyes, This did not allow her to see the world as normal eyes would. Instead she could sense through the physical world and see the magical and life-holding essences of the creatures. She uses this along with her magical prowess to control the the choices of the council 
**Sollithris, Rotheart of Golgari:** Cloned, Killed, and Subsequently resurrected, Sollthiris takes his role as the Golgari leader extremely seriously, taking care of the swarm ensures the best for ravnica as a whole, he encourages that the Golgari citizens of the 38th to pay no mind to the political turmoil of the heart of the hive in the 10th districts. He is not without fault though, secretly he has Golgari sink large portions of the city back into the depths in order to gain more land within the city proper.
**Ragormiroars, Wingless Riotmind:** Ragormiroars had his wings ripped off soon after his creation. During the pain Azor connected his consciousness to the wilds themselves. Azor instructed Ragormiroars not to lead Gruul but instead to act as its permanent representative and diplomat. Ragormiroars has stayed true to this order and allows the guild to work autonomously.
**Domahelix, The Meteor Oracle:** The Overcharged clone of Azor Domahelix was gifted with a natural precognitive ability to sense the future of the plane of ravnica, This power has only increased with the creation of the thousand year storm. With her insane magical prowess Domahelix has taken to calling upon the meteors to the enemies of her guild. Domahelix is rarely around to actually run the Izzet guild as she tends to be assisting other districts with whatever crisis they are currently experiencing.
**Teimaiser, Appraiser of Minds:** Teimaiser’s role within the guild of Orzhov is to maximize the profit and maintain the guild's ghastly records, The guildmaster is rarely seen outside of his office above The Sleepless Market where he secretly reads and manipulates the minds of citizens below.
**Sulacas, Ringleader of Madness:** The tragic tale of Sulacas is happily known across the guild of Rakdos within the 38th. A sphinx created by Azor to lead Rakdos, Imbued with the blood of Rakdos himself. Sulacas started his new role with the intention to increase the trust in the rakdos guild within the 38th and possibly the larger guild’s representation. This plan failed spectacularly when the guild fed him to their hidden god hidden deep underneath the surface. The blood of Rakdos fully imbued itself to Sulacas in this moment. Reviving him as a demonic sphinx and bursting from the “god’s” gut, Sulacas had lost the veneer of Azor, his goal has since become to become the thorn within the side of the 38th district. Still yet he happily attends the guildmaster meetings held at the Spire of Guilds.
**Hallirallis, Ingenious Biosmith:** Azor was quite cautious and cruel in his creation of Hallirallis as he knew the dangers the Simic guild possessed. Granting Hallirallis with too much innate intelligence would horribly backfire causing the guild’s scientific pursuit to skyrocket possibly to a hight even the guildpact couldn't handle. Due to this Azor gifted Hall Skyclaim with the egg of Hallirallis. It was entirely up to the Simic guild to teach their guild leader. As Hallirallis grew and developed her own theories she began to experiment on herself. Eventually she found herself splicing herself with a Kraken found within the original oceans of Ravnica. Her overall goals for the guild are heavily guarded but some speculate she plans to become the Prime Speaker overtaking Vannifar.
These sphinxes are what holds together the “order” within the 38th district. As it was hinted at earlier Amzorette had met an untimely demise at the hand of her predecessor, During the four year absence of a guild leader the guild liaison Jaieminsat was sent from the 10th district to oversee the guild’s operations during this absence. Just before the assassination of Ispera, the Azorius Guild Master Androphit, A sphinx from amonkhet, arrived on ravnica with knowledge of Bolas’s master plan to invade ravnica. She was searching for a way to help prepare the people of ravnica. Yet with no knowledge of the plane she wasn’t sure where to try first. Androphit used her intuition and traveled to the largest building she could see. The Spire of Guilds. Androphit resided at the spire of guilds for nearly an entire month formulating every aspect of her plan, awaiting the guild leaders to return; and upon return she made her intentions clear and her goal obtainable. She wanted to train the people of ravnica to fight against the incoming invasion. Despite the overwhelming pushback and scrutiny Androphit layed out her plan to hide the training in plain sight by setting up a series of trials. The five trials would test the skills of Ravnica and showcase the core of each of the guilds Those who prove to be skilled Ravinicans would go on to attempt the Five Trials of The Gods from amonkhet from inside a harmless demiplane. Finally Androphit also utilized the mind of the weaker human liaison. Androphit forced the memories of what she saw during the hour of deviation into the mind of Jaieminsat. The powerful man was reduced to a screaming crumpled ball. His terror of the memories he now had, had convinced the rest of the guild leaders. They would allow her to set up the trials as she saw fit. But in return she must stay on ravnica as the active Azorius Guildleader until either her demise or the Invasion ends in victory. She was happy to accept. Androphit’s first order as guild leader was the construction of the five trials and her new guildhall, each a huge stone pyramid. The trials are as follows.
**The Trails of Community.** The Trials of Community hopes to nurture a love for ravnica its nature and its people as a whole, this represents the core of the Gruul and Selesnya guilds. Participants are sent all across ravnica in a series of goals to learn about the cultures of Ravnica, to gain the trust and protect those you have come to know. To have a Cartouche of Community is to wear an oath that says you will protect ravnica through and through.
**The Trials of Law.**  The Trails of Law represent the core of the Azorius and Boros guilds. Participants of this trial are put through grueling investigations, and court cases. This trial stressed both body and mind. To ware this cartouche is to have a inside and out understanding of Ravnica's law and to enforce it in it's most just manor.
**The Trails of Records.** The Trials of Records represents the core of the Dimir and Orzhov guilds. Participants are tasked to uncover, acquire, and a near idyllic memory of Military, goverment, finacial, and property, records among others by any means necessary. This trial pushes the participants to the edge of debt and death. to ware this cartouche is to know how to steal, understand, forge, and manipulate any form of paperwork to their bidding.
**The Trials of Innovation.** The Trials of Innovation, seek to push how one thinks to the limitations of one’s mind. Representing the core of both the Izzet and Simic guilds. This Trial demands participants to solve the unsolvable and seek to improve on the perfected. To wield this cartouche is to never think inside the box, even on the simplistic of conundrums
**The Trials of Mortality.** The Trials of Mortality brings its participants to death's door then raises them onto the stage of life. Representing Rakdos and Golgari this trial asks it’s participants to push themselves as close to death as possible for the spectacle of others and to become comfortable and even respectful of one’s death and likely undeath. To wear this cartouche is to always have a plan for your death, and to live everyday as if it was your last.
After the completion of all five trials one may seek out Androphit at her guildhall, here they are given the opportunity to enter The Trials of Omniscience. Once accepted there is no going back, the participant is put inside a specialized detention sphere inside of the Guildhall’s main room. From here Androphit projects a one for one recreation of Naktamun and each of the five trials. Androphit creates projections of each of the gods and thousands of citizens. In the matter of just one week the participant lived though or died in the trials of amonkhet. Upon finishing the trials victorious the participant is gifted with the final cartouche. The Cartouche of Omniscience. To embolden oneself with this cartouche is to hold all 10 cartouches, and to be accepted into Androphit’s secret crop known as “Crop  Akh-Id”. Those who are accepted into the Crop  Akh-Id may commune telepathically with Androphit from however far the distance and are entrusted with protecting Ravnica from any cross-planar threats.
**Crecent Rock Prison**
A huge crescent shaped floating isle sitting on the verge of selensyan and Gruul territory. This island floats above the aptly named crescent district, this district focuses much of their energy on handling border disputes between the selenyan and gruul guilds. The prison itself is used as the main Azorius incarceration prison for the 38th. Due to its shape and position, the prison blocks out all the sunlight to the dimir district below, thanks to this it’s gained the nickname The Lamplight District. The prison is seen as a symbol of Azorius's hold on the district by many of the more oppressed guilds.
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Ravnica D&D Campaign: The Session 0s
This being my first time DMing a campaign, and also it being the first time playing DnD for most of my party, I decided to do something a little unconventional. Rather than have a first session altogether, I decided to have a 1-on-1 session with each of them, one at a time. This not only allowed me to give their character a little bit of time to orient themselves and also arrive at a common starting point, it also let me focus on each individual player and assist them in full with anything related to the core mechanics of the game or info on the setting (don't worry, I'd also previously talked to them about both of these things at length, but it's one thing to talk about it and it's another to actually do it). It also, of course, let me test out my DMing capabilities without having to entertain/manage a whole group of people. I'm still very much a novice, and I'm making plenty of mistakes along the way, but those first few sessions allowed me to sort of find some solid ground--and also get an idea of how each player (and corresponding character) might behave. Below is a short recap of each character's Session 0.
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Bingus Babolax III: My friend basically gave me free reign with the backstory, so here's what I ended up settling on. We opened the session with him in his apartment in The Blistercoils. His father, a talented Izzet engineer (an Izmundi, even), has died a few days prior in a lab accident, and he's unsure what to do. A mailman arrives and gives him a posthumous package from his dad: a letter and a few other items (including a pendant with his grandfather's finger) (think Krark's Thumb), which prompts him to gather his stuff and leave. After acquiring the rights to his father's bank account, Bingus tries to figure out what to do as a job (though he wants to one day join the ranks of the Izzet, he's not ready yet). He eventually stumbles across the Chamber's recruitment drive and promptly applies, and is even more promptly hired after a short interview with Nassius Ven. He is then escorted to the tavern that will lodge the team, where he meets Dahlia, the innkeeper. (the ending was pretty similar for every character, since the Session 1 starts with them meeting during dinner)
Cornelius Aster: We start with him leaving his mom & aunt's glassblowing store to go do his regular performance in the street. He's learned to use his magical powers (without wondering too much where they came from) to enhance his performances. However, something goes wrong at the end of the performance: his Thaumaturgy inexplicably sets a small portion of the alley ablaze, and Azorius guards immediately put it out and arrest him, despite a few protests from his fans. He's taken to the police station for interrogation, but Nassius Ven shows up and offers him a deal: work for him, and he'll not only avoid jail but also get paid well. Cornelius immediately accepts, then excitedly goes home to tell his mom and aunt.
Iris Kifli: Iris mostly helps out her adoptive parents with the bakery by delivering goods and information to their business's contacts and partners. One day she has to deliver a cake to an eccentric, ex-izzet merchant that lives in a shady part of town. While she's there, Nassius Ven shows up to talk to the merchant and Iris intends to leave, but she overhears some shady guys in an alley talking (in Thieves' Cant) about mugging Ven. Wondering why she can understand them, she nevertheless goes back into the store and warns Ven. Together, they get the Azorius involved and arrest the goons. Ven then offers her a lucrative job as a Guildpact agent. Hesitant, but curious to learn more about her past, Iris accepts.
Vomyr Kos: Vomyr works as a priest in a small guildless (yet orzhov-affiliated) church, but he's actually an experienced conman and actor, having grown up under the tutelage of a retired Dimir spy. He and his mentor have a big heist planned: Vomyr is to infiltrate the nomination process for a new Orzhov pontiff and figure out who's going to win so that his mentor may impersonate them and run off with some considerable cash and awards. Though the first part of the plan goes off well, the plot is discovered and his mentor flees. Vomyr returns home only to find Ven waiting for him with a bunch of Azorius. Similarly to Cornelius, he's offered a contract instead of prison time, which he gladly accepts.
Egyedül: We started out with him getting a visit from Shakta, the Zhur-taa shaman that named him. After some conversation, she heads off to commune with nature and Egyedül goes to a Gruul feast to hang out and tussle a bit. The tussle goes wrong when he gets noticed by a menacing gruul cyclops that threatens to tear him apart, but Shakta arrives and saves him with a fiery distraction. Once the two reunite, she informs him that her vision shows a great danger approaching Ravnica, and that he's part of the solution. She asks him to leave and seek out the Chamber of the guildpact so that one day he will be instrumental in stopping the danger, which he reluctantly does and is hired on the spot.
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creepy-crowleys · 10 months
(( worst dish crowley's ever eaten? ))
((If it counts: The coffee Bach made on her first visit to Solomon Island. It could be chewed, so you could potentially call it something she's eaten.
Otherwise... The Dimir's sausages. The taste wasn't awful, but the contents and process that went into making them... Ehhh.))
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simic-initiate · 1 year
Revisiting Mechanics in Ravnica
Recently someone spoke about a mechanic that would have benefit from two sets instead of one, which led me thinking to how some mechanics could be reused and in particular I thought ‘what if on the next Return to Ravnica they didn’t make a new mechanic for each guild but instead gave them returning mechanics?’
So for each guild here’s what I would like to see come back. None from previous Ranvica sets though, too obvious, plus Convoke and Surveil already show this process can happen the other way around, I’m interested in seeing mechanics not native to Ravnica get used.
AZORIOUS - FORETELL I believe Foretell would suit White/Blue well and it is already the pairing that represents the mechanic most. Azorious often has an instant/sorcery mechanic, Foretell can do both and has a similar name to their first mechanic, Forecast. Runner-up for this slot, Shield Counters.
BOROS - RAID If there is any guild that wants to reward you for attacking it’s Boros, and I know we all can be a bit tired of Boros being the Attack Step color combination, but that’s just the trigger for the ability word, from there plenty of flexibility is available. It can go on sorceries and instants, just limiting them to combat or your turn for maximum value, and further expands the mechanic in White. Runner-up, Bushido.
SELESNYA - ALLIANCE Ravnica’s premiere token loving commune would excel with a mechanic like Alliance, a consistent reward for generating creatures and ways to get very explosive when mass-producing.
ORZHOV - EXPLOIT Undeniable flavor, and one may think mono-white cards could never have this mechanic but there is recent precedent on Angelic Purge, Reaper of Flight Moonsilver, Lunarch Mantle and Extricator of Sin. So for Orzhov I wager we could afford a little bend. A sacrifice mechanic is a perfect fit for Orzhov. Runners-Up, Evoke and Disturb.
IZZET - ENTWINE Simply must have an Instant/Sorcery mechanic for Izzet and I feel there is a lot of untapped potential in Entwine! What could be more Izzet than offering two spells in one, with the option to use both if you can afford it! Not as flashy as Overload but the effects you could use and design effects that interact with each other in interesting ways, I’d love to see Entwine expanded upon, it’s only ever been used on a single multi-color card! Interchangeable for this slot is Escalate, on cards with 2 modes these are almost identical mechanics.
SIMIC - MUTATE This was the mechanic that inspired this fun thought exercise! Mutate seems like a perfect fit for the Simic Combine, modifying creatures using other creatures is their whole schtick. Having a single guild handling the mechanic might make it difficult to hit the as-fan needed to make it usable in draft, but beyond that hurdle this feels like a slam dunk. Runner-up, Modified.
DIMIR - SPLICE Specifically, Splice Onto Instant Or Sorcery, allowing Dimir to repeat effects without having to jump through the hoops of hitting the opponent like Cipher, instead they just need a steady supply of cheap spells. I was debating on Splice being put here or Foretell since laying down face-down trap cards can feel very Dimir.
RAKDOS - MADNESS Harkening back to Hellbent I’d love to see Rakdos enjoy more self-discard and the reuse of Madness on Innistrad has me further encouraged. Reaping extra effects off discarding eventually leading to an empty hand feels perfect, and if we could make the discard symmetrical the downside of being empty handed isn’t so bad when everyone is top-decking.
GOLGARI - PERSIST Surely we all know Persist is better and more interesting than Undying? Obviously Undying is the stronger mechanic but it isn’t anywhere near as exciting to me. Runner-up for this slot was Morbid, and we could still use plenty of death triggers without the ability word itself marking it. 2nd Runner-up is Unearth, but we just got a load of Unearth in Brother’s War and I wanted to feature mechanics with less limelight.
GRUUL - EXERT I’m still shocked Exert has not been reused outside of Amonkhet! An exceptional cost/benefit mechanic and Hour of Devastation showed it can be used for tap abilities as well! I feel there is a lot more space for this very solid combat and creature mechanic. Runner-up, Channel.
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darkaviarymc · 2 years
Ooh, favorite commander deck! Favorite tribe? Favorite color/guild? Please info dump about mtg
Currently my favorite deck is a green/red/white lands matter deck. It's the Zendikar Rising "lands wrath" precon with Obuun Mul Daya Ancestor as the commander. I put about $30 into upgrades because I needed some life gain (especially with the Rakdos burn shenanigans my housemates like to pull 😑) and a way to cheat my way around hexproof and indestructible. Let's just say if you're running green and don't have Bonds of Mortality I don't know what you're even doing with your life. Especially if that one bitch in your play group runs Boros angel tribal... she brings that fucker out and I wonder why we're even friends /j /lh.
My other fave deck is one I built myself that I'm still working on getting juuust right. It's a Selesnyan human tribal with Kylar Siguardian Emissary. I can go big, wide, or both, seeing as how the synergies work in a way that counters give me creatures, creatures give me counters, and it's very easy to have a massive army of flampling beatsticks by turn 6-7 (I am kissing you on my mouth, Odric Lunarch Marshal)
I would definitely say that my favorite color is green, seeing as how all of my favorite decks as well as a lot of decks I'm in the process of building have green in them. Selesnya and Simic are probably my favorite guilds, though I'll occasionally mix it up and steal one of my partner's Dimir decks.
I'm really excited about getting my Golgari aristocrat deck with Mazirek put together! It's a pricey one though, so I'm plinking away at it piece by piece. So many good, repeatable sac outlets are fucking EXPENSIVE (looking at YOU, Phyrexian Altar)
Thank you for the opportunity to gush about MTG, Anon!
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Excuse me the pendant you are showing is different from the one on the store do you still sell the one on here
I'm not sure which pendant you're talking about, but if I had to guess I'd assume it's either the Azorius, Simic, or Dimir pendants. I had to change those designs due to printing issues which, and I'm guessing here, probably had to do with changes in their printing process. If it's a different pendant, let me know and I can check if maybe it's just a non-renewed listing.
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alurenrecycle · 3 years
Ravnica Conference: New Phyrexia Division
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1. Rakdos Minotaurs vs 16. Dimir Processing
8. Boros Gigantes vs 9. Ancients Treading
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4. Homicidal Seclusion vs 13. Korlash
5. Mono-White Knights vs 12. Vampire Madness
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2. Nim Deathmantle vs 15. Boros Heroes
7. Dimir Artifact Locus vs 10. Trees-folk
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3. Kalonian Scales vs 14. Selesnya Pants N’at
6. Shaman Kin vs 11. Zombie Lords
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maine-writes · 6 years
Maine & Sphinx
Isperia! Oh wait, I don't care about her.
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jones-friend · 3 years
In building a satisfying simic deck that embodies what I as a player enjoy about simic as a strategy, I’ve discovered a new way of deckbuilding that gives my decks more replayability. I’ve named it-
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Modular Commander Decks
What is a modular commander deck? The goal is to make a deck with a strategy you enjoy, with three or more different commander options (defined by one or more legendaries within the color identity of the deck. For example Pir and Toothy, Zegana, and Quandrix can all pilot simic decks). The process is to make a functional deck of a strategy you enjoy then make important pieces of the deck legendary creatures.
Simic was a good example of this. All three of these can pilot my simic deck, giving it a different flavor each game I run. Maybe one game I want to run Vorel for more of an early game. Maybe I want Quandrix for more of a midgame boost. They spice the deck differently but are all viable heads of the deck.
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In completing my dimir mill deck I’ve found this is easier to do than I thought. The deck was designed with Lazav in mind but after refocusing it into a dimir mill strat where Lazav just adds spice now more commanders are viable. Mirko Vosk gives me more mill from the command zone while Wrexial focuses on theft of something else. In total the deck has 4 different commander options with the Scarab God.
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What is lost in this method? You stop using build around me cards. These are cards that are dead in the water if you can’t play your commander. For example in a Vorel deck I would run illusionist’s bracers and magewright stone. But those don’t synergize with enough other cards to be worthwhile if I don’t run Vorel. Instead I focus on the core strategy of the deck: simic counters. This makes the deck itself a stronger build.
This isn’t a new golden rule by any means. Not all my decks will run modular commanders. It is something I’ve enjoyed as a deckbuilding challenge, and strategies based around established mechanics and ideas like izzet artificing, bant auras, and monoB reanimator have a lot of potential for interesting and unique combinations of commander options. For monoB do you go Whisper, K’rrik, Torgaar, Ayara, Gisa? There’s a lot of angles to experiment with. The rewarding angle of modular decks is that you get a commander deck that can be viewed from the angle of multiple commander options to keep it fresh. The most I’ve made for a deck is 7 commander options. I’d love to hear someone beat that number!
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Dungeons & Dragons 2021
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Last year, I made a piece similar to this, where I drew all of the characters I played as in D&D in 2020. There were many more characters in 2020's D&D character post, since that year we were playing a campaign called Tomb of Annihilation, which is infamous for its meat grinder mindset on character deaths, and indeed, I had 5 characters from Tomb alone.
This year, our D&D group has been playing across 4 different campaigns, all with different DMs, and I am one of them. So for this year's D&D celebration art, I included all 5 characters that I was a player for, as well as depicting the BBEG of my own campaign in the background, since as a DM, your final boss really is your own player character.
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Nevaeh is my player character in my friend's Everift Campaign. She was on last year's D&D celebration art too, but since then, we had come back to the campaign from a long hiatus, and some player characters got some stat overhauls/retcons. Nevaeh was originally a Warlock, Pact of the Chain, Undying Patron. But after we came back from our break, I discussed with the DM, and we agreed her backstory as a student studying the Undead made more sense as a Wizard of the Necromancy School.
As a character, Nevaeh is aggressive and impulsive. She does not seek the death and destruction of mankind, but is apathetic in her mission, so if there are casualties it makes no difference. She seeks approval from higher powers, but does not try to change her ways to get that approval. This had led to a long-term goal of becoming a higher power herself, as she seeks the means to become an all powerful Lich. But that goal can wait, and she's fine working under others to save the world before she gets to deity-hood.
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Silver is my player character in the Hoard of the Dragon Queen campaign. We haven't had many sessions in this campaign yet, as this DM is new to the process, but I've had time to flesh out Silver a little. Silver is an aspiring folklore hero. They have a very strong sense of justice and will put the needs of those trouble as priority one. In dire situations, Silver will take charge, but has really bad people skills, so will let her other party members do the talking. Silvers wants their actions to do the talking, so that they can get to a stage where they are recognised for their appearance and deeds alone, letting their reputation do the talking. Silver goes by she/they.
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Callypso, who more commonly goes by Callie, was my second character in our campaign based in Ravnica. This was a campaign started late last year by the same DM who ran Tomb of Annihilation, and true to his reputation, he has killed of a number of characters in this campaign too. The source book we're following for this campaign, Guild Master's Guide to Ravnica, encourages players to align their characters with one of ten Guilds, all with unique approaches to society and character archetypes.
Callie was a member of House Dimir, a network of spies that wish to keep Ravnica in check through espionage and information warfare. Dimir characters do not wish to be known as such, so choose a cover guild to mask their efforts. Callie played the part of a Cult of Rakdos swordplay performer. Rakdos is a demon who instructs a company of rather savage circus performers. Callie on the surface appeared rather daft and impulsive as a Rakdos performer, and in reality... she really was stupid. She almost left slip multiple times that she was a Dimir spy to her party, and Dimir had to work hard to undo her blunders. In the end she died during a series of riots trying to avert the attention of a rampaging giant from her allies.
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Shiro was my third character in our Ravnica campaign. He was a member of the Boros Legion, the standing army and law enforcement of Ravnica. Shiro was introduced to the party as a parole officer, since most of the party had a reputation for troublemaking. Originally, Shiro was a member of the Selesnya Conclave, a peaceful nature loving group. But his family was killed in a Gruul raid similar to what happened to Callie. He and his sister were saved by a Boros Troop, so he signed up as a soldier to better protect his sister and the city. He lost an arm in that incident, and so developed the mental fortitude to harness fists of mental strength (Way of the Astral Self), and became a more serious and straightforward character as a result.
Unfortunately Shiro holds the record for my shortest lived character so far. He was introduced in session 14 and died in session 15 without landing a single punch. I want to use him again in a different campaign, but he'll have to be tweaked for the setting.
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Mira is my fourth Ravnica character and at the time of writing, the most recent one. Mira is a member of the Selesnya Conclave, an evangelist cult of nature worshippers. Much of her specific local community are unskilled and lazy, so Sister Mira has had to develop a motherly role to best motivate and care for fellow worshippers. Mira joined the main character's adventurering party when her local dryad sent her on an investigating mission to cleanse the city of poisons. She is often relied upon by her dryad because of her protective nature, and so had been called in many times to best protect the city.
Mira is a very different playstyle for me because I usually play the take-charge offensive type. Playing a Cleric has been interesting because I am more aware of how the rest of the party works, and since her introduction, we've been in less danger of another party wipe. Hopefully, Mira lasts until the end of this campaign. Fingers crossed.
The Lich Queen
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In the middle of this year, I started DMing for my own campaign in an original story called Rise of the Lich Queen. This has been sort of a celebration of all the other campaigns we've done so far, and I've included various past player characters as NPCs and enemies. I've written it sort of an alternate ending to my friend's Everift Campaign, and the player characters from that campaign have key roles in this one. My player character, Nevaeh has reached her goal of becoming a Lich, and she has split her soul and underlings across the land as an insurance against a resistance, while she works on her goal on moving from Lich to Goddess.
I'm writing this post toward the end of November, and although we've been playing D&D less these days, we still have more than a month of 2021 left to play D&D. Let's hope I don't jinx myself and one of my current characters die before the end of the year, or I'll have to make amendments to this post.
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danco110 · 3 years
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If you ever start thinking “Hey, maybe I have too many Commander decks,” let me tell you: you don’t. I do:
WARNING!!! EXTREMELY long post below, describing each deck and a brief summary of its strategy in overly abbreviated and nerdy Commander lingo. I mean, I’m talking a real wall of text, here. I mean it! Read more at your own risk!
THE A-TEAM: These decks have all been around for a while, and have all seen their fair share of wins.
-Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain. Artifact storm, and probably the closest I’ll ever come to cedh. WARNING: my Mana Crypt is in here!
Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. OHKO tribal. Seeks to blast people wide open with either Embercleave, Kaya’s Onslaught, or Uncaged Fury.
-Bruna, Light of Alabaster. Voltron that can either play nice and fetch Eldrazi Conscription, or not, and grab Spectra Ward.
-Sigarda, Heron’s Grace. Human tokens tribal, and the rightful recipient of my only Doubling Season.
-Admiral Beckett Brass. Pirate tribal. Taking commanders and wincons is fun. WARNING: somewhat unfun to play against!
-Gishath, Sun’s Avatar. Dino tribal.
-Hallar, the Firefletcher. Kicker tribal.
-Syr Gwyn of Ashvale. Knights and equipments and equip 0 Colossal Hammers.
-Nikya of the Old Ways. A creatures-only deck that probably has more interaction than most of my other decks!
-Atemsis, All Seeing. Azor’s Gateway / Twiddlestorm / Untap shenanigans. WARNING: somewhat unfun to play against!
-Gnostro, Voice of the Crags. Flicker tribal with a non-Narset commander so as to not draw too much heat.
-Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty. Cascade / big spells / Simic is broken change my mind / tribal
-Aragon, Roar of the World. Cat tribal, and my first-ever Commander deck!
THE B-TEAM: My decks with fairly good performance across their games, independent of wins and losses
-Halana, Kessig Trapper and Alena, Kessig Ranger (Partner). Big bodies / EtB tribal.
-Khorvath Brightflame and Sylvia Brightspear (Partner). Knights and dragons tribal.
-Virtus, the Veiled and Gorm, the Great (Partner). Quietus Spike / force block shenanigans. WARNING: somewhat unfun to play against!
-Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate. Azorius party aggro.
-Zagras, Thief of Heartbeats. Phantom Rakdos party control.
-Tazri, Beacon of Unity. 5C party +1/+1 counters.
-Kazarov, Senior Pureblood. “I can’t play against Krenko anymore today” Pyroclasm tribal.
-Liesa, Shroud of Dusk. Angel and demon tribal (NOTE: no synergy there, I just wanted to stick to the flavor of “alliance with a demon lord”)
-Orah, Skyclave Hierophant. Clerics tribal that always tries for an Angel of Destiny win before it (always) defers back to aristocrats.
-Bruna, the Fading Light. Angel tribal that tries to meld Brisela every game.
-Anafenza, the Foremost. +1/+1 counters tribal, and the deck that made me realize Outlast really should’ve been instant-speed.
-Samut, Voice of Dissent. Exert tribal with vigilance, untap, and extra combats.
-Juri, Master of the Revue. Sacrifice tribal, with a burn subtheme.
-Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas. Big tribal, and the deck that made me realize Experience counters were busted. Run Suncleanser, people!
-Quintorius, Field Historian. Reanimate and blow up your graveyard. Also, Purify the Grave is hilarious!
-Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire. Chaos warp tribal, and a Primal Surge deck that doesn’t have Primal Surge because that card is extremely boring.
-Ishkanah, Grafwidow. Spider tribal that seeks to make opponents forget about Ishkanah’s activated ability until it’s too late.
-Omnath, Locus of the Roil. Landfall and elementals.
-Savra, Queen of the Golgari. Grave Pact tribal. WARNING: somewhat unfun to play against!
-Feather, the Redeemed. Haha, combat tricks go brrrrrr!
-Adeliz, the Cinder Wind. Wizards spellslinger aggro. Also one of the few decks of mine that actually uses cantrips!
-Aryel, Knight of Windgrace. Knights tribal with a removal/control subtheme.
-Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice. Mentor + Double Strike tribal. I only built this deck because I pulled a borderless Outlaws’ Merriment, ok?
-Araumi of the Dead Tide. Self mill encore, and the deck that made me appreciate the singleton rule in Commander.
-Kaza, Roil Chaser. Big spells. BIG! I mean, Electrodominance for 10, into a Karn’s Temporal Sundering, big!
THE C-TEAM: My decks that just don’t cut it at a lot of pods, sometimes even against those at appropriate power levels. That being said, however, these tend to be my more storied decks, that I still enjoy playing.
-Syr Alin, the Lion’s Claw. Mono-White go wide, with commons and uncommons only. Part of my cycle of Eldraine uncommon legendary knight decks, 1/5.
-Syr Elenora, the Discerning. Mono-Blue Voltron + draw power, with commons and uncommons only, 2/5.
-Syr Konrad, the Grim. Mono-Black aristocrats...kind of...? It’s complicated, but with commons and uncommons only, 3/5.
-Syr Carah, the Bold. Mono-Red storm, with rares and mythics for Underworld Breach and Past in Flames, because I feel like storm needs those, 4/5.
-Syr Faren, the Hengehammer. Mono-Green infect, with rares and mythics for Phyrexian Swarmlord, because I really wanted a deck that could run that, 5/5.
-Jodah, Archmage Eternal. Avengers Assemble! legendary tribal. I had a lot of bulk legends at the time, and wanted to make something of them!
-Abomination of Llanowar. Literal elf ball. Built in response to my irritation at someone’s Lathril, Blade of the Elves deck.
-Licia, Sanguine Tribute. Lifegain is good, I swear, built in response to my disbelief at the $200 price tag on a store-built Licia deck. Mine costs maybe $100, if you count the sleeves and box?
-Thalisse, Reverent Medium. Tokens tribal that breaks Anointed Procession even further, which made me wonder why green gets all the token doublers *cough*adrixandnev*cough*
-Hamza, Guardian of Arashin. +1/+1 counters, with commons and uncommons only, built because someone at my store wanted to play commons and uncommons only with an uncommon Commander. Thanks for getting me into Artisan Commander, Will!
-Siona, Captain of the Pyleas. Enchantress, with a tokens subtheme. Built because I and a friend both commented that she looked like Wonder Woman.
-Mina and Denn, Wildborn (NOT Partner). Landfall aggro, with all the creatures that pump on landfall.
-Ghired, Conclave Exile. Populate and tokens. Built because I was bored one Saturday and saw I had an extra set of sleeves.
-Obuun, Mul Daya Ancestor. Landfall tribal, (again? Sheesh!) built the same lazy Saturday as Ghired, above.
-Armix, Filigree Familiar and Eligeth, Crossroads Augur (YES Partner). Artifact tribal, with a super janky 4-piece Marionette Master loop wincon! Built because Eligeth turns Preordain into “Draw 2 cards, then draw a card.”
-Akiri, Fearless Voyager. Equipment tribal, with an asymmetrical boardwipe subtheme. Built because I pulled an Akiri from a pack, and someone said “ooh, sorry,” from over my shoulder.
-Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch. Unleash counters tribal. Built because I found a Chaos Imps in my bulk!
THE MEME-TEAM: These decks...are. Yeah, they are. Not necessarily good or bad. Just...are.
-Kenrith, the Returned King. The game plan is “Get to Trostani’s Summoner, and either flicker it or make a bajillion copies of it.” One day, I found a card named Trostani’s Summoner, and it was love at first sight! My Demonic Tutor went in here!
-Phylath, World Sculptor. Landfall tribal...with 99 basic land cards.
-Rograkh, Son of Rogahh and Keleth, Sunmane Familiar. (Partner) Kill one guy and die tribal.
-Etrata the Silencer. The “I wanted a non-Koma Mirror Gallery deck” deck. Also with a guest appearance from flicker!
-Lazav, Dimir Mastermind. Literally just “Oops! All Control!” Draw, counter, and remove. WARNING: don’t play against this.
-Ravos, Soultender and Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel. (Partner) War of attrition, etb and control. WARNING: don’t play against this. It has like 15 boardwipes!
-Valki, God of Lies / Tibalt, Cosmic Imposter. (NOT Partner) “I want to piss off the table” tribal. It mills your opponents, it plays their stuff, and it removes the stuff it doesn’t play. WARNING: don’t play against this. It runs Jokulhaups, Obliterate, and Decree of Annihilation!
-Svella, Ice Shaper. Colossal Dreadmaw tribal, as in, anything that’s roughly 6/6 makes the cut! It’s actually won games!
-Brion Stoutarm. Hijack and fling tribal. “You know, I’ve never had an Eldrazi titan before. Can I borrow it? Well, see, I wasn’t exactly...asking...?”
-Grumgully, the Generous. Non-human “uno mas” tribal. Tries to run all the counters cards like Renata and the Rhythm of the Wild.
-Subira, Tuzuldi Caravaneer. Small tribal. Just think “mono-r blitz in Commander,” and you’ll get the gist.
-Neheb, the Worthy. Minotaurs and discard tribal. Not as oppressive as Tinybones, or as explosive as Nath, and that’s a good thing. Trust me.
THE ALL-RAVNICAN REJECTS: These decks are... *sniff* no longer with us. They were broken down for pieces, for sleeves, or because I slept through each time I played them.
-Najeela, the Blade Blossom. Boring warriors extra combat steps. Broken because I wanted her tri-lands, and I wanted some of her warriors for my party decks.
-Golos, Tireless Pilgrim. Maze’s End lands. Golos is broken and we all know it. Broken for sleeves, and because my first land tutor was always Field of the Dead because of the incoming hate, and not Maze’s End, and I wasn’t happy with that.
-Arcades, the Strategist. Walls. As it turns out, not a lot of decks can contest 3-mana 8/8’s. And against those that could, the deck was put in the ground extremely quickly. Broken because it just wasn’t fun to play.
THE DRAWING BOARD: These decks are in the works. Will they see the light of day, and the protection of sleeves? Well, we’ll see, will we not?
-Borborygmos. Go wide and SMASH! My first attempt at a pile of cards; I’m trying for a goblins/saproling hybrid tribal, because both make lots of tokens, but we’ll see how well that translates into actual play.
-Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer. Thopters and artificers and myr, oh my! All joking aside, I just wanted a deck that wants to run cards with Fabricate, because I thought it was a really cool mechanic!
-Garna, the Bloodflame. Reanimator/sacrifice, AKA corpse carousel. It’s a revolving door between the graveyard and the battlefield, yknow, and most of my store’s meta does not run graveyard hate.
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I tried to warn ‘ya!
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voiceofduality · 2 years
// been thinking of mind drinker vampires, and how they aren't turned, but rather made.
I wrote some homebrew lore on them for my Ravnica campaign a while ago, but basically you know that thing about zombies eating brains because they lack brains, and vampires drinking blood because they don't have blood/red globules?
Well, it's like that, except mind drinkers don't really feed on memories, as in needing them to make their organism function, but rather to prevent their own rapid mental decline.
The process can be done on any humanoid, but the Dimir prefer to turn regular vampires into mind drinkers since they already had to adopt a predatory lifestyle to survive anyway, so they should be good at moving in the shadows, feed and abandon the scene leaving no trace. The true 'vampire' is actually a parasite that allows the host to consume memories, but will consume the host's if not properly fed.
Most vampires accept this gift freely since it's the quickest way to become immensely valuable to the guild, but it's also the House's way of keeping interesting individuals aligned with the guild's interests for life (that is, a very long time for an immortal), since they would start to forget, should they ever stop stealing memories.
Also, there's an art to coaxing the memories out of people, because they would consume whatever is surfacing in that particular moment, so either through magic, interrogation, torture or just choosing the right moment to attack, they can visualize the memory they need and erase them. The vampire remembers it, and the memory can be extracted from their own mind. Other than that, they can't really choose what they're feeding from unless they're already spellcasters with the ability to know what is in their prey's mind, so it's a delicate thing.
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This is strictly my list of "things I will not write for, for my own safety and comfort". If you want to see the things I may write for or mention in my works, but tag, check the tagging system post.
If something is censored on here, I would appreciate (Hint! I need you to!) censor it the same way I do. /srs
Thank you.
[ Go back. ]
Source Blacklist.
Sources I don't want to get into, or won't write for.
SHOWS: Supernatural. Doctor Who. Hannibal. Sherlock.
ANIMES: My Hero Academia. Ouran High School Host Club. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Soul Eater. Demon Slayer.
GAMES: Call of Duty: Ghosts. Call of Duty Black Ops 3 campaign.
GAME SERIES: Resident Evil. Call of Duty zombies. Five Nights at Freddy's.
MISC: Real-life people (my headmates may write about characters people portray, but never the people themselves). Anything from Vivziepop. Anything with l#lic#n/sh#ta bait (all censored letters are o's).
Misc Blacklist .
List of things I do not want on my blog or to write for. This comes before the character blacklist because the character blacklist is long.
The name J###s. (ona) - This is a huge trigger for my system. If you send me anything with this name in it uncensored, it's an immediate block and a deletion from our inbox. I also am not going to explain why this is a trigger for comfort reasons. Just don't ask, and don't send it to us. Deal? Deal.
Shipping of Kaeya and Diluc from Genshin Impact. If you ship these two, fucking get off my blog and block me. NEVER come to me again.
Smut / NSFW. - I'm a minor??? That's not okay for me to be doing, plus adults could find and consume any NSFW content I would theoretically create. Nope! No thank you!
Alcohol or dr#gs (u). I'm okay with brief mentions of the first, but I'm not going to write anything actually comprehensive for those.
Ab#se (u) - especially romanticization of.
I'm not going to take requests for anything involving things like s#lf (e) h#rm (a) or s#icide (u). If I ever write that stuff - it's a vent.
Along with the previous - don't request anything angsty involving mental health (a character having a panic attack, or dealing with flashbacks, etc). I write that sort of thing to cope with my own issues. If you want my headcanons or thoughts on how characters might process that stuff, you can ask! I might turn you down, but you can ask!
[Character] x Readers of any sort.
Character Blacklist .
Characters that are squicks to triggers for me and my system, or ones I'm just not comfortable writing for.
This is not a hate list. If you like a character on this list - good for you! I just don't want to write for or talk about them. Keep them off my blog. /nm
R#ul (a) M#n#nd#z (e, e, e) - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
R#ssel Adler (u) - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War
Vl#dimir (a) M#k#r#v (a, a, o) - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare trilogy
General Shepherd - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
M#ri (o) O#g#i (u, a) - Bungou Stray Dogs
Junko Enoshima - Danganronpa
Monokuma / any variants of the -kumas - Danganronpa
Toko Fukawa (& Syo) - Danganronpa THH (without heavy modification.)
Leon Kuwata - Danganronpa THH
Yasuhiro Hagakure - Danganronpa THH
Hifumi Yamada - Danganronpa THH
Aoi Asahina - Danganronpa THH
Sakura Ogami - Danganronpa THH
Celestia Ludenberg - Danganronpa THH
Mikan Tsumugi - Danganronpa SDR2
Ibuki Mioda - Danganronpa SDR2
Mahiru Koizumi - Danganronpa SDR2
Nekomaru Nidai - Danganronpa SDR2
Hiyoko Saionji - Danganronpa SDR2
Teruteru Hanamura - Danganronpa SDR2
Akane Owari - Danganronpa SDR2
Ultimate Imposter / Imp - Danganronpa SDR2
Angie Yonaga - Danganronpa V3
Kirumi Tojo - Danganronpa V3
Gonta Gokuhara - Danganronpa V3
Miu Iruma - Danganronpa V3
Tsumugi Shirogane - Danganronpa V3
Ryoma Hoshi - Danganronpa V3
Tenko Chabashira - Danganronpa V3
Forzen - HL:VRAI
H#nzo (a) Shimada - Overwatch
Sigma - Overwatch
Childe - Genshin Impact
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ravnicaforgoblins · 4 years
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Ravnica for Goblins
The Azorius Top Ten Most Wanted
Navigating the social dynamics of a city where demons run nightclubs, lich run food stamps, ghosts run banks, and a dragon runs utilities can be a daunting & confusing experience. One can’t roll initiative every time one sees a minotaur in a china shop, or a vampire at the post office, or a giant covered in barbed wire and blood in a dark alleyway. These are everyday occurrences in Ravnica and odds are if you attack any of them on general principle, it is you the cops will be arresting. You don’t want to find yourself in the situation where you’ve attacked a Medusa shopping on Tin Street and they inform the Azorius Arresters that they will be pressing charges against you.
But fear not! For there are still plenty of threats one can absolutely go to town on! All of the individuals listed below are recognized as wanted criminals by the Azorius Senate. Meaning bringing any of them in can bring one renown among the lawmages, reputation on the streets, and/or coin in the pocket. This could be your ticket to recognition and glory! Just make sure you know what you’re getting into with these individuals. The reward means little if you’re dead.
#10 Ritjit, aka "Ogre Jailbreaker"
Affiliation: Guildless
Crimes: Break-in at Vitu-Ghazi (Selesnya Guildhall), destruction of Tin Street, and escape from Udzec Maximum Security Prison. Target is considered armed and dangerous, but not particularly intelligent.
Ritjit wrecked 81% of Tin Street’s market stalls in under 20 minutes, meaning he’s both faster and more destructive than your average ogre. He’s also a notch above your average ogre in terms of intelligence. While that isn’t saying much, believe me when I say you will prefer your ogres stupid. This is the difference between an animal and an animal that’s discovered how to use tools. Ritjit’s iron ball & chain combines range and destructive power. Expect serious property damage, substantial speed, and a whopper of a multiattack.
Recall the old adage, “I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee”, but replace “arrow” with “100lb iron ball” and “be an adventurer” with “have legs”. Give the #10 spot the respect he deserves.
Last seen in the vicinity of Selesnya’s Saproling Nursery.
#9 Ruzi & Kuma
Affiliation: Formerly Selesnya Conclave
Crimes: Theft & destruction of Azorius files, arson, assault with trained wolf as a deadly weapon, transportation of contraband across rooftops.
A single Ledev Guardian isn’t that great of a threat. What you’re essentially fighting is a Knight riding a Dire Wolf. Their true strength comes in numbers, formation, and cooperation. A Ledev acting alone must rely on stealth and precision to gain the upper hand in a situation, so count on some serious Stealth and Investigation skills. Speed and Acrobatics as well, given their escape via rooftops. Odds are, any encounter with these two will be less of a fight, more of a chase.
Ruzi & Kuma are rogue operatives on a mission pertaining to the Cult of Rakdos. The exact details are unclear, as the fires used for distraction and escape caused damage to much of the floor, thus complicating the process of which files were taken and which burned. Speculations that it has to do with the massacre of Selesnyan missionaries in the Rubblebelt by a Rakdos assassin are, just that, speculations.
Current whereabouts unknown.
#8 "Lotleth Troll"
Affiliation: Golgari Swarm
Crimes: Non-ritualistic cannibalism, resisting arrest.
The Lotleth Troll is a former corpse eater who decided to save a step and eat other corpse eaters, then random citizens, then law enforcement officers attempting to bring him in. His hunting has effectively shut down all nighttime transport in the Canal District, and his use of the Ravnican pipes system has allowed him to evade capture.
Picture a Troll. Now strip back some skin, add in some Golgari Fungi providing both protection and camouflage, and throw in a trapper-spider method of stalking prey. Now make him a cannibal. Congratulations, you now have pure nightmare fuel for the average Ravnican citizen.
What we have here is an ambush predator that combines savagery, tenacity, durability, and elusiveness. If you fail to take it down in one shot, it breaks for the sewers and pipes. Its troll genes will allow it to regenerate quickly so that by the time you chase it down, it’s back to full health, has homefield advantage, and has gained the element of surprise you’ve lost. High strength for grappling prey, inherent stealth, easy navigation of its surroundings, and if there’s a nastier way to die than being eaten alive in a sewer pipe, I don’t want to know what it is.
The one light in this darkness is that the creature is not particularly choosy about its victims. Its career began out of impatience, so drawing it out may be the easiest part of dealing with it. That said, few want to volunteer as bait for a rogue corpse eater.
#7 Senka, aka "Stealer of Secrets"
Affiliation: Unknown
Crimes: Breaking & entering, theft (contents unknown), agitating the wildlife.
The one called Senka is a Guildless operative with the nerve to rob House Dimir. While the shadowy Guild claim the Dinrova building to be open to the public, in reality only the lobby has full access. The higher floors and particularly the basement are strongly warded to prevent intruders of all caliber.
And this woman slipped passed them all, walked out of the building with a lumpy parcel described as moving, and set loose a Horror kept in the basement to cover her escape. It tore through the lobby, broke out into the streets, and devoured a passing Orzhov Debt Transport (think bulky, land-based Nazgul).
What we have here is clearly someone with extensive knowledge of Arcana, Perception, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, and apparently some remarkable Animal Handling. Tracking her down is hard, nigh-impossible, as even the Dimir haven’t found her. If one does manage to find her, however, she is likely not difficult to bring down.
The real issue will be whatever she had in that bundle. Her loosing of the Horror kept in the basement suggests an affinity for these Undercity monsters, meaning she might well be raising a baby Skitter Horror as her loyal pet. That would be top-quality Bad News.
#6 Bori Andon
Affiliation: Izzet League
Crimes: Destruction of Orzhov cathedral, disintegration of Orzhov theater, partial explosion of Orzhov bank, excessive & reckless experimenting, mass property destruction, and illegal launch of a Viashino.
The Orzhov Syndicate is willing to pay top coin for this one’s head. That said, he’s well-respected within the Izzet League, who consider reckless experimenting a solid asset to one’s resumé and personality.
What you’re likely dealing with is a variant Blastseeker whose most dangerous feature is probably going to be his experiments and laboratory. Izzet labs are prone to explosions, Wild Magic, random bursts of elemental energy, and an unhealthy level of encouragement for any experiment, no matter how dangerous, as long as it produces “results”.
Izzet labs also tend to reflect their owner’s personality and “quirks”, so with Bori’s preoccupation towards propulsion, expulsion, and explosion; there’s a solid chance his lab will try to eject you several hundred feet in any given direction. If the lab is on a high enough floor, this could prove instantly fatal to any character unable to levitate, teleport, or sprout wings. Ravnican buildings range from small office buildings to cloud-piercing skyscrapers. Minimum, 5 stories. Maximum.... there are buildings & structures almost a mile high. Buildings. Plural.
#5 Krenko, Mob Boss
Affiliation: Guildless, Foundry Street Gang
Crimes: Theft from Ghost Council quarters (contents unknown), illegal use of a portal, illegal use of a thrall as an incendiary device, instigation of a riot in Sawtooth Prison, and violent escape from Azorius arresters during transfer to Udzec Maximum Security Prison. Target is to be brought in alive for questioning. Any attempts at unsanctioned questioning or interrogation of subject will result in immediate imprisonment by Azorius authorities.
Krenko’s jacket is mostly available in the GGtR. While he’s not a particularly difficult fighter (he’s a final boss for a Level 1 campaign), getting to him can still be a nuisance. Krenko isn’t a lone troublemaker you can just corner; his main power comes from his connections to Ravnica’s criminal underworld. It’s a fairly simple matter to upgrade his contacts to reflect the party’s level. Thugs, brutes, cutthroats, crooked guards, officials on the hook, and, of course, the mysterious “Mr Taz”.
The real trouble comes from getting involved with one of Mr Taz’ personal projects/associates. This would make Krenko a loose end. The Azorius Senate will only pay up if Krenko is brought in alive for questioning. Under no circumstances is the goblin boss to be questioned independently, and if either of these requirements isn’t met, you’ll find yourself in hot water with the Senate. However, if he starts talking to try and bargain his way out, you can expect to find yourself green-lit by House Dimir.
What does that mean? It means you’re going to be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life. Give up on sleeping at night, you’ll make it too easy for them. Every NPC you encounter, every random citizen you pass on the street, the members of your own guild; anyone could be a Dimir agent. Every dark alley, every shadow on the wall, every noise you hear in the night could be a deadly threat. Or nothing at all.
Best case scenario when they get to you, they wipe your memory. It’s standard Dimir protocol, but it can only affect memories from within the last 24 hours. So if you’re already passed that threshold, your options get dicier. Get Feebleminded, get killed, or get on the hook. If you have information, authority, or renown that can be exploited, they will use you to cause serious damage to your guild. If you don’t comply, they green-light your friends & loved ones.
Krenko might be the easiest on this list to physically wrangle, but he comes with a lot of bad attention from scary people. Unless taking on House Dimir is one of your campaign goals, his bounty to the Azorius is not worth the Dimir’s bounty on you.
#4 “The Cozen”
Affiliation: Orzhov Syndicate
Crimes: Unsanctioned executions, bribery of Azorius officials, illegal use of Detention Sphere for purposes of torture.
Real name unknown. Contract killer for the Orzhov Syndicate, trademark is “creative interpretation of contracts”, see below:
The contract specified an appendage for a missed payment. Read the fine print: the head is an appendage.
So, start with an Orzhov Giant. Give him (or her or them) a respectable boost in ability scores, particularly in the Charisma department. Throw in at least a couple of powerful magic items to reflect the high standing of a powerful enforcer within a guild that revolves around both hoarding and grand displays of wealth. Include an Advokist (aka Mage) or two for that sense of organization and official-ness the Orzhov always try to project in their dealings. Have some Azorius NPCs on the take to negotiate targets to the desired location/killspot. Last but not least, fashion yourself a Detention Sphere magical item; most likely an item holding charges for various flavors of confinement, restraint, and submission. These potential spells will probably go all the way up to Force Cage and/or Imprisonment. However, as this is a modified Detention Sphere, each spell also comes with the ability to inflict pain on the target.
All things considered, this will be one of the easier and more straightforward targets to locate. While storming Orzhov property is certainly no walk in the park, The Cozen is a pretty active figure in Orzhov debt collection, meaning one could conceivably see them out on the streets. The main concern one should have is to avoid the Detention Sphere, as being immobilized will turn the encounter into an execution. It’s highly unlikely The Cozen will have the opportunity to perform multiple executions in a single combat, but it’s even more highly unlikely that any member of the party will volunteer for instant death. That said, this one is certain to drop some sweet loot.
#3 Damir, aka "Voidwielder"
Affiliation: Guildless
Crimes: Opening spatial rift without a permit, erasure of evidence, conspiracy against Ravnica, conspiracy against Guilds, conspiracy against Guildpact.
Welcome to the Top 3. Each of the individuals listed is designated as “Kill on Sight” to reflect the extreme dangers they pose, both to individual victims and to Ravnica as a whole. Taking down any of these three will grant city-wide recognition, a massive boost to one’s renown within their guild, and the most sincere gratitude of the Azorius Senate. But be warned, all of these figures have remained at large because they’ve slaughtered, petrified, or erased anyone who’s stood against them.
The renegade mage known as Damir owes allegiance to no guild, no group, no organization, nor even to Ravnica itself. He is a madman even the Izzet won’t touch or defend. He holds a grudge against the Guildpact and has accused every guild of mass murder. Through use of portals and rifts, he seeks to reverse time itself. The rifts are of particular danger to airborne creatures of limited intelligence, like drakes, who fly into these sparkly ripples in the atmosphere without care. On the ground, his trademark method of dealing with anyone who interferes with his work is banishment, obliterating all evidence of his crimes from existence.
You’re definitely looking at an Archmage here, for starters. With a focus on the School of Conjuration, because he’s definitely the sort of guy who’s thinking with portals. As far as “How do I turn a 20ft doorway into a weapon?”, the answer lies in where the portal goes. A Gate to the Fire Plane is effectively a 20ft tall FLAMETHROWER. A Gate to the Water Plane is a tsunami focused into a geyser. A Gate to Nowhere is like opening an airlock in deep space. Given Damir’s general contempt for humanity, he definitely seems the sort of mad mage who would prefer uninhabited planes for his terrorism, but whose to say he doesn’t open up a Gate to one of the nastier Realms of existence and all the beasties within if he wants to? Odds are he hasn’t had much of a dialogue with anyone besides himself and his Unseen Servant(s) in a long time. Who’s going to talk him out of anything?
Damir is smart, extremely smart. Given most portal spells require concentration, the ability to concentrate on more than one spell at a time feels appropriate for maximizing his destructive potential. While it’s true that only the Gate spell can actually reach other Planes, once you have it up, you can pop an Arcane Gate inside that Gate and give yourself another 10ft tall elemental disaster at a location of your choosing. Better yet, Gate lasts only a minute, but Arcane Gate, once set up, lasts for 10. Time Stop seems like a given, but since Damir’s goal is reversing time, as opposed to just stopping it, saving that 9th level spell slot for Gate seems more effective. Let Time Magic be the plot device, not an actual spell. In addition, lots of teleporting for evasion (Misty Step is your friend), and you definitely wanna give him Chromatic Orb so he can do the void magic attack on his poster. Furthermore, while Banishment seems to be the logical choice for, well, banishing anyone who interferes, in actuality it lasts only a minute and can only send creatures to their home plane of existence. It’s more of a delaying tactic than anything. If you really want to maximize portal magic, Plane Shift or Scatter are much more permanent. Counterspell to prevent other mages from interfering. As far as other offensive spells, Evard’s Black Tentacles and Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere both feel very in-character. Especially if combined....
You could also open up a portal to the Past, but since, as mentioned in earlier posts, most of Ravnican history before the last 100 years is an absolute nightmare to figure out, make sure you’re prepared before you jump into it. Plus side, if Damir’s plan is to go back to before the Guildpact, your party might get to see dragons! Downside, your party will be walking into a 10-way war.
Already stated this, but, yeah, it’s worth stating again, kill on sight.
#2 "The Unseen"
Affiliation: Golgari Swarm
Crimes: Plagiarism of Azorius statutes for the purpose of phlebotomy and murder.
Murder of Judge Azka by heart removal
Murder of Arbiter Zivan by bloodletting
Murder of slumlord Branko One-Ear by extraction of brain
Prime Suspect in disappearance of Arbiter Relov
To some, an urban legend. To others, a secret cult. Whatever the identity, the assassin known on the streets as “The Unseen” has been steadily acquiring followers to mesh out their perverted sense of justice on present and former members of the Azorius Senate.
So, yeah, Vraska has a grudge against the Azorius. In all fairness, it’s pretty justified. Think V from V for Vendetta, except it’s a Gorgon Planeswalker Assassin Pirate Queen of the Undercity. So, yeah, think really hard before getting involved in this particular dispute. However, if you are determined to step into this ugly situation....
Vraska, as stated previously, combines all of the most lethal features of an Assassin, an Undercity Medusa, a Pirate, and a Planeswalker. Vraska’s stats should reflect those of a Guildmaster. Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma scores at-or-above 20. Legendary Actions, Legendary Resistances, Assassinate/Surprise Attack, Sneak Attack, Evasion, Cunning Action, and a Petrifying Gaze that brought down Isperia, Gargantuan Sphinx Guildmaster of the Azorius Senate. Just so you can properly understand the ramifications of that takedown; that means Isperia’s +11 Constitution (with Advantage) failed the save either by 5 once or by any amount twice. Basically, Vraska is a walking/slithering deathwish either by damage or by instant petrification.
So, step one in surviving against her is to make sure you surprise her, not the other way around. Step two is making sure she goes down, instead of planeswalking away. Meaning when you hit her, you hit hard, and you leave no chance at survival. Don’t go for the kill, go for the overkill. Plus side, although Vraska has considerable influence and followers within the Golgari Swarm, she still values her privacy & secrecy. So, if you can find her Lair, you can conceivably get the jump on her. Get that surprise round, take advantage of her squishier Hit Points as a Rogue, hit her with everything you’ve got, and pray.
Or you could just leave her alone and live a bit longer.
#1 "Massacre Girl"
Affiliation: Cult of Rakdos
Crimes: Murder, mass murder, unsanctioned execution, inciting chaos, inciting riots, massacre of Selesnyan missionaries in Rubblebelt. Prime suspect in 47 open murder cases. Additional information lost during fire at South Records Hall.
Vraska may be the toughest on this list, but the crazed murderer known only as “Massacre Girl” definitely holds the highest body count. She has openly promised to kill any official who investigates or detains her and is a favorite follower of Rakdos the Defiler. Whether she performs under orders or just for her own twisted delight, no one can say. Her trademark is high body counts.
Build-wise, you’re looking at a Rogue/Fighter combination. High Dexterity, Charisma, Stealth, Deception, Sleight of Hand, and every buff the Cult of Rakdos can offer someone. Surprise Attack, Sneak Attack, any ability that involves blood could work. But in order to really let Massacre Girl live up to her reputation, give her as many opportunities to attack as physically possible. Multi-Attack, Bonus Action, Reaction, or possibly even Legendary Actions. With Massacre Girl, quantity is going to be key, as her main weapons are only likely to be a spiked chain and a magic dagger of some rarity. Multi-Attack should include at least 3 Dagger attacks, possibly even up to 5. Utilizing the spiked chain for a Bonus Action to grab potential victims could work, as could leaving behind caltrops or other sharp objects while disengaging or dashing.
Her driving goal will be to inflict as much damage on as many targets as possible. Meaning she’s most likely to turn up somewhere with lots of innocent bystanders and immediately start slaying people. Much of the difficulty in dealing with her will be in getting through the crowds of people running away, and not losing sight of her in the chaos. If she gets behind you, you’re looking at a nasty flurry of stabs with advantage. Make no mistake, she’s going to do everything in her power to turn the encounter into a bloodbath, and no matter how hard you try, someone is going to die.
While you bury the last of her victims, let the knowledge that Ravnica no longer has to live in fear of this murder-crazed psychopath help you find peace.
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inventors-fair · 3 years
Class Act
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For a while back in 2020, I was out of a job. As we slowly return, I get to do the things that I love the most: beating children half my age at card games.
Middle-school students, some of the younger enfranchised players, have much different relationships to Magic than enfranchised adults. There are kids with the love of their game that ‘get it’ and will definitely be playing into adulthood, and some who merely enjoy it as a hobby. One of my students doesn’t know what a typeline is. And another one built an Alela deck with Blood Funnel because he knows how to stack his cast triggers, and is in the process of debating a casual Jund Reanimator vs. Rakdos Steal’n’Sac deck. They’re at different parts.
But also, different students have different ways of working with the game. My middle schoolers basically save it for playdates and the after-school program. In high school, we played in the mornings and at lunch, sometimes instead of eating. In college, we actually went to FNM, worried about budgets, had a club where we talked about GPs.
Magic has its own interactions with teaching and learning. The most prominent school is, of course, the Tolarian Academy where Teferi studied on Dominaria. You have Jaya who taught at Keral Keep, the entirety of the Jekai monasteries and their paths to enlightenment. But you also have the Dimir and their undercity secrets, the way that Garruk learned from his wild partners, the Abzan and their teachings of remembrance. And there are scriptures no eyes should see.
How does each color combination learn? How does each color teach? What’s a good flavorful representation of education?
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> This week’s homework is to make a card that represents or is related to education or learning.
This contest is open-ended, intentionally so. You may choose to make a powerful bottom-up card based on concepts of learning/iteration/teaching with an educational flavor, or a top-down card based on the above concepts.
Possibilities include:
Lessons learned
Teachers of a craft
Scholarly discoveries
Students or lackeys
Teachings of the past
Magical books or scrolls
Revelation and ideas
Universities and schools
...and much more!
And, if you’re interested:
Bonus internet points if your card is both easily grokked and could teach new players about something in the game! This is optional and more if you want to challenge yourself; it will not impact chances of winning.
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This week’s schedule:
Later today, I plan on making a pinned post as a general welcome to the Fair, for people who may be joining us.
Tomorrow, I plan on making a post talking about commentary and scheduling.
Tuesday, we’ll have a couple of judge designs.
Wednesday will be the usual self-reblog, Thursday will be the usual 24 hour warning, Friday will be entries/winners, and Saturday will be commentary.
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Class dismissed! —@abelzumi
>> Your homework can be submitted HERE. >> Join your fellow students on Discord HERE.
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