#Duckula the First
the-shy-lonely-weirdo · 6 months
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Spiteful Duck
I feel like Igor sometimes catches himself having major resentment for every Duckula that isn’t his original Lord. Some come close, but none are ever him… also this is an excuse to practice oil paint on procreate.
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taffybee · 1 year
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i’m going to punt him like a football <3
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apparently it's fountain pen day, so here's a doodle of a listless duckula i did with my jinhao shark pen (picture below cut)
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all my pens have names, this one is yoshika!
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iamsweetcrow · 2 months
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While I was making the previous drawing, I got stressed because I wasn't liking the result. So I started doing a skit to distract myself a little and my result was Duckula 1st.
The first vampire duck count, sometimes I think I didn't have a very good time when he transformed.
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vizabel · 1 year
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a knight in shining armor!
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nerds-yearbook · 6 months
News personality Geraldo Rivera made a guest appearance in Count Duckula, cover date December, 1989. ("Cry Me a Rivera" "T.V. OR NOT TO T.V.", Count Duckula 8#, Marvel Comic Event)
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fitzfunnymoments · 2 years
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Sometimes when I'm scrolling through the gallery on my phone I get jumpscared by this image
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dis-harmony · 2 years
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I believe he appeared in 1001 cool jokes in the book, how insane this was
Seriously, his skin is supposed to be blue, not PEACH
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michimonie · 5 months
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A ton of duck lockscreens and homescreens I painted last year. I don't know if anyone wants any of these, but just in case, here you go. I mainly just paint them for my own use, then post them, because if I want one, there might be someone else out there who wants one, too.
The first two are Italian comic and Ducktales 2017 versions of Scrooge on a christmas-themed background.
The next two home screens are made with Daffy Duck (It's easier for me to see the icons when the screen is in black and white...)
The last two are a Donald Duck one based on Chuck Jones concept art for the piano scene from Roger Rabbit, and a spooky Count Duckula the 18th wallpaper based on the Danger Mouse reboot version with his vegetable minions. The last one also comes with a matching icon.
These are all open for anyone to use (though don't steal them and claim them as your own, yadda yadda...), it's not like I created any of these characters, and I like when people can get things of characters they like.
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owladaptive · 7 months
On the topic of Mcduck Addams (love the art btw), is Magica De Spell still herself because she's outside of the family? (actolly, is anyone outside of the household “normal” or are there exceptions…) And if she is, would she be acquaintances with the unhinged family or would they be rivals, or perhaps she has a one sided rivalry with Scrooge because he can't take her seriously. Him viewing Magicas murder attempts as fun challenges, there's nothing like having an acid bath in the morning.
Also! Speaking of ducks with an affinity for magic, Morgana Macawber also has a family similar to the whole “Adam's aesthetic”, so you know I'd think the two broods would get along or at least be on the same level. Another duck that came to mind when thinking about the macabre lifestyle was Count Duckula (1988). But I can't imagine him being very thrilled to meet any of the other families due to his nature. He already has enough trouble trying to stop Igor from killing anyone himself, and don't even get him started on his own “family”.
Thank you for the question, and I can answer some of it! I unfortunately do not know nearly enough about the wider realm of Disney Ducks such as Morgana or Duckula to be able to give a fair representation. Perhaps in future, I will. (I've been planning on watching through DW, at least)
But I have answers for Magica!
Dear Aunt Magica is the same, at least from the beginning of her first chronological appearance, as in canon. A delightedly, indulgently ruthless magic user terrorizing a town into giving her everything she asks for with her brother Poe. However when this Scrooge appeared, things transpired differently.
Scroogey was there for the gold of course, but respected their tyranny without bending to their whims. He has a lot of fun in the fight - death or a fate even worse was just a blast of magic away! Inevitably somewhere in the middle of his dodging and ducking and rolling (taking playful swipes at her with the sword hidden in his cane all the while) Magica hits Poe. He's a crow now, poor Magica.
But Poe doesn't get to fly through the window. Scrooge watched and listened to Magica plead and beg for her dear brother to change back already, and was struck by empathy. Scrooge adores his family, higher than he adores the call of adventure or gold or thrill of death, and so extends a hand of understanding to Magica in her time of grief and desperation. With Poe snatched from the air by Scrooge's hand, Magica is bound by a debt of begrudging gratitude, that becomes less begrudging when Scrooge opens to her and promises to do whatever he can to help her figure out how to get her brother back to normal.
It all culminates in Magica making nigh-annual visits to the mansion many years later - a sort of wacky wine-aunt for Donald and Della and, later still, to the boys and Webby too. She's a figure of mischief and darkness, the tragic Poe perched on her shoulder and her maniacal laugh filling the halls before she jets off on another whirlwind into the wide world. The McDucks had taught her how to love again - how to accept her new reality with grace without ever quite giving up on her brother.
And like with Beakley, Magica was influenced by the family-oriented ways displayed before her over a period of many years, and does bring Lena into the world from her shadow just like in canon.
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honeyglazedcalamari · 6 months
Fun Duckula Fact!!
Igor claims to have worked for the Duckulas for 724 years in ‘Sawdust Ring.’
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The first Duckula was mutated in 1199, as seen in ‘The Rest Is History.’
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This means the show in current time takes place during or after 1923.
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Group B Round 1
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[image ID: the first image is of Denzil and Cuthbert, two anthropomorphized ducks wearing private school uniforms. one is fat and blond, and the other is thin with black hair. the second image is of Mama Fireplant, a cartoon version of a fireplant from Super Mario Bros with blond hair. end ID]
Denzil and Cuthbert
am i allowed to submit as a pair? itd be impossible to know one without the other. they are silly gay and nearly incompetent college students who are insanely polite but are trying to kidnap duckula in order to make some money. i really love the contrast of what theyre trying to do vs them being your average british idiots
Mama Fireplant
A talking Piranha Plant with hair from an episode of the Super Mario World TV series
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taffybee · 10 months
Wouldst thee mind sharing some lore on Yvette Von Gryffin? /nf
I WOULD LOVE TO SHARE YVETTE LORE she's So important to me and i ruin her life and all her descendants lives (because every ancestor prior to duckula xvii and goosewing Do end in tragedy or one or both of them dying 😁👍)
(lore under the cut because this post Might be long)
SO both yvette and duckula the first were Some degree of nobility (although duckula being a count was of higher rank than yvette who was just like, a lady or daughter of nobility)
neither of them did much of anything to politically establish their roles as nobles because they Much preferred doing their own thing and enjoy themselves and they end up meeting each other while sneaking away during the day to shirk any duties or responsibilities they might've had and they develop a VERY close relationship (eventually leading to courting)
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(talking about yvette means i have to talk about what happens to the first duckula because his transformation changes. Everything, obviously)
when duckula gets bitten by the swapped-out vampire bat and turns, he isn't Like any of the other duckula incarnations that get shown in the show. the transformation makes him borderline FERAL.
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the vampirism makes him almost Completely unrecognizable and totally insane in his lust for blood, and his previous connection to yvette makes her his main target (although he goes through plenty of victims before he ever gets to her)
yvette eventually finds out what happened to her beloved when he tracks her down to kill her, and she freaks out (as one would expect). she doesn't Really want to believe it's him and- if it is him- that she can undo his curse. but she doesn't know what to do, and does what little she can to defend herself.
the count, again, was mostly feral, but emphasis on Mostly, because he still had Brief moments of clarity, and in those moments he really really hoped someone would take him down. he didn't want to hurt anyone, much less yvette.
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she didn't want it to ever come to what it came to, but the deed was eventually done, and she had to watch someone she once loved so dearly crumble into dust before her eyes.
she went back to her town scarred after that, but claimed that the vampire had been taken care of.
she went on to have a few children and told them cautionary tales of vampires and what one took from her. she never wanted her or her children- or anyone for that matter- to ever have to be met with a vampire ever again. but after the first duckula was slain by yvette, the town was vampire-free.
... for about a hundred years or so.
when news of a newly-revived count duckula spread, yvette was already long-gone- but her descendants were some of the first to hear the news.
and they took matters into their own hands.
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gaylittlerichie · 16 days
i always rewrite scenes like 8 times (is it my Creative Process or is it My Ocd) so here is an original draft of eddie visiting richie’s window in crosseyed & painless! for no reason. purely bc it’s just sitting there
At 11 o’clock he’s laying upside down in bed, halfway through his assigned Crime and Punishment pages, when a sound like plates smashing comes from the open window. The little pierrot clowns on his curtains dance as they flutter slightly - he wonders if a pigeon’s tried to kill itself on the ledge. Rather than sitting up he tries to twist his head backwards like an acrobat or Regan from the Exorcist.
More fluttering, and a scuffling sound that’s quieter but also somehow closer. Then the curtains burst open and a figure falls in. Like, an entire human person. Richie screams.
The figure bellyflops onto his keyboard, which is now a free zone with the TV set unplugged and taken away. It sets off a horror-show chord sequence on the honky tonk setting. Then it slides heavily onto the carpet, with a decent amount of dirty laundry to cushion its fall. “Shit on my dick! Mary fucking Jane. Ow - OW!” It says in a voice which is Eddie Kaspbrak’s. “Oh, no no no…absolutely not…”
Eddie pings up so only his eyes can be seen beyond the foot of the bed. He holds his scruffy head like a concussed cartoon character, then, the second he locks eyes with Richie, immediately becomes razor sharp. “Well thank you so very much for leaving the window open literally six inches. Seriously thank you,” he heaves. “Do I look like a pipsqueak to you?!”
Despite being handed this crowning gag material, Richie is struck dumb. Somewhere in the terror of the last few seconds he’d lobbed his book across the room, and the sudden whip from painfully boring to bogglingly surreal has him kind of motion sick. “How in fresh Hell was I meant to -” he’s only just able to start, then Eddie’s simmering again.
“You could at least scoot your jockeys out of the way. Like, Jesus. One second I’m almost breaking both my ankles and then I’ve got a faceful of your dick cheese.”
“Since when were you even coming?!”
“Since I explicitly told you, on the phone.”
“I’m telling you that did not happen.”
Those flaring brown eyes goggle at him. “Yup. I said ‘I’m coming over Richie’, sort of, you know, implying I’d be coming over,” he says like he’s explaining traffic lights to a kindergartner. There’s the sound of him thumbing his pockets for his inhaler and then another of him taking a punctuating suck. “You know my mom sleeps at ten, then I’ve got to wait for her pills to kick in, then I’ve got to walk across town cuz she puts my bike in the garage and padlocks it. Meaning I’d be here at 11.”
Richie gestures theatrically as to describe just how little Eddie made any of this clear. Giving credit where it's due, he himself isn’t usually very clear when he sneaks in through Eddie’s window. He’ll pitch up at 2am whenever he’s had a nightmare old Thomas Magnum can’t fix and lunge for Eddie’s big soft lumbar pillow like he owns the place, one time doing so with such gusto he’d snapped one of the bed frame slats. He does at least have the courtesy to tap out ‘R-I-C-H-Y’ in Morse code before crawling in, but there’s no real time to moot any of this, because tonight he’s the one who can’t get a word in edgeways.
“You really outdid yourself with the whole choirboy thing, by the way. Telling my mother I’m meant to be working on a duet with ‘Simon’. She sat on my bed and made me perform it for her. I had to make up half the words to the First Eucharist,” Eddie grumbles.
Imagining this loosens something in Richie, surely, ‘cause he starts grinning. “I was thinking we’d do Like A Virgin but, like, a Weird Al kinda parody where it’s all about Mary Magdalen,” he says slowly. “I made it through the h-oooo-liness...”
“That’s not the right Mary. Also Weird Al already did that one. Haven’t you heard Like A Surgeon?”
“Do you breathe oxygen? Does Count Duckula eat his greens?” He readjusts his specs warily as Eddie stands up, like he’s about to get charged at. Wouldn’t be too far outside the realm of reality. “Bet your mom loved it though.”
“Obviously she did. I’ve got the voice of a fuckin’ nightingale.” Eddie hovers at the edge of Richie’s rumpled twin bed, asking for permission to sit on it without words, in a way that reminds Richie eerily of his vampire comics. One of the many benefits of having America’s most expressive face. Richie’s more of a physical guy, so says ‘I let you in’ by flattening to the duvet and rolling over like a dog showing its belly. Eddie rolls his eyes and clambers up. He steps on Richie’s head towel - “move it, Smurf,” - then sits on his hand - “OW, fuck!” Richie has to squeeze himself right up to the wall to make space, and even then it’s still elbow-y and claustrophobic, but they’re both used to this.
The only light on is a Lite Brite with a peg-picture of a monkey on it (Richie’s eyesight is already over the hill so why not live a little), so before Eddie had just been a dim, angry shadow. Now that he’s close it’s revealed in the glow that he has a black eye. Not a real shiner or anything, but it’s swollen and faintly heathery-colored.
Richie, naturally, grabs at it. “Dr. Asten, geddin here with your ice, lickedy-speed. This little boy’s got a jammy!” He croons in a barely recognisable Quincy voice.
Eddie swats him away like a fly, making a high-pitched ‘eegghh’ noise. “You’re a little boy. It’s nothing,” he snips.
“Did you do it climbing up here?”
“No, ages ago. You’d know if you hadn’t been pretending to be dead all week.”
“Did Romero kick your ass?”
“Doug Romero wishes he could beat me up. You should see the other guy. Like, genuinely Richie, you should actually see him. He has to whisper all the time for three weeks so his bronchial tubes don’t ‘sustain long term damage’.” Eddie smacks a fist to his palm.
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iamsweetcrow · 30 days
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Casandra Venancio 2024 vs 2019
A redraw of my vampire duckling 💙🦇🦆
It doesn't cross my mind how much my character changed by trying other styles when drawing ducklings. And also the wardrobe changes he had afterwards. He doesn't look that much like the first version of him anymore, except for a few details. I think he has evolved for the better, but I am still fond of the first digital drawing of him.
For those who don't know, Kassandra is my Oc in Count Duckula's universe. She is the daughter of Don Diego Venancio, Duckula's Spanish cousin who appears in the second episode of the series.
In my story, Casandra flees her father's castle and hides in the old Duckula castle. The count does not accept at first, until his new cousin offered him monetary help in exchange for accommodation (and Patula is very broke haha). Although at first it is for convenience, they gradually begin to get to know each other better and get along.
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vizabel · 1 year
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of the sun & the moon
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