#Five Nights at Freddy's theories
omghispook · 1 year
FNaF: Don't you remember what you saw? An Analysis of FNaF 4's Plushies
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Unfortunately for us, the topic of what the Bite Victim could've "seen" depends on what the Fredbear plush is, so I can't simply discuss one without trying to convince you on the other.
Simply put, if the Fredbear plush is in the Bite Victim's imagination, then there's no proof he actually saw anything horrific, and thus he probably just saw something innocent and mistook it for a terrifying event that traumatized him. However, if the Fredbear plush is, say, a spirit, which is evidently omniscient and would have no reason to lie to the Bite Victim about the dangers of the restaurant, then it's clear the Bite Victim does have good reason to be afraid.
I am of the belief that the Bite Victim saw the MCI, and that the Fredbear plush is the Fredbear child, Cassidy.
First, let's talk about whether the plush's dialogue is in the kid's head, or if it's coming from a spirit of some kind. Unfortunately, the idea that it's imaginary is kind of unfalsifiable, isn't it? I mean, anything can be imagined. I can sit here and rattle off examples of things the plush does that it's unlikely the kid would imagine - and I will do that - but there's nothing that's impossible for a child's overactive paranoid imagination to come up with.
So instead of asking whether it's possible for the kid to imagine these things, I say we should ask, if Scott wanted to convey that this was not the kid's imagination, what could he have done?
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The most famous thing that the Fredbear plush does that seems to be impossible for an imaginary friend is guess where the Foxy Bro is hiding. Now, his actual guess is just saying "Over there" after you've walked a predetermined number of footsteps, not like, "Behind the TV" or anything, so the line of dialogue can occur anywhere in the house. However, it's still a confident guess.
The other counterargument is that the Bite Victim could have simply known where his older brother was hiding, since they're brothers, and they're bound to know each other quite well. But then, why not tell the brother "Hey, I know you're behind the TV"? Why even walk over there in the first place? Why would it be a jumpscare if the character knew exactly what was going to happen?
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Three days before the party, the Bite Victim is seen hiding under a table and crying, while the Fredbear plush is trying to convince him to get up and run towards the exit. All the kid wants to do is sit there and cry, and it takes a couple of attempts for the Fredbear plush to actually persuade the Bite Victim to get up and run towards the exit.
In this moment, it appears that the two are clearly separate entities, with separate wills, and separate personalities.
Then, in that same mini-game, the Bite Victim is forced to walk past two shadows on the wall, which he's afraid of.
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The Fredbear plush's reaction to the shadows vs the Fredbear employee seems to indicate a more nuanced understanding than the Bite Victim has, or could reasonably imagine a separate entity to have. With the Fredbear employee, the Fredbear plush knows with certainty that he's a danger, more so than the Bite Victim seems to understand, and he needs to get away, NOW. But with the shadows, it's a different story - the Fredbear plush is empathetic to his fears, but doesn't share them. The Fredbear plush doesn't consider the shadows a danger as much as something that the Bite Victim needs to overcome for the sake of his own safety from the actual threat.
This is, to me, the biggest instance of them being separated.
Now, of course, all of these things can be imagined. The Bite Victim is mentally capable of imagining an imaginary friend plushie that predicts where the older brother is with a vague "Over there," that tells him he needs to be brave and leave the restaurant, and that doesn't share his fears of the shadows on the wall.
However, if Scott wanted to convey to us that this was more than just an imaginary friend, what exactly could he have done? Guessing where a character is hiding, having to convince our main character to do something that he doesn't want to, and not sharing the more paranoid of his fears definitely seems like the way to go to make it seem unlikely, but again, not impossible, because the main version of ImaginaryPlush is unfalsifiable.
But we can get closer.
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The plushies as a whole play an integral part in FNaF 4.
They appear next to the Bite Victim as he dies, and disappear one by one as the beige-texted entity says their iconic speech. A speech that includes the line, "We are still your friends."
The only other time these plushies appear is in the beginning, when the Bite Victim says, of them, "These are my friends."
So it seems that when the entity I believe to be the Puppet says, "We are still your friends," the "we" is referring to the plushies, but more so than that, both times, they're not really talking about the plushies. The missing children were - and still are - the Bite Victim's friends. When the Bite Victim says "These are my friends," he's talking literally about how Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy are possessed by his friends, who were wrongfully murdered in 1983.
This is relevant because it tells us that not only is the Fredbear plush representing the Fazbear Entertainment character Fredbear, but it's specifically representing Fredbear from FNaF 1.
The plushies as a group represent the FNaF 1 animatronics. There's Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, and Fredbear, but no Spring Bonnie, just like FNaF 1, Foxy is missing his head, (which could tie into him being "out of order" in FNaF 1,) and Fredbear can, well, teleport.
So these plushies are representing the specific animatronics that the missing children were stuffed into, and the children themselves.
Ergo, the Fredbear plush would represent Cassidy, as opposed to just being a vessel for any character to talk through who just so happens to look like Fredbear. This makes it extremely likely that the Fredbear plush is Cassidy, since it would be strange otherwise, especially if Cassidy were still alive.
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The teleportation in particular is damning to me. Famously, in the first FNaF, Golden Freddy could teleport through doors. And the Fredbear plush seems to be able to do the same thing, moving from room to room and not always being in the same place in the different mini-games where you roam the house. Either there's a dozen of them hidden around town, or he's following you, and the other parallels between these plushies and the FNaF 1 animatronics support the teleportation theory at least being the intention in 4.
And if that's the case, and the Bite Victim is simply imagining that the Fredbear plush moves around, then doesn't that require him to be predicting the future? Predicting that Cassidy will teleport circa '93?
The fact that it can teleport is not only a hint towards it being Cassidy - and a weirdly-placed one if CassidyPlush isn't true - but it narrows out some options like Charlie. We've never seen any other ghost simply decide to inhabit a specific object to talk to a person, except arguably the Logbook, but that's... complicated.
In fact:
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This helpful theory image created by Reddit user, uh, me, shows a pattern with Golden Freddy's appearance: he always looks like the current state the other robots are in, despite being a ghost.
When all the animatronics are in repair in FNaF 1, so is Fredbear, yet when the Fazbear band is withered and broken down in FNaF 2, so is Fredbear. And he even appears as a Funtime endoskeleton in SL. What's happening here is probably not that the physical Fredbear suit that Cassidy's body is stuffed into is actually in better condition in '93 than in '87. It's more likely that the Fredbear ghost has the ability to adapt to the state of the other animatronics.
And, thusly, it would make sense that if the Fredbear ghost were then to appear admits a bunch of plushies of those animatronics, he would (or at least could) appear as a plushie.
To summarize thus far:
Because of Foxy being "out of order," the lack of Spring Bonnie, and Fredbear's ability to teleport, the FNaF 4 plushies don't just represent the Fazbear Entertainment characters, but specifically the animatronics from FNaF 1.
Because of the "We are still your friends" / "These are my friends" connection, it is likely that the plushies represent other spirits, friends of the Bite Victim, i.e. the MCI kids.
Fredbear's ability to teleport is either something that the kid somehow predicts in 1983, or is a sign that it's an actual ghost, specifically Cassidy, using this ability we know she has.
And all of that makes this even more damning:
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In the Logbook, Cassidy says "Does he still talk to you?" next to a picture of the Fredbear plush.
This page has been used by Team ImaginaryPlush in two major ways. First, the page outright asks Michael to write about if he had a stuffed animal he took with him everywhere, or an imaginary friend. But to me, this reads as a misdirect; Fazbear Entertainment has one idea of what happened, but Cassidy knows the truth.
Second, if Cassidy were the Fredbear plush, why would she need to ask? Well, it's a rhetorical question, as are most of the questions in the Logbook. "The party was for you" makes it clear she knows who she's talking to, and thus probably knows the answers to questions like "Do you have dreams?" or "Do you remember your name?"
Now, I haven't quite figured out the Logbook, but to me it's pretty clear this doesn't prove ImaginaryPlush.
However, it does know that Cassidy knew that the Fredbear plush spoke to the Bite Victim. There are two ways she could know this, one of which I think is the case:
She is the Fredbear plush.
She was alive and the Bite Victim's friend when the plush started speaking to him, and he told her about it.
I'll give you 72 hours to guess which one I think is true.
The problem with the second possibility is the evidence we discussed before that the plushies are at least metaphorically the Bite Victim's friends / the MCI victims, so... why would the Bite Victim have a toy that represents those friends if they're still alive? Hell, why would the line "We are still your friends?" even need to be said if the kids are all still alive? Just, "Even though you're dying, we're not going to stop being your friend?" That would be... strange, to say the least.
There's a number of other issues I take with MCI85, and the StitchlineGamers are going to be real angry with me for this entire post, but that's not what I want to discuss.
It sort of goes without saying that the plushies representing the missing children kind of implies they're already missing, and I've already provided a bunch of evidence that that's the case. So how would one of said children know about the plushies speaking to the Bite Victim if it weren't the one speaking itself?
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Now that I've proven CassidyPlush to the best of my ability, let's switch back to what this post was supposed to be about: what the Bite Victim saw. Yeah, that's right, that entire explanation of Cassidy being the Fredbear plush was a side-tangent. We're doomed.
Given what we've already discussed, the answer is obvious: he saw the MCI, the June 26th incident, the murder of the spirits that call themselves his friends in the final cutscene represented by plushies.
This warning, "Don't you remember what you saw?" and "You know what will happen if he catches you," is real, and it's coming from a spirit who was murdered by an employee in a spring-lock costume. Truly, it isn't just a misunderstanding about something innocent he saw in the Shadows, since there would be no reason to lie.
Different theorists have used "process of elimination" on this topic to come to every individual conclusion, to a point where it sort of just depends on which order you eliminate the possibilities, but to me the fact that it prompted a fear of the spring-lock suits is what narrows it down the most. Charlie's death wouldn't have done that. And even something like a spring-lock failure wouldn't cause Cassidy to tell him it was genuinely something to worry about.
No. The Bite Victim saw the MCI. Now, the fact that he saw it at Freddy's let the bulk of the game takes place at Fredbear's may be a little weird of an assumption, but that's what FNaF 4 is all about.
I'll end on this note:
Why was the Bite Victim so scared to be in a back room?
We know he's extra scared because we have no control of him, he's screaming to be let out, he collapses in fear with no "Tomorrow is another day" to be heard, and this is the only time in the game he speaks beyond "These are my friends."
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Whether there's actually a child stuffed into that spring-lock suit is a debate for another day, but could it be that the child is afraid to be locked in a back room, because the thing that he saw that scarred him happened in a back room?
Take care, ~Spook
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ghostofchaos-past · 8 months
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so the fnaf movie huh
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Matpat will always be welcomed into the FNAF universe
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ijustwannahavefunn · 7 months
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I actually used to watch (Listen to) a lot of his videos while drawing, especially GT Live 🥺❤️
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Waiter boy by day, Crazy theorist by night 😎 Oh I almost screamed when he appeared in the movie! ...But the movie theater is dead silence, so I had to keep it down 🥺 I guess there's not many people in Taiwan (or that theater) know matpat ...Or FNAF for that matter 😔
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ascensabyss · 8 months
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my brain just spat out what is simultaneously the best and worst potential end credit scene for fnaf
a bunch of cops are surveying the inside of the wreckage of freddy's. there's dead bodies. they're taking pictures. chatting amongst themselves. whatever. one guy in a detective style trenchcoat is standing off to the side. his back is to the camera. one of the cops breaks away and approaches the detective guy.
"so, what do you think happened here?"
"i'm not sure."
the entire audience freezes in horror as they realize. they know that voice. the camera pans around to face the guy, and slowly. matpat removes the sunglasses he's wearing indoors.
"but i have a theory."
smash cut to black. the theater collapses, killing me, in the audience, instantly--
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maibeloved · 10 months
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Bonnie meets the child
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nageill · 1 year
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Love or hate the series, but Five Nights at Freddy’s has definitely shaped the indie horror game genre the past several years. The first game was released August 8, 2014, with the newest game having just come out last year in 2021. FNAF has spawned numerous fan games, books, Funko figurines, and just about every other piece of merchandise you can think of.
I wanted to definitely dedicate a night to this series for 31NHV2022, but the only question was how? Watch a playthrough? Fan made animations? Fan theories? Game reviews? Jam out to two hours of FNAF fan-created music?
Then, it hit me. I should review what got me into the franchise in the first place-- Game theories.
I know there are other video game theorists out there aside from MatPat, but it is his videos that got me interested in Five Nights. Currently, he has 50+ videos in his FNAF playlist, so to save my poor wrists and your eyes from writing a review on each and every single one of his posted theories, I’m just going to choose three from his playlists to delve into.
Unfortunately, YouTube has decided when creators do playlists that they should be in reverse-chronological order for some reason? That really bugs me. So, here is a fan made playlist of MatPat’s FNAF theories done in chronological order.
(Also, Game Theory has not posted the specific writers of the scripts or the editors, but MatPat has stated multiple times he does write the scripts on all his channels, just sometimes he has co-writers and sometimes they are solely written by Mat, so I’m just going to label all editor(s) and writer(s) for the videos as The Game Theorists If anyone can give me specific information regarding this (with proof), I’ll be happy to update this.)
Now, let’s get to the theories!
1.) FNAF 1 is based on a true crime.
Season/Episode: [Game] Five Nights at Freddy’s 1. Original Posted Date: October 23, 2014. Directed: [Editor(s)] The Game Theorists. Written: MatPat & The Game Theorists. Summary: A possible explanation behind the inspiration for FNAF, who is the security guard, and why do they keep working at this creepy pizzeria?
Available for Streaming: Yes.
Review: Why not start with the one that first kicked off my love for FNAF and also kicked off poor MatPat into his journey of slowly losing his sanity?
Ah, back when the franchise was so much simpler--there were only two restaurants, two dreaded incidents, and five animontronics...
I don’t think anyone, Scott Cawthon, MatPat, or the Internet at large realized just how much the indie horror game scene was going to change with this one video. This is really the one that kicked it all off.
Yes, some of Mat’s delivery is a bit corny, it was nearly ten years ago on YouTube. Everything was cringe like the 90′s. But he did his research on this theory, lining up all the facts and showing the parallels between the story of this quirky little game and this horrific crime. And there is quite a few parallels.
I appreciate the fact he did handle the facts of the crime with respect, especially to the victims. It’s something I think most people “Well, duh, of course you should be!” And yeah, I think content creators should be, but I’ve sadly seen quite a few that aren’t. And that’s people who are dedicated to true crime content, whereas MatPat’s content is theories on video games. He didn’t have to, but he did, and I’m grateful for it.
Back to the actual theory. Based on what little information we had about the story with the release of only the first game, the theory really does line up. It was a solid theory Mat came up with, and it was enough to pique my interest into the franchise. It’s a classic and one I enjoy re-watching.
Trick-or-Treat: TREAT! Although this theory has been disproven by Scott Cathown with the future games, the similiarities between the FNAF game and this crime are truly uncanny, and MatPat certainly did his research. It is definitely spooky for the Halloween season.
Rating: 10/10 🍕
2.) The Cult of Glitchtrap.
Season/Episode: [Games] Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted VR; Five Nights at Freddy’s: Help Wanted VR (Curse of DreadBear DLC); and Five Nights at Freddy’s: Secruity Breach. Original Posted Date: November 16, 2019. Directed: [Editor(s)] The Game Theorists. Written: MatPat & The Game Theorists. Summary: A possible look into Vanessa’s character in the then-upcoming Security Breach game and Glitchtrap.
Available for Streaming: Yes.
Review: The amount of research MatPat pours into his FNAF theories... I know there’s a lot of people in the fandom that get annoyed with these videos, but I really appreciate the amount of research he puts into them, and honestly, more often than not, I agree with his theories.
This theory had the right amount of spooky to it, fit very well into the established lore of the franchise at that time, and it delved deeper than Steel Wool studios did with the concept of Vanny/Vanessa and her ties with Glitchtrap, how it was going to add onto the storyline from FNAF: Help Wanted.
I LOVED THIS CONCEPT! It still bums me out greatly that they didn’t go this route with Security Breach, I think it would have added so much more to the lore of FNAF.
Trick-or-Treat: Although it is not my favorite FNAF theory, I still think this is a treat to watch. And it’s so good for the Halloween season. I mean, you have evil cults, spirits trapped in technology, and child murderers--all the spooky! Personally, I thought this theory was going to turn out to be right, and I am very bummed by the (probable) changes made (I blame Steel Wool) to make it wrong, I still like this story better.
Rating: 9/10 🐰
3.) The FNAF Timeline.
Season/Episode: Five Nights at Freddy’s- the entire video game series, the YA books, and the novels. Original Posted Date: July 29, 2018 / August 5, 2018. Directed: [Editor(s)] The Game Theorists. Written: MatPat & The Game Theorists. Summary: MatPat tries to solve the FNAF timeline-- take 4!
Available for Streaming: Yes.
YouTube: 1 & 2.
Review: Now, yes, I realize this is technically FOUR videos, but this timeline was split up into two videos. It made no sense to me to just only post one and not the other. And yes, I realize at the time of posting this, MatPat has done another updated timeline. However, at the time I originally was going to post this, October 2022, the two I posted were the latest proposed FNAF timeline, so I’m sticking with that.
MatPat always pours his heart and soul into these timeline videos. The amount of media he consumes for just the research, the insane amount of details he combs over... He always put so much work into these videos, while making them coherent and entertaining.
This iteration of the FNAF timeline is very concise while covering all the games up to that point, the books, everything. It is very comprehensive, and while the newest one does detail and have all the things from Security Breach and the newest games, this still holds up very well.
Trick-or-Treat: TREAT! Honestly, MatPat’s timeline videos are always some of my favorite of his FNAF videos. He puts so much research and work into these videos, it clearly shows, and I think it’s a lovely passion project for FNAF fans and for the Game Theory community as well. And to me, FNAF just screams Halloween so much for me. It’s almost as much of a tradition to me when it comes to Halloween as much as The Corpse Bride. This timeline series is just a treat, and it is one you should definitely check out.
Rating: 10/10 🐻
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starlite-sin · 8 months
"Blumhouse forgot to give Afton a motive" y'all gonna flip your shit when I tell y'all that techinically the games don't give one either
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i-give-u--stuff · 7 months
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Who the fuck air dropped me while I was watching fnaf movie at my local theater
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omghispook · 2 years
FNaF Theory: Candy Cadet DECIPHERED
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Look, if you're here, you're probably familiar with Candy Cadet, so let's just recap the three stories he tells real quick.
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These stories famously contain the underlying element of five things becoming one thing, which many believe applies to Molten Freddy, a combination of the original five MCI animatronics.
However, not all of these stories represent the same thing. There are too many differences. And in the Five Kittens story, no five things become one thing. There are five kittens, of course, but at no point to these kittens fuse into one kitten.
I think the story that fits the story of Molten Freddy best is...
The Five Keys
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The most common answer to when William combines the five endoskeletons is when he inexplicably destroys Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy in the Follow Me mini-game.
This is because of Henry's line in the Insanity Ending, "He lured them back. Back to a familiar place, back with familiar tricks." Presumably the "familiar place" is the safe room where the kids originally died, and as of FFPS, saying "Follow Me" is the familiar trick that William used to lure them to said place.
And note that the Five Keys story begins by saying that the woman was "sealed in a small room." The safe room.
It's also the most similar because the five keys are melted together in a furnace, just like the five endoskeletons of the original MCI robots are melted together.
This also speaks to William's possible motivations in doing this: trying to save the children. It'd otherwise not be known why he's creating Molten Freddy, but is it possible that he's attempting to appease or release the spirits by bringing them all together?
Obviously it didn't work, but William doesn't necessarily know that. Even in The Fourth Closet, half the shit William does is just because he wants to see what'll happen.
Nevertheless, this story most closely (in my opinion) matches the theory that Follow Me was William creating Molten Freddy.
The Five Orphans
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The five orphans are the five murdered children of June 26th, the burglar is the man who killed them, William Afton, and the kind man who brought them "toys and gladness" is the Puppet.
The toys specifically ties into the fact that the Puppet has always been associated with the Prize Counter and giving out toys, plushies, and gifts. FFPS itself doubles down on this, giving us even more information about the Puppet.
And the house that the Puppet brought all of the kids to is Freddy's. The Puppet kept them there, and kept them safe, as it was arguably built with security features in mind as well. During Give Gifts, Give Life, the Puppet does give gifts to the dead children.
The man murdering the five children is definitely reminiscent of William Afton killing on the night of June 26th, but the real question is who the "kind man" is supposed to be, and it could either be looked at as the Puppet, or Henry, but I think the Puppet fits better for the reasons I've just stated.
The other question is... what does it mean that the kind man stitched the bodies together and buried them in one coffin?
I definitely think "there was a knock at the door" implies that the stitched together bodies were knocking at the door, but it could also be interpreted as the police. If the police were knocking at the door because of this, then it definitely points more to Henry.
This could be representative of whatever the Puppet does to the kids in Give Gifts, Give Life, which I'm still not super sure about.
Which finally brings us to the one I'm least sure about:
The Five Kittens
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(I'm just using this image because it's cool.)
This story does not contain the "Five things becoming one thing" element that these stories are known for. There are five things, kittens, but only one of them dies and gets stitched together.
My best guess was to think of groups of five where one is singled out.
Perhaps Cassidy, standing out as the most powerful of the missing children and the one that can't (or chooses not to) bind to her physical suit the way the others do. But all five kids were murdered presumably on the same night, and even if they weren't, Susie was "the first," if not the first victim of Afton then the first victim of the MCI, so it doesn't make sense for Cassidy to be the only one murdered by the snake.
My next thought was that the five children could be not the missing children of June 26th, but instead the five Afton/Emily kids: Charlie, Sammy, Michael, Elizabeth, and Michael's brother.
Under this analogy William and Henry would be the snake and the boy, and the random kid that William killed would be Charlie.
...except that doesn't work either. William didn't kill Charlie randomly, his own kids probably weren't in consideration to be murdered, Henry doesn't kill William afterwards in order to put Charlie back together, it's unclear what role the shoebox would play, and at no point does Henry ever think "Y'know what, I'll let William just do one horrible thing to see if that gets it out of his system." It's against his character.
This story is also not consistent with the idea that all three are representing the same thing: Molten Freddy, because all five kittens aren't combined into one mega-kitten.
UPDATE: The Five Kittens, Pt. 2
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It's a couple days later. After talking this through with The Boys on Discord I've realized there's another interpretation: the story skips five nights because all five kittens, one per night, were eaten by the snake, and the boy stitched "the remains" (of all five) into one and put "the kitten" (the amalgamation of all five) into the shoebox.
Now, the language here is vague. I think these stories are mysterious enough ("That night, there was a knock at the door") to argue that things could've happened between the lines of the story that we have to figure out to discover its true meaning. The idea of there being this extra step doesn't debunk the theory for me.
And now, the picture becomes clear:
The five kittens are the missing kids, just like the other two stories.
The snake that eats them is William.
The boy is Henry, and he knows that William is potentially a danger, but risks working with him anyway, perhaps not necessarily willingly giving him a child to kill, but instead just letting him perform in the restaurant.
Henry feels guilty, so he takes the five children stitched together, i.e. Molten Freddy, and put it into the shoebox, i.e. the Box, i.e. the fake pizzeria from FFPS.
As seen in the Insanity Ending, Henry does feel guilty for unwillingly helping turn William into a monster, so it makes sense for him to be "full of regret" and try to put an end to the kittens' suffering.
I'm very confident in this interpretation.
And that, my friends, is Candy Cadet.
TL;DR - The Five Keys is Molten Freddy from William's perspective, The Five Orphans is Molten Freddy from the Puppet's perspective, The Five Kittens is Molten Freddy from Henry's perspective.
Love yourself, ~Spook
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MatPat: The Final Theory
Lore Keeper Ending
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(It's fucking Scott Cawthon in a tux holy shit)
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At least Matpat lives on in the FNAF universe
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thebearme · 10 months
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mychapel-004 · 8 months
i’ve seen so many people discussing the springlock scene in both negative and positive ways and i think it brings up really cool points about how matthew played that scene and balanced fan expectations with his own characterisation.
i think the discussions around this movie have rlly exposed the disconnect between fanon and canon in fnaf, especially talking abt the core games in isolation, bc frankly in the game universe (ignoring the books) we get Very Little characterisation for William other than the obvious, but Matthew managed to add so much in the way he talks and his body language.
in the reveal scene, we see afton at arguably his peak. in his first scene, he comes off as somewhat demeaning and judgemental until he recognises mike’s name, at which point he seems to have this nervous energy, rushing to cover it up but stumbling slightly, his reaction to the tables being turned even slightly is massive.
this is a man who committed multiple mrdrs in essentially broad daylight, hid the bodies in the most obvious place, and still got away with it, and then kept the crime scene as a trophy of his actions, and an ongoing prison sentence for his victims. he has been in complete control for decades, and is confident that he can deal with any kind of threat quickly. his confidence in his reveal is palpable
it changes when vanessa shoots him. the whole parallel with vanessa and the animatronics is hugely interesting too- how william refers to the animatronics almost endearingly as “kids” when he wants them to obey, how both vanny and the animatronics have an unearned loyalty to him, almost a pseudo-adoption through what he did to them, taking them from their parents and keeping them under his thumb, forever stuck as naive, forgiving, obedient children. vanessa breaking from that control shakes him, but the mask slips back into place almost immediately.
then, he’s outsmarted by the brother of one of his victims, and the child he planned to end next. his pseudo-children turn on him and he can no longer manipulate his appearance or shed his skin to escape. he explodes on them, and his language is incredibly telling that he is being dishonest.
he calls them small, trying to belittle them into submission, even though they are ten feet tall metal animatronics powered by rage. he is grasping at straws to regain control, and failing miserably.
finally, the springlocks go off. the locks in the movie look more like a ribcage, so the first two likely puncture his lungs. they’re slow, and painful, but he doesn’t scream or beg or sob. he grunts and groans, gritting his teeth and only letting out sounds of pain that sound almost involuntary. there is no way in hell he would visibly let himself show weakness or pain in front of these creatures that he believes he has control over. he isn’t brought to his knees until there are eight metal spikes embedded in his abdomen. he doesn’t let the mask fall for even a second, until he literally PUTS THE ACTUAL MASK ON and finally collapses. even then, he’s fighting for consciousness, twitching and writhing with no control over his body. william afton thrives on control, and his soul will not rest until he gets it back.
it’s why he keeps the pizzeria- he always comes back. he can’t help but return to the scene of the crime, putting on his old costume, continuing his killings. he revels in being a constant threat on the horizon. and now, he knows he is going to die, and he knows the suit will bring him back, and noone will be able to get rid of him then. so he puts the mask back on, and waits.
in terms of the sfx- they’re pretty accurate. with stab wounds, you need to leave the knife in the wound as long as possible for best chance of survival, as it stops the blood from escaping. in terms of the springlocks, there wouldn’t be copious amounts of blood as the locks are keeping the wounds filled- which is good because it means a slower, more painful death.
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trashno0dle · 1 year
so there's a lot of speculation whether or not they're gonna have mike be michael or not in the fnaf movie. and so far even i thought it was pretty unlikely considering the little things we've been shown. but now that the full trailers been revealed there's something that caught my eye. and maybe i'm puling a matpat here and over analyzing one little frame but. just hear me out alright. so in the little snippet we see of a phone call between mike and william, it's pretty normal and well, there's nothing to show that they know each other. clearly mike doesn't know who he's talking to, he just wants a job.
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and honestly for me i was losing hope that they were gonna have mike be revealed to be michael. since initially i thought this was just them confirming that he's not since, surely if he was michael then he'd recognize his fathers voice? but. that might not be the case.
my theory/speculation for the route they're going (again, emphasis on the theory i'm not saying this is 100% canon) is that it's heavily implied there's going to be SOME kind of flashback with mike as a young teenager, since a boy was cast and listed as "young mike" too. and this information about his character given back when casting for the roles were announced.
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"riddled with guilt over a tragedy in his past" which only further strengthens the possibility of a flashback to the bite of 83 where michael pranked his brother and inadvertently caused his death. it's the aftermath of this event with determines how this theory could work. either, william and his wife divorced shortly after, and his wife got custody of mike - they married into another family, the schmidt's. this could lead to abby either being his step-sister or his half-sister.
OR. mike was taken away from william either because of the bite or because the police were heavily suspicious that william was responsible for the missing children. he was put into the system and adopted by - again - the schmidt's. and the reason he doesn't remember anything is because the trauma and the guilt from the bite of 83 and the death of his little brother caused him to heavily repress those memories and in turn, a lot of others (william) without realizing.
so mike doesn't recognize william's voice here. but william?
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this is the frame that caught me here. his expression, the subtle smile on his face. the gears are turning in his head, something clicked.
what if william was keeping tabs on mike this whole time? and he carefully plotted to ensure he got the job at freddy's. for reasons unknown. maybe he just wanted to mess with him, make him remember everything he repressed from his childhood - he's trying to get him to remember by bringing him back to the place where it all started. he remembers his son, but mike doesn't remember his father.
BUT that's just me i'm a little insane. anyway i needed to make this post and write down my thoughts or i'd explode.
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