#Flint would know about the new memes tho
cheesecake801 · 24 days
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Here are my pieces from last magma event !! I drew Barry in the 2nd one, Dawn was drawn by @0mbry ! I love them haha !
Check out what the other drew, this session is really hilarious and full of memes !
Have the meme references below cut
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Ngl I'm happy with what I drew, drawings memes has to be one of the things thay makes me go "This is it. This is what I'm an artist for"
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skunky2 · 5 years
Top 11 Worst Cartoons of the 2010′s!!
We had so many great cartoons introduced in this decade and while I haven't seen every last one I can say this decade was one of the best for animation in general! Sadly for every good animated show produced in this era there are also some bad apples in the bunch the following cartoons are some of the worst I have seen but please remember this is only my opinion if you like any of these shows then that's great continue to enjoy them don't let me stop you!!! 
        Now let's get this list started!!!
11. Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs the series         (2017-2018) 
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Ok before we talk about the show I want to make one thing clear I don't hate the films in fact I actually find them enjoyable even going as far as calling them guilty pleasures the show on the other hand is a huge flop compared to the movies were the films had creativity and fun humor the show lacks that in fact this is by far the most boring show to be based on a freaking film about an invention that makes it rain food!! The other problem I have with this show is it's set before the events of the films so Flint hasn't even become an inventor yet but instead it's about him in high school and apparently him and Sam knew each other already did they even watch their first film!? Also the mayor is the principle because why not seriously this has got to be the worst show based on a hit animated film it's so painfully unfunny that I question how kids found it entertaining to begin with!!!! Not every movie needs a tv series and this one proves it!
10.  Total Dramarama (2018-ongoing) 
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Oh the pain to see the Total Drama series downgraded to this especially since the original Total Drama Island took a ton of risk for a show aimed at kids also how did we go from a series that spoofed reality  shows to a bad Muppet Babies rip-off!! What's really sad is that creators have no desire to produce a new Total Drama series they just want to work on this. On the plus side it's still not as bad as other shows your going to see later on the list. 
9. Super Noobs (2015-ongoing) 
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Other then the "how do you do fellow kids" title I wasn't expecting this show to wow me considering it was brought to you by the same dude that brought us Johnny Test aka the original most hated cartoon of all time I got the DA pics to back me up! The worst part is this show has a very interesting concept but it's ruined due to the bad humor and characters. The show is about a group of outcast middle schoolers who receive super powers in the form of power balls from aliens who then become their mentors and how they must save the world from an evil virus that threatens the world sounds like an awesome plot too bad it's not pushed further. 
8. Almost Naked Animals (2011-2013)
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Yes this is a children's cartoon not a title for an X rated film. All I can say about this show is why? Why would anyone greenlight a show about an animal nudist hotel not only is it disgusting but those character designs yikes!!!! They look so ugly looking no one wants to see something that looks this hideous!!  Not to mention the humor is just as terrible as the art design. 
7. Breadwinners (2014-2016) 
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You know when you feature twerking in your show you automatically fail. The best way I can describe this cartoon is it's just awful first off the two idiot main characters who I'm not going to refer by name since they are some of the most stupidest names for characters seriously  SwaySway and Buhdeuce!? Anyway the show is about these two "ducks" I say ducks like that since they look nothing like ducks they look like frogs or aliens or something. Try to make your character if they are an animal try to look as close as possible as the species they're supposed to be so it will make it easier for you audience to identify them. Well they fly around in a rocket car or something I really don't care and deliver bread to stock-image ducks which brings me to another problem they can't even draw background characters they just go on Google find a duck photo and photoshop cartoon eyes and whatever on it how lazy a can you be!! Also I found out a long time ago your actually not supposed to give ducks bread yeah it can use malnutrition and illness to them so this cartoon is spreading the wrong message to kids. 
6. Brickleberry (2012-2015)
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You know why I despise most adult cartoons because most of them are either trying way to hard to be quote on quote "adult" with overuse of swearing, gore, shock humor, and sex jokes and guess what this show is full of this!! Not only is the animation similar to that to Family Guy it's just as disgusting and offensive!!! The show revolves around these park rangers and their everyday lives at their jobs and the characters aren't very good either they are pretty much all assholes, stereotypes of usual characters you see in adult animation, and your typical characters that are just there to offend you! In fact the little bear cub character is pretty much the shows answer to Brain from Family Guy with the personality  of Cartman from South Park. Now I haven't seen this show in a long time but I just remember it wasn't a pleasant experience if you want to check it out just be warned it's not for the faint of heart.  Also the creators of this show produced another show for Netflix that is just a carbon copy with cops instead of rangers and I though that Seth McFarlane was lazy when it came to plots!! It's called Paradise P.D. btw 
5. Teen Titians Go!  (2013-Ongoing) 
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Yeah, Yeah, Yeah you've heard it all before this show is garbage, a disgrace to DC comics, stupid etc. The animation community has tore this show apart so there really isn't much to say that already hasn't been said but I will say this I never intended to hate this show as much as I do in fact I was fine with it when it fist came out I mean the original Teen Titians cartoon from 2003 will always be better then this show in every possible way but I wasn't one of the fans to jump on the hate wagon when this was announced I mean I had nothing wrong with it just focusing on comedy if you remember correctly the original had eps that were just as silly and bizarre. The main reasons why this show is so high up on this list is for the following reasons the first is I've never seen a show like this disrespect a fan base this much  it's like the creators have it out for the original fans and they get joy out of mocking them with all these pathetic critic call out eps they do it also shows that they can't take criticism at all!!!! Second is how the creators view their show and animation in general they literally came out in an interview and said the reason why they made the show so stupid is because it's for children you do know kids aren't stupid right guys they deserve shows that don't try to talk down to them!!!! But the main reason for my anger towards this show is how they made an episode awhile were the moral literally was that cartoons are only for kids and told the original fans to grow up!! Mainly the creators themselves have this warped mindset that I honestly wish would just die out that only children should be allowed to watch cartoons and that their show should be immune to all the hate since it's for kids so they use the "just for kids" excuse for their show being like it is. It's hard to believe they would even have a mindset like that when they are adults themselves making an animated cartoon show. I didn't mean to rant this long but I mainly hate everything this show stands for and sadly it's going onto to get 300+ eps. Personality I really think it's time for this show to officially Go not because I don't like it's mainly because it's showing signs it's on it's last legs and with that Sixth Titian thing they pulled this summer and repeating episode plots is starting to show that the writers are becoming burned out this show was never good but I think it's time it ended. There are tons of other reasons this show is bad but I rather not go into them this has gone on long enough already. 
4. PPG 2016 (2016-Ongoing) 
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Well TTG isn't the worst reboot/spinoff Cartoon Network produced in this decade the honor has to go to this piece of trash Powerpuff Girls 2016!! Why was this made simple CN wanted more money so they made this show to sell toys yes that was the only purpose of this reboot to sell merchandise too bad the show sucked so hard that the target demo along with the fans of the original Powerpuff Girls hated it! There are tons of problems with this reboot that have already been explained such as god awful animation errors, bad writing, and let's not forget the memes those outdated memes. Not to mention they removed the character Ms. Bellum since the creator thought that having a beautiful, warm-hearted, motherly, intelligent and strong-willed woman on the show was offensive to the new generation! Not to mention they got rid of breast but they did allow the girls to twerk tho!!! Yes because having an intelligent good-looking woman with boobs is bad but kindergarteners doing a sexually explicate dance is fine!! Seriously I feel so bad for Craig McCracken it was bad enough he was screwed over by Disney but to have his show turned into this!! 
3. The Problem Solverz (2011-2013) 
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If you want to know my opinion for the worst animated show Cartoon Network has ever made it would be this one! Not only is the show ugly to look at but it uses enough bright colors to make your eyes bleed. The show is about these detectives who solve problems in their home town too bad they cause 90% of the problems they need to solve. These characters are so nasty to look out we got this ugly fish-like man, some robot, and a big nosed hideous lipped Domo wannabe. It was cancelled from tv but ran it's final season on Netflix. I still feel pain for any child that had to sit though this. 
2. Pickle and Peanut (2015-2018) 
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Ugh this show!!!! If you've never seen it you may guess this would be something on Adult Swims line up since they're more known for wired shows like this but no it's not from Adult Swim in fact you'll never believe who made this Disney!!! Yes Disney Television Animation produced this the very same company that bought us shows like Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, Star Vs. and so on made this garbage. There are several problems with this show first off the animation remember when I said that Breadwinners was lazy for using stock-images as background characters well this is the same damn thing but in reverse they couldn't even animate a pickle and a gosh darn peanut this is a peeve I have with most modern cartoons if it's not for a joke then why use stock-images it just makes your show look lazy! Second the humor it sucks it's mainly is "trying" to be Regular Show since both characters are slackers and get into bizarre adventures. Also this show loves to show gross-out shots like the ones in Spongebob for example but unlike Spongebob these are not funny and just plain disgusting like how is this show fun for kids to watch I mean I can understand why kids love cartoons like TTG but I can't see any child liking a show like this!!! Finally we have to talk about the god awful theme song it's not even a theme song but a random robot voice listing off things adults think that children are into so pretty much they're trying way too hard to appeal to kids just like with PPG 2016. There really isn't much more to say about this show it's just awful and it's still hard to believe Disney had a part in making this.
Now it's time for the cartoon from the 2010's that I believe disserves the crown as the worst show from this decade. Out of all the shows I've seen this year none of them of completely  disgusted me more then this one it pretty much has everything  I despise in modern adult animation it makes Brickleberry look tame in comparison!!! It comes to us from our friends at Adult Swim may I present to you the cartoon that I consider the worst!
1. Mr. Pickles (2013-Ungoing) 
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I honestly don't know where to start on this one it's just god awful!! First it's got all the things I despise in adult animation shock humor, sex jokes, violence for the sake of it, and ugly character designs!! The show is about a family who owns a dog who is either the devil himself or one of his loyal followers and the dog does extremely messed up things to people stuff I rather not try to remember let's just say this show is MA for reason. If you have a faint heart please stay away from this show at all cost!!!
So there it is my opinions for the worst shows from this decade I hope you all enjoy it since I worked really hard on it.
I didn’t include Big Mouth or Paradise P.D. because I’ve never seen them but yeah I know they’re bad. 
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The character writing meme with john or eleanor or max?
Oh thanks for the ask!! 
Okay so I chose John because I wrote a little more about him than about the other characters!
John Silver
- In the Many Crowns verse, I basically use this photoshoot of Luke Arnold, the one he used for his twitter profile picture, and I just follow the mood (and the clothes) to have a sort of background, aesthetics… I always base characters on some pictures I find so I can go back to the mood, logic of them when I try to write. 
- In Many Crowns, everything, including John Silver, is inspired by my childhood / teenage years in my own little tropical island New Caledonia. It has its own ambiance and some of the people here are just really that kind and ready to take you in and help you with stuff. I picture John like the kind of guy who looks hella cool, parties hardcore, is probably into some shady stuff, but doesn’t take airs or anything. Like he would gladly repair the gate for you and drink whiskey with your grandma after work. He gossips with her and listens to the stories of her youth. Then he goes back to hardcore partying. He probably tears his own jeans and then says it was an accident. (The red speedos totally come from the X-Files btw)
- He wasn’t supposed to be in Why Mr DeGroot stays on the Walrus… but I figured it would be better to have an outsider’s point of view so people who be able to groan with him on the awkwardness of those two nerds in love. I imagined John would totally be the kind of irreverent curious lil shit to snoop around, ask too many questions and poke the sleeping bear we needed to have some answers. John is a keen observer which makes him the perfect witness character. 
- I thought about giving John a sort of backstory for Many Crowns, mostly how he wasn’t actually born in Nassau, but I never found any satisfying backstory for him. I might just stop trying. When I need inspiration to write him, I go back to his pictures or I just imagine his room (Balzac believed the description of someone’s room was a good indicator of someone’s character) and I roll with it. 
- I don’t think I write the most in-character John Silver, I just become naturally very snarky and ironic when I write the not-romance parts so I imagine it somehow fits sometimes. For some reasons, I’m slightly less terrified of writing John Silver than I am when it comes to Flint. I’m absolutely terrified of writing Flint because he’s so unique and layered I have trouble finding a sort of mood or logic that would suit him. That being said, John is not less layered and complex. I tried writing post s2 John Silver in the sub Flint fic (still haven’t written the second chapter aha) but I don’t really know how that’s going along. 
- Sorry for the length, it’s the last point, I promise. One of the most inspiring things about John Silver is the little panicky voice, you know the: “I thought this was how you intended to escape!” / “So I actually have to fight him?” I feel like it really adds another dimension to him? Stressed-out John Silver. Panicky John Silver. He’s panicked about his own life in both those cases, but I imagine he can be stressed out about other things he cares a lot sometimes. So the panicky voice is basically the entire: John tries to navigate his relationship with Flint in Many Crowns (only Abigail is privy to that tho) 
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GRAPHIC DESIGN IS MY PASSION   ▬   ok but jokes aside. i reached 300+ followers last week ( what r u doing here ) and i thought i’d spend some time crying about people who’ve been nice to me. bless you people. this will be the second and ( I PROMISE ) last readmore you’ll ever see on my blog. hate those things.
idk lemme throw in a few lines of my fave ( english ofc i don’t wanna be an asshole ) song and whoever guesses it gets a horrible doodle of their muse or smth.      //clears throat// keep it real for the people working overtime. they can't stay livin’ off the government's dime. stand tall for the people of america. stand tall for the man next door .
AY welcome to the readmore. a rare thing on my blog, yeah i know. but here’s the structure. i’ll say at LEAST one sentence to every url i will be posting here so this is gonna be a long ride. pack lunch we’re going on a trip. BTW !!! ALL OF THESE ARE IN N O ORDER WHATSOEVER
 @northernblade // cAMI i swear to god you’re in every single one of these i can’t even start to tell you how much i love you IN EVERY SINGLE OF THESE MY GOD. WOM A N. i honestly can’t decide if i want to hate or love you considering our thread but let it be known !! that i’d get your name tattooed on my forehead if you asked me to. honestly we’ve known eachother for almost a year now ( would u believe it ) and eventhough we haven’t been writing ic wise for almost half of that time you’ve helped me through so much hardship and you’re so ?? lovable tbh. also where did those family drama updates go. we gotta keep our soap opera running. eventhough i’ll probably never see your 12/10 face in person we’ve been through some weird shit ic-wise. i mean birdboy and dogson and now the two bros who can’t seem to be happy. can’t we for once choose happy muses ? i love u. i hate u. i hate that i love u. ya feel.
@mokutcki // bruh. berfie. would you believe if i told you you’re the first person i ever had same muse interactions with ? would you believe me if i told you that you’re the first person with the same muse i wasn’t anxious around ? you’re //sticks leggy up// a gift from the heavens. i love you with all my dead, cold, rotting heart. but just to be clear ; i hate onryo. with a PASSION. okami hates him too. don’t even start with me about the shit we discussed JUST TODAY. he hates onryo. i hate onryo. it’s a love-hate relationship. but aside from that you’re !!!!!!! so friendly i want to cry. i’m crying right now. you have no idea how much i adore you. you’re so cool and chill ( or you pretend to be idk bites me ) and i love you so much i just really want to wrap u up in a blanket and steal you. but in a friendly way not a kidnapping way. please stay awesome.
 @burysong // K I E L OH MY G O D. i have never gone from ‘oh man i’ve been lowkey stalking your blog’ to ‘LOOK AT OUR KI D S’ in LESS than 48 hours ok. that’s like a new record. it kinda bums me out that we live past eachother. when you’re up, i’m asleep and vice versa. but ! the few times we do get to talk i love hearing about your day. talking with you is one of my favourite activities i swear to god. i love talking to you ooc and i love talking to you about hana and the grumpy perfectionist. your writing is the creme de la creme don’t even try to deny it i could bathe in your writing and that would be all i need to survive. i hope your day treats you well and you had some sweet dreams, because i just assume you’re alseep right now.
@tacticalviscr // i haven’t heared from you in a few days and that mAKES ME SAD BECAUSE !! you’re so precious marina. i die a little everytime i hear you aren’t doing too well. you honestly only deserve good things coming your way. dealing with snappy customers isn’t one of those things. i WOULD HAVE BAILED YOU OUT if you punched one of them over christmas tho. like i’m not kidding i would have bailed you out. but aside from that i !! love the sad grandpas. well ok one could be a grandpa. han is still young in comparison. i MEAN ok i’m joking. or am i. ANYWAYS ! i hope you’re doing way better soon ! please be happy. i have pictures of otters for you if you wanna.
@ladyshiimada &&. @silvcrbullets // ALEXANDER YOUR FACE IS K I L L I N G ME but it’s also curing my flu so never stop sending me selfies. don’t tell anyone i said this but you’re such a handsome person i’m jealous. AND !! i’m SO SAD we barely write ic-wise. i mean we talk frequently but i really enjoy writing with you ! as long as we keep writing ooc i’m happy though because you ! brighten my day so much and i’d love to send you all the dancing spider videos but you can’t watch videos in class. i just really hope life’s treating you well and class is not too straining ! i LOVE U V MUCH BBY.
@bladeofthesparrow // where did he come from where did he go. where did he come from cottoneye flint. uhm have i ever told you that ?? i’m adopting you. you’re mine now say hello to your new dad. ( i’M KIDDING DEAR ) but !! you’re such a precious bean i can’t even sTART SOMEWHERE because there is sO MUCH. I MEAN there was this one time where you disappeared and i got worried but ASIDE FROM THAT it’s just been !! so much fun and such a good time talking to you. and i love !! the things we talked about for han and gengu. especially the roadt trip like lbr that’s the one thing they both need in their lives. but aside from ic stuff you’re such ! a cheery person and that always rubs off on me and i get so happy when i talk to you. thanks a bunch. 
BIG ROUND OF APPLAUSE TO THE OTHER HANDSOAPS ON MY DASH sorry berfie u ain’t gettin tagged twice.
@koueii // we never //really// talked but your replies to my ooc posts make me laugh and brighten my day. thanks a bunch ! your han is g r e a t tbh. i love seeing you on my dash ! @wolfarrows // your blog isn’t even that old but i’m already !!! so invested into your portrayal, lev. i AM SO greatful that we’re gonna have some same muse interactions ! sorry i take so long uff. @meiyoisan // i assume we haven’t seen much of eachother on our dashboards but i’ve kinda scavanged through your blog and i’M !! HIGHLY in love mkay. 
  @honorpledged // y O ! we talked a bit about my okami verse and it’s been !! such a good time honestly. your rein is pu r e gold ! @warpledged // I’VE TOLD YOU before and i’m telling you again ! I’ll smother you in love until i dig myself 6ft under. you’re so precious and such !! a good writier. keep being a cool cat @pcrdner // my scandinavian buddy ! idk if i’m allowed to call you buddy. probably not. sorry. but either you brighten my day with your writing OR your memes. 12/10 overall package. @etrevide // we talked like once and only very briefly but i’M SO STOKED to hear more of you ! i hope you’re feeling better soon thought ! @boundvigilante // oh man oh man oh man. your jesse is so well rounded and you’re such ! a good ! writer holy moly. somebody hold me. i feel like i’ve been bothering you so excuse that. i’ll try to cut down on it. @maidfaire // I’m sorry i never !! talk to you ! i have been missing gerome for some time but i ..... uh idk. please just know that i still love you very much dearie ! you’re wonderful @pistolslang // I STILL have your ask in my inbox and i’m super sorry i take so long but i’m v shy and you’re super great so haha .... excuse that. but ! let it be known that i breathe for you on my dash.
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wack-ashimself · 7 years
Changing the world requires a little bit of everything...
you can say change it from the inside, all you want, but when NOTHING has improved in my lifetime, either a-you are WRONG or b-if you are still right, then you are saying NONE of the politicians we have had so far could/wanted to change it from within (since it does suck so bad). So which one is it? 'Well, there's not ENOUGH good politicians.' Then...it can't be improved from the inside, since it's a rigged system. You just basically said that....
you can say change it from inside (yourself), to fix the world, but then you are saying a-no one has successfully fully changed themselves to an important level (again, since it does suck so bad) or b-that if everyone sat there and sincerely, earnestly, thought deeply, that NO ONE would still come out some kind of selfish asshole? Ha. That is a joke. You can laugh too.
It's not ONE THING that will change the world. It's not ONE THING that will cause the revolution. It's not ONE THING that will spark the flame in our hearts.
It's ALL of us. It's ALL of our actions. It's ALL of our duties. (haha. I said 'duties'.)
How about this? Let's admit some truths, in which we are INCORRECT in our beliefs, currently (not all of us, but enough of us)...
-'cops protect everyone'.
 Nope. Mostly the rich, and the status quo. The FIRST time I realized this (before many of these cops killing) there was a meme: 'When you see cops' lights in your rear view mirror, do you usually feel better or worse?' (or something like that) And I've never been able to answer better...I recently watched a cop speed, pull in, just to set a speed trap for oncoming traffic...2-3 days ago. Ugh. I HAVE called the cops. Almost every time-Midland Street. Every time-a drunk fight NO ONE was trying to break up. That's it. I didn't know the people, but I have seen enough fights to where someone was near the brink of really getting hurt (because this is over a cement/bricked area, and they were barely able to stand) because they wouldn't stop. I don't regret calling the cops. I regret that is the only scenario where I thought they could help. Other...2 times were accidents I was in where I thought the other may had been hurt. I ain't chancing someone dying because of a ticket. Which I never got either time. First time-bad brakes (drove from MI to CA with NO brakes, so when I got there....) Second time-she ran a light. Side story-it happened in the heart of Hollywood, and I was scared she was hurt, so I ran up, pounding on the door, you alright?! She was in shock, unharmed, but I didn't know it at first. Security came out, was about to detain me because they thought I was angry and about to attack her over the accident since 'it happens all the time at that intersection.' Their own words. That really made me sad-thought the worst of me because they are used to seeing the worst... Anyways, she was fine, I got my car totally covered. It was ok. Cops were nice, because we were all white. haha. But seriously-I have personally seen LA cops be mean to non whites with no real just cause, multiple times. Always nice as fuck to me. I swear, only time in my life I FELT white privilege.
Man, did that go off topic...
Some more truth we need to admit:
-the rich do not have the best intentions of anyone but themselves. Making them rich, giving them incentives, etc, gives them more control over us and the market. The rich are the true enemies of the world.
 I keep this vague because names, faces, titles, businesses, etc can always change. What never changes is their source of power-money. Whatever means it goes by in that day (gold coin, rubies, paper bills, digital FAKE numbers), those who control it are always the enemy. I say always the enemy because, logically, if they were good, control would be for all, not just some, not just a lot, but ALL, worldwide. The rich, nowhere, want that, so therefore, the rich, everywhere, are the enemy.
-Killing anyone, for any reason, will only make the world worse. Because it shows killers get killed which, DUH, makes more killers (those who killed the killers).
And that MENTALITY goes out there, and produces harmful actions by tainted minds. True punishment <no> justice, is letting those corrupted seeing the world improve with them cut entirely out of it. See how they only held us back. And if possible, teach them lessons. Don't just give negative reinforcement, but positive. How come we never try positive in prisons? We never try to reform, only punish. Want to see how it is done? Watch 'Where to Invade Next.' It shows the world's most effective prisons....
-My body, my rules, every time. Drugs, suicide, tats, vaccines or no vaccines, etc. Even if pregnant-her body, her rules.
 Now after...what, 42 weeks (brain waves), if she didn't have an abortion, then it can be debated. I sincerely can't say the moral implications of that one...but TILL then, her body, her rules. After that, abuse, maybe? I dunno.
-no taxation without representation, voluntary.
Simply put-you should see EXACTLY where every single penny of your taxes go. And if you want, you may opt out of some or all taxes. We'd have to find some agreement that after like 2-4 generations tho, they'd have to pay a fee to use public paid for things. For those who pay taxes, no dumb yearly fees (license, tags, etc). But eventually, the world's resources will balance out so well with tech that, even all that monetary worry will be a thing of the past.
-only laws pertaining to the welfare of all human kind or an individual shall matter or be reinforced.
Aka, no hurting/hording the planet, no hurting each other, no mental abuse. But, no benefits to businesses or organizations. Not to take away from their chances, rather, we will aim to endorse all ideas. You wanna paint? We'll find a way to get you a way to paint. But, you wanna rob a couple of their art? Ticket or jail. You wanna speed? Speed as much as you want. BUT, you endanger or harm someone-ticket, mofo. You wanna pee on the side of a building, fine! You wanna pee next to a 5 yr old during a parade, drunk, twirling your dick-ticket. See the difference? And like Canada, we could always do positive tickets-you did something good, here's some fucking money.
But four of the biggest lies we have to overcome are:
-that we have to work.
We have to work...together. We have to work to build a better world. Like, the actual physical and mental efforts that will be required to set up this...better world we have before us is insane! It will WRECK US! I do NOT deny that. But it will be worth it. Our work will have MEANING. We will create a world where everyone has the basics to survive. To travel. To get online. Tech and AI will replace....80% of the jobs in the next generation and 1/2. That's not pulled from my ass-those are real professional estimates. And it's cheaper, so why not ? Therefore, we need to aim to go with this new curve, play into it, and adjust ALL of society accordingly. It's not like this is something where I get magically rich. It's where we all magically win. There's like, no losers, except for those who were wrecking it before.
-that anarchy and the free market will be the best option.
No. It will lead to new, smaller, more powerful, kingdoms. That's it. Humans are social creatures, and if we are told the world as we know it is gone, we will HORDE any and all resources. Making new dictators. Then new slaves. Then new armies...and we start ALL OVER AGAIN. Because free market and anarchy are almost always embraced by 1 type of people: those who are already prepared and could easily survive in that world. Not the single mom, working 2 jobs, in Flint. Nope. She hasn't got time to think hardly at all, but it's cool to doom her? Because you know it would.
-that we NEED government or DO NOT NEED government.
Because at the heart of both of them are lies. 'Government' is just a group of people in power. Now, the questions of HOW they got to power, HOW much power, and HOW long they have power are the more important than anything to find its' validity. Because no government federally, state, city...you'll still make your own government. In your surrounding areas....neighborhoods....even house. People need guidance, from each other. To survive (with no main government). So 'government' will always exist on some level. What exactly it does, and how much it benefits us is what we need to ponder if to keep it, or replace it. I say replace it. If we seem to find good ideas in the old, we can bring them back eventually. Remember-every single human that ever existed was FLAWED in some way, humans wrote the Constitution, therefore, even in a small part, the Constitution is flawed....And whatever new world we create will be flawed in its' own way. That's why it needs to be always flexible with what the world needs, not stagnate like most systems have been for centuries. Make the system always answer directly to the people so they literally only have themselves to praise or blame.
-that there's one way to live life.
Nope. Kids, no kids. Career, wanderer. Lover, critic. As long as you don't live your life trying to make other's lives worse, there's no wrong way to live life. Period.
-that I'm 100% right on any of this.
I believe I am. But who the fuck knows?
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