#GJ Tube
grvngi · 1 year
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Getting my GJ feeding tube today! I’m anxious for the pain and heeling time; but excited for getting my NJ tube out. Hope everything goes smoothly!
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cannabiscomrade · 1 year
February 6-10 is Feeding Tube Awareness Week!
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The beginning of February was selected because of its proximity to Valentine’s Day, because we love our feeding tubes. This is my first year as a tubie and I’m looking forward to learning more about feeding tubes and the conditions that necessitate them! I do love my tube, it saved my life!
I am an adult with a feeding tube, and a lot of the awareness and attention surrounding these medical devices is child focused. A lot of children depend on tube feeding to thrive, but there are plenty of disabled adults that depend on tube feeding as well! In 2017 there were approximately 438,000 people with feeding tubes in the US, and 60% of them are adults.
I have gastroparesis, which directly translates to paralysis of the stomach. My stomach doesn’t grind food the way it’s supposed to, and my pylorus sphincter at the bottom of my stomach doesn’t open well to pass food and liquids through. While gastroparesis has a range of impact and severity, I have a very severe case, and I am no longer able to eat or drink by mouth for nutrition. I am 100% tube fed. I went into starvation ketoacidosis prior to my placement.
Tube feeding, or enteral nutrition, has several different forms. There are nasal tubes and there are surgical tubes. Nasal tubes can go into your stomach (NG), duodenum (ND), or your jejunum (NJ) and are typically for short-term use. They can be used for acute illness and malnutrition, or to trial tolerance of enteral feeding. Surgical tubes go into your stomach (gastrostomy/G) jejunum (jejunostomy/J) or both (gastrojejunostomy/GJ) and they’re for chronic conditions and/or long-term use. I have a GJ tube and it looks like this:
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I have a GJ tube so that I can bypass my paralyzed stomach and feed directly into my intestine. I can also drain stomach contents from the gastric port, which allows me to drink liquids and drain them out before they make me sick. Different people will have different tubes depending on their diagnosis and prognosis! Some people have one form of tube, and others have separate G and J tubes.
There are over 400 conditions that can require tube feeding. Some of those include
Intestinal dysmotility
Intestinal failure
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis)
Cerebral Palsy
Congenital/chromosomal conditions
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Several trisomy conditions
Other conditions not mentioned in the link above include
Hyperemesis gravadarium, severe nausea/vomiting during pregnancy to the point of significant weight loss and electrolyte imbalance
Acute trauma requiring bowel rest
Eating disorders
This week, I want to promote visibility for disabled adults with feeding tubes. I didn’t know anything about enteral nutrition until I got sick. Once I had a confirmed diagnosis of gastroparesis, the reality that I was facing forced me to learn and adapt quickly to a completely life changing treatment. I know there are other adults like me, as well as tubie adults that used to be a child with a tube!
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nothing-more-than · 10 months
GJ Tube Healing Progress Pics!!
aka 'here's what my feeding tube looks like' + an explanation of the different parts (except the ports)
I got my feeding tube placed the morning of Wednesday June 21st, but didn't get to see it until my dressing change on Thursday June 22nd (I did not take pictures during that, as I was busy paying attention to the nurse's directions lol)
There's the tube, the disc around the tube, three "buttons", and some stitches! There's a thicker stitch tied around of the base of the tube to anchor it to my tummy-- this one gets pulled a lot because I keep my iv pole on my right side, meaning my tube often pulls to the right :v ouchie
The buttons, I was told, are where my stomach is brought closer to my skin for the tube. They give it flat anchor points to be stitched to
Also, the number lines on the outside of the tube are there so you can tell if the tube starts to come out-- if you ever get a G or GJ tube, make sure you take note of what number yours starts at, and check on it now and then. If it doesn't come with numbered lines, you can make your own with a permanent marker. For mine, the thicker stitch is tied around the 5 mark, meaning the 4 mark is under the disc
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Photos from Thursday June 22nd, Friday June 23rd, and Sunday June 25th.
I finally got alcohol wipes to properly clean everything up today, and tbh I had no idea just how itchy all that junk around the buttons was making me until I was able to get rid of it omg. When they tell you to get certain supplies to take care of your tube, I Highly recommend getting them asap. Even the silly toothbrush for the ports you think you won't need (I've found that a pipe cleaner works better since I can bend it and they're disposable though)
Anyway, I'll continue taking pics during dressing changes 👍I can't until it heals up and I can get the stitches removed. I'm tired of it hurtingg
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icu-fetish · 1 year
Test subject Chloe. Part 5.
Several weeks passed. Maybe months? I don't know exactly how much, because I'm still paralyzed and almost unable to speak because of the tracheostomy I had. During this time, I had several more surgeries. Dr. Cohen ordered a GJ tube inserted directly into my stomach. She also performed another surgery - an inhibitor was injected into my brain. It allows to monitor my brain activity. According to her, now I am the perfect material for experiments.
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After the second surgery, I was transferred to another room. It seems that this floor is underground, because there are no windows here. I had no idea that this clinic had such a huge underground floor. This room is very large, and I am not alone here. When I'm turned on my side, I can see my neighbor. The nurses call her Bella. Her bed is also surrounded by medical equipment. It seems that Bella is also dependent on the ventilator. Does Dr. Cohen perform tracheostomy on all her patients?
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After the operation, Bella developed complications and fell into a coma. However, thanks to the inhibitor, Dr. Cohen was able to stabilize her condition and bring her out of the coma. I would be delighted with this if I were not in the same position myself. Has Bella accepted her fate? Should I do it?
It seems that patients are kept here for future experiments. Dr. Cohen visits us often. However, she mostly checks our vitals and does not talk to me.
Of course, I'm afraid. My life can easily be cut short with the push of one button on the ventilator. However, I cannot complain of pain or discomfort. Maybe it's because of the paralysis, or maybe it's because of the drugs that are regularly administered to me.
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Dr. Cohen visited us again. After the examination, she told the nurse: "It's time for the girls to sleep." This means that we will be put into an artificial coma again. I don't want to fall asleep... I don't know when I'll wake up... I don't know if I'll wake up at all...
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builder051 · 17 days
Hey I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm the same person who sent you some asks about getting a GJ tube awhile ago! I actually just got a port too and I remember you talking about having one. I've only had PICC lines before so I'm still getting used to the thing being on me lol. My doctors weren't super helpful about answering my questions (which was fair cause I had some pretty big complications they were dealing with lololol). I was just curious where yours is placed? They put mine almost in the center of my sternum. It's much lower than I expected too (maybe 2.5 inches below my collar bone?). They said it'll shift upwards over the next month, but I'm worried it won't move enough and accessing it without almost flashing my nurses will be super hard lmao 😭. Did yours move after they placed it at all? I'm probably way overthinking it. I have to wait til I'm 2 weeks post-op to use it cause of the complications so I still have a PICC and I'm so anxious to make the switch kjhkhgjhg.
I do remember you! It’s been a long time.
I’m sure you know the difference, but you do have a port, right? Not a broviac? In my experience, ports are generally placed ~1 inch below the collarbone to either side, and broviacs are more centralized (but that’s just in my experience). As for the hardware moving under the skin— not something I’ve experienced in the way your doctor explained it. I have had a couple of problems with mine, but I’ll tell you later on DM if you want. It’s kind of TMI for the general audience.
As for the awkward placement, wear scoop neck or henley or buttondown shirts to the doctor’s office so your upper chest can be seen, but you can cover back up right away.
Ports are so much easier to care for than PICCs. When deaccessed, you can shower normally without having to bother with a PICC cover and waterproof tape. And you can shower with the port accessed too. Just get some big sheets of tegaderm (regularly available on Amazon). I like the 8x8 sheets.
Ports are just so much better, in my opinion. Good luck getting used to yours. :)
(I’ll answer your other ask soon.)
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lupineslug · 1 year
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Health update: about a month ago I had a GJ feeding tube placed. The procedure was a bit traumatic as the sedation didn’t work and I was wide awake for the whole thing, but other than that it went very well and is healing nicely!! Having consistent access to nutrition, meds, and fluids has been a game changer. All bodies deserve nutrition!!
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outsidersbmx · 1 year
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1985 GJS Big Tube // Grail #outsidersbmx #otsdrs #oldschool https://www.instagram.com/p/CoDCf18JlLi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stickandthorn · 11 months
Laudna has gastroparesis? Someone get that woman a GJ tube.
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cannabiscomrade · 1 month
I’m going to make a simple version of this post, longer version here.
I really need help. I’ve been in the hospital after having major open surgery to place a feeding jejunostomy tube and convert my GJ tube to a gastrostomy. The J tube alone is a 6-8 week recovery.
I have no income until June when my long-term disability payments start. I have to pay $672 a month for COBRA in the meantime, and with my spouse taking care of me we haven’t been able to pay bills.
My PayPal is currently under review because people donated under goods/services, so I can only use cash.app or Venmo.
Cashapp: $forcewielder
Venmo: message me
Tube images under the cut for proof (CW: blood + surgical site)
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nothing-more-than · 3 months
In a week I'll be getting my GJ tube replaced for the first time ever, and I'm a little nervous.
What's it like? Will I be put to sleep like when they first placed my tube? Will I be sore afterwards? I wanna be prepared, but I feel like I'm going in blind. I don't even know if I'll be getting the same type of tube, or if they're switching me to a mickey button tube
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manriah · 1 year
My name is Mariah and I'm a disabled queer nonbinary artist! I'm bipolar with psychotic features and have visceral hyper sensitivity in my GI from PTSD that causes me daily vomiting. I'm trying to get help to afford ketamine infusions to pair with EMDR therapy. I'm unemployed other than selling art and my disability application is processing but could take up to a year. Care credit isn't an option bc they sent me to collections over vet bills (since paid off)
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I was hospitalized 3 times in November 2022 because of low potassium from the chronic vomiting causing heart issues and multiple falls. If I can't keep my levels and weight stable for the next 3 months my GI doctor wants to put a GJ feeding tube in me. Because of my array of mental and physical illnesses psychiatrists and my GI Dr can't find any other treatment options aside from EMDR therapy and ketamine infusions.
Please please please help b**st this post and d*nate if you can please! Please don't tag with words like "b**st" that will get this blacklisted tho. I'm so desperate to get this treatment and get to a healthier place in my life!
Right now I have $210/2800
C*shapp: $ManriahMade
Or buy from my shop
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My eds has officially progressed to the point of me needing surgeries and needing a surgical feeding tube.
I got my gj placed on Monday and it’s still pretty uncomfortable with spikes of unbearable pain. I need it but I want it to be feeling better already so I don’t regret not j keeping the nj. Even though that was a miserable experience. I told them beforehand that I have CRPS and that I’d most likely have a higher pain response after. They gave me fentanyl just before waking me up and sent me home no longer than 15 minutes later before I’d seen the doctor again. And then said take ibuprofen and Tylenol. Both which are barely effective (specifically the ibuprofen). We called that night to say how bad it was hurting and ask if they could give something stronger. They said if it hurt that bad to go to the er. They literally stabbed me in the stomach, what do you mean it shouldn’t hurt…like a stab wound. I wound olio going to the er and they said it looks to be healing fine and prescribed meds that were stronger. Im home and 6 hours away from the hospital that placed it. The sharp pains are still there but the general pain has improved. Idk what to do tho because this med wears off before I am able to take more. And if something is wrong I want to know sooner rather than later. Everyone I know who has one said it was horrible pain until it heals but my doctors are all saying I shouldn’t be hurting like I am.
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builder051 · 1 year
Hi! I’m the person who was asking about J tubes back in September. I actually just had a GJ placed yesterday, after a lengthy insurance battle and much health instability. I’m just letting you know that I really appreciated your answer because no one actually explained to me what was going to happen other than “you’ll wake up with this piece of plastic in you” really, so I was pretty nervous, but your information really helped :)
Oh wow, I'm so happy for you! My big kid has GJ; they're more commonly placed in young people (I'm not asking/implying age, I promise).
I had a J first, then had a G created as a separate surgery after I had the colon removed, because at that point, it became clear that I couldn't handle gastric fluids (IDK why, but they wouldn't flow downward to the anastomosis; they'd only go in reverse and cause reflux and vomiting). So, when we call the supply company or whomever, DD has to make it very clear that I have a G AND a J, separately, NOT a GJ.
But, I digress. I hope you are feeling better, now that you're able to take in some food in the way your body needs. I hope the drain is keeping you comfortable as well. A little air, a little stomach acid, a little juice you drank this morning... all of that needs a way out without bothering your small and large intestine. Drain bags are awesome. :)
If you're interested in some links to carrier bags for your feeding tube/pump and drain, I can totally send them, either on the main feed or in DM. I know having tubes dangling all over the place is the worst thing ever, and I'm always happy to share my tips.
Much loves and good luck,
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redvinylkitty · 1 month
"I may or may not have been ledge talking the night before my hernia surgery, however, just because I am curled up in a ball frightened the night before something scary doesn't mean I won't do it. It just means I'm cocooned up seeking comfort. And, usually, being a kitty-type human.. It's in a blankie.
I went to sleep that night and you know what? Yes, I was absolutely mortified about going to the hospital and staying there. I didn't wanna go. Why would I wanna go? No good ever comes out of going to the hospital for me. The good stuff doesn't happen when you go to the hospital, the good stuff happens when you leave the hospital. So that's what I did. I made a plan for leaving..."
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the other day i had a dream within a dream where house replaced his organs with robotic ones as an expirimental treatment of some kind where he could like unzip his stomach to get rid of food like when you siphon it out of a GJ tube but easier. and then in the regular dream i was telling my sibling about classic house malpractice while we were in a hospital bc i had a drs appointment for my usual chronic illness bs and a doctor going into a nearby office thought it was real and i was a medical malpractice lawyer there for a lawsuit and was like oh my god thats so unethical i hope you win your case!
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