#Hindu Extremist Court
xtruss · 2 months
A Court in India Essentially Banned Islamic Schools in the Country's Most Populous State, a move that could further distance many Muslims from the World Most Wanted Criminal, Fascist, Killer and Lowlife Hindu Extremist Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu-Nationalist government ahead of national elections.
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metamatar · 8 months
To counter what they view as a rising tide of prejudice, the HAF and other Hindu American groups have turned to American Jewish organizations, which they have long seen as “the gold standard in terms of political activism,” as Maryland State Delegate Kumar Barve said in 2003. Since the early 2000s, Indian Americans have modeled their congressional activism on that of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and AIPAC; Indian lobbyists have partnered with these groups to achieve shared defense goals, including arms deals between India and Israel and a landmark nuclear agreement between India and the US. Along the way, these Jewish groups have trained a generation of Hindu lobbyists and advocates, offering strategies at joint summits and providing a steady stream of informal advice. “We shared with them the Jewish approach to political activism,” Ann Schaffer, an AJC leader, told the Forward in 2002. “We want to give them the tools to further their political agenda.” Shukla told Jewish Currents that the HAF continues to work closely with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the AJC, whether by “being co-amici curiae on briefs to the US Supreme Court,” or by “lending our support to one another’s letters to Congress.”
[...] Faced with rising scrutiny over India’s worsening human rights record, Hindu groups have used “the same playbook and even sometimes the same terms” as Israel-advocacy groups, “copy-pasted from the Zionist context,” said Nikhil Mandalaparthy of the anti-Hindutva group Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR). Hindu groups have especially taken note of their Jewish counterparts’ recent efforts to codify a definition of antisemitism—the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition—that places much criticism of Israel out-of-bounds, asserting that claims like “the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” constitute examples of anti-Jewish bigotry.
[...] In 2003, Gary Ackerman—a Jewish former congressman who was awarded India’s third-highest civilian honor for helping to found the Congressional Caucus on India—told a gathering of AJC and AIPAC representatives and their Indian counterparts that “Israel [is] surrounded by 120 million Muslims,” while “India has 120 million [within].” Tom Lantos, another Jewish member of the caucus, likewise enjoined the two communities to collaborate: “We are drawn together by mindless, vicious, fanatic, Islamic terrorism.”
Driven by that sense of shared purpose, the AJC and AIPAC helped train new Indian American political groups—such as the Indian American Political Action Committee and the United States India Political Action Committee—to achieve their aims in Washington. The AJC hosted seminars on political activism in DC and New York; it also brought several delegations of Indian Americans to Israel to meet with members of the Israeli government and military. “We’re fighting the same extremist enemy,” the AJC’s capital region director Charles Brooks told the Forward in 2002.
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mahoutoons · 4 months
i'm sure my non indian followers are confused about why i'm suddenly reblogging stuff about a temple. so let me explain.
on 22nd january, 2024, the ram mandir in ayodhya was inaugrated. it was believed to be built on the birthplace of the lord ram, a hindu god. celebrations were everywhere. not just in india, but abroad, the indian hindu diaspora also celebrated the opening of the temple. saffron flags and chants of "jai shri ram" were everywhere.
so, what's the problem?
the first is that this temple was built on the side of a 500 year old mosque, which was demolished by hindu extremists in 1992. you're probably going to hear that this mosque was built on the site of a demolished temple originally, and they're just reclaiming it. but that is a lie. in fact, the supreme court claims that there was no evidence of a temple under the babri masjid. in fact, that is one of the longest run s@nghi misinformation campaigns. once upon a time, the demolition of the babri masjid was seen as a national shame, the actions of a few fringe hindu nationalists. but now, its a celebrated almost mainstream event, which does not hold promise for where this country is headed.
oh, but hindus are just celebrating a place of worship being opened on what they believe to be a holy site, right? wrong. its not just about the celebrations, but how the treatment of religious minorities in india would get worse. it was already pretty bad, especially under our current fascist government, but now we're seeing churches and mosques being vandalized with saffron flags and chants of "jai shri ram", muslim owned shops being burned, crowds calling for the demilition of more mosques, muslim owned properties being subject to more violence than ever, and honestly many more that could be happening as we speak.
india has always been a hellhole for religious minorities and it has been more so ever since m0di gained power. but the building of this temple is just going to make things so much worse, especially for indian muslims. remember that when you see someone celebrating the ram mandir, this is what they're celebrating. this is what they're turning a blind eye to and even encouraging.
with all this in mind, i encourage non indians to steer clear of anyone celebrating the ram mandir. i don't care if its their religion, i don't care if they're "just celebrating", what they're celebrating is a temple built on the site of a demolished mosque and with the blood of many. don't buy their "500 years of struggle" bs, its a lie.
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There will never be anything more despicable than building and celebrating, and forcing a nation to celebrate on the taxpayers money, a temple build on the mass graves of Muslims. The Hindu nationalist state, has proved again that this nation belongs to only Hindus.
Babri Masjid, 1992
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Ram Temple, 2024
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A bit of context for those who don’t know about the issue:
Babri Masjid, was a mosque in Ayodhya, India. It was built in the 16th century by the Mughal Empire. Babri Masjid was a holy place for the Muslims in the country. There’s a history of communalism (created by the British Empire) between Hindus (the majority religion) and Muslims (the minority) in the country.
In 1992, Babri Masjid was attacked and demolished by Hindu extremists who believed that the mosque was built on the site of birthplace of Ram (Hindu god). Thousands of people lost their lives. Thousands of Muslims were killed in cold blood by a hyper-nationalist state.
In 2010, after decades of Muslims fighting for justice, the Allahabad High Court upheld the claim that the mosque was built on Ram’s birth place. Muslims were also awarded one-third area of the site for the construction of a mosque. However, thr decision was subsequently appealed by all parties to the Indian Supreme Court, wherein a five judge bench heard a title suit from August to October 2019. On 9 November 2019, the Supreme Court quashed the lower court's judgement and ordered the entire site to be handed over to a trust to build the Hindu temple.
Today, 22nd January, 2024, marks the inaugural of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. On a site that is so deeply entrenched within a community’s blood, pain and trauma. While these Hindu nationalists celebrate, every Muslim in the country feels more scared. Muslims in India have always been unlawfully detained, persecuted, punished and killed throughout the past seven decades but it has only worsened ever since BJP, the ruling party came in power. Celebrities, sportsperson, politicians and millions of people travelled to Ayodhya to celebrate this tremendous failure of the state.
Today, the Indian constitution lies under those thousands grave.
If any one of you celebrated, I hope you understand the gravity of your actions. I hope you understand what you all set in motion. I hope that one day, you understand and that there is no redemption for you after that.
I hope you all rot in hell.
Here’s a short poem by Rabindranath Tagore about an old god, a new temple, an arrogant king and many hungry and homeless ordinary people.
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buzz-london · 1 year
Anti-India bias of the BBC
BBC's recent 2 part documentary, India, the Modi question, on PM Modi is very divisive and has a strong anti-India, anti-Hindu bias. (January 2023)
Instead of focusing on the life or achievements of the Prime Minister of the largest democracy in the world, BBC focused on the controversial riots that happened at the beginning of his career as the Chief Minister (CM) of Gujarat state in India. 
On the morning of 27th February 2002, a mob of muslim rioters from Godhra, Gujarat, burned a train, killing 59 Hindu pilgrims (9 men, 25 women and 25 children). A state wide strike on the 28th Feb sparked riots across Gujarat. Army was called in and arrived on the 1st of March. Despite that, violence lasted for weeks, resulting in the death of over 2000 people, of which, 75% are presumed to be muslim. 
The main claim of people accusing PM Modi of post-Godhra riots is that he waited 3 days before calling in the army, allowing rioters to kill muslims with impunity. 
Sloppy journalists assumed 28th till 1st March was a delay of 3 days. Intelligent ones knew that Feb 2002 had 28 days! So the 1st was the very next day of the month and there was no delay of 3 days! Indian army was there the very next day of the riots, not 3 days late! I wish the BBC had checked facts rather than rely on hear-say before making grave allegations of genocide on the PM Modi! 
BBC's prog on India's PM Modi shows its obvious bias and absolute colonial arrogance! It assumes it knows more than the police, investigating agencies and the High Court (HC) of India! Every court in India, from its HC in the state of Gujarat to the Supreme Court (SC) in the centre, investigated Mr Modi for over a decade. They went through a mountain of data, investigating every claim made by every NGO and journalist to try and see if Mr Modi was complicit in the Gujarat riots of 2002. This is when the Congress party was in power and being opposed to CM Modi's BJP party, they used every lever of gov to try and nail Mr Modi. Yet at every turn, evidence showed that Mr Modi did his best to quell the riots, including calling in the army on the very day the riots started and they arrived the very next day! 
No less than the SC of India exonerated Mr Modi on all counts of all charges levelled at him. Yet, 20 years after the event, BBC continues to rack up old, unfounded allegations and continues to malign the PM of India. 
BBC has strongly insinuated in the documentary that CM Modi was voted as the PM Modi because of his anti-Muslim views. It totally ignored the fact that the nation voted him in for his 'development' model, which was explicitly agnostic of voters' religious affiliations. His party's slogan is 'Sab ka saath, sab ka vikas', ie With everyone and progress for everyone’. People across India voted him to be their Prime Ministership because of the progress and development they saw in Gujarat during his 12 year tenure as its chief minister. BBC also ignores that PM Modi has been voted back to power for a 2nd term because of the positive growth people have seen progress seen across India in his 1st term.
Last week, BBC spent the best part of the hour exploring what Mr Modi did or did not do after the riot. But, crucially, it spent no time exploring the cause of the riots - the cold blooded murder of 59 Hindu pilgrims by a muslim mob who burned them alive! Why were the lives of Hindus victims so easily disregarded by the BBC? BBC spent a lot of time talking to the muslim victims of the riots. Why did the BBC not speak to the family of the Hindu victims? Why did it not speak to the muslim extremists who murdered Hindu pilgrims? Why did it not spend any time examining the 31 people found guilty by the court system of the heinous murder of Hindu pilgrims, and instead waste time examining the 1 person exonerated of any guilt! 
BBC's series on PM Modi will do nothing to rehabilitate its image as a racist, left-wing organisation that produces biased programmes that are not fair or balanced in their content or views.
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sethshead · 2 years
A note on today's terrible decision by the court, allowing prayer in public schools again. When I was growing up, NJ tried a work around law, a minute of silence, that supposedly could be used for anything. Of course, by anything, they meant prayer, and by prayer, they meant Christian prayer. This was rightfully struck down in the courts (based on the old understanding of the Constitution, pre-extremist right court). But I remember sitting uncomfortably in class, as the homeroom teacher demanded that the kids (even the Jewish ones) take off their hats, because that's what you are supposed to do during...silence. Funny, I always put on my hat... And then my father told me about when he was little, and they had no compunctions about singing about Jesus Christ in class, and how he would mouth silently as his sort of protest, too afraid to try to opt out even in a school with a big Jewish population. And how the fist fights would fly after school, in teams determined by religion and ethnicity. And how in his opinion no one, given a choice, would ask to be Jewish. And this was a man who was president of his synagogue and loved being proudly Jewish. So now I'm thinking of all the kids, Jewish, Muslim, Budhist, Hindu, atheist, or whatever they might be, who will be sitting there and mouth along, afraid of being targeted. And who will be targeted, nonetheless.
h/t Edward Einhorn
Public school prayer creates a coercive environment. This is how.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Last week reports claimed a leaked court-mandated survey of the mosque had discovered a shivalinga, a phallic representation of the Hindu god Shiva, at the site. “This means that is the site of a temple,” government minister Kaushal Kishore, a member of Modi’s BJP party, told local media, saying that Hindus should now pray there. Muslims have already been banned from performing ablutions in the water tank where the alleged relic — mosque authorities say it is a fountain — was found. The fear now is that the Islamic place of worship will go the way of the Ayodhya mosque, which Hindu groups believe was built on the birthplace of Ram, another deity. […] Despite no credible evidence, they believe that the 17th-century mausoleum was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan on the site of a Shiva shrine. “It was destroyed by Mughal invaders so that a mosque could be built there,” Sanjay Jat, spokesman for the hardline organisation Hindu Mahasabha, told AFP. This month a court petition was filed by a member of Modi’s party trying to force India’s archaeological body, the ASI, to open up 20 rooms inside, believing they contained Hindu idols. The ASI said there were no such idols and the court summarily dismissed the petition. [...] “I will continue to fight for this till my death,” Jat said. “We respect the courts but if needed we will demolish the Taj and prove the existence of a temple there.” But while the demolition of the Taj Mahal remains — for now, at least — a pipe-dream of the fundamentalists, other sites are also in the crosshairs.
21 May 22
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drmaqazi · 2 years
Paul Marshall
Since September 11, 2001, the world’s attention has properly been focused on the violence of Islamic extremism, but there are also major violent trends in Hindu extremism that have largely been ignored in the United States. In India, this violence is supported by Hindu extremists and their allies in the Indian government, which is currently led by the Bharatiya Janata Party.
One reason for our lack of attention here is that India is not a religiously reactionary state like Saudi Arabia or Iran, and in fact faces its own threats from Islamist militants in Indian-controlled Kashmir, as well as Islamist terrorist attacks throughout the country, most notably the dramatic storming of the Indian parliament in 2001 and the deadly bombing in Bombay that killed fifty-two people in August 2003. India is a strong ally in the war on terrorism and continues to have strong democratic traditions and institutions. It has developed friendlier relations with America and Israel; Ariel Sharon made a state visit in September. The Indian government has also loosened the previously heavily regulated economy to produce one of the highest growth rates in the world, and the Bombay stock market rose 50 percent in 2003. Yet despite these strengths, there is much sectarian hatred in India and it is expressed in frequent, sometimes programmatic, violence.
In the past decade, extremist Hindus have increased their attacks on Christians, until there are now several hundred per year. But this did not make news in the U.S. until a foreigner was attacked. In 1999, Graham Staines, an Australian missionary who had worked with leprosy patients for three decades, was burned alive in Orissa along with his two young sons. The brutal violence visited on Muslims in Gujarat in February 2002 also brought the dangers of Hindu extremism to world attention. Between one and two thousand Muslims were massacred after Muslims reportedly set fire to a train carrying Hindu nationalists, killing several dozen people.
These attacks were not inchoate mob violence, triggered by real or rumored insult; rather, they involved careful planning by organized Hindu extremists with an explicit program and a developed religious-nationalist ideology. Like the ideology of al-Qaeda and other radical Islamists, this ideology began to take shape in the 1920s as a response to European colonialism. It rejected the usually secular outlook of other independence movements; in place of secularism, it synthesized a reactionary form of religion with elements of European millenarian political thought, especially fascism.
Until the nineteenth century, the word “Hindu” had no specific religious meaning and simply referred to the people who lived east of the Indus River, whatever their beliefs. (The Indian Supreme Court itself has held that “no precise meaning can be ascribed to the terms ‘Hindu’ and ‘Hinduism.’”) It was only when the census introduced by the British colonial authorities in 1871 included Hindu as a religious designation that many Indians began to think of themselves and their country as Hindu.
Twentieth-century agitation against the British led to the rise not only of the secular and socialist Congress movement but also of the rival Hindu nationalist movement collectively known as the Sangh Parivar (“family of organizations”). The Parivar proclaims an ideology of “Hindutva,” aimed at ensuring the predominance of Hinduism in Indian society, politics, and culture, which it promotes through tactics that include violence and terror. Its agenda includes subjugating or driving out Muslims and Christians, who total some 17 percent of the population. It castigates them as foreign faiths, imposed by foreign conquerors—even though Christians trace their origins in India to the Apostle Thomas in the first century and Islam came to India in the seventh and eighth centuries.
The Sangh Parivar’s central organization is the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), founded by Keshav Hedgewar in 1925. Hedgewar was influenced by V. D. Savarkar, who believed that Hindus were the descendants of the ancient Aryans and properly formed a nation with a unified geography, race, and culture. Savarkar’s 1923 book Hindutva—Who is a Hindu? declared that those who did not consider India as both fatherland and holy land were not true Indians—and that the love of Indian Christians and Muslims for India was “divided” because each group had its own holy land in the Middle East.
M. S. Golwalkar, the RSS’s sarsangchalak (supreme director) from 1940 to 1973, sharpened these themes. In 1938, commenting on the Nuremberg racial laws, he declared: “Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us … to learn and profit by.” In an address to RSS members the same year, he also asserted: “If we Hindus grow stronger, in time Muslim friends … will have to play the part of German Jews.” He insisted that “the non-Hindu … must either adopt the Hindu culture and language, must learn to respect and revere Hindu religion… Or [they] may stay in the country wholly subordinated to the Hindu nation, claiming nothing, deserving no privileges.” On March 25, 1939, the Hindu nationalist Mahasabha Party, an RSS ally, likewise proclaimed: “Germany’s solemn idea of the revival of the Aryan culture, the glorification of the swastika, her patronage of Vedic learning, and the ardent championship of Indo-Germanic civilization are welcomed by the religious and sensible Hindus of India with a jubilant hope.”
This racism and religious and cultural chauvinism brought the Sangh Parivar into conflict with other strands of Hinduism, especially those taught by Mahatma Gandhi. Golwalkar castigated Gandhi as being soft on Muslims, while Gandhi in turn called the RSS “a communal body with a totalitarian outlook.” Hindu nationalists blamed Gandhi for the partition of the subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947 and accused him of dismembering Mother India. The conflict did not stop at words: Gandhi’s assassin was Nathuram Godse, a former RSS member and Savarkar associate.
The RSS is now a major paramilitary organization with millions of members. Its educational wing, the Vidya Bharati, has some twenty thousand educational institutes, with one hundred thousand teachers and two million students. The Vidya Bharati schools distribute booklets containing a map of India that encompasses not only Pakistan and Bangladesh but also the entire region of Bhutan, Nepal, Tibet, and parts of Myanmar, all under the heading “Punya Bhoomi Bharat,” the “Indian Holy Land.” The RSS also has separate organizations for tribal peoples, intellectuals, teachers, slum dwellers, leprosy patients, cooperatives, consumers, newspapers, industrialists, Sikhs, ex-servicemen, overseas Indians, and an organization for religion and proselytization, as well as trade unions, student and economic organizations, and a women’s chapter.
Other Sangh Parivar organizations include the Bajrang Dal and the Vishnu Hindu Parishad (VHP-World Hindu Council), which engage in propaganda, virulent hate campaigns, and sometimes violence against religious minorities. The VHP was formed in 1964 to unite Hindu groups and serve as the RSS’s bridge to sympathetic religious leaders. It has sought to radicalize Hindus by claiming that Hindus are under threat from an “exploding” Muslim population and a spate of Christian conversions, and it organized the 1992 nationwide demonstrations that culminated in the destruction of the Ayodhya mosque by Hindu mobs.
In January 2003, the head of the RSS described the Jesuits in India as the “pope’s soldiers” and alleged that they had taken an oath to use “violence and barbaric means to decimate all those who don’t follow the Roman Catholic religion.” Sangh Parivar groups have also been pressing for a ban on religious conversions from Hinduism, which they allege are being done by “force, fraud, and inducement.” They accuse Christian missionaries (who comprise about one half of one percent of the Christians in India) of converting people by offering them money, medical help, and education. Because of this widespread Hindu extremist propaganda, it now appears that a majority of Hindus support a ban on Hindus changing their religion.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which has since 1998 formed the national government of India at the head of a coalition of centrist parties, is tied to the RSS, VHP, and Bajrang Dal, and functions as the Sangh Parivar’s political wing. Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee publicly praises the RSS, attends its functions, and has feted the organization’s leadership at his residence. Other senior BJP officials, such as Home Affairs Minister L. K. Advani, are RSS associates. At the national level the BJP advances the ideology of Hindutva through propaganda, the manipulation of cultural institutions, undercutting laws that protect religious minorities, and minimizing or excusing Hindu extremist violence. At the state level its functionaries have abetted and even participated in such violence.
The BJP appoints school officials who alter textbooks and curricula to emphasize Hinduism; they also require that Hindu texts be taught in all schools. Moreover, it has appointed Sangh Parivar adherents to key positions in autonomous bodies such as the Prasar Bharati, which controls the official media, the National Film Development Corporation, the Indian Council of Historical Research, and the National Book Trust.
BJP lawmakers have also attempted to restrict minority religious groups’ international contacts and to reduce their rights to build places of worship. It works to pass anti-conversion laws and to alter the personal laws that govern marriages, adoptions, and inheritance. It practices legal discrimination against Dalits (“untouchables”) who are Christian and Muslim, but not against those who are Hindu. With BJP support, laws have recently been adopted in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat states that restrict the ability of Hindus to change their religion, and proposals for national restrictions have been made. Pope John Paul II described these developments in June 2003 as “unjust” and said they prohibited “free exercise of the natural right to religious freedom.”
The current legal status of religious conversion in India is ambiguous. In a 1977 judgment, the Supreme Court ruled that “converting” people was not a fundamental right, that conversions could potentially impinge on freedom of conscience, and that, if conversions disrupt community life, they could amount to “disturbing public order.” The states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, and Arunachal Pradesh have a legal ban on “forced conversion.” Officials of the National Commission for Minorities, a government body with the mandate to protect minorities, believe that such laws are unconstitutional; and despite many investigations into allegations, no “forced conversions” have ever been documented or proven.
While restrictions on conversion—or, more precisely, restrictions on the legal recognition that someone has in fact converted—affect all Indians, they are particularly onerous for Dalits. Because of their desperate status in Indian society, many lower-caste Hindus have considered converting in order to escape their religiously defined plight (most Christians in India are from Dalit background). In 1956, B. R. Ambedkar, a Dalit leader, declared that he had converted to Buddhism to escape Hinduism. Perhaps as many as one hundred thousand Dalits have followed his example. In 1981, about a thousand Dalits converted to Islam in Tamil Nadu. In August 2002, 250 Dalit youth from the same area converted to Christianity. Apart from their directly religious significance, such conversions erode the dominance of traditional Hinduism’s higher castes, especially the Brahmins, and undercut the power of landowners, generally higher-caste, over their laborers, who are frequently lower-caste. The attempts to forbid religious conversion are also attempts to keep the underclass in its place.
The BJP policies on Hindutva and conversion coincide with increasingly violent attacks by Hindu militants on religious minorities. Attacks on Christians, especially in the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Orissa, have surged in recent years. India’s Home Ministry (internal security) and its National Commission for Minorities officially list over a hundred religiously motivated attacks against Christians per year, but the real number is certainly higher, as Indian journalists estimate that only some ten percent of incidents are ever reported. These attacks include murders of missionaries and priests, sexual assault on nuns, ransacking of churches, convents, and other Christian institutions, desecration of cemeteries, and Bible burnings.
The other major target of Hindu extremists is the Muslim community, which is haunted by the fear of recurrent communal riots that have taken the lives of thousands of Muslims and Hindus since Indian independence. During the outbreak of violence in Gujarat in February 2002, many of the victims were burned alive or dismembered while police and BJP state government authorities either stood by or joined in. The mobs had with them lists of homes and businesses owned by Muslims, lists that they could have acquired only from government sources.
After the massacre, state BJP officials also impeded the investigation. In the high-profile “Best Bakery Case,” a judge dismissed charges against twenty-one defendants on trial for setting fire to a Muslim-owned bakery and killing and injuring its owners because the main witness, a nineteen-year-old girl, stated that she could not identify any of the attackers. She later told the press that “she testified falsely after local Hindu politicians repeatedly threatened her family … and after concluding that prosecutors, who made no effort to meet with her before the trial, were not serious about gaining convictions.” On September 12, 2003, the Chief Justice of India’s Supreme Court expressed his disgust with the situation by declaring publicly that he has “no faith left in the prosecution and the Gujarat government.”
Following the violence, Gujarat’s Chief Minister, Narendra Modi, a BJP member, called upon his supporters to “teach a lesson” to those who “believe in multiplying the population,” referring to Muslims. Other Sangh Parivar officials were even more explicitly threatening. VHP International President Ashok Singhal described the Gujarat carnage as a “successful experiment” and warned that it would be repeated all over India. After the December 2002 BJP election victory in Gujarat, VHP General Secretary Pravin Togadia declared, “All Hindutva opponents will get the death sentence, and we will leave this to the people to carry out. The process of forming a Hindu rule in the country has begun with Gujarat, and VHP will take the Gujarat experiment to every nook and corner of the country.”
To maintain the political coalition that enables it to rule at the national level, the BJP downplays its specifically religious goals and portrays itself as a moderate party. But it also allies with the Sangh Parivar to appeal to its base. In its 2004 recommendations, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom proposed that India be included on the State Department’s official shortlist of the worst religious persecutors for its “egregious, systematic, and ongoing” violations of religious fights.
Since it is the world’s largest democracy, good relations with India are important to the U.S. It is also a growing trading partner, a possible geopolitical counterweight to China, and a strong U.S. ally in the war on terrorism. But the growth of often-violent Hindu nationalism threatens India’s tolerant traditions and pluralistic democracy. If religious extremism continues to grow, it will, as we have learned elsewhere, drag India’s democracy, economy, and foreign policy down with it. In the face of such a threat, we cannot afford to be silent.
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sleepysera · 2 years
1.15.22 Headlines
Kazakhstan: Death toll rises to 225 in days of protests (AP)
“A top law-enforcement official in Kazakhstan said Saturday that 225 people died during the violent demonstrations that shook the country this month, a significantly higher number than previously announced. Serik Shalabayev, head of the criminal prosecution service in the general prosecutor’s office, said 19 police officers or servicemen were among the dead, news reports said. More than 4,300 people were injured, he said. The previous official death toll was 164.”
Covid: Expect more worrisome variants after omicron, scientists say (AP)
“Every infection provides a chance for the virus to mutate, and omicron has an edge over its predecessors: It spreads way faster despite emerging on a planet with a stronger patchwork of immunity from vaccines and prior illness. That means more people in whom the virus can further evolve. Experts don’t know what the next variants will look like or how they might shape the pandemic, but they say there’s no guarantee the sequels of omicron will cause milder illness or that existing vaccines will work against them.”
India: Hindu extremists are calling for genocide against Muslims (CNN)
“Her words and calls for violence from other religious leaders were met with a roar of applause from the large audience, a video from the three-day conference in the northern Indian city of Haridwar shows. But across India, people were outraged. Nearly a month on, many are still furious at the lack of government response or arrests over the comments, which they say highlights a worsening climate for the country's Muslims. After mounting pressure, India's top court intervened on Wednesday, asking for a response from state and federal authorities within 10 days.”
Tsunami Advisory: Volcano erupts in Pacific, West Coast under tsunami advisory (AP)
“An undersea volcano erupted in spectacular fashion near the Pacific nation of Tonga on Saturday, sending large tsunami waves crashing across the shore and people rushing to higher ground. A tsunami advisory was in effect for Hawaii, Alaska and the U.S. Pacific coast, with reports of waves pushing boats up in the docks in Hawaii. Beaches and piers were closed across Southern California as a precaution but the National Weather Service tweeted there were “no significant concerns about inundation.” Strong rip currents were possible, however, and officials warned people to stay out of the water.”
Martin Luther King Jr: King family to rally in Arizona for voting bills for MLK Day (AP)
“As the nation prepares to mark the birthday of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., some members of his family are spending it in conservative-leaning Arizona to mobilize support for languishing federal voting rights legislation. Martin Luther King III; his wife, Arndrea Waters King; and their daughter Yolanda Renee King, 13, will take part Saturday in an on-the-ground campaign for voting rights in Phoenix. They will march with local activists and supporters from Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, a predominantly Black church, and speak about the importance of “no celebration without legislation.””
Covid: Americans now have access to free at-home Covid-19 testing kits (CNN)
“Starting Saturday, many Americans can get home Covid-19 tests at no cost through their private insurance. They can obtain the tests from pharmacies, retailers and online vendors. The program is part of the Biden administration's effort to increase access to testing around the US. It will also distribute free home tests, which will be available to order starting next Wednesday.”
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didanawisgi · 4 years
Genocide Watch- Ten Stages of Genocide
Genocide Watch- Ten Stages of Genocide
Written by Gregory H. Stanton, from Genocide Watch  
“It is crucial not to confuse this model with a linear one.  In all genocides, many stages occur simultaneously.
Genocide is a process that develops in ten stages that are predictable but not inexorable. At each stage, preventive measures can stop it.
The process is not linear. Stages may occur simultaneously. Each stage is itself a process. Logically, later stages are preceded by earlier stages.  But all stages continue to operate throughout the process.
All cultures have categories to distinguish people into “us and them” by ethnicity, race, religion, or nationality: German and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi. Bipolar societies that lack mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most likely to have genocide.  One of most important classifications in the current nation-state system is citizenship in a nationality.  Removal or denial of a group’s citizenship is a legal way to deny the group’s civil and human rights.  The first step toward the genocide of Jews and Roma in Nazi Germany were the laws to strip them of their German citizenship.  Burma’s 1982 citizenship law classified Rohingyas out of national citizenship. In India, the Citizenship Act denies a route to citizenship for Muslim refugees.  Native Americans were not granted citizenship in the USA until 1924, after centuries of genocide that decimated their populations.
The main preventive measure at this early stage is to develop universalistic institutions that transcend ethnic or racial divisions, that actively promote tolerance and understanding, and that promote classifications that transcend the divisions. The Catholic church could have played this role in Rwanda, had it not been driven by the same ethnic cleavages as Rwandan society. Promotion of a common language in countries like Tanzania has also promoted transcendent national identity. Laws that provide routes for citizenship to immigrants and refugees break down barriers to civil rights. This search for common ground is vital to early prevention of genocide.
We give names or other symbols to the classifications. We name people “Jews” or “Gypsies”, or distinguish them by colors or dress; and apply the symbols to members of groups. Classification and symbolization are universally human and do not necessarily result in genocide unless they lead to dehumanization. When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups: the yellow star for Jews under Nazi rule, the blue scarf for people from the Eastern Zone in Khmer Rouge Cambodia.
To combat symbolization, hate symbols can be legally forbidden (swastikas) as can hate speech. Group marking like gang clothing or tribal scarring can be outlawed, as well. The problem is that legal limitations will fail if unsupported by popular cultural enforcement. Though Hutu and Tutsi were forbidden words in Burundi until the 1980’s, code words replaced them. If widely supported, however, denial of symbolization can be powerful, as it was in Bulgaria, where the government refused to supply enough yellow badges and at least eighty percent of Jews did not wear them, depriving the yellow star of its significance as a Nazi symbol for Jews.
A dominant group uses law, custom, and political power to deny the rights of other groups.  The powerless group may not be accorded full civil rights, voting rights, or even citizenship. The dominant group is driven by an exclusionary ideology that would deprive less powerful groups of their rights.  The ideology advocates monopolization or expansion of power by the dominant group.  It legitimizes the victimization of weaker groups. Advocates of exclusionary ideologies are often charismatic, expressing the resentments of their followers. Examples include the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 in Nazi Germany, which stripped Jews of their German citizenship, and prohibited their employment by the government and by universities.  Discrimination against native Americans and African-Americans was enshrined in the US Constitution until the post Civil War Amendments and mid-20th century laws to enforce them.  Denial of citizenship to the Rohingya Muslim minority in Myanmar led to genocide in 2017 and the displacement of over a million refugees.
Prevention against discrimination means full political empowerment and citizenship rights for all groups in a society.  Discrimination on the basis of nationality, ethnicity, race or religion should be outlawed.  Individuals should have the right to sue the state, corporations, and other individuals if their rights are violated.
One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human revulsion against murder. At this stage, hate propaganda in print, on hate radios, and in social media is used to vilify the victim group. It may even be incorporated into school textbooks. Indoctrination prepares the way for incitement. The majority group is taught to regard the other group as less than human, and even alien to their society. They are indoctrinated to believe that “ We are better off without them.”  The powerless group can become so depersonalized that they are actually given numbers rather than names, as Jews were in the death camps.  They are equated with filth, i​m​purity, and immorality.  Hate speech fills the propaganda of official radio, newspapers, and speeches.
To combat dehumanization, incitement to genocide should not be confused with protected speech. Genocidal societies lack constitutional protection for countervailing speech, and should be treated differently than democracies. Local and international leaders should condemn the use of hate speech and make it culturally unacceptable. Leaders who incite genocide should be prosecuted in national courts.  They should be banned from international travel and have their foreign finances frozen. Hate radio stations should be jammed or shut down, and hate propaganda and its sources banned from social media and the internet. Hate crimes and atrocities should be promptly punished.
Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility (the Janjaweed in Darfur.) Sometimes organization is informal (Hindu mobs led by local RSS militants) or decentralized (terrorist groups.) Special army units or militias are often trained and armed. Plans are made for genocidal killings.   Genocide often occurs during civil or international wars.  Arms flows to states and militias (even in violation of UN Arms Embargoes) facilitate acts of genocide.  States organize secret police to spy on, arrest, torture, and murder people suspected of opposition to political leaders. Motivations for targeting a group are indoctrinated through mass media and special training for murderous militias, death squads, and special army killing units like the Nazi Einsaztgruppen, which murdered 1.5 million Jews in Eastern Europe .
To combat organization, membership in genocidal militias should be outlawed. Their leaders should be denied visas for foreign travel and their foreign assets frozen. The UN should impose arms embargoes on governments and citizens of countries involved in genocidal massacres, and create commissions to investigate violations, as was done in post-genocide Rwanda. National legal systems should prosecute and disarm groups that plan and commit hate crimes.
Extremists drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda. Laws may forbid intermarriage or social interaction. Extremist terrorism targets moderates, intimidating and silencing the center. Moderates from the perpetrators’ own group are most able to stop genocide, so are the first to be arrested and killed.  Leaders in targeted groups are the next to be arrested and murdered. The dominant group passes emergency laws or decrees that grants them total power over the targeted group.  The laws erode fundamental civil rights and liberties. Targeted groups are disarmed to make them incapable of self-defense, and to ensure that the dominant group has total control.
Prevention may mean security protection for moderate leaders or assistance to human rights groups. Assets of extremists should be seized, and visas for international travel denied to them. Coups d’état by extremists should be opposed by international sanctions and regional isolation of extremist leaders.  Vigorous objections should be raised to arrests of members of opposition groups.  If necessary, targeted groups should be armed to defend themselves. National government leaders should denounce polarizing hate speech.  Educators should teach tolerance.
National or perpetrator group leaders plan the “Final Solution” to the Jewish, Armenian, Tutsi or other targeted group “question.”  They often use euphemisms to cloak their intentions, such as referring to their goals as “ethnic cleansing,” “purification,” or “counter-terrorism.” They build armies, buy weapons and train their troops and militias.  They indoctrinate the populace with fear of the victim group.  Leaders often claim that “if we don’t kill them, they will kill us,” disguising genocide as self-defense.  There is a sudden increase in inflammatory rhetoric and hate propaganda with the objective of creating fear of the other group. Political processes such as peace accords that threaten the dominance of the ruling group through elections or prosecution for corruption may actually trigger genocide.
Prevention of preparation may include arms embargo​e​s and commissions to enforce them.  It should include prosecution of incitement and conspiracy to commit genocide, both crimes under Article 3 of the Genocide Convention.
National law enforcement authorities should arrest and prosecute leaders of groups planning genocidal massacres.
Victims are identified and separated out because of their national, ethnic, racial or religious identity. The victim group’s most basic human rights are systematically violated through extrajudicial killings, torture and forced displacement.  Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocide, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols. Their property is often expropriated.  Sometimes they are segregated into ghettoes, deported to concentration camps, or confined to a famine-struck region and starved.  They are deliberately deprived of resources such as water or food in order to slowly destroy the group. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation through forced sterilization or abortions. Children are forcibly taken from their parents. Genocidal massacres begin.  All of these destructive acts are acts of genocide outlawed by the Genocide Convention.  They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group.  The perpetrators watch for whether such massacres are opposed by any effective international response.  If there is no reaction, they realize they can get away with genocide.  The perpetrators know that the U.N., regional organizations, and nations with powerful militaries will again be bystanders and permit another genocide.
At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared. If the political will of the great powers, regional alliances, or U.N. Security Council or the U.N. General Assembly can be mobilized, vigorous diplomacy, targeted economic sanctions, and even armed international intervention should be prepared. Assistance should be provided to the victim group to prepare for its self-defense. Humanitarian assistance should be organized by the U.N. and private relief groups for the inevitable tide of refugees to come.
Extermination begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called “genocide.” It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. When it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with militias to do the killing.   The goal of total genocides is to kill all the members of the targeted group.  But most genocides are genocides “in part.”  All educated members of the targeted group might be murdered (Burundi 1972). All men and boys of fighting age may be murdered (Srebrenica, Bosnia 1995).  All women and girls may be raped (Darfur, Myanmar.)  Mass rapes of women have become a characteristic of all modern genocides.  Rape is used as a means to genetically alter and destroy the victim group.  Sometimes the genocide results in revenge killings by groups against each other, creating the downward whirlpool-like cycle of bilateral genocide (as in Burundi).   Destruction of cultural and religious property is employed to annihilate the group’s existence from history (Armenia 1915 - 1922, Da'esh/ISIS 2014 - 2018).
“Total war” between nations or ethnic groups is inherently genocidal because it does not differentiate civilians from non-combatants.  "Carpet" bombing, firebombing, bombing hospitals, and use of chemical or biological weapons are war crimes and also acts of genocide. Terrorism does not differentiate civilians and combatants, and when intended to destroy members of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group is genocidal. Use of nuclear weapons is the ultimate act of genocide because it is consciously intended to destroy a substantial part of a national group.  
During active genocide, only rapid and overwhelming armed intervention can stop genocide.  Real safe areas or refugee escape corridors should be established with heavily armed international protection. (An unsafe “safe” area is worse than none at all.)  For armed interventions, a multilateral force authorized by the U.N. should intervene if politically possible. The Standing High Readiness Brigade, EU Rapid Response Force, or regional forces (NATO, ASEAN, ECOWAS) — should be authorized to act by the U.N. Security Council. The UN General Assembly may authorize action under the Uniting for Peace Resolution G A Res. 330 (1950), which has been used 13 times for such armed intervention.  If the U.N. is paralyzed, regional alliances must act under Chapter VIII of the U.N. Charter.  The international responsibility to protect transcends the narrow interests of individual nation states.  If strong nations will not provide troops to intervene directly, they should provide the airlift, equipment, and financial means necessary for regional states to intervene.
Denial is the final stage that lasts throughout and always follows genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres. The perpetrators of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies, try to cover up the evidence and intimidate the witnesses. They deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. Acts of genocide are disguised as counter-insurgency if there is an ongoing​ ​armed conflict or civil war.  Perpetrators block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile. There they remain with impunity, like Pol Pot or Idi Amin, unless they are captured and a tribunal is established to try them.
During and after genocide, lawyers, diplomats, and others who oppose forceful action often deny that these crimes meet the definition of genocide. They call them euphemisms like “ethnic cleansing” instead. They question whether intent to destroy a group can be proven, ignoring thousands of murders.  They overlook deliberate imposition of conditions that destroy part of a group.  They claim that only courts can determine whether there has been genocide, demanding “proof beyond a reasonable doubt”, when prevention only requires action based on compelling evidence.
The best response to denial is punishment by an international tribunal or national courts. There the evidence can be heard, and the perpetrators punished. Tribunals like the Yugoslav, Rwanda or Sierra Leone Tribunals, the tribunal to try the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, or the International Criminal Court may not deter the worst genocidal killers. But with the political will to arrest and prosecute them, some may be brought to justice.  Local justice and truth commissions and public school education are also antidotes to denial.  They may open ways to reconciliation and preventive education.”
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xtruss · 5 months
World’s Most Wanted Criminal and Fascist Hindu Extremist Narendra Modi’s Illiberalism May Imperil India’s Economic Progress! Fulfilling His Great-Power Dream Requires Restraint, Not Abandon
— January 18th, 2023
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“Politics And Religion Cannot Be Mixed,” ruled India’s Supreme Court in 1994 in what was then considered a decisive elucidation of the country’s secular constitution. Tell that to the millions who on January 22nd will watch Narendra Modi preside over the consecration of a controversial $220m Hindu temple, in a ceremony that marks the informal launch of his campaign for a third term as prime minister in elections to be held by May. To the alarm of India’s 200m Muslims, and many secular-minded Indians, it will mark a high point of a decades-long Hindu-nationalist project to dominate India.
Even as Mr Modi appears at the temple in Ayodhya in northern India, the other pillar of his mission continues apace: India’s extraordinary modernisation. The country is the planet’s fastest-growing major economy and now its fifth-biggest. Global investors toast its infrastructure boom and growing technological sophistication. Mr Modi wants to be India’s most consequential leader since Jawaharlal Nehru. His vision of national greatness is about wealth as well as religion. The danger is that a hubristic Hindu chauvinism undermines his economic ambitions.
To understand the strange symbolism of Ayodhya you have to travel back in time. Mr Modi’s once-fringe party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (bjp), built its name by campaigning over the status of a Mosque there from 1990. It organised a rally of Hindu activists in 1992 that led to its destruction, sparking Hindu-Muslim riots across South Asia.
The lavish Hindu temple that Mr Modi is about to open is built on the site of that destroyed mosque. For many Hindus this represents the righting of an ancient wrong: the location is also the mythical birthplace of the Hindu god Ram. Previous bjp leaders, such as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, downplayed the party’s Hindu-first ideology, known as Hindutva, to win mainstream support. After ten years in power, Mr Modi, who was implicated in deadly anti-Muslim riots in 2002 when he ran Gujarat state (he was later absolved by the courts), no longer seems so restrained.
The bjp’s radicals have been empowered. There have been Mob Attacks on Muslims. Several bjp-run states have passed anti-conversion laws. Mr Modi has exacerbated Islamophobia by, among other things, promoting a citizenship law that discriminates against Muslims. His strongman style of rule has also featured harassment and attacks on the pillars of India’s old liberal order, including the press, charities, think-tanks, some courts and many opposition politicians.
Were Mr Modi and the bjp to win a third term—as seems almost certain—many worry that the Hindutva project would go further. bjp activists are agitating to replace mosques with temples at hundreds of other sites. Mr Modi wants to scrap constitutional provisions for Muslim family law. A possible redrawing of parliamentary districts could see power accrue to the populous Hindi-speaking and bjp-supporting north, at the expense of the richer industrialised south. Mr Modi, aged 73, could rule as a strongman for a further decade or more.
The whiplash-inducing reality is that this religious and political struggle is occurring alongside enormous economic optimism. Growth has exceeded 7% in recent quarters. The country now has vastly improved transport infrastructure, huge and deep equity markets, stronger banks, massive currency reserves, a less complex tax system and less corruption. India is at last becoming a single market, letting firms exploit economies of scale and promising faster business investment. While manufacturing has yet to take off, industry is starting to couple with global supply chains, from internet routers to electric two-wheelers. The giant technology-services sector hopes to make a fortune as companies around the world seek help in adopting artificial intelligence.
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Image: Alicia Tatone
The economic record is still far from perfect. The rate of formal job creation is much too low—one reason Mr Modi has built up digital welfare-schemes for the poor, augmenting his image among ordinary Hindus as a leader who cares about the downtrodden. India does too little to develop human capital and its education system is terrible. Some powerful firms have too much influence. Yet it is a foundation worth building on.
The question is whether the religious agenda and rapid economic development are compatible. The answer is yes, but only up to a point. In the past ten years many of Mr Modi’s economic accomplishments have existed alongside his religious agenda. The bjp’s parliamentary strength and Mr Modi’s popularity have made it possible to push through difficult reforms, including a national sales tax. The government’s unity and clout have given investors confidence that policy is stable, even though civil liberties have been eroded.
Yet if Mr Modi in his third term were to lurch further towards Hindutva and autocratic rule, the economic calculus would change. Take the north-south divide. If India continues to grow fast, the industrialised, wealthy and technologically advanced south is likely to pull further ahead, drawing labour from the north. But Hindutva holds little appeal in the south, and by pushing it further while concentrating more power in his own hands, Mr Modi could exacerbate already rising tensions over internal migrants, tax revenues and representation.
Or consider economic stability, which depends on the management of the economy by internationally credible technocrats, not bjp ideologues. You can overdo how much store companies put by the rule of law—they invested in China for decades. But if decision-making becomes authoritarian and erratic as Mr Modi grows old and isolated, and if institutions are weakened, firms will grow warier of deploying huge sums of capital.
As he stands at the ceremony at Ayodhya before admirers and acolytes—the leaders of India’s new, brash, nationalistic elite—does Mr Modi see this danger? He has in the past: before he was prime minister he tried to rebrand himself from a Hindu zealot into a pragmatic manager of his successful home state of Gujarat. With a third term looming, he should realise that, to fulfil his dream of making India a great power, the balancing-act must continue. It requires restraint, not abandon. If Mr Modi fails, the hopes of 1.4bn people and the prospects for the brightest spot in the world economy will be dashed. ■
— This Article Appeared in the Leaders Section of the Print Edition Under the Headline "Modi’s Juggernaut"
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aiklahori · 4 years
NEW DELHI — Kaushar Ali, a house painter, was trying to get home when he ran into a battle.
Hindu and Muslim mobs were hurling rocks at each other, blocking a street he needed to cross to get to his children. Mr. Ali, who is Muslim, said that he turned to some police officers for help. That was his mistake.
The officers threw him onto the ground, he said, and cracked him on the head. They started beating him and several other Muslims. As the men lay bleeding, begging for mercy — one of them died two days later from internal injuries — the officers laughed, jabbed them with their sticks and made them sing the national anthem. That abuse, on Feb. 24, was captured on video.
“The police were toying with us,” Mr. Ali said. He recalled them saying, “Even if we kill you, nothing will happen to us.”
So far, they have been right.
India has suffered its worst sectarian bloodshed in years, in what many here see as the inevitable result of Hindu extremism that has flourished under the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His party has embraced a militant brand of Hindu nationalism and its leaders have openly vilified Indian Muslims. In recent months Mr. Modi has presided over a raft of policies widely seen as anti-Muslim, such as erasing the statehood of what had been India’s only Muslim-majority state, Jammu and Kashmir.
Now, more evidence is emerging that the Delhi police, who are under the direct command of Mr. Modi’s government and have very few Muslim officers, concertedly moved against Muslims and at times actively helped the Hindu mobs that rampaged in New Delhi in late February, burning down Muslim homes and targeting Muslim families.
India’s policing culture has long been brutal, biased, anti-minority and almost colonial in character, a holdover from the days of British rule when the police had no illusions of serving the public but were used to suppress a restive population.
But what seems to be different now, observers contend, is how profoundly India’s law enforcement machinery has been politicized by the Bharatiya Janata Party, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Hindu-nationalist governing bloc.
Police officials, especially in states controlled by Mr. Modi’s party, have been highly selective in their targets, like a Muslim school principal in Karnataka who was jailed for more than two weeks on sedition charges after her students performed a play about a new immigration law that police officials said was critical of Mr. Modi.
Some judges have also seemed to be caught up — or pushed out — by a Hindu-nationalist wave.
A Delhi judge who expressed disbelief that the police had yet to investigate members of Mr. Modi’s party who have been widely accused of instigating the recent violence in Delhi was taken off the case and transferred to another state. And at the same time that the Supreme Court has made a string of rulings in the government’s favor, one of the judges, Arun Mishra, publicly praised Mr. Modi as a “visionary genius.”
All of this is emboldening Hindu extremists on the street.
The religiously mixed and extremely crowded neighborhoods in northeastern Delhi that were on fire in late February have cooled. But some Hindu politicians continue to lead so-called peace marches, trotting out casualties of the violence with their heads wrapped in white medical tape, trying to upend the narrative and make Hindus seem like the victims, which is stoking more anti-Muslim hatred.
Some Muslims are leaving their neighborhoods, having lost all faith in the police. More than 1,000 have piled into a camp for internally displaced people that is rising on Delhi’s outskirts. Police officers watched as mobs of Hindus, their foreheads marked by saffron stripes, prowled the streets with baseball bats and rusty bars, looking for Muslims to kill. The sky was filled with smoke. Muslim homes, shops and mosques were burned down.When a reporter for The New York Times tried to speak to residents standing near police officers that day, a mob of men with darting eyes surrounded him and ripped the notebook out of his hands. When the reporter asked police officers for help, one said: “I can’t. These young men are very volatile.”
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sirjustice34-blog · 4 years
Reading peoples mind
Tomorrow as i have planed am going to embark on my journey to planet Pluto using my small plane in the link below which aint electric but carries 10 liters of oil which covers 200 km stopping to refuel at intervals. Folks is this wishful thing or truth that Mr Hindu telling folks to breed nationwide go slow or just falling a sleep at daytime dream. What u think is not necessarily what u gonna do, is it feasible bro, Mr Hindu ya time is long overdue and neither that will put food on table bro stop getting into folks thinking, if its stealing a bank let the trukana blooded go a head and be gunned down as now we got sophisticated mechanism like drones, wireless camera, automated padlocks to curb that, kinda, u block these people to be eliminated with ya tricks cause u r also that tribe blooded period
Check my tumblr account sirjustice32 or mcsleepynelson
U wanna tell him something in the lapse of ya triumph who was listening to you but at dat time, when u touch their shoulder maybe in pretense they were not hearing, they move it away from ya hand, as if u had seduced them not knowing u have finished them while at dat time they aint independent but putting up with a friend having a dubious way which might end while to them is everlasting, the luo blooded men like TZ.
The green-man was made with the duck which the luo were made out of but the bick was cut as worker and vineyard parable cements the truth. How different tribes were made with dough which kebi placed on it black food color and fell on soil the Lord directed the angels the previous day they were going to start creation thinking it was pure clay soil in some parts he put black plastisine mixed with clay bro
Whitemen- the white domestic dogs, Cameroonians the puppy like sagging neck dog like in Tyrese song one.
Suthe,king of the jew to bring out reality, the south nyanza luos as well as Argentinians, wild dogs and wild they became as trukana folks, can survive on hardship and wanting free things. YESUS they love, talking good men.
Mr Hindu created out of snail, like talking ill and slow to the later.
Nyanya- nyamwezi
Masai- penguin bro, straight and like standing
Togo people, some frogs, jumpy, many kobe slow but hard hearted, some owl as tula loving meno, tugo, tula as vita, violence and loving folks who speak as if tired, twisting things upside down as words in their talks, chura, kufura, heated bro, wild or mad
Meru lizard, escape when sees fellows, Kikuyu out of inserted normal security dogs
Kisii or taiwan out of kitten, paka, like tinting people names, paka rangi, worker and vineyard parable to bring out reality, lovin people who speaks in hard way, tek. They play with the luo cause the slaves ought to have taken the land they took so they dont want the luo to get to Illinois as next to Dakota their is oil they will get cheaply so wont hustle but just talk when truth dawns or green-man comes back.
Kamba, ongonglo in luo,madi out of lion inserted in dough long b4 the genes were destroyed.
Noah bird coming back to the ark, the dove like in tyrese song come back to me shawty. Click the link below dude
China or Mongolians, tiger, cheater in dough
Hawk put in dough makes Brazilian, while Eagle which looks from above were kalenjin b4 race were destroyed out of intermarriages.
Horses put on dough were Banganda as Romanians or Hungary people and many more tribes i cant write as u can take any animal and place it on dough in ya mind and see which tribe comes to mind either after partaking groundnuts or mwarubaine concoction.
The white duck the luo were made out of will never stop bickering lest u stay away from their zone, them, king of the jew to bring reality bro what made christ to be killed talking to folks, giving them fear of how they were created, they ought to be oblivious of it to move on.
mcsleepynelson or sirjustice31 my a/c, check it out dude
The song below in the the link alludes Amos Ochola siblings currently in Carli4nia and the uk
If u can survive with a small business and with no corruption they again have jealousy on ya cause u or ya gene can be police as u can survive with very little with no corruption as soon as their is police overhaul.
People, many, are corrupt out of the Nigeria moves, they though by corruption they could know the same talking but now is long overdue as many without such can speak the same.
Books have some spirit in them of blocking the mind, let them be minimized as kids can buy photocopiers and print what they are going to tackle tomorrow eliminating totally writing, as books, socks, cloths, shoes, tie also 1 copy can be placed in cabbage mixed with water or waru in the dark then cold water hurled and boom many promoting the illicit activities of hooligans who knows the same, the same applies to melons, malenge, cassava, mango, oranges, avocado and even banana
When orange juice is sprinkled on ya urine or mafi it grows out ya 4head and makes ya to loose ya hairline to make it rather V-Shaped, even on the soil that got ya urine or u have urinated.
Chain of suffering if God sees u can suffer while helping people, its an imaginary chain, when still young place it on ya neck that Christ said take that chain of suffering away from me. If u oppose biblical teachings or tire in ya arguments with people its taken away or lowered but 4 the better. The Lord himself get disgusted and even appear as some1 to Cain you thoroughly in it giving ya truth sentiments that people can transfigure into any animal or can run fast as flash Gordon.
The whiteman love such in the link below, they make noise that kid loves and opens ya mind and mostly brings good mood when u r sad. The luo tribe where made out of this by inserting the bones of the found dead ones in dough then the cold water hurled and boom an original luo man without gene interference
Its the vice versa, small houses takes ya to hell if they have all the sanitary equipment more than a big one which is not fenced attracting crimes which u have to employ sophisticated methods to combat them even not affording sleep, and enjoying sex in high in a small house, friends dont be cheated, which small house, sleeping in it, Jesus says, u should not worry.
If you plant paw paw plant it makes you look young and live long, and caressing one gives ya money mind, making it the money, blue print concept fruit. U will never go wrong, no kidding dude. KING OF THE JEW or Worker and vineyard parable to bring reality. Once u have became an employer people should leave u to think not wanna be with ya all the times as you carry the destiny of many families u employ in ya hand lest u screw up the business, friends escape and families get unemployed. Folks get this straight!!!!
Earth crust 16 km don’t Chanel sewage into the lake to pollute it, the question that day will be, if u knew the hole can let water to the outer space why did u pollute me water? I dont wanna see ya, lower the furnace get and let the motherfucker roast or burn, the tongue to cut b4 we get him out 1st. Take heed friends and never be fooled.
We have seen modern developments in the car industry with many nations in the link below, so we wanna see what the negro has come up with and 4 us to see its reality they must have their own sphere lest they hide it out of white extremist fear, if u can make ya own car it means u can make others as well, Japan, Germany, Italy or USA take heed bro
Nile perch if you eat the head, kichwa which is 1st deep fried then cooked with soup a big 1, if u start walking it turns ya head automatically behind as if one is carrying corpses in-front of ya then instantly u see salt synonyms with noahs wife. King of the jew, mfalme wa yawhodi to cement de truth.
All Lupe holes blocked and men running away from women who wants ya to take money back to the men cartel he wants to dine on ya money without sweet while if u were poor they could be abusing u not helping ya. Cant happen like in the link below. Ditch them as they will implicate u with crime and bullet get hold of ya or let them be strangled as they want good things out of others while with them they got much words yet cant work and talking dont bring food on table lest hardwork
Congo was Germany, Rwanda was croatia,masai were salves in carli4nia, Kikuyu in yougoslavia, luo in illinois, kisii were slaves in china, kamba in kansas, Nigerians many in NY, mijikenda in texas among many others, nyamwezi in Britain b4 they were brought here when the green-man left 4 Venus as the whites went to occupy the free left lands. The could not do there cause they haven’t learnt to make even cold jackets and snow was handy bro.
Fighting with grownups can be justifiable not in court of law but after along time to witness another case in heaven. Father chasing a kid who is to go to secondary away to go and hustle while he has passed mitihani, Question is why did u give birth to me, i dint not write a letter to do the same. Father, saying quietly to friends, aint my son, i have done a dna test period. Give birth to kids u can take well care off, dont bring them to other people to disturb them period bro
If u have 1of many people u see fire ignited meaning u risk going to hell and not that if u live in a big house you must bring many people into ya house or condone many 4 ya to escape hell but is just the materials used to make ya house that takes ya to hell cause u fought 4 independence that u know rather would have left the whites to tell ya, so why go ahead with what can take ya to hell, even with mad thatch house u get to hell lest u pray fervently or bomowa as destroy the stone, brick or block as well as mad house and get the debris back to fill like a nearby hole or quarry as a justification in heaven bro. Click the link below 4 more of the above, worker and vineyard parable to cement de truth. Many white people live in big house which are always lonely and without praying fervently but just by helping few get to heaven or not hell fire.Brothers do not be fooled and the reason why people get to hell is that what they own is the desire of many and yet they dont own it, maybe too expensive to them even with liquors or some foods.
When funeral attended by few as opposed to many people kinda, free ya mind but you see the corpse as a dead cattle what the Dakota saying was alluding “when riding on a dead horse u dismount and embark on another 1“ Kinda changes ya tongue as mind reminding u that even Africa now with artificial made products can be like lonely USA Or annihilate the group geared people
Just like taxi operators can have a software where they dont stand on road side to humiliate people put via a phone u can locate them using radar or radius as if they are available or not same as simplified shopping to avoid ques in supermarkets like in the link below, then visit the store and just find it already packed just waiting picking dude
Kale unyalo dok chien USA, engimatek miwacho awacha kata milamo, u mean u can relent in ya rigid ways but better dude.
They can even get out ya mafi and does the above to it and you dont escape thats why u need a digester off ya toilet to keep the fecal matter until they rot b4 u discharge them cause many people are wired in character just to overwhelm or get ya in a bind/argument. Towa, mfalme wa yawhodi to bring reality.
Use paints that are made using cats/dog family mafi, if u look at such structures they bring u home as they are soothing even with cement and USA is made that way. Some cars come around with people who ride them and by just seeing them they direct ya and take the feed back to where they take either to warn ya or open up ya life altogether or signal defeat bro
If u partake cats family meet beside have the mustache like of the lion or kitten they make u poses long slanting face like in the link below, they change ya countenance.
Buy blue tooth automated padlocks at the store provided on this link
Let me not hear that now u complain of buglary, u now got maximum security in the link below lest is jokes or just false accusation meaning business aint going ya way
Kenyan tribes, with all ya pride, i have not seen your own co, where are you dude, give it up bro
In their native dialect, cars are made the same way sofa sets or welding gate are made,we only are good in dat in Africa, this tribes who love swag and women will know us when we learn the same. Donja donja the rhythm.
Daddy voke ni mtu, ananigoteang’a sasa ni kama ajashika yandwele, hata mnaweza fanya nyote katika bus yake ya kiira yenye ata-pimp ama anawait another african nation ekeuje na electric bus, ni cheap kuliko ya china or Eu say 1 of shakir shabir worker child. The companies which uses the AE technology after around table talk in Asia will give The bandwagon co owned by 2 malysians and kebi like 5% of the total cost as a ransom to his idea, they cant use it dat way. From the companies will collect on how many cars or No fuel, back ups, boats, planes, drones are made and many more gadgets that uses that technology just like insuring ya bank loan, the bank selects a particular insurer to insure their loan.
Wewe si matiti, sita kukajole, mimi si baba chako, umesikia, have u gotten me kid. Come watch tv, get a snack but give me my time, or am not breast if u think am 1.
Even good songs and poem the devil writes to ya like the manual of a machine even with sermons so that he is forgiven when to be jailed 4 a 1000 years in the link below, Malachi 4
When something is expensive is hard to know, this time round dont argue bro, immediately when one tells ya the prices if you look to the adjacent iron sheet mostly painted next to ya u see, kinda, the sheets stretches like going inside, inatoboka, worker and vineyard parable to cement de truth
I dont now follow any1 on the newly open sirjustice1, 2, 3,5,6 tumblr and so on, so how will you shift a/c and to do so u must follow many and i used other software apart from mozilar u got the shift to another a/c software in the link below, usitublock daddy, ona bwana
The above browser ought to be made to work directly by just clicking them,no need to download to simplify the work.
A security firm is installing wireless camera under bright light on poles using solar generator to enable them not to visit the place in-case of intruders but send drones with in-built cameras and gun in the link below
Banana/cake with cold water or tea makes ya nose small while the same water with cut banana and pineapple makes ya nose big. THE TRUTH OF WORKER AND VINEYARD PARABLES.
Even the small size motorbikes can take you to the USA or Asia once its electric provided is not winter bro in the link below, Planes are always involved in accidents and its a new area to explore dude
Indians are using the above to bring fruits like mango and paw paw to East African coast behind our back, they stop at sychelles or commoros, they get out of India with raw fruits when they reach Africa are partly ripe. Want to reap where they did not saw dude, Kang’aaa bwana, in whose house dude!!!!
Cake with cold water pops out your lower set of front teeth if that fellow who belittles ya partake it dude.
The white people left Africa, they never liked incarnated people like of the kings and prophets along with them, so changed the bible and brought people here so they can be here not with them. Avoid incarnated people, they even sometimes dont win the visa 4 any nation, not knowing but the solid reason being dat bro, they know alot and always almost lazy dude.
Ethiopia wa China a longtime b4 emigration and it was abysinia bro, just change of character but the land still intact with his name. France was Zambia, BELGIUM Senegal and many more. The Ae money ought to be sent to ya and our pulse rate is instant like kebi is at 68. The USA marathoner ought, their pulse-rate be taken or sports men so we get the exact person as the 1 who transfigures into other being always runs fast to take the position he/she desires
People should not sit on chairs on lucrative jobs so that the majority  who loves that comfort only dislike the job to reduce competition and jealousy on such jobs period even on supermarket cashier, bank tellers lest personal or private even ministries bro etc
Nile perch destroys the upper lip if u have eaten it 4 long like in the link below
In the bible might have killed folks using whats in  tumblr sirjustice22 or those who transfigure into other animals in his  belly, which one. Or u kill me as finish me like crush. Wiche dude?
Cadillac car place like human teeth or cattle or apes in the dough then hurl  cold water unto it and boom the car. Like 200 kg of porridge like dough  put in the container.
Speaker cable should be omitted to be replaced with wireless system dude in the link below, wires from ya stereo to ya speakers
Civil war breeding those who got the Somali blood of not relenting in doing bad yet with them is okay as they wanna be first, as a loop hole to get  to the USA or Russia as they have sent spies to monitor the land and found is above them, they cant overtake it in-terms of technology, money, trade or war, so must proceed with Gimmicks which will not surface, cause its a blessing in disguise their character has been now know of forcing things and wanting their own or-else resort to lies, badmouthing bro if u dont go along with their stupid and silly ways dude
The reason why whites got much cancer is that they belittle people even in  photos and these people take what i have describe above even without the prior information and give the whites cancer like mango juice taken  with bread by the person u belittle cut ya throat as koo or  milk/porridge taken with mandazi/bread the same. So folks take heed.  Voke ni mchwi wa vitu, cheki vitu amekuja nayo, nichipukizi bro, yaani  nimchafu-anamultitusk as versatile in his ways or doing dude. Pekrith,  chieth, nyofrith x2, saying their own Things eti this and that, ya ways  now-blocked, sema, bonga sasa. Motor bike to be bought in taslimu way  tw, on cash oc not on low credit that facilitate massive dubious ways  and Govt should be hard on dat dude to thwart their moves period bro
Now they have made ya like a chicken which is to be gotten to be  slaughtered dude, Kinda, they got like ugali in case they get it, they  cut ya into-pieces and dine on ya like in the link below
First mad car in Cameroon link bro
1st philipino, not luo, luya, kamba, kauma, kisii or luo, but super car link below
Ferrari and lambo co where are u, talk now even mr Hindu bro
Atleast pi mimi niwe na kimangi nishike matako yake usiko joo. Ging’otre gi yawhooyi to ginyuolo nyithindo gi thagogo G, to kebi okgidwa ni owinj mit no emande, giwacho ni mande imeleta kichwa as upuzi but the dont have 2nd mind they bring the very kids to kebi like not withstanding the abuses. Take care of ya kids dude, they were compromised or tolerated  as if they behaved like car as kinyonga, people did not know how to make gadgets so they though with such character in future they might come up with the same or is that mechanical spirit of making gadgets is  disturbing them, Friends it was a game of survival. Now we have known  how gadgets are made by people who can talk to the devil who can at  least be tolerated if not 1 might grab ya at night and hurl ya into a  dump site or water body, cause u r of no utility, ought to be polite and just be as you can bring more kids of ya like, and u should not love  women as well as u r being monitored if u can do dat to bring many  disturbing kids. Truth bro with ya hip hop or like Kenyan music etc
Tryna save ya colonial master like french west Africa does applies the  commonwealth nations as 1 saves his grand-parents or parents when old.  Its all known the dubious ways, to long too late bro, let them fall or  reduce population as one hope in the link below
Car manufacturing taking foot in the link below follows, W-Europe where are you
Images of Malagasy, Iran, Brazil, Mexico, Malaysia home made car link below, Mr Hindu now talk bro
Children accessories not even made by luo, kisii, kamba or kikuyu, make such and post on youtube stop claiming u own things yet youtube is empty and free for ya. Stop or talk now as talk is cheap dude, in the link below
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In the bible might have killed folks using whats in tumblr sirjustice22 or those who transfigure into other animals in his belly, which one. Or u kill me as finish me like crush. Wiche dude?
Cadillac car place like human teeth or cattle or apes in the dough then hurl cold water unto it and boom the car. Like 200 kg of porridge like dough put in the  container.
Speaker cable should be omitted to be replaced with wireless system dude in the link below, wires from ya stereo to ya speakers
Civil war breeding those who got the Somali blood of not relenting in doing bad yet with them is okay as they wanna be first, as a loop hole to get  to the USA or Russia as they have sent spies to monitor the land and found is above them, they cant overtake it in-terms of technology, money, trade or war, so must proceed with Gimmicks which will not surface, cause its a blessing in disguise their character has been now know of forcing things and wanting their own or-else resort to lies, badmouthing bro if u dont go along with their stupid and silly ways dude
The reason why whites got much cancer is that they belittle people even in  photos and these people take what i have describe above even without the prior information and give the whites cancer like mango juice taken  with bread by the person u belittle cut ya throat as koo or  milk/porridge taken with mandazi/bread the same. So folks take heed.  Voke ni mchwi wa vitu, cheki vitu amekuja nayo, nichipukizi bro, yaani  nimchafu-anamultitusk as versatile in his ways or doing dude. Pekrith,  chieth, nyofrith x2, saying their own Things eti this and that, ya ways  now-blocked, sema, bonga sasa. Motor bike to be bought in taslimu way  tw, on cash oc not on low credit that facilitate massive dubious ways  and Govt should be hard on dat dude to thwart their moves period bro
Now they have made ya like a chicken which is to be gotten to be  slaughtered dude, Kinda, they got like ugali in case they get it, they  cut ya into-pieces and dine on ya like in the link below
First mad car in Cameroon link bro
1st philipino, not luo, luya, kamba, kauma, kisii or luo, but super car link below
Ferrari and lambo co where are u, talk now even mr Hindu bro
If u partake banana with pineapple juice ya 2 mouths became small or tiny, if u take banana ripe 1 with cold water it destroys the eyes of some1 who wants ya by force so people take heed dude. It becomes yellow in color at 1st b4 it spoils fully if u continue with dat. Orange juice with banana thins ya tongue and makes ya booty small if those whom u want by force partakes it dude. Avocado juice with banana makes ya head  small, apple juice with banana increases libido and makes the hand of those who wants ya by force small
In the bible might have killed folks using whats in tumblr sirjustice22 or those who transfigure into other animals in his belly, which one. Or u kill me as finish me like crush. Wiche dude?
Cadillac car place like human teeth or cattle or apes in the dough then hurl cold water unto it and boom the car. Like 200 kg of porridge like dough put in the container.
Speaker cable should be omitted to be replaced with wireless system dude in the link below, wires from ya stereo to ya speakers
Civil war breeding those who got the Somali blood of not relenting in doing bad yet with them is okay as they wanna be first, as a loop hole to get  to the USA or Russia as they have sent spies to monitor the land and found is above them, they cant overtake it in-terms of technology, money, trade or war, so must proceed with Gimmicks which will not surface, cause its a blessing in disguise their character has been now know of forcing things and wanting their own or-else resort to lies, badmouthing bro if u dont go along with their stupid and silly ways dude
The reason why whites got much cancer is that they belittle people even in  photos and these people take what i have describe above even without the prior information and give the whites cancer like mango juice taken  with bread by the person u belittle cut ya throat as koo or  milk/porridge taken with mandazi/bread the same. So folks take heed.  Voke ni mchwi wa vitu, cheki vitu amekuja nayo, nichipukizi bro, yaani  nimchafu-anamultitusk as versatile in his ways or doing dude. Pekrith,  chieth, nyofrith x2, saying their own Things eti this and that, ya ways  now-blocked, sema, bonga sasa. Motor bike to be bought in taslimu way  tw, on cash oc not on low credit that facilitate massive dubious ways  and Govt should be hard on dat dude to thwart their moves period bro
Now they have made ya like a chicken which is to be gotten to be  slaughtered dude, Kinda, they got like ugali in case they get it, they  cut ya into-pieces and dine on ya like in the link below
It even makes u lazy cause they are into ya, kinda, ya mind thinks rich, maybe, u should find on how to relax maybe they can set ya free, all eyes glued on ya to make ya hungry but if u go to eat they want ya food  or say u eat much. Silly character dude
Black car breeds respect  and bring calmness around as good spirit and sign of an understanding and a mature society, so place human genitals on the paint to repaint it with so if u see 1 see an ignited inferno instill the going to hell reality.
Are shoes peculiar with a certain people or certain group of people or they just bought the 1st shoe outcome many, in that if u  wear 1 a group has worn u depict them or not guys.
Bill like  mortuary, sales men bill should be payed online as they know how to manipulate on how they submit the cash to the relevant authorities to marshal up part of the profits sales gotten to help boda boda people secure motor bikes, tuk tuks and even matatu to put on road b4 in a 2 weeks or a month synonymous with motor bike operators to given them back the cash and return to the authority above without being known dude.  With Morgue bill some pay 4 their people on the 1st entrance and write  on the book it was promissory to be paid when they are getting out the  body thus channel it on the above tricks. Online payment will abolish  this dude!! Mobile phone sales men and bread, milk and alcohol does the  above to get rich quickly dude!!
The posh coffins can also be made by taking the locally made 1 then u sprinkle cereals or cut grass  immediately after pouring out cold water and seeing the flash of light  and with anything, made cars, houses, molded things like jets, planes  etc
The now get to know the number of household per country by  wireless china electric meter then subtract the once 4 sme or small  business and get the later and thats why they want every house to have  the same, resorting to rapid rural electrification to achieve their goal of disbursing or having a rough figure of how many xmas gadgets like  lights, balloons or trees the ought to make to supply, the African  colonizers, Hindu, China and other African tribes who have learnt the  same like not long the luo, kisii, kamba, kikuyu but luckily enough now  every tom hurry and dick tribe knows the same, so it proves futile and a detriment to their pursuits resorting not to open angers but finished.
In the link above, if people are in to ya, without apparent reason, just urinate on a plastic bin, small 1, then add water and hurl outside ya house or on the road adjacent to ya and it goes well with ya, no kidding dude, what do u no to pride yaself, getting money online or eating the  pussy which as well i know maybe more well than ya. Quit dude, when am  done with USA, they start talking of china faintly not knowing i can do  de same to china wooden structures. I will not sit with them, if they r  forcing, is upon me to shrink in my dreams, to relent in my desires  which they used rto abuse previously. Jesus with pharisees, woe thing,  was 2 way to induct any1 not to sit with them again, after they have  frustrated ya, can get to oppress ya again like they did to him, masai  blood of being slow on critical issues and food lovers
Ammunition  link below, Africa made, It ought to, built with Kenya luo, kisii or  kamba as kikuyu teens, why not dude, answer me folks, what u gon do  dude!!!!
mcsleepynelsonfollower or mcsleepy nelson and check sirjustice19
Vietnam car in the link below as well as Taiwan
Prado if u belittle folks gives ya bowed legs as the side effect. Mango juice taken with cake or bread, kinda, peels of the top skull of ya head if u belittle 1.
When a car like the new Prado got different headlight or the rear 1 in many different forms then it reduces the envy of that car like in the link below
Helicopter where u can stop propeller just like with the car braking system so that incase of default u just get down on parachute not fearing the propeller will cut ya and remote controlled as well so u control it in a wireless manner on ya parachute so it lands safely.
Some cars like new prado swell like annoyed, they don’t like bad figure structures and hooligans on it, it love well understanding people dude who are  intuitive and innovative, even with old Mercedes which love serene  environment with few people, kinda, u see it sad, got spirit dude, hate  people who are bogged into tradition loves open fellows even some many  cars like infinity, they bring the spirit of violence around dude, no  kidding fellows.
If u partake mbichi fruits as raw with cold  water, u see 1 who hates ya in a coffin, it kills dramatically bro, no  lies dude, Christ with little children and road to emaus with Jesus as  well as beatitudes. Another reason arrested showing the enemy on how to  kill the oppressor via these insane tricks dude.
Made kales if u  eat without eating a piece raw or looking outside besides ya this way or that way after not long cracks ya incisor teeth with ya or if one u  belittle without cause partakes such
Mango, orange juice with  cakes cut holes on ya forebrain, Malachi 4 to cement reality. Apple  juice attracts panga accident where 1 risks his hand being cut if 1 he  belittles without course partakes such. Pineapple juice does the same  with orange juice or with mango juice with bread where ya forehead get  big bringing it outside dude.
Mango, avocado if u partake with water as well cracks your hater teeth, even with raw pawpaw.
The women who got Burma blooded plotting death in conjunction with the same men on young men they want by force size of their kids, normally they carry basket, kikapu on their hands, wanting free things without course, king of the Jew and women with Barabbas to cement de truth. Their time  of reckoning is coming when a coin is placed on the palm of the hand to  see the wish if the cut 1 down, likewise will be done to them dude, we  have now known their network dude.
I saw 1 walking like Samson the robust, the Lord spirit around him. He was sukuma, argentina blooded,  he was brought to finish the jew but did it unwisely, they will never  get it until u come up with the same ammunition they got and u did not  have to finish them, don’t get into deals with them. The Fredrick  Luggard who met masai and killed koitalel was signaling many of their  character, don’t do likewise bro lest ya fail got spirit, don’t join the ugly lest they cut ya or the bad. To cement de fact the jew are bad  people period wanting their own progress not 4 others. Time to finish  them aint tomorrow but right now dude and its ripe.
Give that kid  direction to take that money and give to the house help next door to see if the likes of Vincent see things from his eye, as he must see what  she sees. Tell her to close her eyes when taking and giving so we find  out de truth of placing the coin in the palm of the hand and it came to  pass when many were asked who stole the money and the kid was pointed, u can even use a blind person to take ya thing and give to some1 then we  see. Even an incident in the usa once u know the 2, u came up with trut  even on plane like in the middle of the sea dude. Mr Hindu stop hick up  and hunger, get to how u feed ya belly in a descent way
Buy the fingerprint padlock at kenya jumuia in the link below, secure ya door let them die their own death, the burglars.
Get a glimpse of gas powered bus or vehicles from china
If u touch ya mafi is known by how ya hand expands and then get small period dude, we know it dat way dude, just like with things like panga,  axe, drills, grinder if u hard annoyed 1 and about to revenge even hitting u with such weapons above, its signals ya of real dangers bro, if u see 1 in those fine days think twice and back off. Click the link below 4 more
Some1 still rude, knows a lot, involved in wanting rich women by force not of his tribe, thinks he is cleaver yet if u place a coin in the palm of ya hand u see her rather him watching his dad being beaten up to death with his close friends such as Gregory Issac etc, watching with her close friends whom they lived next to when they were young. They target  is to get like 4 weekly in different cities, take their money or if not  the morgue bill as explained above used to buy a motor bike 4 the hooligans as they have now known to make formalin which now saves their  expenditure. The motor bike operator return like $4 at the end of the day to facilitate the cartel work which i know not. Mrprophet when translated in swahili then to luo
Gimidwalo emari kikigen kikigen, katek, youthe, to kisumu pacho, athagra nango not sianda, get me straight dude
U think they beba ugali want to cut ya just waiting 4 meat. If u realise that u kill him b4 he does the same to ya. When 1 dont eat he dies and they want that. Mps have relented, now they have investigated scrap metal dealership is lucrative giving some people small capital to start, more lucrative even than their posts, so can even ambush those who have ventured into it or thinking. Folks take heed, ME abart dont take them  back, even new dont take hin back again take a new 1. The somali people, got this bro. Click the link below
Socks, tai or shoes like 10 pairs goes 4 $5, to stop all the monitoring that ought to feed the lifestyles of the lazy, making them looking down upon  ya at the 2 points i mentioned dude
Dont sing to a white woman dat why, let them be prostitutes bro, they think u wanna take technology off them to out-shine them like nyamwezi belle tisa, wanwaleny bwana in-tara tara kanyo, sauli chako, chietha, nyofrith in the link below
Somali just came to induct me of avoiding much food as it attracts a gun as plotting crime, folks disatified with little but have not gained their plan and breeds disrespect. I think with war out-break in somali long-time and no justice now, they have known the truths of hell so wanna be their at once as a tribe, its a blessing in disguise. They would long to be served like in the usa or be there but cant happen. With their women let the be prostitutes, wachana na masomo as well as they are intertwined, synonyms dude, yesus got that blood as well as china, kinda, people who dont want real progress but true with Africans  breeds a certain spirit with good things, they should just be like right now
The link below shows killings organized by Dignitaries liaising with hooligans like motor bike riders to annihilated as they have known on how to make formalin by immersing cut euphobia in water then hurl cold water, so they take it to the morgue liaising with authorities so they buy just little amount or put some cash in their pockets of to buy formalin which has been made at no-extra cost, it cost like $120 4 one dead body so if many like 100 cost $12000 which is around  1,500,000, which is put on roads as motor bikes later buys taxi then buses that ferry people to different Kenya cities. Mortuary bill should not be charged to eradicate this. The nation is poor and they refuse resorting  to dubious ways thinking wont be unearthed.
Wichita state University i dont wanna be thre and i done told you friends, i have gone to the university of hooliganism and i got a 1st class degree in brutality, then stop many words, dont play guitar to me dude like a cow  wont listen bro, well, give me the visa and apart from hitting ya eye (male) with stone to take me to jail i will light fire on ya wooden apartment and it will be loss to ya and jail me 4 years. Dude thats ya want, tell me dude, what do u want, dont u now clearly knows ya time is  over dude in the link below
Also i got beside the above, degree in domestic violence from university of du-mexico, nyofrith, pierith saying ya own things in books, daytime lies dude, am feed up with dude
If we got a padlock that if u open has a wireless alarm system that rings in ya house, blue tooth 1 or fingerprint enabled 1 and many more why keep dogs 4 male they instigate  bad sexual characters in male but excusable with women in the link below
mcsleepynelson search dude
Vehicle link made in kenya below
The above kid, when he was being made was like the greatest sex. People whodont have great sex give birth to polite kids.No kidding dude, okna-ng'otho why lie bro, I did not fuck bro, sikutomba to bring a disturbing kid who wants goodie just from me, behave like he knows all yet youn, cant play like other kids. They will not stop saying u want their food or cash, yet its been years they see u eating without begging them so it hurts them, still they wanna send money to Tz with all the  explained in other tumblr a/c like E-vehicle overtaking oil that tz got  oil they will benefit cause the natives hate being employed and are  lazy. Dude get it its wrong, change tactics, or let it be war, come out  don’t call other fellows and let us fight to see the winner. U wretched  and wicked wanting peoples food many people yet u u eat in darkness or  seclusion. Big shame, I still say die, Mr Dennis go back to ya nation,  don’t bring ya kids to people yet u still live good than them, anyway  whats ya kid with kitten like ear lobes, a people who knows nothing but  disturb, don’t waste my fxxxxxxxxxxxcking time, got people to see,  places to go, not just with u or ya kid. Stop sickening character dude  of even employing dat character to youth as its good because u r white,  get back to ya nation. Many desperate get there make it and send money  back home, why not u dude, stop being a drug baron and nuisance. HIM  Wanting to grab ya manhood and food while reverse it, stop dude, stop  monitoring what others are eating dude while u, u get money online, live ya life dude.
Movies should be taken to theater a new 1 to reduce Dstv menace, build many theater people to avert whats related to dish  menace. Am eying to open 1 dude, why lie, dont let me die and once i got my cash u see me opening 1. Click the link below dude
The dough taken with cold water, or bread or wheat products taken with cold passion soda explained above u take at your own time not in their vicinity. Can keep them at ya home and partake them at night, even when  they annoy ya immediately u cant take it cause they will give ya names  like strangling 1 but take it at night in ya own pleasure or free time  dude to a shame the Spirit not mr devil as earlier perceived.
Earth crust is 16 km, the green-man dug it long time and left to planet Venus leaving Europe and America empty b4 the whites now in Europe went their to occupy the free left land just like now with going to mass, dude History repeats its self, they dug holes from below to the upper crust as atmosphere, then some they left opened and people know to date though structures have been constructed to hide them while others they dug a  big hole again on top of that hole and hurled big rocks then marum to  block them, to date people dont know there are holes there but  structures as well on-top of them but the white men knows the bearing of those places and now the structures on top of them, so another reason  as tourists come to check with other hidden local friends like hawkers  if they have been identified or not cause countries as china, Taiwan deemed to be enemies can came like in Migosi Estate and get to the utter crust via them to attack other lands once they got electric-drones  which dont use fuel which the white man never fathomed could be so its a threat all-together and china getting to the usa to investigate the same even on white-house land trump meeting dude. It the Gimmick china as E-Asia is using cheating usa they dont want kebi yet writing text to  each other using kids to deliver. USA take heed bro, be warned of friends. They want ya to quit, with recent technological advances like E-bikes in Taiwan and other Asian tiger nations. Click the link below 4  more, china even got drones without wings, internal propellers to facilitate the same
Mtastop haje hiyo character ya kusema mtu anataka chakula yako natena unamumonita kama ako na do, amanikuchizi. Shortly without pity or shame u talk to him good as u want from him,u think i will strungle myself 4get, sasa ni mawe, hebujaribu kunishow dhach, uone kama natowa macho, peleka mtoto wako mtukutu huku, kufa, die dont want my money then u revise it. Weka pesa kwa simu then show us the receipt that i beg u money. Jinga hii, shoga huyu, minataka vitu za bure, nenda kwenyu mwenye meno mbaya, kikuyu hii, ugly animal. Nyofridh, nyofridh, chieth, mime-enda wapi sasa, pesa sitawapatiya, kwenda huku na mboro ovya yenye  wajaroga kama ya neli mimi abat
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Mit mal thel mal thep, thup, thep, mala kwa mala, okoweyo nyato cha chien donge amos says denanu rather delanu
aseyudo nyako manyiewo na gikmoko kana kwamba mimi ni misichana, yani kanene tawuotho kagima asoko piny in a haste to spirit molo cool ni mimi ni mtu mzima i should slow down dude. Awinjo kaka nyili winjoga gi machaligi  omonegi gikmoko, eeeya wang!!
Euphorbia in water then Hyde placed  make gadgets like shoes, mattress, hammer car, pencils etc. When  newspaper placed makes even limousine like lincolin cars, xmas lights,  tree, ballons and even flowers. As what u put in the dough process to  give ya those gadgets i have explained on the mrfoolsir tumblr u replace them with Euphorbia method dude.
Euphobia placed in honey makes  honey buns, chapaties, mandazi, cakes, tea, coffee, cocoa, cobblers  glue, gum, belts, tv and even shoes and jacket.
Placed in milk u  come up with long life milk products, meat, kales, tomato, onions,  fruits, cloths, cassava, soup like indomie, flour either wheat or  millet, groundnuts, potatoes, milk shake, ghee, yorghurt or ice cream  dude. Why go the long way if ya nation got no wheat 4 dough or rye. When the child belly is full then we start joking with the kid buying them  just snacks not hiding from responsibility and heaping it on others  while they got theirs. Child love starts from there dude.
Dont  signal me by side, still it will land u in hell, the question being “why did you not write even in the local flights where no 1 could see on  their eye what u r thinking then give it to the fellow. Folks please do  that if at dat time you got the cash to board 1.‘
Nimimi ndimi  nilikuwa kwa jela, nikasema wengi wanataka kujiuwa juu hawana cahakula  mimi unamonitor pesa zangu kwa scrap dealer hapo tu-mtaani na inawachoma. Wacha kuona njaa bwana, peter, dedan hautashika mboloya mtu  kwani wewe ni nani. Shoga hii, lazy braggart, okal hizo miguu zako za masquito utajuta, shoga hii, kwenda huko, mwenye njaa, wacha post election etoke, utaona, jinga hii, kuletea watu watoto, bure kabisa, bloodifool. Tho! Wa-eki, have never borrowed u money dude, kwenda ukufe  huko, maybe mtu amebadilika mimi but mimi i dont remember, fake huyu, kwenda huko.
Inducting dedanu and his likes on how to live well in future though living big, wanaweza linda the world if white men left 4  mass and given Rusia with its attributes no they will manipulate other  tribes to cause war period, their plan dude
To open this tumblr a/c i was in kisumu town in another cyber as i have copy pasted everything from start of sirjustice1 or 2 - 25 and i used bolt computer  software, so how will u shift a/c, even if u manage like to delete tumblr a/c 20 its still on this. Wastage of time resorting to hooliganism and gaysm. Kikuyu will chop my money, they say behind my back, how sure are u am gonna live here, answer me dude, then tell wsu to stay with money and i wont get their or if so resort to absurdities i have explained above. Leave me alone dude like a flag post left on a mountaintop, mfalme wa yawhoodi to cement de trut. MOLDOVA blooded people got like kamba blood of accepting ya and belittling ya without course, take heed dude though they work hard, they love people talking as if they got money and arousing them the love vagina as sex with men,  get to know this dude to stop screwing up the world race
thE-vehicle and no fuel generator rests on the above bro
Clink the link below 4 more Ae photos
The way electronics are made with manuals is the same way even bestsellers are written. U come up with a synopsis then tell Mr Devil and he writes  that handsad or book to ya choosing the best words deluding people Mr white man is intelligent than use, daytime lie just like with making machines. Click the link below 4 more
They left wilderness 4 the fun of snow and never though people will learn their dubious ways of making illicit cash and gadgets, this ought to have kept them on-top 4rever so wanna destroy the gene to come up not with intelligent dudes who cant fathom the above. their biggest headache bro. Another reason they were going to hell out of changing the course  of Lake Victoria so they would rather get to hell but their kids lands  somewhere good so they went to Europe so that interms futurity is not in the mind of the children that they had lived there and to find out  whether constructions like roads or Buildings, companies can diminish  after along time without people which was true but what they still found intact was the underneath stones used in road construction dude.
Once you got the foundation on land or on water the below in the link below  is made, not with ya own mind as much as sky scraping buildings of the  city and the roads.
With Sky scraper you can put the porridge like dough in a big like petroleum cylinder even with ships or planes
When you add blue band to dough u come up with the Filipino Aurelio super car, the hand bread of motor bike placed in dough you come up with Morocco super car or if u just place mango inside
The wireless alarm door bell can ring up-to 80 meter apart, beyond that it looses the signal bro, The wireless alarm door padlock or lock can be made that way not to ring inside the padlock but on the portable alarm like the door bell and a friend is telling me that if u got unlimited payment plan like in the link below then you tie your door bell alarm to the kabambe phone while its charger on the socket when a way, but make  sure you are calling another phone like landline or just mobile using  that phone never to answer the call, when some1 grabs your alarm padlock if made the same way above, by just the vibration on it switches on the alarm to ring on the phone mouth piece to call the extra-phone you have to signal ya that some1 is tampering with ya door lock even a 1000  miles a way.
Am not saying am gonna make this but am writing to quick nations like china who can read the line and makes the same connected to the phone from inside directly that u dont have to tie the 2 like above, but just  from inside the padlock if it vibrates or insert the key on the hole- folks dont get me in a bind, aint talking about the vagina and the penis- it sound the alarm even miles away, creating maximum security if  on ya door u place the 3 types of padlocks in the link below
Kate wacha mambo mob not justice, nipe hiyo kitu kama chupa imetupwa utaepata tu hapo if not tampered with even after decades, kwani kuma ni  nini? Haung’owi, hautokinacho. Nipe hicho kitu cha chini ni twange, nikute usiku kucha, nipige, nibonde, walae hata mochanda nipe hicho kitu jo, mtu wangu, beste wa mine ni twange twa twa, ra ra, ma ma, sa x2, pa x2 wa-lie nipe nichimbe mresh, girl friend, nasikiya wanachesha nacho  eti jembe ni mzito inawachkesha ilahali ya ni ndogo na light eti tinga  tinga fuel imeisha na kubuy is a little bit expensive na kwangu ni mlima na tumia plough in the link below hata si ng’ombe mtu wangu. Njoo mama  nipe visit ni twange hicho kitu hata magdalin na amanda says kebi  secretly on phone to me, the hand pushed one, innovative guys do things  differently not on a different way they are pro-active doing things not  the right way but doing the right thing even on pussy
Some1 tell me, they are too blind to see dude, in the link below
#when you pour out beans soup on 1 mafi they resort to chronic diarrhea
#mango juice tightens their gut resorting to constipation
#pinnaple juice cut the intestine
#avocado juice shrinks their head making it small as i a blessing when u do such to your own
#apple juice destroy the eye
#. Take any part of spare part of any car even just 1 gear of the engine or gear box and place in dough or irish potatoe mixed with water and
#boom that car even with toyota mc2 or any machine bro. In small hotels they take the instestine of the dog or cut or any rodents and place o
#on waru then boom that meat they mix with true meat and sell. How to know this is if u see 1 who has taken such u see the kinda with like mu
#of like the kitten like in my life changed by
#in the link below
#. when you pour hot water scrub their head hair while cold water make their hair curly. It as well pasuwa their front teeth if you pour out
#mango juice unto their mafi
#mfalme wa yawhodi cement de truth bro
#if u burn the mafi on fire makes ya 2 booty accumulated purse
#tutu or got wound
#so take heed dude
#we know ya, pinnaple juice as well tie up ya intestine when those u belittle partake.
Warning friends of sickening character who used to be tolarated as saying they are trying to come up with gadgets like cars so is eating their minds giving them dat behaviour as excuse to get by, now, the same has been unearthed like with kenyan own made van mobius tell the president to tell ya they are not made but made out of blues and many nations have known the same, thought u alone could do that to get much money and fame, then let me please ya “They are made like welded windows“ so get to uganda, malagasy, Nigeria, south Africa, Ghana or morrocco as Egypt to get the fame described above and lure their women in the link below
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who is leftist who always want survive by ASKING others food shelter jobs
there are many contradictory things in human life,  like leftist and rightist and other people are sometimes right or left.  A leftist person will ask many questions only he will not create any new industry or will not do his work properly when it is given.  example even one person is given good convent education and master degree in engineering he will not go to job. he will have twenty reasons for not doing work.  whereas a poor man without education or money will set up tea shop hotel and be successful in life
In politics some people say farmers are poor they should be given much money by government, but if government already gives money  to poor peolpe through mneraga and also nearly free ration to all poverty people. A person opening company can allow public to purchase share of the company. if company make profit the shareholder wil benefit.  farmer can take loan like a company owner, a company owner if he takes loan in name of company and  the company fails then the comapny owner does not lose his personal money,  like wise public invest in crop and crop of farmer fails then only public wil lose,  farming will be like business
Some ladies say they are victim but many poor women dont get maintainence on divorce only karishma kapoor gets twenty crores on divorce though she is rich.  Ladies threaten men with police case now and man lives in fear.  but ladies leave husband and lives with other men getting divorce payment from husband
Christin peoole open church and aided school in every village and government permission is not required, they get foreign money.  they get job as teacher and marry hindu girls by showing good jobs,  They have festival in every church where they convert hindus and say they are fresh harvests
Muslim say all hindus are kafir and like ISIS they  hate all non believers, ISIS wll kill all kafir isis killed yazdis because they where not muslims they raped even ten year old girls and sold yazdi girls as slave in iraq
Many politicians say low caste people are not taken care, but they will oppose economic criteria  in reservation.  so only some people from low caste will get benefit,, the people of same family of low caste people wil become doctor IAS etc but these rich people who benefit will unnecessarily create hate against other caste.  so that their children will also get benefit whereas children of poor low caste people will not get jobs education
our leftist and congress politicians keep asking questions like this religion is victim, that caste is victim. women are victim.  but in reality poor people do not get any benefit, they get just pitance .  but politicians make huge money and buy all the land of farmers with corrupt money.  after some time farmers will lose land to corrupt politicians.
lefitst people will only ask questions and confuse people.  because of confusion anybody can take other person to court. only lawyers and  police benefit out of ladies favourable laws which are brought in by left and congress politicians. Actual poor women or poor people do not benfit only high society ladies go to court and torture poor men and also poor people low caste people do not actually benefit.  The leftist family based and congress  politicians use this tactics of   victims and create hatred and every body is asked questions, but corrupt politicians make money.  by always asking questions and allowing law to be broken like road encroachment eri lake encroachment etc everybody will suffer.  all should ask balanced questions and think about common welfare
If our indian business man makes money every poor indian is made to feel jelous.  but if foreign company like nestle procter gamble makes money everybody is happy? even big port owned by foreign company .  If many Indian private  company  opened in defence corridor then a lot of jobs will be created.  If more ports are opened more people can easily do business and manufacturing
By having clear good tax law, those traders who know how to cheat government of tax and those who give bribe benefit.  a young engineer or MBA trying to do new business will not know to cheat tax, so he cannot sell goods at the rate which a tax cheating business man sells and make profit 
only lawyers police some feminist and corrupt family based politicians benefit by only asking questions and doing noshing for fifty years  
left : Give mnrega and small jobs to  every body, poor  will get fifty rupess daily, but they will always remain poor.  the famiily based parties will loot and buy all the land of poor farmers
Right : Given opportunity to all people to  do job, allow manufacturing unit to come up easily, allow young people to  start new companies easily.  they given good price for farmer produce, but will not waive loan of rich farmer
left : 30.01.2015 jayanthi natarajan  congress union minister wrote a public letter to shri rahul Gandhi.  She explained how no industry was allowed  to be opened by rahul Gandhi, the party wants commission from industry.  Seventeen points of jayanthi natarajan,  report in India Today  financial  express
rught: Priority to bringing in Easy  uniform, tax law which youngsters can follow.   There were difficulties because two tax  one central and one state sales tax  was merged.  Now all going smooth.  Ease of doing business is a priority for  rightist government
left : They will make all caste fight  each other.  they will make state fight each other, they will made north fight against south.  they will encourage kashmir and bangladeshi to freely operate terror
right : They want liberal acceptance of  all caste, not much special favours to any caste.   But reservation and protection given
left : They will encourage all extremist  of all religion, they will allow foreign funds for conversion and extremism  in India
Right : They are liberal but will not anti  national extremist
 left : they will question army and every body they will not believe our army they will believe enemy army and press
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tumbirus · 2 years
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Good Evening, Even as a special NIA court in Delhi handed concurrent life terms to JKLF chief Yasin malik for funding terror in J&K,Kashmir TV artist America's Bhattacharya was shot dead outside her home in Budgam district. Am reenactmen's death comes a day after an off - duty constables saifullah Qadri was shot dead in front of his home in Srinagar. These are the latest in a pate of targeted killings in Kashmir that began around October last year That the militants have targeted ordinary Kasmiri Muslims, Kashmir Pandits, non Kashmiri Hindus and Muslims, and individual security personal how's a concerted attempt to show fear,disrupt everyday life and challenge the attempts at attaining normalcy since the nullification of Article 370 in August 2019. Targeted killings by their nature are extremely difficult to prevent.securty personal have no way of knowing who the militants will target next.This is in contrast to big -ticket terror operations that can be traced through effective intelligence gathering. In fact ,over the last two years the joint security mechanism in J&K has been quit successful in neutralising cross - border terrorist. But targeted killing use hit - and -run tactics and can be carried out by local agents who many not be on the radar of security forces. This is precisely why it is also possible that the militants are trying to bait the security forces into an overreaction and create conditions akin to the height of the Punjab Militancy or the Nepal movement in Bengal.A similar situation in kashmir today will represent a server setback ,something terrorists and their cross - border handlers will be delighted with . To their credit ,security forces have shown considerable resistant The main challenge now I'd to curb extremist ideolical network that have proliferated, adding terror organisations in recruiting locals.About 9 cases of local recruitment have been reported this year - this is the cadre terror-handlers use to keep..cou (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CeWYjv2MsmB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shoukatali · 2 years
Hindu extremists target Muslim sites in India — even Taj Mahal
Hindu extremists target Muslim sites in India — even Taj Mahal
People visit the Taj Mahal in Agra on May 19, 2022. (Photo by Pawan SHARMA / AFP) Thirty years after mobs demolished a historic mosque in Ayodhya, triggering a wave of sectarian bloodshed that saw thousands killed, fundamentalist Indian Hindu groups are eyeing other Muslim sites — even the world-famous Taj Mahal. Emboldened under Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi, aided by courts…
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