#House of the Dragon HBO Max
hoosbandewan · 1 month
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Ewan Mitchell & Tom Glynn-Carney React To House of the Dragon Scenes (x)
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izletiyoruz · 2 years
House of the Dragon İzle
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House of the Dragon İzle, Game of Thrones hayranlarının merakla beklediği House of the Dragon sonunda HBO Max platformunda sevenleriyle buluştu. Game of Thrones dizisi M.S. 298 – 305 yıllarında (Fatih Aegon’un Westeros’u fethi, Yedi Krallığın birleşmesi ve Demir Taht’ta Targaryen hanedanının kurulmasına atıfta bulunan Fetih’ten Sonra) geçmektedir. Yeni prequel House of the Dragon bundan neredeyse 200 yıl önce, MS 101 yılında başlıyor ve ardından hızla Kral Viserys I’in hükümdarlığının dokuzuncu yılına atlıyor.
Game of Thrones’un 200 yıl öncesinde geçen House of the Dragon’da Prens Daemon Targaryen rolünde Matt Smith, Prenses Rhaenyra Targaryen rolünde Emma D’Arcy, Kral Viserys Targaryen rolünde Paddy Considine, Otto Hightower rolünde Rhys Ifans ve Alicent Hightower rolünde Olivia Cooke yer alıyor. Daemon, George R.R. Martin’in A Song of Ice & Fire kitaplarından uyarlanan orijinal diziyi izletiyoruz.com ekibi olarak sizlere sunmaktan mutluluk duyarız.
House of the Dragon, Targaryen hanedanlığının ilk yüzyılının sonunda düzenlenen bir toplantı sırasında bu yeni daha doğrusu eski dünyaya getiriliyoruz. Aile üyeleri Harrenhal’da Kral Jaehaerys tarafından konseye çağırılır. Ailenin yönetimi güçlü olsa da 10 yetişkin ejderhasıyla, dünyadaki hiçbir güç Krala karşı duramazdı. Kralın sağlığı iyi değil ve iki oğlu da öldüğü için, halefini seçmek üzere bir toplantı düzenlenir.
Binden fazla lordun katılmasına ve 14 teklif yapılmasına rağmen, sadece iki potansiyel varis gerçekten değerlendirilir. Prenses Rhaenys Targaryen, kralın en yaşlı torunu ve Prens Viserys Targaryen, kralın en yaşlı erkek torunu. Kral ölümünden sonra Demir Taht’a oturacak kişiyi açıklarken her ikisi de eşleriyle birlikte kralın yanında olur. Lordlar tahta geçmek yerine babaları Viserys’i seçtiklerini belirtirler. Lordların duyurusundan sonra Rhaenyra Targaryen kendini resmen tanıtır. Ardından konseyin, Jaehaerys sonrası kimin başa geçeceği konusunda bir savaşı önlemek için toplandığını, çünkü, Ejderha’nın evini yıkabilecek tek şeyin kendisi olduğunu belirtir.
Ardından bir başlık kartı bizi Kral Viserys’in hükümdarlığının dokuzuncu yılına, “Deli Kral Aerys’in ölümünden ve kızı Prenses Daenerys Targaryen’in doğumundan 172 yıl öncesine” sıçratıyor. Ve ejderha geliyor! Devasa, altın bir canavar bulutların arasından süzülerek Kralın Şehri’nin üzerinden geçiyor ve bir açıklığa inmeden önce bize havada küçük bir tur attırıyor. Genç bir Rhaenyra aşağı atlıyor ve yakındaki bir şövalye olan Ser Harrold Westerling ile en iyi arkadaşı Alicent Hightower’la buluşmadan önce atını sevgiyle okşuyor.
Viserys, nakliye yollarına yönelik potansiyel bir tehdit ve Şehir Gözcüleri’nin komutanı olan ancak bu toplantılara düzenli olarak katılmayan kardeşi Daemon’un yokluğu gibi tartışılan konulardan rahatsız görünmezdi. Lord Corlys Velaryon nakliye yolları konusunu gündeme getirdiğinde, kral Otto Hightower tarafından hemen susturulur. Konu, kralın erkek olacağından emin olduğu ve Viserys’in erkek varisi olmaması sorununu çözecek olan yeni çocuğunun yakında doğacak olmasını kutlamak için düzenlediği turnuvaya gelir. Turnuvaya katılan üstat, “sana bir erkek çocuk garantisi veremeyiz” diyor ama kral mutlu bir kararlılıkla “kraliçenin karnında bir erkek çocuk var. Bunu biliyorum.” diye cevap verir.
Tür: Aksiyon, Macera, Dram
Yayın Platformu: HBO Max
Prömiyer Tarihi: Ağustos 21, 2022
Yönetmen: Ryan J. Condal
IMDb Puanı: House of the Dragon dizisinin güncel IMDb puanı 9.1’dir.
Oyuncular: Paddy Considine, Emma D’Arcy, Matt Smith, Steve Toussaint, Olivia Cooke
izletiyoruz.com sitemiz üzerinden korkudan gerilime, polisiyeden aksiyona daha yüzlerce çeşit filmi ve televizyon dizsini ücretsiz olarak izleyebilirsiniz. Bu konu hakkında düşünceleriniz nedir? Sizlerde görüşlerinizi ve düşüncelerinizi yorum kısmında paylaşarak bizlere destek olabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: izletiyoruz.com
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connorsui · 18 days
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nicostiel · 2 years
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#men are so
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skylessnights · 15 days
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EMMA D'ARCY Behind the scenes with Emma D’Arcy on this week’s ES Magazine cover shoot 📹 [x]
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thepumpkinknight · 5 days
Chaotic Know Thy Slang with tom&ewan
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cormancatacombs · 2 years
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syraxnyra · 4 days
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Aegon Targaryen | Tom Glynn-Carney
House of the Dragon Season 2
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angrygirlromero · 1 year
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: credits to the amazing artists who made this, I’m not sure who it is I came across this on Pinterest, but I’m not sure who made it to give credits so if you know please do tag them!
WARNINGS! Pure filthy smut honestly, possible grammar mistakes.
Maegor Targaryen loved fucking his little niece, it serving as him throwing the fact back into his brother’s face every time he’d fuck his warm sticky seed into her, he loved her, he adored her, he was obsessed with his queen.
Obsessed with the euphoric feeling of having her tight warm walls wrapped around his thick pulsing length, the painful pleasure of the constant stretch of his thrust leaving his darling niece a dumb drooling mess of pleasure, as she moaned and screamed his name for everyone in the keep to hear just exactly who she belonged to.
He could never get enough of her being infatuated with the feeling, taste and smell of her, she was his everything, she’d wake up with him buried between her thighs him eating her out, basically making out with her pussy, spitting biting and sucking on her sweet spot constantly.
Having his thick and long pretty length abusing her cunt, until she passed out as he watched mesmerized at the sight of the bulge in her tummy at his every thrust, he’d use her as his little cum dump stuffing her with his children every chance he got.
He’d summon her to the throne room just to have her ride him on the iron throne, Maegor ordering the guards to not look if not they would suffer his warmth, “oh, please kepus, please cum in me, p-please want to feel y-you fill me up” she would scream out, and Maegor would groan and moan into her neck leaving an insane amount of bruises, while she rode him, her little figure humping his huge muscular one, as his large hands would guide her hips into his pelvis.
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mcbride · 2 years
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spacerockfloater · 2 months
Why the fuck does Laena Velaryon, who is canonically younger than Rhaenyra Targaryen in the show, look like a fucking 20-year-old in episode 5 while Rhaenyra, her elder, still looks fucking 13? Why the actual fuck did they change the YOUNGER girl’s actress and made her look older, but it’s okay for Rhaenyra to continue looking like a preteen? I’ll tell you why.
They’re trying to distract us from the fact that creepy ass Daemon is courting a 14-year-old. A FOURTEEN YEAR OLD. Rhaenyra is 15 in episode 1 and Laena is 12, meaning they have a 3 year age gap. Then, Viserys tells Rhaenyra that she must marry since she’s 17 now, making Laena 14, maybe 15 at best. So they obviously can’t afford having Daemon thirst over a child again, therefore this is a shitty attempt to cover up the fact that Laena still is a very fucking young child.
HBO what is this? Why do your casting choices indicate that you’re trying to use some kind of ageist technique to manipulate your viewers? Why are the supposedly good guys, Rhaenyra and her children, portrayed by very young actors? Is this to show how innocent and pure they are? Why are the characters who are supposedly evil, Aegon and Aemond, or the character for whom we shouldn’t worry too much about since she’s just a tool for Daemon’s story line to develop, Laena, portrayed by obviously older actors even though they’re all supposed to be kids? Because the youth = good people and old = bad people analogy is fucking gross and lowkey paedophilic. Not to mention how weird it is to make all the black girls in the show look like fucking grown ups. What kind of racist bullshit is this?
I can’t understand HBO’s decisionmaking for the love of me. Like, on the one hand, it’s so obvious that they’re forcing Daemon and Rhaenyra down our throats, to the point that I actually laughed out loud when the show runner said “he doesn’t get why people like Daemon”. Like, my guy, you MADE the show. You made him look like an appealing, dangerous, sexy, strong, victorious and mysterious man, so what do you mean you don’t get the appeal? On the other hand though, most of the actions that they allow Daemon to perform are so horrifying that it makes it impossible for a sane person to stand beside him and defend him. Like, they try to sugarcoat that he’s an abusive piece of shit yeah, but they somehow don’t shy away from the fact that he’s terrible? Are they doing both of these things on purpose? Are they trying to challenge the viewer, to show us how abusers, despite being openly deranged, still have their way of dazzling their victims, the average person, and hypnotising them with their charm? Is Daemon doing to us (and by us I mean you Daemon stans, not me, stay safe though) what he’s doing to Rhaenyra and Laena? Are the show producers testing the average viewer’s intelligence and ability to recognise an abuser? Will there be a lesson to be learned?
I would like to hope so but I highly doubt it, because while one could support this theory by arguing that changing Laena’s actress is an attempt to mask Daemon’s degenerative nature a bit so that it isn’t completely obvious that he’s a bad man, someone else could counter this argument by saying that we’ve already seen Daemon groom a minor so this wouldn’t be something new. We’ve seen him do much more violent crimes actually, so why shy away from the fact he’s a groomer when we are already aware of this? Idk man, I really want to think that HBO is trying to make us see that Daemon is an evil person, but then indirectly glorifying him constantly makes me believe they just want people to root for him.
P.S. I may anger a lot of people by saying this, so I’ll make myself clear by stating that I love and greatly respect actors who specialise in portraying evil characters, because doing so and not losing yourself is a challenge (*cough* Leto *cough*) but if done correctly, it’s a true showcase of one’s talent and hard work. Lee, De Niro, Hopkins, Bardem and Rickman are just a few to name. However, Matt Smith has never rubbed me the right way. No hate to the guy, I don’t even know him, but I’ve seen him play the villain in three separate occasions (HOTD, Last Night in Soho, Morbius) and I just get these weird vibes, but I usually told myself it’s just my imagination running wild. However, I recently found out that Smith claimed that Daemon is a loyal man who loves deeply and that his “heir for a day” brothel feast was his way of honouring Aema, which really disturbed me for obvious reasons. I don’t know if he said this because he’s trying to defend his character and by extension himself, or if he just wants to promote the show, or if he doesn’t understand Daemon or if he funnily enough has fallen victim to his own character’s charm and I don’t care because it is a dangerous thing to say. Painting this character, the arrogant, obnoxious, self serving, people slaughtering, wife murdering, backstabbing, abusing, grooming, lying, manipulating, war criminal of a man, in such a positive light while being a man yourself, knowing that most of this character’s supporters are young impressionable women who just find him hot, makes me lowkey wanna cover my drink in his presence, I don’t know.
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hoosbandewan · 25 days
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Who from Team Green would be your emergency contact?
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the-djarin-clan · 2 years
Watching House of the Dragon every Sunday religiously because of the plot.
the plot:
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cleanbutsalty · 6 months
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Motherrr of dragons
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fatum679 · 18 days
what do you think about the latest trailer? it made me afraid my beloved ship helaemond is gonna sink 😭
Hello! I was sure that we wouldn't be shown any major spoilers. I read a spoiler that in the second season there will be flashback with Aemma Arryn, I don’t know why they are needed? Who cares? But we do have two shots of her in the trailer.
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About Helaemond, we have a shot of Aemond on a girl's lap crying, I don't think he would show his tears to a prostitute or I also doubt that Aemond will cry in front of a woman (Alys) he sees for the first time in his life. There must be a strong emotional connection for this to happen.
In addition, Aemond will only meet Alys in season 3; in the second, Daemon will interact with her.
The girl in the frame could be Alicent (but why is Aemond naked?) or Helaena.
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Helaena wears blue dresses and this dress is similar to her style from episode 9. This could be a flashback of Aemond and Helaena or it could be a scene after b&c or after battle at rook's rest.
Aemond is not the kind of person who would show weakness in front of a person with whom he has no intimacy and we were shown many helaemond moments in the first season and he was not afraid to cry and says in front of Helaena that Aegon and nephews is bullying him, but in front of others he did not show his tears even when his eye was cut out.
The ring... lol... but why not?😂
Helaena wears a rings on her middle finger in season 2 😂
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I don't know. I'll just wait for the second season and believe 🕷💎
The writers openly talk about and confirm only the relationship between Alicent and Rhaenyra (lmao)
I read a theory that this is not Aemma, but that it is Helaena's double.
Firstly, Aemond is no longer 13 years old for Aegon to drag him into a brothel.
Secondly, Aemond is not the kind of person who would voluntarily go to a brothel. He made it clear in the first season that he is not interested in prostitutes and that is what makes him different from Aegon.
So I don't think he's crying on the lap of Helaena's double. I also don't think he's with Mysaria. It is so stupid. Aemond doesn't know her, he won't be so vulnerable in front of her and show his weakness. Aemond won't tell her his secrets! This will be very fucking stupid!
! And the most important thing ! The girl in the picture doesn't have dark hair! It's the dress and the shadow.
The writers won't miss out on a script goldmine like Helaemond.
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crazymoonlight · 2 months
You love Aemond, I love jace.
We're not the same.
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