#Hunter Nightwind
ragewithinthestorm · 9 months
closed for @hunter-nightwind
Tonight hadn't gone to plan in the slightest, not that there was much hope in their feeble plan in the first place, once the group had made it outside of the walls of the compound things began going wrong. Alarms blared which made Maia feel as though her ears were going to bleed from how it distorted through her aids, it threw off her focus and as a result she got separated from the group. She was the youngest but also the one with the most defects as the humans told her, as a result she had more of a connection to their original species than the others, though she didn't fully understand what that meant as they had been experimented on and selectively bred by humans for at least three generations now.
She wanted to go home, that's all she knew and her home wasn't back there behind the tall walls. Her panic as she ran to find somewhere safe and far from there under the full moonlight as she saw flashlights and heard yelling and footsteps chasing her had her heart thumping in her ears, not something she was used to feeling, maybe this was a mistake. But just as she thought that, something caught her eye, it looked like an archway being formed amongst the trees, it almost appeared to be shimmering and calling to her. So she turned with a skid, guards close behind her as she bolted for the archway and ran through it.
Maia didn't stop to look behind her, though it felt quieter and there was no more flashlights lighting the ground in front of her, she didn't even realise the trees she had ran towards were gone. It had been just after moonrise that they had made their escape, timing it for the changing of the guards, something Maia had been in charge of tracking due to her habits of being far more observant than the others.
Eventually she couldn't keep running, her legs shook and her chest burned, she had no choice other than to stop and rest. She saw a large rock and lay on it on her back, staring up into the moon as she tried to control her breathing, everything hurt, her feet were bleeding as she was barefoot. She lay there for almost an hour, her exhaustion causing her to be unable to keep herself awake now that she had come to a stop, as a result she didn't hear guards surrounding her, but when she heard them yell at her in an unknown language, her aids still turned on in her ears, she quickly woke up, these weren't her guards, who were they? She stayed still and quiet, not knowing what they were saying to her but she was scared and knew she had no strength left to try and run, internally crying to the moon for help.
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thetantiger · 4 months
Quick Bio: Felshredder Nightwind
Race: Kaldorei Class: Demon Hunter Specialization: Havoc Pronouns: He/Him
Felshredder is a purple-skinned, dark-haired Illidari trans male with fel-green eyes, concealed behind a blindfold, and curled ram horns. He has bright purple demonic tattoos, a messily-tied beard and burn markings on his left shoulder and the left side of his face. Felshredder is a survivor of the Burning of Teldrassil, having lost his mother in the fire after attempting to rescue her. Fortunately, he found a group of friends first named GWaCA (Guild Without a Cool Acronym), which later merged into the Shadows of the Faithful. Now, he seeks to defend and preserve the peace him and his friends have fought and died for as third-in-command and enjoy time with his wife, Blue Nightwind.
Links: Trans day of visibility 2024 A guide to drawing blushes "How Far I've Come" art piece Someone tried to tag team Fel and his buddy Fel body ref Fel's "Vengeance for Darnassus" mog screenshots "Seven Deadly Sins" art piece Color wheel challenge Pride doodles 2023 Fel and Ray's moms are dating Blueshredder ship doodle 2023, featuring Kucha
Related Characters: Blue Nightwind (wife) Dareiena Nightwind (mother) Celthrus Shadetree (father)
<Toyhouse Page>
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the-expatriate · 11 months
"Hello, um... miss?" the elf approached the blue haired lass. "I'm sorry to bother you but, um... a little bird said you dropped this" he awkwardly extends his arm to pass her a wallet. What he didnt state was that a little bird literally had said she'd dropped it, and that he'd overheard the bird speaking. "Is this yours?"
Pari heard the voice before she had turned on a booted heel. She patted down her pockets, and surely enough, the stranger was right.
"Oh snap! Thank you so very much. I really appreciate that. I mean, I don't keep much in there but you never know who's picked up a card. Listen.. I really appreciate that a lot."
Pari said with a genuinely warm smile, carefully taking her purse.
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fighting-shadows · 1 year
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✔= Currently active ✘= Currently inactive ☐ = Inquire Muses:
@rhythm-of-redemption - Lyric (Fae) ✔ @hunter-nightwind- Elf ✔ @fire-spitting-demon-bastard Carlos (Demon/Dragon hybrid) ✔
@cybernated-angel - Pierce (Angelic cyborg) ☐ @fatality-fairy - Pixi (Fae) ☐
@blue-storm-dragon-Thrax (Dragon) ✘
@green-necronox - Pox (Fae) ✘
Rules | Mun
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skye-high-multiverse · 11 months
For my side blog @hunter-nightwind
As stated in your rules here's my favourite dish, Nando's peri peri chicken.
I was gunna cook it myself but as fate had it I was unable to cook today so here's an image from Google instead .w.;
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Rules Read! @hunter-nightwind @myteahunter
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upwords1990 · 18 days
“I loved this story every word of it”
JoJo is one of those who have forced the herds away. Predators will take anything or anyone now. He can save her if he wishes. What will Nightwind do? Survival in the world after the fall is grim. To survive a world of mutant predators, people band together. Nightwind’s and JoJo’s people choose different paths. His family reclaimed an old cliff dwelling, hers herd cattle and migrate. Their rules and ideologies do not mix. While her people prosper, he must roam farther from the safety of the village to hunt. Nightwind’s exposure to the ever-present danger of predators increases with every day he must travel. JoJo’s partner leaves her alone and defenseless, running for her life. The lone hunter who sees her must choose. He can bring her back to the small hidden shelter he shares with his dog, Mouse, or he can leave her to her fate. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073Q97HWC https://books2read.com/u/3k0WwW
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fae-bridge · 18 days
Character list
I'll link here all the characters from FaeBridge, however not all profiles are complete yet with some being a work in progress. I will try to complete the bios ASAP. All bios link to Toyhouse. Characters can be played solo or I can multi muse (except for Hunter and Bones who are a pair due Hunter being his legal watcher) Hunter Nightwind- Elf (complete) Bones- Polymorphed cat Kyron- Tiefling (complete) Minton- Tabaxi (Semi complete)
Dusty- Tabaxi
Rules and Mun - HERE
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ragewithinthestorm · 10 months
closed for @hunter-nightwind
It was way too hot to be out today, but that made it more important that Samuel was out there checking on his animals and creatures. He was topping up the water containers from the pump, as someone who already ran hot, this heat was almost unboreable. He had been so focused on filling up the waters that he hadn't realised his beloved jackalope had managed to slip out of the fence and, unbeknownst to him, had found a stranger and was leading them back to the livestock. Samuel had removed his hat and shoved his face under the water pump to try and cool himself down, unaware of anyone approaching him.
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hunternightwind · 11 months
Wellp!!! There they are, I've done it! :D Got Hunter in his normal canon clothing, and then made an alt outfit for more traditional medieval fantasy type settings. Dude never shows his forehead LOL!
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myteahunter · 11 months
Pinning this! This right here is my personal blog where I just post what ever :) You're welcome to watch me and interact with the things I post if you wish. There is a possibility however if I watched you and you happen to be a RP blog that I might have been interested in your character, in which case my RP blog attatched to this one is @hunter-nightwind
Thought I'd just put this out there so it's less awkward being followed by a random personal blog lol :P
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stabby-apologist · 2 years
Bosmer 🏹 Aesthetic
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I know that there is a mod called "Bosmer Hearthfires", which can help you create a Bosmer home using collected animal bones and pelts from the creatures you hunt—mainly b bears and sabre cats. It's quite beautiful. You have to get Kyne's Token through Kyne's Sacred Trials first on order for the quest to activate.
However, I'm having trouble locating "Froki", I think is her name.
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thetantiger · 4 months
Quick Bio: Blue Nightwind
Race: Draenei Class: Hunter Specialization: Beast Mastery Pronouns: She/Her
Blue Nightwind is a Rangari Draenei born in Shadowmoon Valley with pale blue skin, periwinkle hair and azure eyes, as well as a jeweled silver crown adorning her forehead. Her horns are coiled like a ram's and she often ties her hair into a messy ponytail. She is a notoriously standoffish, defensive and hyper alert person, feeling uneasy around strangers and used to be considered cruel, even. However, she has an intense soft spot for animals, as well as her husband, Felshredder Nightwind. She's sarcastic and snappy but intensely loyal, having opened up to her friends over the years and put her life on the line several times for them, slowly growing out of her self-preservationist mindset.
Links: The Tishamaat Blue's "Vanguard" mog screenshot Blue body ref Blue and Snarky comic Color wheel challenge Pride doodles 2023 Beast Mastery hunter spec art Blueshredder ship doodle 2023, featuring Kucha Blue thirst art
Related Characters: Felshredder Nightwind (husband) Azure (mother) Jormungar (father)
<Toyhouse Page>
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the-expatriate · 11 months
@hunter-nightwind Height: 5ft'6
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"Huh. Not that much taller than me!"
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fighting-shadows · 10 months
August 9th is important to me, not cause its my Birthday but rather cause it’s my re-Birthday :D The fuck does that mean! It means I deliberately came out as trans on my birthday when people were paying attention and thus this day now also marks the day I started living my best life. So I’m either gunna do something on here to mark the day, or I might not be on at all XD I dunno yet, will have to see what the plans are nearer the time. But one thing I am thinking for sure is just posting a bunch of stuff that gives me euphoria over at @myteahunter which may or may not help gives others a little of that euphoria :D Its quite likely though I might also do something on @hunter-nightwind being that he himself is a trans man.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
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“Dungeon 105 Cover” by Wayne Reynolds, © Paizo Publishing
[I keep getting distracted by retro villains! I wasn’t born during the 80′s D&D boom, so I missed the action figures and the cartoon growing up. I did subscribe to Dungeon Magazine, though, and issue 105 wasn’t my first, but it might have been my second or third. It certainly made an impression on me. Warduke is the Boba Fett of D&D (quiet, cool helmet, more badass in later appearances than the original canon, first appeared as a toy). And so Warduke appeared twice in my various campaigns in high school and undergrad, once in a prehistoric game (as an ophidian), and once in the Age of Worms. Both left a high body count in their wake. The Age of Worms rendition even managed to kill the same character twice in one round.
This version of Warduke is based on the Dungeon Magazine 3.5 version, with a few major tweaks. The shift from 3.5 to Pathfinder was kind to fighters in general and shield bash builds in particular, and he takes advantage of many Pathfinder-exclusive feats. I dislike the idea that Warduke’s glowing eyes are fiendish grafts, so I dropped that (it’s all about that helmet). Speaking of the helmet, I did make it a unique item, but not an artifact as it was in the Dungeon version. Understandably, Warduke is something of a cypher personality-wise, but I figured I’d give him a little backstory. Feel free to ignore it. In addition to Boba Fett, my main inspirations here were Angel Eyes (the “bad” from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly) and the Dread Pirate Roberts.
And yes, I realize that my version of Warduke is stronger than my Venger, which may upset D&D cartoon purists. I like Warduke better.]
Warduke CR 18 NE Humanoid (human) This man’s face is concealed within a dark, bat-winged helmet, revealing only glowing eyes. He is powerfully muscled, revealing his physique under a set of mismatched armor and a fur belt. He carries a heavy sword in one hand, a round shield engraved with a horned, fanged skull in the other.
Warduke is the soldier’s bogeyman. He has fought a thousand wars, killed ten thousand men. He is a mercenary, bounty hunter and assassin par excellence, who slays lesser opponents with a blow and can challenge even the stoutest adventurers.This much is true, but claims that he has lived for centuries or is unkillable are greatly exaggerated, and there is as much myth as man about him. “Warduke” is a title, not a name. Anyone who wears the signature blue steel helm of Warduke, set with three gems and causing the wearer’s eyes to glow in a sinister fashion, can theoretically claim the title. It is even possible that multiple versions of this helm circulate, and there are multiple Wardukes simultaneously on different worlds.
The current Warduke is driven by selfishness and greed above all other goals. Warduke does have a claim to nobility—he was a minor lord who preferred to train in warfare than in statecraft, who was obsessed with the legend of Warduke upon learning that Warduke’s Helm was kept in his kingdom as a trophy. He stole the helm after murdering its keepers, and assumed the title of Warduke after forsaking his previous life. Those who knew of his former identity were slain to keep the secret. Warduke is a cynic and pragmatist, and he kills for the highest bidder. He calls his sword Nightwind.
Warduke favors attacking enemies while they are weak—after a long battle, when emerging from a dungeon, or while at camp. He has no sense of duty, honor or humanity. He is not so foolish as to believe he is capable of fighting all battles by himself, however, and may travel with other cutthroats to act as ranged or magical support. Warduke doesn’t have much loyalty for these associates; he knows he can always buy the services of others if he needs them.  Likewise, he does not retain loyalty to a patron once his job is done—his next job may very well be to revenge his previous mission, or betray them if he has learned a valuable secret.
Warduke’s Helm (wondrous item) Price 57,390 gp; Aura moderate conjuration and transmutation; CL 11th Warduke’s Helm grants its wearer 60 foot darkvision, and makes their eyes glow bright red as a consequence. This grants the wearer a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. Once per day as a full round action, the wearer of Warduke’s Helm can attune the helm to a location, as if casting the word of recall spell. From that point, the wearer of Warduke’s Helm can transport himself, allies and goods as per word of recall. Warduke’s Helm can only be attuned to one location at a time. The Helm is cursed—it does not function for any wielder of non-evil alignment
Construction Requirements Cost 28,695 gp; Craft Wondrous Item, darkvision, word of recall, creator must have 10 ranks in Intimidate
Warduke                 CR 18 XP 153,600 NE Medium humanoid (human) Human fighter 18 Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +4 Defense AC 36, touch 15, flat-footed 32 (+3 Dex, +12 armor, +6 shield, +2 natural, +2 deflection, +1 insight) hp 211 (18d10+108) Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +16; +5 vs. fear DR 3/- Defensive Abilities bravery +5, fortification (75%), freedom of movement Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee Nightwind +35/+30/+25/+20 (1d8+17 plus 1d6 fire/17-20), +4 bashing shield +37 (1d6+14) Ranged dagger +25 (1d4+13/19-20) Special Attacks weapon training (heavy blades 4, close 3, light blades 2, axes 1) Tactics During Combat If Warduke does not feel threatened by opponents, he begins a fight with Dazzling Display to demoralize foes and weaken their defense against him. If enemies are more prepared, he waits to intimidate instead with his Dreadful Carnage feat. Warduke prefers to close with enemies and stay close, using Shield Slam to isolate his prey and Step Up to remain in melee reach. He always uses Power Attack, unless he misses with three or more attacks per turn. Morale Warduke is not stupid, and retreats from a losing fight using his helm. Statistics Str 28, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 13 Base Atk +18; CMB +28; CMD 45 (49 vs. disarm, sunder) Feats Combat Reflexes, Dazzling Display, Dreadful Carnage, Furious Focus, Improved Critical (longsword), Improved Initiative, Improved Shield Bash, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Missile Shield, Power Attack, Shatter Defenses, Shield Focus, Shield Master, Shield Slam, Step Up, Stunning Assault, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword) Skills Acrobatics +13, Climb +19, Intimidate +30, Knowledge (local) +12, Ride +10, Survival +16, Swim +19 Gear belt of physical might +6 (Str, Con), headband of Wis +6, Warduke’s Helm (see above), Nightwind (+3 flaming human-bane longsword), +4 bashing light steel shield, +3 glamered adamantine full plate of moderate fortification, ring of freedom of movement, ring of protection +2, cloak of resistance +4, amulet of natural armor +2, boots of speed, gloves of dueling, dusty rose prism ioun stone, bag of holding type I, flying ointment (x2), silversheen (x3), dust of appearance, potion of cure serious wounds (x3), 4 daggers, 900 gp SQ armor training 4, exceptional resources, inherent bonuses Special Abilities Exceptional Resources (Ex) Warduke has ability scores built with 25 points of point buy, and has treasure equivalent to an 18th level player character. This increases Warduke’s CR by 1. Inherent Bonuses (Ex) Warduke has accepted wish spells as payment for his dark deeds, gaining a +2 inherent bonus to his Strength and Constitution scores.
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upwords1990 · 3 months
“I loved this story every word of it”
JoJo is one of those who have forced the herds away. Predators will take anything or anyone now. He can save her if he wishes. What will Nightwind do? Survival in the world after the fall is grim. To survive a world of mutant predators, people band together. Nightwind’s and JoJo’s people choose different paths. His family reclaimed an old cliff dwelling, hers herd cattle and migrate. Their rules and ideologies do not mix. While her people prosper, his must roam farther from the safety of the village to hunt. Nightwind’s exposure to the ever-present danger of predators increases with every day he must travel. JoJo’s partner leaves her alone and defenseless, running for her life. The lone hunter who sees her must choose. He can bring her back to the small hidden shelter he shares with his dog, Mouse, or he can leave her to her fate. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073Q97HWC https://books2read.com/u/3k0WwW
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