maddymoreau · 1 year
Nightbringer Lesson 11 Lucifer Discussion
I’ve been playing Obey Me for three years and when I saw the dialogue option,
“You’re not actually angry, are you? That’s not it.”
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And that is the correct option if you want favor with Lucifer!! Sure it may have hurt him that we lied about being a demon but that’s not the problem.
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The problem is that because we’re a human we’re on the side on humanity. While Lucifer has pledged allegiance to Diavolo.
Spoiler for Obey Me Shall We Date: Lucifer swore an oath after making a deal with Diavolo. In exchange for his loyalty Diavolo would save his dying sister Lilith by having her reincarnate into a human.
This is something the other brothers are unaware of and why Lucifer calls Solomon disgusting for weaponizing and throwing that in his face.
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(Note: While Lucifer has sworn an oath he will always put his brothers above Diavolo.)
Lucifer may be prideful and strict with his brothers but there’s NOTHING he cares about more then them.
So a human who lied to them and has the ability to force them into submission, extract their powers and use it is a MASSIVE threat!!!
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A threat he is not wanting to take the risk of especially when it hasn’t been long since he lost his sister Lilith.
When you first approach Lucifer he asks, “Why did you show up when you did? Why did you appear before us?”
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He asking why did you come to Devildom now? What are your intentions?! He may ask that but truthfully it doesn’t matter to him. You’re a threat.
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A threat he has to eliminate in order to protect his brothers and their new life in Devildom.
Lucifer will lean in your ear and ask right before painfully restraining you.
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“Why did you appear before me?” He knows you know his intention. He can’t understand why you searched for him at the Fountain of Knowledge.
What do you want with him?
Because while Lucifer may suppress it and is putting his brothers before it. He has begun developing feelings for the player.
You can later say, “I want to protect all of you.”
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Which gains you even more favor with Lucifer because that’s all he wants. He just loves and wants to protect his brothers AND I LOVE THAT!!!!
Us handing him the grimoire IS SUCH A BIG MOMENT!!! Nightbringer players might be unaware but a grimoire is SUCH a big deal!!!
So to hand that over despite the grimoire giving us a major advantage AHHHH MY HEART!!!!
Combined with the player promising to protect them!
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Your pledge and actions leave him questioning himself on what’s the right decision. Is trusting you worth the risk it puts his brothers at?
I cannot wait for lesson 12!!! I NEED US TO RESOLVE THIS LUCIFER ANGST SO BADLY!!!!!
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greykolla-art · 4 months
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Oh boy this has been one of those days where I just draw all day and forget to eat.😂
Enjoy my brain rot doodles while I go fix that!
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notherpuppet · 8 days
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Good morning 🍎📻
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marblescorner · 4 months
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Biblically accurate radioapple interaction
(original meme below)
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alterkishi · 4 months
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charlie's brand new father-mother duo...
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sharkcutlery · 3 months
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someone said more drunk alastor. my wish is your command
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radioapplebs · 2 months
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Self indulgent au where Alastor and Lucifer are in a QPR years before the hotel and hide their relationship by fighting in front of the others. Except they cannot keep it together.
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nekophy · 4 months
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KFP3 Is a good movie actually φ(゜▽゜*)
KFP3 pt2 - KFP3 pt3
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bucketofchum · 4 months
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"You know I'm only here to see Charlie"
RadioApple has me in a fucking chokehold
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dirtgrubber · 2 months
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from my new favorite scene in my favorite fanfic by @morningstarwrites
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sidsinning · 4 months
LITERALLY Unbothered Short King without a single scratch on him
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Adam's existence to Lucifer summed up here:
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greykolla-art · 3 months
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Alastor: “Now, let’s talk about literally anything else please!”
Me: “Good! Cause I don’t know where you went so I can’t go further with this!😂”
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auteurdefeu · 4 months
Lucifer throws rubber ducks at Alastor to shut him up.
It actually worked for the first few times too, because it was so random that it caught him off guard, as very few things do. With his large collection and how very few of his creations he was actually proud of, Lucifer had a lot of ammunition. He wasn’t about to embarrass himself by scrambling to get them back afterwards, but he did wonder what happened to them. Incinerated, he would guess.
But no, Alastor likes entertainment, and after he got over the fact the literal King of Hell’s best line of defense was rubber ducks, he was very entertained by the little things. There was a growing collection in his radio tower, and he had learned quickly that there was more to them than met the eye. He’d been quite displeased when one had left his coat singed from spitting fire, but despite all their tricks, none were particularly harmful.
Alastor hadn’t been sure where these ducks were coming from, but after plucking one off the floor that had a remarkable resemblance to the Radio Demon himself, he was beginning to suspect they weren’t exactly off the shelf. And wasn’t that a thought, the devil himself spending hours meticulously crafting toys. Even more so interesting that he spent some of that time making one of a demon he hated so much. But he keeps them all the same.
Chucking them at Alastor’s head becomes a whole lot less effective at getting him to shut the fuck up after a while. That didn’t stop Lucifer from wanting to throw things at him, and it wasn’t destructive to the hotel in the process. Probably not a bad thing, to be clearing out his room of so many ducks. And if a certain gothic tower is now full of them instead, well… who’s to say.
*quack quack* I’m losing my mind, can you tell
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notherpuppet · 3 months
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Someone on twitter suggested these fits for these two 😍
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nouverx · 3 months
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Vox won the hottest Hazbin Hotel character poll on twitter against Lucifer in the final round and I can't stop thinking about it I love my pathetic TV Girl he deserves it
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then-be-a-warrior · 5 months
Alastor is such a little shit.
His only two songs so far have been duets with him and the other person just roasting each other back and forth.
Like bitch he can't survive without making someone mad💀
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