#I am GOD // Xenophanes
Cuddles (Comfort writing)
"Hey Xeno, I'm back!"
Julie the Cat called out from across the room, just coming home as she gently shut the door behind her. Suddenly, a dark blue blur with purplish pink tips raced up to her and quickly wrapped it's arms around her, which made her jump back at first. It was Xenophanes himself.
"AH! Woah-- H-Hey Xeno, are you...alright?"
There was no answer. He was breathing heavily and hugged her even tighter. The crystalline beast let out a low growl and picked Julie up, still hugging her close as he went over and laid her down on the couch, getting right on top of her and pressing his fuzzy and scarred chest against her small flat one. Her tiny and fast heartbeats can be heard, and so can his big and slow ones. They were both breathing extremely close to eachother, making the female Mobian cat blush as she felt his warm breath. Oh what a simp she was.
"X-Xeno...what is this abo--"
"Never...leave me, again..."
He growled out. There was also a pinch of sadness in his voice, like he was...crying.
"I-- Xeno, are you...crying...?"
She asked with genuine concern in her voice. He didn't say anything and just hugged her closer, cuddling her and giving bites on her neck.
"I won't let you go..."
"I...love you too, Xeno."
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olivers-personal-hell · 7 months
For the tickle questions thingy!:🍍🍎🥭🥝
Sorry if it's quite much😅
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Bro you're fine /genpos - Xeno
🍍: Yes. Love them. Never had 'em, but it sounds fun!
🍎: Me personally? My scar. The "X" scar on my belly? Yeah sjsbsjsv /flus
🥭: again never had them but it sounds like something that would kill me
🥝: uhhh I think my quills are a lil ticklish.
Edit: hi this is jay popping in to out Xenophanes AGAIN
@flash-laughs-sometimes AYE YOU SEEING THIS
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askthechibis · 1 year
Promo! | Muses (Art not made by me)
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Chibi Xenophanes
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Chibi Lord X
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Chibi Majin Sonic
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Chibi Sink Sonic
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Chibi Fleetway
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Chibi / Baby Sunky
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Chibi Faker
New Chibi Friends!
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TW For themes of gore, murder, torture, semi suggestive content, possible yandere like behavior, lima syndrome, death, and vulgar language.
Xenophanes hums softly, staring out among his domain. The hedgehog slowly rises from his seat on the throne, turning back into his disguised form.
"Ah. Such little time, yet so many more new souls to play with."
He grins before blood turns towards the 4th wall.
"Wouldn't you agree?"
Laughter echos out among the halls of the endless seeming kingdom.
"Cry out to your beloved 'god' all you want. He won't answer, but I will."
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majinsonic-speedboi · 2 years
C.S continued to defend himself regardless. He backed away. You can tell he didn't wanna be near him. He couldn't risk being killed already. Trust has completely left the chat. He made sure he was isolated from him ONG. The other Xeno just grumbled inaudibly before looking at C.S with curiosity and concern.
"...tch..what are you looking at?!"
"You. Why?"
"...I'm raising a chicken."
C.S turned away from him. Doesn't really approve right now.
"..but you aren't a hen. You can't lay eggs."
"Not in that way,goober! Leave me alone."
"..meh. Ok."
"...I don't got time for this bullcrap,nobody does.."
He wanted to be near Sonic..but after what just happened? Nope. Don't be tryna soothe him when he gives birth because you know darn well he still wouldn't trust you,Xen..
*xeno growls at you and just......poofs. Meanwhile fleetway does a sonic boom overhead*
- The sonic boom seemed to have startled Sonic, as he whined in distress. -
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bbrokenbback · 5 months
The ancient Greek philosophy references in the most beloved greek guy in Warhammer - Perturabo
So whilst I should have been spending my time preparing for my philosophy I`ve been thinking about Warhammer headcannons instead so here I am.
In his book there are several chapters where Perturabo`s life at Dammekos` is shown from different angels. From when he was young, his first actual duel with one of Dammekos` tyrant opponents subordinate to the moment when he starts conquering the Olympia. There is also shown clearly that he`s never been a ruler or a tyrant himself, he was general, man of art and science and… basically a court jester for his own family. So I`ve been thinking about one particular aspect of his possible life in such a state.
Since he used to indulge the public by having philosophical arguments with the people his “father” brought to him, they could have not been talking only about religious topics. There must`ve be plenty of things he was discussing with them. Dammekos told him once that he is proud of his son for being so good in dialectic and that he adored and cherished him the most because of how charismatically he spoke. The first person ever to even talk about such a thing as “dialectic” is Heraclitus from Ephesian school, ancient Greece. And Perturabo should`ve gotten quite particular knowledge about him personally because it`s not something general and basic such as understanding physical and mathematical phenomenon. He understood it too of course but it was knowledge implanted into his brain by the Emperor, he had no idea about the people who`ve invented this or that in the science, he just knew. Following this there must be other things of Ancient Greece philosophy and mythology that Perturabo might have read about. He was famous for his loud denial of anything god-related and divine, a master of dialectics and in general he had quite interesting way of viewing things. Back to Heraclitus, he told us that “Everything is changing all the time, there is nothing permanent since all the things are temporary. You can`t step in one river twice. The cold goes warmer, the warm freezes, the wet dries and the dry gets wet”. This is in particular might be the thing he was referencing to when he chose iron as his main heraldic item: iron never change when it`s forged right. If we take a sword for example (not the plow though) it might be heated to the white but if it`s made in a right way it will always come back to it`s original condition. And so the continuous improvement was the way he wanted all his machinery and inventions to be like. Perturabo understood that there is nothing permanents and so as the world changes so must the things in this world change too, and every change is a sign of improvement in some way. Perty must be a fan of Heraclitus lol.
Also, there was Xenophanes and his speeches about the absurdity of the Greeks` believes. He compared the faith in Gods to the same of animals “If horses and bulls had hands and we gave them brushes they would portray their gods as horse- and bull-like, with horns and hoofs”. Xenophanes and Heraclitus are both related closely to Ephesian school so they are considered a part of it.
You see? Perturabo was Ephesian scholar! In his own interesting ways but still, he refers to it`s philosophy a lot with his faith critique and even in his litany. Further here you will understand why I can`t call Perturabo an actual part of Ephesian school and the reason is not that it existed in like -1M.
The other part of his mind must be taken by sophists who were really into arguments thought didn`t really care about the rightness of the things they`ve told people. Protagoras taught his people the art of an argument, nowadays known as “rhetoric” at which as we all know Perturabo was actually pretty good. Sophism does not really has that significant of a matter since all they did was just switching attention from search for answers in nature towards humans` minds and social events though it still matters here since it just adds up to the thesis of Perturabo being an ideological sophist.
Aesthetic rationalism of Socrates. Long story short Socrates considered that the knowledge was it`s own reward and it`s own kindness. Of course knowing Perturabo`s character he would never be like Magnus who`s actually a better Socrates reference than our dear Greek boy, and so Perturabo would not think that sharing the “good and important knowledge” with people to help them get rid of ignorance to be a good idea.
Idealism of Plato. In the reference to Perturabo we can see that his main tragedy lies in his attempt to create “the perfect society”. “Your perfect houses for your perfect people”. He tried to explain humans as a machinery which is supposed to work properly with all it`s gears in their own places, with no such thing as “individual”. As failed Plato as failed Perturabo. The perfect society he wanted to build all his incredible project for would never exist.
…also the Little Horus Aximand`s name might somehow relate to Anaximander and Anaximenes but I do not know him as a character that much to find enough references sorry…
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deathlessathanasia · 8 months
"Orphic theogonies were written during a period when both Zeus’ behaviour and late birth were perceived as somehow incompatible with newly introduced ideas of god and order. One solution was simply to rewrite the divine history and place a powerful and often nameless deity at the forefront. Pherecydes called his Zeus Zas (DK 7 B 1). Anaxagoras adopted a more neutral name: Nous or Mind (DK 59 B 12). Xenophanes (DK 21 B 23) simply called his divinity the God. Orpheus’ solution, as was often the case, was both traditional and innovative. Like his Presocratic peers, he too introduced a divine steersman at the beginning of his cosmology: Protogonos. Orpheus, however, did not wish to dismiss Zeus either and in a remarkable example of having his cake and eating it too, the Thracian poet composed a narrative that stretches the imagination of its readers to its limits. True to Hesiod’s poem, Zeus would remain a latecomer. However, he would also be first, middle and indeed, last: Zeus was born first, Zeus bearer of lighting is last Zeus is the head, Zeus the middle, from Zeus are all things made. …
Zeus as simultaneously the beginning and the end is a riddle at the very core of the poem and the key to its ontological orientation. Orpheus’ initial description of Zeus’ ascent to the throne remains faithful to Hesiod. As in Hesiod, Zeus defeats his father Kronos and takes the crown. At this point he must solidify his rule. So far, so Hesiodic. However, to consolidate his rule, Zeus does not swallow the goddess Metis and combine intelligence and force in his single person. Rather, Zeus swallows the firstborn god Protogonos. The most plausible reconstruction of the surviving poetic fragments recounts how Zeus takes Protogonos into his hands and (13.4, 16.3–6) He [i.e. Zeus] swallowed down the reverend one [i.e. Protogonos], who was first born from the aither. . . . Protogonos the reverend one. And on him [i.e. Zeus] all The immortals grew, blessed gods and goddesses And rivers and lovely springs and everything else That had been born then [i.e. the original creation of Protogonos] and he himself was alone. …
As noted earlier, a great deal of scholarly debate hinges on whether Zeus swallows the phallus of Ouranos or the reverend Protogonos. However, despite this dispute, there is a broad consensus on the significance of this act. … As Edmonds puts it, whether Zeus swallows Protogonos or a phallus ‘in either case the idea is the same: Zeus incorporates within himself the generative principle, whether it is the hermaphroditic Phanes who generates the other gods by copulating with himself/herself or it is the generative member of the oldest god, Ouranos’. Despite the overall consensus on the meaning of the act, I am far from convinced that to swallow a phallus and to swallow the firstborn god Protogonos are actually equivalent acts. Although the idea that the phallus represents a generative principle is an association clearly made by the commentator, it is one weakly supported by the poem itself. Ouranos, it should be noted, in any interpretation is not the oldest god, but the son of Night (col. 14.6). In the narrative he probably mates with his sister Gaia, who in turn gives birth to Kronos and the other gods. In this respect, the phallus of Ouranos as a ‘principle of all generation’ has a partial claim at best. At worst it is an unclear metaphor, which although not literally responsible for the creation of everything, somehow stands in as a symbol for this act. It is also for these reasons a weak answer to the riddle of how Zeus achieves the status first, middle and last.
In contrast, Zeus achieving priority by swallowing the firstborn god Protogonos is a simpler, more profound and a more satisfying answer to the Orphic paradox. It might help clarify my point by reflecting on Hesiod’s description of Zeus’ encompassment of Metis. In Chapter 1, I argued that Hesiod’s poem can be read as a kind of riddle focusing on how Zeus can achieve stable power in an unstable world. The solution involved swallowing Metis, the personification of cunning intelligence. This was not a metaphorical eating of a female power, but the literal ingestion of a goddess and the capacities she personifies. This same transparency also applies to the poem of Orpheus. In both cases a problem arises concerning how Zeus can succeed where others failed. And in both cases, the poets utilize clear and unambiguous personifications to solve these problems. In neither account does Zeus swallow a metaphor, he swallows a god who is simultaneously an attribute, capacity and a word. Metis is cunning intelligence and Zeus absorbs this goddess into himself and takes on this power/word. Similarly, in the Derveni poem, Zeus can become first, middle and last because he swallows a god who is simultaneously a personification/power/word: Protogonos or priority. In other words, I argue that Zeus is first not because he eats a symbol that represents a creative power, but because he eats priority itself and by doing so literally unites first, middle and last. This marks a remarkable transformation of Hesiod’s poem.
Indeed, the Orphic Zeus’ answer to the problem of priority is not the imposition of a new relation on a previously chaotic cosmos as much as the closing of a circle and repetition of a process starting with Protogonos’ birth from Aither. This cyclical nature is emphasized in the poet’s insistence that Zeus not only swallows Protogonos, but that with him he simultaneously swallows all the gods, rivers, springs, and everything else that was born at that time. The poet’s use of the word προσφύω provides an important clue as to why Protogonos is so closely associated with the cosmos as a whole. West translates it as ‘become one with’ though notes that the meaning is more literally ‘grow towards’. In this respect, the poetic imagery of Zeus eating Protogonos is somewhat akin to a tree with diverse branches and roots growing backwards into a seed. That this idea is intended as more than a metaphor is made clear when the text specifically states that everything literally grows into Zeus until he becomes solitary (μοῦνος ἔγεντο). If everything grows into Zeus when he eats Protogonos, the implication is that the cosmos first grew out of Protogonos. Zeus, in this respect, by eating Protogonos, is not so much eating something separate from himself, but is eating his own roots and literally joining last to first, very much in the spirit of the ouroboros or the serpent that eats its own tail."
- Chaos, Cosmos and Creation in Early Greek Theogonies by Olaf Almqvist
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lesewut · 10 months
“And because I am happy, and dance and sing, they think they have done me no injury.” [Chimney Sweeper]
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William Blake, a wonderfully exciting poet from the Romantic era, was born in London in 1757 into a working-class family with strong nonconformist religious beliefs. Blakes believe and symbols are continously intervowen in his art. His poetic genius is trying to liberate the instinctual self and to defeat reason. Blake's ethics formulates the originator of morality and religion through the process of liberation. Overcoming phenomenal objectness or fragmentation for the sake of a symbiotic unity of humanity within themselves and peaceful harmony of man with the world.
For every soul-wanderer, reading Blake is a spiritual gift and looking at his visualised art, a dive into cosmic seas of collective psychology. Blake is breaking the lopsided emphasis of idealistic works. In all his gatherings of beauty, there is always a shadow of existential crisis. Even in the following work "Songs of Innocence", the Fall off Paradise is already happening. The violation of nature has begotten: The water is no longer clean and clear. The eternal division of humanity from the divine cosmos as a complex interplay of an individual search for the Holy Grail, is the human idiosyncrasy. The scepticism against rationalism and science is also playing a key role in Blake's work, as he underlines that only “The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.” [The Marriage of Heaven and Hell] and that "Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death."
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Blake condemned the scientific trio of Isaac Newton, John Locke and Francis Bacon as sterile and materialistic. In this painting, (the idea of) Newton- sits on an algae covered rock, making calculations with a compass, like Urizen in Ancient of Days. He might be at the bottom of the sea, or perhaps in a black hole. He might be as Faust, signed a contract with the devil a few moments ago and then lose oneself in a cave, studying minerals and stones.
“The imagination is not a state: it is the human existence itself.”
The work "Songs of Innocence (and Experience)" is a double set of illustrated poems showing “the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul”, the child-like and pure versus the angry and disillusioned (cf. Jung's psychology and the meanings of symbols and archetypes- The shadow of the child is the senex, vice versa). Here we also have dualistic concepts of questioning the being and the problem of theodicy: How could God tolerate the "evil" and why are bad things happening at all? If God is "the loving father" why are the humans deprived of their original goodness? Why is our world still torn between ferociousness of the few and the humble benign of the resisting ones? Through the Fall of Man the unity between man and animal was broken (Gen. 3, 17 - 19), so the seperation is a result of the "evil", which was subsequently brought into the world. An anthropological interpretation could be, that the "Fall of Man" or the "Original Sin" are narratives that memorize our cognitive faculty. First we had to be aware of ourselves and our environment, than we were able to distinguish between different kind of (living) beings. The consciousness aroused questions about ethics, examining motives, motivations and shaping a guideline of virtues (Golden Rule). But throughout the history of generating more insight- of metaphysical speculation and cosmogonic questioning of the creation of the world, it seems difficult to tell what we can really know and what are just guesses. In modern times (but beginning with Xenophanes) the imago of God is excoriated as anthropomorphic. But this statement shall not purport, that our human imagination is nothing less than an illusion and so less than nothing. As Blake wisely interlinks our assumptions with the search for the first principle:
“He who sees the Infinite in all things sees God. He who sees the Ratio only sees himself only. Therefore God becomes as we are, that we may be as he is.”
Poets are the mediator dei, healing the earthly-borns from the abscence of spiritual healing. The humanity got more distrustful torwords ideals and the invisible world, but on the contrary, an individual, who always lacked deep philosophical wondering, is affected and enraptured easily through manipulative groups, who are just imitating religious sentiments, but without soul's salvation. The search of the humankind is an eternal journey to it's cosmic roots, a balancing act between boon and bane, an entanglement of wisdom and folly: Theia Mania.
“In the universe there are things that are known and things that are unknown, and in between there are doors.”
There are some theories and perspectives dealing with the similarity between holiness and madness, found in all world religions. Mania can be the consequence of confrontation with the absolute and infinite, which is overwhelming the human reason and through overstraining, turning them mad. Mystic mania is one of my favourite motifs, it is the breath of prophecy and the ecstasy of poetizing the world of illusions, as a bridge to eternal ideas. It is the idea of intensive love (to God and being), a radical self-denial for unification, a call for liberation. Paradox pairs in Blakes works are continuously expanded,
"Without contraries is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence."
Blake sets contrasts or he is breaking boundaries, either way he is creating and this energy of creating out of imagination, is considered by Blake as the "only life". ______________________________________________________________ Inspired by Blakes bucolic poetry and hints of a collapsing worlds, I was incited to write a small tribute with the most common motifs of the poetry in "Songs of Innocence".
The Active Evil and Passive Good by Elvin Karda
Dwelling in the arcadia Pure daisies and cle the joyful life Piping songs of pleasant glee A child watches the piper on a cload "Pipe a song about a lamb- Let those tones into the air A reminiscence of a golden land Hidden treasures in ancient sand!" The piper plucks a hollow reed fire tunes his inner song and he stains the water clear walking the rippling stream along In the evening dew The joy is giving way to tears When green shoots turn violet- blue Error is created and eternal what is true
The child's weeping as meek as lamb But vanishes and crumbles into dust As melody clothes the tone in written words Mind and body out of touch Energy is life and like a fountain overflows Active evil is better than told with bad intent passive good
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morgenlich · 9 months
i think it's interesting when people assume that The Ancients took their myths at face value because not only does it usually come across as assuming they were, therefore, idiots, it also shows a lack of familiarity with what bits of ancient theology we have....i mean we could certainly discuss jewish tradition here, but i am also thinking of the famous xenophanes quote about how if horses could draw, their gods would be depicted as horses, and about how livy opens ab urbe condita with musings on the veracity of the story of romulus and remus and how, in the end, it doesn't matter if it was something that really happened or not because it's the nature of great cities to mythologize themselves and especially their origins....i am not a classicist myself, there are certainly people more educated on this topic than i am who are welcome of course to contribute, but it's something i think about.
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ask-the-achs · 2 years
*Suddenly Xenophanes.*
god dammit where tf am i-
<another one?>
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Xanthus: The soup is cold and the salad is hot, how did you even DO THAT??
Xenophanes: *Shrugs* Cuz I am god.
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▶ W E L C O M E ! 📼
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This is my side blog where I mainly post EXE related stuff, including my own EXE AUs and ocs (Although yes, there are some regular Sonic ocs here as well)! This is an ask/rp blog, so expect to see some roleplay threads here and there
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Mod name/Main Mod of this blog: Julie
-Sonic.ICD/ICantDecide.EXE - Co-mod - Tag: #I can't decide whether you should live or die! // Sonic.ICD/ICantDecide.EXE
-Son_ic.REDACTED.AVI_ - Co-mod - Tag: #Finally... Fresh meat // Son_ic.REDACTED.AVI_
-Rosy.OVRGRWN - Assistant Co-mod - Tag: #A Shell of Her Former self // Rosy.OVRGRWN
-Ring.EXE - The Therapist - Tag: #Rings rings rings... They're all rings // Ring.EXE
EXE Gang (+ Majin and Fleetway):
-Xenophanes - Tag: #I am GOD // Xenophanes
-Lord X - Tag: #Your Lord // Lord X
-Majin Sonic - Tag: #The Fun Is Infinite! // Majin Sonic
-Sunky.mpeg - Tag: #Milk and Cereal... // Sunky.mpeg
-Fleetway Super Sonic - Tag: #Let's see how fast you can REALLY go! // Fleetway Super Sonic
My SonicSona (Julie the Cat):
- Tag: #The Floofy and Silly Cat Creator // - The Leader - Julie the Cat/My SonicSona
-Classic Julie the Cat - The (Tiny) Leader - Tag: #The OldSkool Cat with ✨ Class ✨ // Classic Julie
-Metal Julie - The Anti-Hero - Tag: #The Robotic Cat Faker // Metal Julie
Regular Sonic OCs:
-Lincoln the Wolf ((Updated some of his story, it can be viewed here)) - The Villain - Tag: #The Cat's 'Secret' Admirer... // Lincoln the Wolf
-Finn the Fox ((Still working on ref sheet + story)) - The Protector - Tag: #The Sly and Sneaky Fox 'Partner-in-crime' // Finn the Fox
-Zeru the Peacock ((Still working on ref sheet + story)) - The Thief - Tag: #The Enticing and Seductive Stud // Zeru the Peacock
-Sonica.ICD/Sonic.ICD Genderbend - Tag: #The Female Yandere Hedgehog // Sonica.ICD/Sonic.ICD Genderbend
-Son_ica.REDACTED.AVI_/Son_ic.REDACTED.AVI_ Genderbend - Tag: #The Seductive and Sultry Monster // Son_ica.REDACTED.AVI_/Son_ic.REDACTED Genderbend
-Ringica.EXE/Ring.EXE Genderbend - Tag: #The Thicc Ringmaster... // Ringica.EXE/Ring.EXE Genderbend
-Soul Julie/Julie.EXE - The Fallen Hero - Tag: #Curiosity Killed The Cat // Soul Julie/Julie.EXE
-Soul Lincoln/Lincoln.EXE - The Undead Villain - Tag: #A More Hostile and Violent Wolf // Soul Lincoln/Lincoln.EXE
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Please do enjoy your stay here, but just be warned: This blog does contain things that are only for 13+ (Since this blog WILL contain blood, some cussing, and other things that may upset some viewers) so if you're under 13 and/or are sensitive to this kind of stuff, then you may wanna leave. To those who have decided to stay, have fun askin'/roleplayin'!
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askthechibis · 1 year
*hugs Sonic.exe and gives him kisses* you are so adorable! *resumes kissing Sonic.exe*
[Chibi Sonic.EXE gets a little confused at this and starts blushing uncontrollably from the kisses you're giving him]
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Tag Dump
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majinsonic-speedboi · 2 years
C.S immediately raised his hackles,hissing and trembling like a leaf in autumn while unsheathing his metallic claws. He's rather scared. But he's good at acting a little tough. He raised his voice. But not that loud because he didn't wanna scare the hoglets.
He was choking up as he slightly yowled in fear. He was REAL scared. The other Xeno is just watching,visibly confused.
*Xeno snarls, someone get him a squirrel or something-*
- Sonic sighed, and gently set down the hoglets, and wandered off for a moment, before returning with a few squirrels and.. Smaller feral rodents. -
"..Do Not... Hurt C.S Please.."
"..I-I'd.. Rather not lose them Or.. The hoglets.."
- He loafed back down again, carefully, and picked up his own hoglets again. -
*Immediately, xeno's hackles go down and he starts munching on the squirrels and rodents.*
*was...that a purr...?*
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thechaddyengine · 1 year
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Androphane (Andromeda but as Xenophane)
She belongs to @1mono2-2possum1 :)
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