#I can imagine naruto and sakura dedicating these lines to him
neko-uchiha · 7 months
Sunā hai log use aañkh bhar ke dekhte haiñ
so us ke shahr meñ kuchh din Thahar ke dekhte haiñ
(Heard that people gawk at them with awe, to be sure. In their city, let’s stay for a couple of days, to be sure.)
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sunā hai rabt hai us ko ḳharāb-hāloñ se
so apne aap ko barbād kar ke dekhte haiñ
(Heard, they're empathetic to those down on their luck. If so, let’s ruin ourselves to such a state, to be sure.)
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sunā hai raat use chāñd taktā rahtā hai
sitāre bām-e-falak se utar ke dekhte haiñ
(Heard, the whole night moon keeps staring at them. Stars descend to watch their eminence, to be sure)
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sunā hai din ko use titliyāñ satātī haiñ
sunā hai raat ko jugnū Thahar ke dekhte haiñ
(Heard, in the day, butterflies swing around them. In the night, fireflies stop in their ways, to be sure.)
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sunā hai hashr haiñ us kī ġhazāl sī āñkheñ
sunā hai us ko hiran dasht bhar ke dekhte haiñ
(Heard, quite apocalyptic are those eyes of theirs, Gazelles keep hopping in the wilderness, to be sure)
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bas ik nigāh se luTtā hai qāfila dil kā
so rah-ravān-e-tamannā bhī Dar ke dekhte haiñ
(A mere glimpse of theirs has people loose their minds. Hence even adventurers become too cautious, to be sure)
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anerdinallherglory · 4 years
Approaching Sun (28)
Author’s Note: The goal had been to type around 6,000 words but a family occurrence disrupted my writing progress (it happens) and I am out of time to go beyond 4,407 words. Sorry for the high hopes, but I wanted to give you guys an update before my July class starts tomorrow. This particular chapter is dedicated to Elyssadora for her consistent funny reviews. I hope this chapter doesn’t damage your “nerve endings” too much, Elyssadora. Same, for the rest of you. One step at a time. Love you all!
Pairing: SasuSaku
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Chapter 28: Wherever You Are
Sakura was already closing the inches between them. Her fingers were already brushing his cheeks as she brought his face to hers. She hesitated. Just for a second. Just long enough for him to pull away from her. But Sasuke barely took a breath before Sakura touched her lips to his.
Sakura placed her lips on Sasuke’s carefully. Although she held his face, she did not pull him to her in desperation, but simply guided his mouth to hers gently. Their lips touched for a very long second, brushing each other as Sakura leaned into it. Sasuke wavered for just a moment and then Sakura felt his body bend toward hers. His fingers brushed her left hip hesitantly and Sakura responded by deepening the kiss. The very moment their kissing became more substantial, Sasuke’s hand rose from her hip and took hold of her left hand. He pulled it from his cheek.
Sakura’s soaring heart suddenly dropped to her stomach.
“Stop,” he whispered, and turned his head away from her. He held onto her wrist for just a little longer before dropping it. He took a step back and Sakura wanted nothing more than to grab hold of him and pull him back to that moment, but Sakura knew that if she spoke, the tears would come and her voice would break.
“What are you doing?” he asked her coldly and the question felt like a knife in her gut.
“Sasuke, I…” she began, stumbling for what to say. Had she misunderstood? No, Sakura had been sure of what she saw in his face just moments before she kissed him; she had been sure that Sasuke had entwined their hands together. There was no mistaking it, but maybe she had moved too fast which startled him. Sakura cursed her eagerness. She had wanted to kiss him ever since they were genin together; had been imagining this very moment for so long.
“Do you think I brought you with me for this?” Sasuke finally asked, eyes downcast and blank.
Despite the cracking in her chest at his harsh words, Sakura tried to think clearly about what she could say to fix this. Her thoughts returned to when Sakura had fought Sasuke back in Konoha as an attempt to get through to his stubbornness. When she had been suspended in the air by Sasuke’s Susanoo arm and he had demanded why she expected him to play at love with her, Sakura’s answer then was her answer now.
“No,” she responded in the gloom. “I don’t expect anything from you. I told you that.”
Sasuke made brief eye contact with her through his shaggy hair. The fear that Sakura had seen just seconds earlier was now shaded by anger and confusion.
“Sakura,” he began, rubbing his forehead with his hand. “We can’t do this.”
Sakura wanted to shake him for saying that. She didn’t understand his logic. What was going on in that head of his? She had told him before that they didn’t have to be together; that she didn’t expect him to stay in Konoha; that she had absolutely ZERO expectations if they could just love one another. So what was it for him? What had him so hung up and determined to keep his distance? Frustrated, Sakura could only think of one reason. It always came back to one thought for Sakura. “Why can’t we?” she finally demanded. “Am I wrong? Do you really not feel love towards me?”
“It doesn’t matter!” he dismissed her heatedly. He was glaring at her now, no longer avoiding her eyes.
That statement was only more confirmation for Sakura. Sasuke would be lying to her face if he said he didn’t love her. It was true that he had feelings for her and they both knew it. Then what? Before Sakura could ask any more questions, Sasuke’s sharp voice pierced the space between them.
“I’m getting tired of repeating myself. I told you I can never be that person for you.”
Sasuke had said that to her before. When he had chosen to walk away again after her confession since he had returned to Konoha. The way he said it now was a little different, Sakura realized. His exact words to her before had been “That person is never going to be me.” This time he said, “I can never be that person.”  Maybe she was reading too much into it, but there was a subtle implication there like it wasn’t Sasuke’s choice. Like there was something else preventing him from being so.
Sakura concentrated on her breathing to calm her thoughts which were speeding up while she watched Sasuke turn away from her toward the counter. He was beginning to gather the food pills from the container and placing them in his travel pouch.
“Where are you going?” she asked, comprehending what was happening.
“I need space to think,” he spoke distantly. Sakura began to take a step towards him. She wanted to demand that he stay put. To tell him that they could work through this together; think together and be on the same page.
But it was too late to change that stubborn Uchiha mind. A crackle in the air split open the space between them and Sasuke stepped through it without even so much as looking at her. Before Sakura could even think of racing in the portal after him, it sealed itself, leaving no option for her to follow him. The sensation was deeper than rejection; it felt like she had been slapped in the face.
Sakura immediately sat on the ground in shock. Sasuke had left again. Again. When Sakura grasped this, she felt suddenly so tired that she slumped completely to the floor and stared up at the ceiling. There were no tears this time; she was not angry. She was not sad. She felt confused and everything else was empty.  
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When Sasuke landed firmly on his knees in the airless dimension, he immediately slammed his fist in the sand out of frustration. He cursed into the air as if it was personally at fault. It was at fault, he decided as he gave the ground another swipe. These dimensions, his mission, Kaguya, himself and his past—it was all at fault.
God, what had just happened!? He threw himself back against the sand and stared up into the green sky which was suddenly so similar a shade to Sakura’s irises. He moaned and turned himself over on to his side.
He replayed what had went wrong in his mind. Sasuke had been caught. Sakura had caught him loving her and when she confronted him with his own feelings, Sasuke couldn’t convince her otherwise any longer. If only he hadn’t given in to his impulses; he had been chastising himself for so long now about it—what had he been thinking and why did he suddenly give in?
And that kiss. When the secret had been revealed, Sakura had crossed that line Sasuke was so desperate to keep undisturbed. And he had kissed her back! When her lips touched his, Sasuke hadn’t pulled away; in fact, his instincts took control as he began to reach for her. He had wanted to pull her closer, cup the back her neck, part her lips with his own and never stop. And it was that intense desire for her that surprised Sasuke and had him pulling away.
All he knew in that moment was that he desperately needed space from her. He needed time to clear his head and come back to his senses, because if he didn’t, Sasuke knew that line would be crossed indefinitely. If he had stayed any longer, Sakura would have successfully been able to persuade him. And if Sakura was able to persuade him to pursue a future with her, then what?
Sasuke listed the reasons again to himself, to remind himself just what.
First, if he and Sakura kept hurtling towards this direction, then Sasuke could no longer consider her just a friend which would have various consequences. For instance, Sasuke knew that if he gave Sakura that kind of hope, she would never stop waiting for him. Despite her claims of never looking for someone else, if Sasuke did give in, she really would never look for another guy to make her happy, and while that was a satisfying thought for Sasuke, he admitted that it was also very selfish. And he could not in good conscious leave her waiting for him for the rest of her life.
Which leads him to his next reason. Sasuke was duty-bound and secure in his promise to the Leaf, like Itachi, to take on the hard tasks and ultimately protect the leaf. This life was a symbol of selflessness and his ultimate punishment for his sins. This path was how he would atone for everything he did in the past.
Thirdly, being associated with Sasuke had already been detrimental to Sakura. Her run-in with Kido was a prime example. He had told himself this a thousand times. Sakura already had a target on her back because she was his friend; imagine the penalty for being his wife.
Finally, the scariest one of all. If Sasuke decided to allow himself the happiness of a relationship with his teammate, what would happen to him if that happiness was taken away? If his relationship with her was the reason she was ultimately taken from him, Sasuke was afraid of who he would become again.
Sasuke kept getting hung up on these reasons. He sat up in the red dirt of the sand and thought about the past few weeks with Sakura, their conversations, and advice from Naruto. With this in mind, he reassessed his reasons.
For the first reason, Sakura had already reassured him that his absence would not guarantee her future happiness with someone else. Sasuke allowed himself to believe that one. Sakura had made sure he would by giving him a throbbing black eye to remind him. But was it right for him to make that final choice?
The second reason, concerning his journey of atonement, Sakura had said multiple times: "All I would need to know is that you love me back. We don't have to be together to love each other.” To which Sasuke’s train of thought always brought him back to this: what a miserable life. Which is why he had vowed not to tell her his feelings. Doing so would give her hope, but now she had figured it out without it coming directly from his mouth. So perhaps this reason was invalid now. He had screwed up and revealed it all, and now she knew. Would he be creating a miserable life for her by continuing to reject her after letting his true feelings become apparent?
Sasuke shook his head, moving on to his third and fourth reasons. Naruto had assured Sasuke that he would protect Sakura, but if anything ever did happen, then Naruto would get through to Sasuke like he had in the past. Sasuke believed in Naruto more than anything, but just as equally didn’t believe in himself.
Sasuke slumped forward against his knees, a headache forming quickly with is pent up energy. All of his reasons seemed to be becoming invalid which is why the Uchiha was slipping dangerously. If all of those sound objectives were becoming gray, Sasuke still believed it all boiled down to this: did he deserve any of it? He knew that Sakura did. He decided to just stop thinking for a minute—he was confused and didn’t know about anything anymore.
Frustration soon coursed through Sasuke’s body in the form of chakra. The way it always had in the past when he was angry and felt like taking his anger out on the world. Soon his body was crackling with electric chakra as it sizzled down his arm and exploded from his palm into the sand.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When Sakura woke the next morning, she forgot where she was for a second. She was curled on the small sofa in the medicine preparation room where she was with Sasuke in the middle of the night… before he left. She groaned as her memories came back to her and jumped when she heard a familiar voice say, “So this is where you’ve been all night, Miss.”
Sakura rolled over quickly and found herself looking up at a grinning Mako. He must have woken her up, and in embarrassment, Sakura immediately sat up and patted down her staticky hair, a result of tossing and turning against the microfiber fabric in her sleep. “Mako,” she acknowledged as he sat beside her on the snug couch as if they were lifelong friends. And like a lifelong friend, Mako was pressing a cup of warm tea into her palms, a habit of his that Sakura was recognizing.
“Did you pass out up here because of your medicine?” he inquired learnedly, a doctor assessing a patient. Sakura had been heavily dosed with antihistamines before she and Sasuke had come up here.
“Sort of,” Sakura mumbled dejectedly into her tea as she took a sip.
“Sasuke, then?” he asked knowingly, and Sakura spat the tea.
Mako laughed and explained, “The pills are gone. I’m assuming he ditched you.”
Sakura cringed at his bluntness because it was technically and brutally true. “I kissed him.”
“Whaaat?” Mako dropped his mouth and spun toward Sakura with the expression of surprise. His reaction reminded her of a combination of Ino and Naruto, someone who was both dramatic but expected all the details. Maybe it was because of Mako’s kindness, familiarity, and constant presence, that Sakura felt like she could confide in him.
“Yeah. I was reckless and acted too quickly. And then he just left.” Sakura placed her palm on her forehead. “I can’t believe myself right now.”
“Huh,” Mako stated, turning back around and pinching his chin in contemplation. “I didn’t get the impression that he would leave like that.”
Sakura laughed. “Are you kidding? It’s a special talent of his.”
Mako patted his co-worker’s shoulder in comfort. “Don’t worry. He’ll be back.”
Sakura looked over at him after he said that and then she took another thoughtful sip of tea before asking, “What makes you say that?”
“Well, it’s obvious that he likes you. To be honest, I thought you were already a couple.”
Sakura coughed on her tea again which made Mako chuckle in amusement. “Give me that before you choke,” he said, taking her tea into his own hands.
“What…gave you…that idea?” Sakura questioned between coughs and punctuated each part of the broken sentence with a pat on her chest.
“Actually, I guess it was his conversation with Satou yesterday that made me think that.”
“Really? What happened?” Sakura sat up, both nervous and excited about the content of what Mako would say next.
“Well,” Mako began, considering the ceiling tiles as he recalled the scene, “the first thing that stood out to me was when he told Satou something along the lines of ‘I care more about her and her goal than the few minutes I could be doing something more beneficial than talking to you.’”
Sakura’s mouth fell open in disbelief. “He said that?!” The Sasuke that Sakura knew would never say something like that. Well, maybe the second, rude half of that statement, but not the first part.
“Yeah,” Mako responded with a smile, continuing with “then the genjutsu was awfully showy, followed by the threatening.”
Sakura jumped out of her seat. “He did WHAT?” She raised her hands to frame her wide-eyed expression. Just last night, Sasuke had told her the talk with Satou had gone fine! He called that fine? She dragged her palms down her face in anxiety. She knew she had been right to eavesdrop on them; what did she honestly expect to happen?
Mako explained that it turned out to their benefit despite the possible violations to several codes of conduct. Sakura couldn’t agree that the genjutsu approach was beneficial, but Mako explained that they both had tried to talk to Satou, but he was the type of person to only respect a show of force. Sakura let out an unsure sigh. She felt like she would have to bring it up with Sasuke later. No wonder he tried to change the subject last night.
“Oh!” Mako exclaimed, jumping back to their previous topic of conversation. “And his reaction to you going into anaphylactic shock was extreme, even for a friend.”
Sakura started to disagree with Mako, relaying that Sasuke’s reaction was far, far less dramatic than Naruto’s would have been. She stopped herself though, wanting to believe in the fantasy of Mako’s perception of their relationship. It was somewhat a relief for Sakura, to see Mako’s opinions as missing puzzle pieces to the question of whether or not Sasuke loved her.
“Thanks, Mako,” Sakura smiled sadly, leaning against the wall to the right of the couch, “but we aren’t a couple.”  
Mako stood up then, and started shepherding Sakura towards the door, stating “You know what they say! Work is the best remedy for worry. Let’s go do what you’re good at!”
Sakura laughed and let Mako escort her downstairs, grateful for a friend.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Isao was awake in his room, staring out the window when Sakura opened the door, revealing the delicious lunch she had brought for him. When Isao saw that it was Sakura coming into the room, he gave her a surprised smile.
Hisa, the female medic whom Sakura had taken a liking to, had informed her of Satou’s current episodes of anger at the hospital. Apparently, Gaara—wherever he was—had issued a warrant for Satou’s arrest since he had taken to destroying the hospital machinery in his room. Ninja had come for him this morning, escorting him out publicly. Isao had seen his father’s apprehension from one of the top story windows. Hisa explained that Isao had not cried or seemed distraught, but instead just watched silently as his father was escorted down the road.
Sakura had decided she had better check up on him anyway. Placing the food on his bed, Sakura crouched on the floor like she had done only a few days ago when the child was having episode of night terrors. The good news was that Sakura’s prescription seemed to be doing its job by helping the child pass on to REM sleep more quickly, bypassing the night terrors. According to the staff, Isao had yet to have another episode. Sakura was still mindful of the child’s trauma despite this, so she took the humble position of sitting.
“Isao,” she whispered as the child ate ravenously. “Do you want to spend some time in the Leaf Village?”
Isao’s head jerked, and he swallowed his food before answering, “What?”
“Your father won’t be in prison forever. Gaara will make sure he is punished for what has happened to you, but he will get out eventually.”
Sakura hated to be so blunt with an eleven-year-old, but she had to make sure that Isao knew the ins and outs of the entire situation. She was certain that Gaara would allow Isao to spend some time in Konoha, but she wanted to make sure it was what Isao wanted.
Isao took another bite of his rice and nodded in thought as she continued, “If you spent some time in the Hidden Leaf, you could train as a Genin there without fear of your father. We all know he hates Konoha. You would be safe there and could continue treatment at our facilities.”
Suddenly Isao spoke with a hopeful voice, “Will you be there?”
Sakura gazed at the boy as he shyly dropped his head and looked away from her. Sakura considered his question before replying honestly, “Yes, but not immediately.”
When he met her eyes again, Sakura explained further. “I am traveling with my partner right now. I don’t know when I’ll return to Konoha.” It was true that Sakura would not immediately return, whether it was a few days or a few months. The way things were with Sasuke right now, she wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t return for a while, leaving her to find her way back to Konoha on her own. She was determined to find him herself, crossing dimensions and whatever else, if this was the case.  
“Then yes,” Isao announced, startling her out of her thoughts of Sasuke. “I want to be wherever you are ma’am.” Sakura’s heart melted instantly for the little boy who was looking at her as a long-lost family member. Maybe Sakura had been the first person to care about him since the loss of his mother. He had clung to her so desperately the first night she had spent comforting him through his terror. This was a sad realization that almost made Sakura cry.
“Then it’s settled,” she smiled sadly. “I’ll begin confirming everything with the Kazekage and Hokage.”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Later that evening, after seeing all her patients, Sakura sat down at a desk upstairs at the hospital and began to write letters.
Her first letter was to the Kazekage, requesting official permission for Isao’s relocation to the Hidden Leaf Village for continued treatment. She informed him that she wasn’t aware of how much time he would be spending, but that she predicted for as long Satou remained a threat to the boy’s person and health. She relayed her wishes for the village’s fostering of the child to strengthen the bond between villages.
Next, she wrote to the Hokage and her sensei, Kakashi Hatake. Despite her close bond with her mentor, Sakura remained formal in her letter. She requested permission for the child’s temporary stay and care, along with his continued education. She informed Kakashi of the entire situation, including Satou’s resentment towards the leaf (although she had yet to figure out exactly why). Sakura explained the basics of Isao’s situation but included another letter for Lady Tsunade that covered the details of his illness, along with his treatment history and medical notes. Sakura requested that once permission was granted, that Kakashi pass this note immediately to Tsunade after an envoy had been sent to retrieve the child from Sunagakure; Sakura informed Kakashi that her hope was to remain with Sasuke for a little while longer.
As she sealed both letters, Sakura imagined Naruto’s disappointed face when he comprehended that she included nothing for him. He would say, “That old granny gets a letter, but I, a fellow member of Team 7, does not?” Then he would push in over Kakashi’s desk, cramming his face next to his and insisting to see what all Sakura had wrote, ‘just to be sure.’ She laughed aloud to herself at that particular scenario. She suddenly missed that idiot so much that her eyes pricked with tears and she quickly wiped them away afraid that once her tears started, they wouldn’t stop. There seemed to be a lot to cry about recently.
Unexpectedly, tea was being placed down before her. She jumped at Mako’s sudden appearance, catching her once again in a state of vulnerability. “Sorry,” he smiled, leaning his hip against the desk. “You seemed a little down.”
Sakura returned his kindness with a smile, taking up the tea and taking a drink of the warm sweet liquid. “Just a little homesick,” she explained. She didn’t want him assuming it was about Sasuke, although the Uchiha had in reality been occupying her thoughts for most of the day. How different and similar lovesickness and homesickness were. To Sakura, Sasuke would always be her home away from home. When he was gone, lovesickness consumed her. Yet, away from Konoha, Sakura felt a similar grief.  
“Is that why you are writing?” Mako questioned, pointing towards the letters on her desk.
“Oh, this is for the Kazekage and Hokage about Isao’s transfer,” Sakura clarified. “Writing home does remind me of my friends, which is why I might have seemed down.” Sakura took another drink of the tea.
“I see,” Mako answered emotionlessly, peering up at the ceiling. As she watched him, Sakura wondered suddenly how he knew she had been up here. She hadn’t seen him for most of the day, the two deciding to split the work. Not knowing what else to say, Sakura took another full drink from the steaming porcelain cup in front of her. And another. After the fourth gulp, Sakura began to taste something beneath the sweetness. Anyone else might not have been able to sense it, but Sakura’s palate was trained to detect oddities. She coughed a little, clearing her throat of the bitter aftertaste.
Mako turned to fully face her suddenly and Sakura frowned as she realized that his outline was a little fuzzy and she couldn’t blink hard enough to read his facial expression.
When Mako reached out before her and took hold of the two letters, Sakura’s body wasn’t responding to stop him. When he stuffed the letters into his whitecoat, all Sakura could do was drop the cup in shock, watching it as it rolled across the table.
“It’s nothing personal,” came Mako’s detached, unfamiliar tone of voice as Sakura’s consciousness began to slip. “I just can’t let you go on any further.”
“You,” she managed to spit out as she forced her body from her chair, knees hitting hard on the ground. She didn’t understand what was happening, why Mako would be doing something like this to her; she cursed herself for blindly accepting his tea as often as she did. Even her thinking began to fade as she tried to army crawl toward the door. Her voice was suddenly gone, the possibility for screaming for help suddenly damned.
The last thing she remembered was hearing Mako’s footfalls get closer and the door being shut in front of her closing eyes.
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sagara-megumi · 5 years
SasuSaku Month 2019 - Day 2: Patterns || [Fanfic] Family Ties - Chapter 1
Hello! Here’s my contribution to the SasuSakuMonth this year. It’s going to be a multi-chaptered story this time too (the last time I participated I wrote one too). I won't be using all the prompts since I'm going to be taking this opportunity to finish a story I started a long, long time ago.
However, before you start reading, you have to know that this story has a PROLOGUE and some NOTES that I strongly advise you to read before starting this chapter. In that prologue, Sasuke and Sakura are only mentioned so that's why, after asking the mods for advice, I left it out of the Month.
So, here's the link to it: Family Ties: Prologue (there are a few notes there that are important for the story).
Title: Family Ties: Chapter 1
Rating: T/PG-13
Words: 2475
Notes: There's not much to say here this time :) The following chapter will have a few comments related to some things stated in this one that I don't want to spoil beforehand XD
English isn’t my first language so if you spot any mistakes, please tell me. I hope that you enjoy it, and thank you for the notes in the Prologue ^^
Akihiko contemplated pensively his image reflected in the coffee that filled his cup, while his mind replayed once and again Mikoto's words, her serious and sincere look, the slight trembling of her hands, as she told him her secret, something extremely fantastic that seemed conceived by the most twisted imagination. He put a hand to his forehead and closed his eyes, which palpitated slightly from the tension and lack of sleep.
'The truth is that ... I haven't been sincere with you when I told you about me... It's true that I'm forty-one years old, that I work as a shop assistant in a department store, and that I'm divorced... But I'm not from the south of Japan... In fact, I belong to an old and extended family established here in Tokyo ... '
She had stopped for a moment, biting her lower lip as if unsure of how to continue, and the first thought that had crossed his mind was that she was referring to the yakuza. He had seen her swallow with difficulty, pressing the sheet against her chest, and take a deep breath, before continuing.
'We... are vampires...' she had looked at him in the eye, without hesitation, and he had felt a painful knot in his stomach, his heart suddenly empty, knowing that she was telling the truth. 'My ex-husband, my children ... and I ...'
“Are you okay, dad?”
He suddenly raised his head as his daughter put a plate with a few pieces of toast on the table. Already dressed in her school uniform, a dark grey checkered pleated skirt, a white shirt and a dark blue striped tie, and her hair tied in a high ponytail, Sakura was scrutinizing him with those intense green eyes inherited from her mother, showing clear concern. He sighed and shook his head with a small smile.
“It's nothing. I'm just a little tired.”
She smiled as she sat down in front of him and picked up a piece. She bit it and then took a sip of tea.
“And?” Akihiko looked at her somewhat confused for a moment, while spreading jam on his bread. “How did it go last night?”
“Well...” he had already thought about what to say in case that she addressed the subject. “I preferred to leave it for another time. Mikoto-san was somewhat distracted and she seemed tired. I didn't think it was a good occasion to bring up something so important.”
Sakura pressed her lips clearly disappointed. When she had come down, she had been expecting good news, but as soon as she had seen her father sitting at the table, thoughtful, she had known something had gone wrong. For a moment, she had feared that the answer to his proposal had been negative, but she had dismissed the idea immediately. She knew his character perfectly and that he had been meditating that decision until he was sure of everything, so much that she herself had had to give him a little push, openly asking whether she was going to have a new mother.
She half-closed her eyelids and swallowed. It was not something she was comfortable with yet. Although she had been orphaned since she was eight years old, the memories she had with her were strongly engraved in her mind, and she knew that it would take her a while to get used to seeing another woman standing and walking where she and her mum had laughed and played together, in the kitchen where she had taught her to prepare his father's favourite dishes or in the place she had occupied at the table and which had remained empty until then. But she understood that he should go on with his life, which had taken long to rebuild, after being completely dedicated to her upbringing and to supply an absence that, despite his efforts, Sakura had felt. And if he had found a good woman to be happy with, she would give him all her support.
“Okay, then” she smiled and leant forward, resting her arms on the table. “When are you going on another date?”
“Ah ... We aren't sure” he adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose and Sakura pursed her lips slightly, having the impression that something was wrong with him. “Mikoto-san is going to be very busy in the department store, being Christmas so close, you know, and we have to make all the end-of-year reports in the office. Probably, I'll have to work overtime... I was going to tell you that I'll be late many days...”
“Dad” the girl frowned and looked at him questioningly “You didn't have a fight, did you?”
Akihiko felt a small knot in his stomach. It was not a fight, but something that changed things between Mikoto and him entirely, and about which he had to think carefully because now, it was not only a matter of love. However, his daughter was sometimes too intuitive, another trait inherited from his first wife.
“Don't worry, it's nothing like that. And now let's hurry or neither of us will arrive on time.”
Sakura gave a little cry when she saw the clock on the kitchen wall, and tried to finish her toast in two bites, drinking gulps of tea to try to swallow it as quickly as possible.
“I resemble Naruto more and more each day...” she muttered as she picked up her plates and left them in the sink.
His father laughed softly and took the last sip of his coffee before following her.
“If you don't get to the station in time, tell me and I'll drive you to school.
“Don't worry, dad, I'm fine. Go upstairs to shave.”
Akihiko patted her gently on the shoulder and went to the stairs while pulling his tie out of his shirt pocket, and the young woman began to wash the dishes quickly.
'There's no way I can miss that train!'
The train reached the platform one minute after Sakura arrived. She had walked to her usual place, carefully calculated so she would be near where the door of the third carriage would be when it stopped altogether. Like every day, she came in after three salary men, a lawyer who was always talking on her phone right behind her, and she turned to the left, feeling delighted when she saw that her usual seat was empty. As she approached it, she tried to change her expression to a neutral one; she occupied the space and took a studied, distracted look to the side and then to the front, and had to fight the smile that was struggling to draw on her lips. There he was, as always, with his headphones on, his right leg crossed over his left one and his satchel on them, his arms crossed and the bored expression that seemed permanently engraved on his features. And diligently, Sakura pulled a novel out of her school bag and opened it by the bookmarked page, keeping her eyes on the words.
She had been following that routine for almost seven months, since one day she had woken up early and had decided, while sitting at the kitchen table, that she was bored waiting there for the usual time. She had taken a train fifteen minutes earlier than the usual one and occupied one of the free seats before raising her head and finding two impenetrable dark eyes studying her. Sakura had never seen irises like those, so black that the pupil could not be distinguished from them. They had only set on her for a second before turning towards the window behind him but at that moment, she had felt that they had borne into her and read all her thoughts. She had not been able to avoid a hot blush and, embarrassed, she had retrieved the book that she was finishing from her satchel and tried to concentrate all her attention on it. However, it had been impossible. Several times, she had thought he was watching her, but when she had secretly looked up over the pages, he was lost in his own thoughts. Without knowing very well why, telling herself over and over that she only wanted to see what it was that she had felt the first day, she had started to take that train. After the summer holidays, during which he had invaded her mind on numerous occasions, she had realised that she liked someone she knew nothing about, not even his name. She called herself stupid and immature, but the next day she walked to the station, got on the same train and sat on the ‘her’ seat.
Every day, her best friend Ino had tried to convince he to confess, or at least to talk to him, but she had flatly refused. From what she had been able to see, he was not very sociable, and she was not willing to make a fool of herself in a crowded car just to receive a boring or an irritated gaze, and then being ignored, as it happened once to a girl who had tried to approach him by pretending to lose her balance. It had been the last time she had seen her there. She only had three more months to enjoy his company, and she did not intend to waste them.
She noticed that curiously, more people than usual boarded the train at each stop, and soon all the seats were occupied, and briefly, she wondered why. It was not a special holiday anywhere, nor did she know that there was a festival in the districts through which that line passed. She remembered what her father had said about his girlfriend, and she supposed that some people were probably doing their Christmas shopping ahead. She stole a quick glance in front of her. The boy was busy with the buttons of his smartphone, some strands of hair, as black as his eyes, falling over his features, and she swallowed hard before lowering her eyes and counting to three before turning the page. She could not pretend to be a convincing reader if she did not do it seriously.
'It should be forbidden to be so handsome.'
She could not help but feel like an idiot once again, but sometimes, she could not control her own thoughts.
'And also being a stupid fan at seventeen...'
The train slowed down once again and entered a new station. Two more stops and she would have to say goodbye to her platonic love until the next day.
An old woman stood near her, holding on to a stanchion, and after a quick glance to see if someone gave her their seat, Sakura sighed inwardly and closed her book. She would have to bid him farewell before that day.
“Sit here, please” she said as she got up, kindness showing on her face.
“Oh, no, don't worry...”
“I insist” her smile widened. “Anyway, I'm getting off soon.”
The woman smiled then and sat down while Sakura stretched to reach one of the grab handles that hung from the roof of the carriage, with her back to the young man, happy because the strict regulations of her high school did not allow wearing skirts above the knee, reason why she did not have to worry about the possibility of ending up showing her not-really-fashionable underwear with red polka dots to the people around her.
“Thank you.”
The girl shook her head with an affable expression and then, lifted her head to look through the window at the buildings that passed quickly before her eyes.
Suddenly, a slight tingle ran down her spine and the thin hair at the back of her neck stood on end, feeling someone staring at her from behind, and she breathed slowly, knowing exactly who was there. She closed her eyelids for a second and again, filled her lungs with air. It was most likely her imagination playing tricks on her because not once had he bothered to look up in her direction during the time she had boarded the train after that first moment she remembered so clearly, and she was sure that he was not going to do it at that instant.
Her stop was announced through the loudspeaker and she headed for the door while she felt her smartphone vibrate in the pocket of her uniform coat. It was Ino. For a moment, the fleeting thought of letting it ring or hang up crossed her mind, but then, she would have to hear her complaints at school. Moreover, she did not use to call her at that time, knowing they would see each other in a few minutes, so it could be important. She picked it up and pressed the device to her ear.
<Did you see him today?>
She rolled her eyes. She should have imagined her reason for calling. Overcoming the powerful temptation of ending the call, she clenched her jaw before answering.
“... Yes...”
<And was he still so handsome?>
“Ino, please...”
“Oh, come on, tell me the details, and that at least he's noticed that you were looking at him.>
The uncomfortable sensation of being watched had disappeared but it had been replaced by one much worse, the possibility of the conversation being heard by him. After all, Ino did not have the softest voice in Japan.
“Eh, now I can't speak” she said in a lower tone.
<Don't tell me you're with him!>
“Yes...” the speed was much slower and the people gathered around her, as the train entered the big platform of the station. “I can't hear you well, the train is stopping. I'll see you in a few minutes and we'll talk, okay?”
She ended the call feeling a slightly perverse satisfaction for cutting her friend off. She put her phone in her pocket again and a small smile drew across her lips.
Ino and she had the strangest relationship ever. They had been going to school together since they were little and their families had been acquainted for a long time. They shared secrets and trusted the other blindly. However, they also argued almost every day, using the names that they had thrown at each other in one of their first fights. They were rivals and best friends, and they hated and loved each other with the same intensity.
The doors opened and without even casting a sidelong glance over her shoulder to see him one last time, as she had forced herself to do since the beginning, she got off the train, not realising that for a few seconds, dark pupils, with a slight reddish glow glinting in them, followed her steps.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 6 years
Crumbles’ Big Dump of Upcoming Fics
Happy New Year, everybody! I certainly hope that so far things are going well for you all. I had been meaning to make this post a while back but things got kinda… delayed. Between a lot of really painful personal tragedies – including the death of my dad – and a stressful schedule with work and school, I’ve been a little all over the place. 2017 has been, by far, the cruelest and loneliest year of my life. My dad’s death has shattered me in a lot of different ways, but it had a huge impact on my ability to write, which crippled my usual coping mechanism. He was always really invested in the original stories that I work on as well and was also so supportive of my works. It made writing – something that I have always relied on as a stress relief and outlet for my negative emotions – painful and challenging and it, in turn, made me bitter and resentful at myself and at him. I’ll make another post about where I’ve been in my own mind fully just to get it all out eventually, but for now I just want to offer up an abridged version.
Most days I didn’t – and, honestly, there are still days where I don’t – feel like myself at all. But I feel that, at this point, not writing would be a disservice to his memory.
In the last few weeks I’ve felt a bit more clarity and I’ve been able to find my voice again. I don’t want to stop writing and I have no intention of doing it. In fact, my imagination has kinda jump-started back to near-normal capacity and I have a lot of ideas I’m really excited to share. This post is about the ideas I have in mind and when I intend to upload what. I want to put myself on a schedule because I feel like setting goals for myself will be a good way to get me back in the swing of things.
In preparation for this, I’ve actually gone ahead and made myself an AO3 account – which can be found [here] - because the ideas under the “Read More” are all going to be multi-chapter projects. I’ll still make posts here on tumblr when any updates go live (and should have schedules for when each fic will be updated), I just don’t want to post full chapters here, since I tend to write long chapters. I am also adding the disclaimer here that one-shots (with some exceptions)/ requests/ and other things of that ilk will not be listed here because those have no real schedule in mind.
Ships to Expect: SasuSaku (Naruto), SoMa (Soul Eater), Hance (Voltron), and a whole mess of Kidge (Voltron) because I have no control.
The Shrink Treatment 3: Voltron (Kidge): I am almost done with this one and, surprise to no one, there’ll be one more part after that to just wrap it all up. Regardless, though, I should be able to finish this short series up before the end of the month! Release Date: January 11th/12th, 2018 Update Schedule: Once (Part 4 will hopefully be done within two weeks from whichever day I upload Part 3)
Request 5: Voltron (Kidge): Leaving this vague, because I still want it to be a surprise, but the final of a list of requests I received a few months ago! This, much like The Shrink Treatment, ended up getting away from me. I relaly loved the idea and it’s taking me a while to get it finished. Release Date: February 14th, 2018 Update Schedule: Once (Valentine’s Special)
Like Treading Water: Voltron (Kidge): Love isn’t exactly an emotion that is easy to explain or acknowledge if you aren’t actively looking for it. Little nuances will stick out as something irregular and strange, but can be easily shrugged off when a mind applies logic or sound reasoning to it. You can blind yourself to something that is so obvious to those around you simply by virtue of coming up with other explanations. This is a chronology of how each Paladin realized that Keith Kogane and Pidge Gunderson were falling for each other; including the two Paladins themselves. Note: I started working on this back in October of 2015, shortly after I watched the first season and became Voltron trash. As such, I’m currently having to re-read what I’ve written so far to assure that it falls in line with the canon of the series thus far. Release Date: February 14th, 2018 Update Schedule: Once (Valentine’s Special)
Keidge Month: Not a multi-chapter story, but I just want to say I have every intention of participating in Keidge Month in March; in fact, I’ve already started to work on some of my prompt fills. I’ll post all my prompt fills to both here and AO3, just so that people can choose to read it on whichever outlet is more comfortable for them. It’s my number one ship and it happens to take place during my birthday month, so what kind of smuck would I be to not participate? ;3c Release Date: March 1st, 2018 Update Schedule: Daily (Month Long Event)
Cherry Bomb: Naruto (SasuSaku) – After an accident in the facility that she is interning at, Sakura Haruno gains super strength and an accelerated healing element. With the help of her role model, Dr. Tsunade Senju, she learns how to control and harness this power to help protect the denizens of the city. She is thrust into stopping a plot by other humans with genetic mutations to take control of the city using intimidation and force while also trying to keep her secret identity hidden from her photo-journalist boyfriend, Sasuke Uchiha. Note: I’ve been planning this project for roughly three – Hell, almost four – years now. This is going to be my final Naruto project – excluding any requests I get – and I want it to be something really special and significant to not just anyone who reads it, but also to my own growth as a writer. Naruto has been one of the longest fandoms I’ve been in and SasuSaku was one of my first really big ships; I want this to be a final love letter worth my time to write and worth everyone’s time to read. Release Date: March 2nd, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly
Kidge Week: Again, not a multi-chapter thing but I really needed to say I have every intention of participating in this as well! My goal is to finish as many of my prompt fills for Keidge month before the prompts for Kidge Week drop in February as possible so that I can start working on that ASAP. Release Date: April 15th, 2018 Update Schedule: Daily (Week Long Event)
Hance Month: What do you know, I had way more things to list as non-multi-chapter fics for the first half of the year than I thought! Another extended event I have every intention of participating in because I really want to produce more content for Hance. It’s really such an great, under-rated ship that deserves more love! Release Date: May 1st, 2018 Update Schedule: Daily (Month Long Event)
Lance McClain vs. The World: After getting involved with a charming young engineering student named Hunk Garrett after meeting at a bar, Lance McClain finds himself getting dragged into a series of events that seem to be ripped right out of a comic book. He is given a warning from the leader of something called “Team Voltron”; a group of Hunk’s ex-lovers and close personal friends, dedicated to determining the worthiness of Hunk’s suitors through various competitive means. Never one to back down from a challenge, Lance agrees to the terms and is forced to learn various new skills and talents in order to compete with the roster of powerful opponents he faces. Note: The fact that there aren’t more Scott Pilgrim AUs in any of the fandoms I like is really disappointing, so I decided that I’d fix that problem myself. While I’ll be following the basic formula set up by the source material, I intend to take a very different approach and keep it fresh with some ideas of my own. So if you’ve actually seen Scott Pilgrim? This’ll be of a different flavor, so don’t assume you know what I have up my sleeve. ;3 Release Date: May 10th, 2018 Update Schedule: Weekly or Bi-Weekly.
Bodyguard AU (Title TBD): Voltron (Kidge): After publically calling out the shady business practices of Galra Tech, acclaimed actor Keith Kogane finds himself the subject of both an attempted assassination and threat of blackmail. Undeterred, he feels no fear at the prospect of making an enemy of the powerful conglomerate. Worried about his safety, both physically and his privacy being violated, his agent, Allura LeAltea, calls upon the help of an old charm school friend of hers. Enter Katie Holt; renowned tech prodigy and secret hacker known as Pidge Gunderson, hired on to be Keith’s personal bodyguard. The only catch? The two must pretend to be dating to assure that Katie can tag along with him wherever he goes without cueing Galra Tech into knowing their threats have had an effect. Note: I love Bodyguard AUs. I love Fake Dating AUs. I love deviating from the expectation. On top of that, an amazing Bodyguard AU one-shot has already been written by the talented Camphalfgalra on AO3, in which Keith is the bodyguard and Pidge is his client, so I decided to flip the roles for my own version of the trope. Release Date: June 15th, 2018 Update Schedule: Weekly or Bi-Weekly
Twilight: Voltron (Kidge): One night, Matthew Holt disappeared from his room without a trace. In the time that he’d been gone, his younger sister, Katie Holt, has been frantically pushing for more action to be taken in bringing her brother home; believing he has been whisked away to the deadly mystery of the forest around their small village of Kerberos. With her brother missing, her mother’s health rocky in her grief, and her father away to help a neighboring village with a fast-spreading illness, she is struggling to maintain not only all effort to bring her brother home alive, but also keep the family farm up to its normal functionality. The Head of the Village Guard, Thace Kogane, insists that she accept the help of his two children, Keith and Allura, to assist her with the farm. Initially cold and distant, Katie slowly warms up to the duo and finds that they may be able to offer her more help in finding her brother, as well as unraveling the mysteries of the dark forest just outside the fences of their small village. Note: I basically just threw the Voltron cast into the universe of one of my own stories – The Tragedy of Helena and Jeremiah – and went with it. Pidge is a pseudo-replacement for Helena and Keith is a pseudo-replacement for Jeremiah, though they have drastically different personalities from my own characters, and as such the story goes in a much different direction. I also borrowed some elements from another project of mine - Sweet Tooth - which The Tragedy of Helena and Jeremiah is a prequel to. Release Date: August 17th, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly or Monthly
SingleParent!AU (Title TBD): Soul Eater (SoMa): Soul Evans has been struggling with life as a single father for roughly three years now; working two jobs and odd hours to support himself and his precious daughter, Harmony. Upon the announcement of his older brother, Wes, getting married, he is begged to return home to help with preparing for the ceremony and to be his brother’s Best Man. Feeling that he’ll have better opportunities with his family’s support and more time to spend with Harmony, Soul agrees to moving back to Death City. Through fate and circumstance, Soul meets Maka Albarn, the writer of his daughter’s favorite series of children’s books and intended Maid of Honor to Liz Thompson, Wes’ fiancée, and the two get along pretty well. And, perhaps from there, more will develop between them. Note: Bodyguard, Fake Dating, and Single Parent AUs are my fucking weakness. On top of that, I really want to write something that kinda messes with the typical tropes of Single Parent AUs that I’ve read. Hopefully it’ll be a fun ride for everyone! Release Date: September 28st, 2018 Update Schedule: Bi-Weekly
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ryodan · 7 years
Every team 7 ship VS NaruHina
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To the clique that argued with me in the saltiest of ways, I dedicate to you my first ever anti nh post. I hope you think twice about telling people to kill themselves over your self insert and stop being a pimple on society’s ass.
Let’s start with the one that gets on your tits the most
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Naruhina VS Narusaku (The Heaven and The Earth), alternatively titled : stop being angry he liked the hot chick and stop pretending Sakura isnt kushinas parallel
Whenever you feel the need to drag Sakura remember your origin story, @Lunaneko14. Don’t forget your years of defending SS to ride on it’s back lest ns happens
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Your ship was here, while the ns fandom had this..no amount of sakura bitterness will change that, @mythicalheartbeat 
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Ya boy that she was gorgeous from before team 7’s creation
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Before you call Sakura selfish while gratifying Hintata, @fallingforkonoha, remember your void eyed princess entered a fight Tsunade knew not to interfere in knowing she can’t do anything to confess her feelings (at the perfect timing too, really) saying this about herself
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A sentiment that continued until her almost final appearance in the manga she took up less than 1% of, as she took a moment to appreciate Narutos, big capable hands in front of her dead cousin . hand holding in front of lavish scenery is so sweet
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VS Sakura, the selfish monster  who went in knowing she might get hurt, for him, because she cared greatly about his physical and emotional safety
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Remember all those times Hinata just cared so much about his dreams, all those times she was there when he needed her
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I love how she always believed in him, unlike Sakura. What a bitch, remember that comment she made in chapter 3 out of 700? Awful.
This QUEEN vs this BITCH, amirite @blackotaku97?
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You know whats better than stealing someones ninja way, walmart naruto with a nuclear mushroom cloud of a head? Supporting your precious peoples ninja ways and finding your own.
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A common argument that gets thrown around : Hinata was ALWAYS there for him
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Sorry, I must have missed her in Narutos speech of the people who saved him from his loneliness and pain
I really like how she sees him miserable and doesn’t help him it’s the epitome of always there
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Most of all, you nasty trash can excuse of a human being, I want you to get your head out of your asshole for just 3 seconds and accept that this happened
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You can’t change what’s been set in stone
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No amount of yapping with a filler movie can change the past. But you know what? Bitches  bark and yap, that’s no surprise
No amount of yapping about the twin lions fist, a head branch hyuga jutsu being hinatas own changes facts, @commanderkurama
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My fav part of the pain arc was when Naruto never asked Hinata about her confession, or her safety. I also particularly like Narutos first ever hug that someone else initiated
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Drag Sakura all you want but remember when you were here after 2013
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Narusakus had this before 2007
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Remember that while your self insert was fainting and going on suicide missions
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Sakura and Naruto had already built a relationship based on mutual support, respect, love and equal footing (weather platonic or romantic, love is love). A relationship where they both believed in each other, supported each other, had each others back, laughed with each other, cried with each other, had actual chemistry with each other. Remember that the next time you whine about people loving this ship instead of your talked about the weather and clothes ship in an entire movie dedicated to them couple.
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Sakura supports your faves so much that no wonder you want to debunk her heroine status and reduce her to a side supporting character that matches your background fav
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Hiding her tears so she doesn’t hurt him!11! reminds me of that time she fake confessed to keep him,  kakashi and the rest of the world safe even if at the cost of killing her beloved one to save him from falling into deeper darkness. Sakura is so selfish, no wonder everyone in Japan hates NS
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Know your place, Linda. Keep your scumbag-kun and the girl 2ch calls Hinabuta (quick Japanese crash course, that means hinapig), I like my Naruto and Sakura-chan just fine.
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SasuSaku (The Hawk and The Cherry Blossom), alternatively titled: You rode on my back for years because your ship wouldn’t have had a hope in high hell if it were not for these two
Lunaneko, I think someone told me you said we try to compete with your shit ship.
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It’s hard hearing you over making ship history
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While Naruto was busy ignoring Hinatas general existence because she has the presence of the trash can in the sasusaku confession scene Sasuke (a boy who’s been thirsted after fresh from mikotos womb was already flustered and blushing towards sakura
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You know what development is? Starting off with an irritable boy with 6 years worth of survivor guilt and manipulation weighing on his shoulders, saying something incredibly ignorant that rightfully pisses him the fuck off but still having him worry enough about you to stay with you to ensure your safety even at the risk of elimination
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Aside from giving naruto his first hug, she gave sasuke his in years. Apparently Linkin park was so affected by human touch that he opened up to her about something he’s been repressing and isolating himself over for years. Going so far as stating ‘At that time, I was crying’ and even explaining his entire stance in the story ‘I am avenger’
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Development is going from this look
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To this look
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From this
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To this
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And that wink too. There’s more chemistry in that wink than the entire NH movie
Remember that time Sakura helped Sasuke develop from a boy who had a childhood trauma based fear of stronger opponents with blood lust to a boy who fought Orochimaru bravely and grew 10x times in a single scene? All while she developed herself? And grew from an agreeable sasuke fangirl to a respected team mate? Y’all wanna compare the war hand hold scene to this? The war scene could have had potential if it ended better lmao
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Why was he fighting?
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Protecting her seems like an odd concept to you? Sasuke can’t relate :/ Naruto aint even wanna walk hinata home what joke is this
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Remember that time Sasuke almost killed a guy in the forest of death? No, not broke Zakus arm
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Sasuke was willing to kill for Sakura and I hope you know sasuke’s stance on killing. Where’s Naruto having this much care for hinata I don’t see it my competition is really lagging in this ‘race’
Remember that irritable boy? This boy crawling to her for comfort is a boy who grew alongside her, naruhina who?
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You know what she did? She stayed up all night tending to her team mates, falling for konoha. Theres a fine line between cheating your crush at the risk of your team and staying up all night in a place titled the forest of death tending to their wounds at a mere bud age of 12
Wait no, bud who? She bloomed, all thanks to being inspired by the holy trinity (whos front and center? Louder for the people in the back, this is inspiration not just wanting to be with someone) and her own determination to protect her loved ones
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Mutual development? Fuck me up. Here is an emotional maturation moment for BOTH of them
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I love all of these mutual nh moments in the manga, all 0.0005 of them
She gave rise to a gentle protective side of him, so much so that he has used polite Japanese speaking to her before. The databook even states he saw her as someone he needed to protect. people ship ships for that special spark.The only spark hinata ever got was her wet dream from holding narutos hand, which she awoke from when she tripped on rock-kun
Naruto can’t tell apart true love from ramen? Canon Naruto can’t relate
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I love that panel of jealous Naruto it’s great, oh wait its not him
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Compete with Nh over what, blackotaku? Where is your naruto @ hinata speech I must need new glasses
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Your bitch ass tried using you’re annoying as an argument and it’s so funny because imagine thinking he’s coming from a place of hate after he was willing to consciously give up his revenge for her safety and him saying what he said in their first encounter with a smile after pretending he didn’t remember their first meeting
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Followed by this, the moment Japanese fans hailed the most emotional of part 1
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You wish you were ss lmao, you wish you made it to 44 volumes out of 72
Compete with nh? On what? Getting stronger for your loved ones?
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Mutual support?
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Their feelings are connected, their kid is the physical manifestation of their love not the screw that keeps them together..Her husband is travelling through space and time to keep them and the entire world safe. Naruto is 2 meters away, out there with a limitless bay of chakra unable to get clones to do his work for him.. anti-sakura-pro-hinata, at least when sasuke came home after 6 years of much harder work..he had dinner with his family. Maybe it’s because his daughter was raised well and it was pleasant being around someone who isn’t a brat.
Being intuitive to each other?
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Oh lmao remember how Sakura was the only person who against all odds knew sasuke would leave the village?
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Angst to keep it interesting?
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Call me when Gaiden isn’t one of Kishimotos best selling works.  Call me when your ship actually wants to spend time with each other.
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Where Narutos ultimate expression of love at? Is is sleeping on the couch? Boruto novel states sasusaku is having so much sex that sakuras skin is glossing, meanwhile naruto has erectile dysfunction and a shriveled dick by age 32
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Sit down, there is not much competition. We keep the SS Japanese penguins, the Jump Fiesta sign attraction, the popularity, the ambitious kid and the moments, the canon selfless love only for the purpose of saving your lover and you keep the canon selfish love for the purpose of a confession  and the banana who wishes its father dies and the mom who just cried.
But remember who made you
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SasuNaru (Yin and Yang), alternatively titled:  having black hair isn’t enough to make naruto obsessed.
The garbage can @anti-sakura-pro-hinata blog that attempted to call Sasuke trash because her fictional boyfriend was obsessed with him seems to forget Sasuke didn’t ask for it. Naruto needed a pep talk from fillermaru and fillerkura to chase after hinata yet chased after sasuke, even begged authorities to not kill him purely because he is his ‘friend’ for 3 years. He trained with him in mind, a fact so obvious that Kakashi pointed out Sasuke is the driving force behind Narutos training. Sasuke, and the image he had of team 7 in his mind. An image so important to him that the thought of it being tarnished by Sasukes absence made him have a panic attack.
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He went after sasuke to save his best friend and for them all to be happy and smiling together, im sorry he didn’t include Hinata in his fantasies but Team 7 is kind of booked..we only have room for neo sanins, vip people and connected hearts here. If youre jealous your self insert doesn’t matter,, I don’t know, make up fanfiction where she appears in more than 38 pages of the manga
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Hinata is canonically narutos most important person!11!! where? Must be on fight on top of the moon land. Be happy Naruto went rampant when his seal was weak, Konoha was destroyed, Jirayah was murdered, Kakashi was killed, Tsunade was hurt and then Hinatas ass decided to risk him chakra depletion, death and losing himself. But remember who made him go rampant with a strong seal at the slight mention of a name
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The boy he wanted the acknowledgement of the most because he admired him so much that being like him was his goal
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Yet when he got it was still like ‘later, emo asshole. Just get your shit together first.’
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Why? Because he loved his friend so much that understanding him and fighting (literally fighting) the fated hatred in his heart mattered more to him than the ego he wanted stroked since age 7
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What does that mean? I don’t know man. They trained together, laughed together, rivaled each other, were petty to each other and before they knew it they were inseparable. Back then and always
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@remedialaction, come after sasuke because your self insert isn’t noticing the shy girl hes friendzoned later. A huge part of Narutos development was heavily tied to Sasuke, lets not ignore the fact that sasuke being a good team mate who put the 3 man cell idea into his head before Kakashi even told them about team work is the reason why they even became ninjas
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Remove and erase Sasukes victim status, his entire arc, motivations, fate and position in the story because he is in the way of a ship when he isn’t the only reason Narutos dick was alive for Hinata
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But no Sasuke is a bad person, no matter what the narrative and facts are because nardo is obsessed with him
Praise hinata for her naruto-kun became my goal speech when you acknowledge
‘I knew you were always alone. I felt better knowing there was someone like me..i wanted to hang out with you. It just made me happy! But I couldn’t..i was jealous of how skilled you were, so I turned you into a rival. I wanted to be just like you. I started with nothing but I finally made a connection. We went on missions as team 7, and I kept chasing you, wanting to be just as strong, just as cool. Im really glad I met you!’
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Bring sasuke down and praise hakuna hintatas for saying the same thing. ‘Naruto kun saved me’ vs ‘Thanks to you I found salvation’
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And weep over how sad your ship looks like next to two arms connected by love (platonic or not love is love), fate, tears and literal blood.
But no, what is yin and yang, light and shadows, love and hate, 2 lonely people watching over each other because ‘finally someone understands my solitude’ as a dynamic in comparison to meek girl and loud guy who could have voiced his attraction eons ago?! It’s funny, even with the canon context of SNS being indra and ashuras chakra incarnate and a brotherly bond, it still works better and is a hella lot more interesting than NH
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The scenes showing Naruto and Sasukes iconic team work have more chemistry than naruhinas entire manga time, movie time, filler time and hell even fan art and fan fiction time. I know you're jealous because sasuke is well loved, but show some respect to Borutos mother.
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 Kakasaku (Hot and hotter), alternatively titled: Get your head out of your ass
Kakasaku is pedophilia!!
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It’s bad!11! because my subjective opinion said so!11!
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Not as bad as nh
People ship adult Kakasaku for a whole lot more meaningful stuff than a self insert ship
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Kakashi never looked down on her since shippuuden. He acknowledged her strength and how far shes come from being the whiny 12 year old he used to teach. He always knew by part two that she’d be great and he respected her a lot. He saw her kind heart and praised her for it and for her selfless love. They grew to become fellow comrades in the war who had equal respect for each other. What can y’all say about NH? This is a joke.
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I want to stay in my lane, but the lanes converge when you make ugly personal attacks at people and insult ships and characters to elevate your own shit show. Drag Team 7 into your ugliness again and I expose your insecure ass.
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Y’all can’t touch this aesthetic. Come at these kids when Naruto doesn’t remember them when he’s eating a bento (Something special made by someone you love-sarada) made by his wife.
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Special thanks to @uzumakura for tht good ns wank, @sakuraharunos for that good sns wank, @chiwawha for her opinion on ks and me for my patience 
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manwithoutaspleen · 6 years
characters: naruto, sakura, sasuke
My children……this is all bearing in mind that I just got through season 1 so far
Narutofavorite thing about them: his absolute belief in the good of himself and those around him…..least favorite thing about them: everyone is so mean to him and I hate that favorite line: ”I don’t like you. You’re not funny” brOTP: him & rock lee, my beautiful jock sons OTP: I mean like him and sasuke are really in deep but I’m still not sure how healthy this whole thing is bc there’s not a single emotionally adjusted person in the whole world I think nOTP: I haven’t seen anything too bad w him yet…. I don’t really like him and Sakura bc she’s gay random headcanon: he’s never worn matching socks in his life but they’re all just different like….Hanes bulk brands so they’re either just slightly different in design OR he’s got like a knee high paired w an anklet and it’s incomprehensible unpopular opinion: I don’t know what the popular opinions are yet but…..I guess I don’t really care about him becoming hokage as much as I care about him learning to feel loved and valued outside of his abilities as a ninja…song i associate with them: oh geezefavorite picture of them: I have the same fave pic of all of them - the original team 7 pic……
Sakura favorite thing about them: people can say what they want but she’s brave as hell and when the writers fucking let her she holds her own in pure willpower without any like special stuff like the sharingan or fox or anything like she’s working w objectively less but she still is present and willing to do whatever she possibly can and like on a team where she could easily be overshadowed in terms of Pure Drive (and she is I think due to Bad Writing and not her inherent character) she holds her own!! As a dedicated and resourceful member!least favorite thing about them: she tries very hard to like be the person she thinks she should be but there’s nothing wrong w the person she is in her inner life…..I don’t hold it against her I just want to see her grow from it….favorite line: when she cut her hair during that fight I screamed I don’t remember the line she said but I was so proud brOTP: I want Sakura to spend more time w other girls like in any capacity so like….. her and Hinata or tenten literally I just want her to get the hale away from men for a bit… her and gaaras sister idc OTP: her & ino so far nOTP: her and any man but honorable mentions to her & sasuke and her & kakashi like… one is really bad and the other is Really Bad I cant believe it’s actually popular random headcanon: she tries bullet journaling and theres like two really solid decked out weeks but it tapers out into just being a really nice notebook full of lists of various degrees of crypticness unpopular opinion: I heard she becomes a healer at some point? Or a medic? I don’t like that ! That’s probably a popular opinion but it should be. song i associate with them: oh geeze! favorite picture of them: above
Sasukefavorite thing about them: I just realized that since he’s gone for the last 10 episodes of season 1 he’s been missing from at least a full 20% of my naruto viewing experience I really don’t know the half of him at this point…. maybe I do who knows… anyway he’s gay and I love that about him bc me too least favorite thing about them: I mean he could be a bit nicer to people but I’m pretty sure he’s gonna go on a vision quest w the snake guy at some point and that’s not chill favorite line: “I see…I don’t understand…even one of these problems” brOTP: I would love for sasuke to have a friend OTP: again, above w naruto nOTP: him and Sakura are really awful for each other I can’t believe it’s endgame like being endgame w your middle school crush is such a joke random headcanon: since I’m imagining he lives alone like naruto I think he’s learned how to sew at some point, at first out of necessity to repair clothes during his training (naruto doesn’t care about the rips and sakuras mom takes care of her clothes) and now he’s just pretty good at it? He’ll fix stuff up while they’re between missions sometimes.unpopular opinion: hmmm…we’ll see song i associate with them: I’m sorry but i have a near Pavlovian reflex to associate him w linkin Park bc of the amvs through like cultural osmosis or something favorite picture of them: above
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thefreckledone · 7 years
fluff friday (saturday) “ghibli/runaway” {keep yourself a secret} [narusaku]
dedicated to @obsessed-lass who reminds me of my love of narusaku when I first read naruto. you’re great!
this is a castle in the sky au that I want to expand when I have time. I have the worst time management skills, lol.
“You sure you’ve got this under control?”
“You can count on me!” Sakura exclaims, hefting buckets filled with coal onto her shoulders. “Go on! I know Asuma wants you home in time for dinner.”
Kurenai chuckles, eyes soft as she ruffles Sakura’s hair. “He does kick up quite a fuss if I’m not home when the station actually closes. Should I bring you some of his pastries tomorrow?” She grins. “If I tell him it’s for you he’ll even bake them fresh.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal! Will he make—”
“The berry tart with extra strawberries? Of course,” Kurenai says before tossing the keys to Sakura. “I expect you here bright and early to open up. Hiruzen will panic if we aren’t up and running on time.”
“Got it!”
Sakura watches as Kurenai takes the elevator out of what is affectionately termed “The Pit,” before returning to her task. She dumps the coal into the bins by the trains, prepping for the bustle of the coming day. Sakura places the buckets back in the closet and snatches up the ring of keys.
Sakura cannot keep from grinning as she weighs the keys in her hand, looking over all the myriad of sizes and shapes to them. There are thirty-seven keys in all and her absolute favorite is the large bronze key that locks the gate. It is an old key and oxidized in a way that makes most of it appear green.
She feels stately and otherworldly as she turns the key in the gate, locking the passage between the station and the railroads. Sakura loops the key ring into her belt, grinning as they thump musically against her thigh as she walks.
A high-pitched, whining noise makes her pause. Sakura looks up, blinking as a red light descends from the sky.
A shooting star?
No, she can tell as it comes closer that the light is emitting from a necklace worn by a boy.
Sakura races in his direction, climbing the slope to one of the many precarious balances that cross above the Pit. They’ve been expanding the station, have been for years and the work is never done.
With an ease born of experience, Sakura steps out onto the plank and eyes the boy’s descent. She positions herself beneath it, balancing and bracing herself to catch him.
Sakura squints against the gleam of his necklace as he descends fully into her arms. The necklace’s glow fades and Sakura gets a better look at the boy.
He is unconscious and dressed oddly in garish hues of orange and blue. His face is strangely marked with lines on each cheek but Sakura is more focused on his hair. It is the color of sunlight.
Sakura cradles him close, listening attentively to the creaking of the board beneath her as she moves back to safer ground.
When she turns her face back to the boy, crystalline blue eyes meet her.
The boy is awake.
“Who are you?” he asks, squirming out of her grasp.
“I’m Sakura. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” he blusters, brushing off his clothes. He glances away and back again before bending over in a formal bow. “Thank you. My name is Naruto. I’m not completely sure how I came to be here, but I’m grateful.”
“Of course,” she replies, flustered by the antiquated gesture. They stand in silence for a moment before Sakura says, “Do you have anywhere to stay the night?”
He opens his mouth, falters, and shakes his head.
“Would you like to stay with me?” Sakura asks. “You can take my bed for the night.”
His face splits in a smile so bright that Sakura loses her breath. “That would be wonderful, thank you.”
And that is how Sakura meets Naruto.
“Who are they?” Sakura asks, ducking back behind her house. She eyes the men in long black coats embellished in red clouds with suspicion. They don’t fit into the sleepy town of Konoha.
“Pirates,” Naruto spits the word and it is the most vitriolic thing Sakura has heard out of his mouth. “They’re called Akatsuki. They want the treasures of Uzushio.”
Sakura tightens her mouth and firms her stance as she catches the flicker of fear in his eyes. “They’ve chased you before?”
He hesitates for a brief moment before nodding.
“Okay,” Sakura says. “Give me a second.”
She ducks back into her house, heading into the room on the second floor. She listens to the soft hooting and cooing from the owls, all in various stages of sleep. Sakura opens their cages and sends up a brief prayer for their safety.  
Sakura goes back out to Naruto, taking his hand in hers. “I’ll protect you from the pirates,” she promises rashly. “We’ll need to go into town. I have to give Kurenai the keys and hopefully we can shake them in the crowd.”
Naruto nods, not looking all that pleased with the plan but trusting her regardless. Something in Sakura is warmed by the notion, but she is quickly distracted with slipping past Akatsuki unseen.
Something goes wrong along the way, an unsure foot along the cobble, a perceptive glance around, something happens in a way that the tall blue one looks upon them with a disturbing grin.
“Konan, I found them!”
Sakura mutters the word Asuma said once when all of the pies burned while they were playing cards.
Naruto looks impressed.
“Come on!” Sakura hisses, dragging Naruto into the morning crush of people.
“Sakura!” Kurenai exclaims. “What on earth is going on?”
“This is Naruto,” Sakura says. “There are some bad people after him. I’m going to help.”
There is pride coloring Kurenai’s voice as she says, “I expected nothing less.” She draws Sakura into a brisk, warm hug. “Go on. Asuma and I will take care of them.”
“Thanks, Kurenai!” Sakura replies, bussing a kiss across her cheek before passing her the keys. “You need these more than I do but don’t worry; I’ll be back soon!”
Kurenai looks at them, rather, she looks at Naruto. “I’m not so sure you will be, dear.”
“C’mon,” Naruto says, tightening his hold on Sakura’s hand, brushing past Kurenai, and ducking into the nearby alley.
“Naruto!” Sakura scolds as she picks up her pace to keep up with him. “That was quite rude!”
“Sorry,” he mutters, casting his eyes about. “I’m just worried. I don’t want to be a burden to you.”
Sakura squeezes his hand. “You aren’t a burden! You’re my friend. Besides, my parents always believed in Uzushio.” She pats the map at her belt. “They’d be proud to know I’m keeping up the search.”
Naruto smiles. “It’ll be an adventure.”
“The very best,” Sakura says firmly. “First, however, we need to get away from the pirates. I think the train station is our best bet.”
“Didn’t you give the keys to Kurenai?” Naruto asks, following her as she begins to weave among the maze of buildings.
“Yeah but Hiruzen has a set himself. He always gets there before dawn and opens the train station. He always complains when we show up on time, saying that we’re late.” Sakura giggles.
“Sounds like quite a guy,” Naruto says.
“He’s the best.”
Sakura guides Naruto along her favorite path into the Pit, mindful of her surroundings. It still comes as a surprise, however, when Naruto is tackled to the ground.
“Running away was quite naughty!” an angry voice declares and Sakura prepares herself to yank the boy off of Naruto.
She stops, however, when she sees his face.
He has Naruto’s face. If not for his eyes and hair, Sakura would call them mirror images.
“Who are you?” she demands, gathering herself and pushing him free of Naruto.
“Menma of Fire,” he replies, red eyes cool and distant. He looks her over and sniffs, clearly finding her lacking. “And who are you, urchin?”
“None of your business!” Naruto declares, hopping back on his feet. His nose is bleeding but his gaze is hard as he stares at Menma. “You need to leave me alone!”
“You need to come with me, Naruto,” Menma says. “Just imagine what we can do together.”
“I already told you no! Why won’t you just leave me alone?” Naruto demands.
Sakura strikes a leg out, sweeping Menma’s feet from beneath him while distracted. He tumbles and, at the sharp angle of the slope, slides far away from him. Sakura winces in sympathy as he catches on hard edges but she doesn’t feel too bad when she sees the relief in Naruto’s eyes.
“Let’s go,” Sakura urges, eyes up on the lip of the Pit. Already, it is dotted with the pirates and men dressed in the same uniform as Menma. For the moment, they seem preoccupied with each other but that won’t remain the case for long. “Hiruzen will be able to help us get out of here.”
Naruto wavers, clutching at the pendant at his throat.
“Naruto,” Sakura says, waiting until he looks at her. Their enemies are closing in around them and they are in a precarious position that requires some finessing. She needs to get them out of here safely. And for that, she needs Naruto. “Naruto, do you trust me?”
Naruto looks at her and for a moment he looks so much older than his twelve years. Sakura feels as if her soul is bared to his eyes, scorched beneath his scrutiny. His hand tightens on the strange pendant and he smiles as he pulls it free from his body.
Sakura knows she’s passed some sort of test, though what kind she couldn’t say.
“It’s strange really,” Naruto says, grabbing her hand and pressing the pendant into it. She feels a shiver go up her spine and, for a moment, the pendant is heavy. The moment passes and Sakura wonders if she just imagined it. “I trust you Sakura.”
Sakura grins. “Good. What I’m about to ask of you is going to require all of that trust.”
Naruto nods, entwining his hand around hers, the pendant firmly sandwiched between them. “I’m ready when you are.”
Breath quickening, Sakura stares at the crane jib and hook that are moving slowly nearby. It is headed their way and Sakura tenses in preparation. She can do this. “When I say jump, jump.”
Naruto nods, his confidence in her obvious in his eyes.
Sakura takes a deep breath, tightens her hand on his, and says, “Jump.”
They jump.
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lemonade-of-gods · 7 years
Who is your two favorite male and two favorite female characters in Naruto and Bleach and if you could answer why?
Thank you for asking!
Male: Kensei Muguruma and Shinji Hirako
Reason: Kensei’s poor attempts to cheer up Hisagi in the Turn back the pendulum arc was what drew me to him because I’m hella awkward in terms of verbal communication. He’s not someone who acts immaturely which I find relieving and is the kind of person I could talk with without facepalming or getting irritated very quickly.
Shinji’s another favorite of mine because he strikes a nice balance between goofy and seriousness. The Turn back the pendulum arc was what really got me interested in him and by the end of the Fake Karakura town arc, he landed in my top ten favorite Bleach characters list.
Female: Orihime Inoue and Rangiku Masumoto
Reason: To this date, I still cannot understand how anybody can hate Orihime! I love her sweet and gentle nature and really love her imaginative streak! (In fact I have a similar streak like her xD) She’s a really good friend and has a determined personality, which I find very appealing.
Rangiku is also my favorite because like Shinji, she strikes a nice balance between goofy and serious as well. She’s quite confident and badass and I cheer up whenever I see her in the manga/anime.
Male: Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha
Reason: While I don’t have particular favorites when it comes to the Naruto guys, Kisame and Itachi stick out because of their serious natures. I admire Itachi’s love for Sasuke and Kisame’s dedication to his job. I don’t approve of their actions in any way, but as far as characterization goes, these two caught me hook, line and sinker.
Female: Sakura Haruno and Hinata Hyuga
Reason: In the beginning, I was mostly indifferent to Sakura. Then I came across the anti-Sakura posts and thought, ‘did that really happen?’ and decided to re-read the manga. While I was faintly irritated by her fangirlish tendencies in the beginning, I quickly gained interest when she sliced off her hair and attacked the Otogakure ninja team on her own. I love the way her character grew and her dedication to bring Sasuke back from the darkness.
Let me tell you something, if there’s one person who I can relate to the most, it’s Hinata. I swear to god, both of us were very shy and had self esteem and confidence issues. Hinata’s character is something which inspires me and gives me confidence to go about my day without succumbing to my fears. I handle my problems by thinking, ‘Now what would Hinata do?’, which really helps me.
Once again, thank you for asking, and have a nice day! 
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sagara-megumi · 7 years
SasuSaku Month - Day 15: The Slug and the Snake || [Fanfic] Till Death Do Us Part
Title: Till Death Do Us Part
Rating: T/PG-13
Notes: Sorry to keep you waiting, but at last, the final chapter is here ^^ It’s sad but at the same time accomplishing because it’s the first time that I finish a multi-chaptered story and that I write so much in such amount of time.
The notes are a bit long this time, but I’d like you to read them, since they can be useful.
This time, the prompt is symbolic. Looking for information for my next story (that hopefully will use some of the prompts I still haven’t done) I found on a book about Japanese Mythology that the snake, among other things, symbolises lust. Imagine the possibilities that opened in my mind at that moment *grin* Regarding the slug, the only thing I could find was the healing power, so Sakura gets stuck in the medical field once again.
I decided that both their names are written in kanji, since both of them belong to old families (I haven’t seen any examples of this written in hiragana/katakana, like in the manga). For those who feel curious…  団扇 佐助 // 春野桜 (I know that in Sasuke’s case those are the kanji for “uchiwa“, but… ^^U)
The events described in the fanfic are my impressions after watching several videos and reading about the topic. There will be mistakes, of course, so I apologise in advance.
Be aware that the rating has gone up. There’s nothing really explicit but you’ll know what’s happening. If I labelled it incorrectly, please don’t hesitate to tell me. Since a few years, the rating system has been a mess. I’ve found really strong things under the M/R and even the T/PG-13 tags and really innocent ones under T/PG-13 so, I’m more or less following my instinct.
Thanks to the lovely @isa-chi who put up with my ramblings and my frustration, and advised me on a couple of topics especially related to OOC. And also to all the people who read it, sent messages, liked, reblogged and followed me, waiting patiently for updates. You don’t know how happy each of those single things made me. And thank you to @sasusakumonths for organising it. It’s been really fun ♡
As always, if there’s something wrong (spaces, brackets…), please, tell me. I hope you enjoy this final instalment :)
Glossary: I’ve tried to keep the Japanese terms to a minimum, though some things are not accurately translated
-uchikake: the bridal kimono. It can be white (the most common used for the ceremony) or with colours (normally used for the celebration). it’s much more heavier than a normal kimono, and it’s tied differently too. -onigiri: riceball -nori: the seaweed that is wrapped around the onigiri
Words: 7339
Drinking a sip of her coffee, Sakura observed as Sasuke started to complete their marriage form, the pen in his right hand tracing the kanji of his full name slowly, as if he feared to make a mistake. They had decided to fill it and take it to the Ward Office together so, early in the morning, Sakura had gone to his apartment carrying the documents she would need.
Finally, the day had come. After their engagement, as soon as Sasuke had recovered, they had visited each family to announce that they were getting married. She still remembered the satisfaction in her grandmother’s eyes as Sasuke bowed to ask permission to her and her parents to marry her. At the beginning, she had felt a bit offended. It was as if Chiyo was telling her that she had caught the prized candidate when that had been the last thing on her mind practically from the beginning. However, later that night as she made her way to the kitchen for a snack before going to bed, she found her kneeling in front of the altar dedicated to her late grandfather, talking lovingly to him about the happiness she felt because her granddaughter had found a wonderful man, that she had seen in his eyes how much he loved her; reminiscing the time when they had met and how love had grown between them in the same way as in the young couple; that now she understood why they had taken their time to made their decision. And her heart had gone to the old lady who still mourned the death of his dear husband.
In the Uchiha clan’s house, things had not been very different. As Sasuke did, she had tried to ignore the whispers she heard about how pleased the elders were that the second son of the main branch had attained to such a wonderful heiress. Though, she had to say that his closest family had been truly happy for him as they wished them happiness.
“Sakura,” Sasuke’s voice, a bit disgruntled, reached her. “Are you listening to me?”
With a jolt, she looked at her fiancée, who was watching her with a delicate crease in his brows. He sighed.
“Obviously, not.”
“Sorry, Sasuke-kun… I had something on my mind…”
“I saw…” he smirked lightly. “Last minute jitters?”
She pouted, her eyes flashing defiantly.
“Of course not!”
He moved his head to the sides, a gesture that Sakura interpreted as mocking resignation, and then, he handed her the ball point.
“I’m finished.”
For a moment, she seemed to find fascination even in the action of him giving her that pen and she exhaled, exasperated at herself. She was too absent-minded that morning. She took it and with precise strokes, she wrote the information needed and took her family stamp to seal the document.
“Alright” Sasuke said standing up and putting the form inside the folder with his documents. “Let’s go. Today we have a very busy day ahead.”
Sakura looked at his retreating form for a moment before rising from her seat. It was the first time since they had met that she saw him in such informal clothes. It was summer, so he was wearing a dark blue polo shirt and white jeans. She could not help swoon a little. That man, who she had seen attract the attention of women without doing anything special wherever he went, was going to be hers from that day on.
“What’s with you today?” he was already in the hall, with his deck shoes on and one hand on his waist, looking at her with a mixture of concern and confusion. “Are you feeling well?”
“Yes!” she walked quickly to his side and put her cream-coloured sandals on, “I’m just a bit distracted.”
“Why?” he asked, checking that he had the keys for the house and the car in his pockets.
“Well” she put her hands behind her back and looked at the flat somewhat wistfully. “Today is a very important day… And, this will be my house from now on…” he looked at her with slightly widened eyes. “I suppose I’m feeling a bit melancholic apart from the usual nervousness…”
Sasuke’s features became warmer and he put a hand on her head, stroking it affectionally.
“Come on…”
They arrived at the Ward Office a few minutes after it had opened and finished with the last procedures quickly.
“The certificate will be available in two days” the friendly clerk at the desk told them. “Congratulations on your marriage.”
They thanked him and went back, Sasuke looking at his watch. Fortunately, it had taken less time than they had thought, so there would not be any delays in the tight schedule that they had that day. After his collapse, they had become very busy with their works and the wedding arrangements, but he had been careful not to cross the line again, especially with Sakura, Ino, Itachi and Naruto checking on him every day. The last few weeks, however, he had tried to do as much as possible to be able to clear those three days, from that one to the end of the week, for the wedding and an extremely short honeymoon that they had decided to spend mainly at home after the stressful preparations. They would have time for a proper wedding trip later on.
As they came out, they stopped and looked at each other, smiling. Even if they called off the shrine ceremony and all the events that were taking place in a few hours, they were now officially husband and wife.
Sasuke grabbed her hand with a satisfied expression on his face and started walking toward the car, she following him swiftly. But she could not help looking over her shoulder towards the entrance of the Office, swallowing hard and feeling a sudden rush of emotion. She had entered there being Haruno Sakura, and though nothing special had happened, a different person had come out. From that moment on, she was Uchiha Sakura.
“… Going forward, we’ll love each other, trust one another, share the good times and the bad and swear that this will stay unchanged throughout our lifetime.”
Sakura’s hands trembled slightly listening to Sasuke take their wedding vow before the gods in the shrine that his clan belonged to, as they held the paper where it was written. His voice, clear and steady was a reflection of his resolution to honour that promise.
“Husband, Uchiha Sasuke”
Despite her agitation, she breathed deeply, wanting to answer with the same conviction as him.
“Wife: Sakura”
Sasuke folded the paper again and left it carefully on the reclining set before them, stealing a glance at his bride. She had her head tilted down and he could only see her lips, painted in a rich shade of red, under the cotton hat she wore for the ceremony. To say that she was beautiful in her wedding kimono was not enough compliment. He had literally stopped breathing when he had seen her clad in the beautiful white uchikake embroidered with cranes and flowers that, as she had told him before while planning the wedding, had belonged to her family for years as her grandmother and her mother had worn it before her.
The Shinto priest, then, brought a tray with a box and offered it to Sasuke. He took the wedding ring with great care and offered her his other hand. She lifted hers, her heart beating wildly in her chest, and he took it as he put the ring on her finger. Sakura realised that he was trembling a bit and she lifted her face to him. What she saw stole her breath away. Maybe it was not the most beautiful smile of the world, but the one that graced Sasuke’s lips at that moment was radiant with content and tenderness. Sakura’s eyes filled with tears and she would have ended up crying if the priest had not put the tray in front of her. Swallowing hard and clenching her teeth to control herself, feeling relieved that with the hat she wore no one could notice her moment of weakness, she picked up the other ring. He extended his hand and slowly, feeling as if her heart could burst from all the happiness she was feeling, she put it on his finger.
“Ready?” one of the women dressed formally who were at the door of the reception hall looked at Sasuke and Sakura, and they nodded.
The double door opened and they entered the room, their guests clapping enthusiastically. Sakura had changed some of her clothes. She had taken off the hat and now wore her hair in a modest bun adorned with traditional hairpins, and had changed her white uchikake for another colourful one which belonged to Sasuke’s family.
They arrived at their table and bowed to the guests. Just then, the waiters and waitresses came out of a door and started filling their glasses while the host told the people they were going to toast to the groom and the bride.
Soon after, the food was served and the speeches began. One by one, their kindergarten teacher, Kakashi, their professors at university, Tsunade, as her mentor, and Itachi, as Sasuke’s superior, told anecdotes about the years spent with them.
Then, Naruto went up the platform and Sasuke felt himself cringe. They had gone through a lot together, good things and bad ones and their bond was practically unbreakable, but also, his best friend was aware of all his failures and most embarrassing moments, and though he was completely sure that he could trust him with his life, he also knew that sometimes, he talked too much. He could not help having a bad feeling about it.
“They make a fine couple, don’t you think, Madara-san?”
The man, with his arm crossed on his chest, nodded as he watched Sasuke and Sakura listen to his best friend, Naruto, give a speech which made people laugh and clap, as he talked about some of the moments they had lived together.
“I have to confess that, at the beginning, I was quite sceptical about your suggestion of arranging for them to meet, Chiyo-san” he said with a small smile, very similar to Sasuke’s. “I thought that you desired someone in the medical field for the future heiress of your legacy. Someone who doesn’t have any knowledge, like my grandson, is not going to be of great help.”
“I understood soon enough that my granddaughter didn’t need a husband like that. She’s extraordinarily intelligent and a brilliant doctor; after all, she’s trained under the famous physician Senju Tsunade” she said sparing a fleeting glance towards the renowned doctor, sitting at a table not far from theirs. “Any man in the same field of expertise would feel intimidated by her, even resentful. And, despite being burdened by responsibility and tradition, I love my granddaughter and I was not going to get her into a marriage where she would end up suffering. However, Sasuke-san can lend his support in other ways. Financially, of course, but also he can offer her advice based on his experience. A hospital chairman is a doctor and a business person at the same time.”
“You had your plans well laid” he smirked. “I’m impressed.”
“Well, not all of them” she folded her hands on her lap. “I hoped that, being young, they would grow some affection for each other with time. However, my wish became true much earlier. It is obvious that Sasuke-san cares deeply for my granddaughter, and sincerely, I could not ask for more.”
“Honestly I even thought once that he would never marry” Naruto continued his speech. “He’s got a weird personality and he sometimes doesn’t talk, probably thinking he’s so cool. Also, he can be really arrogant and a bit twisted, but he’s the best man I’ve ever met in my life. Sakura-chan, I know he’s a hassle and a pig head, as you probably noticed a few months ago when he fell ill, but, please, take care of him. I’m sure you two are going to be the happiest couple in the world” he made a victory sign. “After Hinata-chan and me, of course.”
People laughed as they clapped and Naruto went back to his seat. Then, as the host announced the next speech, Sasuke took a sip of his drink, relieved. Apart from some comments, like the last ones, about his character, and that he had talked about the first time he had got drunk, things had not gone so bad.
The hall became darker as Ino took her place behind the microphone.
“Good afternoon. I’m Yamanaka Ino and I have the fortune of knowing this two people for years. But today, I’m not going to talk as Uchiha Sasuke’s secretary, but as Sakura’s friend” she paused for a moment to look at her notes. “Sakura and I met in the first year of elementary school, when we ended up in the same classroom, sitting one behind the other. As you see, we have a long story together…”
A soft music started playing and they all turned to a screen located over the main door, where a video started to show. It displayed photographs of the two girls since their childhood: school events, festivals, graduations, parties… Ino had a memory for each of those moments, which people laughed about or had to dab at their eyes with handkerchiefs. Finally, the video ended with the two of them laughing at the entrance of the Todai University, the day of Sakura’s graduation.
“When she told me that her omiai partner was the President I work for, I was a bit wary because I discovered then that I was linked to both, and it was going to be uncomfortable if one of them felt hurt in case that there was a rejection. But when she said they were getting married, I was really glad.” she turned to the couple. “President, the only thing I’m going to ask of you in this life is to make her happy. Despite our arguments and differences in many things, she’s one of the people I love the most and, forgive me for my impertinence, I’d hate you if you made her suffer her. Congratulations…” she inhaled, trying to hold back her tears. “And stop crying, Forehead!
She bowed and Sakura felt the strong urge to run to her best friend and hug her. However, she had to repress it, since it was not the moment and with her clothes she would probably make a fool of herself, so she restricted herself to watch Ino coming down the platform and going straight to her seat, trying to hold her tears. She had to remember to hold her tight the next time she saw her.
“Are you fine?” Sai whispered putting an arm around Ino’s shoulders so she could lean her head on his shoulder, not caring about maintaining the appearances or the curious looks they were receiving.
She nodded and he dropped a soft kiss on her head.
“Good…” he paused for a moment. “Did you finally graduate from him?”
She nodded again and he could not help the smile that drew across his lips, relief washing over him. His heart filled with content at knowing that Ino was now completely and truly his, as he realised that a very small part of him that had been well hidden deep inside, had been really unhappy and jealous. Maybe, it was time for them to start thinking about tying the knot too.
Sasuke stood up, after a few moments. It was time for the groom speech. However, he did not move, he just looked at Sakura that smiled, carefully rising from her chair too. They were going to break the rules a bit. There was a soft surprised humming as the guests saw that both of them moved to the microphone, the expectation hanging in the air heavily.
He took a small slip of paper from the folds of his kimono and opened it, drawing in a soft breath. He was used to speaking in public, to weave his way and opinions without any doubts to business partners, directors and associates. However, he had never been good at expressing his emotions, at telling the people he cared for his feelings. His heart had been closed for many years after he had understood his position in his family and what they expected of him. His life no longer belonged to him, but to the clan. But that did not mean that he had become cold or had stopped loving them. That speech had taken him a lot of time to write, carefully choosing his words, rewriting once and again what he wanted to say. He only hoped he had been able to convey his thoughts in his words.
“Thank you to all of you for coming today and share with us this joyous event despite your busy schedules…” after the standard greeting, he breathed again. “When I was five, my life changed completely. From being a carefree child, I became someone who would have an important role in the future of his clan, and though, as a boy, could not see farther than my own selfishness, getting angry because things were not the same anymore, my family’s guidance and affection helped me to take the correct choices in life. I am what I am thanks to my father, who taught me the value of working hard, having perseverance and taking pride in my origins, my mother, warm and caring, but also stern when she had to be, and my brother who protected and comforted me as a child, and is someone I look up to every day” he glanced at Sakura. “Today, my wife and I are starting a new life. We are inexperienced in many things and we will probably stumble from time to time. I hope that you can continue watching over us the same as you have done for me up to now” he turned to Sakura. “Our beginning was difficult and we were unsure and full of doubts, and we have been through difficult moments. However, despite not being married, not even engaged, you were beside me during that time, strong and steadfast. Thank you, Sakura-san. I hope that in the years to come, I can be your support as you have been, and are, mine.”
He bowed, and Sakura had to bite her lower lip hard to contain her tears. When he lifted his head and saw her efforts, he took his handkerchief from his kimono and gave it to her with a tender smile that made those who saw it stare in awe. Sakura took a deep breath and straightened. Turning to their guests, she nodded.
“I’m sorry…”
Then, Sasuke took a step back to let her take his place. She took a paper from her obi and unfolded it. Breathing once more, she started reading.
“Thank you for being with us on such an important day in our lives” she inhaled again, calming herself, her voice becoming more confident. “I have always been aware of my role in life, and I embraced it enthusiastically since I was a little girl. I come from a family of doctors and I saw like a natural thing that I would become one in the future. I am one now. However, it’s not my merit alone. I had, along the way up to now, three wonderful people, my grandmother, my father and my mother, who were an example and my inspiration for all I wanted to achieve and I have been fortunate to count on their support and their advice in the steps I have taken along the way.” she paused for a moment. “Even though an omiai can be a very difficult event nowadays, when life offers us so many possibilities and ideas, I’m very glad to have followed my grandmother’s counsel and gone through it, because I met someone who has become very important for me” she tilted her head and looked at him. “Sasuke-san, let’s walk together this path that we have started today and build a household of our own following the example of the people who had surrounded and cherished us until this moment. I am sure that they will continue offering us their encouragement and love. As for us, as in all journeys, we will probably have good times and also encounter difficulties in our marriage. I want to be able to enjoy the first ones and solve little by little the second ones together with you, till death do us part.”
She gave a step backwards and together with her husband, she bowed to the guests, who were clapping and some of them crying openly. They could even hear one or two cheers from their louder friends. Then, two assistants gave them bouquets of flowers, and they made their way to the back, where their families were awaiting them. They bowed respectfully and then, gave the flowers to their mothers. Mikoto had a hard time controlling her tears, deeply moved because her younger child had never said what he truly felt since he was small and Fugaku put his hand on his back, smiling proudly at the respectable man that his son had become.
“Thank you…”
A tear fell down Sakura’s mother as she took the flowers from her daughter, who held her hand affectionately.
When they stepped aside instead of posing for a photograph, all the people in the hall held their breath again, expectant. Both of them approached the table nearest the place where their parents were, and the assistant gave her a second bouquet that she gave to her grandmother.
“Grandmother…” the old lady took it a bit disconcerted. “I know that you’re not in favour of breaking traditions and protocol, but it’s thanks to you that we’re here today. Sasuke-kun and I wanted to give you this.”
Chiyo blushed a bit.
“But it was Madara-san’s idea too…”
“But we can’t give him flowers, can we?” she said with a smile.
Then, she straightened and turned to his grandfather, bowing again.
“Thank you.”
Sasuke sighed as he adjusted his grey tie watching his reflection in the full-length mirror before letting one of the assistants help him with the frock coat. Despite liking kimonos quite a lot, he was definitely much more comfortable with those clothes, so similar to his everyday ones. He took the gloves and, nodding to the assistants, came out of the changing room. He walked along the corridor to where Sakura’s door was, ready to wait.
After the photographs with their family, they had gone out of the hall for a change of clothes. As they were planning the wedding, he had asked Sakura if she did not want to wear one of those big white Western wedding dresses that Japanese women dreamt of. Though her answer had been somewhat vague saying that it had been a little girl’s fantasy, he had realised that she still (tenía la ilusión). And he had finally managed to convince her to do it. Though they belonged to old families and they were going to follow tradition to the end, the wedding was theirs, and they could allow themselves a whim. Like the one with their grandparents. He had been surprised when he had learnt that his grandfather had played an important role in their omiai, despite being all Sakura’s grandmother idea. And when she had asked him if he minded that she paid a little homage to her, he had thought it would be nice to thank the patriarch of the clan too.
He was looking out of one of the windows on the wall opposite her room when he heard the door behind him open, and he turned. The sight left him breathless. Sakura was at the door, being helped by her assistants, and she was looking at him with a mixture of excitement and hope. She was wearing a beautiful empire style wedding dress with sleeves that only covered her shoulders, a bodice decorated with small pearls and a flowing skirt with two layers embroidered with lace. Her hair was tied in a side bun on the left side of her head framed by some organza lotus flowers.
“Oh, the groom” one of the assistants said with a smile. “We hope you are pleased with the bride’s look.”
He felt a knot in his throat. He wanted to say something and make her happy, it was obvious that she was expecting him to do it, but he just could not do it; not with those strangers listening and the people near the reception hall door waiting. If one day he complimented her, he wanted it to be for her alone.
Sakura smiled softly, as if she could sense his inner conflict and, turning to her helpers, she thanked them. Then, she approached her handsome husband, who was still looking at her with admiration, and took him by the arm. He did not need words to say what she wanted to know.
“Come on, Sasuke-kun” Sakura started walking towards the hall, changing the topic. “We still have a cake to cut and many greetings to give” he groaned a bit and she smiled widely. “And the after-party, let’s not forget about that!”
He chuckled lightly, letting her drag him away from the women who had put him in a predicament, calming down with her chatting. And he decided to follow her cue teasing her a bit.
“So, your intention from the beginning was to kill your groom of exhaustion and become a widow on your first day of marriage…?”
“What a day, um?” Sakura said with a sigh as she looked at Sasuke’s back, who was busy in the kitchen.
They had arrived at their flat a few minutes before, completely spent after the after-party with their friends and younger members of their families, where they had been drinking and playing games. However, neither in the reception nor that gathering they had been able to eat much so they had just been finishing taking off their shoes when Sasuke’s stomach had made a rumbling sound that had made her start laughing. He had shown her an irritated expression and had called her annoying but it was difficult to take his soreness seriously seeing the blush that adorned his cheeks.
After he had taken revenge tapping her on the head lightly and she had calmed down, he had suggested an early dinner and they had entered the kitchen. However, as she was asking him for an apron, he had taken her by the shoulders and sat her down on a stool, alleging that she had to be more tired than him, since her efforts during the wedding had been greater.
He made a sound of assertion as his hands took another scoop of rice and moulded it like an onigiri that he put on a plate.
“Are you going to wear that for the rest of the day?” he asked looking over his shoulder, clearly referring to her wedding dress.
“Of course!” she said with a childish smile, lifting her legs and wriggling her toes. “I really love it and it was very expensive, so the least I can do is enjoy it as much as possible” he chuckled lightly as he bent, opening a cabinet on his right and picking up a wooden board to cut the nori for the onigiri. “I’m thinking I could have it altered and have a new dress for any event that we have to attend.”
“It’s a good idea” he spared a brief glance at his grey frock coat, neatly folded on a chair near her. “Maybe I could do the s- Ouch!”
Instinctively, Sakura stood and rushed to his slightly crouched figure. He had his finger in his mouth, a mixture of pain and annoyance marring his face.
“Let me see” she commanded him with a professional tone, taking his hand and inspecting the cut.
Fortunately, it was not very deep but some thick drops of blood were running down his finger.
“Where’s the first-aid kit?”
“In that cupboard”
She put his finger under water from the sink tap and went to retrieve it. Looking for some bandages, she took his finger and inspected it again before pressing firmly to cut the bleeding. She guided him to the stool where she had been sitting and smiled softly to him as she lifted the gauze to take a better look at the little wound. After a few more minutes of pressure, she picked up another piece of cloth and dabbed at the cut delicately with some antibiotics cream she had found. Finally, she put a plaster on it.
“There, almost healed. Keep it covered for two day-” she brought her hand to her mouth. “Sorry… It’s the habit…”
“Thank you” he shook his head once, not really minding her doctor side showing.
She smiled as she put everything back in the kit and put it in the same cupboard.
“And now, let me finish dinner, okay? It’s better if you don’t get that cut dirty” she looked at the drawers on her left pensively. “And, it’s better if I get used to things here soon.”
He smiled, feeling inwardly happy.
“Second drawer.”
An hour later, Sakura heard Sasuke’s footsteps behind her and she turned in time for him to offer her a cup of tea. She smiled thankfully and he sat down next to her, giving a sip to his drink. They were sitting on the sofa in the living room watching the landscape, after enjoying dinner. As that night many months ago, they had turned it so it faced the large window, hearing the muffled sounds that came from the street and watching the sun sink slowly behind the buildings in a comfortable silence. Little by little the living room became darker.
“Give me your cup” Sasuke said standing up and going to the kitchen to leave them on the sink.
When he came back, he sat beside her again, looking at the rays of the sun reflected on the glass of the buildings near theirs and the light of the cars that went up the street opposite them, travelling in precise order. Absentmindedly, he took her hand in his, caressing the back with his thumb for a few minutes, and she answered to his touch squeezing it lightly. When he felt the roughness of the stones, he looked down and watched for a moment the two rings on her finger, playing with them lightly with his index. Then, he brought it to his lips and kissed it reverently, closing his eyes briefly.
When he opened his lids, slowly, he found her gaze on him, full of tenderness, and a soft smile on her lips. He leant forward and she met him halfway. It was a simple, lingering brushing of their mouths but it made them giddy with emotion and filled their hearts with happiness.
The first kiss of their married life.
They parted after a few moments and looked at each other, smiling softly. Then, Sasuke touched her forehead with his, and she laughed a bit.
“Are you happy?”
“Yes…” his smile widened a bit and she looked at him. “And you…?”
As a reply, he cupped her cheek with one hand, brushing her skin with his thumb. Sometimes, he felt so useless for not being able to express what was truly in his heart openly, to tell her all she wanted and needed to hear. She deserved so much to listen to them… However, his reserved character, his stern upbringing had made him like that. Maybe, someday, he would be able to tell her all the things he kept inside. As he looked into her eyes, shining with delight he found himself fortunate for having found a woman who understood him.
He kissed her again, this time deeper, wishing to express what he could not put into words, giving his all each time their mouths separated for a brief intake of breath just to join again more passionately. The soft moan that escaped her throat filled his veins with desire, and this time, he did not bother to tame it. She did not have to go back home, she was not a partner, she was not his fiancée… He did not have to contain himself anymore.
He left her lips and hid his head in her neck, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses. She sighed his name and he went back to her lips, satisfied at her equally intense response.
When they parted, completely out of breath and quivering, Sasuke stood up and put an arm around her waist and another under her knees, lifting her from the sofa, her arms circling his shoulders, and he crossed the living room and entered the corridor, towards the bedroom.
“It’s still daylight…” she murmured, hiding her face in his shoulder.
“And, do you have any complaints? Do you want me to stop…?”
Her only reply was to move her head negatively, a deep blush covering her pretty face.
The room was still bathed in a soft orange glow. Closing the door after them with his foot, he advanced a few steps, kissing her again, before letting her stand again. He did not let her go, though. After releasing her lips, he brushed his mouth on her neck, just below her jaw.
“Do you want me to help you with that” he murmured softly, touching the flowers that decorated her hair.
“Do you mind…?”
He shook his head and turned her, facing the full-length mirror on the corner nearer the bed and they looked at their reflection for a moment before she lifted her arms and started taking pins from the headdress. He did the same with her bun, feeling it with his fingertips and removing them carefully not to pull her hair. Occasionally he gazed at the mirror. She was trying really hard not to look at it and he could not help a little smile at his wife’s sudden shyness.When he had gathered a bunch of them in his hand, he looked around and finally decided to leave them on the bedside table. He switched on the lamp to see better.
“You should think about what you want to change or buy for the flat…” he commented as he touched one inside her bun. “I suppose it’s not very comfortable for a woman…”
“Your house is fine, Sasuke-kun!” she said turning, and with the sudden movement, the pin he had just discovered and picked escaped from between his fingertips. “Just two or three things will be enough, and we can bring them from my former bedroom.”
“Our house” he said, and she looked at him a bit confused. “It’s not just mine, it’s ours.”
“Ah” her fingers flew to her mouth, realising her mistake. “Sorry…”
“You’ll get used to it…” he replied, touching her head lightly to give her the clue of where to tilt it, looking at the place where the pin he had missed was and retrieving it, his breath falling on her nape, making her blush again.
They continued their task for a few more minutes until all her hair was free from the hairstyle, and Sasuke started combing the tresses down her back, but it was really difficult with all the spray the assistants who had helped her with her change of look had applied. Then, he bent a little and he kissed the curve between her neck and shoulder.
“Sasuke-kun…” she said gasping softly when he grazed the tender skin just above her collarbone. “Ca-Can you cover the mirror…?”
He smirked against her neck and, leaving her, he grabbed the bedspread and threw it over the mirror.
“Is that better?”
She nodded and he extended his hand, touching her red cheeks. With her dishevelled hair falling on her shoulders and back, her darkened green eyes that shone like emeralds in the dim light and her red lips, swollen from being kissed, she offered the most tempting and lovely sight he had ever had in front of him.
As if falling under a spell, it was her who approached him this time, kissing him as her hands cupped his face, and he held her close, tangling his fingers in her hair. The others went to his shirt, suddenly bothered by it. They parted and she looked at him, one of her hands brushing his, as if asking if she could continue. He dropped it to his side, his gaze not leaving her for a second as she took the button with trembling fingers.
As each one came undone, his skin was exposed to her sight and she felt the temptation to kiss it, Sasuke noticed the change in her breath and the indecisive spark of her eyes.
“You can do as you wish” he murmured in her ear, his voice lowering down an octave, and she shivered. “I’m your husband…”
She let out a quivering exhale and crossed the step that still separated them, hiding her head and kissing him in the curve between his shoulder and neck. He took a sharp intake of breath as her arms made their way around his waist, pressing her body to his. And Sasuke’s fingers flew to her hips. As her mouth left timid kisses along his collarbone, his hands made their way upwards slowly until they found the zipper of her dress. It was then that she noticed the slight trembling of his fingertips.
The wedding dress fell on the floor in a pool of chiffon and embroidered organza, leaving her dressed in only her tights, undergarments and a short satin and lace white slip which covered her body.
“You’re so beautiful…” he whispered, and her heart missed a beat, thundering loudly just a moment later, as she felt her eyes damp.
He smiled tenderly as he cleaned her unshed tears with his sleeve and brushed her lips softly, his hands taking off his shirt, dropping it near her dress. Then, he held her tight by the waist, lifting her up and laying her on the bed delicately, kissing her and burying one of his hands in her hair as he joined her, and the other started a path filled with soft curves and the movement of her agitated breath. For what seemed hours, he worshipped her body with kisses and caresses as her hands slid across his shoulders and back as far as she could reach, whimpering when he found a sensitive spot. Slowly, the last clothes that still separated them fell on the floor and she could not help a shiver feeling each centimetre of her skin covered by his, their bodies getting warmer and warmer as passion slowly erased from their mind any thoughts that were not related to the other, or what they were feeling.
She called his name, gasping at the honorific, and he kissed it from her lips, not wanting to hear something that put a barrier between them. There, in the privacy of the bedroom that now belonged to the two of them, they were simply two human beings that loved each other in body, soul and mind: Sasuke and Sakura.
Fingers lacing and breaths mingling in their kisses, the tension between them increased with each passing moment until it suddenly broke. Her heart overflowed with feelings for him, and his followed a few moments later with only one certainty: She belonged to him as he to her.
Still regaining their breaths, Sasuke embraced Sakura protectively and rolled over on the bed, resting on his back. He was tired, the traces of passion slowly dissolving in his blood replaced by a feeling of completion that he had never experienced before. He closed his eyes, savouring it, smiling as she nuzzled his chest softly. He brushed her hair from her damp body.
“Maybe I should have it cut…” she said in a slightly raspy voice, lifting a hand and removing some strands that gone unnoticed to his fingers.
“I like your hair…” he stated in a gentle voice. “Maybe we should have left it in that hairstyle if you felt uncomfortable…”
She mused his words for a moment.
“I’d probably had all the pins piercing my scalp” she paused and hid her face a little in his chest. “Maybe next time I can tie it up before…”
Sasuke chuckled and kissed the top of her head. His hand brushed the space between her shoulder blades and she shivered a bit.
“Are you cold?”
She shook her head briefly, but stayed quiet, not moving except for her slow breathing. He would have thought she was falling asleep if it was not for the barely noticeable agitation of her fingers on his skin
“Are you alright?” he whispered, deeply concerned about having done something to upset her.
Did I pay attention to your needs? Was I too brusque, too anxious? Did you feel the same pleasure? That simple question was filled with so many others, with insecurity and a hint of regret, that Sakura felt guilty, and moved. She was just feeling overwhelmed by the powerful sensations that still coursed through her body and mind, She had never thought she could feel something like that. But how to tell him? How to make him understand the strength of her emotions at that moment? She only knew one way. She lifted her head and smiled tenderly, making him relax. She took his hand in hers and brushed a kiss on his palm, and then on his ring finger, the thin band of gold warm to her lips.
“Yes…” .
It was already well entered the morning when Sasuke opened his eyes with a soft intake of breath, and immediately, his features softened when the first thing he saw was Sakura’s face, still deeply asleep. Her expression was completely relaxed and content, her cheeks still slightly flushed and her lips a bit swollen from his kisses. They had loved each other once and again between short slumbers and sweet moments of titillation until just a few hours ago, and though he felt exhausted and tempted to curl up with her and go back to his dreams, a part of him fought back, wanting nothing more than to watch her until the moment when she woke up. Blinking a few times, he propped up on one elbow, resting his head on his hand, lifting his free arm to brush back a loose strand which had slid down across her cheek delicately, revelling in each single detail and engraving them all in his mind.
An hour later, Sakura opened her eyes, slowly, and her clouded gaze fell on his face. He was watching her with a tender smile.
“Good morning…” he whispered, cupping her neck and kissing her forehead softly.
“Good morning…”
Extra notes:
-Japanese people don’t kiss in traditional weddings (sometimes, they do in Western-style ones, like the ones we see in manga), neither do they in the reception.
-For Sasuke and Sakura’s wedding, I wrote the same vow as in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeJQMvydpzQ All the credit goes to its maker.
-There’s a change in the honorifics, I know ^^ I did it on purpose, since reading examples of speeches, I realised that the language is very formal, so I decided to make them talk formally too. That is why there aren’t contractions in it either
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ryodan · 7 years
SasuSaku and compatibility
So I saw a person claim they aren’t compatible and I was like?? So i decided to make a post about it. If you want to add food for thought. Let’s go.
Like the nerd I am I will begin by being a walking human dictionary and defining compatibility
Compatibility: a state in which two things are able to exist or occur together without problems or conflict.
a feeling of sympathy and friendship; like-mindedness.
 Okay, first off let’s just say there is no such thing as a relationship with 0 conflict, that is very impossible. Okay? Okay. (I cannot believe I made a tfios reference I am disgusting)
My (scientific based I promise) view on compatibility can be summarized as something I made up called ‘being on the same frequency, but not the same wavelength’ (yes, we get it, you are a physics student) (bear with me I will explain compatibility using physics and that is how much of a physics slut I am)
The argument that people who are opposites attract may be true… to  some degree. certain humans get intrigued by ‘mystery’ and things that we don’t see reflected in ourselves, However, certain humans also get intimidated (for example extroverts who look outwards for stimulation, and introverts who look inwards) by such qualities and often see these people who are so different as someone you will inevitably clash with. Which is also true. From a psychological point of view, long lasting couples are usually people who are more similar than different. Conflict , clashes and differences may look good in novels when it’s followed by hot make up sex.  In the real world it’s the reason why the divorce rate in America is up to 50%.
Now, Allow me to use certain relationships in Naruto and wave physics to explain compatibility. Just..trust me on this.
The standing wave :  NaruSaku
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A wave pattern produced when 2 waves of the same frequency, wavelength and amplitude travelling in opposite directions meet. In other words, 2 of the same waves meet and reflect off each other. This, as you can tell has it’s up’s and down’s.  But most importantly, halts both waves in a stationary, standing like position with no energy propagation, much like 2 very similar people coming together thinking hey wow this is great it feels good to be with someone I get along so well with, but after a while it gets energetically disturbed and eventually cancels out..either too up or too down.  ‘The hype is over, we are too similar..what next?’ If I were to use narusaku as my example, I’d say they are both loud, boisterous people with no emotional plug. Naruto will shout what he is feeling from the top of a mountain if he has to, and sakura cries like it’s her hobby (this isn’t a diss. Crying does not mean you are emotionally weak..in fact she does it publically with like 0 shame so honestly that is strength right there). They are both very similar people, with similar ideals, similar opinions, similar emotional ranges, similar outlooks on their surroundings and the way they interpret the world around them is also similar. This is not to say they make bad friends, this is exactly what makes them great friends. It’s true sakura can put him on a bit of leash sometimes, but on an emotional level can you imagine these two in a fight *shout* *shouts back* *cries* *cries back* *shouting and crying* *shouting and crying back*. Talkers and feelers to the last bit, they won’t communicate properly and that spark of attraction dies out pretty quickly. Also, they are both active workaholics, as you can tell by hiden sakura, hokage naruto, and throughout the series with each of them seeing situations and trying to shoulder burdens all by themselves, so the argument that they would make better parents if paired up with each other is pretty null.
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Moving on
Destructive interference : SasuKarin
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When 2 incoherent waves meet and they produce an amplitude lower than their individual amplitudes. It is almost like a destruction of the wave’s essence..it’s energy transforms from moving kinetic energy to potential energy. Much like two people who’s view of the world reflects completely differently within them, so when they meet, it’s a bloody mess.  It is, as the wave name suggests, destructive. For example, going by this couples dynamic:  Sasuke is a very selfless boy (ofc subtracting certain things he did under the curse of hatred), even when his plans were dictator-ish what he wanted wasn’t just power as much as he wanted the hate in the world to stop. The reason he went insane was because he loved his family, so much so that he dedicated his entire prepubescent years to thinking it is his moral burden to avenge their deaths. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his comrades on multiple occasions, and has spent a good deal of his life helping people in need. On the other hand, when we are first introduced to Karin the first thing we learn is that she orders the death of any captive who speaks out about orochimarus death, which funnily enough, are the same captives sasuke kept on freeing. Her first thought about her teammates is that she wants them both to kill each other. If we argue using character development, by the 5 kage summit arc she was way more concerned with her own safety than her teammates and by the war she almost did not let tsunade bite her arm in a dangerous life or death situation. Sasuke admired her rare skill in sensing chakra and thought her cunning attitude would be beneficial for his team, but on a personal level I think he admires integrity  more in people such as Itachi, Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura. That is why they always remained the people he cared for the most. On a personality level, they also clash. I could take my time to explain but honestly : this is sasuke if he were to ever be in a relationship with Karin
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Moreover, Sasuke’s reserved ass is way too uncomfortable with her forward (sometimes creepy) sexual behavior towards him, which again sums this up pretty well again. Similar with the narusaku are great friends things, I see them as teammates. Sasuke has shown care for Taka, and I said this once before but sasuke is not a sadist who does not care about people he bought forth on a personal mission with him to use their abilities..that would be cruel and unlike him. But, when sasuke was going through the darkness, none of them tried to genuinely stop him or care for his mental well being. Sasuke you are getting colder what is wrong with you does not equal hey man are you okay, you have been acting weird lately and I am worried about you. If your friend is obviously going through a huge shift towards a negative direction, the right thing to do is at least be like yo get a grip. I personally, don’t see a friendship (i see a previous teammate as canon suggests) and according to gaiden and shinden, neither does sasuke. ‘Her love was selfless for him’ Ask a Harry Potter fan about Snape they’ll tell you ‘a ‘selfless’ love for a single person that makes you act in a bad way is a very selfish and negative trait.’
Ah yes, the otp of otps.
The Principle Of Super Position aka constructive interference : SasuSaku
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When two waves meet in such a way that their crests line up together, then it’s called constructive interference. The resulting wave has a higher amplitude. Much like similar people who can live with mutual friendliness, bring out the best in each other but still have their none destructive differences. Same frequency, different displacement. Both Sasuke and Sakura are selfless, empathetic people. Both of them have a knack for book reading and smarticle particle type hobbies. Sakura is emotional, sasuke is sensitive. Sakura is a talker who can also listen, Sasuke is a listener, who isn’t always willing to talk but has always been shown to show a willingness to talk to her. The spark exists initially because they have an element of opposites attract, but on a deeper level they are similar enough to sustain a relationship. Sakura and Sasuke both have had issues of not feeling good enough in their childhoods, and both of them bring the other up. On sasukes part it is by showing her off, on sakuras part it is by constantly telling him what she loves about him. Can you imagine them in a fight? *shouts* *sighs and talks calmly* *moves to tears but calms down* *talk it out*. *passive aggressiveness* *encourages talking* *talks, argues a little but find middle ground*. Both Sasuke and Sakura are impatient people, sasuke with his actions and sakura with her emotions. She can be like calm down and wait before charging in, he can be like calm down and assess the situation before getting emotional. When dealing with each other being sad I see hints of them both being physically affectionate, but sasuke listens to her problems and works it out with her in a way that allows her to come to a consensus on her own, she talks to him and helps him navigate through his emotions. She is understanding of his emotional states and he is sensitive to her mood changes. He is also intuitive and is able to see through her so he knows what is wrong. Sasuke has had a very traumatic past, sakura is a doctor who opened mental hospitals for children, and she is more than emotionally ready and willing to help him when he is in need. He is starved for love, she is very affectionate and maternal by nature.
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Sexually, they are both passionate people so that would never get boring (and as the boruto novel states they fuck a lot so I hc sasuke as being someone who once eases himself into it becomes a lot more comfortable with trying new things and sometimes using it as an emotional outlet).  In terms of ideals, they line up, they both seek the greater good, but Sakura has a better balancing knack for also individual care, it is part of her profession after all. Sasuke openly cares for her, and is probably very loving privately, and she is open with displaying affections in public despite his reserved nature, which adds a little hint of playfulness to their relationship , which already exists imo if you put a bubbly person like sakura with a more stoic boy like sasuke. All of that, with the added chemistry spark of opposites attract. They oppose in playful ways, they bring the best out of each other (multiple times, sakura brings a more tender, gentle side of him and he brings out a more determined side of her and aside from that stupid comment he apologized for, he also makes her feel good about herself..+you can lie to yourself but sasuke likes his ego stroked a little and you know it), their relationship is interesting but manages to keep it’s harmony. They fuckin’ reek of compatibility man.
So, yeah. That was me..using wave principals and physics to describe compatibility in terms of naruto pairings.Thank you and bye.
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