#I had to bust this out cuz it’s been in my brain
wolfnlamb · 2 years
ive been imagining aki as a college student. he’s in one of your classes, so stoic, quiet and mysterious. he always sits in the back of the class. he’s always taking notes, his slender fingers holding his pen, scribbling away in his note book. his hair loosely tied up, the strands falling over his face as he writes. super interested in the class, occasionally raises his hand and answers questions correctly or thoughtfully, but not in a cocky way. he keeps to himself. is actually a few mins late to class a lot, probably rushing from his shift at work, and is the first one out the door when class ends. sometimes he catches you watching him when he comes through the door. he averts his eyes quickly each time. you feel a bit embarrassed for being caught. but there are other times, when you’re taking notes, lost in thought, you just happen to glance his way subconsciously. and he’s watching you, too.
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virgincels · 4 months
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ft. og re4!leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. actor au, smut, leon is an ass, some misogyny duh, reader vomits once like non-sexual context, breaking and entering, dub-con that turns to just consensual sex, only one threat of violence :3
note. comm for the sweetest ever @liableperfections / 🪩 anon :3 plot credit goes entirely to her literally had to cut so many words down it was 10k before bc i was so excited ab it so if it seems choppy I’m so sorry… 😭 ignore my attempt at navigating la.. it’s so confusing usa system is so confusing .. ignore any typos :3 feedback n rbs always appreciated!!! REPOST CUZ TUMBLR HATES ME.
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Malibu Beach is a terrestrial paradise. A post-apocalyptic Eden of sorts ‘cause there’s no tree of knowledge or any apples— Only thing Malibu Beach and Eden have in common is the naked ladies. It’s the best part of both. Which to Leon is factually correct, but to be politically correct as Hunnigan, his PR manager, would say it’s an opinion.
No need for serpent-induced bedlam, hedonism is at its peak, the fall of man is in full swing. There’s more snow than grains of sand. Leon’s world comes to life in bottle greens and muted blues, water glittering like a diamond behind the dimmed lenses of his aviators.
He snags a cabana close to the shore, draping curtains to keep him safe from blinding cameras and prying eyes and drab women who are more naked than they are clothed. From afar it’s a great sight. Up close it’s a whole lot of cellulite and over-plumped lips and over-plucked brows. Leon’s not picky, his standards are not high, he’s only asking for the bare minimum. Nice face, nice ass, nice tits— It’s expected, but it’s not an expectation ‘cause that would mean girls have to try and live up to it, but most of them come that way. Well, they’re supposed to come that way, but some girls got a little busted on the flight over from heaven.
Ashley faces him, she should be careful when Leon’s around, he pulls on bikini strings more than he tugs on his own dick, and her bikini has started to look especially stringy.
“Can you get my back?” In the light, her lashes twinkle like gossamer wet with morning dew.
Don’t need to ask him twice. Leon’s hands traverse the plains of her back, he coats her skin in lotion like the finest of pâtissiers would a cake, angling the spatula downwards to smooth thick buttercream into pastel swirls of perfection. It’s only SPF10 ‘cause Ashley’s more focused on getting an even tan and less worried about skin cancer.
They’ve been hanging out between filming. Ashley pisses him off with her hoity-toity shit, someone swapped out her brains for that rack, but she’s hot so Leon keeps her around. And to be completely honest, his perpetual state of ennui had been smashed like brittle glass by Ashley alone. If it wasn’t for her, he’d still be riding the Raccoon City wave. Biggest blockbuster to come out of 1998. That’s a big feat. Competition was big names like Deep Impact, The Horse Whisperer— Oh, who is he kidding, nobody remembers that crap, but everybody remembers Raccoon City, the Resident Evil sequel that hit the ball out of the park.
The Resident Evil series is on its fourth instalment, and Ashley Graham insisted he come back to reprise his role; she wanted to act alongside Leon S. Kennedy and no one else. She stinks of money and Chanel Cristalle. Her dad is the studio head, so Leon’s kissing up to her, takes her cruising in his Bugatti Veyron up and down Rodeo Drive. They never breach the Platinum Triangle, he fears Ashley’s diaphanous skin would erode the moment unfiltered air hits her, melt off her bones in fleshly strings until there’s a skeleton rattling around in his passenger seat.
Ashley’s back is real nice. Like, the skin is super clear and creamy white and her shoulder blades stick out the same way a slinky feline’s do. If he could use anorexic as an adjective he would. Not quite, but almost.
“That feels so good, Leon.” He catches the tail end of the glance she casts over her shoulder, it’s flirty and he knows what’s coming next. Ashley’s spine straightens, skin pulled taut to the jagged bone, she twists her upper half and pouts directly at him. She pouts a lot for someone so scared of wrinkles. but when you’re this rich, the de-ageing secret is just Botox he guesses.
“C’mere,” Leon adopts a wider stance, spreading his thighs so she can curl up between them like a cosy pup in bed. “Hey, cutie.” He traces a thumb over her lips which are a milky shade of pink, fingers curling up beneath her chin to tilt her head up towards him.
She’s giving him bedroom eyes. Feathery lashes fanning his skin with the pace at which she bats them, like hummingbird wings beating against the wind. Leon is so going to get laid. Ashley’s nails rake over the sinewed flesh of his sculpted thighs, a testament to his athleticism, he does all his own stunts you know? Shit, he’s about to get the sloppiest head of all time, his dick is about to be degloved by that perfectly puckered pout, suction must go crazy—
In a single sweeping motion, the flimsy curtain is drawn back, fluttering in the same way Leon’s gut lurches. He can’t tell the difference between butterflies and nausea. It all feels the same to him. He half expects to be struck dumb by celestial flashes of camera light that gets him hotter than the sun.
However, in a much more pleasant turn of events, he spots a black whale tail that leads his sharp eyes to a bead of sweat dripping down a toned abdomen— Her belly button sticks out which Leon hates, but those tiny hotpants make up for her faults. They’re so short the flappy pockets are visible, distressed denim fringe brushing nice thighs that have got to mean an even nicer ass is right behind.
The face is even cuter. Round cheeks yet to shed baby fat, the apples smattered with charming freckles, her reddish ponytail is stiff with salt water. “Move,” she demands in a dictatorial fashion as if the world would bend to her will, rolling over and baring its belly like an appeased dog under her command.
Leon, against his better judgement, stays put. Who even are you, lady? The audacity of some girls, must be a fan of some kind. A clammy hand lands on his leg. Feels more like a dead fish left to rot on the docks. He shivers inwardly, prying sticky fingers off of him to clarify what the actual fuck is going on.
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There’s a pretty girl in your peripheral. Not Claire. She’s not pretty in the way Claire is. She’s model pretty, might be a model or an actress or both, or neither. Just plain old pretty. But, it’s not plain, it’s extraordinary really. Polly Pocket dolly plucked from her compact home— Oh, gosh, your stomach is fucking killing right now.
Life is crazy, right? One minute you’re sucking face with a cute guy from Europe, and the next minute rotgut Mai Tais are not pairing well with the sweltering Malibu heat. And now you have reached the gates of heaven, fat-bellied clouds and Polly Pocket and something firm in your hand like a muscled calf. Not like a muscled calf, it is a muscled calf and it belongs to the most devastatingly handsome man you have ever laid eyes upon.
You anticipate the sprouting of wings from his back, the halo of Malibu sunlight that crowns his dirty blond hair to form an actual fucking halo. Holy fuck. You hope God can’t read your thoughts right now. Praying is out of the question, that’s like directly asking God not to press the big red button— Everyone presses the big red button, and then God would cast you down to hell in a fit of disgust. All ‘cause you want this angel to put your thighs to your chest and fuck you boneless with his seraphic dick.
“What the fuck, man?” Is the angelic knowledge he imparts upon your dying body. You feel like you’re being cooked alive, hot oil bubbling your skin.
“What is your problem, man?” Claire’s utterance comes at the same time.
“Hey, Claire,” you greet weakly.
“Hey, babe.” The back of her cool hand rests on your forehead, the heat is going to sear her skin like a piece of Grade-A beef. “Listen, man, can you just take your girlfriend and go?”
“She’s not my—“
“Leon, let’s just go.” The blonde girl loops her arm around this divine being’s bulging bicep.
Claire closes the curtain to shield you from the sun. It brings forth a wave of relief to your sizzling body, doused in floral breeze and sea-salt-infused linen.
“Aw, babe, you’re fucked.” She fans you lightly with her hand in hopes that man-made wind is enough to combat heat stroke or alcohol poisoning or whatever it is.
“You can head back, ‘m good here,” you slur, “gonna take a nap”
“You sure?” Claire pets your head, you see past her composed exterior, inside is a girl who’s mourning the loss of that cute beach bunny who ran for the hills the moment you started to emanate the smell of sickness.
“Mhm.” You nod, a sluggish movement that makes your liquified brain slosh about in your head. “I’ll be okay.”
“I’ll come check on you later, yeah? Just stay right here for me.” She lays a damp towel over your lower half and you feel like a bit of a beached whale. Like, fucking slack and stupid and heavy with sleep. It’s so unfair. Your one day off and the excessive day drinking comes to bite you in the ass.
Your nap is plagued by divine visions - getting to sink your teeth into that angel’s biceps. So life is not all bad. At least you’ve still got wet dreams to keep you going. The sun has sunken beyond the horizon, dwindling light paints the landscape a burnt orange, the deepening blues of the water taking on a coral hue as you poke your head out past the cotton curtains.
In the distance, you spot a mildly Claire-shaped dot with a ponytail. She’s still having fun so you make no move to bother her, instead you gather your belongings in a methodical manner. Beach towel folded at the bottom of your bag, cover-up slotted neatly into the side pocket. Water bottle and sunscreen on top - making sure to check the caps on both are tightly screwed on. Purse, keys, phone. You’ve got it all.
Though you’ve regained a sense of self - whatever you were going through a few hours ago that was an out-of-body experience - a tight knot lingers in the depths of your gut. It’s lodged in your throat. You proceed to the bathrooms located near the car park, beach bathrooms are not the nicest place on earth, but you’re not going there for a relaxing retreat, you’re there to unload the unholy amount of vomit that sits in your stomach like sunken rocks in a burlap sack.
Your gait is slightly off, it’s hard to navigate the beach in rubbery flip-flops, limping as your feet are anchored into the sinking sand with each step. After a treacherous journey over the colossal (read: totally flat, flatter than a brown rat’s feet) dunes, you’re granted access to the mildewy washrooms— The door swings open and collides with your delicate skull. A surge of nausea hits your system like adrenaline, pumping through you, and you pitch forward, hands on your knees as you hurl.
“What the fuck? Are you stupid?”
His voice is like the gentle tinkering of bells or a choir of angels, it’s thick and smooth like molasses, a knife through hot butter. All of the above. Even when he’s swearing the unholiest words you have ever heard under his breath. It’s him, the guy from before. And you just missed vomiting on his feet. Narrowly. He did hit you with a fucking door though. So there’s that.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay? I saw that!” The cute blonde from before has swiftly joined his side.
“I’m fine, Ashley, she ran into me.” Ashley… Ashley…You might’ve seen her on a billboard somewhere in Hollywood. Certainly looks the type.
“Not you, asshole, oh my god, Leon. Are you serious? You hit her!” Her voice is like money. Papery thin, but there’s substance to it. Makes the world go round. Makes you happy. This concussion might be making you woozy enough to feel happy. “Oh my god, are you, like, okay?”
You clutch at the wall of the beach hut-shaped washroom, steadying yourself. “I’m good, yeah, I’m really good, thanks for asking.” The vomit is gone from your system, that’s a step forward, but now there’s an ugly bump forming on your head.
“What if you have a concession?” Ashley frets, she makes no move to step closer as she would have to manoeuvre the puddle of vomit.
“A concussion.” Leon corrects, he side-steps to make a swift and graceful exit from this situation, making a beeline for the topless convertible parked a few rows over. Oh, shit this guy is like a big shot, and you almost puked on him. Keyword almost.
“Leon! Hello? We can’t just leave her!” She waves her arms at him wildly, like she’s flagging down a rescue helicopter.
“Oh no, my friend’s still here, I came in her car,” you begin, smiling sheepishly as she has made you feel a little like an abandoned puppy. Or a nuisance.
“No, no, you’re sick, like, really sick, and Leon hit you. He totally owes you.” Ashley insists, a delicate hand grasps your wrist in a surprisingly firm grip. “Get in the front.” She’s demanding not in the same way Claire is, but in the way of a spoiled little girl. It works for her, and you plop down on a leathery seat that sticks to your skin. “Leon, I’m gonna meet daddy over in Carbon, so don’t worry about me, okay?” She flutters her fingers at him. “Behave yourself!”
Shit. This car costs more than you would on the black market. That makes you nervous. The guy makes you even more nervous. The way he’s glowering at you— What an asshole. Ashley’s right, he hit you hard, you so deserve a swanky ride home.
“Are you stalking me?” He asks, sunglasses perched on the top of his head, he looks like a total asshole, levelling you up with those glacial eyes.
“Excuse me?”
“Are you stalking me?” He’s like dead serious right now.
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“Why would I be stalking you?” There’s genuine confusion on your face, at least that’s what you want Leon to believe.
“Funny,” he scoffs, “real funny.”
“I’m sorry, what’s so funny?” You blink at him stony, gaze unwavering.
You, bitch. Acting like you don’t know him, like his face isn’t plastered all over California. In every nook and cranny. From flagship stores to beige vegan cafes that are frequented by a handful of hipsters and bored trophy wives alone. “Nothing,” Leon settles on, you can play dumb all you want, but this isn’t his first rodeo with stalkers.
In your hand, your Nokia beeps, and much to his annoyance, you pick it up to make casual conversation with whatever creep that’s put you up to this plan. “No, I didn’t mean to scare you, Claire. I literally kinda, I don’t know, it’s hard to explain, but I’m safe, okay? I’m in a…” You trail off, casting a sideways glance at him, “I’m in a taxi right now.”
He squeezes the steering wheel white-knuckled. You’re playing with him right now, and it’s not fucking funny. A little pathetic if anything.
“Yeah, I got enough cash on me to make it back, don’t worry about it. I will, I will, yep, okay. Bye, Claire.” You drop your cell phone into your beach bag and it falls quiet apart from the prowling growl of his engine.
“Where you need to go?” Leon asks, his teeth grinding together, offset by his clenched jaw.
“Santa Monica.”
“That’s helpful,” he says dryly. “Long way over.”
“I’m just being safe.” You shrug. “It’s half an hour, where’d you come from anyway? Beverly Hills?”
“You’re being unhelpful,” he repeats to cement the fact that he is going out of his way to be an upstanding citizen and help stupid girls who walk face-first into doors no matter how stupid they fucking are. Leon’s soft spot for girls is clearly limited. “Bel Air,” he adds a moment later, “but you know that, don’t you?” It’s in every tabloid, don’t gotta be a stalker to know where he lives.
“No, I do not, I seriously don’t know who you are, man.” Your profile is nice enough, not an eyesore, lips look kissable, you would look nice at his feet he decides. Girls like you need dick in your mouth to learn a few things about shutting up.
“You got in my car.” Leon points out.
“I was forced into your car.” Comes your rebuttal.
“Listen, I don’t have time for your shit, just tell me.” Leon never raises his voice at women, that would be a brash decision, girls hear a slight shift in tone and go cuckoo. When you talk to them all nice and sweet they turn to putty with no regard for the subject matter at hand. Could be harvesting a few organs or taking a couple billion out of their trust fund, it doesn’t matter, they’ll be stuck swooning.
“Don’t talk to me like that.” Look at you, you think you’re the shit. “I can get home from the boardwalk.”
Leon is a lot of things. He is an asshole, he would feel like more of an asshole if he made a chick walk home in the dark. He swallows his pride and he swears his Adam’s apple bulges out further than usual. “I’ll take you home, no sweat, I owe you one.”
“I’m good, I want to walk.” You are one stubborn bitch.
“You could use the walk,” Leon says, a slip of the tongue. He didn’t mean anything by that. Listen, it just came out. Promise. You’re testing his fucking patience.
You bristle beside him, to his surprise you make no move to insult him in turn. “Who are you, even?” It’s thrown over your shoulder coolly. “Like, am I supposed to know you?”
“Leon,” Leon says, and to his knowledge there are no other Leon’s in Hollywood - Leonardo DiCaprio does not count.
“Doesn’t ring a bell.” You’ve gotta be messing with him. It’s working, you’re driving him insane.
“Okay, sure.” He bites his tongue, and soon enough you tell him your address. Not the nicest part of Santa Monica, not the worst part. Definitely not Downtown L.A. so that’s good.
The velvet sky is frosted by stars, and it is a beautiful night for road head which Leon really fucking deserves for putting up with so much shit. If it were Ashley by his side he would’ve been forced to pullover more than a few times on the drive over to The Flats.
He pulls up in front of a house that looks to be made of paper mache. Wow, you’re slumming it. Leon makes an unmitigated promise to himself to never be seen around these parts ever again. The air is different, and there’s so many bad smells and oh my lord is that a homeless woman? He better leave before she knocks on his car door to offer him a good time.
“Bye, sweetheart,” Leon tells you because he is the prime example of a gentleman. “Not gonna thank me?”
“What an asshole.” You don’t even bother to say it under your breath, just to his fucking face after he dropped you off in this ugly, grey neighbourhood in his gorgeous convertible.
He forgets about you by morning. Leon has seen more women than a gynaecologist will in their lifetime. You’re another forgettable rack. That is until the following week. A blind item drops. He skims the page.
Blond guy… Plays a lot of action-hero roles… Good with women… Total Asshole… Something about harassment… Something about a full article dropping next week…
Sounds like Leon alright. Hunnigan is on his ass about it. Ashley is on his ass about it. The director is on his ass about it. The staff are looking at him funny. The room is spinning. Leon is going to take a prop gun and shoot himself. He’s managed to keep his asshole status under wraps, money and dick go a long way for girls— Shit, that bitch from Santa Monica. You were not an easy lay, there was no laying in fact. He didn’t offer you sympathy dick to make up for whatever he said to get your panties in a twist.
Leon checks his watch— Filming can wait, Ashley can wait, he won’t be long. Traffic is a nightmare, this sheepskin jacket is sticking to him - only time he has ever lamented having a roofless car. He shrugs off his costume, lays it over the headrest of the passenger seat. Your place is the crumbling stack of bricks tucked into the far corner of a street that is more litter than street.
He knocks on your door firmly, afraid it’ll knock down the paper walls. You don’t answer. He knocks again, taps his foot, and you do not answer. Leon tries the handle, he’s fucking desperate, okay? This film— The premiere has to go smoothly, he has to be back in the limelight and then you can go around making as many accusations as you please, send the pitchfork-wielding mob his way the moment promotions are over.
The door opens. Leaving your door unlocked in a neighbourhood this rough, oh, honey, you’re just begging for it, aren’t you? He steps over the threshold, the door clicks shut behind him, he moves forward in deliberate strides like he knows his way around. To be fair, there’s not many rooms to explore, not Ashley’s sprawling marble landing. From the top of the stairs, he hears your voice.
“Claire, is that you? I just got out the shower, wait there!”
Babe, you got ready for him? That’s cute, he hopes you shaved. The floorboards creak under his boots, climbing the stairs to face the open door of the bathroom. You’re in there, facing the mirror, wrapped in a baby blue towel. Easy access. When you spot him in the reflection, you drop the tub of cleansing cream in the sink basin, it splatters at the same moment your scream shatters the silence.
“What— How did you get in? Why’re you in my house? Get out!” All questions that Leon would answer if you shut up. You’re a stupid little thing, backing yourself into the wall until the back of your knees bump the bathtub. “Oh my god—“
“I let myself in, door was open, babe,” Leon says smoothly, “That’s real dangerous, y’know?”
You clutch at the shower curtain and almost bring it down on your head, Leon pries your fingers from the material as his hands find purchase on the fat of your hips. “Get off me— Get off, get off, get off!” Your spine straightens when he taps your cheek sharply. Huh. That worked. Is that what you need to loosen up? A nice, hard fuck. Some dick in that lonely pussy of yours.
“Hey, calm down, it’s just me.” The guy you think you know all about. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“You’re breaking into my fucking house, you fucking psycho, why would I want to talk to you?” Little fists hammer away at his chest, nails catching on his chest holster that looks more like BDSM gear than anything useful.
“You kidding me?” Leon captures your chin, his touch is anything but tender, a tactile intrusion that leaves crescent-shaped impressions on your jaw. “Had a lot to say in that article.”
“Is that… Is that what this is about?” You catch your breath, trying to appear nonplussed, though you tread carefully in trepidation. “The article isn’t even out yet-“ A soft whimper betrays your confident front when Leon bows his head to meet your eyes.
“Look at me when you’re speaking,” he instructs, and you do. What a good girl. “Okay, there you go, baby, continue.”
The disdain that spoils your pretty face intensifies at his words, and yet you can’t look away. Cute. Head says one thing, pussy says another. “I’m not- I’m not making Claire drop the article, this is the biggest scoop she’s ever had, and you’re gross.” You stand your ground. “You’re an asshole, I hope nobody ever has to deal with your shit again, I hope you get blacklisted, like, forever and fucking ever. I watched your shitty movies, I could do better than that and I got a D in drama class, you’re just hot and you get away with it-“
“That’s not very nice.” Leon talks to you like he is scolding a misbehaving child. Which you are. A rash little girl driven forward by noisy temerity. “We talked once, sweetheart. I wanted to go on a second date, what a shame.” He’s glad you find him hot though.
“Fuck off.”
“C’mon, you’re too cute to be using nasty words like that.” His teasing is not taken in stride, you elbow him in the gut and squirm out of his grip. Leon recovers fairly well, his fingers catching the hem of your towel, unravelling it like a spool of thread. He draws you closer, naked, wet body flush to his clothed one. Nice tits, tick, cute ass, tick, he wants to see how you’d look in a tight skirt, one that hugs your stomach and hips and the tapering of your waist. The type Hunnigan wears when she means business.
And shit. Your pussy is the only thing cuter than your face. Shaved bare like you knew he was coming. You wanted it. You did. Leon doesn’t see any other hot dates waiting for you. “Aw, baby, you shouldn’t have.” He coos, tracing your puffy pussy lips with the pad of his thumb.
“Don’t do that…” Your voice is merely a whisper, and you’re not scared, girls like you don’t get scared. They get pissed off. Heated. Angry and upset. But never scared.
“Is this what you want, babe? Some dick ‘n you’ll shut up? Just wanted my attention.” Leon’s voice is a low rumble in your ears, he drawls like a slow trickle of sticky honey. Nothing is stickier than your cunt. He parts your lips, catching the dribbles of slick that form in beads along your slit. “Jesus, you’re fuckin’ wet, baby. You needed this, didn’t you?”
“No,” you croak out, throat dry from only a few minutes of disuse.
“No? You want me to stop then, sweetheart?” Leon slows his touch, it diminishes until it’s gone entirely and you whine at the loss so sweetly. “You’re not making any sense, babe.”
“Oh my god.” You suck in a breath, trembling not out of fear, but out of unadulterated rage and dizzying lust for a piece of his dick. “Fuck you.” He takes that as a Please, fuck me!
“How about we do something easier, baby.” Leon forces you onto your knees, and he was fucking right. You look so good like this. Knelt by his feet. His belt is unclipped, pants unzipped, boxers lowered. He guides his dick into your mouth, and you really are the most cock-starved thing he's ever met, ‘cause you open up and swallow him whole.
Then you do the sluttiest fucking thing a girl has ever done for him - reach back and jab your nails into the meat of his ass to force his dick deeper down your throat. “Shit, that’s right, baby— Fuck, you’re a fucking freak, huh?” Leon rewards you with a skull fuck. Balls clapping wetly and obscenely against your chin.
You gag on it, and you love it. God, he feels the pulse of your cunt through his boot when you grind yourself down on the steel toe cap. It’s round enough to do no damage, cool enough to help that hot cunt out, and the perfect shape to part your folds and stimulate your swollen clit.
Leon slaps it on your cheek a couple of times, then he tightens his hand around the shaft as you play with his balls, try to fit ‘em in your mouth like jawbreakers. Shit, fuck, his brain fucking blanks. He’s gonna cum if you don’t stop. His hand comes to rest on your forehead, hoping to snuff out the pleasure that builds too soon in his belly, you pop off his cock, refusing to stop making out with his tip, tonguing the slit like you’re getting paid to do this.
The bedroom is a couple metres away, it’s an awkward shuffle over with his lips slotted to yours, tongue running over your teeth, licking at your gums. Your back hits the handle, then less than a metre after that it hits the squeaky mattress. He kisses down your body, you smell like fruity body wash, it might be strawberry or raspberry. It smells like pink, that’s all he knows.
A sloppy kiss is placed on the very front of your mound. “You want me to play with your sticky little pussy, baby?”
“Ew,” you whimper out, nodding anyways, legs bent at the knee to bare your sweet pussy to him.
He laps at you like a dog. Eating pussy is tedious, Leon likes pushing heads down on his dick, it’s way better. But to hear you moan like that, shit he would do it a thousand times over, latch onto your clit and suck till you see stars. “Did you like that, baby? Fuck, creamed on my fucking tongue, sweet little thing.” He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand. Sure, Leon's going to go back to set smelling of your cunt, it’s not so bad. He quite likes it. Better the tang of pussy than sweat.
“Jus’ put it in,” you beg, “please, please—“
“I heard you the first time, sweetheart. Be patient.” Leon takes your ankles in his hands, puts them by your ears. See this? That’s when Leon can tell a girl really fucking wants him. When she holds her thighs up for him, and then she puts her palms flat to spread herself as open as she can get. “Jesus, baby, you’re a slut.” He laughs derisively, it rolls off his tongue as sweetly as any other pet name.
You’re left keening when the head of his dick sinks into your weeping cunt, your toes curl, and Leon cranes his neck to kiss your ankle. He runs his hands over the backs of your plush thighs, circling his hips as he eases into you— He’s lying. In his world, there’s no easing. Leon’s dick is mean, and he can tell you’ve been dying for a rough fuck. He bottoms out the second his head pops past your fluttering hole. Then he’s balls-to-the-wall. Like, literally. They’re heavy against your ass, slapping loudly with each measured thrust.
“Baby,” Leon starts, he’s breathless, rolling his hips into yours, “I swear on my life, sweetheart, if that shit drops I’ll beat you fuckin’ bloody.” That article dropping would signal the end of his life as he knows it. Your pussy clamps down on him at his words. “Oh, you nasty little bitch, you liked that?”
There’s a string of yes, yes, yeses! and then a string of expletives, and then a drawn-out call out of his name as he drives into you with all the force of a freight train. Your nails are scratching down his back, and your pussy is coating him in the same wetness that pools below your ass.
“Take it, baby, take it, fucking take it.” It takes one last thrust for you to come undone, your orgasm has your body going ramrod straight, and then your pussy fucking gushes. And Leon in all his years of sex and women and pussy and fucking has never made a girl do that. Half of him is convinced you’ve gone and pissed on him, the other half is sure he’s made you squirt like girls do in porn— Holy shit. He’s twenty-seven years old and he only just made a girl squirt.
You cry out as he grinds into you, his dick bumping your cervix, his pelvis grinding into your clit— And you sob, shaking your head as another burst of liquid spurts out of your cunt, soaking his abdomen, soaking his fucking shirt that belongs to the costume department—
Fuck, he’s gonna cum. He’s cumming hard. Leon’s balls tighten, and his shaft twitches as his load shoots out of the tip of his cock into your tight cunt. He didn’t pull out. If there’s one thing, he’s good at, it’s pulling out. Leon made a girl squirt, and he didn’t pull out. All in one day. What an accomplished man he is.
“Mmm.” You roll onto your front, face in the pillows as you catch your breath, still shivering as aftershocks zap at your nerve endings. Leon wipes the sweat built on his forehead, strands of his hair stuck to it. “I’m not convinced, the article’s still going up.”
What a bitch.
“Right.” He delivers a brisk swat to your ass, it elicits an involuntary yelp. “Guess I’ll have to convince you. I got a week, don’t I?”
“A week and a half,” you say, not bothering to bid him bye as he zips his cargos, “I’m pretty hard to convince.” Cheeky.
“It can be done.” Through another round of dick from Monday to Friday.
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chamomiletealeaf · 4 months
Sweet as Pie
Chapter 4
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The willow tree was the biggest Simon had ever seen. It's long branches and leaves swayed in the light breeze and he found himself staring at it, admiring it in its grandeur.
"Pretty, i'n it?" You ask him, standing with him in front of the tree.
Not as pretty as you He thought.
"Gorgeous." Simon said, but he meant it more towards you than the tree.
"C'mon, come sit." You urged him along, as you moved the willow's leaves out the way, and you disappeared behind them.
He followed you and sat in the shade of the tree, wrapped and hidden away by the Weeping Willow, facing the lake. It was truly such a calming and beautiful sight. But yet again, Simon just couldn't focus on anything other than you and how your hair reminded him of the branches of the tree, just falling so gracefully and perfectly.
"I sit here a lot when I need somewhere quiet away from the house." You tell him with a smile as you stare at the lake, the both of you sitting against the tree's trunk.
"Y'know, I think there's some kind of magic in this tree." You continue. "No matter what could be goin' on, the world could be endin' and yet this tree will stay it's same, quiet self. And anything hidden behind it's leaves is immune to anything outside of them. It's like... A force field. A safety net. Everything, all the noise and bad things, just get left outside when you walk behind this wall of leaves."
"Feels that way." Simon responded. "You seem to know this place really well. You been here a while?" He asks.
"Been here all my life. House was my auntie's. One day she told me: 'y/n? When I'm dead an' gone this place gon' be yours. Keep it alive for me.' That's why I keep so many plants in it. To keep the life in that house my auntie always had. Treat em' like my babies." You confessed.
"I can see that." Simon joked, referring to not too long ago when he saw you dancing and taking care of them.
You laughed, and surprisingly, so did he.
"So what about you?" You asked, shifting the conversation.
"What is a handsome man like you doin' all the way out here alone?" You teased as you nudged his shoulder, a boldness taking over you.
Handsome? She thinks I'm handsome? Simon thought, and that damned blush he hated made it's way back onto his face for the umpteenth time.
"Military." He answered. "My best friend in my Task Force nearly died by a shot to the temple. I never thought my life meant anything which is why I dedicated it to the military but when I almost lost him, it was a wake up call. I realized I had something to live for, and I knew I shouldn't take life for granted so I wanted to try and do something for myself."
You looked at him with sympathy, listening to him intently.
"So, I bought that house to at least get a breath of air before I take my last. To experience something good for once."
Simon was shocked with how much he let slip out, but for some reason, he felt like he could trust you with his life.
"I'm sorry about your friend. I'm glad he's ok." You comfort him. "That must've been real scary. But I'm glad you're doin' something good for yourself. You deserve it. I'm sure he's happy for you too." You punctuated your sentence with a smile, and Simon smiled back.
You both sat there under the willow tree getting to know each other until the sun was just beginning to set.
"Simon?" You ask him.
"Hm." He answers.
"Would you like to come over for dinner tonight?" You ask softly and hopefully, and Simon's brain short circuits. Were you... actually interested in a man like him? Or maybe you were just being friendly.
"I'd love that." He says.
You smile at him again as you begin to stand up.
"Well, hope you like Shepherd's pie, sugar, cuz' i've been dyin' to bust out the ol' recipe for it." You brush off your cardigan and wrap it around yourself.
Simon stands up and brushed himself off, flattered that you want to cook for him. You were too sweet to him, and he wondered what he ever did in his life or past one to deserve the company of you.
"That sounds lovely." He smiles down at you and the both of you make your way back to your house.
As you two enter your little yellow house, Simon admires how nice it is. He looks at all your well-loved plants and the little trinkets adorning your shelves. He looks at your patterned furniture in the living room and notices a really old looking white wooden rocking chair with the paint peeling off of it in the corner. In it sat a dark green wool knit blanket. It looked so warm and comfortable, and he wondered how it felt compared to his old black and navy blue bedding.
"Well, here it is. This is home." You say proudly, closing the front door behind you two.
"It's lovely." He says, still looking at the blanket and rocking chair.
You notice him staring at it and take note of his curiosity.
"That's aunties old rocking chair. Been in the family for years. She used to sit in it and knit me all kinds of clothes. Now I sit in it and knit too. Made that there blanket myself." You tell him, gesturing to it.
"You made that?" He asks in shock. It was a huge blanket, and it looked so well made. Of course you made something so perfect like that. What couldn't you do?
"Yeah" You beam up at him. "Here." You say, and go to grab it from the rocking chair. You bring it back to him and wrap it around his shoulders.
"There you go hun'. It's yours." You say and wink at him.
He goes to take the blanket off his shoulders in protest.
"Oh no I, I can't take this you must have spent so much time on it."
"Oh please that's nothin', I saw the few boxes you brought into that house of yours, you ain't never gonna find yourself a nice blanket like this one. Trust me." You joke to reassure him as you grab his wrists to stop his movements and you wrap the blanket back around his shoulders.
Did she just, grab my wrists? Simon thought, the action taking him off guard and he felt heat run through his body that wasn't from the blanket.
Fuck stop stop stop don't blush He told to himself, or more to the blood rushing to his face.
"It's your color anyway." You say, taking a step back to look how the dark color brought out the brown of his eyes. Were his eyes always such a pretty, rich, honey color?
"Come on an' sit at the table while I get this started." You tell him, and he secretly liked how assertive you were. You wanted to take care of him, which is something Simon never experienced before. It made his heart melt.
He watched you cook for him and how you hushed him when he offered to help, and he felt a smile creep it's way onto his face. There was something so... intimate about what you were doing for him.
"You sure you don't want me to help?" He asked again.
"Oh hush now with all that, you just sit there and look pretty while I fix this up for you. Excited for you to try it. Haven't made this in forever." You tell him with a smile.
His heart jumped once again at your coddling, calling him pretty this time. God he was gonna have to make a list of all the sweet things you called him to remember them all for the nights he's feeling lonely. Or maybe, you would be there to tell him directly.
You placed a plate of shepherd's pie down in front of Simon and one for you across from him. You then set out two glasses and went to the fridge to take out a pitcher of iced tea. With a mischievous smile, you poured some into both glasses and sat down. Little did Simon know, he was gonna taste the sweetest, most tooth rotting iced tea he's ever gonna have.
"Thank you y/n." Simon said, then took a sip of the iced tea. You brought your own glass to your lips and took a sip as well.
Then Simon placed his glass down with a coughing fit and you let out a cackle.
"Bloody hell what did you put in that?" Simon asked between coughs and you were losing it.
"That right there, is some authentic southern sweet tea baby." You laughed.
"Christ if a bullet doesn't kill me that sure will." He laughed, his coughing subsiding.
"Well do you like it at least?" You ask.
Simon took another sip, preparing himself this time, then nodded after a second.
"Yeah... I could get used to it." He smiled at you, and you smiled back.
"Go on an' eat now, look like you haven't had a thing all day." You said, as you picked up your fork to try your freshly prepared meal.
Simon did the same, and when he took a bite of the Shepherd's pie, he swears he'd never tasted anything better in his life.
"Holy shit." He says with his mouth full.
You look up at him from your plate with wide eyes, hoping he likes it.
"This is the best damn thing I've ever had." He said, taking bite after bite.
You giggle, glad he enjoys it so much.
"Really? Ok good, I was nervous. Haven't made it in a while." You confess with the biggest smile on your face, watching the big man in front of you eat like he hasn't in weeks.
By the time you finish your plate, Simon has already finished two and downed his sweet tea.
"I haven't had a meal like that since before the military." Simon says, leaning back in his char satisfied, wrapping the blanket back around his shoulders.
You finish off the rest of your sweet tea then place the glass down to answer him.
"What? Really?" You ask in shock and horror, wondering why this mountain of a man hasn't been eating the way he's supposed to.
"Oh baby we gotta change that." You say with a laugh.
There it is again. Simon thinks. Baby.
He doesn't know how to react, all the affection he's receiving from you, someone he just met, was more than any affection he's had his entire life.
"Here, lemme help you clean up." Simon offers, standing up and grabbing his plate.
But you stand up too and reach for the plate in his hands.
"Uh-uh, I got it, you're a guest tonight." You say, hands going to take his plate.
Simon pulls it back so you can't grab it.
"No no please, you've done so much for me already. I got it." He says, and you stand there for a second, considering.
"Ok." You say, giving in to his warm, brown puppy eyes he's giving you.
"Just place it right there in the sink." You tell him.
After you two clean up, Simon realizes how late it got. Time with you seemed to fly.
"Well, I better get home now." He says sadly, not wanting to let the night end, but he doesn't want to keep you up taking care of him. "Thank you so much again, y/n." He says, smiling down at you in the kitchen.
"You're welcome, Simon." You say, now smiling up at him.
You two stay there for a few seconds, just smiling at each other, enjoying each other's presence and proximity.
"Here, lemme walk you out." You say, breaking the moment first.
You both walk to the front door together, him trailing behind you and taking note of how cute the sway of your hips is as you walk. You open the door for him and you both look at each other again.
"Goodnight, y/n, I had a good time." Simon says.
"You're welcome, me too." You reply. Then you notice he doesn't have the blanket you gave him. Your eyes widen and you gasp, making Simon's eyebrow rise in concern.
"Oh my god, wait, your blanket!" You say and hurry off to the kitchen where the blanket was draped over the kitchen table's chair and bring it back to him.
"Here you are honey." You say, as you reach up on your toes to place it around his shoulders.
Simon grips the ends of the blanket and tugs it the rest of the way around his shoulders.
"Don't want you to forget that." You smile up at him. "You're gonna sleep real well with that, trust me." You say.
"I'm sure I will. Thank you." He says, smiling back.
"Goodnight Simon." You tell him softly, smile never leaving your face.
"Goodnight y/n." He reciprocates in the same soft tone.
He turns to walk out the door and onto the porch, then looks back at you before turning around to make his way back to his house.
You lean in the doorway, crossing your arms over your chest as you watch him walk away, feeling warm despite the night's brisk air, then you return back into your house when he reaches his own, smiling to yourself for the rest of the night.
Simon makes his way to his room, but not before looking at your house through his kitchen window one last time, watching the lights turn off inside them.
He enters his room and sits on his bed, wrapping the blanket still on his shoulders tighter around himself. He lays down, bringing it up to his nose to take in the scent of your house, trying to etch it into his brain forever.
He gets lost in how warm the blanket is and how it smells so much like you that his eyelids get too heavy before he can change into his night clothes. The thought and smell of you overwhelms his senses in the best way and he finds himself falling asleep to their comfort.
And as he slept, not a single nightmare creeped it's way into his mind. How could they? His mind was already occupied with dreams of you.
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taglist: @pussypinkbarbie @thatonepupkai @confuseddipshit
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romiyaro · 1 year
okay im the silly anon who asked abt req status 😞 and u shouldntve told me they were open 🙂
i see uve been posting some loverboy atsumu thingies and me personally. im eating that up… no hands, just smashing my mouth against the dish and all. so like my request will be some friends to lovers cheesy fluffy romance between msby tsumu and fem(gn is also okay, up to u) reader B(
i was thinking like maybe the reader could be one of those sports medicine physician whos familiar with the team or something but thats just me being self indulgent cuz im busting my skull open studyin in med school🦧 so like you could leave those things vague if im being too specific but yeah like u said i want an expressive loverboy atsumu CAUSE IVE BEEN SEEING TOO MANY ASSHOLE!CHEATER!HORRIBLE!ATSUMU FICS like DAMN what did that man do to you😭 ok sorry for the rant feel free to ignore this if its not a proper prompt bc im horrible at making requests <3
a/n: what da fack nonnie😱😱😱 pls let me wash ur eyes and brain cuz lover boy atsumu is the only atsumu that should legally exist no offense to toxic atsumu he kinda hot but he illegal so
p.s. it's been very long since this was in my drafts nonnie and I still feel like I rushed this a bit sobs ily<333
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"You can stop laughing now." Atsumu huffs, cheeks puffed and tinted red with embarrassment.
You chortle some more at that, stomach already hurting with the way you were cackling moments ago. "You're a himbo, aren't you?" You ask midst snorts.
"A what?" He looks at you, like he's seriously offended.
"A himbo."
"Fuck, no." He scoffs, looking away. "It was just a slip of the tongue!"
You giggle, "Slip of the tongue doesn't explain you ordering chicken at Starbucks." It's true, Miya Atsumu, the blind date Rintaro set you up with is looking to seem a lot lot more interesting than you thought he would.
Atsumu takes a long sip of his drink, dramatically glaring at you. "Ya wanna know my first impression of ya?"
"Mhm," you nod, encouraging him to say it.
"Ya seem like a bully."
That makes you grin.
His glare intensifies at that. "Knew it. Ya like pulling legs, dontcha?"
"Only the legs of beach blond himbos." You send him a wink, truly enjoying teasing him.
"Hmpf. Such a shame yer a bully despite that pretty face." What he says dawns on him one second later. And it's comically obvious with the way he buries his face in his arms.
Oh you wouldn't let this slide in a million lives, "I'm pretty?" You tease.
"Yes." He huffs, "And you know it."
The way he says it so indignantly like a little boy makes you giggle even more. "Well, you're pretty too!" you state, sending him another wink.
Atsumu's ears turn red, "You could have said I'm handsome," he mutters, turning his gaze to the side.
"Mhmm, but I don't want to inflate your ego." you giggle, "You're adorable though, I'll give you that." It's good to give leeway to the poor guy now and then.
"Adorable?" he scoffs, "Don't make me laugh, I'm a beast in bed!" his chest puffs at his claim.
You have to bite your lips to hold back your laughter. How embarrassing is this man. "Bet you will moan if I were to call you a princess."
"What—" he chokes on his drink, face turning bright red as he hits his chest to alleviate the pain of the drink flowing into the wrong pipe. "You— you piece of shit." he screeches. "I'll definitely show you who will moan out loud."
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You guffaw. This man tickled all your right spots. And you had a feeling he was a keeper. So why not give this blind date a second chance unlike your other blind dates?
Safe to say you never had another romantic interest for the rest of your life.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 29 days
Hi! I was wondering if you could do the gang(Separate) with a reader who’s like Ocean O’Connell Rosenberg from Ride The cyclone if not then it’s fine🫶🫶
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Summary: The Outsiders x Ocean O'Connell Rosenburg!Reader Warnings: none Author's Note: haven't really watched Ride the Cyclone, so if there are mistakes so sorry! You were, arguably, not like the rest of the gang. Top of your grade, probably even top of your school! A stickler for rules and your own sense of righteousness. So people were obvious shocked when you were hanging around with one of the gang.
Pony heavily admired you, sure you were a little rough around the edges and harsh around more people, but your brain and wit drew him towards you. Recently his math grade had been slipping and so he pleaded with you to tutor him. It didnt take much convincing, so you found yourself at the library on a chilly afternoon. He was trying to do a quadratic function and you were getting pissed at him for not knowing this ‘basic’ math. “Come on Pony, what’s 15 squared?” You rubbed a hand over your face in frustration. “Uhmm..” He stared at his paper blankly, fiddling with his pencil. “You know what, I think we’ve done enough math for today.” You said, getting up out of your chair. He looked sort of sad but just nodded his head. “How about we go get some milkshakes?” You asked, swinging your jacket over your shoulder and offering him a kind smile. He brighted instantly and nodded excitedly. JOHNNY CADE Johnny never liked school, never. It was too much work and he found more pleasure in hanging around with Dal. But when he saw the photo of you under ‘most likely to be successful’ in his yearbook that was delivered, he knew he had to talk to you. He started showing up more and more often, hoping to catch a glimpse of your face. You were in 3 of his classes and he was damn near obsessed with you, he watched all your movements and body language just to try and get close to you. He knew that you studied every night at the library, so one day he went there by himself. You were sitting at a table with your textbooks splayed out in front of you. He didn’t know what to do so he just walked past you trying to sneak a peek at what you were doing when you stopped him. “Hey you’re in my math class, right?” You smiled up at him and he nearly fainted. “Uh, yeah.” He nodded awkwardly. “Well, I can see you’re not doing anything. Why don’t you tell me what we did in class last week? I was sick” You asked him, pulling out a chair next to you. He sat down excitedly, happy that he finally got to talk to you. SODAPOP CURTIS Soda was a popular boy, he had looks, girls but not the grades. You were ‘popular’ in the sense that when people talked of a valedictorian, they talked of you. It was quite a shock when Sodapop walked up to you during your lunch. You were on the grass, textbook in one hand and a sheet of paper in another, trying to do your work when you looked up to see Soda standing over you. “Hey,” He said sitting down next to you. “Hi,” You replied curtly, already disassociating from the conversation. “Do you mind if I copy your homework?” He asked, pointing at the sheet of paper in your hand. You shoot him an unimpressed look. “Ballsy, but no.” You return to your work, scribbling notes quickly. He huffed a laugh before patting your head and getting up, walking away to his friends. You glared at him as he walked away, fixing your hair before returning to your studies.
STEVE RANDLE Your car was busted, so you decided to take it into the shop to have it fixed. The man working it was a nice young man named Steve that seemed more interested in what your plans were that day than anything. You pulled out your textbook to work on your homework when Steve shouted at you. “Don’t you get tired of doing schoolwork all day?”  You rolled your eyes. “Don’t you get tired of fixing busted cars and shooting blanks 'cuz you’ll never find a girl to fuck all day?” You asked, a devious smile on your lips because of the banter. He laughed, “Damn girl, now I really want to know what your plans are.” He nudged you and you laughed.
TWO BIT MATTHEWS You worked at the drive in, well not really. You did your school work at the drive in and occasionally filled up people’s drinks. Two-Bit was a regular customer that you started seeing after you begun work there, he would always take more drinks than he paid for. One time you watched him fill up his drink cup and then grab another one to fill up. He watched you stare at him, almost challenging you to do something, but you just returned to your homework. He took a sip of his two different drinks before coming up to you. “You not gonna do anything ‘bout the fact that I’m stealing?” He teased you. You gave him a sarcastic smile before putting your pen down. “Don’t get paid enough to care.” He nodded in agreement before looking down at your schoolwork. “They pay you to do all that work?” He countered and you rolled your eyes. “I’ll get paid more in the future,” You huffed, “Besides, not like your getting paid enough to talk,” You bite the end of your pen before doing that same sarcastic smile. He laughed and walked off. DARRY CURTIS You had been one of Darry’s friends in highschool. Friend was used loosely because he was a senior and you were a junior. You were just in the same social circle as him, smart girls who use jock guys for their cars and money and jock guys who use smart girls for their brains and mild-mannerisms. When you saw Darry again, 2 years later, putting up the roof on your house you were in shock. “Darry?” You ask, putting down your school bag on your porch. He looked down at you from the roof and waved lightly. “Y/n? I remember you,” You nodded, almost expecting it to not be Darry. “Never expected to see you…here” You gestured at the roof. “Why’s that?” He knew the answer, but it sometimes felt good to get assurance that he actually had a shot in life. “Thought you would’ve made something of yourself. Gone to college, football and all that shit.” You shrugged. “Yeah well, I’d rather see my brothers go make something of themselves than have them live in poverty. I’d also rather not be doing all the work you’re doing” He pointed at your school back. “Fair enough,” You unlock your door, but before going in you stop, “After you're done, would you like to come in for something to drink?” You asked him. “Would love to” He shouted down at you before returning to his work, “‘S long as you don’t bore me to death with English homework.” DALLAS WINSTON Dallas hated little preparatory girls like you, absolutely despised their stupid attitude and dumb rules. On the days he, rarely, went to school (usually because there’d be some fun thing to do or Johnny asked him) he made it his personal goal to piss girls like you off. So when you were sitting in front of him in class, he took his chance. He started throwing balls of paper in your hair and even one time an eraser. You inhaled, trying to contain your anger but another paper ball hit your head. You slammed your hand against your desk and turned around at him abruptly. He was in the middle of making another paper ball when you turned so he froze. “Cut that out, dickhead” You hissed, eyes narrowing in anger. He laughed. “The teacher’s going to explode if she hears a little prep girl like you say something like that.” He teased, voice low as to not distract attention. You leaned closer to him and he leaned closer to you, almost like a stare-off. “I’ll fucking slit your throat if you talk to me or do any shit like that to me again, you fucking jackass” You spit, knuckles turning white from how hard you were clenching your fists. He raised his hand in surrender but with a small smirk on his face. “Alright, alright,” He paused, “How about, I stop and you come with me after school,” “And get kidnapped by you? Hell no.” You said, turning back. “Suit yourself,” Dallas snickered before ripping out more paper to annoy you with. You let out a frustrated growl before turning back around. “Fine, I’ll go with you for 1 hour.”
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yeonjun4beagles · 2 years
soobin with a size/corruption kink 🧎‍♀️
bestie, i'll not only give you either one, i am giving you both of it cuz why not ;;
ever since the first time you ever hugged soobin, soobin knew he had a thing for your small figure. the way your head is positioned perfectly on his chest, the way your soft belly is settled just right, right there, fuck– he can feel his cock twitch just at the thought of it. also that one time you guys were watching some sad romance movies with you and you cried? god the way your round, starry tears filled eyes looked into his, your cheeks slightly red and your lips somewhat busted from you trying to hold in your sobs, he was damn near from pouncing on you right then and there.
it was wrong, he knows well what he's thinking is so, so wrong but he is no more than just a mere human, vulnerable to his own lust.
soobin since then keep leaving teasing, lingering touches on you, gradually making you lose your mind, the guilt of getting aroused from his oh-so-innocent touches eating you alive. if only you knew what goes on in his mind.
soobin honestly could lose his mind seeing how small your hands wrapped around his huge horse cock, you fingers barely enveloping his girth. "look at you, y/n, your hands couldn't even fit my cock, do you think your sweet pussy can take it?", soobin scoffed, his fingers tapping your chin to look at him, your blown out pupils filled with lust and maybe a hint of shame.
"y-yes, please, soobin. i can take it, please let me", you begged, talking in between sobs, feeling so little from how soobin's figure towers over you. "yeah? you think so, angel? then, prove it", soobin smirked before leaning back, his eyes deliberately watching all your movements, saving them for later.
your fingers hesitantly pumped his length, slowly gaining speed as you hear soobin letting out such sinful noises from his lips, showing you how good you're making him feel.
soobin suddenly tugged your wrist off his cock, his action causing you to panic and thought you did something wrong, your eyes quickly meeting his, only to find his lust-filled eyes staring at your lips. "now,  angel, how about you try using this pretty little mouth?", soobin warmly whispered, his thumb caressing your bottom lips. you nodded, opening your mouth just slightly to suck on the digit, your lips wrapped prettily around it. fuck, even the sight of it almost have him busting a nut.
soobin groaned before tugging you up by your hair before settling you down under him. "i think that's gonna have to wait another day, angel. don't you think so?", the question already having an obvious answer. you whined before clamping your thighs together, eager for some friction, your movements doesn't go unnoticed by the man above you.
his hands came down to caress your thigh, causing small moans to erupt from your throat. "what is it that you want, angel?", soobin coaxed, his eyes full of amusement as he watched you squirm from his simple touches. "please, binnie. just do anything, i need you, please", you whined, your hands gripping his shirts and your innocent eyes, oh the eyes that he loved so much, now brimming with lust and tears, pratically begging for his touch.
"mhmm such a good girl for me, you're doing so good for me, y/n, and good girls get rewarded. always remember that, always", soobin praised you, his lips hovering over yours before letting pearly beads of saliva fall past his lips, covering your busted ones.
a/n: hmmmmmm i am quite satisfied with this actually and it actually came out longer than what i intended hdkspqpqps it could've been longer but my mind cant handle too much of this– the brain rot is slowly making me dizzy hahahahahah aaaand requests are open, loves! enjoy reading! <33
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red-goat · 2 years
✨Doodle dumpster time✨
Edit to add: I've been officially unshadowbanned pls go follow me over @kabra-malvada if you only follow me here cuz this is just my side blog :D
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First we got @opudontdonut 's Nightmare Au Sun and Moon with some Y/N doodles, had a lot of fun trying out shading with the watercolor brush :D
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Some doodles of @castercassette 's cowboy Au (Brain rot ain't going anywhere, instead it has settled in and continues to grow), @sycopomp and @madame-mongoose 's Ooie Y/N (Only one chapter in and I already want to hug them and tell them everything's gonna be ok ;;) Aaaand @maudiemoods 's Alien AU Eclipse (He's a deranged cannibal and I love him).
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Then we have a new AU of mine, where the reader is an undercover cop who got their mech prosthetic arm busted and needs to seek the help of some automaton toy makers. The designs are inspired by these previous drawings of mine.
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(Prosthetic would work like the Automail in full metal alchemist)
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Then we got my very own Mer Sun/Moon but they're koi fish, details of how the story would go and full colored design here.
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And to round up here we got some relevant designs for the next chapter of my possesed reader fic + possed reader doodles :D
Man this took a while to finish (it didn't help I was kind of rushed cuz of school, just so last minute I didn't go :P) Hope you all like it tho (the steampunk ones are dedicated to my good pal @bittysteam cuz I know how much they like them 💛)
I'm going to the store and then to pass out on my couch, anybody wants anything?
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober day 7
Angel face + Teasing
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I changed day 7 from Brahms to angel face cuz I really couldn’t find the will to write about the guy, so angel face it is, since he’s been on my brain for the past few days.
This is written in a headcanon format because the will to write has been escaping me today, and its easier this way. Hope yall still enjoy though. I sprinkled some Tyler in as well, as a treat.
 Kinktober list
-          You met the first-time during fight club, like many other people there. There was just something about you that stood out from the crowd. Where Angel Face stood out because of his hair, you stood out from the very way you carried yourself to the way you dressed.
-          You caught eyes wherever you went, even down in this dusty basement you seemed to be the main star. You had even caught Tyler Durden’s attention it seemed, as he called out to you for your fight during your first time there.
-          To Angel Faces surprise, Tyler called on him to be your fight partner. Angel face saw how eyes from all around rowed up and down your naked torso, trying with only their eyes to lick up from your abdomen to your neck.
  -          Fighting you was better than any fight Angel Face had been in before, he knew he was hard in his jeans after the first fist to his face, he started throbbing when you grabbed him by the neck with one hand and threw him against a column and rained hell down on him.
-          When Angel Face finally called quit, you helped him to his feet with ease. He clutched close to your chest, letting you wrap your arms around his small waist as you held most of his weight.
-          Even from his busted-up eyes, Angel Face could see Tyler Durden trying to devour you with his eyes, tonguing at the cigarette between his lips as if he was imagining licking the sweat and blood off you.
-          Tyler told the two of you to get cleaned up, so you dragged Angel Face upstairs, grabbing both of your stuff before crawling up the stairs.
  -          Angel Face was still rock hard in his too tight jeans, his legs dead weight beneath him. He pressed his blood covered face against your chest, almost rubbing against you like an affectionate cat.
-          When you reached the bathroom, you dragged the man with you inside and shut the door behind you. It was a single person bathroom, but it looked as run down as you’d expect from a bar like this. Throwing Angel Face down on the closed toilet, you dumped your shared things on a semi clean spot on the floor.
-          The blonde man couldn’t help but just lean back and watch you as you started cleaning yourself, rubbing your knuckles clean and splashing water on your face and chest, trying to wash away his blood that he had coughed all over you.
-          He could feel himself twitching as he watched your reflection, strands of his bleach blonde hair falling into his eyes as he breathed through his mouth, his nose too clogged up with his own blood to really work.
  -          When you were as clean as you could get you turned to him and looked him over, your eyes staying on his obvious erection for a moment longer. You moved over and pulled him up with ease, pushing him towards the sink.
-          You pulled him to you, his back to your chest as you wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him standing, using the other to start cleaning him. You watched as his eyes rolled as you rubbed your wet hands against his chest, flicking his nipple as you ran your fingers over it.
-          Cleaning his face posed more of a challenge with only one hand, but you got him mostly clean. When his face was cleaned up as well as it could be, he locked eyes with you through the mirror, his whole-body jolting and a moan worming its way out his throat as you grasped his cock through his pants, giving it a hard squeeze.
-          Just as he was about to cum from your touch alone you let go, letting him fall to the floor in a crumpled heap as you redressed yourself and grabbed your things, sending him a smirk so attractive and teasing it would make even Tyler Durden jealous before you left.
  -          You kept coming to Fight Club, the both of you did. And you kept cleaning Angel Face up after fights, where you’d always palm or grab his crotch, pulling and teasing just enough to get him just on the edge, and then you’d leave.
-          When Angel Face joined project mayhem you stopped seeing each other, as he was busy with the many jobs he had to do. But he could still at times find himself in the bathroom at the house, or at whatever place he could, jerking himself off and pinching and flicking at his nipples just imagining it was you.
-          Then one day you were at the house on paper street, but you weren’t wearing the uniform and hadn’t shaved your head. Angel Face could see other space monkeys itching to snap at you, to say the rules Tyler had worked into them.
-          That was until Tyler strutted down the stairs, his pants hanging lower on his hips than normal, and his shirt made of a sheer netted fabric that left little to the imagination. Angel Face could see the glint in Tyler’s eyes that he always got after a good fight, or when he had another great plan for project Mayhem.
  -          And seeing as Tyler welcomed you with open arms, the space monkeys had to accept you too.
-          That was how Angel Face found himself at your mercy again, being teased and prodded, his nipples going raw from how much you would suck, bite and pinch at them.
-          He knew his neck had to be littered in hickeys and teeth marks from how the others would glance at him, or how Tyler seemed to grin like a shark when he would see Angel Face.
-          One night Angel Face had been paired up with you for his weekly homework, apparently, he had to go start a fight with a group and win. You had just tagged along for the shits and giggles. You got the great idea of dragging Angel Face to a bar filled with the macho men project mayhem despised and shoved the blonde up against the wall as you started devouring his mouth.
-          It didn’t take long for the people at the bar to start glaring and spitting slurs at the two of you, but you just pushed your hands under Angel Faces black shirt and rucked it up his stomach, each inch of soft skin being exposed seeming to fuel the peoples anger more and more.
  -          When the fight broke out you fought alongside him, beating more of these people than Angel Face could ever have succeeded in himself. At some point the fight became so big you two weren’t even the target anymore, people just swinging on whoever they could.
-          You grabbed the bleach blonde and pulled him with you, mostly carrying him like the first night you two met. A while later you pulled him into an alley and shoved him against the wall like you had up against the column all that time ago.
-          He didn’t even have time to breath before you were on him again, your tongue licking over the inside of his mouth, the wet slurp sending a shiver down his spine. He could hear and feel you undoing his belt, and soon his cock bobbed into the cold night air.
-          When you attacked his throat, he tilted his head to the side to give you more room, loud whines and moans tearing their way out of his mouth, little care for who could hear or see them.
-          When you started jerking him off, he couldn’t control his hips, letting them jolt and thrust into your hands, the aches of the earlier fight, the taste of blood in his mouth, and the way your teeth and lips felt against his neck hurrying him closer and closer to his end.
  -          To his surprise you didn’t let go of him the last moment this time and he came, his vision whitening out as he moaned at the top of his lungs, white splattering your hand and the front of your clothes.
-          You chuckled at the expression on his face, licking into his open mouth and curling your tongue around his own a last time before pulling back. You tell him to clean himself up as you peck him on the tip of his nose and make your way out of the alley, going in the opposite direction of the house on paper street.
-          Angel Face gasped for breath as he tucked himself way, his legs still wobbly as he slowly made his way back to the house. When he got inside a couple of the other space monkeys looked him over but quickly went back to their business.
He heard a laugh behind him, and a hand patted roughly between his shoulder blades. Looking back, he saw Tyler grinning that predatory grin at him, the smell of cigarettes and soap filling his senses. “Hope you had fun, definitely looks it” he laughed, giving Angel face one last pat before he went on with whatever it was Tyler Durden passed his time doing
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lollytea · 2 years
I just know Hunter would quote star trek to be romantic and impress Willow, mostly because she doesn't know it very well and he can be cringe without fail, but Gus would bust his ass nearly every time. Like, I can totally see him quoting that one moment from Wrath of Khan of "You're my superior officer and you're also my friend, I have been and shall always be yours" because he just marathoned the og series until Gus is like "dude, for real? What mr. Scoops said to admiral (former captain) Kim in Rage of Gengis?" and exposes his ass right in front of Willow. I. Just. Know. It.
I mean, Willow thinks it's cute, but most of the time Gus is there so it turns funny.
Omg I promise I didn't mean to ignore this ask. It kinda got lost under others and I forgot about it for a bit but I was reminded it existed today cuz THIS IDEA IS SO SILLY AND I LOVE IT A LOT
YES Hunter would absolutely feel more comfortable flirting with Willow if he just had a SCRIPT!! And he does not trust himself to come up with shit on his own. At least not yet. So initially, Hunter memorizes lines from Cosmic Frontier that he thinks are the definition of romance. (Literally putting himself through TORTURE by meticulously combing through the O'Bailey/Keiko scenes which are known to give him a terrible case of giggling/kicking his legs disease which takes him hours to recover from.)
It's not a seamless plan in the longterm cuz its basically just regurgitating quotes that aren't his and if Willow happens to flirt back he's at a loss on how to answer. However the first time he recited one of his favourite romantic monologues on her, she was literally too stunned to flirt back. He even made her blush!! Willow!! Hunter did that!!! It went AWESOME!!! SO AWESOME!!!
Well it started out awesome and he would have been riding that giddy high for the rest of his life if Gus hadn't immediately butted in like "Hey man, you seriously just flirt with Willow using dialogue from Book 4 of Cosmic Frontier? Is that really a thing I just witnessed with my own two eyes??"
Anyway that's the only time he manages to actually take Willow completely off guard with it. She definitely malfunctioned a little because she didn't expect that to come out of Hunter. And he really did have her going there for a second. She seriously thought he came up with it himself. She was having a complete crisis wondering how the FUCK she was supposed to function from this point on if this was the shit he was apparently capable of. Honestly, thank Titan it WAS from a book.
But yeah Willow is actually really charmed by it. She's SUCH a loser about the eccentric stuff Hunter does. Cuz in her mind, she doesn't see it as him not bothering to come up with romantic lines on his own because he doesn't want to put the effort it. She knows Hunter and she understands how his brain works. She understands that books are something that help him better understand the world and his own emotions and give him guidance on how to approach things. So the fact that he's taking snippets from the books that he loves and using them as a tool to better express how he feels about her is a sentiment that Willow finds super sweet.
She's probably skimmed through Hunter's Cosmic Frontier books a few times and wound up melting because of everything he had highlighted. He uses different colours for different things. Sentences upon sentences in neon green about protection and loyalty and love and devotion and Willow knows immediately that they made him think of her.
Anyway Hunter is also pretty creative with his terminology. (I mean this IS the boy who came up with "Emerald Entrails" on the spot, with a really clever meaning behind it.) But the things that come out of his mouth are also pretty odd.
So eventually he gets comfortable enough with speaking to Willow from the heart. He still uses the occasional book quote obviously. But as soon as the words leave him mouth, Willow knows if this is a sci fi passage that made him blush or a Hunter original. She honestly loves both 💚💛
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nitewrighter · 10 months
i hate that I'm starting to get those ppl who say shit like "i know it's problematic but I can't not interact w it cuz it's my hyperfixation"
I've been in this overwatch shit since the game launched and stayed even when the fandom was dead like in 2021, and i just feel like I can't leave now even tho everything abt it makes me either sad or angry
Well like, I think it's always been kind of complicated with Overwatch because when it first dropped, everyone was crowing about its representation and its optimism, but at the beginning, so much of it was fan hype. It's never really belonged to just one person like H*rry P*tter. It started out as a completely different game, Titan, passed through god-knows-how-many hands before it dropped in 2016 and became this massive phenomenon. The first big Blizzard scandal was centered on Hearthstone, not Overwatch, and when the sexual harassment and union-busting scandals started emerging, it was clear there were still people at Blizzard who cared about Overwatch and their work on the game and the community it created, they just wanted better working conditions and workplace culture. Overwatch was never the product of one singular asshole, it's always been collaborative, and that's also why I've spent the past few days really questioning my relationship to it--because I poured a lot of myself into this community through my fanfics, and I had gained this wonderful audience from it, but the negative keeps stacking and stacking, and even if you've carved out your comfortable little niche, eventually it weighs on you more and more.
On top of it all, the game was very much designed to be addictive. The sensory overload of the game itself, the euphoria of working with a cohesive team, the exasperation of being on a shit team, the leveling systems, the sounds the game makes as you get a loot box or progress through the battlepass, the challenges and achievements, the cosmetics, the sunk cost fallacy of how much time you've already put in, the way it can be 1 in the morning but you're like "oh that last game sucked, I can't end the night on that note" like--I know it sounds ridiculous but it is a game that really worms its way into your psyche in the same way gambling can.
I think like... the first step to getting some distance from it is giving yourself permission to explore other things. One of the first steps to breaking a habit Like, for me, because I had such a narrative focus on it, I kind of joked that getting into Dune and reading 'Fire and Blood' after months of writing Overwatch fic was like doing lines of coke because my brain was going, "Holy shit, lore." I'm also lucky enough to work in a library, where my magpie brain can go into overdrive. I've been reading a lot of comics, working my way down a reading list I had been neglecting too long, and when I get an urge to play video games specifically, I play a different game like Horizon Zero Dawn or Skyrim. I found that open-world games have kind of helped my brain wean a bit off of they hyper-overstimulation of Overwatch, and it also scratches my narrative itch, too.
Basically what I'm saying is, if everything about the game is making you sad or angry, it's okay to explore other things. Don't make it about quitting, per se, make it about finding something new that makes you happier. And if you're just getting sad/stressed from it, I promise you, you are going to find something new. It might not scratch all the itches Overwatch did at first, but just be patient with yourself.
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lokiina · 9 months
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I'M GONNA- THERE'S BIG SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT. So if you don't wanna hear about end game stuff don't click it cuz I'll be 100% explaining my ending and adding some screenshots in there too. You have been warned.
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Proceed with caution. Like Gale hiding behind Cas.
Kay omg. SO, I'm really curious now how other choices end up playing out cuz for the most part this was a fairly happy end. Not 100% happy, as some people didn't get important things but all things considered things went well.
I chose to side with the Emperor for this play. I know it was kinda sus on whether or not he was lying and using you as a means to an end for his own selfish needs, but I decided to take the chance and just follow through with the things he wanted. (Except taking the fancy worm to evolve, I was too scared to do that.) I only used a small handful of the worms through my play, and it ended up not being a problem at the end. My boy was completely fine and cured of his brain worm problem.
also this happened while trying to confront the brain the first time. LMAO
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Siding with the Emperor and putting complete trust in him involved giving him the nether stones and it did end with the Githyanki prince guy dying. Cuz in order to leave the prisim properly to help me with the fight he had to absorb his abilities.... which meant eating his brain....
RIP Prince guy. Sorry for that....
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But after that unfortunate event he was able to adventure with me outside the prism and I could control him in all the fighting as an allied companion. So I had a crew of 5 running around instead of just 4.
BUT I ALSO LEARNED MY BABY OWLBEAR WAS OKAY. He had previously like.... vanished from my camp and I was pretty sure it was a bug. But the lil babu was all grown up! AND IN ARMOUR!
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The allies became quite useful, you could call on a handful of people to come as allied game controlled characters in some of the fights cuz damn them end game fights didn't fuck around. They just swarmed you with enemies.
In the end moments I genuinely thought there was gonna be a moment when the Emperor was gonna pull some shit to like take control of everything himself but he never did. He genuinely just wanted the brain gone. So we were 100% on the same side and so giving him the stones and everything was not an error it worked out.
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Now in the cut scenes following the destruction of the brain my game kinda shit itself and stopped loading textures so things started to look absolutely bonkers for me and was a lil hard to follow. I think it's cuz I had been playing for so long my poor lil baby system was struggling to keep up with all the stuff it was throwing at me so I had to save, close the game and relaunch in the middle of the end stuff. Lae'zel peaced out, she was obviously not vibing with the fate of the prince guy. Understandably so. She did thank me for everything else that was done tho. Astarion was really upsetting cuz he was all ready to party, and then the poor guy started to burn in the sun and had to book it. kfdjghdkfjgh and then Karlach. Oh GOD. My poor heart.
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I almost fuckin cried fam. She was about to die, and Wyll bust in going NOT ON MY WATCH and the pair of them peaced out to Avernus to save her and kick ass together. I would have offered to go with them but I had a funky lil wizard to worry about too. But I knew with the two of them they'd be okay.
The Emperor was just content everyone was free he said he'd miss my boy and thanked me for trusting him when most people wouldn't have. dkjfghdkfg He's a pretty cool dude.
And then there's this guy. This loveable lil nerd.
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It's actually fucking cute as hell and very fitting. I hadn't given Casvius a surname at all cuz they;re hit and miss with Tieflings. Some have some some don't, it's often a reflection of whether or not they keep family ties or if they've grown up outside of human culture influence and the like. I had it head canoned that he basically grew up in the Baldur Gates streets without a family but like managed and turned out okay. But he didn't have a surname at all cuz he didn't know what family he came from and didn't really care to find out. He figures his parents fucked up and he was the first tiefling in their bloodline and they panicked abandoning him. It wasn't an uncommon thing to have happen so it's what he kinda adopted as his own scenario too.
BUT NOW, HE CAN HAVE ONE. He can go marry Gale and be Casvius Dekarios. A name he's happy with and more than glad to adopt as his own.
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ANYWAY This fuckin game is brilliant, and I hope it wins game of the year. Fuck. It deserves it. The scope of this game is unreal and you can tell a lot of love was poured into making it.
I'm probs gonna remake this boy and play again later so I can go back through parts that had been previously bugged and patched after I had passed them.
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sungbeam · 1 year
And I’m not sure if I would be a casual marvel fan or an actual marvel fan like I’ve watched nearly all the movies and I know most of the lore but I din’t really catch up with the comics and I’m basically only gated to the movies and series spinoffs 😭 I’ve been a lil slacking since covid but I’m trying to catch up with the wasp and now quantumania! (Hopefully I spelt that right) but yeah! I’ve been watching marvel since I was a little kid lolol so I’m always down every year to see the new marvel movie!
But yeahhhhh I feel like I was somewhat prepared to see GOTG3 just cause I saw the Rocket floor clip on youtube but damn it still didn’t prepare me to see how horrific,y they were treated 😭 Floor’s design freaked me out the most but she was still so sweetie and it just ARGH ☹️☹️
But yeah! MANIFESTING THAT TBZ COMES TO BOTH OF OUR CITIES THIS TOUR I SWEARRR 😭🙏 and hold awn, how were you able to write the Changmin fic on a PLANEEEEEE pla I’m always so embarrassed when I whip out my ipad to even watch a movie 😭 like phew you are wayyyy stronger than me JSUNFJGNE
Also, just a fun lil question, if you were to turn ANYYYYYY of your fics into a live action movie, which one would it be 😳 (could be published or a WIP 🤭)
- Love you 3000, 🌷 anon
SLFNKDNFKDJFJ HEY IF THEYRE STUCK IN MY HEAD, IMMA MAKE EM STUCK IN URS TOO 😁😁😁 PLS THE 2000S ROMCOM ALLEGATIONS ILY AHAHHA i just need to write more tension for that man like it's nearly impossible NOT to atp, and i found this thing on pinterest the other day
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okok i found the one hawkeye ronin scene from end game for reference, and im sure u can find the one scene on yt somewhere cuz it was FIRE
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LMAO I JUST REALIZED BUT NAT IN THE BACKGROUND LOOKS LIKE 🧍🏻‍♀️ AHHAHAHAHAH BUT essentially, i saw jacob in the roar mv and thought of this IMMEDIATELY !! omg no cuz i also wish them all the good health in the world, but i just have a morbid obsession w bloodied and bruised aus and whump tropes, like i wanted bruised knuckles and busted lips and split eyebrows y'know ??? and GODDDD THERES A REASON MAVERICK HAD ME BY THE NECK FOR SO LONG LIKE IT WAS THE FIRST TBZ TT THAT I WAS OBSESSED W it's like,,, my perfect concept like it was MADE TO APPEAL TO MY DERANGED AESTHETIC??? so yeah im ready to beat up sunwoo, chxngmxn, and jacob 🙏🏼
ahhh icic, i think i would have also been a casual watcher but my parents were so into it so my brother and i also, naturally, became hooked !! i also was not able to really read the comic books bc they cost money and there r just so many of them :')) but yeah, hope ur able to catch up !! it's taken me a bit to catch up too esp w college 😭🤧 but im getting there !! quantumania was prob my least favorite release so far of the recent mcu releases and that makes me SO SAD like JUSTICE FOR PAUL RUDD!!!!!
OMG FLOOR :(( TEEFS AND LYLLA ALL OF TJEM HAD ME SO SAD AND TERRIFIED AT RHE SAME TIME?? pls what animal was floor....... a goat?? a bunny?????? FLOOR'S MOUTH TOO LIKE WHAT'D THEY DO TO HER 😭😭😭😭😭 i didn't realize they completely gave lylla ROBOT ARMS EITHER LIKE I WAS PREPARED FOR A SEA OTTER NOT A CYBORG SEA OTTER skcneknfk okay but it's also like they're all kind of disabled but super cool and i loved teefs' little wheelchair?? even tho the high evolutionary def did some cruel fkn shit to them :')))))
AJAHHAHAHA im used to writing on my phone !! so writing on a plane's no problem for me as long as im not in writer's block yk 🤡🤡 im def worried abt my neighbors seeing the banners i make tho LMFAO
KSNFKSJDJDN TULIP I LOVE U MWAH 😚😚 I HAVE THOUGHT ABT THIS QUESTION SO MANY TIMES ??? and tbh i think if i had the time energy and resources, i would've gone into film for real bc i write so many of my fics in the view of like a movie rather than like a book, idk how to explain it skcnekkckf okok but hmmmm this one isn't tbz specifically, and idk if u stan txt or know them but
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this one is another superhero au and i've honestly REALLY thought abt turning the idea into a proper novel idea, or maybe a screenplay !! I've thought abt the music and cinematic scenes for a couple plot points, but it might be a little too similar to spiderman in some instances 😅😅 but it's essentially a txt choi line au where reader is the superhero, and i don't really wanna give away too much bc im very gatekeepy w ideas that i like A LOT haha but yeah skfnskfmkf
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SKFNKD I JUST REALIZED THIS IS ANOTHER SUPERHERO AU PLS 😭😭😭😭 BUT this is another one i think would be SICK as a tv show/movie, maybe it's cuz it's based off of like moon knight and ms marvel and shangchi and spiderman but i think that the quality and vibe of the storyline and characters would work so well as one?? and just the potential of lighting as symbolism in this is just TOO HIGH and osdjoenfk ugh i get so excited talking abt this
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THIS ONE. THIS. ONE. would work so well as like a show or movie???? i just envision it with like taylor swift's miss americana and the heartbreak prince and im in tears at how cool it would be akcnkenfkf just the vibe of that song is what that entire thing would be like, like imagine how the sky looks JUST after the sun has set, but the glow of light is still in the sky and making it this reddish kind of color— it's called half-light and just imagine that with like stadium lights and darkened school hallways and kscnkenfk it's a time travel au, so i think those r always so much fun to depict in media and yeah :')))((
i could literally talk abt this all day every day but i almost forgot to go to class so i will sign off here LOL o7
I LOVE U 3000 TULIP 🌷🫂💖
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elytrafemme · 2 years
you've talked about switching a lot recently but i've only just now been able to sit down and give my own little account 👍 yippie 🎉
however tbh if you're like "i'm donee talking about this tehehe" throw this ask out the window. shatter the glass for fun either way
anyways!! switching is so freaking funky, especially recently for us because it's been a lot of blurry and stressful switches.. probably due to midterms season? not too sure but also it's october so the mind is becoming full bonkers mode ya know
anyways, for us switches can either be super obvious or just go completely under the radar. there's no i between, and the easier the switch is, the less likely we are to like register that one happened.
well, specifically me because i have a tendency to stay around in co con a lot. when someone switches into co con with me it's usually pretty smooth, and fast, being brought about by very like random things. a song or an image or maybe how someone worded something! ya know
anyways, longer and more difficult switches which can get really rough. i think it's just, we have a really hard time with someone going from not in or near front just coming in full swing. that and also just needing to get someone out and they don't want to be.
but longer switches usually cause us to get really tired and dizzy (and usually an assortment of varying kinds of dissociative) and there's a weird like mental sensation almost like being dragged under into a swamp or being buried in pillows? it's like brain fog turned up an extreme amount
but there's on occasional full switch without all of that, but those are few and far i between. usually these are like zoning out but like for 10 minutes. like a shut down and reboot bust someone else hit the power on button ig.
actually tbh we see a lot of your system things in a very like computer sorta since?? we have a memory/trauma holder who like will create like "firewalls" to block information and sometimes even like shut down a chess to leave/get into front. it's kinda funny now that i'm thinking about it, the whole computer theming
anyways it's also important to note that we have an awful time of realizing who's in front until there's something very distinctly that alter that gets thought/done. that could be due to the heavy mental ick for a past bit, but it also might be a general thing. in fairness we haven't been tracking too long so it's hard to say.
however all around it's like... we struggle finding the queues as to who's in front, especially cuz i am usually there co con and conducting what like i think is best sorta thing. but hm yea i'm loosing the point i'm trying to say to sleepy soupy brain. anyways
i hope you are doing well! and if not that you are able to find contentment soon! i hope today will be a good day, because you deserve it!
HEY ITS BEEN A BIT SINCE U SENT THIS SRRY im having another lunarbloom nightmare switch moments so this is relevant once more and in fact probably will always be relevant bc this is lik daily fdshk
okay i had never thought about it like that as like. the easier the switch the less likely its noticeable. because im thinking now like there have been a lot of times where i abruptly start acting different but dont remember switching but maybe i did? but its just seamless. hm
handshake u and me being hosts that frequent co conning
OH INTERESTING !! despite being a pretty brain foggy individual i dont notice a tonnn of brain fog when i swtich so that is really interesting to note :o plus the synonyms u use those r so interesting
haunted by the metaphors and symbolism <- assigned computer at system
sorry if this is like all over the place as a response but overall this is so so interesting ty for sharing :O always interesting to see how ppl switch since it varies sm!
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cesium-sheep · 3 months
well they're not stupid, I'll give them that.
just finished another appt with the pcp, I'm clearly even more run down than I was and having more trouble controlling my emotions and keeping my train of thought. (I was also having trouble hearing but that was probably a technical issue.) they asked again if I wanted a referral for therapy or anything and I said I don't have the energy to train another therapist and they were like "well you don't have to see one of the interns :(" so I had to explain that a bit. and I did tell them directly that they always approach these suggestions very well, it's never "maybe you just need therapy" and always "I know this is a really hard situation and I want you to have all the resources you need". I want to encourage that behavior, even if it's still useless for me due to really weird specific circumstances.
they also asked what we should do if this immunologist is also a bust, like should we look at treating the pots instead? so I had to be like, no, that won't actually help, we've been treating the pots this whole time and it's very secondary. (also I'm pretty sure I've already trialed basically everything there is for pots.) and I know I'm not being very patient with them anymore because I physically can't be patient with anyone anymore but they thanked me for hearing out their anxieties anyway. and they were right to be pragmatic about it, to have a next step lined up if this one also goes nowhere. it's just that unfortunately the next step is "keep slamming myself against the doors until someone takes pity". they also said the only meds left on the list of mcas treatments that I'm not already on are the ones they're too scared to prescribe, which at least they admit it.
they're approaching this very practically even though they're in over their head. and I do appreciate that. but also shit fuckin sucks dude. at the very end they were like "hey we're just gonna have to be optimistic!" and it's like. yeah, sure. you be optimistic for the both of us, alright? cuz I can't anymore. I genuinely can't anymore. I've been bested. I didn't say any of that though.
god I can't fucking imagine trying to deal with a fucking therapist right now, having to hold their babyshit little hand through concepts like "sometimes hopelessness is a pragmatic, reasoned, and situational decision rather than a cognitive distortion" and "grounding myself in my rotting fucking body is only going to make things worse" and "actually no there is legitimately nothing I can do about this". with their big stupid doe eyes like "this wasn't in my little workbook???" or "wow sounds crazy lmao couldn't be me".
and now I just lay on the floor until may, barring disaster. (my next pcp appt won't be until after the immunology appt because there's no point.) or well I guess I do have an mri in a couple weeks. yeehaw. I guess there might be an appointment about that if the results are drastic enough. honestly it feels like a fucking waste of time but I should do it anyway, because severe immune dysfunction can cause brain damage and it's better to keep an eye on it.
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tw-existentialdread · 4 months
Yesterday I went to the emergency room, and was told that I was, in fact, not having a heart attack, and that they had no idea what was going on.
Today I went to a doctor's appointment to ask about medical issues that I've been having, and my conclusion on what it could be just to be told that I didn't have the required symptom, (that I couldn't find on the internet because I didn't know I needed to look for it)
Now I'm feeling extremely embarrassed, and feel like I'm better off just ending it then dealing with more of these scenarios, cuz I keep putting my foot in my mouth! This is not the first time I've had this experience with medical professionals, and I feel like the ones in my town are starting to not take me seriously, think that it's all in my head.
I haven't been to the emergency room more than three times in my life, it's hard to talk me into going, but whenever I do it turns out to be nothing...
Heart healthy, brain is healthy, mind is the only thing that seems to be sick... I'm tired of constant unexplained pain that the only word applied to it was done by a test I didn't even pass. The doctor poked me and before I could say it didn't hurt, they said it's fibromyalgia.
And because one doctor has a bust off my symptoms as "just hurts a lot" syndrome, all of them seem to not want to challenge it.
I'm just so tired. I hope this pain in my upper abdomen kills me...
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blueempty · 6 months
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I like how the mobile browser version of tumblr just randomly decides what order pictures are uploaded and scales them however it feels like
Woke up a little late today but I got to work at an okay time. Work itself was uneventful but we had a lot of discussion about this new thing our boss is trying to do where he doesnt want to pay for waste disposal anymore so he's trying to make us do waste disposal for no extra pay, but the two things he doesn't understand is one, you can buy guns at the grocery store in florida, and two, the procedures that exist for the disposal of hazardous waste and sharps were not decided randomly by some guy on a weekend. Like these things have been worked out for centuries but hes too busy spending our earnings gambling in vegas to think these things through all the way. So now we have to put on our osha inspector hats to find all the rules and regulations to put in front of his dumb ass to try to make it clear why it would cost more money to do anything else besides pay the fucking guys that weve been paying for 15 years to just come get the bins that we have specifically for this purpose. Our lab does one thing and he's trying to cut corners and I dont understand why money does this to the cracker mind
Anyway other than that it was normal lol, we got to play a little monster hunter while we were taking breaks and I've switched back to Striker Switchaxe from Valor because I found out that two of the hunter arts are kinda busted together. And also cuz valor style is bad for me. Monster Hunter is a series where you need to practice humility cuz if you use the really good stuff you forget how to play the video game. Valor style is less brain dead than using wire step in Rise but its like, MHGU is street fighter and Valor style is MvC3, you understand yes? I'm just talking to myself but I love it, good game
My partner is back from her parents and I got to hear the stories and gossip about what her sister is doing and how much more her parents like me than her sisters bf and I'm always like say more dog. Her sister got her a ton of Godzilla stuff though, one of which was squishmallows, and they accidentally sent her a mecha godzilla one that has been given to me, and I think I was primed to love this guy because I've been all about steel dragon type Pokémon lately. He's all shiny and shit but very squishable. She was happy with my gifts too which i was worried about because i did not spend nearly as much as she did. But she got me all clothes so i'll be making use of them for a looong time
I didnt get around to my big hiragana day but I spent some more time writing them earlier and I'm getting close to the end of the regular ones. Im on まみむめもやゆよ. Mu is so fucking weird to write but I havent tried it on actual paper yet. I love yu cuz its a fish ゆ
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Peace and Long Post
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