#I haven’t listened to tpp in months
catboygirlboss · 10 months
just saw a list of fandoms with only acronyms and i wanna guess what they mean
TMA - the magnum archives i know this one!!!! havent listen to it yet tho
TPP - the… penis podcast…
WTNV - welcome to nightvale!! i haven’t listened to this yet either but i will!!!!
HFTH - half full tater helmet… this could be a dnd podcast series
OFMD - of flags mean death, it’s the gay pirate shit i couldn’t escape for several months lmao
WWDITS - what we do in the shadows :) i haven’t seen it but ive seen gifs and guillermo (is that how it’s spelled) is very cute and sexy <3
ATLA - avatar the last airbender my beloved <3 azula 👀 girlboss
TOH - the owl house!! ive seen a few episodes but i suck at catching up with shows (ive been stuck on season one of star trek the original series for at least a year now, it’s sad) anyway the owl house seems neat :)
ATSV - across the spiderverse, which i didn’t think of as a fandom until now… even though stel (mutual) has sent me several across the spiderverse memes. huh
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miralines · 3 years
omg I’ve been hoping in season 4 Juno teams up with Alessandra to get the crime family back but what if it’s Frannie
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vvanite · 3 years
It’s that time of season where I don’t want to listen to any music and am listening to podcasts to fill the empty space
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bisexualkramer · 3 years
2020 Fanfiction Review
I wasn’t actually tagged in this but it looked fun and I wanted to do it. If you’ve been feeling the same way, I’m tagging you. Do it! It’ll be fun!
Fics Written This Year: 
Somehow, I wrote 15 fics this year (really 13, since the Lord of the Rings AU for TMA was meant to be one complete story), and that’s wild, considering I only wrote 5 in 2019. In all, I published about 165k this year, which is genuinely blowing my mind a little bit. If you’d asked me a year ago how much I’d have written by now, I would never have guessed I’d be able to write that much, especially given the sheer amount of time that I spent this year unable to write anything. I’m actually really, really proud of myself.
Takeaways from your kick-ass writing, or kick-ass lack of writing, during a year more focused on survival than perhaps any other: 
This year, writing became something I did as part of a community rather than on my own. The fics I wrote in 2017-2018 were done for myself, by myself, and I wasn’t friends with other authors. Even the fics I wrote in 2019 were done without having any friends in TMA fandom.
This year, I actually made friends with other fans! That started with @grasslandgirl who is genuinely amazing (and you should read her fics), and then expanded when I met some people through the TPP wlw week server and listening to Penumbuddies, which led to me meeting a bunch of people in TPP fandom and generally having a good time. I think this, more than anything else, is why I was able to keep writing this year; I wanted to create because my friends were creating around me. I love you all!
Most surprising fic you wrote this year:
I still don’t know how I managed to write a nearly-70k fic this year. Like, I don’t know how I did that. I remember doing it, and I remember it being extremely stressful, and I could not have done it without @aibari‘s incredible beta-ing, but I’m still not really sure how it got done.
How you grew as a writer this year:
I finished multichap stuff! I hadn’t done that before this year. I also have been publishing a WIP as I write it, which is an exercise in remembering to actually write a thing as it goes (I will probably never do this again, but it’s been interesting lol). I think my writing got a lot better around the spring and then kind of stagnated bc I haven’t had a lot of time to write, but that’s okay, because I get to keep learning and growing anyway.
What’s coming in 2021:
Oooooooh! So, my TPP bangfic is gonna be awesome, and I’m really enjoying writing it. It’s a concept that I’ve been playing with for like six months--I actually came up with it while I was writing last year’s bangfic--and so I’m really excited to see it come to fruition.
I’d like to finish my WIP before the end of this year, but that may or may not happen.
I’ve got some drafts written for t4tma week, and I’d love to write some for aspec archives week as well. A lot of it’s QPP TimSasha, which is my favorite thing in the whole universe, and I’m very excited to post it.
I also have a tentative idea for a Daisira fic that I’d like to write but may or may not ever manage.
I’d like to write some more for my Second Citadel Ultimate Frisbee AU, and I have some draft written for that. In a similar vein, I have some Miraline concepts in my brain that I’d love to actually write.
Finally, I have some fun All For The Game ideas that may or may not ever get written, including a sort of choose-your-own-adventure fic. We’ll see how it goes.
Again, if this seems fun to you, go ahead and do it! I’m tagging anyone who’s interested.
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everwizard · 3 years
I feel as though you may have found a new hyperfixation, judging by my sudden inability to decipher half your posts
I'm assuming you're talking about the TPP Second Citadel posts. I actually haven't listened to TPP in like four months, I just saw one of my mutuals talking about it and reblogged.
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sazandorable · 4 years
magnus archives end of the decade ask meme which im just gonna answer entirely bc it’s really cool!!
the archivist: when and how did you get into tma?
June 2018, so I’m at about 18 months of obsession now (and have literally been thinking about it at least once a day every day since). MAG104 Sneak Preview was the first episode that I had to wait for after being all caught up; it dropped right on my birthday, and gosh what an episode!
sasha: which episode you were most afraid of on your first time listening?
MAG018 The Man Upstairs and MAG024 Strange Music were the ones that most scared me, though others have unsettled or fucked me up more. 024 is now one of my favourites and does nothing to me anymore, but 018 still holds the title of most unpleasant, I think. I hate neighbours.
tim: at which part of the decade do you think tma would've scared you most and/or which part would it have scared you least?
For some reason though I think I’d have been completely immune to the scary elements while I was studying abroad in London in 2010. 18-19 yo Aza was an unwisely fearless idiot.
martin: which entity(s) would you have been an avatar of at the beginning of the decade? at the end?
Probs would have been a big fan of the Spiral or Stranger
basira: did you meet any new friends through tma?
Yes!! Basically 80% of my twitter friends and all of my discord friends are from TMA(/RQ). I’ve met up with quite a few IRL once or more and had a great time. (... I also dragged quite a few old friends into TMA, including some of my oldest best friends who are not big in fandom.)
melanie: out of the podcasts you've listened to over the past decade, how does tma compare among them?
Best overall, on all accounts, be it writing, plot, worldbuilding, natural-sounding dialogue, voice acting, editing, pacing, character development, handling of exposition, soundscaping, representation, humour...
to note, i’m not a huge listener of podcasts, but I’ve listened to WTNV, TPP-Juno Steel, Wooden Overcoats, and last week I binged the first two seasons of The Bright Sessions and was really enjoying it... and then it blindsided me with straightness I just absolutely couldn’t swallow, instantly dropped it and haven’t picked it back up x’’D Anyway, imo TMA beats all these shows on most if not all accounts; it also (imo) avoided losing steam and turning into a repetitive rehash of itself after a season or two, and doesn’t ever feel too fanservicey (to note, i’m fucking thrilled at no one being straight on Mars, TPP just happens to be just a little too campy for me). It also has a fantastic feeling of everything tying together and making you work and engage with the content, which I haven’t yet encountered in other podcasts.
(I also feel like RQG is better on all accounts than TAZ-Balance, the only other actual-play podcast I’ve listened to yet, although I really enjoyed it too.)
elias: did any episodes remind you particularly of any memories you made over the decade, whether scary or not?
MAG048 Lost in the Crowd, as well as the S3 mini arc of Jon travelling the world, reminded me of my own travels, although I had never gone on an entire vacation alone — it inspired me to start doing it, though, so now relistening to MAG048 reminds me of specific memories of travelling alone!
MAG053 Crusader and MAG064 Burial Rites reminded me of my time studying Egyptology and archaeology in uni >w< I came very close...
and MAG081 always reminds me of my own childhood curled up in public libraries.
georgie: what did you do while listening to tma? did you listen with friends or other people?
I usually listen to podcasts while doing chores or cooking, playing video games, or in public transport. In the case of TMA i also binged it at work. Consequently, I have specific memories of:
cooking meat while first listening to MAG018 The Man Upstairs
while cooking, cutting my finger deeply while listening to MAG034 Anatomy Class
my face lighting up while walking in the middle of the street as Melanie described the giant fucking thing in space in MAG106 A Matter of Perspective
reshelving books alone at work while relistening to the same episode an hour later and bursting into tears upon catching that holy shit is Jon ace
and I associate TMA with Stardew Valley and Breath of the Wild.
daisy: over the past decade, did you visit any of the locations featured in the statements?
I’d already been to London a lot. I’ve been to some places mentioned in passing like Lyon, Oxford, Edinburgh and Florence.
Post listening to TMA, I’ve made a point of going to the Tate Britain and see the Panopticon whenever I’m in London, and last time I was in Paris, for the francophone meet-up, we went to see the Rue Lagarde from MAG134! (Also Oscar Wilde’s grave for the RQG fans)
leitner: did you do anything this decade you wished you'd listened to tma before doing? likewise, did you do anything that you wish you'd listened to tma after?
God I’d have liked to have TMA while I was staying in London in 2010. Also wish I’d already found RQ in general and “had” it to help me through 2015.
Otoh it’s probably good I only found it after I was done with my librarian studies because it would probably have influenced me to stick to my original desire to go into archivistics or museum sciences, and I’m not sure I would actually have liked that as much as I enjoy being a public librarian instead.
michael: did the "influence" of any entities feature prominently throughout your decade? which ones?
Lonely, but in a positive way! Well, I’ve fucked a few people over, but that was self-defense, toxic relationships I had to cut off. Overall I’ve grown into my independence and am very happy about it!
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monstrouswrites · 5 years
11/11/11 tag #2
Thank you @gottaenjoythelittlethingzz <3 you are a blessing and I hope your hot drink always stays warm enough to drink!
Rules go like this: 11 answers, 11 questions, 11 writers tagged!
1. Do you prefer to have one story to focus on at a time or do you like to work on multiple pieces at once?
Personally I like to work one at a time with multiple ideas running around in my notes and evernote notebooks. I like thinking about/developing multiple projects, but writing seems to tend towards one at a time!
2. If you could change the title of any of your previous works, what would you change it to and why?
Oh goodness uh, last time I finished anything was when I was ten I think. Maybe 13? But tbh, I usually like my titles bc I spend a long time picking them out. So far my favorite is smoke on the river (death comes quicker) for a fanfic I dropped. I wanna reuse that as a quote or something tbh.
3. About how many words can you type per minute?
Apparently 37 WPM with 94% accuracy, but I know I get faster when immersed.
4. Is there a IRL place in the world that you have yet to write about in a story, but would like to and why? (If not, where in the world do you personally want to visit?)
I really want to one day write something in Chicago. I enjoyed a family vacation there so freakin’ much, I just think it’d be fun. Or, more international, would love to write something set in an Asian metropolis like Tokyo or Seoul, just because I want to learn how to write different kinds of cities.
5. What’s a cool fact about your world? Or about your characters, if there’s no fantasy/sci-fi elements?
For A Cryptic Carol, since that’s my main wip, a cool fact is that paranormal creatures exist, like cryptids. Whether they’re real is a different story.
6. How do you keep yourself accountable for your writing (goals, daily word counts, rewards) if at all?
I’ve tried that but I need to work out a better system. I find it so difficult to write daily, but here’s to hoping I can figure it out in my bullet journal.
7. What was the last book you read? Did it inspire you to write, return to writing after a break, or write something specific when you finished?
Last short story was Symbiosis by Shaelin Bishop, last book was I wanna say The Wrath & the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh in August and before that I was working my way through the Raven Cycle last year about this time. I’m slow to finish books if I finish at all haha. I’m more of a podcast / short story person these days.
8. What’s the last detail you remember adding to any story, character, world you created (list as many as you’d like)?
I remember adding ages to Jackson, Colt, and Robin(yn? haven’t decided) for when they meet. At least, mentally, because I wanted to try and have a baby being taken care of by preteens/kids. Because that’s adorable and hilarious, and provides a nice reason for why the kids warm up to January by proxy of her baby boy.
9. How many notebooks do you currently own and are using? What are they for?
I can’t count since I’m at work (on lunch break) but at least ten sketchbooks, and literally no idea how many notebooks between bullet journals, lined, blank, college rule, etc. Mostly for college classes but a few are for organization & maybe eventual writing.
10. What caused you to take your last break from writing and what brought you back to writing? (If this is too personal, than how long do you consider a “break” for writing?)
I took a major break from the time I was maybe 16 or 17 to this month or so. I had a brief week or two where I wrote fanfic oneshots scattered through 2016, sometimes just a night. I had practically given up on writing for fun, like I had kind of given up on reading for fun. 
But I kept listening to podcasts, like The Adventure Zone and more recently, The Penumbra Podcast. The stories really helped me through hard times, but TPP inspired me so much to try writing fanfic again. I had been doing some fiddling with writing for a petsite too earlier this year, maybe more around July. And it kinda snowballed, with TPP pushing the snowball off the cliff I guess!
So if there’s anything I’ve learned, don’t give up and just keep consuming stories anyway. Who knows what sparks you? Same thing happened with me buckling down to learn how to draw because of youtube artists like Dina Norlund, Kasey Golden, and DrawingWiffWaffles!
11. What are your personal writing goals for 2019?
Finish something. Anything. Hopefully that short story for a fantasy contest themed around family by the deadline, but don’t stress out about that. 
Tagging some fellow writers for my own 11 questions @quarff @lend-your-lungs-to-me @yuyuwrites @push-the-draft @quiescentwriting @decaffeinated1amwriting @roselinproductions @girlnovels @shaelinwrites @cogwrites @scyllaology
1. What’s the last thing you listened to while writing? Or if you prefer silence/white noise, in general!
2. Does your wip have a theme or message? What is it? Ex. family, happy endings aren’t boring, etc
3. What kind of pet animal would you be? What about your MC? Type of dog, cat, bird, etc
4. Do you like word sprints or timed writing like pomodoro? Why or why not?
5. What are the tools you use for writing? Why those?
6. Forget book cover, what’s an album cover that reminds you of your wip? Doesn’t have to have music that matches!
7. What would your MC do in a holiday movie ie saving Christmas, Hallmark, Hanukkah, whatever! 
8. What’s a holiday tradition that your MC enjoys? Hates? Can be any holiday!
9. Would you include illustrations in your wip? Why or why not? Would you ever write something that might have illustrations?
10. What do you prefer: creative/long descriptions or descriptions that are the barest minimum?
11. Do you have a quote you live/write by? Doesn’t have to be exactly about writing!
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shadowsight · 2 years
not to be 1am-posting again but I really do miss tpp and there hasn’t been a piece of media that’s taken its place for me. I haven’t listened to any of s4 and I still feel the ick from the way they handled everything between seasons.
tpp had a hand in inspiring me to write more, specifically screenwrite and write for audiodrama. wfatv was a relief in the first few months of the pandemic, and I felt like I was honing my craft (I was!). there’s a writing tip/exercise that they walked through that I still use - the whole thing where you reverse-engineer a “monster” (or another threat in your characters’ world) that brings out their flaws or conflict.
the penumbra podcast was straight up my favorite fictional media for awhile and it still feels pretty weird and sad to let it go. that’s all
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blvpjeans · 7 years
Tag Meme!
Tagged by the ever-wonderful @userthatisnotauser ! (Sorry we haven’t talked in a bit, I still love you!!)
Goal: Tag 9 people and get to know them (yeah I’m not doing that bc I’m tired and lazy whoops)
Relationship Status: Single and lowkey wants a girlfriend, but not enough to really pursue it
Favorite Color: Purple and blue I think?? It changes every week but purple has been consistent for the past few months
Lipstick or Chapstick: Chapstick 100%
Last Song: Burning Pile - Mother Mother (I’ve been listening to a lot of alt stuff recently)
Last Movie: I can’t even remember, Spiderman: Homecoming is the only one that comes to mind right now and that was like a few months ago
Top 3 Shows: I don’t really watch TV anymore so I’m just gonna answer this in terms of podcasts bc that’s the only form of media I really consume anymore. In that case: The Adventure Zone, Wolf 359, and The Penumbra Podcast??? I think that’s a fair top 3, but it’s hard to pick favorites.
3 Ships: Blupjeans (TAZ), Jupeter (TPP), and Mellannie (Inkwyrm). A really consistent 3 favorite ships.
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medproish · 6 years
There are signs that President Donald Trump is beginning to get the message from Republicans that his trade threats could harm their constituents as well as the party’s political prospects heading into the midterms. | Evan Vucci/AP
A move to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership would be a stunning reversal for the protectionist-minded president.
04/12/2018 01:25 PM EDT
Updated 04/12/2018 05:47 PM EDT
President Donald Trump mollified some of his most ardent trade critics on Thursday, opening up the door to re-engaging in a massive trade deal he campaigned against and reassuring them that a NAFTA renegotiation is on track.
After alarming free-trade Republicans with threats to levy tariffs on up to $150 billion in Chinese imports, Trump has reached a temporary truce with them. He told a group of farm-state senators, governors and House members that he directed economic adviser Larry Kudlow and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to examine whether re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact makes sense, a strong signal that he’s heard their concerns.
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“He got it really loudly and clearly today from a lot of us,” said Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, a member of Republican leadership, after the meeting at the White House on Thursday. “If you want to send a message to China, the best way to do that is to start doing business with their competitors. So he was very open to it.”
That’s not to say Republicans are convinced Trump wasn’t just playing to his farm-state audience of lawmakers and governors whose states would be badly hurt by a trade war with China. Trump bashed TPP and NAFTA during the campaign, and his protectionist instincts haven’t changed since.
There’s also a basic issue of whether Trump’s words can be trusted. The president has mused in meetings about changing his position on high-profile issues, from immigration to gun control, only to do the opposite. At one point on Thursday he joked that he would say he’s going to terminate NAFTA if all the Republicans present covered their ears.
“But I’m not going to do that because I want everyone to be happy in this room, OK?” Trump said.
But even Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), a frequent Trump critic, said he was cautiously optimistic after the discussion.
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“We should be leading the TPP discussions. We shouldn’t be outside TPP,” Sasse said. “The fact that the main thing coming out of this meeting is he’s looking at re-entering TPP? That’s pretty good news.”
During the 2016 race, Trump decried the sweeping Pacific Rim trade agreement as “a rape of our country.” He withdrew the United States from the pact on his third day in office.
But in recent months he’s floated the idea that the U.S. could eventually rejoin. Most recently, he said at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January that he “would do TPP if it were a substantially better deal,” though he offered no specifics as to what he would like to see changed.
Immediately after Thursday’s meeting, the White House sought to keep expectations low. A senior administration official cautioned then that “it’s very early in the process” and that Trump was not committed to anything.
Rather than rejoin the sweeping 12-nation pact, the administration has shown greater interest in negotiating bilateral agreements with individual TPP members. Trump believes that doing so would win the U.S. more favorable terms. But the other members, Japan chief among them, have so far shown little interest in launching two-way talks with the Trump administration.
Sen. Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) said that she came away with the impression that Trump still prefers reaching individual agreements with TPP countries to entering a massive trade pact.
“I did not jump to the conclusion, as some of my colleagues did, that it was like: ‘Oh we’re getting back into TPP,’” she said. “Maybe I’ll be proven wrong on this, but I don’t see this big rush back into TPP.”
That’s in part because the 11 remaining members of the TPP have been focused instead on reworking the deal since the U.S. exit and implementing a new version, which they signed last month. But they are also watching closely to see how the Trump administration handles ongoing negotiations with Canada and Mexico over NAFTA as a precursor to what might happen in their own trade talks.
Still, there are signs that Trump is beginning to get the message from Republicans that his trade threats could harm their constituents as well as the party’s political prospects heading into the midterms. And though administration officials had been entertaining a package worth billions of dollars intended to help farmers harmed by a trade war with China, Trump backed off Thursday when told that farmers don’t want it.
“That was viewed very unfavorably by the heartlanders. The farmers don’t want it. They don’t want a handout,” said Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.). “The president was surprised by that. He said: ‘Oh yeah, OK. So we won’t do that.’”
The TPP comments came during a meeting that appeared to be designed to comfort farmers and farm-state lawmakers whose constituents stand to lose the most from escalating trade tensions with China in particular.
“In the end, the farmers are going to be, I think, the biggest beneficiary from all of what’s happening,” Trump said at the start of the meeting, before reporters left the room. “We’re going to take care of the farmers.”
Daines earlier this year got 25 Republican senators to join him in sending a letter to the president earlier urging him to re-engage on TPP. The missive was a sign that, despite Trump’s protectionism, free trade remains the default position for most the party.
Still, Republicans have felt constantly under attack by Trump’s policies. They’ve pleaded for exemptions to his steel and aluminum tariffs and asked with him to stay in NAFTA and rejoin TPP.
How closely Trump is aligned with Republicans will be determined soon: GOP senators said after the meeting that it sounded like NAFTA negotiations could conclude in roughly a month. But for a day, at least, they could breathe a little easier that the president was listening to them.
“He’s listened and been responsive,” said Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas), who had a separate dinner with the president and other GOP leaders on Wednesday evening. “This represents real progress.”
Ben White contributed to this report.
CORRECTION: This story has been updated to correct U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer’s first name.
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