#I worked at a frischs
kateknitsalot · 1 month
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My swatches helping me turn this yarn into socks. I realized it's been a really long time since I had knit a pair of socks, so hope these work out. I am really loving this yarn so far!
Yarn: Schoppel, Zauberball Crazy in Frische Frische
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endlich-allein · 9 months
This is kinda very specific, but is there a list somewhere of Till's favourite literary works? I know das parfurm by Patrick süskind is one of them (and might have inspired DRSG) but I don't recall any other mention right now 😅😅
Till has already talked about his favorite authors : "[...] When it comes to writers, I really like Charles Bukowski, he’s kinda like my hero. And William S. Burroughs, of course." (Kerrang! 2015)
He also collects the Deutsche Liebesgedichte, he has quite a few collections of these love poems.
He also mentioned among his favorite books :
- Cranes Fly Early by Chingiz Aitmatov
- Atomised by Michel Houellebecq
- The Threepenny Novel by Berlolt Brecht
- The Notebook by Agota Kristof
- Natura Morta by Josef Winkler
- Homo faber by Max Frisch
- American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
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adultbabyboy-nbg · 6 months
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Woke up in the morning and noticed that the night diaper has become very wet and I'm actually not a bed wetter. It still was a nice thought that I have unconsciously wetted at night. Unfortunately, I had to quickly freshen up and go to work.
Morgens aufgewacht und festgestellt das die Nachtwindel sehr nass geworden ist und dabei bin ich eigentlich kein Bettnässer. Es war trotzdem ein schöner Gedanke das ich nachts unbewusst eingenässt habe. Leider musste ich mich schnell frisch machen und zu Arbeit.
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samsi6 · 7 months
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Ihr kennt ja die Situation, man schaut so nach 11 Jahren wieder ins Portemonnaie, guckt aufs Haltbarkeitsdatum des Ausweises und, Upsi, der Verfall liegt in der Vergangenheit, weil die Dinger aus unerfindlichen Gründen nur 10, nicht aber 20 oder 40 Jahre gültig sind. Dabei ist das Photo noch frisch und der Ausweis sieht auch noch okay aus. Jedenfalls war es soweit, aus unterschiedlichen Gründen musste ich meinen Weg zurück in die ordnungspolitisch verbriefte Existenzberechtigung antreten. Schließlich gilt selbst die Abofahrkarte für den ÖPNV nur, wenn der Ausweis gilt, selbst wenn das Ticket ordentlich bezahlt wurde. Doch vor dem Erhalt des Ausweises und der damit ordentlich dokumentierten Zweifelsfreiheit des Daseins liegen Hürden, die es zu überspringen gilt. Das amtliche Photo machte mir eine Angestellte einer örtlichen Drogeriemarktfiliale. Aaaaaaber... den Termin für einen Besuch der für mich zuständigen Behörde zu vereinbaren, das ist hier, in Frankfurt am Main, gar nicht so einfach. Denn irgendwie kann man nicht etwa um 16 Uhr einen Termin im Internet buchen. Das geht, warum auch immer, höchstens etwa vor Zwölf Uhr mittags. Versucht man es später, sind in allen Bürgerämtern keine Termine mehr zu finden. Morgens um Sieben sind dann wieder Termine für die kommende Woche buchbar. Ich glaube, Deutschland ist das einzige Land der Welt, dass es schafft, sogar das Internet in einen Behördenmodus zu pressen... Nachdem ich all das aber meisterlich bewältigt hatte, mich sogar am Eingang registriert hatte, um mir dort meine Terminbestätigung bestätigen zu lassen, ja, wir sind hier schließlich in Deutschland, danach jedenfalls erfolgte eine pünktliche, sehr unterhaltsame und absolut professionelle Erledigung meiner Anliegen, so dass kaum noch Wünsche offen standen. Die wenigen offenen Wünsche erfüllte ich mir bei einem Essen in der Wunderbar. Jetzt bin ich gespannt, in welch eiliger Zeit mir meine neuen Dokumente zu Verfügung stehen werden. Ich habe QR-Codes erhalten, die mir Auskunft werden erteilen können. Sollen sie jedenfalls. Man wird sehen...
You know the situation, you look in your wallet again after 11 years, look at the expiry date of the ID and, oops, the expiry is in the past because for some unknown reason these things are valid for just 10, not 20 or 40 years. The photo is still fresh and the ID card still looks okay. In any case, the time had come; for various reasons, I had to make my way back to the right to exist that was guaranteed by the regulatory policy. After all, even the subscription ticket for public transport is only valid if the ID is valid, even if the ticket has been properly paid for. But before you can receive your ID card and thus properly document your existence without any doubt, there are hurdles that need to be overcome. The official photo was taken by an employee at a local drugstore branch. Buuuuut... arranging an appointment to visit the authority responsible for me is not that easy here, in Frankfurt am Main. Because somehow you can't book an appointment online at 4 p.m. For whatever reason, this only works at around twelve o'clock in the afternoon. If you try later, you won't be able to find any appointments in any citizen's office. Appointments for the coming week can be booked again at seven in the morning. I think Germany is the only country in the world that manages to force even the Internet into an official mode... But after I had mastered all of that masterfully, I even registered at the entrance to have my appointment confirmed there, yes, we are finally in German, we also confirm still confirmed appointments. After that, my concerns were dealt with on time, in a very entertaining and absolutely professional manner, so that there was hardly anything left to be desired. I fulfilled my few unfulfilled wishes with a meal in the Wunderbar. Now I'm excited to see how quickly my new documents will be available to me. I have received QR codes that can provide me with information. At least they should. We will see...
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mswhich · 3 months
This is the fic I was talking about the other day. I worked my ass off on this thing. I’ve been obsessed with the movie ever since I happened to catch it on HBO while babysitting as a teenager, and then I read the book and loved it just as much. I’ve been meaning to write a fic about it for ages and here it finally is.
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hazelestelle · 1 year
#23 für Leo/Adam (because I'm always weak for that prompt and obviously also for them)?
23. “Are you trying to flirt with me?” - “Yes. Is it working?”
Nein, das war nicht über ein Jahr in meiner Inbox, what are you talking about XD
Read on AO3
Die Stimmung im Büro ist gedrückt und ein bisschen angespannt. Sie kommen in ihrem aktuellen Fall so gar nicht weiter und jeder ist ein bisschen genervt, aber Leo weiß auch gerade nicht, wie er das ändern soll. Er würde gern irgendwas sagen um zu helfen, aber er weiß ja selbst auch nicht weiter, also starrt er nur unzufrieden auf seinen Bildschirm.
„Hey Leo“, sagt Adam plötzlich, und Leo sieht zu ihm rüber. Adam grinst ein bisschen, und Leo hofft, dass er etwas entdeckt hat, was sie endlich weiter bringt.
„Ich habe heute mein Bett frisch bezogen und deine Augenfarbe passt perfekt zu meiner Bettwäsche“, sagt Adam aber dann, und Leo blinzelt.
Das hat er jetzt nicht richtig gehört. Und okay, ja, der Gedanke in Adams Bett zu liegen, mit Adam neben ihm, über ihm, unter ihm, egal, Hauptsache bei ihm, ist so verlockend, dass sein Gehirn erstmal einen Moment aussetzt. Möglicherweise hat er da schon öfter als er sollte drüber nachgedacht, aber warum sagt Adam das gerade jetzt, bei der Arbeit?
Dann fällt ihm Adams Grinsen auf, und oh! Das ist ein Versuch, die beschissene Stimmung aufzuheitern? Ja gut, da kann Leo natürlich mitspielen.
Lachend schüttelt er den Kopf und mustert Adam dann betont langsam von oben bis unten.
„Wenn ich mir dein Outfit so anschaue, kannst genau du das sicher nicht beurteilen“, gibt er zurück, auch wenn er niemals zugeben würde, dass Adams Outfit für ihn absolut funktioniert. Was aber, wenn man ehrlich ist, vielleicht auch daran liegt, dass es Adam ist, und deshalb bei Leo so ziemlich alles funktionieren würde.
Adam zieht die Augenbrauen hoch, offensichtlich überrascht, dann schüttelt er den Kopf. „Fair enough.“
Hinter ihm fängt Pia an zu lachen, und die Stimmung ist danach tatsächlich ein bisschen besser.
Leo vergisst das ganze relativ schnell wieder, aber dann passiert es nochmal.
Sie haben gerade einen Zeugen befragt, der ungefähr gar nichts gesagt hat, und Leo ist ein bisschen frustriert.
Adam mustert ihn einen Moment und meint dann: „Als Gott dich schuf, wollte er sicher angeben.“
Leo bleibt stehen und sieht Adam perplex an, aber dann fällt ihm die Situation von vor ein paar Tagen wieder ein und er grinst.
„Klar, und mit dir wollte er wahrscheinlich andere amüsieren.“
„Hey!“ Adam sieht ihn empört an, aber seine Augen leuchten und es ist offensichtlich, dass er das auch lustig findet, und Leo geht es direkt viel besser.
Irgendwie geht es dann so weiter. Immer wenn Leo sich schlecht oder genervt fühlt, merkt Adam das zielsicher und bringt einen blöden Spruch auf den Leo dann meistens eine genauso blöde Erwiderung hat.
Über „Sind deine Eltern vielleicht Architekten? Du bist so verdammt gut gebaut!“ kann er aber wirklich nur noch lachen.
„Adam, du kennst meine Eltern.“
Adam zuckt mit den Schultern. „Ja und? Ändert ja nichts daran, wie gut du aussiehst.“
Und oh . Irgendwie fühlt sich das gerade anders an. Adam sieht ihn einfach nur an, ohne sein ironisches Grinsen, und Leos Herz schlägt ihm plötzlich bis zum Hals.
Meint Adam das etwa doch ernst, so wie Leo schon die ganze Zeit heimlich hofft?
Er schluckt und will gerade etwas erwidern, da setzt Adam hinterher: „Du musst der wahre Grund für die globale Erderwärmung sein.“
Oh ja klar. Natürlich meint Adam das nicht ernst, was denkt er sich da eigentlich.
Er verdreht die Augen, und antwortet hauptsächlich um seine Enttäuschung zu überspielen: „Hmhm, erwischt.“
Adam lacht, und das ist schön, es ist immer schön, wenn Adam lacht, trotzdem kann Leo nicht umhin, sich zu wünschen, dass es in diesem Moment anders wäre.
Danach geht es wieder so weiter. Auch wenn Leo das alles nicht mehr so lustig findet wie zuvor, weiß er es doch zu schätzen, dass Adam immer versucht ihn aufzumuntern. Es zeigt ihm, dass er Adam wichtig ist, wenn auch nicht auf die Art, die er gerne hätte.
Eines Abends sind sie bei Leo. Sie haben auf dem Balkon gegessen und jetzt wird es langsam dunkel.
Die Stille ist angenehm, bis Adam plötzlich sagt: „Wollen wir zusammen heute Nacht Sterne schauen? Ich hol dir auch einen runter!“
Okay, was?
Das ist irgendwie nochmal ein anderes Level als die anderen Kommentare, und er hat keine Antwort darauf, zum Teil auch, weil das Bild in seinem Kopf dazu gerade alle anderen Gedanken vertrieben hat.
Adam scheint zu merken, dass etwas nicht stimmt, denn er sieht jetzt fast ein bisschen verlegen aus.
„Sorry, zu viel?“
„Ja, nein, das…“ Leo kann sich nicht entscheiden, was er sagen will. Er schüttelt langsam den Kopf und schaut Adam dann direkt an.
Adam sieht nervös aus, aber vielleicht auch ein bisschen hoffnungsvoll, und das gibt Leo den Mut zu fragen: „Sag mal, flirtest du mit mir?“
Adam lächelt ganz leicht, aber es liegt nichts Spöttisches oder Ironisches darin. „Ja? Funktioniert‘s?“
Leo schluckt, weil er noch nicht ganz glauben kann, dass das gerade wirklich passiert. Aber er lehnt sich vor und nimmt Adams Hand.
„Wenn du’s ernst meinst.“
Auch Adam lehnt sich näher zu ihm. „Ich hab’s immer ernst gemeint.”
Und als Adam ihn küsst, zweifelt Leo daran sicher nicht mehr.
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moondark00 · 2 years
SF9 Küsse /Kiss
Hallo liebe Fantasy s, das hier ist das erste Kapitel von meiner Story, ich hoffe es wird euch gefallen, alles was ich schreib ist ausgedacht bis auf die Charakter, deswegen könnt ihr wenn ihr einer andere Ansicht auf bestimmte Situationen habt, gerne eure Meinung kundgeben :) Nun genug von mir viel spaß beim lesen ^^.
Hello dear fantasy s, this is the first chapter of my story, I hope you will like it, everything I write is made up except for the characters, so if you have a different view of certain situations, you are welcome to give your opinion :) Now enough about me, have fun reading ^^.
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Ger vers- Youngbin: - er schmeckt nach Zimt -etwas scharf und süß
Überraschenderweise ist er anfangs sehr sanft. Er möchte den Moment mit dir genießen bis er die Geduld verliert und realisiert wie schön du unter ihm aussiehst. Er sah dich fragend an um von dir ein Signal zu bekommen das es ok sei, youngbin grinste gegen deine Lippen und plötzlich spürtest du wie er seine Zunge in deinen Mund schob wie ein ausgehungerter Mann. Er löste sich von dir um auf deinem Hals rote Flecken zu hinterlassen die er mit sanften Küssen beruhigte. Du gehörst ihm, das muss er alle wisse lassen. Eng vers-
Youngbin: -it tastes like cinnamon -something spicy and sweet Surprisingly, he is very gentle at first. He wants to enjoy the moment with you until he loses patience and realizes how beautiful you look underneath him. He looked at you questioningly to get a signal from you that it was ok, youngbin grinned against your lips and suddenly you felt him shove his tongue into your mouth like a starved man. He broke away from you to leave red marks on your neck which he soothed with gentle kisses. You belong to him, he must let everyone know that.
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Ger vers- Inseong: - er schmeckt nach Pfefferminz - etwas frisch, du hast keine Ahnung wie er das macht
Sanft und ungeduldig. Inseong beginnt damit dein Gesicht in seinen Händen zu halten, um dich langsam und lange zu Küssen. Deine Hände streicheln seine Wangen wenn seine Hände von deinen ablassen und auf Erkundigungs-Tour gehen. Von deinem Rücken aus streichen sie hinunter bis zu deinem Po, den er dann umfasst. Leicht knabberte er an deiner Unterlippe, sobald du ihm Einlass gewährtest, erkundet seine Zunge bereits jeden Zentimeter von deinem Mund. Es ist ihm egal ob er keine Luft mehr bekommen, solang er dich küssen kann. Eng vers-
Insong: - it tastes like peppermint - something fresh, you have no idea how he does it Gentle and impatient. Inseong starts by holding your face in his hands to kiss you slowly and long. Your hands caress his cheeks as his hands leave yours to explore. From your back they stroke down to your buttocks, which he then embraces. He lightly nibbled on your lower lip, as soon as you let him in, his tongue was already exploring every inch of your mouth. He doesn't care if he's out of breath as long as he can kiss you.
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Ger vers- Jaeyoon: - wenn er dich küsst, schmeckt es etwas Süß und sauer - ein wenig wie eine Zitrusfrucht
Jaeyoon küsst dich zärtlich, jeden Morgen und jeden Abend, oder wenn ihr zusammen unterwegs seid, aber einem langen Arbeitstag, ist er alles andere als Zärtlich. Seine Lippen berührten deine hart und tanzen fieberhaft, während eine Hand deine Hüfte hält und die andere in deinem Nacken lag. Er leckte dir über deine Lippen und du gabst ihm gerne den vollen Zugang zu deinem Mund und Körper. Er wird deinen Rücken gegen die Wand drücken, wobei ein Bein von dir auf seiner Hüfte ruht Eng vers-
Jaeyoon: - when he kisses you, it tastes something sweet and sour - a little like a citrus fruit Jaeyoon kisses you tenderly every morning and evening, or when you are out together but a long day at work, he is anything but tender. His lips touched yours hard, dancing feverishly while one hand held your waist and the other rested on the back of your neck. He licked your lips and you gladly gave him full access to your mouth and body. He will press your back against the wall with one leg of yours resting on his hip,
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Ger vers- Dawon : - er schmeckt wie gesalzenes Karamell - salzig und süß zur gleich
Es ist immer mehr als nur ein Kuss, vielleicht fängt es damit an, aber es bleibt nicht lange nur bei einem Kuss. Er hat seine Zunge in deinem Mund, bevor du überhaupt protestieren kannst. Er muss auch nicht um die Oberhand kämpfen, den es hat keinen Sinn gegen ihn zu Kämpfen, man würde immer verlieren. Du sitzt auf seinem Schoß, während eine Hand auf deinem Hintern liegt und die andere in deinen Haaren ist, damit er deinen Kopf sanft zurückziehen kann um deinen Hals mit Liebesbissen zu verzieren. Du bist ihm Völlig ausgeliefert. Eng vers-
Dawon : - it tastes like salted caramel - salty and sweet at the same time It's always more than just a kiss, maybe it starts with that, but it doesn't stay just a kiss for long. He's got his tongue in your mouth before you can even protest. He doesn't have to fight for the upper hand either, because there's no point in fighting him, you'd always lose. You sit on his lap with one hand on your butt and the other in your hair so he can gently pull your head back to decorate your neck with love bites. You are completely at his mercy.
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Ger vers- Zuho: -Kaffee - vermutlich reicht der Geschmack um euch beide wach zu halten
Eigentlich ist er ein ruhiger und geduldiger Küsser, doch nach einer Woche ohne dich und nach drei Filmen, ist es kein Wunder wenn du dich mit seinen Lippen auf deinen Wiederfindest. Er drückte dich mit dem Rücken auf das Sofa und hielt deine Hände in seinen, direkt neben deinem Kopf. Du konntest kaum reagieren, so schnell wie seine Zunge in deinen Mund ein drang, ohne dich vorher zu Fragen. Er überwältigte dich einfach. Er dominierte dich und nahm dich voll und ganz ein. Eng vers-
Zuho: -Coffee - probably the taste is enough to keep you both awake He's actually a quiet and patient kisser, but after a week without you and after three movies, it's no wonder you find yourself with his lips on yours. He pushed you back against the sofa and held your hands in his, right next to your head. You could barely react as quickly as his tongue entered your mouth without asking first. He just overpowered you. He dominated you and took you completely.
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Ger vers- Rowoon: -süß und ein wenig wie Kokosnuss Rowoon ist sehr geduldig, er brauch ab und an vielleicht auch zu lange. Deswegen übernimmst du oft anfangs die Führung. Du saßt auf seinem großen Schoß und Küsstest ihn intensiv und mit einer Lust die ihn einfing, es forderte ihn auf dir die Führung zu entreissen. Seine Hände landen auf deiner Taille und drückten dich fest an seinen Körper während er einen Zungenkampf um die Kontrolle dieses Kusses zu bekommen focht. Eng vers-
Rowoon: -sweet and a little like coconut Rowoon is very patient, sometimes it may take too long. That's why you often take the lead at first. You sat on his large lap and kissed him intensely and with a lust that captured him, prompting him to snatch the lead from you. His hands land on your waist, hugging you tightly to his body as he tongue fights for control of that kiss.
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Ger vers- Taeyang: -Vanilleeis - nicht zu süß und nicht zu sehr nach Vanille, es ist ein guter Ausgleich
Er ist kein geduldiger Mann. Seine großen Hände greifen deine Taille und ziehen dich eng an ihn. Sein Mund ist heiß als er dich küsste. Er liebt es, deine Hüfte feste zu drücke, es lies dich meistens keuchen, diese Zeit nutzte er damit dir seine Zunge in deinen Mund zu schieben. Obwohl er auch normal küsse mag, zieht er es vor dich mit offenem Mund zu küssen. Es ist wie eine erhitzte Sauerei, die dich nach Luft schnappen lässt. Eng vers-
Taeyang: -Vanilla icecream - not too sweet and not too vanilla, it's a good balance He's not a patient man. His big hands grab your waist and pull you close to him. His mouth is hot when he kissed you. He loves to squeeze your hips hard, it mostly makes you gasp, he uses this time to shove his tongue in your mouth. Although he also likes kissing normally, he prefers to kiss you with your mouth open. It's like a heated mess that makes you gasp.
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Ger vers- Hwiyoung: -Ramen -bisschen scharf und ein wenig nach Kimchi
Er hält dein Gesicht ganz sanft in deinen Händen und streichelt deine Wangen mit seinem Daumen. Seine Küsse sind träge und leidenschaftlich. Er hat es nicht eilig wenn es um dich geht. Er lässt sich Zeit und genießt die Intensive, dich zu schmecken. Er liebt es wenn du anfängst rot zu werden, also knabbert er an deiner Unterlippe, nur um zu sehen wie deine Wangen sich rosa färben. Er könnte dich den ganzen Tag so küssen und einfach nur die Intimität zu genießen. Eng vers-
Hwiyoung: -Ramen -bit spicy and a bit kimchi He gently holds your face in your hands and caresses your cheeks with his thumb. His kisses are lazy and passionate. He's in no hurry when it comes to you. He takes his time and enjoys the intensity of tasting you. He loves it when you start blushing, so he bites your bottom lip just to see your cheeks turn pink. He could kiss you like that all day and just enjoy the intimacy.
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Ger vers- Chanii: - ich würde sagen Scharf - so wie Chili
Zögernder als man es von ihm erwartet und oft in Momenten wo du nicht damit rechnest. Oft wenn du ihn ärgerst mit den Rollen die er in Kdramas Spielt, wird er dich plötzlich einfach küssen um dich zum schweigen zu bringen. Eigentlich hat er nicht mehr geplant als diesen Kuss, doch dieser Kuss war zu verführerisch um ihn nicht noch weiter zuführen. Er umfasste deinen Nacken mit seiner Hand um dich an Ort und stelle zu halten, bevor er über deine Lippen leckte um nach Einlass zu bitten. Eng vers-
Chanii: - I would say sharp - like chili More hesitant than expected and often at moments when you don't expect it. Often when you tease him about the roles he plays in kdramas, he will suddenly just kiss you to shut you up. Actually, he didn't plan more than this kiss, but this kiss was too seductive not to continue. He cupped your neck in his hand to hold you in place before licking your lips for entrance.
please don´t repost :)
Das wars mit dem ersten Kapitel, es wird mich freuen wenn es euch gefallen hat :) und vergisst nicht Love Yourself, niemand ist perfekt und niemand ist hässlich, jeder Mensch ist auf seine eigene Art wunderschön That's it for the first chapter, I'll be glad if you liked it :) and don't forget Love Yourself, nobody is perfect and nobody is ugly, everyone is beautiful in their own way
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theliteraryluggage · 2 years
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Writeblr (Re)-Introduction
| 32 | German | Writer & Artist | They/them | Queer General Writing Tag | Writing Problems Tag | Poetry Tag | AO3
Hi and hello!
My name is Ace, some on here also call me Nihi. I’m an artist and a writer, a cosplayer and podficcer, a general fandom person.
My favourite writers are Oscar Wilde, Margaret Atwood, Max Frisch and Terry Pratchett, among others. I love tea and music and dancing and retro gaming. I also love tag games and ask games so don't be shy! My ask box is always open.
I have written original Steampunk and Fantasy, short fiction and poetry in the past, and in the last few years I’ve been mostly focusing on writing fanfiction. I’ve written quite a lot in the Yuri on Ice fandom, and am currently exploring Fullmetal Alchemist. Be aware that I do not currently use cw tags, though I don’t tend to post or share anything particularly explicit or violent. Be also aware that this is not a space for TERFs and antis. I also use the word queer liberally and unapologetically. Right, now that’s all out of the way, let me tell you a bit about my main projects!
My works, both original and fanfiction, tend to centre on angst and serious topics. I’m not much of a shipper these days so I mostly write Gen fic. What interests me in my fics is exploring characters’ personalitites and relationships when they are put in taxing situations. I like to explore inner turmoil, questions of morality, complex conflicts that have no easy resolution and trying to live with trauma. I like peeling away the layers of my blorbos to find out what really makes them tick. I like depicting relationships (romantic, platonic or familial) in all their messiness and complexity, because that’s how people are: messy and complicated.
I am often told by my readers that I am good at evoking emotion viscerally, portraying complex situations with nuance and pinning down the facets of my characters’ personalities.
My original WIP: Impartial
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“I will not pretend that I don’t have a hard time playing by the rules. You all know that about me. I have never kept it a secret. So I will not conceal now that I have disregarded the rules, looking for answers to questions we are not allowed to ask. Questions that every single one of us has asked himself before and yet never dared to speak aloud. I have dared to speak them, and I have dared to demand answers. The only answer I received was a prison cell.”
Victor is Pravafield's champion--finally. Pravafield’s fencing matches are fast and hard and preferably bloody, because that’s what the audience likes to see. But after years of hard work and obsessive training, Victor made his way to the top.
But where does he go from there?
With nothing more to strive for, no more goals to achieve, Victor struggles to find a new direction. To find meaning in a system that never allowed him to ask questions.
Questions that he can no longer suppress with endless distractions, liaisons and drugs--even though it forces him to face someone he would much rather forget.
WIP Page | General Tag | Vibe Tag | Victor Tag | Alistair Tag | Ship Tag
Impartial combines the personality of The Picture of Dorian Gray with the gravity of Nineteen Eighty-Four.
My transformative WIPs:
everything is twisted (but we don’t feel a thing)
Canon nudged to the left with horror vibes, also referred to as Eldritch Elrics or EE [fic tag]
A fic following the Elrics through their canon adventures as told from various points of view—except neither of them is quite the same since they have returned from the gate. Some subtle quality about them is off, and it’s unnerving being unable to tell what it is. My first forray into the vicinity of horror, a slow write as I take great care in building an unsettling atmosphere. Currently working on the first draft at 9K.
I will go down punching (but I will go down)
First instalment in a four part canon divergent series named Vox Populi, also referred to as VP [fic tag]
A deep dive of Ed’s and Al’s characters, following the question to the end, what would happen if Ed actually was court-martialed for committing human transmutation? A canon divergence attempting to give some agency to the people of Amestris and confronting the Elrics with harsh realities they’d rather not face (part I). Exploring the pitfalls of both rigid and flexible morality (part II), how to persevere when faced with impossible choices (part III) and the concept of sin as a physical reality in the world (part IV). First part is currently posting at ~75K while I am drafting Part II.
Alphonse Middle Name Elric
Working Title; vignette or 5+1 style fic looking at several instances of the Elric brothers inventing fake middle names for each other
A more light-hearted story, following the brothers growing up and bickering as only siblings can. I say more light-hearted, but at currently 1K it's already much more angsty than intended. Oops!
A Haven for None
post-canon dark fic, also refered to as Xerxes fic
Ed's research trip to Xerxes goes south as he encounters a cult obsessed with the Xerxesian legacy in the ruins. Unfortunately, Ed carries his Xerxesian heritage clear as day in his features. Currently posting and drafting at ~25K.
I want more body (I want more soul)
late canon and post-canon dark fic, also refered to as Truth fic
Truth rejects Ed's offer to trade his gate for Al's body, because there's something it would much rather take from Ed. And Ed ... well, there's nothing Ed wouldn't give for Al. Currently posting and drafting at ~25K.
Any of that sound interesting? Sound off and I will add you to my tag list!
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In the meantime, welcome to my blog! I hope you enjoy your stay! My ask box is always open, feel free to stop by for a chat anytime!
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marshallpupfan · 2 years
I recently discovered a site with some Rescue Knights concept art! They were made by Brian Frisch, so of course, all credit goes to him. A big thanks to Mr. Frisch for sharing these, too! You can find a link to his site near the bottom of this post.
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One thing you'll notice right away is how the pups' armor uses black instead of silver. I think it looks nice, though I do think I like the silver a bit more. However, the biggest change has to be to Claw!
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He's wearing RED armor! Villains in PAW Patrol don't ever wear such a heroic color, so it makes me think that, at some point during Rescue Knight's development, Claw might've been a good pup! It'd make sense, considering some of the images found before Rescue Knights premiered just didn't make the Doberman look evil (plus, at one point, there was a description on Amazon about Claw that also suggested he'd join the pups and help out, soooo....). Then again, that's just speculation on my part... maybe he was always intended to be bad from the start, who knows.
In any case, you can find a few more images on Mr. Frisch's site. Here's a link; definitely check them and some of his other works out!
And because why not, here's a bonus image from me; Marshall's Rescue Knights armor, but with the silver edited to be black! :)
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janfraiser · 1 year
“ now, i know you said you didn’t want one, but… the others organized a surprise baby shower for you. try to look surprised, please? “ for the ivy au pls 🥺 if you don't have anything in mind, maybe something with Nat and Ava, where Nat's sympathising over having a surprise baby shower? or at the very least something that shows Ava has friends lmao
BLESS YOU this is exactly the kind of request I was hoping for for the Ivy AU!!! one of my fav elements of this AU is the inversion of canon in that Ava now has lasting connections with everyone at med and it's Connor who's more on the outside when he returns. But this is way before that-- set about six months after Connor leaves for Mayo. Also I'm not using the exact prompt dialogue oops but the spirit is there
TW for canon-typical hospital setting and elements of childhood illness/hospitalization.
Ava is refreshing the information on the donor heart that's still a few hours out when Dr. Frisch sidles up to her, turning off her tablet displaying the patient's chart. "Hey, Bekker, what time is your baby shower on Sunday?"
Ava scowls, caught off-guard by the abrupt transition from intense medical discussion to personal questions. "What? I'm not having a baby shower."
"...oh," Maia says, "It's possible I wasn't supposed to say anything."
She refreshes the flight tracker one more time before looking up at the pediatric cardiologist. "Say anything about what? Who's throwing me a baby shower?"
"I heard about it from Beth and a few of the other OR techs," her colleague answers, "and I think some more of the ED folks are in on it too. April, Maggie, potentially Dr. Reese? I'm not sure, though."
"God. Fuck." Ava pinches the bridge of her nose. "I can't deal with this right now."
"I'm sorry I brought it up," Maia says, wincing apologetically. "Maybe, uh, at least try to look surprised?"
"I'll take care of it," Ava mutters. "I won't let them yell at you for spilling."
On the end of her sentence, Natalie exits the patient's room, a tentative smile on her face. "It took me ten minutes in there to reassure those parents that their little girl is finally getting a new heart. Ava, this surgery is going to be a miracle for them."
"Let's not count our chickens yet," she says tersely. "The heart is still nearly two hours away. I'll be working under a bit of a crunch period."
"I know, right now it's just a waiting game," Natalie agrees. "New subject-- Dr. Frisch, what were you saying before I came out?"
Maia makes a face like she's sucking on a lemon. "I have to go round on my other patients."
Natalie looks at Ava with curiosity, and Ava sighs and starts walking toward the doctor's lounge in search of some coffee. "Maia says Beth and April and some of the others are surprising me with a baby shower."
"Oh, that's tough," Natalie hums, sucking her teeth. "My mother-in-law did the same thing for me when I was pregnant with Owen. She wanted it to happen so badly, and I didn't know how to say no to her."
"Well, you had a good excuse," Ava says, sighing heavily as she drops a decaf pod into the coffeemaker. "I'm not a widower, just antisocial."
"Still, I know you're having a hard enough time already," Natalie says. "Do you want me to say something? Maybe try to dissuade them?"
"Oh, I don't know," Ava moans. "I mean, it would be nice to have some extra things for the baby, I'm sure they'll think of gifts I wouldn't have bought otherwise... I suppose I can muster up the energy for a little gathering, now that it's not a proper surprise."
"Alright then," Natalie says, and she looks a little surprised, but she doesn't question any further, which Ava is grateful for. "I don't want to be presumptuous, but... if you need any moral support..."
"Sure," Ava says, smiling thinly, "you're invited to my surprise baby shower that I don't know about."
The baby shower ends up being at the tiki bar, and there are quite a few more people than Ava was expecting, from Brett and Shay from 51 to Sarah Reese, despite Maia's uncertainty on if she was coming. Ava feigns surprise and pastes on a smile, accepting hugs and squeals from her friends.
"We're glad you could make it, Doctor Bekker," Beth says, handing her a glass of lemonade.
"We wanted to do a little something for you, Ava," Maggie says, kissing her cheek.
April nods in agreement, perched on a barstool. "I can't believe you're doing this by yourself... we wanted to remind you that you're not completely alone."
Suddenly, Ava finds herself touched, and more than that, choked up. Hormones are an utter bitch, and she sips her lemonade to hide the tears threatening. "You all are really sweet," she says, accepting a side hug from Sarah and a card from Sylvie. "I guess I'm glad Maia looped me in after all."
There's a hubbub at that, and Ava winks at her colleague, who is trying her best to feign ignorance. Everyone is mostly laughing, though, and by the time Ava is settled in the shade on a wicker sofa, they're back to chatting excitedly. Natalie and Sarah are on either side of her, Sarah rambling about the etiquette of surprise parties and how they suck for people with anxiety, and Nat just beaming at Ava as she stacks presents. "So you're having fun?"
"I think so," Ava says slowly. "It's been a long time since I've had a group of friends all get together like this for me. Maybe... before med school."
"Wow," Sarah murmurs. "I guess in this case the party was very necessary."
"Perhaps it was," Ava agrees. "Even if I'm not the biggest fan of being the center of attention."
"How about the center of hugs?" Natalie asks.
Ava looks back and forth between her and Sarah, who's holding back giggles. "Well, alright."
As soon as she finishes her sentence, they're both hugging her at once.
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enibas22 · 2 years
from https://www.instagram.com/scarlet.wlaschiha - thank you 🌻
PART 3 🤭💖
The many faces of Tom Wlaschiha.
Siras (Dobermann) - Felix (Pura Vida Ibiza) - Justin Beckmann (Cecelia Ahern: In deinem Leben/Thanks for the Memories) - Chris (Frisch gepresst) - Arkady (The Deep) 
I love this video series about Tom`s work with the little clips and pictures included - absolutely perfect!  💯
(She wrote on her IG that she will post part 4 once this gets 100+ likes on tiktok.) 
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heidigentille · 10 months
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Quotes about favorite and least favorite foreign authors and works by Andrei Tarkovsky from his diaries, interviews and speeches.
📚 I am rereading T. Mann. Genius writer. Death in Venice is amazing. This is with a ridiculous plot. (Martyrology. August 15, 1970).
📚 Read Vonnegut's The Children's Crusade. Yes. He is both a pacifist and a good fellow. Likho writes. But where, where is our Russian senseless and useless great depth?! Sad. (Martyrology. September 1, 1970).
📚 We must finally find out if Camus' "The Plague" was filmed. If not, then it would be worth talking to O. Teinishvili. Let him offer Gambarov two things: "The Plague" and a script about Dostoevsky, which we were going to write with Misharin. Solonitsyn could be a wonderful Dostoevsky. (Martyrology. September 7, 1970).
📚 I read Vonnegut's "Cat's Cradle". Dark book. And smartly written. Still, pessimism has too little to do with art. Literature, like art in general, is religious. In its highest manifestation, it gives strength, inspires hope in the face of the modern world - monstrously cruel and, in its senselessness, reached the point of absurdity. Modern real art needs catharsis, with which it would cleanse people before the coming catastrophes, and maybe a catastrophe. (Martyrology. September 9, 1970).
📚 I read Akutagawa's story about water kappas. Pretty bad. Sluggishly. (Martyrology. September 18, 1970).
📚 I'm reading The Bead Game - a brilliant book! ... A super-art built on universalism, on the experience of all knowledge and discoveries. Spiritual symbol of life. Brilliantly conceived novel! Haven't read anything like this in a long time. (Martyrology. September 20, 1970).
📚 I finished reading "The Glass Bead Game". Amazing impression. (Martyrology. September 26, 1970).
📚 I am reading the amazing Thomas Mann - "Joseph and his brothers". Some otherworldly book. Otherworldly kitchen gossip. It becomes clear why the typist, having finished rewriting "Joseph", said: "Now at least I know how it really was." Yes ... and as for the film adaptation, I just don’t know what to say. So far, in my opinion, it is inexpressible. (Martyrology. September 15, 1970).
📚 About "Solaris": "... it attracted me first of all not by the fantastic nature of the events told, not by the amazing unexpectedness of the world composed by the author. What struck me was the author's realism in developing a situation that was fundamentally possible, the accuracy of psychological motivations in the behavior of the characters who fell into this situation ... ”(From an interview with O. Evgenyeva, 1971).
📚 I carry an unbearable burden on my shoulders. Mannovsky's "Doctor Faustus" is the most complex conglomeration of the life lived by the author, his lost hopes lost in his lost homeland, thoughts about suffering, the painful suffering of the artist, about his sinfulness. On the one hand, he (the artist) is an ordinary person, on the other hand, he cannot be ordinary, therefore, he pays for his talent with his soul. (Martyrology. December 5, 1973).
I have read Peer Gynt by Ibsen. Grandiose. (Martyrology. September 18, 1974).
📚 I am reading "Stiller" by M. Frisch. He is smart, he is too smart for a good writer, he is precise, economical, charming - a Japanese garden. He is very sweet and looks like his characters. This is also not a plus. I know him. He fed Larisa and me with dinner near Locarno. He was with a mistress whom everyone in Switzerland condemned for being his mistress. Dinner was delicious, the restaurant was wonderful, the tables were under oaks (or beeches?), and all those invited who condemned her talked to her sweetly and naturally, smiled at her. Good upbringing? Hypocrisy? Bigotry? Snobbery? And I liked him, a kind of puss in boots ... (Martyrology. July 4, 1975).
📚 I re-read the stories and Kafka's Metamorphosis. Somehow it doesn't work for me. (Martyrology. September 17, 1976).
📚 What a surprisingly clear relationship: Hoffmann - Hesse - Bulgakov. And what kind of children they are - pure, believing, suffering, not spoiled by glory, scrupulous, naive and passionate, noble ... "Golden Pot" - "Steppe Wolf" - "Master and Margarita". (Martyrology. April 14, 1976).
📚 I re-read Castaneda: "The Lessons of Don Juan". Wonderful book! And very truthful, because 1) the world is not at all the way it seems to us, and 2) it may well become different under certain conditions. (Martyrology. January 27, 1979).
📚 I read Lorca's amazing essays - amazingly passionate, sublime, deep and truly poetic insights. (Martyrology. June 6, 1980).
📚 "The Book of the World" ("Le livre de la paix") by Bernard Benson is some kind of delusional and stupid book. It is completely incomprehensible why it is: 1) popular and why 2) it needs to be filmed. I don't understand anything. Very strange. M. b., is this a provocation of the ideas of the struggle for peace? It's possible. That is what I talked about with Bibi A[derson] in Stockholm. (Martyrology. June 10, 1981).
📚 Since childhood, I have been very fond of the book "Robinson Crusoe" - I always liked it terribly and excited the enumeration of what was thrown ashore and what was Crusoe's prey. We live materialized, repeating the existence of space and time. That is, we live thanks to the presence of this phenomenon or two phenomena and are very sensitive to them, because they limit our physical limits. (A word about the Apocalypse).
📚 "Hamlet" is the best dramatic and poetic work that only exists in the world. (From a meeting with the audience in London, 1984).
📚 A romantic would try to invent this aura, because he guesses that it should be. But the poet sees it. You can say that there were poets among the Romantics as well. Of course, I do not argue. There was Hoffmann, whom I simply adore. (From a conversation with Jerzy Illg and Leonhard Neuger, March 26, 1985).
📚 I have great respect for Stanislav Lem, I love his works, and when I can, I read them. … He was interested in the collision of man with the cosmos, with the Unknown, but I was interested in an internal, spiritual problem. I picked up this novel only because for the first time I saw a work that I could define as a story of repentance. What is repentance, repentance in the literal, classical sense of the word? When for us our memory of committed misconduct, of sins becomes a reality. For me, Lem's novel was a reason to make such a picture. (From a conversation with Jerzy Illg and Leonhard Neuger, March 26, 1985).
📚 I read Flaubert's "St. Anthony": headily, secondarily (after the primary sources), illustratively and very magnificently. Serezha Parajanov would have made a wonderful adaptation of this. (Martyrology. March 26, 1986).
📘 Separately, it is worth noting that in the 1974 questionnaire, Andrei Tarkovsky answered “Doctor Faustus” in the column about his favorite foreign prose or novel, and Thomas Mann “Tonio Kroeger” in the column about a foreign novel; Maupassant.
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except4bunnies · 2 years
Once more, with feeling
• https://archiveofourown.org/works/41825766
Summary: Julia Grosz, Ela Erol und das, was man so macht, wenn man frisch verliebt ist und die Hormone überschießen.
Chapters: 1/1 | Fandom: Tatort, Tatort: Hamburg | Rating: Mature | Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Julia Grosz/Ela Erol | Characters: Julia Grosz, Ela Erol
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut – First Time Together – Porn With Plot – Porn with Feelings – Let’s be honest: is it really porn only because they get sweaty and naked together? – probably not – but I like the tags
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mohamedyde · 2 years
Public Fivem Discord Servers!
Public Fivem Discord Servers! fivem-servers
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STR.ChainsIn this server, you can find custom chains for FiveM. You can create tickets, communicate with the owner and discuss the cost of your FiveM chain. For a glimpse of other chains, take a look at the ...
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Rocky Mountain RPWelcome Rocky Mountain RP! This is an REAL semi-serious server with all types of RP. Since it's semi-serious, you don't need to be concerned about how much money you've got.
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New Age RoleplayNew Age Roleplay | QBCore | Economy Server | London Based | Public | Custom Clothes, Cars, MLOs, Scripts & More | ---------------------------------------------
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CarsRUs??????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????????? ????? ?, ???? ? ?? ?
Dodge - Fivem - Trade
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MoonLight RP * Um servidor que visa mudar a maneira de como vemos o RolePlay em Portugal, atraves de alteracoes regras e da implementacao de ideias novas. * Qualquer salto e mecanica permitida pelo GTA V e per...
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You arrogant RPHis My name is Dizzy and I'm trying to create the most epic community-driven RP Server on FiveM. Of course, I can't create it without you telling me what you do! You are welcome to visit and see if you can help me!
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Flight Server
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EnCRYPTFivem TMF Mighetto Friends Games Fun
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Code 4 RoleplayWelcome to Code4Roleplay! C4RP is a brand new roleplay community that is San Andreas located. With a variety of departments available C4RP is a place for immersive, memorable roleplay.
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Perks Leaks /Fivem PacksWe have 5m Sound packs/Graphic packs/Blood fx/Tracers/Ramps/Crosshairs and lots of minecraft skripts.
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Sky World Roleplay V1Fivem Server VMenu-based. Custom cars and eup soon to be released
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BlueLineFivePdWe are a FiveM FivePD server with chill active staff. We also have a custom EUP. We have SAST, LSCSO, LSPD, SAFD, and SVPD. We have civ events, but only staff can be civil's. Our rules are...
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BerlinV [BETA]Hey, ich wurde euch gerne dazu Einladen zu FutureWorldRP. Der server ist sehr frisch und sucht noch aktive spieler. Wir waren knapp 2 Monate in der geschlossenen Alpha und offnen nun die tore fur e...
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San Andreas State of Emergency SASOES San Andreas State of Emergency New FiveM Community based around RolePlay. SASOE provides a variety of options, making it the best FiveM community. Offers: vMenu Police Officer Fire/EMS...
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Monke Roleplay[Monkey Roleplay was a brand new FiveM roleplaying server whose goal is to create the most fun FiveM roleplaying community. Everyone is a Monkey!
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Community Manager ReallySecure created Omni RP * Beta Q2Omni Roleplay on the 17th of December. We are currently working to improve and maintain the enjoyment on our server by bringing realism to the m...
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RedRPThis is also known as RedzoneRP. We are an NonESX server with good scripts and active members. Here is a brief overview of what we have: Several Departments, Custom EUP giveaways, active staff and Members Fr...
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Juice ModificationsWe offer low prices on everything on our server. Join us today and submit an account for any questions!
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RevelationRP our server is designed to offer an immersive experience for roleplay that is adapted to a large audience of players with an array of customized clothing & vehicles from some very well recog...
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PMA RoleplayThe first openly furry and LGBTQIA server on FiveM. Whitelisted LEO, DOJ Based. 250plus custom vehicles and EUP. LSPD, SAHP, BCSO and SAMS. Server IP: https://cfx.re/join/734okr
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SouthDakota RolePlay (UNDER DEVELOPMENT) Join SDRP today
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Mamba AntiCheat - Welcome to Mamba Anticheat ? AntiCheat AdminMenu AntiGodmode AntiSpeedhack AntiSpectate AntiInvisible AntiBlips AntiResourceStop AntiSuperJump AntiVDM AntiNoClip AntiInjection Many m...
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Travelers RoleplayTravelers Roleplay is a brand new and enjoyable FiveM roleplay server that strives to create a mature community. We currently have open positions for server staff who are active, LSPD & EMS. Staff members are open-minded. We strive to...
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golfbloggercom · 5 months
Boyne Golf's New Short Course Named Doon Brae, Opening In 2024
Boyne Golf, the legendary Northern Michigan golf resort, will add an eleventh course in the summer of 2024"
Boyne Golf, the legendary Northern Michigan golf resort, will add an eleventh course in the summer of 2024: a par 3 short course to be named “Doon Brae.” The course is designed by Holland, Michigan based architect Ray Hearn, who also has been working to update and restore several of the resort’s ten other courses. I am looking forward to playing it. The official press release, via Kevin Frisch…
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taxil · 6 months
Worum's geht: Wanderung zum Schildpladdenberg, kleine Überlebenslektion im Video und ausgetrocknete Bäche.
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Wanderstrecke und Anstieg zum Schildpladdenberg sind an sich keine Herausforderung. Doch wir stapfen durch unwegsames Gelände, wehren Mücken ab und bleiben immer wieder atemlos stehen, weil es etwas Seltsames zu hören gibt, jemand in ein immenses Spinnennetz läuft und vor der krabbelnden "Gefahr" gerettet werden muss (Sensi), oder weil wir grabende Wildschweine entdecken. In der Ferne grölen die Brüllaffen (Alouatta macconnelli), was schon zuvor und vor allem nachts für Gänsehaut gesorgt hat. Sensi erklärt, das Brüllen sei territoriales Verhalten und während er redet, kratzt er sich mit seiner Machete gemütlich den Arm. Wir können am Anfang der Wanderung Wasser in einem Bach nachfüllen, doch er führt wenig Wasser. Als wir am 31. Oktober ein ausgetrocknetes Flussbett überqueren, bleibt Sensi stehen und stützt die Hände an der Hüfte ab. Kopfschüttelnd blickt er um sich und murmelt: "In the twenty-something years that I worked as a tourguide, I have never seen this creek dry."
Später warten wir fast eine dreiviertel Stunde am Ufer des Gran Rio auf Bootsmann Hesti. Sensi schimpft wie ein Rohrspatz über die Unzuverlässigkeit seiner Leute. Wir können es nicht ganz ernst nehmen und selbst Freddy, der sonst wenig Emotionen zeigt, wendet sich ab, weil er sich ein Grinsen nicht verkneifen kann. Sensi kann nichts dafür, dass er selbst im Ärger bühnereife Komik beweist, indem er das Opfer seines Tadels mit hoher Stimme nachäfft. Der jüngere der beiden Brüder, mit denen ich reise, fragt, ob er heute wieder angeln gehen könne. Sensi hält inne und sagt dann: Natürlich. Aber ich bilde mir ein, dass er innerlich den Kopf schüttelt.
Jetzt ruhe ich mich in meiner Hängematte aus, frisch gebadet und doch erneut nassgeschwitzt. Die Brüder versuchen wieder ihr Glück mit Angeln, obwohl genug Fisch im Haus ist. Der jüngere der beiden besteht darauf, denn er hat gestern nichts an Land geholt, Freddy und ich hingegen schon (einen riesigen Piranha und einen Anyumara - ich berichtete bereits mit kaum verhohlter Schadenfreude und werde nicht müde, davon zu erzählen). Um mich herum schwirren die Fledermäuse. Ein weiterer heißer Tag geht zu Ende.
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