#I'll probably regret this in the morning
loreleilarai · 2 years
This Au belongs to @starlightcloudbaby
I loved the concept of Moon and Sun being guardians of the forest. Always watching and guarding, I decided to make a short story about them.
Tw: Moon hunts the reader for sport as usual, nothing new. Also Moon hates doors and messes with electricity.
The reader may not be afraid of mythological beings, but he's definitely afraid of humans, you're more likely to get murdered by a human rather than something whose existence is questionable. At least you'll be afraid as long as you think Moon is human.
I made this quick before bed and Moon will haunt me in my dreams because of it.
(English is not my native language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes).
Even if it was daytime, the clouds accumulated in such a way that the sun could not pass through it, the light was scarce even when it was noon, the wind shook violently the leaves of the trees, all the birds hide in their nests except a couple of rebels in search of food, the whole forest knew that a strong storm was approaching fast.
Thanks to the high ground a couple of gentians settled their roots between the soil and the cement under your kitchen window, in your old botanical garden you learned a lot about that plant; they usually bloom in areas with low temperatures, a place where there are few pollinators to help the plant reproduce, it could not self-pollinate so the pollen was the flower's treasure, it could not risk losing it to the wash of the rain so its petals were hermetically sealed. Leaving aside that wet flowers discourage pollinators even when the weather is favorable. Aside from washing away the pollen, rain also dilutes the nectar, reducing its energy content and thus reducing the reward obtained by any bee that will visit the flower.
That was enough to know of the impending rain when you barely stepped outside in the morning, curious about the strange circle of fungus you could make out when you peered through said window with a cup of coffee in hand.
The gentians had a scientific explanation, with years of research and the efforts of dozens of people behind them. An evolution necessary for adaptation. But the mushroom circle was something more... Complicated.
When you saw it you couldn't stop your mind from splitting into two sides.
On the logical side, it could be because a small nest of ants was in the center, devouring everything around it, but no matter how hard you looked at the soil, you did not find a single ant. Perhaps some animal, be it rabbit or something else, had made a nest in the past and left the soil inaccessible because of the amount of stones or the continuous wear and tear, but the grains were totally normal, there was no excess of stones and no lack of water. Perhaps there was something else that you did not take into account; it was impossible to have all the knowledge in the world. That they had appeared just like that could be something as simple as you hadn't paid enough attention to those little things that were no bigger than 10 cm.
On the other hand, this place was uninhabited enough for a fairy colony to make its home.
Maybe the fairies had done a dance under your window and unconsciously created a ring of mycelial fungi? As far as you knew, the more time passed the bigger the ring got, it wasn't small, but it wasn't big either. You could bring a tape measure and try to make a little hypothesis of how long ago it was, the last time you saw the tape measure it was on the shelves in your room from when you measured the trunk of a tree to find out its age-.
There is movement in the corner of your eye.
It's quick, slight, a fading yellow blur, you're standing staring at nothingness itself after taking a sharp turn.
There is a pause, the wind rustles the leaves and this time the birds are silent, you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end as if someone is watching you, as if there is more than just tension in the air.
You last a few eternal seconds, your gaze searching the air.
Maybe it's the paranoia of being away from civilization for a while with the only company of nature, but you don't feel alone.
You find your voice not long after.
"Is anyone there?"
No answer, you're not surprised either.
You shake your head and sigh, laughing at your delusions as the rain touches your face. That's your cue to leave.
"It must have just been the bad lighting."
Not wanting to get wet, you walk into the safety of your house even with the feeling of a stare burning the back of your neck. The mushroom circle would still be there in the morning.
[ . . . ]
"He could see me! He saw me! I don't know how, but he saw me!"
"There's no way he could have seen you, Sun. Humans never managed to see us. He's no exception. So why were you around his house?"
"... The sun was hidden, maybe my magic failed a bit because of that."
"Don't dodge my question."
"I was just curious what you would do when a storm approaches!"
"Of course humans would shelter from the rain, they're not that dumb, even wild animals have that instinct. And you know it well, he's not the first human in this forest."
"Yes, but not all humans have a book with the name, the location, the level of moisture in the air and the components of the soil when they find a flower.It seems nice!"
"Maybe it doesn't have the same behavior as the other humans, but you know better, it will go away just like all the ones before it. I'll make sure of that."
"You shouldn't go out, in the rain you won't be able to fly!"
"I don't need to fly to scare some humans away."
[ . . . ]
Thunder lights up the forest as night falls.
Everything is black outside the windows, and you are thankful for the existence of electricity when the banging of branches on your roof gets louder, you turn up the volume on the TV when the rain gets louder and you are unable to coherently listen to what is being spoken in a horror movie you found wandering through the channels.
Being alone, hours away from the nearest city, without the annoying noise of cars, with absolute darkness outside your house with a storm whose water drops sounded like stones being thrown towards your sweet home, with an interesting movie and a pack of cookies in hand is an experience you enjoy.
You stop enjoying it when you only have a millisecond when the lights go out before the television freezes in a character's horrified expression as he stands in front of the killer. Then there is absolute darkness.
You dart for your phone, your only source of light in the darkness currently. Luckily it was on a small bedside table next to the couch you were on, right at your fingertips.
The flashlight gives you some relief, but when you see the battery at 28% you curse yourself. No signal either.
You had some candles in the kitchen for just such cases, you use the flashlight so you don't crash into the furniture when another clap of thunder hits nearby. With the mission in mind the bag of cookies dangles from one hand while the other lights your way.
The way to the kitchen is short and quick, you're searching the countertops and drawers in desperation when you see 25%. The search is in vain.
You have 23% when the sound of stone hitting is clear, you freeze. The rain is loud but it doesn't compare to the sound of a few seconds ago. You don't know where it's coming from, and maybe it's just a rock falling from the roof. You ignore it and continue your search, there are no candles and you are in a cold sweat. The image of the movie character screaming in terror under the shadow of a knife flashes through your mind.
There's another knock, it's even louder, and this time you recognize the sound of glass cracking.
You turn to the kitchen window and see him.
At the tree line, behind bushes, with bright red eyes, he has a strange hat.
He is tall, thin, and stares at you.
His head tilts to one side, you practically hear it crack, and he has a sharp grin.
Your feet are jelly.
You feel dizzy.
It's cold.
The darkness is suffocating.
Her eyes shine so brightly that they illuminate her figure, it's the only thing you can see in the black emptiness.
And you can see the front page of the newspapers; "Botanist decides to leave human company to live among plants and becomes compost."
A clap of thunder lights up the forest, you can see his figure clearly, he seems to have a cape on his back, blue and wet, he is light skinned and has strange clothes, his face is painted like a clown would have in horror movies. And when the light goes away that strange being also withdraws.
You don't know how long they held a stare, but you know your feet feel numb and hurt when you move forward.
Where is it? It was there a second ago! It can't just disappear!
You don't know what it is that moves you, fear or curiosity, but you hear the crunch of crackers that slipped from your grip as you move to the window and search for him with a desperate look.
The raindrops form paths that cross and part, but you swear you saw it, it was as clear as day.
You know you're freaking out, it was just your head giving you a bad joke after watching a horror movie, it's normal. You're talking to yourself to calm yourself down as you bring a hand to your face to wipe away the cold sweat that's bothering your forehead, closing your eyes for a moment.
"It's okay, I'm fine. It's just the effects of rain and darkness after a horror movie. I'll be fine, in the morning none of this will be a big deal and I'll laugh in the future. It's just my imagination."
As soon as you finish that sentence you look up at the window one more time.
There is another clap of thunder.
He's there, inches from the window, his eyes gleaming with ferocity and his pointed fingers scratching the glass, he's smiling with fangs and murderous intent.
You scream.
The cell phone breaks free from your grip and flies away as you recoil. You can hear his laughter.
You're on your back on the ground before you notice him, the packet of cookies strewn everywhere is your least problem as your hands crawl and hit the floor in a panic until you reach your phone, you get up and run, stumbling as your flashlight shakes all the way.
You run as fast as you can, slam the door to your room behind you and lean your shoulder against the door.
You hear the door to your house open, but no footsteps.
There is silence, there is only rain and darkness, the storm lights up the forest.
There is a knock on your door.
A quick glance reveals that your phone screen is broken, and you have 20% battery.
There is no signal.
There is a loud knock on the door, so loud you hear the wood splinter and you press your shoulder harder.
You hear his laughter, it's sinister and he's having fun having you on the verge of tears.
The window in your room is big enough for you to get out.
It's a bit excessive, but your only way out at the moment. If there was something in the afterlife you weren't going to explain that you died because you didn't want to go out a window.
You charge at the door, the wood near the hinges splinters and the knob swears loudly, all your weight isn't enough and you're being dragged backwards slowly, but there doesn't seem to be a great effort behind it. You almost feel humiliated.
Your cell phone falls from your hand as you reach for the nearest piece of furniture, you can't see clearly what or where you grab it from but the adrenaline manages to drag it towards you, you swap places and quickly move away, breaking into a run as you leave the flashlight behind, pointing upwards and allowing you to see where you're going.
The piece of furniture doesn't hold for long, your hands are clumsy with your shaking and erratic movements, turning your head paranoidly every couple of seconds, the window doesn't seem to want to open.
"Come on come on come on come on! OH YES!"
The window opens as you push it open with a loud bang, you have half your body out as you look back.
The door creaks, his fingers slowly peek out, then the dark half of his head peeks out, the cap hangs down and a couple of drops of water fall.
He's smiling and it makes you feel sick.
Both feet touch down and you're thankful you're lazy enough not to have put on your pajamas, running with bare feet wouldn't have been favorable at all. You run as fast as you can when you hear him behind you.
His voice is thick, dry, like something out of a horror story.
"Naughty humans must be punished."
You're beyond the tree line when you turn to see him, he's slowly making his way out behind the window, as if he has all the confidence in the world that he's going to catch up to you. Even if his body appears to be too tall to climb out the window, he somehow manages it.
His body bends in ways that should not be possible for a human, he keeps smiling, first one hand, then his head, one foot and then the other, all with controlled and fluid movements, even for you it was harder to get out with your size.
The rain has no mercy, your clothes are heavier than they should be, it's uncomfortable to walk and you're freezing. You're going to get sick from the trauma and the cold if you survive.
It's behind you, you can see its shadow.
Nothing but instinct and the thunder lighting up through the treetops guide you.
It is not enough.
The forest is unpredictable and seems to be against you, a root makes you trip and fall on your face with an embarrassing scream, your hands stop the blow that could have broken your nose, but your clothes are covered in mud, it's hard to get up.
When you turn around he's there.
Sharp teeth, red eyes poking you, hands raised as he swung, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
His cloak is wings that lift just a little but you see them, they glow and look heavy as whole jets of water slide off one after another, his face is not human and after a millisecond you understand it's not a mask.
This... Thing. You don't know what it is. But you know it's not human.
You stand up, not backing down, and he approaches.
"It's past your bedtime."
"What's your name?
His movements are held back and he stares at you.
But he doesn't attack, he looks surprised, as if he didn't expect that response.
Why weren't you scared anymore?
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glbtrx · 7 months
Eragon: oh yeah? Well, I am not at your orders anymore and I won't let you command me!
Nasuada: apologize.
Eragon: yes ma'am, I'm sorry ma'am.
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y-vna · 4 months
Ty for 400!
It may be 1:30am, but honestly, I just felt like I wanted to write this. Thank you for 400 followers!! That's crazy. I'm super thankful, and honestly, it means a lot to me! <3 super excited for more to come, I hope my moodboards rn are up to standards!
I'm not tagging anyone this time since I don't want to disturb everyone every time I write one of these. Just know all my mooties and idols r amazing, and I love them. You guys know who you are, ily 💕
Just a boring text post for this milestone post cuz I can't be bothered rn ahh
Teeny Itty bitty vent in tags since I can't get my life tghtr rn erm! Don't feel pressured to read it, idrc ig?? 😭😭
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cirusthecitrus · 2 years
I had to go back to s4 finale (i was looking for some art references) and rewatch Hordak's "reunion" with Prime for the 100th time
And now I once again can't stop thinking about this one little thing HP does in this scene, and then does it again but to Glimmer in s5
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He got down on one knee beside them, looking into their eyes and touching them in some way. It's such a minor insignificant detail, but I still want to talk about it
Horde Prime always tries to appear bigger, above everyone else. He’s above in the sky, he’s above on his throne, he’s towering and looming over people when he wants to intimidate his opponents and yada yada.
But here he instead gets “on their level”  to appear more welcoming and unthreatening, to make them let their guard down. But it is also a power move, a humiliating and mocking gesture even. HP talks down to them, as if he was talking to a child
And speaking of children - you see, this move he does is a legit parenting technique and it makes me SICK
This trick can be used in many situations, but it is particularly useful when a child is not listening to what you're saying (and not because they're being naughty or smth, they just can't focus) and therefore doesn’t understand what you want from them. So instead of repeating and shouting the same thing over and over again and only making everyone stressed a parent/caretaker sits down before them (so their eyes are leveled with the eyes of the child) and sometimes touches their shoulder or holds their hand. This way the child fully focuses on you and it helps them to actually listen, since now they only see, hear and feel you
And here Prime is trying to do the same thing - to make people focus on him, listen to him and do as he says. It’s more obvious with Glimmer - he wants to persuade her to help him find She-Ra and activate the Heart without outright threatening or forcing her (cause it's not in his style). Plus he literally sees her as a dumb lost child, and she kinda is (a lost child, not dumb!) especially compared to this ancient mummy
But with Hordak it’s more... subtle. HP tries to take up as much space as possible, so for Hordak there’s nothing else in the room - no pain, no distracting thoughts, no Glimmer, no Etheria, no Hordak - just Prime, his voice and touch. HP’s goal here is to make Hordak listen and focus solely on his brother, to make it easier to get into his head and read his thoughts
And in Hordak's case this move is also so SO cruel. Because it's so personal. Because to Hordak Horde Prime is a brother, his creator/god AND the closest thing Hordak had to a father figure. He’s basically Prime’s child, even though he popped up from the tank, already in an adult body with a fully developed brain*
And it was so unnecessary for HP to even get out of his chair, he could order other clones to bring Hordak to him and then order Hordak to stand up despite his pain and get closer (basically yell until "the child" does what he wants). And yet he does this. He gets closer, he kneels down, he cups Hordak's face very so gently, he looks him in the eyes as if he's actually looking at him and not through him. And the fact that in this moment HP literally does what parents do is just-
Look at this face. Right before and after Prime reads his mind. Look at this baby
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Yeah he's very confused and scared but he never breaks the eye contact, he's fully focused on Prime, he listens to him so so carefully. He looks at his brother like nothing else exists, like Horde Prime is the center of his universe. And in that moment, he was. HP made sure of that. He wanted for Hordak to not only remember his place, but also remember where Prime's place should always be in his mind and heart
It's so sick and twisted it's been over 2 years and I still can't get over it and i wanna throw up aaaAAAaaaAAA
*yes i'm too very tired of Hordak antis dismissing his trauma and downplaying it to "daddy issues", but like... daddy issues are in fact still there, they just go as a bonus to everything else lol
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tiger-music · 1 year
So I'm a Wisconsin resident and I was just on my way to the checkout minding my business when I see this fucking thing and I just-
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You can not tell me that Vladimir 'Tried to buy the Packers several times unsuccessfully' Masters would not have this. And I'm staring at this stupid novelty game in the middle of Walmart already thinking of fic ideas involving said stupid novelty game.
Did I buy it? No, because I was with my Adult™ & I could not justify buying it. Do I regret it? Yes, solely for the meme potential this could have had. Do I blame the dc x dp tag for the absolute brainrot that has consumed me to want a stupid boardgame that I have no reason to have because I have no one to play it with? Also yes.
Which brings me to my ideas! Horrible, should never see the light of day ideas because they're stupid but I can't get them to leavee alone so now othersust suffer with me.
Would Vlad just happen to have it along with all his other novelty shit or would someone have given it to him? If it's the latter, who? Anyone from team Phantom would give it to him solely to rub in his face that he'll never have anyone to play it with because he's a lonely, old fruitloop. Jack would get it for him so they could bond or something.
And I got a scene. I got a scene that if someone draws, I don't know what I'll do, probably cry cause oh my gods
Vlad (+team Phantom) vs. Bruce (+batclan). Both sides need to prove something (I have no clue what it , it's up to your imagination) and for some reason they thought monopoly would be the best way to prove it. And the absolute crack potential this has makes me giggle.
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backwards-blackbird · 9 months
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Yeah we're gettin' somewhere
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continuousmeowing · 7 months
i liked the ending! I thought it was sweet. I have a few gripes, but i think it was overall pretty good.
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moongeonight · 2 months
I'm having night tickling thoughts, I can't take it anymore, I need to destroy this man.
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brotherhoodoftheblade · 11 months
I feel like I'm the only queer in Outlanderdom who read that scene between John and Jamie in BotB (you KNOW the one, it's surely infamous by now 💀) and just went NOPE, and pressed the eject button on Jamie Fraser. Because he is not allowed back in the tent of my fond regard until he amends his grossly homophobic ways.
And he still hasn't.
Treating Lord John as the sole exception to his repulsive (however period typical) attitude to "sodomites", the one rare honourable man among an otherwise perverse and fundamentally untrustworthy people, is NOT amendment.
He has not really changed at all, not in all the decades since.
And we know he's quite capable of seeing things from a radically different perspective beyond the limits of contemporary morality - just ask Claire and Breanna. He hasn't changed because he doesn't want to. Period.
And therefore he stays outside the tent. No homophobes allowed. 😐
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c-e-d-dreamer · 4 months
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ferberus-skull · 1 year
hey. want a gem gene but can't afford it? show me a project of yours and I'll give out a couple!
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msjynerso · 1 year
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vulpixelates · 1 year
i could be so unstoppable if my throat would work for swallowing pills. soooo unstoppable. why can i deepthroat a popsicle but not swallow pills that make me not insane without miserable pain
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grey-has-rusted · 2 years
just drank a 5 hour energy drink thingy
if you don't hear from me in an hour, just assume that my body couldn't handle it and that my insides melted
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legolasghosty · 1 year
you are so brave!! You send asks all the time to other (famous amongst the fandom!!) Fantoms! I wish I was as brave as you… you are very inspiring and I hope you’re having a good day/night! Now, to make this anon or not…
I.... you're not allowed to make me randomly almost cry, anon. You're so kind!!!! I genuinely don't know if I've ever thought of myself as brave(at least not once I got out of the Ruler of the World phase that most kids go through as a toddler).
I promise you, if they have their ask boxes open, all of your favorite Fantoms on here want you to send them asks! I made friends with some of them over Discord before I got over to Tumblr and you have no idea how excited everyone gets over getting asks and prompts and stuff! I very much get the nerves surrounding sending something to a person you don't know very well, but they want you to!!! Especially if they reblog a prompt list or an ask game or something! Those are so fun!!!(even when it takes a bit to get back to them.)
And speaking from personal experience, getting asks is lovely!!! Every time I get a notification on my phone that says I got an ask, I get very excited! Even if it's just a little smiley face or something! It's like the fun of getting a real letter via snail mail instead of just bills and ads all the time!
Please! Be as brave as me!!! You can do it!!!! And if it gets hard, I'm here for you! You can literally send me an ask or a message and be like, "Hey can you hype me up? I gotta do something scary." I'll do it, no questions asked. BE BRAVE! Talk to the other cool internet people! I can pretty much guarantee that they will be happy to talk back!
Sending you a big JatP band group hug for courage!!! Have a lovely day/night!
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katierosefun · 1 year
you know, i'm doing a lot more math in law school than i thought i'd be (calculating exactly how many units i can breeze through in my outline roughly 3 days before the exam)
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