en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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automediamk · 2 years
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Subaru Outback единствен го помина новиот американски краш-тест
Америка воведе нови стандарди за тестирање на безбедноста на автомобилите. Subaru Outback е првиот и единствен автомобил што го мина тестирањето со највисока оцена. Институтот за безбедност на автопатиштата во САД, познатиот IIHS, користи нови и построги стандарди за проверка на безбедноста на автомобилите при страничен судир. Целта на промените е тестирањето да биде повеќе […]
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webdraw · 6 months
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luisdemen · 2 years
Subaru Forester recibe el TOP SAFETY PICK+ AWARD 2022 del IIHS
Subaru Forester recibe el TOP SAFETY PICK+ AWARD 2022 del IIHS
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problem-project · 17 days
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It's looking 👀 to me like I don't have cancer!!! They have yet to call and explain my results, but from what little I do know, this seems to be saying I don't have cancer 🥳🎉
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addictivities · 4 months
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portrait study bc im physically and mentally art blocked
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potter-solomons · 5 months
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Been in the hospital since Friday. Getting a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) tomorrow. My optical nerves are swollen and my eyes have too much CSF built up behind them. They tried a spinal tap yesterday but after 3 pokes I vomited and they had to stop. Lemme tell you, getting your spinal bone poked by a needle is PAINFUL AS F. I've got pain meds and they've been taking good care of me. That and HP Marathon on tv along with Ghosts or Friends on my phone.
Thank you @hecatemoon87 and @quarterpastmidnight for giving me the talks while I've been here.
Also, here are my boyos. I misses them.
Po, Joey and Alfie Bear (sweet pea).
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Having a little self pity party.
Woke up last week with a new blind spot in my periphery. Had a 4 hour long OCT/VF/full exam, then had to repeat it again this week showing it got slightly bigger. MRI and VEP are done.
My NO won’t treat without a lumbar puncture and IR won’t do it under anesthesia (which ???? We do MRIs under anesthesia all the time and that’s non invasive!) so I have to do it in 2 weeks wide awake.
My NO wanted me out of work for 3 days and then light duty for a week. My place of employment does not offer light duty except workman’s comp, so it would have to be FMLA. My NO won’t sign FMLA.
I just… don’t know what to do, I’m completely overwhelmed. We have 4 people on my unit with FMLA for migraines, and had one person on light duty for a few weeks after a minor, less-invasive procedure than an LP.
I’m sending out texts to work friends now looking for switches in the hopes that I can work as little as possible during the timeframe that my NO wanted no lifting/squatting/bending but even if all of these switches work out, it still won’t be what she wanted.
Also you can’t take pain meds after an LP so that’s like the icing on the cake.
It’s really frustrating that I watched leadership spend 8 hours finagling the schedule to grant vacation time against our union rules and yet I get…. Nothing in response to helping with that. I’m actually getting screwed because one of these days I need to find coverage or work is an extra day to help a coworker get school vacation week off.
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every time i have to do a vision fields test, im the epitome of the this is great. im going to get a good grade in therapy peripheral vision, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve tweet
except its not great because theres just long gaps where im not seeing any dots so i really dont think im going to get a good grade, and also this is relatively normal to want because losing peripheral vision is not typically a sign of healthy eyes and its possible to achieve by seeing all the dots and pressing the button to register that youve seen them, which again, i dont think i have.
oh and also, i havent got a bad grade in peripheral vision for at least a year so all of this stress is completely pointless. its like collateral damage from an accident that hasnt happened.
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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automediamk · 2 years
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Kia Sportage доби врвни оцени за безбедност во Америка
Kia Sportage, заедно со Sportage Hybrid, се вбројува меѓу најбезбедните автомобили според американскиот Институт за безбедност во сообраќајот. За одличните оцени придонесуваат и диодните светла, што инаку се стандард кај европскиот модел. Sportage е деветти модел на Kia што ги убедил американските техничари во својата безбедност. „Најдолгата моделска серија на Kia во секоја генерација продолжува […]
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thisbibliomaniac · 3 months
Now the real question is, is that concerning noise coming from inside or outside my head?
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mcdolann · 19 days
currently freaking tf out about my intracranial hypertension possibly coming back bc my eyes feel kinda funny (sorta) and I read a bunch of scary shit on google (like an idiot)
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lesbiantvfish · 11 months
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@musekicker hie, I couldn’t find a way to submit this one so I hope it is ok if I just post and @. I hope I did Mira any justice with this I am so sleepy and full of apples. I love her btw ❤️ (Mira is a srmthfg oc and belongs to Musekicker!!)
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batz · 10 months
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see this kicks ass ok. world is beautiful
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ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
Finally on my way to a neuro-opth appointment that I was meant to have back in SEPTEMBER (and even that was after a year of being ghosted by the hospital). Fingers crossed they decide to actually do something about my debilitating health conditions 🙃
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