#Jews dni
edenfenixblogs · 7 months
I’m low on hope today. If you’re a goyim (ie non-Jewish) leftist of any religion or lack thereof, and you stand up to antisemitism, interact with this. I literally don’t believe anyone actually cares about us at all.
Jews DNI.
I genuinely want to see if any goyim who are loudly decrying all other forms of hatred are willing to be the ones to spread this message.
And this isn’t a “if you have a heart, you’ll reblog this” point scoring thing I’m trying to get. I am actually truly feeling like most people don’t have the balls to share this. Most people hate Jews this much.
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hilacopter · 3 months
at this point when I read free palestine or see a watermelon emoji in someone's bio I go "are you free palestine as in innocent gazan civilians don't deserve to be massacred and peace is the solution to the conflict or are you free palestine as in hamas are freedom fighters and the solution is getting rid of the isnotrealis". I wish I had the power to instantly know which one it is so I know whether I'm looking at a person who wants me dead or not.
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continentalblue · 4 months
/// goyim can reblog/like, but don't add anything. this is a vent post, might delete later. I'm gonna mute notifs on this post. other jewish people, if you have something to add: feel free, but I probs won't see it. I trust that people won't get into fights in the replies/reblogs
I'm really not liking this current trend of goyim feeling like they get the right to use our pain and trauma. From Holocaust inversion, to doubting statistics on the increase of antisemitism, to doubting us when we say that something is antisemitic ... what gave you the right? We're never believed when something bad happens to us. It's always the exact same people who are ostensibly against antisemitism who end up perpetuating dogwhistles and antisemitic attitudes.
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tikkunolamresistance · 3 months
(goyim don’t reblog please!)
The contradictory way zionist Jews on jumblr talk about converts gives me fucking whiplash.
It is the singlemost noble and difficult sacrifice, currently and historically, to willingly choose and do the hard work to become part of the tribe, to knowingly become a Jew in a world that has hated us for as long as we’ve existed and is showing no signs of slowing down on that hate. (Reserved for jews by choice that agree with you.)
It is something so easy and so meaningless—so easy you could apparently do just to win arguments with strangers online, so meaningless that it doesn’t count no matter how involved in your community you are.— it’s something you just elect to do for a get-out-of-antisemitism-allegations free card. (Reserved for jews by choice that disagree with you.)
Like I’m not asking you all to be nice or thoughtful, by now you’ve all proven that is well beyond you, but can you at least be consistent? We’re either all LARPers or we’re all part of the tribe.
This! This is incredibly worded. Zionist Jews only want converted Jews around that feed their own interests— as soon as you start challenging the greater community, your spaces, Israel… you’re not *actually* Jewish. The exact same sentiment that goyim throw at us to denounce the Jewish peoplehood and identity— the antisemitism from our own community is astonishing and needs addressing.
Reserving respect for Jews by choice based on affiliation to Zionism is antisemitism! Zionist Jews and anti-Zionist Jews are and will always be Jews, by choice or by birth.
That being said, we must be collectively working towards dismantling the Zionist entity that divides our global communities. It’s our responsibility, it’s our duty.
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subhuman-and-feedable · 6 months
I wrote a very salty monologue about antisemitism and the idea of a ‘good Jew’ if you want to read it it’s under the cut. Bigots dni
I’m a Good Jew
I’m a good Jew. I’m broke, so I can’t control the banks. I’m so broke that I can’t put a menorah in my window because I can’t afford to fix the window.
Im a good Jew. I tell kids to ask Santa for gifts. I don’t have any decorations on my house, and I take out the Hanukkah bush when non-Jewish guests come over.
I’m a good Jew. I go to my brother in law’s Christmas party where every year without fail his mother brings a casserole that she swears doesn’t have bacon in it. It always does.
I’m a good Jew, yet people still laugh at my nose. They tell me I shouldn’t speak Yiddish because I sound like a bad Jew. They make me explain my stance on conflicts I wasn’t even alive to witness the beginning of.
I’m tired of being a good Jew, because it means nothing. There’s still a swastika on the wall of my synagogue. There’s still death threats in my DM’s. You praise me for looking, sounding, and acting like a “good Jew”, but it’s obvious you still think the only good Jew is a dead Jew.
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schwestersketch · 2 months
When they taught me in school "never again"
I thought we all agreed on "never again"
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the-based-brit · 5 months
I won't name names, but I want my Jewish friends and followers to know y'all can follow me and interact with me safely. Ever since the October 7th attack on Israel, I've been seeing a LOT of antisemitism lately (and it's so much more than what I normally see), mostly under the guise of anti-Zionism. But if you're Jewish and/or Israeli, you are free to follow me. You can send me anons if you want. You are also free to reblog my posts and comment on them. And send me DMs (provided I'm already following you, ofc). I will NOT harass you, send you anon hate or death threats etc, just for being Jewish/Israeli. Nor will I encourage my followers to do the same. Hell, I won't do anything like that, even if you are neither because it's a really shitty thing to do, anyway.
If you're antisemitic and/or anti-Zionist, however, I'd rather you leave my Jewish friends/followers and I the hell alone. I'm not Jewish or Israeli myself, but antisemitism is wrong and I will not hesitate to block, unfollow and report people if I see them posting antisemitic content. Criticise Israel all you want where they're wrong. No one is perfect or above criticism. But Israel does have a right to exist and defend itself, as do the Jewish people. As does everyone else. And antisemitism will NOT be tolerated, as far as I'm concerned.
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very-uncorrect · 25 days
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Probably the most insane shit I've ever read
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zonatcannibalism · 3 months
So many of so called "human rights activists" chose to not view certain groups of people as human and think that makes them morally superior. You're not doing anything brave or hard if you only work to protect people who are easy for you to care about.
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blinkiesreal · 4 months
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more blinkies dems ahishdwuhdiwhwdwuxqjs0
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edenfenixblogs · 3 months
Hey jumblr psa from my sister who is not Jewish but is the worlds Most Perfect Ally and who wants us all to be safe:
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Here’s my tag list to help try to at least limit what slips through the cracksb
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wewebaggit · 10 months
All these idiots yapping about Palestine like they're the saviours of mankind and Palestine and patting themselves for hating Noah. (Go ahead. Hate him actually. I hate people for how they wear their hair. Fair enough. And I'm not here nor there on my guess on him being an actual Zionist) But can y'all just not pretend this oooh disappointment is deep? Like please? Can y'all like maybe not reduce it to a teen actor visiting a place and posting about it. Like that's absolutely the worst thing to have happened to Palestine. Whether he posts or not, Jewish people are gonna be visiting Israel. Cuz their holy land is in Israel. Which is why this outcry is fucking stupid and THE BIGGEST EXAMPLE of dumb hoes virtue signaling. Y'all stupid for putting this energy into hating a Jewish guy visiting Israel. They aren't even the largest contributors to its tourism. Y'all dumb bitches need to look at the followers of Christ for that. More than half of the total visitors in some years. But y'all wont. Cuz I see your ass. It's just waiting to shit on Jews and Jews alone. Especially to that one self righteous bitch who is screenshotting other's people's post and calling them dumb. Check yourself. N then check Google for other places EXACTLY in the situation of Palestine. But not glamorous enough for your shiny bleeding heart to post about. Also they have celebs you can shit on for visiting those places. Just so you'd maybe wanna talk about it. Fucking a-holes sermonising about brown people rights when it fucking suits their own skin tone.
"He needs to tell people he's not a Zionist." Ya well everyone going to Saudi needs to scream and shout that they do not support Saudi terror funding and their treatment of migrants. Everyone going to Kashmir must scream and shout that hey we're here for the Kashmiris and not for the occupier forces. Anyone visiting China must also wear a Free Tibet and Free Turkestan shirts. And the whole of the descendants of white colonisers need to tell people you're not a racist, supporter of eco-terrorism, exceptional, bigot, islamophobe, antisemite (funny how both apply), pro-life, anti-black people everytime you visit the corner cafe and post about it on insta. Ya that app owned by that bugger who wanted to take away free internet from brown countries. ("bUt iT's nOt OngOiNg tHo....." bro we're still reeling from that shit and it hasn't even been 100 years so please don't. Neither did that dumb dead hoe Lizzie nor her older than jesus son Charlie who loves to fancy dress has so much as even apologised. Refused to apologise in fact).
Pat yourselves on the back. You fought Zionism with antisemitism and homophobia.
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jewishbarbies · 4 months
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pro tip: if morality is a dollar sign to you, you're not a good person.
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storm-of-feathers · 7 months
Fellow jews I would like a hug
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You know what fuck you.
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*Jewish Zionisntfies your favorite characters*
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coffeelovinggayidiot · 8 months
People on this website make me sick btw :)
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