annes-andromeda · 4 years
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I designed some outfits for my TROS rewrite since I did a few for the OG trio and for Kylux. This took me about a week to do, but overall I’m really proud with how these turned out.
❌✋🚫R*ylos don’t interact🚫✋❌
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canonskyrissian · 4 years
You know I’m gonna ask Skyrissian for the ship ask!! And also Solorissian, Lando/Leia, and Leia/Han!
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solorissian is in that other post but the rest of them coming right up!
skyrissian (compliant with the return of hope and like a ray of sun)
Who was the one to propose: as it happens they both planned it on the same day and luke beat lando to it, but they both asked and both said yes. it was beautiful. they both cried. I cried. I love these idiots so much holy shit-
Who stressed more over wedding planning: lando as if that’s even a question
Who decorated the house: lando for the most part but luke adds his own touch here and there
Who does the cooking: they do it together whenever they can^^
Who is more organized: LANDO
Who initiates bedroom fun: depends on the day really but lando loves it when luke does it^^
Who suggested kids first: it was luke. at about three in the morning xD
Who’s more dominant: lando more so than luke
Who’s the cuddler: both but especially luke
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: cooking together, flying, shopping, cloud city fashion week
Who comes home drunk at 3am: they’ve both been known to do this
Who kills the spiders: luke
Who falls asleep first: luke
Their relationship summed up in a gif:
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(not a gif but this is 100% them with artoo)
landoleia (my first official landoleia content can I have round of applause)
Who was the one to propose: I like to think leia (I really feel like she would and also they said fuck gender roles)
Who stressed more over wedding planning: again, lando
Who decorated the house: both of them
Who does the cooking: lando more so but they cook together when they can
Who is more organized: for once it’s not lando xD leia just has been super organized literally all her life
Who initiates bedroom fun: leia more so
Who suggested kids first: I really wanna say leia
Who’s more dominant: LEIA as if that’s up to debate
Who’s the cuddler: both but especially leia (and apparently I just really want people to cuddle lando, which, I mean, valid)
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: honestly just hanging out after long work days (hell they’re practically running the entire galaxy)
Who comes home drunk at 3am: both have been known to do this
Who kills the spiders: leia
Who falls asleep first: lando
Their relationship summed up in a gif:
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Who was the one to propose: it wasn’t so much a proposal as it was “han, I’m pregnant.” “oh. okay. what do you wanna do?” “get married.” “okay.”
Who stressed more over wedding planning: hidden choice chewie
Who decorated the house: mostly leia
Who does the cooking: han
Who is more organized: LEIA
Who initiates bedroom fun: depends on the day
Who suggested kids first: neither of them really bc you can’t convince me kyle wasn’t an accident lmao
Who’s more dominant: LEIA as if that’s up to debate (han gets pegged)
Who’s the cuddler: both but especially han
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: chilling after leia comes home from work
Who comes home drunk at 3am: han
Who kills the spiders: leia
Who falls asleep first: leia
Their relationship summed up in a gif:
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send me a ship (sw only)
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lvebots · 4 years
kinda want to write a little fic when it's post rotj and since the war is over Leia doesn't really know what to do with herself so Lando invites her to come take a breather on Bespin and she does and they go on some little adventures and fall in love 🥺💞
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yavinceremony · 4 years
i have such a good idea for a story like it’s short but it’s about lando and what he thinks about han and feeling bad for him etc idk like i dont think han needs sympathy but still it’s interesting i want to write it lol
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autistichansolo · 6 years
Two Scoundrels and A Princess
so I wrote this last night and it’s not really edited very well but man i just had a lot of feelings for hanleialando and idk it became this 
in other words, how han and lando fell for each other, how han and leia fell for each other, how lando and leia fell for each other, and how han, leia, and lando come together 
They were two boys against the galaxy trying to survive in a harsh galaxy. Just the two of them with a fast ship and a Wookiee friend. Their schemes, con games, gambling, out running everyone were filled with lingering glances and feelings underneath it all. Both so afraid to ignite the passion underneath an easy friendship for fear of losing a trusted friend, the only one each had besides a Wookiee. And thinking maybe sometimes it was better to just pretend nothing was there but also think maybe if said it wouldn’t have ended with one flying off and the other building a city in the clouds. 
They were the most infuriating person each had ever met. Two very different people one fighting for freedom for justice for vengeance the other fighting to just survive to have enough money to not starve to just be able to live his life without worry. But the war, a farmboy, the years of fighting, arguing, protect each other, they fell hard for each other. Neither admitting it because he had to go to leave to pay off his debt and fear of being hurt and she not wanting to give her heart to someone who would not stay who had to go to lose someone she loved again after losing everyone but him and a farmboy. And it would have stayed that way if not for a broken ship giving them courage to share their feelings only for it to fall apart with betrayal, Vader, and the dark grip of the Empire ending in a final confession of love and frozen darkness. 
They were two people forced together by circumstances, one so anger by what happened about at losing someone again the other filled with guilt about being the cause of it, the pain he caused his friend despite knowing he had no choice because who could say no to Darth Vader. They spend months together searching, planing on how to save a man they both loved. Drawing closer as the days, months passed, finding so much in common. Both knowing what it takes to be a leader to protect their people no matter what to make the hard choice despite what the cost may be and dealing with the consequences of them no matter how much it hurt. Feelings grow but remain unspoken as they plan the rescue of the man they both love–a plan that goes mostly according to plan but more importantly success. 
They were three people who destroyed the second death start together in the air and on the ground, who won a battle, a major victory. Having finally a reason to celebrate together before going off to rebuild. And as they cleaned up the last of the Imperials and start to build a new government, the three grew closer, feelings deepening between the three some that was never said that should have been said so long ago yet if it was said two scoundrels may have never found their princess something neither wanted and were glad she came into their lives. Becoming the family that was lost or never had, three happier than ever before a princes and her two scoundrels. 
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finnstansonly · 4 years
For the ship ask: Solorissian (Han/Lando), Skyrissian (Lando/Luke), Lando/Leia?
okay so of all the lando ships, hando/solorissian/hanlando is my JAM like i don’t care about ships in general and especially in star wars bc they have weird age gaps and power dynamics and it just don’t jive with me especially when I don’t really focus on romance to begin with. but tHESE TWO. if i ever use the term OTP its for those to jokers. 
landoluke and landoleia are cute but if i think about them too hard..the age gaps...even tho they’re both older by the time lando meets either of them. i don’t hate them but they give me pause in a sense.
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shawneesmith · 4 years
i do not understand landoleia and i will likely never ship it but shoutout to those who do. i see you and i support your rarepair
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cyborgrhodey · 7 years
1, 8, and 38, please darling?
!!! thank you love
1. Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
Oh man, I’d say my comfort zone fic is 1000 words of present-tense internal thoughts with little scene-setting exposition, a la PacRim AU make a stand (show your hand) and AresRhodey reincarnation fic the history books forgot about us and (Han)LandoLeia Aftermath. For all that I’m attempting two entire multichapter fics right now, I’ve… actually never… done that…. before…..
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh gosh. I am so extremely bad at dialogue, partly because I don’t really talk to people much irl? So I don’t know how conversations go. 
Runner up is Steve and Nat’s conversation in the latest chapter in my post-CACW fic Palladium Protocol, which is a bit cheating because my favorite part is not the dialogue per se but Nat’s thoughts about it:
“He said–he wanted to tear the Avengers apart from the inside. He’s Sokovian, and his entire family was killed when–and he blamed us. He wanted to break us.” Steve paused,  breathed. “He showed us a video. December 19, 1991.”
“The assassination,” Natasha breathed out in horrified realization.
Her word choice rankles Steve, she could tell, but that was what it was. It was what the Winter Soldiers had been created to do. It was what she had been created to do. It was never their choice, no, but it was always their actions, always their hands. Long ago, she thought Steve would understand. He, too, was a creation. He was made into a weapon. Even if his actions during the war could be argued weren’t tainted, his actions under HYDRA-operated SHIELD definitely were. None of them were innocent, and there was no use being anything but honest about it. Natasha knew how to play with the truth, but she had promised that she will always be truthful to herself.
Steve–he didn’t lie, but he ran from the truth too often. Natasha had stopped doing that to herself long ago.
My absolute favorite, though, is probably from the history books forgot about us (which is, as a whole, my favorite thing I’ve writtten so far), when Ares and Rhodey’s past life Memnon are sitting on the walls of Troy. It’s the first time I’ve ever tried to be out and out shippy and I think I was able to put emotion in the dialogue (plus, a chance to wax poetic about Rhodey! always nice)
“The others,” Ares continues, “they are here for glory, or to prove themselves, or simply because they love the fight. Foolish, really.  But you’re different.  You hate it, but you are ready to fight to the death, because you believe in what you are fighting for. ”
“Aren’t you supposed to want people to love the fight?”
“They love war because they don’t know it, not really; not like you do.”
Memnon flashes a weak grin, and Ares is surprised by the cynicism it held. “You give me too much credit.”
“You don’t give yourself enough.”
Memnon closes his eyes and tips his head back, as if all this pained him. Ares doesn’t understand; was that really how his Champion viewed themselves? How can one so brave, so loyal, so good, believe themselves to be anything but? “You sure do know a lot about me.”
“Am I wrong?”
“I  don’t want you to be,” he admits softly, before finally meeting Ares’ gaze.
38. Talk about a review that made your day.
I love every single review I get (I even get giddy when authors reply to my reviews of their fic!!), but I have a special place in my heart for every single one of @squireofgeekdom’s reviews on my works, and especially on Palladium Protocol so far. They’re basically always the first to review when I post a new chapter and I really love their writing so it means so much to me that they enjoy mine too
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prncefinn · 7 years
skyorganasolo replied to your post “wookiees replied to your post “@wookiees: #i like how han/lando/leia…”
dude hanleialando is my sw ot3 man and there is barely anything for it but like it works so well bc like hanlando obviously history there and hanleia like loved them since forever and landoleia like dude they both are pretty similar like both know about duty and having to protect their ppl and dealing with hard choices (like Leia with Alderaan and Lando with Cloud City) and just all the interactions with these three we just need more but so little but love them
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 TAKE A SIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hanlandoleia is so obvious like ?!?!?!??! theres like five fics on ao3 and half r just porn i cry about it every hour they’d work so well together the timelines fit, the emotions fit, they’re all alive still like ?!?!??! OPEN UR EYES PEOPLE
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
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“My flying days are long gone, but do me a favor... give Leia my love”
Space goddess and her space scoundrel
Your honor, I love them and they deserved better
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
Star Wars: Rise of the Fates (FINALE)
The last part of the TROS rewrite. It’s a mix of TROS plot, Dual of the Fates plot, and my own ideas. This is how I spent my free time, everyone.
Back at Korilev, the Falcon and Resistance transporter have arrived back to base, with medics hurrying towards the Falcon to assist Zorii’s wounds. Finn is still in disbelief about all the recent events: the mission, his parentage, Rey leaving. It was all too much. As he walks through the camp, he can see Poe from the corner of his eye, trying to get to Zorii, but Rose was holding him back. Finn could hear Luke call out to him, but he didn’t listen. He wanted to be alone, to take everything in. The Resistance came to the aid of the defectors, welcoming them and giving them shelter, while Jannah made sure all the children were comfortable. Leia could only look around at all the frenzy, and walk away. Luke, Han, and Lando watched her leave, knowing that they were in more danger than ever.
On Remnicore, Kylo Ren was furious about Hux’s death, along with his Knights. In his mind, Snoke was taunting him, telling him that he was a fool for telling Finn of the prophecy. But Kylo was far gone, his mind finally at its breaking point. When asked when he’ll ever stop, Kylo said “Never”. With that, the temple begins to charge, a great force of energy erupting from its walls. Kylo brought about all the powers of the Dark side, the veins on his neck growing and corrupting him. Through the unused rubble of the temple, Kylo builds protection towers so as to create a field for the Resistance to have trouble getting to him. The towers are protected by Sithtroopers and Night Hounds alike. He had truly become more powerful than any of the Sith. The First Order fleet stood at attention, each ship having the power of a single Death Star. Kylo refused to hear of the prophecy, and would make it his mission to destroy Finn and the Jedi, once and for all.
On Korilev, Zorii had been sedated by the medics, as he denied anyone who would get near him so as to remove his helmet. Poe sat at the corner of the medical bed, with BB-8 and D-O at his side. He had grown so fond of the Mandalorian, more than ever. He blamed himself for Zorii almost getting killed, but before Poe could degrade himself anymore, Zorii woke up. Poe asked the question he asked Zorii on Coruscant: what did the First Order do to him. Without saying a word, Zorii allowed Poe to remove his helmet, revealing what the Order had truly done to him. His face was scared, with his left cheek sliced open, revealing his teeth. A glass eye replaced his right one, and his lips were chapped and cut. Poe could only gape at the man, his face showing pain and disbelief. Zorii explained that the First Order raided his home, attempting to steal his children and train them as Stormtroopers, but Zorii interfered. This caused him to get jumped on by soldiers, and then tortured brutally. After his scars healed, his wife could only look at him in horror, and his children refusing to be near him. Ultimately, his wife asked for a divorce, taking Zorii’s children away from him, never seeing them again. Poe felt pity for Zorii, but the man reassured him not to feel that way, as Zorii knew the incident wasn’t his fault and that he was blinded by a woman who hadn’t truly loved him after all. Zorii tells Poe that the Resistance needs a leader, someone who Leia can put her trust in, and that Poe needed to be that person. Poe reciprocates by saying that he was just a pilot, and that he’d only lead the Resistance to failure. Zorii, with the strength he has, runs his fingers through Poe’s hair, an action of admiration, reassurance... love. Zorii tells Poe that he believes in him, and although he lost his most priceless treasures but years ago, he had found a greater and more beautiful treasure: the brightest star in the Galaxy. Poe promises to return to Zorii once the fight was over, and places a kiss on his cheek, a small confession of his love for him.
Finn sits in a nearby tree, alone in his thoughts. BB-8 had followed him, looking up at his friend and beeping worryingly. But Finn paid no mind to him. He thought about Rey, and how she left in complete fear of herself. He thought about his parents: how they died protecting the things they loved most, and that they loved Finn. And he thought about the prophecy, the thing that brought about Anakin’s voice in his head. Finn screamed up at the heavens, angry at the voices of all the Jedi, and how they should’ve done something, anything. He let the tears fall from his face: he was so tired of all the death, the pain, the suffering. Finn then heard a voice, but it wasn’t Anakin’s. It was a womans. Unlike Anakin, Finn could feel a sense of familiarity and comfort the voice brought to him. He looked up to the stars, and recognized the voice. It was his mother, Queen Asherah. He could almost see her again; her beautiful face, kind yet strong eyes, and ethereal, pure white hair. Asherah refused to see her son fall so easily, and encouraged him to finish what Anakin ended. To find his ray of sunshine and bring her back, so that they can destroy Death forever. Feeling more strength and determination, Finn decides one more time to heal the Sith kyber crystal. He takes the blue kyber from Anakin’s lightsaber and puts it in his clasped hands along with the Sith kyber. As he opens his hands, Finn is shocked to see what he’s created, and goes back to base to retrieve his almost finished lightsaber. At base, Leia is speaking with Poe and Rose, trying to figure out a plan to take out the First Order. Now that they had the Coaxium and the Hyperfuel, they could transfer them to the small fleet they have. The Resistance comes up with a plan to destroy the control tower of the Oblivion, which is the command ship of the First Order fleet. A ground team will attack the protection towers, while the squadrons will try to target the control tower, which will allow the Resistance to take down the Eclipse Destroyers. Connix states that the base got a transmission from practically dozens of systems who heard Leia’s message. Leia orders for Han, Chewie and Lando to go to these systems and bring the fleet to Remnicore. Finn, alongside Luke, will go find Rey and meet the Resistance at Remnicore. Luke and Han share a kiss, promising that at the end of everything, they’ll finally be married. As for Leia, she wishes good luck for Chewie and Lando, whom she kisses on the cheek.
On Ahch-To, Rey has destroyed the stolen TIE fighter with intentions of isolating herself on the island, just like Luke did. She sits in the Jedi Temple, where she asks whether she truly was destined to be a Jedi. Jedi weren’t supposed to give into hatred and violence. There were meant to always keep the peace, even if it meant people got hurt. As Rey continues to degrade herself, she can feel that she’s not alone in the temple. Without question, Rey is visited by the Force ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He comforts her and gives her wisdom just as he once did with Luke, telling her that the Jedi were wrong. It’s completely normal to have feelings such as anger, hate, fear, and sadness. What mattered is that those feelings did not define a person or control them. Obi-Wan then speaks of his own past; that just like Rey, he too was a nobody who came from nowhere. He talks about hardly remembering his parents, as he left them not long after his birth. Obi-Wan then says “It saddened me when I learned of my mother’s death, and then content when my father found love again. I then felt joy when I learned of my stepsisters birth, and then... well, I never expected that from that sister I’d have a niece whom I’d never meet”. With that, a wave of memories fills Rey’s mind: the day her mother left her on Jakku, with her clear blue eyes and a golden half sun around her neck, and Rey yelling for her ship to come back. Rey knew well that the crime lord Qi’ra Leia went to negotiate with was her mother, and that Obi-Wan was her stepbrother, making him Rey’s uncle. Finally knowing the origins of her Force abilities, Rey felt almost content, but Obi-Wan reminded her that her blood did not make her who she was, and that just like her uncle and mother, she has taken control of her own fate. Obi-Wan then gives Rey his second lightsaber which Luke kept sacred on Ahch-To. Rey then goes outside to see Luke’s old X-Wing being lifted from the waters by Luke himself, who came alongside Finn to retrieve her. Hugging Luke, Rey whispers “I know who I am now. And I know what to do”
The Resistance arrives on Remnicore with Poe leading the squadrons, where the Eclipse Destroyers begin attacking. On the ground, Rose and Jannah lead the attack on the protection towers while the squadrons attack the control tower on the Oblivion. Finn and Rey arrive in front of the Sith Temple, ready to confront Kylo Ren. Inside the temple, the duo realize that there’s two stories to the structure, with the first story containing Sithtroopers. Rey wields her uncle’s lightsaber, the blue blade glowing in the dark temple, while Finn wields his newly finished lightsaber, packed with two purple dual blades made by Anakin’s blue kyber and the red Sith kyber. They battle against the Sithtroopers, taking them down with ease. Once defeated, they move onto the second and final story, where Kylo and his Night Hounds reside. Immediately the Hounds attack Rey and Finn, who have no problem taking down the creatures, who disintegrate into thin air when killed. The two then move on to battle Kylo. At first, they seem to overpower him with unusual ease, but then soon realize that he was only holding back, as he proceeds to use his newfound abilities to throw them towards the walls and even use Force lightning against them. Outside the temple, Luke and Leia have come to help Finn and Rey, but are locked in the first story as mirages taking the form of past Sith Lords (Darth Plagueis, Darth Maul, Darth Tyranus, Darth Sidious, and Darth Vader) surround them. They fight the mirages, while Finn and Rey try to get back on their feet to fight Kylo. In the skies, Resistance pilots are being shot down by the Eclipse Destroyers, which causes Poe to loose hope for a moment. But then, he hears Lando’s voice and turns to see a ginormous fleet made up of thousands of ships from across the Galaxy.
Finn and Rey are badly hurt from Kylo’s attacks, so Luke and Leia step in to fight him, forcing Leia to battle her own son. But she had given up on him long ago. The twins fight Kylo, bringing him down, but he then realizes that he can strengthen himself by absorbing the life essence of Luke and Leia, which leaves them weakened and unconscious. Kylo then disables the Resistance fleet above with his greatest power yet: a Force supernova that destroyed any and everything it came into contact with. Kylo then grabs Luke and Leia, intending to kill the last Jedi and the last Skywalkers. A weakened Finn looks up at the sky and hears the voices of past Jedi (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Ahsoka Tano, Yoda, Mace Windu, Kanan Jarrus, Aayla Secura, Luminara Unduli, Adi Gallia, and Anakin Skywalker), telling him to unleash the power within him. Finn remembers fractions of the prophecy (...A flare will burn so bright, burning Darkness with its light...A great eclipse will bring forth an awakening...), and he steps up to Kylo, lifting Luke, Leia, and Rey so that they’d be outside of the temple. Kylo attempts to destroy Finn with the power of the dark supernova, but Finn blocks the attack with his lightsaber. However, Kylo vastly overpowers him, so Finn quickly drops the saber and instead deflects the supernova with his bare hands. This method proves to be more effective, as Kylo is thrown back and his body (being delicate due to the effects of the Dark side) begins to disintegrate. With the supernova no longer affecting them, Poe and the fleet proceed to shoot at the control tower, while Rose and Jannah destroy the protection towers, which allows for the temple to be destroyed by Finn, whose awakening resembles the form of an eclipse. Kylo is killed by the burning light, as he takes his last breath and is defeated. With his death, the temple falls, and the First Order fleet is taken down by the Resistance. However, the effort of the powerful attack causes Finn to go unconscious, as he begins to drift away.
Rey, now waking up from consciousness, pulls herself up to walk through the ruble of the fallen temple and grabbing Finns body into her arms. She begs him not to leave her, as she asks for the help of the past Jedi to save Finn. When she gets no answer, Rey tries to heal Finn by transferring life into his body. Luke and Leia have also woken up, and help Rey by transferring life into Finns body as well. With the help of the three, Finn is successfully healed and wakes up, smiling at Rey and his masters. The two embrace and then kiss lovingly, happy of their bond and still unable to believe that they found each other. Luke and Leia look up to see the falling Eclipse Destroyers, a sense of peace filling them as they now know that the Galaxy is truly free.
The Resistance on Korilev and people all over the Galaxy rejoice at their victory. Poe and Rose run towards each other and embrace, feeling ecstatic and more happy than they’ve ever felt. Han gives Chewie his Medal of Bravery that was rewarded to him after the Battle of Yavin, feeling that his best friend deserved it more than him. Luke and Leia reunite with Han and Lando. Leia kisses Lando’s cheek once again, while Luke and Han kiss in general. Rey and Finn walk through the celebration to find Poe and Rose, embracing them as tears of joy fall from their faces. Rose then turns Poe around so that he can see Zorii walking through the crowd. Poe runs towards the man, practically jumping on him and wrapping his arms around his neck. Feeling daring, Poe kisses Zorii as BB-8 and D-O look at their masters happily. Jannah then walks up to Lando, who’s arms are wrapped around Leia, and asks him where he’s from, to which he responds with the Gold system. Lando asks the same thing to Jannah. While she remains unsure, she gives it a shot and says that she’s from the Bespin system. Jannah then shows the two her medallion, which had her name inscribed in Galactic Basic. Lando looks up at her and smiles, saying “It’s good to see you again, kid”, confirming that Jannah is in fact his daughter who was taken by the First Order. Luke and Han look on at the celebrations, and Luke looks down at his engagement ring, reminding Han that there was still one more thing they needed to do.
In the Mid Rim and in the Chommel sector, the planet Naboo is having a grand celebration in honor of the First Order’s destruction and, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo’s wedding. The ceremony is held outside, the waters clear as day and the sun shining brightly. All of the Resistance is dressed in their most formal attire, as they look onto the couple (Luke wears white, while Han wear brown leather, seeing as he’s not one to be so adorned). Leia smiles fondly, as her brother was finally getting the happiness he so well deserved. Rey and Finn held hands, sharing the same amount of fondness Leia had for Luke. Poe stands next to Zorii, while Rose stands next to Jannah. R2-D2 gives Han the rings, as the man inserts the ring onto his lovers finger, while Luke does the same. They share a kiss, sealing their union as man and husband. The crowd cheers, as Chewie roars happily and the droids (C-3PO, R2-D2, BB-8, and D-O) beep and bounce around.
That evening, the Resistance is celebrating with native Gungans and the people of Naboo. Rose and Jannah are playing with some of the orphan children of the planet, as Jannah asks Rose if she wants to explore the Galaxy with her to help Stormtrooper children find their families, to which Rose agrees. Poe sits next to Zorii, who watches as D-O and BB-8 converse with R2-D2, while the three of them tease and play with C-3PO. Poe then asks Zorii what he’s going to do, which the Mandalorian answers with simply being with his lover and taking better care of his droid. Poe chuckles at that, and proceeds to kiss Zorii. Leia speaks with Luke and Han, congratulating them and playfully threatening Han if he were to ever hurt her brother. Lando then tells Leia that he’s heard some of the locals say that she looks more beautiful than any woman who ever lived, a statement which Lando happily agrees with. Leia brings up Lando’s question of what she was gonna do once the war was over, as the Resistance didn’t really need a General anymore. Lando then reveals that he’s been speaking with the Queen of Naboo, saying that she felt that Leia’s bravery and leadership should be rewarded. The Queen knows that Leia’s mother Padmé was once a Queen, and that her adoptive mother Breha was also a Queen. To honor their memories and to follow in their footsteps, the Queen rewards Leia by naming her the last living Queen of Alderaan and asks for her help in rebuilding the Republic once again. Leia agrees with the promotion, fond that Lando wanted more for her. He professes his feelings for her by saying “You’ve been a Princess, a General, a Jedi, and mostly importantly, a beacon of hope for everyone across the Galaxy. Now, I want you to be the Queen you were always meant to be” Accepting his confession, Leia kisses Lando after nearly years of holding their feelings back. Luke smiles at his sister, and then looks up at his newfound husband to share a blissful kiss with him. Finn walks around, hugging different Resistance members such as Connix and Rose. Jannah and Poe tease him for his newfound royal blood, bowing playfully and calling him things such as “Your Worship” and “Your Excellency”. Finn rolls his eyes and smiles at his friends. He’s then approached by some of the orphan children, who ask him what his name is, to which he responds with “Finn. Finn Galfridian”.
He then goes to find Rey, who has been accompanied by BB-8. She reaches behind her and takes out her fully built lightsaber, which was created by a part of her staff and wields a yellow blade. Finn moves to stand right next to his girlfriend, as he places a kiss on her forehead. Rey is thinking of everything that’s happened, saying that perhaps her destiny was never to become a Jedi. Finn agrees with her, but reassures her by saying “Maybe you’re right. Maybe you never were meant to be a Jedi. But you know what? You’re the best knight a prince could ask for”. Rey smiles at her boyfriend, kissing him as BB-8 beeps at them happily. They then realize that he’s also acknowledging Luke and Han. The two embrace Rey, who sees them as the father figures she never had. Seeing as Finn now had a name for himself, Luke asks Rey who she was. Rey turns along with Luke, as they see Obi-Wan’s Force ghost, smiling and nodding at his niece and former student. Luke smiles back with tears in his eyes, and Rey responds to his question by giving her name as “Rey Kenobi”. The couples along with BB-8 watch the sun of Naboo set, as the Galaxy rejoices in the newfound peace.
And there ya go! My TROS rewrite is complete! These took a lot of time and attention to make, so I hope you’ve enjoyed them. I’ll hopefully get to making some art, and get back to one of my other AUs that I have to start working on again. Once again, respectful criticism is much appreciated.
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lvebots · 4 years
for the ship meme; landoleia OBVIOUSLY 🤗💞
send a ship
Who was the one to propose: okay... listen to ' Get This Right ' from frozen 2 ~~it's a deleted song~~ and that's my answer lol. basically Lando tries to propose but Leia does it instead.
Who stressed more over wedding planning: most likely Lando
Who decorated the house: obviously Lando
Who does the cooking: Lando, I will die by my statement that Leia cannot cook, and if she does,,, it's basically microwaveable meals
Who is more organized: I think they both are pretty organized, but Lando is just a bit more organized
Who initiates bedroom fun:
Who suggested kids first: L e i a
Who's more dominant: Leia
Who's the cuddler: both of them
What's their favorite non-sexual activity: I feel like they would totally play card games
Who comes home drunk at 3am: Han. he pops up at their house drunk and they have to deal with him lol. jk jk, nah I don't think either of them really.
Who kills the spiders: they don't kill the spiders they kick them out of the house.
Who falls asleep first: Lando, although he wakes up to drag her into the bed at 3 am because if he doesn't she'll end up stay up all night
Their relationship summed up in a gif:
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^^ them @ Vader I know that isn't what the thing was asking for but I saw this gif and thought of them so there
but here's a gif of them 😔💞
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lvebots · 4 years
5/6/8 for landoleia!
I just saw this in my inbox because I never got a notification thanks tumblr so I apologize for the delay.
5. Favorite canon moment of them?
okay, I can't pick one. I really like when they first meet because they both scream ' 💝💗💖💕💘💓💞 '
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and also because of this look Leia gives Han when he interrupts their meeting
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I like to call it the ' bitch please leave ' look
and of course I love the scene where he tells her she belongs on Bespin. Because that's iconic, smooth and sweet.
and idk if we count this as canon anymore since it's a deleted scene but
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6. Least favorite canon moment of them?
okay I haven't watched tesb in a year or so. but the part when Chewie is like... trying to kill him and Leia is encouraging it... yeah. and that's not even because I ship them, it's really because I feel like Leia would like,,, really understand why he did it. like sure, she'd be mad but she wouldn't be that mad to where she'd be okay with Chewie murdering him. yeah, I'll probably make a whole post about it and expand on it but I've always hated that scene, and now that i ship them it still bugs me lol
8. Least favorite headcanon trope/idea? 
I can't really think of one??? so,,, uh,,, have this
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lvebots · 4 years
Lando Calrissian and Leia Organa in love.
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annes-andromeda · 4 years
Star Wars: Rise of the Fates (PART 3)
Third part of the TROS rewrite. It’s a mix of TROS plot, Dual of the Fates plot, and my own ideas.
On Kef Bir, the team alongside Company 77 are eating their meals and conversing with each other. Jannah would speak of how her and the Company took refuge on Kef Bir to escape the First Order, and that they earned the loyalty of the fauna, especially the Orbaks. It seems that the Orbak Finn tamed had grown fond of him, sitting at his side and sniffing his face playfully. The creature, named Mila, was apparently a female looking for a rider, and Jannah even allowed Finn to keep her as a gift. Finn thanked her, and offered to take her and the company back to the Resistance where they’d be safe. Rey then admits that she’s afraid of what’s coming, of how much the Galaxy has suffered and that the mission would be for nothing if failed. She’s felt something through the Force that makes her worry about Luke. Her friends reassure her and remind her that people will rise up for what they believe in, and that her master will be ok. To lighten the mood, Rose suggests that Poe sings for the group. Despite refusing at first, Poe ultimately agrees and sings a small song that, not surprisingly, awes Zorii and cements his growing feelings for the pilot. Rey, now feeling at bit more hopeful, lays her head on Finns shoulder, as they provide comfort for each other in the darkest times. Later that night while everyone is asleep, Finn has trouble sleeping and tries once again to heal Luke’s Sith kyber crystal by meditating. But it still doesn’t work. All of a sudden, Anakin’s voice is heard by Finn once again. His voice tells Finn that he needs to show him something important. Finn doesn’t want to leave Rey, but then he hears the voices of the other Jedi that came before, telling him that they’ll protect her and keep her safe. Putting his trust in them, Finn leaves the camp riding Mila along with being guided by Anakin’s voice. He eventually comes across the site of the fallen Death Star from the last war, which he uses a skimmer to get through the harsh waves. On the wreckage, Finn senses that something is off. While searching inside the Death Star, he eventually comes across the Emperors throne room where the war was ended by Anakin’s final act. Finn understands that Anakin wanted to show him this to refer back to the prophecy. He also realizes that if Palpatine was Darkness, then there’s only one person who would be Death: Kylo Ren. This is enough to give Finn the feeling that Kylo has grown more powerful than ever, and that his patience is shattering. Before returning back to the camp, however, Finn is drawn in by dark whispers calling to him. It’s then revealed that Kylo had been tracking Finn down, sensing his Force surge on Bonadon. Toying with Finn, Kylo takes the form of different visions: Rey as a Sith, who Finn is forced to battle, a dark version of Finn himself, and then he takes the form of an endless sea that attempts to drown Finn. Kylo then claims that he knows who Finn is, and what his story is. Despite not trusting him, Finn is intrigued of his unknown past, but the visions stop before anything else happens.
Back on Wavett, the trio are making sure that the Coaxium nor the Hyperfuel are damaged. Thankful, they haven’t been tampered with or overheated. However, the ship is permanently destroyed, and cannot be repaired. So, they try to find shelter in a nearby villa, which isn’t so populated due to the harsh weather. The trio make sure to stay in the shadows, as not to get caught by any oncoming Sithtroopers or any other First Order authorities. As they’re walking through the shadows, they notice a ship called the Knife-9 landing, which meant that the Knights of Ren were coming. They quickly disperse, finding barren locations to hide, while Luke and Leia cut themselves from the Force so as not to be sensed by the Knights. Blaster shots are heard echoing through the streets, along with the barking and howling of the Night Hounds scouting about. Vicrul goes after Leia, using his Force abilities to make her fear more extreme, which results in him finding her and a dual erupts. Han tries hiding from Cardo, who proceeds to use a flamethrower so as to destroy any obstacles Han is hiding behind. Finally, Luke and R2 are hiding from Ap’lek, who uses a smoke dispenser to obscure Luke’s vision and disrupt R2’s sensors. Before Ap’lek can attack the Jedi master, Han comes in to force one of Cardo’s grenades to hit Ap’lek, causing him to have a concussion and give Luke enough time recover and strike him along with Cardo. Han and Luke then try looking for Leia, who’s still battling Vicrul. Right before Vicrul can get a hold of Leia, she’s grabbed by a mysterious figure who shoots the Knight dead in his tracks. The figure reveals himself to be Lando, who followed the trio after he found out that the Knights of Ren were looking for them. Delighted to be reunited with his princess, Lando and Leia embrace along with returning to Han and Luke. However, the reunion is cut short when Lando suggests hiding as night raids were going to begin soon. He leads the trio to a remote hut where they hide from the Sithtroopers. Inside, the team try to find a way to contact the Resistance so they can get out of Wavett. Luke then senses that Finn was in distress and that something terrible has happened. He begins to worry of his apprentices and their friends, but Han reminds him that the First Order is decreasing in numbers and that they’ll be destroyed in no one time. Feeling a bit more confident, the two share an intimate moment, sharing a long, passionate kiss before Han whispers under his breath for Luke to marry him. Luke is first confused, before Han gets on one knee and proposes to him with the ring he got from Takodana. He says yes, and they continue with their intimate moment, having more hope for the future than ever. In the other room, Leia and Lando speak to each other, with Lando asking Leia what she was going to do once the war was over. Leia says that she doesn’t know. She wants to believe that Poe, Rose, and the others are closer to stopping the First Order than the Resistance is. She remembers the battle of Crait, where they sent a message for anyone in the Galaxy, but no one came. In a vulnerable state and loosing hope, Lando comforts Leia in her darkest moment, where she is reminded of some similar moments between them: the days after Ben had turned to the Dark side and when Lando’s daughter was kidnapped by the First Order. The two had promised to be there for each other whenever they needed it, especially when their children were lost. Lando inspires Leia, telling her that the last war had people who fought against an oppressive system, and that now, people had joined another war because they believed in the cause and in Leia. With that, Leia decides to be the one to make the message for the beacon and transmit it back to the Resistance base. She walks up to R2-D2, the same way she once did many years ago, and begins to record the message.
On Kef Bir, Rey had sensed that Finn was in danger and that Kylo Ren was behind it. Once Finn had returned from the destroyed Death Star, he told everyone that they needed to build the beacon fast before the First Order committed genocide. Rose retaliates, saying that they need a strong enough connection for the beacon to be seen by the entire Galaxy. Zorii then suggests taking the Falcon to Coruscant, since it was a main influence on the government system. However, the team realized that the planet was overtaken by the First Order and that it was too much of a risk. However, they were willing to take it if it meant that the Resistance would get the help they so desperately needed. While boarding the Falcon along with Jannah, who ordered her company to stay on Kef Bir for their own safety, the heroes get a message from Lieutenant Connix, saying that the base had received a transmission from General Organa on the planet Wavett and that they finally had the message for the beacon. A turning point in the mission, this was the final piece of the puzzle. Connix then informed the team that the Resistance was going to retrieve Leia, Luke, and Han, and she sends the message for the team to build the beacon on Coruscant.
The Falcon arrives on Coruscant, and then lands on a remote landing platform so as not to be seen by the Sithtroopers. The team walk around the abandoned streets of the city, trying to find a secluded place to build the beacon. They then hear Sithtroopers marching closer for parol, and before they’re caught, civilians lure them underground where the rest of the population was hiding from the First Order. After raids became a common practice once Chancellor Hux came into power, the civilians moved underground so as to protect themselves and their children. Jannah and Rose share a moment together, unable to handle the imagery of kids and babies being torn from their parents arms. The civilians then lead the group to an abandoned tower where Rose begins to build the beacon with the help of Poe and Jannah while Chewie keeps watch. Rey doesn’t trust the fact that they were able to get into the city so easily, and feels as if something’s wrong. Finn can sense it too, and urges Rose to finish the beacon. Meanwhile, Poe worries about Leia and gets anxious about the Resistance getting caught, but Zorii reassures him, telling him that the First Order wants him to loose hope and give up. That they win when people subdue to them and fear them. Poe then asks the question he’s been thinking about for a while: what did the First Order do to Zorii. Before he could answer, Rose announces that the beacon is finished. She sets the beacon to analog, and begins to play Leia’s message for the Galaxy to see. Once the message is finished, Finn looks outside to see the Oblivion has arrived on Coruscant, knowing that Kylo Ren has come for him and Rey. Zorii then states that the Oblivion has a Stormtrooper training facility where the stolen children are, which motivates Jannah to want to raid the ship. Despite the danger and backlash from the others, Finn also wants to board the Eclipse Destroyer to confront Kylo about his heritage, to see if he was lying or not. Meanwhile, Kylo Ren awaits for Finn on the Oblivion, who orders for all the commanders to be on guard and to allow the Millennium Falcon passage into the vessel. He reminds Hux once more of his promise, giving him a dagger and saying “This is your chance. Don’t fail me”
The Falcon lands on the docking bay without question, and the team takes down the Sithtroopers. They command the droids to keep watch and protect the Falcon while the team scouts the ship. While looking around they split into two groups: Rose, Poe, Jannah, and Zorii go looking for the training facility, while Rey, Finn, and Chewie look for Kylo. Rey then senses something through the Force, which leads her to the cells where tortured rebels were kept prisoner. With the help of Chewie and Finn keeping watch, Rey frees the rebels from their restraints and equips them with the weapons of the fallen Sithtroopers. At that moment, Finn can sense Kylo’s presence, confirming that he really did follow them. Rey wishes to go with Finn, but he stops her and tells her to reunite with the others while he confronts Kylo. Despite wanting to retaliate, Rey agrees and gives Finn Anakin’s lightsaber for protection. Meanwhile, Jannah and the others find the facility where the children are held, and even most of the Stormtroopers who were revealed to wanting to defect. All of them have shaved heads and wear the same armor, stripped of their individuality. The defected troopers agree to help the team save the children and take them to Korilev where they’ll be safe for the time being. However, commanding officers come in and alarm the Sithtroopers of the uprising, which causes a battle between Storm and Sith troopers. At the same time, Rose and Jannah lead the children back to the Falcon, while Poe and Zorii lead the escaped rebels and defected Stormtroopers. They eventually lead up with Rey and Chewie, while they stall for Finn. Despite this, Rey can’t wait and goes looking for him herself.
Finn comes across Kylo’s lair, where he sits on his throne, almost mocking him. Kylo complains of how difficult Finn was to find and that he ruined everything for him: the Order, the Stormtroopers, and now, his very power. Finn takes out the Skywalker lightsaber, ready for Kylo to attack. But he doesn’t. Instead, he reveals that there’s more to Finn than meets the eye. Finn can’t help but listen, despite being untrustworthy of the Supreme Leader. Kylo speaks of Lieutenant Damarcus, revealing that the allegations of treason against him were true. To taunt Finn even more, Kylo forces him to remember Damarcus’s execution, and saying “It must’ve been difficult, a child your age. To see your own father die before your very eyes”. This news causes Finn to drop the lightsaber in shock, which allows Kylo to trap him through the Force. Not caring of the mans pleas to stop, Kylo proceeds with his newfound knowledge. He states that Damarcus apparently joined the First Order and turned Finn in with the name ‘FN-2187’, a play on his own sons name. Apparently Damarcus had come from a planet in the Myto sector, after an invasion from the First Order looking for resources and children to take into the Stormtrooper army. The planet was named Artorias, and Damarcus wasn’t the man’s name at all. It was Caled. Caled Galfridian. The fallen King who supposedly fell with his own kingdom. With this, Finn gets a Force vision of Artorias on the day of its invasion, and he sees his father with a white haired woman holding baby Finn in her arms. The woman’s name was Asherah, who was the former Queen, and she was instructing her husband to take their son to a safe place, as she was going to protect the citizens. But she never came back. Kylo can only watch in satisfaction and sickening amusement as Finn’s past and pain unravels. All the pieces put together, Finn comes to the conclusion that his last name is Galfridian, and that he was the prince of Artorias. But the conversation didn’t stop there. Kylo begins to get angry as he spoke more of Finn, and reveals why he was hearing Anakin’s voice. It was because of the prophecy. Finn knew where this was going. He had figured out that Kylo was the Death to be destroyed. It was only a matter of time before Kylo found out that Finn was the Moon sent to cause his demise. And he wasn’t going to accept it.
Rey, who began to worry about Finn and sensed his distress, runs through the corridors shooting any Sithtroopers in her way, desperate to save her boyfriend. Finn tries to free himself of his restraints but he can’t. Kylo then does the unthinkable: he takes the Skywalker lightsaber, and destroys it to the point of no return. This is enough to cause Finn to let out another Force surge, which breaks his restraints and allows Rey to find him. Finn quickly grabs the kyber crystal of the broken lightsaber and the two run back to the Falcon, where the crew is being attacked by Sithtroopers. Kylo sends out his Night Hounds to snatch them and kill them before they can escape. There seems to be not enough ships to transport the defected Stormtroopers and children, which some are being slaughtered by the Sithtroopers. When all seems lost, a Resistance ship comes to the deck holding Luke, Leia, Han, and Lando inside, who refused to leave the team by themselves. They board the remaining defectors onto the ship, while the others try to hold the attackers off. Hux, refusing to disappoint the Supreme Leader, shoots Zorii on the back, much to Poe’s dismay. Despite being hurt, Zorii won’t let Poe or his friends get taken. He battles Hux, who stabs the Mandalorian multiple times with Kylo’s dagger. Jannah and Rey try saving him, but Rey is taken back by the last of the Knights of Ren. Jannah comes to Zorii’s aid and shoots Hux with her bow, a death befitting of the man who caused innocent children so much pain. Rey sees Zorii injured and begins to get angered, as she violently cuts through the Knights. Once killing the last one, she proceeds to massacre the Sithtroopers, which begins to worry the rest of the crew who were yelling at her to board the Falcon. It wasn’t until she heard Luke and Finn’s voices that Rey stopped abruptly, horrified at what she’d done. Instead of boarding the transport, she takes a TIE fighter and abandons the team, unable to face them after her actions. The Falcon leaves along with the Resistance transporter back to Korilev. Despite retrieving enough defectors, the mission felt more like a failure than a success, as they had just provoked the First Order and Kylo Ren even more. Plus, the saved troopers and children were unfortunately not all of them, as some were lost during the raid.
Sorry if this one seems longer than the first two, but I wanted to write the mission scene for a while now. I feel like there weren’t a lot of scenes in the sequels that felt like the characters were in real danger, so I did the job for the writers responsible for them. The last part will be posted shortly, and then hopefully some art. I hope. Respectful criticism is much appreciated.
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lvebots · 4 years
I'm probably gonna be known as the only person who ships leialando in the star wars fandom
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