#Luís Roberto Barroso
ocombatenterondonia · 5 months
Marcos Rocha vence de novo as eleições. Agora no TRE
O procurador regional eleitoral, Leonardo Trevizani Caberlon, rejeitou ontem a acusação da Coligação “Pelo bem de Rondônia. Pelo bem do Brasil”, (PL, DC e PTB) que pedia a condenação do governador Marcos Rocha e de seu vice, Sérgio Gonçalves, por abuso de poder político nas eleições de 2022. Com isso, o governador Marcos Rocha, que venceu o segundo turno das eleições com 52,47% dos votos, contra…
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brasilsa · 6 months
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emsergipe · 1 year
STF decide a favor de aposentados e valida “revisão da vida toda”
STF decide a favor de aposentados e valida “revisão da vida toda”
Corte decidiu se quem se aposentou após 1999 – ano em que houve uma mudança na forma de calcular os benefícios – pode solicitar uma revisão incluindo na conta contribuições feitas antes de julho de 1994. Por seis votos a cinco, o plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal decidiu, nesta quinta-feira (1º), a favor dos aposentados e pensionistas e validou a “revisão da vida toda”, que trata de mudanças…
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radioshiga · 1 year
Brasil: para Barroso, ‘Perdeu, mané’ foi uma reação ‘singela’
Brasil: para Barroso, ‘Perdeu, mané’ foi uma reação ‘singela’
Brasil: para Barroso, ‘Perdeu, mané’ foi uma reação ‘singela’ O ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), considerou “singela” a resposta que deu a um apoiador do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL), em Nova Iorque. Na ocasião, o magistrado disse “Perdeu, mané, não amola”, ao ser interpelado sobre se as Forças Armadas terão acesso ao código-fonte das urnas eletrônicas. “Tive…
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chicoterra · 2 years
Ministro do STF suspende aplicação do piso nacional da enfermagem
Ministro do STF suspende aplicação do piso nacional da enfermagem
Entes públicos e privados têm 60 dias para informar impacto financeiroO ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Luís Roberto Barroso suspendeu nesse domingo (4) o piso salarial nacional da enfermagem e deu prazo de 60 dias para entes públicos e privados da área da saúde esclarecerem o impacto financeiro do piso salarial, os riscos para empregabilidade no setor e eventual redução na qualidade…
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jasmineiros · 8 months
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"Trial scheduled for September 20th at the Supreme Federal Court may determine the future of Indigenous Lands in Brazilian territory and be crucial for the global climate. The indigenous movement is mobilizing across Brazil, and an indigenous delegation from Apib is in New York during Climate Week to strengthen the international mobilization campaign in defense of Indigenous Lands rights."
"We are on the land, and the land is within us. If the land dies, we as indigenous peoples die."
The Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil — APIB) is calling for nationwide mobilizations this week and participating in the New York Climate Week to alert the world to the risks of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) judgment scheduled for September 20th. The court will vote on the legitimacy of the legal concept known as the "Temporal Framework," advocated by the Brazilian agribusiness, which could reevaluate Indigenous Land demarcations and impact global climate crisis mitigation efforts.
The Temporal Framework suggests that only indigenous people who can prove they were living on the land in 1988, the same year the Federal Constitution was created, should have rights to the land. This disregards the forced displacements of hundreds of indigenous groups who could only reclaim their traditional lands after Brazil's redemocratization in the late 1980s.
This week, the 15th edition of Climate Week is taking place in New York from September 17th to 24th, alongside the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly from September 19th to 23rd, which will feature a speech by President Lula during its opening. A delegation of 10 indigenous leaders is in New York to participate in Climate Week's activities. The international mobilization's goal is to emphasize to the world that the Temporal Framework is a threat to the lives of Brazil's indigenous peoples and could exacerbate the climate crisis, as Indigenous Lands serve as a reservoir of life on the planet.
Apib and its regional organizations are reinforcing mobilizations in territories, cities, and Brasília against the Temporal Framework on September 20th. The goal is to monitor the trial and strengthen the next steps of the indigenous movement's fight. The organizations within Apib mobilized over 220 protests in 21 states, including the Federal District, between May and June.
Five Supreme Federal Court (STF) justices are yet to vote in the trial. The current tally stands at four votes against the Temporal Framework thesis and two in favor. Justices Edson Fachin, Alexandre de Moraes, Cristiano Zanin, and Luís Roberto Barroso have expressed opposition to the agribusiness-backed thesis, while the only favorable votes came from justices appointed by former President Jair Bolsonaro, André Mendonça, and Nunes Marques.
On the same day as the STF vote, the Brazilian Senate attempts to put the Temporal Framework into law. The ruralist caucus in Congress seeks to create tension with the Brazilian judiciary since there is a possibility that the STF may invalidate the Temporal Framework thesis.
In addition to the Temporal Framework, Bill 2903 proposes other setbacks to the rights of indigenous peoples, such as the construction of highways and hydroelectric plants in indigenous territories without free, prior, and informed consent from affected communities. The proposal also aims to allow farmers to enter production contracts with indigenous people, violating the rights of indigenous peoples to the exclusive use of demarcated territories.
While some falsely claim that "there is too much land for too few indigenous people in Brazil," Apib counters that there is too much land for too few farmers and that agribusiness promotes the illegal invasion of indigenous lands. The entity asserts,
"There is no solution to the climate crisis without guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples and the demarcation of their territories."
Currently, nearly half of Brazil's land is in the hands of rural producers. Of the total land in the country, 41% corresponds to rural properties, 13.7% to indigenous lands, and 45.2% to other purposes, according to data published in the Official Gazette of the Union. Indigenous Lands are a guarantee of life for indigenous peoples and for all of humanity, which depends on the climate's future.
"As worsening climate crisis unfolds, many will be marked in history as accomplices to the new colonialism threatening the survival of us, indigenous peoples who inhabit the vast territory known as Brazil, and the future of all humanity because there is no solution to the climate crisis without the involvement of indigenous peoples," emphasizes Dinamam Tuxá.
Key activities of Apib during the 15th edition of Climate Week from September 17th to 24th:
On September 17th, Apib participated in the Climate Week march through the streets of New York in support of the Fight Fossil Fuel Strike. The indigenous delegation from Apib denounced the threat posed by the Temporal Framework thesis, highlighted the indigenous emergency situation concerning extractive industries and agribusiness that lead to multiple instances of violence in our territories. Additionally, as part of the Climate Week agenda, it's worth noting that Apib's executive coordinators Kleber Karipuna, Dinamam Tuxá, and other members of the indigenous delegation will participate in a talk on September 19th titled "FCLP: Rights, Participation, and Benefits for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in Forest Climate Financing," organized by the Forest and Climate Leaders Partnership. On September 22nd, a portion of the delegation will be present at a dialogue co-organized with H.E Razan Al Mubarak, the current president of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, to assess progress in the COP28 agenda with the aim of collectively identifying meaningful and respectful ways for Indigenous Peoples to engage in the COP.
About APIB
The Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) is a nationally recognized entity within the indigenous movement in Brazil, created from the grassroots up. It brings together seven regional indigenous organizations (Apoinme, ArpinSudeste, ArpinSul, Aty Guasu, Conselho Terena, Coaib, and Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa) and was founded with the purpose of strengthening the unity of our peoples, fostering coordination among different regions and indigenous organizations across the country, as well as mobilizing indigenous peoples and organizations against threats and infringements on indigenous rights.
Support/donate to APIB
APIB Instagram page
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odinsblog · 22 days
Musk reactivated the accounts of Brazilian far-right politicians Carla Zambelli, Gustavo Gayer, and Nikolas Ferreira. Ferreira, a Bolsonaro supporter, openly questioned the security of Brazil’s electronic voting machines, even though he won his local legislative race.
“All of these names have been problematic for years on social media,” says Flora Rebello Arduini, campaign director at the nonprofit advocacy organization Ekō. “They've been pushing for the far-right and election misinformation for ages.”
When Musk purchased Twitter in 2022, later renaming it X, many activists in Brazil worried that he would abuse the platform to push his own agenda, Arduini says. “He has unprecedented broadcasting abilities. He is bullying a supreme court justice of a democratic country, and he is showing he will use all the resources he has available to push for whatever favors his personal opinions or his professional ambitions.”
Under Musk, X has become a haven for the far right and disinformation. After taking over, Musk offered amnesty to users who had been banned from the platform, including right-wing influencer Andrew Tate, who, along with his brother, was indicted in Romania on several charges including with rape and human trafficking in June 2023 (he has denied the allegations). Last month, one of Tate's representatives told the BBC that "they categorically reject all charges."
A 2023 study found that hate speech has increased on the platform under Musk’s leadership. The situation in Brazil is just the latest instance of Musk aligning himself with and platforming dangerous, far-right movements around the world, experts tell WIRED. "It's not about Twitter or Brazil. It's about a strategy from the global far right to overcome democracies and democratic institutions around the world," says Nina Santos, a digital democracy researcher at the Brazilian National Institute of Science & Technology who researches the Brazilian far right. “An opinion from an American billionaire should not count more than a democratic institution.”
This also comes as Brazil has continued working to understand and investigate the lead-up to January 8, 2023, when election-denying insurrectionists who refused to accept right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro’s defeat stormed Brazil’s legislature. The TSE, the country’s election court, is a special judicial body that investigates electoral crimes and is part of the mechanism for overseeing the country’s electoral processes overall. The court has been investigating the dissemination of fake news and disinformation that cast doubt on the country’s elections in the months and years leading up to the storming of the legislature on January 8, 2023. Both Arduini and Santos believe that the accounts Musk is refusing to remove are likely connected to the court’s inquiry.
“A life-and-death struggle recently took place in Brazil for the democratic rule of law and against a coup d'état, which is under investigation by this court in compliance with due legal process,” Luís Roberto Barroso, the president of the federal supreme court, said in a statement about Musk’s comments. “Nonconformity against the prevalence of democracy continues to manifest itself in the criminal exploitation of social networks.”
Santos also worries that Musk is setting a precedent that the far right will be protected and promoted on his platform, regardless of local laws or public opinion. “They are trying to use Brazil as a laboratory on how to interfere in local politics and local businesses,” she says. “They are making the case that their decision is more important than the national decision from a state democratic institution.”
Though Musk has claimed to be a free-speech advocate, and X’s public statement on the takedowns asserts that Brazilians are entitled to free speech, the platform’s application of these principles has been uneven at best. In February, on order of the Indian government, X blocked the accounts Hindutva Watch and the India Hate Lab in India, two US-based nonprofits that track incidents of religiously motivated violence perpetrated by supporters of the country’s right-wing government. A 2023 study from the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard found that X complied with more government takedown requests under Musk’s leadership than it had previously.
In March, X blocked the accounts of several prominent researchers and journalists after they identified a well-known neo-Nazi cartoonist, later changing its own terms of service to justify the decision.
—Elon Musk Is Platforming Far-Right Activists in Brazil
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Brazil's Supreme Court adjourns vote on decriminalizing abortion until face-to-face plenum
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Brazil's Supreme Federal Court (STF) decided in a virtual gathering Friday to pass judgment on the decriminalization of abortion up to the 12th week of pregnancy during an on-site plenary session at a date yet to be determined, Agência Brasil reported.
The motion to adjourn the online meeting and wait for a face-to-face gathering was submitted Friday by Justice Luís Roberto Barroso, who will chair the country's top court as of next week.
The abortion case in question was filed in 2017 by the PSOL party, which argues that termination of pregnancy up to the 12th week should no longer be a crime and insists that criminalization affects the dignity of the human person, mainly of black and poor women.
Currently, Brazilian legislation allows abortion in cases of rape, life risk to the pregnant woman, or anencephalic fetuses.
Continue reading.
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vozdanoticia · 1 year
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O piso salarial de enfermagem foi aprovado dia 4 de maio de 2022, por meio da PL 2564, em uma sessão deliberativa extraordinária na Câmara dos Deputados.
Ademais, dia 5 de agosto de 2022, o piso salarial da categoria de enfermagem se tornou uma lei, por meio da sanção da PL 2564, que teve como autor o senador Fabiano Contarato, do partido PT, do Espírito Santo.
No entanto, o piso salarial da categoria de enfermagem, segue em uma verdadeira saga, para ser implementado. Porque, desde o dia 4 de setembro, a lei foi suspensa por Luís Roberto Barroso, o ministro do STF — Supremo Tribunal Federal. Além disso, mesmo a com a suspensão da medida ter finalizado dia 4 de novembro, o piso salarial da enfermagem não está em vigor, criando um contexto de indefinição para a categoria.
A seguir, confira mais informações sobre o piso salarial, qual o valor, quem votou contra, quando vai funcionar.
Quanto vai ser o piso salarial da enfermagem? O valor do piso salarial enfermagem varia de acordo com a categoria do profissional, ou seja, é enfermeiro, técnico de enfermagem ou auxiliar de enfermagem e parteiras. Nesse sentido, o valor do piso salarial enfermagem, é: · Enfermeiros ganham R$ 4.750,00; · Técnicos de enfermagem ganham R$ 3.325,00; · Auxiliares de enfermagem e parteiras: R$ 2.375,00.
#pisosalarialenfermagem #valorpisosalarial #vozdanoticia
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abgltorgbr · 8 days
Barroso Defende Tendência Global de Legalização de Drogas Leves e Aborda Questões Sociais na Palestra na Fiesp
O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Luís Roberto Barroso, trouxe à tona temas sensíveis durante sua recente palestra na Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo (Fiesp). Barroso destacou a crescente tendência mundial em relação à descriminalização do porte e consumo pessoal de drogas leves, criticando o fracasso da abordagem repressiva no combate ao tráfico e consumo. Segundo…
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blogoslibertarios · 16 days
Barroso foge do embate e assume derrota do STF contra Elon Musk
Foto: Werther Santana/Estadão O ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), condenou neste domingo, 14, o funcionamento das redes sociais ao ser questionado sobre o embate entre o empresário Elon Musk, dono do X (antigo Twitter), e o ministro Alexandre de Moraes. Barroso fugiu do debate em clara insegurança, afirmando que este é um “não assunto” e a questão está…
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amazoniaonline · 17 days
STF forma maioria para manutenção da prerrogativa de foro após saída do cargo, mas pedido de vista adia julgamento
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O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, deu voto na madrugada desta sexta-feira (12) para manutenção da prerrogativa de foro, nos casos de crimes cometidos no cargo e em razão dele, após a saída da função. O ministro André Mendonça, no entanto, pediu vista para analisar melhor os autos. O ministro Barroso concordou com o argumento do relator, ministro Gilmar Mendes, de que o envio do caso a outra instância quando o mandato se encerra produz prejuízos. “Esse ‘sobe-e-desce’ processual produzia evidente prejuízo para o encerramento das investigações, afetando a eficácia e a credibilidade do sistema penal. Alimentava, ademais, a tentação permanente de manipulação da jurisdição pelos réus.” Com o voto de Barroso, o STF formou maioria no julgamento do HC 232627 e Inq 4787. Além do ministro Gilmar Mendes, também já haviam votado pela manutenção do foro após a saída do cargo, em sessão virtual encerrada em 8 de abril, os ministros Dias Toffoli, Alexandre de Moraes, Cristiano Zanin e Flávio Dino. Barroso havia pedido vista para analisar melhor os autos, e o julgamento foi retomado nesta sexta. Mesmo com o novo pedido de vista, os demais ministros terão até 23h59 de 19 de abril para votar caso queiram. O presidente do STF destacou que a decisão de manter o foro não altera a proposta feita por ele e aprovada pelo STF em 2018, na questão de ordem da AP 937. Na ocasião, o Supremo restringiu o foro apenas aos crimes cometidos durante o exercício do cargo e relacionados às funções desempenhadas. Barroso esclareceu que o julgamento em andamento altera, na realidade, o entendimento firmado em 1999, na questão de ordem no Inq 687, segundo o qual o fim do cargo encerrava também a competência do STF. “Nesse ponto, considerando as finalidades constitucionais da prerrogativa de foro e a necessidade de solucionar o problema das oscilações de competência, que continua produzindo os efeitos indesejados de morosidade e disfuncionalidade do sistema de justiça criminal, entendo adequado definir a estabilização do foro por prerrogativa de função, mesmo após a cessação das funções”, completou Barroso. Reprodução: Site do STF. Read the full article
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emsergipe · 2 years
PGR manifesta contra o indiciamento de Bolsonaro
PGR manifesta contra o indiciamento de Bolsonaro
A Procuradoria-Geral da República (PGR) defendeu, novamente, que o Supremo Tribunal Federal  rejeite o pedido de indiciamento do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) por ler uma matéria da Exame que associava a vacinação contra a Covid-19 ao risco de contaminação com o vírus da Aids. Lindôra Araújo, vice-procuradora-geral, alegou que não cabe à Polícia Federal (PF) indiciar autoridade com foro…
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lucioborges · 2 months
RS Notícias: Sem provas, Ministro Gilmar Mendes afirma haver um acordo entre traficantes e evangélicos
  Sem apresentar provas, o ministro do STF (Supremo Tribunal Federal) Gilmar Mendes afirmou que há um “aparente” acordo entre evangélicos e traficantes no Rio de Janeiro. O ministro fez a declaração durante uma reunião que havia sido presidida pelo também ministro Luís Roberto Barroso. “Recentemente, o ministro Luís Roberto Barroso presidiu uma reunião extremamente técnica sobre essa questão, e…
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radioshiga · 2 years
Brasil: Presidente diz que quer transparência no sistema eleitoral brasileiro
Brasil: Presidente diz que quer transparência no sistema eleitoral brasileiro
Brasil: Presidente diz que quer transparência no sistema eleitoral brasileiro O presidente Jair Bolsonaro disse, nesta segunda-feira (18), que seu governo está trabalhando para apresentar uma “saída” para as eleições deste ano. “Queremos, obviamente, estamos lutando, para apresentar uma saída para isso tudo. Nós queremos confiança e transparência no sistema eleitoral brasileiro”, afirmou…
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chicoterra · 1 year
STF: ministro determina criação de comissões para mediar desocupações
STF: ministro determina criação de comissões para mediar desocupações
Barroso rejeitou prorrogação de ordens de remoção e despejos O ministro do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) Luís Roberto Barroso rejeitou a prorrogação da suspensão de ordens de remoção e despejos em áreas coletivas habitadas antes do início da pandemia de covid-19. A decisão foi assinada na segunda-feira, 31.  No entanto, Barroso determinou que os tribunais responsáveis pelo julgamento de casos…
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