april-vamp · 4 years
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Field day #01
An interesting adventure with Star and Marco where the unknown will be their greatest danger.
I hope your support ^^
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k1zon · 5 years
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Which one is better for you?/Какой для тебя лучше? My first fanart, can you, please, rate it. Thanks, love u (∩ω∩) Мой первый фанарт, оцените его пожалуйста. Спасибо, люблю вас (∩ω∩) #star_vs_the_forces_of_evil #svtfoe #StarCo #star_butterfly #star #marco #marcodiaz #starbutterfly #marco_diaz #pairing #art #fanart #mewni #starprincess #mewniprincess #hugs #love #star_and_marco #starandmarco https://www.instagram.com/p/B3SJESyC3ww/?igshid=ujvc78qzics3
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ekoi-the-monkey · 5 years
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Cygna (Starco Fan Child)
Hey guys! I'm back. :XD: So I have thought of this fan child Cygna (I modified the name of the constellation Cygnus to Cygna) to be a part of my Star Vs. of the Forces of Evil alternate universe. Well I was having a dilemma for the universe whether Star had a daughter with Marco or Tom. Although I ship Tomstar and Starco, I don't have a preference actually, they're equally favorable. But I want the AU to be more spicy so took the Starco path. Well this path will cause a lot of problem with Tom. So let's talk about Cygna's personality. Cygna is very organized just like her father, Marco. She prefers a courteous and civilized ambiance even comfortable with her grandmother Moon's strictness. She is somewhat like Moon actually, often being well-behaved and retaining grace and poise. But that doesn't mean she's a snob forever. She can horseplay at some times and be on her best behavior when the time is right. She enjoys jokes actually, especially coming from poetic, academic and creative minds. She quite bored to human behavior since she grew up in the usual planet Earth. Though her mother, Star, sometimes tell her tales and the history about the dimension they originated, Mewni. Furthermore, she's also a skilled karateka; taught by her father so that she could defend herself.
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aspiringarmstrong · 6 years
Star vs Destiny - Chapter 10
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Everyone around Marco erupted with yells, orders, accusations, and panic. Marco took a breath and looked at the twitching Ludo and BuffFrog. He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath.
“SHUT UP!” he screamed. The room fell silent. “Glossaryck. Check Jackie.”
The tiny genie creature floated and looked at her. He gave a thumbs up.
Marco pulled the dagger out of BuffFrog and checked his pulse. It was still there.
“Get BuffFrog some medical attention. He’s still alive.” Marco ordered. Some guards looked over and King and Queen Butterfly. They looked at each other and nodded.
Marco knelt over Ludo and picked him up. He wiped the foam from his mouth and checked him. The black vines have almost covered his whole face. His breathing was shallow as he twitched violently.
“Star… can you use the magic that reverted him from stone to try and pull as much of this out of him?” Marco asked, Star looked at him and nodded.
“I’ll help.” Queen Butterfly said.
Mother and Daughter stood between Marco and engulfed the quartet in a radiant light. Once his visioned cleared, the twitching creature in his hands didn’t move. The black veins had receded, but not fully gone.
“The worst should be gone.” Queen Butterfly said.
“Woah… that’s a bit woozy.” Star said as she stumbled and fell on her bed.
“I tried to use all the poison on Ludo,” Marco said. “You two are still going to need to do that for him. I… tried to aim away from anything vital. I’m just glad I was there to attend the frog dissection in class. If we could save anyone, BuffFrog has kids, so he was my priority.”
“Wait… you had a plan?” Star said from her bed. She still couldn’t seem to sit up. “That whole crazy killer Marco was an act?”
“It was a sloppy plan, but it was the only way I could see out of it. I was more making it up as I went.” Marco said. He looked over at his shocked parents. “Mom… Dad… I’m sorry. I’m sure you’re disappointed in me.”
“No matter what happens.” Mrs. Dias said as she held her son. “We love you and are so proud.”
His father gave him a pat on the back.
Everyone turned when they heard Jackie groan.
“Did anyone get the license plate of that truck?” She grimaced, holding her head. She looked up at everyone with confusion. “M...Marco?”
After they had recovered a bit, Star and her Mother did another treatment on Ludo. The black vines receded once again but her old enemy still looked in bad shape and the doctors didn’t know if he’d make it.
She kept thinking of the look on Marco’s face. She’d never seen him like that and it scared her. How was sweet, loveable Marco capable of being so… cold? Even if it was an act… there was definitely more to it. He almost broke.
“Star…” Her mother whispered and held her hand. “Let’s go and let Ludo rest.”
Star nodded and followed her mother out. She was going to head to see Marco, but a regal hand rested on her shoulder.
“Can… we have some tea?” Her mother asked with a smile. Star smiled back and nodded. She hasn’t spent much time with her mother for a while, and it would be nice to sit with her.
She followed her to the Royal Tea Room. The place hadn’t changed since she was little. All the old Mewnie Queens watched regally, holding a cup of tea from the old royal tea set passed down through the generations.  
In the center of the ornate room sat a pot of tea, and two cups. The enchanted teapot was always hot and fresh. It would pour the preferred tea for the drinker, and could only be used by the Queen and her daughter.
“It’s been a while since we’ve been in here,” Star said, as she looked at all the portraits.
Queen Butterfly sat in her chair and poured Star’s cup. Star sat down and took a sip.
“What’s on your mind?” Queen Butterfly asked.
Star took another sip and averted her eyes
“Nothing… I’m fine mom.”
“Star… You know I can tell.” She said and took a sip of hers. “We’re in a safe space, this is where we go to talk about anything.”
Star let out a sigh and set her tea down.
“It’s… Marco.” She admitted quietly. “I’ve… never seen him like that.”
“It was an act to fool Toffee,” Queen Butterfly said with a smile. “That’s all.”
“No,” Star said solemnly. “I don’t think it was. I think part of Marco worked out a plan of sorts to save everyone… but, a part of me thinks that he didn’t care if Ludo or BuffFrog lived or died.”
“Star,” her mother held her hand reassuringly. “None of us knew what to do. That girl’s life was in Toffee’s hands. Who knows what he would have done.”
Star realized something as she took another sip from her tea.
“You… know him, don’t you?” Star asked.
“Marco?” Her mother replied, confused.
“No… Toffee,” Star said. “He called you Moon. He said you two have fought before.”
“That… was a long time ago. When I first became Queen.” Queen Butterfly said. “There was a war. I used all of my power and I thought I defeated him. I never thought he’d manage to return.”
“Is there anything you can think of that will be of help getting the wand back?” Star asked. Queen butterfly shook her head.
“I’d already exhausted every option when I fought him. We… barely made it out alive.” Queen Butterfly said and pulled off her left glove and rolled up her sleeve.  
All her life, She’s never seen her mother remove her gloves. At first, she thought that was her normal skin, then she grew older and knew what they were.
Under the glove was a withered hand that contained the same black vines Toffee had used on her.
“It goes all the way up my arm.” Queen Butterfly said, ashamed. “I had to make a deal with a very… evil person to gain the power to defeat Toffee and his invading army.”
Star held her mother’s hand.
“One day… it will do what it’s supposed to do. But I’m using all my power to keep it where it is.” Queen Butterfly wiped a tear from her eye. “I have quite a few years left, so don’t you worry. I’ll be an old grandmother when I finally succumb to it.”
Star got up and hugged her mother. She cried into her soft dress as Queen Butterfly stroked her hair.
“It’s okay.” She said. “It will all work out.”
Marco held Jackie’s hand as they walked through the castle market.
“Oh my god… that hat is so corny!” Jackie giggled.
“Okay, you can stop with the corn jokes,” Marco said with a sigh. “Mewnie’s main agricultural product is corn. Everything has corn in it. I mean, I’m Mexican, so I get it. Corn’s great! We use that for everything… but I’ve learned… it can be taken too far.”
Marco pointed to the Iced Corn cones. Jackie winced at the sight.
“Yeah… that’s a bit too much there.” She said in agreement.
“So… how much do you remember,” Marco asked, looking down at his feet.
“I wish I can say nothing,” Jackie said. “It’s like I was there, it was me, but it wasn’t. Until I started saying weird stuff and playing with that dagger, I didn’t feel like I was being controlled.”  
“Glossaryck said some of the spells can influence your desires. I’m thinking that’s what Toffee whammied you with, and at the last moment, he must have enforced his full control on you.” Marco said. “I mean… you wouldn’t just come to the park and tell me that you weren’t… um.”
“I decided that a while ago,” Jackie said quietly. “I told myself when I see you next… I’d umm. We’d… well, if you were cool with it and all.”
Marco couldn’t believe his ears.
“Ahaha… yeah, but that was Toffee. Not you.” Marco stammered. “I mean, I’ve never… and I mean… I… I don’t really know what to say right now.”
“Marco… I’ve been at home, alone and scared. I get random messages from you whenever you come back from another world.” Jackie said. They continued to walk, but Marco leads her to a table and lets them sit. A waiter gave them a menu and some water. When he left, Jackie continued.
“I love you, Marco… and I feeling like I’m losing you.” She said and squeezed his hand. “Toffee or no Toffee. I wanted us to… be together. Then I can be sure that I had all of you.”
Marco was at a loss for words.
“Jackie… I-I don’t know what to say.” Marco said.
“Let's find a quiet place and talk.” She said.
“I kissed Star.” Marco blurted out. He closed his eyes to wait for the oncoming barrage. Jackie never let go of his hand. “We first started going out… it was after one of our dates. Tom took Star out and she was kind of upset about it. I was consoling her and we kissed. We both said it was a mistake and I never wanted to hurt you.”
Marco slowly opened his eyes. Jackie’s eyes were filled with tears, but she put on a brave smile.
“I figured something like that would happen at some point.” She said. “I’m… not mad.”
“Jackie… I love you.” Marco said.
“Okay.” She replied. Her eyes still watered, as if she was fighting back a torrent of tears. “Show me you love me more than her. Let's go back to the castle.”
Marco was pulled up to his feet and lead by the vice grip hand of Jackie. The pit in his stomach growing bigger with each step. He tried to talk to her, but she ignored anything he said. It looked like she was on a mission.
Star was walking back to her room when she saw the briefest glimpse of a bright red hoodie duck down one of the halls.
“Marco?” She called out, but no one answered. She jogged to the hallway and heard a door close, but didn’t see where. She walked down the hall opening the doors to the spare rooms, each one meticulously cleaned and perfect.
Marco must be tired and taking a nap, she thought. As she was about to open the next door, she heard Marco’s voice. He sounded agitated.
“Jackie… we don’t have to…” Marco’s voice said through the door Star was about to open the door when her hand trembled.
Was Jackie in there?
“Marco... Please.” Jackie said. She sounded desperate and on the verge of tears. “We haven’t seen each other in weeks. I almost died. I need to feel you. I need you next to me.”
Star remembered her night with Marco. She felt the same way. She knew how safe it was to be in his arms, wrapped up in his hoodie.
“Jackie… I don’t…” Marco stammered.
“Do I look bad naked?” Jackie asked.
A cold chill ran up her spine.
Were they? Are they going to?
“No, you’re beautiful,” Marco whispered.
“Then come to bed,” Jackie said.
Star could hear the rustling of sheets. She felt sick. She couldn’t see. It took all her effort to pull herself to her feet and stumble away.
“Jackie…” Marco stammered as he watched his girlfriend undress in front of him. “I’ve never…”
Jackie threw her bra at him and giggled.
“Neither have I.,” she said. “I told you before, I was waiting for my Marco boyfriend.”
“Now get undressed and come to bed.” She said and slipped into the oversized canopy bed. He stood on the other side of the room, unsure of what to do.
He felt his hands move almost on their own as he slowly peeled off his layers of clothes and almost robotically walked to the open sheets. Jackie threw them over the two of them and held her naked body to his.
He swore to himself that his body responded accordingly. Jackie looked up at him with a grin.
“Looks like Little Marco is happy.” Jackie chuckled and kissed him. His hand ran up and down her bare back and thighs. He couldn’t believe what was happening. All he could see was her face and warm smile. She really loved him and he could feel it with her passion and embrace.
He closed his eyes and felt her lips. He could picture her blond hair, beautiful blue eyes, those cute heart-shaped birthmarks.
“Marco…” Jackie whispered.
“Star…” Marco whispered back.
A cold chill covered him as soon as the word escaped his lips.
Jackie froze and looked up at him. He could feel her heart breaking as he held her. The muscles on her back loosened and her arms went limp.
“Jackie…” Marco whispered. “I’m… I’m sorry.”
Jackie rolled over and held a pillow to her chest.
“Go… just go.” she sobbed.
Marco quickly dressed and ran out of the bedroom.
Star sat on edge of the safety wall that encircled the observation deck of the largest tower in her castle.
She loved it up here. And felt like she could get a clear head with things.
Marco never broke up with Jackie. She told him he loved her, he never said it back. When fighting with Jackie-Toffee, he said the women he loved, but that could mean anything.
She knew Marco felt something for her, but he wouldn’t admit it. He’s responsible and committed to his duties… and she needed to accept that Jackie was one of them.
This whole mess they’re in… it was causing everyone to be crazy. And for once she felt like her mind was clear.
“Star?” a familiar voice said from behind her. She turned to see red hair and horns.
“Tom?” She replied and scooted off the ledge. His terrified expression relaxed when she was on stable ground. He must have thought she was thinking of jumping or something. “I thought you left.”
“I couldn’t leave… not when you needed me.” Tom said. “I was so scared I lost you.”
She felt her heart melt, seeing his genuine tears. He’d never shown that to her. All the years he’d been in her life, he’d been strong and bull-headed. Now, he was trembling having almost lost her.
Was this how Marco was feeling? Falling in love with two people? A part of her knew she still felt this way for him. Tom knelt down and pressed the back of her hand to his forehead.
“Please… I love you Star. I need you in my life.” he pleaded. “Anything you want, I’ll do for you.”
Star pulled Tom to his feet. Her heart was beating out of her chest. Her thoughts kept going to Marco and what she heard on the other side of the door. Without thinking, she pulled Tom to her and kissed him.
It was familiar, an old love reignited. His arms felt familiar and strong as he embraced her.
As she fell into his passion, she spotted the bright red hoodie of Marco. He was at the door of the observation tower.
Something inside her wanted to lash back at him. She was angry and hurt by him.
So, she slid off Tom’s jacket and pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it to the ground. She leaned against the ledge and pulled Tom to her, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“Star…?” Tom said, confused.
“Shh...’ She said and kissed him again. When she looked again, Marco was gone.
Tom’s eagerness increased and his hands moved around from the back to her front. Her mind snapped back to reality, realizing what she insinuated to Tom.
“Tom… Tom…” She said, patting his back. It took him a moment to recover his senses.
“What’s wrong?” Tom asked.
“I’m… sorry, I thought I was, but I’m not ready.” Star said she could feel herself blushing.
“I… understand,” Tom said and pulled away. His dejected expression stabbed at her heart.
“No… I mean, just… that. I’m not ready for that.” She said with a giggle. Tom’s face lit up with a smile.
“Slow… okay?” Star said. Tom nodded in agreement.
Marco’s mind was in a daze… He didn’t know where he was going. He was just wandering the halls. None of the guards said a word to him, knowing who he was and his relationship with Star, he was given free reign of the castle.
His wandering led to a room filled with weapons and armor.
“Marco…” Glossaryck said after appearing from his hoodie pocket. “What are you thinking?”
“This is going to end,” Marco said, grabbing the sharpest, and biggest sword he could find.
One he let it out of its display case, it slammed into the ground. The thing must weigh a ton! Leaving it where it was, he grabbed a few daggers and a short sword. Threw on an enchanted cape and chest plate.
He looked at himself in the mirror, impressed with how cool he looked.
“Marco… this isn’t a good idea.” Glossaryck pleaded.
Marco grabbed a large satchel from the armory and ran to the kitchen. He loaded it up with bread, dried meats, and cheese. A few flasks of water and a small pot completed his rations.
He ran back upstairs to the infirmary. Ludo was still unconscious, but BuffFrog seemed to be up and about. A bandage over his chest covered his knife wound.
“Marco?” BuffFrog looked up at him in surprise. “I appreciate the visit… are you okay?”
“How do you feel?” Marco asked, looking around for anyone who might notice him.
“Much better. I was surprised at what you did, but once I saw where knife hit… I knew you miss on purpose. You really are good man.” BuffFrog said.
“That’s much is still debatable,” Marco said. “I need you to take me to Ludo’s Castle.”
“So plan is now in motion? Where is Butterflies?” BuffFrog asked. Marco didn’t answer and his new friend seemed to read Marco’s intentions.
“This bad plan,” BuffFrog said. “This a very bad plan. But you saved Tadpoles. My life is yours… I will take you.”
As the two of them stormed down the hall, the blue Glossaryck floated in front of them, holding out his arms.
“Marco… I can’t let you do this,” he said. Marco shoved him aside and stormed ahead. With the next step, his foot was stuck to the ground. He looked down to see it encased in ice.
“Marco… go back to Star and talk to her.” Glossaryck pleaded. His normal senile look changed to someone wise and knowing. Almost someone you could rely on.
“I’m her fated knight,” Marco growled. “I’m supposed to do this to protect her… and her…”
Marco’s mind flashed to her and Tom. Without thinking he grabbed Glossaryck and threw him as hard as he could against the stone wall. With a hard tug, he broke the ice around his foot and continued to storm out of the castle, BuffFrog following suit.
Star sat with Tom in her room. They had a small tray of food sent up and had their dinner set out on one of the tables. They quietly ate and stared at each other with small giddy giggles. Her foot would inch out and rub his leg… and he would do the same. It felt nice and familiar, but part of her still felt it wasn’t Marco.
She shoved that away any time it came to her mind. Hopefully, if she shoved it away enough, it would go away.
There was a small knock on the door. Tom looked over at Star who shrugged. It was probably Marco.
“Come in.” She said. A small devilish side of her wanted him to see the two of them together.
She wasn’t expecting Jackie to come in.
“Um… Star?” She said, holding her arms close to her chest. “Can… can we talk?”
Star gave Tom a glance. He nodded and excused himself.
Once Tom left, Jackie burst into tears. Star hurried over to her friend and gave her a hug. She didn’t say a word but led her to sit on the edge of her bed and rubbed her back.
“What happened? Did Marco do something weird? I’ll have him flogged for you.” Star said reassuringly. She may be mad at him but Jackie was still her friend.
“What? Why would he do something weird?” Jackie asked.
Star’s face felt flushed.
“I… I saw Macro and… followed him. I heard you two in the guest room.” Star admitted. Jackie burst out into tears.
“I… I felt so alone. I asked him to show me that he loves me more than you. I pulled him in there and we… it was going so perfectly.” Jackie hiccuped.
Star wanted to run out of the room. She didn’t want to think of Marco and Jackie doing things like that, but her friend needed her. She rubbed her back and let her cry.
“What happened? Why are you upset? Should doing that be… a happy thing?” Star asked, choking down her frustration.
“We… didn’t.” She whispered.
“What?” Star said.
“We were in bed… and things were going well and he…” She hiccuped and sobbed unintelligibly.
“I didn’t hear that last part,” Star said.
“He said your name,” Jackie said and cried into her shoulder. The little evil part of her set off a ton of fireworks in her brain. “He got dressed and ran out of the room.”
“I’m sorry,” Star said and hugged Jackie.
Marco ran out on Jackie to find her… and she was…
“Oh no…” Star said. Jackie looked up at her.
“What?” Jackie asked. Wiping a tear from her eye.
“I sorta… was kinda pissed… sorta made out with Tom… and when Marco showed up… I kinda hinted that Tom and I were going to…” Star said sheepishly. “I was really mad.”
“Did you?” Jackie asked. Star shook her head no.
“Oh no…” Jackie said in agreement.
“I’m sure he’s fine,” Star said with a giggle. “Let him suffer for a bit, I’ll explain everything to him later.”
Jackie giggled in agreement. Star flopped on her bed, Jackie followed suit.
“Are we losers?” Jackie asked. “I mean… I sorta knew that you two felt that way about each other, but… I’m not a catty, jealous type of person. I felt almost crazy when I pulled him into the room.”
Jackie paused and looked up at the canopy of her bed.
“Do… you love him? What about Tom?” Jackie asked.
“I do love Tom. We have history… a terrible flame ridden history filled with screams of torment and anguish… but we were young and in love.” Star said with a smile. “When I’m with him now, it’s different. It’s familiar… but that part of me is no longer there. Or, it’s changed.”
Jackie nodded.
“I felt that way with my old boyfriend,” Jackie admitted. “People grow together, others grow apart.”  
“I only realized how I felt about Marco when he was gone,” Star admitted. “He’s always next to me, I always relied on him. I know how you feel. I feel like a crazy person, pining over someone I can’t have.”
“He told me” Jackie admitted. “About the two of you that night.”
“The way you felt when you almost died… that empty feeling where you need someone else to fill that hole and complete you. I was like that… that night.” Star said. “I was ready to do… more. But Marco held me. He stopped me from doing something I’d regret. He’s always protecting me, even from myself.”
Jackie nodded.
“I wish I had that with him,” Jackie admitted. “He’s always cool and funny and clumsy around me. He’s normal and attentive, never ignores me. The perfect boyfriend. But, when the phone rings. He’s out the door and off to save you.”
“He stood up to a monster my mother had to make a deal with some demonic creature in order to beat and outsmarted him to save you.” Star pointed out. “I think that would bring up the tally pretty close. No one knew what to do when Toffee had that knife to your throat.”  
Jackie nodded in agreement.
“I felt terrible when that night happened, but that made me realize more than anything how I felt… and I loved him enough to let him be happy with you.”
“Was that the real reason you left?” Jackie asked, rolling to her side. Star nodded.
“Are we still friends?” Star asked. “I really like you and don’t want us to lose that.”
“Even though we’re both Marco crazy, I’d never want to lose my cool alien friend.” Jackie giggled and hit her with a pillow. “God… makes me think Janna might be onto something.”
“What?” Star asked. Jackie let out a snort of a giggle.
“She wanted to set up a schedule.” Jackie chuckled.
“She said that to me once before, I don’t really get it,” Star said. Jackie leaned over and whispered into her ear.
“Oh… Oh?” Star said as she realized what her other friend was hinting at. “Why did she want to be put on it?”
Jackie just gave her a look and she realized why.
“Really? Janna? I thought she hated him. She’s always stealing his stuff and pulling pranks on him!” Star said.
“Nah, that’s how she shows she likes someone,” Jackie said. “She’s been on the Marco train since kindergarten.”
They both burst out laughing for a moment when the door slammed open.
A battered Glossaryck flew into the room.
“Star! Star! Marco! He’s gone!” he shouted frantically.
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harembro · 6 years
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Kelly’s lucky, she got to ride Nacho and now Marco’s giving her a ride.
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themoonoflovers · 6 years
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nomu-san · 7 years
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Old Draw yes I watch Miraculous Ladybug!
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clickalot · 7 years
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Just another fanart drawing of Starco.
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blumoontoons · 7 years
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Inside Joke
I broke out of my usual schedule to make this pic here. This is a screenshot re is a gift for a very, very special person close to my heart. Hope you enjoy it, babe. <3
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hekapoolover · 3 years
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april-vamp · 4 years
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>Coming soon
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k1zon · 5 years
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Which one is your favourite?/Какой твой любимый? My 1st fanart, please rate it. Мой первый фанарт, оцените его плз. #starprincess #star #star_and_marco #marco_diaz #marco #star_butterfly #StarCo #marcoubaldodiaz #marco_ubaldo_diaz #jackielynnthomas #disneystar #star_butterfly_diaz #star_vs_the_forces_of_evil #svtfoe https://www.instagram.com/p/B3SKpFBiqzL/?igshid=9vbk3h97rkpi
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aspiringarmstrong · 6 years
Star vs Destiny - Chapter 13
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Queen Butterfly stood face to face with her old nemesis. She was ready to give her life for her people and was ready to do anything for it.
Deep Down…
She looked at her gloved hands and clutched the locket around her neck.
“Do you want your daughter to be next?” Toffee said.
“I’m sorry Star… Marco…” she whispered.
“Fine… don’t hurt her.” she whimpered.
Queen Butterfly pulled an ornate locket from under her shirt. She whispered to it, and a seal appeared around the perimeter. She opened it up to reveal Toffee’s severed finger.
He gleefully reached forward but stopped for a moment. Turning his hand around, he held it out. Indicating she put it in his palm.
“I always knew you were sentimental… but I wonder how your husband would have felt knowing you kept a piece of me close to your heart.”
“I kept it to remind me of my passion and mercy.” She said and glowered at him. “I let you live. I could have killed you then.”
“And that… is a mistake you and your children will live to regret.” Toffee said. He placed the still moving finger on the stump, and it merged into a working digit.
Toffee smiled at his success and looked down at Queen Butterfly. She was whispering under her breath.
“I call the darkness unto me
From deepest depths of Earth and sea
From ancient evils unawoken
Break the one who can't be broken
to blackest night I pledge my soul
And crush my heart to burning coal
To summon forth the deathly power ….”
“I don’t think so.” Toffee said and backhanded the Queen across her face, sending her careening into the dirt.
“Marco… Kill them all. Take out Star first… That should put you in a blind killing rage.” Toffee said and turned to walk away. The silent coalition lost the last shred of morale.
Everyone screamed and ran as Marco surged forth.
Star held her sword and shield up, ready for Marco’s attack.
Please, Marco… still be in there.
Star braced for the impact but looked up to see Tom holding a flame barrier up, blocking Marco’s sword.
“Star, get out of here!” I’ll hold him off.
“TOM!” Star shouted. “Tom! He’s still in there! Let me talk to him!”
“Star! GO! If he’s in there he’ll want you safe!” Tom shouted. “I’ll get through to him if I have to beat it into him. I still have to pay him back for tripping me on our date!”
Tom’s rage erupted around him and he shoved Marco back.
Star tackled Jackie just as a stray flame shot out.
BuffFrog shouted to everyone to follow him into the forest. Mewmans, Monsters, and Underworlders followed him into the woods as Marco and Tom battled it out in front of a crumbling castle. Toffee turned around and watched in amusement.
Star and Jackie hid at the edge of the woods, behind a large tree. She wasn’t going to abandon Tom or her mother who was crumpled on the dusty ground.  
Marco occasionally would lunge for her prone body, but Tom would be able to block his attack and push him back.
She wanted to run out and save her, but Toffee was still there, and if he’s even more powerful than Marco… she would just be wasting her life.
Star watched the two men she loved in her life desperately fighting. The Dark Knight Marco perform a roundhouse to Tom’s face, slamming him into the ground.
“Marco…” Star said, holding Jackie’s hand.
Dark Knight Marco slammed into Tom. Each swing of his blade was met with the tormented hell-fury he summoned, matching the force of his strikes. Tom, out of breath, smiled.
“So… goody-goody Marco fell to the dark side? How typical is that!” Tom shouted. “After all this time of giving me crap for being evil! You actually fell!”
Marco flew at him, sword in hand, ready to cleave him. Tom let out a flame in his hands and pressed it to the floor, launching himself up and over the attacking knight.
“Now… once I get rid of you… Star will finally come to her senses and stop… pining over you!” Tom screamed and unleashed wave after wave of flaming blades. Marco deflected each one and slammed into Tom.
Marco launched into the air, spun around and dove head first into the solid rocks below.
Tom’s mind went blank for a moment from the concussive force but shook it off.
“You think that’s all it’s going to take to get me out of the picture Marco!?” Tom screamed. “I was there long before you! And I’ll be there long after!”
Marco’s eyes flared. He dove at Tom, who sidestepped the attacker. He raised his hand, all three eyes glowed bright white, a crack opened beneath Marco. Thousands of arms reached up and grabbed Marco, pulling him into the crevasse as it closed around him.
Tom took the moment to check on Toffee who just raised an eyebrow at him. He gave him a grin and salute, knelt down and grabbed Queen Butterfly. All his taunting allowed him to position himself in a spot to rescue her.
Bundling her up, the motionless Toffee watched as he launched himself in the air with his new package and sped over to where Star and Jackie were hiding.
When he landed, Toffee was next to him. He didn’t even see him move.
“All you had to do was ask me, Tom.” Toffee said. “I would have let you taken her off the battlefield. It’s not right to let a mother and child die so far apart.”
Tom watched helplessly as Star and Jackie were speeding away from him. Toffee’s had struck him with his tail, even though Tom didn’t see him move.The force caused him to drop Queen Butterfly at his feet. The demented crocodile’s speed was insane! The pain of broken ribs seared the rage inside him. He summoned all his hellfire to try and slow his momentum.. His body slammed into something metal and hard. Massive black armored arms wrapped around him, holding his hands against his sides.
The pair was almost 200 meters away from Star, Jackie, and Toffee. Marco walked a trapped Tom slowly to the awaiting grin of Toffee.
“Do you love Star?” Marco asked. His voice muffled under the helmet.
“What sort of question is that! Of course, I do!” Tom retorted, shooting flames at Marco’s feet. Nothing seemed to work against the ten-foot monstrosity.
“Would you kill for her?” Marco asked. Tom paused his attack, as Toffee grew ever so closer.
“I’d raze entire worlds in her name.” Tom snapped.
Marco paused halfway, Toffee raised an eyebrow. He let Tom drop to the floor. Tom spun around and launched another flame wave, point blank at his face. He put everything he had into the blast. He’d show Marco what he’d do for Star.
Marco’s massive frame steamed and glowed around the edges, but was unfazed. A massive hand grabbed Tom by the head and neck, lifting him up off the floor like a rag doll. The methodic steps continued as Tom struggled to free himself. Marco stood in front of Toffee.
The maniac let out a little chuckle.
“I’m impressed, Marco.” Toffee said.
Marco pulled Tom’s face level with his. He was wracked with pain as his head felt like it was slowly being crushed by the metallic hand.
“You would kill for her… but would you die for her?” Marco asked. Tom’s struggling stopped.
“MARCO!” Star screamed, Jackie held her back. “Marco, NO!”
Tom looked into the hollow mask. A wry smile came across his face.
“Yeah… yeah I’d give up everything for her.” Tom said.
Marco lifted up his sword, and plunged it into Tom’s heart, skewering the demonic prince through the back.
Star watched as Marco slowly drove his blade through Tom’s chest. She could hear the sound of his ribs cracking as he screamed, the squelching sound of blood pouring out of his chest while he vomited up the fluids that filled his lungs on Marco’s blade, and a sicking snap of his spine as the sword burst out of Tom’s back.
It only lasted a moment, but it felt like an eternity to watch. His face wore a silent scream, since he could barely take a breath. His silent panicked breathing slow to a ragged stop and he hung lifelessly… skewered on Marco’s blade.
Marco let go of Tom’s head, and it slumped to the side. His eyes glowed red.
Tom’s body ignited. The screams of a thousand souls erupted from his lifeless mouth as the phantasms spiraled out of him and filled the sky.
Toffee looked up with a curious expression.
Marco tossed Tom’s lifeless body to the side and raised his sword to the sky, Tom’s blood still staining the blade. The demonic souls that inhabited Tom seemed to have found a new host and all dove into the blade.
Flames erupted around Marco’s armored body. The armored Marco held his hand to his mask as if to look at something on it.
“Looks like you got an upgrade, Marco.” Toffee said with a chuckle. “Makes taking over that much easier.”
He turned to face Star and Jackie. Queen Butterfly seemed to wake up, her face filled with terror as Toffee stood mere feet from her and gave her a wave with his reformed hand.
“Good morning,” Toffee said with a chuckle. “I didn’t want to kill you without having you see your progeny die.”
Star looked up at Toffee and over to the lifeless body of Tom. Marco raised his sword, ready to deliver the final swing.
“Star…” Jackie whimpered. She held her friend and closed her eyes, feeling the Queen’s hand squeeze her own.
“Marco…” Toffee said somewhat annoyed. “What are you doing?”
Star opened her eyes to see the sword cleaved Toffee almost in half. His body was already regenerating around the blade so it was sticking out of his chest.
“Coming to my senses,” Marco said from the metallic armor.
Star covered her mouth in shock.
Toffee poked the edge of the sword as if testing it for something.
“You realize this is futile.” Toffee said, turning his head around to look up at Marco. “We’ve done this dance. I’m infinitely stronger than I was during our fight. Kill them and I’ll let this slide.”
Marco’s eyes glowed with red intensity. Flames wrapped around his whole body and traveled down the sword, engulfing Toffee in a whirlwind of fire.
The flames changed from the normal orange and red to a dark crimson, and then purple. The demonic souls that orbited the sky and were absorbed by Marco funneled through the sword into the vortex until it became a swirling mass of unholy fury.
“MARCO!” Toffee screamed. “You can’t keep this up! I can regenerate faster than you can destroy me!”
“I call the darkness unto me”
“From deepest depths of Earth and sea”
“NO!” Queen Butterfly screamed. “Star… make him stop! That’s the Darkest spell. The price is your soul!”
“From ancient evils unawoken”
“Break the one who can't be broken”
“Marco! I know you!” Toffee taunted. “You wouldn’t go through with this! You’d lose everyone you love! Your parents! Jackie! Star! You do this and they will suffer the rest of their lives over your sacrifice! I promise you!”
“To blackest night I pledge my soul
“And crush my heart to burning coal
Toffee’s voice sounded more unhinged than usual, like a caged animal lead to the slaughter.
“Marco! Marco, please! I’ll leave! Exile me! You don’t know what they did to me! Mewnies… they hunted us all down! We were protecting ourselves!” Toffee pleaded. Star couldn’t see him through the prison of Tom’s souls. She could hear someone frantically slamming against a barrier.
“To summon forth the deathly power”
“To see my hated foe devoured!”
The black of Marco’s armor seemed to gain a life of its own and flow down to his sword, leaving a gleaming silver under it. The formless mass slithered down the blade and into the demonic infused inferno, mixing with the souls that vortexed around Toffee.
His screams echoed through the field as the corrupted darkness fused with everything around him. Toffee’s scream crescendoed with the trapped souls as everything was devoured into nothingness.
As suddenly as it started. The vortex disappeared, leaving nothing behind.
The armored Marco looked down as Jackie and Star as they ran to him.
“Marco!” They cried in unison. He knelt down as they embraced him. He gently wrapped a massive arm around them and stood up, crading the two girls as they cried in relief. Star wished she could feel Marco through the armor, but he was back. She would fix this somehow… but what matters is Marco is back and Toffee is gone. She cried for Tom too. She didn’t know how, but Tom knew his death would save everyone. She felt a part of her died with him.
He silently turned to the fallen Tom and took a step forward.
“I don’t think even Tom would live through that,” Star said, hiccuping back a cry and wiping tears that streamed down her face. Jackie’s eyes were squeezed shut as she clung onto him as hard as she could. “I just wish you came to your senses earlier.”
“I got this,” Marco said confidently through the helmet. He knelt down and rested the tip of his sword on Tom’s chest. A single glowing soul sped down the blade and into the lifeless body. “I kept his original soul.”
A soft white light erupted from the blade and bathed Tom in its radiance. The wounds knitted themselves together.
“Anyone almost dead or injured get over here before I can’t do this anymore,” Marco shouted. “Is King Butterfly okay?” Marco’s metallic voice asked through the armor. Star wiped her tears away and nodded.
“I knew you had a plan,” Star said.
“Don’t I always?” He chuckled. “I’m the safe kid.”
Tom gasped awake and coughed. Sitting up he saw Marco towering over him, with his sword to his chest.
“AH!” Tom screamed and flung his hands at him. He flailed a few more times and got a tiny ember to shoot.
“Tom!” Star screamed and leaped down to tackle him. Marco held out the healing light as many of the three armies brought their wounded.
“I’m sorry.” Marco apologized to each one as he healed them.
“It was the best I could do, I’m glad it wasn’t worse.”
“I think your face was always that way.”
“No, I can’t grow  you a third arm.”
BuffFrog approached while cradling something in his arms.
“He… landed wrong. Head turned and heard snap.” BuffFrog said mournfully. He held out Ludo. HIs eyes were wide with fear but unmoving. He was hyperventilating and seemed to be wracked with pain.
Marco hesitated for a moment and held his sword over his old enemy.
“Why don’t we all go have a burger later Ludo?” Marco said as his neck twisted back the right way. Ludo’s breath quickened as he clutched his chest.
“Marco… Star… I’m sorry.” he said between his breaths. The light bathing him flickered and faded. As it died out, His chest fell for the last time.
“I’m sorry BuffFrog. That was all I could do.” Marco said. BuffFrog wiped a tear from his eye and nodded. “The damage was too much, and I didn’t have enough energy.”
“That’s all I would ask,” he replied. “We will go and give a ceremony for him.
“Wait…” Queen Butterfly said. Her husband helped her walk over to BuffFrog. “I don’t want to… insult you. How would you feel if he rests in Mewnie? We can have a statue to honor him for his efforts today.”
BuffFrog looked at Queen Butterfly with suspicion.
“Mewmans hate monsters. We not be able to see him if he is in Mewman capital.” BuffFrog said.
“What mom is trying to say is that she wants Mewmans and monsters to have peace,” Star said, resting her hand on Ludo’s lifeless temple. “We have so much more to deal with in our world than fighting with each other. We all live here, so let us live together.”
BuffFrog looked down at the still body of Ludo and seemed to be considering it.  
“Star…” Marco said, his voice seemed to be fading. “I’m… I can’t do this much longer.”
He thrust the sword into the ground before Star and let go. The ten-foot towering armor fell backward and crumbled to dust. Jackie rushed forward to brush off the pile of dust that was left and fished out Marco’s body.
Queen Butterfly rushed over with Star.
“His hands!” She ordered. “Let me see his hands!”
Star listened to her mother and pulled up Marco’s hands. Queen Butterfly inspected them, turned them over and over. A pale yellow light emitted from her fingers as she ran them up and down his arms.
“There’s no curse…” She said, astounded. “How can he cast the darkest spell without suffering the curse?
She looked over to her daughter who just shrugged. The two of them gazed at the sword Marco thrust into the ground.
Star walked over to it, grabbed the handle and pulled it out, thrusting it into the air in triumph.
The sword glowed a bright white and changed back to the shape of Star’s wand. The armies cheered at the signal of their final victory.
A dimensional rift open near Star and Ponyhead shot through wearing a helmet.
“I’m here! I’m here! Sorry, I’m late… someone gave me the wrong portal address and I almost fell into some Lava… who would do that? Point me to the bad guy!” she said and shot random lasers from her horn. “I’m ready to rip open that Coffee guy and beat him like a pinata!” She looked around as everyone gawked at her…
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harembro · 6 years
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Quick meme edit I made that likely everyone else on the internet is making as well, I’m sure.
Also, say this with me now people- Starco is no longer Cute and Perfect. It is now Clandestine and Forbidden! But I’m sure there’s some people that like it like that.
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