asrarblog · 3 months
Evolution of Management Thinking and Practices – Last Part – Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #922
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lbringasegusquiza · 2 years
#activebringas #OrganizacionyGestiondeEmpresas #FACIPUCP #estrategias #Mintzberg #Porter #Prahalad #Chandler #Steiner #matrizBCG #Schumpeter (en Santiago De Surco, Lima, Peru) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfP-KW9DtWA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chuckbbirdsjunk · 1 month
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graymand · 5 months
Navigating Management Realms: A Chemical Engineer’s Reflection on Mintzberg Roles
Reflective Essay Article Title: Navigating Management Realms: A Chemical Engineer’s Reflection on Mintzberg Roles Reflective Essay: Henry Mintzberg’s seminal work on managerial roles provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the multifaceted responsibilities inherent in organizational management. As a seasoned chemical engineer undertaking an MBA, this reflection aims to explore the…
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savifotir · 2 years
organisations (avec nuance en cas d'absence de concurrence). • Trois niveaux stratégiques peuvent être
Le management stratégique comprend le diagnostic stratégique, par lequel la stratégie détermine la position stratégique de l'organisation, la fixation des.
</p><br>https://tigofibikej.tumblr.com/post/694438763191042048/vkccc7jkeu-rel-nofollow, https://savifotir.tumblr.com/post/694438179685679104/canon-eos60d-manual-download, https://qapelumehi.tumblr.com/post/694438790647939072/dena-c1060-profi-mode-demploi-lave, https://savifotir.tumblr.com/post/694437926045728768/notice-wayne-dalton-download, https://tigofibikej.tumblr.com/post/694438763191042048/vkccc7jkeu-rel-nofollow.
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zemagltd · 2 years
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Everyday Poetry - "If you ask managers what they do, they will most likely tell you that they plan, organise, co-ordinate and control. Then watch what they do. Don't be surprised if you can't relate what you see to those four words." Henry Mintzberg
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coinatory · 21 days
Grayscale CEO Resigns as Spot BTC ETF Inflows Surge
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Grayscale Investments CEO Michael Sonnenshein has stepped down from his position amid significant investor withdrawals from the firm’s GBTC ETF. On May 20, the Wall Street Journal reported that Peter Mintzberg will assume the role of CEO in August. Mintzberg, a financial industry veteran, brings decades of experience, having previously served as Goldman Sachs’s global head of strategy for the bank’s asset management operations. Grayscale has not yet responded to requests for commentary from crypto.news. This leadership change coincides with a notable reversal in trends for Grayscale’s GBTC fund, which experienced its first weekly net inflows in nearly 19 weeks. According to Fineqia International research analyst Matteo Greco, GBTC recorded $31.6 million in net inflows between May 13 and May 17. Despite this positive movemen
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tamarovjo4 · 21 days
Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenshein resigns, to be replaced by the head of strategy for asset and wealth manager at Goldman Sachs, Peter Mintzberg, on August 15 (Jamie Crawley/CoinDesk)
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infoprolearning1 · 2 months
What do you mean by Strategic Leadership?
In the dynamic landscape of business and management, strategic leadership emerges as a pivotal concept. It encapsulates the art of aligning an organization's vision, goals, and resources with the ever-evolving external environment. Strategic leadership entails a multifaceted approach that integrates foresight, decisiveness, and adaptability to steer an organization towards sustainable success amidst uncertainty and complexity.
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At its core, strategic leadership involves envisioning the future landscape and formulating proactive strategies to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities. It transcends mere managerial duties and delves into the realm of strategic thinking, where leaders anticipate shifts in market dynamics, technological advancements, and competitive forces. By fostering a culture of innovation and strategic agility, leaders can empower their organizations to stay ahead of the curve and drive transformative change.
One of the hallmarks of strategic leadership is its emphasis on aligning organizational objectives with a coherent vision. Leaders articulate a compelling vision that inspires stakeholders and fosters a sense of purpose and direction. Through effective communication and stakeholder engagement, strategic leaders mobilize resources and cultivate a shared commitment to achieving strategic objectives.
Moreover, strategic leadership entails making informed decisions based on a thorough analysis of internal and external factors. Leaders leverage data-driven insights and strategic frameworks to assess market trends, evaluate competitive positioning, and identify strategic priorities. By adopting a systematic approach to decision-making, leaders can mitigate risks and optimize resource allocation for maximum impact.
Strategic leadership also encompasses the ability to navigate ambiguity and ambiguity. In today's volatile business environment, leaders must navigate uncertainty with resilience and adaptability. By embracing change as an opportunity for growth and innovation, strategic leaders can foster a culture of continuous learning and experimentation.
Furthermore, strategic leadership involves fostering collaboration and synergy across organizational boundaries. Leaders recognize the importance of building strategic partnerships and alliances to leverage complementary strengths and enhance competitiveness. By forging strategic alliances with key stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, and industry peers, leaders can create value and drive collective success.
In essence, strategic leadership is a multifaceted concept that combines visionary thinking, strategic decision-making, and organizational alignment to drive sustainable growth and competitive advantage. By cultivating strategic leadership capabilities, organizations can thrive in today's dynamic and uncertain business environment.
Quotes: As aptly stated by Peter Drucker, a renowned management consultant, "Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results, not attributes."
Kotter, J. P. (1990). What leaders really do. Harvard Business Review, 68(3), 103-111.
Mintzberg, H., Ahlstrand, B., & Lampel, J. (1998). Strategy safari: A guided tour through the wilds of strategic management. Simon and Schuster.
Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations. Pearson Education Limited.
Sample Report:
Strategic Leadership Assessment Report
Introduction: The Strategic Leadership Assessment Report provides an in-depth analysis of an organization's strategic leadership capabilities. Through a comprehensive evaluation of leadership practices, decision-making processes, and organizational alignment, this report aims to identify strengths and areas for improvement to enhance strategic effectiveness and drive sustainable growth.
Executive Summary: The assessment reveals that the organization demonstrates strong strategic leadership capabilities in terms of visionary thinking and stakeholder engagement. Leaders articulate a compelling vision that inspires stakeholders and fosters a sense of purpose and direction. However, there are opportunities to enhance strategic decision-making processes and foster greater collaboration across organizational boundaries.
Key Findings:
Visionary Thinking: The organization excels in articulating a clear and compelling vision that guides strategic priorities and decision-making. Leaders effectively communicate the vision to stakeholders and foster a shared commitment to organizational goals.
Decision-Making Processes: While the organization adopts a systematic approach to decision-making, there is room for improvement in terms of data-driven analysis and strategic prioritization. Leaders should leverage data-driven insights to evaluate market trends, assess competitive positioning, and identify strategic priorities.
Organizational Alignment: The assessment reveals a high level of alignment between organizational objectives and strategic initiatives. However, there are opportunities to foster greater collaboration and synergy across functional areas and business units. Leaders should encourage cross-functional teamwork and strategic partnerships to leverage complementary strengths and enhance competitiveness.
Strengthen Data Analytics Capabilities: Invest in advanced analytics tools and technologies to enhance data-driven decision-making processes. Train leaders and managers to effectively leverage data insights for strategic planning and performance optimization.
Foster Cross-Functional Collaboration: Implement initiatives to promote collaboration and synergy across functional areas and business units. Encourage cross-functional teams to work together on strategic projects and initiatives, fostering a culture of innovation and collective success.
Develop Leadership Development Programs: Invest in leadership development programs to cultivate strategic leadership capabilities at all levels of the organization. Provide training and coaching to enhance strategic thinking, decision-making, and stakeholder management skills.
In conclusion, the Strategic Leadership Assessment Report highlights the organization's strengths in visionary thinking and stakeholder engagement. By implementing the recommended strategies, the organization can enhance its strategic effectiveness and drive sustainable growth in today's dynamic business environment.
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paoloferrario · 2 months
Henry Mintzberg, Capire le organizzazioni ... alla buon'ora!. 7 forme e 7 forze, FrancoAngeli, 2023
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arturoesquivelmoreno · 3 months
La tipología de Mintzber
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La tipología de Mintzberg es un marco conceptual desarrollado por Henry Mintzberg que clasifica las organizaciones en cinco configuraciones estructurales básicas, basándose en cómo se coordinan las tareas y cómo se distribuye la autoridad. Cada tipo refleja una manera de organizar, dirigir y diseñar organizaciones. Las cinco configuraciones son:
1. Estructura Simple
Descripción: Se caracteriza por su baja complejidad y centralización en la toma de decisiones. La coordinación de tareas se logra principalmente a través de la supervisión directa.
Aplicabilidad: Este tipo de estructura es típico de las organizaciones pequeñas o en fase de inicio, donde el líder (como un empresario) toma la mayoría de las decisiones importantes.
2. Burocracia Mecanicista
Descripción: Se basa en una estructura altamente formalizada y centralizada, con tareas claramente definidas, jerarquías de autoridad y un enfoque en la eficiencia y previsibilidad.
Aplicabilidad: Es común en organizaciones grandes y maduras que operan en ambientes estables y predecibles, como las fábricas o las administraciones gubernamentales.
3. Burocracia Profesional
Descripción: Aquí, la coordinación de tareas se logra a través de la estandarización de habilidades y conocimientos. La organización se basa en la competencia de sus profesionales, quienes tienen un alto grado de autonomía en su trabajo.
Aplicabilidad: Típica de hospitales, universidades y otras organizaciones donde los servicios son proporcionados por profesionales altamente calificados.
4. Forma Divisional
Descripción: Esta configuración se caracteriza por estar compuesta por divisiones semi-autónomas, cada una de las cuales funciona como una empresa separada con su propia estructura. La coordinación se logra a través de la estandarización de los outputs (resultados).
Aplicabilidad: Se utiliza en organizaciones grandes que operan en diversos mercados o sectores, permitiendo una respuesta más rápida y especializada a cada uno.
5. Adhocracia
Descripción: Es la más flexible de las configuraciones, con énfasis en la adaptabilidad y la innovación. La coordinación se logra a través de la mutua adaptación entre los miembros del equipo, con poca formalización y jerarquía.
Aplicabilidad: Predomina en sectores que cambian rápidamente, como la tecnología, la investigación y desarrollo y las industrias creativas.
Mintzberg argumenta que ninguna configuración es superior a las otras; más bien, la efectividad de una configuración depende de su alineación con las necesidades de la organización y su entorno. Este marco ayuda a entender la complejidad organizacional y proporciona una base para el análisis y diseño de estructuras organizacionales efectivas.
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algeroth · 4 months
As time has gone on, a minor industry of academic detractors has emerged to argue that MBAs are generally less useful than their hefty price tags suggest, and might even be a cause for concern.
An early blow was delivered more than 20 years ago by Canadian management thinker, professor Henry Mintzberg, who has called MBA graduates “a menace to society”.
When he and a colleague tracked 19 Harvard Business School graduates to see how they had fared since being dubbed US business superstars in 1990, they found 10 had suffered serious setbacks, such as bankruptcy or the boot, and the records of another four were “questionable”. 
More troubling results emerged in bigger studies, such as a 2015 paper by Danny Miller of HEC Montreal business school and the University of Rhode Island’s Xiaowei Xu.
Xu and Miller, who has an MBA himself, had initially planned to study the effects of hubris on 444 US chief executives who had scored an admiring cover story in a top US business magazine between 1970 and 2008. But they discovered something far more interesting: the cover story CEOs with an MBA were noticeably worse at sustaining superior performance than the MBA-free ones.
MBA graduates were also more likely to expand their companies with acquisitions rather than organic growth, sacrificing earnings and cash flow in the process, yet their own pay rose at a faster rate than that of their counterparts who had outperformed them.
When the two researchers then did an even larger study of 5,000 CEOs, they confirmed that those with an MBA degree operated quite differently to the non-MBA bosses, spending less on R&D, say, and using accounting techniques to flatter their firm’s earnings. 
These ploys prompted a swift jump in profits, followed by a decline that led to a bigger fall in their company’s market value compared with outfits run by CEOs without an MBA — whose pay was again less impressive.
As the academics repeatedly cautioned, none of this proves an MBA causes these results. Self-serving short-termists might be more drawn to MBAs, and boards seeking quick profits might be keener to hire them. It’s also worth remembering Harvard MBA grads range from disgraced Enron boss, Jeffrey Skilling, to Wall Street superstar, Jamie Dimon.
Still, as Danny Miller said when I spoke to him last week, the research suggested chief executives with MBAs were often more short-term-oriented individuals whose companies “didn’t do quite as well as they did themselves”.
In other words, if demand for top MBAs has peaked, it might not be a tragedy at all.
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jerrycangerald · 4 months
Gestión de la experiencia de usuario
Modelos de madurez UX
Summary of key different views on management 
Management as a science:
Key thinker: Frederick Taylor.
Key quote: “the best management is a true science, resting upon clearly defined laws, rules, and principles as a foundation.”
Key idea: managers analyze, predict, and control organizations and organizational behaviour.
Management as the art of getting things done through people:
Key thinker: Mary Parker Follet.
Key idea: effective management relies on human empowerment because people and human relations as the most valuable commodity within any business.
Management as a practice:
Key thinker: Peter Drucker.
Key idea: the purpose of management is to help the enterprise prosper. Therefore, management is not a science per se (but it sure benefits from scientific knowledge from fields such as economics and psychology).
Summary of Fayol’s typology of management functions
Planning, which can be referred to more broadly as strategizing, refers to the process of outlining a vision and a direction. It is both reflecting on and deciding where the target of planning, for instance, an organization, should be going in the future, as well as crafting a roadmap for reaching those goals.
Organizing is the process of orchestrating work activities and resources; that includes identifying the tasks that need to be performed, assigning roles and responsibilities, and setting up the appropriate hierarchical, coordination, and communication mechanisms.
Directing is about selecting, instructing and motivating people to complete their tasks or achieve their goals; it requires a substantial amount of communication.
Coordinating is the process of ensuring proper and smooth workflow through effective sequencing and synchronization.
Controlling is the process of monitoring the progress made toward meeting the planned targets; it also involves providing feedback on progress and taking corrective actions when necessary.
Trabajo Gerencial
Henry Mintzberg :: Los 10 roles de un administrador exitoso
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Representante de la dirección: desempeña deberes de ceremonia, ejemplos, recibe a los dignatarios, saluda los cumpleaños de los trabajadores, lleva a un cliente importante a almorzar.
El lider: responsable del trabajo de los subordinados, motiva y alienta a los trabajadores, ejerce su autoridad formal.
El enlace: hace contactos fuera de la cadena vertical de comando. incluyendo pares en otras compañía o departamentos.
El monitor: Escanea el entorno para recolectar nueva información.
El diseminador: Comparte información privilegiada con los subordinados.
El vocero: Comparte información con gente fuera de la organización. Ejemplos, sugerir modificaciones a los proveedores del producto.
El entrepreneur: Busca la mejora continua iniciando nuevos proyectos.
El manejador de problemas: Responde forma involuntaria a presiones demasiados severas para ser ignoradas. Ejemplos un cliente importante queda en bancarrota.
El locador de recursos: decide quien recibe qué.
El negociador: Comprometer recursos organizacionales en “tiempo real” con la amplia información disponible desde sus roles informativos.
Estratégias UX
UX strategy invites a broad perspective on UX design (i.e., it goes beyond focusing on key design deliverables such as information architectures, wireframes, and prototypes).
UX strategy is “somewhere at the intersection of UX design and business strategy” (it means that UX design should take a more strategic role).
UX strategy goes beyond product strategy (that is, it invites a focus on customers’ entire journey, not just the touchpoints within the journey).
Todo framework de estrategia de diseño UX, esta basado en conocer tu contexto extremadamente bien. Contribuir a la propuesta de valor de los productos digitales de la organización. Y asegurar de alentar los esfuerzos UX hacia refinar, modelar, y el validado de propuestas de valor consistentes a través de enfoques empíricos y orientados al usuario.
Herramientas para el planeamiento estratégico.
Niveles de estrategia
Nivel de producto: Concretamente estrategias al nivel del producto consisten en la elaboración de casos de negocios en donde la propuesta de valor del producto en el contexto del modelo de negocio de la empresa.
Nivel de proceso: Esto esta relacionado al nivel de madurez UX de la empresa, si quieres aumentar el nivel de capacidad UX de tu empresa necesitaras una hoja de ruta que te guiara para diagnósticar y evaluar el progreso.
Nivel de equipo: Esto puede empezar con evaluar y comparar el nivel del equipo con el modelo del psicólogo Bruce TUCKMAN según la cual hay 4 etapas de los equipos de alto rendimiento. Forming, storming, norming and performing: Es decir los equipos de conforman, luego se van entendiendo entre ellos, luego empiezan a establecer sus roles y responsabilidades y por último empiezan a trabajar en equipo.
Definiendo una estructura UX
Centralized‌:‌ ‌UXers‌ ‌are‌ ‌grouped‌ ‌together‌ ‌under‌ ‌UX‌ ‌leadership,‌ ‌and‌ ‌they‌ ‌are‌ ‌temporally‌ ‌allocated‌ ‌to‌ ‌different‌ ‌products‌ ‌or‌ ‌projects‌ ‌within‌ ‌the‌ ‌organization‌ ‌(thus,‌ ‌it‌ ‌is‌ ‌sometimes‌ ‌referred‌ ‌to‌ ‌as‌ ‌a‌ ‌“UX‌ ‌as‌ ‌a‌ ‌service”‌ ‌model.‌ ‌ ‌
Decentralized‌: UXers‌ ‌are‌ ‌assigned‌ ‌to‌ ‌one‌ ‌product‌ ‌team‌ ‌instead‌ ‌of‌ ‌jumping‌ ‌from‌ ‌one‌ ‌ product‌ ‌to‌ ‌another‌ ‌
Hybrid‌:‌ ‌UXers‌ ‌typically‌ ‌report‌ ‌to‌ ‌both‌ ‌a‌ ‌UX‌ ‌lead‌ ‌and‌ ‌the‌ ‌product‌ ‌team‌ ‌lead‌ ‌of‌ ‌the‌ ‌team to‌ ‌which‌ ‌they‌ ‌are‌ ‌assigned.‌ 
Leaders of a centralized UX structure are more likely to be involved high-level decisions, A centralized UX structure favours knowledge sharing through mentoring and peer learning, A centralized UX structure sheds light upon the presence and identify of UX within an organization.
Una organización UX esta compuesta de las siguientes 4 disciplinas
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Y el liderazgo de una organización UX puede seguir dos caminos:
Product UX leadership: You’re most interested in solving experience problems for our merchants. How do they manage and process orders and inventory? How do they understand and take action based on their performance? You own the UX outcomes for a product or group of products.
Discipline leadership: You’re most interested in focusing on an aspect of your craft. Maybe it’s information architecture, motion design, or the practice of product design. You support product teams in adopting and evolving our standards for craft.
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Designer: You solve well-scoped problems with assistance.
Senior designer: You solve more complex problems with less assistance.
Lead: You identify and build teams to solve complex problems.
Senior lead: You anticipate complex, inter-related problems across product areas and build multiple teams to solve them.
Director: You anticipate hella complex, inter-related problems across the company and build organizations to solve them.
Organizando el trabajo UX
Hay dos formas y siempre van de la mano de un modelo desarrollo de software. Puede ser en cascada y la metodología ágil. En la primera se trabaja en etapas bien definidas del proyecto (análisis, diseño, pruebas, mantenimiento) y se trabaja con mucha documentación.
En la metodología ágil se puede combinar con la primera y hacer pequeños sprint de desarrollo dentro de las otras etapas, lo que se busca es tener software operativo (minimum viable product) MVP. La entrega de código fuente operativo es la prioridad y la documentación deja de ser tan esencial.
Habilidades UX
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Excelente articulo sobre los perfiles de los diseñadores
Las habilidades de los miembros del grupos pueden ser mejor entendidas si pensamos en la forma que tendrían si se graficaran las diversas habilidades que se necesitan para diseñar.
Por ejemplo un diseñador tipo "I" solo tiene un profundo conocimiento en un área en particular. Digamos un diseñador en 3D especializado en dinosaurios.
Un diseñador tipo "T" es más versátil y es lo que se aspira a la hora de trabajar en equipo, los miembros del equipo deben de conocer, manejar todos los campos del diseño a un nivel aceptable. Pero cada uno debe de ser muy bueno en un campo en particular. Donde destaca su participación en el equipo.
También hay diseñadores tipo "X" que son multifuncionales, más que un perfil de diseñador es el "momentum" de un diseñador que debe de liderar un proyecto, tanto desde el punto de vista creativo y técnico.
Por último también se puede tener un diseñador tipo "PI" es decir tiene un conocimiento suficiente de todos los aspectos del diseño pero también tiene un conocimiento profundo en dos áreas del diseño.
Escalando operaciones UX
We define ResearchOps as the practice of implementing strategies, processes, and tools to support researchers in planning and conducting research as well as scaling the value of their work across their organization. Nielsen proposes a framework highlighting 6 key areas to consider with attention when setting up and managing a ResearchOps practice:
Participants: the operations associated with recruiting and managing research participants.  
Governance: the process and guidelines surrounding user consent and privacy assurance.
Knowledge: how research data is collected, synthesized and turned into sharable insights.
Tools: the toolsets and platforms used within the research process.
Competency: user researchers’ education and onboarding processes.
Advocacy: the need to perpetuate the importance of user research throughout an organization.
We define DesignOps as the practice of implementing processes and proper measures to better support design work. Nielsen proposes a three-part framework for understanding and organizing the DesignOps practice.
1. How we work together is about assessing how design work is structured and organized, what tools and mechanisms are in place for collaboration, and what practices encourage effective onboarding and development of human resources.
2. How we get the work done is about examining the potential of standardization in design tools and   processes, that of design systems and tools to support and harmonize design intelligence, and the consideration of workflows and capacity to better prioritize efforts and resources.
3. How our work creates an impact is about paying attention to how design quality is measured and to the social nature of design work such that successes are rewarded for example and the value of design is communicated effectively in the organization.
Motivando al equipo
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Estas 6 dimensiones son necesarias para motivar al equipo.
Claridad: que los empleados entiendan lo que se espera y como estas expectativas inciden en los objetivos de la empresa.
standards: lo que la gestión espera del desempeño del trabajador, las normas deben de ser desafiantes pero conseguibles.
responsabilidades y discreción:
flexibilidad: deben sentir que tienen la flexibilidad suficiente para poner ideas sobre la mesa. también se relaciona con la idea de que el método de calificación de resultado es justo y necesario.
reconocimiento: si superan las expectativas deben ser premiados.
compromiso de equipo: el orgullo de pertenecer a la marca. La cultura organizacional es la responsable de este logro.
Aunque estos son los ingredientes no aseguran resultados a corto plazo, se necesita tiempo y esfuerzo para lograr tener un clima laboral excelente.
Liderazgo de situación
Excelente Modelo científico de liderazgo desarrollado por Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard.
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Involucrando a las partes interesadas.
Tenemos que comer, beber y sudar UX, predicar las ventajas del UX por toda la organización. Establecer que el UX ha llegado para quedarse y es esencial para la empresa no solo otro concepto de moda.
Autores importantes:
Dan Ariely https://vimeo.com/42359486
Jeff Sauro https://vimeo.com/38038507
Jared Spool https://vimeo.com/34252534
Dana Chisnell https://vimeo.com/34261119
Las personas tienen sesgos, hay que ser científicos presentando evidencia y comprender la psicología humana.
Las personas tienen ideas preconcebidas sobre las cosas, enfocate en los beneficios, usa visualizaciones.
Hay poderes políticos en juego, por eso las partes interesadas deben de participar del proceso.
Las personas nunca tienen tiempo, comparte historias de éxito de empresas (incluso la competencia) ; usa métricas financieras (métricas que afecten al negocio) y por último hazte conocido en la empresa.
Desarrollando la cultura UX
La cultura le pertenece a todos los miembros de la organización mientras más comprometidos estén con el diseño de experiencias de usuario. Mucho mayor será el proceso de creación de las mismas.
Cultura UX es la conciencia y comprensión de la importancia del UX y su rol dentro de la organización.
Monitoreo (Controlling)
Monitorear la correcta implementación de nuestra estrategia es una tarea esencial en cualquier proyecto.
Para lograrlo es fundamental comenzar con establecer los estandares que deseamos alcanzar y mantener. Los estandares son necesarios para contrastar nuestro desempeño para ver si cumplimos o nos alejamos del ojetivo.
En la gestión empresarial los estandares son mayormente referidos como métricas. Una métrica es un punto de dato cuantitativo que permite medir, comparar y hacer seguimiento del desempeño en el tiempo.
Las métricas deben de ser:
comparables, tanto en el tiempo, como por grupo de usuarios, etc.
comprensibles, si nadie entiende la métrica no pueden hacer nada al respecto.
llevar a la acción: debe de decirnos como modificar nuestro comportamiento. adaptabilidad es esencial para el negocio.
no usar métricas de vanidad: enviamos 1000 correos diarios, llamamos a 500 pacientes cada semana. No dice nada, más que un desempeño mecánico. Lo que se necesita saber es cuantas pacientes abren el correo, cuantas pacientes devuelven la llamada.
La métricas pueden ser de dos tipos:
comportamiento: usan el producto como es debido, no tienen problemas para usarlo, índice de éxito al hacer una tarea, cuanto tiempo les toma realizar una tarea, etc.
Actitudinal: estas métricas nos llevan a comprender como se siente el usuario, o sus creencias con respecto a ciertos aspectos del producto, una métrica es el System Usability Scale
Hay miles de formas de establecer métricas para nuestros objetivos, por eso comprender que métricas son esenciales para nuestra organización es un punto clave.
Indicadores clave de desempeño
Dependiendo del contexto de interés de nuestra empresa, algunas métricas serán más importantes que otras. Por eso necesitamos elegir de forma inteligente (SMART).
S.pecific: especificos a un objetivo
M.esaurable: medibles
A.ttainable : realizables
R.ealistic: relevante para tu realidad actual.
T.imely : considerar el periodo de tiempo que abarca la métrica
Mejorando la redacción empresarial
Cerrando el ciclo
Una de las principales ventajas de trabajar con profesionales del diseño UX, es que ellos poseen métodos de investigación de usuario avanzados. Y pueden ofrecer al dueño del producto un conocimiento más profundo del producto.
Si es bueno para el usuario y es bueno para el negocio entonces hazlo!!!
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hobodiffusion · 10 months
★ 25 août 2023 > bit.ly/hobo-25aout2023
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★ Les nouveautés de nos éditrices et éditeurs sorties le 25 août 2023 > bit.ly/hobo-25aout2023
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Maria CAMPBELL, Métisse, Dépaysage
George Bernard SHAW, Cashel Byron, Lapidaires
Lucien JEAN, L’Homme tombé dans un fossé, Lapidaires
Christian DU BREUIL, Melancolia, Ravin bleu
Jackie WANG, Le Tournesol, Éditions du commun
Monica JORNET, Feuilles volantes, Éditions libertaires
Siegfried WÜRTZ, V comme Vertigo, Le Murmure
Monica CORRADO, La Fondation suisse à la Cité universitaire, L’Oeil d’Or
Nathalie SIMONSSON, Le livre le plus important du monde, Goater
Jean-Pierre DUCRET, La Révolution russe en Ukraine, tome 2, Éditions libertaires
Collectif, N'autre école N°21, Questions de classe(s)
« Peuple, conscience, fusil, MIR ! MIR ! MIR ! » Avant son anéantissement par le coup d’État de Pinochet le 11 septembre 1973, le Chili a vécu une révolution sociale hors du commun. L’histoire d’une génération militante se dessine… ancrage dans les quartiers, recours à la violence ou rapport aux institutions : autant de questions stratégiques clés qui demeurent pertinentes, un demi-siècle plus tard, alors que le Chili connaît de nouveaux soulèvements populaires. Eugénia Palieraki, Naissance d'une révolution - Histoire critique du MIR chilien, terres de Feu.
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manassehlee · 11 months
Reach for the Stars: Your Customized Growth Path
Your personalized plan to achieve big goals and maximum personal growth.
This action plan framework is grounded in scientific research, and balances academic rigor with mainstream motivation and accessibility.
Apply it to your life to reach your full potential.
Step 1: Articulate the Vision
Set "stretch goals" that are clear, specific and challenging (Locke & Latham, 2002)
Frame vision as promoting core values for greater meaning (Martela & Pessi, 2018)
Step 2: Map Milestones
Break into sub-goals that build momentum through progress (Amabile & Kramer, 2011)
Prioritize small wins and early successes (Bandura, 1977)
Step 3: Build a Support Network
Identify coaches and mentors for guidance (Eby et al., 2013)
Develop broad weak ties that spark new thinking (Granovetter, 1973)
Step 4: Make a Flexible Plan
Have well-defined plans while remaining adaptable (Mintzberg, 1978)
Prepare for likely obstacles but avoid rigid thinking (Dorner, 1996)
Step 5: Take Incremental Action
Focus on consistent progress, not perfection (Seijts & Latham, 2011)
Leverage the power of small steps (Weick, 1984)
Step 6: Reflect and Reorient
Seek feedback and re-evaluate efforts (Ilies & Judge, 2005)
Adjust based on new information using double-loop learning (Argyris, 1976)
Step 7: Sustain Motivation
Manage energy and emotions to reduce burnout (Maslach et al., 2001)
Cultivate grit and self-efficacy (Duckworth et al., 2007)
Step 8: Leverage Resources
Identify and optimize environmental conditions (Wood & Bandura, 1989)
Strengthen social capital (Coleman, 1988)
Step 9: Uphold Ethics
Pre-commit to virtues that reinforce integrity (Schelling, 1984)
Avoid rationalizing unethical actions (Bazerman & Tenbrunsel, 2011)
Step 10: Envision Possibilities
Use mental contrasting about future and reality (Oettingen, 2014)
Reinforce optimism and hope (Rand, 2009)
Here are the names of the studies referenced in the action plan:
Locke & Latham (2002) - The moderating effects of task and contextual performance on the relation between goals and performance.
Martela & Pessi (2018) - Significant work is about self-realization and broader purpose: Defining the key dimensions of meaningful work.
Amabile & Kramer (2011) - The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work.
Bandura (1977) - Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change.
Eby et al. (2013) - Does mentoring matter? A multidisciplinary meta-analysis comparing mentored and non-mentored individuals.
Granovetter (1973) - The strength of weak ties.
Mintzberg (1978) - Patterns in Strategy Formation.
Dorner (1996) - The Logic Of Failure: Recognizing And Avoiding Error In Complex Situations.
Seijts & Latham (2011) - The effect of commitment to a learning goal, self-efficacy, and the interaction between learning goal difficulty and commitment on performance in a business simulation.
Weick (1984) - Small wins: Redefining the scale of social problems.
Ilies & Judge (2005) - Goal regulation across time: the effects of feedback and affect.
Argyris (1976) - Single-loop and double-loop models in research on decision making.
Maslach et al. (2001) - Job burnout.
Duckworth et al. (2007) - Grit: Perseverance and passion for long-term goals.
Wood & Bandura (1989) - Social cognitive theory of organizational management.
Coleman (1988) - Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital.
Schelling (1984) - Self-Command in Practice, in Policy, and in a Theory of Rational Choice.
Bazerman & Tenbrunsel (2011) - Ethical Breakdowns.
Oettingen (2014) - Rethinking positive thinking: Inside the new science of motivation.
Rand (2009) - Hope and optimism: Latent structures and influences on grade expectancy and academic performance.
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mandeepsaini · 1 year
What is Different Point of View or Schools of Thought in a Research?
A point of view or a school of thought or a “philosophical schools of thought” is a belief/doctrine/philosophy that is accepted authoritatively by a group. Although it is similar, It is not Mintzberg’s 10 schools of thought. You can learn about Henry Mintzberg’s 10 Schools of Strategic Thought here, but it may not be relevant to your dissertation. So What is a school of thought? The major…
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