twinkpoll · 1 year
Nomination Rankings so far...
23 noms: Link (Legend of Zelda) [passing automatically]
17 noms: Lio Fotia (Promare)
14 noms: The Onceler (The Lorax) (I can’t even be mad about this)
12 noms: Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space 9)
11 noms: Merlin (BBC Merlin)
10 noms: Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) (istfg)
8 noms: Taako (The Adventure Zone) and Vash the Stampede (Trigun/Trigun Stampede)
7 noms: Tintin (The Adventures of Tintin) [passing automatically] and Howl Jenkins Pendragon (Howl’s Moving Castle)
6 noms: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III (How to Train Your Dragon), Kuzco (The Emperor’s New Groove), Tim “Red Robin” Drake (DC Comics) and Wylan Van Eck (The Grishaverse)
5 noms: Essek Thelyss (Critical Role), Jaskier (The Witcher), Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter), Milo Thatch (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) and Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)
These are the highest ranks. Everyone else nominated has 4 or less.
As you can see it’s a pretty diverse bunch. I particularly admire the Trekkies for just shutting up and sending noms for Julian Bashir, ninjalike, the same as the Merlin fandom and the Adventure Zone fandom. Overall, however, the votes have been very, very broadly spread over a ton of different characters.
Submissions go here!
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foxgirlbeans · 2 months
A Ninja's Guide to Eorzea: Part 2
Welcome back, warriors of light! if you missed part 1, this is a series where I'm taking a look at every dungeon in FFXIV and grading them based on how amenable they are to the ninja's oft-overlooked ability Hide. that's right, it's not just a mudra refresh button! sometimes...
today we're finishing up the leveling dungeons in A Realm Reborn, and then if we keep going at 6 dungeons a part we'll spend the next three parts on level 50 dungeons. dear god does ARR have a lot of endgame content.
The Sunken Temple of Qarn
just like part one, we're starting off really strong once again. the only enemy in this dugeon you can't sneak past are the giant stone heads you use to weigh down pressure plates, and you have to fight a few of those to get them on their buttons at all. this dungeon feels more roguish than ninjalike what with stealing ancient artifacts and treasure and all that, but grabbing those artifacts without any dungeon denizens noticing still makes this dungeon more fun than it would be by just hitting Hide and autowalking to the next boss.
you can even complete the scale in the final room without triggering any enemies if you time things just right, which I was honestly surprised by. I'm giving this one an A.
Cutter's Cry
the first two rooms in this dungeon are basically arenas, so the sneaking starts a little late on this one. that being said, the (pray return to the) waking sands and the exploding blue flames in the dry sands and blue sands areas respectively make it a challenge to keep your stealth up as you move between bosses, so it's still just as fun to avoid fights as it is to get into them.
that being said, I do have to take points off here for not being very ninja at all, as well as for the wet sands areas. you can sneak through the wet sands perfectly fine, don't get me wrong, but it's just as easy to run through the place and grab a teleporter before the mobs catch up to you, so sneaking only really slows you down here. still, 2/3s of the dungeon are good, so B-.
The Stone Vigil
this dungeon has almost no checks between bosses so I was super looking forward to this one, but it immediately disappointed me. the dravanian outriders that appear in almost every pull can see through stealth, which given that they're scouts at least kind of makes sense? but between them and the ambushes of ice sprites, there's a grand total of two fights in this dungeon you can avoid through stealth.
technically you're sneaking through an enemy base and attacking their commanders, but most of FFXIV doesn't really make dragons feel sapient, so it really doesn't feel like it. that, plus Hide having almost no effect here, gives the Stone Vigil a D+.
The Dzemael Darkhold
speaking of expectations being turned on their head, here's that again but in the exact opposite direction. I did not think the darkhold could be stealthed all that well, but I was completely wrong once again.
what you would think would be the biggest problem- the timers you have to stand on to progress- actually aren't a huge deal, and like the pulleys in Halatali, these provide an extra fun challenge for anyone trying to avoid a fight.
the first few timers are complicated by the first boss of the dungeon flying around dealing massive AoEs of damage everywhere, but I'm fairly confident at least one of the two timers can be finished without a fight if you time it properly.
the second leg of the dungeon introduces exploding crystals that deal damage in an area around them, but they're slow enough to easily dodge without issue.
the third leg combines the two, forcing you to stay inside the crystals' area of effect in order to finish the timer. you'd think this would be a problem, but again you can time these so you're only revealed while everyone's back is turned, and then you can sneak away after the timer is finished. just be careful to avoid moving until you're properly hidden- I made that mistake before.
I'm not entirely sure what a "Darkhold" even is, but you are sneaking onto a rich family's property so that's roguish enough for my book. all in all, I give this dungeon a B+.
The Aurum Vale
like in Cutter's Cry, the acid pools and gas vents of the Aurum Vale make avoiding fights just as interesting as charging in headfirst, which is a good sign of things to come. the first boss can be reached without incident, as long as you don't get knocked into a pool of goldbile, and after that you'll have to contend with Morbols which can see through your Hide. that being said, in all cases they block your path forward anyway, so fighting them is a forgone conclusion.
this dungeon does not fit the ninja aesthetic at all, but it has easily the shortest runtime so far at less than five minutes even while sneaking the whole way. that alone gives it an A- as an invaluable asset to have while relic grinding.
The Wanderer's Palace
this is the first level 50 dungeon on the list, and if the rest are even half as bad as this I completely understand why people think Hide straight up doesn't work in dungeons. there's a couple ambush fights in this dungeon which aren't new, but the sheer breadth of creatures that can see through your stealth- Pug Pugils, Corrupted Nymians, and Tonberries (in the tonberry dungeon)- means there's a grand total of two fights you can skip throughout the whole thing- one of which still needs you to pull a lever in the middle of all the enemies, and the other can be spoiled if you're standing in the middle of it when an ambush starts.
all in all, sneak adds almost nothing to this dungeon aside from letting you ignore those giant tonberries that patrol certain areas, which really just raises even more questions! that being said, you are technically infiltrating a castle to free an oppressed peoples from their tyrannical king, even if it doesn't feel like it. D+.
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madzoomerr-blog · 7 years
       help,     ––––––––––   max  now  has  twin  dads  that  is   @waskingonce  and  @ninjaliike
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andsugar-blog1 · 7 years
   ‘     can  i  ask  you,   a  few  questions  ?   ’    –––––––     being  the  school  writer  had  its  perks,   it  meant  getting  to  talk  to  people  of  her  interest  that  she  was  curious  about.   these  past  few  days,   the  harrington  boy  had  been  acting  strange  as  well  as    DISCOVERING   such  weird  things  happening  in  the  town  that  she  had  to  ask  at  least   SOMEBODY   she  felt  comfortable  enough  approaching.  
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//       *      @ninjaliike         ♡ ’d
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emperor-neo · 2 years
Batfam headcanon:
Gotham and the rest of the world doesn't actually know whos apart of the batfamily, which also include the batfam themselves. They have no idea how many members they have like Batwoman? Sure Red Hood? Yes? Catwoman? Maybe? BlueBird? Who?
The Superhero community and the public all just assume anyone who's gay, furry, angsty, ninjalike, bird themed or has daddy issues is the children of The Batman.
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popeyeotaku · 2 years
wait till yall find out about the guy Batman ripped orf, whose seemingly supernatural abilities sucht as master of disguise and ability to ninjalike blend into shadows is made completely plausible thanks to the authors experience as a magician, who employs an army of secret agents whose lives are all indebted to him in one way or another, who has completely and forcibly overtaken the identity of a playboy millionaire to attain funds and a cover for his mysterious and personal crusade of justice--
actually let me rephrase that
Millionaire playboy bastard Lamont Cranston wakes up in the middle of the night to see a shadow cloaked figure whose face is hidded under a wide brim half standing at the end of his bed
When Lamont pulls a gun out from under his bed, the figure only laughs, for he has already removed the bullets
The figure then removes the cloak, revealing himself to be under heavy make up to appear as an exact duplicate of Cranston. He then informs Cranston in his own voice that he has need of his identity, that he knows more about Lamonts family history and business interests than the real one, so if it came to a court case he would himself found to be an imposter, and so Lamont will simply leave the country secretly for a few months
For, who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men
The Shadow knows
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irrlicht-ghostfront · 4 years
*whooshes into your inbox all ninjalike* *yeets your pain away to the best of my abilities* *boops*
*feels better*
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slavghoul · 5 years
Interview with Tobias from this week’s Kerrang UK
Well, my PressReader subscription finally came in handy. The article is pretty long, so it’s under the cut. Enjoy!
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Their Kerrang! Award-winning fourth album PREQUELLE took GHOST from cult concern to global superstars. But the arena-filling congregation of fans is growing restless for clues as to what’s next for Cardinal Copia, Papa Nihil and the ministry. Let TOBIAS FORGE, then, take you behind the mask and into the making of – and future plans for – a band like no other…
The Wamu Theater, Thursday 19 September. Last night this venue – attached to the side of Centurylink Field, the home of the Seattle Seahawks NFL team – played host to the ‘Groover from Vancouver’ himself, Bryan Adams. Tomorrow it’s the turn of the Pacific Northwest city’s beloved sons, grunge legends Alice In Chains, for their last show in support of their sixth album, Rainier Fog. Tonight, though, Seattle gets the latest ritual on Ghost’s extensive Ultimate Tour Named Death.
Despite this morbid moniker, the scene inside the building is one of lively activity, with techs rushing around to finish the show’s elaborate staging. The house lights illuminate the stained glass window backdrop, while the seating, flat on the floor and sweeping upwards towards the back, furthers the illusion we’re in a vast church. Just then, Tobias Forge, the man whose job it is to address tonight’s 5,000-strong congregation appears. K! doesn’t notice him at first given the ninjalike silence of his approach, but there’s an intensity to his presence in these make-or-break moments of preparation.
“I’m interested in tour production, so I get to know a lot of these things,” he offers matter-of-factly. “I’m sure I only get to know about 40 per cent of it, but I notice if things aren’t in place.”
As a nine-year-old child, Tobias used to watch the documentary 25x5: The Continuing Adventures Of The Rolling Stones on repeat. The film charts the rock legends’ genesis in 1962 and their steep, heady ascent to becoming the biggest band in the world, circa their 1989 album Steel Wheels. Tobias considers their subsequent Bridges To Babylon Tour (1997-1998), which made more than $274 million and became the second-highest grosser of all time, to be the greatest ever piece of rock staging, and he was evidently taking notes even then. As a result of the level of professionalism he aspires to, you get the distinct impression he’s not a man who suffers fools gladly in this setting – an idea he doesn’t go to great pains to dispel.
“I want to know who’s in the shit today,” he explains. “Who has been put in the situation where his or her job is compromised, because I don’t want to start yelling if it’s a case of, ‘Oh my truck didn’t arrive in time today,’ because then I’ll know what the problem is. If you want to be a good boss, it’s very important you keep things on your radar.
“I’ve definitely got into trouble over the years by being too nice to people and giving them too much slack,” he continues, surveying the operation. “When you do that it’s like with dogs: if you don’t tell them what the rules are, they start making up their own. That sounds horrible, but there are 40 people on this tour, so there has to be a line and a curriculum. I’m adamant about getting my vision through, especially now we’re in this transitional phase between theatres and arenas.”
This increase in scale reflects the continued upswing in Ghost’s popularity, which has seen them go from misunderstood cult band to metal superstar status in the space of less than a decade. Despite this success, Tobias clearly isn’t taking anything for granted. Ghost haven’t played Seattle for three years, but this time around they’re doing two shows in Washington State, the other being the one they played at the Toyota Center in Kennewick two days ago, which has a capacity of 6,000 – almost eight per cent of the city’s 80,000 population.
Tobias may or may not be referring to that show when he discusses his unbridled joy at recently playing in an unnamed city that doesn’t get a lot of large-scale entertainment coming through town, save for appearances from KISS, singer-songwriter Pat Benatar and a touring production of the musical Wicked in recent years.
“None of us had ever heard of this place, and I’m pretty good at geography,” he explains. “But I loved being the singular moment somewhere, instead of the seventh show they’d had there on that particular week.”
And while Tobias describes the resulting night as “phenomenal”, earlier in the day there was an “unforeseen curveball” when the company who were meant to be selling merch at the show pulled out at the last minute, citing Ghost’s satanic image for their decision. This was, of course, a throwback to earlier shows, such as one in the Texan city of Odessa in 2018, when a minister attempted to dissuade people from attending because of the band’s threat to the morals of good God-fearing people. Unsurprisingly, this outburst resulted in an increase in ticket sales.
Despite this more recent – and, these days, more unusual – blip, Tobias’ desire to cover as much ground as possible on tour this time around is inspired by his heroes in Iron Maiden and Metallica, who have long provided him with the blueprints for achieving and navigating monumental success. In this case, the lesson he’s putting into practice is that every location Ghost visit, without exception, should be treated the same.
“The most important thing to me on this tour is that we bring the same production to everyone,” he says. “They all get the full-fucking monty, whether they’re in Sioux Falls [South Dakota] or New York.”
The walls backstage at the Wamu Theater are lined with Seahawks jerseys, personalised with the names of acts that have performed here, including The 1975, Bastille and Nas, and the rockier contingent featuring twenty one pilots, Halestorm and Dropkick Murphys. Various rooms lead off from these labyrinthine corridors, providing sizeable production offices for the band’s tour management and crew, all of who wear dapper black shirts, trousers and braces affixed with silver broaches of Ghost’s upside down cross insignia. They affectionately address Cardinal Copia as ‘Cardi C’ when he appears later for a fan meet-and-greet. Here, too, are the dressing rooms for the headliners and the opening act for this tour, San Antonio rockers Nothing More.
On all of the doors is a distinct A4 page, the day sheet for this show, which not only details what’s happening, where and when, but also includes a different tongue-in-cheek quote for the occasion. Today, for example, in recognition of the touring party travelling overnight to Vancouver for tomorrow’s show at the city’s Pacific Coliseum, we get this gem courtesy of Britney Spears: ‘The cool thing about being famous is travelling. I have always wanted to travel across seas, like to Canada and stuff.’
Tobias, of course, has actually travelled over oceans to be here. Nowadays he lives in Stockholm, the capital of his native Sweden, with his wife and their 11-year-old twins, but he was born in Linköping, the country’s seventh largest city, where the steeple of its 13th century cathedral dominated the skyline. That’s not what the young Tobias was fixating on, though. Instead, aged five, when he already knew he wanted to transform into another person, he’d stand outside his childhood home and gaze down the street. The sun always seemed to be hovering between the buildings at the end, like a fixed but intangible hand beckoning him to get on a plane and go somewhere else and be someone else.
“The days and options seemed limitless,” he recalls today. “For some reason I always thought of the world as being there for the taking, even though I didn’t have any access to that world.”
In spite of this, he felt a deep affinity with his heroes, like the Rolling Stones and Queen, who also came from places you didn’t automatically associate with being breeding grounds for rock gods.
“I felt similar to them, even if they grew up in Dartford [Rolling Stones] or an island off the coast of Africa [Zanzibar, the birthplace of Freddie Mercury]. I, too, felt out of touch with my surroundings, and knew I had a higher calling.”
Twenty-three years later, in 2009, Tobias realised he hadn’t made much headway in heeding this call. He’d been in bands from a young age, from death metallers Repugnant to alt-rockers Magna Carta Cartel. The latter featured Martin Persner and Simon Söderberg, who’d later appear as Nameless Ghouls in the first incarnation of Ghost. Söderberg, along with some other ex-ghouls, is now embroiled in an ongoing lawsuit with Tobias over what they suggest are the rightful shares of profits they’re owed from their time in the band. Tobias doesn’t volunteer any information on this topic today, which is perhaps understandable given the considerable column inches already dedicated to it.
Regardless, none of those early bands provided Tobias with the success he needed to, say, quit the day job. He had then been working in a call centre, aiding people having trouble with their mobile phones. Despite spending his childhood endlessly sketching elaborate stage designs and lighting rigs, he still has little interest in technology, particularly mobile phones. Back in 2009 his personal life was happy and satisfying, having welcomed children with his then-girlfriend – now wife – though this potent reminder of the finite time we have drew his attention to the area of his life he recognised as falling short.
“I had an epiphany,” he explains, raising his hands as if sizing up an imaginary canvas. “I found myself very far from the path, so decided in the limited time I have to invest everything in the one thing out of all my [professional] options I believed most in, which was Ghost. I understood wholeheartedly what it was, the music and the image, and felt I could do it without my vanity coming in, because I didn’t like how I looked in pictures or the sound of my own voice. But this would be fiction, so that was fucking cool. So I took all of my eggs and put them in one basket and was back on track. For the first time in my fucking life I was really focused.”
For evidence of the dividends this paid, you need only look at the fact that just a year later, with the release of their 2010 debut album Opus Eponymous, Ghost exploded on to the scene, taking the first step to becoming metal’s hottest new hope.
Further proof of this focus comes today from interviewing Tobias somewhere there’s a screen showing news channel CNN. We’re in the band’s pre-show warm-up space, which is decked out with guitars, keyboards and an electric drum kit he removes the stool from to sit in the centre of the room. He admits if he were in a hotel room now, he could easily watch CNN for 24 hours straight. He doesn’t so much as turn his head to look at it now, though, giving his full attention to the interview at hand. Even at 38, an age he says his kids consider “as old as shit”, he remains remarkably boyish looking. His dark and piercing eyes, however, belong to an older soul – and it may be K!’s imagination – but they appear to moisten at several points during this hour-long chat, particularly when connecting the dots between his past ambition and what he’s achieved today.
“I’m trying to recreate a lot of things that aren’t necessarily real,” he says mysteriously. “In my head they’re real, and I’ve been given this fantastic carte blanche where I don’t have to sit in a fucking call centre anymore and am applauded for getting to be someone else. It’s perfect for someone like me who has a fundamental problem with functioning normally in society. If it wasn’t for the fact I was doing this, I would be completely useless.”
When Ghost signed with their American record label, their mythology wasn’t the deep well of fascination it is today. In fact, there was nothing to it at all. They had a unique aesthetic and a sound that didn’t necessarily go with that look, something that would wrong-foot new listeners in the early days, but Tobias didn’t have an answer to why Ghost were the way they were.
“They said the music was great but asked, ‘What’s the story? What’s the biography?’” recalls Tobias. “I said there was no biography because there was no story to tell. I wanted people to throw themselves into the vision and make up their own. But in the end I had to come up with one, which is second nature to me now. Even [Norwegian black metallers] Mayhem had a story. In the early ‘90s, before the internet, there was something that compelled us to want to find out more and listen to their music.”
This mythology Tobias has developed over the years was furthered with the release of Ghost’s fourth album, last year’s Grammynominated Prequelle, which introduced Tobias’ latest incarnation, Cardinal Copia, a character fans have come to love if the number of $40 plush toys sold at the merch desk tonight is any indication. More recently, a web series on Youtube has added to the intrigue, with the latest episode harking back to 1969, when a young Cardinal Nihil was fronting Ghost at the launch of their EP, Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic. That just so happens to be the band’s latest release in 2019, which will also be available as part of Prequelle Exalted, a limited collector’s edition of the album. Meanwhile, The Ultimate Tour Named Death has introduced the EP’S two new songs, Mary On A Cross and Kiss The Gogoat, to its set list.
While Ghost’s music has always tipped its papal tiara to the ‘60s, particularly its psychedelic leanings, the latter song in particular sees them take this interest a step further. How much can we glean from them, then, with regards to where Ghost goes next? Not too much, as it turns out, according to Tobias, who suggests, as with the Youtube series, it’s a way to deepen the story of Ghost spanning from the ‘40s to the present day, without necessarily providing clues to the sound of album number five.
“It’s just there for shits and giggles,” he laughs, before revealing that Kiss The Go-goat, a song that’s been knocking around for some time, actually had the working title ‘The Throwback Single’. “I grew up listening to ‘60s music like the Rolling Stones and The Doors, as well as metal. People shouldn’t read too much into this direction, though. The next album is going to be something completely different from that.”
Can Tobias perhaps give two words to describe where, musically or thematically, album number five is heading?
“I’d choose the words ‘fifth’ and ‘album’,” he replies with a wry smile, before justifying what seems like a diversionary tactic. “I look at many fifth albums as a guide as to the urgency for what that record will need to be, with [Iron Maiden’s] Powerslave being a great example. By the fifth album you’re at a point in your career where you have this momentum built up, and you have the expectancy of people depending on you, so you have to put something special in those many spotlights. You need to step up and make a record that’s worth it and justifies all of these things.”
Who, then, can we expect to see fronting these rituals in future?
“I just know that person will have the name Papa Emeritus IV. It will be the fourth Papa Emeritus. But who that is, we don’t know yet.”
We’re not sure we believe him, so push for more. Might we see Cardinal Copia graduating to Papa status? The latest episode of the web series seems to indicate the ‘Sister Imperator’ character and Papa Nihil conceived a child. Wouldn’t that make him part of the papal bloodline?
“I think that what you will get over the next year are a lot of answers to a lot of questions,” offers Tobias, keeping things vague.
Like the question of whether Sister is pregnant? (In the latest ‘chapter’ of the web series, Sister attacks a woman at a Ghost show for smoking next to her).
“We don’t know that yet. It would blow my mind if she was now,” he says, clearly referring to the elderly Sister in the present day. This suggests she could well be with child back in 1969, though.
Has Tobias sketched what this new Papa will look like?
“Have you ever seen The Big Lebowski?” he asks by way of an answer, referencing the scene in the Coen brothers’ classic where Jeff Bridges’ character, The Dude, spots someone drawing on a notepad. When the man leaves the room with the piece of paper, The Dude rushes to scribble on to the page below to reveal the outline of what’s been drawn, only to discover it’s a doodle of a cock and balls. “It’s something along those lines.”
Sensing Tobias is in full evasion mode by this point, we change tack. Perhaps understanding his ambitions, and whether there’s a summit to them, can shed some light on the future – especially as he seems more focused on what Ghost’s next album will do rather than what it will sound like.
“I wouldn’t necessarily compare [my ambitions] to what the Rolling Stones have done, because that was a completely different time under completely different circumstances. For the last 40 years they have sold tickets because of nostalgic reasons, and maybe 40 years in the future there would be a nostalgia element for Ghost, but I can’t count on that.”
“I regard Metallica as colleagues and friends now, but they’re still Metallica,” he says of the thrash legends Ghost supported on their European stadium tour this summer. “I am an ambassador and they are presidents. But when I look to Metallica for influence, I’m looking at what they did in 1988. We’re on our fourth album, as they were on the Damaged Justice Tour, so the next stop is the Black Album.”
Spotting K!’s obvious joy at this admission, Tobias is quick to clarify exactly what he means by this.
“You have to make a responsible record,” he adds emphatically. “That doesn’t mean to expect riffs. It’s two different things – what the record sounds like and knowing to put yourself in the right spot at the right time. When I had nothing, and lived in a small apartment that cost very little because the ceiling leaked, the dream was to be able to live off making music. When I had kids that became even more important. Now it’s about something else. I’m responsible for showing my wife and my kids that all these years of waiting for me have been worth it. And that goes beyond money, because at the end of the day that’s just seasoning. One day my kids will be grown-up and I have to be able to show them that all this time playing rock shows had a real purpose.”
Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Tobias loves touring.
“I’m like a sailor,” he says. “I just love being on the ocean. I’ve not always been on tour, but I’ve always been a transient person. And the road to achieving all this is endless, just like the road I looked down when I was five seemed to me at the time.”
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ohayohimawari · 5 years
Kakashi Asks-Answer
Q: (From @nyxako-writing) “So this is more of a silly question, but since the Narutoverse has everything we have (except for guns) do you think Kakashi would ever be a gamer? And if he played any of the Legend of Zelda games, which would be his favorite? XD”
A: Okay so, here’s the thing.
Nyx has the pleasure (?) of knowing me through Discord, and when I’m not geeking over Kakashi, I’m geeking over the Legend of Zelda games. I owe you a life debt for presenting me with this scenario, Nyx! I’m sitting here happy as a clam with my Beta, my Naruto Official Character Data Book and my LoZ encyclopedias.
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While I was taking my own sweet time drafting this answer, the incredibly talented @roonie-doodle made my dreams come true by creating this piece of fanart featuring BOTW Sheikah!Kakashi:
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Grab a snack and a tasty beverage and buckle up for ALL the geeking Hima below the cut.
In Boruto, we see the next gen ninjas behaving rather UNninjalike with their handheld gaming devices. Whether that’s allowed under the Shinobi Rules or not, it proves that video games exist in Narutoverse.
As a single dad, Sakumo would totally employ screens to occupy Kakashi so he can catch a nap between missions. It’s my opinion that the members of the Hatake household would not like combat games. Think about it: after a day of working in customer service, would you want to unwind with a game that requires your character to level up at a call center? Coupled with their predisposition to PTSD and I think that’s a great big nope. However, father and son could only play Pong, Asteroids, and Pitfall so many times before Sakumo would see the benefit of spending his ryo on the more sophisticated NES, when it becomes available.
According to me, everyone should love the LoZ series and that includes the knuckleheads of Konoha. Even without my totally biased viewpoint, I think Kakashi would enjoy some, but not all of these fantasy adventure games. After he inserts that first Zelda cartridge into the console, he’d be astonished by the colors and the music. His little masked mouth would water at the ability to go up and down, left and right.
And when he enters that fantastic cave where the wisest npc is waiting with a sword and the warning, “It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this,” Kid!Kakashi would be hooked.
It’s not just the gameplay that has him running back to Zelda after killer kindergarten lets out for the day, though. I think that the first time Kakashi realizes he could’ve taken the shorter route of up, right, up, right, right, right, right, right, up, left, up, to the second dungeon (instead of his initial path of up, right, up, up, up, up, right, right, right, right, right, down, down, left, up), he’d grab his ninja crayons and draw a map of the whole darn overworld. Sakumo would totally put that shit up on the fridge too.
Then, then, after Kakashi has smashed through every breakable wall, moved every block, and beaten the OG Ganon, there’s a second effing quest waiting for him (and what a beast it is). Sakumo would be able to put the first map in his son’s baby book then because it’s basically useless for the second playthrough, and Kakashi’s meticulous approach to beating the game would begin anew.
Time to grab a tissue because this is where things get angsty. As we all know, my poor octorok-squishing bean has a very short childhood. While I’m sure that he would’ve loved the hell out of the first Zelda game, he is much too busy being a child soldier in the Third Shinobi War to play The Adventure of Link. While Nintendo offers new consoles and LoZ games to go with them, Dungeon Boss-Kishi plunges Kakashi into darkness with neither a red candle nor a blue one to help him find his way out. Between dodging Danzo and loathing himself, I can’t help but think that it’s impossible for this ANBU assassin to find time to play A Link to the Past or Link’s Awakening. Sob.
However, the Sun’s Song is unlocked and the clouds part for the early days of Team Seven. I can totally imagine Kakashi spying on his cute little genin (while he makes them wait for him) and overhears them discussing one of the best games in the LoZ series, Ocarina of Time. After all the lunches Yams has bought for him, Kakashi decides he can afford to splurge on an N64, and he attempts to recapture some of that Zelda magic from his youth.
This game does not disappoint Kakashi, either.
Like everyone, he’d consider muting the TV way before Link had a chance to verily demonstrate his courage because of Navi’s constant interruptions. However, I think after dealing with another talkative bright ball of a boy as his student, Kakashi is willing to put up with Navi out of respect for the late Great Deku Tree’s wishes.
Honestly, I think Kakashi could relate to this version of the Hero of Time. The poor kid doesn’t quite fit in with the others around him, he’s orphaned, has the expectation of saving the world thrust upon his little kid shoulders, then before he knows it, he’s all grown up and the world around him is even more dangerous than it was when he started.
Even though a map is provided in this game, I think Kakashi might still keep notes of every odd thing he encounters as he thoroughly explores 3D Hyrule (boulders, different colored trees and wide spaces that LoZ geeks know are suspicious). He’d be the kind of gamer that focuses on completing the game-not just beating it-making OoT the right game at the right time for him. He’d plant every bean (and drop bugs on the sprouts), get every weapon upgrade, collect every piece of heart and every gold skulltula. He’d be intrigued by the owner of the Happy Mask Shop (as well as Impa, the Skull Kid, that shady Poe Collector fellow, and Kaepora Gaebora), and he’d make sure that Link models each mask for the Deku Scrubs in their hidden grotto. The Water Temple would’ve driven him just as crazy as it drove the rest of us LoZ freaks when he finds that he’s one key short or didn’t move that one block before adjusting the water levels, but it’s all forgiven when he fights Dark Link.
Kakashi would use fishing as an excuse for being late to meet with Team Seven and it wouldn’t be a lie. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura would catch on to the truth when their sensei starts absentmindedly humming the OoT soundtrack (the Gerudo Valley theme is his favorite) because everyone that’s played the game is guilty of it.
By the time Kakashi realizes that it’s impossible to beat the Running Man (even with the Pegasus Boots) in that damn race to Kokiri Forest no matter how many times and how many different ways he plays OoT, Majora’s Mask has dropped.
The alternate world of Termina serves as the perfect distraction from Sasuke’s obsession with revenge, and the beginning of the end of Team Seven. Kakashi would be quick to appreciate this game from the beginning; chasing after that weird Skull Kid from OoT, which leads Link to encounter the Happy Mask Shop owner who, right off the bat, starts to prove what a creepy creep he really is.
It should be obvious without my listing all of the reasons as to why Kakashi would love this game. The world is gorgeous, the story is mysterious, the dungeons and bosses are challenging, the Garos, the MASKS fer chrissakes, and the side quests (OMG, the side quests) are an LoZ completionist player’s dream.
If you still need proof that Majora’s Mask is among his favorite games, I offer Kakashi’s boldest move as the Roku-blow-up-the-moon-daime. Fight me.
I’ve kept to the LoZ games that have been released for home consoles because I think Kakashi would avoid the handheld devices. He doesn’t need to have his gaming habit blow his cover while out on missions. He has his trusty, tattered copies of Icha-Icha books and those are plenty to keep him occupied and entertained during downtime around the campfire.
At any rate, at this stage in the Naruto series, the main hero is off training with Jiraiya and the Leaf is short on shinobi to run missions, so Kakashi wouldn’t have much time to indulge his love of LoZ games anyway. He’s definitely invested in the series by now and curious about new installments to it. He would be aware of the release of The Wind Waker, but I think his initial impression of that game would be that it appears cartoonish, and may not be enough to spark his interest in the game at the time.
However, I’m certain that the next LoZ home console release would have those tantalizing fingers of his twitching to play again. I think there’s a lot about Twilight Princess that would catch his attention. The overall dark tone of the game would remind him of Majora’s Mask, new characters and enemies… The familiar LoZ story branches off into new territory and I bet that would have him keen to explore it.
But then he starts to play it.
Twilight Princess starts off so damn slow and Kakashi is so damn busy at this point in the series that I think he saves and quits and isn’t in a rush to return to the game. He’s got a Kazekage to rescue and a Kyūbi to protect; he doesn’t have time to herd oxen and chase cradle-stealing monkeys.
After the power of friendship saves the day and Gai carries Kakashi home, the copy-nin is bedridden and picks up the game again out of boredom. His interest in it is rekindled when he meets with the Twilight Emissaries and is turned into a wolf. Midna entertains him, definitely.
Honestly, I think Kakashi would have a love/hate relationship with Twilight Princess. My headcanon is that he would enjoy another opportunity to explore the world of LoZ, but this game doesn’t present the kind of satisfying overworld journey as other games did. He would be impressed by a few of the characters, but scratch his head at most of the others. He’d have a greater appreciation of the enemies, dungeons, the Ancient Hero, the Cave of Ordeals and especially, the overall story. However, I’m convinced that Kakashi is a completionist and anyone that challenges themselves to complete Twilight Princess knows the unbearable pain of Rollgoal. Ugh.
After Kakashi finishes this game he doesn’t sell it, but he doesn’t replay it often and never through to completion again. He’s satisfied that the Kingdom of Hyrule is safe as long as Malo exists within it.
At this point in Naruto’s flawed timeline, things are coming to a boil. Kakashi faces off in his own boss fight against Pain and Konoha suffers the same fate as Kakariko. My favorite ninja dork falls in battle (and I rage-quit the series for a while), but Kishi releases a bottled fairy and Kakashi is revived to fight in another shinobi war, become the Rokudaime, and play more LoZ games.
Or so he hoped.
Being Hokage comes with more paperwork than any elite shinobi could complete in a lifetime. The position also comes with a pay raise (as I imagine), so I see Kakashi parting with some of his savings to give the gift of a Wii and Skyward Sword to his best buddy, Gai.
I think that this is an LoZ game that Kakashi would be content to occasionally watch his eternal rival play, rather than play himself. Lord Sixth would love the story, would love the presentation that this game is the beginning of LoZ lore. He would also love that he is watching rather than playing when Gai deals with the frustration of syncing and re-syncing the controllers when he flies his loftwing, or swings the Master Sword. The only time I think Kakashi would grab the controllers for this game would be to take a crack at Koloktos. I also think that would be the only break he’d get to sneak in some LoZ fun while he’s Hokage.
Of course, this means Maito would become a fan of the LoZ games and he would approach them with the same gusto he applies to everything in his life. Gai would play through the back catalog, training for when Kakashi retires and becomes available to speed-run playthrough challenges.
Gai would be the friend that convinces Kakashi that he must play The Wind Waker and distracts his rival from the eternal sailing by explaining why A Link to the Past might be the most important game of the LoZ series. Now that Kakashi has reached a point in his life that offers him time for leisure, he plays through it as well as other games in the series that he had missed out on. Besides adding A Link to the Past to his list of favorites, it would otherwise remain unaltered at this point: Zelda, OoT, and Majora’s Mask.
By the time Kakashi knows the significance of the yellow band in the various caps worn by the Hero of Time, Breath of the Wild is released and his list of favorite LoZ games grows again.
There is just so much about this game that would appeal to Kakashi. The sheer size of the overworld (I’ve read it’s 360 square kilometers) and the fact that he can explore the whole thing would be this ninja dork’s dream come true. He can progress through the game however he wants to. He’d buy that Sheikah set right away, and find Majora’s Mask as soon as that DLC dropped and roam the world to his heart’s content.
Kakashi wouldn’t be bothered by the odd trophies this game offers for completing it, because as a completionist player, he understands that completing it is its own reward. His alter-ego Sukea would love taking photos both for the compendium and for the sake of fun. Kakashi loves to infiltrate, gather information, solve puzzles, and form plans and BOTW offers all of that in spades.
He’d restart the game so many times just to try out different strategies. The first time Kakashi leaps off of Mount Lanayru, sputters out of stamina and lands on a buck that charges straight for the blue lynel in Naydra’s Snowfield (this totally happened to me btw), he’d realize he should’ve been trading those spirit orbs for stamina vessels instead of only heart containers; resulting in his first restart. The second restart would come after Gai shows off his spiffy expand-a-band-banded inventory and this time, Kakashi would plow through the Great Plateau so he could recover that pair of priceless maracas. Countless other restarts occur as Kakashi experiments with which and how many towers he should attempt to overtake before he finally makes his way to Impa.
With every restart, he learns something new about BOTW and enjoys it more. He commits locations to memory (at least 148 for the towers, shrines and captured memories). He rushes to gather the essential 441 Korok seeds in each new playthrough (he might shed a tear when he finally becomes a member of the 900 club-I know I did). He figures out how to cheat on Eventide Island. He learns that even though he could launch Link across Hyrule with Magnesis and Stasis doesn’t mean he should. He looks forward to every Blood Moon, if only to cook as many hearty durians, mighty bananas, and endura carrots as he can between 11:30 and midnight in-game time. He realizes that his greatest enemy in all of Hyrule is the weather. When the Champion’s Ballad is available for download, his excitement for playing the game begins all over again.
I’ve stated several times that I’m convinced that Kakashi would be a completionist player and out of all the games, the latest LoZ is a pleasure to complete (despite what some YouTube gamers may say). In addition, BOTW came out during a period in Kakashi’s life when he could afford to spend significant time playing it.
And this finally brings me to the answer to your question. Breath of the Wild would be Kakashi’s favorite LoZ game, hands down. He would love this game so much and would enjoy playing it so often, that I think he had a Nintendo Switch stashed in the fanny pack he rocked during the Steam Ninja Scrolls arc.
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ninjaliike · 4 years
january 12th.
traveling  /  watching movies & tv  /  singing.
i don’t really know? is that bad? lol i just have never been a heavy reader -- i’m trying to get more of a list going and get books for when i have long travel or something, but it was just never a hobby of mine so i couldn’t really say! kdsfjhsdfdf
gaslighter, by dixie chicks.
the invisible man  /  schitt’s creek.
to keep it pretty simple, watching the show or anything from it can really help jump up the ol’ steve muse. OR even just plotting him with my pals and stuff like that can give me a big boost as well! a lot of 80′s aesthetics (for obvious reasons) -- more specifically-ish pop / rock music from the decade and some movies can give me steve vibes, too! it’s still early for my brain so i can’t give you a List of Examples, maybe i’ll circle back later or i mean just ask and i bet i could rattle some stuff off lmao klsdfasdf I JUST LOVE THE BOY
cause steve’s stealthy like a ninja, thank you. had to add an extra “i” though cause tumblr wouldn’t give me the correctly spelled url --it’s apparently not being used now but my lazy ass doesn’t wannt re-do my promo right now IF tumblr would give me “ninjalike”. maybe the extra “i” is just part of my brand now ✌️
tagged by:  @salmns <33 love u sonny  tagging:  @sitched  /  @11thdr   /  @screwcool  /  @suntrusted  /  @neighborhoodheart  /  @covieys   /   @westcantor   /   @risenwtch  &  ALL OF YOU
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stillcominback · 5 years
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made these, add us! (i didn’t wanna post again but steve changed to @ ninjalike) 💋✌️
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Although she is a bit ninjalike, uh, VERY ninjalike, Eric!!
and Awwww at those silly ninja explanations!
YES, We ALL want to know what’s been going on with Hetty for the last Season!!
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madzoomerr-blog · 7 years
    “   i  didn’t  do  anything,   i  swear.   ”   was  it  about  the crowbar  and  billy’s  car  ?   yes.   yes  it  was,     and  she’d  taken  his  advice  after  getting  picked  up  for  now  half  of  the  day  for  school.    “   you  didn’t  have  to  pick  me  up,    i  could’ve  just  made  up  for  missed  lesson  tomorrow.    ”
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(   @ninjaliike    /    ♡’d   )
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silver-chasm · 5 years
My Toy Collection
Hello, welcome to a very long, image-heavy post about me showing off some of the toys I’ve acquired over the years.
(Forgive me if the images are too big D:)
So, let’s begin with my Monsuno toys :)
(For the uninitiated, Monsuno was a cartoon that aired back in 2012-13, following this 13 year old boy as he tried to find his missing dad. Said dad was a researcher working on secret government experiments that created monsters from green glowing alien essence (the titular Monsunos). It’s close to my heart)
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This is Rouge, my fake fusion Shadowhornet toy (with their core that they pop out of when it’s struck). They are my icon for this blog. I know this is a fake because the wings are completely red (when they should have some black on them).
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And this is Meteorit, my Backslash toy. He’s real and cost me close to $60 AUD to import from Romania. His name is meteorite in Romanian (Monsunos are associated with some mineral and Backslash’s mineral, officially, is meteorite).
That blue thing in the background is a worm on the string btw
The Monsunos also come with cards. You’re meant to battle with them, activating abilities through cards I think (I’ve never played it). These are ones that came with Meteorit:
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Pretty neat huh? Every Monsuno comes with some ‘character’ card (left) that shows the creature’s strength, with a small description. The others are attacks the Monsuno can do. In the show, Cursed Spiral is so cool to watch (midair corkscrew from Meteor Mutt)
Anyway, this is the card that came with Rouge:
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You may notice that the beast on the back of the card looks nothing like Rouge. That’s because the creature on the back is Backslash 2.0, a fusion Monsuno that appeared only in the Season 1 finale of the show. It is a mix of two Monsunos: Backslash and Shadowhornet. If you have the two fusion versions of the Monsuno toys you can connect them together to create the fusion.
Backslash 2.0 is my favourite Monsuno. It’s a combination of two things I really like: Meteor Mutt and Bat-winged Centipede
Now, onto my Yugioh cards (another show with a tie-in toy line)
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I used to have a full deck and play against my sister. This is all I have left now unfortunately. That Dark Magician card isn’t even the one I had originally. A friend gave to me after I told him I lost mine. It still is my favourite card. Greaceful Dice is a close second
I loved the TV show when I was younger and grew up with it. I still enjoy seeing fanworks related to it today
Speaking of my childhood, let me show you my Bakugan
(Bakugan is yet another cartoon that had it’s own toy line. It aired between 2007-2008 (wow!) and followed this group of kids who find these mysterious balls and cards falling from the sky and make a game based on it. They find out that these balls are actually aliens from another dimension who reveal their true forms during battle. If memory serves me correctly (it’s been a while), the two dimensions are colliding and must be saved (that or the Bakugan dimension was crumbling for some reason). I absolutely adored this show when I was younger!)
They toys are magnetic and pop from their balls when they land on a magnetic card. I have several, some from the second wave of toys, some fake and one from the first wave. (As an aside, the colours indicate the Bakugan’s element, there’s 6 in total)
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These are the bootleg Bakugan. On the left is a raven man who’s missing his legs. The right is an enthusiastic frog who doesn’t like to stay in their ball. I like to think the frog carries the raven on their back, traveling as a team
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This one’s a warrior, a knight (if memory serves me right). This is a second wave Bakugan, having a chasm on its back that allows you to attack some weaponry
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These are two of my dragons. On the left is a prism dragon (I always thought it was another raven person). On the right is Terra, a dragon from the first wave. I bought Terra because my favourite character from the show was Drago, a fire version of Terra (I sincerely apologise to the Bakugan nerds who find this post. I can’t remember the element names D:)
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Finally, we have two more second wave Bakugan. The one on the left is a dragon dude. The right is a winged, long-haired sword wielder (they’re also my strongest Bakugan).
Now, for the cards. These are the weird ones I got with the bootlegs:
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They’re all magnetic. These are the real ones:
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The River Valley card is the one I got with Terra. The creature on it, I remember, appeared late in the series (of the first season) and it was a water/air elemental. It was shocking to the protagonists because Bakugan only have one element associated with them. I think all the creatures that you see appear in the show at some point.
There are also non-magnetic cards that you activate during battle
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Now, for something more well known: Pokemon
To say I have a few cards would be an understatement
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Majority of them are fake. I won’t show them all, just some highlights
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Two of these look cool while one is well loved :)
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These ones have cute artwork. The Driftloon one looks like it’d fit into a children’s book. The bottom two are shiny, for some reason
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When you’re right half of the time
Lation instead of Latios and calling Deoxys’defense forme its attack forme
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I like Gen 4, clearly. These some of my legendaries. Note the two Dialga X cards that aren’t identical
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With weird energies. That Palkia is actually one of my favourite Pokemon cards (I like Cyrus and I have Pokemon Pearl)
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Now, these two cards I got from a friend while on the school bus. I think these are the only real Pokemon cards I have. Maybe. I don’t know. Either way, they look cool!
This card below is something I found in the sorting room of the op shop I volunteer at. It’s holographic (sorry for the gif quality :/)
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This is the back of it. Te description says:
This terrifying Pokemon may be a Bug-type, but it seems to have as much in common with the dinosaurs.
Its razor-edged wings make its Slash technique a killer. Add to that ninjalike speed and sharpness and the enemy is down for the count! This is one Pokemon to avoid if you’re a beginning trainer.
To think, I’m taller than it
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Moving on, we have (left to right) GL the Arceus, an Oshawatt dangler I got from a cheap capsule dispenser and Phoebs the Manaphy. GL and Phoebs were gifts :)
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This is a Meowth next to a tardigrade (water bear, moss piglet). The Meowth was originally my sister’s. She gave it to me when she moved out. The tardigrade I got from Scienceworks (which is what I can only describe as an interactive science museum). Water bears are a microscopic organism that inhabits moss. They can roll up into a ball (called a tun) and can survive extremes that would otherwise kill (extreme colds, pressures and even the vacuum of space). But, they can’t stay rolled up forever.
On the subject of soft toys, I have some Beanie Kids
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Left to right, you have T-Bone the dog, Munchies the Guniea Pig, Cecilia the Snake and Blueberry the not furry. T-Bone, Munchies and Blueberry I got at the same time. Meanwhile, I found Cecilia at the op shop and I had to have her (she’s a naga bear). They’re all very fluffy and cute :3
Munchies in the middle is questioning his life choices
Now, to the toys I’ve had the longest: the Transformers
Not to sound like a boomer, but back in my day (*shakes cane in air*), Transformers had multiple steps to transform, not single fluid movements that you find in current toys. I even remember that they came with step-by-step instructions.
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Left to right, you have Divebomb (local eagle screaming at ground), Demolisher (the reason I know that word) and Cruellock (my first and favourite). These are part of the Energon series of Transformers, which allowed you to attach a stud to some part of them (Demolisher is the one wearing it)
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This is them transformed. Divebomb is the most fiddly to work with because those hands keep falling off (and you expect him to hold his boomerang?) Demolisher comes with missiles that be fired from his truck tray. Cruellock originally had a sword and a second piece to his tail. I lost both of those at school long ago. I was rough with him (but I wasn’t any older than 7 years)
Finally, I leave you with the image of the worm on a string I seemed to have acquired.
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Well, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed this! :D
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letsclemini · 5 years
der 1. Schultag
Heute holt uns der Bus um 8.30 beim Hotel ab...bzw der Busfahrer schon früher, weil er sich ein Frühstück gönnt. Im Bus begrüßt er uns mit seinem Hat of the Day - einen Burger-Hat, weil Burger eine Amerikanische Delikatesse sind. 
Auf der Uni werden wir von Mike begrüßt, mit dem wir am Vormittag unsere ersten 3 Stunden verbringen. Er erzählt uns von den kommenden Tagen und mein Team und ich merken, dass wir noch einiges zu erledigen haben, da die anderen alle ihre Präsentationen schon fertig haben. Während Andrea und Christian sich um die Zahlen kümmern, hau ich mich aufs Layout von AustroHops. Ich mache für jeden der 24 steps eine eigene Slide und füge mal alles zusammen was wir schon haben...was meiner Meinung nach noch nicht so viel ist. 
Nach dem Kurs holen wir uns in der Mensa noch ein Sandwich, die Angestellten dort sind sichtlich überfordert mit der Anzahl von Studenten und kommen komplett durcheinander mit den Bestellungen. Dies ist nun der 3. Moment der Reise wo ich mich wundere, warum gerade die Amis das eigentlich nicht besser im Griff haben. 
Der Bus holt uns auch schon wieder ab und wir machen den 1. gemeinsamen Schulausflug. 1. Unternehmen Limoneira. Eine mehr-Generationen-alte Zitronen Plantage. Der motivierte PR Mitarbeiter erzählt uns gefühlt stundenlang von der Gesichte des Unternehmens...ich hab Probleme mit dem langen Stehen und kann kaum folgen...Lehn mich irgendwann im Hintergrund an einem Stützpfeiler vom Raum an und beobachte die Szene eher als dass ich zuhöre. 
Danach gehen wir durch die Produktionsanlage, die spannender ist als gedacht. Schräger Weise liegen aber auch überall kreuz und quer Zitronen herum, die wohl nicht mehr verwendet werden. Vlad erklärt mir später, dass sie Zitronen mit kleinen Kratzern oder Dellen nicht mehr verkaufen dürfen. Also sind die Amis wohl so verrückt wie die Europäer mit ihren krummen Salatgurken. 
Am Ende des Ausflugs dürfen wir alle mit einem Sackerl auf ein Feld, wohl das ‘Touri-Feld’, und selber pflücken. Hui, die haben viele Pflanzen! Von Grapefruit, über Zitrone, zur Mandarine und was weiß ich was noch alles. War echt lustig und alle EMBAler haben gscheit zugelangt. Voll beladen geht es wieder zurück zum Hotel. 
Andrea, Christian und ich setzen uns im Pub zusammen und arbeiten an unseren 24steps. Mit der Zeit bin ich wieder etwas beruhigter, dass es vielleicht doch nicht mehr sooo viel ist...Andrea möchte noch unbedingt mit dem Auto wegfahren und nach ca 2 bis 3h arbeiten setz ich mich zu ihnen ins Auto und wir verfahren uns bis 23.00 kreuz und quer in der Gegend, finden eine Mexikaner mit Magarita-Monday und fettigen Tacos und fahren beschwingt zurück zum Hotel, das wir nach ein paar U-Turns auch wieder finden. Überlege ob Kater und ich uns vielleicht doch ein Navi zulegen sollten.
Trinke noch ein sehr bitteres IPA mit der erneuten Studentenansammlung weil Pub zu ist und hör mir andere StartUp Ideen an - find die alle eigentlich ziemlich gut! Um Mitternacht bin ich wieder streichfähig. Christian und ich tapsen ninjalike zurück ins zimmer. 
0 notes
organicli · 7 years
Day 38, Mardi Himal trek
We got up at 5 this morning to be led to the viewpoint by Nabin. Harry was sleeping. This last stretch to the final and best view was taxing and involved some steep climbs, pulling ourselves up the rocky staircase. Shortly after we’d set off, Clara lay down on the ground. Alex asked her if she was okay and I heard her cute French whisper, “I don’t know.” She put her feet up on a rock and ate some biscuits. She’s a doctor, so I guessed she knew how to look after herself.
They told us to go on without us but they caught us up soon. The tufts of grass on the hill were blackened from being burnt but there were white sprinklings of frost patches around as well.
The view at the top was magnificent. At so many peaks I thought we would reach it, only to find t was further along. But we’d finally made it and we all high fived. We all had a celebratory mars bar, which I forgot to mention had become a favourite of ours in the mountains, as the only chocolate available.
The trek back down to high camp was quite fun because you had to be ninjalike and strategic with your footing. Matt didn’t like it so much and descended without grace.
We had a short tea break at the camp and continued down for lunch. The dinner last night was the first one I hadn’t enjoyed. Having not worked up and appetite from an afternoon of walking, a plate full of bland carbs was less appealing. Lunch was okay though and we met some nomadic looking French men at low camp. I thought one of them was really beautiful, with a ponytail of long tussled brown hair, bronzed skin, sculpted features and a gorgeous frown, squinting through a set of thick lashes. He and his twink-like counterpart smoked cigarettes and ate only handfuls of nut mix and honey.
Clara and Alex were going to lengths to try and film Nabin saying, “eexcuuuseee me please,” the way he does which is so funny. He’s so lovely and friendly, but madder than a frog full of boxes Matt says.
The rest of the trek down was brutal. We took a different route down after our lunch and all took a big stick to help us walk. We concurred they made us feel like wizards, especially as we made our way through the enchanting forest. It felt very mystical, as the fog had crept in between the trees and every branch and trunk was coated with green fuzz.
The trek had started off feeling like an adventurous path, requiring a certain tact to get down, but by the end my legs and knees were ruined from hundreds of metres of descent. I contemplated actually crawling the last part if it weren’t for all the buffalo dung.
We rested right before the last leg on a stone podium. A man came up the hill wearing a silk hat and a sarong around his waist held up by a very chunky belt. Harry translated for us that the man was a farmer and had built the podium we were sitting on. He was also 65. He certainly looked spritely. Alex told him he looked 45 and the man did a little dance.
The last guesthouse was so nice. It was adorned with buddhist flags and red flowers. The rooms were actual rooms, indoors, and there was a bathroom attached with a door and a western toilet and a hot shower that was just heavenly.
I feel like our group really got closer together today and we spent the evening having beers with a third couple, Welsh/Cuban. The Cuban girl gave me of Clara a little salsa lesson and it was so much fun!
I was paranoid of the bugs again last night. There was a large cockroach in the corner earlier but it had gone before I went to sleep. There was also a shit tonne of moths. Something crawled down the back of my neck while I was asleep and it woke me with a dramatic and flamboyant start. I fumbled around for my phone but I couldn't find it straight away but I needed to check there weren't bugs in my bed. I reached for the light switch but wasn't about the go slapping my hands all over the walls when there could be a fat cockroach there. I got my phone torch on and kept it on. I flinched and shivered at every tickle from then on, not knowing where the cockroach was, for about two hours.
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