rollandwrite · 10 months
A brief moment of appreciation for The Peripheral's costume department, and their audacious and subtle fun with patterns.
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Mixing checks subtly, mixing bold patterns boldly, huge architectural shoulders, ties with no collars, pleated details... Plenty of details to indicate the show isn't set in contemporary Earth.
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itsalla-blrrrr · 4 months
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Remember that wall Mexico paid for? Wrong country and continent, faggots.
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thenamesofthings · 1 year
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How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now
…Something like this had been done before. In 1971, the American intelligence community learned from still undisclosed sources that two important units of the Russian Navy were communicating via an undersea cable buried in the Sea of Okhotsk, on Russia’s Far East Coast. The cable linked a regional Navy command to the mainland headquarters at Vladivostok.
A hand-picked team of Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency operatives was assembled somewhere in the Washington area, under deep cover, and worked out a plan, using Navy divers, modified submarines and a deep-submarine rescue vehicle, that succeeded, after much trial and error, in locating the Russian cable. The divers planted a sophisticated listening device on the cable that successfully intercepted the Russian traffic and recorded it on a taping system.
The NSA learned that senior Russian navy officers, convinced of the security of their communication link, chatted away with their peers without encryption. The recording device and its tape had to be replaced monthly and the project rolled on merrily for a decade until it was compromised by a forty-four-year-old civilian NSA technician named Ronald Pelton who was fluent in Russian. Pelton was betrayed by a Russian defector in 1985 and sentenced to prison. He was paid just $5,000 by the Russians for his revelations about the operation, along with $35,000 for other Russian operational data he provided that was never made public.
That underwater success, codenamed Ivy Bells, was innovative and risky, and produced invaluable intelligence about the Russian Navy's intentions and planning.
Still, the interagency group was initially skeptical of the CIA’s enthusiasm for a covert deep-sea attack. There were too many unanswered questions. The waters of the Baltic Sea were heavily patrolled by the Russian navy, and there were no oil rigs that could be used as cover for a diving operation. Would the divers have to go to Estonia, right across the border from Russia’s natural gas loading docks, to train for the mission? “It would be a goat fuck,” the Agency was told.
Throughout “all of this scheming,” the source said, “some working guys in the CIA and the State Department were saying, ‘Don’t do this. It’s stupid and will be a political nightmare if it comes out.’”
Nevertheless, in early 2022, the CIA working group reported back to Sullivan’s interagency group: “We have a way to blow up the pipelines.”
What came next was stunning. On February 7, less than three weeks before the seemingly inevitable Russian invasion of Ukraine, Biden met in his White House office with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who, after some wobbling, was now firmly on the American team. At the press briefing that followed, Biden defiantly said, “If Russia invades . . . there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”
Twenty days earlier, Undersecretary Nuland had delivered essentially the same message at a State Department briefing, with little press coverage. “I want to be very clear to you today,” she said in response to a question. “If Russia invades Ukraine, one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward…”
—Seymour Hersh, “How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline,” 8 Feb
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mercoglianotrueblog · 1 month
We (Americans) are at war with Russia!
#intelligence barred #NYPost to tell #corruption of #Biden fam
#Crocus 1st plan a week ante #Russia vote as warning to voters
#US led into #Kiev trap by fired #Nuland,#M16(#UK) #EU
#Baltimora Bridge:chaos in election yr,focus away from EU&UK econ.crisis
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immaculatasknight · 1 month
The lucrative business of war
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libertymiddleway · 2 months
Victoria Nuland RESIGNS, Glenn Greenwald EVISCERATES Leading Neocon
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dannyhellman · 2 months
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Congratulations to resigning Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland for making the cover of Time Magazine. 😉
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my-life-fm · 5 months
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Zehn Jahre später: die Maidan-Revolution in der Ukraine
Zum zehnjährigen Jahrestag des Beginns der Proteste auf dem Maidan in Kiew ist in vielen großen Medien eine fortgesetzte Mythenbildung rund um die Geschehnisse von 2013/14 zu beobachten. Der gewaltsame Umsturz war aber weder demokratisch noch freiheitlich, wie es oft immer noch heißt. Außerdem muss er als ein Ausgangspunkt der Dynamiken gelten, die zum Ukrainekrieg geführt haben. Um an die Anfänge der damaligen Abläufe zu erinnern, übernehmen wir hier einen Beitrag von Stefano di Lorenzo.
Heute vor zehn Jahren geschah, was ungeahnte Folgen hatte: Der damalige ukrainische Präsident Wiktor Janukowitsch stoppte die Unterzeichnung des sogenannten Assoziierungsabkommens der Ukraine mit der EU – nicht um es zu verhindern, aber um es seiner massiven Auswirkungen auf die ukrainische Wirtschaft wegen auch mit dem Haupthandelspartner der Ukraine, mit Russland, besprechen zu können. Daraus entstanden Proteste und daraus wurde – mit massiver Hilfe der USA – schließlich ein Staatsstreich, der seinerseits dann zur Sezession der Krim und Jahre später zur Sezession des Donbass führte. Der Bericht darüber von Globalbridge.ch-Autor Stefano di Lorenzo zeigt, dass auch gesteuerte Medien-Aktivitäten einen großen Einfluss auf die damaligen Geschehnisse hatten. (cm)
Heute vor zehn Jahren, am 21. November 2013, kündigte der damalige ukrainische Präsident Wiktor Janukowitsch an, dass die Ukraine die Unterzeichnung des geplanten Assoziierungsabkommens mit der Europäischen Union erstmal aussetzen würde. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt war das Ausmaß dieser Entscheidung schwer zu bewerten. Doch es war der Beginn einer Reihe von Ereignissen, die das Schicksal der Ukraine in den folgenden Jahren radikal und in unvorstellbarer Weise prägen sollten. „Die Ukraine hat ihre Pläne, ein historisches Abkommen mit der Europäischen Union zu unterzeichnen, das das Land aus dem Orbit des Kremls herausführen sollte, abrupt aufgegeben“, so kommentierte zum Beispiel die britische Zeitung The Guardian damals. Eine durchaus bemerkenswerte Formulierung, muss man sagen.
Östliche Partnerschaft
Und was war das für ein historisches Abkommen, das „das Land aus dem Orbit des Kremls herausführen sollte“? Im Jahr 2013 trieb die Ukraine mehr Handel mit Russland als mit der Europäischen Union, wie es praktisch seit Jahrhunderten der Fall war. Die ukrainische Wirtschaft, insbesondere im industriellen Sektor – oder genauer gesagt, das, was nach dem Zusammenbruch der Sowjetunion vom industriellen Sektor übrig geblieben war – war weitgehend in die russische Wirtschaft integriert. Das Assoziierungsabkommen zwischen der Ukraine und der Europäischen Union, das Teil der so genannten Östlichen Partnerschaftsinitiative der Europäischen Union war, sollte diese Situation ändern.
Nach dem Plan der EU sollte die 2009 ins Leben gerufene Östliche Partnerschaft „eine strategische und ambitiöse Partnerschaft sein, die auf gemeinsamen Werten und Regeln, gegenseitigen Interessen und Verpflichtungen sowie gemeinsamer Verantwortung beruht“. Die Initiatoren waren Radosław Sikorski und Carl Bildt, damals die Außenminister von Polen und Schweden. Die Östliche Partnerschaft und die Assoziierungsabkommen sahen eigentlich keine EU-Mitgliedschaft vor, aber die Initiatoren machten keinen Hehl daraus, was das Endziel sein sollte: „Wir alle wissen, dass die EU der Erweiterung überdrüssig ist. Wir müssen diese Zeit nutzen, um uns so gut wie möglich vorzubereiten, damit, wenn die Müdigkeit vorüber ist, die Mitgliedschaft etwas Natürliches wird“, so Sikorski damals. …
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thisisabernieblog · 9 months
The summer of fail.
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alphachamber · 9 months
„Shave and a haircut“
wie man der Wahrheit näher kommt... Continue reading Untitled
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tomluongo · 10 months
Author and owner of Conflict Forum Alastair Crooke joins me for a discussion about what happened this past week at the big NATO Summit in Vilnius and what it means for the US, Europe and BRICS going forward. Show Notes: Crooke - A Bonfire of the Vanities Crooke - A Tale of Two Cities Luongo - Macron, NATO, and the Fate of the Empire part I Luongo - Macron, NATO, and the Fate of the Empire part II
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Sign the petition here: https://www.codepink.org/bidenfirenuland
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itsalla-blrrrr · 4 months
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thenamesofthings · 8 months
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A Certain Political Development in the United States
…[T]he transition from an America bumbling its way into war and the current situation where wars are pursued as a matter of course coincides with a certain political development in the United States, which is the rise of neoconservatives as the foreign and national security policy makers in both major parties. This has developed together with the evolution of the view that the United States can do no wrong by definition, indeed, that it has a unique and God-given right to establish and police the globe through something that it invented, exploits and has dubbed the “rules based international order.”
Who would have thought that a bunch of Jewish student-activists, mostly leftists, originally conspiring in a corner of the cafeteria in the City College of New York would create a cult type following that now aspires to rule the world? The neocons became politically most active in the 1960s and eventually some of them attached themselves to the Republican Party under Ronald Reagan, declaring their evolution had come about because they were “liberals mugged by reality.” The neoconservative label was first used to describe their political philosophy in 1973. Since that time, they have diversified and succeeded in selling their view to a bipartisan audience that the US should embrace an aggressive interventionist foreign policy and must be the world hegemon.
To be sure their desire for overwhelming military power has been strongly shaped by their tribal cohesion which has fed a compulsion to have Washington serve as the eternal protector of Israel, but the hegemonistic approach has inevitably led to expanding conflict all over the world and a willingness to challenge, confront and defeat other existing great powers. Hence the support for a needless and pointless war in Ukraine to “weaken Russia” and a growing conflict with China over Taiwan to do the same in Asia. To make sure that the Republicans do not waver on that mission, leading neocon Bill Kristol has recently raised $2 million to do some heavy lobbying to make sure that they stay on track to confront the Kremlin in Europe.
One of the leading neocon families is the Kagans, who have successfully penetrated and come to dominate the establishment foreign policy centers in both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Victoria Nuland nee Nudelman, the wife of Robert Kagan, is entrenched at the State Department where she is now the Deputy Secretary, the number two position. Up until recently, she was one of the top three officials at State, all of whom were and are Jewish Zionists. Indeed, under Joe Biden Zionist Jews dominate the national security structure, to include the top level of the State Department, the head of Homeland Security, the Attorney General, the National Security Adviser, the Director of National Intelligence, the President’s Chief of Staff, and the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Nuland’s hawkish appeal is apparently bipartisan as she has served in senior positions under Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and now Joe Biden. As adviser to Cheney, she was a leading advocate of war with Iraq, working with other Jewish neocons Doug Feith and Paul Wolfowitz at Defense and also Scooter Libby in the Vice President’s office. As there was no actual threat to the US from Saddam Hussein she and her colleagues invented one, the WMD that they sold to the media and to idiots like Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice…
—Philip Giraldi, 22 Aug 23
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mercoglianotrueblog · 7 months
They have fueled an unnecessary conflict
both #Americans,#Europeans tired of #Biden proxy war in #Ukraine
M.#Maloof "Biden & #Nuland fanaticism goes to #war against #Russia but people don't want it..if funding ends Biden could declare #martial law in the #USA though it's not going to happen"
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omamenoblog · 1 year
定期 就学までの道のり ランドセル編
こんにちは☻おまめママです☻ 色々と大事な用事が立て込んでいて更新が出来ずに年末を迎えてしまいました… 来年はしっかり更新頑張ります! 本日はついに届いたおまめのランドセル NULAND!! 全貌を紹介します! NULANDとは?? https://nuland.jp/ こんな感じのリュック型ランドセルです 価格は¥36300から¥39600ぐらいで普通のランドセルの半分ぐらいの価格です 我が家は今年5月に注文して配送は10月って話だったのですが 遅れているようでなんだかんだ12月の頭に届きました こんな感じ↓ キャメルにしました 普通のランドセルに見えますよね 胸部分の紐は別売りです 裏返すと普通にリュックな感じ フラップを外すとこんな感じ! この留め具が横からスライドタイプなので慣れるまでに発達っこは練習が必要かも… 入れ口は大きく開くので荷物も出…
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