#Ollie Alana
azurezfiction · 3 months
For the send ships post
Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it, regardless of my overall opinions of the ship | @sentinelofstories NO LONGER ACCEPTING!
The fact that they are very open with each other and can commnicate, while calling each other's shit in a private setting and being able to work through their issues.
The fact that they work well together inside and outside of battle, and capable of keeping up with each other's banter and wit.
Their chemisty together. It felt more natural than Nick x Madison, but that's just me.
The fact that they support each other, but even when things go wrong. They always have each other's backs and help one another overcome what's happened, and do better for the future.
Cheering each other up when the other's down, especially during Cosmic Fury when Ollie is recoling from the horror's he's done while being evil.
Ollie and Javi bounce off of each other fairly well, and have greating timing with their responses and physical body lanuage in the episodes managing to play off of one another fairly well. And seem to understand the other is thinking.
Tommy/Kim 1. They were the first, they've both been together during the best of times and even the worst of times. Seeing each other hit absolute rock bottom but never once giving up on each other. They've been through thick and thin together. 2. They always supported each other, when Kimberly wanted to go to the Olympics during Season 3 of MMPR, Tommy was incredibly supportive of her dream and wanted her to grab onto it while it was there even if he was sad to see her go. 3. The romantic moments and cute moments from MMPR S1-S3 as a couple, being one of the few couples on the show that genuinely loved and enjoyed being with each other without any of the sterotypical issues that come from being a couple that's usually portrayed on TV.
Trini and Billy understood each other on a level that no one else seemed to, translating between one another and sharing moments together that were rarely shared with the other rangers. From being in his workshop at home to the Command Centre, they were always together.
Both of them always helped keep each other cool and calm during moments of uncertainty or even fright. Trini with her fear of heights, and Billy during his frustrations during battle or when trying to solve a problem.
Working together and understanding each other's movements and needs before the other realizes it. They know one another in and out it's unreal and yet feels so natural.
The cute rivals to lovers through Dino Fury, building up their relationship from competitors to trusting each other's back and becoming team mates together.
The fact that even when together, they still have issues with Izzy being protective but Fern wanting to prove herself and help out the rangers. It showed that their relationship wasn't 100% perfect and things still needed to be worked on.
I like the fact that their relationship is still something they are working on, both prior to Fern being a ranger and afterward. Seeing it grow and flourish through each episode and watching them navigate throught the changes yet still choosing each other in the end.
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bandtrees · 6 months
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shes very close to my heart still
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 4 months
A Little Christmas Magic
A/N: Huge thank you to the moderators of @pedrostories for organizing this event again! I had so much fun getting in the holiday spirit while writing this, and I cannot wait to read all of the other festive stories that others have written! This story follows along with the same Frankie/Reader pairing as a few of the other things I've written, but it can also be read as a one shot. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone who sees this!!
Gift Tag: SURPRISE @something-tofightfor - I deceived you with my decoy Joel story, because THIS was what I was actually working on. Sorry for the white lie, but I hope you like what and who I chose (you gave me some REALLY excellent choices in Joel, Frankie, Jack and Oberyn) to write about in the snow. And I hope you have the best, merriest damn Christmas ever. I love you!!
WC: 4,150
Warnings: some brief smut mentions, talking about having divorced/ separated parents
Summary: When Frankie needs a little help making Christmas special for his son, you are more than happy to step in and lend a hand. The again, you're more than happy to do just about anything for him.
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As soon as he came through the door, you could tell that something was off. 
All night long, while your home had been filled with friends and family, Frankie’s smile had been constant. You saw it in his eyes and in the way the corners of them folded into crinkles when he laughed. You felt it on his lips when they found your cheek as he passed you in the kitchen. You heard it in his voice when he thanked everyone for coming. It was the first time the two of you had hosted Thanksgiving since you’d started living together, it was his year to have Ollie for the holiday, and Frankie had been undeniably happy.  
But by the time he got home from dropping Ollie back off with Tori, something had changed. What could have happened, though? He’s only been gone for twenty five minutes. 
You knew that Frankie and his ex got along well, so you doubted that they had gotten into an argument. He didn’t seem annoyed or angry. There wasn’t a scowl on his face, he hadn’t thrown his hat. If anything, you realized, he looked almost sad, his mouth downturned slightly, a sort of distance in his eyes that wasn’t there when he left. You watched him lock the door and drop his keys into the bowl on the table beside it from where you stood in the dining room, your heart clenching as you pushed the last chair back into place. Oh, Frankie, what’s wrong? 
“Hey, you.” You crossed your arms loosely and leaned against the arched doorway that separated the living room from the dining room, waiting as he stepped on the heel of one shoe to remove it before doing the same with the other, not bothering with the laces. 
He sighed, the quiet sound a confirmation that something was amiss. But as he straightened up to look at you, there was a small smile on his face. “Hey, Flamingo.” 
You huffed out a breathy laugh, your lips quirked to the side, and pushed away from the doorframe. “You know? I break my ankle one time, two years ago and…” You shook your head and rolled your eyes playfully, Frankie crossing the room to slip his hands around your waist. Yours landed on his chest, the right one sliding up his neck to twine your fingers through the curls behind his ear. “How long are you gonna call me that, hmm, Fish?” 
You already knew what his response would be, but it still sent a rush of warmth through you to hear him say it. “Forever,” he mumbled, leaving a whiskered kiss to the corner of your mouth, his fingers curling in the fabric of your shirt. “Everyone else gone?” 
“Mhmm. Pope, Yovanna, Will, and my sister all cleared out right after you. Benny and Alana just left about five minutes ago. Alana insisted on helping me get the kitchen cleaned, so she put Benny on dish duty and-” 
That earned you a small chuckle and assured you that whatever had changed Frankie’s mood wasn’t something too serious. Good. I still need to know what it is, though. “Oh, I’m sure Benjamin was thrilled about that.” 
One of your earrings had gotten flipped upside down without you noticing, and Frankie reached up to fix it. You closed your eyes and let out a hum at the brush of his thumb over the skin of your earlobe. “He didn’t seem to mind.” With a shrug you opened your eyes, and they were immediately met with his deep brown ones. “And Quinn had just fallen asleep, so they weren’t in a rush to leave because they didn’t want her to wake up as soon as they picked up the car seat. It was actually a really big help.”
“Good.” He gave you a half-smile, leaning in just long enough to press his lips to yours. “I’m glad Miller pulled his weight.” You felt him tighten his grip on your hip before he dropped his hands from your body and turned towards the couch, sinking into it with a groan. 
“Hey...” You tilted your head and nudged his foot with yours, Frankie looking up at you. “What’s wrong?” Frowning, you sat next to him, pulling one leg up and tucking it beneath you. “Is everything okay with Ollie?” 
He nodded, letting out a quiet laugh as his warm, wide palm came to rest on your knee. “Yeah, Ollie’s great.” He adjusted his position on the couch, making himself more comfortable and releasing a few small pops from his spine. “Your cornbread was a real hit with him. He told me again in the car how good it was.” 
You leaned your shoulder into the couch cushions and laughed. “I’m glad he’s a fan.” Watching the little boy’s face light up with glee as he tasted his first bite had been among the highlights of your day. “Looked like he was having fun running around with you and the guys during your football game, too.” Watching Frankie scoop his son up under one arm while Ollie’s tiny hands gripped the ball to run them both into the endzone he’d set up in your backyard had been another. The whole damn day was a highlight. “He was very excited about his touchdown.” 
“He was.” Frankie’s fingers moved lazily over your thigh as he sighed, the remnants of his smile fading. “He had a good day. We all did.” He gave you a light squeeze as he swallowed. “I’m upset because -” He stopped himself, closing his eyes with a quick shake of his head that tossed his curls. “No, upset isn’t the right…” Trailing off, he blinked and resumed the motion of his fingers. “Ollie was with us today, which means he’s with Tori for Christmas.” He rolled his eyes. “And, obviously, I knew that already.”
Nodding, you reached your arm across the backrest of the couch so that you could run your knuckle up and down the curve where his neck met his shoulder. “Right.” Eyebrows pinched together, you tilted your head. “You guys alternate. But you’ll still go over there to see him on Christmas morning for gifts, yeah?” 
You loved how hands on Frankie was when it came to raising Oliver, how much he wanted to be involved in his son’s life, and you were extremely thankful that he had an excellent co-parenting partner in Tori. Given his past - especially the time period just before and after Ollie was born - you knew that the woman could easily make things difficult for Frankie when it came to shared custody. But despite the fact that it was too late for it to matter for their relationship, you also knew that Tori genuinely believed that he had put all of his mistakes and the worst of his demons behind him, and that he was more than capable of being the father that their son deserved. And she’s right. 
But your frown returned when Frankie’s answer to your questions wasn’t what you were expecting it to be. “Not this year.” What? Why? Your expression asked the questions for you, prompting him to continue. “Remember when I told you her parents finally retired? Back in like March, I think?” 
You did, so you nodded. “Yeah, I remember. But what does that have to do with Christmas?” 
“Well, they weren’t sure it was going to happen until it did so they didn’t say anything earlier, but they pulled the trigger on a cabin. Steve’s been talking about it for years. Anyway, it’s officially theirs as of next week, and they decided they wanted to host Christmas there.” 
You didn’t see the problem yet. You knew Frankie was willing to spend as much time as he needed to in the car even for just an hour or so with his kid. “Okay… Where is this cabin?” It must be pretty far if- 
He let out a humorless sound. “Upstate New York.” Your eyes widened, brows jumping at his response. “Yeah. Usually it’s the New Yorkers buyin’ places down here when they retire, but they’re doing the reverse.” 
There it is. You winced. “Oh.” 
Keeping his hand on your knee, he brought the other one up to run it back over his hair as he blew out a breath. “And I’m happy for them, you know? Because I know they’ve wanted that for a long time. And it’s great or Ollie, too, because it means he gets to do new things. Maybe even see snow. I’m sure he’d go nuts for that.” 
Oh he absolutely would. “Of course he would.” What kid doesn’t lose their shit at the first sign of snow? 
“So I’m not upset, because I know he’s gonna have a damn blast. it’s just that… This is the first year I won’t be with him on Christmas. And now he's old enough to remember things, and…” He looked at you, and you could instantly feel the ache in his eyes as it settled in your chest. Oh, Frankie. 
He didn’t want to be absent from Ollie’s first real Christmas memories. Even if it was out of his hands.
“Hey.” You spoke softly, still dragging your knuckle soothingly over the skin above his collar. “I get it.” Unfolding your knee, you repositioned yourself so that both of your legs were draped over his lap, moving your body closer to his. He adjusted by resting one arm over your thighs and the other around your back, never looking away from your face. “You know I grew up with the same every other holiday thing with my parents, yeah?” The huge difference being that my parents ended up hating each other and you two do not. 
Frankie nodded wordlessly, but you explained anyway, wanting to make sure he got your point. 
“I’d do a holiday with one parent on the actual day, and then I’d do it again with the other on a different day. And you know what that taught me?” 
He shook his head. “What did it teach you?” 
“It taught me that calendar dates don’t mean too much. Celebrating Christmas was just as good on the 26th or the 28th or the 30th as it was on the 25th. And some of my favorite holiday memories? They aren’t even from Christmas day. They’re from all the things leading up to it, like decorating the tree and baking cookies. Things you can do-” You lifted your shoulders in a nonchalant shrug, quirking your mouth to the side. “Basically any time from tonight until the end of December, now that the turkey’s had its day.” You reached up to brush a loose strand of his hair behind his ear. “Christmas magic doesn’t have to be a one day thing. We just have to make the most of it the next time Ollie’s with us, that’s all.”  
Frankie stared at you for a few seconds, lips parting as he let out a breath. “We. Us.” He repeated your words, affection slowly changing the sadness in his eyes into something warmer. Yeah, Frankie, you don’t have to do things alone anymore. You have me. Always. “You’re incredible, you know that?” He reached up to encircle your wrist with his fingers, bringing your hand away from his neck and lifting it up to kiss the back of it. His mumbled words and warm breath tickled your skin. “Fucking amazing. You wanna help me make things special for my kid?” Of course I do. 
“I sure do.” You twisted your wrist to free it from his hold, Frankie letting go of you so that you could slide your palms over his cheeks, taking his face between them. “I love you, Francisco Morales. And I happen to be really fond of that kid of yours, too. So we’re gonna brainstorm and come up with some things we can do to make sure that he has some great memories with his Dad, and-” 
He didn’t let you finish that sentence though, surging forward to catch your lips with his, his tongue slipping into your mouth to lick the rest of your words right out of it. Taken by surprise, you gasped into the kiss which only spurred him on more, and in one swift motion he had you on your back, laying you down on the couch and laying his weight on top of you. You still had your hands on his face, but they slid to the back of his neck and head, fingers threading through his hair to pull a groan into your mouth. 
“I love you so goddamn much.” He murmured the words against your lips. “Been thinkin’ about how lucky I am to have you all night.” He nipped at your lower lip, then let his kisses rove behind your ear so that his next words couldn’t be missed. “You know how hard it was to keep my hands to myself while everyone was here?” You felt the tip of his tongue flick out to dampen your skin, and you sucked in a breath at the sensation. “Fucking impossible.” 
He rolled his hips into yours on the last word, and you couldn’t keep a whimper from slipping out at the way the motion stirred heat low in your belly. “You didn’t keep your hands to yourself, Frankie,” you reminded him, though you doubted he needed reminding. One of his hands started moving down your body, his touch trailing towards your waistline. You let out another near-moan at the combination of what he was currently doing, and the memory of what he’d done earlier - when he pulled you into the laundry room, his deft fingers delving down the front of your pants while his mouth silenced any noises you made. Because we’d never hear the end of it if Will or Maddy heard and came to see what was going on. 
“I didn’t,” he agreed, dragging the tip of his nose along your throat to drop a kiss to your pulse point. “But that was just the tip of the iceberg.” He caught you off guard again, the pads of his fingers sliding beneath your underwear and over your slick skin. “Now that we’re alone?” You felt his mischievous grin, felt the gravely rumble of his voice through his chest- and then you felt him plunge two fingers inside you. At that you cried out and he let you, no one left to keep quiet for. “I’m gonna finish what I started earlier.” 
–  –  –  
Two weeks later, you still caught yourself thinking about Thanksgiving night, and you knew that you would be for a long time. 
Frankie had made good on his claim, making you come twice right there on the couch before he took you to bed and took you apart all over again. It was almost dawn by the time the two of you fell asleep in each other’s arms, completely spent and sated, and since neither of you had to work the following day, you spent Black Friday with bare skin and lazy, lingering kisses instead of fighting with crowds at the shopping centers. 
But on the Saturday after, an idea came to you - an idea about how Frankie could still make a special memory with Ollie even though he wouldn’t see him at all the week of Christmas. Oh, it’ll be perfect. Excitedly, you brought it up with Frankie, explaining what you’d thought of. 
“So it’s about an hour away from here, but it’s worth the ride. They set up a whole Christmas town with a little train, and they hire sand artists to make these big elaborate winter-themed sculptures. There’s carolers and they do a big tree lighting event with ice skating and frozen hot chocolate and all kinds of activities for kids. I think Ollie would love it.” 
Frankie agreed enthusiastically, arms winding around you from behind to hold you close. “Sounds great.” I didn’t even tell you the best part yet. He dropped a kiss to the line of your jaw. And I’m not going to. “Thank you. For coming up with something.”
You grinned, your arms covering his where they wrapped around your belly. “Told you, Frankie. We’re a team.” 
“Yeah.” He nodded, his beard scratching your cheek as he tightened his hold. “We are.”
He’d cleared the trip with Tori, even though she’d already okayed any activities or day trips Frankie wanted to take Ollie on when he had him, the woman agreeing with both of you that it sounded like something that the little boy would enjoy. And at your suggestion, the two of you had invited Benny and Alana to come with Quinn. She was just over a year old and would likely sleep through most of the festivities in her stroller, but you knew that the Millers wouldn’t pass up on a group outing, and you knew that Frankie wouldn’t view their presence as an intrusion on his time with Ollie. They’re family, too. 
So when it came time for Ollie to spend the week with you and Frankie, the three of you climbed into his truck - Benny driving his little family separately in case they had to leave early - and headed east to a small town just outside of the Disney zone, called Celebration. 
There was a 50/50 shot that the thing you were trying to keep a secret until the last minute would be spoiled upon your arrival, banners or posters advertising the wintery phenomenon that visitors were about to witness, but luck was on your side. There were plenty of signs and decorations, so there was no missing the blocked off area that the town had designated for the holiday event, and it was just like you told Frankie it would be - food stalls and little craft and gift stalls set up to look like gingerbread houses, carolers in Victorian era costumes walking the street and singing Christmas songs new and old, an enormous pine tree towering over everything in the center of the square and dripping in bright lights. Even though it was 65 degrees and there were palm trees lining the streets, it was almost enough to make you feel like you were in an old world Christmas market, or like it was about to start snowing at any moment. 
And you were right about Ollie’s reaction to everything, his already large brown eyes going wide as saucers when he saw the big man in red waving and tossing candy canes to the crowd. “Daddy! Santa’s here!” He grabbed Frankie’s hand, pointing vehemently in the direction of the man in the Santa suit. “He came all the way far from the North pole! Do you see him?!” 
The joy on his little face was mirrored in Frankie’s, and your heart swelled at seeing them both wear the same expression. “I see him! He did come a long way, huh?” Ollie nodded, curls just like his father’s bouncing as he did. “We should probably go say hi, then, since he came all the way down here to see you.” 
“Yeah! C’mon Daddy! Let’s go! C’mon Uncle Benny!” 
You had to take a breath when your name was added to the excited babble, Ollie’s empty hand slipping into yours so he was between you and Frankie, his gleeful grin beaming up at you. “Come and see Santa with us too!” 
“Yeah,” Frankie spoke softly, stepping close and giving you a wink. “Come see Santa with us.” 
Blinking back the unexpected tears brought on by Ollie’s enthusiastic inclusion, you winkled your nose and smiled down at him. “Do you think I’m on the good list this year?” 
Without a moment’s hesitation, he answered by springing up and down, still holding both yours and Frankie’s hands. “Yeah! You’re on the good list already because you’re always really nice and fun and you’re always making my Dad and me happy.” 
You let out a chuckle at that, glancing up at Frankie, the sight of his smile enough to send a rush of warmth through you. “She sure does, Buddy.” He jostled Ollie’s hand. “Now let’s go before he has to get back to his workshop to finish making presents.” 
Keeping Ollie between you, Frankie started walking towards the area designated for photos with Santa, but he leaned in over the little boy’s head to kiss your cheek and whisper in your ear. “You were right. This is great. And he’s gonna remember this just the same as if we were doing it on Christmas Day.” Ollie turned to say something to Alana, and Frankie looked down at him before finding your eyes again. “Thank you.” 
It was your turn to lean over and brush your lips to his cheek. “Anytime, Morales.” 
For the next hour and a half the six of you strolled the area, stopping occasionally at the different displays or to take pictures or grab a snack from one of the booths. But the highlight of the night, and what you were looking the most forward to since you remembered that this event existed, came at 7pm - when “snow” started falling, a chorus of gasps and shrieks rising up from the crowd. 
“What! It’s snowin’?!” Ollie’s incredulous question joined the dozens from other children gaping in awe up at their parents and family members as big puffy flakes fell on their cheeks and noses. “How’s it snowin’ if it’s not even cold?” 
Lifting him up, Frankie answered without missing a beat, leaning in to bop Ollie’s nose with the tip of his. “Christmas magic, Buddy.” 
You snapped a picture of the two of them, making a mental note to find a photo ornament to put it in so that the moment would have a place on the tree for years to come. That done, you watched them play in the faux snow - a biodegradable non-toxic substance that would be gone in a half hour but that would provide a lifelong memory - until you felt Benny’s elbow nudge yours. 
“Hey. You did real good.” Turning your head, you met Benny’s eyes, the younger man already looking at you. “Ollie’s beside himself, obviously, but I mean… with Fish.” He smiled, the expression soft and warm, a sort of platonic affection for you almost palpable in it that you weren’t expecting even though you were quick to call him your friend now, too. “I’ve never seen him happier than he is with you.” 
He didn’t wait to let that sink in though, nodding over to his wife before clearing his throat and stepping up to where Frankie and his son were playing. “Hey, Olliegator, I think I saw penguins over there. You wanna come see ‘em? We can show Quinny.” 
Just as Benny knew he would, the little boy ran over, shouting in agreement, leaving you standing in the snowfall with Frankie. There were easily a few hundred people around you, but as he came to stand in front of you, his hands on your waist and big white flakes fluttering all around him, it was as though the two of you were in your own little snowglobe, sharing your own private moment. 
“Hey, you.” You spoke through a smile that pulled at your cheeks, your hands resting on the rolled up cuffs of his unnecessary for the weather but seasonally appropriate flannel, thumbs brushing over the worn material and into the crook of his elbow. 
He smiled back at you, brown eyes brimming with affection. “Hey, Flamingo.”  Reaching up, he plucked a flake from your hair, the substance vanishing as soon as it hit his warm skin, just like real snow. “You knew about this, didn’t you?” 
You moved your head from side to side to feign thought. “Maybe.” Pressing your lips together, you took the bottom one between your teeth. “Yes. I knew about this. My sister was really into chorus in highschool, and her music teacher suggested that she try out for the carol troupe one year so-” You shrugged. “I’ve been to this a few times because of that, but that was ages ago. I hadn’t thought about it in years. And then when you mentioned that Tori’s parents’ place was up in New York and that Ollie might get to see snow…” You lifted one hand from his arm, palm skyward to collect the sudsy white stuff. “I remembered this.” 
The kiss he gave you then was brief, but you knew there would be much more where it came from when you were no longer surrounded by so many strangers. “Ollie’s gonna remember this forever.” He nodded, the curve of his forehead resting against yours. “And so am I. Merry Christmas.” 
“It’s not Christmas yet, Frankie,” you mumbled through your grin. 
“No,” he agreed. “It’s not. But with enough Christmas magic? Does it matter?” 
You shook your head, nudging his nose with yours. “Nope. Sure doesn’t. Merry Christmas, Francisco.” 
Fun Fact: The event that I based this fic on is real! It's called Now Snowing, and it's been going on for 25 years! I embellished it a little bit for the story, but you really can see "snow" (the same stuff they use in movies and TV) every night from the end of November through December :)
tags: @something-tofightfor @cannedsoupsucks @dihra-vesa @littlemisspascal @alraedesigns @mishasminion360 @stevie75 @nyctophiliiiiaaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @harriedandharassed @woodlandmouth @thescarletfang @trickstersp8 @imtryingmybeskar @wildmoonflower @mswarriorbabe80 @theredwritingwitch @silverstarsandsuns @competentpotato @pedro-pedrito-pascalito @jedi-in-crocs @hannahkatharine @anoverwhelmingdin @chiyo13 @myloveistoolittle @Noisynightmarepoetry @Severin-proud
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choicespride · 3 months
Valentine's Day 2024 Masterlist
Blades of Light and Shadow
Hades Nightbloom Valentine's Day Edits - m!elf!MC (Hades Nightbloom) - @peonyblossom
Iris of Riverbend Valentine's Day Edits - f!human!MC (Iris of Riverbend) - @peonyblossom
By Any Other Name - Kamilah Sayeed x f!MC (Lucy West) - @thosehallowedhalls
High School Story
Jamie Baxter Valentine's Day Edits - nb!MC (Jamie Baxter) - @peonyblossom
Hollywood U
Cafe Whispers and Scone Kisses - Addison Sinclair x f!MC (Alex Spencer), Thomas Hunt x f!MC (Alex Spencer) (mentioned) - @theartoflovingthomashunt
Jackie Winters Valentine's Day Edits - nb!MC (Jackie Winters) - @peonyblossom
Thomas x Jackie Date Night - Thomas Hunt x nb!MC (Jackie Winters) - art by @lilyoffandoms, requested by @peonyblossom
It Lives Anthology
Harry Spear Valentine's Day Edits - ILITW m!MC (Harry Spear) - @peonyblossom
Ollie Bridgers Valentine's Day Edits - ILW nb!MC (Ollie Bridgers) - @peonyblossom
Laws of Attraction
Date Night - Gabe Ricci x m!MC (Fiona Lightwood) - @choicesmc
Murder At Homecoming
Let Me Be Your Valentine, Saint Valentine - Donovan Navarro x/& nb!MC (Edelmina Stone) - @aallotarenunelma
Open Heart
Dr. Sydney Valentine Valentine's Day Edits - m!MC (Sydney Valentine) - @peonyblossom
Two Types of People - Bryce Lahela x m!MC (Jensen Valentine) - art by @lilyoffandoms, requested by @mydemonsdrivealimo
when you really love something, then it loves you back, in whatever way it has to love - Bryce Lahela x m!MC (Jensen Valentine) - @mydemonsdrivealimo
Perfect Match
Beach Love: "Glasses and Missy" at Komodo Island - Sloane Washington x Alana Kusuma - @lizzybeth1986
Wishful Thinking
Art Request - Anna Koishi x f!MC (Nyx) - art by @lilyoffandoms, requested by @noesapphic
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raincoonparade · 1 year
My OCs list
I'm having a hard time sharing art here, not only cause I'm being indecisive but also I'm not sure how to present them, I want my Tumblr to look pretty vjkvf so, while I decide on that, I thought about sharing at least the fandom, names and some of my favs drawings of them!
I'll edit this post constantly whenever I have new art, delete or add OCs
Whenever you see TBN it means they don't have a name or I'm changing it so, heads up lol... Anyway, let's start:
Here's the full list! (March 2023):
Animaniacs - Zane
Art sona - Miss Disfortune
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3. Ben 10: Omniverse - Skylar 4. Boku no Hero Academia - Aki, Ha-eun, Hoshiko, Itsuki, Journey, Serena, Tomomi, Toshiko, Yuna TBN, TBN
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5. Brand New Animal - Cassie, Robin 6. Cannon Busters - Yazmin 7. Carole & Tuesday - Kora 8. Coraline - Zarina 9. Craig of The Creek - Anayance, Barbara, Melisa, Quetzali, Scooter, Tara, Ula
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10. CSI series - A.J. 11. Dr. Stone - Chie 12. DuckTales 2017 - Alana, Cambri, Lafayette, Luoana, Taumn 13. Encanto - Esmeralda 14. Fantasy/Ghibli OCs - Zephyrine & Minuette
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15. Fairy Tail - Erandi, Luna 16. Food Wars (Shokugeki no soma) - Ginko 17. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Violet 18. Galatea (my personal project) - Aisha, Allastor, Allister, Arturo, Beetlepache, Chenzira, Cherry, Kalem, Nisha, Nitzia, Raymundo, Pandora 19. Gargoyles - Altea 20. Ghostbusters - Jackie
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21. God of War - Zeltzin
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22. Goofysona - Blair, Oceana 23. Kaleido Star - Mirana 24. Kotaro lives alone - Vanna 25. Las leyendas Saga (Ánima Studios) - Iztli 26. Loonatics Unleashed - Hadley, Kit 27. Marvel - Donaji, H 28. Mexopolis media - TBN 29. Monster High - Jericho, Scooter, Winter 30. Monsters Inc. / University - Vesper 31. Music sona - Chia
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32. My Little Pony - Fawn Spellbound, Mind Dusk, Pumpkin Moon, Sugar Sprinkles 33. No Straight Roads - Zohnette 34. One Piece - Ginger, Senki, Preya, Yue, TBN
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35. Over The Garden Wall & Infinity Train - Ollie 36. Rain (hard to explain where she from) 37. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - TBN 38. Pokemon - Juliet, Patch
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39. Radiant - Nahia 40. Ranma 1/2 - Gumi 41. Shaman King - TBN, TBN 42. Shinbi: The Haunted House - Gumiho 43. Sing (Illumination movies) - Bia, Dawn 44. Sona - Scooter 45. Spiderman 2017 - Echo 46. Splatoon - Frizzy 47. Stardew Valley - Rain 48. Steven Universe - Moonstone, Yellow Amber 49. Tales of Arcadia - TBN 50. Teen Titans - Aura, Calliope 51. Teen Wolf - Jack 52. The Amazing World of Gumball - Pumpela 53. The Legend of Hei/Spirit sona - Qiu 54. The Muppets - Nehru 55. The Umbrella Academy - Quetzal 56. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 3n1d, Crystal, Draq, Frankie, Scooter, Tommy, Vivienne 57. Undertale - TBN 58. Victor y Valentino - Whisper (Jun) 59. Vocaloid - Dalia, Isabela 60. Young Justice - Liv, Razz
Yeah, I know... They're a lot haha. As you can see, I haven't draw them much... I'm still redesigning and creating some of them so, so far, I mostly just have half body references? And some information and facts on a private document and lots of notes... My OCs life is as messy as mine as you can tell ahaha
I have a Toyhouse page where, I hope, I'll be updating and sharing more of my OCs soon! All the redesigns and reference I've made so far are already there in case you want to check them out!
If you read everything, thank you, here... Have a cookie 🍪
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thelinguaphilelady · 2 years
 the multilingual music list you need to enrich your ears
If you’re learning French, Spanish, Italian, etc. & are in need of artists to listen to... i’ve got you ! Here you’ll find music from different genres & most are on spotify.
○ indila
○ louane
○ gims
○ angèle
○ yseult 
○ nilusi
○ calogero
○ tayc
○ dadju
○ videoclub
○ olivier dion
○ lenni kim
○ céline dion
○ black m
○ vitaa 
○ amel bent
○ ya levis
○ lefa
○ tal
○ matt pokora 
○ maelle
○ louis and the yakuza
○ kyo
○ thomas dutronc
○ jérémy frerot
○ stromae
○ vianney
○ slimane
○ amir
○ zazie 
○ marc dupré
○ pierre de maere
○ reik
○ juanes
○ pablo alborán
○ chucho rivas
○ rosalía
○ jesse y joy
○ blas cantó
○ francisca valenzuela
○ camila
○ romeo santos
○ prince royce
○ rozalén
○ vetusta morla
○ sin bandera
○ anthrés
○ mirco tdh
○ natalia lafourcade
○ rsel
○ pol granch
○ izal
○ julio iglesias
○ ana mena
○ cepeda
○ cristian castro
○ andrés suárez
○ son by 4
○ elif
○ wincent weiss
○ tim bendzko
○ hava
○ mike singer
○ lea
○ nakima
○ berge
○ anna blue
○ fabien wegerer
○ moritz garth
○ adel tawil 
○ arisa
○ laura pausini
○ lorenzo fragola
○ giorgia
○ francesca michielin
○ marco mengoni
○ annalisa
○ ermal meta
○ alessio bernabei
○ einar
○ the kolors
○ sonohra
○ levante
○ michele merlo 
○ matteo romano 
○ valerio mazzei
○ holden
○ diego lazzari
○ ultimo
○ albe
○ michele bravi
○ alex w
○ le vibrazioni
○ måneskin
○ rosario miraggio 
○ tony colombo
○ liberato 
○ darin
○ molly sandén
○ benjamin ingrosso
○ dotter
○ cherrie
○ veronica maggio
○ victor leksell 
○ tix
○ chris holsten
○ gabrielle
○ ylva
○ victoria nadine
○ ingeborg
○ ramón
○ stina talling
○ delara
○ bendik
○ kristin
○ behm
○ ollie
○ erin
○ abreu
○ pihlaja
○ jvg
○ costee
○ anna puu
○ suvi teräsniska
○ gdrn
○ auður
○ aron can
○ friðrik dór
○ bríet
○ hatari 
○ daði freyr
○ donny montell 
○ kaia
○ sisters on wire
○ alanas chosnau
○ jazzu
○ monique
○ monika linkyte
○ gabrielius vagelis
○ evgenya redko 
○ vilius
○ jurga
○ igle
○ marina satti
○ christos mastoras
○ eleonora zouganeli
○ nikos vertis
○ yianna terzi
○ pantelis pantelidis
○ michalis hatzigiannis
○ nikos oikonomopoulos
○ giorgos kakosaios
○ konstantinos argiros
○ stan
○ anastasios rammos
○ llias vrettos
○ giannis haroulis
○ antonis remos
○ giannis ploutarhos
○ elvira t
○ rauf & faik
○ sergey lazarev
○ dima bilan
○ zivert
○ max barskih
○ loboda
○ gafur
○ mona songz
○ misha marvin
○ serebro
○ ani lorak
○ cream soda
○ jah khalib
○ jony
○ the limba
○ xcho
○ maxim fadeev
○ asammuell
○ egor kreed
○ ooes
○ alyona shvets
○ alekseev
○ кис кис
○ emin
○ mark stam 
○ carla’s dreams
○ andra
○ the motans
○ emilian
○ liviu teodorescu
○ irina rimes
○ mario fresh
○ andrei banuta
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fordandcrson · 2 years
closed starter for @alanahq​
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it had been four days since they had landed in north carolina and they had been four of the best days he had ever lived. alana had been to just about every first he could think to take her too, they’d eaten ice cream on the dock and he had watched with a cold beer in hand as she made midnight margaraita’s with his moms and ollie as if they were in their very own remake of practical magic. his whole family had bought into her, even helping her beat him at bullshit for the first time in years, she was a different version of happy here than he had ever seen her in la and it made his heart swell. he wasn’t sure he’d be able to pin point a single moment from the tirp that he would say was his happiest considering he had engrained every cheesy make out in his little window alcove and dishwashing session to memory by now. this week away would just be on long happy memory. having watched the sun set together wrapped up in one another as they swum in the lake they had only just gotten dry and ready for the charity football game they’d said they go to, one that would no doubt be starting soon if they didn’t hurry up and yet here she was - the crazy, loving and dramatic blonde that he wad enamoured with, asking him to dance in the rain that had just started. “oh you want me?” he breathed through laughter though he was already pushing himself out of the chair and putting his beer down so that he could join her in the rain. “you know, you have a real bad habit of making me late to places.” and it would be so very worth it. 
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raspcherrry · 2 years
top 5 non jay, gil or chip jrwi blorbos go
ollie, caspian, lizzie, marshal john, alana
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gymnasticscoaching · 2 years
Worlds Liverpool QUIZ
In the trivia battle Olly Hogben vs Blythe Lawrence, Olly called in some “ringers” to help him: Stephen Nedoroscik. Alana Slater. Kyle Shewfelt. Cathy Johnson Clarke. Shannon Miller. Click through to listen. I did badly. As usual. 😀 BREAKING NEWS: The World Champs edition of the quiz starts with a shock… due to recent poor performances, Olly has withdrawn from the quiz and instead has…
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belles-big-lap · 2 years
162 450 km
Chinderah | Byron | Middle-of-butt-fuck Nowhere
Another same old same old week at work.
Rained a little less in the afternoons though so a few little adventures took place.
Here’s a quick run-down of the week:
-          Went to the beach on Monday afternoon
-          Tuesday discovered my footy boots got stolen after leaving them out to dry after a muddy session. Had training with the girls.
-          Wednesday I attempted to go for at rainbow beach/snapper rocks. But my surfing swimmers zipper broke, so I wore my bikini instead. The wire in those ones are broken so it was stabbing into me whilst laying on my board. Less than ideal. I also broke the news to my mum and dad that I’m bisexual. They were beyond supportive to say the least. It was an emotional conversation for me. Mum said afterwards: “The only reason why you have to tell people is if it would make you feel better or if it would help them understand you.” And I’ll remember that forever. Dad just said “oh is that all?” – which was also a perfect response.
-          Thursday I waited around after work to pick up some footy boots from market place. The lady never arrived. Yay. But – the silver lining was that there was some footy boots that had been in the club house for ages, and they were a perfect fit so I took those instead.
-          Friday arvo I voted. Then drove to Byron Bay and got a little rainbow tattoo. So so happy with it. Then I caught up with my friend Esther and later Lily and Alana joined us. This may come as a shock but we actually went home at midnight. But a great night! Met a girl named Airlie (yes – like Airlie beach). She know Mitch Mags from Adelaide! She also travels in a van so I’m hoping we meet up again.
-          Saturday Esther did a pal reading on me and it’s predicted that I am to have 1 healthy boy. Great (as long as he like rugby union). I then went out for breaky with Lily and then drove back to Chinderah. FINALLY got to chat to Ollie on the phone (after 6 days of him being away for his work). Felt like we had so much to catch up on.
-          I then went to play some footy with the Casuarina Beach Rugby Club. For opposition ended up not having enough players so we played a scratch match 7’s game and I played for the other team.
-          Followed by a wild night consisting of:
Ø  Going to the pub for a feed
Ø  Driving out to a birthday party on a farm
Ø  Someone wanting to jump the bon fire with a lawn mower
Ø  Me giving a speech to the birthday boy after knowing him for 1 hour
Ø  Walking in mud to get to the toilet
Ø  Getting bogged in the driveway on the way home (not me driving and not in Maurice thank goodness)
Ø  Talking copious amounts of shit with everyone I meet (standand)
-          Then Sunday was a training day again for the Far North Coast team. The training was disappointing. I am taking it very seriously it seems. And we are not ready for our game next week again Grafton, but I guess we will see how we go.
-          Went to a laundromat for the first time in the afternoon. Had to commit to using the dryer after seeing the week coming up.
-          Then Sunday evening, a girl from rugby – Eden – invited me over to her house for quiche and salad! Super yummy!
Things I learnt:
-          Simian Line – one line horizontal across the palm
-          Diesel is not as flammable as petrol
-          You cannot drive a lawn mower over a fire
-          I have too high of expectations for this rugby comp coming up
-          Don’t trust people in the caravan park as they might steal your footy boots
-          Scott Morrison can tackle 8 year olds
Things I am grateful for:
-          Hot meals
-          My parents accepting me for me
-          Concrete caravan park sites
-          Work paying for said caravan park sites
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kachinnate · 4 years
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doodles from the stream!! thank you to everyone who came, this was so fun !!! :’’D
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eleanorjcalder · 5 years
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Throwback of Eleanor, Louis, and Alana watching the England vs. Croatia game back in July via ollymurs
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pxperplxnets · 2 years
drinks, caillous and i love you’s.
summary: alana and conrad go party with their friends. it ends up in weird conversations and love confessions.
pairing: conrad laursen x alana diaz.
conrad and alana character descriptions
word count: 1004
warnings: underage drinking, mentions of cancer.
lowercase intended!
part one - part two - previous part.
dedicated to my bsf @myplantregulus because she gave me the idea and she is a caillou simp.
alana was having the time of her life.
when conrad had told her that they were going out to a party with the rest of the team, she had her doubts. being a big internet personality like most of them were, drinking and partying might not have been the perfect idea.
conrad begged and pleaded for her to go with them. she gave up after the lightest pout formed on his lips, and she definitely didn't regret it.
they went to a pub near their apartment, where they didnt even ask for their id’s. lucky, privileged assholes. they drank quite a bit, dancing around the pub with random people who they befriended at that moment. 
after spending a few hours at the pub, they made their way to a random apartment, which hamda had told her belonged to aurora, one of her freca teammates.
the walk there was extremely fun. they laughed a bit too much when paul and aurora started pushing each other. they both ended up on the floor, hands and knees scraped but still laughing. they walked in front of a peer, from which conrad and ollie almost jumped into the water. they sang and danced around the street, almost getting run over a few times.
now that the group had finally gotten to aurora’s apartment, alana found herself laughing with a girl named lia, whom she had never met until that night. she didn't really understand how, as the girl had told her that she had been living with ollie and jak most of the season, but she let go of her confusion pretty fast.
“i was still on it so i was screaming, but our parents weren't supposed to know that we got on the horse so i tried to stop, and then jak fell off and i laughed and my mom ran to where we were and she started screaming as well. my dad and jak’s parents came out of the house to find me on top of an out of control horse laughing like a maniac, jak crying on the floor with his arm literally bent to the wrong side, and my mom screaming” lia was telling her the story of how her and jak had ended up with matching broken arms, and alana could not stop laughing. the alcohol in both their systems and lia’s slurred words making the story way funnier than it would have originally been.
their laugh was interrupted as ollie sat next to them, jak and conrad following suit. alana smiled as her boyfriend sat next to her, kissing her cheek before resting his head on her shoulder.
“i think caillou is dead” jak said out of nowhere, staring at the wall blankly. “why would caillou be dead?” lia asked, looking like she had asked herself that question millions of times “i mean, he is bald” ollie chimed in.
alana was confused, her drunk brain was not able to understand how that conversation had started.
“how does that make him dead though?” lia’s eyebrows furrowed. “well, maybe he has cancer” ollie shrugged. “wait, who has cancer?” sebas asked as he joined them in the living room. “caillou” ollie answered “oh no, poor caillou” lia said, and just then alana realised her tear filled eyes. “love, don't cry. he's in a better place now” ollie said, hugging her close. “that would explain why his mom opened the picture book at the beginning of each episode” jak commented, making lia cry even harder.
alana didn't know what to do, the entire conversation made no sense to her. maybe she was too drunk, or maybe they were.
“i had a classmate that looked like caillou” alana spoke, remembering the boy she met a few years back. “wait, really?” conrad asked. “yeah, his name was quinn. he had hair though” she said, deep in thought “so like, pre-cancer caillou” sebas contemplated, making all of them try to imagine a caillou with hair. “wait… who is caillou?” sebas spoke again, making everyone laugh. “have you been talking about caillou without knowing who caillou is?” lia laughed, wiping her tears away.
they all laughed for a while, until alana spoke again.
“where are paul and aurora?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “probably making out in a corner” ollie shrugged “they are together?” alana spoke. “yeah, but they don't know we know, so don't tell them that we know because they don't know we know” jak’s sentence made alana’s head spin, so she nodded and moved on.
once it was time to leave, alana and conrad clumsily made their way into his apartment. they laughed and shushed each other, as if there was someone that could hear them.
conrad changed as alana wiped off her makeup. she might have been drunk, but she had never and would never sleep with make up on.
 they got comfortable in bed, cuddling into each other. he rested his head on her chest, wrapping his arms around her waist and snuggling his face on her neck. after a few moments of silence, conrad spoke.
“i know im really drunk and i probably shouldn't say this, but i love you. i love you so so so much. you’re so fucking important to me, you know? the first time sebas showed me a picture of you my heart rushed, from a picture! imagine how it was when i actually met you! oh my god, when you got nervous talking to me it was the best thing ever. no one gets nervous about me, its always about the older boys, but you did and it made me feel so funny inside…synd for de andre fyre, fordi jeg har den hotteste pige nogensinde” (too bad for the other guys because i got the hottest girl ever) he said the last thing in danish, so she would have to remember to ask what he said later on.
alana smiled, pulling him more into her.
“i love you too, you drunk” she laughed, noticing that he had already fallen asleep.
authors note:
well, that was really fun to write.
idk what this is but i hope y’all like it.
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girls-skate · 7 years
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Alana Smith Hoopla skateboards Credit: mimiknoop
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raincoonparade · 1 year
First of all, let me introduce myself. Here's a list of basics you should know about me (cause, idk, don't want to add so much text):
Call me Rain, Scooter, Patch or Zuleyka... Miss Disfortune is also ok
I'm a graphic designer, illustrator and aspiring writer
She/they, 25yo, mexican
All my socials: missdisfortune.carrd
My commissions are ALWAYS OPEN
So are my asks here!
10 things to know me better
10 things to know me better (PT.2)
I know, it's like the fourth time I re-do my pinned post but, hopefully, this will be the last time... I'll add my OC list here so...
I'll edit this post constantly whenever I have new art, delete or add OCs
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OCS & Fandoms full list! (April 2023):
Amphibia - Opal
Animaniacs - Zane
Art sona - Miss Disfortune
Ben 10: Omniverse - Skylar
Big Hero 6 - Oaklynn
Boku no Hero Academia - Aki, Flora, Ha-eun, Hoshiko, Itsuki, Journey, Serena, Tomomi, Toshiko, Ume, Yuna
Brand New Animal - Cassie, Robin
Cannon Busters - Yazmin
Carole & Tuesday - Kora
Coraline - Zarina
Craig of The Creek - Anayance, Barbara, Melisa, Quetzali, Scooter, Tara, Ula
CSI series - A.J
Dr. Stone - Chie
DuckTales 2017 - Alana, Cambri, Lafayette, Luoana, Taumny, Umbra, Xanthi
Encanto - Esmeralda
Fantasy/Ghibli OCs - Zephyrine & Minuette
Fairy Tail - Erandi, Luna
Food Wars (Shokugeki no soma) - Ginko
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Violet
Galatea (my personal project) - Aisha, Allastor, Allister, Arturo, Beetlepache, Chenzira, Cherry, Kalem, Nisha, Nitzia, Raymundo, Pandora
Gargoyles - Altea
Ghostbusters – Jackie
God of War – Adelphos, Amicia, Selene, Zeltzin
Goofysona - Blair, Oceana
Kaleido Star - Mirana
Kotaro lives alone - Vanna
Las leyendas Saga (Ánima Studios) - Iztli
Loonatics Unleashed – Hadley, Kit
Marvel - Donaji, H
Mexopolis media - Karina
Monster High - Jericho, Scooter, Winter
Monsters Inc. / University - Vesper
Music sona – Chia
My Little Pony - Fawn Spellbound, Mind Dusk, Pumpkin Moon, Sugar Sprinkles
No Straight Roads - Zohnette
One Piece - Ginger, Senki, Xaria, Preya, Yue
Over The Garden Wall & Infinity Train - Ollie
Rain (hard to explain where she from)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians – Nicte
Pokemon - Juliet, Patch
Puppetsonas - Ully, Ozzie
Radiant - Nahia
Ranma 1/2 - Gumi
Shaman King - Xia, Zaire
Shinbi: The Haunted House - Gumiho
Sing (Illumination movies) - Bia, Dawn
Sona - Scooter
Spiderman 2017 - Echo
Splatoon - Frizzy
Stardew Valley - Rain
Steven Universe - Moonstone, Yellow Amber
Tales of Arcadia – Metztli
Teen Titans - Aura, Calliope
Teen Wolf - Jack
The Amazing World of Gumball - Pumpela
The Legend of Hei/Spirit sona - Qiu
The Muppets - Nehru
The Umbrella Academy - Quetzal
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 3n1d, Crystal, Draq, Frankie, Scooter, Tommy, Vivienne
Undertale - Willow
Victor y Valentino - Whisper (Jun)
Vocaloid - Dalia, Isabela
Young Justice - Liv, Razz
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Yeah, I know... I have to redraw that... Anyway, just like you noticed, I have a LOT of OCs and, as surprising as it sounds, I DO USE THEM ALL! I doubt I'll ever take offers, though they're still in the works, I have all of them built and active (otherwise I wouldn't keep them) and I'm trying to work on their Toyhouse profiles as well...
Despite that, I actually have adoptables available! They can be found on Instagram too! If you're not interested on them but still want/can support me I also have a Ko-fi or you can donate directly to my PayPal! I know what you're thinking... Donate? As in for free? Well, if you want to, yes, but if you don't...
Like I said, my commissions are ALWAYS open! I only update the prices every now and then, sometimes do special discounts... You know how it is... For now, this ones will stay so... If you're interested:
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"Don't want so much text" she says as she does a super long post... If you read all that... Thank you so much!
Also thanks for checking out my profile! I know I don't have much but random blabbering but I'm looking forward to change that soon enough, if you decide to stay... Here, have a cookie 🍪
Enjoy your stay! (if you do)
🎃 𝓝𝓸𝓬𝓽𝓾 𝓞𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓲 𝓐𝓾𝓭𝓮 𝓕𝓻𝓪𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓻 🎃
(Strive for your ideal place)
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collieflowah · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan Hansen/Jared Kleinman Characters: Evan Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Zoe Murphy, Alana Beck Additional Tags: Texting, text fic, Secret Relationship, sorta - they've yet to come out, Coming Out, Canon Bisexual Character, Bisexual Male Character, Evan is a weak bisexual and loves his bf, Implied Sexual Content, Mild Sexual Humor Summary:
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