#Portoferraio Elba
stilouniverse · 10 months
Portoferraio nell'Elba
La rada di Portoferraio (da Google Earth) Portoferraio è lo scalo marittimo più importante dell’Elba, situato a levante dell’ampia rada naturale che si apre sulla costa settentrionale dell’isola tra le punte Falcone e Falconaia e, data la sua particolare posizione, i colli che la circondano e la profondità all’interno della costa offre efficace protezione dai venti provenienti da tutte le…
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bubblesorbubbles · 7 months
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areccofrancesco · 1 year
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Isola d'Elba - Portoferraio
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thingsdavidlikes · 2 years
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Napoleone, l'Affaccio... by myndroom https://flic.kr/p/2nPjqE7
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scattidimare · 2 years
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✨POST DELLA SETTIMANA✨ Scatti di mare 🏖️🌊 presenta: 📍 Isola d'Elba 📷 Post di @barbarachiriotti Complimenti per il bellissimo feed!! 👏👏 Seguite la nostra gallery @scatti_di_mare e utilizza l'hashtag #scatti_di_mare nelle tue foto e reels 🌊 🔄Repost gradito! #sansone #isoladelba #elba #elbaisland #isola #portoferraio #livorno #toscana #tuscany #toskana #mare #spiaggia #azzurro #domenica #luglio #estate #estate2022 #fotodellasettimana #meraviglia #senzapensieri #paradisebeach #paradiso #bellezzeitaliane #spiaggedasogno #visitelba #sealovers #beachvibes #beautifulplaces #vistadallalto (presso Spiaggia Di Sansone) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf1QSAaMv8E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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travelella · 3 months
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Portoferraio, Elba, Livorno, Italy
Bjorn Agerbeek
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simonemeloni · 2 years
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Lo scoglietto dalle Fortezze Medicee di #Portoferraio ❤ #isoladelba #elba #Fortezze #scoglietto (presso Isola d'Elba) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkV2tynIyUJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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empirearchives · 2 months
Giuseppe Donizetti — served Napoleon on Elba and accompanied him during the Hundred Days
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Portrait of Giuseppe Donizetti later in life
Giuseppe Donizetti was born into poverty in 1788, in the Northern Italian city of Bergamo. The eldest of his siblings, he worked from a young age, training as a tailor’s apprentice. His true talent was in music, which was spotted early on in his life.
Giuseppe was conscripted in 1808 at the age of 20. He served the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy in the Seventh Italian Regiment. He fought against Austria in the War of the 5th Coalition in 1809. He spent the years of 1811, 1812 and 1813 in Spain.
In 1811, he was became ill en route to Spain and was hospitalized at Castelnaudary in France. 43 years later in 1854, he wrote about it to the court of the Ottoman Empire:
“Constantinople, November 22, 1854. Mémoire to His Highness Achmed-Fethy Pasha. Finding myself in a comfortable position thanks to the beneficences of Our August and Glorious Sovereign, I cede to the Hospital of Castelnaudary (Aude), in which I was ill in 1811, the portion coming to me of the legacy left by the Emperor Napoleon I to the Battalion of the Island of Elba. The papers establishing my right to participate in the credit opened up by the Decree of August 5, 1854, issued at Biarritz by His Imperial Majesty the Emperor Napoleon III, I have been obliged to send to France at the time when I was honored with a brevet as Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Your Highness's Very humble Servant, Joseph Donizetti.”
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Location and photograph of Castelnaudary
After the dissolution of the Kingdom of Italy and the First French Empire, he enlisted in the French military and was stationed on the island of Elba as a military flutist. It was on Elba, in the town of Portoferraio, where he was married in 1815.
That same year, he accompanied Napoleon during the Hundred Days, traveling with him on the same ship from Elba to Antibes, France. He likely fought at the battle of Waterloo.
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Landing of Napoleon I in Antibes in 1815
After Napoleon:
The Austrians took control of Northern Italy after the fall of Napoleon. According to the historian Emre Aracı, Giuseppe was “a greal admirer of Napoleon and the French […] Giuseppe strongly opposed his country’s domination by the Austrians. Evidence shows that he secretly took part in the Carbonari resistance and even appeared at court trials.”
Giuseppe Donizetti became a composer, and had a full career as Instructor General of the Imperial Ottoman Music. He even composed the first National Anthem of the Ottoman Empire, the Mecidiye Marşı. His main legacy is introducing Western marching music to the military of the Ottoman Empire.
He was employed by the Ottoman government on 17 September 1828 for an annual salary of 8,000 francs. This was considered a very high salary by his family. Giuseppe’s trouble with the Austrian authorities after the fall of Napoleon may have been a motivator for him to leave Italy. He moved to Constantinople at the age of 39 and spent the rest of his life there.
Giuseppe’s patron was Sultan Mahmud II, who ruled from 1808 to 1839, and Sultan Abdulmejid I, who ruled from 1839 to 1861.
According to the historian Emre Aracı:
“The Donizettis were so well-liked in the Ottoman capital that when fire broke out near their house Ahmet Fethi Pasha, the sultan's brother-in-law, ordered all the houses surrounding the maestro's home to be razed to the ground in order to prevent the flames reaching the building.”
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Sultan Mahmud II
His brother, Gaetano, called him his fratello turco— Turkish brother, writing to his friend that “He loves Constantinople, to which he owes everything.”
Giuseppe even encouraged his brother to move to Constantinople, but Gaetano declined. “I do not want to play the fool like my brother, the Bey, who, after having earned more than I perhaps, stays there in ancient Byzantium to scratch his belly between the plague and the stake,” wrote Gaetano.
Giuseppe moved to Constantinople two years after the creation of the Imperial Musical School (Muzıka-i Hümâyûn), which was an Ottoman institution which trained its students in Western style of music. He was specifically recruited as an expert to help lead this effort.
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Giuseppe’s younger brother, Gaetano. By Francesco Coghetti, 1837
Gaetano Donizetti, though younger than Giuseppe, became the much more successful and internationally well-known brother, producing nearly 70 operas in his life. Gaetano is considered one of the most successful opera composers in history. Because of this, Giuseppe is widely known as Gaetano Donizetti’s brother. The historian Emre Aracı pointed out that this has actually been good for Giuseppe’s reputation because it has enabled him to be remembered when many other composers have been forgotten.
Both brothers were awarded the Ottoman Order of Nișan-i Iftihar. When Gaetano received the award at the Ottoman Embassy in Paris, he proudly said: “Napoleon belongs to two centuries, I to two religions.”
Giuseppe died in 1856, and is buried in the vaults of St. Esprit Cathedral, on the European side of Constantinople, in the district called Pera (now called Beyoğlu). According to Emre Aracı, the district “was once the home of a thriving Christian community”. The Church was built in 1846, 10 years before Giuseppe died.
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Interior of St. Esprit Cathedral
Giuseppe and his brother Gaetano are two great success stories and examples of people from impoverished backgrounds who go on to live prosperous and interesting lives.
Herbert Weinstock, Donizetti and the World of Opera in Italy, Paris and Vienna in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, 1963
Emre Aracı, Giuseppe Donizetti at the Ottoman Court: A Levantine Life, The Musical Times, Vol. 143, No. 1880 (Autumn, 2002), pp. 49-56
Emre Aracı, Giuseppe Donizetti Pasha and the Polyphonic Court Music of the Ottoman Empire, The Court Historian, Volume 7, 2 December 2002
Özgecan Karadağli, Western Performing Arts in the Late Ottoman Empire: Accommodation and Formation, 2020
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microcosme11 · 1 year
Napoleon comes to Elba and admits he made some “bêtises” a few years back
Baron Vincent [Charles Humbert Marie Vincent, first Director of Fortifications on the island of Elba], in his “Memorial de L’Ile d’Elbe ou détails sur l’arrivée et le séjour de Napoléon dans l’Ile d’Elbe,” written in Portoferraio in 1814 recounts in detail all the places which he had visited – often at dawn – with the Emperor throughout the island. Napoleon had known Baron Vincent for several years, as he noted to the Commissioners of the Allied Powers on board the frigate which brought him into Portoferraio bay on 3 May, 1814: “Colonel Vincent is the man who best judged events. I made some serious mistakes in not listening to him, and I would not be here if I had known that better”. — napoleon.org 
 Translated by google/me: 
The Emperor, during this walk, which was quite long, seemed very calm, busied himself with everything, incessantly questioning and wanting to know everything thoroughly. Back on board, he had lunch with a wonderful appetite. During this meal, he turned to me and started talking about the Santo Domingo expedition. “I have to render you,” he said to me, “striking justice in connection with this sad war; you had in the past given me excellent advice and made known useful truths; I didn't notice it, circumvented as I was by certain people who made me commit very serious blunders on this occasion.” Grand Marshal Count Bertrand protested and claimed the expression was inaccurate to describe some political errors: "I repeat to you that I have been made to commit stupid things,” said the Emperor, “that is, unfortunately for me, the correct word.”
Mémoires de tous : collection de souvenirs contemporains, tome 3.  Général du génie Vincent
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semprelibera · 10 months
An Italian woman from Portoferraio and her small sick child have been sleeping in car for two months after her landlord evicted them to turn their house into an Airbnb and she can’t afford to rent a new apartment because, since it’s tourist season, they are too expensive.
But hey, tourism is so helpful for the people who live there and those ungrateful paupers should be thankful to tourists for enriching them, right?
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ricounterwegs · 10 months
Reise in die Toskana
Diesmal verschlug es Claudi und mich in das nicht so weit entfernte Ausland nach Italien.
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Das erste Ziel waren die bekannten Dörfer der „Cinque Terre“ an der italienischen Riviera. Auch wenn es dort hochtouristisch zugeht, war der eintägige Besuch lohnenswert. Die Dörfer sind mit dem Auto als Tourist nur schwer zu erreichen, aber dafür führt eine Bahnlinie – welche aufgrund der vielen Tunnel schon eher einer U-Bahnlinie ähnelt – im Minutentakt entlang an der Steilküste zwischen den Dörfern. Hier gibt es ein Tagesticket für die Bahn und den Eintritt zu den Dörfern!
Den Abend ließen wir in der in der nahe gelegenen Stadt La Spezia ausklingen. Den kommenden Tag fuhren wir in der Toskana entlang der Küste nach Piombino. Unterwegs genossen wir dabei den wilden Strand „Spiaggia di Vecchiano“. Am Abend fuhr unsere Fähre von Piombino nach Portoferraio auf die Insel Elba.
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Auch wenn wir hier wieder etwas von unserem Wetterglück heimgesucht wurden, verbrachten wir zwei wunderschöne Tage auf der kleinen Insel. Mein Highlight war der Besuch des höchstes Berges der Insel – dem „Monte Capanne“. Mit einer alten historischen Seilbahn schwebten wir in knapp 20 Minuten den Berg hinauf. Das besondere sind die engen und in Deutschland so sicher nicht mehr zugelassenen käfigartigen Fahrkörbe der Anlage. Trotz einiger Wolken hatten wir von dort einen herrlichen Überblick über die Insel. Auf der einen Seite schauten wir bis zum italienischen Festland und auf der anderen Seite bis nach Korsika.
Nach dem Ausflug zum höchsten Berg fuhren wir weiter entlang des westlichen Endes der Insel mit diversen kleinen Stopps zurück in Hotelnähe nach Porto Azzurro. Am kommenden Tag war zunächst das Wetter etwas schlechter, aber gegen Mittag konnten wir dann doch noch unseren Hotelstrand nutzen und die Altstadt der Inselhauptstadt Portoferraio erkunden. Am Abend ging es auf der Fähre – begleitet von einem wunderschönen Regenbogen – zurück aufs Festland.
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Nachdem wir am kommenden Tag zunächst etwas am Strand Lido Oasi in Principina a Mare entspannten, folgte ein weiteres unerwartetes Highlight der Reise. In „Alberese“ liehen wir uns Fahrräder aus, um in den fast autofreien „Parco Regionale della Maremma“ zu radeln. Eine wunderschöne Natur mit großen Pinienwäldern, einer Wanderung zu einem fantastischen Aussichtspunkt sowie einer verlassenen Kirche und der Besuch eines wilden Strandes machten diesen Fleck Natur zu einem einmaligen Erlebnis. Allein schon die Fahrt mit dem Radl war traumhaft. Am Ende der Tour lief z.B. für viele Minuten ein Fuchs direkt vor uns auf dem Radweg und ließ sich von uns nicht stören. Erst kurz vor Sonnenuntergang kamen wir dann wieder in Alberese an und konnten dort ganz unbürokratisch die Räder absperren und den Schlüssel in einen Briefkasten werfen.
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Die nächste Übernachtung folgte auf der Halbinsel „Monte Argentario“ bei einem Kloster mit wunderschönem Blick aufs Meer und den Übergang zur Halbinsel. Nach etwas Strandzeit folgte schon das nächste Highlight. Der Kunstpark „Il Giardino dei Tarocchi“ wurde von der französisch-amerikanischen Künstlerin Niki de Saint Phalle in ca. 20-jähriger Bauzeit erschaffen. Sehr empfehlenswert ist hierzu bei näherem Interesse zur Künstlerin und zum Park auch folgender Podcast.
Die dort geschaffenen 22 Tarots-Figuren in diversen Größen sind unter anderem von Gaudi’s Park Guell in Barcelona inspiriert, aber haben ihre eigene spannende Geschichte zu erzählen. In der größten Figur befindet sich eine Wohnung.
Den Abend ließen wir in den heißen Quellen der „Cascate del Mulino“ ausklingen. In diesen kostenfrei zugänglichen warmen Wasserkaskaden konnten wir schön entspannen. Leider ist mir mein Gimbal (Stabilisierungsgerät fürs Filmen) ins Wasser gefallen und ist sofort kaputt gegangen.
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Den kommenden Tag fuhren wir zunächst durch die aus touristischer Sicht typische toskanische Landschaft des Hinterlandes, bevor wir ab Nachmittag Florenz erkundeten. Eine super touristische, aber auch wunderschöne Stadt. Wir nahmen an einer Führung teil und schlenderten bis in die Nacht durch die Gassen der Stadt. Theoretisch könnte man hier viele Tage verbringen, wenn man entsprechend kulturell an den Museen interessiert ist. Wir bekamen zumindest einen kleinen Einblick in das Flair der Stadt.
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Es folgte leider schon wieder der letzte Tag mit der Heimreise nach München. Allerdings unterbrachen wir diesen noch mit einem längeren Badestopp am Gardasee bei Garda.
Ganz zum Schluss noch eine Podcast Empfehlung über Italien. Wem es auch so geht, dass er schon oft in Italien war, aber wenig über aktuelle Zusammenhänge in Italien weiß, dem sei dieser Podcast empfohlen: Kurzgesagt Italien.
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isoladelbaapp · 11 months
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I colori della #spiaggia della #padulella a #portoferraio #elba nello scatto di @ruggerocioffi Continuate a taggare le vostre foto con #isoladelbaapp il tag delle vostre #vacanze all'#isoladelba https://instagr.am/p/CuZyDz3tSjj/
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isoleminori · 1 year
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Elba, Paolo Monti, 1975 Dentro al Forte Stella, Portoferraio #elba #paolomonti #elbaisland #isoleminori #isoleitaliane #mare #isole #island #sea #isola #tirreno #mediterraneo #photography #fisherman #pescatore #vintagephoto #vintagephotography #oldphoto #foundphoto #lostmemories #antiquephoto #oldphotos #oldphotograph #isoleminorifoto https://www.instagram.com/p/Co-3nBZMzu8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brookstonalmanac · 28 days
Events 5.4 (before 1950)
1256 – The Augustinian monastic order is constituted at the Lecceto Monastery when Pope Alexander IV issues a papal bull Licet ecclesiae catholicae. 1415 – Religious reformers John Wycliffe and Jan Hus are condemned as heretics at the Council of Constance. 1436 – Assassination of the Swedish rebel (later national hero) Engelbrekt Engelbrektsson 1471 – Wars of the Roses: The Battle of Tewkesbury: Edward IV defeats a Lancastrian Army and kills Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales. 1493 – Pope Alexander VI divides the New World between Spain and Portugal along the Line of Demarcation. 1626 – Dutch explorer Peter Minuit arrives in New Netherland (present day Manhattan Island) aboard the See Meeuw. 1686 – The Municipality of Ilagan is founded in the Philippines. 1738 – The Imperial Theatrical School, now known as Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet, was founded under the reign of Empress Anna. It is the first ballet school in Russia and second in the world. 1776 – Rhode Island becomes the first American colony to renounce allegiance to King George III. 1799 – Fourth Anglo-Mysore War: The Battle of Seringapatam: The siege of Seringapatam ends when the city is invaded and Tipu Sultan killed by the besieging British army, under the command of General George Harris. 1814 – Emperor Napoleon arrives at Portoferraio on the island of Elba to begin his exile. 1814 – King Ferdinand VII abolishes the Spanish Constitution of 1812, returning Spain to absolutism. 1836 – Formation of Ancient Order of Hibernians 1859 – The Cornwall Railway opens across the Royal Albert Bridge linking Devon and Cornwall in England. 1869 – The Naval Battle of Hakodate is fought in Japan. 1871 – The National Association, the first professional baseball league, opens its first season in Fort Wayne, Indiana. 1886 – Haymarket affair: In Chicago, United States, a homemade bomb is thrown at police officers trying to break up a labor rally, killing one officer. Ensuing gunfire leads to the deaths of a further seven officers and four civilians. 1904 – The United States begins construction of the Panama Canal. 1910 – The Royal Canadian Navy is created. 1912 – Italy occupies the Ottoman island of Rhodes. 1919 – May Fourth Movement: Student demonstrations take place in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, protesting the Treaty of Versailles, which transferred Chinese territory to Japan. 1926 – The United Kingdom general strike begins. 1927 – The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is incorporated. 1932 – In Atlanta, mobster Al Capone begins serving an eleven-year prison sentence for tax evasion. 1942 – World War II: The Battle of the Coral Sea begins with an attack by aircraft from the United States aircraft carrier USS Yorktown on Japanese naval forces at Tulagi Island in the Solomon Islands. The Japanese forces had invaded Tulagi the day before. 1945 – World War II: Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg is liberated by the British Army. 1945 – World War II: The German surrender at Lüneburg Heath is signed, coming into effect the following day. It encompasses all Wehrmacht units in the Netherlands, Denmark and northwest Germany. 1946 – In San Francisco Bay, U.S. Marines from the nearby Treasure Island Naval Base stop a two-day riot at Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary. Five people are killed in the riot. 1949 – The entire Torino football team (except for two players who did not take the trip: Sauro Tomà, due to an injury and Renato Gandolfi, because of coach request) is killed in a plane crash.
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forumelettrico · 1 month
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La stazione di ricarica per veicoli elettrici Enel X Way da 15 kW situata al Porto di Portoferraio LI: di fronte al porto turistico, dove ci si imbarca per i traghetti che portano a Piombino o a Bastia, ma è anche la più vicina al centro storico. https://www.forumelettrico.it/forum/colonnina-enel-x-way-15-kw-porto-di-portoferraio-li-viale-elba-t37086.html #enelxway #isoladelba #Portoferraio #livorno
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lamilanomagazine · 6 months
Toscana, presentati gli Elba Music Awards 2024
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Toscana, presentati gli Elba Music Awards 2024 Dopo il successo registrato dalla prima edizione, tornano nel 2024 gli Elba Music Awards. Lo fanno con un cartellone ricco di eventi che si dipana lungo tutto l'anno, a partire dal concerto di Capodanno, e che coinvolge l'intero territorio dell'Isola d'Elba. La rassegna musicale è stata presentata questa mattina a palazzo del Pegaso in una conferenza stampa, alla quale sono intervenuti il presidente del Consiglio regionale Antonio Mazzeo e il portavoce dell'opposizione Marco Landi. A illustrare le iniziative gli organizzatori dell'evento Stefano Picchi, Meme Lucarelli e Annalisa Del Dotto, e il partner Italo Fontana fondatore di U-Boat. Gli Elba Music Awards hanno visto la prima edizione nel 2023 riscuotendo uno sperato e inaspettato successo di pubblico: nella sola estate 15 show che hanno registrato circa 28mila spettatori e oltre 450mila contatti social certificati Meta. Un successo che ha spinto gli organizzatori Stefano Picchi e Meme Lucarelli ad ampliare e potenziare il progetto, promuovendo il brand per tutta la stagione invernale sia sui social che in presenza, a partire da una delle manifestazioni più famose nel mondo dei fumetti come il "Lucca Comics & Games 2023" per arrivare all'evento del 31 dicembre che si terrà a Portoferraio. E ancora, un concorso per il concerto più bello che vedrà in competizione i comuni elbani. "C'è la volontà di destagionalizzare, di far vivere l'Isola d'Elba tutto l'anno, non solo l'estate – ha detto il presidente del Consiglio regionale Antonio Mazzeo -. Come Consiglio regionale della Toscana supportiamo volentieri ogni tentativo in questo senso, e gli Elba Music Awards, grazie al grande impegno degli organizzatori, si sono rivelati grandi attrattori di pubblico". Marco Landi,portavoce dell'opposizione, ha sottolineato come "questa rassegna porti energia positiva all'Isola d'Elba. C'è voglia di divertimento e questi eventi, di grande qualità, sono un'offerta ulteriore per i tanti turisti dell'isola, che principalmente provengono dalla Toscana ma non solo". Stefano Picchi e Meme Lucarelli hanno illustrato il cartellone nel dettaglio. "Sarà un festival dei festival – spiegano gli organizzatori – con l'obiettivo di unire le risorse di tutti i comuni dell'isola d'Elba mantenendone le autonomie e soprattutto rispettando le diversità del territorio. Per questo la comunicazione e il marketing sarà la sintesi dei vari festival che ogni comune organizzerà sul territorio". "Ha vinto l'Elba unita – ha commentato Picchi – che ha saputo unire gli sforzi per raggiungere questo risultato". Da segnalare Capodanno a Portoferraio. Sarà lo staff di Radio 105 a scandire il conto alla rovescia il 31 dicembre 2023. Il format scelto dalla direzione artistica famoso per aver fatto ballare tutta l'Italia si chiama "I Love Formentera" capitanato da Paolino di Radio 105 in persona con Paul Zak in consolle ed uno splendido corpo di ballo. Prima dei fuochi si esibirà una band con un format unico e un front man direttamente da Tale e Quale, show di Rai Uno, The Rock Star Show. E' stato inoltre istituito un "premio" rappresentato dall'ape Elvis, evoluzione musicale del simbolo dell'Elba dai tempi di Napoleone. A concorrere saranno i singoli comuni chiamati favorire la realizzazione del concerto più coinvolgente. Nel corso della conferenza stampa è stato trasmesso un videomessaggio di Tony Renis e le immagini degli eventi della stagione 2023.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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