#Prague Pride 2023
prej-ses-peknej-matla · 10 months
Zdravím Čumblrstvo!
Byla jsem včera poprvé na Prague Pride a chci oznámit, že já byla nositelem onoho Petriášského banneru!
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Byl to nápad just for shits and giggles a absolutně mě nenapadlo, že to bude mít takový úspěch. To jak se lidi kolem smáli, radovali a fotili mě naplňovalo obrovským štěstím a hrdostí!
(honestly mě taky velice bavilo sledovat v průběhu dne, jak se objevují fotky a otázky, jestli je autor banneru z čumblr lol)
Pride jsem si hrozně užila a už teď zvažuji, že tento banner vezmu příští rok znovu. Pokud máte nějaké fotečky, ať už zblízka nebo z dálky, budu moc ráda za sdílení, přes reblog nebo klidně v DMs.
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Přidávám ještě nějaké fotky. Mou oblíbenou aktivitou bylo pózovat hnedle vedle křesťanských cedulí 😌
Snad jste si Pride taky užili a možná se uvidíme příští rok! Matla se poroučí ✨
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masterofiodine · 10 months
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Petriáš na pridu!
(placka s artem od @kejklir <333)
also, člověče, který jsi měl ceduli petronel & uriáš are gay, jsi tu někde?? (jen by mě to zajímalo xd)
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no-nic · 10 months
🌈 prague pride 2023 🏳️‍🌈
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můj první pride pochod!
postřehy & dojmy:
příště mě ani nenapadne vzít si koženou bundu, ok?
strašně respektuju lidi, co to ujdou naboso nebo v nepraktických botách (bolí mě nožičky)
všichni dostali na letné žízeň a šli si stoupnout do fronty na pití. litr a půl vody s sebou je málo
spousta skvělých náhodných interakcí s lidmi
trans*parent mi dali transparent haha
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andmaybegayer · 10 months
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Prague Pride 2023-08-12
honestly we should do capes all the time
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suplikdandelion · 10 months
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welcome-to-revachol · 10 months
Guys. This was my first pride, and I am on fucking Nova???? The largest TV news channel in czechia???? HOW???
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formerly-evil · 10 months
Because people are sharing their favorite posters they saw at pride yesterday, I thought I might share mine
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(Not pictured: the other side of the Gabriel and Belzebub one says, then why can’t we? which might or might not be hinting at the marriage inequality in here)
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ty-blbce · 10 months
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Me and my Good Omens Banner on Prague Pride 🏳️‍🌈❤️
Thank you for inspo @neil-gaiman
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glass-ju1ce · 10 months
Letos byl můj první průvod ale dost jsem si to užil, atmosféra úžasná, jen mě ještě bolí ruce z držení cedule.
Původně jsem taky chtěl vyrazit v kožené bundě a kalhotech ale no... rozmyslel jsem si. V prvních deseti minutách jsem si musel taky sundat tričko a chodut jen v tílku.
U stánku na výrobu cedulí jsem byl 15min než mě napadlo na poslední chvíli načmárat tohle:
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Ano je to trochu cringe já vím, ale jsem moc moc rád že jsem so tu ceduli udělal, lidi si ji četli a usmívali se, pár lidí se i ptalo a lidi si to i fotili - jedna holčina se vyfotila i se mnou.
Asi tak v polovině průvodu jsem si vzpomněl že mám v batohu sukni co jsem si chtěl vzít přes kalhoty, protože pochodovat v sukni s mlm vlajkou místo pláště je pecka.
Taky jsem potkal jednoho člověka odsud podle toho t ale je to č loga na bundě co někdo na čumblr navrhl minulý rok.
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strakovomodrenebe · 10 months
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Oblíbený transparent letos
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Já, který mám oboje a k tomu ještě impulzivní zacházení se zapalovačem a random americkou vlajkou
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Místo posledního spočinutí mých křídel
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den-dumm · 10 months
I’m gonna attend my first pride parade tomorrow, yayyy 🏳️‍🌈
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drawing-every-day-2023 · 10 months
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I went to the pride parade today! I went with someone I met yesterday and their friend.
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goth-obrozence · 10 months
chci vám jen říct že Lars na Pridu
(Lars je kamarádův)
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(Lars, big chonker, Méďa malý z Plzeňska)
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archeamajuar · 10 months
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Ivan Bartoš a Vítek Rakušan na Prague Pride 2023 ♡ Jsou to zlatíčka ♡
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My Klaine Summer Bingo Card! :)
Debut Fanfic - the author completed posting after May 30 2018 and it was their first Klaine fanfic.  Kurt Hummel and the Seven Warblers by: Kirakiwi
Page-turning Fanfic that made you stay up past your bedtime. In Orbit by: hundredindecisions
Fanfic that made you reach for a box of tissues. Flowers in the Window by: heartsmadeofbooks
Fanfic where one has an unusual occupation. Not Another Ghost Story by: sunshineoptimismandangels
Wild Card - any fanfic you wish to highlight. All Aboard by: bitbybit (puttingittogether)
Fanfic set during the summer. Between the Moon and New York City by: jackabelle73
Fanfic is written for a challenge. For example, it could be the Advent Challenge, the Klaine Valentine's Challenge, or one of the many hosted by @the-lima-bean. No Take Backs by: RockItMan
Fanfic that made you laugh out loud. Pride and the City by: quizasvivamos
Fanfic that you enjoyed using a genre/trope that you don't normally read. Keeping Time by: Merry_Mint
Thank you for your bingo card, Anon Fics are in the 2023 Klaine Bingo bookmark on Ao3 ~Jen
Debut Fanfic -  Kurt Hummel and the Seven Warblers by: @Kirakiwi
Kurt Hummel has a lot going for him. He’s a talented Cheerio, a valuable member of his Glee club, and the beloved son of Representative Burt Hummel. Unfortunately, he is unaware that one Sue Sylvester is insanely jealous and willing to do away with him just to get ahead. Her meddling sends him into the path of seven down-on-their-luck Warblers, one who is instantly smitten with him
2. Page-turning In Orbit by: hundredindecisions
Blaine starts attending NYU, and he and Kurt weave in and out of each other’s lives - as friends, exes, friends with benefits, and harder-to-define labels - while they navigate college, relationships, and adulthood in New York.
3.Fanfic that made you reach for a box of tissues. Flowers in the Window by: @heartsmadeofbooks
This is the story of four men - Cooper and Blaine; Burt and Kurt. This is a story of heartbreak and loyalty, of pain and hope, of loneliness and family. This is the story of how, even when the sun stops shining, love finds a way to bloom.
4. Fanfic where one has an unusual occupation. Not Another Ghost Story by: sunshineoptimismandangels
When Kurt Hummel began an online ghost investigation show with his best friend and his step-brother he never expected to find himself alone in an abandoned and reportedly haunted hotel, but one stormy night Kurt finds more than he ever expected in the derelict and chilling Whispering Wolf Hotel. In fact, Kurt may have found exactly what he’s has been looking for. A story of romance, comedy, and sinister plots.
5. Wild Card - any fanfic you wish to highlight. All Aboard by: bitbybit (puttingittogether)
A trip from Paris to Prague on the Orient Express sets the scene for a meeting between a traveler and a mysterious passenger that catches his eye.
Could romance bloom between them?
Or will the night hold much more for them than they both expected?
6. Fanfic set during the summer. Between the Moon and New York City by: jackabelle73
Sorry - this was written in 2015 - the Klaine bingo is for fics between 2018-23
7. Fanfic is written for a challenge. No Take Backs by: RockItMan
A year after this father’s death, Kurt is still reeling from the loss. In an attempt to keep holiday traditions going, despite his father’s absence, Kurt meets a guy at a local Christmas Tree Lot who helps him through.
8. Fanfic that made you laugh out loud. Pride and the City by: quizasvivamos
Sex and the City AU: Kurt Hummel writes for an online New York City based queer publication, maintaining a lifestyle blog that covers everything from fashion to sex and relationships. In his attempt to establish and make a name for himself, Kurt has been unlucky in love. In a city of over eight million, how is it that all the men he finds are duds? In the process of researching the tragic state of romance in the city, he might just fall into an unexpected romance of his own.
9. Fanfic that you enjoyed using a genre/trope that you don't normally read. Keeping Time by: Merry_Mint
Devon Anderson is just an angry teenager trying to get through high school without a permanent record. One night, he ends up sitting down at the antique piano in the old Anderson estate and wakes up back in 1773, masquerading as his famous ancestor - revolutionary war hero B. D. Anderson. What Devon doesn’t know, is that B. D. Anderson just woke up in his place.
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lualgeo · 6 months
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Prague Pride March, Summer 2023
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