#Prince of Hope
brighter-star · 1 year
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“wwas it wworth it?”
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kapptt-o · 3 months
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Princes, am i right?
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starlit1daydream · 2 months
do you ever think about how one thing all three princes have in common is intense, obsessive love?
eridan with feferi, dirk with jake and kurloz with meulin.
it's a common thread linking all three of them together which i never see anybody talk about - all three of them have this overpowering feeling for somebody else which drives forward the majority of their character arc (particularly in the case of dirk and jake)
and all three relationships ultimately end up falling apart by the end of the comic
you can draw your own conclusions about what this means for the prince as a class but it's definitely a pattern that exists
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cottonflurry · 1 year
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Been a while since I've drawn him... he narratively deserved more.
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falloutboyyaoi · 3 months
prince is such a bpd-coded class
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yourfaveisclasspected · 4 months
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Requested by anonymous!
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viixyz · 7 months
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skittle-is-little · 2 months
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tokagrem · 9 months
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Im going to ultrahell for this
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twinghoulites · 7 months
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me and a few friends started playing this game, it's so fun and we got these sick costumes!! lost the earth tho :/
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mwezina · 1 year
The Bard/Prince and Character Arcs
The defining question for the Bard/Prince is how will they rule? Whether they are ruling a kingdom, a community, or even a small group of their own friends, the Bard/Prince is a ruler and leader. No matter if the position was sought out or foisted upon them, the Bard/Prince has a duty to lead, and to lead well. Failure to do so can only mean doom for their citizens. 
Just like the more powerful of the material classes, the Bard/Prince lives in a world seemingly at peace. While everyone else may be content in their world, the Bard/Prince can sense a cataclysm hitherto never seen before knocking on the door of their world. The Bard/Prince knows that this is the stage upon which they must act. 
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Whether through actions or birthright, the Bard/Prince is hailed as a leader by their people. This distinction makes them separate from the world. They and they alone are responsible for how the world moves through this perilous time.
Internal Conflict
The internal conflict of all Bard/Prince characters revolves around fear and ego. While they may seem opposites, ego is really the mask that covers fear. And fear is the shivering innards of ego. The Bard/Prince must seek humility and an understanding of the limits of their power in order to resolve the conflict. 
Usually, this conflict is externalised in how others treat them. If led by fear, their citizens will mock them. If led by ego, their citizens will fear or threaten them. 
External Conflict
The external conflict is against the cataclysm. Most of the effort will go towards preparing for it, and acknowledging the concessions that must be made. Not all things can be saved. 
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Usually, this conflict ends in a sacrifice on the part of the Bard/Prince. This is the only way that the world can survive. It ties nicely into the humility that the Bard/Prince learns in their internal conflict. 
The Bard
The Bard answers the question of ruling by absconding. They will not rule. Someone else will step up and do it for them. 
Bards still hold immense power, or at least the image of them would. This makes them the perfect candidate for becoming a puppet ruler. A joke to citizens and a servant to forces greater than themself.
Gamzee Makara is a Bard that refuses to take up the mantle of leader in his session. He turns to excessive drinking in order to escape his responsibilities. But because he is still a respected figure in his friend group, this leads to the session devolving into chaos. He later submits all his powers to raising Lord English, leading to the cataclysm in the main storyline of Homestuck. 
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Roland Glenbrook from Triangle Strategy is another example. Roland refuses the responsibilities of his position, constantly pushing it onto someone else. His world is consumed by the cataclysm of the war, and most of his country falls into disarray due to this event. He feels the pain of his citizens but refuses to stand for their liberation, hiding in shadows instead. If he got his way, he would even allow his citizens to suffer under the rule of Hyzante instead of taking the role of King himself. 
End Goal
The end goal of the Bard is to take up the mantle of leader while still acknowledging their own fallibility. Bards generally reject the role of leader because they know their own short-comings all too well. But no one is perfect, and a green leader is better than no leader at all. 
Roland becomes king in the Golden Ending and takes proactive steps to safeguard the peace in Norzelia. He doesn’t try to take over the other nations and still acknowledges he isn’t the best suited to be king. However, when the responsibility falls to him, he does not shirk from his duty, and tries his best at a role he never expected to inherit. 
The Prince
The Prince answers the central concern by meeting it and exceeding it. They will rule with a strong vision and an iron fist. They are the only one fit to rule the land, and they will sacrifice all to keep this position. It is for the greater good, afterall. 
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Because they are so convinced of their infallibility, they are frequently an oppressive ruler instead of an uplifting one. 
Eridan Ampora is a prime example. He sees himself and all the waterkin as the only ones capable of being leaders. He refuses to acknowledge the limits of his social capital and uses force to get his way. His actions lead to the deaths of his fellow players, the destruction of the matriorb, and did nothing to prepare them for the coming of Jack Noir or Lord English. In fact, he may have sabotaged any attempts to prepare for the coming cataclysm. 
Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada is another great example. When Miranda is faced with her forced retirement, she doesn’t recognise the waning of her powers and the beginning of a new era. She bullies, threatens, and sacrifices the livelihoods of her own employees in order to keep her position. While the cataclysm is staved off, it is far from over. Irv will attempt to replace her again and again in the coming years until Miranda has sacrificed all her pawns and be faced with a kingdom (Runway) that is in shambles. 
End Goal
The end goal of the Prince is to let go of power. They are fallible, just like all others. And through their own self-sacrifice, they can usher in a new era gracefully, with minimal damage to their citizens. 
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For Miranda, she could have completed her character arc if she stepped down from Runway and gave her position to Nigel. She had groomed him for such a position and clearly found him to be the most capable of the creative team. This action would have also appeased Irv, as her high-budget version of Runway would be replaced by a new vision. 
At the end of the day, the Bard/Prince are leaders forced to face their own mortality and the fact that all things must change. As they figure out how they’ll lead, they also plan how they’ll relinquish power. 
Hopefully by the end of the journey, they will find humility and no longer be ruled by fear and ego. Through this journey, they can be hailed as a beloved leader of their time. However, the losses are great should they fail, as they can actively contribute to the oncoming cataclysm. If the Bard/Prince does not learn humility and courage, they could destroy all they care about in their quest to secure stability or power for themself. 
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tavtiers · 2 months
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A hypothetical god tier for Roderick Asignon from Dragon Age: the Prince of Hope.
A Prince of Hope is among those who alter faith in possibility. They are motivated by themselves to destroy assurance. (x) The Prince of Rage wants to have control over things and has big dreams. (x) They are the Promised Believer, defined by control and assurance. (x) Their opposite is the Bard of Rage. Their inverse is the Sylph of Rage. They share their personality with the Page of Blood. The Prince of Hope would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Rage and Hope, reigned over by Dionysus (God of Revelry) or Abraxas (the Great Archon). They would rise to ascension on the wings of doves. (x)(x)(x)
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kapptt-o · 10 months
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Tried a lil bit of shadin featurin god tier eridan!!
I love me some princes lol
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blinkees · 2 months
prince of hope blinkie pretty please with a cherry ontop
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homestuck-hell · 10 months
Bullut Eteves, Prince of Hope, Derse
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More of a sports fan than a player
Thinks he can unite everyone over the passion of sports
Land of Flags and Goals
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eyeonyou · 8 months
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Sloppy phone sketch 8 - Prince of Hope
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