#Rasko speaks
whumperscorner · 2 years
For the ask: 6, 7 & 18 please!
Thanks for the ask <3 (From this ask game)
6. Do you listen to anything while writing/drawing whump? If it’s music, what genre do you typically listen to?
Yee I typically always listen to music when I write. Not sure if it's any specific genre though, it tends to be just whatever fits the mood of what I'm imagining or want to write, or if I was listening to a specific song while daydreaming I'll listen to it again while writing said daydream down. It's probably a lot of game and movie soundtracks though XD something very dramatic sounding almost always fits
7. Emotional or physical whump?
Both? Both. Both are good. I love it when they go hand in hand, which they sometimes tend to do, but if I absolutely had to choose I probably lean just slightly more towards emotional whump? Just because I absolutely adore like the fear and worry aspects of whump. With good threats to just really get under whumpee's skin and freak them out, and worry on caretaker's/ other loved ones' part I don't personally need there to be any physical hurt in the mix
18. Do you prefer visual whump or written whump? Any reason why?
Both again XD I'm honestly not sure I could choose here, it just depends on which one I'm more in the mood for at a given time I guess
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Rasko x She Ready (Ig: raazeratti)
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premierdetroit · 7 years
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
Read the whole article: CLICK HERE from Sniply: Marketing Land - Internet Marketing News, Strategies & Tips PremierDetroitSEO.com Brought to you by: PremierDetroitSEO.com
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marie85marketing · 7 years
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
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samiam03x · 7 years
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
http://ift.tt/1GHQbJ0 from MarketingRSS http://ift.tt/2jg4Rf0 via Youtube
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imktgnewstip · 7 years
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election.
Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
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ericsburden-blog · 7 years
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
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How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
from Marketing Land - Internet Marketing News, Strategies & Tips http://marketingland.com/digital-media-won-white-house-analog-audience-202768
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zealoussuitbluebird · 7 years
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
from Marketing Land - Internet Marketing News, Strategies & Tips http://ift.tt/2iSM4Fu via Benifit from free You Tube traffic from this traffic generating system
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brianlichtig · 7 years
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
from Marketing Land - Internet Marketing News, Strategies & Tips http://marketingland.com/digital-media-won-white-house-analog-audience-202768 SEO Baltimore
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whumperscorner · 2 years
#15 for the pride ask game
15. Favorite things about being LGBT+?
The community! Interacting with and talking to other people who in some way identify as part of it.
And I’m not gonna say the community and all the people in it are all fine and good purely by virtue of being lgbt and that there are no problems whatsoever, cause there definitely are problems and toxicity to some degree.
But as someone who only relatively recently started actively interacting with other lgbt+ people and considering myself a part of said community it has largely been a very positive experience. Talking to people who have similar or entirely different experiences and being able to make jokes and learn and discover things I never knew before and just everything. It feels nice to be part of it :3
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How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
from Marketing Land - Internet Marketing News, Strategies & Tips http://ift.tt/2iSM4Fu via Benifit from free You Tube traffic from this traffic generating system
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premierdetroit · 7 years
How digital media won the White House for an ‘analog’ audience
Please CLICK HERE to visit Rob Rasko for the full article. Columnist Rob Rasko speaks about the power of digital advertising and how it can truly drive outcomes; case in point, the 2016 election. Please visit Marketing Land for the full article.
Premier Detroit SEO
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whumperscorner · 3 years
Tumblr media
Got my bingo card! Might just do some of this on my own, but feel free to suggest or request stuff and we’ll just see what happens :3
I write with my OCs and a bit of ffxv stuff (where it's mostly Prompto whump)
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whumperscorner · 3 years
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
oh hello there bean :3 fancy seeing you around here
6. What element of writing do you find comes easily?
Not a lot actually I would say XD but I guess if anything I like writing tension lol, like tense scenes or ones where a character is scared I have a lot of fun with. And I've been told before that my writing at times is intense too, so I'll take that as the scenes working as intended :3
12. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about.
Okay, so I have a lil one going right now with Noct and sick Prompto, which I've planned for the whumptober day 8 "definitely just a cold" prompt, and that one I'm kinda excited to finish up. I haven't done a lot of sickfic before, and I find I'm quite enjoying it!
Otherwise I have ideas for prompts, and I'm hesitating to call them WIPs as I haven't Technically started writing them yet eheh, but I'm slowly working out an idea with Prom and Cor and "trapped in a burning building" for the bthb- which I'm also excited about
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Generally I'd say whump is the guilty pleasure XD but as this is a whump blog it's probably not a big surprise that I like that lol
otherwise I'd say maybe Pet Whump/ conditioning, which I haven't done myself before, but do enjoy :3
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whumperscorner · 3 years
OC intros!
Thought I’d do a little intro here for my main gang of OCs now since there is already some writing for some of them on my blog. Though feel free to ignore if you want :3
For these guys I have an OG world (sort of a medieval fantasy setting where they travel together and stay in various towns/in the wild) and a modern au (that is basically a self indulgent mafia au, because I love mafia aus)
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Rein Vallieres
Aged around early 30's. De facto leader of the gang in the OG world, but mostly just because he's tactical and makes better plans than the rest. He grew up in a very strict, but influential family who he has left, and has been part of things in his younger years he's not too proud of. It's sort of hit or miss who from his old life he's still on good terms with, but he still has a pretty wide network of contacts to do work for or call on favours with. He's skilled with bow and arrow in the OG world and some medicinal things too.
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Grav Baenen
Early 40's. Similarly to Rein, he grew up in a strict family of higher standing, where he was given weapons training. Has left the family behind and is not on speaking terms with them, in fact if he were to meet someone from his family or associated with them things would probably end rather badly. Carries a big sword, which he can use but prefers not to unless absolutely necessary. Instead, he can usually intimidate himself out of a tough situation before having to use violence due to him looking very big and threatening. If stoic was a person, it would be Grav. Does he know how to deal with emotions? No! He's also the main caretaker for B.
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Shy O'Connell
In her early 20's somewhere. She grew up on the streets, learning to steal and survive however she could. Shy is agile and moves fast and is very energetic. She stumbled upon Rein and Grav while they were traveling together and after trying to pickpocket Grav she ended up travelling with them. Eventually she comes to see them both as family.
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My main whumpee! 18/19 years old. Spent a lot of time in captivity before being found injured and alone by Shy, Rein and Grav, who took to treating him. He can't remember much of his time before being found, not his own name or who he was with or where he's from, but has a myriad of small scars littered on his back from his previous whumper and is not a fan of blades. 'B' is a nickname given to him by Shy, which eventually stuck, and he now identifies as his name. He's quite nervous and easily startled, but also observant and curious. He eventually grows closer to all three of the others, and especially Grav who he comes to see as a sort of father figure. They dye his red hair black to avoid unnecessary attention in the OG world.
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Not technically a part of this main group, but they meet him sometimes. He's just a few years older than B and very good at lying/acting/scamming people. Their first meeting involved Teo tricking B into a dangerous situation, and so Grav doesn't particularly like him. Though he has apologised to B and they've eventually become friends.
The modern/mafia au is a modern setting where Rein is the head of a prominent criminal group and Shy and Grav are his most trusted associates. They find B during a clash with human traffickers and take him in like in the OG world.
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