#Renewal Notice
legalattorneyblog · 3 months
Dear Beneficiaries, Kindly recall that you were onboarded on the NBA-NHIA GIFSHIP Programme by the NBA in April 2022; your subscription was also renewed in April 2023. Please take this as a renewal notice for your subscription, which will expire in April 2024. We advise that you renew your subscription in March to enjoy continued access to healthcare services. The premium rate per subscriber is…
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starsandlightning · 6 months
Hey so I was just taking a looksee at this cause oooo Aziraphale looking fierce with his sword and also I love the way the demons describe him BAHAHAHA
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But also um. Take a look at that little bit at the bottom there.
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Y’all are seeing what I’m seeing, right?
Dominion. Angel of the Sky. Hair an eye burning ginger.
Like it could be nothing. But. It could also. Not be nothing.
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izzysillyhandsy · 5 months
Rewatching OFMD (again) I love that in Stede's little blue Book of Pirates the engraving for Captain Kidd...
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... is actually the General History of the Pyrates engraving of himself, Stede Bonnet.
Blackbeard is of course the actual Blackbeard from the same book.
So Stede has a book with an engraving of Blackbeard and himself side by side 🙂.
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wellgoslowly · 8 months
obsessed w the idea that lockwood is a serial music listener and he can’t do literally anything without headphones. even better idea is that he listens to a wide variety of music and any time he hears lyrics that he relates to lucy or that remind him of lucy he has to stop whatever he’s doing to write them down. keeps most of them in a box in his desk but some of them he hangs up.
ofc i’m gonna tell you some of the ones he hangs up don’t even worry about it.
“if they asked me at the end, i’d tell them put me back in it. darling, i would do it again. if i could hold you for a minute, i’d go through it again. i’d still be surprised i could find you darling in any life. if i could hold you for a minute, darling, i’d go through it again.” -francesca, hozier
“don’t you dare make me fall in love with you. don’t you dare do something so cliche. just get out of my daydreams you’re an unwelcome guest, and stop making me miss you, ‘cause you leavings for the best. cause i just couldn’t stand having you as my crutch, you’re a simmering stove top i was tempted to touch. if you ever return it will burn me too much to bare, so don’t you dare.” - don’t you dare (make me fall in love with you), kaden mackay {he wrote this one after lucy left}
“when my time comes around, lay me gently in the cold dark earth. no grave could hold my body down, i’ll crawl home to her.” - work song, hozier
“you said forever and i almost bought it, i miss fighting in your old apartment, breaking dishes when we’re disappointed, i still love you, i promise. nothing happened in the way i wanted, every corner of this house is haunted, and i know you said that we’re not talking, but i miss you, i’m sorry.” - i miss you, i’m sorry, gracie abrams
“i know a place, it’s somewhere i go when i need to remember your face. we’d get married, in our heads, something to do while we tried to recall how we’ve met. do you think i have forgotten? do you think i have forgotten? do you think i have forgotten? about you.” -about you, the 1975
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theflyingfeeling · 1 month
#i've never had a job in my own field that i've liked as much as i've liked my current one#the semester is ending soon and today i heard my contract will not be renewed bc the person i'm substituting will return to work after all#i've been feeling so tired and a bit poorly after the nokia arena show and i probably should have called in sick today#as i was absolutely useless today#and then after my only class today my students came to me with a gift?? 😭#a pink enamel moomin mug and some chocolate and a paper on which they had written nice things about me + a drawing of a dachshund 😭#and i burst to tears right there in front of them because i was so touched (and also because i'm just really really tired and emotional)#i'm so tired about having to apply for new jobs and having to start all over again#i'm so tired of having to do shitty short-notice substitutions again#i feel like i deserve better than that but on the other hand i fee like life's giving me exactly what i deserve and maybe this is it#i'm dreading the summer because idk if i'll have a job to go to in the autumn#and even if i did find something it won't be like the job i have now#also. it's may day eve and the weather's lovely#and i'm hiding in my apartment with the curtains closed so i won't see all the people going out and having fun with their friends#for me may day eve has never been like that. i've always felt so very excluded from those celebrations#on top of that i got yelled at by a bus driver and i'm the worst friend that ever existed#i'm trying to quit on whining about my sad little life but it gets so lonely#please know i'm not writing this for attention or pity. i know y'all have problems of your own and i'm just being a dramatic crybaby
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occultdaddy · 4 days
is Etho actually just eth0?
have I've been so silly to not notice his name is the first ethernet interface? or is my brain just overcooked today?
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queenlucythevaliant · 9 months
'Yes, that old oak with which I saw eye to eye was here in this forest,' thought Prince Andrei. 'But whereabouts?' he wondered again, looking at the left side of the road and, without realizing, without recognizing it, admiring the very oak he sought. The old oak, quite transfigured, spread out a canopy of dark, sappy green, and seemed to swoon and sway in the rays of the evening sun. There was nothing to be seen now of knotted fingers and scars, of old doubts and sorrows. Through the rough, century-old bark, even where there were no twigs, leaves had sprouted, so juicy, so young that it was hard to believe that aged veteran had borne them.
'Yes, it is the same oak,' thought Prince Andrei, and all at once he was seized by an irrational, spring-like feeling of joy and renewal. All the best moments of his life of a sudden rose to his memory. Austerlitz, with that lofty sky, the reproachful look on his dead wife's face, Pierre at the ferry, that girl thrilled by the beauty of the night, and that night itself and the moon and ... everything suddenly crowded back into his mind.
'No, life is not over at thirty-one,' Prince Andrei decided all at once, finally and irrevocably. 'It is not enough for me to know what I have in me- everyone else must know it too: Pierre, and that young girl who wanted to fly away into the sky; all of them must learn to know me, in order that my life may not be lived for myself alone.
From War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy
#there are so many gorgeous passages in W&P that i could pick#why not this one in which Andrei reflects on several of them?#I've already talked about the Natasha and the moon passage on this blog. truly one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever read in any book#but part of what's so interesting about that scene is that we actually get it from Andrei's perspective. he's listening below the window#and overhearing Natasha that night is really what makes him love her#it's what made /me/ love her#and he carries that experience with him alongside his own experience looking up at the sky on the battlefield at Austerlitz#Napoleon himself sees Andrei and commends his courage but Andrei barely notices because the sky is so so beautiful#the lofty heavens which he never really considered before#but Natasha did#and so it's those moments his friendship with Pierre this old oak that renew his lust for life#life is not over at thirty. once i heard a girl exclaim at the loveliness of the moon and wish to fly away.#once i lay on a battlefield and all i could see was the beauty of the sky#and my friend Pierre believes in the future and he's searching it out#and look. this tree is still here#first time i read W&P i was honestly so relieved that so many people got happy endings the tragedy of Andrei's death didn't fully register#i mean the chapters concerning his death are beautiful and sad. the kinship between Natasha and Maria at his bedside#the peace he finds as he dies#but it really is a story in which he had decided to live fully only to die young. and that's become increasingly tragic to me as I've grown#happy birthday tolstoy#russia where are you flying to?#pontifications and creations
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thepoisonroom · 10 months
hate that cleaning your kitchen is actually an effective way to address feelings of helplessness. like wots all this then
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sealrock · 7 months
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been rotating my sadboy hector in my mind like a hot pocket in the microwave for a while, here's a very long random lore dump in no particular order as I write up his backstory:
like gaia, hector doesn't remember much of his past. he's not sure if his name is even his real name, but people tend to accept 'hector wormwood' despite his garlean origin well enough
his memory is spotty and he can't go into detail much, but he can recall his nameday, living in a place with bright blue roofs (terncliff), a white room, and that he had a twin sister who died early in his life. he can't remember his parents or the life he lived before he 'woke up' in the middle of the dravanian hinterlands
he met andromache on the road and joined her group of adventurers (yves and tauvane). the four of them took on odd jobs and hunted down monsters for the clan centurio. he would later be romantically involved with her and have a child (paris)
his third eye is usually hidden behind his bangs, and he doesn't like to talk about it with others. he doesn't know why, but he experiences negative emotions when someone points out his third eye
he's very withdrawn and skittish and is intimidated by others to the point that he'll freeze up if someone tries to take advantage of him. which happens often
he likes horticulture and cooking. when he lived in the west shroud hector had a beautiful garden of flowers, vegetables, and fruits
he doesn't remember how he ended up in eorzea, he just knows that he's running from something
at some point he picked up a rusted sickle to defend himself with, but he's not that good at melee combat
he's extremely short for a garlean, standing at 5'4. yves liked to pat his head and call him 'mouse' despite hector's embarrassment
he doesn't like being around other people, bad things always happens to others whenever he's around, usually death. hector blames 'the shadow' that's been following him for as long as he can remember (the shadow is halmarut without a human vessel, not that hector knows this)
the shadow is something that hector is most afraid of, even though the entity has saved his life countless times. this was halmarut's plan in making hector isolated and totally dependent on them
similar to gaia and her time/darkness skillset, hector has shadow-based abilities a la nier that are seemingly psionic in nature, and deadly to boot. garleans can't manipulate aether, but how hector can be able to apparently summon dark aether is a question even he can't answer. he hates using his powers because of its malevolent nature and will apologize to those he has to fight
he has terrible and horrifying nightmares and hallucinations because of the shadow. sometimes he'll be found on the floor in a ball or crying
besides the shadow, hector is followed by the 'spirit' of his dead sister, she speaks to him at times and hector appears to address no one. this tends to creep people out
andromache and yves can't see the shadow, but they feel an menacing and oppressive presence hovering around hector at times. but paris could actually see the shadow and shared their father's fear of it as a child, especially at night
hector hates the feeling of being stared at, people who tend to stare tend to not have good intentions. he feels like he's being watched 24/7
hector has a near 1:1 counterpart shard on the first that halmarut attempted to possess. the joining was unsuccessful, however, and the shard ended up going mad because his soul was damaged. he was killed by andromache and paris during the events of shb
when halmarut's influence began to overtake him, hector's mental state slowly began to deteriorate when paris was a child. hector began to remember a life he never had and a dream of a burning world. the straw that broke the camel's back came when andromache, who already left him because of his descent into madness, wished to take paris with her and away from hector, leaving him completely alone. the resulting mental breakdown was what halmarut needed to possess him
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aroacehanzawa · 6 months
help my university is going to hunt me down and kill me
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blazinginferno626 · 1 year
Something I noticed today is that the melodies for Roll the Dice and The Devil’s Song have a same beat/melody. But for Roll the Dice it’s very slower and jazzier fitting king Dice, while with The Devil’s Song it’s faster and deeper fitting the Devil. It was kinda hard to notice at first but then a friend of mine pointed it out. I have to admit it I didn’t think the Devil and King Dice would have songs that sounded similar I thought that was a cool detail that I wanted to share. Here’s the songs side-by-side so you can hear for yourself. 
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wellgoslowly · 7 months
going to write locklyle fanfiction during class. be aware
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awek-s · 6 months
ladies…. it appears changing my name is now legal with my country’s embassy in the uk 😁😁 🎉 🎉
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captianday-dreamer · 2 years
Anyone notice in 2x02 when Ava is glaring at the woman talking to Bea that the woman physically brushes Beatrice’s hair out of her face. No wonder Ava is over here cutting her hand to get Bea away from her. She’s prob like, “only I can touch Beatrice like that.” 😡 Just me? Okay.
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arklay · 1 year
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tagged by the beloveds @leviiackrman & @risingsh0t to make some of my ocs in these three picrews – thank you both so much, this was so fun and i live for symbolism and motifs! ♡
🐍 diana wesker (resident evil) / 🌻 mehlia tabris (dragon age) 🚁 dani haines (resident evil) / 🐺 ithrenil (the elder scrolls) 👑 reina (saints row) / 🪦 tereza ionescu (resident evil)
tagging: @aartyom @aceghosts @aelyosos @brujah @calenhads @cultistbase @denerims @druidgroves @faarkas @florbelles @girlbosselrond @indorilnerevarine @jendoe @leopardmuffinxo @lightwardens @liurnia @malefiicarum @morvaris @nadineross @nocticulas @nuclearstorms @phillipsgraves @shadowsofrose @solasan @swordcoasts @steelport@veisshaupt @voerman @wrymbloods & you! apologies for so many tags... as always, no pressure and let me know if you'd prefer to not be tagged in these things! ♡
#tag games.#oc: diana#oc: mehlia#oc: dani#oc: ithrenil#oc: reina#oc: tereza#essays in the tags time because diana's has a lot of symbolism so i'm so sorry!!! and i love that hers is the most simplistic looking too#so. diana. there's a lot to unpack here so strap in besties!!! i associate moon orchids with her and orchids in#general (as well as lilies) but first of all. moon being reflected in both moon orchids and pearls with her association with the goddess#diana (which was all on accident and i noticed all similar associations after the fact). it's ironic to me that both white orchids and#pearls symbolise peace and purity amongst other things... but when we're looking at all colours of orchids there's femininity/elegance/#pride/sexuality/virility/reverence/beauty/new beginning etc. and with pearls. so. her engagement ring was actually a pearl set between two#diamonds. and she's almost always wearing pearl studs. and if she's dressing up she'll wear necklaces or bracelets also. but pearls too#have a few things in common with orchids when it comes to symbolism but then on top of that there's wisdom/wealth/integrity/commitment etc.#omg i have a lot just for diana. okay. so behind the orchid. idk what plant is called but imagine green herb from lore okay? so healing and#life. then the charred branches. death and decay. tie that in with the snake and you have the associations with ouroboros and the concept#of life death and rebirth. and i have always associated her with spring and renewal after the deaths in winter. you understand. then the#snake and frog are also just because she's a herpetologist :] okay mehlia. i'm not going to go on massive essays here i swear but#sunflowers and association with the sun and joy and happiness and just someone who has a very bright and cheerful personality. bees because#her name means honey and also she has honey blonde hair as well. dani. like a blooming barrel cactus because she's from arizona OR a#parodia cause her boyf carlos is from sa (possibly colombia or brazil. we don't know and those are the two i'm torn with). then was cheeky#and decided red herb like diana has the green herb. then ofc her motifs of butterflies and birds as well as clouds all because flying and#her being a pilot. but butterflies being symbols of transformation and hope as well as life and renewal. and with birds i mean in general#there's freedom but i think more of lovebirds and hummingbirds mainly. lovebirds obvious but hummingbirds being messengers of hope and#bringing healing and luck to people while also being associated with joy/endurance/restoration and a reminder to enjoy life :]#ithrenil and the moon. i've talked about this all a lot but they are a werewolf so just. you know all the symbolism with the moon and how#that correlates with werewolves and cycles!! okay reina. roses because her daughter's name is rosa and they are special to her. then halo#and angel wings because the saint of all saints. i just had to. tereza the yellow flowers are what donna used to cause people to have#hallucinations and the flies are ofc because she's around the daughters a lot in the castle. hitting limit so i have to be succinct here :(
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true-bluesargent · 1 year
obsessed with lockwood and co walking down the street and lucy is in monochrome blue george is in monochrome orange and lockwood is in the middle in his silly little suit and tie they are so weird i love them
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