#Same Size
hs-artist · 4 months
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He's almost done
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teal-fiend · 2 months
pred's stomach being almost like a separate entity to the pred.
it makes demands and decisions that it's owner is powerless to refuse.
the pred might try to resist their stomach's commands, leading them to angst over the inevitable failure.
or they already accepted the futility of the situation. and they nonchalantly go along with what their stomach makes them do. even still they're sometimes surprised by its brutality. but they just laugh it off, making light of the situation, because there's nothing else to do
other's might see their uncaringness as callous. but it's the preds best option
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tparker48 · 5 months
Request for Winnylose
Keven sat along the coffee table as he read the latest update to the company's new hiring policy. The higher ups were hosting a free apartment for employees to take up to make transportation less of a problem for their upstanding employees. It was a dream come true at first glance, at least that's what Keven thought when he set foot in the door. He traveled through the living room and observed the environment, wooled carpet brushing between his sandals before traversing the wooden floor of the dining room. It traversed through the hallways before transition to carpets for the closet and laundry room. The customs were pretty good to say the least. But he only rubbed for the real deal breaker, the bedrooms.
Two more doors rested at the end of the hall, darkness filling the bottom of them. What could be inside, a suite? A luxurious room? He pranced toward the left of him, opening it as if he won a grand prize. It was no bigger than a cubicle, a king sized bed blocking half the room.
"Okay, it's little, but I'm sure it'll manage." He said, rubbing his hands together. "Now what kind of bedroom do we have behind the door number too?" He wiggled his fingers, wrapping around the handle before pulling the door toward him.
A brick wall stood before, stacked to the very top as a breeze blew from its cracks.
Keven blinked at the sight. "A..bricked wall? But that can't be right.."
"Ay pops!" A voice came from the front door, a pair of legs carrying boxes. "Mind helping me out with all this stuff. I can barely navigate it."
"Oh, Eis. You didn't really have to-"
"This is a pretty big space. Roomy, where’s the bedrooms, I gotta freshen up for my hot date coming over."
He looked at the door to the brick room, easing it closed with his heel. "Oh, there's no need to rush, we can uh...look at it in a second."
"Look at it in the second, i don't have seconds, pops." He dropped the box at the entrance to the hallway, stretching his back. "Come on, I wanna see where I'm gonna put the candles."
Eis moved through the hallway, looking through the opened door. "Wooah, check it out, a whole king mattress. Now that's the stuff. Is this my room?"
"That's my room.."
"Well, where's mine? Is it in the one you're in? Let me see?" He took hold of the handle, pulling it as he peeked over the corner. But his father's heel stopped it.
"I don't think you'll like it..it's"
"Oo! Oo! Is it a studio? A dojo bedroom?"
"It's.." He took a break opening it to reveal the structure inside. "A bricked wall."
Eis's eyes widened, sinking to his knees. "A brick..wall? Are you kidding?!"
"N-now son, I know things may be not up to par, but we can use my bedroom to rest."
"My date comes tonight! There is nothing sexy about sharing a room with your dad!"
"Well.. I don't know what to do about that."
"Fix it!" Eis demanded, pointing a finger to the door. "Tell your boss that we are not taking this apartment!"
"Son, I can't just-"
"I refuse to live in a house with one bedroom!" He looked out the window, sun dipping past the other building. "I'm running out of time. I don't care what kind of room it is, but it better be something else than this!"
He stormed into the bathroom, leaving his father in the hallway as silence filled the room. He had a point, living in the same bed may be a bit awkward, laying in the same bedroom as your son, his colleagues would flip if they had a visit from the higher ups. With a heavy sigh, he flipped out his phone to talk to the department managers, stepping outside to make the call.
Pacing around the grass, he looked to the window of his apartment, his son fiery gaze staring back at him. "Come on..pick up."
As their holding music blared in his ear, it came to a stop before a voice spoke. "Hello?"
"Hey, this is Keven, one of the movers you assigned?"
"Aah Keven, what can I do you for?"
"Well we got a look at the place and it seems really nice, thank you by the way, but the bedrooms seemed a bit..bricked. I was hoping we could get another with a two bedroom?"
Keven keven," the voice flaunted "you know how hard it to find rooms accommodate to your likings. Many would be considered lucky to be in a position you're in."
"Yes sir, I know. But I have to have a room for my son, it wouldn't be fair to him."
"Hmm..tell you what, we've been working on a new project to make things more..spacious. Bring your son down, and we'll see what we can do."
"Yes sir! Thank you, sir!"
The two of them went into work to discuss terms for the upcoming arrangement, meeting in the lounge as he and Eis waited by the waiting desk. He glanced at his son, who lay slouched along his chair, his eyes glued to his smart phone as he typed a message. the boss will figure something out, everything will be just fine, at least he hoped so.
"Mr. Keven," the secretary at the desk said, the panel next to her opening to a metal room. "Mr. Allen will see you now."
He got up from his chair, tapping at his son's shoulder as the two of them entered through the doors. The space was scientific compared to his regular location, a glass window giving a view to the laboratories below. scientists messed with chemicals in their own cubicles, smoke resonated from those further in the room than others.
"What exactly are we doing here dad? Is this gonna take long, cause I got an hour before she arrives."
"For the last time, son, I don't know. We'll just have to see."
they walked through the hallway to a sliding door, air hissing from its gaps as it parted. it opened to another space, much larger than the hallway they came through. Scientists were everywhere, stationed by a machine that hung from the ceiling like a chandler. They walked through the middle of them as orbs floated around, leading to a man with a metal parrot along his shoulder. He turned around, a smile spreading across his face.
"Ah, there's my favorite worker." He extended a hand to Keven.
" A pleasure to be here sir, thank you for filling us in on such short notice."
"None at all, we were looking to see what things we could do. And who is this young man?"
Eis raised his gaze toward them, scoffing as he went back to his phone. "He is my son, he's..not very happy at the moment." Keven said. "I would love to talk a bit more with you, but we are short time. N-not to rush you or-"
"Of course, of course. then we must not delay .Come, I'll show you our project." he guided them through the room, signing a paper given to him by the researchers. "This is our dimension room, we're working on transporting hosts into a pocket inside another.
"You mean, like a pocket dimension?"
"Why yes, or something like that. Here we desire the fondest hospitality of our gracious employees. specifically to those with big families. running out of room? pocket dimension! wanna get away from the folks? pocket dimension!" he stopped at a chair below the machine, pressing at its controls as energy flowed through its wires. The machine released a deep hum, the red glowing wires following its way into its sockets.
"How does it work?"
"I'd be happy to show you, but first we have to get the waivers out the way. ladies.." he waved his hand as they took to Keven and his son's side, handing them paperwork along with a pen. The father and son looks at each other, jotting down their own information.
"Please sign here..and..here...thank you" one of the researchers said, the other taking the documents. They escorted Keven to the chair, strapping him in.
"Good, now that those are out the way. We can get started." Mr. Allen pressed at the machine, a panel opening from the nozzle of the machine to the ground level. "Nurses.." He signaled them with a hand, two taking to Keven side. One removed his. Belt buckle from his waist, the other taking to the zipper.
"H-hey! Don't touch-Ow! Easy!"
"They're really going to town." Eis snickered at his father's struggles, holding up his phone to record.
They yanked his pant's off, placing them along a tray as they slipped his underwear off. Rubber gloves touched at his balls, a set of hands sending a chill down his spine as it prodded at his cockhead. "I would very much not want my goods touched!"
"They're simply doing their job, Mr. keven." Allen said. "Is everything ready?"
"Yes sir, the contact area is ready for zapping."
"Good, then we shall proceed." He moved over to a console, pressing a butt as the nozzle loomed closer.
"Zapping?! You're gonna to zap me?!" He twisted at his wrists, paddling his feet to the nozzle slinking between his legs, the nurses restraining them.
"There's no room for regrets, the process is almost finished." Mr. Allen said.
Bolts zigzagged around the metal bulb of the machine, its center glowing with the red fuel from the wires. Its electric hum grew louder, the nurses pulling his legs wider apart. This is it, he's gonna die. Gazing at the nozzles glow, his life flashed before his eyes as it pumped toward his legs.
He squealed, shutting his eyes. "Goodbye world! Goodbye!" He shouted, awaiting for the sharp sting to embrace him. The cool air was all that met his body, the rubbery gloves lifting from his cock. He peeked an eye to the machine, the bulbs dimming before it lifted back to its core.
"The process is complete, congratulations, Mr. Keven. How do you feel?
He patted himself down, the tingling sensation turning into a faint ripple. "I..actually feel fine. Huh, that wasn't so bad."
"Good good, then let us show you the results. Young man, might I borrow you for a moment." He said, the nurses taking to his side.
They placed goggles on him, throwing a plastic raincoat before escorting him to the chair. Guiding him in front of him, he winced as he turned away. "Ugh, do I have to stand this close, All his junk is hanging out."
"Afraid so, is everything prepared nurses?"
They nodded. "Yes, all is ready."
"Good, throw him in."
The son blinked at the response, the nurses taking to his arm. He yanked his arms away from them, their hold as firm as glue as they brought him an inch away from Keven. Cocking him backwards, they chucked him forward, both father and son shielding their eyes.
There was a bright flash, blinding Keven as he squinted toward the sky. Unbeknownst of where his son landed. When the light dimmed, he faced forward to see only the nurses and Mr. Allen. However, His son was nowhere in sight. "Son? Where'd my son go?"
"Where the hell am I?!" His voice answered, softer than what it was before. Keven looked to between his legs for source, his gaze landing along his cock. At his balls, the left testicle jiggled, tugging outward as limbs padded at its surface like dough. "It's so sticky in here! Ugh, and it reeks."
Keven's face grew pale, his sight locked at the moving testicle. His son was in there? But that's impossible, it couldn't be. A pen clicked in front of him, Mr. Allen jotting at a clipboard.
"Marvelous, it truly works."
"What did you do to my son?!"
"Gave him a new room of course. You did say you needed a new structure, this way it uses less resources, and more space."
"I can't stay in here!" His son shouted, an imprint of his face gumming at the elastic walls. "I have a date waiting for me!"
"Don't worry, you'll be able to travel in and out of your room with ease. All it takes is a little unlocking" he motioned his hand with a few jerks. His speaker soon went off, placing it to his ear. "Ah, duty calls I'm afraid. Enjoy your new room young man, and you too Mr. Keven."
"Wait Mr. Allen I.." He paused as his boss' backside turned toward him, slumping his seat. "Good talk."
His testicle bounced, sagging over the chair. "Yo pops! What are you waiting for? You heard him, rub me out!"
"I can't do that at work, I'll be fined."
"The hell you can't, I'm not staying in here for another second. All this seed is already giving me a headache."
He grabbed his pants and placed them on the floor, putting his underwear to his waist and cupping his balls, it still felt weird knowing that he was in there. "I will try to get you out back home."
"Dad I swear if you-" he stashed his balls into his underwear, hoisting his pants to his legs as they tucked at his backside. He fidgeted as his testicles shook in place, his son swearing everything under the sun. He got stairs from the staff around, his anxiety filling as he got up from the chair.
He didn't bother to zip up, trotting out the sliding doors and out into the parking lot
That following evening, Keven waddled back to his apartment, wobbling up the metal staircase to his household along the corner. The squirming in his balls made his hands jitter, fumbling at the handle as he stepped inside. He sped to his bedroom, drawing them to his knees.
His balls shook like maracas, the left testicle thrashing about as he reached for a towel. "Keep still, I'm getting you out already!"
"Well hurry up! She'll be here any minute!"
a knock came on the door, the two of them freezing in place.
"Shit! She's here!" Keven's testicle swung. "I can't let her see me like this! Stall her!”
"Stall her?"
"She won’t talk to a nutsack, you owe me this much, pops"
He eyed his son, a deep sigh escaping from him. "Fine."
He moved out to the main hall, running water hitting the walls echoing from the bathroom door. It's been too long since he's talked a big game. He wondered if he still had the charm. The knocks grew more aggressive, the welcome home sign nearly knocking off its hinges. He opened the door to a woman standing outside, a fur coat wrapped around her shoulder.
"About time, I was thinking I was gonna have to call the paramedics to get this door open." she padded her hat, swishing her scarf fur to the side. “And who are you?”
"Hello there, I'm Keven and-"
"Sherlet la mein. If you would be so kind as to move your tubbied ass so I can get out of these heels."
She sounds delightful. "Oh..of course. Please." He stepped to the side as she marched inside, her feathered hat wisping at his nose. "Eis is still getting ready, please, take a seat."
she moved along the room in a slow stride, a finger at her chin as she eyed the furniture. "What tacky furniture, if it weren't such a high facility I’d mistake this for a barn."
He tugged at his tie, clearing his throat. "Could I uh..get you a drink? It's not everyday you see a fine lady such as-"
"Spare me the flatters, gramps, less you can fill this body with something meaty, I'll pass." she said. “This better not be a waste of my time, if Eis isn’t here in the next 30 seconds, I’m leaving.
A ruffling sensation lingered inside his pants, getting more vigorous as seconds went by. “Er..Excuse me for a moment, I’ll go fetch him for you..” he scampered into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. His fingers fumbled along the bedroom counter, grabbing a plastic cup and a towel as he raced into the bathroom. He placed them onto the floor, his palm leveling his cock’s length at the cup as its drizzle spilled into its opening.
"That's it, easy does it.." He shook his cock to pour more of his seed.
"This is taking too long, I'll do it myself."
"Hold on, I gotta ensure the mess doesn't get on the floor." a tiny lump came from the bouncing testicle, guiding its way through the base of the shaft as it traveled up his length. He grabbed the cup from the floor, holding its cock to catch the flowing seed. "Ok, that should catch it all."
He held onto his shaft as the lump entered the head. With a clench, it was expunged into the cup, its plastic cracked as more flowed. It exploded in his hands, a wave of seed splashing the entire bathroom with its spunk, his spawning in the center as he slid to the far wall. Keven looked at the busted cup near the sink in disbelief, and then back to his son.
"That was bigger than I expected.."
"Ugh, look at me, I look like a goo monster. Would it kill you to empty yourself in there?"
"I'm a busy man, you can't imagine how much seed I blow with the-"
"D-d-dah, I don't want to hear that crap. I gotta get ready, I don't know how much time I-"
"What the hell is taking so long?!"
Eis jumped to his feet, grabbing the seed covered towel to wipe himself off, he threw off his damp clothes, stripping to his underwear as he opened the door. He ushered his father to the front, sending signals as he crashed onto the bed. With a thumbs up, Keven opened the door to Sherlet waiting outside.
“Mrs. Sherlet, allow me to present you with your guest of honor.” he pulled the door wider, exposing more of the room.
He struck a pose along the bed, a rose caught between his teeth. “Good evening my queen, sorry to keep you ‘yearning’ for me for so long.”
She huffed, slipping her scar from her shoulders. “Finally, I was starting to think you got feet. Let’s hope that thing between your legs was worth the wait.” she kicked her to the corner of the door, her dress unraveling to reveal her smooth shoulder. 
“I’ll just be waiting out here, you two have-” one of her legs moved behind the back of the door, kicking it shut as its boom echoed through the hall. “Fun...”
The night had changed in the sky, the moon casting over the tree in the backyard as shadows decorated the apartment. Keven pushed at his glasses, reading the daily newspaper. But every so often, he looked toward the bedroom, bickering lingering behind the closed door before silence filled the void. They've been in there for a good hour, at least from what he could count.
He flipped the page, tracing a finger to the daily weather expected for next week. The bedroom door jiggled, drawing his attention as it swung open.
"Filthy pig!" Shelet cursed beneath her breath, he dress in hand as she passed through the hallway. Keven met her gaze, lifting his newspaper higher.
Eis stormed out from the bedroom door, wearing nothing but a towel as it sagged off his thigh. "No wait, come back! I swear it's only warming up. Just give me time to be ready."
"For what, an inch? Sorry sweety, but the only thing that’s touchin' this puss is a salami, not a wheeny dog." She picked up her shoes from the floor, leaving the wallowing son standing in the hallway.
Eis crumbled in on himself, his head sunk in defeat. "Damn it.."
That went well, Keven thought, closing the newspaper. He took to his feet and to Eis' side, caressing at his shoulder. "Don't worry about that one, I'm sure you get one-"
Not now, pops.." He muttered, a hand gliding to his father's pants. He unzipped them, drawing out his bulky cock beneath, pointing the tip toward him. When the glow from its slit illuminated, he plunged his nose inside, a signal for the rest of his body as he vanished between its lips, and into the left testicle that drooped lower than the other.
That one must've hurt bad, Keven couldn’t help to think. Cupping at his balls, he opened his mouth to talk, but paused. He's in his feels right now, he shouldn't pry to make things worse. Tucking his balls back in his underwear, he carried on as he made dinner for the night.
An hour passed since his date visited, and dinner was already set. Keven decided on ways to cheer his son up, whipping up his special queso with extra cheddar. It always cheered him up, even when he was struggling in college. But no matter how much he coaxed him to have a taste of its goodness, Eis didn't budge, his balls as still as a rock as they swayed around. Putting his player in the fridge, He went to the shower, smearing his gunk off the glass as prepared for sleep. Dosing his hair beneath the warm running water, a soft whimper met his ears as he looked at his balls. It was there that he saw the testicle move, the whimpers more audible.
Keven's heart ached at the sight, lending a hand beneath his scrotum. "Son?.."
"Not now, I said.. Im fine." Eis sniveled.
"Your not fine, I can hear you in there"
Silence filled between them, Keven looking at the testicle. A soft impress touched the fleshy wall. "I thought this was the one, the one I was going to date."
"Eis, there's plenty of women out there that would love to date you. It may seem like this one nailed a coffin, but there's many out there in the sea."
"You..you think so?"
"I know so. And if there's one thing you;re old man knows, Is that you'll find one. You're dashing, courageous.."
"And have a big schlong?"
Keven merely chuckled, rolling his eyes softly. "Yes, even that. Don't let one lady get the best of you." He said. The running water filled the silence in the shower, Keven’s gaze never leaving his balls. The occupied testicle started to jiggle, fingers nipping at the valve.
he moved his legs apart, pointing his cock into the water's trajectory. The small lump lifted from his testicle and into the base of his shaft, seed dripping from the slit once more as it clogged into the head. Pushed out, it grew in size as Eis stood from the milky pile, seed washing from his shoulders as it drained into the sink.
He looked toward his father, who had a soft smile on his face, tackling him as he hugged at his chest.
"Love you too." Keven said, caressing the top of his head. "Though I'd like to have a hug after I've showered."
Throughout the following week, Eis and his father worked on making the hospitality of the bedroom work. Having one was enough to justify the resting conditions, but Eis was still antsy on sharing the same bed. To assure a better time, he decided to keep his room inside his father’s balls, ordering inflatable furniture for him to take inside and decorate. The company only mentioned he'd be able to fit his son inside himself, but who would think that he'd be able to fit so much more.
It took some time to adjust after the last hook up he had, but he was already back to springing up another gal. Just like his old man did when he was younger, his younger self would fist bump him if he'd get the chance. But watching him prosper was good enough. He hooked up with another girl, but this time he wanted to try something new. Something he never thought of doing himself. He-
"More!" A shout came from down below, Keven resting his pen as he looked toward his crotch. His sack moved like an egg about to hatch, jumping an inch away from his testicle before the loose skin pulled it back. "More, push it in more."
"You want in you huh?" Eis' voice followed," I can do so much more with this length."
The testicled rolled between his thighs, faint taps rocking from side of the testicle to the other. Keven could only laugh, admiring the two's spiteful spirits. Young love, you never know where it might strike, he thought himself. He pulled out his newspaper, flipping to the last page he left off. He wondered how long they'd keep it up, an hour, maybe two? He wasn't quite sure. But one thing he did know was this one thing.
His son's happier now that he found them, and so long as he likes that, his balls can kick and sway all they like.
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wonderful-bellies · 4 months
Good afternoon gamers, tell me your favorite kinds of belly
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justalittlenommer · 7 months
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Warm greys, black and white art piece. I love how this came out, honestly looks so pretty and expressive!
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naszircrock4 · 8 months
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tastyliltina · 7 months
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Aaaand a doodle for @sindumpster with his boy Kurt (in his brother, Jake’s, body) dealing with new cravings…sadly for my gal Chris, she got caught in the middle of them
Hehee~ puns TwT
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tedhead · 2 years
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this is what bob dylan looks like to me
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hs-artist · 8 months
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I finally got my WiFi installed so I can upload this phone doodle -w-
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naughtyservant · 4 months
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Another YCH slot!
This time, Daniel is getting his usual protein snack after a good game. Liam didn't have a good performance, so better give him a better use as muscle fuel >:3
Personally, my fav slot! OwO
Uncensor version on my A/ryion and T/witter as always
Don't forget like, reblog and follow me for more pics with Daniel ¬3¬)~
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morallystrangekingdom · 4 months
I don’t like using my vagina, but I’m fantasizing about pushing someone head-first into my pussy and sucking them into my womb, my stomach engorged with their form as I become and more wet with their squirming…
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m0tiv8me · 10 months
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Just for fun🤩
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giggles a little. gonna get this out now before i get girlscared and boyembarrassed and decide not to post
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sorry for taking five fucking hours i got a little wacky while drawing it i was like oouhh
somethin a little funny
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naszircrock4 · 7 months
Choker by SunnyHero
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