#So I very very gently help it get it's back unstuck and then it chills on my finger while I do the leg
prettyblondguys · 1 month
HUZZAH!!!!! Just saved a skeeter eater
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ceilingfan5 · 3 years
i am a FOOL apparently because i don't read beyond one post what if blupjeans and the SHOETIE to CROTCH
Both of them freeze solid. Neither of them dare to breathe for a moment, and then Lup gently tugs her head again, and again, her hair is pulled. She’s not just a little stuck. This is a desperate moment. And neither of them can acknowledge it whatsoever, or they will absolutely fucking perish. Lup may be on her way to perishing anyway, and she would honestly like to get it over with sooner rather than later.
Those famous jeans have fucked her over. If Barry wouldn’t cry about it, she’d insist they be burnt immediately. But even that takes a back seat to the absolute fucking crisis going on here, fully, violently threatening their very delicately balanced friendship and the broken teeter tooter of Lup’s other, very deep feelings beneath.
“I think I’m stuck,” she says, very quietly, very calmly.
“Seems that way,” Barry says, like he’s talking to a skittish horse on methamphetamines and red bull. “How- uh. How can I help, help you, uh. Help you, get. Unstuck.”
Lup holds very, very still. She can’t pull back, risking ripping her hair out of her fucking head like one of the thrift store dolls she submitted to horrors beyond mortal comprehension and telenovela-style drama many, many years ago. She’s been working hard to grow it this fucking long. She never should have flipped it when she bent to tie her shoe, but it’s hard not to fuck around with it when Barry is close--she’s been trying to classically condition him with her new shampoo, and also it’s a nervous habit.
She also cannot, can not lean against him. Because her hair is stuck in his button, and she would fully be leaning against his crotch. Thus, the perishing. Rapid and desperate rapture. Disintegration. Melting like jello in a dishwasher. End her, end her now.
She floats delicately somewhere in the middle. There is not a lot of middle to float in. This is precarious to the highest degree.
“Um,” she says, wise and classy and creative. A real problem solver. “Not ripping it out of my head.”
“Right.” His voice is still damningly steady, like he somehow knows she’d fall apart if they really acknowledged this. He better fucking not know why. If he fucking knows she’s deeply in love with him and hasn’t done something about it, she needs something a lot more effective than spontaneous combustion. She needs to never have existed at all. “Maybe If I.” He gently puts a hand on the back of her head. She squeezes her eyes shut and tries not to think about it. His hand is warm and gentle and thick and she wants to hold it, and she wants it to be holding her here in an entirely different context, and she wants to evaporate him with her eye lasers and never look at him ever, ever again.
She’s a complex woman.
“If- uh. If what?”
“I’ll just be...gentle.” Lup swallows. Barry delicately tugs right at the bit of hair caught in the button. It hurts, but not as much as the initial yank. Oh, that he could pull her hair another day, another way… She’s dying. She’s taking psychic damage and will actually drop dead right here.
She bites her lip so hard she tastes iron. And carefully, delicately, he extricates her, and she stops getting a face full of forbidden crotch, and she cautiously straightens up. And their eyes meet for the briefest second.
Both of them are blushing so hard they could fry up a whole breakfast special.
“What if we-”
“Never mention it.”
They both nod frantically.
“It- it could have happened to anyone,” Barry reassures.
“Def, uh. Definitely. Probably happens all the time.” She pushes her hair out of her face and tries to stop imagining chopping it off as some sort of misdirected punishment. Something weird flickers in his eyes as she tosses it.
“Yeah,” he says, trailing off. “I. Um. I have to go.”
Lup has no interest in getting his excuse, because she also has to go find a small room to pickle her chilling screams in.
“Right, yeah, yeah, no, yeah, for sure. I’ll. See you.”
“Careful, yeah? Let’s not- I mean- it’s my fault, I was standing too close- but let’s not- end up in that position again-”
“No yeah, for sure.” Lup’s voice is pitching up at speed. “Never ever again. I mean-” she laughs awkwardly. “Why would we- even-”
“Yeah, I mean, yeah, never, I mean, why- obviously-” Barry looks like he’s about to pass out. They both look at each other again, silently nod goodbye, and then full on dead sprint away from each other like the awkward situation they’re leaving in their dust is a motherfucking shrapnel bomb.
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Sick Fic I Didn’t Bother to Name Part 2
Basically Jon is sick post canon and Tim lives and is looking after him while Martin is at work.  See look you don't have to read chapter one!
Okay so I know we all expect my fics on Wednesday, but next week it will probably have to be early Tuesday morning.  So keep an eye out.  Wish I didn't have to switch it up, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.  
cw fever, delusions sort of? sort of flashback?, past strained friendships, I think that's it?
Jon is starting to lose track of time.  Getting lost between the seconds.  Gaping spaces where he isn’t awake enough to register what is going on or what episode he and Tim are supposed to be on.  He’s lost in the moments his gummy eyes are closed and between strained breaths.  
He knows it’s the fever.  And he thinks he knows where he is.  
He’s on the couch with Tim.  
In his and Martin’s home.  
But between blinking and the gaping chasms between one tick of the clock and the next, he finds himself in places that have been gone.  Long gone.  Burned to the ground.  Both the places and the things that occurred.  
He’s on the couch he’s on the couch.  He is on the couch.  He is using Tim as a pillow.  While Tim gently runs a hand through his curls.  It would be soothing if he wasn’t also seeing another time.  Another place.  Another Tim.  
A Tim with his face twisted in a familiar rage.  
Shoving him.  Redirecting a forgotten, graceless fall.  Legs giving way under the strain of the worst couple months of his life.  Whichever worst months those were…  Because for a while each month was the worst in a new and horrifying way.  
He is on the couch.  
He is on the couch.  
And Tim is speaking to him soothingly as his breath catches in a panic he knows is lost in time.  Out of time.  Unstuck like Billy Pilgrim.  So it goes.  
It would have been a sensible fear years ago.  
It Was sensible.  
When the exhausted slip of the tongue and static echoed off the hatred behind Tim’s eyes, ricocheting.  At least once slamming Jon against the wall when he lost control.  
And he knows he isn’t making sense.  And he knows that Tim would never raise a hand against him.  And it wasn’t as if Tim ever really did.  But he wasn’t gentle.  Touches that once-and-now mean comfort and safety then meant something too tight too rough too much and sent him into walls or to the floor or caused bruises on his stupidly sensitive skin.  
Jon is on the couch, mumbling to himself feverishly. 
Tim is worried.  Jon’s fever is up, despite the recent medication and the damp flannel on his forehead.  Tim doesn’t even think it’s too high, but Jon has always been delicate.  Or has been recently.  Tim wishes he could cast his mind back far enough to confirm that this is just the way his friend has always been, and not a recent development in the years in the Archives where the world was against this slip of a person.  
Tim tries not to think about it.  Because he can’t lose himself to regret when Jon is facing whatever his mind is throwing at him.  Even when his mind could very well be throwing the memory of a Tim that the present Tim regrets.  Guilt is something for the bottom of a bottle.  Or in the muscle cramping heat of the heavy beat pounding music and pounding feet.  Or in the thick of paint fumes and the wet splat of a brush against the walls.  
Guilt and anger are not meant for quiet moments on the couch watching over a sick friend.  Not for episodes of Avatar the Last of the Airbenders.  
No, this is how you rewrite the guilt and rage.  
He will regret and be angry with himself and the situation that is no longer the situation when he has his coping mechanisms, both constructive and self destructive.  
He soothes Jon.  With quiet reassurances and a gentle embrace, trying to gauge if Tim will have to step back to sooth, or if the words are helping, or if he should pause the show or if the familiar noise will help ground Jon.  
In another time, Jon stumbles across Tim in the break room.  Limping his way to make some tea and let that sooth the fire beneath his skin and the heavy weight of trauma.  Rubbed raw wrists.  His body failing to bounce back after kidnapping.  And the taste of static as the question he’s already forgotten pulls and answer he can’t comprehend from Tim.  
The twist of lips in a snarl.  
Jon reaching out to apologize, but Tim jerks away.  
Sending the unsteady Jon reeling.  
Tim is gone before Jon hits the ground.  Too dizzy to keep his feet.  
Jon is crying, and Tim wonders if he has grounds to blame himself.  He will anyhow, but he wonders if it is justified this time.  
But he can’t act on that sort of regret.  Substantiated or not.  This is not the time.  
“Hey, ace.”  If Jon were more lucid, he would absolutely hate the nickname.  Tim loves it.  It combines a lovely gender neutral expression with the happy double meaning of Jon’s sexuality.  Tim feels that it could serve to ground Jon to a friendlier memory.  Not to mention, well.  Okay he wouldn’t Hate the term.  But he would love to make a show of hating it.  “You with me?”  He pats Jon’s face lightly, and gently wipes away the tears.  He isn’t really sure if Jon is sleeping or hallucinating or just uncomfortable.  
Jon frowns.  He struggles with coordination enough to rub at his eyes.  Eventually he cracks open a fever glazed eye, bringing (Tim assumes) the world into whatever blurry focus he can without glasses.  
“Tim?”  Jon’s voice is rough.  Tim isn’t sure if it from congestion settling or just disuse.  
“The one and only.”  He throws in a cheeky wink.  He wants to say more, but doesn’t know where Jon is in his mind.  
A clammy hand reaches up and traces some of the scars Tim got in the unknowing.  
Tentative.  Both with the lack of clear vision, probably, and with a hesitation that Tim is fairly certain that comes with an uncertainty of where their relationship stands.  
Again, Tim isn’t sure if this is Jon lost in the past or just hazy on some details.  
“It’s Tuesday and Martin made you call out from work today.  Martin would have stayed, but I got off from work earlier today, so I am keeping you company.  Sasha is at work, though.  She’s probably jealous.  Uh… We’re watching Avatar.  Which you always complain about, but I know that’s just for show because I know you watch it on your own.  Oh!  And my favorite part!  The Magnus Institute has been burned to the ground!  And please don’t try to know anything, because you’re sick enough please don’t give yourself a migraine.”  
Jon doesn’t give him the typical annoyed look at over-explanations, so Tim has to guess that Jon was missing some of those details.  Jon relaxes, however.  Which is good.  Lucid enough to understand what he’s saying.  
“You back with me?”  He asks Jon.  
Jon makes a so-so gesture.  He’s stopped crying, which is good, but he’s still hesitant to relax against Tim.  
“Where had you gone?”  Tim asks against his better judgement.  
“Felt unstuck.”  Jon’s hand closes over Tim’s wrist.  Using it to cling to the here and now.  Tim understands that feeling.  
“Anything I can do?”  
“Just… be here?”
“Not going anywhere, bud.”  Tim promises.  
Being shoved.  Hitting the ground.  Curled on the unforgiving tile.  
He’s on the couch.  Tim is here, and he’s kind and solid.  
Tim is shouting.  Angry.  Biting.  Chilling words.  Bent too far to be a friend.  Twisted.  
Jon is getting dizzy from the unstuck feeling.  
Everything is spinning and he is dreadfully cold.  
Aching cold.  
But he’s afraid that every drag of his eyelids will take him back to echoing shouts and freezing tile and bruising hands.  
Jon wakes up screaming.  He tries to pull himself up, the blanket wrapped around him like restraints and he wants to be up and moving and free.  He screams when someone grabs his arms.  
Tight grip, enough to leave marks over his raw wrists.  Tim shaking him until the world upends itself and he’s on the floor.  On the floor.  On the floor.  
As Tim looms.  Angry and shouting and tall.  And Jon is so so so small.  Breakable.  In a way that no one seems to notice until he’s broken in front of them.  
He’s on the floor of his living room.  There are no bruises.  No rope burns.  
Just a precariously high fever.  Sitting crying and dizzy in the thick tangled blankets.  
Tim kneeling before him, making his posture as unthreatening as possible.  
“Jon?  Bud?  You back with me?”
Five things he can see.  Tim.  The laptop.  His cane.  The couch.  His ace ring.  
Four he can hear.  His own pounding heart.  His strained breaths.  Uncle Iroh on the laptop.  Tim’s voice.  
Three he can feel.  His sweat damp frizzed hairs plastered to his forehead.  The thick blanket that takes turns being a comforting weight and a panic inducing restriction.  Again, his heartbeat.  
Did he take his medicine this morning?  
Is he up for more medicine for his fever yet?  
The heat of anxiety is easing him back into the ice fever chills.  
Tim is reaching for him.  Offering him a hand.  Instead he tips forwards against him.  
“Back with you.”  Jon assures, finding his voice at length.  
For sure this time.  
Nothing like panic to jolt him back aware.  
Tim settles him back on the couch with care.  Presses a kiss to his forehead, and tucks him in again against the shivers.  
Jon settles back to watch another episode, Tim as his pillow once more.  
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renaroo · 4 years
Ooohh how about 10 + spiderfam (I'm thinking mainly the kids like annie and may but I'm flexible)
A/N: I think, anon, you’re the first person to ever prompt me with Spiderfam and I am forever in your debt
Crackle Boom
May had been sleeping in her own room for nearly five years.
At first, Peter hated it. He would wander from their bedroom into hers throughout the night, slightly off-balance and still new to his prosthetic, pushing against the walls and furniture each step of the way. Then he’d watch her from the doorway and feel every solitary instinct primed to protect her. To keep her safe.
Even as a baby, Mayday proved to be fiercely independent. She got that from MJ, of course.
She was crawling early, walking early, teething early.
For reasons utterly beyond Peter’s comprehension, his baby girl was on the fast track to growing up. Each day she was more beautiful, more articulate, more passionate.
And, so often, it felt like beyond those things, she was fearless.
If anyone asked May if she needed help, the little girl was determined to say no.
She never asked for help, never asked for accommodations. She was bullheaded and never gave up.
Peter took credit for that part.
So it was surprising, if not completely shocking when one summer night he woke from his sleep to a familiar cry.
Immediately, Peter was tense. Every muscle in his body snapped forward into action.
He would have leaped straight out of the bed had it not been for Mary Jane’s patience and soothing. Without rolling over or opening her eyes, she reached out and placed a firm hand on Peter’s chest.
“It’s probably a nightmare, Peter,” she said softly.
As always, she grounded him, brought him back down to reality.
They were home — the same, safe home that Peter had grown up in his whole life in Forest Hills. It had been years since he was Spider-Man, let alone since any of his former foes came after him or the ones he loved.
There was a phantom ache below his right knee, the pressure dull and unmoving. It told him it was raining long before he heard the familiar patter on the roof and window.
Evening his breaths, Peter looked down at his wife’s hand and reached up, clasping both of his own hands over hers. He kept her against his chest for just a moment longer, wondering if she knew his heart was calming down again all because of her.
“I’m going to check on her,” Peter determined, reaching over to the nightstand where his prosthetic rested.
“Of course you are,” MJ mumbled, already drifting off as her hand snaked its way back to her side.
Peter walked through the darkness of the house, more steady on his legs than he once was but still keeping a flat palm on the walls where he feasibly could. He was halfway to May’s room when the thunder boomed outside.
He could make out the soft gasp of May in her bedroom, and suddenly the picture was all coming together.
“Mayday?” Peter called gently, pushing her door open just a bit, enough to get a picture of the eight-year-old’s room.
Against the very faint lights peeking through her window, May was sitting up in her bed, sheets and comforter pulled up to her chin as she looked toward the window. She wasn’t trembling, but she was still nervous enough to be biting her lip.
“May?” Peter called again, just before she flinched and cowered from the window.
“Daddy!” May cried out again, making Peter’s chest feel like it was in a vice grip.
“Honey,” Peter attempted to soothe. He put away pretense and walked straight into the room. By the time he reached her bed, he was scooting onto it to sit.
Instinctively, May folded up against him, curling into his side and burying her face against his ribs.
Once again, every fiber of Peter’s being was assured that he would do positively anything for his little girl. A leg was nothing for the sake of her safety and security. And the fact that she was scared even for an instant felt like he had marked a failure in that somewhere somehow.
“May, sweetheart,” Peter continued. “I’m here. Daddy’s here. What’s the problem?”
Thunder boomed and May finally broke into shivers against him.
Peter smiled down at her, affectionately threading his fingers through her coarse brown locks. There was no denying where May got her hair from — it was pure Parker, tangling easy and ready to stand on end. Peter was near his forties and he still hadn’t found the best way to work it.
“Come on, Mayday,” he said, his affection weaved into his every word, “it’s just a little thunderstorm. Those never scared you before.”
She shook her head, her forehead a little damp against Peter’s skin. She sucked in a few breaths tightly together — huff, huff, huff — and didn’t exhale.
“Alright, let’s put an end to that,” Peter said softly, gently shifting himself onto the bed more and pulling his leg over the corner. He could feel the catch of his prosthetic against the frame but ignored it for the moment. His arms swept up May and he cradled her against him as he laid back on the bed. He kept her close and kept her secure.
Mayday was pliable, seemingly comforted by Peter’s security.
The moment May was comfortably against his chest, Peter leaned to the side and reached with one arm to unhook his leg and guide the unfeeling plastic up onto the bed. It dropped to the bed with a thud and Peter let it remain. He had more important matters to attend to.
“Okay, kiddo, you’re shaking like a leaf,” he said, using his right hand to brush some hair from May’s face.
Tear tracks had made cool, wet splotches across May’s cheeks. Peter hated that, and immediately tried to rub them away with his thumb after he unstuck the loose hairs from them. “May, baby, what’s wrong? It’s just a storm.”
“I know when it’s coming,” she mumbles against his chest. “It hurts my head.”
Confused, Peter tilted his head to the side. “What hurts your head?” he asked.
Before she could answer, an apparent chill went down May’s spine and left her trembling with new fervor. In the back of Peter’s own spine, he felt a vague tingle, but nothing that would have really gotten his attention otherwise.
A moment later, lightning crackled outside the window followed by a shaking boom. It was enough to make Peter glance away from his daughter and toward the window, but May did not react as much. She trembled more acutely just before it.
Quietly, deep down, a notion — a scientific proposal — came to Peter about the connection. But he buried it quickly. It was too painful to think about at that moment. Every instinct in Peter was honed into protecting his family, and especially his little Mayday. The idea that he could give her something so dangerous and life-changing was beyond what his heart could take for one sleepy, stormy night.
Still, he liked to fall back on science. It comforted him. And he liked to think it comforted May, too.
“You know, spiders talk to each other through vibrations,” Peter informed her.
Surprised by the topic, May looked at Peter’s face curiously, then scrunched up her nose in confusion. “Huh?”
Smirking, Peter wrapped his arms around her and began to shimmy them both, shaking her little body enough to get a giggle of surprise. “When your body shakes, or when the neighbors play music so loud it makes the walls move? We call those vibrations,” he explained.
“D-Daddy, y-you’re v-vibrating-ing me-me!” May giggled excitedly, the fear temporarily gone from her eyes.
“Sure am,” he laughed back. He stopped shaking them and the bed both and held her firmly to his chest. “Spiders don’t have mouths like ours, they can’t make voices and talk like we do. So they have to talk in other ways. So they make vibrations.” He brought up one of his hands and began walking his fingers up May’s back and onto her head. “So they use their toes to make little tiny vibrations. And that’s how they talk to each other.”
May shivers under Peter’s hand, but it is not the full-body tremble she had before. It’s full of giggles and amusement. “Ew, daddy! You’re spider-talking!”
Grinning ear-to-ear, Peter used his hand to bop May on the nose. “You don’t know the half of it, kiddo.”
Once May seemed more settled, Peter took his hands and began rubbing soothing circles into her back, rubbing her tiny shoulders and watching as she leaned into him with complete faith and trust.
“I think,” he continued, more softly, “when storms are bad and close, you can feel them vibrating. Even before the crack of lightning or the boom of thunder, you can feel storms in your bones sometimes. I know I do. But they don’t have to be scary. You just need to remind yourself that it’ll be okay. That you’ll be safe.”
“Because of daddy,” May murmured against him, her eyes closed and her body flattening against Peter’s.
Peter ached with love as he looked down at her. “Because of daddy,” he agreed.
The dull tremble at the back of Peter’s spine sounded off, and he couldn’t help but notice how May trembled again. But she didn’t stir, her breathing soft and matched to Peter’s own.
Lightning crackled then, after a few seconds, thunder boomed.
The storm was moving away.
Shutting his own eyes, Peter felt relieved and contemplative. Another storm for his family down, and he couldn’t have been happier.
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royalcordelia · 6 years
Time Turns to Amber (1/11)
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Summary: The line between universes is blurred when Anne Shirley of Green Gables suddenly switches lives with Ann Shirley-Cuthbert, a university student living in the contemporary world. Suddenly Anne must learn how to navigate the modern world, one which contains a boyfriend, a part time job, and another year of university. Meanwhile, Ann struggles to tackle corsets, farming, and a world without electricity. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, but most people can't tell the difference between the redhead they know and the girl who replaced her. Dedicated to the ever-beautiful @hecksinki
A Time Travel, Soulmate AU
Rated T+ • 4.2k words • Read on ao3 • Part Two 
Standing in the darkness of the ballroom corner, Anne Shirley watched the dancing couples fly across the room in a flurry of whirling skirts to the rhythm of the waltz. Everything had gone according to plan: the preparations, the ceremony, and thus far, the reception. Anything less than perfect would not have been adequate. Diana Barry deserved the best, after all. That went without saying.
The ceremony was certainly right out of a daydream, with its flower garlands, string quartet, and crystalized colors echoing on the walls like dancing shadows from the chandeliers. Dozens of compliments were paid directly to Miss Josephine Barry, who’d a knack for planning elaborate celebrations and did so annually. But none of the previous soirees or banquets could compare to this magnificent occasion, planned for the bride by her most kindred spirit. Anne had truly outdone herself.
She really should have been happy. After all, she’d never heard of a wedding that didn’t have at least some small little blunder to speak of. But Anne couldn’t help but feel a little bit...well, she might as well come out and admit it - she was jealous.
In the privacy of her own mind, Anne mourned how right the event was. Diana made the perfect bride, and contrary to Anne’s expectations, Jerry Baynard wasn’t all that shabby of a Prince Charming. Each polished spoon and lacy white decoration only suited Diana’s passage into wifehood. Here in this bridal castle, alive with celebration and exuberance,  Diana was the queen - queen over a man who adored the very ground she walked on, queen over her new household, queen over a lifetime of happiness. The most beautiful queen that had ever been born in Avonlea.
Anne, on the other hand, felt like a homely side ornament for Diana. She could never hope for such grand celebrations on her behalf. Certainly, Aunt Jo had told her that if she chose to remain unmarried, she could earn the money to host such a celebration, but Anne had a feeling it wasn’t going to be her choice.
If she were to tell the truth, she’d say that she really did yearn for a married life. She ached for a lifemate, her partner and equal. Perhaps it was selfish, but Anne had hoped in the weeks leading up to Diana’s wedding that if some small little thing went wrong, it would mean Diana’s wedding wasn’t to be a seamlessly perfect event. No such inconvenience occurred, and Anne was forced to face the reality that girls like Diana were meant to have resplendent weddings. Girls like Anne were left to have no weddings at all.
“You know, you seem rather dejected for a girl whose best friend is the midst of the happiest day of her life,” a deep, familiar voice said beside her. Anne didn’t have to look away from the waltzing guests to know who it was, but merely leaned her head onto his shoulder.
“I’m not dejected, Cole. I wanted nothing less for Diana today. If I did, I wouldn’t have planned everything so…” Anne sighed. “Dazzlingly exquisite.”
“Then why are you radiating such dark waves, oh picture of joy?”
Anne did look to Cole then, and she could tell immediately that he knew what ill feelings plagued her heart. He simply wanted her to tell him herself, to speak her mind instead of brewing alone in her sorrow.
“The last few weeks of planning this wedding and seeing how Jerry and Diana truly complete one another has made me realize that I am not the marrying sort.”
Cole frowned.
“You don’t want to get married?”
“No, I do, but can you imagine someone looking at me like that?” Anne looked over at Diana and Jerry dancing blissfully in each other’s arms. There was no denying the adoration in Jerry’s eyes, how his love for Diana blossomed from the center of his heart and grew throughout his entire body like a blinding light. “It’s simply impossible.”
“Oh Anne,” Cole reprimanded gently. “Someone does look at you like that. Only every time he does, you pretend not to notice.”  
“Not this again,” Anne moaned, turning her back to him. “No matter how many times you say it, it doesn’t get any more true. Gilbert Blythe does not care for me like that.”
“Shall I provide you proof? Look at him with Moody over there. Go on, Anne, look.”
Anne’s heart dropped to the floor when she finally gained the courage to look up
Gilbert Blythe was a sight to behold, with his suit all primly pressed for his best-man duties. The contours of his face were lit by the warm chandelier light, making his cheeks look like sunsets of gold and rose. Just to gaze upon him made Anne feel strangely unsatisfied, as if there was something missing, a hole that was craving to be filled. With what, though?
It only seemed to worsen when he gazed back at her, an unfortunate circumstance for the present moment. True to Cole’s prodding, Gilbert’s eyes were locked on her in an intense fashion that she could always feel on the back of her neck. The connection of their gazes lit Anne into red fire, and for a few moments she sat there simmering, aching. She hoped he would look away first because she couldn’t find it within herself to move, but instead he only smiled. No coy, teasing wink. No smirk of boyish taunting. Genuine affection that Anne could feel as presently inside her as if he were standing just before her brushing hair away from her face.
“Now, I think that has put an end to your nonsense,” Cole murmured into her ear. Anne felt more heat flood into her rosy cheeks when she realized her friend had watched the silent exchange. “Go dance with him.”
“N-no,” Anne stammered shakily. Somehow she couldn’t bring herself to admit that he was wrong, not when Gilbert was looking at her like that. “I think I’ll go steal a dance with the bride.”
As Anne ventured through the room, she wanted nothing more than to lock herself away in a room with Diana and speak all that was on her mind. But there were to be no more late nights with her bosom friend, no more jumping on beds or pretending to be princesses. Those days were buried in a distant past, and had been for years.
Oh, why did everyone have to grow up and change? Why did Diana have to get married and leave her forever? And why did Gilbert insist on looking at her as if she was the most precious thing he’d ever seen?
Diana might have sensed the raging storm in Anne, had she not swallowed it in time for Diana to lay eyes on her. The endless beauty of bridal white and crystals spun to greet Anne with a euphoric grin.
“Mr. Baynard, I do think you have been monopolizing your darling wife far too long this evening,” Diana teased, extending her hand to Anne. “For the next dance, I believe her interests lie elsewhere. Anne, have you room on your dance card?”
“I’d be delighted,” Anne said with a chuckle. The two spun away with an explosion of very unladylike laughter, too busy desperately holding onto one another to correctly perform the steps of the waltz. Eventually, their giggles subsided and Anne pulled Diana close into her arms.
“Anne, what’s wrong, dearest? If you hold onto me any tighter, I think I’ll turn to dust,” Diana said gently. Anne only squeezed a little and buried her face into Diana’s shoulder.
“You know, I always wanted a sister. Now I have one and  I already have to let you go so soon.”
“Come on Anne, you know you’ll see me just as much as you always did! I’m not going to let married life get in the way of our friendship. You’re just as much my family as Jerry is.”
“My mind knows it, Diana, but my heart refuses to see reason. I feel like my feet are glued to the center of the world and everything is moving so fast around me. I can’t catch up.”
“You’ll figure everything out, Anne,” Diana comforted. She ran a comforting hand down Anne’s head, and it was all the redhead could do to not let tears trickle down her face. Pulling back, Diana took Anne’s face in her gentle hands and Anne had a stray thought that Diana would make the most spectacular mother one day.
“I know in my heart that your feet will get unstuck soon. Next thing you know, we’ll be planning your wedding.” Diana’s eyes glanced over to where Gilbert was standing with Jerry, the pair of lads watching the girls dance.
“Not you too,” Anne muttered, pulling back. “I simply cannot fathom why everyone believes I should marry Gilbert Blythe.”
“Oh, Anne, I didn’t mean to upset you. You just seem so taken with him these days. You’ve spent practically every day together at Redmond studying, even though you’re both enrolled in different programs! With your graduation just completed, we’ve all assumed that his proposal was inevitable and-”
Anne had heard quite enough, and was quick to intercept whatever terrible thing was about to come out of Diana’s mouth.
“Look at that, Diana! Jerry is positively glaring at me. It seems I have stolen away his wife away for too long. I think I’ll go get some fresh air on the veranda. Aunt Jo says the view of Charlottetown all lit up is positively breathtaking. I’ll return shortly.”
“But Anne!” Diana tried to reach for her, but Anne was too quick to press a kiss to her cheek and scurry away.
The escape wasn’t very genteel in nature, but the feeling of fresh cool air in her lungs crashed into her like the summer tide. With the sun safely set beneath the island horizon, the breeze had taken a slight chill that cooled Anne’s skin from the lace of her own white dress. Aunt Jo’s veranda was truly as magnificent as the rest of the estate, with its view over the city and white marble columns.
Shuffling up to the edge of the balcony, Anne leaned at the railing and tilted her face up to the stars.
“Will you align for me, too?” she asked all the flickering stellar brilliance. Maybe her luck had run dry the day Marilla decided to allow her to stay at Green Gables. Anne shook her head - that was a terribly ungrateful thought to have. She’d never exchange her life at Green Gables for anything. But now that she had tasted happiness, was she to now go without it for the rest of her life? Was her happiness meant to stay stagnant where it was when she was the fresh age of eleven, never to grow?
Suddenly, her thoughts came to a screeching halt.
His presence was tangible behind her, though she didn’t hear him come outside. She waited for his to say something, expectant when he finally called out to her.
“Anne, I’ve come to see if you’re feeling alright. You looked pale when you left,” Gilbert said gently into the night air.
“Just a bit lightheaded. It’s dreadfully warm in there with all the lights and people and dancing,” Anne lied. If she was at all dizzy, it was because even from here she could smell the spicy, earthy scent of him from across the balcony. It was enough to make her knees weak. Gilbert knew Anne well enough to see through the lie, but also knew when to allow her to keep her secrets.
“Alright,” Gilbert he replied carefully. He paused, as if deciding what to do, then cleared his throat. “Would you like some company?”
Against her better judgement, Anne replied with a smile, “Always.”
Gilbert fell by her side, leaning his elbows on the railing just inches away from hers. Hunched over, Anne saw the lines of his back, the strength of his shoulders, the moonlight in his hair. The universe certainly was trying its best to paint this man as her ideal, she realized. Never before had Gilbert been so capable of appearing so melancholy and handsome. The girls of Redmond college certainly said otherwise. It was truly unfair that forces unknown should tempt her with her own preferences in a man that was so very...not her preference - at least romantically. Gilbert was her preference in a conversation partner, dinner company, a friendly rival, and a best friend. In fact, she rather preferred his company more than anyone else’s with the exception of Diana.
“What’s on your mind, Anne-girl?” he asked finally, peering up at her with those hazel eyes that sometimes her dreams tormented her with.
“Anne-girl?” she replied with a chuckle.
“I heard Miss Barry call you that earlier. I like it.” He nudged her shoulder with his. “Don’t think I don’t notice you sidestepping the question.”
“I’m not! It’s just that nothing particular is on my mind.”
Gilbert quirked a brow, thoroughly unconvinced.
“Given the events of today, I find that impossible to believe.” Anne was silent for a moment, her fingers fiddling with the smooth ivy that engulfed the railing.
“Oh alright,” Anne gave in with a sigh. She knew she could trust Gilbert with some of the aches in her heart, if not the aspects that had to do with him. “When we were children, I suppose I always foolishly assumed that Diana and I would find happiness around the same time. That fate had us traveling parallel roads.”
“You’re not happy?” Worry sent a frown on his lips that made Anne feel a little guilty.
“I’m happy enough,” she admitted. “Oh, I feel like a dreadful person. Pretend I never said anything.”
“I’ll do no such thing!” Gilbert straightened his back and turned to face Anne head on. “Not until you tell me what’s bothering you.”
Anne crossed her arms over her chest, averting her gaze from his. What was the point in telling him? There wasn’t a single thing he could do to point her on the right path. Nevertheless, she opened her mouth and it was like an electric switch had been flipped.
“Everyone is growing up and deciding what they want to do with their lives. Meanwhile, odd Anne Shirley is weeks into her graduate life and has no idea where her place is in the world. With Diana married, she won’t have any time to spare for me, I just know it! And Jane is planning on spending the summer in England for missionary work. Even Marilla and Mrs. Lynde have been organizing a Lady’s Aid for the church, and have barely been home. Everyone is doing something with their lives and I can’t seem to make up my mind about anything. Not about my vocation, not about you-”
She froze, hoping that if she covered her tracks soon enough, he wouldn’t catch the little slip, but he was too quick. Gilbert had gained some wisdom about Anne in their years at college, and decided to pretend he heard nothing - even if it did make his heart skip a bit to replay it in his mind.
“I think I know how you feel,” he admitted.
“Now that can’t be true, Gil. You’ve known about what you’ve wanted to do since our schooldays.”
“Maybe in general, but certainly not specifically. There are many branches of medicine, you know. I could specialize in the brain or in general practice, if I wanted. Something tells me I’ll make a wonderful surgeon, but I’m not sure if that’s what I want.”
“I suppose that’s what medical school is for, is it not?”
“It’s not just that,” Gilbert grumbled, a bit frustrated with himself. Anne turned to him and searched for his eyes. She hadn’t seen any of this turmoil in him before, and they saw each other practically every day. “I have what you would call an ideal in my head of what I want my future to be. There’s a white house on the shore, trees, children, laughter and fun…”
Anne dropped her gaze to the ground. That sounded an awful lot of what she’d always dreamed of as well. Unaware of her embarrassment, Gilbert continued.
“I want a simple country practice, Anne. I want to be a reliable, compassionate doctor. Someone the people can trust.”
“You’ll have all those things, Gilbert. I know that for certain.” He was like Diana - favored by the stars and by fate. Handsome and smart, there was no way he’d ever lack in happiness or success.
“But there’s something important missing right now, and I’m afraid that if I don’t gain it now, if I don’t earn it, then my life will always be lacking true happiness.”  
For a split moment, Anne wondered what it could possibly be.Then, she looked up at him and her heart halted in her chest. The deepest parts of her soul gave a sigh of anticipation and yearning at the desire in his eyes, like it wanted to be consumed by him. The sensation was overwhelming and foreign, leaving Anne stranded at his side unsure of what to believe and feel. Gilbert took her silence to muster his courage and ask something he wanted to know above all.
“What did you mean before about not being able to make up your mind about me?”
Even in her indecisiveness, Anne knew that this conversation was about to cross a line that she wasn’t prepare to travel over. His eyes were too intense, begging, serious.
“Gilbert, it was nothing. Can we pretend I never said anything in the first place?” Gilbert took a step closer to her, and Anne countered with a few stumbling feet backwards until she was pressed against the railing of the veranda.  
“If that’s what you want, Anne, but avoiding me like this isn’t going to help you settle on any decisions. If you’re not honest with me or with yourself, you’re never going to make up your mind about what you want in life.”
“And just what do you think I want, Gilbert Blythe?”
“I think you want someone to stand beside you and love you. I think you want someone to be your equal and support you no matter what path in life you decide to traverse, just so that you won’t be alone when fate tosses you around.” Anne fought back the urge to touch the redness of his cheeks, keeping her fists clenched at her side as he continued. “I’ve not been honest with you all these years, Anne. Not completely.”
The truths of her mind and heart overcame her for a moment and she whispered in a silent plea, “I already know, Gil. You don’t need to say it.”
“I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t. Anne, I-”
She quieted him in the only way that she could. She grabbed him by the collar, pulled herself up onto the balls of her feet, and kissed him. The second her lips made contact with his, Anne felt herself dissolving, but Gilbert wrapped his arms around her before her knees could crumble. She wrapped one around his shoulder, pulling him closer until there was no space for secrets, fears, or longings between them. It was an overwhelming onrush of sensations, with his mouth kissing her with the unrestrained passion he’d locked inside for years and his fingertips gently caressing her cheeks and down her neck. Anne let herself surrender to the need to remain in his embrace, safe and loved, ignoring the cries in her mind that she shouldn’t be doing this. This was Gilbert Blythe, childhood confidant, loyal kindred spirit.
But oh, she could suddenly imagine very simply being a doctor’s wife and having a curly haired, hazel-eyed family. The images came to her mind without any resistance at all - a white house surrounded by dozens of wildflowers, a neat little corner to write in, a husband who looked dreadfully like Gilbert. She could see it all, and she wanted it.
She wanted it enough to let him trail kisses down the soft lines of her chin and down her neck, leaning into him when she felt she might melt into him completely.  The sensitive skin erupted into shivers when he lingered at the cleft of her throat, and she ran her fingers through his soft hair.
Then, with a shaky exhale, Gilbert lifted his head back up and looked into her half-lidded eyes.
“I love you,” he said quietly, reverently.
Reality came crashing back onto Anne, and she fought the urge to tear herself out of his arms and run away. Any hopes and dreams she’d drowned in while he kissed her were gone now, replaced by her own logic.
“I...I don’t know how I feel, Gilbert,” she confessed in a frightened whisper. “There’s so much I don’t understand about myself, so much I haven’t decided or discovered. And then there’s Roy to consider. He’s-”
“Roy? ” Gilbert nearly spat. He knew all about Royal Gardner - the wealthy, melancholy English student who had been vying for Anne’s affection since the day he’d offered her his umbrella in a storm. He sent Anne flowers, composed sonnets to her eyes, showered her in gentlemanly praise. He also despised Gilbert, and once openly blamed him for his own failure to capture Anne once and for all.
“Yes, Roy. He cares for me so, and I sometimes I think I must care about him too.” It was a dagger in Gilbert’s heart and he set his jaw. “But then there’s you, Gil.”
“What about me?” he replied flatly.
“I don’t know yet.” Anne took a steadying, shaky breath. “I need time.”
“We’re running low on time, Anne. Gardner is going to want an answer before you move back to Avonlea.”
“What about you?” Anne said, crossing her arms in front of her chest as if to hold her beating heart from breaking out of her.
“I’d wait forever,” he vowed in a low tone. “I’d rather not, but if you need time, Anne, you’ll have it from me.”
“Alright,” Anne said, inhaling late spring air. She gave one last look at Gilbert and his red lips and mussed hair, all effects of the kiss that still had her vibrating with something unknown. Reaching forward, Anne straightened his tie and collar, effectively restoring him to a presentable state, then ran her thumb over his cheek. The skin was damp, whether from sweat or a stray tear, she didn’t know. Then she distanced herself a few steps away.
“Enjoy the rest of the celebration, Mr. Blythe.”
He watched her evaporate into a silhouette against the lighted doorway leading to the manse, artwork in the frame of the present, the past, and a barely attainable future.
Diana and Jerry left for Toronto for their honeymoon at dawn, leaving Anne waving after their departing faces on the morning train.
“Our train is next,” Gilbert said, adjusting his suitcase in his hand.
Anne hadn’t been able look him in the eye since their accidental tryst at the wedding the night before. In fact, she hadn’t been able to sleep, think straight, or look at herself in the mirror without picturing the passionate embrace she’d initiated in the moonlight. She rather wondered if it had happened at all, since Gilbert had mastered the art of acting as if nothing had happened.
“I think I’m going to take a walk up the tracks and enjoy the morning sun for a few minutes. These warm days are so freshly new to us, you know,” she said.
Gilbert knew precisely what she was trying to do. He flashed her a look in his eyes that said very clearly, You can’t avoid me forever, but have it your way, and then nodded.
“Would you like me to come find you a few minutes before the train arrives?”
“No, I should be able to keep track of time well enough by the shadows.”
Gilbert wasn’t convinced. He pulled a copper pocket watch from inside his coat and handed it to Anne. She held it up to her ear and listened to the emphatic ticking. It was plain in appearance, but she’d seen it enough times to know that it had once belonged to John Blythe. She even knew where his initials had once been engraved on the side, now rubbed away with time and wear.
“Here, for security’s sake. Marilla will have my hide if I’m late in getting you home,” Gilbert continued.
“Thanks,” she said, biting her lip under his gaze. “I won’t be gone long.”
As she headed down the railway platform and into the loose grass, Anne couldn’t help but feel as she were walking away from something forever, like the last pages of a book before the cover finally is closed. She stopped and turned back to see Gilbert standing on the platform looking after her with his hands in his pockets.
He raised one hand and waved. Anne, forgetting for a minute the events of the past night, smiled and returned the gesture.
Then she turned her cheeks to the summer fragrance being carried on the wind, and walked along the worn railside.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #237
"Love In The Tub, Yanufen Goes Vocal, Crim”
[CP] Has tossed his shirt off so he can feel his wife against him, he's been getting more and more frustrated since CN's been in the house-
[Lie] - CP?  Is everything okay?
[CP] - We are kinda alone...
[Lie] - And out in the open
[CP] Leans forwards and nips at his wife's neck- So?  Think of it as a challenge to stay quiet...
[Lie] Squeaks a little and shifts.  She knows this will probably help CP relax and not be so much of an asshole for the time being, but she's just worried about somebody seeing them-
[TLOT] Runs slow fingers over Steve's skin, making him tremble slightly and smile in his vulnerability.
[Steve] is laying in a small rug amongst Doc's collection on the second floor of the shrine. They know it's unlikely anyone will disturb them and it wouldn't be the first time they made love amongst the treasures and below the empty glass gaze of the Herobrine in the massive colored window.
[TLOT] Someone is contemplating love-making... Such a delicious feeling.
[Steve] mischievous- you should give them a little push...
[TLOT] Naughty lamb. But perhaps I might- he waves s hand idly, just flexing his powers to pull the two just a tad closer to their consummation.
{Lie] Lets a small moan pass her lips as she leans in closer to her mate-
[CP] Smirks and begins touching her in places he knows will get her aroused, he urges her closer to his goal-
[Lie] Looks pleadingly at him, her words slipping quietly past her lips- Please, before I change my mind...
[CP] Grins and moves his mate to a position where she's above him-
[Lie] Smoothly slides onto her husband leaning forwards and kisses him lovingly as he fills her ever so pleasantly-
[CP] Grins and pulls Lie closer, wanting so much but knowing he can't push her too much or she will make noise and he doesn't want others disturbing them and interrupting their fun-
[Lie] Is biting her lip to keep herself quiet and starts a little when she accidentally draws blood as she's being thrust into-
[CP] Quickly leans in to kiss and lick the blood away without pause in his thrusting.  HE can feel Lie tensing and smirks as he works on getting her to come-
[Lie] Is making some noises, not really loud enough to draw attention though-
[CP] Is getting a bit caught up in his need, wanting to hear his mate make noise as he pulls out and turns her over so she's leaning against the edge of the lava pool and enters her again from behind.  Lie is fighting all urges to make noise-
[Steve] Manages to pant as he's stripped of his clothes- Who-who are the oh-others?
[TLOT] Shakes his mates shirt in his teeth theatrically- Cp and Lie.
[Steve] Ooo-oh.... - Tenses as his cubes are exposed to the slightly chill air and lovingly fondled -
[Lie] Clamps a hand over her mouth as CP moves harder and faster, pressing into his wife and feeling her around him-
[CP] Reaches a hand around to grope at her chest and leans in to nuzzle and bite at her neck-
[Steve] Stifles a gasp, curling his fingers into his discarded clothing as    he prostrates himself before the armor stand bearing his mate's copied face-
[TLOT] Is nipping and kissing his mates upraised rear to hear the musical tones of pleading and want falling from Steve's lips. - I never get tired of hearing you beg for me...
[Lie] Groans as her hand moves away from her mouth to grab at cobblestone in front of her-
[CP] Reaches out and grabs her wrist on the other arm, dragging it behind her back, he growls a little as he picks up his pace a little more-
[Steve] Can't help but moan aloud as his mate suprises him by taking the miners rod in his lips and gently beginning to suck. Little pixels of sweat bead on his brow as the waves of heat and pleasure course through him.
[TLOT] Mumbles a little around his mouthful- I love you so much-
[Steve] Can't help but smile - I love you too -
[Lie] Let's out a bit to loud of a squeak as she comes-
[CP] Grins darkly as he moves so he can finish himself-
[Lie] - Ah...  CP...
[Deer] - Did you hear that?
[Doc] Has a front row seat to Yanufen's splashing around- Hear what?
[Deer] - It sounded like it came from the shrine...
[Steve] Comes softly and slumps with his head on the floor -
[TLOT] Feel up to a little worship my lamb?
[Steve] Y-yes.
[TLOT] Sits on a half slab step and watches with hungry anticipation as his mate sits back on his knees and bows before his god. He lays his hands gently on the humans shoulders, not pushing, just feeling the smoothness of the skin beneath his fingers. He lets one hand travel down, ruffling the bit of fuzz on his mates upper back.
[Steve] Kisses his lover over and over, laving his thighs and cubes with a hundred touches of warm lips before taking his Herobrine's rod easily into his own mouth. With practiced ease he swallows it down until the curls at the base tickle the little bump of his nose-
[TLOT] Sighs in appreciation. Just reflexitively petting his mate as he's pleasured-
[CP] Grunts as he comes, filling his mate and then some-
[Lie] Is trembling and feeling a bit like slime as she leans against the edge of the pool panting- CP...
[CP] - Yes?
[Lie] - Next time we're getting somebody to watch CN so we can spend more time on this...
[CP] Pulls Lie into an embrace and nuzzles her lovingly- Agreed...  So when do we kick the brat out?
[Lie] Just sighs-
[TLOT] Feels himself getting close and makes to pull away -
[Steve] Just shakes his head without letting go. He wraps his arms around his lovers waist and bobs his head faster-
[TLOT] Is twisted with the tension of his impending release and balls it up even tighter in anticipation-
[Steve] Goes all the way to the base and sucks near desperately-
[TLOT] Comes and fills his mouth with gusto, giving weak little thrusts as his mate swallows as much as he can manage. As he finishes, there's a bit of a pulse that spreads out in ripples of loving thoughts and feelings washing outward from the shrine to lap even at the walls of their village on the next chunk.
[Steve] Rocks back and gives a small burp before wiping his lips. - He smiles softly - I thought it was time to make our world even bigger.
[TLOT] You're so considerate.
[Doc] Shivers happily- Ooooh. Now that I did feel.
[Bee] What was that? I feel all warm and fuzzy.
[CP] Both he and Lie tense up a little as the pulse passes over them-
[Deer] - Mmhm
[Doc] Your primary gods making love-
[Spork] Wow...
[Mb] Makes a gagging noise-
[Deer] - Usually results in others having sex too
[Doc] Waggles hir eyebrows at Deerheart-
[Deer] Smirks- Only if we can find a babysitter
[Doc] Yeah I think our usual babysitter is probably lying in a puddle of spunk about now.
[Mb] What the fuck is wrong with you?
[Deer] - Nothing at all
[Mb] Just rolls his eyes for his own edification-
[Celine] Flapping around on the shore again-
[Yaunfen] Stretches before flopping in the grass-
[Doc] Puts hir head near Yaunfen- Are you tired little one?
[Candelabra] Little yawn - I don't know about your child, but I'm getting there.
[Deer] - Would you like an escort back into the village?
[Candelabra] I can see the wall from here. Is it safe for us to just walk back alone?
[Deer] Concentrates for a moment- Yes, especially since MB is within sight
[Mb] Bite me.
[Bee] Thank you both for your hospitality- She gets out of the water and shakes out her hair before bowing to them-
[Spork and Candelabra] Also get out and dry off as best they can.
[Lie] - CP...  I don't wanna get out...
[CP] - We don't have to yet
[Doc] I wonder if Cp and Lie just went home? They're being really quiet if not.
[Mb] Who the fuck cares?
[Pinwheel] Darts past to snap at a mouse-
[Deer] - We could go check...
[Doc] Nah, I'll just get yelled at I'm sure. - Xe rolls over in the water and exposes hir belly to the sun-  [Testificates] Head back to the village-
[Deer] Shifts into her dragon form and curls up next to Doc- Rest love, I'll keep DN away
[Splender] Picks up Pinwheel- Um...  I only see four morsels...
[Mb] Morsels?
[Splender] - The little pieces of meat
[Doc] Cuddles up next to her- You're the best - Xe wags hir tail lazily, letting the long hair float and curl in the water.
[Celine] Is sniffing in the grass and bounds upward in suprise as the last mouse makes a break for it- Squeak!
[Splender] - OH!  There it is!
[Mouse] Darts into the grass-
[Doc] Shit.... forget it. I don't have the energy to go chasing a mouse. It's got so little health, I'm sure something will get it, or it'll despawn since it's not named.
[Splender] - Okay...
[Exeggutor] Ambles over to Splender and looks down at Pinwheel -
[Mb] Okay, I'm done. Getting out now. - He shakes off and walks out of the water in just his undershorts. He climbs up the hill and gives a low whistle. - Ha! No wonder you were being so quiet Cp! Just banging the little woman in the hot tub. Pfft.
[Doc] Really? That's a bit odd, for Lie at least.
[CP] - If I could move I'd murder you...
[Mb] Too bad for you. - He scoops up Celine and starts walking back towards the nether portal building- Have fun fuckers.
-Little time skip-
-There's no rooster to crow but it's certainly morning. TLOT and Steve are cuddled in their beds. Arden is already on the internet tapping away. Zeke stayed up all night again and is now passed out. There's a worrying smoky smell in the lab again from someone else who couldn't sleep for a very different reason.
[Doc] Cuddles up closer to Deerheart as LH makes tiny snores across one of hir feet.
[Yaunfen] Was rolling around on the bed, having woken up when they roll towards the edge of the bed as a growth spurt happens- ...  Mada?  I squished...
[Doc] Blinks sleeply- You wha? Huh?
[Yaunfen] - I squished!
[Doc] Moves over and then sits up suddenly realizing thier baby said something other then Mada, fuck or burp. - Yaunfen? - Xe shakes Deerheart's shoulder-
[Yaunfen] Looks at them upside down from where they ended up-  I got squished...  I can't get out...
[Deer] Mumbles and opens her eyes- What is it?
[Doc] Reaches for their feet and tries to get them unstuck from their predicament.
[Yaunfen] Pops out of their predicament and tumbles across the bed and across Deer-
[Deer] Yelps-
[Doc] Yaunfen? Are you okay?
[Yaunfen] - Uh huh!  I grew!
[Doc] Hugs their neck- I can see that! I'm so proud! And more words too!
[Yaunfen] - Uh-huh!  I'm hungry...  Do we have more cake?
[Doc] Absolutely! - Xe rolls out of bed and dashes to the other end of the room to dig in the snack box.
[LH] Nearly gets pushed off the bed and gives a rather whiny protest.
[Yaunfen] Trots after Doc-
[Deer] Giggles- Should I make some food for you and I Doc?
[Doc] No! I mean... no. I'm staying down here for now. Not ready to face... - Xe turns quickly and digs out a cake before holding it out for their little one.
[Deer] - Do you want me to bring you some food?"
[Doc] No... I'll just pull something out of the creative- Looks a bit sad, and can't conceal a furtive glance at the staircase all blocked with wool again.
[Deer] Walks closer and hugs Doc- Then I think I'll go visit Flux for some more lessons
[Yaunfen] Takes the food and eats it with gusto-
[Doc] Holds her warmly-  If you want. I don't wish to burden you with my...
[Deer] Kisses Doc's cheek- I'll take the back exit
[Yaunfen] - Food!  Food!
[Doc] I'll follow you part of the way. I have a suprise for Yaunfen here anyway. - motions down the stairs-
[Yaunfen] Follows them curiously as they head down the stairs-
[Shaymin] Is rolling happily in the little patch of wheat and grass in the middle of the room.
[Galvantula] wandered onto Deerheart's desk in the middle of the night and is sleeping, covering most of it.
[Archen] Is flopped on top of the spider pokemon sleeping in a ball of feathers pose.
[Doc] Leads past them to a pair of light colored doors and opens one for Yaunfen. - This is for you. Big kids should have their own personal space. And I made a loft off to the side for when you get bigger and need more then a double bed.
[Yaunfen] Darts in sniffing everything- It's mine?  But where will Mada and Ma sleep?
[Doc] Where we always do kiddo. I'm keeping you close by so we'll hear you if you need us. And the pokemon are right there to keep any bad things away while you sleep-
[Yaunfen] A bit sadly- Not with me?
[Doc] Well you can still sleep with us if you get scared, or just need some snuggle time. But I think you'll need the extra space soon enough. And we can still have afternoon dragon naps on lazy days.
[Yaunfen] - Okay!  Now if only the cold meanie would go away...
[Doc] Yeah. I don't like him either...
[Deer] Takes Doc's hand- It's alright Doc, I'll protect you and Yaunfen from him...  And surprisingly Pinwheel will to
[Doc] I believe you. I know you're capable of so much. I think you'll be outshining me in a lot of areas if you keep training with Flux. I never thought I'd be excited to see Pinwheel bite someone.
[Deer] - I wonder if we can keep DN away if we offer to babysit Pinwheel some...
[Doc] Probably not. He's so stubborn. I wish he'd get some other hobby. It seems like he doesn't even sleep.
[Deer] - I wonder if CN could distract him at times?
[Lie] She and CP had been working on her portal making abilities that morning when he had been called off to his server because of a situation. She had decided to go on a ride. CN had insisted on coming so he was riding the donkey Stitch while Lie rode Beau-
[CN] Is trying to get Stitch to go faster but the donkey is ignoring him-
-Firebird's totally sitting in Gem's yard as a bird, plucking blue feathers-
[gem] -is on top of this roost she made for firebird and sees him plucking feathers and decides the swop down to meet him-
9:16 PM] Sock: [Firebird] -Looks up, a cluster of blue feathers in beak- chrrp
[gem] those are pretty why are you plucking them?
[Firebird] -soft distressed chorp while dropping them on the ground-
[Firebird] -Reaches back to pluck the last few-
[gem] -after he finishes she picks him up and flies back up the roost-
[Firebird] -Does the perch in her arms as she picks him up-
[Firebird] -excited chirp at the roost-
[gem] -puts him down on the beds and sits down next to him-
[Firebird] -Content bird noise as he stretches and curls up in the bed, looking at Gem-
[gem] -starts to hum as she starts to make a little red and orange planet crown for firebird-
[Firebird] -Leans head forward to watch closely-
[gem] -the materials seem to collect in a tightly packed planet when she makes each one then connects them as soon as she connects the first and last one together she turns to firebird and puts it on his head-
[Firebird] Chirp....
[Firebird] -Proudly lifts head and displays neatass crown-
[gem] -puts her start planet crown- now we both have crowns because we are epic
[Firebird] -happy face as he lays head down, only to note another blue feather he'd missed on his breast, right beside the scarred spot. He plucks it and moves to toss it aside- .... -Thinks better of it and turns to drop the feather on Gem-
[gem] oh thank you -takes it and puts it in the top of the star that's in in frount-
[Firebird] -Soft chorp-
[gem] would you like me to make you anything else out of planets?
[Firebird] -Shrug-
[gem] i don't know either -lays back and starts making a solar system-
[Firebird] -Content to watch Gem do so-
[gem] -is making a large batch of them-
-Firebird noses his beak real close-
[gem] -the place is looking like a galaxy. the sun in the middle of the solar system is hot like a real sun-
[Firebird] -Tries to doot his beak to the sun-
[gem] -notices- be careful those are like mini suns they are very hot
[Firebird] -Doots sun with beak, content chirp-
[gem] oh you like the heat well here -makes a neckless out of suns and puts it on firebird-
-Absolutely delighted bird noises-
[gem] -smiles she is happy she made firebird happy-
[Firebird] -eats one sun off the necklace whole, plopping head back onto bed contently-
[gem] -giggles-
[Doc] Manages to sneak out of the castle with Yaunfen and is headed down the road to Lie's house-
[Lie] - CN?  Do you need any help?
[CN] - NO!
[Doc] Manages to hide hir discomfort at the sight of Cn, but waves at them both in a friendly way.
[Lie] Turns Beau towards Doc- Oh, hey Doc.  Sneaking about?
[Doc] Yeaaahhh... I don't want to talk about it... but I do have good news.
[Lie] - What is it?
[CN] Is trying to get Stitch to go towards Lie...  The donkey would prefer to go another direction-
[Doc] Gestures at Yaunfen- My little one woke me up with a big suprise.
[Yaunfen] - Hi!  I got bigger!
[Lie] - I can see that!  Congratulations Yaunfen
[Doc] Puts their arms around Yaunfen's neck for a quick hug- My babies getting so big. I was thinking it would be a good time to check on the NOTCH's again and see if any of the baby dragons have developed speech yet.
[Lie] - Oh!  That sounds like a good idea.  Would you like some company?
[Doc] Oh yes. That would be appreciated.
[Lie] Smiles and tosses a rope around the donkey's neck- Let's go
[Doc] Do we need the mounts? Or are you just going to put them away?
[Lie] - I'll just put them away
[Doc] Follows the horses dutifully. Xe pulls out a peppermint cattail and plucks one for Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] - Yummy!
[Lie] Jumps the animals into the pen and helps CN down-
[Doc] Walks along- Anyone else want one?
[Lie] - I'm sure the horses would appreciate it
[CN] - What is it?
[Doc] Cracks one in half and gives part to Beau and part to the donkey. Xe's pretty sure the vinehorse wouldn't be interested. - It's candy.
[Lie] - It's okay CN, they're really yummy
[CN] Isn't sure and hesitantly holds his hand out for a piece-
[Doc] Snaps another off like a little striped twig and passes it to him- Lie, do you want one?
[Lie] - Sure, why not
[CN] Takes a bite at it and makes an odd face, he's never tasted peppermint before-
[Doc] Breaks off one for hirself and another for Lie before putting the clump back in hir inventory. - Such a lovely plant. Though I'll never get sick of the berries we made toogether.
[Lie] - True- Lie begins descending down into the cave that the cage is in
[Doc] Opens the door to the cage and pauses to look up at the offensive plant clinging to the chandelier.
-The offensive plant quickly comes down to greet Lie who pets the plant-
[CN] - What is this place?
[Doc] It was originally meant to contain someone... now we use it as a vault to keep two entire worlds safe.
[CN] - Contain who?  The big meanie?
[Lie] Shifts nervously-
[Doc] we have used it for that before
[CN] - But who was it for originally?
[Lie] - That doesn't matter anymore CN, come on, let's go into the sub seed
[Doc] Opens a portal and steps into the open air of the other seed. Xe casts around for any sign of NOTCH Ai's or dragons-
[Lie] Guides CN through-
[NOTCHAI] Is helping some of the others garden in front of their shelter-
[Doc] Hello NOTCH. You guys have been making it more homey I see. Everyone getting along okay?
[NOTCHAI] - Ah, yes- He then notices CN- Are you bringing us another?
[CN] Kinda ducks behind Lie-
[Doc] No, unless he wants to stay at some point. This NOTCH was generated in response to Lie becoming a brine. My own showed up as well, he's... very unplesant.
[NOTCHAI] - I see...  I'm sorry to hear that, especially after how kind you've been to us...  I notice your child has grown bigger
[Doc] Thank you for that. I'm just glad I have good friends and loved ones to help me fend him off. And yes! Yaunfen is growing like one of Lie's plants. Just gave hir a big kids room of hir own. - Smiles at Yaunfen.
[Yaunfen] - My room!  My room!  Mada I have room!
[Lie] Giggles a little-
[Doc] Yep you do. And lots of books to nurture that sharp little mind of yours.
[Yaunfen] - Books!
[Doc] I came to check on you guys, but since my dragon went verbal I figured it was time to see if any of the babies here had done the same?
[NOTCHAI] Thinks for a moment- You know, I think I recall one of the others mentioning hearing something to the south, not too far away either since the others won't wander far from here
[Doc] Good enough for me. Actually, Cn? Do you want to hang out with the other NOTCH's for a bit? Talk some code while Lie and I pick around the nearby hills?
[CN] - Um...
[Lie] - Go ahead CN, you could learn some things
[CN] - Okay...
[Doc] We'll grab you before we go out. The portal from the cage is always in the same spot we came in from, over there-
[CN] Nervously- Okay...
[Lie] - Let's go Doc
[Doc] We'll be back. Come on Yaunfen, let's sniff out some other dragons.
[Yaunfen] - More friends?
[Doc] Maybe? We never know which ones will be smart like you and Liz and Endrea's kids.
[Yaunfen] - Awwww...
[Doc] Crests the hill and looks down- There are a few dragons playing in the grass, but none of them are very big. - I bet Thunder and Tsunami must be around.
[Lie] Searches and spots a black mass atop a nearby mountain- Up there
[Doc] Squints- You're right. Keeping a sharp eye out. - Xe walks along- Anybody around?
[???] - soft scuttle sounds on rock, the sound of many claws clicking -
[Yaunfen] Perks towards the noise-
[Doc] That's an odd noise. - Hello?
[Lie] Looks around in the grass a bit-
[Doc] Gets closer to a shadowy area near a patch of bare rocks-
[???] - sniffing sounds and a faint snort. Two yellow eyes open in the shadows -
[Doc] friendly tone-  Hello there. What kind of dragon are you?
[Lie] Keeps Yaunfen back so they don't scare the other dragon-
[???] - low hiss - Mine, mine... mine?
[Doc] Yours? Hey Lie! I found a verbal one! - turns to the dragon- What's yours? The cave?
[???] - more scuttling and a long black shape wanders away from the shadows. A long black dragon with red spikes and six legs, it stops just outside the shade and sits back on 4 out of 6 legs. In it's front paws, it's holding a black chunk of rock - Mine!
[Doc] Oh! You're so unique! What is it? Some coal?
[Lie] Softly- Awwwww...
[???] - watches closely, then slowly inches forward, holding the rock out toward them - Lick, tastie!
[Doc] Um? Are you sure? You said it was yours after all? - Is trying to get a look at the dragons teeth as they talk to see what kind of diet they have.
[???] - snorts, opening a mouth with only two visible fangs, the rest are long flat slabs. It takes a bite out of the rock.
[Doc] Ahh, I get it. I think you'd get along super well with our friend Liz. She likes to snack on crystals too. Do you have a name?
[???] - the dragon tips its head to the side, thinking then nods. With a paw it points to itself - Crim!
[Doc] Crim? I'm Doc and this is my child Yaunen and our friend Lie.
[Lie] Smiles gently and waves at Crim-
[Yaunfen] Tries lunging forward to sniff at Crim-
[Crim] - raises paw to wave back, but is startled but Yaunfen. Shrinks back, curling up into a ball so his spikes poke out, shaking - No!
[Yaunfen] - Friend? We play?
[Crim] - uncurls slowly, sniffing at Yaunfen- Play? Yes, play ok. Just no bite, no.
[Yaunfen] Jumps around happily, excited to play-
[Crim] - chomps the rest of his rock, then drops to all six legs to prance toward Yaunfen
[Yaunfen] Jumps at Crim- Play tag?
[Crim] - runs by and pats at Yaunfen gently with a foot - Go!
[Yaunfen] Happily takes off after them-
[Lie] Laughs a little- Looks like they're having fun...
[Doc] Looks like our quest has been rewarded. I think Crim is ready for a bit more stimulation then just running around in the wild. -Xe waves hir arms, trying to get the attention of the large black dragon on the promontory. It's hard to tell if it's Tsunami or Thunder from this distance. - Hey Crim? Would you like to come with us? We can offer food, a nicer shelter and an education if you want it. There are other verbal dragons on our seed to talk and play with too.
[Yaunfen] - Come with us! Come with us!
-The black dragon opens their wings and glides down beside them-
[Jean] Who are you? You better not be bothering the babies. Their adopted parents would be pretty pissed off.
[Doc] is surprised- I'm Doc. One of the admins for this seed. Who the heck are you? You're way to big to have been brought in with the babies.
[Jean] Scowls - I'm Jean, and the huge bitch let me in.
[Doc] What? Endrea? Why?
[Jean] To piss off my NOTCH.
[Doc] Wait, do you have a Herobrine? Or a Steve?
[Jean] His name is Steffan...
[Doc] Oh got the love of... Does Herobrine the Greifer King know you're here?!
[Jean] Yes...
[Lie] A bit worriedly- Doc?
[Junior] Wanders up, he's slobbering a little as his tongue hands slack.
[Doc] Gestures at Jean - this is the one that tortured Gk!
[Jean] I was doing my job! To protect my baby from NOTCHs wrath!
[Lie] - GK was tortured?
[Yaunfen] Sniffs at Junior- Play with us?
[Doc] He tried to kill Enderbro and Steffan and he was sealed in the End for a while as punishment while she chased him around and hurt him.
[Junior] Very slow blink and then some excited panting as they get the gist of the request, and prance a bit like a happy puppy.
[Lie] - Poor GK...
[Jean] a bit defensively- even if I'd have known he was a dragon trapped in the puny body of a Steve I could not have done things any differently. Our NOTCH is s capricious God who would not have hesitated to delete me and spawn another!
[Crim] - watches both the yelling woman and the other dragon carefully, worried.
[Yuanfen] Urges Crim to play again-
[Junior] Happy panting and bouncing around. He's big  and flapping his tiny wings with no real effectiveness,
[Lie] - Jean, was it?  Just what do you plan on doing now?
[Jean] Shrinks into herself - I plan to exist, and enjoy the sunshine for as long as it lasts.
[Lie] - And if GK comes here?
[Jean] He already has. I do not want to fight with him. Only protect my baby.
[Yaunfen] - Mada!  Mada!  Come play with us!
[Lie] Sighs- Well, so long as you don't start any fights...
[Doc] Tamps down hir General annoyance- aww you don't mind having a big kid romp with you?
[Yaunfen] - No!  No!  Come play!
[Crim] - wanders closer, but keeps Yaunfen between them and the larger dragon - Play good?
[Jean] Stares at her for a long moment- I have no wish to be destroyed. Thunder and Tsunami may not speak your tongue, but they are both greater in power then I. And Endrea made me swear to make no issues or she would punish me herself.
[Lie] - That does sound like her, just know if she is unreasonable towards you, you may speak to me.  Endrea answers to me
[Jean] You? I see that you have the eyes, but can I ask how you gained the loyalty of such a powerful beast?
[Lie] - It was her way of completely releasing herself from her NOTCH.  She could not make a contract with my mate as the rest of the mobs had, so she made one with me
[Doc] Takes a few steps back and shapeshifts with a little flourish-
[Jean] I think the NOTCHs do not realize the alliances forming against them. Thankfully for you all. -Is startled- what the?!
[Yaunfen] Laughs and jumps around, leaping up to tug at Doc's mane some-
[Doc] Shakes hir self off as the weight of the larger form settles around hir- ah, ready!
[Crim] - blinks in confusion, hunkering down, but not moving away.
[Doc] Has hir mane pulled- yipes! Gonna get cheeky with mada now that you're getting big huh? -Xe wiggles playfully and smootches Yaunfen on one of their thick horns.
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and falls backwards-
[Lie] Glances at the others before returning her attention towards Jean- I feel compelled to ask Jean, but will you help us fight the NOTCH's if the need ever arises?
[Doc] It's okay Crim, I won't hurt you.
[Jean] Looks at Junior- I promise nothing, he needs me. He... will never be independent I fear. I cannot risk leaving him alone. He would not survive...
[Crim] - sniffing then nods, relaxing and standing back up. He looks at Junior. - No step on, please? Play good!
[Junior] Cocks his head and just pants at Crim- Squeak!
[Doc] Romps gently, rolling in the grass-
[Jean] is just watching in amazement- is... Gk's? Predicament... Common? Dragons forced to be... humans?!
[Lie] - No, Doc and hir mate are different.  They have second bodies which were built for them
[Lie] Sits down to watch the others play-
[Crim] - runs around, darting between the larger dragons-
[Doc] Swishes hir tail enticingly to see if the little ones want to pounce it.
[Jean] They look pretty used to that shape for someone just wearing it...
[Lie] - They use it a lot
[Yaunfen] Immediately pounces the tail-
[Doc] Is just smiling broadly.
[Thunder] Soars by overhead-
[Doc] Calls out to the other dragon-
[Thunder] Cocks his head before spiriling down to land-
[Crim] - Squeaks, running behind Doc to hide -
[Doc] Waves cheerfully- It's okay Crim. It's one of the adults tasked with watching over you little hatchlings.
[Jean] Is a bit balled up with a submissive air-
[Thunder] Snorts at Jean a little before focusing on Doc-
[Doc] Crim here was interested in coming with us to the other server. I wanted you guys to know so you didn't think he was missing and panic.
[Thunder] Nods in understanding before checking over the other babies in the area-
[Doc] Okay Crim. You're go to go.
[Jean] Is guiding Junior to her with her tail and starts cleaning him.
[Doc] You can play with Yaunfen some more once we get back to my castle.
[Yaunfen] - Can they stay in my room?
[Lie] - Jean, there's no need to be so worried.  Thunder will not harm your child, especially with how many others he has to look after
[Crim] - slowly creaps back out and shuffles over to Yaunfen -
[Jean] Is just don't want to cause trouble...
[Lie] Laughs a little- They'd probably really appreciate it if you were to help them
[Yaunfen] Nudges Crim playfully-
[Doc] If you want to share, you can, Yaunfen. But I'll likely make a space for Crim too. So you aren't crowded.
[Jean] I-I'll think about it...
[Crim] - relaxes, but is cradling his tail in his front paws -
[Lie] Smiles gently at the female dragon before standing back up and dusting herself off- Shall we head back?
[Doc] Motions for the little ones to follow hir- Sure. Let's go pick up Cn.
[Lie] Brings up the rear to make sure nobody falls behind-
[Doc] Just trots along with small steps so the others don't fall behind.
-A few of the other smaller dragons dart by, but they ignore the procession, either more focused on playing, or seeking out territory-
[Doc] Gets a little distracted by them. - This all makes me so happy. All our little rescues.
[Lie] - And to think, Ashe started it all
[Doc] He's a good kid. And Endrea is a super mom. Plus I think babysitting has been really good for Gk. It's been a long time since I saw him pass out drunk anywhere. They make him feel wanted and needed. Maybe even respected.
[Lie] - I actually haven't seen GK since the runaway incident...
[Doc] I don't blame him for hiding. But I can pinpoint him when we get back if you're worried.
[NOTCHAI] Is helping CN pull some weeds-
[CN] Is pulling as hard as he can-
[Lie] Smiles at the sight-
[Doc] Hey Cn, nice to see you helping out. Did you guys have a good talk?
[NOTCHAI] - Yes, he seems rather...  Determined to a fault to protect his brine
[Doc] I guess it could be worse. And we did find what we were searching for. Crim? These are NOTCH Ai's. This one is the village leader here and the other is Lie's NOTCH, Cn.
[CN] Immediately wants to grab his sword to get between Lie and the new dragon, but the NOTCHAI stops him-
[NOTCHAI] - Now now, remember what we talked about
[Doc] It's okay Cn, Crim is friendly. He's just a child like you.
[Crim] - hisses and smoke puffs out his nose - Crim play good!
[Doc] That's right. You guys be nice to eachother.
[Yaunfen] - Play!  Play!
[Lie] Laughs a little- When we get home, okay?
[Doc] Pulls out a shulker box and passes it to the NOTCHAI - This is for you. It's just more supplies. Mostly food and stuff that's hard or impossible to craft.
[NOTCHAI] - Ah, thank you, I'll start organizing it soon
[Doc] Good enough. Come on guys, let's head back- Xe takes a few steps away and changes back to hir human shape before describing and opening a portal back into the cage.
[Lie] Steps through with CN closely following-
[Yaunfen] Bounds through-
[Doc] Casts around for a moment while xe adjusts to the slightly colder and damper air. Once everyone is through xe closes the opening.
[Lie] Stretches- Come on CN, let's head home
[Crim] - looks around in wonder, then darts forward -
[Doc] Leads the babies out into the tunnels, and stops for a moment to dig some coal from a wall to offer to Crim-
[Endrea] Is lounging on top of the roof in her dragon form-
[Crim] - sees what Doc is doing and joins digging coal out of the wall - NOMMIES!
[Lie] Laughs- Go ahead, I've got plenty in the house
[Doc] I figured. -  Quickly mines out a the whole vein, letting the items drop for Crim-
[Crim} - grabs the largest piece and starts crunching it up, little whisps of smoke curling out his mouth -
[Doc] Okay, bring your snack Crim, lets get back out into the sunshine - Leads upward-
[Yaunfen] Tries licking a piece of coal-
[Crim] - tries to carry as many pieces in his upper arms, while still chewing on the piece in his mouth., following -
[Doc] I think the coal from your seed is much tastier Yaunfen- Xe digs around and comes up with a hand sized spiral that smells strongly of licorice.
[Yaunfen] Leaps at it- Nummy!
[Doc] Just lets go so they can nom on it- I thought so.  
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Heyyy I was wondering if u could do a fic where the reader is told to stay in the car while the boys finish a hunt, but suddenly she's attacked and she has to save herself and it turns out she's super badass and the see her kick ass and question her and stuff?? Thx:)
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Summary: Reader is badass, but the boys don’t know it- that is, until they stumble upon her badassery. Angst ensues.
Word Count: 2600ish
Warning: little bit of gore, language, badassery
Y/N shivered slightly in the backseat of the car; not necessarily nervous, but not quite at rest, either. Of course, this little motion didn’t go unnoticed by Dean.
“You good, Y/N/N?” he questioned. “Y’know, we could turn around and find a motel. Or me and Sam’ll leave the car a couple yards back and walk over-”
“For the love of-” Y/N groaned, rolling her eyes. “Dean, it’s like you’re my mother.” He opened mouth to protest, but she beat him. “Listen. I’m in the car.
It’s going to be locked, and I’ll have my knife and gun on me at all times. You two go in, deal with the werewolves, and then get back out before I even know it. Besides, do you really want to have to walk back and forth between the warehouse and Baby?”
“I am not walking back and forth,” Sam said plainly.
Dean squinted at Y/N through the rearview mirror.
“I’ll be fine,” Y/N reassured him.
“She’s got a point, Dean,” he stated pointedly. “I mean, it’s not like she’s defenseless and unprotected.” Dean’s eyes flashed to his brother’s.
“Who’s side are you on, anyways?” he grumbled. Y/N raised her eyebrows at him. “Fine. But you stay in the car, got it?” Y/N smirked at Sam, who, in turn, upturned the corner of his mouth, so Dean couldn’t see.
“Yeah, yeah,” she dismissed. “Like I’d want to go in and get my ass kicked.” She stared out the window, the faintest trace of a grin on her mouth.
Y/N knew her strength. She knew her limits. She knew how far she could push before she’d break; and, in her experience, she could push pretty hard. Since the boys had refused to teach her anything other than how to clean and reload a gun, Y/N had taken it upon herself to train long and hard so that she’d be prepared. Not cocky and ready to flaunt, but prepared.
She could throw knives like nobody’s business, shoot a bullseye with both hands, and packed a powerful punch- alongside an even meaner kick. Of course, she hadn’t had nearly as much first-hand experience as the boys, but enough to know that whoever or whatever messed with her wouldn’t be getting away without a couple of bruises- at the very least.
The car came to a halt a couple yards away from the warehouse, silent as the night around them. Sam glanced back at Y/N to reassure her. Briefly, she smiled and nodded.
“Y/N, are you sure…” Dean turned around. Y/N held back a sigh. Arching an eyebrow, she leaned against the front seat.
“De,” she said gently, taking his face in her hands. He looked at her, slightly suspicious, but listened intently. A soft smile and innocent eyes adorned her face. Dean relaxed.
“Yeah?” he answered.
“You need to fucking chill.”
Dean groaned and removed his face from her hands. Sam laughed loudly as Y/N removed her hands and kicked her feet up onto the seat beside her.
“Really, Dean, I find your lack of faith disturbing,” she said, smirking. “Go lob me a werewolf, ’kay?”
“Alright Vader,” Dean chuckled. He still seemed somewhat nervous, so she pulled your gun from where it was tucked in her waistband.
“Silver bullets,” she waved it. Slipping it back in, she pulled out a knife from her boot. “Silver knife. I got two more. It’s all good here. Go on.” Dean nodded to himself, then stepped out to meet Sam, who had soundlessly stepped out and walked around the car.
Sometimes Y/N thought it was creepy how silently they could move. For such large men, most would think it impossible.
Of course, impossible was every day for the three of them, so she shouldn’t really use that word.
Dean finally sighed, puffing out a cloud in the chilly night air. He exchanged a few words with Sam, muffled to Y/N, and they headed in. Y/N checked her phone. 11:29. Great.
Nothing like sitting in absolute silence while your brothers go in and have all the fun, right? She thought. Of course, Y/N had considered going in anyways, but she knew that there were about twenty different ways she could get killed by her brothers alone, so that was ruled out.
Quietly, she hummed Led Zeppelin to herself. Her head played the song (Ramble On) while she waited. A single rustle in the bushes by the car was all she had time to hear before the window shattered and she was thrown from her seat.
All of a sudden, everything was louder. She heard shouts and crashing from inside the warehouse- obviously her brothers weren’t finished with the wolves inside- as she was thrown to the ground. After a moment, she collected herself, only to find her vision filled with two snarling wolves.
Great, she thought. So the boys get three of the wolves, and I get the younger siblings. Of course.
The wolf on her left lunged towards her, but she punted her away with her foot. She landed a couple feet away, winded, while Y/N lifted herself up. She felt blood trickle down her forehead, but inventory showed she was otherwise alright.
When the other werewolf got over the initial shock, he pulled out a knife and slashed at her. Quickly, she dodged the blade and grabbed his wrist, deftly kicking him in the- ahem- jewels. His knees buckled, and Y/N took the opportunity to twist around, tuck his arm diagonally across her abdomen, and flip him to the ground. Swiftly, she slit his throat with her dagger, calm and silent.Standing up, she wiped the sweat from her brow. Then she remembered the other werewolf. Where was she?
A pair of hands wrapped around her neck from behind. Y/N spread her legs into a V, bent over- with the hands still on her neck- and tugged on the female wolf’s ankles, causing her to slip and fall. The she-wolf tried to get back up, but Y/N struck her with her heel, sending the wolf reeling backwards. She grasped the gun from her waistband and fired without hesitation- square between her eyes. The werewolf crumpled to the ground.
Y/N panted, tucking the gun back into her waistband.
Dean watched the body fall to the floor as Sam unstuck the wolf from his knife. Nodding at Dean, they collected the bodies into the center of the room, pouring gasoline.
“Hey, Dean,” Sam asked. Dean looked up. “Where are the other two bodies?” Dean frowned.
“I thought you ganked ‘em,” he said. Sam shook his head.
“I thought you ganked ‘em,” Sam replied. He looked around the room for a moment to scan for any others as Dean lit up the werewolves. They stared at each other as it hit them.
“Y/N,” they exhaled.
The boys watched as Y/N flipped the wolf hard and slit his throat, all in one seemingly fluid motion. Too stunned to say anything, they watched from afar as she stood back up. Before they could react, however, another wolf was at her throat. They raised their guns, ready to fire, when she bent over, yet again stopping them in their tracks.
“What the hell-” Dean started, but stopped when she pulled the wolf’s feet out from under her. “Wow.” He breathed as she kicked the wolf and shot her, point blank.
“Huh,” Sam cocked an eyebrow. “Did you know…”
“No idea,” Dean answered. He frowned slightly. “Wait if you didn’t teach her, and I didn’t teach her…”
Sam caught on quickly. His face puckered. Silently, the walked back to Baby, each burning up with their own questions.
Y/N gathered the bodies together, hoping to at least burn start burning them before the boys came back. Dumping gasoline on the lifeless figures, she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, she tried to figure out a believable lie.
Wolves ran past the car, injured, so I took the shot? She wondered. Nah, Dean would be furious. They tried to take me, so I shot ‘em both? No, only one bullet hole. Although, if they’re already burning…
Y/N dropped the matchsticks onto the as she heard another rustle in the bushes.
She tensed. Weren’t there only five werewolves? She thought.
Pretending she noticed nothing, Y/N leaned down as if she were going to lace up her boots again. Instead, she selected her knife from her boot and waited for the sound of footsteps to get closer. Finally, they were right behind her.In one swift motion, Y/N spun around, stuck her leg out, and swept the feet out from below her mysterious figure. A split second later, she clambered on the figure’s chest, who she could clearly define as a male (no bra, and a flat, pectoral chest unlike the shape of a woman’s) and clambered on top of him, kneeling on his shoulders as she pressed the edge of her knife against his throat.
“Woah, whoa!” Dean shouted, trying to get his arms out from under Y/N. “It’s just us, Y/N/N. Relax.” Y/N sighed, removing her knife from his neck as she sat back, moving her gaze up to meet Sam’s. He was laughing at the sight.
“Oh, man,” he cackled, wiping away a fake tear. “Dean you should’ve seen your face when she took you down. You were-” he waved them off. “I’m sorry. I can’t. I could never replace such perfection.” Dean glared.
“Okay, first of all, Y/N,” he looked pointedly at her, cocking an eyebrow.
“Oh, right. Sorry,” she scrambled off of him. Extending out her hand, Dean- begrudgingly- let her help him up.
“Second of all,” he glared at Sam who was still grinning. “I did not get ‘taken down’ by Y/N. I just wanted to test the extent of her skills, is all.” He stuck his chin out, nodding to himself. Y/N and Sam glanced at each other.
“Sure, De,” Y/N laughed quietly. “Whatever you say. I totally wiped the floor with your ass.”
“Speaking of which,” Dean started sternly. Y/N stopped laughing.
Well, shit, she thought.
“I can explain-”
“Explain what? That you’ve obviously been going all judo on someone’s ass behind our back? Do you know how dangerous that is?”
“Listen-” she tried again.
“No, you listen,” Dean growled. “I don’t know where you learned to do all this stuff, but you’re never going there again.”
“Dean,” Sam interjected. “Don’t you think you’re being a bit harsh on her? I mean, she did kind of just take down two werewolves all by herself, and while on her first hunt.”
“Yeah, that we know of,” Dean mumbled. Y/N’s eyebrows skyrocketed.
“Excuse me?” she said loudly. “I haven’t been going on hunts, I promise! I know you’d kill me, and I’m not that reckless.”
“Damn straight we’d kill you,” Dean raised his voice. “And how exactly am I supposed to take your word for anything after all that?” he gestured wildly about him. Y/N temper flared. She had tried to be patient and nice, Dean was being an ass.
“Oh, Dean,” she shouted. “I am so sorry that I taught myself to be prepared for the dangers in this world when you two knuckleheads refused to do so! I deeply regret teaching myself to shoot, because I know for a fact that I would be alive and unscathed right now if I had never taught myself to do that. If I had never learned to defend myself when you guys refused to do so, then I would be dead right now. Are you saying that you’d rather me be dead than aware of how to keep myself alive? Do you want me to be dead on the ground, with my heart ripped out, because I couldn’t save myself from two werewolves, cause you two douchebags refused to teach me how to stop the attack from happening?” Y/N panted, tired from fighting- physically and with the boys.
Sam and Dean’s faces fell when they heard you.
“No- of course not-” Dean stuttered, face softening.
“Whatever,” Y/N interrupted, rubbing the back of her neck. “Let’s just go.”
“Y/N-” Sam started.
“I said let’s just go,” she barked. Her face burned hot with rage and exhaustion. This argument had happened before, but never to this extent. She clenched her teeth, determined not to spaz out at the boys any more than she already had. Y/N hated arguing with them, even when she wanted to get her point across.
She walked towards the car when Dean grabbed her arm. She tried to shake away, but he held fast. Y/N looked up at him, prepared to yell at him to let her the hell go, but was shocked when she saw his face tense- like when he was trying to hold it together.
She knew that face.
She had watched it break and was always there to put Dean back when his masquerade shattered and he needed something to hold onto.
“Don’t,” he growled softly, swallowing thickly. “Don’t you- don’t you, ever, assume that.”
“No,” he said, his voice sharp. “Please, just… listen, okay? I- we- could never… we’d never recover if something happened to you. I didn’t want you trained because I knew you’d push your limits to see what you were capable of, and then you’d want to tackle any problem that you could. I just… if anything were to happen to you…” he trailed off. Y/N turned to face him.
“Dean…” she whispered. She cleared her voice then spoke up. “Dean, the whole point of me training is so that I could be prepared for anything that comes my way. If you taught me how to defend myself, I wouldn’t run off, guns blazin’ into the sunset. I just want to find a way to stay safe. Besides, chances are that I’ll be a hunter of some sorts- whether I’ll be out in the field or just figuring out the mysteries and working phones like Bobby used to, I don’t know yet- so this is pretty good training. Hey, we all know it’s true.” Sam closed his mouth, previously hoping to try to convince her that she could have a future.
“I just want to stay alive so I can keep your asses out of trouble,” Y/N reassured them. “Face it; without me, you two would be like a couple of oversized lost puppies with alcohol and co-dependency issues.” Sam smacked her upside the head. She giggled. “What? It’s true!”
“Doesn’t mean you have to point it out,” he laughed alongside.
“My point is,” Y/N turned back to Dean. “I want to be prepared. Not cocky and ready to flaunt my skills in some monster’s face, but prepared.”
Dean sighed. “Yeah, okay. You’re right. Let’s just go find a motel or something.”
Both Y/N and Sam looked at Dean.
“What?” they said in unison.
“I’m smoked,” he repeated. “Let’s go. Besides, Y/N is right. Better to be prepared than not. Although you, young lady, are going to show us exactly what you can do when we get back to the bunker.”
“Hold up,” Y/N smiled. Did you just say I was right?”
“Oh, I want to take it back.”
“Too late!”
“Damn it,” he laughed, turning to his car. He froze. “Y/N…”
Y/N turned around to face him.
“What the hell happened to my car?”
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