#Sorry this took awhile to respond!
Well, I don't know your ocs, but I do like sending random Weird Asks for ocs. So heres some random ones, for the ones you want to think about the most.
Feel free not to answer any!
-What are their favorite meals/snacks?
-What are their favorite ways to prepare meals (Stew, Grilling, Buying prepackaged food,) -How do they decorate their houses/what kind of decor to they like? Do they buy new products, make their own furniture, or go to thrift stores?
-What type of plants would they want to grow/keep, if they could?
-What sort of pet would they have, if they could? This also includes non realistic/fantasy answers. (Someone wanting a pet that they are unequipped to care for, ether where they live or though other means. EX:  wanting a pet cat, but they're allergic to cat fur)
-How do they travel to work.
-Do your ocs have any collections?
-Do they have any hobbies?
-How do your characters handle a crisis/emergency?
That’s fair! After all, I don’t have much information on them yet besides the basic idea and I will try + answer all the questions for all my ocs. Although there might some that I’m unable to answer.
What are their favorite meals/snacks?  (Stew, Grilling, Buying prepackaged food,) 
Carac Cookie - Her favourite meal is Fairy Bread as being part of the order; the only real meal she has is bread and milk, which she believes is enough to get through the day. Although she had Fairy Bread which she believes taste nicer then normal bread.
Angel Cake Cookie - She REALLY loves Strawberry cake and anything that’s super sweet/rich as she has a huge sweet tooth.
What are their favourite ways to prepare meals (Stew, Grilling, Buying prepackaged food,)
Betta Fish Cookie - Betta Fish always loves grilling his food, especially seafood whenever he can, although it’s really rare when he gets the chance due to the fact he's always travelling on the open sea.... And he doesn’t exactly want to set his ship on fire by accident.
Têtu Têtu Cookie - Têtu Têtu likes to cook their food on an open fire as well as stew their food even if they don’t really need to eat often since the mirror helps with providing the energy that they need.
-How do they decorate their houses/what kind of decor to they like? Do they buy new products, make their own furniture, or go to thrift stores?
Betta Fish Cookie - Betta has various of different things that he collected during his travel on the sea to a point where you can consider him a bit of a hoarder.... BUT he doesn’t care at all, as he honestly likes the stuff he collected over the years.... Man will go to any kind of shop and if there’s something he likes; he will buy it if he can.
Angel Cake Cookie - Angel Cake just love anything that she considers adorable and frilly... So she has a few cake hound pictures as well some soft objects alongside some flowers which she actually takes care of and practice her healing magic on.
-What type of plants would they want to grow/keep, if they could?
Angel Cake Cookie - Honestly, she really wants to grow some Vanilla Orchids due to a few reasons with the main one being that the Vanilla Kingdom used to have them thus she sees it as a symbol thing... As well as the properties of the flowers.
Cinnamon Coffee Cookie - Star Jelly Flower... She’s very fond of those flowers and likes how they remind her of the stars in the night sky. Although, due to her status as a bandit and the fact that their group often move around to make sure they don’t get caught; it’s rather difficult to take the group... Let alone a plant.
-What sort of pet would they have, if they could? This also includes non realistic/fantasy answers. (Someone wanting a pet that they are unequipped to care for, ether where they live or though other means. EX:  wanting a pet cat, but they're allergic to cat fur)
Cinnamon Coffee Cookie - Cream wolf. DESPITE being enemies with the Commander of the Cream Wolves (Crunchy Chip); SHE CAN’T ARGUE that Cream Wolves are really cool, and she wouldn’t mind having one as a best friend or even family. They are just super neat.
Angel Cake Cookie - She wants a blueberry cake hound as she thinks they are super adorable, however the reason why she hasn’t gotten one yet is because she wants to achieve her goals first... As well as her dad won’t allow her one.... As for the reason? Well... He never explained the reason to Angel Cake, and maybe for a good reason.
-Do they have any hobbies?
Têtu Têtu Cookie - Têtu Têtu likes to learn new things and reading up history as well they are a big fan of learning the secrets of the world... You will find them often listening to people and trying to learn from them (depending on what they are telling them).
Carac Cookie - Carac doesn’t have many hobbies... She mainly devoted to carrying out the Order’s will and mission as such.... Most of the time, she can either be seen praying or reading to pass the time if the Order has nothing for her to do (which is very rare.)
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theplatypusblue · 4 days
You said drawing requests were open, so if you’re fine with ships then some good old fashioned Jay and Cole, if not, then a Flintlocke would be rad!
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i like bruise lol theyre funny
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legstheoctomobster · 8 months
do you do requests? if so can you do hcs for mama betty and papa simon? :D
Yeah! Here you go :D
Mama Betty + Papa Simon Headcanons
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Betty will often take you out of the house and just to anywhere. Whether that be the park, library, or just on a walk, she loves going outside with you!
Simon loves to explain ancient objects and artifacts to you. You’ll often ask seemingly dumb questions to get your papa rambling.
Simon’s usually good at stopping tantrums, while Betty will just give you whatever you want to stop the tears, usually out of panic. Simon also gives in to this as well at times.
Betty loves when you help her cook. You are usually the mixer/taste tester. She’ll gladly infodump about what spices work and don’t work for a dish.
Whenever your stuffy accidentally tears, Simon’s the person to go to for repair. He’ll often add small embroidery to the stuffy when you take a nap.
Betty can usually pick you up and cradle you, while Simon’s not strong enough. Betty and you often tease him about it.
Simon and Betty will show you pictures of them (pre-canon) and share stories of their explorations
As a prank, you’ll often hide Betty and Simon’s glasses somewhere around the house. They both know where you’ve placed them, but they like to act dumb and “plead” with you to help them find the glasses.
(Gonna add some post(??) Fionna and Cake Multiverse stuff where Betty is turned back into a human and stays in Ooo with everyone else!)
You often have playdates with a regressed Marcy and Fionna. Most play dates end with Simon being “forced” into a princess tea party. Betty will gladly take photos and tease him. Marcy and Fionna are also your sibbies!
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baby-xemnas · 5 months
BABYXEMNAAAAAAASSS YOUVE DONE IT AGAAAAIIIIINNNN now im thinking about early pre-sex lawbepo where law is Forever Changed after getting a touch of paw beans. bepos palms are warm and somehow soft and rough at the same time and squish just a little when u squeeze them and law Cant stop thinking about it. hes.. beginning to have Wicked thoughts about it. bepo blushed so cutely when law rubbed his paws.. he wants to know what bepos paws feel like.. elsewhere.. so he breaks and hes like ok its just my curiosity thats all. its fine. ill satisfy my questions. and then ill be fine. so he says Ah Bepo , Looks like you may have a knotted muscle in your hand i should check it. and bepo bless his heart says wow!!! captain is so good at being a doctor i didnt even notice my hand was hurt. here you go!!! :3 no hesitation no nothing but complete blind trust. law feels a little guilty but then he has bepos hand in his now and he no longer has any morals just bepo . he strokes the texture and when he gently presses his fingers into his pawpad bepo squeaks just a little bit and as law massages both thumbs into bepos palm he whimpers... law becomes evil right then and there .hes decided its so fucking over. hes going to hell and he is running for it full fucking speed. bepos flushed going nn captain.. w..wait.. it feels.. and law says does it not feel good, bepo? Bepo Is Powerless. W WAIT YES it feels good!!!!!!! law says hmm. <disappointed> ill stop then. NO!!! NO YOU DONT HAVE TO...you can..keep going.... making bepo beg a little even when hes sooooooo embarassed because captain asked to rub his hands!!! hes doing something nice for bepo so its the least he could do to let him .... law asked..and hes staring at bepo so intently and his hands are so warm and its LAW so its ok..if law says its ok..right... law doesnt stop until bepo is sweating and whining and shaking in his chair and laws essentially just fingering both hands across the table. bepo has never ever been touched like this before in his life and did not know his hands coukd do that and hes tearing up a little bit because he feels so so warm his heart is beating so fast his fur is standing on end and then law (so lost in the bear sauce) does the unthinkable. he lifts bepos palm to his mouth and Bites it. and bepo MOANS out loud. its this high pitched shocked whiny cry out of laws best/guiltiest dreams and then it is dead fucking silent. both of them stare at each other in the most painfully erect alarm as it sinks in . what hapoens next is up 2 u...........
law cant be normal ever, every part of bepo is too lovely and his reactions are so cute ..
im laughing "wow captain is such a good doctor i didnt even know i was hurt" 🤣🤣🤣 bepo dear angel you have such high opinion of him (this will not change even after many proofs that law is weird and sus)
bepo getting so overwhelmed...getting touched by law san like this!!! being his single focus!!! i love when he feels bashful that he's reacting so strongly even tho its law who starts it every time and is so much weirder
god please law would say something completely idiotic like "they look like pink dango" its stupidity falls on deaf ears because bepo nearly came in his pants after the massage and THAT he's just huh?////..um//// he is so embarrassed that he is falling apart like this!!! over something so little...captain didnt mean it that way!!! he is being so caring and kind and good!!! 😭😭😭😭 he is so ashamed. dear captain please forgive him for being a pervert! he didn't mean to moan like that 💀
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theuwuafterhours · 1 month
What are your 5 favourite things about your partner? 💓
Honestly I don’t know where to start bc I just want to say everything but if I had to…
🌸how goofy and corny (affectionate)he is
🌸his voice
🌸how he truly knows me, when I have an intrusive thought, how I react/mannerisms like how I behave to certain things. Like he brings out the real me, the side that only he gets to see
🌸how devoted he is to me and only me. In this lifetime and the next~
🌸how real/honest he is, like no bs type of guy, tells me how it really is even if it’s hard to hear
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ravenmccookies · 9 months
if you’re still doing FNAF art requests: mayhaps I have a “withered” Toy Bonnie?
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hypertana-posts · 2 months
Yo how did you guys get here???
"Katana wants to answer this one-"
"I got here by walking."
"I don't think that's what they're asking"
"is it not?"
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prythianpages · 3 months
Truth or dare game 🥤 🎲
🥤 recommend an author or fanfic you love
Recently, I’ve been obsessed with @azsazz ‘s Midnight Muse series! It’s so good and I recommend reading if you haven’t yet 💙
🎲 what stops you from writing more in your free time?
It varies. Sometimes, it’s my friends because I love hanging out with them or they’ve somehow talked me into going out out (I’m a homebody lol.) Sometimes, it’s because I’m so drained from clinic and just sleep. Other times, it’s from my writer’s block/me struggling on how I want a scene to play out.
Ask game
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satorugojoswiife · 7 months
Not to be rude or anything but why do you want Gojo back? What would be the point of the story? Apart from loving the character so much ofc.
Its definitely not rude, no worries!! 🩷
I'll be honest, it's pretty much all down to my personal feelings on the series. He is my favourite, so I want him to be happy and survive. I also personally feel like his death was too predictable, and him staying alive would overall be more satisfying to the plot and his own character arc. (Again, these are my personal feelings on the series.)
imo, I don't see how gojo surviving would make the story pointless. When I say come back, I don't mean I want him to suddenly return and then magically resolve the plot and save everything. I just want to see him come back and get to be happy and stand alongside his students :,)
i imagine if he does come back, it will be at some cost. He could come back but at the cost of nerfing himself (ie: the popular theory of him losing one of his eyes and a binding vow of some sort) that way he can't just fix everything and the other characters still have time to shine.
It would also be interesting to see how he'd adapt to such a big change. tbh I was really hoping to get to see him fight alongside his allies. A fight w him and yuji vs sukuna or something. It would have been satisfying from a character perspective abt him not having to do everything alone anymore bc the allies he worked so hard to raise are now there by his side 🥲
So that's kind of the direction I mean when I say I want him to return. I'd like his story to continue, with him getting to mentor his students and getting to watch them grow and surpass him just like he wanted them to. Him getting to see his dreams finally come true 🤧
....lol also part of me always saying he'll comeback is also just kind of a running joke/meme with some of my friends
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deanjohn · 5 months
Hey! I was wondering if you had any John/Dean ff recommendations for someone who’s new to the ship. I’ve read a couple of yours which were great but anything more would be appreciated haha, thank youuu
hi!! my general fic tag has some great stuff by other authors so i’d check that out plus my bookmarks on my ao3 <3
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hate4buzi · 7 months
kris deltarune? you draw them very differently than their canon representation. im asking if this is because youre projecting yourself onto kris (waist length curly hair, piercings, dyed tips, top surgery) or if its because, through playing the game, you have truly concluded this is what kris looks like. sorry if my original message was confusing—i should have explained more what i meant by self-inserting as them
oh no, dw ur fine. I'm not very good with blank questions like that, so sorry that I wasn't able to answer. No, I don't self insert Kris. I like to draw characters in my own style. You know, like, make my own designs for them (Like, headcanons). Y'know, like how alot of people do for fnaf characters. I do it cuz it's fun, and I don't feel the need to draw chars as close to canon as possible, cuz I'm pretty sure their designs are completely up for fan interpretation or redesign! I do it for every character I draw. ^-^
I hc Kris is Hispanic, which is why I gave them curly hair. The pink tips is just cuz I think their DW design looks badass with em. and the piercings is bcuz I'd personally think they'd have em. (emo <\3 /hj) I appreciate u saying what u mean cuz I have a hard time understanding ppl, especially thru text. So I couldn't tell if u were being rude or not SJSJJSJS I hope this explains it nicely. :3
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tamagoneko · 8 months
Who is your favorite Demon Slayer character?
my favorite demon slayer is rengoku kyojuro! 🔥
and my favorite demon is gyutaro! ☣️
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digitalmyyth · 10 months
☹️☹️💜💜so so happy you like my stuff especially my human designs this is so super sweet I don’t even know what to SAYY THANK YOU ‼️‼️‼️
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^^^ me running around in excitement
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
ahhh THANK YOU again for the kind tags! You saying my Izuru brought you joy, it brought joy TO ME, it means so much!! And that Rose ended up with Rapunzel vibes by acident, I just like to have him wear purple to match his eyes, and the gecko was added bc me & the person this was drawn for chatted about lizards, so it was a little friendship easter egg. But then I was like "huh Tangled much" too, so it makes me so happy others see it too haha! Thank you a lot again! (btw no need to publish this, I just have no other way to thank you)
Omg, thank you for thanking us?? I am but a humble enjoyer of your art 🥺 I love all the bright colors you use, and look forward to seeing every post!
Messages like this truly make me feel so much joy and happiness that we are part of the Bleach community on tumblr! 🥰🥰
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raamitsu · 2 years
Also another thing that makes me disappointed in the end of TR, it didn't feel earned to me at all. And look I want them to be happy and to heal from their past trauma I do really especially the Sano family cause God knows they get throttled in every tl. But Mikey didn't learn from his past mistakes and didn't do anything to change how he was, but michi also didn't sit down to think how his actions would effect everyone else besides him and Mikey. And not only that but what little development all the side characters got was wiped away when they went to another tl, like what was the point? And what about the people from the Kanto vs toman tl like michi you died in that tl and I'm sure their really upset about that. Like he felt no guilt at all when he came to the last tl, no after thought or anything like that. And the overall way this series just pushed anyone who wasn't michi out of Mikey life as if he was the only thing keeping Mikey from going over the edge. Like hello Draken has been described as being Mikey "heart and moral compass" hell I would even say that if Draken was the mc of this series I would get why he would be hell bent on saving Mikey. Cause he's known him for sure a lot time and has probably since a lot of his "dark impulses" episodes(to me the dark impulses will forever be a mental health issue not that came from love bs) It also felt super cheap that everyone of their enemies joined their gang like ok lol 😆, anyways I guess a win is a win since all the Sano family,Draken and Baji made it to adulthood so I'll take it. Sorry for all the rambling
You see… we have a lot of people like you who were rambling about their fav(s)’ whole character development being wiped away by a single time leap (pls not to mention even Mikey time leaped too pfttntnt I should’ve known better that Wakui doesn’t give a shit about logic but oh well…) and bro, I couldn’t agree with you more in this like- THIS is what we should talk about.
It is indeed rushed, to the point it has been proven in an interview (I just dropped the link) and the potential they had in the manga canon was being put aside. I mean, I can’t say why it was wasted since it’s hard to see what happened behind every author’s works, but it is absolutely can’t be denied the story could’ve been established way better than what we’ve read so far.
Shorten the whole final time leap when it can be a potentially interesting part of the story is just… meh. It’s clearly a lazy writing but yeah of course some people (who sucks up to everything) would say otherwise. Everything about the characters we knew has been…. thrown away to the see haha. It’s insane, I know and I definitely understand where you came from. I really do.
And it’s alright !! Please don’t be shy to share your ramblings any time. My ask box is always open hehe 🥰
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odesertrose · 2 months
❝ i remember everything about that night. ❞
"The night we said our goodbyes. It was raining, and you were crying. As your big sister it was my duty to comfort you. To assure you wouldn't be caught up in the conflicts of the war that was coming." At least, she hoped this was the same night they were speaking about. Neither of them could predict what the future would hold for them that night. Florica had made a promise to her mother. To watch over Kakavasha, which she had done.
She lightly tapped her cheek. "Did I leave anything out? I mean this must be a lot to take in for you. I was talking about the correct night. Right? I thought I would be fumbling over my words."
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