tobiphoto · 24 days
 元は麻見和史さんによる警察小説。警視庁捜査一課十一係が様々な帳場(事件が起きた場所近くの警察署にたてられる捜査現場)から関係者に聞き取りをして、犯人との一進一退を如月塔子と犯人の目線を通じて堪能できる。個人的肌感覚としては様々な邦作品の中でも「硬派」なシリーズだと思っていて、殺害の方法や担当する事件も比較的エゲツナイ。それ故に美術も怖い。以前、台湾ドラマの『次の被害者』について「美術がスゴイ」という感想を書いたのですが、このドラマも負けていないと思います。わたしはHuluで視聴しました。  ちなみに、わたしが「軟派」だなと思っている作品には『探偵が早過ぎる』(元は井上真偽による小説、原作は未読、ドラマ版はコメディミステリとして良作でした)、『ブルックリン・ナイン-ナイン』(ドラマ、Netflix)、『警視庁・捜査一課長』(ドラマ、4/18スペシャルが放送予定)、『MIU404』(ドラマ)、杉下右京がいれば大丈夫補償を「ハラハラせず見れる」と考えるなら『相棒』(ドラマ)なども含まれるかもしれない。
 実は鷹野が主役ともいえる『邪神の天秤』から視聴しました。元々、Huluの『十角館の殺人』(元は綾辻行人の小説)ドラマ化で、青木崇高さんの演技をもっと見たいと思ったんです。そんな時、おススメ作として彼が天秤を持っている『邪神の天秤』に魅力を感じて試聴したという経緯があります。『十角館の殺人』『邪神の天秤』どちらも良い作品でした。  ただ、一気見してしまうと日本の公安が裏をかかれ過ぎて、「この組織がある麻見世界の日本大丈夫か!?」度合いが深まる。いや、刑事だった時もエゲツナイ事件をいっぱい担当させられていた鷹野ですし、『警視庁捜査一課十一係』がある日本は一般人が恨みつらみを募らせて起こす事件の度合いがスゴイ派手なので、「麻見世界の日本ヤバイ」は変わらないのですが。そんな社会の中、それをどうみんなで解決するのか、というのも見どころだと思います。  不満として、松雪泰子さんの声が一部聞き取りにくい部分があり、これは日本のドラマに映画全体の問題で、音声にもう少しお金をかけてほしいという過去からの希望があります。誰かを避難させるシーンなどは凛として鋭い彼女の声が届くので、お願いなのでマイクにもうちょっと金かけてほしい。
 良作は良作に繋ぐものだと思っていて、例えば『十角館の殺人』(ドラマ)→『邪神の天秤』『石の繭』『水晶の鼓動』『蝶の力学』→Audible『殺人分析班シリーズ』と勢いで遷移してしまいました。今度は小説をこの目で読みたい…ということでウズウズし、現在手元に小説もあります。さっそく『鷹の砦』を読みました(実は作品の順番を一つ間違えた)。 わたしの場合なのですが、ドラマ版を先ず見たことによって、十一係のメンバー、組織の動きがぼんやりと想像しやすくなったこともあり、小説にもすんなりと入りやすかったです。
リンクは今(2024.04.02)直ぐ見れるHulu版で記しました。 ■Hulu 『石の繭』https://www.hulu.jp/stones-cocoon 『水晶の鼓動』https://www.hulu.jp/crystals-beating 『蝶の力学』https://www.hulu.jp/a-butterfly-effect-the-murder-analysis-team 『邪神の天秤 公安分析班』https://www.hulu.jp/the-evil-gods-scales-public-security-analysis-team
■Audible 殺人分析班シリーズ 
他この記事内で言及した作品 ■Hulu 『十角館の殺人』https://www.hulu.jp/jukkakukannosatsujin 『探偵が早すぎる』https://www.hulu.jp/the-detective-is-way-ahead 『MIU404』https://www.hulu.jp/miu404 ■Tver 『探偵が早すぎる』https://tver.jp/series/sryx3kaw3q 『警視庁・捜査一課長』https://tver.jp/series/srhaimmbn7 『相棒』https://tver.jp/series/sr9nwp97r5 ■Netflix 『ブルックリン・ナイン-ナイン』 https://www.netflix.com/jp/title/70281562
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lyrasky · 6 days
【THE LAST OF US ラスト・オブ・アス】シーズン1第1話ネタバレ あらすじ解説 "Never Let Me Down Again" 感想
【THE LAST OF US ラスト・オブ・アス】シーズン1第1話ネタバレ あらすじ解説 "Never Let Me Down Again" 感想 Lyraのブログへ #thelastofus #ラストオブアス #PedroPascal #BellaRamsey #NicoParker #JohnHannah #ChristopherHeyerdahl #MerleDandridge #BrendanFletcher #AnnaTorv #ラスアス #GabrielLuna #ChristineHakim #NickOfferman #MurrayBartlett #LamarJohnson #MelanieLynskey #KeivonnMontrealWoodard #JeffreyPierce #JohnGetz #RutinaWesley #GrahamGreene #ElaineMiles #StormReid #ScottShepherd #TroyBaker #AshleyJohnson
アポカリプス物が好きなLyraです。その為【ウォーキング・デッド】やそれ系の映画などをこのブログで取り上げて来ましたが、久々に胸が締め付けられる作品に出会ってしまいました。その名も【ラスト・オブ・アス The Last Of Us】。(チラッと他のネタバレを書いた時に触れたので覚えてくれている方もいるかも?)。 慣れてるジャンルのはずなのにハラハラドキドキした〜。最近のドラマは面白いけどエンターテイメント化し過ぎて飽きていたのかもしれませんね。 その飽和状態だった感覚が久���ぶりにこの【The Last Of Us…
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g-men-movie · 8 months
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
wait.. i’m literally on here or weibo almost 24/7 ( as you can tell lol ) but I feel like i missed something. i’m seeing clowning related to xz’s photos and how it looks like he is a groom and it’s a wedding photoshoot. the place is also famous for wedding shoots ( allegedly, idk. i’m not from there ) so turtles are imagining again. lol. freakin coincidence that wyb’s GRA photoshoot was done at a wedding shop. plus the “wedding outfits” for weibo night. which is all clowning and galaxy braining.🌌
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now, we’re joking around, like where’s yibo? he should be taking photos with his partner.
then i see comments that there is this one song WYB recently listened to. meaning, as recent as when XZ flew to singapore which is called 超人不会飞 (superman can’t fly) by Jay Chou. i know WYB and everyone else is a big fan of Jay Chou but the clowning comes from the timing of when he listened to it. let me get to that first.
here is the song if you wanna listen to it. 🎶
turtles are interpreting it as WYB longing to “fly” to where XZ is and be with him but he can’t because of all his work commitments. he wants to take a breather. thinking about what his life is and the constraints, and at times like this, when they spent days in Beijing, but now they have to be apart, it affects him even more.
however when i read the lyrics, it could also be because he can relate to what jay chou is singing about. here’s the english translation i found here. i have bolded the ones i felt like WYB relates too. literally no need for explanation. just read it. It fits with his status in life so much that it’s almost scary.
ma ma shuo heng duo shi bie tai ji jiao
Mum said one should not be too fussy over most matters
只是使命感找到了我 我睡不着
zhi shi shi ming gan zhao dao le wo wo shui bu zhao
But my sense of mission found me and i can't sleep over it
ru guo shuo ma ren yao you diao ji qiao
If scolding someone requires some skills
我会加点旋律你会觉得 超屌
wo hui jia diao xuan lu ni hui jue de chao diao
I will add a tune and you will feel it's very cool (diao)
wo de qiang bu hui zhuang dan yao (dan yao)
My gun is not loaded with ammunition
suo yi fang xin bu hui you ren dao (ren dao)
So don't worry, nobody will collapse
我拍青蜂侠不需要替身 因为自信是我绘画的颜料
wo pai qing feng xia bu xu yao ti sheng yin wei zi xin shi wo hui hua de yan liao
I don't need a double for The Green Hornet because confidence is the coloring for my painting
wo zuo heng duo shi bei hou de yi yi yuan bi ni men xiang xiang
The meaning behind the things I did is far beyond your imagination
pai le dian shi ju wei le you qing yu shi nian qian de meng xiang
Filming a tv drama is for friendship and a dream 10 years ago
shou shi lv zai gao ye nan kang heng wo de wei da li xiang
No matter how high the rating is, it can't match my noble ideal
yin wei wo de ren sheng wo xu zai duo yi bi na jiang xiang
Because my life do not need another award
wo bu zhi dao he shi bian cheng le se hui de na bang yang
I don't know when I have become a society's role model
bei gou zai pai bu neng bi zhong zhi yao da qi de mo yang (zen yang)
Can't show the paparazzi the finger and have to put on a magnanimous front
wo chang de ge ci yao you dian wen hua
The lyrics I sing must have some degree of literacy
yin wei sui shi hui bei dan jiao cai
Because it might become teaching material anytime
CNN neng bu neng deng ying wen hao yi dian zai fang
Can CNN interview me when my English gets a little better
shi dai za zhi feng mian neng bu neng chong pai
Can i reshoot the Time magazine cover
sui shi sui di zhu yi xin xiang
I must take care of my image at all times
yao kong zhi yin shi bu ran jiu gen du sha fu ren la xiang de wo bu xiang (ben lai jiu bu xiang)
I must control my diet or i won't look like the "me" in Madame Tussauds (it doesn't look like me in the first place)
hao lai wu de zhong guo xi yuan di shang you heng duo shou yin jiao yin
There are many handprints and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theatre
he shi cai neng kan jian wo de zhang
When will mine be seen there?
如果超人会飞 那就让我在空中停一停歇
ru guo chao ren hui fei na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
拯救地球好累 虽然有些疲惫但我还是会
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
chang ge yao na zui jia nan ge shou
(You) must get best male singer award as a singer
pai dian yin ye bu neng zhi na ge zui jia xin ren
A newcomer award is not enough if you act
ni bu can jia ban jiang dian li jiu shi mei li mao
Not attending award ceremonies is considered rude
ni qu can jia jiu shi dai biao ni heng zai hu
And if you do, it means you are over-concerned about it
de jia shi ni gan dong luo lei (luo lei) ren jia jiu hui jue de ni kuang zhang zuo zuo
When you won an award and teared, people will think you are fake and exaggerating
ni mei biao qing bie ren jiu hui shuo tai xiao zhang
When you have no expression, others will say you are too arrogant
如果你天生这个表情 那些人甚至会怪你妈妈(妈妈)
ru guo ni tian sheng zhe ge biao qing na xie ren sheng zhi hui guai ni ma ma (ma ma)
And if you are born with that expression, they will even blame your mum
结果最后是别人在得奖 你也要给予充分的掌声与微笑
jie guo zui hou shi bie ren zai de jiang ni ye yao ge yu chong fen de zhang sheng yu wei xiao
In the end someone else gets the award, you also have to give ample applause and smile
开的车不能太好 住的楼不能太高
kai de che bu neng tai hao zhu de lou bu neng tai gao
The car you drive can't be too luxurious nor can you live too high up
我到底是一个创作歌手 还是好人好事代表
wo dao di shi yi ge chuang zuo ge shou hai shi hao ren hao shi dai biao
Am I a singer-songwriter or a representative of good men and good deeds?
zhuan ji yi chu jiu bi xu shi guan jun
My album must be ranked top once released
pai le dian yin jiu bi xu yao da mai
My movie must sell well
zhi neng shuo dan chao ren zhen de hao nan
I can only say, being a Superman is difficult
ru guo chao ren hui fei (chao ren hui fei) na jiu rang wo zai kong zhong ti yi ti xie (ti yi ti xie)
If Superman can fly then let me take a breather in the sky
再次俯瞰这个世界 会让我觉得好一些
zai ci fu kan zhe ge shi jie hui ran wo jue de hao yi xie
Overlooking this world again will let me feel better
zheng jiu di qiu hao lei (di qiu hao lei) sui ran you xie pi bei dan wo hai shi hui (wo hai shi hui)
Saving the world is tiring, though I am a little tired, I still will
bu yao wen wo ku guo le mei
Don't ask me if I have cried
yin wei chao ren bu neng liu yan lei
Because Superman can't cry
I don’t think there is anything wrong with how cpfs are relating this to cpn cause that’s just how it is. But sometimes, there are other reasons why they do what they do.
SO MY CONFUSION COMES FROM HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE KNOW WHAT HE RECENTLY LISTENED TO. I can’t seem to dig up how or maybe it’s something we don’t talk about. I have never experienced this kind of tidbit related to them before so I wanna know the source. Or is this like the gaming cpn where certain people know and they will not divulge the boy’s account for privacy? if anyone knows, feel free to comment. If i find out in the future, I will share.
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revenantghost · 4 months
Kenji Muto's Twitter Posts: Part 1
Before and while Tristamp was airing, Kenji Muto made some amazing Twitter posts giving us lore and production tidbits along the way. And while I don't speak Japanese (so I'm going to have to use Google Translate for this, so take everything you read here with a grain of salt because it may be skewed by mistranslation), there was some fantastic art and really cool concepts shared, and I want to archive anything Trigun-related. If I miss anything, let me know!) It starts a little slow with stuff we already know, but there are some interesting tidbits! If anyone who knows Japanese wants to correct anything, please feel free! Now, without further ado...
Part 1 [here]
Part 2
12:23 AM · Jul 4, 2022
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Twitter始めました。 TRIGUN STAMPEDE監督の武藤です。
I started Twitter. This is Muto, director of TRIGUN STAMPEDE.
1:41 AM · Jul 7, 2022
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シリーズ長編初監督です。田島光二さんによる美しいコンセプトアートとキャラクター原案をベースに、壮大な世界観を作っています。順次、新しい情報が解禁されるはず。お楽しみに。 #TRIGUN
This is my first time directing a feature-length series. We have created a magnificent worldview based on the beautiful concept art and character designs by Koji Tajima. New information should be released one after another. looking forward to. #TRIGUN
7:27 AM · Aug 3, 2022
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公式HPにある花守さんの「依存と執着」という表現は的確だと思った。最も行動原理を組み立てるのに時間のかかったキャラクター、少年ナイ。服に浮かぶ不思議な模様も田島光二氏によるデザイン。果たして、どんな意味が込められているのか。 写真は、追加で届いたロサンゼルス土産。 #TRIGUN
I thought that Mr. Hanamori's expression of ``dependence and attachment'' on the official website was accurate. Shonen Nai is the character that took the most time to formulate his behavioral principles. The mysterious patterns that appear on the clothes are also designed by Koji Tajima. What kind of meaning does it really contain? The photo shows an additional souvenir from Los Angeles. #TRIGUN
12:15 AM · Aug 23, 2022
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公式のコンセプトアート公開、なぜか少年時代編が多いなぁ。原作漫画で、ナイが奏でている、オルガンのような、ピアノのような楽器。どうゆう感情で弾いているのか、誰を想って弾いているのか。 そういえばあのコンセプトアートはいつ公開なのだろう。 いつ解禁になるのだろう。 #TRIGUN
For some reason, most of the official concept art released is from the boyhood version. In the original manga, Nai plays an organ-like or piano-like instrument. How do you feel when you play, and who do you have in mind when you play? Come to think of it, when will that concept art be released? When will it be lifted? #TRIGUN
3:42 AM · Aug 31, 2022
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出社したら壁にTRIGUN STAMPEDEのポスターが貼られていた。ちなみにお隣のポスターは、初演出デビュー時代からお世話になっている松見真一監督のTVアニメBEASTARS。 第二弾ポスターも鋭意製作中。 #TRIGUN
When I arrived at work, there was a TRIGUN STAMPEDE poster on the wall. By the way, the poster next to me is of the TV anime BEASTARS, directed by Shinichi Matsumi, which I have been supporting since its debut. The second poster is also in the works. #TRIGUN
5:43 AM · Sep 4, 2022
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演出用に作ってもらったマザーシップの立��造形。絶妙に捻れていて、左右対称でデザインされてるわけではないので、3面図起こしがとにかく難しい。 レム・セイブレムは五番艦。 大墜落を免れたのは三番艦。 日曜出社の私は現在、音響ブース。 #TRIGUN
A three-dimensional model of the mothership made for the performance. It's exquisitely twisted and not designed with left and right symmetry, so it's difficult to draw it from three sides. Rem Saverem is the fifth ship. The third ship survived the crash. I come to work on Sunday and am currently working in the sound booth. #TRIGUN
11:10 PM · Sep 13, 2022
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相手に説明することで、アタマの中が整理されてゆく。 感覚を理屈に落とし込む、言語化って大切。 雑誌の対談取材、刺激になるので今後も積極的に行いたい。 でも、想定外の質問やアドリブ対応は苦手だったりする。 #TRIGUN
By explaining things to the other person, your mind will be organized. It is important to translate feelings into logic and verbalize them. I would like to continue doing interview interviews for magazines, as they are very stimulating. However, I am not good at handling unexpected questions and improvisation. #TRIGUN
12:25 AM · Oct 17, 2022
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ようやくお披露目です。 セルルックのCGで作ったポスター第二弾、見た目以上に手間かかってます。まだ名前を公表できない敏腕スタッフたちが、陰ながら活躍してくれました。よく見ると本編内容のヒントが隠されているので、宝探しのように楽しんでほしい。 予告編第2弾も解禁です。 #TRIGUN
It's finally unveiled. The second poster made with cell-look CG takes more time than it looks. The talented staff, whose names cannot yet be made public, have been working behind the scenes. If you look closely, there are hidden hints about the main story, so please enjoy it like a treasure hunt. The second trailer has also been released. #TRIGUN
11:01 PM · Nov 8, 2022
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ダビングも鋭意進行中。 この臨場感、音響効果、ミキシング、そして素晴らしい劇伴音楽。映画館の音響環境で聴いてほしいと思っていたら、なんと先行上映会が開催決定。 勝俣さん的に言うと「グルーヴ感がたまらない!」って事なんだと思う。音の力、恐るべし。 #TRIGUN
Dubbing is also in progress. The sense of realism, the sound effects, the mixing, and the wonderful accompaniment music. I wanted to listen to it in the acoustic environment of a movie theater, but it was decided that an advance screening would be held. In Katsumata-san's words, I think it means "the feeling of groove is irresistible!" The power of sound is terrifying. #TRIGUN
4:35 AM · Nov 28, 2022
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同じ内容を繰り返し話すことが苦手で、できるだけテーマや内容を掲載誌ごとに変えるようにしている。多角度から見つめると、作品が立体的に見えてくる。 今後も順次、裏情報満載の対談記事が発表されるはず。 ポスター��三弾も、そろそろ完成予定。 #TRIGUN
I'm not good at repeating the same content over and over again, so I try to vary the themes and content from magazine to magazine as much as possible. When viewed from multiple angles, the work appears three-dimensional. We are sure to continue to publish interview articles full of behind-the-scenes information in the future. The third poster will be completed soon. #TRIGUN
12:02 AM · Dec 5, 2022
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不慣れなトークを辛抱強く聴いてくれた、優しいお客様に感謝。優しくも暖かい拍手に救われました。役者さんのように笑いを取りつつ、上手く会話を回せないものか。スタンピードチーム陣からは「場数ですよ」とアドバイスを貰う。 場数とやらを踏むためにも、ネクストステージ頑張らねば。 #TRIGUN
Thank you to the kind customers who patiently listened to the unfamiliar talk. I was saved by the gentle and warm applause. Are you unable to carry a conversation while making people laugh like an actor? The Stampede team members advised us, ``It depends on the number of places.'' We have to work hard on the next stage in order to make it to the number of places. #TRIGUN
10:54 PM · Dec 5, 2022
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最近、宣伝チームの熱量に圧倒される。 現場スタッフとは違う、これまで接点のなかった役職の人々。こうゆう縁の下の力持ちがいるから作品が広まるんだなぁ。 彼らと飲みに行ったりすると、その人柄にも触れる事ができる。集団戦、集団作業、集団芸術。つくづく学びの多いプロジェクトだ。 #TRIGUN
Lately, I've been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the advertising team. People in positions that are different from the field staff and with whom I had no previous contact. It's because of these unsung heroes that my work spreads. When you go out for drinks with them, you can get a feel for their personalities. Group warfare, group work, group art. It's a project with a lot to learn. #TRIGUN
12:30 AM · Dec 22, 2022
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新宿アドストリートなどにTRIGUN STAMPEDE看板が多数あるらしい。今後も何やら宣伝チームが面白い事を計画中らしいが、なんだろう、とても楽しみ。何気ない風景の裏にも、陰ながら頑張っている人たちがいる。そうやって作品は更に広がってゆくのだ。ブラボー。 https://youtu.be/oolZJKslJcU #TRIGUN
There seem to be many TRIGUN STAMPEDE signboards on Shinjuku Ad Street and elsewhere. It seems like the advertising team is planning some interesting things in the future, but I'm really looking forward to it. Behind the scenes, there are people working hard behind the scenes. In this way, the work will continue to expand. Bravo. https://youtu.be/oolZJKslJcU #TRIGUN
[Boo, dead Youtube link ):< If anyone knows what it was, let me know and I'll insert that info here]
3:21 AM · Dec 28, 2022
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いつの間に、誰かが作ってくれたTRIGUN STAMPEDE年賀状を受け取る。カメラ目線で素朴に座るスタンピード。真摯に作品と向き合っている、そんな現場スタッフの姿勢を感じる一枚。 物語終盤のダビング(ファイナルミックス)に追われている、ラストスパートの2022。 #TRIGUN
Before I knew it, I received a TRIGUN STAMPEDE New Year's card that someone had made for me. Stampede simply sits looking at the camera. This photo shows the attitude of the on-site staff as they approach the work with sincerity. 2022 is the last spurt of dubbing (final mix) at the end of the story. #TRIGUN
6:37 AM · Jan 4, 2023
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喫茶店で水出しコーヒーを眺めているとTRIGUN STAMPEDEを連想する。見た目は変化すれど、ちゃんと豆の成分と香りが活きている。内藤先生という豆を炒って、挽いて、一滴一滴丁寧に抽出する。 とびきり今風のコーヒーカップに注いで、さあ召し上がれ。 2023年もどうぞ宜しくお願いします。 #TRIGUN
When I look at cold brew coffee at a coffee shop, I think of TRIGUN STAMPEDE. Although the appearance may change, the ingredients and aroma of the beans are still present. The beans called Naito Sensei are roasted, ground, and carefully extracted drop by drop. Pour into a super modern coffee cup and enjoy. We look forward to your continued support in 2023. #TRIGUN
9:13 AM · Jan 7, 2023
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本日からTRIGUN STAMPEDE放映スタートです。 第1話「NOMAN'S LAND」 いろんな思いを、ガツンと込めました。 どうぞ、よろしくお願いします! #TRIGUN
TRIGUN STAMPEDE will start airing from today. Episode 1 "NOMAN'S LAND" I put all my thoughts into it. Nice to meet you! #TRIGUN
12:37 AM · Jan 9, 2023
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シリーズ脚本の第一話、第二話、 第三話は、 ホップ・ステップ・ジャンプだと思う。 まるで、週刊誌の連載ネーム。 #TRIGUN
The first, second and third episodes of the series script are I think it's hop step jump. It's like the name of a weekly magazine serial. #TRIGUN
12:49 AM · Jan 9, 2023
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ただのモブからサブキャラへ異例の昇格を果たした愛すべき悪役、チャック・リー隊長。 コンテ描いてると、キャラが勝手に動き出す。 シナリオに無い台詞を話し始めたり、暴れたり。 杉田智和さんの怪演が光る。 #TRIGUN
Captain Chuck Lee is a lovable villain who has achieved an unusual promotion from just a mob to a side character. As I draw the storyboards, the characters start moving on their own. He starts speaking lines that aren't in the scenario, or gets violent. Tomokazu Sugita's mysterious performance shines. #TRIGUN
10:56 PM · Jan 10, 2023
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最初期の頃、内藤先生と飲みながら、 「手触り感を大切にしたい」 「実存感を大切にしたい」 ひたすらそんな事を話していた。 惑星の空気感と生活感を見事に再現�� 宝石の国の頃からのタッグ、 金子雄司の美術世界。 #TRIGUN
In the early days, while drinking with Mr. Naito, “I want to value the feel of touch.” “I want to value a sense of existence.” That's what I was talking about all the time. The atmosphere and lifestyle of the planet are beautifully reproduced. A tag team from the days of Land of the Lustrous, Yuji Kaneko's art world. #TRIGUN
7:06 AM · Jan 11, 2023
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生まれも育ちも第三都市ジュライ。 親の七光りで憲兵隊士官学校に裏口入学。 金ピカの銃は両親からの入学祝い。 画面の外にも彼らの世界は広がり、本編では描かれない彼らの物語もある。 チャック・リー再登場に乞うご期待。 #TRIGUN #杉田智和
Born and raised in the third city of July. With the help of his parents, he entered the military police academy through the back door. The golden gun was a gift from his parents for entering school. Their world expands beyond the screen, and there are also stories about them that are not depicted in the main story. Look forward to Chuck Lee's reappearance. #TRIGUN #杉田智和
9:12 PM · Jan 13, 2023
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親子の絆に、善も悪もないんだよね。 どストレート、どシンプルなテーマで挑む、第二話。 ポップ(?)キュート(?)な悪役たちにも注目。 本日23:00〜、よろしくお願いします! #TRIGUN #トライガン
There is no good or bad in the bond between parent and child. The second episode takes on the challenge of a straight, simple theme. Also pay attention to the pop (?) cute (?) villains. Thank you for your support today from 23:00! #TRIGUN #トライガン
9:12 PM · Jan 14, 2023
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二話の絵コンテの修正していたら、 ふと声が聞こえた… 『ゴフセフ』 「え?いま喋った?」 『ゴフセフ…(頷き)』 「そうか、ゴフセフって言いたいんだね?」 『ゴフセフ。(ニッコリと)』 「ゴフセフ!(ニッコリ)」 キャラと対話しながらコンテを描いてゆく。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
When I was revising the storyboard for episode 2, Suddenly I heard a voice... "Gofsef" "Huh? Did you just talk?" “Gofsef…(nods)” “I see, you want to call me Gofsef, right?” “Gofsef. (smiling)” "Gofsef! (smiling)" Draw the storyboard while interacting with the characters. #TRIGUN #トライガン
12:51 AM · Jan 17, 2023
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数年ぶりにオキシタケヒコさんに会った。 毎回、東京まで呼びつけていた事に気づく。 次は僕が大阪へ行きたい、行くべき。 大阪でもSTAMPEDEイベントやりたい。 大阪で食い倒れしたい。 #TRIGUN
I met Mr. Oxytakehiko for the first time in several years. Every time, I realized that he had called me all the way to Tokyo. Next I want to go to Osaka, I should go. I want to hold a STAMPEDE event in Osaka too. I want to eat all I can in Osaka. #TRIGUN
7:36 AM · Jan 17, 2023
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無口で気弱な青年は、やがて過酷な環境に適応し、 サイボーグとしての「力」を得る。 凶悪犯の仲間入りを果たした青年の名は、ゴフセフ。 語られないバックグラウンドを想像すると、 世界は更に広がる。 #TRIGUN
The taciturn and timid young man eventually adapts to the harsh environment, Obtain "power" as a cyborg. The name of the young man who has joined the ranks of violent criminals is Gofsef. When you imagine the untold background, The world will expand further. #TRIGUN
8:47 PM · Jan 20, 2023
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親子の絆? そんな常識をぶち壊す。 血は水よりも濃い、第三話。 本日、23:00-テレビ東京他にて放送。 是非ご覧ください! #TRIGUN #トライガン
Parent-child bond? Breaking down that common sense. Blood is thicker than water, episode 3. Broadcast today at 23:00 on TV Tokyo and other channels. Please take a look! #TRIGUN #トライガン
10:53 PM · Jan 23, 2023
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ナイというキャラクター性は、 一枚のラフスケッチが語ってくれた。 渋谷で開催された「内藤泰弘の世界」展。 常に優しく微笑む彼。 自身に憑依させて、描きだす。 #TRIGUN
The character of Nai is A rough sketch tells the story. "The World of Yasuhiro Naito" exhibition held in Shibuya. He always smiles kindly. Let yourself be possessed and start drawing. #TRIGUN
11:19 PM · Jan 24, 2023
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「人間」という種族を一括りに捉える。 物事を巨視的にみる。 俯瞰した視野で考え、躊躇なく行動する。 コンテを描いていると、僕の中に彼が宿る。 一度宿ると、抜けるまでに時間がかかるところが難点。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
The race of "humans" is lumped together. See things macroscopically. Think from a bird's-eye view and act without hesitation. When I draw storyboards, he lives inside me. The problem is that once you get into it, it takes a while to get out. #TRIGUN #トライガン
9:49 PM · Jan 26, 2023
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でも、大丈夫。 きっと逞しく彼も生き抜いていくのだろう。 過酷な環境で、現実を受け入れ、 歪な義手を手に入れ、 青年に成長した彼を想像してみてほしい。 もしかしたらワムズ使いになっているかも。 物語世界は、作り手を離れ、更に広がってゆく。 #TRIGUN
But it's okay. I'm sure he will be strong enough to survive. Accepting reality in a harsh environment, Obtaining a distorted prosthetic arm, Imagine him growing into a young man. Maybe he's using Wams. The story world leaves the creator and expands further. #TRIGUN
[Note that this was shared around episode three and the freckles this guy has--a lot of people theorize this is about Tonis]
8:52 PM · Jan 27, 2023
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数年ぶりに田島光二さんと食事。 シャコやカニやエビを注文。 「これは何?」 『シャコワムズ!�� 「これは?」 『カニワムズ!』 「これ…」 『エビワムズ!!』 まるで中学生のようなノリ、 同窓会のような時間。 本日23:00-は4話放映ですね。 #TRIGUN
I had dinner with Koji Tajima for the first time in several years. Ordered mantis shrimp, crab, and shrimp. "what is this?" “Shakowams! ” "this is?" “Caniwams! ” "this…" “Ebiwams! ! ” Feeling like a junior high school student, A time like a class reunion. Episode 4 will be aired today from 23:00. #TRIGUN
12:17 AM · Jan 29, 2023
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見覚えのあるシルエット。 モーションキャプチャーには重くて使えなかったが、ポージング参考で大活躍した模造品。実際はもっと重いんだろうなぁ、と想像しながら演出する。 外装はロストテクノロジィ、内部は機関銃という合成兵器。 ”パニッシュメント”とは”処罰”の意味。 #TRIGUN #トライガン
A familiar silhouette. Although it was too heavy to use for motion capture, this imitation was very useful as a pose reference. I imagine it's probably heavier in reality when I direct it. The exterior is lost technology, and the interior is a synthetic weapon called a machine gun. "Punishment" means "punishment". #TRIGUN #トライガン
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 24 days
レインコードのアートブックで狛枝凪斗の文字を見ることになろうだなんて全く予想だにしてなさすぎて勢いで2コマ漫画を描きました。ネタバレ見たくない人もいるだろうから折りたたんでますので大丈夫な人だけ続きをドウゾ ⚠️アートブックにしか出てこないキャラクターがいるので、読んでない人にとってはなんのこっちゃな可能性があります
I never expected to see the name "狛枝凪斗" in the art book of RAIN CODE, and I couldn't help but draw a short manga. I folded it because some people might not want to see the art book spoiler, so expand it if you don't mind. ⚠️ There are characters that only appear in the art book, so if you haven't read it, you might not get along.
187ページにある初期企画資料に載ってる音楽番組内のランキングの10位に絶対希望バースデーが入っててめちゃめちゃ笑った😂😂😂 もし狛枝が出演してたらこんな感じなのかなっていう漫画です。
I laughed so hard when I saw "絶対希望バースデー" in an art of a music program on page 187 😂😂😂. It is a parody of a famous Japanese music show in which the musicians of the top 10 songs in sales rankings appear and perform in turn, and "絶対希望バースデー" is in the top 10. So this is a manga about what it would be like if Nagito were actually in the show.
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Kume: Coming in at #10 this week is Nagito Komaeda's song. Congratulations! Nagito: Thank you very much. I am honored to be invited to such a historic music program, even for a piece of trash like me. Tetsuko: So does that mean that anyone lower than 10th place is less than a piece of trash? Kume: Hey, Tetsuko!
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Shinigami: Hey, look, master. There's a person on TV who seems unlucky. Yuma: Huh, really? He's smiling and seems pretty happy. What's more, he looks like a good person... Shinigami: Damn, you're so quick to judge people by their looks! Yuma: That sounds just like you, doesn't it!?
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bts-trans · 7 months
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230922 Mezamashi TV's Tweet
あす23日(土)の #めざましどようび は #V(#BTS)さん✖️ #目黒蓮(#SnowMan)さんの #テテめめ スペシャル対談 #めざましテレビ 未公開部分をお届け❣️ 共通点が多いふたりのトークはもちろん🐶 事前に目黒さんが韓国語の自己紹介を練習しているところや対談直後の感想も🌟 #動脈ピース 再び…?✌️
Tomorrow on the 23rd (Sat), #MezamashiSaturday will bring to you previously unaired #MezamashiTV footage of the #TeteMeme special talk with #V (#BTS) ✖️ #MeguroRen (#SnowMan) ❣️
Including the conversation between the two, who have a lot in common 🐶 As well as Meguro practicing his self-introduction in Korean beforehand and his thoughts right after the talk 🌟
#ArteryPeaceSign again…? ✌️
Trans cr; mame @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 8 months
中国から国際電話まで使ってイタズラ電話がかかって来るという、怒りなど通り越して憐れみしか感じられないほどの事態に、日本人は直接的に中国人全体への怒りや失望を感じるかもしれない。 TV取材に応じる現地の中国人も日本が悪いとしか言わない。 だが、そこには日本人の想像を超えた事情がある… …日本の常識だと、例えば日本政府が愚かで醜い事をやっていると思えば、それを批判する事に大した危険は伴わない。デモだって出来る。 だが中国は違う。 膨大な監視カメラが市民の監視にも利用され、電話もインターネットも政府が傍受している前提で生きねばならない。 その状態で言える事は限られる …更に、先回りして政府への協力姿勢を強く示す事が、自分の立身出世にも繋がるとなれば、より積極的に言動をそこに寄せていくのが人間なのであって、これは中国人でなくとも、洋の東西を問わず、今昔を問わず、もちろん日本の歴史の中にも見られた、人類共通の行動パターンだ。 …中国の人口は多い、日本人からすると信じられないほどのイタズラ電話件数だろうが、あの人口の中で一定の割合で存在する、本気で政府を信じてる人とか、分かってて私利私欲で政府に尻尾を振る人とかを考えれば、まぁ、驚くほどの事でも無い。 驚きや怒りより「憐れみ」をもって見るべき光景なのだ。 …それでも、中国人があの体制を受け入れているという点で、「中国人全体を許せない」と思う人も少なくないだろう。 だが、天安門事件の時、彼らは改革開放を確かに求め、激しい衝突の中でも、それを政府が聴き入れる可能性を信じた。 だが結果は悲惨なものとなり民主化はより一層遠くなってしまった。 …そうした事情を鑑みるに、仕方のない事が大きく広がっていて、私は中国の個々人をまとめて憎む気にはなれない。 折角解禁となった日本への団体旅行もキャンセルが相次いでいるという。それはそうだろう。この状況でキャンセルもせず日本に観光に行ったら、ブラックリスト入りになるかもしれない。 …中国政府の下で生きるという事は、そういう事なのだ。 それを良く理解した上で、日本も中国との付き合い方を熟考しなくてはならない。
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lalunameli · 4 months
Excerpts From MASAKAZU KATSURA x TIGER & BUNNY 2 Design Works
My first translation of 2024 is of excerpts from Katsura-Sensei's TB2 Design Works. Credit to @tnbscans for the pictures.
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Special Comments
Yuri Petrov/CV: Yusa Kōji
僕にとってはヒーローたち��負けない、まぎれもない "ヒーロー”です。
When I saw Lunatic for the first time, I was surprised at the different quality (of his design). I had the impression that his lineage was completely different compared to the other heroes. I was scared at first (laughs), especially of the eyes. However, as I learned about Yuri's upbringing and personality, I grew to think that his appearance was perfect. Katsura-Sensei added the handprint of his face (to his mask), which is excellent because I think that the expressions (Lunatic's) can be taken as angry, mysterious and sad. I also like the pattern of the lines applied to the whole because I like sharp design. While it has nothing to do with the design (concepts), the performance of the suit is still handmade (laughs). Personally, I'm a little disappointed that Mr. Saito had not made it, but his (Lunatic's) abilities covered up for it.
For me, he's unmistakably a "hero" who can't lose to the heroes.
From pages on Yuri's design:
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The necktie is the same as Kotetsu's tie, with a stripe in the middle. In Yuri's case, it is a jagged design. It's white and black with the centre grey to indicate his stance, shown from his character in the previous installment (S1).
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Colours Used (for Yuri's Design)
ミドルクールグレイ - Middle Cool Grey
デープクールグレイ - Deep Cool Grey
ホワイト (ネクタイ右半分の色) - White (right half of necktie)
クールグレイ(ネクタイ中央の色) - Cool Grey (middle of necktie)
ブラック (髪止め・リボン・クツのヒール ネクタイ左半分の色) - Black (hair stoppers - his barrettes, ribbon, shoe heels, left half of necktie)
ライトスモークグリーン - Light smoke green (his hair)
スモークグリーン(まゆ毛) - Smoke Green (eyebrows)
スモークピンク(くちびる) - Smoke Pink (lips)
*口紅ではなく自色が悪い。- *It's not lipstick but it's a bad colour
ブラス - Brass (lawyer pin and on his briefcase handles and front enclosure)
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ユーリは、「The Rising」では、新規デザインがなかったので、自分も楽しみでした。とはいえ職業柄、スーツ姿には変わりないので、遊べるところが少ないのですが、探は、ゲーム「ASTRAL CHAIN』で探いた四角いデザインを取り入れて、探えて、ボタンも四角くしています。
I was looking forward to the "The Rising" because there was no new design for Yuri. However, because of his occupation, he doesn't change his suit, so there were few places to play. So I incorporated the square design used in the game "ASTRAL CHAIN", and also used it for his buttons.
Yuri Draft:
TN: There is another colour chart with a tie in the colours from the previous season, but I haven't included it.
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Katsura says he originally coloured the tie in the same colours as S1 but decided to stop.
From an interview with Katsura (maroon), Kase, Chiba, Hirata, Morita, Kotobuki, Shimazaki (all dark blue)
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-Is there anything you are interested in other than the character you are playing?
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寿 私はユーリが気になっていて、彼が好きです。『T&B2』では物語的にもユーリが熱い展開だったので、目が離せませんでした。先ほどユーリのデザイン画を見させていただいたのですが、改めてカバンやネクタイひとつとっても彼の小道具はすごくオシャレだなと思いました。あと、アニメで髪が逆立っているシーンもすごく幻想的で。
Kotobuki: I'm interested in Yuri, and I like him. In "T&B2", Yuri's story has passionate development, and I couldn't take my eyes off it. I saw the drawings of Yuri's design, and thought the accessories of his bag and tie were very fashionable. Also, the scene in the anime, where his hair is standing on end is so fantastic.
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桂 ユーリの展開は衝撃的だよね。
Katsura: Yuri's development is shocking, isn't it?
During the plot stages, I remember saying: "It's a lie! What a waste! Stop it!" many times about Lunatic's ending (climax). But it's not clearly mentioned, so I don't think I understand what happened yet (laughs).
Mr. Chiba, who are you interested in?
千葉 僕もキャラクターではないのですが、���ナティックのボウガンが良いなと。必殺技で「炎」は定番だと思うんですけど、その炎をボウガンで撃ち出すというアイデアが画期的でめちゃくちゃカッコいいなと思いました。
Chiba: I'm not interested in characters either (TN: Morita says earlier that he's not interested in characters), but Lunatic's bowgun is good. I think "flames" are standard special moves, but the idea of shooting flames with a bow gun was ground-breaking and incredibly cool.
TN: What follows is easily the greatest thing about this interview and it doesn't even have any Yuri/Luna content! 😭🤣
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意外と評判が良い? 男性キャラの「おしり」
Is it good that the male characters "butts'" are surprisingly popular?
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島崎 僕は自分の役で申し訳ないんですけど、トーマスのキュッとした「おしり」がたまりません!新ヒーローの中でエース的存在のトーマスが、ピチッとしたスーツを着ているところに痺れたんです。その分、気絶した時には残念な姿に映りましたが(笑)、内またのラインとかが顕著に出ていて、「さすが桂先生のおしり」だと思いました。
Shimazaki: I'm sorry to say this since it's my role, but Thomas' tight "butt" is irresistible! I was numb to the fact that Thomas, who is an ace among the new heroes, was wearing a tight suit. As a result, it was unfortunate when he fainted (laughs), because the inner line was prominent, and I thought: "as expected of Katsura-Sensei's butts".
桂 あははは!でも、男の尻だよ?
Katsura: Ahahaha! But it's a man's ass?
Shimazaki: No matter where you look, the line is beautiful. It's cool!
平田 キュッとした桂先生の「おしり」、意外と評判いいですよ?
Hirata: Katsura-Sensei's "butts" are surprisingly popular, aren't they?
桂 そうなの!?
Katsura: Is that so!?
島﨑 虎徹とバーナビーのインナースーツを着ている時の「おしり」も良いですよね。
Shimazaki: The "butts" are also good when Kotetsu and Barnaby are wearing their inner suits.
桂 どっちみち男の尻じゃん!(笑)
Katsura: Either way, it's a man's ass! (laughs)
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iuminouscrown · 5 months
Escape Mansion Prologue Translation
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Escape Mansion 
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〈脱出ゲームバラエティ【エスケープマンション】ーーー 最後局面〉
(Escape Room Game Variety Show “Escape the Mansion” — Final Round)
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Tsukasa: ついに辿り着きましたね。【エスケープマンション】の『101号室』ーーー
Tsukasa: We have finally arrived. “Room 101” of the “Escape Mansion.” —
Tsukasa: 脱出まであと一歩です!『Team V』で一致団結して乗り切りましょう!
Tsukasa: We’re one more step away from escaping! Let’s band together as “Team V” and get through this as one! 
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Midori: うん。。。。。。正直自信はないけど、最善は尽くしてみる。。。。。。
Midori: Yep…… To tell you the truth, I don’t have a lot of confidence but I’ll try my very best…… 
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Hajime: 光くん、ぼくたちもがんばりましょう
Hajime: Mitsuru-kun, let’s do our best as well.
Hajime: 『仔ウサギチーム』の強さはチームワークです。最後まで協力して乗り越えていきますよ♪
Hajime: The “Baby Rabbit Team’s” strength is teamwork. We will support each other to the very end and get through this! ♪
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Mitsuru: もっちろん! 最後までダッシュダッシュだぜ~!
Mitsuru: Of course! Dash dash to the end!~
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Koga: (クソッ、まさか最後まで勝負がもつれることになるなんてな)
Koga: (Shit! I never expected that this game would be such a mess all the way through). 
Koga: (三つ巴の勝負になるなんて予想もしてなかったぜ。これが "TV的に美味しい" っつ~やつか?)
Koga: (I also never expected it to be a three-way match. Does this really “make for good TV?”)
Koga: (だからバラエティは苦手なんだよ! 変な横槍が入らなけりゃ、未だに俺様たちが独走状態だったのによう!)
Koga: (That’s why I suck at variety shows! We would still be far ahead of everyone else we if didn’t get that weird interruption!) 
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Keito: どうした、大神? さっきから狼狽えているようだが。。。。。。
Keito: What’s wrong, Oogami? You’ve been flustered for some time……
Keito: もし 【エスケープマンション】のルールに疑問を覚えたいるようなら、それは間違いだ
Keito: If you are in doubt about the rules of the “Escape Mansion,” that’s a blunder on your part.
Keito: 俺たちの目的はひとつ。一着でゴールして優勝することだろう?
Keito: We have but one goal. We must finish in first place and emerge victorious, correct?
Keito: だったら、脇目も振らずに目指せばいい。俺たちは最初から独走状態だった。その経験を遺憾なく発揮するまでだ
Keito: All you have to do is aim for that without putting on airs for the viewers. We were far ahead of everyone else from the start. We should put that experience on full display. 
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Koga: ったりめ~だ! 俺様たちが最後までぶっちぎって優勝だ!
Koga: OFC!! We’re fighting to the bitter end to win! 
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Tsukasa: いえ。大神先輩には悪いですが、私たちこそが勝者です!
Tsukasa: No. I feel bad for Oogami-Senpai, but we are the winners! 
Tsukasa: あんたには絶対、負けませんからね。。。。。。!
Tsukasa: We will absolutely not lose to you……! 
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Koga: それはこっちの台詞だ! テメ~にだけな負けね~!
Koga: That’s my line! You’re the only ones who're gonna lose~! 
Koga: 俺様たち 『チーム月光』の相性はバッチリだ! 吠え面かかせてやんよ!
Koga: We of “Team Moonlight” have perfect chemistry! I’ll make you howl like a dog!*
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Kaoru: ふふ。いよいよ最終局面。状況は横並びーーーいい感じに番組が盛り上がってきたね
Kaoru: Fufu. We’re at the final phase at last. We’re equally matched—- This program’s keeping the good vibes going!
Kaoru: 勝利の女神はどのチームに微笑むんだろう? 最後まで目が離せないよ♪
Kaoru: Which team will the Goddess of Victory smile upon? Don’t take your eyes off us until the very end! ♪
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(Back in time: a day in early November - at the Rhythm Link office)
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Rei: 晃牙や~。晃牙はおらんかえ~?
Rei: Oh Koga~. Is Koga not here~? 
Rei: 。。。。。。う〜む。晃牙は一向に姿を現さんのう。昨日『ホールハンズ』で運絡したときも既読無視じゃったし。反抗期かのう?
Rei: …… Hmm~. Koga never shows up. Even when I tried touching base with him via “Hold Hands” yesterday, he left me on read. Is he going through a rebellious phase? 
Rei: 薫くんもアドニスくんも、晃牙の姿は見ておらんかや?
Rei: Kaoru-kun and Adonis-kun: have you seen Koga?
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Adonis: 。。。。。。そのことだが、朔間先輩。文面が良くなかったのではと、俺は思っている
Adonis: …… That’s the thing, Sakuma-Senpai. I was thinking that, maybe, the contents of your text weren’t great. 
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Kaoru: あはは、俺もそう思う。バラエティ嫌いの晃牙くんに "バラエティ番組の出演依頼が来ておる" はないよね~
Kaoru: Ahaha. I think so too. Koga-kun hates variety shows. I don’t think he’s ever been asked to appear in one.~ 
Kaoru: 最近はドラマの出演もあったし、晃牙くんもさすがに運チャンでライブ以外の仕事をするのは嫌なんじゃない?
Kaoru: Koga-kun had recently appeared in a TV drama… but, just as you'd expect from him, he’s a hack** who is unwilling to do any work besides Lives, right? 
Kaoru: もしかすると、最近の『UNDEAD』の方向性に性に抗議したいのかもしれないね。そのためのサボリ~、みたいな♪
Kaoru: Perhaps he wants to object to the direction “UNDEAD” has been going in lately. That could be why he’s slacking off.~♪
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Koga: おいコラ、誰がサボリだって? 羽風先輩にだけは言われたくね~ っつの
Koga: Oi, who’s slacking off? I don’t want to hear anything about that from the likes of Hakaze-senpai.  
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Rei: おぉ晃牙。来てくれたのかや
Rei: Oh, Koga. You have arrived. 
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Koga: 待たせちまったな。ライブハウスに顔出ししてたら、後輩たちに囲まれちまってよ
Koga: Sorry to have kept ya waiting. I was surrounded by kouhai as soon as I showed my face at the music club. 
Koga: ギリギリ間に合うと思って走ってきたんだが、すこし遅れちまった
Koga: I was thinking I could just barely make it in time if I ran but I’m still a little late…
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Rei: くくく。晃牙もちゃんと『先輩』しておるのう。良いことじゃ
Rei: Kukuku. Koga is also properly a “senpai.” That’s a good thing.  
Rei: それに、今回の件は打ち合わせというより雑談のようなものじゃ。気にするほどのことでもないわい
Rei: Besides, the matter at hand is more like idle chit-chat than a briefing session. It’s not a big deal. 
Rei: 実は、最近話題の脱出ゲームバライティ【エスケープマンション】が、若手アイドルを出演させる大会を行うようなんじゃ
Rei: As a matter of fact, “Escape Mansion,” the escape room variety show that’s hot these days, is holding something like a tournament for young idols.
Rei: それで、老舗事務所であるリズリンの若手アイドルから数名ーーー 『UNDEAD』からもひとりは出演してほしいと依頼が来ておる。誰か興味はあるかのう?
Rei: So, considering that the long-established Rhythm Link agency has several young idols —- a request has arrived through “UNDEAD” to have one of us appear on the show. Is anyone interested?
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Koga: 脱出ゲームバラエティ。。。。。。? 何だそれ?
Koga: Escape room variety show……? What’s that?
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Kaoru: 最近はみんなで恊力して謎解きをするイベントが流行ってるんだよ
Kaoru: Events where everyone cooperates to solve puzzles are now in vogue.
Kaoru: 『脱出ゲーム』とか、『謎解きゲーム』とか呼びかたは様々だけど
Kaoru: They are called various things such as  “Escape Room” or “Puzzle Solving Game.”
Kaoru: そんな脱出ゲームをバラエティ番組でお茶の間に放送したのが【エスケープマンション】だね
Kaoru: “Escape Mansion” is a living room variety show that broadcasts escape rooms like that. 
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Rei: うむ。そして、収録当日は我輩は別の仕事が入っておるので、『UNDEAD』から別のメンバーを推薦しようと思ったんじゃよ
Rei: Mmhmm. And I was thinking of recommending another member from “UNDEAD” since I have another job on the day of the recording. 
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Koga: はぁ、またそういう感じの仕事かよ。俺様はライブがしたいってのに。。。。。。
Koga: Haaa. That kind of job again? I want to perform lives though…… 
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Rei: では、晃牙は辞退するんじゃな?
Rei: Then Koga will decline. Correct? 
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Koga: 当然だ。俺様が手を挙げるとでも思ったのかよ
Koga: Naturally. Did you think I would raise my hand?!
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Rei: では、薫くんとアドニスくんが候補かのう。二人の予定はどうじゃろうか?
Rei: Then Kaoru-kun and Adonis-kun are the candidates. What plans do the two of you have? 
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Kaoru: 俺のその日の予定はーーーちょうど空いてるっぽいね。大丈夫そう
Kaoru: My plans for that day—- are fortunately empty-ish at the moment. Okay for me.
Adonis: 俺は。。。。。。残念だが、スケジュールが被っているようだ
Adonis: Looks like…. I have a schedule conflict regrettably. 
Adonis: 『ラブ・アンド・ビースト』の反響のおかげで、TV雑誌のインタビューが入っている。俺のために用意された取材だから、どうしてもずらせない
Adonis: I have a TV magazine interview thanks to the response to “Love and Beast.” I can’t shift it because the interview was arranged just for me.
Rei: ふむ。では『UNDEAD』からは薫くんに出演してもらうかのう
Rei: Mmhm. Then I guess we’ll have Kaoru-kun appear for “UNDEAD.” 
Rei: 返事は数日ほど保留しておくゆえ、晃牙も気が変わったら言うが良い♪
Rei: I’ll hold off on replying for a few days. Also, Koga, if you change your mind, feel free to tell me! ♪
Koga: 誰がやるかっつの。俺様は謎を解いたり脱出したり、そんなことで喜んだりはしね~ぞ?
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Koga: Who’s going to do what now? I wouldn’t be happy about solving puzzles or escaping, would I?!
Koga: この間のドラマみたいに、主題歌を歌わせてもらえるとかなら考えてやらなくもないけどな。さすがに、そう都合の良いことが何度もあるわけね~だろ
Koga: If I could sing the theme song or something like in that last TV drama, then I wouldn’t mind considering it. All the same, how many times do you have a convenient good excuse!?
Translation Notes:
*Idiom. Lit: make a barking face. Insult meaning to make someone cry.
**運チャン (Un-chan). Casual and relatively pejorative term for a cab driver.
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tobiphoto · 1 year
 以前、『ケイジとケンジ』という名でドラマ化されていた桐谷健太さんと東出昌大さん主演のドラマが、桐谷健太さん主演続投で帰ってきた?!(東出さんは当時を思うとまぁしょうがないだろ! ドラマの中でもいじられてたし!)ということで、応援の第一ブログを書いておきたいと思いまして。  妹役の比嘉さんも、磯村さんも続投うれしいです。
 以前のドラマ、最終章直前の感想はこちらです。  今作も桐谷さん演じる熱血刑事豪太が画面いっぱいに炸裂してくれそうで嬉しいです。『ケイジとケンジ』はもーとにかく全体通して元気が出るドラマ作りになっていて、当時の騒動の時、桐谷さんが「自分にとっては初めての連続ドラマ主演作でもあるので…」と語っていた動画を見たことがあって、応援しよ! と思ったことを覚えています。  今回も応援マシマシでお送りしました。
 放送は4月13日、木曜夜9時!  Tverの配信ページ https://tver.jp/live/simul/le4ix0qz8n
■ケイジとケンジと時々ハンジ公式HP https://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/keiji_kenji_hanji/
桐谷さんの「ドラマ」に関するインタビュー。 ■Oricon『桐谷健太、唐田えりかとの“不倫報道”東出昌大について口開く「嫌悪感を抱いてる方も…」 W主演ドラマには前向きに意気込み 『うまさをお届け!のどごし生新春まつ…』 https://youtu.be/z45Enpeui5g
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lyrasky · 7 months
【ウォーキング・デッド: ダリル・ディクソン】シーズン1第2話ネタバレ イザベルの過去とダリル神父 あらすじ感想解説ツッコミポイントDaryl Dixon1-2
【ウォーキング・デッド:ダリル・ディクソン】シーズン1第2話ネタバレ イザベルの過去とダリル神父あらすじ感想解説ツッコミポイントDaryl Dixon1-2 Lyraのブログへ #thewalkingdead #DarylDixon #ダリルディクソン #ウォーキングデッド #TheWalkingDeadDarylDixon #normanreedus #LaïkaBlancFrancard #RomainLevi #ClémencePoésy #LouisPuechScigliuzzi #AnneCharrier #AdamNagaitis #EriqEbouaney #France
「人生いろいろ」… そんな言葉が頭に浮かんでしまうくらい今日の【ウォーキング・デッド :ダリル・ディクソン】第2話は、喪失と未来について考えさせられる話でした。 キャラクターにちなんでタイトルが付けられてたにも関わらず今日の【ウォーキング・デッド:ダリル・ディクソン】の第 2…
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monthly-ambigram · 4 months
アンビグラム作家の皆様に同じテーマでアンビグラムを作っていただく「月刊アンビグラム」、主宰のigatoxin(アンビグラム研究室 室長)です。
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「辰年/初心」 回転共存型:オルドビス紀氏
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「たつ年」 回転型:kawahar氏
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「龍」 回転型:兼吉共心堂氏
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「龍/DRAGON」 敷詰振動型:ぺんぺん草氏
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「初日の出」 回転共存式複合型:ちくわああ氏
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「エアコンいらずの新年」 回転型:.38氏
温かい年末年始で助かりましたね。 文字の組み方が面白いので注目です。込み入っているところを解読してみてください。
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「遊神」 図地反転型: いとうさとし氏
意味:心を遊ばせる。何事にも愉しむ心を忘れない。 とにかくどちらの文字も読みやすいです。「田」様の箇所に文字を潜ませる方法は過去にも何度もされていますが切れ込みの入れ方が絶妙です。
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「私はずっと笑顔だったし朝の占いだって悪くないきっと今日も大丈夫良い一日になりますように。」 :くりまろん氏
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「盛福」 図地反転型: いとうさとし氏
意味:盛大なる幸福。しあわせが最高潮であること。 輪郭が曲線にできると可読性が上がるようです。ねじれたように見えて面白いです。
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「現実歪曲空間」  重畳型:螺旋氏
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「萬國共通」 鏡像型:mishima氏
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「平世」 回転型:igatoxin
さて次回のお題は「レトロ」です。レトロフューチャー、レトロゲーム、懐古、回顧、大正ロマン、ポケベル、西岸良平など 参加者が自由にレトロというワードから発想 連想してアンビグラムを作ります。
締切は1/31、発行は2/8の予定です。それでは皆様 来月またお会いしましょう。
2023年 1月{フリー}   2月{TV}        3月{クイズ}        4月{健康}   5月{回文}    6月{本}               7月{神話}   8月{ジャングル} 9月{日本史}    10月{ヒーロー}    11月{ゲーム}   12月{時事}
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“Don’t take the Chinese people lightly” (essay)
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The Opium War
On September 22, 2023, China's vice president barked, "Don't take the Chinese people lightly." I saw it on NHK TV in Japan. It was such a unique statement that I became interested and decided to search for this man's name on the Internet. However, no information has been released regarding this statement, and it seems that this roar is considered to be a phantom thing. I can't imagine that it was the Chinese government's intention to do this (as the person who made the statement), so I think it was self-regulation by Google and others.
But should we be frightened by this statement? As the vice president said, China has "looked down on other peoples and nations throughout its history." Japan is a typical example of this, being called ``東夷:Toi'' (barbarians of the east), ``倭:Wa'' (dwarfs), and even today is sometimes referred to derogatorily as ``Small Japan.'' Even with Japan's recent ban on seafood imports, there is a clear sense of ``punishing Japan, an unsuspecting barbarian country.''
In this way, to the shock of the Qing Dynasty, which Britain also lightly regarded as a barbarian country, Britain used force to overwhelm them (The Opium War, 1840). For the first time in its history, China experienced great humiliation and felt humbled. From then on, the people must have sworn revenge on Western civilization at a deep level of consciousness.
Well, the background to this statement is probably the process of taking revenge by incorporating Western civilization and expanding its economy and military armament. Of all the countries in the world, I guess it's a country that can't be a normal country. If they are not the best, they won't be satisfied. A country of China-centered thought.
Rei Morishita
Rei Morishita
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benibame · 9 months
①【デレステ】「Nightwear」MV 2Dリッチ【TVアニメ「U149」】【アイドルマスター】
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考えうる最もスマートな方法は、やはり「時間置き換え」エフェクトです。グラデーション素材を用意し、その画像の輝度を基準に時間差で動きを展開できるエフェクトです。先ほど作成したコンポジションをCC RepeTileで複製すれば、レイヤー数も少なく処理も軽いまま処理が完了すると予測できます。
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人力で並べているので隙間がないか心配でした。今考えるとここでCC RepeTileを使って並べた後にコンポジション自体を回転させればよかったかなと思います。
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②音MAD DREAM MATCH -天- 出場者告知
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再現に挑戦してみると、どうやらカードワイプではなくCC Grid Wipeじゃないかという結論になりました。カードワイプは調整項目が多く自由度は高いですが���いにくく、CC Grid Wipeであればシンプルな項目で似たような結果が得られたので、今回はこっちを使用してみます。
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元動画同様、かなり高速でトランジションさせているため正直先述した格子の大きさの変化は明確には確認しにくいです。CC Grid Wipeはトランジションとして使ったことがありませんでしたが、このような「見えなかったものが見えるようになる」場面においてはかなりオシャレに表現できることを知りました。
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③スリーズブーケ 「Holiday∞Holiday」 リリックビデオ (ラブライブ!蓮ノ空女学院スクールアイドルクラブ)
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
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Justin 👑😍
#MCman ✨錢裕揚Justin Chien ✨在台北出生、香港長大,12歲回來台灣念國高中,18歲再到美國讀大學和發展,好幾年前你或許曾經在電視廣告上看過他,多年後他主演了一部好萊塢製作的 #Netflix 作品和全球的觀眾見面,他是《#孫家兄弟》(The Brothers Sun)的男主角── #錢裕揚(Justin Chien)。這部以台灣為背景的黑幫動作影集,Justin在劇中飾演楊紫瓊的兒子,身為家中長子的他,在家族成員成為目標時,受命飛往洛杉磯保護從小分開的媽媽,並在過程中思考幫派的未來和生命的意義,也與媽媽和弟弟建立未曾有過的家人情誼。《孫家兄弟》全劇以「保護家人」這四字貫穿,而提到自己跟角色的相似性,家人絕對是不可忽略的一個元素,「爸媽總是以身作則教會我如何做個努力、善良、正直的人,加上我們都很重視家庭,我非常愛我的家人,跟爸媽、弟弟妹妹都很親,還有我們的保護欲都滿強的,所以不管是我們關心的人,或者是身旁的團隊,我都會想支持跟保護他們。」身為家中四個兄弟姐妹長兄的 Justin,是個好兒子、也是位好哥哥,希望能成為榜樣,在弟弟妹妹需要指導幫助時,能夠適時給予協助,因為這個家是他最堅強的後盾,也是形塑他最主要的原因. 「我曾經看到有個人說『你養我長大,我陪你變老。』這句話令我很有感,也因此我真的是沒辦法想像無法跟家人在一起的生活,所以我預設自己十年內應該會搬回台灣。」眼神裡沒有一絲遲疑,一如他劇中角色的堅毅,在未來許諾自己能回家鄉發展,並且長伴家人左右,盡己所能照顧爸媽。錢裕揚Justin Chien ♡ 不一般的軌跡 🔗全文專訪 ➠ https://mctw.io5kdzus Talent/錢裕揚 @justin_chien Chief Feature Editor/JuJu Chen @you.hapig Text/JunYen Ke @junyen_ke Photographer/Hazel chiu @hazel_chiu \nPhotographer Assistant/Vita liu @miliumimm 、ZO @zooohu \nDigital Content Director/Ren Chen @pojuichen/Film Editor/Milky Lin @milky_the_poop Styling Director/Kris Lin @beloveapril Makeup&Hair/Sunny Hsu @sunnyhsu734
追蹤 @marieclairetw 時髦好玩的都在這#marieclairetw #juju #豬編 #JustinChien #Justin #TheBrothersSun @netflixtw @brotherssunnetflix
Justin Chien ✨ was born in Taipei and grew up in Hong Kong. He came back to Taiwan to study in high school at the age of 12, and then went to the United States to study at university and develop his career at the age of 18. You may have seen him in a TV commercial a few years ago, and he starred in it many years later. A Hollywood-produced #NETFLIX work has been introduced to the global audience. He is the male protagonist of "# Sun Jia Brothers" (The Brothers Sun)── #Justin Chien. In this gangster action series set in Taiwan, Justin plays Michelle Yeoh's son. As the eldest son of the family, when family members become targets, he is ordered to fly to Los Angeles to protect his mother who has been separated since childhood, and in the process he thinks about gangs. future and the meaning of life, and also established an unprecedented family bond with his mother and younger brother. The whole drama of "Brothers of the Sun" is run through with the four words "protect family". When it comes to the similarity between myself and the characters, family is definitely an element that cannot be ignored. "My parents always set an example and taught me how to be a hard-working and kind-hearted person." , upright people, and we all value family. I love my family very much. I am very close to my parents, brothers and sisters, and we are very protective, so whether it is the people we care about, or I want to support and protect the team around me." As the eldest brother of four brothers and sisters in the family Justin is a good son and a good brother. He hopes to be a role model and can provide timely assistance to his younger siblings when they need guidance and help, because this family is his strongest support and the main reason for shaping him. "I I once saw someone say, "You raise me and I will grow old with you." This sentence really touched me, and because of this I really couldn't imagine a life without my family, so I assumed I should move back to Taiwan within ten years." There is no hesitation in his eyes, just like the perseverance of his character in the play. In the future, he promises that he can return to his hometown to develop, stay with his family, and do his best to take care of his parents. Justin Chien ♡ Unusual trajectory 🔗Full-text interview
#MCman ✨錢裕揚Justin Chien ✨ 從小就喜歡表演的 #錢裕揚,國小開始站上舞台,高中下定決心追求當演員的夢想,而申請了兩家美國的表演大學,從此也開啟了他與許多台灣演員截然不同的演藝道路,「我在大學畢業後繼續住在洛杉磯,大概拼了五年,才得到這次《#孫家兄弟》演出機會,算是一個漫長的過程。」深耕演員職志多年,也曾遇到低潮的他如此雲淡風輕坦言。如此在好萊塢脫穎而出的 Justin 在這個與他不謀而合的角色人物中,除了放入自己人生經驗的親情體悟,更特別同時挑戰了武打和喜劇類型題材,發揮了他擅於武術的矯健身手,百分之百一如以往認真地投入劇情故事,「每天備戲並且苦練打戲,在開拍前每週會有至少11次特技與重量訓練。」17歲曾在台灣學泰拳,近年還拿下巴西柔術藍帶的他進而分享,「會講中文、英語、廣東話的我,未來也希望能挑戰一下自己的語言能力,同時期盼日後能在台灣拍一部本土製作的戲劇。」除此,在劇中大秀好身材的他,也有意在未來挑戰需要改變身型,去更貼近劇情的角色,「滿想接演可以在身材上有巨大變化的角色,變得非常壯,或是很瘦很瘦,我覺得這是演員要挑戰一下的人生角色。」他接著笑說,「我以前其實是想歌手,若有機會演出音樂相關的戲劇經驗,不論是會彈吉他或是唱歌,應該會滿有趣的。」 隨著《孫家兄弟》劇集上映引發的討論,Justin 倒是沒有預設往後的日子,「我就是想一天一天的過生活,不要給自己太多壓力,不要想太多珍惜每一天所發生的事情。」擁抱所有可能,珍惜所有經歷,唯有如此才能在機會來臨之時從容應對。「我私下滿愛吃愛玩,只是不同於劇裡角色喜歡烘焙甜點,熱愛料理的我最拿手的菜是海膽義大利麵與牛排。」他如此大方道述。看似淡淡的態度是經年累月的修練,在這個有實力只是基本,機運和時間才是成功要素的產業,被問到為什麼還是想當演員?Justin 彷彿回到小時候首次站上舞台的表演時光,「我就是很喜歡讀故事,瞭解為何我讀了一個故事會讓我感動,然後盡量去塑造一個角色來感動觀眾。」在他真摯又堅定的神情裡,始終懷抱對演戲純粹的初心與熱忱,這個信念動力彷彿注入血液,《孫家兄弟》只是起點,他已經準備好擁抱更多可能。♡ 錢裕揚Justin Chien ♡ 不一般的軌跡
🔗全文專訪 ➠ https:\mctw.io 5kdzusTalent/錢裕揚 @justin_chien Chief Feature Editor/JuJu Chen @you.hapigText/JunYen Ke @junyen_ke\Photographer/Hazel chiu @hazel_chiu \Photographer Assistant/Vita liu @miliumimm 、ZO @zooohu Digital Content Director/Ren Chen @pojuichen Film Editor/Milky Lin @milky_the_poop Styling Director/Kris Lin @beloveapril Makeup&Hair/Sunny Hsu @sunnyhsu734 追蹤 @marieclairetw 時髦好玩的都在這\#marieclairetw #juju #豬編 #JustinChien #Justin #TheBrothersSun @netflixtw @brotherssunnetflix
Justin Chien ✨ Justin Chien has loved acting since he was a child. He started to stand on the stage in elementary school. In high school, he made up his mind to pursue his dream of being an actor, and applied to two acting universities in the United States. From then on, he started to interact with many Taiwanese actors. Actors have completely different acting paths. "I continued to live in Los Angeles after graduating from college. I worked hard for about five years before I got the opportunity to perform in "#孙家哥". It was a long process." He has been working hard as an actor for many years. He had also encountered a low point and spoke so calmly and frankly. In this way, Justin, who stands out in Hollywood, not only puts his own life experience and family experience into this role that coincides with him, but also challenges the martial arts and comedy themes at the same time, giving full play to his martial arts skills. I am 100% devoted to the plot and story as before, "I prepare for scenes every day and practice hard on my fighting scenes, and there will be at least 11 times a week before filming starts."
Stunts and weight training. ” He learned Muay Thai in Taiwan at the age of 17, and recently won a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He further shared, “I can speak Chinese, English, and Cantonese. I also hope to challenge my language skills in the future, and I look forward to the future.” I can film a locally produced drama in Taiwan." In addition, he showed off his good figure in the drama, and he also intends to challenge roles in the future that require him to change his body shape to be closer to the plot. "I really want to take on roles where I can change my body shape. I think this is a life role that an actor needs to challenge." He then laughed and said, "I actually wanted to be a singer before. If I had the opportunity to perform music, Relevant theater experience, whether it's playing guitar or singing, should be very interesting." With the discussion caused by the release of "The Brothers" series, Justin did not predict the future, "I just Don’t overthink and appreciate what happens every day. ”Embrace all possibilities and cherish all experiences. Only in this way can you calmly deal with opportunities when they come. "Privately, I love eating and playing. It's just that unlike the character in the drama who likes to bake desserts, I love cooking and my best dishes are sea urchin pasta and steak." He said generously. The seemingly indifferent attitude is the result of years of practice. In this industry where strength is only the basic and luck and time are the key factors for success. When asked why you still want to be an actor? Justin seems to have gone back to the time when he first stood on the stage to perform as a child. "I just like to read stories, understand why I read a story that moves me, and then try to create a character to move the audience." In his sincere and determined words In his expression, he always has a pure original intention and enthusiasm for acting. This belief and motivation seem to be injected into his blood. "Brothers of the Sun" is just the starting point, and he is ready to embrace more possibilities. ♡ Justin Chien ♡ An unusual trajectory
#MCman ✨錢裕揚 Justin Chien ✨\n#錢裕揚(Justin Chien)登上世界最大舞台,主演 #Netflix 影集《#孫家兄弟》(The Brothers Sun)與楊紫瓊飆戲。赴美築夢多年終於迎來果實,談及挫折依然堅信自己,看似輕鬆其實是多年的生命累積。聊及自己的演戲生涯,Justin 在大學時期即大量參與舞台演出,「我的夢想當然是希望能在電視劇影集跟電影表演,並期望可以在品質高的作品上表演;我知道如果要爭取到這些機會的話,就需要先培養好自己的技術跟實力,也因而覺得以舞台劇為開始,是對演技最好的磨練機會。」在舞台劇作為基礎打磨多年,他回想起說長不長、說短也不短的演員生涯能遇到一個對的角色,是用生命的累積 然而,命運也領著他在2021年歷經了懷疑的一年,曾有六、七個角色到最後一輪都沒被選上,但 Justin 選擇不怨天尤人而是相信自己,「因為我知道自己是有實力的,記得那時候其實有兩個選擇,一是對宇宙生氣,或者是決定相信未來會有更好的機會。」保有自我信念堅持的他,或許也真的是命中註定使然,Justin 在一個月後收到《孫家兄弟》的試鏡邀請。長達近兩個月的試鏡過程,從線上到實體與團隊見面,經過三四輪的選拔無不用盡全力的他,在得到角色的當下,百感交集忍不住哭了出來,「何況作為一名演員,一年如果有三到四個劇本試鏡,基本上引發出對角色的共鳴,就已經算多了。這次《孫家兄弟》查爾斯這個角色則是我在美國表演這麼久以來,參加過好幾百個角色試鏡之中,最讓我感動的。」♡ 錢裕揚Justin Chien ♡ 不一般的軌跡 🔗全文專訪 ➠ https: mctw.io/5kdzus Talent/錢裕揚 @justin_chien\Chief Feature Editor/JuJu Chen @you.hapig\Text/JunYen Ke @junyen_ke\Photographer/Hazel chiu @hazel_chiu \Photographer Assistant/Vita liu @miliumimm 、ZO @zooohu \Digital Content Director/Ren Chen @pojuichen\Film Editor/Milky Lin @milky_the_poop\Styling Director/Kris Lin @beloveapril\Makeup&Hair/Sunny Hsu @sunnyhsu734\追蹤 @marieclairetw 時髦好玩的都在這\n\n#marieclairetw #juju #豬編 #JustinChien #Justin #TheBrothersSun @netflixtw @brotherssunnetflix
Justin Chien ✨\n#Justin Chien has stepped onto the world's biggest stage, starring in the #NETFLIX series "#SunBrothers" (The Brothers Sun) opposite Michelle Yeoh. After many years of pursuing a dream in the United States, it finally came to fruition. When talking about setbacks, I still believe in myself. What seems easy is actually the accumulation of many years of life. Talking about his acting career, Justin participated in a lot of stage performances when he was in college. "My dream is of course to perform in TV series and movies, and I hope to perform in high-quality works; I know that if I want to achieve these If there is a chance, you need to develop your own skills and strength first, so I feel that starting with a stage play is the best opportunity to hone your acting skills." After years of honing the foundation of stage plays, he recalled that whether it lasts long, An actor's career, which is not short at all, can meet the right role. It takes the accumulation of life. There were six or seven roles that were not selected in the final round, but Justin chose not to blame others but to believe in himself, "Because I knew I was capable. I remember that I actually had two choices at that time. One was to challenge the universe. Angry, or decided to believe that there will be better opportunities in the future." He maintained his self-confidence and persevered, and perhaps it was destiny. Justin received an audition invitation for "The Brothers" a month later. The audition process lasted for nearly two months, from online to physical meetings with the team. After three or four rounds of selection, he tried his best. When he got the role, he had mixed feelings and couldn't help but cry, "Not to mention as an actor. For an actor, if he auditions for three to four scripts a year, it is considered too much if he can basically resonate with the character. This time, the role of Charles in "The Brothers" is the first time I have participated in acting in the United States for so long. Among hundreds of role auditions, this one moved me the most."♡ Justin Chien ♡ Unusual trajectory🔗Full-text interview
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