#That’s my two cents
teddybearty · 1 year
What did the Euphoric Brothers DO other then make a bad game? cuz i haven't heard of any drama
You know I thought that way at first. Like, BanBan was BAD (not to mention they made a brand new game and immediately plugged a merch store) but you know there wasn’t anything entirely wrong with the game.
That was…until I learned about Introvert.
Introvert is a game that ONE of the brothers (Faris) made as a “passion project”. But there’s nothing passionate about a game around school shootings, especially when it was labelled as a “comedy”. And ESPECIALLY WITH HOW BAD IT IS.
I watched someone play the game and as bad as BanBan is, I RATHER SIT THROUGH SOMEONE PLAY THE CANNON MINIGAME FROM GOB 2 a THOUSAND TIMES than sit through Introvert again.
It is insensitive, not funny, and just nonsensical.
If you want more info about how bad the brothers are, you could just watch this video or find other videos about the devs.
Everyone can come up to your own conclusions but these devs feel very scummy. The BanBan designs are so LAZY and UNINSPIRED and they wanted to make a profit off of that. It just…not good.
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yuriprince · 2 months
i 🩷 nonbinary lesbianism
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rosesandashs-blog · 2 years
Billy is racist and the fandom really needs to stop pushing that to the side. I know y’all really want your white boy of the year whose secretly gay and just repressed but that’s not Billy. He’s homophobic, he’s racist, he’s bigoted. It doesn’t matter what Dacre said about Billy.
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Since the Duffers clearly disagree with him and they’re literally the creators of the show. Billy is meant to show the backlash one might face in the 80s when going into an interracial relationship. So yeah , stop fucking babying him and treating him like he’s misunderstood xoxo because he’s not. He’s very clearly a representation of everything wrong with the time back then.
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just write whatever the fuck you want and tag it appropriately, we’re all sitting on a rock floating through space and there’s so many actual things to shit on <3
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vasiktomis · 2 years
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capturethechaos · 9 months
This is the only opinion I will put out on this, then I will disappear back into my cave, but I think courtesy and thought for other peoples feelings get overlooked a lot.
I stand by the opinion that no one owns a trope, or an au, if you choose to write something because it interests you, do it. I encourage it, write what you love, it’s beautiful to see different takes on things, to have the chance to read everyone’s spin on a trope/au.
I also know that there are certain tropes/aus that people don’t want to touch on, because they fear that the comparisons to other peoples work will bury the hard work they put into creating their own work. I also know that when someone puts a lot of work into a fic, and puts any amount of work and dedication into a piece of writing, seeing other pieces pop up after it has gained attention could make them feel icky, for lack of a better word atm.
I have not seen anyone say that you have to ask permission to write what you want to write, but I do think that as a community of writers we have to take into account that something you may see as a coincidence may seem less so to someone else. I think it should be a courtesy to other writers in your community, that if you are writing something, knowing that there is another piece of work on the platform that is similar in subject matter, to reach out to that writer. Not to ask permission, but to just say ‘hey, just wanted to reach out to let you know that I am/will be writing a fic with a similar trope or au that you currently have in the works, and don’t want there to be a misunderstanding, this is an idea that I was interested in writing, and would like to put my own spin on.’
We do not own tropes.
We have no possession over an au.
If you choose to write something, write it because it interests you, not because you think it will garner attention that you see another fic receiving.
You shouldn’t have to ask permission, but as a community we should have respect enough for each others work to communicate and form an understanding with each other, or else all of this just turns into a shit show, and people who write for pleasure and as an escape won’t want to stick around.
Ps. If you have an issue with someone, take it up with them privately, there’s no reason to post things publicly that could be handled in private. And if you don’t know the entirety of what is being said between two people, all you do by voicing your opinion is rehash issues that could have already been put to bed.
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dayas · 2 years
Okay the 1 thing Imma say on the First Kill finale is that it’s INCREDIBLY heartbreaking and angering to see the Burns family going through such a traumatic experience while the Fairmonts are either a; getting all hot b; not caring or c; being evil like. Juliette’s decision DESTROYED the Burns as a unit to the point where Jack and Apollo were getting ready to kill their son/brother! It falls on both Elinor and Juliette and I’m sorry but two white women causing the pain and trauma of an entire Black family unit ain’t sitting right with me. No matter the intention, the white saviorism DID jump out and have irrevocable consequences.
I think part of it is also that the Fairmont’s consequences aren’t nearly as severe. Margot literally said a couple years in jail oughta cool Elinor out but also that she wouldn’t change. The only things they have to lose from what has happened are their power/status/influence, and that has nowhere near the impact that turning Theo into the thing that killed his mother that he has been trained to hate and destroy his entire life does.
Honestly just felt really tone deaf to have everything falling down on the Black family’s head while the white family faced minimal consequences. Yes, Juliette is heartbroken however she is still the daughter of a rich/powerful/influential family and she can recover. So can Elinor, Oliver’s living his best evil life, and Sebastian and Margot are blood legacies with canonical stacks of cash.
Jack and Talia might be fractured on a fundamental relationship level, and Apollo has to live with guilt that doesn’t even belong to him. Theo has to figure out how he’s going to live as the very thing he hates with his entire being, and Calliope lost her first love and her brother in the same instance.
The imbalanced stakes was just really sucky to see from a show that’s handled everything else decently well, in my opinion.
And if they wanted Theo to join up with the villains, there were plenty of more respectful options to choose from.
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
What do you think would be the grabbers reaction to reader telling him that he's extremely unstable and that he needs psychological help?
I can imagine him denying it and also getting mad tbh
I mean, she’s pretty much told him that already 😂 “You’re delusional,” “some murderous pedophile with a misguided sense of morals”
I do think she would really piss him off if she kept pressing the issue, like, “Go to a fucking psychiatrist and a therapist and work through your shit!” “I’m serious, you need major psychological help, dude. I have this friend back home who’s a therapist now, I could call them?”
So yeah, I think she could push him pretty far and just make him angry, but he’s not going to admit to anything.
I think a part of him knows there’s a problem, since his father was always telling him there was something wrong with him, and since he hears things that other people don’t.
I also think “wrong” might be a trigger for him. “Crazy” or “insane” or what have you isn’t a big deal, but like I mentioned in chapter 7, his dad was constantly asking “What the hell’s wrong with you?” Which, obviously that’s a question he can’t answer, how should he know? So I think if someone used that word it might trigger him.
You’re not gonna ever get him to admit it out loud that there’s something off about him, but he definitely knows he’s different (if he didn’t, why bother hiding the bodies? Why bother being sneaky about it? He obviously knows he’s doing something horrible, he just doesn’t care).
I think he also tries to play off the psychic bit like it’s not a real thing. Like, the whole scene where he’s admitting to the disconnected phone ringing in the past seems like he’s trying to play it off and normalize it? Like “oh yeah that thing sure is creepy, nothing to do with me though, I’m totally normal! Oh and no, no one picked it up haha that would be weird right?”
Could be why Finney using it pisses him off so much, since he’s trying to deny to himself that he can hear it, or upset that Finney won’t buy into the denial and agree it’s broken/leave it alone?
Denial is a hell of a thing.
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pyotrkochetkov · 1 year
this series can’t end fast enough lmao
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sourstiless · 2 years
something so fundamentally different between 92sies jack and livesies jack, that i think the broadway musical really missed the mark on, was how they interpreted his longing for santa fe.
everything is under the cut because i think too much
in 92sies, it’s made very clear that santa fe isn’t actually a place jack wants to go, rather a place he uses to cope with the feeling of being alone and not having a family. you deduce this from its timing in the movie and the lyrics in the song. the song comes right after jack leaves the jacobs’ home. the very first verse of it is:
so that’s what they call a family mother, daughter, father, son guess that everything you heard about is true
so you ain’t got any family well who said you needed one ain’t you glad nobody’s waiting up for you
this is right after the first time he’s had a real experience being around and involved in a family in a long time. right after we see him happily jump back into the family dynamic, happily pretending that he is apart of this family. you can see these are words he doesn’t actually mean, but rather words he’s using to assure himself that he’s okay with being alone, and not having what they have, even though that’s not true. (see lyrics: when i dream | on my own | i’m alone but i ain’t lonely)
and we know it’s not true because he lies about having a family waiting for him, and he tells sarah that he’s not used to whether he goes or stays mattering to anyone, and asks her if it would matter to her. in that scene, he’s asking her this because he doesn’t want to leave, he’s just waiting for someone to ask him to stay because he wants a reason to. he wants to matter to someone, and if that someone is in new york, he won’t leave because he doesn’t actually want santa fe, he wants a family. he wants to belong somewhere, and he knows that running off to santa fe isn’t going to fix that, he just hopes that it will because he’s never mattered enough to anyone else for them to ask him not to go.
in the last verse, he sings:
so you ain’t got any family ain’t you glad you ain’t that way ain’t you glad you got a dream called santa fe
once again, reaffirming that his actual want is to be loved by and belong to a family, not santa fe.
the importance of all this subtext and context clues comes from it’s placement in the movie. had it come at a different time in the movie, the song may have had a very different meaning, but it was put there on purpose. to show that he is just a kid who was forced to grow up too fast, who works for a society who continues to fail him, who just wants to be able to have someone who cares about him and wants him to stay, and who wants have a life where he doesn’t feel so alone, abandoned, or ostracized. that’s why the song(s) is so heart wrenching.
the song wasn’t about santa fe. it was never about santa fe, the song was about longing for a family, something he didn’t have the luxury of.
in livesies, they actively make it a place where jack genuinely wants to go, and where he thinks he can fix all his problems. and obviously there is nothing inherently wrong with that idea, but it does take out the emotional weight of what santa fe actually means to him, and what it’s actually a metaphor for.
both the movie and the show have two versions of the song, however changing the placements of where they are and changing the lyrics, changes the meaning of not only the song (obviously), but also the meaning of santa fe in the show and to the character themselves.
in the broadway show, jack is literally singing about santa fe. in the santa fe prologue, he’s singing about how much he wants to leave new york, and how it sucked the life out of his old man and that he’s not letting it do that to him. he sings about how all he wants to do is just get away to a place that sounds so much better, so much prettier and so much cleaner and where he’ll be able to live free with not a care in the world, unlike what he has now.
see lyrics:
where it's clean and green and pretty
plantin' crops splittin' rails swappin' tales around the fire ‘cept for sunday when you lie around all day
work the land chase the sun swim the whole rio grande just for fun
there is one verse in the prologue that alludes to wanting to belong to a family, and wanting someone to care enough to ask you to stay, however, it is a short lyric that is quickly overshadowed by jack telling crutchie:
i bet a few months of clean air you could toss that crutch for good
(which i cant even begin to explain why that’s a terrible lyric, and why it’s just not good representation in general. a friend of mine who is disabled has explained it better than i have the ability to, and i’ll link their post if you’re curious about that.)
the family line, does not get a lot of spotlight, and is drowned out by the sheer amount of praise being sung about the actual place, santa fe. jack wants to leave. he doesn’t want to stay, and he wants to take crutchie with him. in fact, he does call crutchie family:
don’t you know that we’re a family would i let you down
which continues to drown out the other family line in the song, because this line shows that jack thinks of crutchie as family, and implies that family is not something he desires at this point because he already has it, and if it is something he wants, it’s not nearly as important to him as getting out of the city. it’s also important to note that this is the very first song in the show. this sets the mood for the entire play. you get this sense the whole time that jack does not want to be there.
now, yes in the movie jack does say that he’ll be happy when the strike is over so he can leave for santa fe, but that comment is almost immediately followed up by him telling sarah that he’s not used to him staying or leaving mattering to anyone, and that’s why he said that. because people don’t normally care.
and this is not a dig on movie jack for “not considering the newsies family”, so i hope that’s not how that came off. because i do think that he does consider the other newsies family, especially given how he treats them throughout the movie. that being said, it’s not the same as having a mother, and a father, and a real home of your own. that’s the distinction between jack longing for a family in the movie, and jack already considering himself having a family in the broadway show.
when jack sings the reprise in the movie, it’s coming straight after the rally has failed, and he has been arrested. after he cuts david off in order to keep him out of the refuge, and his one chance to be apart of a family again is seemingly off the table. though he hasn’t scabbed yet, the look on david’s face when he turns to leave is a enough to insinuate that there is bitterness or resentment in feeling like jack is giving up, and leaving him, and their strike. he falls back on that dream of santa fe because his real dream is no longer tangible.
he’s in the refuge, the place that he was so scared of going back to, and he feels completely hopeless, and powerless in this moment. pulitzer and snyder have completely broken him down. he can no longer keep up the facade of being okay with everything happening in his life (we see crutchy’s reaction to this), he knows what he’s about to do next and that his friends aren’t going to understand why he’s doing this. he knows they’ll be rightfully hurt and they won’t forgive him, and so this place, santa fe, is all he feels he has left. everything else has been unwilling stripped from him.
this wholly differs from santa fe in the musical, where jack is coming from a place of anger, guilt, and some self pity. he wants to go to santa fe because he wants to run away from his problems. he doesn’t want to deal with any of this stuff anymore, and he’s mad at crutchy from not being able to escape. but the thing is, santa fe was jack’s real dream in the musical. it wasn’t a stand in for anything. he’s not singing about santa fe because he lost the only thing keeping his head above water, he’s singing about santa fe because he is at the end of his rope with pulitzer, and he just wants out. he has lost his patience. but he knows what he wants, and where he wants to go.
now, i don’t think there’s anything wrong with being mad and outraged for being mistreated by those who are more fortunate than you. obviously, that’s the whole premise of newsies and why they striked to begin with, and i’ve been on that end personally before. that being said, i think by changing what santa fe meant to jack for the broadway musical, it just lost so much of the emotional weight that came with it.
jack stays in new york in the movie because he never truly wanted to leave. he wanted a family, and he realizes, with some help from roosevelt, he finally has that. he’s not giving up his dream by staying, because he already found his dream. but in the musical, because they painted santa fe as something that he actually wanted. it feels like he’s giving that up for virtually nothing because he had never expressed wanting a girlfriend, wanting a family, or wanting to stay. yes he was offered a job, but he genuinely thought moving to santa fe would make his life better, that it would make his friends lives better. he listed out all the reasons he wanted to leave new york in the santa fe prologue. it never had anything to do with the strike, or with the price of the papes, but rather with the city itself, so why stay if you’ve never been shown to have any incentive to want to? why stay if you genuinely believe the quality of life is better elsewhere, especially when you have the opportunity to leave?
without the double meaning for santa fe, there’s just so much that seemingly does not make sense, along with the fact that you lose so much of the emotion from the original. in having santa fe really be a stand in for a family, you are constantly reminded of the fact that jack is just a child. a child who was abandoned by everyone in his life, and by his family, and all he truly wants is to have that again. you don’t get that same feeling when santa fe is the true end goal for him. to me, the story feels so lacking, so empty, without it. i really just think the broadway musical fucked up on that one big time.
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lesbianlovelanguage · 2 years
They ruined Steve's character in season 4 I'm so sad :((
Yeah ☹️ My thoughts are that they didn’t necessarily ruin Steve though, but they absolutely decimated his relationship with almost everyone in his life. His scenes with Robin were fun, and he still clearly cares about the kids even when he’s whining about babysitting (see: Him being the first to run to Max when something felt off at the graveyard). Even his obsession with getting a date also isn’t really new, though it’s refreshing to see him open up about wanting more than sex from someone.
But his relationship with Dustin? Where the fuck did that go? His acknowledgment that being with Nancy wasn’t a good fit? Why is everyone back to treating him like a goddamn idiot??
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rodeoromeo · 11 months
I think the reason neilman is so upset about the leak is bc everyone is going to get excited about it being canon but then the kiss is an out of context homophobic joke
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peppertaemint · 1 year
How was RM’s Indigo? Did you like it?
Hi Anon,
I did take some time to listen to Indigo. I think it’s one of the most mature outings from BTS or any member to date, and that sonically it’s very listenable even if a few songs, like Wildflower, sound as though there is nothing differentiating them from being a BTS song. And I think this is a point: so much of BTS is RM—his tendencies and hang ups. Indigo feels like a reassurance of this, and if I’m being honest, just a better, more listenable version of BTS.
Indigo is most interesting with the song Yun, featuring Erykah Badu and an an interesting a sample the song gets its moniker from. It’s an existential pondering with distinct Korean elements (the sample, RM’s raps) set to a very classic 90s hip hop groove. Badu adds great depth to it. But, what hinders it for me is the chorus, even though I do like this song. And I think critically speaking this is what the album suffers from, though the album is in no way a failure.
I wanna be a human
'Fore I do some art
It's a cruel world
But there's gon' be my part
'Cause true beauty is a true sadness
Now you could feel my madness
The lyrics become facile often, and as a listener, that pulls me out of it. The cliched verses don’t hit for me, which is why even though the album is sonically pleasant and interesting to a degree, it won’t make my rotation. I should say that my preference in hip hop and r&b sways between wit and unbridled honesty. If it’s not making me smirk I like it to hit me hard emotionally. But a groove is a groove and there are definitely some jams here, and RM has shown he has chops for collaborations that capture the best of the artists he’s working with.
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acotars · 2 years
fanfiction writers should stay on ao3. no more published fanfics
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send me your hot takes/unpopular lit opinions and i’ll tell you whether i’d let you in or not
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brightbluedot · 2 months
to succeed in adult friendship you must remember the key tenets of child friendship:
Play Toys
Play Pretend
Snack Time
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fckmebarnes · 25 days
i think it’s truly incredible how many people would rather be selfish and choose themselves in a situation that 1) has nothing to do with them and 2) has absolutely nothing to do with them.
half the people that dropped me because i was upset they were being selfish about my partner experiencing racism, told me that “they are family” and that “ill alienated myself from everyone if i keep this up” and it’s like…they ARE my family you’re right! so why are they treating me and my partner this way? when it comes to needing the support and care from family and friends that are supposed to be supportive to you because as people say “blood is thicker than water” and your family is soooo important. like that doesn’t make sense and why the fuck would i want someone in my life who is making my partner feel uncomfortable and like shit for asking for support
just something i was thinking about because it was my aunts bday a few days ago and i unfriended her before and she was one of the people who complained my post needing support was a handout and instead i should donate my blood to make money instead of asking for people to SHARE my post. like…i know you and my cousin were shit talking me because that’s just who my cousin is and my aunt well you’re just naive and will do anything to feel included and young so :/
whatever! they aren’t included in the next chapter of my life tbh. and if they want to know, they can reach out
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