scorittanius · 5 months
ngl i absolutely hate mcdonald's buisness strategy. to take advantage of unfair labor laws in the form of teens being paid less than adults when they put in equal ( or greater ) effort so you can run a multibillion dollar business using the labor of people who literally can't fight back due to not having the legal or monetary power because they aren't considered equal in the eyes of the law is such a shitty move. we should start killing people until we get equal pay on all fronts actually
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chentailai · 27 days
Use the translator to express some of my views
Because I was bullied by a group of people on campus again, and I was caught in an awkward and misunderstood situation because of my strange behavior and the complexity of the girl group.
Once again, I fell into self-doubt. Did I really do something wrong? Do I really deserve all this? Am I really the bad side? Are they really doing nothing wrong, they are just, and I am evil, unrepentant, scheming, neurotic ugly b?
If you have such doubts, stop! Stop torturing and hurting yourself with self-pity and inferiority complex. Look, I'm still in a bad situation and I'm not good enough to give a complete suggestion.
But we can see the harm of this state of mind
If you've never loved yourself before, try to love yourself now. We should understand that other people's opinions are nothing, don't care about the truth of those words, the subtle right and wrong in things, and most importantly, you are hurt. You're hurting yourself. So stop, find someone you can really trust to talk to, and find a quiet place to calm down. If someone is hurting you, dear, no matter what the reason is, no matter who is right or wrong, if he scolds you and beats you, you should be your own protector instead of the perpetrator
There are many things in this world that can't be distinguished between true and false. People even use the skin of kindness to deceive and hurt others. They will use your wounds to hurt others. They will lie and you can't tell the difference. They say they can accept and respect you. In fact, they find fault with you everywhere in their hearts, discriminate against you and exclude you. So just be yourself and be isolated, just because you are yourself, if you are not accepted, it means that there is no one in your environment who can have a meaningful relationship with you.
Sometimes life is so funny and dramatic, you look at your enemies, oh my God! They seem to be justice, but why do they slander you with the worst words behind your back and say something ugly out loud when they notice you around?As far as I know, a man of good morality would not utter such dirty words,We know exactly what they are
No one is perfect's, and those good people will show their worst side. Yes, good people will hate each other, while bystanders will only support the best and best side for them. Sometimes things are just so unfair and ridiculous, so don't worry about anything!Be yourself! Be a good person, or be a " bad person", so what if others think badly of you, the truth is only in the hands of a few people, and the public is stupid, full of prejudice and arrogance.
If they want to hurt you, they can't, never mind what kind of people they are, a bunch of " good people"? They wronged you, slandered you, hurt you, then laughed at your collapse and cried, and finally shamelessly said in front of the teacher, " It's all because she is too sensitive, I didn't do anything, she thought I was talking about her." You should not justify, you should grab her mouth full of dirt and lies, tear open her hypocritical appearance, severely beat the prejudice of the whole class against you, and tell them " I'm not crazy. The real unreasonable attitude people are you."
Protect yourself and don't let yourself be bullied. And, study hard, if you try to walk on your own path, it will make you meet people in cherish the same ideals and follow the same path. And the score is better than all of them. It feels good.
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The Marriage Argument: Tharn’s Perspective
Both Tharn and Type have valid arguments about the marriage so they have inevitably been bound to clash. The reason for the clash is that they’re two people who have been formed by very different experiences, including their individual past traumas, making them into the men they are now: an idealist with a streak for eternal optimism and a realist with a tendecy for negativity; an all-out gay and a former homophobe; a hopeless romantic and a cynical pragmatic, someone who’s loved before and was broken by it and a man who is in love for the first time in his life.
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Season 1 focused on Type’s problems, flaws and character developemnt as he had come a very long way. And although Tharn’s issues were addressed, they have never been completely resolved, therefore the focus in Season 2 shifts towards him and delves deeper into his character: his insecurities, hopes and personality traits.  
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It’s not only their differences which divide them, but also what they have in common because like repels like, so while Tharn and Type differ in many ways, they are viscerally and uncannily similar in others, which is something many people don’t realise. THEY ARE BOTH FIGHTERS - strong, stubborn as mules and immensely brave - who have overcome huge obstacles, not only in their relationship, but also as individuals. For instance, everyone talks about how stubborn Type is, but it gets rarely mentioned that Tharn is as stubborn, if not even more. He merely isn’t so loud about it.
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The most important and inherent aspect of Tharn’s personality is that he is an idealist who has always wished for the impossible and fought losing battles, ultimately having his wishes granted and winning those battles most of the times due to his dogged stubborness and refusal to budge and give up on what he believes in. He’s been like this for most of his life, even before we met him in S01E01, so when some people claim that the Tharn in Season 2 is not the same Tharn, they never really known him or understood him. Therefore, it there is one quote that perfectly describes Tharn in both seasons, it is this one:
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Tharn’s always dreamed the impossible dream: to study music, for Type to love him and only him one day. 
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Furthermore, he’s fought against the odds and opposition: the prejudice against his sexuality, his parents’ initial refusal to allow him study music, Type’s bullying, Type wanting to keep their relationship a secret from everyone else,... and he has overcome and defeated all of them with his unrelenting optimism and relentless refusal to give up. He still believed in love despite all his terrible breakups and didn’t give up on Type no matter how badly Type treated him, believing Type is a good person.
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The very qualities that stopped Than from moving out of the dorm when Type harassed him 7 years ago, leading to them being together, and enabled him to live his life the way he wanted and to win Type’s love, despite the fact he was fighting a losing battle each time - tenacity and pride and insane stubbornness - are both his greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses. So once again Tharn hopes for the impossible: this time, it’s marriage.
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Tharn accepted himself a long time ago, coming out to his parents when he was in 12th grade, openly admitting that he was gay in school and later, in work, as well. Unlike Type, he is an all-out gay, therefore he is in a very different place than his lover. However, he, too, had struggled with it. It took him 4 years before he dared to come out to his parents and publicly reveal he’s gay. So ever since, he’s been dealing with everything that comes with it, both the positive and negative. There must have been times when Tharn was marginalized, discriminated against and felt inferior due to his sexual orientation, most noticebly while being bullied by a certain homophobic roommate. 
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On the other hand, while Type told his family and friends about his relationship, he’s never come out publicly, so he still lacks the final step and the experience that comes with it.
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Performing at his own brother's engagement party the love song he wrote for Type and seeing him propose to the woman he loves, still hurting because Type has refused his own proposal many times and doesn’t want to get married to him, break something inside Tharn. 
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He wants the same thing, but he can’t have it and that makes him hurt, desolate, bitter and envious. He’s been with Type much longer than Thorn with Aom and they’ve been through so much, earning their right to be together, yet marriage seems like an impossible dream, the only thing that Type has refused to give him. Not only does he feel cheated of something that should be his, but it makes him feel inferior, marginalized and not good enough. 
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Because if he were a woman, Type wouldn’t refuse to talk about him with his co-workers and would have agreed to marry him a long time ago. Instead,Tharn has to come up with excuse why he won't introduce his boyfriend to his collegues. This has been an ongoing issue since season 1. 
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 And this is where those who argue that if Type doesn't want to get married Tharn shouldn't make him completely misunderstand the problem - the marriage is only a symbol, representing equality and Tharn's desire to be like any other couple in all the things that matter.
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While Tharn can compromise a lot, he is no doormat and has a certain set of morals and beliefs he will never break. He has enough self-worth to know that he deserves better. Once again, it’s the same quality which didn’t allow him to move out of the dorm when Type bullied him. So it says a lot that the only time Tharn seriously contemplated breaking up with Type was when he thought Type slept with Puifai. He couldn’t bear to be treated as second rate, a spare tire, a mistress and a dirty secret and share Type with someone else. It’s a line he will never be able to cross, his pride and heart won’t allow it. Tharn wants equality, thus he wants it all, wants what everyone else has. And being denied marriage to the love of his life makes him feel incomplete, deficient, depraved, as if he were somehow undeserving of it.
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Speaking of inferiority, Tharn has never gotten over his abandonment issues: being dumped by all his past lovers, including Tar, his first love,... In fact, it has actually become worse when Type broke up with him 7 years ago. It might have been fake, but Tharn didn’t know that back then, so the heartbreak he felt was real - his body, his heart and his mind went through a real breakup and they remember it all. 
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The thing with traumas is that while you might heal and overcome them, you will never forget about them because they leave behind traces, scars that will hurt from time to time and never let you forget about them. During his formative years, Tharn got used to being thrown away and Type’s abandoment was the one that cut him the deepest. Because of all this, Tharn  developed a deeply-rooted and hidden inferiority complex together with his fear of being left behind. Deep down, he always worries that he isn’t good enough and that no matter how hard he tries, he will be abandoned in the end. 
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The scar caused by Type’s breakup has never healed and was left to fester, staying latent over the years, and it’s always been only a matter of time before it reared its ugly head. There is always a price to pay eventually and the consequences of that breakup have been merely postponed. 
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The mere mention of breakup is enough to trigger Tharn, but hearing Type explaining to Thorn that marriage would make things more messy and difficult when they broke up shatters him, it’s basically the ultimate trigger.
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Tharn knows what it feels like to lose Type, he lived through it and it almost destroyed him, so he doesn’t want to experience it ever again because he wouldn’t survive it. Therefore he has been doing everything in his powers to prevent it and bind Type to him in every way possible, desperately trying to stop him from leaving and himself from being abandoned once again. 
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And marriage is one of those bonds, actually, it’s a real palpable bond that binds a person’s life to another. It involves people making a sacred and legally binding promise, proclaiming their love publicly, in front of eveyone, and they exchange rings, the symbol of the bond and eternity, as well. In some cultures, the couple’s ahnds get literally binded together. So it’s no wonder that Tharn desires to get married to Type so much. 
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Moreover, a proposal, an engagement party and a wedding ceremony are incredibly romantic moments and Tharn is the ultimate romantic with a penchant for grand romantic gestures and declarations, organizing glamping dates on rooftops, giving his boyfriend red roses,... therefore he does want to do it all.
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Finally, the primary reason for the inferiority complex and fear of abandonment comes from the fact that THARN IS A MIDDLE CHILD. His family is very loving and he’s never been neglected, but being a middle child means he is neither fish nor fowl, neither the oldest or the youngest. He’s grown used to taking himself out of the equation, to compromise and to share the love of his parents with his siblings. So he desperately wants someone to be only his, someone who he doesn’t have to share with anyone; HE WANTS TYPE AND HIS LOVE TO BELONG ONLY TO HIM, COMPLETELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY. It’s a visceral need on his part and the reason behind his strong jealous streak.
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sz-amare · 3 years
9. “Hard Work” BS
One of the most frequently explored themes in shōnen anime is the concept of hard work vs. natural talent. It is one of my favorites, and it excites me to see how an anime portrays its message on the matter. The general concept that you can surpass anyone with rigorous and strict hard work is very inspiring to the younger demographic, myself included. However, there are many instances where an anime will try to tackle this concept but will either fail or ironically contradict their themes without realizing it. Naruto and Black Clover are the first ones that come to mind, but several others do the same. Although, there is one anime I love that tackles the idea, without really trying to, and succeeds. And that is Haikyuu.
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Starting with an anime that fails to portray the message of hard work, we have Black Clover. Now I know I bashed Black Clover in the previous post, but once again, I give criticism is where criticism is due. But to make it up to the Black Clover fans, I will try my best to make an analysis/review on Black Clover in the near future, talking about what it does right and what it does better than most. Anyway, in the world of Black Clover, there are three basic regions in the Clover kingdom. We have the Forsaken Realm, the Common Realm, and the Noble Realm. Nobles in Black Clover tend to have a high affinity for magic and live in the Nobel Realm, while commoners and peasants live in the Forsaken Realm, having a low magic affinity. The Common Realm is between the two; people who live there have average status and average affinity for magic.
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Asta lives in the Forsaken Realm, meaning he is a commoner. As I mentioned in a previous post, the main reason Asta wants to become the wizard king is to prove that peasants can become the most powerful mage and thus remove discrimination against them. The only way he can prove this is by working harder than anyone else. The only issue is, Asta is nothing like a regular commoner. As a matter of fact, he is nothing like your average human. He is possessed by a devil that gives him anti-magic abilities, which gives him an edge over people with powerful magical abilities. So… even if Asta became the wizard king, can we really say that other commoners have the potential to become the wizard king as well? No. We can’t. Now yes, Asta did train harder than everyone else in his respective series. Fun fact, if you look at physical strength alone and ignore magical abilities, Asta is the second strongest character in the world of Black Clover. But unfortunately, he doesn’t rely on his physical strength along, but on his anti-magic and devil abilities almost no one else has. His hard work is real and very admirable, but the theme of hard work does not play out with his character’s message, and I find that to be a major flaw.
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If you thought the theme of hard work vs. natural talent was badly portrayed in Asta’s character, prepare yourself for Naruto. Before I start, I want you to understand that in Naruto, there are a couple of examples where I think the theme is beautifully explored. Lee vs. Gara is an excellent example, and in this case, hard work loses. Might Guy’s character alone is brilliant to this theme. To think that he was one of the greatest fighters the whole time, but even we, the audience, looked down on him, thinking he was not as strong as some of the Akatsuki, simply because he only used taijutsu. 
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But there is one example where the series not only falls short but miserably fails to the point where I feel embarrassed. And that is Naruto vs. Neji.
During the Chuinin exams, we see Neji as one of the most powerful forces that Naruto will probably have to face off against in the future. Neji was born in one of the strongest clans, the Hyuga, resulting in him having an overpowerd ability, the byakugan. Then we have Naruto, who has been an underdog his entire life. He was also discriminated against because of the demonic Nine-Tails Fox that was trapped in his body. Naruto was one of the weakest contenders in the exams, but he believed that he would beat Neji, the second most talented contender there, through his hard work. Neji was also spouting some destiny bull crap that Naruto promised his hard work would also defy. But anyway, during the fight, nothing much was happening other than trading fists and philosophies between the two. When the fight starts to get interesting, Naruto asks the Nine-Tails Fox for chakra, giving him a massive boost, resulting in his victory.
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I’m sorry, what?! How can you spout some hard work non-sense for over a dozen episodes, claiming that your hard work would trump someone’s natural abilities but end up using an overpowered ability, unique to you, to prove that point? That is completely self-contradictory. It would have been fascinating to see Naruto realize that the only way he won was because of his unique abilities, resulting in him understanding that although he won the physical fight, he lost the battles of ideals. This would spark development where Naruto now understood, or at least began to believe, that natural talent is overall superior but mixed with a lot of hard work, you could become the strongest. That is precisely why Naruto is the strongest at this point. But no, Naruto took pride in the battle he “won,” even though he completely contradicted himself. Later on in the series, we even learn that Naruto is a part of a clan stronger than the Hyuga, the Uzumaki. So technically, Naruto was never inferior to Neji. This mistake is laughable.
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For the anime I believe they tackled the theme of hard work vs. natural talent in one of the most unique ways, we have the volleyball anime, Haikyuu. One of my favorite parts in the series is when Kageyama and Tsukishima receive special training while Hinata is nothing more than a ball boy. Hinata has already proved his hard work through his jumping height and speed, but this arc proved something slightly different from the usual. While Hinata’s two rivals are getting special training, he feels the desperation to train so that he doesn’t fall behind in skill. As a result, he tries to join one of the camps to receive the same special training one of his rivals is receiving. He then understands his rudeness for joining uninvited. As a form of an apology, he starts picking up stray balls after they go out of bounds. While two of his rivals are working hard, he is a ball boy. His feelings of desperation slowly rise, but he can’t do anything about it.
After talking to a couple of people, he begins to understand that he can take advantage of his position. He spends each moment staring at the other volleyball players who are training, observing what they are doing to learn something. Basically, while his rivals are working hard in a special training program not many people get, Hinata works hard to find training – working hard at special training vs. working hard to receive training, if you will. He takes advantage of his dire situation and uses it to learn all sorts of things.
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Looking now at the end of season four, we can see the fruits of Hinata’s labor finally shine. He perfectly receives multiple crucial spikes and starts to seem like a well-rounded player. After Kageyama, it felt like Hinata deserved the title of MVP for the first time.
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In general, I don’t think that failing to deliver a great message through the theme of hard work vs. natural talent will make or break an anime. But when that theme is an essential part of a message you want to portray or pertains to a big part of an arc, failing to deliver can create significant inconsistencies and dial down the quality of an anime as a whole in some viewers’ eyes. Asta’s whole goal should be obtained through the means of hard work alone; otherwise, it creates cracks in the logic of his message. When hard work vs. natural talent is a reoccurring theme in Naruto for about 40 episodes and creates a contradictory ending to the theme, it will cause significant dissatisfaction to the audience who resonated with it. I love the general concept of themes, but when dealing with one, always bring a good closing to it to flesh out the elements of your story and so you don’t turn off your audience.
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faefictions · 5 years
The Night We Met
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Love hurts. 
Word Count: 2,122
A/N: I was going to link the video that inspired this, but Tumblr is dumb and I know it wouldn’t show up in search if I did. But if you haven't seen the video of The Night We Met set to an hour of driving in the rain, then you are missing out. I highly recommend crying to it.  
“It’s been nice seeing you again,” Tom blurted out as he walked beside her. He was maybe two inches apart from her, arms brushing together every so often, but he had never felt so far away. 
“Yeah, believe it or not, I missed you,” she smiled back, blushing, but refusing to make eye contact. 
This part was always weird. After a break up, two people usually go their separate ways. They take what’s theirs and they depart for the rest of their lives, but y/n had something about her. Each person who had broken up with her had come running back each time, and she was always weak enough to let them back in. Her heart was full of love and admiration that she just wanted to give out, but the people coming back in were never deserving of it, though her heart didn’t discriminate. 
This time was different. She had been with Tom longer than she had ever been with anyone else, although they had broken up once before. He had called it off, but when he asked for her back, she accepted. There had never been any apologies for anything he had said or done, just one simple question, and she had stupidly said yes. So it was only right that a year later he would call it off again. 
It had been 4 months since they had parted, when he called her and said they needed to talk. They met up at what used to be her favorite coffee shop, but was now tarnished by sour memories she had made with him. 
They talked for hours, discussing things they had both done that hadn’t been the best for their relationship. It was the only time she had ever heard Tom sincerely apologize to her. 
After that day, they began to see each other more, going to movies and parties with friends. But this was the first time they had been alone. They had been walking down the abandoned downtown street for what felt like an hour, but was probably only 15 minutes. She could tell he wanted to say something, and she prayed it wasn’t what she thought it was. 
In the few months they had spent apart, she realized that all he had done was wrong. All the times he flirted with other girls in front of her, claiming it was platonic so he was allowed. All the times he had lied to her face, just for her to find out later from someone else that nothing he had said was true. All of the times he had made her feel bad for doing something that he would refuse to apologize for each time he did the same. She knew he wasn’t right for her anymore. 
She had to remind herself of this every time his hand accidentally brushed hers, or each time she caught him smiling as he looked at her out of the corner of his eye. 
He hurt you, y/n. Stop. 
But she couldn’t help the sparks that flew when she was around him. He was the first person she had truly fallen in love with, so of course that hadn’t just magically gone away in a few months. 
“I-Uhm-I actually kinda wanted to talk to you about something.”
Her heart stopped, but she kept walking. She did her best to keep her breathing calm as she looked at him, asking him to continue. 
“I know, I fucked up. I never should have called off things between us.”
His eyes were hopeful, a look that reminded her of the day he first asked her to be his. They had been talking for only a month when he took her out for frozen yogurt. She had chuckled at his choice of venue, but she could never turn down a good fro-yo. As they sat there, she had noticed he was incredibly quiet, which was uncharacteristic of the brit. They were sitting on the same side of the booth, so she took his hand in hers in an attempt to calm whatever nerves were getting to him. His palm was sweaty and she swore she could feel his heartbeat in each fingertip. 
“Are you ok, Tom?” 
“Uh, yeah, I just, I need to ask you something.”
“Ok, you can ask me anything.” 
She was already smiling before he had asked, but somehow the smile spread even further on her face as she said yes. She laid her head on his shoulder for the first time, each of their yogurts melting as they cuddled on the bench seat. 
She tried to push back that memory as she walked beside him on the cold city street. She didn’t reply to his statement though. What was she supposed to say? 4 months ago, she would have agreed that he fucked up. She would have screamed that from the rooftops. She would have agreed that he never should have ended things. But presently, she wasn’t so sure. She had started to believe that maybe things were better left in the past between them. 
“Do you still hate me?” he asked, nervous from her silence. 
“Of course not, Tommy. You know I love you,” she said, but the sincerity in her voice was mixed with exhaustion. 
“You do?”
“Of course,” she chuckled, “Can’t really stop loving someone once you start. I don’t think so at least. You can get mad at them and say you hate them all you want, but I don’t think you can ever really stop loving them. Not if you truly loved them to begin with.”
He grabbed her hand and stopped her underneath a street light. She could see his features more prominently now, and it confused every emotion within her. His brows were furrowed and she knew what was coming next, but in this moment, she let herself just soak him in. Just feel what she knew she shouldn’t. 
She was right. She could never stop loving him. Every time she looked into his hazel eyes, she found herself daydreaming. She wanted to reach out and hold his face, or run her fingers through his curly hair again. She couldn’t allow herself to do those things, but the urge would never leave because that was how she had always shown her love for him. 
His hands were still engulfing hers as he took a deep breath, palms just as sweaty as the first time. 
“I need you,” was all he could get out before a small tear slipped from the corner of his eye. 
And how was she supposed to respond to that? Every instinct within her told her to reach out and wipe the tear. To pull him in and kiss him. To tell him that she could be his and everything would be ok. But what would that cost her? Because the last time, it had cost her her happiness. 
They had broken up for two months and he had moved on. Not really, he had never had the intention of being with the other girl, but he sure made it seem like he did. The constant flirting and pictures he took had made y/n believe he had moved on quickly. He had done it all for show, to prove to himself that he could live without y/n, but it only proved more that he couldn’t love anyone as much as he loved her. And although those emotions were what had scared him off in the first place, they were the same thing that had him crawling back.
Even after she had taken him back, that girl was everywhere. Commenting on his pictures, texting him all the time, she even started following y/n on social media (only liking the photos that had Tom of course). It drove y/n insane, but every time she brought it up with Tom, he would just get upset and ask her to get over it. 
Of course, he did it out of guilt. He could never tell her that he was trying to replace her when he had started talking to the other girl. But y/n already knew that, so each time he lied, she felt more and more betrayed. She kept on loving him, but each passing day made her feel more self pity. 
“Tom, please don’t do this,” she squeaked out. She couldn’t bare to look at him anymore, so she switched her gaze to the ground to avoid the sight of his tears, her hand never moving from his grasp. 
“Do what?”
“This. I can’t do this again.”
“Y/n… Please.”
“Tom, you have no idea how hard it is to say this, but I can’t.”
“Why not?”
That was what really broke her. Had he forgotten about all the times he had made her cry? All the times he made her second guess herself? All the times he made her feel inferior to other girls? She knew that she had talked to him about each of those things, that he knew what he had done to her, so why was he suddenly questioning why she couldn’t be with him? 
She jerked her hand away from his, looking up to meet his gaze. She was met with the sight of tears streaming down his face, and a dumbfounded look plastered over his once hopeful features, which made the next part harder than it needed to be. 
“Tom, I don’t know how to get this through your head, but you hurt me. You’ve hurt me too many times, over and over again. And I have forgiven you each time, I still forgive you, but being with you will just subject me to that again… I don’t think I can take another hit from you.”
“B-but, I promise, I’ll try harder this time.”
“The fact that there’s room for you put up more effort is the problem, Tommy. I gave you my all and I was met with the minimum amount of effort from you. And sure, if we got back together, I’m sure it would be great at first. You’d take me on dates and we would cuddle all the time. You would give me undivided attention. But how long would that last? A week? Then you’d get bored of it. Of me. And it would just go back to being us. You would do something, I would overthink it, and you would get upset with me, which would make me upset with you. That cycle would just repeat until we break up again. And then maybe we would just get back together and start it again. I’m just being realistic here, and the reality of it is that we aren’t healthy. We aren’t good together.”
Tears were streaming down her face now, but her words were as calm as she could manage. He stared at her in disbelief as she spoke. If she were speaking to anyone else, he would have been proud of her. He would have loved that she was taking a stand for herself. But not with him. He wanted her too badly. 
“What can I do? What can I say to change your mind? I’ll do anything. I promise,” he sobbed. 
She took a deep breath, looked into his eyes, and said,”You can’t.”
She let down her wall for one last second as she reached up and put her hand against his cheek, wiping a few tears away as she maintained eye contact. 
“I can’t do this anymore, Tom. I can’t. And if you can’t just be friends with me, this needs to be the end.”
“Tom. Please. Stop making this harder for me.”
A sob tore through his lungs as he looked at her. The love of his life was standing right in front of him, he wanted to reach out and hold her, but he wasn’t hers anymore. So he couldn’t. There was no way he could be satisfied with being just friends. He could pretend, but he knew that would cause him just as much pain. 
He couldn’t think of anything to say, but she already knew what he was thinking. She had the answer to the question she never really asked. Her hand fell from his face and she looked towards the asphalt again. 
“Goodbye, Tom.”
No more tears were able to come to her. She felt numb in that moment, as she turned away and left him crying. He fell to the concrete as he watched her walk to her car. He hoped that she would turn around. Hoped she would come running back to him with open arms. But she didn’t. 
He was forced to watch as her headlights drove away, disappearing into the night, along with his hope of ever holding her again. 
Tags: @johnsambrosemcclaren @smilexcaptainx @castawayparker @rose-marys-love @chonisberonica @5sos-wdw @chloe-geoghegan1 @spiderlingsweb @baconlover001
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It’s Time to Stop This Diversity Shit
A couple months ago, this white woman read a book of mine and decided she wanted to be my "diversity champion." She started recommending my book and gushing about it, praising it for its non-white, non-straight characters. Horah. She had found some poor black queer author to champion so she could feel good about supposedly not being racist and homophobic. Look, mom, she's  so "woke."
It was pretty infuriating.
I never asked for a white savior. My books are good enough that I don't NEED a white savior. And honestly? I am fucking sick of listening to white people talk about "diversity" -- which is little more than a sugarcoated version of the harsh truth white people can't handle: "straight white discrimination against everyone else"
I am not "diverse." I'm a black muff-diver, bitch.
I am also tired of hearing the phrase "people of color," which I even fell into the habbit of using thanks to the slow indoctrination of the interwebs.
There is no "people of color" solidarity. It's a myth. Like intersectional feminism. I know it's a myth because I live everyday surrounded by racist, anti-black Mexicans who treat me about as badly as white poeple do. Read through some of the posts on this blog where I spoke about racist Latin cops pointing guns in my elderly mother's face and all the shit they do to me.
I don't need or want a white savior. I want readers who buy my books because they genuinely connect to my stories and genuinely love them -- not because they are filling some shitty diversity quota (“I’m reading black authors this year!”) or out on some crusade to prove they aren't racist.
All this diversity crap is pointless anyway. Why are we focused on the Oscars and the Hugos? Why have we fooled ourselves into thinking that attacking racist white celebrities on twitter is going to amount to anything?
The reality is, nothing will ever change so long as white supremacy continues. Until black people are treated like human beings in this country, until discrimination and oppression stops, you can count on seeing a steady steam of Straight White Men dominating every aspect of entertainment, science, medicine, and politics.
That's what white supremacy is. It means that white poeople rule. They stand on our necks -- as they always have -- and soak up all the sunshine while we linger in darkness.
So complaining about "diversity" isn't going to change shit. These white "diversity champions" aren't really out to help non-whites anyway. Their real goal is to not look racist while continuing to be racist on a daily basis.
So they'll get online and champion a black author, then turn around and overlook a black person's job application solely on the basis of them being black.
White racism is covert now. It's hidden behind badges. It's alibis and altered video footage. It's liberals smiling to your face and then calling your kids "super predators" behind your back. It's black teenagers with bloody mouths who somehow deserved twenty bullets even though they were unarmed and the cop outweighed them by sixty pounds.
It's the continuous, unending, irrational hatred of white people for black people, for the crime of existing in all our glory, for the crime of ruling the world as kings and queens.
Jealousy is the most dangerous emotion in the world. It can drive people to kill and steal, beat and dominate, rape and whip. White people saw us on our thrones and tore us down at the first opportunity (”tore us down” is giving them too much credit, though. They didn’t even defeat us. They waited for us to defeat each other and the moved in -- like the elves in Dragon Age!). Now they sit on our thrones, in the very castles we built, sneering down their noses at us as they take credit for our accomplishments.
Remember the palace in Dragon Age: Inquisition? Halamshiral? How it was bulit by elves and how the Orlesians moved in and took the credit? That was based on real history, like so much of white people's fiction. Those castles in Europe were black-built and black-owned. Jane Austen wasn't white -- she was black.
White people didn't build anything, didn't invent anything. They stole all the technology they have right now, all the buildings, all the knowledge of medicine and science. It was already here. Our ancestors had built an entire civilization on it that was thousands of years old when white people came along.
So to have them trying to "save us" and be our "diversity champions" now is truly ironic.
And insulting.
It's time for us to stop buying into this diversity bullshit. Stop joining white people in their mad crusade to prove they aren't racist. They can shout about how good they are now from the rooftops, but so long as we are still socially and economically oppressed, still gunned down, still beaten and humiliated, still treated like inferiors, it will remain painfully obvious that white people are not "good now."
It's time to stop policing white people on twitter. It's time to stop attacking racist white authors. It's time to stop giving a fuck about the Oscars. It's time to stop caring about white acceptance. It's time to stop asking white people to include us, as if the world belonged to them and we were mere guests at the table.
It is time to create our own things and be our own people, apart from all that is white and all that white people would order us to be.
It is time to embrace us and who we are.
Stop fighting these white people. They are never going to stop being racist and they are never going to stop oppressing us.
Stop wasting time and energy trying to educate white people and non-black racists. They do not want to be educated. They just want to not look racist and pretend they're good people.
Let them be ignorant and racist. Ignorance is a choice and they chose it.
Let these white people be.
You don't have to be complacent. But please -- stop bothering. Stop exhausting yourself. Stop teaching. Stop trying to impart lessons in human decency to people who have proven historically that they have none.
The lack of "diversity" is a symptom of white supremacy. It will not end because we add some black lesbians to the background of a few movies. It can only end when white supremacy ends. And white people will never end white supremacy.
I wish we'd stop calling it "white supremacy." How about . . .
White aggression.
White brutality.
White savagery.
White heartlessness.
White cruelty.
White hate.
Or is that too much for white people? We all know how much more important their feelings are than everyone else's.
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