#Whiskey's Answers
whiskeyswriting · 9 months
🥳 1 yr Anni celebration moodboard 💙
Fall time with Miles
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Miles loved his job. He really did. He enjoyed becoming someone else for a few days at a time. But what he loved the most was having days off to relax with his wife Grace. Knowing that her favorite season was around the corner, Miles booked them a cabin in the Tennessee mountains to rest and relax. While she was very supportive of his job, he knew the constant traveling added stress to her.
It wasn’t until their third day at the cabin that both finally emerged from the bedroom after hibernating following 2 days of nonstop travel. They made sure to have plenty of hot chocolate as they would sit to work on Grace’s fifth book.
“I’m the happiest since I met you Grace,” Miles tells her.
“And I’m happy my friends didn’t scare you away that first day,” she replies laughing.
He cracks up with her. “I love how much they love you too. I love you my Grace. My love.”
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nyaagolor · 5 months
You know, no matter how insane ace attorney gets, I still don’t think they’ll top the first game in terms of sheer “??????” factor. Moving space centers and magic bracelets and made up countries and the chess dimensions are great and silly and all that, but never, EVER has an ace attorney plot point astounded me more than “ghosts are undoubtedly real but we can’t use their testimony in court because we think one of them committed perjury”
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whiskeyncoke-redux · 1 year
I’ve always thought it would be fun to be a seat-filler at award shows, and now I can’t stop thinking about sitting next to a flirty Pedro Pascal.. (especially since they say you aren’t supposed to talk to the actors!)
The idea of him introducing himself (as if he isn’t a famous actor), sharing candy he snuck in with you or trying to make you laugh while on air and having to shoo away the award show employees that try to intervene. Him just being smitten with reader the whole night.. okay, I’d *love* to hear your take if it interests you!
Hi Nonny dearest, sorry it took me so long to respond, I just had to get my thoughts together because I LOVED this idea so much!! So here we go, hope you like it.
The Seat Filler
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Pedro Pascal x Reader
A/N: here's another one, hope you all like it. No hateful comments please. Again I gotta shout out @ziggyrocket for the support ❤️. It's 6:32 in the morning, apparently I don't sleep like a normal person, I'm on my second cup of coffee, so any typos or whatever are my bad... and Maxwell house coffee's.
Warnings: none (well, corny jokes I guess)
You had signed up for this gig half on a dare and half out of curiosity. Being a new sign-up, you hadn’t expected to be called in right away, but yet, here you were, in a borrowed gown, in a theater mixed with some of the biggest stars and regular people just like you: seat fillers. 
You remembered the main rules the director told you: 1) look like you’re enjoying yourself, always smile and 2) most importantly DO NOT talk to the actors, meaning the actual celebrities. You nodded and murmured your understanding along with everyone else who was there to work as fillers, not really thinking anything of it. What celebrity would want to talk to me anyway? You mused as you took your seat.
You looked around the theater, excitement flooding through you at the idea of being in such a place surrounded by people you had admired from afar, in magazines, and online. You took a deep breath to steady yourself; you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself. You glanced at the empty seat next to you on your left and wondered who’d be in it.  On your right was another filler and on their right was another empty seat.
The filler next to you leaned over slightly and whispered, “Who do you think they’re gonna put next to us?”
You shrugged. “No idea, hope it’s someone good.”
He nodded in agreement, then a look came over his face as he glanced over your shoulder.  You turned your head to look and you blinked hard as you recognized the man coming towards you, and taking the vacant seat next to you. While the man next to you was busy getting settled,  you glanced back over at your fellow seat filler, whose jaw had semi-dropped. You both exchanged excited looks, then you nudged him lightly with your elbow and he shook himself, cleared his throat lightly and sat up. You both faced forward, determined to be on your best behavior. 
Unfortunately for you, your newest seat mate had different ideas. Pedro knew the whole deal with seat fillers and how they were told not to speak to anyone. But he felt a mischievous streak go through him when he saw you glance at him briefly. 
“Hi,” he said, taking his seat. “I’m Pedro Pascal.”
“Hi,” you said back, nervously glancing around to make sure that no one saw you speaking to him. 
The two of you smiled at each other, before you turned back to face the front. He took a few seconds to study your profile as you sat there, determinedly facing the front, sitting as still as a statue. 
He glanced down and saw that your elbow was resting on the shared arm rest. With a small smirk, he placed his on the arm rest too, bumping yours. 
You looked over at him, smiled awkwardly and whispered a hurried, “Sorry,” before moving your arm and facing forward again.
After a few minutes, you placed your elbow back on the arm rest, and, noticing that, Pedro, bumped your elbow again with his. You moved your arm again. And then a few more minutes later, you placed it back again, only for him to bump you again. After the fourth time this happened, you looked over at him with a slightly raised eyebrow and he just smiled innocently at you.
A few minutes later you felt him shift next to you, you looked over and saw him pulling out a bag of Skittles. You tried to hide your smile, but he noticed and nudged you slightly and offered you some. You looked around, making sure that there was no one watching, and then you held open your palm and he shook some of the candies into it.
“Thanks,” you whispered and popped a few into your mouth. 
A little over an hour into the show, you could feel him getting restless next to you. You figured the sugar had gotten to him. After the Skittles, he had pulled out a candy bar, broke it in half and shared it with you. He fidgeted in his seat, tapping his fingers on his knee and the seat. You tried to ignore it, but you had to admit it was more than a little distracting.
“Are you okay?” you whispered hurriedly to him.
He turned to you and nodded. “Yeah, I’m good.”
“Are you though?” you asked, gesturing to his jiggling knee.
He smiled. “Yeah.” But his knee kept jiggling, you had to suppress a laugh at that. 
He noticed you struggling to keep a straight face, and decided to aim the restless energy he had at you. He was going to make you laugh, really laugh, by the end of the show. His mind was made up.
He thought for a moment and then he leaned over to you, “Psst, hey.”
“Yeah?” you answered looking straight ahead.
“I have a question.”
“Why did the bicycle fall over?”
You were confused. “I’m sorry?”
“I said: why did the bicycle fall over?”
“Uhh, I don’t know. Why?”
“Because it was two tired.”
You turned to look at him after that, he laughed at the look on your face.
“That was corny,” you said, shaking your head, but pursing your lips to keep from laughing.
“Oh, that reminds me of another one,” he said, with a twinkle in his eye. He looked around,  cleared his throat, and then asked, “What does corn say when it gets a compliment?”
You shook your head and shrugged your shoulders, not wanting to say anything but wanting to hear the punchline, you turned to him.
Barely able to suppress his giggles, he answered,”Aw, shucks!”
You put your hand over your mouth, trying to stifle the laugh you felt escaping your lips.
“Okay, one more,” he announced. 
“Oh, lord,” you groaned.
“It’s a good one, I promise.”
You waved your hand slightly for him to go ahead, knowing he would anyway.
“Okay, why are pirates called pirates?”
You bit your lip trying not to laugh. “I don’t know why?”
He leaned closer. “They just arrrr!” he whispered the last word in a bad pirate accent. 
You couldn’t help it, you snorted, then quickly covered your mouth to stifle your giggles, but he’d heard it, and he smiled at that.
“Good one right?” he asked.
You shook your head. “No, oh my god, that was bad, but…” you couldn’t finish as a fresh wave of giggles overtook you. Your shoulders shook with your suppressed laughter.
He smiled and laughed along with you. For the rest of the ceremony, he would lean over and whisper comments about one person’s speech, or another’s outfit, nothing malicious or mean, just something to make you smile. And he always had a bad joke or two to whisper to you. 
By the end of the program, your cheeks were hurting from all the smiling and your stomach was sore from the laughing. You couldn’t help it, a few had escaped, luckily it was during the jokes the emcee told, so it looked as if you were enjoying the show. Truth be told, you couldn’t remember what had happened during the show, or who had won which award. If someone had quizzed you on it after, you surely would have failed; but you felt it was worth it because being seated next to Pedro had made it the best night of your life. You hadn’t laughed that hard, or enjoyed yourself that much in a long time.
After the show was over, you headed out with your fellow seat filler.
“You seemed to really be enjoying yourself,” he said as you filed out into the lobby.
You nodded with a huge grin on your face. “Yeah, I did.”
“I could tell,” he said, nodding, “what was he saying to you to make you laugh so much?”
You shrugged. “Oh, just a few jokes, and comments that’s all,” you said lightly.
He looked at you curiously, but when he realized you weren’t going to elaborate he commented, “Lucky you. The one they put next to me was on her phone the entire time.” He shook his head. “At least you got some entertainment.”
You two chatted for a little more, making plans to grab a late dinner with him and some of the rest of the seat fillers. Before you could leave, however, you felt someone tap you on your shoulder.
“Okay, I have another one,” you heard Pedro’s voice in your ear before you could turn around. “Just thought of it.”
You looked at him. “All right, go on.”
“Which bear is the most condescending?”
You started laughing then answered, “what?”
“A pan-duh!”
You burst out laughing along with him. “Where on earth did you even hear these?”
He shrugged. “Internet.”
“They are so bad,” you said, still chuckling.
“And yet, you laughed. Therefore they did their job,” he pointed out.
“True enough,” you agreed, “thanks though.”
“For what?”
“Making this event… well, eventful. I was prepared to be bored out of my mind, sitting there like a statue, smiling a fake smile the entire night.”
He smiled at you. “Well, I’m glad I could help. So, what are you planning on doing after this?”
You shrugged. “I was gonna grab something to eat with some of the rest of the seat fillers…”
“Oh, okay, I'm doing the same.” He nodded and looked away. You noticed that for a second he looked slightly nervous, but before you could get a good look, his face cleared and he turned back to look at you.
“I guess I should let you go then…” you said, turning to catch up with your friends.
“Wait, one more question.”
You stopped and looked back at him. “What's up?”
“Well, you know, I have a lot more jokes…”
“Yeah, and, well, all my friends and family have heard them. But you haven’t, at least I’m pretty sure you haven’t….”
You nodded. “I haven’t, I don’t think.”
“Good, well, I shall have to inflict them upon you, you know, if you don’t mind. Maybe over dinner tomorrow?”
You thought for a second. “I don’t mind at all,” you answered with a huge grin.
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butter-pangcake · 8 months
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these scenes stuck in my head so i had to draw it
whiskey-trio with sideways(one's in the middle of the road)
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moominpopzz · 2 months
whats ur fav monster flavor :) mine is ultra paradise the green one
Mine changes a lot,, it’s really the Ultra Gold one but nowhere around me sells them anymore so.. after that it’s the Ultra Peach and the Ultra Strawberry!!^_^
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sleepyconfusedpotato · 7 months
What if Jade give a dog as a present for his birthday? What would be his reaction?
HMMM (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Okay so here's the thing, I do think Ghost is an animal person, he doesn't have any preference towards cat or dogs.
When presented with a dog, he of course pet it as it licks his hand and sniffs him, but the fact that he has to keep it is the hard part, because he's always away from deployment and he lives alone. So Ghost can't really accept it! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
What would work though, is a cat! 💀🐈‍⬛
Imagine, Jade presented Ghost with a cat during his off-duty time. Cats are more or less more independent than dogs and doesn't require as much company and exercise than dogs. He was pretty nervous at first of taking care of something as he's lived alone for more than a decade and never need to worry about anything when he's deployed. But when the cat climbed onto his lap and curled its body to lay down, the cat's comfortable purr healed a part of him. Ghost named the cat Whiskey.
Of course, Ghost would buy an automatic cat food feeder! He'd even install cat trees and cat shelves just for Whiskey to have fun while he's not around. He'd play with Whiskey with a bunch of toys and would watch him as he works out or sleep besides him when he does his paperworks, even sleep on his keyboards so he can't work.
Ghost would take Whiskey to Jade's place when he's not around for a mission. She'd take the cat to the floristry and Whiskey would cause some mischief around the floristry at first (pushing things off the shelves), but catnips and treats can be a solution.
Ghost would also bring Whiskey to the base so he could play with Price's cat, Greg! (here's a fanart I did of Price and Greg the Cat) They become best friends in no time.
Anyway, these are just brain vomits. Let me know ya'lls thoughts and if you want me to draw this!
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xdaddysprincessxx · 14 days
Hello fellow bisexual 🫡🫡
I am on a rampage terrorizing my fellow writers 
Which p boys do you think HABE either bisexual energy or bi wife energy 🤪🤪
😍😍 I love this question!!!!
Bi energy:
Oberyn (duh), Frankie, Javi G, Din, Lucian, Silva, the thief, Pero, Dieter, Ezra, Max Lord, Marcus Pike, Dio, Max Phillips
Bi Wife Energy:
Dave, Joel, Pero, Dieter, Whiskey, the corona ad guy, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Frankie, ngl pretty much all of the bi energy guys also have bi wife energy I don’t make the rules.
I can’t get a read on Javi P. Like I can’t see him fitting either tbh. Love him but idk.
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lionlena · 1 year
I was wondering that if you took ideas for your takes on stuff or such-
i was wondering what do you think pedro pascal characters (and pedro himself) opinion on their wife/girlfriend/crush whatever wearing makeup to feel pretty! sorry to bother lol :)
You don't bother me at all, Honey❤️‍
Umm, it's so tricky, but let's try it.
Headcanon: How will they react to your makeup? (Pedro Pascal and his characters) 👁️👄💅
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Joel Miller
In times of a pandemic, it's not that easy to find cosmetics, so when you put on make-up, he knows it's a special occasion or that you need it to make yourself feel better. That's why he always showers you with compliments when he sees you have makeup. He's not some kind of expert in this field, so his compliments sound a bit strange at times. "You did your eyelashes nicely… Your eyes are so, um, expressive." But you know he really loves it. And if he accidentally finds some lipstick somewhere and he gives it to you, no one needs to know ;)
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Javier Peña
He definitely loves it when you have your lips (and nails) painted. Yes, red lips are his weakness. You can wear only lipstick and Javi will go crazy. He'll beg you to kiss his neck, and if you accidentally leave a mark on his white shirt… he'll be drunk with happiness👄. Javier also doesn't pay much attention to whether you have light or heavy makeup, he thinks you always look beautiful. And of course, if you use a new lipstick color, he will notice it immediately ;)
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Oberyn Martell
He likes your makeup because he likes to brag about you. You are his treasure. Don't get me wrong, if you don't wear makeup, he'll also praise you and kiss you all over your body, but… Makeup is also a symbol of wealth. Poor women don't wear makeup. That's why Oberyn will make sure you have all the cosmetics and perfumes you need. If you do makeup without the help of the servants, he will immediately notice it and praise you for doing it better than them. He loves having you by his side in a beautiful dress, jewelry, and perfect makeup. He'll pull you possessively to his body and make sure all of Westeros knows he loves you.
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Javi Gutierrez
Come on… He's obsessed with makeup, especially professional makeup. If you ask him, he will become your personal make-up artist without hesitation. And of course, be prepared for experiments: "peacock eye", lips in two colors… He will be delighted and will thank you for your trust.
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) (because @creedslove wouldn't forgive me if I forget about him, again)
I don't think he likes heavy makeup and he'll tell you that. He's painfully honest. But on the other hand, if he says you've done your makeup beautifully, you can be sure he's telling the truth. And don't count on him, recognizing light makeup from no makeup at all. If you're wearing natural makeup, he'll kiss you on the cheek and say, "Sugar, you look beautiful even when you don't wear makeup."
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Din Djarin
Does makeup exist in space? Sure, but it doesn't impress Din much. You know, he's seen it all. People with purple skin, with yellow, green… Besides, when he's wearing a helmet, he can't see your whole face anyway. But he will certainly be curious when he notices that you are doing makeup. He will ask questions and watch you closely. But don't ask him for advice. He will say that you are better at it anyway and you look beautiful in all colors.
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And last (but not least) Pedro Pascal
Oh well. Pedro obviously knows a lot about makeup. He himself has to use it sometimes, or rather someone uses make-up on him. And he has two sisters, so makeup is no secret to him. He definitely pays attention to it. He will praise you when he notices new eyeshadows or a different color of lipstick. But he definitely doesn't support the social pressure for women to wear makeup. Want to go to a movie premiere without makeup? Here you go. He will say that you are beautiful the way you are and you have the right to be yourself.
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I hope you liked it :)
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thelaurenshippen · 9 days
Dammit, Junior! This is why we can't have nice things! Like lesbians hugging in their own personal isolation purgatory! *Flicks Junior on the forehead* These things are never solved through violence, idjit!
Lauren, you are on thin ice. I still haven't forgiven you for Agent Green
you know what that's fair. I also haven't forgiven myself for agent green tbh. I have no regrets and yet I am filled with regret, you know?
but to make it up to you, I can perhaps maybe possibly promise some lesbian hugging or maybe more in their own personal isolation purgatory? potentially? I wouldn't lie to you, would I?
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bettathanyou · 6 months
Cedric with an S/O whose love-language is food/cooking for him???
Enjoy ❣️🐟
Cedric The Sorcerer And S/O With Cooking Love Language!
Cedric and food have a... Complicated Relationship
I have a damn good hunch that man is autistic, so texture/sensory issues, lack of hunger cues, and just Not Wanting To Eat because he's doing something he thinks is too important is a prevalent issue
Of course, you couldn't just NOT do something about it. You loved to cook! You love most of all to cook FOR people
So you ask him about food during your long talks together. Cedric mentions a few basic things he likes, like turkey, stew, potatoes etc but he keeps it irritatingly vague
You try to ask Sofia and even the royal cooks about cedrics favorite meals
All you gleaned from Sofia was his love of sweets and the royal cooks were clueless
Back to square one!
So with your limited knowledge, you decide to start off by surprising him with breakfast. Using Sofias information, you make him really fluffy pancakes with a dusting of powdered sugar! (Think Japanese style)
To keep things suited to his liking, you put all extras on the side; maple syrup, cut up strawberries (you made them heart shaped) blueberries, melted chocolate, and whipped cream. With some orange juice to wash it all down!
Can't forget some edible flower garnish!
You walked to his door, knocking with your foot (your hands were too full lol)
Cedric thought it was someone else, and he was cranky at first about being disturbed so early in the morning. He opens his door with a scowl, brows knitted in the way you know meant annoyance
But when his eyes rest on you, carrying a huge platter of fresh food and drink, he had to do a double take
Just. Cedric with wide eyes, his jaw about to hit the floor, tripping over his words like. "Wh- what's all th-this for, then...?"
You just give him a big cheeky grin and reply, "For my favorite person <3"
Cedric ushered you into his tower, asking you what the occasion was for, and you could tell he was anxious and worried- so you give him a kiss on the cheek, and tell Cedric that you just wanted to do something nice, and make sure he was fed! You know how busy he can get, so you wanted the sorcerer to start his day with the most important meal of the day
Cedric doesn't know whether to thank you, kiss you, or cry
He kinda does all three 😭
After thanking you profusely, he insisted you share the food with him. He said that you made enough for TWO small armies and he won't be able to eat everything
You try to insist that it was made for *him*, but in the middle of your argument your stomach started growling
Cedric gives you a shit eating grin that screams "I win" and you just sit down with a huff and a (fake) pout
You both enjoy breakfast together, and Cedric literally doesn't shut up about how good everything is
He noticed the heart strawberries and you swear it was the softest smile you've ever seen
He finished his plate and it made your entire day
From that day on, you asked Cedric if you can make him a meal once or twice a week- just to get him accustomed to it
You grow to learn more about food he enjoys, from breakfast to lunch to dinner
Cedric really enjoys sweets for breakfast
A light lunch, because the last time you made something heavy the man slipped into a food coma for three hours
And dinner is your favorite time to cook for him, because you can show off your cooking skills and eat it with Cedric together and make it SUPER romantic
Most of all though, you just love making sure Cedric is fed and taking care of himself. The man is a workaholic to a fault, and you both know it! Which is why he always says thank you and make sure you know how much this means to him
Speaking of, Cedric would try to return the favor in little ways- giving you magic flowers that never wilt, a magic show after a meal, small little animal wind up toys he cobbles together in his spare time (can u guess what his love language is? Lol)
Since he is a picky eater, it's been trial and error to figure out what he likes and doesn't- lots of veggies are a no no, and you respect it and don't push the issue. But the veggies he does like, you use as much as you can! After a while, I could see Cedric trying to branch out a little bit and getting slightly more comfortable with food he previously disliked because you make it taste good (you want to believe he can taste the love)
You try to stick within his comfort zone for food, but sometimes you'll bring something for him to try to gauge where you can cook him new food
Regardless, Cedric adores the effort and care you put into making him food! He offers to even cook for you sometimes! (He conjures it lmao)
Which leads to him talking about food magic! It's quite interesting stuff
But no matter what, Cedric always feels smitten every time he has the pleasure of eating whatever you make for him
Seeing an empty plate from Cedric will always be the highest compliment to you :)
Alright, that's about all I got! I honestly want to expand on this more, maybe make some Cedric inspired recipes???? Would y'all be into that????
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whiskeyswriting · 9 months
🥳 1 yr Anni celebration moodboard 💙
Baby Daggars as pre?teens? Watching Kev race. They don't remember their first time at the track but this time is definitely memorable
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The parents decided that it would become a yearly tradition to head down to Florida to watch Kevin race. Now that the kids were older they could also enjoy it more. It wouldn’t be their first race, but it would be the first one they’d get to make memories.
“Yaaaaay! We’re going to see Uncle Kevin and my cousins!” Caroline squealed excitedly as she ran around the yard.
The Seresin twins were excited to finally go in person to a race. They already were talking about drivers, aside from “Uncle Kevin”, they wanted to see and meet.
Hadley stuck by Grace’s side. “Is Emma going to be there too!? Will uncle Bradley buy me gifts?”
Race day finally came and the kids decided to wear something blue for Kevin but also recreate the pictures from their first time at the race when they were little.
The parents enjoyed taking the pictures but they also got a bit sad their babies were growing. It wasn’t until Mickey spotted that Hadley’s smile grew even cheekier that they noticed the kids were up to something.
In the blink of an eye, the kids all took off an ran to tackle Kevin and talk his ear off.
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This man and this scene…
With this song…
Tell me I’m wrong?! 💕
Well… I guess I’m just going to HAVE to do an edit with it
Oh no! That’s so unfortunate; I’ll have to keep watching it over and over and over again! 🤭😵‍💫
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creedslove · 8 months
i want to sit on pedro’s lap and kiss him so bad
SAME 😭😭😭😭😭
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two things that kill me: his side profile and his cowboy attire 😭
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fiveht · 6 months
i think about adore way too much but i just realized you mentioned they live in the us so the legal drinking age is 21. does remus care at all or is it more just they’re going to drink anyway may as well make sure they’re safe, especially in chapter 4?
There has been no mention of where they live so far, and I have definitely never stated that they live in the US. 🙂
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trippin-chippin · 3 months
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Bestie I made some pastries!!! For Dannie, burbon, Morgan, Moonshine Bailey, and whiskey !!! Hope they like it
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They all do appreciate the pastries, but whiskey got to them first. Therefore, she ate all of them 🤣
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soliloquent-stark · 25 days
This is so Honey Whiskey coded ✨👀
oh no, someone didn't listen to the playlist; it's already on there. 🤨 im kidding ily pls don't stop sending me songs i get so happy every time!!!
and yeah it really is! the message overall fits the story really well, but it even specifically uses the whiskey metaphor in contrast with seeing the potential partner as a sweetener. gah. i wanna eat it UP.
not gonna lie i love honey whiskey stevetony sm. my babies living rent free in my mind 24/7 (me when i write characters exactly catered to my preferences and then i fall in love with them) 😩❤️‍🩹
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